Asme B16.5 2003 Table F2-3 PDF

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Table F2-3.1 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.

1 Materials
Deslgnatlon Forgings Cartlnp Plates

35Ni-35Fe-10Cr-Cb 8 462 Gr. N08020 (1) 8 463 Gr. N08020 (1)

WorklnE Prersures by Cbrres. pslg
Temp.. T 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 to 100 290 750 1000 1500 2250 3750 6250

2W 260 740 990 1485 2225 3710 6180
300 230 710 945 1420 2130 3550 5920
400 200 680 910 1365 2045 3410 5680
500 170 655 875 1310 1965 3275 5460

600 140 605 805 1210 1815 3025 5040

650 125 590 78 5 1175 1765 2940 4905
700 110 570 755 1135 1705 2840 4730
750 95 530 710 1065 1595 2660 4430
800 80 510 675 1015 1525 2540 4230

(1) Use annealed material onlv.

Table F2-3.2 Prersure-Tem~erature Ratinas for G r o u ~3.2 Materials

Desigiutlon For8lne Crriing Plates

99.ONi 8 160 Gr. N02200 (1). (2) 8 162 Gr. N022W (1)
Worklng Pressuns by L l r r w ~psig
Temo.. 'F 150 300 4 M 600 900 1500 2500

400 185 480 640 960 1440 2400 4000

500 170 455 605 905 1360 2270 3780
600 140 415 550 825 1240 2065 3440

(1) Use annealed material onlv.
12) The chemical composition. mechanical pmperties. heat treating requirements. and grain size require-
ments shall confonn to the aoolicable ASTM speclfication. The manufacturina procedures, tolerantes,
tests, certification, and mail;ings shall be in áccordance with ASTM 8 564.-
ASME 816.5.2003

Table F2-3.3 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.3 Materials

Nominal Deslgnailon Forgings Castings Plates

99.ONi-Low C 8160 Gr. N02201 (1). (21 8 162 Gr. N02201 (1)

Worklng Prerrurer by Cbsses, psig

Temp., "F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 lo 100 90 240 320 480 720 1200 2000

200 90 230 305 460 690 1150 1920
300 85 225 300 450 675 1130 1880
400 85 225 300 450 675 1130 1880
500 85 225 300 450 675 1130 1880

600 85 225 300 450 675 1130 1880

650 85 225 300 445 670 1115 1860
700 85 225 300 445 670 1115 1860
750 85 220 295 440 660 1105 1840
800 80 215 290 430 650 1080 1800

850 65 210 280 420 63 5 1055 1760

900 50 205 275 415 620 1030 1720
950 35 195 260 395 590 985 1640
1000 20 190 255 380 570 950 1580
1050 ... 80 110 165 245 410 685

1100 ... 70 90 135 205 345 570

1150 ... 50 70 105 155 255 430
1200 ... 40 55 80 125 205 345

(1) Use annealed matetial only.
(2) i h e chemical composition. mechanical pmperiies. neat treatlng requirements. and grain size require-
menU rhall conlomi to the applicable ASTM rpecification. i h e manufact~iin~proceduwr. Io,eranccr.
tests. ceriificaiion. and mafh~nmrhal be In accordance with ASTM B 564.
Table F2-3.4 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.4 Materlals

67Ni-30Cu B 564 Gr. N04400 (1) 0 127 Gr. N04400 (1)

67Ni-30Cu-S B 164 Gr. N04405 (1). 121

Worklng Pressurer by Cbsses. psig
Temp.. 'F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 to 100 230 600 800 1200 1800 3000 5000

200 200 525 700 1050 1575 2630 4380
300 190 490 655 980 1470 2450 4080
400 180 475 630 945 1420 2365 3940

750 95 465 620 930 1395 2330 3880

800 80 460 610 915 1375 2290 3820
450 65 375 505 755 1130 1885 3145
900 50 275 365 5 50 825 1370 2285

(1) Use annealed maten'al only.
(2) The chemical composition. mechanical properties. heat treatlng requirementr. and grain size require-
mcnts shall c o n b m to thc applicable &M speclñcation. ~hemanufactun'ngproceddres, tolerantes.
tests. cenilication, and markings shall be in accordance with ASTM B 564.
Table F2-3.5 Presscre-Ternperature Ratings for Group 3.5 Materials
Designation Forgings Castings Plates

72Ni-15Cr-8Fe B 564 Gr. N06600 (1) B 168 Gr. N06600 (1)

Warking Pressures by Classes. psig

Temp.. 'F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 fa 100 290 750 1000 1500 2250 3750 6250

200 260 750 1000 1500 2250 3750 6250
300 230 730 970 1455 2185 3640 6070
400 200 705 940 1410 2115 3530 5880
500 170 665 885 1330 1995 3325 5540
600 140 605 805 1210 1815 3025 5040

650 125 590 785 1175 1765 2940 4905

700 110 570 755 1135 1705 2840 4730
750 95 530 710 1065 1595 2660 4430
800 80 510 675 1015 1525 2540 4230
850 65 485 650 975 1460 2435 4060
900 50 450 600 900 1350 2245 3745

050 35 365 485 725 1090 1815 3030

1000 20 240 320 450 720 1200 2000
1050 ... 155 205 310 465 770 1285
1100 ... 105 135 205 310 515 855
1150 ... 75 100 150 225 375 630
1200 ... 70 90 135 205 345 570

(1) use annealed material only.
ASME 816.5-2003

Table F2-3.6 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.6 Materials

Nominal Designation Forgings Castings Plates

33Ni-42Fe-21Cr 8 564 Gr. N08800 (1) 8 409 Gr. N08800 (1)

Working Pressures by Classes, psig

Temp.. O F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 ta 100 275 720 960 1440 2160 3600 6000

200 255 665 885 1330 1995 3325 5540
300 230 640 850 1275 1915 3190 5320
400 200 620 825 1240 1860 3095 5160
5 O0 170 600 805 1205 1805 3010 5020
600 140 590 785 1175 1765 2940 4900

650 125 580 770 1155 1735 2890 4820

700 110 570 755 1135 1705 2840 4730
750 95 530 710 1065 1595 2660 4430
800 80 510 675 1015 1525 2540 4230
850 65 485 650 975 1460 2435 4060
900 50 450 600 . 900 1350 2245 3745

950 35 :85 515 775 1160 1930 3220

1000 20 365 485 725 1090 1820 3030
1050 ... 360 480 720 1080 1800 3000
1100 ... 325 430 645 965 1610 2685
1150 ... 275 365 550 825 1370 2285
1200 ... 205 275 410 620 1030 1715

1250 ... 145 190 290 430 720 1200

1300 ... 70 , 90 135 205 345 570
1350 ... 55 75 110 165 275 455
1400 ... 40 50 i5 115 190 315
1450 ... 35 45 70 105 170 285
1500 ... 25 35 55 80 135 230

(1) Use annealed material only.
Table F2-3.7 Pressure-Temperature Ratings For Gmup 3.7 Materials
Nornlnal Designation Forglngr Castings Plaler

65Ni-28Mo-2Fe 0 462 Gr. N10665 (1) 0 333 Gr. N10665 (1)

64Ni-29.5Mo-2Cr-2Fe-Mn-W ..
0 462 Gr. N10675 (11 0 333 Gr. N10675 (1)

WoMng Prerrurer by Clarres. p r l g

Temp., OF 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

600 140 605 805 1210 1815 3025 5040

650 115 590 785 1175 1765 2940 4905
'00 110 570 755 1135 1705 2840 4730
750 95 530 710 1065 1595 2660 4430
800 80 510 675 1015 1515 2540 4130

(1) Use solution annealed material only.
Table F2-3.8 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.8 Materiak
Nominal Deslanation Fornlnas Castlnns Plates

54Ni-16Mo-15Cr B 462 Gr. N10276 (1). (2) B 575 Gr. N10276 (1). (2)

60Ni-22Cr-9Mo-3.5Cb B 564 Gr. N06625 (3). (4) B 443 Gr. N06625 (3). (4)

62Ni-28Mo-5Fe B 335 Gr. N10001 (1). (5). (6) B 333 Gr. N10001 (1). (6)

70Ni-16Mo-7Cr-5Fe 8 573 Gr. N10003 (5). (3) B 434 Gr. N10003 (3)

61Ni-16Mo-16Cr B 574 Gr. N06455 (1). (S), (6) B 575 Gr. N06455 (l), (6)

42Ni-21.5Cr-3Mo-2.3Cu B 564 Gr. N08825 (3). (71 B 424 Gr. N08825 (3). (7)

55Ni-21Cr-13.5Mo B 462 Gr. N06022 (11. (2), (8) B 575 Gr. N06022 (1). (2). (8)

55Ni-23Cr-16Mo-1.6Cu B 462 Gr. N06200 (1). (6) B 575 Gr. N06200 (1). (6)

Wotking Pressures by Classes. pslg

Temp., *F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(2) Not l o be used over 12509.
(3) Use annealed material only.
(4) No1 to be "sed over 1200°F. Alloy N06625 i n the annealed condition is subject l o severe loss o f
impact strength a l room temperatures aRer exposure i n the range of 1000'F 10 1400°F.
(5) The chemical composition, mechanical properlies. heat Ireatlng requirements. and grain size require-
ments shall conform t o the applirable ASTM specification. The manuhcturing procedures, tolerances,
tests, cerlification. and markings shall be i n arcordance with ASTM B 564.
(6) No1 l o be used over 800°F.
(7) Not 10 be used over 1000°F.
(8) Alloy N06022 i n the solution annealed condition is subject to severe loss of impact strength at room
temperature aRer exposure to temperatures i n the range of 1000°F t o 125O0F.
Table F2-3.9 Pressure-Ternperature Ratings for Group 3.9 Materials
Nominal Derignation Forainar Castings Plates

47Ni-22Cr-9Mo-18Fe B 572 Gr. N06002 11). (2) B 435 Gr. N06002 (1)
Working Pressurer by Classer. psig
Temp.. DF 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

950 35 385 515 ?75 1160 1930 3220

1000 2C 365 485 725 1090 1820 3030
1050 . .. 360 480 720 1083 1800 3000
1100 . .. 325 430 645 965 1610 2685
1150 ... 275 365 550 825 1370 2285
1200 ... 205 275 410 620 1030 1715

1250 ... 180 245 365 545 910 1515

1300 . .. 140 185 275 410 685 1145
1350 ... 105 140 205 310 515 860
14W . .. 75 100 150 225 383 630
1450 . .. 60 80 115 175 290 485
1500 ... 40 55 85 125 205 345

(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(2) The chemical composition. mechanical properfies, heat trealing requirtnients. and grain size reauire-
ments shall confom to the applicabie ASTM specification. The manufacturíng pracedures. tolerances.
tests. cerfification. and markings shall be in accordance with ASTM 0 564.
. .
Table F2-3.10 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.10 Materials
Nominal Derignatian Forgings Castings Plate~

25Ni-46Fe-21Cr-5Mo B 672 Gr. N08700 (1). (21 B 599 Gr. N08700 (1)
Working Pressures by Cbrser, p r i g
Temp.. OF 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 to 100 290 750 1000 1500 2250 3750 6250

200 260 750 1000 1500 2250 3750 6250
300 230 685 910 1370 2050 3420 5700
400 200 640 850 1275 1915 3190 5320
500 170 615 820 1235 1850 3085 5140
600 140 595 790 1185 1780 2965 4940
650 125 570 760 1140 1715 2855 4760

(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(2) i h e chernicai cornposition. mechanical propenies, he;t treating requirements. and grain size require-
rnents rhall conforrn to Ihe applicable ASTM rpecincation. The rnanufacturing procedures, tolerances.
tests, certification. and rnarkings shall be in accordance with ASTM B 564.

Table F2-3.11 Pressure-Tem~erature Ratinm for G r o u ~3.11 Materlais

FomInm Castlnm Plates

44Fe-25Ni-21Cr-Mo B 649 Gr, N08904 (1). (2) E 625 Gr. N08904 (1)

Working Pressures by Clrrres. pslg

Tem~..*F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

(1) Use annealed material only.
(2) i h e chernical composition, mechanical properties, heat treating requirernents. and grain size require.
ments shall conform to the applicable ASTM spsification. The rnanufacturing procedures. tolerances.
tests. certification. and markings shall be in accordance with ASTM B 564.
Table F2-3.12 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.12 Materials
Nominal Designalion Forgings Cartingr Plates

26Ni-43Fe-22Cr-5Mo 0 621 Gr. N08320 (1). (21 E 620 Gr. N08320 (11

47Ni-22Cr-20Fe-7Mo 0 581 Gr. N06985 (1). (21 0 582 Gr. N06985 (11

46Fe-24Ni-21Cr-6Mo-Cu-N B 462 Gr. N08367 (1) A 351 Gr. CN3MM (1) 0 688 Gr. N08367 (11

Working Pressures by Classes. p r i g

Temp.. F
' 150 3CO 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 l o 100 260 670 895 1345 2015 3360 5600

200 240 620 830 1245 1865 3110 5180
300 225 585 780 1165 1750 2915 4860
400 200 540 715 1075 1615 2690 4480
500 170 500 665 1000 1500 2495 4160

(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(2) The chemical comporition, mechanical properlies, heat treating requirements, and grain size require.
ments shall conform l o the applicable
.. ASTM s~ecification.The manufaclurina orocedures, tolerances,
tests. certification, and markings shali be in accordance with ASTM 0 564.'

Table R-3.13 Pressure-Ternperature Ratings for Gmup 3.13 Materials

Nomlnal Deslgnatlon Forgings Castlngs Plates

49Ni-25Cr-18Fe-6Mo B 581 Gr. N06975 (1). (2) 0 582 Gr. N06975 (1)

Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu-Low C 0 564 Gr. N08031 (3) 0 625 Gr. N08031 (31

Worklng Pvessures by Classes. pslg

Temp.. OF 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 l o 100 290 750 1000 1500 2250 3750 6250

200 260 705 940 1405 2110 3515 5860
300 230 665 885 1330 1995 3325 5540
400 200 630 840 1260 1885 3145 5240
500 170 595 795 1190 1785 2975 4960

600 140 560 750 1125 1685 2810 4680

650 125 550 735 1100 1650 2750 4580
700 110 540 720 1080 1620 2700 4500
750 95 530 710 1065 1595 2660 4430
800 80 510 675 1015 1525 2540 4230

(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(21 The chemicai composition, mechanical properlies. heat treating requirements, and grain size require-
ments shall conform Io lhe applicable ASTM specilication. The manufacturing procedures. tolerances,
tests. certification. and markings shall be in accordance with ASTM 0 564.
(3) Use annealed material only.
Table F2-3.14 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.14 Materials
Nominal Derlgnation Forgings Castings Plater

47Ni-22Cr-19Fe-6Mo 6 581 Gr. N06007 (1). (2) B 582 Gr. N06007 (1)

40Ni-29Cr-15Fe-5Mo B 462 Gr. N06030 (l), (3) 8 582 Gr. N06030 (1). (3)

Worklng Pressures by Classes. pslg

Temo.. *F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 to 100 275 720 960 1440 2160

200 250 650 865 1295 1945
300 230 600 800 1200 1800
400 200 565 750 1130 1690

500 170 540 7 15 1075 1615

600 140 520 690 1035 1555
650 125 510 680 1020 1535
700 110 505 675 1015 1520

750 95 500 670 1005 1505

800 80 500 665 1000 1500
850 65 485 650 975 1460
900 50 450 600 900 1350

950 35 385 515 775 1160

1000 20 365 485 725 1090

(1) Use solulion annealed malenal onlv.
(2) The chemical composition, mechanicd propenies, heat treallng requirernents. and grain size require-
menls shall confonn t o the aririlicable ASTM s~eclfication.The manufacturina rirocedures, tolerances,
tests. cenification. and markings shall be i n iccordance i n t h ASTM 8 564.-
(3) Not to be used over 800°F.
ASME 816.5-2003

Table F2-3.15 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.15 Materials

Nominal Designatian Fotgings Castings Plates

33Ni-42Fe-21Cr B 564 Gr. N08810 (1) B 409 Gr. N08810 (1)

Warklng Presrurer by Clarres. psig

Temo.. O F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

(1) Use salution annealed material only.
Table F2-3.16 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.16 Materials
Nominal Derignalion Forgings Ca~tings Plates

35Ni-19Crl%Si B 511 Gr. N08330 (11. ( 2 ) B 536 Gr. N08330 (11

Working Presrures by Clarres. prig
Temp.. ' F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

2 0 to 100 275 720 960 1440 2160 3600 6000

200 245 635 850 1270 1910 3180 5300
300 225 595 790 1185 1780 2965 4940
400 200 555 740 1115 1670 2785 4640
500 170 530 705 1055 1585 2640 4400
600 140 505 670 1010 1510 2520 4200

650 125 495 660 990 1485 2470 4120

700 110 480 64 5 965 1445 2410 4020
750 95 475 630 945 1420 2365 3940
800 80 465 620 925 1390 2315 3860
850 65 455 605 905 1360 2270 3780
900 50 445 590 890 1330 2220 3700

950 35 385 515 775 1160 1930 3220

1000 20 365 485 725 1090 1820 3J30
1050 ... 34 5 455 685 1030 1715 2855
1100 ... 265 355 535 800 1335 2230
1150 .. . 205 275 410 615 1030 1715
1200 .. . 160 215 320 485 805 1345

1250 ... 130 175 260 390 650 1085

1300 .. . 105 140 215 320 530 885
1350 .. . 80 110 165 245 410 685
1400 ... 60 80 125 185 310 515
1450 ... 50 70 105 155 255 430
1500 ... 40 50 75 115 190 315

(1) Use roiution annealed material only.
(2) The chemical romposition. mechanical propertier. heat treating requirements. and srain sire rcquire-
mentr rhail conform to the appiicable ASTM specification. The manufacturing procedures, talerances,
tests, certification. and markingr shall be in accordance with ASTM 8 564.
ASME 816.5-2003 ANNEX f

Table F2-3.17 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.17 Materials

Nominal Oeslgnatlon Forglngr Cartings Plates

29Ni-20.5Cr-3.5Cu-2.5M.c A 351 Gr. CN7M (1)

Worklng Pressures by Clairei. pslg

Temo.. *F 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500

-20 ta 100 230 600 800 1200 1800 3000 5000

200 200 520 690 1035 1555 2590 4320
300 180 465 620 930 1395 2330 3880
400 160 420 565 84 5 1265 2110 3520
500 150 390 520 780 1165 1945 3240
600 140 360 480 720 1080 1800 3000

(1) Use solutian annealed material anly.

Table F3 Pemlssible Impeifectlons in Flange

Faclng Rnish for Raised Face and Large Male and
Female Flanges
Mulmum Radlal M u l m u m Oepth and
Prolectlon of Radlal Pm/ertlon of
lmperfectlons milch ImperfecUons Whlch
Are No Dqeper ihan Are Deeper ihan the
the Boltom of the Boltom of the
NPS Semtlons. In. SemHons. in.

'h 0.12 0.06

74 0.12 0.06
1 0.12 0.06
1% 0.12 0.06
1% 0.12 0.06

2 0.12 0.06
2% 0.12 0.06
3 0.18 0.06
3% 0.25 C.:I
4 0.25 0.12

5 0.25 0.12
6 0.25 0.12
8 0.31 0.18
10 0.31 0.18
12 0.31 0.18

14 0.31 0.18
16 0.38 0.18
18 0.50 0.25
20 0.50 0.25
24 0.50 0.25

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