Asme B16.5 2003 Table F2-3 PDF
Asme B16.5 2003 Table F2-3 PDF
Asme B16.5 2003 Table F2-3 PDF
1 Materials
Deslgnatlon Forgings Cartlnp Plates
(1) Use annealed material onlv.
99.ONi 8 160 Gr. N02200 (1). (2) 8 162 Gr. N022W (1)
Worklng Pressuns by L l r r w ~psig
Temo.. 'F 150 300 4 M 600 900 1500 2500
(1) Use annealed material onlv.
12) The chemical composition. mechanical pmperties. heat treating requirements. and grain size require-
ments shall confonn to the aoolicable ASTM speclfication. The manufacturina procedures, tolerantes,
tests, certification, and mail;ings shall be in áccordance with ASTM 8 564.-
ASME 816.5.2003
99.ONi-Low C 8160 Gr. N02201 (1). (21 8 162 Gr. N02201 (1)
(1) Use annealed matetial only.
(2) i h e chemical composition. mechanical pmperiies. neat treatlng requirements. and grain size require-
menU rhall conlomi to the applicable ASTM rpecification. i h e manufact~iin~proceduwr. Io,eranccr.
tests. ceriificaiion. and mafh~nmrhal be In accordance with ASTM B 564.
Table F2-3.4 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.4 Materlals
(1) Use annealed maten'al only.
(2) The chemical composition. mechanical properties. heat treatlng requirementr. and grain size require-
mcnts shall c o n b m to thc applicable &M speclñcation. ~hemanufactun'ngproceddres, tolerantes.
tests. cenilication, and markings shall be in accordance with ASTM B 564.
Table F2-3.5 Presscre-Ternperature Ratings for Group 3.5 Materials
Designation Forgings Castings Plates
(1) use annealed material only.
ASME 816.5-2003
(1) Use annealed material only.
Table F2-3.7 Pressure-Temperature Ratings For Gmup 3.7 Materials
Nornlnal Designation Forglngr Castings Plaler
64Ni-29.5Mo-2Cr-2Fe-Mn-W ..
0 462 Gr. N10675 (11 0 333 Gr. N10675 (1)
(1) Use solution annealed material only.
Table F2-3.8 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.8 Materiak
Nominal Deslanation Fornlnas Castlnns Plates
54Ni-16Mo-15Cr B 462 Gr. N10276 (1). (2) B 575 Gr. N10276 (1). (2)
60Ni-22Cr-9Mo-3.5Cb B 564 Gr. N06625 (3). (4) B 443 Gr. N06625 (3). (4)
62Ni-28Mo-5Fe B 335 Gr. N10001 (1). (5). (6) B 333 Gr. N10001 (1). (6)
70Ni-16Mo-7Cr-5Fe 8 573 Gr. N10003 (5). (3) B 434 Gr. N10003 (3)
61Ni-16Mo-16Cr B 574 Gr. N06455 (1). (S), (6) B 575 Gr. N06455 (l), (6)
42Ni-21.5Cr-3Mo-2.3Cu B 564 Gr. N08825 (3). (71 B 424 Gr. N08825 (3). (7)
55Ni-21Cr-13.5Mo B 462 Gr. N06022 (11. (2), (8) B 575 Gr. N06022 (1). (2). (8)
55Ni-23Cr-16Mo-1.6Cu B 462 Gr. N06200 (1). (6) B 575 Gr. N06200 (1). (6)
(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(2) Not l o be used over 12509.
(3) Use annealed material only.
(4) No1 to be "sed over 1200°F. Alloy N06625 i n the annealed condition is subject l o severe loss o f
impact strength a l room temperatures aRer exposure i n the range of 1000'F 10 1400°F.
(5) The chemical composition, mechanical properlies. heat Ireatlng requirements. and grain size require-
ments shall conform t o the applirable ASTM specification. The manuhcturing procedures, tolerances,
tests, cerlification. and markings shall be i n arcordance with ASTM B 564.
(6) No1 l o be used over 800°F.
(7) Not 10 be used over 1000°F.
(8) Alloy N06022 i n the solution annealed condition is subject to severe loss of impact strength at room
temperature aRer exposure to temperatures i n the range of 1000°F t o 125O0F.
Table F2-3.9 Pressure-Ternperature Ratings for Group 3.9 Materials
Nominal Derignation Forainar Castings Plates
47Ni-22Cr-9Mo-18Fe B 572 Gr. N06002 11). (2) B 435 Gr. N06002 (1)
Working Pressurer by Classer. psig
Temp.. DF 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(2) The chemical composition. mechanical properfies, heat trealing requirtnients. and grain size reauire-
ments shall confom to the applicabie ASTM specification. The manufacturíng pracedures. tolerances.
tests. cerfification. and markings shall be in accordance with ASTM 0 564.
. .
Table F2-3.10 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.10 Materials
Nominal Derignatian Forgings Castings Plate~
25Ni-46Fe-21Cr-5Mo B 672 Gr. N08700 (1). (21 B 599 Gr. N08700 (1)
Working Pressures by Cbrser, p r i g
Temp.. OF 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(2) i h e chernicai cornposition. mechanical propenies, he;t treating requirements. and grain size require-
rnents rhall conforrn to Ihe applicable ASTM rpecincation. The rnanufacturing procedures, tolerances.
tests, certification. and rnarkings shall be in accordance with ASTM B 564.
44Fe-25Ni-21Cr-Mo B 649 Gr, N08904 (1). (2) E 625 Gr. N08904 (1)
(1) Use annealed material only.
(2) i h e chernical composition, mechanical properties, heat treating requirernents. and grain size require.
ments shall conform to the applicable ASTM spsification. The rnanufacturing procedures. tolerances.
tests. certification. and markings shall be in accordance with ASTM B 564.
Table F2-3.12 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.12 Materials
Nominal Designalion Forgings Cartingr Plates
26Ni-43Fe-22Cr-5Mo 0 621 Gr. N08320 (1). (21 E 620 Gr. N08320 (11
47Ni-22Cr-20Fe-7Mo 0 581 Gr. N06985 (1). (21 0 582 Gr. N06985 (11
46Fe-24Ni-21Cr-6Mo-Cu-N B 462 Gr. N08367 (1) A 351 Gr. CN3MM (1) 0 688 Gr. N08367 (11
(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(2) The chemical comporition, mechanical properlies, heat treating requirements, and grain size require.
ments shall conform l o the applicable
.. ASTM s~ecification.The manufaclurina orocedures, tolerances,
tests. certification, and markings shali be in accordance with ASTM 0 564.'
49Ni-25Cr-18Fe-6Mo B 581 Gr. N06975 (1). (2) 0 582 Gr. N06975 (1)
(1) Use solution annealed material only.
(21 The chemicai composition, mechanical properlies. heat treating requirements, and grain size require-
ments shall conform Io lhe applicable ASTM specilication. The manufacturing procedures. tolerances,
tests. certification. and markings shall be in accordance with ASTM 0 564.
(3) Use annealed material only.
Table F2-3.14 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.14 Materials
Nominal Derlgnation Forgings Castings Plater
47Ni-22Cr-19Fe-6Mo 6 581 Gr. N06007 (1). (2) B 582 Gr. N06007 (1)
40Ni-29Cr-15Fe-5Mo B 462 Gr. N06030 (l), (3) 8 582 Gr. N06030 (1). (3)
(1) Use solulion annealed malenal onlv.
(2) The chemical composition, mechanicd propenies, heat treallng requirernents. and grain size require-
menls shall confonn t o the aririlicable ASTM s~eclfication.The manufacturina rirocedures, tolerances,
tests. cenification. and markings shall be i n iccordance i n t h ASTM 8 564.-
(3) Not to be used over 800°F.
ASME 816.5-2003
(1) Use salution annealed material only.
Table F2-3.16 Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Group 3.16 Materials
Nominal Derignalion Forgings Ca~tings Plates
(1) Use roiution annealed material only.
(2) The chemical romposition. mechanical propertier. heat treating requirements. and srain sire rcquire-
mentr rhail conform to the appiicable ASTM specification. The manufacturing procedures, talerances,
tests, certification. and markingr shall be in accordance with ASTM 8 564.
ASME 816.5-2003 ANNEX f
(1) Use solutian annealed material anly.
2 0.12 0.06
2% 0.12 0.06
3 0.18 0.06
3% 0.25 C.:I
4 0.25 0.12
5 0.25 0.12
6 0.25 0.12
8 0.31 0.18
10 0.31 0.18
12 0.31 0.18
14 0.31 0.18
16 0.38 0.18
18 0.50 0.25
20 0.50 0.25
24 0.50 0.25