Utilization of Sugar Refinery Waste (Molasses) For Ethanol Production-Using Saccharomyces Cervicae
Utilization of Sugar Refinery Waste (Molasses) For Ethanol Production-Using Saccharomyces Cervicae
Utilization of Sugar Refinery Waste (Molasses) For Ethanol Production-Using Saccharomyces Cervicae
Aims and objective of study: Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, grain
The aim of this project is to study the dilution rate of alcohol, or drinking alcohol, is a volatile, flammable,
molasses and the effect of yeast on the yield of colourless liquid. In common usage, it is often
ethanol using batch fermentation. referred to simply as alcohol or spirits. Ethanol is a
straight-chain alcohol, and its molecular formula is
METHOD AND SCOPE OF STUDY C2H5OH. Its empirical formula is C2H6O. An
alternative notation is CH3-CH2-OH, which indicates
Various methods can be used for the specific
that the carbon of a methyl group (CH3-) is attached
purpose of the production of ethanol; this includes
to the carbon of a methylene group (-CH2-), which is
Ethylene hydration, Fermentation, Cellulosic ethanol.
attached to the oxygen of a hydroxyl group (-OH). It
The above stated methods are pathways to ethanol is a constitutional isomer of di-methyl ether. Ethanol
production but fermentation is applied in this paper. is often abbreviated as EtOH, using the common
organic chemistry notation of representing the ethyl
RELEVANCE OF STUDY group (C2H5) with Et.
This study poses great opportunities for the chemical Ethanol burning with its spectrum depicted. (5)
engineering profession in Covenant University and Hydrogen bonding causes pure ethanol to be
Nigeria at large. hygroscopic to the extent that it readily absorbs water
from the air. The polar nature of the hydroxyl group
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
causes ethanol to dissolve many ionic compounds, Finally, one of the hydrogens on the oxygen is
notably sodium and potassium hydroxides, removed by reaction with the dihydrogenphosphate
magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, ammonium (V) ion, H2PO4-, formed in the first step.
chloride, ammonium bromide, and sodium bromide.(4)
Sodium and potassium chlorides are slightly soluble The reversibility of this reaction (7)
in ethanol.(4) Because the ethanol molecule also has This reaction is entirely reversible - and so each step
a non polar end, it will also dissolve non-polar is reversible. In the reverse direction, this is a
substances, including most essential oils (6) and dehydration of ethanol to make ethene.
numerous flavoring, coloring, and medicinal agents. Equations of reaction
The addition of even a few percent of ethanol to C2H4 (g) + H2O (g) → CH3CH2OH (l).-------------Equation
water sharply reduces the surface tension of water. 2.1
This property partially explains the “tears of wine” C2H4 + H2PO4 → CH3CH2PO4H ---------------Equation
phenomenon. Mixtures of ethanol and water that 2.2
contain more than about 50% ethanol are flammable
and easily ignited.
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
to a mash containing 10 –20 wt% sugar. After the pH glucose and other simple sugars destroys much of
of the mash is adjusted to about 4 – 5 with mineral the sugars in the process.
acid, it is inoculated with the yeast, and the
fermentation is carried out non-aseptically at 20 – One way of making cellulose wastes more
32°C for about 1 – 3days. The fermented beer, which susceptible to hydrolysis is by subjecting them to a
typically contains 6 – 10 wt% ethanol, is then set to short burst of high energy electron beam radiation.
the product recovery in purification section of the An alternative to acid hydrolysis is the use of
plant. enzymes.
Fermentation from Starches: All potable alcohol Although they avoid the corrosion problems and loss
and most fermentation industrial alcohol are currently of fuel product associated with acid hydrolysis,
made principally from grains. Fermentation of starch enzymes have their own drawbacks. Enzymatic
from grain is somewhat more complex than hydrolysis slows as the glucose product accumulates
fermentation of sugars because starch must first be in a reaction vessel. This end-product inhibition
converted to sugar and then to ethanol (12). Starch is eventually halts the hydrolysis unless some way is
converted enzymatically to glucose either by diastase found to draw off the glucose as it is formed. (12)
presents in sprouting grain or by fungal amylase. The Ethanol Fermentation with Bacteria: A great
resulting dextrose is fermented to ethanol with the aid number of bacteria are capable of ethanol formation.
of yeast producing CO2 as co-product. A second co- Many of these microorganisms, however, generate
product of unfermented starch, fiber, protein and ash multiple end products in addition to ethyl alcohol.
known as distillers grain (a high protein cattle feed) is These include other alcohols (butanol,
also produced. isopropylalcohol, 2,3-butanediol), organic acid (acetic
Fermentation from Cellulosic Materials: Each step acid, formic acid, and lactic acids), polyols (arabitol,
in the process of the conversion of cellulose to glycerol and xylitol), ketones (acetone) or various
ethanol proceeded with 100% yield; almost two-thirds gases (methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen).(12)
of the mass would disappear during the sequence,
most of it as carbon dioxide in the fermentation of Those microbes that are capable of yielding ethanol
glucose to ethanol. This amount of carbon dioxide as the major product (i.e. a minimum of 1 mol ethanol
leads to a disposal problem rather than to a raw produced per mol of glucose utilized) are shown in
material credit. Another problem is that the aqueous the table below.
acid used to hydrolyze the cellulose in wood to
Table 2. 1 : Bacteria useful for fermentation
Mesophilic Organisms mmol Ethanol Produced per Mmol Glucose Metabolized
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
fermentation can also be analyzed using Michaelis - magnesium must also be provided for the synthesis
Menten model for certain bacteria (2) of minor components. Minerals (i.e. Mn, Co, Cu, Zn)
and organic factors (amino acids, nucleic acids, and
A close look at Zymomonas Mobilis as an ethanol vitamins) are required in trace amounts.
Producing Bacteria
Zymomonas mobilis Yeast are highly susceptible to ethanol inhibition.
Concentrations of 1-2% (w/v) are sufficient to retard
microbial growth and at 10% (w/v) alcohol, the growth
Scientific Classification
rate of the organism is nearly halted.
Kingdom: Bacteria
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Scientific classification
Class: Alpha Proteobacteria
Kingdom: Fungi
Order: Sphingomonadales
Phylum: Ascomycota
Family: Sphingomonadaceae
Subphylum: Saccharomycotina
Genus: Zymononas
Class: Saccharomycetes
Species: Z. mobilis
Order: Saccharomycetales
Family: Saccharomycetaceae
Zymomonas mobilis is a bacterium belonging to the
Genus: Saccharomyces
genus Zymomonas. It is notable for its bioethanol-
Species: S. cerevisiae
producing capabilities, which surpass yeast in some
Binomial name Saccharomyces cerevisiae
aspects. It was originally isolated from alcoholic
Comparison of Z. mobilis and S. cerevisiae with
beverages like the African palm wine, the Mexican
respect to producing bio-ethanol:
pulque, and also as a contaminant of cider and beer
in European countries.
ADVANTAGES OF Z. Mobilis over S. cerevisiae
Z. mobilis degrades sugars to pyruvate using the
Entner-Doudoroff pathway. The pyruvate is then i. higher sugar uptake and ethanol yield,
fermentated to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide ii. lower biomass production,
as the only products (analogous to yeast). (13) iii. higher ethanol tolerance,
Ethanol Fermentation with Yeast iv. does not require controlled addition of
The organisms of primary interest to industrial oxygen during the fermentation,
operations in fermentation of ethanol include v. Amenability to genetic manipulations.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces uvarum, Disadvantages of Z. Mobilis compared to S.
Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and Kluyveromyces cerevisiae
sp. Yeast, under anaerobic conditions; metabolize Its utilizable substrate range is restricted to glucose,
glucose to ethanol primarily by way of the Embden- fructose, and sucrose. Using biotechnological
Meyerhof pathway. The overall net reaction involves methods, scientists are currently trying to overcome
the production of 2 moles each of ethanol, but the this. A variant of Z. mobilis that is able to use certain
yield attained in practical fermentations however pentoses as a carbon source has been developed.
does not usually exceed 90 – 95% of theoretical. This An interesting characteristic of Z. mobilis is that its
is partly due to the requirement for some nutrient to plasma membrane contains hopanoids, pentacyclic
be utilized in the synthesis of new biomass and other compounds similar to eukaryotic sterols. This allows
cell maintenance related reactions. it to have an extraordinary tolerance to ethanol in its
environment, around 13%. (13)
A small concentration of oxygen must be provided to
the fermenting yeast as it is a necessary component PROCEDURE AND METHODOLOGY
in the biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fats and lipids.
Materials used in the experimentation
Typical amounts of O2 maintained in the broth are
0.05 – 0.10 mm Hg oxygen tension. • Erlenmeyer flasks
• Test tubes
The relative requirements for nutrients not utilized in
• Rubber pipe or glass tube
ethanol synthesis are in proportion to the major
• Retort stand
components of the yeast cell. These include carbon
oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. To lesser extent • Reflux condenser
quantities of phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, and • CaOH
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
Table 4.2 reveals that the increase in the quantity of 7grams with no definitive spacing in the quantities
yeast does not favour the process initially but with the just random weights).
continuous increase the yeast activity increases ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF DILUTION RATIO
thereby increasing the yield. New substances might The various dilution ratios are as follows 1: 0.5; 1: 1;
have been formed, but they are still held within the 1: 2; 1: 3; 1: 4 (being 1 part molasses to 1 part water,
mash while the gases (CO2 and possibly minute 1 part molasses to 2 parts water etc respectively)
quantities of methane) were trapped in CaOH, represented as decimals on the chart, theses ratios
Observing that 5 grams of yeast gave the maximum would be used for the yeast variations as would be
ethanol yield the main experimental analysis would analyzed hitherto.
be carried out around these ranges (from 1 gram to Analysis for samples fermented with 1 gram
of yeast
Table 4.3: Premium yeast quantity for the best yield of ethanol analysis (1 gram of yeast)
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
Fig 4.1: Chart of Dilution Ratio to yield after 5 days of Fermentation (1 gram of yeast)
Fig 4.2: Chart of Dilution Ratio to yield after 5 days of Fermentation (2 grams of yeast)
Analysis of figure 4.2
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
Table 4. 4 Premium yeast quantity for the best yield of ethanol analysis (2 grams of yeast)
Table 4.5: Premium yeast quantity for the best yield of ethanol analysis (3 grams of yeast)
RATIO OF MOLASSES TO WATER DENSITY WT % for 3 grams (gram ethanol per 100ml )
0.667 0.934 36.208 34.643
0.500 0.938 34.224 32.865
0.333 0.930 37.955 36.195
0.250 0.977 11.706 11.582
0.200 0.974 13.404 13.257
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
Fig 4.3: Chart of Dilution Ratio to yield after 5 days of Fermentation (3 grams of yeast)
Analysis of figure 4.3 breakdown process is rapid but not as rapid but also
as the sugar is being broken down reproduction takes
place for the yeast due to this divided attention the
Behaves just like the cultures with 2 grams of yeast yeast are unstable and the yield unstable in return.
only the medium is more unstable since the yeast are
not adequate to balance the culture and get a steady Analysis for 5 grams of yeast.
graph the yeast are many therefore the sugar
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
Table 4.5: Premium yeast quantity for the best yield of ethanol analysis (5 grams of yeast)
Fig 4.4: Chart of Dilution Ratio to yield after 5 days of Fermentation (5 grams of yeast)
Analysis of figure 4.4
Due to the increase in yeast quantity the ethanol yield purest ethanol quality, it can also be seen that the 7
is higher within the less diluted mediums causing the grams gave the next highest this is to say that the
yield to be higher although the yield is higher than the ethanol yield reduces with an increase in yeast
previous two at the lower dilution rate regions the concentration until a critical point after which it starts
optimum yield still lays at the ratio 1:2. to increase again.
For every dilution rate the yeast behaved differently
although averagely the 1 gram of yeast gave the
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
Table 4. 6: Premium yeast quantity for the best yield of ethanol analysis (7 grams of yeast)
This verification analysis is based strictly on the comparison of the absorbance of each substance with a pure
stock sample.
Figure A.UV Spectroscopy Test result
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706
Comparing the two samples based on their wavelengths and absorbance it can be deduced that the samples
are relatively close in their electronic transitional structure since they both have an absorbance of close range
and this occurs at the same wavelength.
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2011, 2(4): 694-706