A. Title of Experiment
A. Title of Experiment
A. Title of Experiment
Preparation of Cyclohenene
After this experimemt, students are expected to understand about :
1. Basic technique of purification include the separation, drying,
filttering, and destilation.
2. Basic process if purification of organic liquid that produced from
3. Fundamental of dehydrated alcohol.
4. Fundamental of unsaturatedness of olefin.
5. Reactions to show the unsaturatedness of olefin.
A common problem that an organic chemist face in the laboratory is the
lack of availability of a compound. If the compound is not available from a
chemical supply house, the chemist is faced with the task of synthesizing it.
The chemist does not begin by considering how to convert some compound
that is available into the desire compounds, the target. Instead, the queastion
that is asked is “What reaction cound I use to make the target compound from
a simpler compound?”. The simpler compound then becomes the new target
compound, and the process is repeated until a commercially available
compound is reached. Overall, many steps may be involved in the process
synthesis. This process of working backward from the target compound is
caled retrosynthetic analysis. Often, several routes to the target compound can
be envisioned (Hornback,2006:385).
Alkene, sometimes called olefins, are hydrocarbons that contain carbon-
carbon double bond, C=C and alkynes are hydrocarbons that contain a
carbon-carbon triple bond. Alkenes occur abundantly in nature, but alkynes
are much less common. Ethylene, for instance, is a plant hormone that induce
ripening in fruit. Life itself would be impossible without such compounds as
β-carotene, a polykene that contain 11 double bonds.(McMurry,2011:78).
Cyclohexanone is an importants intermediate of the chemical industry.
Aming its different applications, cyclohexanone is used as raw material for
caprolactram manufacture, which is the monomer of nylon 6. Cyclohexene is
maninly produced through the catalytic dehydrogenation of cyclohexanol.
From an indutrial point of view, the heterogeneus catalytic gas-phase
dehydrogenation, at atmospheric pressure, is severely restricted by highly
endothermic reaction and thermodynamic equilibrium. Two different
conditions fro the catalytic dehydrogenation of cyclohexanol can be
considered depending on the reaction temperature, from 350 to 450 oC.
Furthermore, two different kinds of catalysts can e used to produce this
reaction: copper-based and zink calcium oxide catalysts, respectively (Simon
et al, 2012 :1).
Iron amino (III) triphenolate complexes are shown to be exelent catalyst
for the reaction of cyclohexene oxide with CO2. The selectivity of the
reaction towards either the cyclic cabonate or the polycarbonate product can
be fully controlled by carefully selecting the co-catalyst used in combination
with the Fe-complex, and by varyng the ratio between the catalyst and co-
catalyst. Very high degrees of convetion of the rather unreactive cyclohexene
oxide were obtained by performing the reaction in a solvent-free, green
supercritical CO2 medium. The iron (III) amino triphenolate complexes were
prepared folowing previolusly reported protocols in the case of the
triphenolate bearing methyl or tert-buthyl group (Teherimehr et al, 2013:
Alcohol undergo dehydration-the elimination of H2O-to give alkenes. A
method that works particularry well for secondary and tertiary alcohols is
treament with a strong acid. For example, when 1-methylcyclohexanol is
treated with aqueous sulfuric acid, dehydration occurs to yield 1-
Acid-catalyzed dehydration usually follow Zaitsev’s rule and yield the more
highly susbtituted alkene as the major product. Thus, 2-metylbutan-2-ol gives
primary 2-methylbut-2-ene (trisubtituted) rather that 2-methylbut-1-ene
(disubtituted) (McMurry,2011:268).