WC 2 Homework

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Joris van Harmelen Management Skills MMO1I

1) Subject: Theory X and y of McGregor

 Make the test ‘ Leadership assumption questionnaire’ of Hunsaker and
calculate your score.
Theory X = 32
Theory Y = 68

 Can you relate to the results? Explain why.

I can relate to these results. I do try to see the best in people and hope the take their
own responsibility. However I do know not everyone is motivated by themselves and
may need a push in the right direction. But in the end I believe everyone is able to
manage themselves and do not need sever punishment when something goes

2) Subject: Barriers to communication and active listening

 What are usually reasons for misunderstandings and miscommunication?
Name at least 5.
Language barrier
Cultural differences
Pushing threw ones ideas
Lack of motivation
Time pressure

 What skills do you need to prevent these things from happening

An open-mind. Good time planning and time management. Setting up a good and
clear project plan everyone understands. Letting go of your own ideas and continuing
with the idea of others.

3) Subject: Cultural Differences

 Describe the culture you are from.
I am from a western European culture, to be more specific the Dutch Culture. It is
very open-minded and the sky is the limit. However, the people go by the saying, ‘be
normal then you are already crazy enough.’ This means that major differences or
standing out in society is not always very well accepted. However Dutch people do
love to project their culture on others, sometimes a bit too much even. There is also a
great sense of individualism in the country, everyone should be taking care of him or
her self.

 Describe another culture you came across in your life.

I had to opportunity to live in Shanghai, China for one year. This gave me the chance
to experience what the Chinese cultured was like. An important aspect of the culture
there is family and the family history. Also tradition, either local or national, is
something the Chinese love. Keeping up face and networking is also a big thing in
China. With the loss of face or an insufficient network your business will not succeed.

 What are the main differences?

The Chinese compared to the Dutch are very family orientated. However the Dutch
are more open to accept new ideas. Also the hierarchy is very important in china, to
the extend that a normal working should not be directly speaking to the manager. In
the Netherlands there is less hierarchy but also less efficiency. When a Chinese

September 2013 1
Joris van Harmelen Management Skills MMO1I

company wants to do something it is usually done the next month. In the Netherlands
many many meetings go in advance of the actual production.

4) Subject: self-awareness and understanding others.

In Hunsaker (2010) you can find the Johari Window
 What does this window try to explain?
The Johari window generates self-awareness for managers but also for employees. It
creates a stable and healthy relation between mangers and employees. It is a mix of
self-disclosure and solicit feedback.

 What does it make clear to you?

The window helps to understand the feelings and whereabouts of others. Where they
stand in life and how that affects work efforts. It helps build a good and stable team,
where the manager is in control but the workers feel a open atmosphere where
everything may be asked.

5) Subject: giving and receiving feedback.

 What is the difference between feedback and evaluation
 Short-term
 Thoughts and feelings (qualitative)
 Best for analyzing individual program elements
 Unreliable
 Purpose: to improve participants experience
 Relatively cheap
For both questionnaires can be used
 Long-term
 Hard data (quantitative)
 Best for analyzing program as a whole
 Reliable
 Purpose: to increase program impact
 Relatively expensive

 Everybody gets feedback on his or her behavior every once in a while from
another person. Describe two situations in which you received feedback on
your actions.
During the PBL session I got feedback as a chairperson.
When working as a waiter in a restaurant I got feedback from my employer.

 Who gave you these comments and whit did the person actually say and do?
During the PBL session it was my fellow students that gave feedback on how I lead
the session.

 Research in the literature if this feedback was according to the rules of giving

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