Problemsfacedbyoldagepeople PDF
Problemsfacedbyoldagepeople PDF
Problemsfacedbyoldagepeople PDF
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Mohammad Amiri
Panjab University
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Mohammad Amiri 1*
As per the Indian tradition, families have been described to provide social security to old age
members of the family. Today changing family structure is caused increased problems of old
age people. Emerging prevalence of nuclear families in recent years, the old rich family
members are exposed to psychological, physical and financial insecurity. The study paper
provides insight into the social and economic conditions of problems of the oldest people
residing in the city and assists the scope for social work intervention for old age people.
Keywords: Chronic Diseases, Old Age Person, Socio Economic Problems, Staying
Old age or elderly consists of ages nearly a surpassing the average lifespan of individual
increasing number of old people in India, today issues that need to be taken care of if
economic and social improvement is to proceed effectively. As per the tradition of India, old
age people had occupied the position of power and prestige in the family. But nowadays they
are becoming inactive, dependent, sick and weak in terms of economically, physically and
psychologically all these phenomena lead to several social economic problems. Because of
technological advancement in field of health, education, medical facilities and very same and
it due to other national schemes or programs for old age people, they're each decline in the
death rate of old age people resulting in continuous incline in population of 60 years and
above age people in India.
The major problems which oldest people face are lack of economic provisions, poor health
conditions, lack of emotional support and illness in the post retirement period. This state of
affairs becomes a social economic problem or issue as many people feel it is a problem. The
problem of inadequate income after retirement, loss of spouse or ample free time, poor
health, social isolation, were family relationship and physically and financially dependency et
cetera - all these situations are interrelated or interdependence, The traditional Indian joint
family system is now declining and more families are becoming nuclear. On the background
it is taken to explore the correct situation of care and support for all the oldest people in the
Ph.D. Research Scholar, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Panjab, India
*Responding Author
Received: June 27, 2017; Revision Received: July 9, 2018; Accepted: July 30, 2018
© 2018 Amiri, M.; licensee IJIP. This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Problems Faced by Old Age People
families. Therefore an attempt has been made in the study and understands the major
problems faced by old age people, their opinions about health care and treatment by their
family members.
1. Ali. M. A. Z. (2014),has focused on the adjustment problems of oldest people. Author
has stated that there is a need for preserving the Indian joint family system. There
should be mutual cooperation and understanding between new and old generations. In
the opinion of author the situation of oldest people in India calls for concerted efforts of
the government, NGOs, religious institutions et cetera not only to understand but also to
solve the problems resulting from a greying society so that the old age people can leave
a dignified and quality of life. Through the study author has focused on the emotional
adjustment, social adjustment and marital adjustment of oldest people. Author has
observed that, old age people staying in old age homes feel more emotional problems
than those who are staying with the families.
2. Hemavathi U. & Rani. B. S , (2014), have focused on the problems faced by old age
people based on age, gender and types of stay, that his institution and non-institution of
Tirupati town and Mannurapalli village in Andhra Pradesh State. Through the study
authors have found that, there were the majority of old age people who admitted in
institution where from nuclear families. Institutionalised old age it will be facing many
social problems such as I'd just mental problems compared with non-institutionalised
old age people. Authors have also observed that, institutionalised old age people facing
many psychological problems compared non-institutionalised were as non-
institutionalised old age people were facing high financial problems.
3. Singh. R. (2015), has given insight into the socio economic condition of the oldest
people along with the social and health problems faced by old age people. Through the
study author has focused on the factors contributing to problems of old age people in
India. Author has focused on the fact that, due to urbanisation family nuclearisation,
rapid growth of industrialisation and rise of individual philosophy, diminished the
Indian traditional values that earlier had a vested authority with old age people. Author
has suggested that, there should be efforts to prevent the problems of elders and this can
be carried out through awareness generation in families and social work intervention.
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 53
Problems Faced by Old Age People
Author has concluded that, as far as India is concerned social security schemes should
be coupled antipoverty programs.
4. Raju, S. S. (2011), has focused on the research on ageing India and provides an analysis
in terms of social, financial, psychological and physical and health aspects and elder
abuse. Author has also discussed the issues upon which models of care for old age
people can be framed and argues that factors like place of accommodation, social class
and gender among others tamed to influence such models of care. In the opinion of
author, the institution of the family needs to be protected and standard and social work
intervention or through professional welfare services, including economical support,
counselling to old age people and their family members also. Author has concluded
that, not all aspects of ageing have been uniformly steady and majority of them are
microlevel localised studies.
5. Kumar, Y., & Bhargava, A. (2014), have attempted to bring out the abusive behaviour
towards old age people by their family members. Through the study author have
discussed on the types of abuse prevalent towards the oldest people and studied the
impact of abusive behaviour of family members. To the study authors have also
examine the day adequacy of social security measures to safeguard the position of the
old age people in the families is common rich insights the depletion of human values
among the modern and new generations. Authors have opined that timely intervention
of social work government policies and imperatives majors should give an utmost
importance to overcome the problem of old age people.
Selection of sample
A sample of 300 respondents has been selected from various suburbs of Pune city. The
following table indicates the suburbs wise distribution of the respondents.
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 54
Problems Faced by Old Age People
The following table shows the major problems faced by old age people.
0% 50% 100%
The above table reveals that 34% respondents face the economic problem. The economic
problem arises when old age people are not able to sustain themselves financially. Therefore
lose the financial independence because of increasing competition from young generation. It
is often that majority of old age people are not having a capacity to be productive or like the
opportunity as they were before. We live in person respondents face psychological related
problems. As per the growing age the mindset of human being is always change. After
retirement idleness is made to believe that they are not physically productive now. It exists
because of infused inactivity, lack of games/tools, and withdrawal from family
responsibilities etc and this has been negative emotional effects of the old age persons. As for
the collected information the person respondents face the pulsing or accommodation related
problems. According to these respondents the present accommodation is not suitable,
sufficient as per the current requirements. These food is people face the problem of lack of
peaceful place to be in today's changing lives styles and social values and societal is like
nuclear family doctor and priorities of new generation have led to increased religions towards
old age people by their family members. With this isolation comes in there for the problem of
housing or accommodation exists and it leads to the Fremantle quality of life of old age
people of 32% respondents faced the health-related problems. During the old age phase,
metabolism process slows down, and individuals become physically and mentally weak.
They are more prone to sickness, diseases et cetera. Therefore, the clear thinking ability is
reduced and diminished eyesight and they are experiencing difficulty in recalling memories;
and weakness to bone diseases. 5% respondents face the problem of the abuse or ill-treatment
by the family members of majority of old age people face in the abuse in terms of religions,
but the real abuse and also physical abuse. Many times old age people are used economically,
emotionally and mentally for various reasons in different ways of it is observed that the one
person respondents face all the above stated problems and only 4% respondents have stated
that they have no any problem.
The staying arrangement for old age persons often considered as a basic indicator of care and
support provided by the family members. The following table indicates the staying
arrangement of the selected old age people.
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 56
Problems Faced by Old Age People
As per the information provided by the respondents, only 6% of them is the alone. Majority
of them are female respondents. These respondents were not referred to stay with their son or
daughter to some reasons.
Additionally Indian men are more dependent on their spouses for the maintenance of the
family. Therefore majority of the respondents would prefer to stay with their spouses (37%).
It is found that 45% respondents are staying with the married son or daughter families. That
is the preferred to stay in the families. 12% respondents are staying with other ability was due
to some reasons like negligence by son or daughter, due to being widower/widow and also
due to conflict with daughter in law or son and some respondents (male and female) have
accepted that an arrangement due to some social and practical problems involved staying
The following table focused on the opinions of old age people regarding care and treatment
given by family members and other relatives
Table 5, Opinions of old age people regarding care and treatment given by family members
and other relatives
Opinions No. of respondents Percentage
Respectful treatment 98 33%
Normal treatment 120 40%
No cordial treatment 82 27%
Total 300 100%
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 57
Problems Faced by Old Age People
In Indian society, family members are the main source of care and support to the old age
people. Therefore, it would be important to know, what are the opinions of selected old age
people about the treatment they are getting by the family members. As per the information
provided by the respondents in this context, 33% respondents have stated on TV. That is they
are getting respectful treatment in the families and by the other relatives. 40% respondents
reported that they are getting normal treatment by their family members and other relatives
and 27% respondents reported that the treatment according to them by the family members
and other relatives is not cordial. This shows that still in Indian society voltage people are
getting respectful treatment by their family members and other relatives.
Table 6, Perception of old age people about causes of problems and negative attitude
towards life(Multiple Responses)
Perception No. Of Respondents Percentage
Generation Gap Conflict 276 72%
Increasing Crime Rate 175 58%
Lack of Mobility 209 70%
Poor Health Condition 227 76%
Loneliness 197 66%
In the opinion of 72% respondents, conflict due to generation gap is the major cause of
problems and negative attitude towards life. According to them they are unable to accept the
new social values and standard of new generation. They face problem of generation gap
conflict with son / daughter or grandson/ daughter, it may spoiled their interest in the life.
According to 58% respondents increasing crime rate in metropolitan cities caused to increase
problems and negative attitude towards life. Many old age people in metropolitan cities like
Pune staying alone in flats and advantage of this fact is taken by criminals. 70% respondents
have opined that, lack of mobility is the major cause for increasing problems of old age
people. Majority of old age people are unable to cope with the fast life of metropolitan cities.
Majority of old age people cannot move fast. They feel uncomfortable on the outside of their
homes. Therefore their mobility is limited. In the opinion of 76% respondents, poor health
condition is the major cause for the problems of old age people. In the old age phase many
health problems associated with individual, such as heart palpation, knee pain, poor eye sight,
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 58
Problems Faced by Old Age People
poor hearing capacity etc. Make old age people as a burden on family members. 66%
respondents have opined that, loneliness is the major cause for the problems of old age
people. In Indian society, marriage is considered as a main source of companionship. What
individual require living is the companion of spouse. However if one of the spouse dies, it
creates a sorrowful space in the life of other partner. Death of spouse has created loneliness in
the life of old age person.
The following table indicates the chronic diseases found among the selected old age people.
Table 7, chronic disease found among old age people
Diseases No. Of Respondents Percentage
Cough and Cold, Whooping 38 13%
Joint Pain, Knee pain 153 51%
Hypertension 28 9%
Heart disease 14 5%
Diabetes 67 22%
Heart disease 5%
Hypertension 9%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
As per the information provided by the respondents, 13% of them suffer from cough and
cold, whooping. Majority of the respondents suffer from joint pain and knee pain. 9%
respondents were associated with Hypertension, 5% were associated with heart disease and
22% are suffering from diabetes. It shows that, the prevalence of joint pain, knee pain and
diabetes are much higher in metropolitan cities. The diseases among the old age people
increased burden on the family members, health care takers.
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 59
Problems Faced by Old Age People
Social work intervention may play an important role in the well-being of old age people.
Social work intervention enhances the well-beingof old age people by intervening at the
times where old age people find difficulties and problems. There it is important to understand
the opinions of old age people about the scope for social work intervention. As per the 20%
respondent’s medical care or health care is having wide scope for social work intervention. In
the opinion of 10% respondent’s social work may be intervened by providing financial
support to the old age people. 3% respondents opined that counselling may be the main tool
for social work intervention. According to 13% respondent’s rehabilitation or old age homes
may be the main source for social work intervention. Majority of the respondents (54%) have
opined that in all the above stated areas or fields there is a wide scope for social work
intervention and may create good impact on the welfare of old age people.
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 60
Problems Faced by Old Age People
4. It is found that, there are several causes of problems and negative attitude of old age
people towards life. The major causes are conflict due to generation gap, lack of
mobility, poor health conditions and feeling of loneliness. All these factors spolded
the life of old age people and created negative attitude towards life.
5. It is observed through the study that, almost all the selected old age people are
suffering from various diseases like knee pain, joint pain, heart disease , diabetes etc.
Due to fast life style in metropolitan cities like Pune.
6. Through the study it is found that there is wide scope for social work intervention
through counselling, medical care and health care, rehabilitation centre / old age
homes and financial support for old age people.
Old age is irreversible biological process. The problem of old age has been considered as a
main social problem all over the world. In old age phase, people are required to face many
socio economic and health problems, which they are not able to solve and have to suffer and
thus becoming problematic issues for the society. It is concluded that existence of nuclear
family system, and the impact of economic and social transformation have focused on the
peculiar problems which the old age people are facing nowadays, and the duties or
obligations of young generation towards the old age people is being eroded.
1. There should be effective implementation of national programme for the Health Care
for Elderly (NPHCE) by the government.
2. Efforts should be made by government and NGOs for creating awareness among old
age people on various government schemes or programmes.
3. There should be establishment of day care centres by NGOs where the old age people
can meet and mingle with their peers and spend their time in a socially meaningful
4. There should be proper utilization of experiences and expertise of old age people for
the welfare of the society, so that their negative attitude towards life can change in to
positive attitude and this will help to reduce their feeling of dependence on the family
5. There should be proper and effective implementation of national policy and
programmes for old age people.
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© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 62
Problems Faced by Old Age People
The author(s) profoundly appreciate all the people who have successfully contributed in
ensuring this paper is in place. Their contributions are acknowledged however their names
cannot be able to be mentioned.
Conflict of Interest
The authors colorfully declare this paper to bear not conflict of interests
How to cite this article:Amiri, M (2018).Problems Faced by Old Age People. International
Journal of Indian Psychology, 6(3), 52-63. DIP:18.01.026/20180603,
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 63