Action Research On Spelling Ability

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A Requirement in the Methods of Research

Presented to the

Graduate School

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree Master in Educational Management


Riby Dimalig - Gonzales


level of empowerment coupled with accountability focused on high student achievement.

Other states like Kentucky, mandated decentralization for education through the school

councils. The study highlighted the salient point that although the reforms changes in

structural thinking but failed to address the needed change in normative thinking that would

assist the relevance of building relationships in schools such as principal-teacher, teacher-

teacher , and teacher- student.

According to Levine (2005), reformers have nudged schools in the right direction; however,

they failed to address principal abilities and university training . Reform writers also neglected

to address the need for principals to value teacher leaders as partners in collectively

improving schools. In conceptualizing the research problem, it is assumed that principals and

teacher leaders already possessed the cognitive abilities, experiences, and complex problem-

solving skills essential to meet the goals established in NCLB and KERA. Additionally, the

education reform integrated with false assumption that principals already understood and

used theories in practice to develop and nurture instructional capacity in teacher leaders.

Instructional capacity in schools, however, has not increased fast enough to ensure that

students reach a proficient level of performance by 2014 (Konz, 2007). The conceptual model

displayed operationally the empowerment-for-accountability trade-off as it is envisioned by

then U.S. Department of Education Secretary Lamont Alexander in 1989. Their model

demonstrated the critical inquiry that the principals and teacher leaders that the principal and

teacher leaders should collectively engaged.

Theoretical Framework

The researcher illustrated two figures that are based on Keedy and Achilles’ model . The

first figure theorizing the about the practice of school restructuring. The second figure

demonstrated the principal and teacher leaders co- constructing theories in practice. The

frameworks presented are well organized as it high lighted “ idea that when decisions are

monitored for outcomes, acceptance and increase responsibility for resulting consequences
inherently reconceptualizes school norms”( Keedy&Achilles, 2003). The figure 1 is well-

structured and easily defined with understanding on the instructional improvements

using”why, what and how”, expressed through critical inquiry and assumptions. Moreover,

the theory in practice is operationalize through the monitoring change process. The figure 2

relate on the principal’s theories in practice and the co-developed theories of the co- teacher

leaders. Thus, the figures are clearly explained related to the research questions.

Research Problem

The terms trade-off, empowerment and accountability are discussed by the researcher as it

conceptualizes the main focus of this study. It further discoursed on the questions of “what”,

“why”and ”how”on the conceived idea for the principals and teachers in improving

instructional capacity that can be addressed through the management and owning of

responsibility by the school. These are also envisioned by the policy makers or reformers.

Purpose of the Study

The researcher provided what district she belonged as she redundantly shared the

developed theories in practice and sense of collective responsibility that should be

collaborative in order to achieve an instructional improvement. Additionally, the assessment

in selecting the schools, principals and teacher leaders are partly discoursed in this part of the

study which is not necessary since the main intention of this part is the goal of the study.

Rationale of the Study

Although it is stated in the introduction, the rationale of the study explained the two intentions

which are to guide the professional growth of principals and teacher leaders and to assist

schools in moving beyond the mere structures of reform mandates through reflective practices

on the part of the principals and teachers then the establishment of school councils for the

assumption of improved, empowered and increased instructional capacity.


Research Questions

It is presented with an integration of the conceptual framework. Hypothesis is stated that

“ the flow of influence is interactive and collective and if the principal and teacher leaders

merge theories in practice, then instructional capacity will increase”. There are two research

questions presented, first, the extent of congruence exist between principal espoused

theories in practice and principal modeled behaviors related to empowerment. Second, deals

with the extent of the principals and teacher leaders co-developed clear theories in practice

grounded in the policy trade-off between empowerment and accountability.

Significance of the Study

It thoroughly explained on the beneficiaries of the study. It is presented still in narrative

although some studies utilized the bullet forms. There is a broad perspective on the relevance

of the researcher’s study as she enumerated the following beneficiaries and the possible

outcome, namely, educational leadership programs, basis for the selection process of the

principals, basis for the models of empowerment, districts, exposure of Keedy and Achilles’

conceptual model of educators and the establishment of reforms. This study provide models

on how successful principals think through their problems, make decisions and empower


Definition of Terms

There are citations presented. The terms in this study are not operationally defined but

literature are integrated that clearly expound the definition. Some abbreviations of this study

are spelled out as evident in this part of the study.


Review of Related Literature

The researcher provided varied literature from different concepts. Most of these are from the

books, reports, journals, act reforms and related studies. It is a lengthy presentation and bulk
of information that serve as the conceptual basis of the study. However there are no updated

information from websites or social media given.

Chapter III


The researcher utilized the qualitative multiple case study research design in a purposive

sampling technique method. Its setting which are the four selected schools were clearly

discussed. This section was elaborated on how the researcher accessed the data, the

superintendent as the gate keeper. The data was collected in several methods such as

interview, observation, norm checklist and data mining. The trust worthiness of the data is

measured through triangulation, member checks, reflexive journal, cross-case analysis,

multiple methods and transfer ability. Furthermore, data analysis is inductive as it is used to

develop the theory that provide explanation in response to the research questions. The

methodology clearly defined and displayed a qualitative study as there are thick, descriptive

and themes that include the description, explanation and evaluation of the data collected. The

limitation of the study include the small number of schools involved and clarified assumptions

before the start of the study.



The researcher provided a good analysis section. The four selected schools ( Mt. Pleasant

Middle School, Columbus Elementary School, Charles Jefferson Elementary School and Syd

Lee High School) consistently expressed their respective principals on the theories in practice

in terms of school context, espoused theories, research question and modeled theories that

are congruent or supported the trade-off between empowerment and accountability.


Summary and Conclusions

The research was built upon the theories of Keedy and Achilles (2003) on the theories in

practice and modeled theories. The study addressed the research questions 1 and 2 in an intra-case

discussion and cross- case comparisons. The general findings for the multiple case studies resulted

the implications for researchers, policy makers and practitioners. The findings presented in this

section demonstrate the role of the principals and teachers as leaders for the school improvement

but the reforms or support from the government fully led to the realization of the goal. The

researcher concluded that “principals need models of effective thinking and of practices that

empower teachers and close the schism between theory and practice”. The objective shed light on

the importance of training education or professional is not enough but also the educational

leadership particularly empowerment and accountability recognized as essential components to

ensure excellent reputation of the school and quality education for students. The researcher further

emphasized in this study a set of general recommendations of theories for practice of educational

leadership. Over all, the results of the study , which are consistent with the beforehand research

findings, are presented by each research question; adequately responded the research questions

and sufficient literature.


Keedy, J. L., & Achilles, C. M. (1997). The need for school-constructed theories in

practice in U. S. school restructuring. Journal of Educational Administration,

55(2), 102-121.

Keedy, J. L., & Allen, J. M. (1998). Examining district norms from a rural school's

sitebased improvement perspective: Complementary or obstructive? Journal of School

Leadership, 8, 187-210.

The National Commission on Excellence in Education. (1983). A nation at risk:

The imperative for education reform (GPO Publication No. 065-000-00177-2).
Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office.

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