A Review On The Geotechnical and Engineering Characteristics of Marine Clay and The Modern Methods of Improvements
A Review On The Geotechnical and Engineering Characteristics of Marine Clay and The Modern Methods of Improvements
A Review On The Geotechnical and Engineering Characteristics of Marine Clay and The Modern Methods of Improvements
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Mohammed Al-Bared and Marto / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 4 (2017) 825-831
Hence, studying marine clay extensively and providing detailed limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, moisture content, specific gravity,
review about it would serve as a platform to understand its organic content, shrinkage limit and mineral composition. In addition,
engineering characteristics and behaviour in order to guide future the depth from which the marine clay is obtained and the age of the
engineers and contractors on its performance during construction. soil also influence the index properties and usually decrease with
Since there is no available paper that particularly reviewed the higher age and depth. Therefore, the index properties of marine clay
geotechnical properties of marine clay, this paper attempts to show a are investigated and evaluated carefully.
comprehensive data with respect to marine clay properties. Modern
stabilization methods adopted by some researchers that made Index properties of marine clay
contribution to the stability of marine clay are also illustrated and Marine clay is highly compressible and swellable soil which is
discussed. Moreover, recommendations and suggestions on the best usually found in a natural moisture content that is higher than its
improvement methods that suits the marine clay as well as liquid limit. The natural moisture content of marine clay reviewed in
environmentally friendly stabilizers are described. this paper varied from 39% to about 175% depending on the depth
and location from which the soil was obtained. Fig. 1 illustrated
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MARINE CLAY comparative analysis between the natural moisture content and the
Atterberg limits of marine clay. It is clearly observed that the natural
The physical properties of marine clay play an important role in moisture content of marine clay is higher than its liquid limit in most
determining the strength and the stability of marine deposits. The of the studies conducted in different areas. As a result, it is the kind of
main index properties that usually affect the strength and soil that has the tenancy to absorb much quantity of water until it loses
compressibility of marine clay are particle size distribution, liquid its shape. Thus, marine clay often found in a slurry form.
Fig. 1 Natural moisture content and Atterberg limits as reported by prominent authors.
Egashira and Ohtsubo (1982) conducted a study on marine clay to absorb more water than it needs until it loses its shape. However,
and several samples obtained from Japan. All the samples obtained those studies that had a moisture content of more than 80%, marine
were reported to have a moisture content that was more than its liquid clay will be in slurry form.
limit. Arulrajah and Bo (2008) studied the engineering characteristics In addition, specific gravity which is defined as the ratio of the
of Singaporean marine clay obtained from boreholes in Changi. The mass of soil to the mass of water ranged from 2.15 to 2.72. Besides,
liquid limit for the upper layer of marine clay was between 80% and the liquid limit was more than 50% and less than 127% while the
95% while the plastic limit was between 20% and 28%. The moisture plastic limit was in the range of 18 to 94%. The plasticity index was in
content was recorded to be between 70 – 88% which is almost the the range of 11% to 77% which indicates very high plasticity for some
same value with the liquid limit. In addition, the lower layer of marine of the studies. The higher plastic is the soil, the poor engineering and
clay had a liquid limit of between 65% and 90% and plastic limit of geotechnical characteristics. Moreover, the shrinkage limit was in the
between 20% and 30%, respectively. Moreover, Kang et al. (2016) range of 13 to 18% and the organic contents were in the range of 2 to
studied dredged marine clay collected from four different locations in 7%. As a result to the above mentioned characteristics, marine clay
Japan to be treated with cement. However, the index properties of deposits always considered problematic and generally possess poor to
dredge marine clay were evaluated. The liquid limit of all the very weak engineering behaviour compared to other kind of soils.
collected samples varied from 61.2% to 107.6% while the plastic limit
When soft soil is found in high moisture content and high plasticity,
of all samples varied from 15.5% to 35.4%.
this assure weak performance as water is considered enemy of soil.
Table 1 demonstrated a comparison between the physical
However, marine clay is favourable to water as mentioned earlier and
properties of marine clay from various locations, in particular,
Malaysian marine clay. In terms of particle size distribution, fine
its plasticity index is high.
particles (less than 0.002 mm) were the majority of marine clay for all Furthermore, Table 2 is discussing the physical index properties
the selected studies. All the studies had more than 40% fine particles of marine clay in Malaysia at the North West Coast and Central West
except two studies conducted in Malaysia by Rahman et al. (2013) Coast areas. It is observed from Table 2 that the moisture content at
and Shahri and Chan (2015), had a fine contents of 24 and 26%, the North West Coast varies from 15 to 112% for the three listed
respectively. The higher percentages of fine particles is because studies. In addition, the liquid limit varies from 19 to 150% while the
marine clay is deposited over decades of time. Moreover, Silt particles plastic limit was in the range of 15 – 56%. Plasticity index was as
were the second major particles followed by sand. Sand particles were minimum as 13% at Butterworth and as high as 81% at SE Coast of
in the range of 0 – 30% of all the studies. Gravel particles were zero Penang Island. In comparison, the moisture content at Klang area
percentage for all the studies except 4 studies obtained from Malaysia. varies from 20% to 175% which was significantly higher than those
Those studies were conducted in Perak, Melaka, Kelantan and Johor reported at the North West Coast. The unit weight and specific gravity
and the percentage of gravel particles were 10, 3, 5 and 2%, of marine clay were in the range of 13.2 – 16.8 and 2.45 - 2.65,
respectively. Meanwhile, the natural moisture content was more than respectively. The liquid limit and plastic limit were higher than those
39% of all the selected studies and that indicated a flowing condition reported at North West Coast. It is notable that marine clay at North
of marine clay. The high moisture content that is found to be more West Coast has index properties that is better than the ones found at
than 167% in some of the studies is due to the tenancy of marine clay Central West Coast area.
Mohammed Al-Bared and Marto / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 4 (2017) 825-831
Natural Organic
Particle Size Distribution Specific Liquid Plastic
Moisture Plasticity Shrinkage Content
Reference Location Gravity Limit Limit
Content Index (IP) Limit
Gra (Gs) (wL) (wP)
Sand Silt Clay (w)
Moses et al. 80 –
Singapore 0% 0% 46% 54% - 88% 28% 60 - -
(2003) 85%
Oh and Chai 39% to 2.6 to 18% to
Malaysia - - - 40% to 19 to 77 - -
(2006) 129% 2.7 51%
Bushra and
Robinson India 0% 9% 47% 44% 45 % 2.6 56% 25% 31 - 5%
Basack and
Purkayastha India 0% 14% 27% 59% 80% 2.6 89% 47% 42 16% -
Rahman et
Malaysia 0% 19% 57% 24% 56% 2.6 72% 42% 30 - 2%
al. (2013)
Otoko and
Blessing Nigeria 0% 18% 40% 42% 89% 2.2 118% 46% 72 18% 7%
Tongwei et
India 0% 13% 23% 64% 96% 2.4 85% 46% 39 13% -
al. (2014)
Tongwei et
China 0% 3% 44% 54% 62% - 59% 27% 32 - -
al. (2014)
Izabel and
Sangeetha India 0% 11% 49% 50% - 2.7 71% 33% 38 - -
Pakir et al. Malaysia
- - - - 60% 2.6 58% 23% 35 - -
(2014) Johor
Chan (2014) Lumut 0% 14% 8% 75% 166% - 98% 22% 76 - -
Melaka 0% 9% 18% 69% 166% - 54% 31% 23 - -
Kasim et al. Malaysia
10% 30% 30% 40% 2.6 123% 94% 29
(2015) Perak
Yunus et al. Malaysia
- - - - 59% 2.6 58% 36% 22 4% -
(2015) Johor
Otoko and
Simon Nigeria 0% 19% 40% 41% 67% 2.2 70% 37% 33 18% 7%
Perak 3% 15% 4% 78% 166% 2.6 96% 35% 61 - -
Shahri and
Melaka 3% 9% 20% 68% 146% 2.6 59% 31% 28 - -
Chan (2015)
Kelantan 5% 20% 15% 60% 92% 2.4 37% 26% 11 - -
Johor 2% 18% 54% 26% 122% 2.4 46% 36% 10 - -
Kiran and
Prasad India 0% 6% 28% 67% - 2.4 73% 32% 41 - -
63% 25% 56% 33% 23 - -
Sarawak 0% 12%
52% 40% 55% 30% 25 - -
Ahmad and Sarawak 0% 8%
47% 48% 54% 31% 23 - -
Harahap Sarawak 0% 5%
35% 60% 24.2% 2.4 55% 36% 19 - -
(2016) Sarawak 0% 5%
To To
46% 47% 65.2% 2.66 51% 28% 23 - -
Malaysia 0% 7%
Table 2 The geotechnical and index properties of marine clay in Malaysia (After Ramamoorthya, 2007).
Natural Liquid
Unit Specific Plastic Limit,
Moisture Limit, Plasticity
Location Weight, γ Gravity, wp
Content, wL Index, Ip
(kN/m3) Gs (%)
w (%) (%)
Mohammed Al-Bared and Marto / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 4 (2017) 825-831
Index properties of marine clay in Malaysia it collapsed or failed. UCS is one of the most important parameters to
Marine clay is largely found in Malaysia due to its tropical climate be investigated and evaluated when dealing with marine clay or any
and its geographical location as a peninsular country. A case study has other kind of soil to observe its shear strength before and after it is
been selected in order to investigate the index properties of improved. Poorly estimated strength of marine clay may results in
representative Malaysian marine clay. Fig. 2 shows the dredged economical and safety crises when development took place over the
marine clay that was obtained from a depth of 1 - 3 meter below the area.
ground surface. This dredged marine clay was excavated at a
development area in Kota Iskandar, Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia. A lot Unconfined compressive strength of marine clay
of research had been conducted to investigate the properties of the soil It is essential to study the strength of marine clay during the pre-
at the above mentioned area, such as done by Yunus et al (2015). stage of construction in order to come out with the best improvement
Table 3 illustrates some of the obtained index and mechanical method that suits the type of project involved. In most cases, the
properties of the soil before and after the treatment. strength of marine clay is extremely low which cannot even stand its
self-weight. In addition, marine clay exhibits acceptable strength
Table 3 Index and mechanical properties of marine clay at Kota when it is completely dried, but when water is in contact, marine clay
Iskandar, Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia (Pakir et al., 2014; Yunus et al., has the tenancy to absorb water more than the amount of its liquid
2015) limit. Hence, marine clay is always found in a slurry form that has a
negligible strength (Rao et al., 2011). Bo et al. (2015) studied the
Before After geotechnical properties of Singapore marine clay. The three layers of
Index Properties
treatment treatment clay, i.e. upper soft marine layer, intermediate stiff soil and lower
Natural moisture content (%) 60 - marine clay were investigated. It has been found that the undrained
Specific gravity 2.62 - shear strength of the upper soft marine layer varied from 10 to 30 kPa
Liquid limit(%) 58 50 while the undrained shear strength of the lower marine clay layer
Plastic limit (%) 23 30 varied from 30 to 60 kPa. The lower layer of marine clay composed of
Plasticity index (%) 35 22 K-feldspar, quartz, muscovite and pyrite that contain chemical
Organic content (%) 4.2 - elements such as Al, Si, Mg, K and Fe. Those elements were able to
Optimum moisture content (%) 21 18 cause cementation bonding within the marine clay particles.
Maximum dry density (kg/m3) 1600 1720
UCS (kPa) 23 91 Unconfined compressive strength of marine clay in
Since the area containing the marine clay had been decided to be Marto et al. (2015) studied the UCS of dredged marine clay
developed, it has been agreed that the marine clay should be dredged collected from Nusajaya, Johor. The UCS of the untreated marine clay
out and replaced with stiff soil of better strength and physical was 23 kPa while those treated samples with 15% Biomass Silica
properties. The marine clay is quite deep and it will be very costly to (BS) had strength of 1376 kPa. Moreover, Yunus et al. (2015) also
replace all with other suitable stiff soil. Hence, current studies in conducted a study on the same soil but with different soil additive.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) aimed to find a solution such The additive used was lime and the UCS of marine clay treated with
as obtaining a stabilizing additive that can increase the strength of 9% lime was 517 kPa at 28 days curing period. Kasim et al. (2015)
marine clay and enhance its engineering properties. Marto et al. conducted research on marine clay samples obtained from the state of
(2015) used a chemical stabilizer called biomass silicate to treat the Perak. BS was used as additive to treat the marine clay. The UCS of
marine clay at this area. The treatment resulted in a significant the treated samples increased as the amount of additive increased and
increase in the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of the soil was 1216 kPa at 28 days curing period. Chong and Kassim (2015)
within just after 7 days of curing. The optimum value of biomass evaluated the strength of marine clay obtained from Pontian, Johor
silicate was 15% at which the UCS value of treated marine clay and found that the UCS for untreated samples was 261 kPa. When
reached up to 1376 kPa at 28 days curing period. In addition, the those samples were treated with lime, the UCS value increased to 645
plasticity index of the soil was remarkably reduced. kPa when cured for 224 days.
Mohammed Al-Bared and Marto / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 4 (2017) 825-831
main mineral with a percentage of 15%. The other mineral Lime treated marine clay
compositions were kaolinite, sepiolite, quartz and chlorite– The treatment of marine clay using lime was adopted since 1975
vermiculite–montmorillonite with a percentage of 9, 13, 36 and 27%, by a lot of researchers which means that lime as additive for soft soil
respectively. The higher percentage of the expandable clay minerals is not new in this area of research. Lime is used to stabilize marine
such as vermiculite and smectite, the lower the strength of marine clay due to its fast and reliable characteristics to decrease the
clay. Furthermore, a research was conducted at Nusajaya, Johor by sensitivity of changes in stress. Rajasekaran and Rao (2004) used lime
Yunus et al. (2015) showed that montmorillonite was the main to treat marine clay in order to increase its strength to be able to stand
mineral in marine clay. According to Rahman et al. (2013), more loads. The treated marine clay was obtained from the sea. The
montmorillonite, kaolinite and illite were the minerals composed optimum amount of lime used was 6% of the dry weight of soil and
within marine clay obtained from Kedah, Malaysia. From the above falling cone method was adopted to measure the strength. Lime was
listed studies, it is clearly noticed that marine clay consist of several injected for the deep layers while lime columns were used for the
highly compressible clay minerals such as vermiculite and chlorite at shallow ones. The shear strength of untreated marine clay was 16
different percentages. Those minerals are responsible for the kN/m2 and lime treatment was able to increase the strength 8 to 10
compressible and swelling behaviour exhibited by marine clay. Their times the untreated one. Although the treatment was done in the
percentages seems to control the degree of compressibility and presence of sea water but no significant influence of the sea water was
swellability of the soil. Moreover, the mineral content in marine clay encountered. Similarly, Liu et al. (2011) conducted a study on the
depends on the depth and location of the sample, aging of deposition permeability of lime treated marine clay. The permeability was
etc. Last but not least, montmorillonite is found to be the most increased 15-16 times the untreated samples which means that lime
influenced clay mineral in marine clay. can also act as a vertical drain that improve the engineering
characteristics of marine clay. Rajasekaran and Rao (2002) continued
IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES OF MARINE CLAY their research on lime treated marine clay with respect of
compressibility. As mentioned earlier, lime was injected into the
Marine clay that usually exists in offshore areas will not easily be marine clay slurry and also lime columns were used. Due to the
stabilized using conventional stabilization techniques as it will not be formation of several cementation compounds of soil-lime treatment,
effective due to the wave cyclic behaviour. It is observed that a lot of the consolidation tests conducted showed a decrease in the
construction projects involving marine clay tends to excavate, compressibility of marine clay of about half to one-third of the value
transport and dump the soil in legal or illegal landfills as it is of the untreated one. The compressibility decreased from 0.85 to
unsuitable for construction. This will create another issue from 0.36. Although lime was successfully shown to be a good additive to
environmental perspectives. Furthermore, soil improvement is improve strength, compressibility, permeability and all other
described as an alteration or modification to one or more of the soil characteristics of marine clay, there are still problems occurred from
properties using various common methods. Soil can be stabilized the adoption of lime in marine clay stabilization, besides concerning
either chemically using chemical additives, mechanically by the environmental issues. For instance, Rajasekaran (2005) conducted
compaction, biologically by bacteria, or hydrologically by controlling a review study to investigate the reason of damages and swelling in
the temperature. Marine clay is one of those problematic soft soils pavements stabilized by lime or cement. Marine clay treated by lime
that has to be improved prior to any construction so as for the soil to or cement in an environment enrich with sulphate resulted in the
be able to stand the imposed load from the structure. The level of formation of swelling minerals such as ettringite and thaumasite.
stabilization depends greatly on the type of structure to be built and Therefore, the presence of carbonate and sulphate dissolved acids
engineering properties of the marine clay. According to Thomas et al. should be properly investigated before the treatment of marine clay
(2002) , historically, engineers and contractors attempted many ways using lime or cement. As discussed above, lime can be a good additive
to treat the damages associated with soft soils but it was all based on for soft soil to increase its strength and engineering properties.
trial-and-error. Most of the methods used were mechanically However, lime in its chemical form resulted in several environmental
stabilizing the soil and a physiochemical treatment was necessary to problems when adopted in soft soil stabilization such as ground water
permanently alter the properties of soft soils. Otoko and Blessing contamination.
(2014) used cement and lime to improve the strength and the
compaction behaviour of marine clay. The unconfined compressive Cement treated marine clay
strength was significantly improved and maximum dry density Cement is considered the oldest method for soil stabilization as it
(ρd,max) was increased as the amount of cement or lime increased was introduced as soil stabilizer in 1960’s (Makusa, 2013).
with a corresponding reduction in the optimum moisture content Zillianstetra (2009) who studied the Singapore marine clay, treated the
(wopt), when the soil was compacted. Kiran and Prasad (2016) treated soil with cement in two different proportions; 2:1:4 and 5:1:6 of soil,
marine clay with 1% ferric chloride (FeCl3) and 20% quarry dust cement and water. The samples were cured for 7 days and tested
which resulted in decreasing the liquid limit sufficiently, and under triaxial drained and undrained conditions. Samples with 2:1:4
noticeably increasing the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and the load proportion undergo the tests with consolidation pressure of 1500 kPa
carrying capacity values. Izabel and Sangeetha (2014) tested the while those prepared with 5:1:6 proportion were tested under 2000
suitability of jerofix, i.e. a waste material obtained during the kPa consolidation pressure. The results showed that the maximum
extraction of zink ore to treat marine clay. The addition of jerofix was strength occurred at 1% and 2% of the axial strain, respectively during
successfully able to alter all the engineering properties of the soil. the undrained condition. During the drained condition, Zillianstetra
UCS and ρd,max were increased as the amount of jerofix increased (2009) reported the decreased from the initial volume as the confining
while Atterberg limits and wopt decreased as the additive increased. pressure was increased. In a different study, Bushra and Robinson
The same results were also obtained by Otoko and Simon (2015) but (2010) conducted a laboratory investigation in treating the marine clay
with the used of different additives which were chlorides of excavated at 1.5 m depth from the sea with cement. Cement
magnesium, calcium and sodium additives. Moreover, the by-product percentages were 10, 15 and 20% of the dry weight of the soil.
of saw dust that is obtained from wood cutting factories was utilized Treated samples were cured for 28 days under 100, 150 and 200 kPa
by Rao et al. (2012) together with lime to treat marine soil. The liquid stresses to represent samples at a depth of 10, 15 and 20 m,
limit and wopt were decreased when about 15% of saw dust was added respectively. Results showed that 15% of cement was the optimum
and further decreased with the addition of lime while the plastic limit value at which the strength was maximum at 28 days curing period.
and ρd,max were improved. However, Zhang et al. (2013) reported The strength was increased under the curing stress for both drained
that the dredged marine soils can be reused as a filler material for land and undrained condition but the drained condition was found to be
reclamation after being treated with low percentage of cement. The more effective. The samples cured under undrained condition had an
results of previous studies on various chemical additives which increase in the water content at the end of curing period. As a result,
includes lime, cement and biomass silica to stabilize marine clay are samples with curing stress under drained condition had higher
reviewed and discussed in the following sub-sections. strength.
Mohammed Al-Bared and Marto / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 4 (2017) 825-831
According to Xiao and Lee (2016), Singapore marine clay was construction. A lot of researchers have used lime, cement, biomass
treated with different proportions of cement and tested under UCS and silicate, and waste materials to treat marine clay and cement was
triaxial tests. The results indicated a significant improvement in all the found to be the best method of treatment in long curing period. In
physical properties of marine clay. The UCS, strain stress behaviour addition, some studies showed that biomass silicate resulted in a
and isotropic compression behaviour were significantly increased with significant increase in the strength which sometimes can reach up to
curing time. Consolidation stress and the percentage of cement were 60 times of the untreated ones. However, it is recommended to use
the key parameter of the significant increase in the stress strain recycled materials as additive that contribute to the strength increment
behaviour of the marine clay under triaxial test. and also environmentally-friendly additives such as recycled tiles,
marble dust, granite dust, shredded tyre rubber and plastics.
Biomass silica treated marine clay
Kasim et al. (2015) treated marine clay soil obtained from Perak, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Malaysia with a chemical additive called Biomass Silica
(commercially known as SH-85) in order to have a better strength and This paper was written based on the research carried out using the
engineering characteristics. The treatment was able to increase the Research University Grant Scheme (Q.J. 130000.2522.13H85) from
strength 6 times from the untreated soil as the amount of additive Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The authors would like to
reached 9% of the dry weight of soil. Besides, microstructure tests express their gratitude to UTM for their generous support.
showed that new product was formed as a result of the reaction
between the soil and the chemical additive. This new product was in a REFERENCES
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recommended to treat marine clay prior to any associated 1765–189.
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