Pay Revision 2010
Pay Revision 2010
Pay Revision 2010
1.1. The Government of Kerala vide G.O. (Ms) No. 81/2010/Fin. dated 20 th
February, 2010 constituted the 9th Pay Revision Commission
consisting of Justice R. Rajendra Babu, former Judge of the Hon’ble
High Court of Kerala as Chairman, Dr. P. Mohanan Pillai, Professor,
Centre for Development Studies and Adv. P. Venugopalan Nair as
Members, to consider and make recommendations on the following
Terms of Reference (ToR).
(i) To suggest modifications, if found necessary, for the pay and
allowances of:
a. Posts under Government service including part-time
contingent service and casual sweepers.
b. Posts including part-time posts and casual sweepers
under Educational Institutions of the Government,
Aided schools and Colleges and also such institutions
covered by direct payment scheme excluding those
posts covered by UGC/AICTE etc. scheme of scales of
pay and also posts for which Central scales of pay
have already been allowed such as teaching staff in
Medical Colleges, Judicial Officers etc,.
c. Posts under Local Bodies and University employees
except those posts covered by UGC/AICTE/ Central
(ii) To examine the present structure of pay and allowances and
other emoluments and service conditions including
promotional avenues and fringe benefits available to the
above categories of employees and suggest changes which
may be desirable or feasible keeping in view inter alia the
need for greater social accountability and efficiency of
(iii) To examine and suggest changes, if any, to the benefits
available to service pensioners.
(iv) To suggest remedies for the anomalies caused due to the
last pay revision and to suggest measures to avoid
cascading effects, if any, likely to be caused by such
(v) To examine and assess the additional financial commitment
for implementing the pay revision with effect from
(vi) While considering the above issues, the need for bringing
down the wide disparity, if any, existing between different
scales in Government service shall be kept in mind.
(vii) While considering the above issues, the need for a gender
sensitive service structure shall also be kept in mind.
1.2. The Commission assumed charge on 25 th February 2010. The office of
the Commission started functioning in the Legislature Complex,
Thiruvananthapuram by the end of February 2010. The Commission
places on record its sincere gratitude and appreciation to Sri. K.
Radhakrishnan, the Hon’ble Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
and Dr. T.M. Thomas Issac, the Hon’ble Minister for Finance for
providing sufficient and convenient office accommodation for the
smooth functioning of the office of the Commission in Legislature
1.3. Sanction was accorded in G.O. (Ms) No.81/2010/Fin. dated 20.02.2010
for the creation of 30 numbers of temporary posts in the Pay Revision
Commission’s Office out of which 18 posts were ordered to be filled
up from Government Secretariat and 12 posts from other
departments. In G.O. (Rt.) No.1554/2010/Fin. dated 25.02.2010,
Government appointed Sri. V. Prasenan, Additional Secretary,
Finance Department as Secretary to the Pay Revision Commission.
The appointment of the supporting Staff from the Secretariat and
other departments was also made in time.
1.4. One of the salient features in the terms of reference is the inclusion of
the need for bringing down the wide disparity, if any, existing
between different scales in Government Service, for consideration by
the Commission. Commission considers it as an earnest attempt from
the part of the Government to achieve the constitutional goal
enshrined in Article 38(2) of the Constitution, in minimizing the
inequality in income and to eliminate the inequality in status, facilities
and opportunities. Likewise, the Commission has been asked to
consider the need for gender sensitive service structure. It appears
to be a gesture from the part of the Government to give due regards
to the women employees in the State Service. Probably these
aspects have been included in the terms of reference for
consideration by the Pay Revision Commission for the first time.
1.5. Several anomalies had been brought to the notice of the Government
after the implementation of the last Pay Revision Order and the
Government had to issue more than one hundred and sixty orders
rectifying such anomalies. Yet, anomalies remained to be rectified
and accordingly the Government included item No: iv in the ToR for
suggesting remedies for removal of the above anomalies caused due
to the last Pay Revision and to suggest measures to avoid cascading
effects, if any, likely to be caused by such anomalies.
1.6. A comprehensive questionnaire covering all the points contained in
the terms of reference was published in the official website viz.
‘’ seeking opinions/suggestions from
Heads of Departments, Service Organizations and individuals who
are interested in the terms of reference of the Pay Revision
Commission. A notification in this regard was also published by the
Commission through leading dailies (both Malayalam and English) in
the State. Printed copies were also supplied from the office of the
Commission. Simultaneously, copies of questionnaire along with a
proforma were sent to all Heads of Departments and Secretaries to
Government requesting them to furnish their suggestions and also
the staff details in the said proforma. A time limit upto 30 th April 2010
was given to all concerned to submit
representations/suggestions/opinions and the time limit was
subsequently extended up to 10th May 2010. Even after the cut off
date of 10th May 2010, memoranda and individual representations
were being received in the Commission’s Office. None was refused.
Due consideration was given to all memoranda, irrespective of
whether the same was received in time or late. The Commission
received 505 representations from service organizations, 31 from
pensioners Associations and 1845 from individuals. Almost all the
Heads of Departments have furnished staff details and the copies of
special rules/executive orders governing appointments/ promotion of
staff of their respective departments. The Commission also tried to
collect the exact data regarding the number of pensioners, annual
expenditure on pension, pensioners belonging to different age
groups, details of pension disbursed through designated Public Sector
Banks etc. from the Accountant General, Director of Treasuries,
District Treasury Officers etc. Even though some data were provided
by the Accountant General and the District Treasury Officers, the
Commission was not fully satisfied with the data so provided by the
said authorities, as the same was incomplete and inconsistent.
1.7. The Commission utilized the services of the following persons who
were engaged as consultants for the preparation of this report:
(i) Prof. K.K George, Chairman, Centre for Socio Economics and
Environmental Studies.
(ii) Sri. Sabu Thomas, Research Associate, Nodal Centre, Cochin
University of Science and Technology.
(iii) Sri. C.J. Joseph, Retired Additional Secretary, Deepthi,
The Commission is grateful to them for their earnest efforts to assist
the Commission and the valuable inputs provided by them.
1.8. After making careful scrutiny of the memoranda received, the
Commission has decided to hold discussions with the representatives
of all the Associations who have submitted memoranda, the Head of
the Departments and accordingly a programme for discussion with
the representatives of the service associations was charted. The
discussions were held from 7 June 2010 onwards. Opportunity was
1.11. Another important point that has come to the notice of the
Commission was that Government of India as per an order issued on
11.04.2007, decided to take over the entire pension liability of All
India Service pensioners/family pensioners with effect from 1.04.2008
on reimbursement basis for which the concerned Treasury Officers
should account the expenditure on Pension, DCRG, commuted value
of pension and family pension under the specified head of account
and to forward the supporting vouchers to the Central Pay and
Accounts Office, New Delhi for reimbursement. The Accountant
General on 9.11.2009 informed the Government that the Treasury
Officers are not adhering to the above procedure and are even
debiting the expenditure under Suspense Accounts. A circular
instruction is seen issued by the Finance(Pension-A) Department in
January 2010 directing all the Treasury Officers to follow the proper
accounting procedures.
1.12. The Commission has made an attempt to collect the actual staff
strength in various departments, as discrepancies have been noticed
in the data available in the staff details given in Appendix I to the
Detailed Budget Estimates 2010-11. All the Heads of Departments
were requested to furnish the sanctioned staff strength of each
Department. Almost all the Heads of the Departments have furnished
the details. In some cases the actual staff in position, excluding
vacant posts, has been furnished whereas, in most of the cases
sanctioned posts including vacant posts has been reported. The
statement showing the number of posts indicated in this report is as
furnished by the Heads of the Departments without the support of
appropriate Government orders creating the posts. Moreover the
existing temporary posts are also included in the statement. Hence,
the staff strength/number of posts shown against each department in
this report may not be quoted as an authority for the existence of
such posts.
1.13. The Commission was given a period of 6 months from the date of
commencement of its functions on 25 th February 2010. Unlike the
previous Pay Revision Commissions, this Commission was entrusted
with the task of revision of pay scales of the employees of Local
Bodies and Universities also. The Commission was also entrusted to
make recommendations on the revision of scale of pay of High Court
employees (ministerial staff) and the employees of Kerala Water
Authority. It was due to the sincere co-operation and hard work of the
officers and staff, the Commission could achieve the target within the
short span of 10 months. Their commitment and sincerity deserve
1.14. There is possibility of having made a view by this Commission
inadvertently on matters under adjudication before Courts. The
Commission would like to make it clear that the recommendations or
observations on such matters are subject to the final decision of such
competent Courts.
2.1 Since the formation of the Kerala State on 1.11.1956, nine Pay
Revision Committees/Commissions have so far been appointed by
Government for making recommendations regarding the revision of
pay scales and related matters of Government employees/teachers.
Though a Pay Commission was constituted in 1957, that was not
considered as a general Pay Revision Commission, as that
Commission was entrusted mainly with the task of unification of
scales of pay of the employees of erstwhile Travancore-Cochin State
and the Malabar district of former Madras State. In 1973 a formal Pay
Revision Commission was not appointed, but a general pay revision of
State employees on the basis of the revised Pay Structure in the 3rd
Central Pay Commission Report was effected with effect from
1.7.1973 based on the decision of the subcommittee of the Council of
Ministers constituted for the purpose. Thereafter, independent Pay
Revision Commissions were constituted at regular intervals of five
years till 1992 wherein a Pay Equalisation Committee was constituted
for revising the pay scales of the State Government employees giving
parity with the scales of pay of the Central Government employees.
2.2 The practice adopted by the Central Government has been to have a
Pay Commission once in every 10 years. The first Central Pay
Commission appointed in 1946 was headed by Sir. S. Varadachariar,
Retired Judge of the Federal Court of India. All the other Central Pay
Commissions were also headed by Retired/Ex-Judges of the Supreme
Court of India. Those are Justice Jagannatha Das Commission
1957(2nd), Justice Raghubir Dayal Commission 1973(3 rd), Justice
P.N.Shinghal Commission 1983(4th), Justice S. Retnavel Pandyan
Commission 1993 (5th) and Justice Srikrishna Commission 2006(6 th &
2.3 Out of the 28 States in India, Central scales of pay 1996 were adopted
by 20 States. Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh,
Assam, Punjab, Meghalaya and West Bengal are the States which did
not adopt Central scales of pay. In Tamil Nadu orders are seen issued
on 1st June 2009 revising the scales of pay of its employees based on
the 6th Central Pay Revision Order 2008 with some modifications.
There is an advice in the 6th Central pay Commission Report to the
effect that the States which are not in a position to meet the
additional expenditure on adopting the Central Pay scales, can
consider the option Viz:
(i) Deciding on a date of implementation different from that of
the Centre
(ii) Staggering the payment of arrears suitably
(iii) Generating additional tax and non-tax revenue
(iv) Compressing expenditure
2.4 Immediately after the formation of Kerala State in November 1956,
the Government in March 1957, sanctioned revised scales of pay for
the various categories of officers in the State with effect from
1.11.1956 taking into account different pay structure that were in
existence in the Travancore- Cochin and Madras States. But the
implementation of the revised scales of pay sanctioned to the
gazetted officers was stayed by Government on 7.4.1957.
Subsequently, revision of pay of primary and middle school teachers
was ordered in June 1957. This was made applicable to the aided
school teachers also. Ad hoc revision of the scales of pay of graduate
teachers and nurses were also sanctioned in the year 1957-58. In
September 1957 Government appointed a Pay Revision Committee
headed by Sri. R. Sankara Narayana Iyer, Former Judge of the
Travancore High Court to examine the entire problem of unification
of pay. The Committee submitted its report in April 1958. The
Government generally accepted the recommendations, but effected
some changes, mainly, lowering the scales of pay suggested for
gazetted officers.
2.5 The points generally raised by the Service Organisations before the
previous Pay Revision Commissions would include mainly the
(i) The minimum remuneration should be need based and
should be fixed with reference to the cost of living
(ii) The principle of equal pay for equal work should be adopted
for determining the new pay structure
(iii) The ratio between the lowest and the highest paid officers
should be reduced
(iv) Salary of Government employees should be more or less
comparable with the salary in Commercial and banking
(v) Inter-State disparity in pay scales should be removed
(vi) The number of scales of pay should be reduced
(vii) The anomalies in the existing pay structure should be
(viii) Stagnation and lack of promotional avenues should be
(ix) Weightages based on length of service should be given in
fixing pay in the revised scales
(x) There should be a ceiling on the salaries
Pay Revision Commissions / Committees in Kerala since 1965
and their approach in determining revised scales of pay.
2.6 Pay Commission 1965, appointed as per G.O. (P) No. 74/65/Fin. dated
27th February 1965 is considered as the first Pay Commission in the
State of Kerala. The above Pay Commission was headed by Sri K.M.
Unnithan ICS (Rtd.). On a comparison of the salary of Government
employees with salaries in other sectors, the Commission took the
view that Government employees were in a far better position than
their counterparts in other sectors in respect of security of tenure,
retirement benefits, etc. Service conditions were also found
dissimilar. As such, a relative comparison of Government jobs and
jobs under other sectors was not feasible. However, the Commission
was strongly in favour of removing inter-State disparities in the scales
of pay of Government employees. As there were 100 scales of pay in
Madras as against 52 scales of pay existed in Kerala, the Commission
found that it was practically impossible to adopt the Madras scales of
pay. The Commission followed the pattern of Madras State scales as
a basis for evolving new scales to the extent possible taking into
account the prescribed minimum qualification, nature of duties and
responsibilities and prospects of promotion. The Government
implemented the recommendations of the Pay Commission with
certain changes. The changes made by the Government led to
lowering of the higher scales and improvement in the scales of pay of
last grade and low paid employees, village staff and teachers when
compared with those in Madras.
2.7 Soon after the implementation of the recommendations of the first
Pay Commission, various service organizations and teachers made
several representations regarding the inadequacies of the
sanctioned revision of pay and brought out too many anomalies in the
revision. Accordingly, Government made certain modifications in the
scales of pay of teachers, improved the ratio applicable to them and
also to the rules of fixation of pay in the revised scales. Piecemeal
modifications did not satisfy their (service organizations & teachers)
demand for improving the scales of pay and removing the anomalies.
This led to the appointment of Sri George Thomas IAS, First member,
Board of Revenue as Special officer to deal with the grievances of the
employees and to suggest suitable remedy. The special officer
submitted his recommendations in March 1968. The service
organizations represented again, against the Special Officer’s
recommendations. Government, therefore, decided to refer the issue
to a fresh Commission. Thus the Government appointed in July 1968
the Commission for enquiry in to the scales of pay and related
matters (the second Pay Commission in the State). This Commission
was headed by Sri. V.K. Velayudhan, Retired Chairman, KPSC.
Without conceding the general demands such as need based
minimum wage, parity with Public Sector Undertakings, etc. the
Commission took the stand that any increase in the emoluments of
Government servants and teachers should not cast heavy burden in
the State’s finances. The Commission also recommended that a firm
declaration should be made by the Government, not to review the
revised scales of pay and allowances for a minimum period of 5 years
from 1969. The revised scales of pay and allowances was formulated
so as to cost an additional expenditure of Rs.17.50 crore only during
the five year period from 1969-74 in addition to the expenditure on
the arrears for the period from the 1 st July 1968 to 31st March 1969.
Government Ordered revision of pay scales in June 1969 but no
revision was sanctioned in the case of employees who were having
scales of pay with minimum of Rs.600 and above.
2.8 In February 1973 Government announced that the scales of pay of
the State Government employees would be revised on the basis of
the 3rd Central Pay Commission Report which was expected to be
implemented by the Central Government in 1973. In the wake of the
Government of India decision on the recommendations of the 3 rd
Central Pay Commission, the State Government constituted a sub
committee of the Council of Ministers to review the pay structure of
the State employees. A Special Officer was also appointed to assist
the sub committee. The sub committee presented its decision in April
1974 revising the pay scales. One of the notable decisions was the
acceptance of minimum pay of Rs.196 fixed by the Government of
India for Central Government employees. Regarding the pay scales
from Rs.600 and above (left unrevised despite the
recommendations of the 2 nd
State Pay Commission 1968), the
Government prescribed fresh pay scales.
2.9 In September 1977 Government appointed Sri. N. Chandrabhanu,
former Chief Secretary as the single member Commission (the 3 rd
State Pay Commission) for revising the scales of pay of Government
employees and teachers. The commission had formulated 32
numbers of scales of pay as against the then existed 37 scales of pay
and submitted its report in September 1978.
2.10 The 4th Kerala Pay Commission was constituted as per G.O.(Ms) No.
223/83(493)/Fin. dated 29.4.1983 with Sri. Justice V.P. Gopalan
Nambiar, former Chief Justice of the High Court of Kerala as
Chairman. As per G.O.(Ms) No.493/83(526)/Fin. dated, 11.8.1983,
Government issued orders to include promotion prospects also in the
terms of reference. In the meantime, Government of India appointed
the 4th Central Pay Commission in July 1983. The State Pay
Commission submitted its report in June 1984. The Commission
evaluated various jobs on the basis of the minimum educational
qualification required at the entry level. Various professional
categories also were evaluated on a similar basis. The Commission
took into consideration the length and duration of the professional
course undertaken by the entrants to these categories. Medical,
Veterinary and Dental graduates were placed at a higher level than
the graduates in Engineering and Agriculture on the basis of the
difference in the length of the courses leading to the degree. On the
same basis the graduates in Ayurveda and Homoeopathy etc., were
placed at a still lower level.
2.11 The 5th Kerala Pay Commission was appointed by the Government in
December 1987, headed by Justice T. Chandrasekhara Menon, former
Judge of the High Court of Kerala. The Commission submitted its
report in May 1989. The number of scales of pay formulated by the
Commission was 27 and a master scale was introduced. The
Commission took the view that the general demand from various
service organizations for the same increment rate for all who draw
the same pay was not unreasonable. According to the Commission,
adoption of the principle of equal increment rate for same pay
irrespective of the category of post, would do away with many
anomalies in pay fixation. So the Karnataka model master scale was
adopted in the State for the first time in the 1988 Pay revision. The
approach of the Commission towards professional categories was that
all professionals should be treated alike at the entry points if there
was broad comparability of qualification. The Commission also
recommended that high ranking professionals in Engineering and
Medicine viz. Director of Technical Education, Director of Medical
Education, the senior most Chief Engineer and the senior most
Director of Health Services be assigned the highest scale of pay.
2.12 A Pay Equalisation Committee consisting of Sri. Zacharia Mathew IAS,
Additional Chief Secretary as Chairman and Sri. R. Narayanan IAS,
Chairman KSEB, Sri. M. Mohan Kumar IAS, C & S (Finance), Sri. V.
Krishnamoorthy, Secretary, GAD as members was constituted by the
Government in January 1992. The said Committee which was the 6 th
pay revision Committee was entrusted with the task of determining
comparability of posts under the State Government, Aided
educational institutions and Local Bodies with those under the
Central Government and to suggest modifications as might become
necessary for deciding the new pay scales at Central rates. The
Committee was also required to consider the financial capacity of the
State Government while formulating its recommendations. The
Commission noted that the lowest 3 scales of pay existed in the State
were better than the corresponding Central pay scales. In case the
Central pay scales were adopted the employees placed in the lowest
3 scales could not have any benefit and they might lose higher rate of
increment available in the State scale. The Committee had, therefore,
recommended retention of the existing lowest 3 scales in order to
avoid drop in emoluments. While formulating the scales of pay in
respect of posts for which there were no comparable posts in
Government of India as well as in neighboring States like Tamil Nadu
and Maharashtra, the Committee had suggested scales of pay taking
into account, their qualification, method of appointment, nature of
duties, etc. The highest scale of pay of Rs.5100-6300 had been
suggested to be assigned to Director of Health Services, Chief
Engineer etc.
2.13 The 7th Pay Revision Committee was constituted by the Government
as per G.O. (Ms) No. 251/97 (125)/ Fin. dated 18.2.1997. The
Committee was chaired by Sri. P.M. Abraham IAS (Retd.) former
Secretary to Government of India. While formulating the revised pay
structure, the Committee had broadly analysed the factors governing
the fixation of minimum salary and the factors governing fixation of
maximum salary apart from other general principles. The Committee
in its report had observed among other things as follows:
to give interim relief to the employees. Accordingly, the Commission
in its interim report dated 5.8.2005 had suggested 3 options on the
rate of interim relief. Government accepted the recommendation for
giving a flat rate of Rs.300/-p m for all regular employees choosing
the option involving minimum financial commitment. In the case of
pensioners and family pensioners the interim relief was Rs.175 and
Rs.100/- respectively. Part time contingent employees and PTC
pensioners were also granted interim relief @ Rs.120/- and Rs.30/-
respectively. Master scale was also reintroduced in the 8 th pay
revision. The annual financial commitment involved in the proposed
scales of pay as estimated by the Commission was Rs.754.90 cr.
After implementation of the order revising the scales of pay, as
recommended by the Commission, the first 6 pay scales were
subsequently modified by the Government. Regarding fixation of
minimum salary, the principle followed by the 1997 pay commission
is seen taken as the basis by the 8 th Pay Revision. The minimum
emoluments estimated by various Service Organisations ranged
from Rs.5430/- p.m. to Rs.5760/- p.m. taking into account the
education of children, house rent and other miscellaneous items of
expenses, needed to generally improve the quality of life. Other
general points raised by Service Organisations and the observations
of the Commission are as follows.
Points Observations
(iii The period of Training within Such a demand is not unfair and
) the department (post entry so the Government may consider
training) should be counted the demand favourably by
for all service benefits amending the Special Rules, if
including time bound higher necessary
grade, pension etc.
(iv The scale of pay should be The demand is not quite in order
) equated irrespective of the since mere possession of
duties and responsibilities in academic or other qualifications
various posts, taking into should not entitle a person to a
account of equal salary level of another in which
qualifications the job responsibility is much
2.16 Taking into account all the above factors the 8th Commission decided
to fix the minimum pay at Rs.4300/-. As regards the maximum pay,
the Commission took the stand that the existing disparity ratio
between minimum/maximum of lowest scale of pay and
minimum/maximum of highest scale of pay should be retained.
However the Commission proposed to reduce the ratio between
minimum of the lowest scale of pay and the maximum of the highest
scale of pay from 1:8.65 to 1:7.85 thereby fixing the maximum pay at
Statement Showing the Particulars of Previous Pay Revisions
Date of financial
Date of
Date of effect of commitm
Sl. submissio Time
appointme revised ent (Rs. Remarks
No. n of taken
nt Pay scale in cr.)
* (first
8 Benefit from
4-9-1957 26.04.1958 1.04.1958 0.33
1 months
2 27.02.1965 11.10.1965 1.01.1966 8.10
3 9.07.1968 10.05.1969 8.00
As recommended by a subcommittee No formal Pay
4 of the council of Ministers announced 1.7.1973 Revision
decision in April 1994 Commission
5 9.9.1977 11.9.1978 1.7.1978 27
6 29.4.1983 30.6.1984 1.7.1983 61.50 Benefit from
7 21.12.1987 31.5.1989 1.7.1988 104.50
8 15.1.1992 Aug.1992 1.3.1992 111.61
9 18.2.1997 15.5.1998 1.3.1997 637.00
11 Benefit
10 14.3.2005 22.2.2006 1.7.2004 994.00
(Rs.350 in the case of regular employees and Rs.175 for part time
staff) ensured in the 8th Pay Revision Commission report.
Schedules of pay scales relating to various pay revisions are shown
No.434/60/Fin. dated 8-9-60 (P) No.150/58/Fin. dated 23-6-58.
1. 1200 – 50 - 1500 1. 150 – 10 – 240 – 15 - 300
2. 1000 - 60 – 1300 – 50 - 1500 2. 150 – 10 - 250
3. 1000 – 50 - 1200 3. 125 – 10 - 225
4. 800 – 50 - 1000 4 80 – 8 – 120 – 10 – 150 - 12 ½ - 225
5. 700 – 50 - 900 5. 125 – 7 ½ - 200
6. 600 – 50 - 900 6. 100 - 7 ½ - 160 – 10 - 200
7. 500 – 50 - 800 7. 90 – 8 – 130 – 10 - 200
8. 475 - 35 – 580 – 40 - 700 8. 50 – 5 – 60 – 6 – 90 – 8 – 130 – 10 -
9. 400 – 25 – 450 – 30 – 600 – 50 - 700 9. 80 – 6 – 110 – 7 - 180
10. 350 – 25 – 450 – 30 – 600 – 50 - 700 10. 80 -5 – 120 - 7 ½ - 165
11. 350 – 25 – 450 – 30 - 600 11. 60 – 5 – 120 – 6 - 150
12. 300 – 25 – 500 – 40 - 700 12. 50 – 4 – 90 – 5 – 120 – 6 - 150
13. 300 – 25 - 550 13. 50 – 5 – 65 – 6 - 125
14. 250 – 25 - 550 14. 40 – 4 – 60 – 5 - 120
15. 250 – 25 - 500 15. 60 – 4 – 80 – 5 - 100
16. 250 – 20 – 350 – 25 - 400 16. 40 – 3 – 55 – 4 – 75 – 5 - 100
17. 200 – 20 - 400 17. 65 – 3 - 80
18. 200 – 10 – 230 – 20 – 350 18. 40 - 2 – 50 – 3 - 80
19. 55 -2 - 65
20. 35 – 1 – 40 – 2 - 60
21. 30 – 2 – 42 – 3 - 60
22. 45 – 2 - 55
23. 40 – 1 - 45
24. 35 – 1 - 45
25. 30 – 1 - 40
7. 700 – 50 – 1000 7. 160 – 10 – 250
8. 600 – 50 - 1000 8. 150 – 10 – 260 – 15 - 350
9. 600 – 50 – 900 9. 130 – 6 – 160 – 8 – 240 – 10 – 250
10. 550 – 40 – 750 – 50 – 800 10. 130 – 10 - 250
11. 500 – 25 – 650 – 30 – 800 11. 130 – 10 – 250
12. 400 – 25 – 550 – 30 - 700 12. 120 – 6 – 150 – 8 - 230
13. 375 – 25 – 650 – 30 – 800 13. 120 – 6 – 150 -8 – 230
14. 350 – 25 – 550 – 30 - 700 14. 100 – 5 – 110 – 6 - 200
15. 350 – 25 – 650 15. 100 – 4 – 120 – 5 – 140
16. 300 - 20 – 400 – 25 - 600 16. 95 – 3 – 116 – 4 - 120
17. 300 - 20 – 400 – 25 – 500 17. 95 – 3 – 110
18. 250 – 20 – 350 – 25 - 500 18. 90 – 5 – 100 – 10 – 190 – 15 - 250
19. 250 – 20 – 450 19. 90 – 5 – 100 – 6 – 190
20. 225 – 10 – 275 – 15 – 350 – 25 - 500 20. 90 – 5 – 100 – 6 – 160
21. 85 - 4 – 105 – 5 – 160
22. 80 – 4 – 100 – 5 – 160
23. 75 – 3 – 90 – 4 – 110 – 5 – 135
24. 75 – 2 – 85 – 3 – 115
25. 75 – 2 – 95
26. 65 – 2 - 95
27. 65 – 1 – 75 – 2 – 85
28. 60 – 1 – 70 – 2 - 80
As per G.O. (P) No.88/68Fin. dated 1-3-68 with effect from 1-4-
68, the following scales were further revised.
20 130 – 7 – 151 – 8 – 175 – 9 – 220 – 10 – 270 ((16 years)
21 110 – 6 – 134 – 7 – 162 – 8 – 202 – 9 - 220 (15 years)
22 100 – 6 – 136 – 7 – 178 – 8 - 210 (16 years)
23 90 - 5 -100 – 6 - 190 (17 years)
(i) 95 - 5 – 100 – 6 - 190 (16 years)
24 80 - 5 - 115 - 6 - 175(16 years)
25 80 - 3 – 89 – 4 – 109 – 5 – 144 – 6 -1 50 (16 years)
26 75 – 3 – 96 – 4 – 120 – 5 - 130 (15 years)
Class IV
27 70 - 3 -115 (15 years)
(G.O. (P) No.91/74 Fin. dated5-4-74)
Sl. .
Scale of pay (1968) Scale of pay (1973)
No N
1 70 – 3 – 115 1 196 - 3 – 229 – 4 – 245 - 4 /2 - 265
2 75 – 3 – 96 – 4 – 120 – 5 – 130 2 200 – 3 – 206 – 4 – 250 – 5 – 260 - 5/2 - 285
80 – 3 – 89 – 4 – 109 – 5 – 144 – 6 – 210 – 4 – 218 – 5 – 228 – 6 – 270 – 7 – 305 - 7/2 -
3 3
150 340
215 – 5 – 225 – 6 – 237 – 7 – 258 – 8 – 330 - 8/2 -
4 80 – 5 – 115 – 6 – 175 4
5 90 – 5 – 100 – 6 – 190 5 230 – 6 – 236 – 7 – 257 – 8 – 345 - 8/2- 385
6 95 – 5 – 100 – 6 – 190 6 235 – 7 – 256 – 8 – 296 – 9 – 350 - 9/2 - 395
7 100 – 6 – 136 – 7 – 178 – 8 – 210 7 240 – 9 – 285 – 10 – 395 - 10/2 - 445
8 100 – 10 – 190 – 15 – 280 8 240 – 15 – 465 - 15/2 - 540
110 – 6 – 134 – 7 – 162 – 8 – 202 – 9
9 9 255 – 10 – 405 - 10/2 - 455
130 – 7 – 151 – 8 – 175 – 9 – 220 – 10
10 10 275 – 11 – 330 – 13 – 460 - 13/2 - 525
140 – 8 – 172 – 9 – 208 – 10 – 258 – 12
11 11 285 – 12 – 333 – 13 – 450 – 15 – 465 - 15/2 - 540
12 140 – 10 – 290 12 285 – 13 – 389 – 14 – 445 – 15 – 475 - 15/2 - 550
13 170 – 10 – 190 – 15 – 385 13 325 – 15 – 400 – 16 – 480 – 18 – 570 - 18/2 - 660
14 175 – 10 – 255 – 12 – 315 14 330 – 13 – 395 – 15 – 500 - 15/2 - 575
15 190 – 10 – 260 – 12 – 320 15 345 – 13 – 358 – 14 – 400 – 15 – 505 - 15/2 - 580
16 220 – 10 – 250 – 15 – 370 16 405 – 15 – 540 – 20 – 560 - 20/2 - 660
17 225 - 10 - 245 - 15 - 350 - 20 - 450 17 410 - 15 - 515 - 20 - 655 - 25/2 - 715
18 250 – 15 – 340 – 20 – 500 – 25 - 525 18 435 – 15 – 510 – 20 – 650 – 25 – 700 - 25/2 - 775
19 250 – 20 – 350 – 25 – 600 19 435 - 20 - 535 - 25 - 760 - 25/2 - 835
20 260 - 15 - 350 - 25 – 600 20 445 – 20 – 585 – 25 – 760 - 25/2 - 835
21 280 – 15 – 340 – 20 – 500 – 25 - 525 21 465 – 20 – 625 – 25 – 700 - 25/2 - 775
22 310 – 20 – 350 – 25 – 600 22 495 – 20 – 535 – 25 – 760 - 25/2 - 835
325 – 25 – 500 – 30 – 650 – 35 – 685 510 – 25 – 635 – 30 – 695 – 35 – 835 – 40 – 875 -
23 23
-40 - 725 40/2 - 995
24 350 – 25 – 600 24 535 – 25 – 760 - 25/2 - 835
375 – 25 – 450 – 30 – 600 – 35 – 670 560 – 25 – 635 – 30 – 785 – 35 – 820 – 40 – 900 –
25 25
-40 – 750 – 50 – 800 50 -950 - 50/2 - 1100
400 – 25 – 450 – 30 – 480 – 35 – 550 600 – 25 – 650 – 30 – 710 – 40 – 750 – 50 – 1050 -
26 26
-40 – 750 – 50 – 900 50/2 - 1200
27 515 – 35 – 550 – 40 – 750 – 50 - 900 27 700 – 40 – 900 – 50 – 1050 - 50/2 - 1200
28 550 – 40 – 750 - 50 – 900 27 710 – 40 – 750 – 50 – 1050 – 50/ 2 - 1200
29 600 – 50 – 900 29 750 – 50 – 1050 - 50/2 - 1200
30 600 – 50 – 1000 30 750 – 50 – 1150 - 50/2 - 1250
31 700 – 50 – 1200 31 850 – 50 – 1350 - 50/2 - 1450
32 800 – 50 – 1200 32 950 – 50 – 1350 - 50/2 - 1450
33 900 – 50 – 1300 33 1050 – 50 – 1450 - 50/2 - 1550
34 1000 – 50 – 1400 34 1150 – 50 – 1550 - 50/2 - 1650
35 35 1200 – 50 – 1650 - 50/2 - 1750
36 1300 – 50 – 1700 36 1400 – 50 - 1800- 50/2 - 1900
(G.O. (P) No.860/78/Fin. dated 16-12-78)
Sl. Sl.
Scale of pay (1973) Scale of pay (1978)
No. No.
1 196 – 3 – 229 – 4 – 245 - 4/2 - 265 1 280 – 5 – 340 – 6 - 400
2 200 – 3 – 206 – 4 – 250 – 5 – 260 - 5/2 - 285 2 290 – 5 – 330 – 6 – 390 – 7 - 425
210 – 4 – 218 - 5 -228 – 6 – 270 – 7 – 305 -
3 3 300 – 6 – 360 – 7 – 402 – 8 - 450
7/2 -340
215 – 5 – 225 – 6 – 237 – 7 – 258 – 8 – 330 - 310 – 6 – 328 – 7 – 356 – 8 – 436 -9 -
4 4
8/2 - 370 490
5 230 – 6 – 236 - 7 – 257 – 8 – 345 - 8/2 - 385 5 330 – 8 – 410 – 9 – 455 – 10 - 515
6 235 – 7 – 256 – 8 – 296 – 9 – 350 - 9/2 - 395 6 340 -8 – 380 – 9 – 425 – 10 - 535
7 240 --- 9 – 285 – 10 – 395 - 10/2 - 445
7 350 – 10 – 460 – 12 - 580
8 240 – 15 – 465 - 15/2 – 540
9 255 – 10 – 405 - 10/2 – 455 8 370 – 10 – 450 – 12 – 510 – 15 -600
10 275 – 11 – 330 – 13 – 460 - 13/2 - 525 9 390 – 12 – 438 – 13 – 490 – 15 -685
285 – 12 – 333 – 13 – 450 – 15 – 465 - 15/2 -
10 420 – 13 – 485 – 15 – 635 – 17 -720
285 – 13 – 389 – 14 – 445 – 15 – 475 - 15/2 -
Scale given to C.A GrII (240-540) 11 350 – 15 – 650 – 16 - 730
325 – 15 – 400 – 16 -480 – 18 – 570 - 18/2 -
660 12 450 – 15 – 525 – 16 – 605 – 18 -785
14 330 – 13 – 395 – 15 – 500 - 15/2 - 575
345 – 13 – 358 – 14 – 400 – 15 – 505 - 15/2 -
15 13 470 – 16 – 550 – 18 – 730 – 20 -830
450 – 15 – 525 – 16 – 605 – 18 -785 – 20
Scale given to C.A GrI 14
- 885
16 405 – 15 – 540 – 20 – 560 - 20/2 - 660 15 520 – 18 – 700 – 20 – 800 – 25 -900
17 410 – 15 – 515 – 20 – 655 - 25/2 - 715 16 535 – 18 – 625 – 20 – 825 – 25 -950
435 – 15 – 510 – 20 – 650 – 25 – 700 - 25/2 -
775 17 570 – 20 – 670 – 25 – 920 – 30 -1070
19 435 – 20 – 535 – 25 – 760 - 25/2 - 835
20 445 – 20 – 585 – 25 – 760 - 25/2 - 835
18 600 – 20 – 660 – 25 – 860 – 30 -1100
21 465 – 20 – 625 – 25 – 700 - 25/2 - 775
22 495 – 20 – 535 – 25 – 760 - 25/2 - 835 19 650 – 25 – 850 – 30 – 1150
510 – 25 – 635 – 30 – 695 – 35 – 835 – 40 –
23 700 – 25 – 800 – 30 – 890 – 35 - 1030 -
875 –40/2 – 995 20
40 - 1270
24 535 – 25 – 760 - 25/2 – 835
725 – 25 – 800 – 30 – 890 – 35 -1030 –
HM (Secondary School) HG 21
40 - 1350
560 – 25 – 635 – 30 – 785 – 35 – 820 – 40 –
25 22 750 – 30 – 990 – 40 – 1150 – 50 -1450
900 -50 – 950 - 50/2 – 1100
600 – 25 – 650 – 30 – 710 – 40 – 750 – 50 –
26 23 800 – 30 – 830 – 40 – 950 – 50 -1550
1050 - 50/2 – 1200
27 700 – 40 – 900 – 50 – 1050 - 50/2 - 1200
24 910 – 40 – 950 – 50 - 1550
28 710 – 40 – 750 – 50 – 1050 - 50/2 – 1200
29 750 – 50 – 1050 - 50/2 – 1200
25 975 – 50 – 1325 - 60- 1625
30 750 – 50 – 1150 - 50/2 – 1250
31 850 – 50 – 1350 - 50/2 – 1450 26 1125 – 60 - 1725
32 950 – 50 – 1350 - 50/2 – 1450 27 1200 – 60 - 1800
33 1050 – 50 – 1450 - 50/2 – 1550 28 1300 – 60 – 1600 – 75 - 1900
34 1150 – 50 – 1550 - 50/2 – 1650 29 1450 – 75 - 2050
35 1200 – 50 – 1650 - 50/2 – 1750 30 1650 – 75 - 2175
36 1400 - 50 – 1800 - 50/2 – 1900 31 1800 – 75 - 2250
37 2000 - 125/2 – 2250 32 2500 - 125/2 - 2750
31 1800 – 75 – 2250 26 2600 – 100 – 2800 – 125 - 3800
32 2500 - 125/2 – 2750 27 3700 – 125 - 4200
(G.O. (P) No.480/89/Fin. dated 1-11-89)
Sl. Scale of pay (1983) Sl. Scale of pay (1988)
No No.
1 550 – 10 – 650 – 15 – 800 1 750 – 10 – 760 – 15 – 805 – 20 – 925 – 25 - 1025
2 575 – 10 – 645 – 15 – 900 2 775 – 15 – 805 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 - 1160
600 – 10 – 650 – 15 – 830 – 20 3
3 805 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 -1190
4 640 – 15 – 820 – 20 – 1000 4 825 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 - 1290
5 660 – 15 – 810 – 20 – 1050 5 845 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 - 1370
6 675 – 20 – 975 – 25 – 1125
6 865 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 - 1450
7 675 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1340
8 700 – 20 – 940 – 25 – 1140 7 905 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 - 1490
9 740 – 20 – 920 – 25 – 1245 8 950 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 - 1590
780 – 20 – 880 – 25 – 1080 – 30 9
10 1000 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 - 1710
11 825 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1430 10 1050 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 - 1830
850 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1400 – 11
12 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 - 2070
40 - 1600
950 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1400 – 12
13 1220 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 - 2150
40 - 1640
975 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1400 – 13
14 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 - 2230
40 - 1720
15 1050 – 30 – 1200 – 40 – 2000 14 1330 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85 -2555
16 1100 – 40 – 1500 – 50 – 2100 15 1370 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 - 80- 2470 – 85 - 2640
16 1450 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85 -2725 –
17 1150 – 40 – 1470 – 50 – 2270
100 - 2825
1250 – 50 – 1600 – 60 – 1900 17 1590 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100 -2925 –
-75 - 2500 125 - 3050
18 1650 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100 -2925 –
19 1300 – 60 – 1600 – 75 – 2650
125 - 3175
20 1500 – 60 – 1560 – 75 – 2685 19 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100 – 2925 – 125 -3425
21 1600 – 75 – 2200 – 85 – 2710 20 2070 – 80 – 2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100 – 2925 – 125 -3550
22 1950 – 75 – 2100 – 85 – 2950 21 2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100 – 2925 – 125 - 3675
22 2640 – 85 – 2725 – 100 – 2925 – 125 – 3675 – 140
23 2100 – 85 – 2440 – 100 – 3040
24 2250 – 100 – 2850 – 125 – 3350 23 2825 – 100 – 2975 – 125 – 3675 – 140 - 4095
25 2450 – 100 – 2850 – 125 – 3600 24 3050 – 125 – 3675 – 140 – 4095 – 170 - 4435
26 2600 – 100 – 2800 – 125 – 3800 25 3175 – 125 – 3675 – 140 – 4095 – 170 - 4605
27 3700 – 125 – 4200 26 4435 – 170 - 5285
(G.O. (P) No.600/93/Fin. dated25-9-93 & G.O.(P)
No.930/93(2)/Fin. dated8-12-93)
Sl. Scale of pay (1988) Sl. Scale of pay (1992)
No No.
775 – 12 – 955 – 14 – 1025 – 20
1 750 – 10 – 760 – 15 – 805 – 20 – 925 – 25 - 1025 1
- 1065
800 – 15 – 1010 – 20 – 1150 –
2 775 – 15 – 805 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 - 1160 2
25 - 1300
825 – 15 – 900 – 20 – 1200 – 25
3 805 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 - 1190 3
- 1450
4 825 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 - 1290 4 950 – 20 – 1150 – 25 - 1650
5 845 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 - 1370
5 1050 – 25 – 1150 – 30 - 1660
6 865 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 - 1450
7 905 – 20 – 925 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 - 1490 6 1125 – 25 – 1150 – 30 - 1720
950 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 -
8 7 1200 – 30 – 1560 – 40 - 2040
1000 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 - 1350 – 30 – 1440 – 40 – 1800 –
9 8
1710 50 - 2200
1050 – 25 – 1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 -
10 9 1400 – 40 – 1800 – 50 - 2300
1100 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 - 1400 – 40 – 1600 – 50 – 2300
11 10
2070 -60 - 2600
1220 – 30 – 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 - 1520 – 40 – 1600 – 50 – 2300 –
12 11
2150 60 - 2660
13 1250 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 - 2230 12 1600 – 50 – 2300 – 60 - 2660
1330 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85 -
14 13 1640 – 60 – 2600 – 75 - 2900
14 1330 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85
14 1760 – 60 – 2600 – 75 - 3050
a -2555+Rs. 50
1370- 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85 -
15 15 2000 – 60 – 2300 – 75 - 3200
1450 – 40 – 1530 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85
16 16 2060 - 60 – 2300 - 75 - 3200
-2725 – 100 – 2825
1590 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100
17 17 2200 – 75 – 2800 – 100 - 3500
-2925 – 125 – 3050
1650 – 60 – 1830 – 80 – 2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100
18 18 2375 – 75 – 2900 – 100 - 3500
-2925 – 125 – 3175
1830 – 80 -2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100 – 2925 – 125
19 19 2500 – 75 – 2800 – 100 - 4000
2070 – 80 – 2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100 – 2925 – 125
20 20 2650 – 75 – 2800 – 100 - 4200
21 2470 – 85 – 2725 – 100 – 2925 – 125 - 3675 21 3000 – 100 – 3500 – 125 - 5000
2640 – 85 – 2725 – 100 – 2925 – 125 – 3675 – 140
22 22 3900 – 125 – 4775 – 150 - 5075
23 2825 – 100 – 2975 – 125 – 3675 – 140 - 4095 23 4200 – 125 – 4700 – 150 - 5300
24 3050 – 125 – 3675 – 140 – 4095 – 170 - 4435 24 4500 – 150 - 5700
25 3175 – 125 – 3675 – 140 – 4095 – 170 - 4605 25 5100 – 150 - 5700
26 4435 – 170 – 5285 26 5100 – 150 - 6300
27 27 5900 -150 - 6700
(G.O. (P) No.3000/98/Fin. dated25-11-98)
Scale of pay (1992) Scale of pay (1997)
775 – 12 – 955 – 14 – 1025 – 20 - 2610 – 60 – 3150 – 65 – 3540 – 70
1065 -3680
800 – 15 – 1010 – 20 – 1150 – 25 -
S2 2650-65-3300-70-4000-75-4150
825 – 15 – 900 – 20 – 1200 – 25 -
S3 2750 – 70 – 3800 – 75 - 4625
S4 950 – 20 – 1150 – 25 - 1650 3050 – 75 – 3950 – 80 - 5230
S5 1050 – 25 – 1150 – 30 - 1660 3350 – 80 – 3830 – 85 - 5275
S6 1125 – 25 – 1150 – 30 - 1720 3590 – 85 – 4100 – 100 - 5400
S7 1200 – 30 – 1560 – 40 - 2040 4000 – 90 – 4090 – 100 - 6090
1350 – 30 – 1440 – 40 – 1800 -50 -
S8 4500 – 100 – 5000 – 125 - 7000
S9 1400 – 40 – 1800 – 50 - 2300 4600 – 100 – 5000 – 125 - 7125
1400 – 40 – 1600 – 50 – 2300 – 60 - 4600 – 100 – 5000 – 125 – 5750 -
2600 150 - 8000
1520 – 40 – 1600 – 50 – 2300 -60 -
S11 5000 – 125 – 5750 – 150 - 8150
S12 1600 – 50 – 2300 – 60 - 2660 5250 – 125 – 5750 – 150 - 8150
S13 1640 – 60 – 2600 – 75 - 2900 5500 – 150 – 6100 – 175 - 9075
S14 1760 – 60 – 2600 – 75 - 3050 5800 – 150 – 6100 – 175 - 9425
S15 2000 – 60 – 2300 – 75 - 3200 6500 – 175 – 7550 – 200 - 10550
S16 2060 – 60 – 2300 – 75 - 3200 6675 – 175 – 7550 – 200 - 10550
S17 2200 – 75 – 2800 – 100 - 3500 7200 – 200 – 7800 – 225 - 11400
S18 2375 – 75 – 2900 – 100 - 3500 7450 – 200 – 7650 – 225 - 11475
S19 2500 – 75 – 2800 – 100 - 4000 7800 – 225 – 8475 – 250 - 12975
S20 2650 - 75 - 2800 - 100 - 4200 8250 - 250 - 9250 - 275 - 13650
S21 3000 – 100 – 3500 – 125 - 5000 10000 – 300 – 10600 – 325 - 15150
S22 3900 - 125 - 4775 - 150 - 5075 12000-350 - 12700 - 375 -15325
S23 4200 – 125 – 4700 – 150 - 5300 12600 – 375 - 15600
S24 4500 – 150 - 5700 14000 - 400 - 18000
S25 5100 – 150 - 5700 14300 – 400 - 18300
S26 5100- 150 - 6300 16300 - 400 - 18300
S27 5900 – 150 – 6500 – 200 - 6700 16300 – 450 - 19900
(G.O. (P) No.145/2006/Fin.dated 25-3-2006& G.O. (P) No.262 /
2007/Fin. dated 19-6-2007)
Scale of pay (1997) Scale of pay (2004)
4510 – 120 – 4990 – 130 – 5510 – 140 – 5930 – 150 -
2610 – 3150 – 65 – 3540 – 70 – 3680
2650 – 65 – 3300 – 70 – 4000 – 75 - 4630 – 120 – 4990 – 130 – 5510 – 140 – 5930 – 150 –
4150 6680 -160 – 7000
4750 – 120 – 4990 – 130 – 5510 – 140 – 5930 – 150 –
2750 – 70 – 3800 – 75 – 4625
6680 – 160 – 7480 – 170 – 7820
5250 – 130 – 5510 – 140 – 5930 – 150 – 6680 – 160 –
3050 – 75 – 3950 – 80 – 5230
7480 -170 – 7990 – 200 – 8390
5650 – 140 – 5930 – 150 – 6680 – 160 – 7480 – 170 –
3350 – 80 – 3830 – 85 – 5275
7990 -200 – 8790
6080 – 150 – 6680 – 160 – 7480 – 170 – 7990 – 200 –
3590 – 85 – 4100 – 100 – 5400
9590 -240 – 9830
6680 – 160 – 7480 – 170 – 7990 – 200 – 9590 – 240 -
4000 – 90 – 4090 – 100 – 6090
7480 – 170 – 7990 – 200 – 9590 – 240 – 10790 – 280
4500 – 100 – 5000 – 125 – 7000
4600 – 100 – 5000 – 125 – 7125
7990 – 200 – 9590 – 240 – 10790 – 280 – 11910 – 340
4600 – 100 – 5000 – 125 – 5750 – 150 - – 12930
8390 – 200 – 9590 – 240 – 10790 – 280 – 11910 – 340
5000 - 125 - 5750 - 150 – 8150
8790 – 200 – 9590 – 240 – 10790 – 280 – 11910 – 340
5250 – 125 – 5750 – 150 – 8150
9190 – 200 – 9590 – 240 – 10790 – 280 – 11910 – 340
5500 – 150 – 6100 – 175 – 9075
-13610 – 380 – 15510
9590 – 240 – 10790 – 280 – 11910 – 340 – 13610 – 380
5800 – 150 – 6100 – 175 – 9425
10790 – 280 – 11910 – 340 – 13610 – 380 – 16650 –
6500 – 175 – 7550 – 200 – 10550
450 -18000
11070 – 280 - 11910-340 – 13610 – 380 – 16650 – 450
6675 – 175 – 7550 – 200 – 10550
- 18450
7200 – 200 – 7800 – 225 – 11400 11910 – 340 – 13610 – 380 – 16650 – 450 - 19350
7450 -200 - 7650 – 225 – 11475 12250 – 340 – 13610 – 380 – 16650 – 450 - 19800
7800 – 225 – 8475 – 250 – 12975 12930 – 340 – 13610 – 380 – 16650 – 450 - 20250
8250 – 250 – 9250 – 275 – 13650 13610 – 380 – 16650 – 450 – 20700
10000 – 300 – 10600 – 325 – 15150 16650 – 450 – 20700 – 500 – 23200
12000 – 350 – 12700 – 375 – 15325
20700 – 500 – 23200 – 550 – 25400 – 600 - 26600
12600-375- 15600
14000 – 400 – 18000 23200 – 550 – 25400 – 600 – 26600 – 650 - 31150
14300 – 400 – 18300 25400 – 600 – 26600 – 650 – 33100
16300 – 400 – 18300
26600 – 650 – 33750
16300 – 450 – 19900
Master Scale
4510 – 120 – 4990 – 130 – 5510 – 140 – 5930 – 150 – 6680 -160 – 7480 – 170 – 7990 – 200 –
9590 – 240 -10790 – 280 – 11910 – 340 – 13610 – 380 – 16650 – 450 – 20700 – 500 – 23200 –
550 – 25400 – 600 – 26600 – 650 -33750
3.1 Every Pay Revision Commission has the unenviable task of reconciling
the growing needs and aspirations, many of them legitimate, of its
employees and pensioners within the limited fiscal capacity of the
State Government. The task has become particularly difficult as the
fiscal space of the State Government is shrinking due to the policies
of the Central Government as also by the conditionalities attached to
the budgetary transfers by the recent Union Finance Commissions
and the Central Government agencies.
3.2 The present Pay Commission has to work with some uncertainty
regarding the resources available to the State Government. It is not
clear when the Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be introduced and
what rates will be prescribed by the Empowered Committee of State
Finance Ministers. Secondly, the report of the Fourth State Finance
Commission which recommends the quantum and manner of financial
transfers from the State Government to the local bodies is not yet
3.3 The employees and pensioners require to be compensated for the
rising cost of living particularly the cost of education and health care
services. The consumerism is gripping the State and the State
Government employees mostly belonging to the middle class, will
have to meet the consumption norms of their class in society. The
disparities in the income of the government employees on the one
hand and the income of Non-Resident Malayalees, employees in
industries like banking, insurance, information technology and
communication, employees benefiting from pay scales of UGC and
AICTE, professionals like Doctors, Engineers etc. are widening. This
downward movement in the relative income of the government
employees has been one of the causes of frustration, discourteous
behavior towards the public and corruption among them. The
increasingly long years of education of the children in the state, huge
unemployment problem of the educated and the increasing number
of old people in the households (a drawing death rate population),
have increased the number of dependents of a government
employee, has to take care of despite the decrease in the number of
3.4 Increasing the salary, allowances and pensions is important not only
for the Government employees. The Government is already finding it
difficult to attract talents to government service and to retain them.
The technically qualified persons, doctors and other professionals do
not find Government service attractive enough despite, the more
relaxed working conditions, security of tenure and pensions of
Government employees. Low quality of employees will affect the
quality of Governance.
3.5 One of the terms of reference of the Pay Commission is to keep in
mind “the need for bringing down the wide disparity, if any, existing
between different scales in government service”. This poses another
dilemma for the Pay Commission. If it has to attract specialists with
technical qualification and experience, they have to be compensated
at the market rates which are quite high as noted earlier. On the
other hand there is also a large section of Government employees
with only general qualification whose compensation from the
Government may be quite higher than what they can get in the
3.6 This chapter is divided into six sections. Section I discusses the trends
in Kerala economy. Section II gives an overview of the State
Government’s finances. Section III examines the trends in State’s
revenue. Section IV looks at the trends in expenditure. Section V
gives the forecasts of Kerala’s GSDP (GSDP) or gross State income,
revenue receipts and revenue expenditure. Section VI presents the
conclusions arising out of the study and their implications to pay
I Trends in Kerala Economy
3.7 Many studies have shown that Kerala economy had come out of the
stagnation phase which prevailed from the second half of the sixties
till the first half of the eighties. The turnaround in the economy can be
traced to 1987- 88. The growth rate of Net State Domestic Product
(NSDP), (net state income) at constant prices rose to 6.2% during the
period 1987-88 to 2000-01 as against 1.7 % during the period 1971-
72 to 1986-87 (Subrahmanian, 2005). The Eighth Pay Commission
(EPC) report shows that the annual growth rate of GSDP (at 93-94
prices) between 1993-94 and 2003-04 was 5.13% as against 6.28%
for India. The report shows that there was slackening of growth during
the period 2000-01 to 2003-04 (4.40 %) from the period 93-94 to
1999-2000 (5.62 %). In both the sub periods, the growth rates for
Kerala were less than those of India (5.66 % & 6.69 % respectively).
3.8 Table 3.1 gives the annual growth rates of Gross State Domestic
Product (GSDP) of Kerala and that of India at 1999-2000 prices for the
period 2000-2001 to 2007-08. We had to restrict the terminal year for
the comparative analysis to 2007-08, as comparable Gross Domestic
Product data for India are not available for later years. The table
shows that during the first two years of the present decade and in
2003-04, the growth rates of Kerala were lower than that of India.
From 2004-05 onwards, the growth rates of Kerala picked up and
were higher than that of India. However, there has been a decline in
Kerala’s growth in 2007-08 and 2008-09.
3.9 Table 3.2 gives the annual growth rates in per capita GSDP /GSDP
Product at 1999-2000 prices. The table shows that during all the
years except in 2000-01 and 2003-04, the growth rates in per capita
GSDP of Kerala were more than that of India. The higher growth rate
in per capita GSDP of Kerala can be attributed to the higher growth
rate in the State Domestic Product of Kerala during most years noted
earlier. It can also be attributed to the lower growth rate of population
during the current decade. Kerala’s per capita GSDP was higher than
that of India during the period covered by the study. But the
difference between Kerala and India is increasing in recent years
(Table 3).
Table 3.1: Annual Growth Rate of GSDP (at 1999-00 Prices)
Year Kerala (%) India (%)
2000-01 3.5 4.4
2001-02 5.2 5.8
2002-03 7.3 3.8
2003-04 6.2 8.5
2004-05 10.0 7.5
2005-06 10.3 9.5
2006-07 10.6 9.7
2007-08 9.8 9.0
2008-09 7.0 Not Available (NA)
Sources 1. Central Statistical Organisation (C.S.O), National
: Accounts Statistics, 2008 & 2009
2. C.S.O, State Domestic Product (State Series),
Table 3.2: Annual Growth Rate in Per Capita GSDP/GDP (GSDP) at
1999-00 Prices
Kerala (GSDP) India (GDP)
(%) (%)
2000-01 3.01 3.32
2001-02 6.13 1.70
2002-03 6.01 2.07
2003-04 5.10 6.70
2004-05 8.77 5.89
2005-06 9.09 7.74
2006-07 9.46 8.09
2007-08 8.73 7.48
2008-09 7.28 NA
2000-01 to 2004-05*
5.81 3.94
2005-06 to 2007-08*
9.09 7.77
Sources: Computed using data from
1. CSO, National Accounts Statistics, 2008 & 2009
2. CSO, State Domestic Product (State Series), 2010
3. Govt. of Kerala, Budget in Brief -2010-11 for mid-
year population figures for Kerala and India.
* Average of annual growth rates of the corresponding period.
3.10 The per capita GSDP of states made comparable by the Central
Statistical Organization (CSO) for the Thirteenth Finance Commission
shows that Kerala stood sixth among the 28 states in three-year
average per capita GSDP (for the years 2004-05 to 2006-07) after
Goa, Haryana, Maharashtra, Punjab and Gujarat. It is interesting to
note that Kerala’s per capita GSDP was higher than those of its
neighbouring states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
3.11 The fiscal capacity of a state is dependent not solely on the aggregate
GSDP or its growth rate. It is also dependent on the sectoral
composition of the GSDP as also the growth rates of each sector (for
the composition of each sector, See table 7.) Table 3.4 shows that
during the period 2000-01 to 2007-08, the growth rate of Kerala was
the highest in secondary sector whereas it was the highest in tertiary
sector (service sector) for India. The growth rates in secondary and
teritiary sectors of Kerala were higher than those of India. The growth
rate in primary sector of Kerala was very low. It was lower than that of
India which itself was quite low.
3.12 Table 3.5 shows the overwhelming importance of teritiary sector in
both Kerala and India. The share of this sector was much higher for
Kerala than for India. Between 1999-2000 and 2007-08, the share of
the sector increased by 6.14% against 6.04% for India. The secondary
sector improved its share in SDP by 3.56% as against 1.5 % for India.
The difference in the importance of the secondary sector between the
State and the Central has been coming down and is only marginal
now. There was a steep decline in the share of primary sector both in
Kerala and India. But the decline was faster for Kerala (by 9.7 %) than
for India (by 7.54 %). The primary sector accounted for only 13.18 %
of the GSDP of Kerala in 2007-08.
Table 3.4: Average Annual Growth Rates of GSDP/GDP at 1999-00
Prices –Sector Wise
Secondary Teritiary Total GDP
Primary (%)
(%) (%) (%)
Keral Indi Keral Indi Keral Indi Keral Indi
a a a a a a a a
2000-01 to
1.71 2.00 8.60 6.96 7.39 7.59 6.44 6.00
2005-06 to 10.1 10.8
-1.04 4.96 12.55 12.39 10.21 9.42
2007-08 1 9
2000-01 to
0.68 3.11 10.08 8.14 9.26 8.82 7.85 7.28
state between 2000-01 and 2007-08. The secondary sector
contributed 29%. Primary sector contributed just 1.2 %t to the
The methodology of Chenery and Syrquin arrive at the sectoral contribution to growth using the
expression: , where gvi, and gv are the growth rates of sector Vi and the total output V,
respectively , and the weights are the sectoral output shares, . By definition, is the
contribution of ith sector to overall growth.
What is of direct relevance to the Pay Commission are given in italics.
3.15 Fiscal capacity is usually related to GSDP, even by the Union Finance
Commissions. But this in itself may not be a fully accurate indicator of
fiscal capacity especially for States with a sizeable population of
emigrants and out-migrants. GSDP which measures only the value of
goods and services produced in the States does not fully take into
account the disposable income with people which depends also on
the remittances to and from the State. A part of the disposable
income goes as savings. Ultimately, the fiscal capacity of a State is
dependent on the consumption of goods and services. The value of
consumption of goods is more relevant as an indicator of fiscal
capacity of States as most of the taxes available to the State at
present under the constitutional division of powers are taxes on
commodities. Though Kerala ranks only sixth in per capita GSDP, it
ranks first in per capita consumer expenditure both in rural and urban
areas (Table 3.8). The Monthly Per Capita Consumption expenditure
(MPCE) in rural Kerala was 79% higher than that of rural India. The
MPCE of urban Kerala was 32% higher than that of urban India. Kerala
which accounts for 4% of Gross Domestic Product of India and 3% of
its population accounted for 4.5% of the value of consumer goods in
2006-07 (Purohit, 2009).
Table 3.7: Average Annual Growth of Sub Sectors in GSDP at 1999-00
Sector 2000-01 to 2005-06 to
2000-01 to
2004-05 2008-09
2008-09 (%)
(%) (%)
Agriculture 2.01 -1.71 0.36
Forestry & logging 0.62 3.11 1.73
Fishing 0.13 0.34 0.22
Mining & quarrying 3.92 23.64 12.68
Primary 1.71 -0.58 0.70
Manufacturing of which 2.55 8.11 5.02
Registered -0.30 5.68 2.36
Unregistered 6.29 10.58 8.20
Construction 13.82 15.24 14.45
Electricity, gas and water
supply 10.96 4.04 7.88
Secondary 8.60 11.97 10.10
Transport, storage &
communication 13.59 12.31 13.02
Railways 6.11 4.95 5.60
Transport by other means 9.53 6.20 8.05
Storage 2.30 4.20 3.15
Communication 26.82 21.90 24.63
Trade, hotels & restaurants 4.57 11.75 7.76
Banking & Insurance 9.79 11.29 10.46
Real estate, ownership of
dwellings and business
services 9.82 11.75 10.68
Public administration 7.88 5.90 7.00
Other services 4.11 10.07 6.76
Teritiary (Services) 7.39 11.05 9.01
Total 6.4 9.4 7.8
Source: CSO, State Domestic Product, (State Series), 2010.
3.16 The consumption data shows that the expenditure on education and
health care in Kerala is more than the Indian average. The higher
level of consumption of goods and services especially education and
health care services may exert strong pressure on Government
employees as they will have to follow the consumption norms and
patterns of their middle class counterparts in society. The pressure to
keep up with the Jones will be enormous. The liquor consumption in
Kerala is three times the national average (Kerala Human
Development Report, 2006). In fact, Kerala stands first in liquor
consumption among the States in the Country. It has implications for
expenditure of the Government on health services. But it has positive
implications for the revenue potential of the State, as the revenue
from State Excise accounted for 8.2 percent of State’s tax revenue in
Table 3.8: Growth in Monthly Consumer Expenditure (MPCE)
Value (Rs.) Growth (%)
Year (Round)
Rural Urban Rural Urban
2005-06 (Round 62) 1056 1566 - -
2006-07 (Round 63) 1250 1681 18.37 7.34
2007-08 (Round 64) 1383 1948 10.64 15.88
2005-06 (Round 62) 625 1171 - -
2006-07 (Round 63) 695 1312 11.20 12.04
2007-08 (Round 64) 772 1472 11.08 12.20
Source: NSSO different rounds.
3.17 The sectoral composition of employment (Usual Principal Status 3), an
important indicator of economic development, in 1987-88, 1993-94,
1999-2000 and 2004-05 is given in Table 3.9. The sectoral
Activity on which a person spent relatively longer time (ie. major time criterion) during the 365 days
preceding the date of survey.
composition shows the dominance of teritiary sector from 1999-2000
onwards. However, its share in employment was lower than that of
income. The primary sector was second in importance in
employment. Its share in employment exceeded its share in income.
The share of secondary sector in employment exceeded its share in
income from 1993-94 onwards. In this respect, the secondary sector
in Kerala differed from that of India.
Table 3.9: Sectoral Share of Employment
Kerala India
NSS Round Seconda Service Primar Seconda Servic
ry s y ry es
43rd (1987–88) 44.2 22.7 33.0 62.5 16.7 20.9
50 (1993–94) 43.5 23.8 32.7 61.7 15.7 22.6
55 (1999–
33.1 28.3 38.6 58.5 16.8 24.7
61st (2004–05) 31.6 28.0 40.4 54.2 19.4 26.4
Source: Sarvekshana 1990; NSS 1997, 2001, 2006 and applying
population figures from the Census of India
3.18 Chronic unemployment has emerged as the most important problem
of the state eclipsing its other achievements and limiting its further
social and economic development. 4 Unemployment rate in Kerala for
rural areas was 15.8% against the national average of 2.5% in 2004-
05 (NSSO, 2006). For the urban areas, the rate was 19.9% against
the national average of 5.3%.
3.19 The unemployment problem in Kerala is that of the educated 5 than
that of the uneducated. Unemployment rates for the educated in
Kerala are the highest for both rural and urban areas among the
major States. The rate of unemployment for such persons in rural
areas of Kerala was 29.6% against the all India rate of 8.5%. The
corresponding figures for urban Kerala and India were 29.6% and
8.2%. The unemployment rate among educated women in the rural
areas was 53.3% against the all India average of 23.1%. The problem
was more in the urban areas of Kerala (55.5%) than in the urban
areas in India (19.9%). Educated female unemployment in rural areas
of Kerala was the second highest among major States (after Orissa).
Educated female unemployment in urban Kerala was the highest
among the States.
3.20 The problem of unemployment would have threatened to become
socially explosive but for the large scale migration of Malayalees to
other regions of the country and to other countries particularly to the
Arabian Gulf countries. The number of migrants to other States in
India was estimated to be 8.7 lakh in 2007. The emigrants to foreign
countries numbered 18.48 lakh during the same year (Rajan and
Zachariah, 2007). The number of people working abroad exceeded
The Kerala Public Service Commission recently received 12,31,499 applications in response to its
advertisement for the vacancies in the last grade (peon). Many of the applicants are graduates, professional
degree holders, post graduates, M Phil holders and doctoral researchers. The minimum qualification for the
job was only a pass in Class 7. (The Hindu, Thursday, June 3, 2010)
Unemployment among persons of age 15 years or above who attained an educational qualification of
Secondary and above including those completed diploma/certificate courses.
the number of people employed in the organized private and public
sector in Kerala (George and Remya, 2010).
3.21 The huge unemployment problem has implications for the present
Pay Commission and the policy makers. As a result of the
unemployment, especially of the educated there is pressure to raise
the age of joining the Government Service. There is also pressure for
keeping the age of retirement at 55 much lower than that of Central
Government despite the life expectancy of the people of Kerala (74
years) which is the longest among the States in India. Consequently
pensions accounted for 19.1 percent of the revenue receipts of the
State in 2008-09.
3.22 The unemployment problem has yet another implication for the State
as those who are on the live registers of the Employment Exchange
for more than three years are eligible for unemployment relief at the
rate of Rs.120/- per month.
3.23 Increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an economic variable
which is of crucial importance to the employees, Government
finances and the Pay Commission. The annual increase in the price
index is given in Table 3.10. The table shows a steady increase
despite stability in the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) during the recent
years of recession in the economy. Now since the increase in WPI
itself has crossed the two digit level, it is likely that the Consumer
Price Index will continue to increase at least in the immediate future.
The anti-inflation monetary and fiscal policies are likely to take time
for becoming effective.
Table 3.10: All-India Average Consumer Price Index Numbers for
Industrial Workers
(Base 2001=100)+
CPI for Industrial
Year Annual Growth Rate
2001 100 -
2002 103 3.00
2003 107 3.88
2004 111 3.74
2005 116 4.50
2006 123 6.03
2007 131 6.50
2008 142 8.40
2009 157 10.56
2009* 149 9.19
2010* 172 9.55
* Average of four months, January to April.
+ Base year has been changed in 2006. So Indices for 2001 to
2005 have been calculated using the link factor of 4.63.
Source: Labour Bureau, Government of India
II. Trends in Finances of State Government
3.24 In this section, we examine whether the turnaround in the economy
since 1987-88 and the acceleration in growth during the present
decade is reflected in the fiscal position of the State. Our enquiry
suggests an uncomfortable and unsustainable fiscal position of
Kerala. No doubt, the fiscal position of All States is also bad; but the
position of Kerala is worse, despite its better performance on the
economic growth front.
3.25 Tables 3.11 and 3.12 give the trends in fiscal indicators for the period
1999-2000 to 2008-096. Table 3.11 shows that Kerala had overall or
conventional deficits in six out of the ten years as against four years
for All States. Kerala had revenue deficits in all the ten years. All
States had turned the corner and had revenue surpluses during the
last three years. As for capital account, Kerala had surpluses in all the
years. All States on the other hand had capital deficits during the last
three years. The table shows that it was the capital surpluses arising
mostly out of borrowings which had financed the revenue deficits of
Kerala during all the years. During some years the capital surpluses
covered not only the revenue deficits but also created an overall
surplus. Instead of revenue surpluses financing the capital deficits,
leaving behind some overall surpluses, Kerala had followed the
unsustainable route of financing revenue deficits by borrowing at high
cost. In the case of All States, revenue surpluses created during 2006-
07 and 2007-08 had been adequate to finance not only the capital
deficit but also to leave behind an overall surplus. In 2008-09, the
revenue surplus was not adequate to cover the capital deficit fully
leading to an overall deficit.
Table 3.11: Overall Budgetary Surplus/Deficit Kerala
Budgetary Revenue Capital Gross Fiscal
Deficit/surplu Deficit/Surplus Deficit/Surplus Deficit/Surplus
Year s
Keral All All Keral All All
Kerala Kerala
a States States a States States
- 3604.
1999-00 -19.8 -3624.2 -53797.0 50684.3 -4536.6 -91480.3
3112.7 4
2000-01 -420.0 2345.6 -3147.1 -53568.6 55914.2 -3877.8 -89532.0
- 2827.
2001-02 222.0 -2605.6 -59188.1 55762.2 -3269.4 -95993.6
3425.9 6
2002-03 -209.6 4611.5 -4122.2 -55111.1 3912. 59722.6 -4993.6 -102122.8
We had to restrict the terminal year of our analysis to 2008-09 as even the revised estimates for All States
are available only for 2008-09. We decided not to make use of the budget estimate as they are likely to
undergo substantial revision. Even the revised estimates are liable for further revision.
- 3556.
2003-04 -123.2 -3680.0 -61145.0 59980.7 -5539.0 -123070.0
1164.3 8
10458. 4133.
2004-05 464.3 -3669.0 -36423.0 46881.5 -4452.0 -109257.0
5 3
33946. 3672.
2005-06 543.9 -3129.0 -7013.0 40959.6 -4182.0 -90084.0
6 9
16324. 3463.
2006-07 825.5 -2638.0 24857.0 -8532.7 -3822.0 -77508.0
3 5
13410. 3719.
2007-08 -66.0 -3785.0 42943.0 -29532.5 -6100.0 -75455.0
5 0
2008-09* -179.6 16357. -3728.0 10701.0 -27058.0 -6315.0 -146349.0
*Indicates Revised Estimates
(-) Deficit/(+) Surplus
Notes: 1. Budgetary deficit or overall deficit is the difference between all
receipts and expenditure, both revenue and capital.
2. Revenue Deficit (RD) denotes the difference between revenue
receipts and revenue expenditure
3. Capital Deficit denotes the difference between capital receipts and
capital disbursements.
4. Gross Fiscal Deficit (GFD) is the difference between aggregate
disbursements net of debt repayments and recovery of loans and
revenue receipts and non-debt capital receipts.
RBI, State Finances, Various Issues
3.26 Table 3.12 presents the Gross Fiscal Deficit (GFD) in relation to GSDP.
The table shows that in all but one year out of the ten years covered
by the study, Gross Fiscal Deficit/GSDP ratio of Kerala was more than
that of India. The only consolation is that the ratio is coming down
from the peak levels of 2002-03 and 2003-04. An inter-state
comparison shows that in respect of the average ratio of Gross Fiscal
Deficit to GSDP for the period 2005-06 to 2007-08, Kerala stood fourth
after Jharkhand, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh (RBI, 2009-10)
among the 17 Non Special Category States (NSCS) 7. It may be noted
that Kerala Fiscal Responsibility Act-2003 passed by the State
Government in August 2003 visualised a reduction of this ratio to 2
percent by 2006-07 year. This target was reassessed by the Central
Government due to the recession as part of an expansion fiscal
policy. In 2009-10, Central Government allowed a higher fiscal deficit
of 4% of GSDP for Kerala.
Special category States are Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura & Uttarakhand. Non-special category States are Andhra
Pradeh, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh & West Bengal.
Table 3:12: Major Fiscal Indicators of Kerala and All States
of GFD/GSDP ratio, there has been some relaxation in this target date
by the Centre due to recession.
3.29 Table 3.12 shows a disturbing trend. The lion’s share of the
borrowings made to meet the GFD are utilized to meet the revenue
deficits and not for making capital outlay (direct capital expenditure
of the State and its investments) or net lending to other individuals or
agencies. The ratio of Revenue Deficit financed by borrowing as
reflected in the share of Revenue Deficit in Gross Fiscal Deficit was
more for Kerala than for All States during all the years. In fact,
revenue surpluses of All States, during the last three years, financed
capital outlay and net lending as seen earlier. The steady decline of
this ratio from 2004-05 onwards is the only consolation for Kerala.
Even in 2008-09, only 27% of the GFD borrowings were utilized for
capital outlay. Only 14% was used for net lending. Kerala’s capital
outlay to GFD ratio for the period 2007-08 was the second lowest
after West Bengal. In 2008-09, Kerala’s ratio was the lowest followed
by West Bengal.(Ibid)
3.30 The maneuverability of the States to meet their expenditure by
incurring revenue deficit and fiscal deficit is getting reduced first by
the Fiscal Responsibility Acts and now by the recent Union Finance
Commissions. The 13th Commission noted that only three States-
Kerala, West Bengal and Punjab- had revenue deficits in 2007-08. It
wants the revenue deficit to GSDP ratio to be brought down steadily
to zero by 2014-15. The Commission also imposed a condition that
State specific grants are given only to those States which meet the
revenue deficit targets. In the case of Kerala, the State will be losing
Rs.1500 crores during the next five years, if the State does not meet
the Thirteenth Finance Commission’s target of deficit reduction. The
Finance Commission had stipulated that the GFD / GSDP ratio has to
be brought down steadily to 3% by 2013-14. It has also suggested
that the Central Government may limit the borrowing of the state to
cover the GFD target only.
3.31 The large fiscal deficits during the past years have raised the
liabilities of the State Governments. The ratio of Kerala’s outstanding
liabilities to GSDP ranged between 32.1% and 40.5% during the
current decade (Table 3.13). It may be noted that this ratio was more
for Kerala than for all States during all the years as may be seen from
Table 13. But at the end of 2008-09, the ratio for Kerala stood at 36%
as against 26% for All States. A positive development is that it is
coming down from 2005.
3.32 The composition of the liabilities given in Table 3.14 shows a steep
increase in the share of Internal Debt of the State. The table also
shows the steep decline in the share of Central loans and advances in
recent years. This development follows the implementation of the
12th Finance Commission’s recommendation to replace the Central
loans by market loans. The share of state provident fund, insurance
etc. also has been coming down. As high rates of inflation have been
gripping the economy now, Reserve Bank of India has started
resorting to dear money policy raising the interest rates in the
Table 3.13: Total Outstanding Liabilities as percentage of GSDP/GDP
Year (At the
end of Kerala (%) All States (%)
2000 32.1 26.1
2001 36.1 28.3
2002 37.9 30.3
2003 39.5 32.0
2004 40.5 32.8
2005 39.6 31.3
2006 38.5 31.0
2007 36.7 29.0
2008 36.0 26.8
2009* 35.6 26.2
*Revised Estimates
Source: RBI, State Finances, 2009-10
Guarantees and letters of credit issued by the State Governments on behalf of public sector units and other
institutions to facilitate them to raise resources to meet their requirements. This is primarily because the
States are budget constrained to provide the required resources.
2006 53.50 11.32 30.99 4.19
2007 57.28 10.27 27.78 4.67
2008 58.15 9.46 27.11 5.29
2009 60.39 9.56 25.04 5.01
2010 61.55 10.44 23.20 4.81
Source: RBI, State Finances, various years
* Miscellaneous include Reserve Fund, Deposit and Advances and
Contigency Fund.
Table 3.15: Maturity Profile of Outstanding Internal Debt of the
State Government and Loans& advances from the Central
Percentage of
Percentage Loans &
Loans & Percentage
of Internal Advances Total Debt
Maturing Internal Advances of total debt
Debt from the maturing in
in the Debt from the maturing in
maturing in Centre the year
year (Rs.Crore) Centre the year to
the year to maturing in (Rs.Crore)
(Rs.Crore) total
total the year to
1 2 3 4 5 6=2+4 7
2010-11 1516.86 3.9 303.77 5.1 1820.63 4.1
2011-12 2073.07 5.3 312.73 5.2 2385.8 5.3
2012-13 2255.53 5.8 318.9 5.3 2574.43 5.7
2013-14 2445.41 6.3 329.43 5.5 2774.84 6.2
2014-15 2441.35 6.3 334.77 5.6 2776.12 6.2
Total for
five 10732.22 27.7 1599.6 26.6 12331.82 27.5
38814.23 6008.62 44822.85
Source: Finance Accounts, 2008-09, Government of Kerala
3.35 Table 3.16 shows that the ratio of guarantees to GSDP has been
coming down from 2003-04 partly as a result of the ceiling of Rs.14,
000 crore fixed under the Kerala Ceiling on Government Guarantee
Act – 2003. Kerala’s outstanding guarantees are well within the
present ceiling on guarantee. But, the table shows that the ratio of
guarantees to the GSDP was consistently higher for Kerala than for all
States. Besides, Kerala has not yet constituted the Guarantee
Redemption Fund9 contemplated under the fiscal consolidation plan.
Table 16: Outstanding Guarantees of Kerala/ All States to GSDP/GDP
(Figures in Percentages)
Year ended Outstanding GSDP Ratio of Ratio of
Guarantees Outstanding Outstanding
Guarantees of Guarantees of
Kerala to All States to
Twelfth Finance Commission had recommended that the States should set up guarantee redemption funds
through earmarked guarantee fees. This should be preceded by risk weighting of guarantees. The quantum
of contribution to the fund should be decided accordingly.
3.37 In this section proposes to analyze the trends in revenue receipts and
its components with a view to understand whether and to what extent
the slackness in resource mobilization has contributed to the revenue
deficit and gross fiscal deficit of Kerala. Table 3.17 gives the ratio of
State’s own tax, non-tax and total revenue to revenue expenditure.
3.38 Table 3.17 shows that there is an increasing role played by the
State’s own revenue in financing State’s expenditure. It can also be
interpreted as an indication of the declining role of central revenue
transfers in meeting state’s revenue expenditure.
3.39 An analysis based on the two major components of State’s own
revenue shows that the ratio of State’s own tax revenue (OTR) to
revenue expenditure has been increasing steadily in both Kerala and
all States. The ratio for Kerala was higher than for all States during all
the ten years. Just the opposite trends are seen in the case of State’s
Own Non Tax Revenue (ONTR), the share of which is not increasing at
all. Besides, the ratio for Kerala has been much less than that of all
States which itself was quite low according to international standards.
In fact the ratio for Kerala was only about half that of all States. The
table shows that Kerala depends more on taxation than on Own Non
Tax Revenue for its resource mobilization. All States rely much more
on Own Non Tax Revenue than Kerala.
Table 3.17: Ratio of State's Own Tax & Non Tax Revenue to Total
Revenue Expenditure (Percent)
Own Tax Own Non tax Total Own
Revenue Revenue Revenue
All All All
Kerala Kerala Kerala
States States States
1999-00 44.9 39.3 4.6 11.4 49.5 50.8
2000-01 49.4 40.5 5.5 10.8 55.0 51.3
2001-02 50.8 40.7 4.7 10.3 55.5 50.9
2002-03 49.5 42.4 4.6 10.7 54.1 53.1
2003-04 52.2 42.3 5.2 10.1 57.4 52.5
2004-05 52.2 46.3 4.8 11.6 57.0 57.9
2005-06 53.1 48.5 5.1 10.9 58.2 59.4
2006-07 57.3 49.9 4.5 12.5 61.8 62.5
2007-08 54.9 49.3 4.9 13.3 59.8 62.6
2008-09* 55.3 45.4 4.5 10.9 59.8 56.4
* Revised Estimates
Source: RBI, State Finances, Various Issues
3.40 The ratio of own revenue to revenue expenditure was taken as an
index of fiscal discipline of States by the Thirteenth Finance
Commission. According to the data furnished by the Commission,
Kerala stood ninth among the seventeen Non Special Category States
in the index during 2001-02 to 2003-04. Kerala’s position came down
to eleventh during the period 2005-06 to 2007-08, although the ratio
of own revenue to revenue expenditure increased from 55.3% during
the first period to 61.2% during the second period. The ratio for
Kerala during the first period was more than that of all States. During
the second period, it turned out to be less than that of all States.
3.41 Table 3.18 presents the changing composition of State’s own
revenue, comprising of both tax and non-tax revenue. The table
shows the declining trend in the State’s own revenue in total revenue
from 2004-05 onwards. Similar trends are seen in all States also. This
trend implies that the share of revenue transfers from the Centre is
increasing for both Kerala and for All States. However, in the share of
own revenue in total revenue, Kerala’s position was always above All
States. The opposite was true for Central revenue transfers.
3.42 The trends in the share of State’s own tax revenue in the total
revenue shows that the own tax component was always higher for
Kerala than for all States. Contrary trends were seen in the case of
own non-tax revenue as seen earlier. An analysis of the Central
revenue transfers shows that the share of statutory grants is
increasing more than the share of Central taxes devolved to the
States. In both tax share and grant from Centre, the ratio for Kerala
was less than that of all States.
Table 3.18: Changing Structure of State Revenues (%)
State’s Own Share in Revenue
State's Own State's Own Grants from Total
Non-tax Central Transfers
tax revenue revenue Centre Revenue
revenue Taxes from Centre
All All All All All All All
Keral Keral Keral Keral Keral Keral Keral
Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat
a a a a a a a
es es es es es es es
1999- 100.
65.4 49.5 6.7 14.4 72.1 63.9 19.3 21.3 8.6 14.8 27.9 36.1 100.0
00 0
2000- 100.
67.2 49.6 7.5 13.2 74.8 62.8 18.2 21.3 7.1 15.9 25.2 37.2 100.0
01 0
2001- 100.
65.4 50.1 6.0 12.6 71.4 62.7 17.8 20.4 10.8 16.9 28.6 37.3 100.0
02 0
2002- 100.
68.7 50.7 6.4 12.8 75.0 63.5 16.1 20.2 8.8 16.3 25.0 36.5 100.0
03 0
2003- 100.
68.5 50.5 6.8 12.1 75.3 62.6 17.0 21.2 7.7 16.2 24.7 37.4 100.0
04 0
2004- 100.
66.4 50.8 6.1 12.8 72.5 63.6 17.8 21.1 9.7 15.3 27.5 36.4 100.0
05 0
2005- 100.
63.9 49.3 6.1 11.1 70.1 60.4 16.5 21.8 13.5 17.8 29.9 39.6 100.0
06 0
2006- 100.
65.7 47.6 5.2 11.9 70.8 59.5 17.7 22.7 11.5 17.8 29.2 40.5 100.0
07 0
2007- 100.
64.8 45.9 5.7 12.4 70.5 58.3 19.2 24.3 10.3 17.4 29.5 41.7 100.0
08 0
2008- 100.
63.6 44.8 5.2 10.8 68.7 55.6 18.8 23.5 12.5 20.9 31.3 44.4 100.0
09* 0
Source: RBI, State Finances, Various Issues
* Revised Estimates
3.43 Table 3.19 gives the trends in the components of State’s revenue of
Kerala in relation to GSDP. The table shows the decreasing trend in
resource mobilization from the peak levels reached in 2002-03 and
2003-04. The trend was reversed during the last three years.
Table 3.19: Trends in Revenue of Kerala in relation to GSDP at
current prices (Percent)
State's Share in Grant Total
Own State's
Own Central s Revenue Total
Non- Own
Year tax Taxes from Transfer Revenu
tax revenu
revenu (Devolutio Centr s from e
revenu e
e n) e Centre
1999-00 7.51 0.77 8.28 2.22 0.99 3.21 11.48
2000-01 8.08 0.91 8.99 2.18 0.85 3.03 12.02
2001-02 7.60 0.70 8.30 2.07 1.25 3.32 11.62
2002-03 8.40 0.78 9.18 1.97 1.08 3.05 12.24
2003-04 8.37 0.83 9.20 2.08 0.94 3.02 12.22
2004-05 8.13 0.74 8.87 2.18 1.19 3.37 12.24
2005-06 7.79 0.75 8.53 2.01 1.64 3.65 12.18
2006-07 8.24 0.65 8.88 2.22 1.44 3.66 12.54
2007-08 8.25 0.73 8.98 2.44 1.31 3.76 12.74
2008- 8.39 0.68 9.08 2.48 1.64 4.13 13.20
Sources: 1. RBI, State Finances Various Issues
2. CSO, National Accounts Statistics, various years.
3. CSO, State Domestic Product (State Series), various years.
3.44 The decomposition of the State’s own revenue into tax and non-tax
shows trends similar to those indicated in the earlier tables. This is
particularly true about State’s Own Non Tax Revenue. It was always
low, but is coming down further. In fact, in all the ten years covered
by our study, the Own Non Tax Revenue constituted only less than
one percent of the GSDP. The increasing importance of revenue
transfers from Centre in relation to both total revenue and GSDP is
partly due to the larger allocation made by the Twelfth Finance
Commission to the States. It is also due to the large quantum of
grants coming by way of non statutory grants, both non-plan as also
grants for Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS).
3.45 An inter state comparison shows that the ratio of average own tax
revenue to GSDP in Kerala was 8.2 percent as against 5.8%, the
average for all States during the period 2005-08. Kerala’s position in
own tax mobilization was fourth highest among all States. In 2008-09,
Kerala’s position came down to sixth. In the ratio of Own Non Tax
Revenue to GSDP, Kerala was lagging far behind the all States
average. It was actually the third lowest among Non Special Category
States during 2005-08. During 2008-09, Kerala’s position slipped to
second from the bottom (RBI State Finances, 2010). As for Central
transfers in relation to GSDP in both these periods, ratio for Kerala
was lower than that of all States. In fact, Kerala’s position was fifth
lowest during 2005-08 and sixth lowest in 2008-09.
3.46 Table 3.20 gives the buoyancy of tax revenue 10 for both Kerala and All
States for the ten year period covered in the study.
Tax buoyancy is measured as the growth in tax revenues divided by the growth in GSDP.
2008-09* 1.1 1.0
* Revised
Sources: 1. RBI, State Finances Various
2. CSO, National Accounts
Statistics, various years.
3. CSO, State Domestic Product
(State Series), various years.
3.47 The table shows that the buoyancy of Kerala was not significantly
different from that of all States. The State wise buoyancy of own
revenue calculated by the Reserve Bank of India for the period 2003-
08, shows that Kerala’s buoyancy (1.22) was only the tenth among
non special category states(ibid).
Table 3.21: Share of individual Components in Own Tax Revenue in
Kerala (Percent)
Taxes on Income
1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1
(Agricultural Income tax)
Property and capital 12. 13. 15. 15.
2 6.4 6.9 7.9 7.7 7.8 9.6
transactions 2 6 6 6
Land Revenue 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3
Stamps and Registration 11. 12. 14. 14.
5.4 5.8 6.7 6.7 6.8 8.6
Fees 3 7 8 9
Urban Immovable Property 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4
Taxes on commodities and 93. 93. 92. 92. 92. 90. 87. 86. 84. 84.
services 3 0 1 2 1 3 7 4 2 3
74. 74. 75. 73. 74. 74. 72. 71. 68. 69.
Sales Tax
2 0 0 2 1 8 0 7 6 1
68. 67. 70. 67. 64. 69. 63. 67. 61. 67.
a) State Sales Tax
4 7 3 3 5 0 9 6 1 5
b) Central Sales Tax 5.5 6.1 4.4 4.9 8.7 4.0 5.0 2.8 7.4 1.5
c) Other Receipts 0.2 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.8 3.0 1.3 0.0 0.0
11. 11.
State Excise 9.1 9.1 8.1 8.3 8.6 8.0 8.6 8.2
4 7
Taxes on Vehicles 7.3 6.7 7.6 7.0 7.2 6.8 6.4 5.9 6.2 5.7
Taxes and Duties on
0.1 0.3 0.1 2.6 2.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Other Taxes and Duties 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 1.0
State’s own tax revenue (1
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
to 3)
* Revised Estimates
Source: RBI, State Finances, Various Issues
3.48 Table 3.21 shows that only four taxes are really important to the
State, viz., Sales Tax /Value Added Tax, State Excise, Taxes on
vehicles and stamps and registration fees. Land revenue, agricultural
income tax, urban immovable property tax and taxes and duties on
electricity fetch only nominal revenue for the State. The table also
shows that only stamps and registration fees, improved its share. All
other taxes show decrease in their share.
3.49 The trends in the taxes on vehicles is surprising in view of the sharp
increase in the population of vehicles in the State. The trends in State
Excise is also surprising as Kerala has the reputation of having the
highest per capita liquor consumption among states in India.
3.50 Table 3.22 which gives the components of State’s Own Non Tax
Revenue shows that it is the ‘general services’ which contributed the
largest share to Own Non Tax Revenue. It is the revenue from the
State lotteries which has boosted the revenue from general services.
Excluding revenue from State Lotteries, the share of revenue from
general services comes down drastically and is less than that from
economic services. The share of revenue from economic services of
Kerala was considerably lower than that of All States. The share of
revenues from education and allied services was much more in Kerala
than in all States. But in interest receipts, share of Kerala was much
lower. The contribution of dividend and profit was only marginal in
both Kerala and All States. The low share of interest receipts and
dividends is partly due to non payment by co-operatives and public
sector undertakings, many of them making losses or making
operating profits only at low rates. (George and Krishnakumar, 2003)
3.51 The Thirteenth Finance Commission had found that Kerala’s recovery
rate from irrigation in 2009-10 (Budget Estimate) was only 3.34% as
against the average of 26.8% for Non Special Category States and
23.9% for all States. The recovery rate for Kerala was the second
lowest among the seventeen Non Special Category States after Bihar.
States like Maharastra (92.7%), Gujarat (138.8%) and Chattisgarh
(148.1%) had recovered revenue more than what they had spent on
non plan revenue account.
Table 3.22: Components of Own Non-tax Revenue in Kerala (Percent)
1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09*
All States
All States
All States
All States
All States
All States
All States
All States
All States
All States
Interest Receipts 7.0 31.1 5.6 36.4 5.7 28.5 5.3 26.5 4.0 22.6 4.9 19.9 4.9 19.6 4.8 18.7 5.8 16.4 6.1 20.8
Dividends&Profits 1.9 0.8 1.9 0.5 1.0 0.4 1.4 0.9 2.5 1.0 3.6 0.7 1.9 1.2 3.2 1.0 2.4 0.7 2.5 0.6
General Services 39.7 20.1 38.4 19.4 39.9 24.7 38.6 24.5 38.0 24.5 37.2 23.4 44.5 24.6 41.8 29.5 43.5 34.2 47.7 25.8
of which, State Lotteries 19.0 4.6 20.4 8.6 22.4 13.7 18.9 14.9 16.6 15.2 18.7 14.8 24.5 14.9 25.2 10.2 26.9 6.6 32.4 6.5
Social Services 12.7 7.5 11.6 7.3 15.1 7.9 15.7 8.0 15.8 8.6 15.3 7.6 13.3 9.5 15.2 11.0 12.2 10.2 13.1 8.5
Trends in Central Revenue Transfers
3.52 Table 3.23 presents the share of aggregate statutory transfers in the
total Central transfers.
3.53 The table however, shows that the statutory transfers share in
aggregate central transfers is coming down. The share of statutory
grants (coming through the Finance Commissions) in total grants
from the centre is also declining while the share of non statutory
grants (for state plan, for Central Plan and Centrally Sponsored
Schemes and non plan-non statutory grants) is going up. The share of
Kerala in such non statutory grants too has been coming down. The
importance of statutory transfers to Kerala was more than that of
transfers through other agencies. The table also shows that the
share of statutory grants is increasing both in Kerala and All States.
Trends in Finance Commission Transfers
3.54 Table 3.24 gives the share of Kerala in the total Finance Commission
transfers to States under the last four Finance Commissions. There
was a steady decline in total statutory transfers from the Tenth
Finance Commission onwards. The decline was steady in devolution
of taxes. Kerala’s share in the average devolution as percentage of
GSDP (1.94) under the award of the 12th Finance Commission was the
12th among Non Special Category States. Kerala received deficit
grants under Article 275 only under the award of the 12 th Finance
Commission. The amount was only nominal.
Table 3.24: Share of Kerala in the Total FC Transfers to States (Rs. in
Tenth Eleventh
Twelfth Thirteenth
Finance Finance
Finance Finance
Commissio Commissio
Commission Commission
n n
1. Share in Central Taxes 16353.21
7217 (3.5) 11504 (3.1) 33954.3 (2.0)
and Duties (2.7)
2. Non-Plan Revenue Deficit
0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 470.37 (0.8) 0 (0.0)
3. Upgradation and Special
81.83 (3.1) 129 (2.6) 1295.82 (2.9) 3132.2 (0.2)
Problem Grants
Grant to 4. Panchayat 178.81 (4.1) 330 (4.1) 985 (4.9)
Local 5. Municipalities 25.43 (2.5) 75 (3.8) 149 (3.0)
Bodies 6. Total 204.24 (3.8) 405 (4.0) 1134 (4.5) 2676.1 (0.2)
7. Grants for Relief
218.74 (4.6) 279 (3.4) 354.32 (2.2) 563.2 (0.03)
8. Total Grants (2+3+6+7) 504.81 (2.5) 813 (1.4) 3254.51 (2.3) 6371.5 (0.4)
7721.81 19607.72
9. Total Transfers (1+8) 12317 (2.8) 40325.8 (2.4)
(3.4) (2.6)
Note: Figures in brackets indicate the percentage share in total Finance Commission
transfers to States.
Source: Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Finance Commission's Reports.
3.55 The average devolution as percentage of GSDP was only 1.94% for
Kerala under the awards of the Twelfth Finance Commission. The
ratio went up marginally during the award of the Thirteenth Finance
Commission to 2.13%. It may be noted that Kerala whose service
sector contributes much larger share in State Domestic Product than
all States (See Table 3.6) had received only a share of 2.4% in total
revenue from service tax in the country under the award of the 13 th
Finance Commission.
3.56 It is very necessary that the present Pay Commission must take note
of, not only the size of the actual transfers but also its nature. An
increasing proportion of the statutory transfers in recent years is
scheme or programme specific. This is also true of other grants
coming through other Central Ministries. They are not therefore
available to meet the salary and pension payments except for the
salary under these schemes. The salary and pension payments of
employees will become a charge on the state budget at the end of
the plan period. There will not be any central funds available to meet
the requiring expenditure on these schemes.
3.57 As seen from Table 3.3, more grants are now routed as non statutory
grants for financing state plan, a large number and variety of Central
Plan and Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSSs) and non-statutory,
non-plan grants. In fact, the grants for CSSs ranged between 41% to
168% of the grants for State’s own plan. Kerala received only small
share (ranging from 1.8% to 2.7%) of the non-statutory grants of all
IV. Trends in Expenditure
3.58 In this section, we look into the trends in growth of expenditure and its
different components. Table 25 gives the revenue and capital
components of the budgetary expenditure for both Kerala and all
States. The table shows that the bulk of the total expenditure
comprises of revenue expenditure of both Kerala and all States. The
revenue component of the expenditure was more for Kerala than for
all States in all the ten years covered by in the study. The revenue
expenditure accounts for about nine-tenths of the total expenditure.
Conversely, the share of capital disbursements was much less in
Kerala. Even in the total capital disbursements, a good portion is on
account of discharge of internal debt and repayment of Central loans
and therefore is not available for capital outlay and lending to others
by the States Government. It may be noted that the repayment
component of capital disbursements was more for Kerala than for All
States. In fact, in 2001-02 and 2002-03, the repayments accounted
for more than half of the capital disbursements of Kerala.
Table 3.25: Share of Revenue Expenditure and Capital Expenditure#
in Total Expenditure (Percent)
Share of
repayment of
loans to the
Revenue Capital
Centre &
Year Expenditure in Expenditure# in
Discharge of
Total Expenditure Total Expenditure
Internal Debt to
total capital
Kerala Kerala All States Kerala All States
1999-00 89.7 83.1 10.3 16.9 27.7 22.4
2000-01 90.3 84.0 9.7 16.0 33.3 23.0
2001-02 88.8 83.4 11.2 16.6 51.1 28.6
2002-03 87.0 79.8 13.0 20.2 57.1 40.1
2003-04 78.4 71.5 21.6 28.5 40.4 39.9
2004-05 84.7 72.1 15.3 27.9 22.6 25.6
2005-06 87.3 78.0 12.7 22.0 36.8 21.1
2006-07 89.9 76.9 10.1 23.1 35.6 18.2
2007-08 86.8 77.2 13.2 22.8 31.0 18.5
2008-09* 87.3 77.3 12.7 22.7 32.2 15.8
# Refers to all Capital disbursements
* Revised Estimates
Source: RBI, State Finances, Various Issues
3.59 Table 3.26 gives the growth rates in revenue, capital and total
expenditure of Kerala from 1999-2000 to 2008-09. The table shows
large fluctuations in the total expenditure in both Kerala and all
States. There was a negative growth in one year for both Kerala and
all States. The growth rates of total expenditure of Kerala were lower
than that of all States in six out of ten years covered by us. The
revenue component of total expenditure, as seen earlier accounts for
a very large share of the total expenditure. Therefore, it is the
revenue component that largely influences the trend of total
Table 3.26: Growth Rates in Revenue and Capital Expenditure:
Kerala and all States (Percent)
Revenue Capital Total
Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure
Keral All Keral All Keral All
a States a States a States
1999-00 25.3 18.6 -3.5 14.41 21.6 17.9
2000-01 2.7 11.7 -4.8 5.17 1.9 10.6
2001-02 -1.8 8.0 15.7 12.16 -0.1 8.7
2002-03 26.5 6.5 50.4 36.13 29.2 11.4
2003-04 5.0 12.6 93.3 76.80 16.5 25.6
2004-05 10.8 8.2 -27.3 4.99 2.6 7.3
2005-06 7.3 7.2 -13.4 -21.65 4.1 -0.8
2006-07 13.0 15.5 -13.2 22.59 9.7 17.0
2007-08 19.5 14.9 62.8 13.15 23.9 14.5
2008-09* 15.7 25.2 10.5 24.33 15.0 25.0
* Revised Estimate
Source: RBI, State Finances, Various Issues
3.60 The growth rates of capital disbursements were quite erratic. The
fluctuations for Kerala ranged from 93 percent in one year followed
by a negative growth rate of 27 percent in the following year. The
fluctuations were more in Kerala because of the larger share of
repayments in capital disbursements of the Kerala noted earlier year.
Table 3.27: Expenditure in relation to GSDP (Percent)
Total Revenue
Capital Outlay
Expenditure Expenditure
2000- 2005- 2000- 2005- 2000- 2005-
05 10 05 10 05 10
Kerala 18.9 17.7 16.2 15.5 0.7 0.8
All States 17.0 15.9 13.3 12.4 1.6 2.5
* 2009-10 figures are budget estimates.
Note: All states average is inclusive of Special Category States.
Source: RBI, State Finances, 2009-10
3.61 The ratio of revenue expenditure to GSDP shows trends similar to that
of total expenditure. There was decline in this ratio for both Kerala
and India partly due to the compression of expenditure after the
fiscal responsibility legislation and insistence by the Central
government as well as the Twelfth Finance Commission. The ratio of
Kerala was more than that of All States.
3.62 Capital outlay as percentage of GSDP was quite low for both Kerala and
All States during both the sub periods. In fact it was only negligible. It
was the lowest for Kerala among all the states during both the
3.63 Table 3.28 presents the per capita revenue expenditure, capital outlay
and total expenditure of Kerala and all States. The table shows that
the per capita total expenditure has been increasing steadily in
Kerala except in 2001-02. The per capita total expenditure was more
for Kerala than for All States during all the ten years. Similar trends
are noticed in per capita revenue expenditure also. But the position
of per capita capital outlay was quite different. The capital outlay in
per capita terms was always lower for Kerala than for All States. The
per capita outlay of Kerala was only 78 percent that of All States in
1999-2000. Thereafter, it came down almost steadily to reach 30.6
percent in 2006-07. There has been some reduction in the gap
between Kerala and All States in the last two years. But even in
2008-09, the per capita outlay of Kerala was only 36.6 percent of the
All States average.
Table 3.28: Per Capita Revenue Expenditure and Capital Outlay (Rs.)
Capital Outlay Expenditure+
Year Capital Outlay
Keral All Keral All Keral All
a States a States a States
3603 2645 202 259 3805 2903
2000-01 3682 2924 179 312 3861 3236
2001-02 3648 3036 175 311 3823 3347
2002-03 4560 3180 216 347 4776 3526
2003-04 4737 3520 196 489 4933 4008
2004-05 5192 3751 206 565 5398 4316
2005-06 5512 3957 244 701 5756 4657
2006-07 6168 4499 267 872 6435 5372
2007-08 7301 5095 433 1043 7734 6137
2008-09* 8468 6285 498 1359 8966 7644
Source: Computed using data from
1. RBI, State Finances, Various Issues.
2. Mid Year Population figures from Budget in Brief, GOK, 2010-11
3.64 Table 3.29 gives the state-wise trend in per capita capital outlay during
the first and second half of the present decade.
Table 3.29: Trend in Per Capita Capital Outlay (Rs.)
Per capita Capital
State Outlay
2000-05 2005-10
Kerala 195 389
All States* 398 1084
* Refers to non-special category states.
Source: RBI, State Finances, 2009-10
3.65 Kerala’s per capita capital outlay was just half that of All States
during 2000-05. During the second half, Kerala’s outlay was just 39
3.66 Table 3.30 presents the ratio of expenditure on social and economic
services to total expenditure.
Table 3.30: Share of Social and Economic Services in Total
Expenditure (Percent)
3.67 The table shows that the share of social sector expenditure in total
expenditure came down from 42.1 percent in 1999-2000 to 34.3%in
2008-09. The share of Kerala, however was higher than that of all
States during the first seven years. But the trend got reversed during
the last three years.
3.68 The table also shows a declining trend in the share of economic
services of Kerala during the last three years. In the case of All
States, there was an increase in the share of economic services. In
all the ten years, the share of economic services for Kerala was lower
than that of all States. The share of economic services was much
lower than that of social services in both Kerala and all States.
3.69 Table 3.31 gives the per capita expenditure on social and economic
Table 3.31: Per Capita Revenue Expenditure on Social and Economic
Services (Rs.)
Economic Services Social Services
Kerala All States Kerala All States
1999-2000 718 559 1310 974
2000-01 675 642 1298 1048
2001-02 597 635 1275 1038
2002-03 921 655 1557 1057
2003-04 917 788 1536 1119
2004-05 1000 775 1778 1213
2005-06 1128 837 1764 1342
2006-07 803 981 1919 1553
2007-08 827 1172 2285 1787
2008-09* 1126 1468 2890 2386
* Revised Estimates
Source: Computed using data from:
1. RBI, State Finances, Various Issues
2. Mid year population figures from Budget in Brief,
Government of Kerala, 2010-11
3.70 The table shows that the per capita expenditure on social services
during all the ten years was higher in Kerala than in All States. But
the per capita expenditure on economic services was lower than that
of All States except during four years including the last three years.
3.71 Table 3.32 gives the State-wise trend in social sector expenditure in
relation to GSDP.
Table 3.32: Trend in Social Sector Expenditure
Social Sector Expenditure as % of
State GSDP
2000-05 2005-10
Kerala 6.7 5.8
5.5 5.8
* Refers to non-
special category
Note: For All States, GDP is taken.
Source: RBI, State Finances, 2009-10
3.72 The table shows a decline in the ratio of Kerala between the first and
second half of the present decade whereas there was an increase,
albeit marginal, in the rate of All States.
3.73 Education is the single largest component of expenditure on social
sector. Table 3.33 gives the ratio of expenditure on education to
aggregate (revenue + capital) expenditure.
Table 3.33: Share of Expenditure on Education in Aggregate
Expenditure (Percent)
Year Kerala
2000-01 20.0 17.4
2001-02 19.0 16.2
2002-03 17.6 15.1
2003-04 15.7 12.6
2004-05 16.2 12.7
2005-06 16.6 14.2
2006-07 17.1 14.0
2007-08 15.9 13.8
2008-09* 16.8 14.4
*Revised Estimates
Source: RBI, State Finances, 2009-10
3.74 The ratio for Kerala was always higher than for All States.
3.75 Table 3.34 gives the expenditure on medical, public health and family
welfare as ratio to aggregate expenditure.
Table 3.34: Share of Expenditure on Medical & Public Health
and Family Welfare# in Aggregate Expenditure (Percent)
Year Kerala All States
2000-01 5.3 0.7
2001-02 5.8 0.7
2002-03 4.8 0.7
2003-04 4.3 0.6
2004-05 4.5 0.6
2005-06 4.7 0.6
2006-07 4.9 0.6
2007-08 4.5 0.6
2008-09* 4.7 0.7
* Revised Estimates
# Revenue Expenditure and Capital Outlay.
Note: All States Average include figures for Special
category states
Source: RBI, State Finances, 2009-10
3.76 The table shows a gradual decline in the ratio of Kerala though
Kerala’s ratio continues to be higher than that of All States.
3.77 Interest, Pension and Salaries are normally treated as committed
expenditure in the total revenue expenditure of a State. Table 3.35
shows that the committed expenditure on revenue account exceeded
the revenue receipts of Kerala in 1999-2000. In the following year, it
was almost the same. Till 2003-04, more than nine-tenth of the
revenue receipts had to be pre-empted for committed expenditure.
The share of committed expenditure in total revenue expenditure has
been coming down. But, even in 2008-09, it accounted for three-
fourths of the revenue receipts and two-thirds of the revenue
Table 3.35: Ratio of Committed Expenditure (Wages and Salaries,
Pension and Interest) in Revenue Receipts and Revenue Expenditure
Revenue Receipts
Keral Keral
All States All States
a a
1999-2000 104.8 74.4 72.0 59.1
2000-01 100.2 72.1 73.7 58.9
2001-02 94.9 71.9 73.7 58.4
2002-03 93.8 69.9 67.6 58.4
2003-04 92.0 67.5 70.2 56.5
2004-05 86.1 61.6 67.7 56.1
2005-06 81.5 53.1 67.7 52.2
2006-07 77.8 48.3 67.9 50.7
2007-08 80.8 43.8 68.5 47.0
2008-09* 75.5 44.0 65.7 44.6
Source: RBI, State Finances, Various Issues
3.78 The ratio of interest to revenue receipts and revenue expenditure is
given in Table 3.36.
3.80 Table 3.37 gives the ratio of expenditure on wages and salaries during
the last ten years.
Table 3.37: Ratio of Expenditure on Wages and Salaries in Revenue
Receipts & Expenditure (Percent)
Revenue Receipts
Kerala All States Kerala
1999-2000 57.5 41.6 39.5 33.1
2000-01 52.2 39.7 38.4 32.4
2001-02 47.1 36.4 36.6 29.5
2002-03 44.6 33.8 32.2 28.2
2003-04 43.5 31.2 33.1 26.1
2004-05 40.1 27.9 31.6 25.4
2005-06 37.1 24.2 30.8 23.8
2006-07 36.6 21.9 32.0 23.0
2007-08 36.9 18.8 31.3 20.1
2008-09* 37.2 20.5 32.4 20.8
* Revised Estimates
Source: RBI, State Finances, 2009-10
3.81 The table shows that the ratio of Kerala was higher than that of All
States in all the ten years. However, the ratios of salaries and wages
show a declining trend from the peak recorded in 1999-00. Trends
noticed in the case of All States are similar.
3.82 In the salary component of revenue expenditure, Kerala stood tenth in
2007-08 and eighth in 2008-09 among 13 States for which data are
available with the Reserve Bank of India (Table 3.38).
Table 3.38: Share of Expenditure on Wages and Salaries in
Revenue Expenditure (Percent)
37 34.6 33 31.1 29.2 28.2 29.4 28.8 24.5 24
Assam - 50.9 49.8 51.3 45.9 39.7 42.1 41.2 - -
Bihar$ 41.5 49.7 42 36.2 34.3 34.2 - - - -
Chhattisgarh 51.7 39 35.2 31.2 29.6 28.7 28.4 27.4 26.5 33.5
Gujarat 12.1 10.1 10.2 11.5 11.6 10.6 10.6 9.6 - -
Haryana 37.8 37.4 33.7 33.8 31.1 30.3 29.6 24.6 25.5 30.8
41.3 38.5 41 40.1 38.4 37.9 - 36.3 - -
Jharkhand - - - - - - - 22.7 - -
Karnataka# 30 27.7 27 26.3 25 22.2 21 19.6 22.5 27.1
Kerala 39.5 38.4 36.6 32.2 33.1 31.6 30.8 32 31.3 32.4
Madhya 43.5 40.1 34.3 36.5 26.6 32.6 29.4 - - -
Maharashtra 54.5 48.6 48.3 45.7 46 40.5 43.6 39.5 42.5 40.9
Mizoram 43.9 42.7 42 43.1 39.1 39.9 34.3 36.3 - -
Nagaland - - - - - - - 45.9 44.1 40.1
Orissa 44.2 43.1 37.8 39.2 36.8 32.9 32 29.4 30.1 32.7
Rajasthan 37.6 33.9 33.2 31 30.5 30.5 31.7 29.2 27.4 32.7
Sikkim - 52.2 24.2 22.8 37.9 26 28.3 22.5 - -
Tamil Nadu 40 37.9 38.3 31.1 31.5 29.2 28.1 27.9 28.3 31.7
Uttar Pradesh 24.5 24.9 21.9 22.5 16 18.9 19.4 17.7 17.2 19.5
Uttarkhand - - - - - - - 35.1 34.9 35
West Bengal 50.5 43.4 39.7 40 36.7 34.8 32.7 31.8 31.9 26.3
All States 36.4 39.1 36.3 35.1 32 31.1 29.1 27.5 28.4 29.3
* Indicates Revised Estimates
# Indicates Salary Expenditure
$ Indicates that figures since 2001-02 relate to bifurcated Bihar
3.83 Contrary to the popular impression, the high wage bill of Kerala was
not on account of general services like organs of State, fiscal services
and administrative services. These services accounted for only about
two-fifths of the total salary bill of the state in 2008-09 (Table 3.39).
Table 3.39: Share of each head in Total Expenditure on Salaries
during the year 2008-09 (Includes Salary of Staff of State Aided
Institutions) (Percent)
Head Plan Total
21.22 0.00
A. General Services 0
of which Organs of State 2.09 0.00 2.03
Fiscal Services 4.34 0.00 4.21
Administrative Services 14.79 0.00 14.36
B. Social Services including salary of staff of 89.1 68.1
Aided Institutions 6 8
of which Education, Sports, art and Culture 53.42 4.84 52.00
of which General Education 51.21 2.44 49.78
of which Aided Institutions 33.84 0.00 32.85
Technical Education 1.91 2.35 1.92
of which Aided Institutions 0.40 0.06 0.39
Health and Family Welfare 11.91 19.73 12.14
of which Medical and Public Health 10.60 1.34 10.33
of which Aided Institutions 0.12 0.00 0.11
11.02 5.42
C. Economic Services 6
of which Agriculture and Allied Activities 5.38 0.75 5.24
Rural Development 1.53 0.00 1.49
Irrigation and Flood Control 1.47 0.20 1.43
Industry and Minerals 0.39 0.10 0.38
Transport 1.42 0.00 1.37
General Economic Services 0.84 4.16 0.93
Total Expenditure Heads(Revenue
94.5 99.6
Account)including salary of staff of Aided 99.79
8 4
Expenditure Heads (Capital Account) 0.21 5.42 0.36
Grand Total Expenditure including salary of 100.0 100. 100.
staff of Aided Institutions 0 00 00
Note: Charged expenditure not included.
Source: Finance Accounts 2008-09
3.84 More than two-third of the salary bill was on account of social services.
About one-tenth of the revenue expenditure was spent on economic
services. Among the social services, Education accounted for 52%of
the wage bill. The wage bill of aided educational institutions alone
accounted for one-third of the wage bill of the state. Health and
Family Welfare, another social service accounted for about 10.3
percent of the total salary bill. Among the economic services,
Agriculture and allied activities accounted for the single largest share
in salary bill, i.e., 5.2%. Together with Irrigation and flood control
(1.4%), the agricultural sector claimed 6.71% of the Government’s
salary bill. Industry accounted for just 0.38% of the wage bill.
3.85 As against the popular notion, the money spent on administrative
services in Kerala is lower than that of All States. In fact, the share of
administrative services in the revenue expenditure was the third
lowest among the non-special category states. (RBI, 2009-10).
3.86 The 12th Finance Commission had given the per employee salary
expenditure from 1994-95 till 2002-03. (Similar data are not given by
the 13th Finance Commission). The per employee salary expenditure
in Kerala was much lower than that of All States during all the years
(Table 3.40). In 2001-02, it was actually the lowest and accounted
for only 80 percent of the average wage of government employees
for 21 States. In 2002-03, the salary expenditure per employee was
only 91% of the All States’ average. Kerala’s average salary was the
third lowest among 19 states for which data were available.
Table 3.40: Per Employee Salary Expenditure of Kerala and 21 States
Per Employee Salary (Rs.)
Kerala's per
employee salary as a
Year Weighted average
Kerala % to the weighted
of 21 States
average of 21 States
3.88 The Commission has found that, on an average the one- time
increase in salary expenditure is 35 per cent in 2006-07. The growth
in salary expenditure in subsequent years has been estimated at six
per cent taking into account annual increment of three per cent,
annual increase in DA rate of six per cent, and assumed attrition of 1
per cent. This has been used for projecting the revised salary
expenditure of states for the projection period as well as the notional
pre-revised salary for 2006-10.
3.89 Table 3.41 gives the annual growth rates of salaries and pensions from
1999-2000 till 2010-11.
Table 3.41: Annual Growth Rates of Salaries and Pension
Salarie Pensio Salaries+Pensi
s n on
1999-2000 38.4 56.7 43.1
2000-01 -0.2 6.7 1.7
2001-02 -6.5 -4.7 -6.0
2002-03 11.4 24.2 15.3
2003-04 8.3 5.5 7.4
2004-05 5.5 8.0 6.3
2005-06 4.9 10.0 6.6
2006-07 17.4 15.1 16.7
2007-08 16.8 49.5 27.7
2008-09 17.8 -4.8 9.0
2009-10* 11.9 -1.2 7.4
2010-11# 11.7 17.3 13.4
* Revised Estimates
# Budget Estimates
Source: Budget in Brief, Government of Kerala, Various
3.90 The actual growth rate in salaries and pensions for Kerala was quite
different from the growth rates projected by the Finance Commission.
3.91 Twelfth Finance Commission had recommended that the states should
follow a recruitment policy such that salary expenditure does not
exceed 35% of revenue expenditure net of interest payments and
pensions. We have limited the impact of pay revision to salary
expenditure within this normative ceiling and the expenditure over
and above the ceiling has been successively reduced by 10 per cent
of the amount every year.
3.92 Table 3.42 gives the share of salaries in revenue expenditure net of
interest payments and pensions for Kerala.
Table 3. 42: Share of salaries in Net Revenue Expenditure
Year Salaries Net RE % of salaries to Net RE
2001-02 420082 733463 57.273782
2002-03 467899 952638 49.116139
2003-04 506709 975852 51.92478
2004-05 534558 1095610 48.790902
2005-06 560778 1163267 48.207161
2006-07 658545 1334028 49.365156
2007-08 769366 1563745 49.200221
2008-09 906381 1887773 48.013241
2009-10* 1014565 2077826 48.828198
2010-11# 1133237 2359705 48.02452
Revised estimates
# Budget Estimates
Note: Net Revenue Expenditure is Total revenue Expenditure minus
Interest Payments and Pensions
Source: Budget in Brief, Government of Kerala, Various Issues
3.93 The Table suggests that Kerala has to go a long way if it is to reach
anywhere near target. Table 3.43 gives the ratio of pension to total
revenue receipt and revenue expenditure of Kerala and All states.
Table 3.43: Ratio of Pension to Revenue Receipts and Revenue
Expenditure (Percent)
Revenue Revenue
Receipts Expenditure
Keral All Keral All
a States a States
1999-2000 22.8 10.9 15.6 8.7
2000-01 22.1 10.7 16.2 8.7
2001-02 20.3 11.0 15.8 9.0
2002-03 21.5 11.1 15.5 9.2
2003-04 20.4 10.4 15.5 8.7
2004-05 19.3 10.0 15.1 9.2
2005-06 18.7 9.4 15.5 9.3
2006-07 18.1 8.8 15.8 9.3
2007-08 23.3 9.0 19.8 9.7
2008-09* 19.1 9.1 16.6 9.2
* Revised
Source: RBI, State Finances, Various Years
14% against 10.1% for India. It is likely that many people will be
drawing more years of pension than salaries. Many of them will be
enjoying full pension after the period of commutation at 67 is over.
The percentage of population above 69 years in 2001, roughly
corresponding to the expiry of the commutation period was 4.4%t 11
as against 2.8% for the country. The Thirteenth Finance Commission
projects that the pensions will increase by 10 percent between 2010-
11 and 2014-15 as against 6% for salaries. Finance Commission has
estimated the pension payments for the base at 21% over the 2008-
09 pension payment, arrived at by applying TGR over the actual
figure for 2007-08. For States having their own Pay Commission, a
procedure similar to that adopted for salaries has been adopted. As
may be seen from table 3.41 the actual growth rates of State’s
pension payments prior to 2009-10, the base year for the Finance
Commission, was quiet at variance from the projections of the
Finance Commission.
3.96 According to the projections of the Finance Commission, pensions in
Kerala will be almost the same as salary in 2014-15 (Salary: Rs.8,099
cr.; Pension: Rs.8,054 cr.). The Government of India introduced a
defined, contribution based, New Pension System (NPS) with effect
from 1st April 2004. But Kerala is one of the 28 states which has not
yet implemented the New Pension System. The 13 th Finance
Commission has recommended a grant of Rs.10 crores to assist the
state to build the database of their employees and pensioners in
order to facilitate the implementation of the New Pension System.
3.97 The table 3.44 presents the ratio of wages, salaries and pensions to
the revenue receipts and expenditure of Kerala and All states.
Table 3.44: Ratio of Total Compensation for Employees (Expenditure
on Wages and Salaries and Pension) in Revenue Receipts &
Expenditure (Percent)
Revenue Receipts
Year Expenditure
Kerala All States Kerala All States
1999-2000 80.3 52.6 55.1 41.7
2000-01 74.3 50.4 54.6 41.1
2001-02 67.4 47.4 52.3 38.5
2002-03 66.1 44.8 47.6 37.5
2003-04 63.9 41.6 48.7 34.9
2004-05 59.4 38.0 46.7 34.6
2005-06 55.8 33.6 46.3 33.1
2006-07 54.8 30.8 47.8 32.3
2007-08 60.2 27.7 51.1 29.8
2008-09* 56.3 29.6 49.0 30.0
For those who retire at 55, the commutation period will expire at the age of 67 for
Kerala. But we do not have data of people above the age of 67.
Source: RBI, State Finances, 2009-10
3.98 Table 3.44 shows that the total compensation for employees (salary +
pension) accounts for a significantly higher ratio of state’s revenue
receipts and revenue expenditure than that of All States.
V. Forecast of Revenue Receipt, Revenue Expenditure, State’s
Own Tax Revenue and GSDP12
3.99 As part of the study, an effort was made to forecast Revenue Receipts
(RR), Revenue Expenditure (RE), State’s Own Revenue (SOR), State’s
Own Tax Revenue (SOTR) and GSDP (GSDP) for the period 2009-10 to
2014-15 by applying various forecasting techniques. Data for the
period from 1999-01 to 2008-09 was made use of for forecasting.
The 2008-09 figures of Revenue Receipts, Revenue Expenditure,
State’s Own Revenue and State’s Own Revenue were revised
estimates. Sector wise GSDP at current prices were sourced from
Central Statistical Organization. Initially, a sequence plot was plotted
to understand the data pattern. Of the various forecasting methods
tried, exponential trend produced the minimum forecast error
measured in terms of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Hence
we zeroed in on the exponential trend model defined as:
We acknowledge the help received from Dr. P.G. Sankaran and Dr. N. Balakrishna of
Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) in
suggesting the methodology for the forecast.
model for the tth year, is the corresponding residue and is the
estimated autoregressive parameter of the AR (1) model. The
improved model was able to reduce MAPE from 4.0 percent to 1.2
percent for RR, 5.1 to 3.2 for RE, 3.5 to 2.5 for SOR, 3.6 to 2.2 for
SOTR and 3.3 to 0.9 for GSDP. The forecasted values are given in the
following table.
Table 3.45: Forecast of Revenue Receipt, Revenue Expenditure,
State’s Own Revenue and GSDP (2009-10 to 2014-15) (Rs. Crore)
State’s State’s
Revenue Revenue Own Own Tax
Receipt Expenditure Revenu Revenu
e e
2009-10 27826 30345 18791 17387 210876
2010-11 31169 33067 21029 19513 235360
2011-12 35113 36453 23696 22047 263555
2012-13 39698 40344 26750 24951 295816
2013-14 44983 44708 30211 28246 332579
2014-15 51043 49565 34125 31980 374371
3.102 Table 3.46 details the road map suggested by the 13 th Finance
Table 3.46: Road Map for Fiscal Consolidation
2011-12 2012-13 2014-15
RD/GSDP (%) 1.4 0.9 0.5 0
FD/GSDP (%) 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0
Debt/GSDP (%) 32.3 31.7 30.7 29.8
Sources: 1. Report of the 13th Finance Commission
2. Medium Term Fiscal Plan for Kerala (MTFP), 2010- 2011 to 2012-
3.103 The table 3.47 gives the forecasts of salary, pension and total
compensation for employees for the five year period 2010-11 to
Table 3.47: Assessed Expenditure on Salary and Pensions (Rs. crore)
2010- 2011- 2012- 2013-
Items 2014-15
11 12 13 14
6421.75 6805.29 7211.71 8098.69
Salary 6
5500.65 6050.71 6655.78 8053.5
Pensions 6
13867.4 14963. 16152.1
11922.4 12856
Salary + Pension 9 72 9
Source: 13th Finance Commission Report
3.104 As was noted earlier only an annual growth of 6% for salary, 10% for
pensions and 8% for total compensation was envisaged for the State.
3.105 It is not obligatory for the state government or the present Pay
Commission to limit the growth in salaries or pensions to the growth
envisaged by the 13th Finance Commission (Table 3.47). Subject to
the condition that the State Government will have to follow the road
map regarding the deficit and debt indicators, the State Government
has some freedom.
3.106 Summing up, our discussion brings out a case both for and against a
substantial revision of salaries and pension. The case for upward
revision in salary and pension rests on the following grounds. Firstly,
the income of Government employees vis a vis other segments of
their middle class has been coming down and this may lead to
difficulties in attracting good talents to Government services.
Secondly, the higher salaries are required to offset the increasing
cost of living particularly the cost of services like education and
health care. It is likely that the inflation rates which are hovering
around double digit level at present are unlikely to go down in the
near future. Thirdly, a Government employee has to take care of
his/her dependents who may be students who spend longer years in
educational institutions than in other parts of the country. In view of
the increasing life expectancy, a good number of the dependents are
likely to be old parents whose health care and other support needs
are increasing and are getting costlier. Fourthly, the Government
employees cannot insulate themselves totally from the consumerism
which has gripped the middle class in the State.
3.107 The case against substantial revision rests on the following grounds.
Firstly, all fiscal indicators suggest that Kerala Government’s financial
position is much worse than that of other state. Further, the
successive Finance Commissions had been suggesting a road map for
fiscal consolidation fixing rigid quantitative targets for gross fiscal
deficit, revenue deficit, borrowing limits and outstanding loans. They
have also suggested imposition of penalties for deviation from the
road map suggested by them.
3.108 As for revenue receipts of the state, the share of central budgetary
transfers to the state has been coming down progressively. Besides,
the central transfers including the Finance Commission transfers are
made increasingly conditional and are not available for meeting the
salary and pension payments. The 13 th Finance Commission have not
provided any grants for revision of salaries and pensions, nor have
they provided for arrears. On the expenditure side, it is found that the
share of development services- both social and economic services,
has been steadily decreasing adversely affecting the public services.
3.109 Though the fiscal scenario appears to be quite grim one cannot fail to
note some silver linings in the dark clouds. One favourable factor for
the states’ revenue is the higher growth rate envisaged for the GDP
of India. If this higher growth of the economy materializes, it can lead
to higher growth in Central Government’s tax revenue. If these
expectations materialize, the state will also benefit by getting larger
amount as share in Central taxes.
3.110 We have noted that Kerala economy has been growing at a pace
faster than the national economy. If this trend continues, the SDP of
Kerala grow faster than the Gross Domestic Product of the country in
the near future. This also can lead to higher revenue from State’s
own taxes.
3.111 There seems to be yet another factor favourable for the growth of
State’s revenue. It is expected that the introduction of Goods and
Service Tax would introduce buoyancy in revenue, both by widening
the tax base and by stimulating economic growth due to lower
compliance cost and lower effective tax rates on a wider base
according to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI, State Finances, 2009-10)
The State Government in its Medium Term Fiscal Plan for 2010-11 to
2012-13 expects the growth rates of state’s own tax revenue for the
year 2011-12 and 2012-13 at 20 per cent and 15 per cent
respectively. These rates are estimated on the assumption that
“Goods and Service Tax dispensation would be better for the
State.”(we are not yet sure when GST will be introduced in the
country. It is getting postponed again and again).
3.112 The 13th Finance Commission, have provided for some surpluses in
the non-plan revenue account of the state budget after the transfers
proposed by them. These surpluses if they actually materialize are
available for increasing the salaries and pensions beyond what is
envisaged by the Finance Commission. But we have got to bear in
mind that these surpluses have got alternative demands on them like
financing plan expenditure, meeting expenditure on education,
health etc.
3.113 Ultimately, if the competing demands on the State’s revenue most of
which are quite legitimate are to be met there is a need for
expanding the fiscal space of the State Government. The space can
be widened in a number of ways such as increasing tax rates,
strengthening tax administration, cutting down low priority
expenditure, implementing expenditure programmes efficiently and
acquiring higher transfers from the Central Government. An
examination whether and to what extent there is scope for increasing
the revenue and reducing the expenditure does not fall within the
purview of this study. A large number of reports have examined how
the resources of the state can be augmented or expenditure reduced.
The Public Expenditure Review Committee constituted under the
fiscal responsibility legislation can possibly be entrusted with this
3.114 As seen above Government is budget constrained to provide required
resources for revision of salary and pension of its employees. Finance
Commission in particular the 13th Commission had been suggesting a
roadmap for fiscal consolidation by fixing rigid quantitative targets
for Gross Fiscal Deficit, Revenue Deficit borrowing limits on
outstanding loans. In such situation, it is difficult to reconcile the
growing needs and aspirations, many of them legitimate of Kerala
Government employees and pensioners within the limited capacity of
State Government. The Commission feels that the timely revision
being the major responsibility of the State Government. Central
Government should recognize this responsibility and provide some
sort of Cushioning while prescribing the financial code of conduct for
the State Governments. Again the needs of State Government for
revising the pay and pension may be taken as a major criterion for
transferring resources from the Central to the State Government.
Central Statistical Organization, (Various issues), ‘ National Accounts
Statistics & State Domestic Product’, New Delhi.
Chenery, H B (1979): Structural Change and Development Policy,
Oxford University Press, New York.
George K K and Remya S, 2010, ‘Impact of Rupee Appreciation on
Remittances’, Governance and Labour Migration: India Migration
Report 2010, pp 68-83, Routledge, New Delhi.
George K K and Krishnakumar K K, 2003, ‘Fiscal Management in
Kerala: Constraints and Policy Options’ , Working Paper 9, Centre for
Socio-economic & Environmental Studies, Cochin.
Government of India, 2010, Previous Years/Months Index Numbers ,
Labour Bureau.
Government of India, 2009, ‘Report of the Thirteenth Finance
Commission (2010-15)’.
Government of India, 2004, ‘Report of the Twelfth Finance Commission
Government of Kerala, 2010, ‘Budget in Brief 2010-2011’,
Government of Kerala, 2010 , ‘Finance Accounts 2008-09’, Comptroller
and Auditor General of India.
Government of Kerala, 2010, ‘Medium Term Fiscal Policy (MTFP) &
Strategy, 2010 to 2012-13’, Finance Department.
Government of Kerala, Report of the 8th Pay Revision Commission ,
March 2005-February 2006- p.464
Government of Kerala, 2006, Human Development Report 2005,
Trivandrum, State Planning Board.
Heller, P.S, 2005, ‘Understanding Fiscal Space, Policy Discussion Paper,
National Sample Survey Organization, 1997, Employment and
Unemployment in India 1993-94, 50th Round, July 1993–June 1994,
Report No. 409, Government of India, New Delhi.
National Sample Survey Organization, 2006, Employment and
Unemployment in India, 61st Round, July 2004– June 2005, Report No.
515, Part I, National Sample Survey Organization, New Delhi,
Government of India.
National Sample Survey Organization, 2008, Household Consumer
Expenditure in India 2005-06, 62nd Round, July 2005–June 2006, Report
No. 523, Government of India, New Delhi.
National Sample Survey Organization, 2008, Household Consumer
Expenditure in India 2006-07, 63rd Round, July 2006–June 2007, Report
No. 527, Government of India, New Delhi.
National Sample Survey Organization, 2010, Household Consumer
Expenditure in India 2007-08, 64th Round, July 200–June 2008, Report
No. 530, Government of India, New Delhi.
Purohit Mahesh C and Purohit Vishnu Kanta, 2009, ‘Goods and Services
Tax in India- Estimating Revenue Implications of the Proposed GST’,
Foundation for Public Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi.
Rajan Irudaya S and Zachariah K C, 2007, ‘Migration, Remittances and
Employment: Short- term trends and Long-term Implications’, Working
paper 395, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
Reserve Bank of India, (Various Issues), ‘State Finances: A Study of
Budgets’, Mumbai.
Sarvekshana, 1990, Fourth Quinquennial Survey on Employment and
Unemployment, NSS 43rd Round, July 1987–June 1988, Special Number,
Sl. Date of No. of
Government Minimum Maximum
No revision scales
31 37400-
1 Government of India 1-1-2006 (Pay Bands 67000+1000
7440+1300 GP
4) 0 GP
29 37400-
2 Tamil Nadu 1-1-2006 (Pay Bands 67000+1000
10000+1300 GP
4) 0 GP
3 Andhra Pradesh 1-1-2009 31 6700-20110
4 Karnataka 1-7-2005 25 4800-7275
5 Kerala 1-7-2004 24 4510-6230
4.4. Over the years, the number of scales in Kerala has progressively
reduced and fixed at a relatively stable level of 24 numbers so as to
maintain an overall internal relativity among the scales and to assure
better pay to employees. The minimum pay enhanced by
Government of Kerala with effect from 1-7-2004 has been the highest
pay assured to the employees at lower grade when compared to the
scales of pay sanctioned by other southern States. The last pay
commission revised the minimum pay from Rs.2610-3680 to Rs.4330-
5930, but the same was later modified to Rs.4510-6230 vide GO(P)No.
262/2007/(59)/Fin. dated, 19-6-2007, thereby assuring an increase of
72.80% in basic pay. The existing disparity ratios between the
minimum of the lowest scale to the minimum of the highest scale,
maximum of the lowest scale to the maximum of the highest scale,
the minimum of the lowest scale with maximum of the highest scale
and maximum of the lowest scale with the minimum of the highest
scale are 1:5.9, 1:5.4,1:7.48 and 1:4.27 respectively. In Government
of India these ratios are wider which means that the gap between the
lowest scale and the highest one is quite high. Table showing
enhancement in the scale of pay of randomly selected posts in Kerala
during 1988 to 2004 is given below.
As on As on Increase during
1988-2004 (Times of
Name of Post multiple )
o 1.7.1988 1.7.2004
In In
Minimum Maximum
1 Class IV Employee 750-1025 4510-6230 6.0 6.0
2 Attender 775-1160 4630-7000 5.9 6.0
3 Driver 805-1190 5250-8390 6.5 7.0
4 L D Clerk/L D Typist 825-1290 5250-8390 6.3 6.5
5 Confidential Assistant Gr.II 865-1450 6080-9830 7.0 6.7
6 Assistant 865-1450 7990-12930 9.2 8.9
7 Typist Gr.II 865-1450 6080-9830 7.0 6.7
8 High School Assistant 1000-1710 8390-13270 8.3 7.7
9 Pharmacist Gr.II 905-1490 6680-10790 7.3 7.2
10 Staff Nurse Gr.II 1000-1710 7480-11910 7.4 6.9
11 Sub Inspector of Police 1100-2070 9190-15510 8.3 7.4
12 Excise Inspector 1100-2070 8390-13270 7.6 6.4
13 Circle Inspector of Police 1370-2640 10790-18000 7.8 6.8
14 Draftsman Gr.II/ Overseer Gr.II 905-1490 6680-10790 7.3 7.2
15 Assistant Engineer 1450-2825 11070-18450 7.6 6.5
16 Tahsildar 1370-2640 10790-18000 7.8 6.8
17 Veterinary Surgeon 1450-2825 11070-18450 7.6 6.5
18 Headmaster (High School) 1450-2825 11070-18450 7.6 6.5
19 Geologist 1650-3175 12250-19800 6.6 6.2
20 Divisional Forest Officer 1830-3425 12930-20250 7.0 5.9
21 Deputy Director of Education 2070-3550 13610-20700 6.5 5.8
22 Deputy Director of Agriculture 2070-3550 13610-20700 6.5 5.8
23 Assistant Director of Agriculture 1650-3175 12250-19800 7.4 6.2
24 Deputy Collector 1830-3425 12930-20250 7.0 5.9
25 Deputy Superintendent of Police 1830-3425 12930-20250 7.0 5.9
26 Under Secretary/Finance Officer 1830-3425 12930-20250 7.0 5.9
Deputy Secretary/Sr.Finance
27 2470-3675 20700-26600 8.3 7.2
28 Joint Secretary 2640-3815 23200-31150 8.7 8.1
29 Director of Agriculture 3050-4435 25400-33100 8.3 7.4
30 Chief Engineer PWD 3175-4605 26600-33750 8.3 7.3
4.5. The 8th PRC recommended the minimum pay of Rs.4330 taking into
account the factors such as educational qualification at the entry level
in the lowest post, the functional relationship between the minimum
salary in Government and wage structure in the economy, special
skills required for a particular job, nature of duties and responsibilities
attached to each post, the minimum calorific requirement of the 2700
for a family of four, the percapita income of the State both in real
terms and at current prices. In addition to these factors, the 7 th PRC
has considered the private sector remuneration structure and public
undertaking wage structure while finalizing minimum pay. We are of
the view that some of the above mentioned socio-economic factors
have to be reckoned while determining the minimum pay and pay
On determining minimum Salary
4.6. Minimum pay determination is a major task before any pay revision
commission. This commission has also received memoranda from the
major service organizations and individuals regarding their
expectations on the minimum pay. Their estimates depends on
available information with them and according to their philosophy and
perceptions. These are based on the ‘ need based minimum pay’ and
the parameters are the norms developed by 15 th Indian Labour
Conference held in the year 1957. All commissions in the past have
customarily referred to the recommendations of the Indian Labour
Conference (ILC), while presenting estimate on minimum pay.
Further, the balanced Diet approach, propounded by Dr. Aykroyd, is
also considered for arriving at the minimum food expenditure. The
Central Pay Commissions, in particular the 4 th Commission, have
emphasized the concept of the Living Wages though no further
initiatives were seriously undertaken by subsequent commissions or
organizations to elaborate or to quantify the concept. Even the ILC
norms mentioned above needed further modifications in the sense
that expenditure on shelter, education, recreation etc are to be
factored into the estimates. Such exercises have not been undertaken
by organizations or individuals. Based on their own reasoning, seven
major service organizations have submitted the minimum wage
estimates to the commission which is given in Table (4.4)
Comparative Statement of Proposals of Minimum Pay
Submitted by Service Organisations
Proposed Minimum
Sl. No. pay
(In Rupees)
1 9000
2 9000
3 9000
4 12700
5 9000
6 12000
7 9000
4.7. As seen in the table, the minimum wages proposed by major service
organizations vary between Rs.9000 and Rs.12700, that out of the
seven organizations listed in Table 4.4, five proposed for Rs.9000 as
the minimum pay. These variations are mainly because of the
variations in the perceptions regarding the minimum requirements.
The commission did not go into detailed exercise of the above sort of
perceptions. However, an alternative approach has been taken in
arriving the average monthly expenditure incurred by a household to
assure basic minimum consumption standards. National Sample
Survey Organisation (NSSO) has been conducting multi-subject
integrated sample surveys, all over the country in successive rounds
relating to various aspects of social, economic, demographic,
industrial and agricultural statistics. In order to strike a balance
between the urgent need for the data on wide variety of topics and the
constraint of the limited resources, both financial and others, the
NSSO from its very inception has been following a multi-subject
integrated survey system.
4.8. National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) estimates all the major
expenses incurred by a person/household during a mixed reference
period of one year. For items such as clothing, footwear, education,
medical care (institutional) and durable goods, it collects information
for the “last 365 days” reference period, and from which the monthly
expenditure were estimated. All other expenses (such as food,
tobacco & intoxicants, fuel and light, miscellaneous goods and
services including non- institutional medical care, rent and taxes) are
obtained for the “last 30 days” reference period. A persons’ Monthly
Per capita Consumer Expenditure (MPCE) reflects the living standard
(consumption expenditure) of the house hold in which he belongs. In
order to arrive at the individual monthly per capita expenditure
(MPCE), the household MPCE is divided by the family size. We have
used the latest National Sample Survey Report on Consumer
Expenditure which is 61st Round. This data covers the period from July
2004 to July 2005. However, for our purpose, the information provided
by this Round is inadequate as it is five years old. So we have to
depend on some other reliable source. NSSO used to conduct the
annual consumer expenditure surveys using a small number of
households. This came quite handy for our purpose; the latest among
such series is the 64th Round, which covers the period from July 2007
to June 2008. The major problem highlighted for this data has been
that the survey was on the basis of relatively small or sample. The
following table (Table 4.5) gives the data covered in the two Rounds.
Since our purpose is only to identify the average amount of
expenditure incurred by household to maintain their living, we have
based our estimation on the 64th Round.
Details Regarding the Sample Size in Kerala.
Rural Urban
Househol Individual Househol Individual
Village Blocks
ds s ds s
61st 2004-
368 3300 14427 196 1950 8686
64th 2007-
240 896 3749 128 510 1823
Source: Compiled from NSSO Rounds 61st and 64th , Government of India.
Average MPCE (Rs.) for different quintile consumption class
(%) Kerala
19461 1622 4865 5676 6487 19461 1622 4865 5676 6487
20094 1675 5024 5861 6698 19809 1651 4952 5778 6603
21257 1771 5314 6200 7086 20659 1722 5165 6026 6886
2002- 23484 1957 5871 6850 7828 21944 1829 5486 6400 7315
SPCI at current prices (in Rs) SPCI 1999-2000 prices (in Rs)
25999 2167 6500 7583 8666 23159 1930 5790 6755 7720
29071 2423 7268 8479 9690 25122 2094 6281 7327 8374
2005- 1101
33044 2754 8261 9638 27714 2310 6929 8083 9238
06 5
Wome Averag Wome Averag
Men Men 23 24 25 23 24 25
n e n e
Transplanti 143.9 125.2 331 345 360 288 300 313
144 125
ng 8 4 2 6 0 1 6 1
149.3 343 358 373 305 319 332
Harvesting 149 142 124 133
3 5 4 3 9 2 5
Well 286. 247. 659 688 716 569 544 618
287 248
digging 67 5 3 0 7 3 0 8
Group 444 464 483 387 404 421
287 147 193 195 125 169
Average 7 0 3 7 6 5
297. 248. 713 743 572 597 621
Carpenter 297 249 6837
25 75 4 1 1 0 9
294. 236. 707 707 736 544 567 591
Blacksmith 295 237 6778
71 59 3 3 8 2 8 5
292. 251. 671 700 730 578 603 628
Mason 292 251
06 32 7 9 2 0 2 3
Tractor 492 513 535
214 214
driver 2 6 0
Unskilled 226. 191. 138.3 451 470 490 379 395 412
165.5 196 165
labourers 67 39 2 0 6 2 0 5 0
Source: Wage rates in Rural India: 2008-2009”, Ministry of Labour and Employment,
Labour Bureau, Govt. of India, 2010.
TABLE 4.11
Minimum Wages decided by the Government of Kerala.
December December
2008 2007
December December No. of No. of
2008 2007 working days working days
Basi Tota Basi Tota
DA DA 23 24 25 23 24 25
c l c l
287 300 312 287 300 312
Hard work 125 125 125 125
Agricultur 5 0 5 5 0 5
e 165 172 180 165 172 180
Light work 72 72 72 72
6 8 0 6 8 0
n and
ce of roads
and 432 451 470 392 409 426
112 76 188 112 58 171
buildings 7 5 4 4 5 6
250 261 271 225 235 245
Tea 40 68 109 40 58 98
1 0 9 4 2 1
274 286 298 250 261 272
Rubber 51 68 120 51 58 109
9 9 9 3 2 1
Plantation 249 260 271 224 234 244
Coffee 40 68 108 40 58 98
s 3 1 0 6 4 2
250 261 271 225 235 245
Cardamom 40 68 109 40 58 98
1 0 9 4 2 1
Group 256 267 278 231 241 251
43 68 111 43 58 101
average 1 2 4 5 5 6
increase in per capita income due zfrom 2004-05 to 2008-09, the
latest year for which information is available, the per capita income at
constant prices has increased from Rs. 2094 to Rs.2955. We may add
this increase (Rs.861) to the existing minimum salary and the total
comes to Rs.8257.
TABLE 4.12
Average Wage Rates of unskilled workers in the Agriculture
Adjusted for number of days
1 23 24 25
2007-08 167 3834 4001 4167
2008-09 191 4383 4574 4765
Total Rs.8257.
4.20. Thus it can be seen that the minimum pay based on per capita state
income (constant prices) is a more realistic approach. Various Service
organizations have demanded minimum pay ranging from Rs.9000/-
to Rs.12700/- as shown in Table 4.4. The minimum pay arrived based
on the per capita State income comes to Rs.8257.00 and it is below
the expectation of the major service organizations. The Commission
takes a generous approach and decided to enhance the same to the
level near to their expectations and fix it at Rs.8500/- as on 1.7.2009.
4.21. As already explained in Para 4.2 above the number of pay scales in
Kerala has progressively reduced and brought down to 24 with effect
from 1.7.2004. The Commission examined the question of merging of
scales of pay as demanded by major service organizations and came
to the conclusion that such merger might result in creating anomalous
situation while granting ratio or higher grade promotions.
4.22. The time span of current pay scales varies from 10 to 22 years. It is
interesting to note that in Andhra Pradesh as per latest Pay Revision
from 1.7.2009, the minimum scale of Rs. 6700-20110 is having 13
incremental stages and total residency period of 39 years. The higher
time span will perhaps reduce the possibilities of stagnation in the
case of senior employees officiating in lower pay scales. In the
highest scale in Andhra Pradesh the time span allowed is only nine
years with three incremental stages which is evident that the
progression in the residency period of increments couldn’t be
maintained. In Kerala, the scenario is different on account of the fact
that the periodicity of pay revision is shorter viz; five years and
employees are enjoying better ratio based/time bound higher grade
promotion with in a shorter spell in their career. The existing pay
scales shown in the time span of each scale is shown in Table 4.13
TABLE 4.13
Sl. No Existing Pay Scale
1 4510-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6230 13
2 4630-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6680-160-7000 17
3 16
4 21
5 5650-140-5930-150-6680-160-7480-170-7990-200-8790 20
6 6080-150-6680-160-7480-170-7990-200-9590-240-9830 22
7 6680-160-7480-170-7990-200-9590-240-10790 22
8 7480-170-7990-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910 21
9 9 and 10 -
10 7990-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340-12930 20
11 8390-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340-13270 19
12 8790-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340-13610 18
13 21
14 9590-240-10790-280-11910-340-13610-380-16650 22
15 10790-280-11910-340-13610-380-16650-450-18000 20
16 11070-280-11910-340-13610-380-16650-450-18450 20
17 11910-340-13610-380-16650-450-19350 10
18 12250-340-13610-380-16650-450-19800 19
19 12930-340-13610-380-16650-450-20250 18
20 13610-380-16650-450-20700 17
21 16650-450-20700-500-23200 14
22 22 and 23 -
23 20700-500-23200-550-25400-600-26600 11
24 23200-550-25400-600-26600-650-31150 13
25 25400-600-26600-650-33100 12
26 26 and 27 -
27 26600-650-33750 11
4.23. The 8th Pay Revision Commission while discussing the increment rates
has remarked as follows:
“The increment rate is a crucial determinant in any pay scale
and if it is a reasonable amount it can serve the purpose of at
least partially alleviating the hardships that the employees face
in the context of increasing prices. Thus, the regular grants of
dearness allowance instalments and the salary increment rate
should suffice to keep pace with the cost of living. The rate of
increment should however be evolved on a rational basis”.
4.24. The present Commission also concur with their views and with a view
to provide better rates the new rationale is evolved to allow increment
as a percentage of basic pay keeping progression in rate also. As per
the latest Central pay revision the rate of increment allowed is 3% of
basic pay. Majority of Service organizations have demanded to
implement the same rate in the State also. Allowing increment at 3%
of basic pay will cast heavy burden on the State finances. Taking into
account the fact that by adding 64% DA to the existing minimum
increment rate, the amount may more or less come to around
Rs.200/-, the Commission decided to fix minimum increment as
Rs.230/- which is 2.71% of basic pay. Another component which is
relevant is the acceleration in increment rates over the span of the
scale. The Table 4.14 shown below gives the rate of acceleration in
increments in pre-revised scale.
TABLE 4.14
% of
Minimu Maximu increase
Sl. m m from No of
Scale Span annual
No. Increme Increme minimum Posts
nt nt to
1 4510-6230 13 120 150 25 2.31 39951
2 4630-7000 17 120 160 33.33 2.35 16734
3 4750-7820 16 120 170 41.67 3.13 13485
4 5250-8390 21 130 200 53.85 3.33 41804
5 5650-8790 20 140 200 42.86 3.00 9041
6 6080-9830 22 150 240 60.00 4.09 39968
7 22 160 240 50.00 3.64 73185
8 21 170 280 64.71 5.24 22947
9 20 200 340 70.00 7.00 41951
10 19 200 340 70.00 7.37 48986
11 18 200 340 70.00 7.78 250
12 21 200 380 90.00 8.57 46232
13 22 240 380 58.33 6.36 28294
14 20 280 450 60.71 8.50 27222
15 20 280 450 60.71 8.50 28036
16 10 340 450 32.35 11.00 7704
17 19 340 450 32.35 5.79 4180
18 18 340 450 32.35 6.11 1834
19 17 380 450 18.42 4.12 982
20 14 450 500 11.11 3.57 1870
21 11 500 600 20.00 9.09 526
22 13 550 650 18.18 7.69 334
23 12 600 650 8.33 4.17 118
24 11 650 650 - - 20
with basic pay as on 1.07.2009 will benefit the employees more in
4..30. The 8th Pay Revision Commission granted an amount equal to 6%
of basic pay as fitment benefit subject to a minimum of Rs.350, before
the employees are placed in the new pay scale. Naturally the
quantum of fitment benefit in the present pay revision has to be
examined. In the sixth Pay Revision for Central Government
employees the system of fitment benefit was substituted by grade
pay equivalent to 40% of the maximum of the pre-revised scale of
pay. Here it is to be noted that the periodicity of pay revision in
Central Government is once in ten years whereas in Kerala, it is once
in five years. Moreover, the State finances do not permit a huge
quantum of fitment benefit on par with Central Government
employees. Besides, the State Government employees are also
entitled to service weightage. Hence the fitment benefit to be given
has to be determined taking into account the above mentioned
factors. The Commission after detailed consideration, recommends to
grant a fitment benefit of 10% of basic pay subject to a minimum of
6 360 4 2.65 13540-13900-14260-14620-14980
7 400 5 2.67 14980-15380-15780-16180-16580-16980
8 440 4 2.59 16980-17420-17860-18300-18740
9 500 5 2.67 18740-19240-19740-20240-20740-21240
10 560 5 2.63 21240-21800-22360-22920-23480-24040
11 620 5 2.57 24040-24660-25280-25900-26520-27140
12 680 4 2.50 27140-27820-28500-29180-29860
13 750 4 2.50 29860-30610-31360-32110-32860
14 820 4 2.50 32860-33680-34500-35320-36140
15 900 5 2.50 36140-37040-37940-38840-39740-40640
16 1000 8 2.40
17 1100 8 2.26
18 1200 2 2.09 57440-58640-59840
Source: complied by PRC Staff.
5.3 The concept of Master Scale was first introduced in Kerala by the Fifth
Pay Commission. This system was adopted from Karnataka. At
present Master Scale system is in vogue in Andhra Pradesh also.
While recommending the master scale, the Vth Kerala Pay
Commission had remarked “the rate of increment will be the same
at every point on the scale irrespective of the post. Moreover, it
guarantees a minimum of two increments when an employee moves
from a lower scale to a higher scale”. The 1992 Pay Equalization
Committee dispensed with the continuance of master scale and
allowed normal revision to the corresponding scales of pay. The 1997
Pay Revision Committee also was not in favour of reintroducing
master scale on the ground that this will cast a heavy burden on the
finances of the State due to fixation and refixation under Rule 28 A.
The Committee observed that an increment to an employee is not an
isolated entity but something which brings in multipronged financial
gains by way of simultaneous increase in Dearness Allowance, HRA,
Pension, Gratuity, Commutation etc. However, the Committee
recommended three to five fold increase in the incremental rates.
5.4 The 2004 Pay Revision Commission reintroduced the master scale
which was subsequently modified by the Government as shown
4510 - 120 - 4990 - 130 - 5510 -140 - 5930 - 150 - 6680 - 160- 7480
-170 -
(4) (4) (3) (5) (5)
7990 - 200 - 9590 - 240 - 10790 - 280 - 11910 - 340 - 13610 - 380
-16650 -
(8) (5) (4) (5) (8)
450 - 20700 -500 -23200 -550 - 25400 - 600 - 26600 - 650 - 33750
(9) (5) (4) (2) (11)
5.5 The 8th Pay Commission felt that the adoption of a master scale would
help to do away with many anomalies in pay fixation and would also
ensure that all employees would receive two increments uniformly on
promotion from one scale to another. However, the Commission
advocated a change in method for applying Rule 28 A Kerala Service
Rules which would prevent unintended financial gain to employees by
way of fixation and re-fixation. The Commission also took into
account of the demand for reintroduction of Master Scales made by
various Service Organizations. We have considered at length the
need for continuance of the system and its impact in the background
of the demands raised in this regard. We find no reason to do away
with the master scale especially on account of the prevailing
harmonious relationship between the employees and the
Government. We also accept the continuance of a Master Scale.
5.6 The Corresponding revised pay scales which would be 27 in number,
forming segment of the master scale are as follows.
Proposed Scales Span
1 8500-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220 14
2 8730-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-12550 16
3 8960-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13210 15
4 9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14620 18
5 9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-400- 17
6 10480-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-400- 20
16980-440- 17420
7 11620-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-400-16980-440- 19
8 13210-330-13540-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500- 18
9 13900-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560- 19
10 14620-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560- 19
11 15380-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040 18
12 16180-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040-620- 21
13 16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680- 22
14 18740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750- 21
15 19240-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750- 21
16 20740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750- 20
17 21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820- 20
18 22360-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820- 19
19 24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140 17
20 29180-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140-900-40640 14
21 32110-750-32860-820-36140-900-40640-1000-44640 14
22 36140-900-40640-1000-46640 11
23 40640-1000-48640-1100-54140 12
24 42640-1000-48640-1100-55240 13
25 44640-1000-48640-1100-56340 11
26 46640-1000-48640-1100-57440-1200-58640 11
27 48640-1100-57440-1200-59840 10
(iii) By providing sufficient spans along with accelerated
incremental rates, the possibility of stagnation of senior
level officers has been minimized to a large extent.
(iv) The existing internal relativity between scales have been
ensured even on reducing the disparity ratio.
(v) The number of scales have been increased from the
existing 24 to 27 inducting three new scales at higher
level. This has been done mainly to accommodate certain
categories of higher level officers in line Departments viz;
with Senior level functionaries in the Government
Formula for Fixation of Pay in the Revised Scale.
5.8. The next task before the Commission is to frame rules for the
fixation in the revised scales of pay. The fixation rules are given at
the end of the chapter with proper illustrations.
5.9. In the 2004 Pay Revision, 59% DA was merged with the basic pay on
the date of option and a fitment benefit of 6% of the pre-revised
basic pay, subject to a minimum of Rs.350/- was also given.
Regarding service weightage, one increment in the revised scale for
each completed four years of service, subject to a maximum of four
increments was also given, after arriving the revised pay in the next
stage of the scale of pay. The Commission adopted the above
procedure in order to ensure that those employees who have put in
more service should be given reasonable benefit as in the case of
Central pay fixation rules. The long standing complaint that in every
general revision senior employees having longer service get lesser
monetary benefit has been taken care of to some extent.
5.10. In the 1997 Pay Revision, fixation of pay in the revised scales was
done by merging 148% of DA and adding fitment benefit at the rate
of 10% of basic pay and service weightage @ 1% for every
completed year of service, subject to a maximum of 20%of Basic Pay
in the pre-revised scale of pay. However, in 1992 pay revision (Pay
Equalisation Committee) neither DA was merged nor weightage was
granted. The Pay in the revised scale was fixed by adding 7% of
basic pay in the existing scale of pay subject to a minimum of
Rs.75/- and a maximum of Rs.250/-. There was also a provision for
additional increments in the revised scales in the case of bunching
for more than five consecutive stages in the existing scales.
5.11. In the 2006 Central Pay Revision (6 th Central Pay Commission) four
running Pay Bands were introduced. To switch over to the revised
pay, the DA @ 74% was merged with basic pay as on 1.1.2006 and
rounded to the next multiple of Rs.10/-. This was taken as the pay in
the revised running pay band. Further Grade Pay computed @ 40%
of the maximum of the basic pay in each of the pre-revised pay
scale was also reckoned. The Commission had added that the Pay
Bands introduced would ease stagnation at higher level in the case
of senior officers, and remove many of the pay scale related
anomalies and also would ensure that by and large no bunching
would take place.
5.12. In order to ensure reasonable monetary compensation to each
employee, this commission has taken a pragmatic approach keeping
in mind the basic principle to reduce the disparity between the
highest paid officer and the lowest paid officer as explained in para
4.26 of Chapter 4 of the Report. This Commission has fixed the
minimum pay at Rs.8500/- so as to ensure that the expectation of
the Service Organisations and employees in general would be
satisfied. The minimum pay so fixed is also based on the general
principle of adding increase in percapita income (at constant Prices)
during the period from 2004-2005 to 2008-2009 to the lowest pre-
revised basic pay and DA there on as on 1.07.2009. Since in the
Terms of Reference, the date of effect of the Pay Revision is
stipulated as 1.07.2009, the Commission felt that contrary to the
stand taken by the previous Pay Revision Commissions, the merger
of entire DA with basic pay as on 1.07.2009 would benefit the
employees in general and the highest paid employees in particular.
5.13. To sum up, fixation in the revised scale is recommended to be made
in the following manner.
5.14. An amount equal to 64% DA at 147.91 (AICPIN) will be added to the
basic pay in the pre- revised scale. 10% of the basic pay on the date
of option will be further added as fitment benefit, subject to a
minimum of Rs.1000/-(Rs. One thousand only). To the pay so
arrived at, service weightage calculated at the rate of ½% for each
completed year of service on the basic pay as on date of option
subject to a maximum of 15% shall be added. Thereafter the revised
pay will be fixed at the next stage of the corresponding revised pay
scale. The pay so arrived at will be a stage in the master scale.
5.15. A few illustrations given below would clarify the point further.
(Case I)
A Class IV Employee having a continuous service of 6 years,
drawing a basic pay of Rs.5250 in the pre-revised scale of pay of
Basic pay as on 1.07.2009 5250.00
DA @ 64% 3360.00
Fitment @ 10% of Basic Pay
(Subject to a minimum of Rs.1000) 1000.00
Service weightage @ ½% of
Basic Pay for each completed year of service 158.00
Total 9768.00
Next stage in the corresponding revised
scale of pay 8500-12220 Rs.9940.00
(Net benefit as on on 1.7.2009 Rs.1330/-)
(Case II)
An LD Clerk having 12 years of continuous Service drawing a basic a
basic pay of Rs.7480 in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6680-10790.
(TBHG Scale)
Basic pay as on 1.7.2009 - 7480.00
DA @ 64% - 4787.00
Fitment @ 10% Basic Pay
(Subject to a minimum or Rs.1000/-) - 1000.00
Service weightage @ ½% for each
completed year of service - 449.00
Total 13716.00
Next stage in the corresponding
revised scale of Rs.11620-18740 13900.00
(Net benefit as on 1.7.2009 Rs.1633/-)
(Case III)
A Second Grade Draftsman/Overseer having a continuous service of
17 years drawing a basic pay of Rs.9590 in the scale of pay of
Rs.9190-15510 (2nd TBHG scale)
Basic pay as on 1.7.2009 - 9590.00
DA @ 64% - 6138.00
Fitment benefit at 10% of BP
(Subject to a minimum of Rs.1000) - 1000.00
Service weightage @ ½% for each
completed year of service - 815.00
Total - 17543.00
Next stage in the corresponding
revised scale of Rs. 16180-27140 - 17860
(Net benefit as on 1.7.2009 Rs.2132/-)
(Case IV)
An High School Assistant having a continuous service of 10 years
drawing a basic pay Rs Rs.11350 in the scale of pay of Rs.10790-
18000. (Ist TBHG)
Basic pay as on 1.7.2009 - 11350.00
DA @ 64% - 7264.00
Fitment @ 10% Basic Pay - 1135.00
Service weightage @ ½% for each
completed year of service - 568.00
Total - 20317.00
Next stage in the corresponding
revised scale of Rs.18740-31360 - 20740.00
(Net benefit as on 1.7.2009 Rs.2126/-)
(Case V)
A Finance Officer having a continuous service of 14 years drawing a
basic pay of Rs. 18450 in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs. 12930-
Basic pay as on 1.7.2009 - 18450.00
DA @ 64% - 11808.00
Fitment @ 10% Basic Pay - 1845.00
Service weightage @ ½% for each
completed year of service - 1292.00
Total 33395.00
Next stage in the corresponding
revised scale of Rs.22360-35320 - 33680.00
(Net benefit as on 1.7.2009 Rs.3422/-)
(Case VI)
A Class IV Employee having a continuous service of 2 years
drawing a basic pay of Rs.4750 in the pre-revised scale of pay of
Basic pay as on 1.7.2009 - 4750.00
DA @ 64% - 3040.00
Fitment @ 10% Basic Pay
(Subject to a minimum or Rs.1000/-) - 1000.00
Service weightage @ ½% for every
completed year of service - 48.00
Total 8838.00
Next stage in the corresponding
revised scale of Rs.8500-12220 8960
(Net benefit as on 1.7.2009 Rs.1170/-)
Note: - Special pay, in addition to the pay drawn in the
existing scale shall not be reckoned for fixation of pay in
the revised scale.
(iv) To the existing emoluments computed above, shall be
added an amount equal to 10% of basic pay subject to a
minimum of Rs. 1000/- in Rule (iii) (a) above towards
fitment benefit and another amount equivalent to ½% of
basic pay, specified in Rule (iii) (a) above, for each
completed year of service subject to a maximum of 30
completed years, towards service weightage.
Note: - Service for the purpose of this rule means
service including broken periods of service
qualifying for normal increments in the scale of
pay. Time spent on leave not counting for
normal increment will not be reckoned.
Service during the period of bar on increment, without
cumulative effect will be reckoned.
(v) The amount so arrived at under Rule (iv) above shall be
stepped up to the next stage in the revised scale of pay.
(vi) If the amount arrived at under Rule (iv) above is more than
the maximum of the revised scale, the pay shall be fixed at
the maximum of the revised scale and the difference shall
be treated as personal pay and it will not be absorbed in
future increase in pay on account of granting increments.
This personal pay will count for all purposes viz; fixation of
pay, calculation of leave salary, drawal of allowance and
(vii) In cases, where a senior government servant promoted to a
higher post before 1.7.2009, (other than a time bound
higher grade) draws less pay in the revised scale than his
Junior promoted to the higher post after 1.7.2009, the pay
of the senior employee shall be stepped up to the level of
the pay of the junior w.e.f. the date on which junior draws
more pay, provided that
(a) The senior and the junior employee should belong to the
same category and should have been promoted to the
same category of post.
(b) The pre-revised and revised scale of pay of the lower
and higher posts in which they are entitled to draw pay
should be identical.
(c) The senior Government servant at the time of promotion
has been drawing equal or more pay than the junior
(d) The anomaly should have arisen directly as a result of
the introduction of the revised scale of pay
(e) The anomaly should not have arisen due to the option
exercised on different dates or due to any advance
increments granted to the junior in the lower post or due
to increased service weightage to the junior.
Note: - (i) If in the lower post, the junior employee
was drawing more pay in the pre-revised
scale than the senior, the senior to such junior will
have no claim over the pay of the junior.
(ii) In case where pay of an employee is
stepped up in terms of clause (vii) above, the
next increment shall be granted after
completing the required service of one year
in the new scale from the date of stepping up
of pay.
(viii) All appointments and promotions made on or after 1.7.2009
shall be deemed to have been made in the revised scale of
pay. However, if an employee wishes to opt the revised
scale of pay of his promoted post ie. the next immediate
promotion post assumed on or after 1.7.2009, he will be
permitted to opt the revised scale of the promotion post
with effect from the date of promotion and his pay in the
revised scale will be fixed on the basis of the pay he drew
in the pre-revised scale of the promoted post on that date.
This benefit will be restricted to the employees who were
promoted in between 1.7.2009 and the date of issue of Pay
Revision Order. Also employees who were in Government
service prior to 1-7-2009 and got appointment through “by
transfer” appointment or by PSC appointment shall be
permitted to exercise option with effect from 1.7.2009 in
the scale of pay of the post held by them prior to their new
appointment. Employees who were promoted on or after
1.7.2009 cannot be allowed to exercise option of the feeder
post beyond the date of such promotion.
(ix) Provisional employees recruited through the employment
exchanges who were in service on 30.6.2009 and
continued thereafter shall be eligible for the minimum of
the revised scale of pay only.
(x) The next increment of an employee whose pay has been
fixed in the revised scale of pay shall accrue on completion
of one year from the date of option.
(xi) An employee whose increment is withheld for want of
declaration of probation on 1.7.2009 or on the date of
change over to the new scale will also be allowed the
benefit of fixation of pay notionally counting the increment
accrued but withheld, in relaxation of Rule 37 B(b), Part I
Kerala Services Rules, subject to the condition that the
next increment after such fixation will be allowed only after
he is declared to have satisfactorily completed his
probation and the period of approved service required to
earn an increment.
(xii) In the case of an employee whose pay has been reduced
with the effect of postponing future increments, fixation of
pay in the revised scale will be allowed on the basis of the
option exercised by him but he has to remain in that pay
till the expiry of the period of reduction. The pay will,
however, be fixed on the date of expiry of the period of
reduction. The next increment in such cases will be
allowed only on completion of approved service required to
earn an increment from the date of such fixation.
(xiii) An employee can exercise option to come over to the
revised scale of pay with effect from 1.7.2009 or with
effect from any subsequent date he opts.
(xiv) The option in writing is to be exercised within a period of six
months from the date of Government orders revising the
scales of pay.
(xv) The option is to be filed with the officer competent to fix
his/her pay in the form appended.
(xvi) The option once exercised shall be final. In the case of
subsequent reversion (after the exercise of option as per
these rules), the employee will be allowed to exercise
option in respect of the lower post also, provided such
option is exercised within a period of three months from
the date of orders of reversion. Re option will not be
allowed for any pay revision(including the present pay
revision) except in cases involving retrospective revision or
change in scale of pay that takes effect on a date prior to
the date of option exercised by the employee for the
concerned pay revision. In such cases arrears of
salary/pension will be payable only with effect from the
date of filing of the option such re-option has to exercised
within 3 month of the date of issue of the order
revising/changing the scale of pay retrospectively .
(xvii) An employee is allowed to exercise option only in respect of
existing scale. If no option is exercised within the said
period of six months of the date of Government orders
revising the scale of pay of the Government employees,
the date of effect of pay revision order ie. 1.7.2009 shall be
treated as the date of option and the Officer competent to
fix his/her pay is to proceed accordingly. No subsequent
option shall be entertained.
(xviii) If an employee dies before the expiry of the time fixed for
option and without exercising option, the officer competent
to fix his/her pay in the revised scale of pay shall fix his/her
pay with effect from the date which is more advantageous
to the survivors of the deceased. If the deceased is a
Gazetted Officer the head of department and if the
deceased himself was the head of department, the
Secretary to Government concerned, in consultation with
the Accountant General (A&E) will fix the date of option of
the deceased employee, which is found to be more
advantageous to the beneficiary.
(xix) An employee on leave or on deputation or under
suspension will be allowed to exercise option with in a
period of six months from the date of return to duty.
(xx) Persons whose service were terminated on or after
1.7.2009 and who could not exercise the option within the
prescribed time limit on account of death, discharge on the
expiry of the sanctioned posts, resignation, dismissal or
discharge on disciplinary ground are entitled to the
benefits of the aforesaid rules.
(xxi) In the case of employees whose increment in the pre-
revised scale is barred as punishment without cumulative
effect, their pay on the date of option (if it is w.e.f. a date
on which the increment bar is in force) in the revised scale
will be fixed on the basis of the pay notionally arrived at by
counting increment each, in the pre-revised scale, for
every competed year of service which would have been
counted for normal increment, but for the punishment.
The next increment in the revised scale will be sanctioned
only after expiry of the remaining period of increment bar
as on the date of fixation of pay in the revised scale,
subject to Rule (x) of Pay Fixation Rules.
(xxii) In the case of employees whose increment in the pre-
revised scale is barred as punishment with cumulative
effect, their pay on the date of option (if it is w.e.f. a date
on which the increment bar is in force) will be fixed on the
basis of the pay they were drawing immediately before
increment bar. They will be entitled to the pay at the same
rate till the expiry of the period of increment bar. The next
increment in the revised scale will be sanctioned only after
expiry of the period of increment bar subject to Rule (x) of
Pay Fixation Rules.
(xxiii) In the case of employees whose pay in the pre-revised
scale is reduced to lower stage as penalty temporarily,
their pay in the revised scale will be fixed on the date of
option (if it is w.e.f a date on which the reduction in pay is
in force) on the basis of the pay after reduction in the pre-
revised scale. The next increment that will accrue in the
revised scale in terms of Rule (x) of the above rules will be
sanctioned only after the expiry of the remaining period of
(xxiv) In the case of employees whose pay in the pre-revised
scale is reduced permanently to lower stage as penalty
with the effect of postponing future increments, his pay in
the revised scale will be fixed on the date of option on the
basis of the reduced pay in the pre-revised scale. They
will have to remain in that pay till expiry of the period of
reduction. The next increment that will accrue in the
revised scale will be sanctioned only after expiry of the
remaining period of penalty.
(xxv) The employees who continue on Leave Without Allowance
(LWA) on or after 1.7.2009 will be allowed to exercise
option within 6 (six) months of return to duty.
Principles of Option
5.17. Normally a pay revision with new pay scales takes effect from a date
stipulated by Government. All subsequent appointments and
promotions are deemed to have been made only in the revised scale
of pay. However, in all earlier pay revisions, except in 1992, the
employees were given the opportunity to exercise option in order to
come over to the revised scale w.e.f any date which is convenient and
beneficial to them. The employees have opportunity to exercise
option in lower post and higher posts simultaneously w.e.f. the same
date, which will enable them to reap the benefit of pay revision in the
lower post and consequent fixation in the higher post as per the rules
in KSR. In the Central Pay Revision, option facility was allowed only in
one existing scale of pay till the V Pay Revision. The Revised pay
scales based on Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations
came into effect w.e.f 1.1.2006 and the employees were given option
only to continue in the existing scale (pre-revised scale) until the date
on which he earns his next or subsequent increment in the existing
scale or until he vacates the post or ceases to draw pay in the scale.
We recognize the fact that an employee should be given an
opportunity to exercise a right of option to come over to the revised
scale at the same time. We are also of the firm view that unintended
financial benefit should not be accrued as a result of the facility for
exercising option. It is therefore essential to stipulate the principles of
option enabling the employees to switch over to the revised scale of
pay. The employees may be allowed to exercise option subject to the
following conditions.
a) A Government servant holding a post under the Government
on the day before the date of coming into effect of the pay
revision may exercise option to continue in the existing scale
till the date on which he/she earns his/her next increment in
the existing scale of pay or until he/she vacates his/her post
or ceases to draw pay in that scale, whichever is earlier. The
date of effect of the option shall not in any case go beyond
one year from the date of order of pay revision.
revised scale and pay regulated on that basis. The
Government servant is not entitled to exercise option in
respect of the scale of pay of the post in which he /she is
j) Heads of Departments and Offices shall give proper
guidance to their subordinates to select the most beneficial
dates for exercising option, since re-option will not be
allowed for rectification of the wrong option already
exercised or for other reasons.
5.18 In the Terms of Reference (TOR) it was interalia suggested to find out
remedies for the anomalies caused due to last Pay Revision and to
recommend measures to avoid cascading effects, if any, likely to be
caused by such anomalies. Majority of the Service Organisations
have also voiced their argument in support of the alleged anomalies
pointed out in the TOR. They argued that due to the implementation
of the recommendation of 8th Pay Revision Commission then existed
parity in the scales of pay between the employees in different
Departments and the Secretariat had been disturbed. This was
charcterised by them as ‘degrading the non Secretariat employees’.
They further argued that the execution of the decisions of the
Government at the grass root level or at its final destination is as
important as the decision itself. In other words the execution wing of
the Government is also important as the decision making wing. The
Service Organisations were of the view that there existed a
harmonious pay structure by which various officials were placed in
different scales of pay before the 8 th Pay Revision Order. The
Commission examined the issue carefully in the background of the
above mentioned Terms of Reference and the representations made
by Service Organisations. The Commission is of the view that in the
present era of decentralized planning and execution, the role of Line
Departments is all the more important. So also the importance and
significance of the Secretariat of the Government cannot be under
estimated. In the above circumstances we have taken care to restore
parity as far as possible, that too considering the
importance/significance of the duties and responsibilities of the
various Departments, upholding at the same time the significance
and importance of the Secretariat. The Commission has made an
attempt to restore the harmonious pay structure without upsetting or
ignoring the importance of the Secretariat.
5.19 The Commission is not in favour of placing all senior level officers in
various Departments in the scale of pay equivalent to that of
Additional Secretary/ Joint Secretary taking into account the nature of
functions and the size of the Departments. The Commission took
note of the fact that the 8 th Pay Revision Commission has reduced
the number of scales from 27 to 24. By this merger of scales senior
level officers in the Line Departments were placed at a lower level
when compared with senior level officers in the Secretariat. Hence
three new pay scales are introduced in order to accommodate the
senior level functionaries such as Deputy Director/Joint
Director/Additional Director in the Line Departments. The
Commission feels that with introduction of three new scales and
placing the senior level officers in certain Line Departments, the
disparity that existed between the pay scales awarded to the
Secretariat functionaries and Line Department functionaries has been
reduced to a considerable extent, paving the way for a harmonious
pay structure to continue.
5.20 The Classification of Heads of Departments was done long ago taking
into account the functions and size of the Department that existed
then. Such a classification was attempted by the IVth Kerala Pay
Commission and constructed five groups covering Departments with
Head of Departments other than those encadred in the IAS. We have
also given our attention to this matter and re-grouped a few of the
Heads of Departments on the basis of the duties and responsibilities
attached to them and also considering the size of the Departments.
Judiciary the scale of pay of Sheristedar which is the highest
ministerial post is below that of Under Secretary. The Commission
felt that the scale of pay of Administrative Assistant has to be raised
to the level of Under Secretary, considering the fact that the post is
the highest promotion post in the ministerial cadre.
5.26 The technical posts in the non Gazetted cadre has also been fixed
considering the basic qualification required for the post i.e.
Diploma/Certificate, duties and responsibilities attached to the post.
5.27 The scale of pay of professional categories has been fixed taking into
account their qualification and the level of learning. In this
connection the Commission feels that the Assistant Surgeon has to
be placed on a higher footing mainly on account of the fact that
admission to this course (MBBS) is mainly taken by the top rank
holders in the Entrance Examination to the professional courses.
Also there is a need to differentiate the nature of duties
responsibilities, and the risk involved in the execution of job by an
Assistant Surgeon from other professionals. Another reason for
placing Assistant Surgeon above other Medical professionals is the
fact that there is a vide network of Health Care Centres in this stream
namely Primary Health Centres, Rural Dispensaries, Taluk Hospitals,
District Hospitals and General Hospitals. Accessibility to any one of
these hospitals to a common man is highly relevant and Allopathy
Medical profession is considered to be the top most among the
professional cadres. The pressure of duties and responsibilities is
high on an Assistant Surgeon. Hence the entry posts of Assistant
Surgeon and equated categories in the Specialty Cadre have been
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.13610-20700. The
Commission has also given an upward lift to other directly recruited
professionals such as Assistant Engineer, Veterinary Surgeon,
Agricultural Officer etc. covered under the Career Advancement
Scheme and placed them at the entry level in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.11910-19350 so as to maintain the existing
internal relativity between the scale of pay of Assistant Surgeon and
other professionals.
5.28 The Commission understands the role of Teachers in the
development of human resources which in turn paves way for the
overall development of the State. Hence the Teachers from Primary
to Higher Secondary level have been placed on a better footing in
the revised scales of pay.
The existing and corresponding revised scales (see Para.4.22)
No Scales of pay (2004) No
Revised scales of pay (2009)
1 4510-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6230 1 8500-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220
4630-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6680- 8730-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-
2 2
160-7000 12550
4750-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6680- 8960-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-
3 3
160-7480-170-7820 13210
5250-130-5510-140-5930-150-6680-160-7480- 9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-
4 4
170-7990-200-8390 14620
5650-140-5930-150-6680-160-7480-170-7990- 9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-
5 5
200-8790 400-15380
6080-150-6680-160-7480-170-7990-200-9590- 10480-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-
6 6
240-9830 400-16980-440-17420
7 6680-160-7480-170-7990-200-9590-240-10790 7
8 7480-170-7990-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910 8
7990-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340- 13900-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-
9 9
12930 560-22360
8390-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340- 14620-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-
10 10
13270 560-23480
11 11 15380-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040
9190-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340- 16180-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040-
12 12
13610-380-15510 620-27140
9590-240-10790-280-11910-340-13610-380- 16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-
13 13
16650 680-29180
10790-280-11910-340-13610-380-16650-450- 18740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-
14 14
18000 750-31360
11070-280-11910-340-13610-380-16650-450- 19240-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-
15 15
18450 750-32110
16 11910-340-13610-380-16650-450-19350 16
17 12250-340-13610-380-16650-450-19800 17
18 12930-340-13610-380-16650-450-20250 18
19 13610-380-16650-450-20700 19 24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140
20 16650-450-20700-500-23200 20 29180-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140-900-40640
21 32110-750-32860-820-36140-900-40640-1000-44640
21 20700-500-23200-550-25400-600-26600 22 36140-900-40640-1000-46640
22 23200-550-25400-600-26600-650-31150 23 40640-1000-48640-1100-54140
24 42640-1000-48640-1100-55240
23 25400-600-26600-650-33100 25 44640-1000-48640-1100-56340
24 26600-650-33750 26 46640-1000-48640-1100-57440-1200-58640
27 48640-1100-57440-1200-59840
Master Scale Master Scale
4510-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6680- 13540-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-
160-7480-170-7990-200-9590-240-10790-280- 560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-
11910-340-13610-380-16650-450-20700-500- 36140-900-40640-1000-48640-1100-57440-1200-
23200-550-25400-600-26600-650-33750 59840
perhaps this may be the only Pay Commission to have achieved this
goal within the shortest period.
5.31 Further the Commission wishes to draw the attention of the
Government to the pension liability of the State which is growing at an
alarming pace. The number of pensioners in Kerala has already
crossed the number of serving employees. It will be in the best
interest of the State exchequer to find out a way to solve this problem
of increasing burden on the State resources. The State Government
may formulate a plan for this in consultation with Service
6.1. Posts coming under Common Category are Common to all
Departments. The employees coming under Common Category are
appointed in various Departments on the basis of a rank list
periodically prepared by the Kerala Public Service Commission. The
post from Class IV employee to Senior Administrative Officer comes
under Common Category.
6.2. Class IV Employee (Scale of pay: Rs.4510-7480)
6.2.1. The qualification prescribed for these posts is a pass in VIIth
Standard. They are appointed in various Departments based on the
District wise common rank list prepared by the Kerala Public Service
Commission. At present, they are eligible for a higher grade in the
ratio of 2:1 between Gr.II and Gr.I posts. As per G.O (P)
No.12/2010/P&ARD dated 5.4.2010, 10% of the posts of Lower
Division Clerks and Lower Division Typists are reserved for
appointment by transfer from qualified Class IV employee.
6.2.2. The Commission examined the demands raised by various
Service Organisations and after consideration of all aspects, makes
the following recommendations:
(i) No change in the designations.
(ii) The Fourth Time Bound Higher Grade may be allowed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.6080-9830 to avoid
stagnation. The First, Second, Third and Fourth Time
Bound Higher Grades in respect of Class IV employees may
be placed in the scales of pay corresponding to Rs.4630-
7000, Rs.4750-7820, Rs.5650-8790 and Rs.6080-9830
6.3. Lift Operator (Scale of pay Rs.5250-8390)
6.3.1. The qualification prescribed for the post of Lift Operator is pass
in ITI trade for direct recruits. Lift Operators are also appointed by
transfer from Class IV employees possessing training in Lift
6.3.2. After careful consideration of all aspects, the Commission
recommends that the Lift Operators of various Departments may be
brought under a Common pool of Public Works Department. Higher
Grade in the ratio of 3:1 may be allowed between Lift Operator and
Lift Operator (HG) and higher grade may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.5650-8790.
6.4. Common Pool Librarians
6.4.1. Librarians in Government Departments, Professional Colleges,
Arts & Science Colleges and various Commissions are grouped under
Common Pool Librarians. Appointment to these posts are made from
the Common rank list prepared by the Kerala Public Service
Commission. Librarians are now eligible for 5 level promotions from
Librarian Gr. IV to Senior Grade.
6.4.2. After considering all aspects, Commission recommends no
change in the existing system.
6.5. Attender / Clerical Attender (Scale of pay: Rs.4630-7000)
6.5.1. The post of Attender is the promotion post of Class IV employee
and the qualification for the post is either pass in S.S.L.C or pass in
suitability test conducted by the Kerala Public Service Commission.
They are eligible for a higher grade on Rs.4750-7820 in the ratio of
2:1 between Gr.II and Gr.I.
6.5.2. Considering all aspects, Commission recommends no change in
the existing system.
6.6. Artist / Photographer / Artist – cum – Photographer.
6.6.1. The posts of Artist / Photographer / Artist - cum – Photographer in
various Departments are categorized into three groups and are
placed in the scales of pay viz. Rs.5650-8790, Rs.7480-11910 and
6.6.2. The qualification, duties and responsibilities of Artist /
Photographer / Artist - cum- Photographer vary from department to
department. For some posts, the general qualification prescribed is
pass in SSLC, whereas, for others, it is Standard VII. The Technical
qualification prescribed varies from Certificate to Diploma. The
experience in Photography is also prescribed.
6.6.3. Commission considered all aspects and normal revision is
6.7. Chief Operator (Audio Visual) (Scale of pay: Rs.7480-11910)
6.7.1. The posts of Chief Operator which exists in the Health Service
Department is the promotion post of Audio Visual Trailor Operator /
Cinema Operator / Projectionist Gr.I.
6.7.2. Commission recommends normal revision.
6.8. Cinema Operator / Projectionist / Audio Visual Trailor
Operator / Driver -cum – Operator and similar categories
6.8.1. Cinema Operator / Projectionist Gr.II and Audio Visual Trailor
Operator Gr.II are placed in the identical scale of pay of Rs.4750-
7820. There is a higher grade to these categories in the ratio of 2:1
on Rs.5650-8790. The qualification prescribed for the post of Cinema
Operator is a pass in VIIth Standard and one year experience in
operating Cinema Projection equipment. The Driver – cum – Operator
/ Projectionist and similar categories are placed in the scale of pay of
Rs. 6080-9830 and they are doing additional works such as driving,
photography etc.
6.8.2. Commission considered all aspects and normal revision is
6.9. Binder (Scale of pay: Rs.4750-7820)
6.9.1. The post of Binder exists in various Departments such as
Printing, Registration, Agriculture, Survey and Land Records,
Archives, Health Services, Medical Education etc. The qualification
prescribed for this post is pass in VII Standard and KGTE (Lower) in
Binding in all Departments except in Printing Department. In Printing
Department, the qualification prescribed for the post is SSLC (Course
Completed) and KGTE / MGTE (Lower) in Binding. The method of
appointment is by direct recruitment and by transfer from Group D
employees. There is a ratio of 2:1 between Binder Gr.II and Gr.I
6.9.2. Commission considered all aspects and recommends normal
revision to the post of Binder.
6.10. Driver (Scale of pay: Rs.5250-8390)
6.10.1. The qualification for the post of Driver in various Departments is
VIIIth Standard and Valid Driving License. The method of
appointment to this post is either by direct recruitment or by transfer
from any other class or service. There is a ratio of 2:2:1 between
Driver Gr.II, Gr.I and Senior Grade.
6.10.2. The Commission considered the demands raised by various
Service Organisations and recommends that 10% of the Senior Grade
Drivers will be allowed Selection grade in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.8390-13270.
6.11. Typist Clerk / Clerk Typist / Clerk cum Typist (scale of pay:
6.11.1. The qualification for the post is SSLC with KGTE (Typewriting
Lower) and the method of appointment is by direct recruitment. They
are entrusted with clerical and typing works.
6.11.2. Commission considered various aspects and recommends the
(i) The scale of pay corresponding to Rs.5650-8790 may be
allowed at the entry level.
(ii) The qualification for the post may be modified as follows:
c) Pass in KGTE (Lower) in Typewriting (Malayalam) or
(ii) The post of Typist (Sr.Grade) and Typist (Sel.Gr.) may be
merged as Typist (Sel.Gr.) with scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.8390-13270. The ratio between LD Typist, UD Typist
and Typist (Sel.Gr.) may be modified as 2:2:2 in the scales
of pay corresponding to Rs.5650-8790, Rs.7480-11910 and
Rs.8390-13270 respectively and the posts may be re-
designated as Typist, Senior Typist and Selection Grade
(iii) The Stipulation of a total Service of 10 years for category
change to UD Clerk may be reduced to 5 years.
6.13. Fair Copy Superintendent (Scale of pay: Rs.9190-15510)
6.13.1. The post of Fair Copy Superintendent is the last promotion post
of Typist. There is one Fair Copy Superintendent for every six Typists
in an office. The post of Fair Copy Superintendent and Fair Copy
Superintendent (HG) was merged into one in 2004 Pay Revision.
6.13.2. The Commission examined the demands raised by various
Service Organisations and recommends that 20% of the posts of Fair
Copy Superintendent or Fair Copy Superintendent on completion of 6
years of service as Fair Copy Superintendent may be granted a
higher grade in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.10790-18000.
6.14. Confidential Assistant / Steno – Typist
6.14.1. The qualification for the post is SSLC, Typewriting (English and
Malayalam) and shorthand (English) . The method of appointment is
by direct recruitment. There is a ratio of 1:1:1:1 among Grade II,
Grade I, Senior Grade and Sel.Grade Confidential Assistants. The
scales of pay of the posts are given below:
Confidential Assistant (Gr.II) : Rs. 6080-9830
Confidential Assistant (Gr.I) : Rs. 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant (Sr.Gr.) : Rs.9190-15510
Confidential Assistant (Sel.Gr.) : Rs.11070-18450
6.14.2. The posts of Personal Assistant and Personal Assistant (HG) are
available in Secretariat, Kerala Public Service Commission and
Advocate General’s Office as promotion post of Confidential Assistant
6.14.3. The Commission after considering the demands raised by various
Service Organisations, makes the following recommendations:
(i) The qualification for the post may be modified as follows:
(a) Pass in Plus Two or equivalent.
(b) Pass in KGTE (Lower) in Typewriting ( English and
Malayalam) and Computer Word Processing or
(c) Pass in KGTE (Lower) Shorthand in English and
Malayalam or equivalent
(ii) The 8th Pay Revision Commission recommended the
abolition of pool system and modified the grades from
3:3:3:2 to 1:1:1:1. Government accepted the
recommendations. Subsequently based on the
representation from Confidential Assistants in various
Departments, the Government ordered vide G.O
(Ms)No.201/06/Fin. dated 4.05.2006 that the matter will be
taken up by the next Government and till then the status
quo will continue. Government vide letter No. 39207/PRC-
C1/2006/Fin. dated 3.06.2010 referred the issue to the 9th
Pay Revision Commission for appropriate recommendation.
The Commission considered the issue in detail and
recommends that the pool system which existed prior to
the 8th Pay Revision may be restored. The posts in the
Secretariat will constitute the Secretariat Pool, posts in
Public Service Commission- the Public Service Commission
Pool, posts in the High Court and subordinate Courts- the
High Court pool and posts in other Departments the other
Department pool. Instead of Revenue Department, the
Director of Treasuries may be entrusted to administer the
other Department pool to ensure timely promotion.
(iii) In the offices of major Heads of Departments, the post of
Personal Assistant may be sanctioned to the Heads of
Department and selection grade Confidential Assistants
may be posted on promotion as Personal Assistants in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11910-19350. The post of
PA may also be sanctioned to all Principal District Judges.
the promotion post of UD Clerk and there is one Head Clerk for every
3 to 5 Clerks. The post of Head Clerk is a supervisory post.
6.15.2. The Commission considered in detail the various demands raised
by Service Organisations and all other aspects, makes the following
(i) The qualification for the post of Lower Division Clerk may be
modified as pass in Plus Two and Computer knowledge.
(ii) The existing designation of LD Clerk/UD Clerk may be
changed as Clerk and Senior Clerk respectively. The
existing designations of Head Clerk/Head Accountant may
allow to continue.
(iii) The post of LD Clerk (re-designated as Clerk) and UD Clerk
(re-designated as Senior Clerk) may be placed in the
corresponding scales of pay of Rs.5650-8790 and Rs.7480-
11910 respectively.
(iv) Some of the Associations and individuals in service put
forward a demand that an opportunity should be given to
the graduate employees in other departments to enter into
the Secretariat service. It was represented that 10% of
posts of Assistants should be reserved for such persons
from other service who have put in 3 years service by
holding a suitability test to be conducted by the Public
Service Commission, so that their experience in the other
service would be an additional advantage to the
Secretariat Service.
As per G.O (P) No.199/2007/GAD dated, 17.03.2007, the
Typists and Confidential Assistants of the Secretariat has an
opportunity to get appointed as Assistant and by transfer
appointment as Section Officer. A number of posts are reserved
for Secretariat officials in many Departments. For procuring
efficiency and better performance, the previous experience in
other departments would be advantageous and any such entry of
experienced persons may not in any way affect the persons in
Secretariat service, as it is in the entry level. The Commission is
of the opinion that it would be desirable to give an opportunity to
the graduates in service in line Departments who have put in 3
years service, to enter into the Secretariat service on the basis of
a selection process by holding a suitability test conducted by
Public Service Commission. Virtually, their experience in the
former departments would be an additional attribute for their
efficiency and performance in the Secretariat service. Hence the
Commission makes the following recommendation:
10% of the posts of Assistants in the Secretariat shall be
filled up by “by transfer appointment” from among Clerks
having 3 years service in other departments and holding
Bachelors Degree on the basis of a qualifying test to be
conducted by the Public Service Commission.
6.16. Sergeant (scale of pay: Rs.6680-10790)
6.16.1. The post of Sergeant in various Departments other than the
Secretariat is a separate class in Kerala General Subordinate Service.
The method of appointment is by direct recruitment or by transfer
from any other class, category or service.
6.16.2. The Commission after considering all aspects makes the
following recommendations:
(i) The Sergeants of other Departments may be brought under
a common pool system.
(ii) The post of Sergeant may be sanctioned higher grade in
the ratio of 5:3:2 between Sergeant Grade II, Grade I and
Senior Grade and placed in the scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.6680-10790, Rs.7480-11910 and Rs.7990-12930
6.17. Junior Superintendent and equated posts like Manager (scale
of pay: Rs.9190-15510)
6.17.1. The post of Junior Superintendent which is a supervisory post is
the promotion post of Head Clerk/Head Accountant. The existing
norms in an office is one post of Junior Superintendent for every six
posts of Clerks.
6.17.2. The Commission after considering all aspects and demands
raised by various Service Organisations, recommends that 20% of the
post of Junior Superintendent or Junior Superintendents who have
completed six years of service as Junior Superintendent may be
placed in the higher grade in the scale of pay corresponding to
6.18. Senior Superintendent and equated posts like Manager (Scale
of pay: Rs.10790-18000.)
6.18.1. Senior Superintendent is the promotion post of Junior
Superintendent. At present 20% of posts are in the Higher Grade.
6.18.2. The Commission after considering all aspects and demands raised
by various Service Organisations, recommends that instead of 20%,
25% of the posts of Senior Superintendents may be placed in the
Higher Grade in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800.
6.19. Divisional Accountant (Scale of pay: Rs.10790-18000)
6.19.1. The post of Divisional Accountant exist in Public Works
Department, Irrigation Department, Harbour Engineering Department
and Local Self Government Department. The recruitment to this post
is made in the following manner.
(i) 1/3rd of the vacancies by transfer from the category of
Junior Superintendent of the above mentioned
(ii) 1/3rd of the vacancies by direct recruitment.
(iii) 1/3rd of the vacancies by transfer from eligible UD Clerks of
all Departments including Assistants of Secretariat Service
and UD Auditors of Local Fund Audit Department.
6.19.2. Appointment on by transfer and by direct recruitment is through
competitive and qualifying test called Initial Recruitment Examination
for Divisional Accountants conducted by Kerala Public Service
Commission. The candidates so selected have to undergo practical
training for a period of 12 months in various Offices of the above
mentioned Departments and the Accountant General. The
administrative Control of the post is vested with the Government in
the Finance Department.
6.19.3. The Commission considered all aspects and the demands raised
by various Service Organisations, makes the following
(i) The present method of appointment may be modified as
50% of the vacancies by transfer from the category of
eligible Junior Superintendents of Public Works
Department/Irrigation/Harbour Engineering Departments
without appearing for the Initial Recruitment Examination
for Divisional Accountants conducted by Kerala Public
Service Commission and remaining 50% of the vacancies
by Direct recruitment. Necessary amendments may be in
the Special Rules.
(ii) Higher Grade in the ratio of 1:1 in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 may be allowed.
6.20. Administrative Assistant (Scale of pay: Rs.12250-19800)
6.20.1. The post of Administrative Assistant is the promotion post of
Senior Superinentedent. The post of Administrative Assistant exists
in District Offices, Regional Offices and in the office of Heads of
Departments. In major Departments such as Health, Education and
Police, the post of Senior Administrative Assistant exists.
6.20.2. The Commission considered the demands raised by the various
Service Organisations, makes the following recommendations:
(i) The post may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.12930-20250.
(ii) 25% of the post may be placed on Higher Grade in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.13610-20700 and may be
re-designated as Senior Administrative Assistant.
(iii) The Sheristadar of Principal District Court may be placed
on par with Administrative Assistants for the purpose of
Higher Grade and higher scale of pay.
6.21. Financial Assistant/Accounts Officer (Scale of pay: Rs.12250-
6.21.1. The post of Financial Assistant/Accounts Officer exists in various
Departments. The method of appointment to the post is by
promotion from the category of Divisional Accountants, by promotion
from the category of Section Officers in the Finance Department and
by direct recruitment from members of any other service, class or
category through Public Service Commission in the ratio of 1:1:1. The
Financial Assistants posted by promotion and by direct recruitment
form part of Kerala General Service administered by Finance
6.21.2. The Accounts Officers in various Departments other than Kerala
General Service are appointed by promotion from Senior
Superintendents and by transfer from Administrative Assistants
having Account Test (Higher).
6.21.3. The Commission after considering all aspects and makes the
following recommendations:
(i) The posts of Financial Assistant /Accounts Officer in Kerala
General Service/Secretariat Service may be given normal
(ii) The posts of Accounts Officer in various Departments may
also be given normal revision and may be filled up by
promotion from the category of Senior Superintendent who
have passed Accounts Test (Higher). Necessary
amendments may be made in the relevant Special Rules.
6.22. Finance Officer/Senior Finance Officer
6.22.1. The method of appointment to the post of Finance Officer is by
promotion from the category of Financial Assistants of Kerala General
Service and by transfer from the Officers of Finance Department in
the ratio of 1:1. At present the post of Finance Officer is in the
following grades:
Finance Officer : Rs.12930-20250
Finance Officer (HG) : Rs.16650-23200
Sr. Finance Officer : Rs.20700-26600
6.22.2. The Commission considered the demands raised by various
Service Organisations and recommends that 1/3 rd of the post of
Senior Finance Officer may be placed in Higher Grade in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150 and may be re-designated as
Chief Finance Officer. Necessary amendments may also be made in
the Special Rules.
6.23. Administrative Officer/Senior Administrative Officer
6.23.1. The method of appointment to the post of Administrative Officer
is by direct recruitment from Senior Superintendents of various
Departments through a test conducted by Kerala Public Service
Commission and by transfer from the officers of Administrative
Secretariat in the ratio of 1:1. At present the post of Administrative
Officer is in the following grades.
Administrative Officer : Rs.12930-20250
Administrative Officer (HG) : Rs.16650-23200
Sr. Administrative Officer : Rs.20700-26600
6.23.2. The Commission considered the demands raised by various
Service Organisations and recommends that 1/3 rd of the posts of
Senior Administrative Officer may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.23200-31150 and may be re-designated as Chief
Administrative Officer. Necessary amendments may also be made in
Special Rules.
6.24. The existing and the proposed scales of pay of the posts coming
under Common Category are as follows:
Designation Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
1/3rd of the post in Higher
20700- Grade on Rs.40640-54140
Senior Administrative Officer 36140-46640 and re-designated as Chief
Administrative Officer
Administrative Officer (HG) 29180-40640
23200 1/3rd of the post on HG on
Administrative Officer 22360-35320
1/3rd of the post on HG on
20700- Rs.40640-54140 and re-
Senior Finance Officer 36140-46640 designated as Chief Finance
Finance officer (HG) 29180-40640
23200 1/3rd of the post on HG on
Finance Officer 22360-35320
Financial Assistant /Accounts 12250-
Officer 19800
Designation Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
25% of the post on HG on
12250- Rs.24040-36140 and re-
Administrative Assistant 22360-35320 designated as Senior
Administrative Assistant.
Divisional Accountant(HG) 21240-34500
10790- 50% of the post on HG on
Divisional Accountant 18740-31360
18000 Rs21240-34500
Designation Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
Store cum Record Keeper 5250-8390 9940-15380
Record Keeper 5250-8390 9940-15380
Store Clerk 5250-8390 9940-15380
Copyist 5250-8390 9940-15380
Accountant 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk cum Cashier 5250-8390 9940-15380
Assistant Cashier Clerk 5250-8390 9940-15380
Store Keeper 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk cum Store Keeper 5250-8390 9940-15380
Auditor 5250-8390 9940-15380
Record cum Store Keeper 5250-8390 9940-15380
Assistant Store Keeper 5250-8390 9940-15380
Tally Clerk 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk Steward 5250-8390 9940-15380
Store Assistant 5250-8390 9940-15380
Cashier 5250-8390 9940-15380
Store Keeper cum Clerk 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk cum Accountant 5250-8390 9940-15380
Junior Accountant 5250-8390 9940-15380
Cashier cum Clerk 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 19240-32110
Confidential Assistant Sen. Gr. 9190-15510 16180-27140
Confidential Asst/Steno Typist
7990-12930 13900-22360
Gr. I
The ratio 1:1:1:1 between CA
Confidential Assistant/Steno
6080-9830 10480-17420 Gr. II, Gr. I, Sr. Gr. and Sel.
Typist Gr. II Gr. will continue.
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 8390-13270 Typist (Sr. Gr.) and Typist
(Sel. Gr.) will be merged and
14620-23480 the Typist (Sel. Gr.) will be on
Typist ( Sr.Gr) 7990-12930 Rs.14620-23480. Grade
Ratio modified as 2:2:2
Re-designated as Senior
Upper Division Typist 6680-10790 13210-20740 Typist
Lower Division Typist 5250-8390 9940-15380 Re-designated as Typist
Designation Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
Driver Gr II 5250-8390 9190-14620
Drivers will be on Sl.Gr on
Binder Gr I 5650-8790 9940-15380 Existing ratio 2:1 between Gr.
II and Gr. I will continue.
Binder Gr II 4750-7820 8960-13210
Driver cum Operator /
Projectionist and similar 6080-9830 10480-17420
Cinema Operator/Projectionist
5650-8790 9940-15380
Gr.I Existing ratio 2:1 between Gr.
II and Gr.I will continue.
Cinema Operator/Projectionist
4750-7820 8960-13210
Audio Visual Trailer Operator
5650-8790 9940-15380
Gr.I Existing ratio 2:1 between Gr.
II and Gr.I will continue.
Audio Visual Trailer Operator
4750-7820 8960-13210
Chief Operator (Audio Visual) 7480-11910 13210-20740
Artist/Photographer/Artist Cum
8390-13270 14620-23480
Artist/Photographer/Artist Cum
7480-11910 13210-20740
Artist/Photographer/Artist Cum
Photographer and similar 5650-8790 9940-15380
Attender Gr.I 4750-7820 8960-13210
Clerical Attender/Technical
4750-7820 8960-13210
Attender Gr.I
Clerical Assistant (and similar
4750-7820 8960-13210
categories) Gr.I
Existing ratio 2:1 between Gr.
Attender Gr.II 4630-7000 8730-12550 II and Gr.I will continue.
Clerical Attender /Technical
4630-7000 8730-12550
Attender Gr.II
Clerical Assistant (and similar
4630-7000 8730-12550
Common Pool Librarians
Librarian Gr.I 20740-33680
Those who come under UGC
Librarian Gr.II 9190-15510 16180-27140 Scheme will be given UGC
Scale of pay
Librarian Gr.III 8390-13270 14620-23480
Librarian Gr.IV 6680-10790 11620-18740
Telephone Operator 5250-8390 9190-14620
Telephone Attendant 4750-7820 8960-13210
Roller Driver Gr.I 6680-10790 11620-18740
Designation Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
Roller Driver Gr.II 5650-8790 9940-15380
Roller Driver/Assistant Roller
5250-8390 9190-14620
Roller Cleaner 5250-8390 9190-14620
Lorry Cleaner 4630-7000 8730-12550
Oil Engine Driver 5250-8390 9190-14620
Driver cum Mechanic/Driver 5250-8390
Workshop mechanic/Motor 5250-8390
Motor Boat Driver Gr.I 6080-9830 10480-17420 Grade ratio 1:1 between Gr. II
and Gr. I will continue.
Motor Boat Driver Gr.II 5250-8390 9190-14620
Tractor Driver/Boat
6080-9830 10480-17420
Driver/Syrang Gr.I Grade ratio 1:1 between Gr. II
and Gr. I will continue.
Tractor Driver/Boat
5250-8390 9190-14620
Driver/Syrang Gr.II
Engine Driver Gr.I 6080-9830 10480-17420 Grade ratio 1:1 between Gr. II
and Gr. I will continue.
Engine Driver Gr.II 5250-8390 9190-14620
Motor Driver Gr.I 6080-9830 10480-17420 Grade Ratio 1:1 between Gr.
II and Gr. I will continue.
Motor Driver Gr.II 5250-8390 9190-14620
Loco Driver Gr.I 6080-9830 10480-17420 Grade Ratio 1:1 between Gr.
II and Gr. I will continue.
Loco Driver Gr.II 5250-8390 9190-14620
Driver cum Cleaner Gr.I 6080-9830 10480-17420 Grade Ratio 1:1 between Gr.
II and Gr. I will continue.
Driver cum Cleaner Gr.II 5250-8390 9190-14620
Carpenter 5250-8390 9190-14620
Turner 5250-8390 9190-14620
Moulder 5250-8390 9190-14620
Welder 5250-8390 9190-14620
Black smith/Smith 5250-8390 9190-14620
Electrician 5250-8390 9190-14620
Plumber 5250-8390 9190-14620
Mechanic 5250-8390 9190-14620
Workshop Mechanic 5250-8390 9190-14620
Fitter 5250-8390 9190-14620
Carpenter cum Black smith 5250-8390 9190-14620
Lift Operator 5250-8390 9190-14620 Lift Operator of various
Departments will be brought
under a common pool under
PWD. Grade ratio 3:1
between Lift Operator and
Lift Operator HG on Rs.9940-
Designation Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
7.0.1. This Chapter deals with the Departments under the Government
including institutions, the staff cost of which are met from the State
exchequer, their staff pattern, staff strength, existing and revised pay
scales, etc. The data regarding number of posts, existing scales of
pay etc. presented here are based on the information provided by the
Heads of Departments/Offices. While all attempts and care have been
taken to present the data as accurate as possible, unintended
omissions cannot be ruled out. This Commission therefore would like
to caution that the authority for the existence of a post and its
existing scale of pay should be the authenticated Government order
on the subject which should be referred to as the deciding document
in case of any doubt. In case where a particular post does not figure
in this Chapter because of its non-inclusion in the data provided by
Head of the Department/Office, the normal replacement scale should
7.0.2. The Commission received a large number of representations and
many of them routinely asked for up gradation to higher level,
increase of allowances, improvement of ratio promotion etc. It is
obviously not possible to deal in this report with every representation
received or give reasons for not considering the requests put forth in
such representations. While dealing with the representations which
were of a substantial nature, the Commission has given only brief
explanations for the conclusions.
7.0.3. The main grievance highlighted by majority of the Service
Organizations was regarding the disturbances caused by the last pay
revision order (8th pay revision order) in the then existing parity in the
scales of pay between the employees in the different Departments
and the Secretariat. There existed appreciable parity on the pay
scales between officers of different Departments and Secretariat till
the 8th Pay Revision Order. But by the last pay revision of 2004, the
officers of the Secretariat had been given a hike in pay by which
officials having identical scales of pay in majority Departments had
been brought to a lower scale of pay disturbing the then existed
parity. This was characterized before the Commission by most of the
Service Organisations as “degrading the above employees”. The
representatives of those Service Organisations advanced the
argument that the execution of the decisions of the Government at
the grass root level or at its final destination is as important as the
decisions itself. The execution wing of the Government is also
important as the decision-making wing. Before the 8 th pay revision
order, there existed a harmonious pay structure by which the officials
were placed in a proper parity of scales. The disturbance of the
above parity caused much resentment among a vast majority of the
officials and that was well reflected in their representations and
submissions made before the Commission. In the above
circumstance the Commission has taken the decision to restore the
earlier parity as far as possible, that too considering the
importance/significance of the duties and responsibilities, of the
various departments, while upholding the significance and
importance of the Secretariat. Thus the Commission has made an
attempt to restore the harmonious pay structure without upsetting or
ignoring the importance of the Secretariat and its officials.
7.1.1. The Raj Bhavan establishment consists of two separate wings viz.,
Governor’s Secretariat and Governor’s Household both headed by
Secretary to Governor. The Secretary to Governor is an officer
belonging to the IAS cadre.
7.1.2. Comptroller may be placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.32110-
7.1.3. The Deputy Secretary may be allowed special pay @ Rs.300.
7.1.4. Normal revision is recommended to all posts.
7.1.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Secretary to Governor 1 IAS
20700- Special Pay in lieu of
Deputy Secretary 2 46640 +
26600 Higher Time Scale
300 Sp
HG in the ratio of
12930- 22360- 2:1 with scale of
Under Secretary 2 Rs.29180-40640 will
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Private Secretary to Governor 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Public Relations Officer 1
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Personal Assistant to Governor 1
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Section Officer (HG) 1
19350 33680 Grade ratio 1:1 will
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 2
18000 31360
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Additional Personal Assistant to 10790- 18740-
Governor 18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Tour Superintendent 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Cypher Superintendent 1
18000 31360
Re-designated as
9590- 16980-
Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 4 Assistant Section
16650 29180 Officer
9190- 16180-
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 4
15510 27140
7990- 13900-
Assistant 4
12930 22360
9590- 16980-
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 1
16650 29180
9190- 16180-
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 1
15510 27140 Existing ratio of
1:1:1:1 among four
7990- 13900- grades will continue.
Typist Gr. I 1
12930 22360
Typist Gr. II 2 6080-9830
9190- 16180-
Cypher Assistant 1
15510 27140
Telephone Operator 4 5650-8790
Chauffeur Gr. II 1 5250-8390
Motor Cycle Despatch Rider 2 5250-8390
Clerical Assistant 1 4630-7000
Common Category
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1
12930 22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830
Binder 1 4750-7820
Duffedar 2 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. I 4630-7000
12550 Gr. I & Gr. II in the
22 ratio 1:2
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4510-6230
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Sweeper 4 4510-6230
Sanitation Worker 1 4510-6230
Sweeper cum Sanitation 8500-
1 4510-6230
Worker 12220
ADC to Governor (P) 1 IPS
ADC to Governor (N) 1 Defence Service
16650- 32110-
Comptroller 1
23200 44640
12930- 22360-
Additional Private Secretary 1
20250 35320
11910- 24040-
Medical Officer 1
19350 36140
7480- 13900-
Staff Nurse Gr. II 1
11910 22360
6680- 11620-
Pharmacist Gr. II 1
10790 18740
Furniture Clerk 1 5650-8790
Motor Section Clerk 1 5650-8790
Garden Supervisor 1 5650-8790
Chauffer 4 5250-8390
Head Butler 1 4750-7820
Head Cook 1 4750-7820
Head Gardener 1 4750-7820
Carpenter 1 4750-7820
Gardener 12 4630-7000
Personal Attendant 2 4630-7000
Caretaker 1 4630-7000
Tailor 1 4630-7000
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Cook 2 4630-7000
Laundry Superintendent 1 4630-7000
Dhobi 3 4630-7000
Female Attendant 1 4630-7000
Nursing Assistant 1 4510-6230
Hospital Attendant 2 4510-6230
Common Category
Attendar 1 4630-7000
Duffedar 1 4630-7000
Waiter 4 4630-7000
Matey 4 4510-6230
Lascar 2 4510-6230
Sweeper 12 4510-6230
Sweeper-cum-Sanitation 8500-
2 4510-6230
Worker 12220
Cleaner 2 4510-6230
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4 4510-6230
Watcher 3 4510-6230
Total 152
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 1; No. of Women employees including Part-
time – 16.
7.2.2. The Commission examined various demands put forth by the
Associations and discussed with the representatives of the
Associations. The Head of Office was also heard. Accordingly the
following recommendations are made:
(i) Unlike other Libraries, the Legislature Library has to render
reference services to MLAs in a time bound manner. There
are 4 posts of Deputy Librarians in the scale of pay of
Rs.12250-19800. Considering the nature of duties and
functions, the Deputy Librarians may be placed in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.12930-20250.
(ii) Two of the Deputy Librarians may be placed in the Higher
Grade in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
The Chief Librarian may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 in view of special nature
of duties and responsibilities attached to Legislature Library.
(iii) The Chief Editor which was on Rs.12600-15600+200 Special
pay in 1997 revision may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(iv) The DTP Operator may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.7480-11910.
(v) Hostel Attendants may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.4750-7820 and the Chief Hostel
Attendants on Rs.5650-8790.
(vi) The Commission understands that the method of
appointment of House Keeper is by promotion from among
lower categories with basic qualification SSLC and that
House Keeper/Reception Guide/Museum Guide are equated
posts. The House Keeper/Reception Guide/ Museum Guide
may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.7990-
12980 and they may be allowed Senior/Higher grade in the
ratio 2:1 with scale of pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270.
(vii) Senior most Clerical Assistant is appointed as Office
Assistant (single post). Clerical Assistant Grade I is in the
scale of pay of Rs.6080-9830. Office Assistant may be
allowed the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.6680-10790.
(viii) The posts of Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary and Deputy
Secretary may be allowed special pay @ Rs.900, Rs.500 and
Rs.300 respectively.
(ix) Clerical Assistant may be allowed the revised scale of pay of
LD Clerk, in the Common Category.
7.2.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.2.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Secretary 1 As In PD NJPC
26600- 46640-
Special Secretary 1
33750 58640
25400- 44640-
Special Pay in lieu of
Additional Secretary 3 33100 + 56340 + Higher Time Scale
600 sp 900 Sp
23200- Special Pay in lieu of
Joint Secretary 8 54140 +
31150 Higher Time Scale
500 Sp
Deputy Secretary/Estate 20700- Special Pay in lieu of
13 46640 + Higher Time Scale
Officer/Research Officer 26600
300 Sp
16650- 29180-
Under Secretary (HG) 8
23200 40640 The HG ratio (1:2) will
Under Secretary/Protocol 12930- 22360-
Officer 20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Section Officer (HG) 25
19350 33680 The HG ratio (1:1) will
Section Officer/Manager-cum- 10790- 18740-
Superintendent/ Cashier 18000 31360
Chief Editor 1 26600 +
200 sp
Joint Chief Editor 1 23200 +
200 sp
Deputy Chief Editor 6 20700 +
200 sp
12930- 22360-
Editor of Debates 8
20250 35320
Reporter Gr. II 13 7990-12930
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
16650- 36140-
Chief Librarian 1
23200 46640
13610- 24040-
Librarian 2
20700 36140
50% posts may be in
12250- 22360- the HG in the scale of
Deputy Librarian 4 pay of Rs.29180-
19800 35320
Assistant Librarian Gr. I 4 9590-16650
Assistant Librarian Gr. II 4 9190-15510
Catalogue Assistant 5 8390-13270
11910- 20740-
Personal Assistant 2
19350 33680
Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 51 9590-16650 Assistant Sel. Gr. is
re-designated as
16180- Assistant Section
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 51 9190-15510
27140 Officer. The Grade
ratio (1:1:1) will
13900- continue.
Assistant 52 7990-12930
11070- 19240-
Controller of Printing 1
18450 32110
Higher Grade in the
10790- 18740- ratio 1:1 in the scale
Office Superintendent 13 of pay of Rs.20740-
18000 31360
33680 is proposed.
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 16 9590-16650
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 17 9190-15510
27140 The existing ratio
(1:1:1:1) will continue
Typist Gr. I 17 7990-12930
Typist Gr. II 17 6080-9830
Foreman 1 8790-13610
Health Inspector Gr. II 2 8390-13270
Reader Gr. II 4 7990-12930
Paste Up Artist 1 7480-11910
Offset Machine Operator 5 7480-11910 13210-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Junior Health Inspector Gr. II 1 6680-10790
Office Assistant 1 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant Gr. I 4 6080-9830 The existing ratio
(1:1) will continue.
Clerical Assistant Gr. II 5 4750-7820 9940-15380
Copy Holder 2 6080-9830
Computer Operator-cum-Web 10480-
4 6080-9830
Designer 17420
1/3rd posts will be in
House Keeper/Reception 13900- the HG in the scale of
13 6080-9830 pay of Rs.14620-
Guide/Museum Guide 22360
Lift supervisor 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Chief Hostel Attendant 10 5250-8390 9940-15380
DTP Operator 6 5250-8390
Photocopier Operator 4 5250-8390 9190-14620
Assembly Attendant 20 4750-7820 8960-13210
Head Gardener 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Hostel Attendant 50 4630-7000 8960-13210
Lady Attendant 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Library Boy Gr. I 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Library Boy Gr. II 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Helper 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Attender 6 4630-7000 8730-12550
Gardener 10 4630-7000 8730-12550
Sweeper 20 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sanitation Worker 13 4510-6230 8500-12220
Cleaner 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
Confidential Assistant (Sel. 11070- 19240-
Gr.) 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 6 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 6 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 7 6080-9830 10480-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
6680- 11620-
Driver (Sr. Gr.) 1
10790 18740
Driver Gr. I 2 6080-9830
Driver Gr. II 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder Gr. I 2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Binder Gr. II 6 4750-7820 8960-13210
Lift Operator 23 5250-8390 9190-14620
Telephone Operator 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Roneo Operator 5 4750-7820 8960-13210
Class IV Employee Gr. I 23 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 48 4510-6230 8500-12220
Duffedar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Mochee 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
23200- 40640-
Chief Marshal 1
33150 54140
12930- 22360-
Additional Chief Marshal 1
20250 35320
11070- 19240-
Programmer 1
18450 32110
Network Administrator 1 9190-15510
Computer Programmer 1 9190-15510
Marshal 4 9190-15510
Sergeant (In the grade of 13210-
10 7480-11910
Head Constable) 20740
Leading Fireman 2 6680-10790
Sergeant Assistant (In the 10480-
86 6080-9830
grade of Police Constable) 17420
Women Sergeant Assistant 3 6080-9830
Personal Assistant to MLA 123
Pump operator 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Agricultural Assistant 1 6080-9830
Total 1000
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 66; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees – 56; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 373
(vi) The scale of pay corresponding to Rs.4750-7820 may be
allowed to the Cycle Stand Watchman.
(vii) The scale of pay of the post of Nottam may be enhanced to
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.4750-7820.
(viii) The ratio between the posts of Lift Operator and Lift
Supervisor may be revised as 9:1 instead of the existing
(ix) The post of Binder Gr. II may be allowed the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.5250-8390
(x) The scale of pay of the posts of Security Guards, Head
Guards and Sergeant/Assistant Security Officer may be
enhanced to the scales of pay corresponding to Rs.5650-
8790, Rs.6680-10790 and Rs.8390-13270 respectively. The
existing ratio between Security Guard and Head Guard (5:1)
may be continued.
(xi) Special Allowance of the Drivers attached in the Secretariat
may be enhanced to Rs.250/-, considering the special nature
of work.
(xii) The post of Selection Grade Assistant may be re-designated
as Assistant Section Officer, by suitably fixing the duties and
(xiii) The post of Office Superintendent may be allowed higher
grade in the ratio 1:1 and the higher grade pay may be
placed in the corresponding scale of Rs.11910-19350.
(xiv) Attenders in the Secretariat may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.4750-7820, as Clerical Attender in
the various Department which is in the same scale of pay.
The by transfer appointment of Peon as Attender in the
Secretariat may be treated as promotion for which Special
Rules may be amended suitably. Attenders may be given
promotion in the ratio 2:1.
(xv) It has been brought to the notice of the Commission that the
Last Grade Employees working in the Secretariat are from
the Last Grade Servants posted against Headquarters
vacancies. Hence Last Grade Servant could not be recruited
permanently in the Secretariat. In order to overcome this
situation separate recruitment may be done exclusively for
Secretariat, for which necessary provisions may be included
in the Secretariat Subordinate Service Rules.
(xvi) The existing ratio of 1:2 between Personal Assistant HG and
Personal Assistant may be revised to 1:1.
(xvii) Clerical Assistant Gr. II may be placed in the scale of pay as
in Legislature Secretariat.
7.3(a).3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Chief Secretary 1 IAS
Additional Chief Secretary 5 IAS
Principal Secretary 11 IAS
Secretary 20 IAS
Addl. Secretary (IAS) 6 IAS
25400- 44640- Special pay in lieu
Additional Secretary 45 33100 + 56340 + of Higher Time
600sp 900 Sp scale
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Reception Officer/Assistant
Liaison Officer
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 108 9590-16650
Typist (Sen. Gr.) 108 9190-15510 The existing ratio
(1:1:1:1) will
13900- continue.
Typist Gr. I 109 7990-12930
Typist Gr. II 109 6080-9830
Security Officer 1 9190-15510
Assistant Security Officer 2 7990-12930
Sergeant 3 7990-12930
11620- The existing ratio
Security Guard Gr. I/Head Guard 9 6080-9830
18740 (1:5) will continue.
Security Guard Gr. II,
104 5250-8390 9940-15380
Chowkidar, Watchman
Clerical Assistant Gr. I 41 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant Gr. II 31 4750-7820 9940-15380
Lift Supervisor 2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Duplicating Machine Supervisor 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Duplicating Machine Operator 3 4750-7820 8960-13210
Motor Cycle Orderly 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
The ratio between
Head Gardener 1 4750-7820 8960-13210 Full–Time
Gardeners and
Gardener 20 4630-7000 8730-12550 Head Gardener
may be 10:1
Dhoby 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
1/3 may be in the
Attender 45 4630-7000 8960-13210 Higher Grade.
Nottam 1 4630-7000 8960-13210
Store Attendant 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Conference Hall Watchman 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Cycle Stand Watchman 4 4630-7000 8960-13210
Messenger 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Full Time Telephone Cleaner 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
OP Attender 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Common Category
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 50
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 50 9190-15510 The existing ratio
(1:1:1:1) will
13900- continue.
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 50 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 50 6080-9830
Health Inspector Gr. II 1 7990-12930
Binder Gr. I 14 5650-8790 9940-15380
Binder Gr. II 18 4750-7820 9190-14620
Ratio between Lift
Operator and Lift
Lift Operator 28 5250-8390 9190-14620 Supervisor will be
Health Assistant 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Driver 13 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. I 258 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 430 4510-6230 8500-12220
Full Time Sweeper 52 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 3595
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 60; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time -1578.
Secretary, Finance Department, makes the following
(i) One post of Special Secretary may be allowed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.26600-33750.
(ii) The posts of Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary and Deputy
Secretary may be allowed special pay @ Rs.900, Rs.500 and
Rs.300 respectively.
(iii) Normal revision is recommended to all other posts. The
recommendations made in respect of similar categories of
posts in the Administrative Secretariat are applicable in the
Finance Secretariat also.
7.3(b).3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Principal Secretary 1 IAS
Secretary 2 IAS
25400- 44640-
Special pay in lieu of
Additional Secretary 14 33100 + 56340 + Higher Time scale
600sp 900 Sp
23200- Special pay in lieu of
Joint Secretary 11 54140 + Higher Time scale
500 Sp
20700- Special pay in lieu of
Deputy Secretary 14 46640 +
26600 Higher Time scale
300 Sp
16650- 29180-
Under Secretary (HG) 9
23200 40640
12930- 22360- Existing HG (2:1) ratio
Under Secretary 18 will continue.
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Personal Assistant (HG) 2
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Personal Assistant 4
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Section Officer (HG) 38
19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 38 HG ratio will continue.
18000 31360
HG in the ratio 1:1 in the
10790- 18740- scale of pay of
Office Superintendent 7
18000 31360 Rs.20740-33680 is
Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 91 9590-16650
29180 Assistant Sel. Gr. is re-
designated as Assistant
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 91 9190-15510 Section Officer. The
27140 Grade ratio (1:1:1) will
13900- continue.
Assistant 90 7990-12930
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 21 9590-16650
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 20 9190-15510
27140 Existing ratio (1:1:1:1)
13900- will continue.
Typist Gr. I 20 7990-12930
Typist Gr. II 21 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant Gr. I 8 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant Gr. II 8 4750-7820 9940-15380
Attender 8 4630-7000 8730-12550
Data Processing Centre (DPC)
Director, Information 25400- 44640-
Systems 33100 56340
Assistant Director 11910- 20740-
(Information Systems) 19350 33680
Common Category
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 8
19800 34500
Confidential Assistant Sel. 11070- 19240-
Gr. 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Sr. 16180-
5 9190-15510
Gr. 27140 Existing ratio (1:1:1:1)
13900- will continue.
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 3 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 11 6080-9830
Driver (Sr. Gr.) 2 6680-10790
Driver Gr. I 1 6080-9830
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 1 6680-10790
Binder Gr. I 2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Binder Gr. II 2 4750-7820 9190-14620
Roneo Operator (HG) 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Roneo Operator 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
Class IV Employee Gr. I 47 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 96 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
26600- 48640-
Chief Technical Examiner 1
33750 59840
23200- 40640-
Assistant CTE 1
31150 54140
16650- 36140-
Technical Officer 1
23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Executive Engineer 7
23200 46640
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Assistant Executive 12250- 21240-
Engineer 19800 34500
11070- 20740-
Assistant Engineer 3
18450 33680
10790- 18740-
Divisional Accountant 2
18000 31360
Total 752
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 6; No. of Women employees including Part-
time -281.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Law Secretary 1 As In PD
26600- 46640-
Special Secretary (Law) 1
33750 58640
25400- 44640- Special pay in lieu
Additional Secretary 9 33100 + 56340 + of Higher Time
600sp 900 Sp scale
The present
incumbent may be
12930- 22360-
Senior Tamil Translator (HG) 1 allowed a personal
20250 35320 scale of Rs.29180-
10790- 18740-
Senior Tamil Translator 1
18000 31360
Tamil Translator (HG) 1 9190-15510
Assistant Tamil Translator 3 7480-11910
Senior Kannada Translator (HG) 1 12930- 22360- The present
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
incumbent may be
allowed a personal
20250 35320 scale of Rs.29180-
10790- 18740-
Senior Kannada Translator 1
18000 31360
Kannada Translator (HG) 1 9190-15510
Assistant Kannada Translator 2 7480-11910
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 9 9590-16650
Typist (Sen. Gr.) 9 9190-15510
Typist Gr. I 9 7990-12930
Typist Gr. II 9 6080-9830
Attender 3 4630-7000 8960-13210
Clerical Assistant Gr. II 5 4510-6230 9940-15380
Common Category
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 5
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 10 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Gr. I - 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 4 6080-9830
Driver Gr. I 1 6080-9830
Driver Gr. II 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder Gr. I 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Binder Gr. II 2 4750-7820 9190-14620
Roneo Operator 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
Class IV Employee Gr. I 12 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 31 4510-6230 8500-12220
Duffader 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Total 304
No. of Women employees including Part-time -113.
7.3(d).1. Kerala House (New Delhi) is the State Government’s
representative office in the National Capital and a liaison office with
the Centre. The Kerala House and other State Government offices in
New Delhi are under the Administrative control of the Resident
Commissioner, who is in the rank of a Secretary to Government.
There are 3 separate wings viz. the Liaison Wing, the Protocol Wing
and the Guest House. The Liaison wing acts as a bridge between
Central and other State Governments and liaises with the Central
Government for getting sanctioned the proposals submitted by the
State Government before the Centre. The efficient functioning of the
Kerala House is inevitable for the effective Central-State relations.
The Protocol Wing is in charge of the VVIP/VIP visits including visits of
Ministers, and other State Government dignitaries/officers/guests.
The Guest House is controlled by the Controller in the rank of an
Additional Secretary.
7.3(d).2. The method of appointment in the Kerala House is either transfer
appointment from Government Secretariat or on deputation from the
line departments. The Guest House staff are recruited locally, for
functional convenience. No Special Rules have been framed so far.
7.3(d).3. The following offices of the State Government are functioning at
New Delhi.
1. Kerala Information Office
2. Kerala Tourist Information Office
3. NORKA Cell
4. Cauvery Special Cell
The staff of these offices are drawn from the respective State
7.3(d).4. The demands of the various Service Organisations of the Kerala
House have been examined. Discussion was also held with the
Resident Commissioner. Accordingly the Commission makes the
following recommendations, considering the difficulties felt by the
staff, due to high cost of living, among other reasons in the Capital
(i) The employees of Southern States viz. Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh working in the respective
State Bhavans at New Delhi are getting New Delhi Allowance
as a percentage of their basic pay ranging from 15% to 25%.
The State Government employees working in New Delhi may
also be allowed New Delhi allowance @ 15% of their basic
pay. The CCA in vogue may be discontinued.
(ii) The Chauffer, Cook, Peon, Waiter, Telephone Operator and
Room Attendant may be given higher grade in the ratio 2:1.
(iii) The LTC/HTA as available to the employees working in Kerala
House, New Delhi may continue. Warm Cloths Allowance
may be enhanced to Rs.4000/- for once in 4 years. Uniform
Allowance may be enhanced to Rs.2500/- for summer and
Rs.1500/- for winter once in two years. Shoe allowance may
be enhanced to Rs.1000/- p.a.
(iv) Considering the necessities at New Delhi, Educational
Allowance and Transport Allowance may be allowed to the
employees of Kerala House, as a special case. Educational
Allowance may be sanctioned at the rate of Rs.500/- per
month, per child for two children and Transport Allowance @
Rs.500/- per month.
(v) Special Allowance of Rs.300/- p. m. may be allowed to Cooks.
(vi) Mobile phone allowance @ Rs.500/- p. m. may be allowed to
the Officer in charge of Norka Cell, New Delhi.
(vii) The posts of Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary and Deputy
Secretary may be allowed special pay @ Rs.900, Rs.500 and
Rs.300 respectively.
(viii) Kerala House is now functioning as a Guest House under a
Controller. The staff members are recruited locally and no
Special Rules have been framed so far. This cannot be
allowed to continue for long. Kerala House being a Guest
House be merged with Tourism Department.
7.3(d).3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Office of the Resident Commissioner
Resident Commissioner 1 IAS
Additional Resident
25400- 44640- Special pay in lieu
Law Officer 1 33100 + 56340 + of Higher Time
600sp 900 Sp scale
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
19800 34500
11070- 20740-
Assistant Engineer 1
18450 33680
11910- 20740-
Personal Assistant 1
19350 33680
7990- 13900-
Assistant Liaison Officer 6
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Assistant 3
12930 22360
Typist 2 6080-9830
Overseer (Electrical) 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Overseer (Civil) 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Chauffer 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Common Category
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
Chowkidar 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sweeper 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Office of the Controller
11910- 20740-
Controller 1
19350 33680
12930- 22360-
Protocol Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
10790- 18740-
Assistant Protocol Officer 1
18000 31360
Manager 10790- 18740-
(Catering/Housekeeping) 18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 1
18000 31360
7990- 13900-
Assistant 5
12930 22360
Typist 1 6080-9830
7990- 13900-
Reception Assistant 9
12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Catering Supervisor 1
10790 18740
Steno-Typist 1 6080-9830 10480-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
post may be in
Telephone Operator 4 5250-8390 9190-14620 the HG on Rs.9940-
6680- 11620-
House Keeping Supervisor 1
10790 18740
Assistant House Keeper 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
6680- 11620-
Store Keeper 1
10790 18740
rd post may be in
Chauffeur 11 5250-8390 9190-14620 the HG on Rs.9940-
Butler/Steward 5 5250-8390 9190-14620
rd post may be in
Waiter/Bearer 19 4630-7000 8730-12550 the HG on Rs.8960-
Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
rd post may be in
Room Attendant 21 4630-7000 8730-12550 the HG on Rs.8960-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
20700- 36140-
Deputy Secretary 2
26600 46640
7990- 13900-
Assistant 1
12930 22360
Cauvery Special Cell
16650- 36140-
Executive Engineer 1
23200 46640
12250- 21240-
Assistant Executive Engineer 1
19800 34500
11070- 20740-
Assistant Engineer 2
18450 33680
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 1
13270 23480
Computer Operator 1 Daily Waged
Driver Gr. II 1 On Contract
Class IV Employee 1 On Contract
Watchman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Tourism Information Office
12930- 22360-
Deputy Director 1
20250 35320
7990- 13900-
Information Assistant 1
12930 22360
Class IV Employee Gr. II 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Driver 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Daily Daily Waged
Sweeper 1
Total 180
No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged employees- 1; No. of Women employees including
Part-Time - 3.
7.4.2. The Chairman and the Members comprise the Commission. At
present there are 18 members in the Commission including
Chairman. The Secretary to the Commission is the
executive/ministerial head of the Institution. The Secretary is in the
scale of pay of an Additional Secretary to Government.
7.4.3. Representatives of Service Associations appeared before the
Commission had demanded for higher scale of pay and promotional
prospects of various posts in the Department. After consideration of
all aspects, the Commission recommends as follows:
(i) The post of Secretary, Kerala Public Service Commission may
be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.26600-
(ii) The posts of Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary and Deputy
Secretary may be allowed special pay @ Rs.900, Rs.500 and
Rs.300 respectively.
(iii) Considering the lesser promotion avenues, Higher Grade to
Office Superintendent may be allowed in the ratio of 1:1 in
the scale of pay of Rs.11910-19350.
(iv) As the appointment to the post of Enquiry Officer is by
transfer from different categories and the post is not a
promotion post, the Commission finds no justification in
enhancing the scale of pay of Enquiry Officer.
7.4.4. Corresponding revision is recommended for all other posts.
7.4.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Secretary 1 33100 +
600 sp
25400- 44640-
Additional Secretary/Controller Special pay in lieu of
3 33100 + 56340 + Higher Time scale
of Examinations
600 sp 900 Sp
Joint Secretary/Regional Officer/ 23200- Special pay in lieu of
13 54140 +
Controller of Finance 31150 Higher Time scale
500 Sp
Deputy Secretary/District 20700- Special pay in lieu of
24 46640 + Higher Time scale
Officer 26600
300 Sp
16650- 29180- Existing ratio of 1:2
Under Secretary (HG) 22 between Under
23200 40640
Secretary (HG) and
Under Secretary 46 12930- 22360- Under Secretary will
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Section Officer (HG) 103
19350 33680 Existing ratio (1:1)
will continue.
10790- 18740-
Section Officer/Public Relations 103
18000 31360
23200- 40640-
System Administrator 1
31150 54140
16650- 29180-
System Manager/EDP Manager 1
23200 40640
12930- 22360-
PS to Chairman 1
20250 35320
System Analyst/Senior 12930- 22360-
Programmer 20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Hardware Technician 1
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Personal Assistant (HG) 6
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Personal Assistant 13
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Programmer 2
19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Enquiry Officer 4
18000 31360
HG on Rs.20740-
10790- 18740-
Office Superintendent 26 33680 in the ratio 1:1
18000 31360 is proposed.
Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 219 9590-16650
29180 Assistant (Sel. Gr.)
may be re-designated
Assistant (Sr. Gr.)/Cashier 219 9190-15510 as Assistant Section
27140 Officer. Existing ratio
(1:1:1) will continue.
Assistant 219 7990-12930
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 42 9590-16650
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 42 9190-15510 Existing ratio of
(1:1:1:1) will
13900- continue.
Typist Gr. I 42 7990-12930
Typist Gr. II 42 6080-9830
Technical Assistant 1 9190-15510
Sergeant 1 7990-12930
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Data Entry Operator 9 7480-11910
Security Guard (HG) 5 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant Gr. I 21 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant Gr. II 21 4750-7820
Security Guard 30 5250-8390
Driver-cum-Peon (Co-Terminus) 18 5250-8390
Attender Gr. I 7 4750-7820
Attender Gr. II 14 4630-7000
Common Category
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 4
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 4 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 4 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 4 6080-9830
Driver Sr. Gr. 2 6680-10790
Driver Gr. I 4 5650-8790
Driver Gr. II 5 5250-8390
Binder Gr. I 1 5650-8790
Binder Gr. II 3 4750-7820
Lift Operator 2 5250-8390
Duplicating Machine Operator 17 4750-7820
Duffedar (HG) 6 4750-7820
Duffedar Gr. II 12 4630-7000
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Electrician 2 4750-7820
Class IV Employee Gr. I 44 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 126 4510-6230
Gardener 4 4630-7000
Full Time Sweeper-cum- 8500-
4 4510-6230
Sanitation Worker 12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
23200- 40640-
Vigilance and Security Officer 1
31150 54140
12930- 24040-
Deputy Superintendent of Police 1
20250 36140
11910- 20740-
Librarian Gr. I 1
19350 33680
Sub Inspector of Police 1 9190-15510
Police Constable 3 6080-9830
Police Constable Driver 2 6080-9830
Total 1584
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 32; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time- 531.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
25400- 44640-
Special pay in lieu of
Secretary to Advocate General 1 33100 + 56340 + Higher Time scale
600sp 900 Sp
23200- Special pay in lieu of
Joint Secretary 2 54140 + Higher Time scale
500 Sp
20700- Special pay in lieu of
Deputy Secretary 4 46640 +
26600 Higher Time scale
300 Sp
16650- 29180-
Under Secretary (HG) 3
23200 40640 rd
of the posts will
be in the Higher
12930- 22360- Grade
Under Secretary 5
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Personal Assistant (HG) 1
19800 34500
Grade ratio 1:1
11910- 20740-
Personal Assistant 3
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Section Officer (HG) 15
19350 33680
Grade ratio 1:1
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 15
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Librarian 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Office Superintendent 8
18000 31360
9590- 16980-
Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 38
16650 29180 Assistant (Sel. Gr.)
re-designated as
9190- 16180-
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 38 Assistant Section
15510 27140 Officer. Grade ratio
7990- 13900- may be 1:1:1
Assistant 45
12930 22360
9590- 16980-
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 10
16650 29180
9190- 16180-
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 11
15510 27140 Grade ratio (1:1:1:1)
will continue.
7990- 13900-
Typist Gr. I 11
12930 22360
Typist Gr. II 11 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant Gr. I 8 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant Gr. II 8 4750-7820
Library Assistant 2 5250-8390 9190-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Telephone Attendant 1 4750-7820
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 8
18450 32110
9190- 16180-
Confidential Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 13
15510 27140
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 13
12930 22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 14 6080-9830
Telephone Operator 2 5250-8390
Driver 5 5250-8390
Daffedar (HG) 1 5250-8390
Electrician Gr. II 1 5250-8390
Binder Gr. II 1 4750-7820
Class IV Employee Gr. I 4630-7000
will be in the
8500- Higher Grade
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4510-6230
Night Watchman 1 4510-6230
Total 377
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 6; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees – 7; No. of Women employees including Part-Time-199.
7.6.2. The Director of Agriculture is the Head of the Department. The
Department has offices at Regional, District and Panchayat levels.
Krishi Bhavans are the Grama Panchayat level offices of the
7.6.3. The Commission held discussion with the representatives of the
Service Organisations and the Head of the Department. Accordingly,
the following recommendations are made:
(i) The Director may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.26600-33750.
(ii) The Additional Director may be placed in the revised scale of
pay of Rs.42640-55240.
(iii) The Joint Director/Principal Agricultural Officer and Principal
Information Officer may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iv) 20% of posts of Deputy Directors/Chief Soil Chemist/Plant
Protection Officer/Subject Matter Specialist, Sub Divisional
Agricultural Officer taken together may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
(v) The existing ratio among the post of Senior Agricultural
Officer/Assistant Director and Agricultural Officer may be
revised as 1:3.
(vi) 20% of the Agricultural Field Officers may be placed in the
higher grade in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11910-
(vii) Agricultural Assistants Grade II, Grade I and Senior Grade
may be given ratio 2:2:1 and placed in the scales of pay
corresponding to Rs.6080-9830, Rs.7990-12930 and
Rs.9190-15510 respectively. Agricultural Assistant Senior
Grade may be re-designated as Assistant Agricultural Officer.
(viii) Senior Mechanic in the Engineering Wing may be placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.6080-9830.
(ix) Labour Welfare Officer (single post) may be placed in the
personal scale corresponding to the scale of pay of
(x) The consolidated pay of Tissue Culture Technician and A/C
Mechanic may be revised to Rs.5200 and Rs.4500
(xi) Overseer Grade II/Draftsman Grade II may be allowed the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.6680-10790.
(xii) The Executive Engineer and the Assistant Executive Engineer
may be placed in the same scales of pay applicable to the
respective posts in the PWD. The State Agricultural Engineer
may be allowed the revised scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240.
(xiii) The Internal Audit Wing has to be strengthened by
increasing the number of Audit teams. Altogether there are
134 posts of Junior Superintendents. One of the posts of
Junior Superintendents in the Audit Wing, in each District
may be upgraded and converted as Senior Superintendent.
(xiv) One post of Junior Superintendent in the Principal
Agricultural Office may be upgraded to that of Senior
7.6.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.6.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Assistant for promotion
as Assistant Soil
Chemist will continue
The present incumbent
11910- 20740- may be allowed
Labour Welfare Officer 1 personal scale of
19350 33680
Agricultural Officer/Farm
11070- 20740-
Assistant/Seed Development 1160
18450 33680
11070- 20740-
Technical Assistant 28
18450 33680
Personal Assistant to Director 11070- 20740-
of Agriculture 18450 33680
The existing ratio
10790- 18740- among Gr. II, Gr. I and
Senior Scientific Assistant 15
18000 31360 Senior Gr. will continue
as 2:1:1.
20% of the posts may
10790- 18740- be placed in the Higher
Agricultural Field Officer 47
18000 31360 Grade in the scale of
pay of Rs.20740-33680.
Scientific Assistant Gr. I 15 9190-15510
To be re-designated as
Assistant Agriculture
16180- Officer. The ratio
Agricultural Assistant Sr. Gr. 617 8390-13270
27140 among Gr. II, Gr. I and
Senior Gr. is modified
as 2:2:1.
Agricultural Assistant Gr. I 925 7480-11910
Agricultural Assistant Gr. II 1541 6080-9830
Scientific Assistant Gr. II 31 7480-11910
Offset Operator 1 6680-10790
Assistant Offset Operator 1 5250-8390
Film Librarian 1 5250-8390
Lab Assistant 11 5250-8390
Oil Engine Driver 8 5250-8390
Field Supervisor 3 4630-7000
Lab Keeper 5 4630-7000 8730-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Consolidated Consolidated
Tissue Culture Technician (on
13 pay of pay of
contract) Rs.4400/- Rs.5200/-
Consolidated Consolidated
AC Mechanic (on contract) 3 pay of pay of
Rs.3850/- Rs.4500/-
Agricultural Engineering Wing
23200- 42640-
State Agricultural Engineer 1
31150 55240
16650- 36140-
Executive Engineer 2
23200 46640
The post of Assistant
Executive Engineer
Assistant Executive Engineer 12250- 21240-
18 (Civil) has been re-
(Agri.) 19800 34500 designated as Assistant
Engineer (Agri)
11070- 20740-
Assistant Engineer (Agri.) 27
18450 33680
11070- 20740-
Head Draftsman (Civil) 2
18450 33680
13900- Existing H.G ratio is
Draftsman Gr. I/Overseer Gr. I 11 7990-12930
22360 discontinued.
Draftsman Gr. I (Mech.) 1 7990-12930
Store-in-charge 10 7990-12930
Mechanical Engineering 13210-
2 7480-11910
Supervisor 20740
Foreman 14 6680-10790
Draftsman Gr. II/Overseer Gr. 11620-
22 6080-9830
II 18740
Work Superintendent 45 5650-8790
Tractor Driver Gr. I 36 5650-8790
Tractor Driver Gr. II 36 5250-8390
Senior Mechanic 11 5250-8390
Mechanic 120 5250-8390
Skilled Assistant 1 5250-8390
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Welder 11 5250-8390
Fitter 11 5250-8390
Blacksmith 1 5250-8390
Carpenter 1 5250-8390
Turner 1 5250-8390
Electrician 12 5250-8390
Machinist 1 5250-8390
Farm Mechanic 1 5250-8390
Borer 9 4750-7820
Workshop Attender 1 4630-7000
Lascar 7 4510-6230
Farm Information Bureau
16650- 36140-
Principal Information Officer 1
23200 46640
13610- 24040-
Deputy Director of Agriculture 1
20700 36140
Assistant Director of 12250- 21240-
Agriculture 19800 34500
Editor -cum- Press Relations 12250- 21240-
Officer 19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Technical Assistant 1
19800 34500
11070- 20740-
Agricultural Officer 5
18450 33680
10790- 18740-
Videographer 1
18000 31360
Photographer 1 8390-13270
Photo Artist 3 7480-11910
Village Level Worker 10480-
1 6080-9830
(Agricultural Assistant) 17420
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Agricultural Assistant 1 6080-9830
Animal Husbandry
12250- 21240-
Campaign Officer 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Information Officer 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Publication Officer 1 19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Editor Farm News 1
19800 34500
Artist 2 7480-11910
Pharmacist 1 6680-10790
Surveyor 1 6080-9830
Compositor 1 6680-10790
Boat Driver Gr. I 2 6080-9830
Boat Syrang 2 6080-9830
Boat Driver Gr. II 3 5250-8390
Permanent Servant 27 4510-6230
Regular Mazdoor 2 4510-6230
Beetle Picker 1 4510-6230
Mali 7 4510-6230
Ploughman 2 4510-6230
Common Category
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 20
19800 34500
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 16
19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 14
18000 31360
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Junior Superintendent 134 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 11 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 11 9190-15510
Head Clerk 33 8390-13270
Typist Sel. Gr. 28 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as
23480 Selection Grade Typist
Typist Sr. Gr. 28 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 10 7990-12930
UD Clerk 534 6680-10790
UD Typist 59 6680-10790
Driver Sr. Gr. 12 6680-10790
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 11 6080-9830
Driver Gr. I 47 6080-9830
Driver-cum-Cinema Operator 1 6080-9830
Driver-cum-Operator 4 6080-9830
Cinema Operator 3 5650-8790
LD Clerk 531 5250-8390
Clerk-cum-Typist 6 5250-8390
LD Typist 64 5250-8390
Driver Gr. II 93 5250-8390
Clerk-Typist 2 5250-8390
Binder Gr. I 1 5250-8390
Binder Gr. II 5 4750-7820
Duplicating Machine Operator 53 4750-7820 8960-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Daffedar 1 4750-7820
Attender Gr. I 26 4750-7820
Cleaner Gr. I 7 4630-7000
Attender Gr. II 54 4630-7000
Lab Attender 46 4630-7000
Full Time Sweeper 1 4630-7000
Lorry Cleaner Gr. I 1 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. I 97 4630-7000
Tractor Cleaner Gr. I 15 4630-7000
Watchman Gr. I 46 4630-7000
Cleaner Gr. II 13 4510-6230
Van Cleaner 4 4510-6230
Gardner -cum- Cleaner 12 4510-6230
Lorry Cleaner Gr. II 2 4510-6230
Class IV Employee Gr. II 196 4510-6230
Tractor Cleaner Gr. II 29 4510-6230
Binder Helper 5 4510-6230
Watchman Gr. II 91 4510-6230
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
20700- 36140-
Vigilance Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
Senior Finance Officer 1 20700- 36140-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Law Officer 1
26600 46640
13610- 29180-
Deputy Director (Statistics) 1
20700 40640
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director (Statistics) 1
19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Research Officer 2
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Accounts Officer 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Statistical Officer 1
18000 31360
Research Assistant 15 8390-13270
Statistical Assistant/ 13900-
7 6680-10790
Investigator Gr. I 22360
Statistical Assistant/ 11620-
16 5250-8390
Investigator Gr. II 18740
Total 7740
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees -539; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily waged
employees -728; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 3520.
(vi) The time bound higher grade scales of Veterinary Surgeons
for 8 years and 15 years may be the scales of pay of
promotion posts.
(vii) The ratio between Veterinary Surgeons and Senior
Veterinary Surgeons may continue to be 3:1.
(viii) The scale of pay corresponding to Rs.4750-7820 may be
allowed to Pump Operator/Plumber.
(ix) 20% of the posts of Field Officer may be allowed Higher
Grade in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11070-18450.
(x) The post of Chick Sexer may be allowed the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.6080-9830.
(xi) The scale of pay of Lab Assistant Gr. II may be equated to
that of Lab Technician Gr. II.
(xii) The Live Stock Inspector attached to ICDP may be granted
Special Allowance of Rs.300/- per month.
(xiii) The Live Stock Assistant attached to ICDP has to work on all
days. Hence a special allowance of Rs.300/- p. m. may be
allowed to them.
7.7.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
25400- 46640-
Director 1
33100 58640
23200- 42640-
Additional Director 2
31150 55240
Director, Institute of Animal
23200- 42640-
Health & Veterinary Biologicals, 1
31150 55240
Palode (Additional Director)
Registrar, Kerala Veterinary
20700- 40640-
Council /Additional Director 2
26600 54140
Principal Training Officer,
Livestock Management Training
Centre/Joint Director /District
Animal Husbandry Officer/Chief
Disease Investigation 16650- 36140-
Officer/Standardization 24
23200 46640
Officer/Project Officer, Live Stock
Disease Control/
State Live Stock Census
Officer/Senior Research Officer
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Deputy Director /Project Officer,
ICDP/Production Manager,
Central Hatchery/Livestock
Products Inspecting Officer
/Research Officer, Institute of rd
of the posts may be
13610- 24040-
Animal Health and Veterinary 59 allowed Higher Grade
20700 36140
Biologicals /Quality Control on Rs.29180-40640.
Officer/ Chief Veterinary
Officer/Cattle Sterility
Officer/State Epidemiologist
Assistant Director /Senior
Veterinary Surgeon/
Superintendent, Goat
Farm/Superintendent, District
Livestock Farm/Superintendent,
Buffalo Breeding Farm/Assistant
Project Officer, RAIC/Assistant
Director, RPF/Asst. Director
(Planning)/Project officer, IPD
12250- 21240-
Block/Disease Investigation 384
19800 34500
Officer/Assistant Research
Officer/Assistant Director, Fodder
Development/ Lecturer,
Extension Training
Centre/Disease Surveillance
Officer/Forest Veterinary
Rinderpest Officer/Assistant
Director, Cattle Sterility
11070- 19240-
Chief Instructor 1
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Feed Analyst 1
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Labour Officer 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Senior Instructor 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740- 20% will be in HG on
Field Officer 107 Rs.19240-32110.
18000 31360
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
10790- 18740-
Chemist 2
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Laboratory Supervisor 1
18000 31360
8390- 14620-
Junior Instructor 1
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Chick Sexing Expert 2
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Assistant Field Officer 580
13270 23480
7480- 13210-
Livestock Inspector Gr. I 871
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Laboratory Technician Gr. I 2
11910 20740
6680- 11620-
Incubation Technician 1
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Electrician-cum-Mechanic 2
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Refrigeration Mechanic 1
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
X-Ray Technician 4
10790 18740
Ratio of 5:3:2 among
Livestock Inspector
10480- Grade II, Livestock
Livestock Inspector Gr. II 1451 6080-9830 Inspector Grade I and
Assistant Field Officer
will continue.
Laboratory Technician Gr. II 80 6080-9830
Laboratory Assistant Gr. II 3 5650-8790
Chick Sexer 7 5650-8790
Despatch Rider 1 4750-7820
Pump Operator/Plumber 4 4630-7000
Carpenter-cum-Mechanic 1 4630-7000
Poultry Attendant/Servant 9 4630-7000
Gardner Gr. I 1 4630-7000
Carpenter-cum-Packer 1 4630-7000 8730-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 16
19800 35320
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 1
19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 4
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 22
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 40
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 2
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 4
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk/Head Accountant 33
13270 23480
Typist Sel. Gr. 24
13270 14620- Re-designated as
23480 Selection Grade Typist.
Typist Sr. Gr. 23
7480- 13210-
Chief Operator 1
11910 20740
6680- 13210-
U.D Clerk 213
10790 20740
6680- 13210-
U.D Typist 66
10790 20740
Cinema Operator-cum-Driver 3 6080-9830
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 10 6080-9830
Driver Gr. II 126 5250-8390
L.D Clerk 214 5250-8390
L.D Typist 66 5250-8390
Boat Driver Gr. II 1 5250-8390
Tractor Driver Gr. II 5 5250-8390
Clerk Typist 55 5250-8390 9940-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Stencil Operator/Duplicating 8960-
1 4750-7820
Machine Operator 13210
Electrician 5 4630-7000
Duffedar 1 4630-7000
Binder Gr. II 1 4630-7000
Lab Attender Gr. II 7 4630-7000
Attender/Record Keeper 2 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. I 560 4630-7000
Mechanic 1 4510-6230
Class IV Employee Gr. II 1120 4510-6230
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
23200- 40640-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
31150 54140
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
16650- 36140-
Joint Director (Statistics) 1
23200 46640
11070- 19240-
Research Officer 3
18450 32110
8390- 14620-
Research Assistant 2
13270 23480
6680- 13900-
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 13
10790 22360
Statistical Assistant Gr. II 4 5250-8390
11070- 20740-
Agricultural Officer 4
18450 33680
Total 7450
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 1640; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 2858.
7.8.1. The Department of Archaeology is the Government agency for the
excavation, renovation and preservation of historical, cultural and
archaeological monuments and functions under the administrative
control of the Cultural Affairs Department. Director is the Head of the
7.8.2. The Commission held discussion with the Head of the Department
and the Service Organisations, makes the following
(i) The Director may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(ii) Archaeological Chemist and Publication Officer on Rs.12250-
19800 are isolated posts which can aspire only two time
bound higher grades. On completion of 22 years, the present
incumbents holding the above posts may be granted
personal scales of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
(iii) The incumbent holding the post of Documentation Officer,
Artist Superintendent, Education Officer and Research Officer
on Rs.11070-18450 may also be granted personal scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.13610-20700, on completion of 22
(iv) The scale of pay of Museum Guide and Dark Room Assistant
may be revised to the scale corresponding to Rs.6080-9830.
(v) One post of Senior Superintendent may be upgraded as
Administrative Assistant.
7.8.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
16650- 36140-
Director 1
23200 46640
13610- 24040-
Conservation Officer 1
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Superintending Archaeologist 1
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Epigraphist 1
20700 36140
12250- 21240-
Archaeological Chemist 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Publication Officer 1
19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Documentation Officer 1
18450 32110
Artist Superintendent 1 11070- 19240-
No. of Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Education Officer 1
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Research Officer 1
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Assistant Engineer 1
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Personal Assistant 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Excavation Assistant 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Epigraphy Assistant 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Curator 1
18000 31360
One post of Field
Assistant will be re-
designated as
8790- 15380-
Field Assistant 3 Palace. The
13610 24040
incumbent holding
the post will be
allowed personal
scale of Rs.18740-
8790- 15380-
Technical Assistant 2
13610 24040
8390- 14620-
Assistant Editor 1
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Preservation Assistant 1
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Research Assistant 3
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Manager 1
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Artist 1
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Documentation Assistant 1
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Designer 1
13270 23480
7990- 13900-
Foreman 1
12930 22360
No. of Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
7480- 13210-
Museum Assistant 3
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Photographer 1
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Display Technician 2
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Gallery Supervisor 2
11910 20740
6680- 11620-
Laboratory Assistant 1
10790 18740
7480- 13210-
Estampage Maker 1
11910 20740
Draftsman 1 6080-9830
Museum Guide 9 5650-8790
Dark Room Assistant 1 5650-8790
Head Gardener 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Cook 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Ticket Attender 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Record Attender 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Helper/Moulder 3 4630-7000 8730-12550
Specimen Collector 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Technical Helper 3 4630-7000 8730-12550
Gallery Attender 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
Duster 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 2
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 1
15510 27140
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830
6680- 13210-
U D Clerk 10
10790 20740
LD Clerk 5 5250-8390 9940-15380
6680- 13210-
U D .Typist 2
10790 20740
L D .Typist 3 5250-8390 9940-15380
LD Clerk Typist 6 5250-8390 9940-15380
No. of Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Driver Gr. I 2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Mechanic 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Electrician 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Gardener 20 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 26 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher 10 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher-cum-Gardener 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Waiter 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Sub Inspector of Police 9190- 16980-
(Security Officer) 15510 29180
6080- 10480-
Police Constable/Head 9830/ 17420/
Constable (Security Guard) 7480- 13900-
11910 22360
Total 196
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees- 58; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 112; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 74.
posts of Senior Research Officer (Chemistry) and Senior
Research Officer (Botany) may be allowed the revised scale
of pay Rs.32110-44640.
(iii) The scale of pay of the post of Store Superintendent may be
upgraded corresponding to Rs.9190-15510 on par with
Pharmacist Store Keeper in the ISM Department.
(iv) One post of Store Superintendent may be created in the
Govt. Ayurveda Medical College Kannur, as the demand of
the Director, Ayurveda Medical Education seems to be
genuine on administrative ground.
(v) The post of Nursing Superintendent Gr. II may be allowed the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510, equating with
the scale of pay of their counterparts in the ISM Department.
(vi) A new grade (Grade I) may be allowed to the post of Lab
Technicians in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.7990-
12930 as available in the Health Services and Medical
Education Department in the ratio 1:1.
(vii) The post of Masseur (Ayurveda Therapist) may be allowed
Higher Grade in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.6080-
9830 in the ratio 3:1.
(viii) The post of Electrician may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.5650-8790 on par with their
counterparts in the Medical Education Department.
(ix) 20% Grade I promotion may be introduced to the posts of
Lab Attender/Nursing Assistant taking the strength of both
the posts together, as being enjoyed by Pharmacy Attender.
7.9.3. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed Remarks
No. of
Designation scale of Scale of
pay pay
Director of Ayurveda Medical + 46640-
Education One 58640
Professor/Editor (In the cadre
of Professor)
Reader/Associate Professor 48 AICTE AICTE
Senior Lecturer/Assistant
Existing Proposed Remarks
No. of
Designation scale of Scale of
pay pay
Superintendent, Maternity 13610- 24040-
Hospital 20700 36140
12930- 22360-
Chief Medical Officer 2
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Lecturer 44
20250 35320
Senior Medical
12250- 21240-
Officer/Research 1
19800 34500
Officer/Deputy Manager(ISM)
12250- 21240-
Scientific Officer 1
19800 34500
Demonstrator/RMO/Medical 11070- 20740-
Officer 18450 33680
11070- 19240-
Scientific Assistant 2
18450 32110
12250- 21240-
Administrative Officer 1
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Lay Secretary &Treasurer 4
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Nursing Superintendent Gr. I 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Junior Scientific Officer 1
18000 31360
Medical Officer (Store) 1 9190-15510
Store Officer 3 9190-15510
Head Nurse (Allopathy) 1 9190-15510
Technician (Bhasma & 16180-
1 9190-15510
Sindhura) 27140
Nursing Superintendent Gr. II 5 8390-13270
Technician (Pharmacy) 1 8390-13270
Store Superintendent 2 8390-13270
1 14620-
Herpetologist 8390-13270
1 13900-
Lady Health Inspector 7990-12930
1 13900-
Technician (X-Ray) 7990-12930
Existing Proposed Remarks
No. of
Designation scale of Scale of
pay pay
6 13900-
Lab Technician Gr. I 7990-12930
32 13210- Ratio between Gr. I
Nurse Gr. I 7480-11910 and Gr. II will be 1:2
4 13210-
Staff Nurse (Allopathy) 7480-11910
8 13210- Ratio between Gr. I
Pharmacist Gr. I 7480-11910 and Gr. II will be 1:2
1 13210-
Technician (Electrical) 7480-11910
Technician (Other Category) 1 13210-
(Mechanical) 20740
1 13210-
Technician (Dravyaguna) 7480-11910
1 11620-
Foreman (Power Laundry) 6680-10790
1 11620-
Junior Health Inspector 6680-10790
Junior Public Health Nurse 1 6680-10790
Higher Grade in the
Lab Technician Gr. II 18 6680-10790 ratio of 1:1 on
18740 Rs.13900-22360.
Technician (Netra) 1 6680-10790
10480- Ratio between Gr. I
Nurse Gr. II 50 6080-9830 and Gr. II will 1:2
10480- Ratio between Gr. I
Pharmacist Gr. II 18 6080-9830 and Gr. II will be 1:2
Lab Assistant 6080-9830
Panchakarma Assistant 10 6080-9830
Technical Assistant (Visha) 1 5650-8790
5650-8790 9940-
Technical Assistant (X-Ray) 2
5650-8790 9940-
Technical Assistant(Ayurveda) 6
5650-8790 9940-
Herbarium Keeper 1
HG on Rs.10480-
Ayurveda Therapist 26 5650-8790 17420 in the ratio
15380 3:1.
Existing Proposed Remarks
No. of
Designation scale of Scale of
pay pay
5250-8390 9190-
Library Assistant 1
5250-8390 9190-
Garden Superintendent 1
5250-8390 9190-
Record Keeper 1
5250-8390 9190-
Scribe 2
5250-8390 9190-
Electrician 3
5250-8390 9190-
Technician (Swasthavritha) 1
5250-8390 9190-
Gardener Gr. I 3
5250-8390 9190-
Technician (Nature Cure) 1
4750-7820 8960-
Record Assistant 1
Theatre Assistant 3 4750-7820
Lab Attender Gr. I 4 4750-7820
Pharmacy Attender Gr. I 10 4750-7820
Nursing Assistant Gr. I 6 4750-7820
8730- 20% of the total
Pharmacy Attender Gr. II 42 4630-7000 posts will be in Gr. I
20% of the post of
Nursing Assistant Gr. II / Lab Lab Attender and
60+ 8730- Nursing Assistant
Attender Gr. II / Power Laundry 4630-7000 taken together will be
25+1 12550
Attender in Gr. I on Rs.8960-
Hospital Attendent/Specimen 1+
Collector/Gardener/Dravya 2+ 8730-
Attender/Head Warden 4630-7000
23+ 12550
Posts on Consolidated pay
Yoga Instructor 3 2000 +DA 3480 + DA
Drugs Standardisation Unit
Senior Research 16650- 32110-
Officer(Chemistry) 23200 44640
Research Officer (Chemistry/ 3 12930- 22360-
Existing Proposed Remarks
No. of
Designation scale of Scale of
pay pay
Bio Chemistry/Botany) 20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Research Officer (Ayurveda) 1
20250 35320
Assistant Research Officer
(Pharmacology/Chemistry/ 11910- 20740-
19350 33680
Research Assistant(Micro 11070- 19240-
Biology) 18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Research Assistant (Ayurveda) 1
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Research Assistant (Chemistry) 4
18450 32110
Lab Technician (DSU) 3 8390-13270
Lab Attender 29 4630-7000
Pharmacognosy Unit
Senior Research Officer 16650- 32110-
(Botany) 23200 44640
12930- 22360-
Research Officer(Botany) 1
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Farm Superintendent (HG) 1
19800 34500
Assistant Research Officer 11910- 20740-
(Ayurveda) 19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Farm Superintendent 1
19350 33680
Assistant to Pharmacognosy 11070- 19240-
Officer 18450 32110
Common Category
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 1
19800 34500
Manager/ Senior 10790- 18740-
Superintendent 18000 31360
Junior Superintendent/ 16180-
4 9190-15510
Store Officer 27140
Head Clerk 8 8390-13270
Selection Grade Typist 1 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as
Selection Grade
Senior Grade Typist 2 7990-12930 23480 Typist.
U.D. Clerk 33 6680-10790
Existing Proposed Remarks
No. of
Designation scale of Scale of
pay pay
U.D. Typist 4 6680-10790
1 6680-10790 11620-
L.D. Clerk 15 5250-8390
L.D. Typist 4 5250-8390
Driver 9 5250-8390
Lift Operator 3 5250-8390
Attender Gr. I 4 4750-7820
Library Attender 1 4630-7000
Attender Gr. II 21 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 55 4510-6230
Sanitation worker 60 4510-6230
Gate Keeper 2 4510-6230
Van Cleaner-cum-Conductor 2 4510-6230
Dhobi 10 4510-6230
Mess Attender 11 4510-6230
Cook 20 4510-6230
Male servant 1 4510-6230
Female servant 1 4510-6230
Watcher 25 4510-6230
Scavenger 1 4510-6230
Kitchen Assistant 2 4510-6230
Female Attender 1 4510-6230 8500-
Existing Proposed Remarks
No. of
Designation scale of Scale of
pay pay
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Professor in Sanskrit Gr. I (Non
Civil Surgeon 1 16650- 36140-
23200 46640
Administrative Officer 2 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
Lecturer in Physical Education 2 UGC UGC
Lecturer in Sanskrit 6 UGC UGC
Lady Medical Officer 1 11910- 24040-
19350 36140
Assistant Surgeon 6 11910- 24040-
19350 36140
Pharmacist Gr. II (Allopathy) 1 11620-
Total 919
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 16; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 455;
7.10.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
6680- 13210-
UD Clerk 6
10790 20740
LD Clerk / LD Store Keeper 6 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk-Typist 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
8390- 14620-
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 1
13270 23480
6680- 13210-
UD Typist 3
10790 20740
LD Typist 3 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 8 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
Total 194
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 10; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 60.
(iv) The question of restoration of the post of Controller of
Rationing (Enforcement) which was abolished in 2002 may
be considered by the Government, in view of the restoration
of the licensing system.
(v) Government may consider allowing either the benefit of
pension or suitable compensation to Presidents, District
Consumer Protection Forum.
(vi) Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.11.4. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
Designation scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Director 1 IAS
Controller of Rationing 20700- 40640-
26600 54140
Deputy Controller of 16650- 32110-
Rationing/Vigilance Officer 23200 44640
Accounts Officer 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
25% post will be in
Dist. Supply Officer/Asst. 12930- 22360-
18 the HG on 29180-
Secretary 20250 35320 40640
Taluk Supply Officer/City 11910- 20740-
Rationing Officer (HG) 19350 33680
Taluk Supply Officer/City 10790- 18740- Existing HG(20%) will
Rationing Officer 18000 31360 continue
Existing Proposed
Designation scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
UD Clerk 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
LD Clerk 9940-
331 5250-8390
7990- 14620- Re-designated as Sel.
Typist Sr. Grade 19 Gr. Typist.
12930 23480
U D Typist 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
L D Typist 9940-
39 5250-8390
Driver 9190-
91 5250-8390
Attender 8730-
15 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 8500-
216 4510-6230
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Chief Accounts Officer 1 20700- 36140-
26600 46640
Finance Officer 1 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
Law Officer 1 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
Statistical Officer 1 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Total 1732
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees- 60; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 18; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 907.
7.12.2. The Commission held discussion with various Service
Organizations of the Department (General Service Organisation as
well), the Head of the Department and makes the following
(i) The post of Deputy Commissioner (HG) may be placed in the
revised scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240 and Deputy
Commissioner in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-
(ii) The existing ratio between Deputy Commissioner and
Deputy Commissioner (HG) may be revised as 1:1.
(iii) The existing ratio between Assistant Commissioner and
Assistant Commissioner (HG) may be revised as 2:1.
(iv) Normal revision may be allowed to all other categories.
7.12.3. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of pay
are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Commissioner 1 IAS
25400- 44640-
Joint Commissioner 3
33100 56340
23200- 42640-
Deputy Commissioner HG 7
31150 55240
20700- 40640- Ratio revised
Deputy Commissioner 28
26600 54140 to 1:1
16650- 29180-
Asst. Commissioner HG 25
23200 40640 1/3rd of posts will be
in the HG
12930- 22360-
Asst. Commissioner 101
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Commercial Taxes Officer HG 111
19350 33680
Commercial Taxes Officer/
Intelligence Officer/
Superintendent 10790- 18740- 20% of the posts in
Taxes/Additional Law 442 the HG will continue
18000 31360
Secretary (STAT)/ Manager
Commercial Taxes Inspector /
9190- 16180-
Assistant Commercial Tax 981
15510 27140
Common Category
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 18 11070- 19240-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 18 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 18 7990- 13900-
12930 22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 19 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
Head Clerk 52 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Fair Copy Superintendent 2 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Typist Sel. Grade 67 8390-
13270 14620-
Typist Sr. Grade 68 7990- 23480
UD Typist 136 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
LD Typist 136 5250-8390 9940-15380
UD Clerk 635 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
LD Clerk 635 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerical Attender 214 4630-7000 8730-12550
Driver Sr. Grade 26 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
Driver Grade I 52 6080-9830 10480-
Driver Grade II 52 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 757 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Finance Officer 1 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
Statistical Officer 1 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Senior Research Assistant 1 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Research Assistant 1 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Junior Statistical Inspector 1 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
Total 4610
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees- 145; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily waged
employees- 107; No. of Women employees including Part-Time- 1863.
(vi) Additional Registrar/Additional Director may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
7.13.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Registrar of Co-operative
20700- 40640-
Additional Registrar 10
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Joint Registrar 26
23200 46640
Deputy Registrar (HG)
20700 24040-
12250- 36140
Deputy Registrar
25% of the posts will
11070- 19240-
Assistant Registrar 166 be in the HG on Rs.
18450 32110 20740-33680
Personal Assistant to the
11070- 19240-
Registrar of Co-operative 1
18450 32110
Editor Cum Press Relation 11070- 19240-
Officer 18450 32110
15% of the posts will
16180- be in the Special
Senior Inspector 366 9190-15510
27140 Grade on Rs.16980-
Existing1:1 ratio
between Senior
Junior Inspector 471 7990-12930 Inspector & Junior
23480 Inspector will
Common Category
Fair Copy Superintendent 3 9190-15510
Selection Grade Typist 20 8390-13270 14620-
Senior Grade Typist 20 7990-12930 23480
U.D Typist 41 6680-10790
L.D. Typist 38 5250-8390 9940-15380
U.D. Clerk 91 6680-10790
L.D. Clerk 89 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 2 11070- 19240-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 3 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 2 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 3 6080-9830
Binder 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Driver 29 5250-8390 9190-14620
Night watchman 10 4510-6230 8500-12220
Class IV Employee Gr. II 195 4510-6230 8500-12220
Full time Sweeper 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
20700- 36140-
Law Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
11070- 19240-
Research Officer 1
18450 32110
Junior Statistical Inspector 5 6680-10790
Director of Co-operative Audit 1 IAS
Additional Director of Co- 20700- 40640-
operative Audit 26600 54140
Joint Director of Co-operative 16650- 36140-
Audit 23200 46640
Deputy Director of Co-operative 13610-
Audit (HG) 20700 24040-
Deputy Director of Co-operative 12250- 36140
Audit 19800
25% of the posts will
11070- 19240-
Assistant Director 176 be in the HG on
18450 32110 Rs.20740-33680.
11070- 19240-
Personal Assistant 1
18450 32110
15% of the posts will
16180- be in the Special
Senior Auditor 685 9190-15510 Grade on Rs.16980-
Existing 1:1 ratio
14620- promotion between
Junior Auditor 915 7990-12930 Sr. Auditor & Junior
Auditor will continue
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Common Category
U.D. Clerk 7 6680-10790
L.D. Clerk 9 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990-12930
Selection Grade Typist 2 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as Sel.
23480 Gr. Typist.
Senior Grade Typist 2 7990-12930
U.D. Typist 4 6680-10790
L.D Typist 6 5250-8390 9940-15380
Data Entry Operator 2 6680-10790
Night Watchman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Class IV Employee Gr. II 85 4510-6230 8500-12220
16650- 36140-
Joint Registrar 1
23200 46640
12250- 24040-
Deputy Registrar 3
19800 36140
Senior Co-operative Inspector 5 9190-15510
Common Category
Class IV Employee Gr. II 5 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of Police Department
Deputy Inspector General of
Deputy Superintendent of 12930- 24040-
Police 20250 36140
10790- 20740-
Circle Inspector of Police 3
18000 33680
Police Constable 12 6080-9830
20700- 40640-
Additional Registrar 1
26600 54140
Senior Co-operative Inspector 1 9190-15510
Common Category
L.D. Clerk 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990-12930 13900-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Class IV Employee Gr. II 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Post held by personnel of Law Secretariat
Election Commission/ Special 26600- 46640-
Secretary 33750 58640
Presiding Officer 1 pay
11070- 19240-
Assistant Registrar 1
18450 32110
Senior Co-operative Inspector 1 9190-15510
Common Category
Confidential Assistant Grade I 1 7990-12930
Class IV Employee Gr. II 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 3626
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 60; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time- 1229.
Head Clerk may be upgraded as Senior Superintendent and
Junior Superintendent respectively.
7.14.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
20700- 40640-
Director 1
26600 54140
Administrative Officer/Accounts 12930- 22360-
Officer 20250 35320
Junior Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Head Clerk 1 8390-13270
U.D Typist 1 6680-10790
U. D Clerk 3 6680-10790
L.D Typist 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830
L. D Clerk 3 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 17
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 1, No. of Women employees including Part-
Time – 3.
(i) The Director may be placed in the scales of pay
corresponding to Rs.23200-31150 and Joint Director may be
placed in the revised scale of Rs.32110-44640.
(ii) The scale of pay of Subject Matter Specialist (Co-operation)
may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to
(iii) The ratio of 1:4 between Senior Dairy Extension
Officer/Assistant Director/other equated categories and Dairy
Extension Officer is recommended on condition that the
posts of Senior Dairy Extension Officer and Assistant
Director/other equated categories are interchangeable.
(iv) The Dairy Farm Instructor and Dairy Farm Instructor (H.G.)
may be placed in the scales of pay corresponding to
Rs.7480-11910 and Rs.8390-13270 respectively. The ratio
between Dairy Farm Instructor and Dairy Farm Instructor
(HG) may be revised as 2:1.
(v) Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.15.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
20700- 40640-
Director 1
26600 54140
16650- 32110-
Joint Director 2
23200 44640
Deputy Director/Farm 13610- 24040-
Superintendent/Principal 20700 36140
12250- 21240-
Quality Control Officer 14
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Vice Principal 2
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
S.M.S (Dairy) 2
19800 34500
Posts of Assistant
Assistant Director/Senior Director /Technical Assistant
12250- 21240-
Dairy Extension Officer/ 14 and Senior Dairy Extension
19800 34500 Officer may be made
Technical Assistant interchangeable
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
7990- 14620-
Dairy Farm Instructor (HG) 67 Existing ratio 3:1
12930 23480
between DFI and DFI(HG)
6680- 13210- may be revised as 2:1
Dairy Farm Instructor 202
10790 20740
6680- 11620-
Lab Technician 13
10790 18740
Agricultural Assistant 2 6080-9830
Lab Assistant 7 5250-8390 9190-14620
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 1
19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 20
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 6
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 14
13270 23480
6680- 13210-
U.D Clerk 96
10790 20740
L.D Clerk 97 5250-8390 9940-15380
9190- 16180-
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 1
15510 27140
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1
12930 22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830
Artist 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Clerk- Typist 3 5250-8390 9940-15380
L.D Typist 12 5250-8390 9940-15380
6680- 13210-
U.D Typist 12
10790 20740
Typist Sr. Gr. 5
12930 14620- Re-designated as Sel. Gr.
8390- 23480 Typist.
Typist Sel. Gr. 5
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 1
15510 27140
Driver Gr. II 13 5250-8390 9190-14620
Driver Gr. I 12 6080-9830
Driver Sr. Gr. 6 6680- 11620-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
10790 18740
Cleaner 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Night Watcher 12 4510-6230 8500-12220
Attender 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Clerical Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Record Attender 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Pump Operator 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Duplicating Machine Operator 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Film Operator 9 4750-7820 8960-13210
Class IV employee Gr. II 134 4510-6230 8500-12220
Full Time Sweeper 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
6680- 13900-
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 2
10790 22360
Total 1008
No. of Part-Time contingent employees -52; No. of Casual, Contract/Daily waged
employees -104; No. of women employees including Part-Time- 375.
7.16.1. The Directorate of Prosecution controls the functions of the
Assistant Public Prosecutors. The Assistant Public Prosecutors play a
key role in the Administration of Criminal Justice in the State.
Director General of Prosecution is the Head of the Department and he
is entrusted with the duty of assessing quality of work rendered by
Deputy Director of Prosecution/Assistant Public Prosecutors. The
administrative control of the Department is vested with the Home
7.16.2. The Commission held discussion with the Head of the
Department and the representatives of the Service Associations. The
demands of the Associations have been examined by the Commission
and the following recommendations are made:
(i) The Director of Prosecution (Administration) may be placed
in the revised scale of Rs.42640-55240.
(ii) The scale of pay of Deputy Director of Prosecution may be
enhanced to the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-
26600. 1/5th of the posts of Deputy Directors may be placed
in the higher grade in the scale of pay corresponding to
(iii) 1/3 rd of the posts of Assistant Public Prosecutors may be
placed in Senior Grade in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.13610-20700. The ratio among Assistant Public
Prosecutor Grade-II, Grade-I and Senior Grade will be 1:1:1.
(iv) The period of training (Six months) of Assistant Public
Prosecutor may be counted for all service benefits.
(v) Annual subscription for Kerala Law Times (KLT) (Rs.2000/-)
may be sanctioned for the Office of the Deputy Director.
Robe Allowance of Rs.3500/- may be sanctioned to the
Director of Prosecution, Deputy Directors and Assistant
Public Prosecutors once in two years.
(vi) Telephone connection may be provided to Assistant Public
Prosecutor’s office.
7.16.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:-
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Director General of
1 amount of Contract appointment
Prosecution Rs.30000
Director of Prosecution 1 42640-55240
Deputy Director of 1/5th of the posts are
placed in the Higher
Prosecution and Senior 16650-
15 36140-46640 Grade on Rs.40640-
Assistant Public 23200 54140.
Assistant Public 12250- 1/3rd of the total posts
62 21240-34500 may be placed in
Prosecutor Gr. I 19800
Senior Grade on
Rs.24040-36140. The
new ratio among
Assistant Public 11070-
63 19240-32110 Senior Grade, Grade-I
Prosecutor Gr. II 18450 and Grade-II will be
Common Category
LD Clerk 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Class IV Employee Gr. II 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Confidential Assistant Gr.
3 6080-9830 10480-17420
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Section Officer 1 18740-31360
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 3 9190-15510 16180-27140
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 1 8390-13270 Re-designated as Selection
14620-23480 Grade Typist
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 1 7990-12930
Total 154
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 1; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily waged
employees - 3; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 37.
30% of the posts of Assistant Drug Controller (Allopathy) and
Analyst Grade I may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.16650-23200.
(iv) The post of Lab Attender may be re-desiganted as Junior
Laboratory Assistant in the scale of pay corresponding to
(v) The post of Store Superintendent may be placed in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270.
7.17.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.17.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Drugs Controller 1 20700- 40640-
26600 54140
Chief Govt. Analyst 1 16650- 36140- Re-designated as
Chief Govt. Drug
23200 46640 Analyst
Deputy Drugs Controller 2 16650- 36140-
23200 46640
Deputy Drugs Controller 1 16650- 36140-
(Ayurveda) 23200 46640
30% posts of
Assistant Drugs
Assistant Drugs Controller 12930- 22360- (Allopathy) and
7 Analyst Gr. I will
(Allopathy) 20250 35320
be on HG in the
scale of pay
Analyst Gr. I, Gr.
II and Gr. III may
be re-designated
12930- 22360-
Analyst Gr. I 3 as Drug Analyst
20250 35320 Gr. I, Gr. II and
Regional Drugs Inspector 3 12250- 21240-
19800 34500
Chief Inspector of Drugs, 1 12250- 21240-
Intelligence Squad 19800 34500
Senior Drugs Inspector 3 12250- 21240-
19800 34500
Analyst Gr. II 9 12250- 21240-
19800 34500
Drugs Inspector (Allopathy) 45 11070- 19240-
18450 32110
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Drugs Inspector, Special 1 11070- 19240-
Intelligence Branch 18450 32110
Drugs Inspector (Ayurveda) 3 11070- 19240-
18450 32110
Analyst Gr. III 20 11070- 19240-
18450 32110
Technical Assistant to Drugs 1 11070- 19240-
Controller 18450 32110
Law Officer 1 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Scientific Assistant 1 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Store Superintendent 1 7990- 14620-
12930 23480
Legal Assistant 1 7480- 13210-
11910 20740
Technical Assistant (Drugs Testing 8 7480- 13210-
Laboratory) 11910 20740
Media Maker 1 7480- 13210-
11910 20740
Sample Warden 1 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
Technician (Lower Division) 8 5650-8790 9940-15380
Technical Store Keeper 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Record Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Re-designated as
Laboratory Attender 9 4630-7000 8730-12550 Junior Laboratory
Animal Keeper 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
Administrative Assistant 1 12250- 22360-
19800 35320
Senior Superintendent 4 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 10 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Head Clerk 2 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Selection Grade Typist 4 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Senior Grade Typist 4 7990-
U.D. Clerk 40 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
Librarian 1 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
U.D. Typist 8 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
Senior Grade Driver 1 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
Confidential Assistant 1 10480-
Driver Gr. I 2 10480-
U.D Compiler (Statistical Assistant) 1 11620-
L.D Typist 11 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 4 5250-8390 9190-14620
L.D Clerk 42 5250-8390 9940-15380
Class IV Employee Gr. II 29 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sanitation Worker 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Department s
ASU Drugs Controller 1 AICTE AICTE
Total 314
No. of Part time Contingent employees: 16; No. of Women employees: 110.
(i) The posts of Additional Director may be placed in the revised
scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240. Senior Joint Director and
Joint Director may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.23200-31150 and Rs.20700-26600
(ii) The scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200 may be
allowed to the post of Deputy Director.
(iii) The posts of Statistical Assistant Grade I/Statistical
Investigator Grade I/Computer Operator Grade I/Junior
Statistical Inspector may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.7990-12930.
(iv) The posts of Statistical Assistant Grade II/Statistical
Investigator Grade II/Computer Operator Grade II may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.6680-10790.
7.18.3. The Commission recommends normal revision to all other posts.
7.18.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
25400- 44640-
Director 1
33100 56340
23200- 42640-
Additional Director 3
31150 55240
20700- 40640-
Senior Joint Director 2
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Joint Director 7
23200 46640
13610- 29180-
Deputy Director/ Nosologist 41
20700 40640
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director 18
19800 34500
District Officer/Regional 12250- 21240-
Statistical Officer 19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Research Officer 66
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Additional District Officer 34
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Scrutiny Officer 1
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Taluk Statistical Officer 65
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Senior Supervisor (Computer) 1
18000 31360
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Deputy Health Officer (Vital 9190- 16180-
Statistics) 15510 27140
The post of Price
Inspector was re-
Research Assistant/ Statistical
8390- 14620- designated as
Inspector/ Extension Officer 420 Statistical Inspector;
13270 23480
(Planning & Monitoring) vide G.O (Ms) 55/07/
plg. dated 29/12/07
The post of Supervisor
(MT) was re-designated
8390- 14620-
Computer Supervisor 1 as Computer
13270 23480 Supervisor; vide G.O
dated 29/12/07.
Statistical Assistant Gr. I/
Statistical Investigator Gr. I/ 6680- 13900-
792 Re-designated vide
Computer Operator Gr. I/ 10790 22360 GO(MS) No. 55/07/Plg.
Junior Statistical Inspector Dated 29/12/2007
The existing ratio of
Statistical Assistant Gr. II/
11620- 1:1 will be continued
Statistical Investigator Gr. II/ 765 5250-8390
Computer Operator Gr. II
Draftsman L.D 1 5650-8790
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 3
19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 2
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 3
15510 27140
Selection Grade Typist 6
13270 14620- Re-designated as Sel.
23480 Gr. Typist.
Senior Grade Typist 10
6680- 13210-
U.D Typist 16
10790 20740
L.D Typist 17 5250-8390
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 1
18450 32110
9190- 16180-
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 1
15510 27140
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 2
12930 22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 2 6080-9830
Driver Sr. Gr. 3 6680- 11620-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
10790 18740
Driver Gr. I 7 6080-9830
Driver Gr. II 7 5250-8390
Duffedar 1 4750-7820
Class IV Employee Gr. II 83 4510-6230
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
Total 2406
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees- 65; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 18; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 709.
7.19(a).1. The Department of Collegiate Education was set up in 1957 with
13 Arts and Science Colleges under its control. During 1972, by the
introduction of direct payment system, the colleges managed by the
private educational agencies were also brought under the control of
the Collegiate Education Department. Later the administrative
jurisdiction was extended to the Music Colleges, Arabic Colleges,
Training Colleges, Physical Education Colleges and the Students
Hostel attached to the Government Colleges.
7.19(a).2. This Department is the Government agency to make
arrangements for starting new Government Colleges, new courses in
Government Colleges and to make arrangement for the payment of
salary etc to the staff of the Private Colleges coming under the direct
payment scheme. The Department looks after various developmental
schemes such as conduct of the faculty improvement programmes
for SC/ST students etc. The Department maintains the Provident
Fund accounts of the Private College staff. Almost all the teaching
staff except those in Music/Arabic Colleges are paid salary under the
UGC scheme. The UGC pay scales which came into effect from
1.1.2006 has since been made applicable to the employees eligible
to be covered under the scheme as per GO(P) No. 171/99/H.Edn
dated 21-12-1999.
7.19(a).3. The Director is the Head of the Department and Additional
Director and Deputy Directors assist him in academic matters. The
posts of Additional Director and Deputy Director are filled from the
academic side and the scales of pay of the posts are as per the UGC
scheme. Five zonal offices are functioning in the State under the
control of Deputy Directors at Kollam, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Thrissur
and Kozhikode. The following institutions are under the
administrative control of the Department.
Institution Government Private Total
Arts & Science Colleges 39 150 189
Music Colleges 3 - 3
Arabic Colleges - 11 11
Training Colleges 4 17 21
Physical Education College 1 - 1
Students Hostels 15 - 15
Total 62 178 240
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.5250-8390.
One post of Non – UGC Librarian in Aided Colleges coming
under A, B Grades may be revived as Librarian Grade IV.
(vi) GO(P) No.171/99/HEdn. dated 21.12.1999 stipulates that the
qualification for appointment of Part Time Teachers should
be the same as that of regular Teachers and should be
selected by regularly constituted selection committee.
(vii) There have been representations before the Commission
that no scales of pay have been prescribed by Government
for Part-Time Teachers as per the revised guidelines of the
UGC issued for implementation of the recommendations of
6th UGC Pay Revision Committee. The Kerala State Higher
Education Council has placed requests for this before the
Government. However, no scales of pay have been
formulated for Part-Time Teachers of Colleges under UGC
Scheme. The terms of reference of this Commission exclude
the posts covered by UGC/AICTE etc. As the posts of Part-
time Teachers of colleges are coming under UGC, the
Commission leaves the matter to the consideration of
Government with recommendation to sanction scale of pay
as Para 10 (1) of the order implementing the UGC scheme in
Kerala, at the earliest.
7.19(a).5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Director 1 IAS
Additional Director 1 UGC
Deputy Director 6 UGC
Principal (Special Grade) (Arts
28 UGC
and Science Colleges)
Principal (Arts and Science
College/Sanskrit College /
183 UGC
Training College/Physical
Education College)
Professor(Training Colleges) 2 UGC
Reader (Arts and Science
College/ Training 264 UGC
College/Sanskrit College)
Lecturer (Selection Grade) 7692 UGC
Lecturer (Senior Grade) 1077 UGC
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Lecturer(Arts and Science
College/ Sanskrit College /
2162 UGC
Training College/ Physical
Education College)
Lecturer (Physical Education) 245 UGC
Lecturer in Sanskrit 3 UGC
Librarian (Selection Grade) 15 UGC
Librarian (Senior Grade) 9 UGC
Librarian 2 UGC
20700- 40640-
Principal (Music College) 3
26660 54140
16650- 36140-
Principal (Arabic College) 11
23200 46640
Professor (Vocal, Veena, 16650- 36140-
Mridhangam and Violin) 23200 46640
12930- 22360-
Professor Gr. I (Arabic College) 2
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Professor Gr. II (Arabic College) 44
20250 35320
Asst. Professor (Vocal, Veena,
12930- 22360-
Mridhangam, Dance (Kerala 16
20250 35320
Nadanam) and Violin
12930- 24040-
Senior Administrative Assistant 1
20250 36140
12930- 22360-
Special Officer for Scholarship 1
20250 35320
Lecturer in Musicology (Music 3 11070- 19240-
College) 18450 32110
Lecturer (Non-UGC)(Arts & 11070- 19240-
Science, Training College) 18450 32110
Lecturer (Vocal, Veena, Violin,
Mridhangam, Bharathanatyam,
Dance (Kerala Nadanam),
Mohiniyattom, Kathakali
11070- 19240-
Vesham, Kathakali 66
18450 32110
Sangeetham, Kathakali
Chenda, Kathakali Madalam,
Drawing and Painting,
Sculpture, Applied Art.)
11070- 19240-
Coach 3
18450 32110
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Junior Lecturer
Mohiniyattom, Dance(Kerala
Nadanam), Kathakali Vesham,
Kathakali Sangeetham, 16 8790-13610
Kathakali Chenda, Kathakali
Madalam, Drawing and
Painting, Sculpture, Applied
Supporting Artist in Vocal
(Bharathanatyam , Dance 15380-
5 8790-13610
(Kerala Nadanam), 24040
Mohiniyattom, Kadhakali)
Supporting Artist in Mridangam
(Bharathanatyam, 15380-
3 8790-13610
Mohiniyattom, Dance (Kerala 24040
Supporting Artist 15380-
2 8790-13610
Chenda/Madalam for Kathakali 24040
Instructor, (Arts and Crafts) 14620-
14 8390-13270
(Training College) 23480
Tech. Assistant (Electronics) 5 7990-12930
Tech. Assistant (Computer 14620-
9 7990-12930
Science) 23480
Instrument Mechanic (Music 13900-
1 7990-12930
College) 22360
Matron 3 6080-9830
Heritage Document Translator 2 6080-9830
Physical Instructor Gr. II 10480-
6 6080-9830
(Physical Education) 17420
Studio Asst. 1 5650-8790
Herbarium Keeper 62 5250-8390
Taxidermist 2 5250-8390
Mechanic 55 5250-8390
Attender (Music College) 1 4750-7820
Gas Man 36 4750-7820
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
8960- No. of Lab Attenders
Lab Attender 4750-7820
13210 and Library
Attenders are
8960- included as
Library Attender 4630-7000 Attenders in
common category.
Specimen Collector 47 4630-7000
Marker 11 4510-6230
Cook 96 4510-6230
Part time lecturer in law/
67 5500+ DA
UD Clerk 1050 6680-10790
UD Typist 107 6680-10790
Confidential Assistant 9 6080-9830
LD Clerk 1050 5250-8390
LD Typist 107 5250-8390
Clerk Typist 8 5250-8390
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Driver 3 5250-8390
Attender 2919 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 2124 4510-6230
Night Watchman 267 4510-6230
Sweeper 165 4510-6230
Sanitation worker 168 4510-6230
Boys Servant 5 4510-6230
Lady Room Attendent 2 4510-6230
Gardener 68 4510-6230
11910- 20740-
Librarian Gr. I 51
19350 33680
Librarian Gr. II 42 9190-15510
Librarian Gr. III 34 8390-13270
Librarian Gr. IV 133 6680-10790
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
1 20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer
26600 46640
1 20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer
26600 46640
Research Assistant 1 8390-13270
UD Compiler 1 6680-10790
Total 2128
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees -24; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 7729.
Head of the Department and is also the Commissioner for the
Government Examinations in the State. A Joint Commissioner and a
Secretary, in the cadre of Deputy Director, are working in the
Pareeksha Bhavan for conducting the Examinations.
7.19(b).2. For administrative convenience and for improving the efficiency in
school education, District offices are functioning in 14 Revenue
districts headed by Deputy Directors of Education. There are 38
Educational Districts and 163 Educational Sub Districts in the State.
Each District Educational Office is headed by District Educational
Officer (DEO) and each Sub District Office is headed by Assistant
Educational Officer (AEO).
7.19(b).3. As per the figures of 2008-2009 the total number of Schools in
the State are as detailed below:
Government 1002 952 2547 4501
Private Aided 1429 1869 3986 7284
Un Aided 375 220 269 864
Total 2806 3041 6802 12649
Kerala during 2008-09, out of which 1795 (58.22%) were deployed in
the Government/Aided schools. The remaining 1288 teachers are
retained in the parent school or retained undeployed. The details
are given below:
Deployed in Government schools : 1456
Deployed in other Aided schools : 339
Retained in parent school : 987
Undeployed : 301
Total : 3083
Source: Economic Review 2009
Senior Graduate teachers and wives of Jawans are entitled to be
retained in their respective parent school as surplus teachers.
7.19(b).6. The representatives of various Organisations and Head of the
Department appeared before the Commission and presented their
arguments for higher pay scales and better promotional prospects.
After considering all the aspects, the Commission makes the
following recommendations:
(i) The post of LPSA/UPSA/Special Teacher/Specialist Teacher/
Instructor and Headmaster in the L.P./U.P. Schools may be
placed in the corresponding scales of pay as follows:
Teacher Grade II Rs.6680-10790
Teacher Grade I(8 years) Rs.8390-13270
Teacher Senior Grade(15 Rs.9190-15510
Teacher Selection Grade(22 Rs.9590-16650
Headmaster Rs.10790-18000
Headmaster (HG) Rs.11070-18450
Headmaster (Sen. Gr.) Rs.11910-19350
(ii) Time Bound Higher Grades available to HSA and Headmaster
at specified intervals may be modified in the corresponding
scale of pay as follows:
HSA Higher Grade (8 years) Rs.9590-16650
HSA Senior Grade (15
HSA Selection Grade (22
Headmaster Rs.11910-19350
Headmaster(HG) Rs.12250-19800
(iii) The present practice of sanctioning notional fixation in the
post of Senior/Selection Grade HSA/UPSA/LPSA may
continue, waiving the condition for refund of excess amount
(iv) Special Rules governing the mode of appointment,
qualification and promotion for various posts in DIET may be
framed by Govt.
(v) Considering all aspects involved in the appointment of Part
time Teachers as Full time, possibilities for necessary
amendments in the KER and KSR for conversion of Part time
Teachers as Junior Teachers may be explored by Govt.
(vi) Representations have been received to consider the staff
(238) working in the Area Intensive Programme within the
purview of Pay Revision Commission. Separate orders for
the revision of pay to the above staff may be issued subject
to the terms and conditions of their appointment.
(vii) Upgrade the post of Cashier, in the Examination Wing and in
the Directorate to the grade of Head Accountant /Head Clerk
considering the higher duties and responsibilities attached to
the post.
(viii) Re-designate the post of PA to DEO as ‘Junior Administrative
(ix) Considering the duties and high degree of responsibilities,
the post of District Educational Officer may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12930-20250.
(x) 20% of the post of Deputy Directors of Education may be
placed in the Higher Grade in the scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.16650-23200, in view of the duties and responsibilities
of the Deputy Directors.
(xi) Some Associations made a demand to afford a chance to the
employees with B.Ed. qualifications working in various
departments for a transfer to the General Education
Department, so that they may get an opportunity to enter in
the teaching profession according to their qualification.
Commission considered the demand and holds that the
demand is quite reasonable and genuine. Hence the
Commission recommends the Government to consider
reservation of 10% of the appointments to the post of High
School Assistant in the General Education Department for
employees working in other Departments with B.Ed.
qualification by transfer appointment.
(xii) In the Schools for the handicapped, HSA Selection Grade will
be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11910-
19350. HSAs shall be redesignated as Higher Grade, Senior
Grade and Selection Grade.
(xiii) The post of Additional Director is placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.25400-33100.
(xiv) Joint Director/Joint Commissioner for Govt. Examinations and
Statistical Officer may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(xv) Organisations have requested to allow the choice of re-
option in case of audit objections, where excess amount
drawn has to be refunded. Re-option on Pay Revision cases,
where audit objection arises inorder to minimize the
monetary loss may be allowed.
(xvi) Govt. may consider the issue of inclusion of Study Leave in
the schedule of leaves under Rule 99, Part I, KSR.
(xvii) The Provisional Service in the same grade/category, with
same nature of duties followed by regularization, may be
counted for increment and other service benefits.
(xviii) The prior service in the same category, for weightage, in
case of change of service from Aided School to Govt. School
or vice versa may be reckoned.
(xix) Representations have been received for granting scale of
pay to the Pre Primary Teachers and Ayahs, working in Pre
Primary Schools run by PTA. Hence the monthly
remuneration to the Teachers and Ayahs may be enhanced
to Rs.600 and Rs.400 respectively.
7.19(b).7. Normal revision is recommended for all other posts in the
7.19(b).8. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Director 1 IAS
23200- 44640-
Additional Director 2
31150 56340
16650- 36140-
Joint Director 1
23200 46640
Deputy Director 8 13610- 24040- 20% DDE will be in the
HG on Rs.29180-
20700 36140
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
13610- 24040-
Chief Planning Officer 1
20700 36140
12930- 22360-
Accounts Officer (Provident Fund) 1
20250 35320
Secretary-cum-Treasurer ( Housing 12930- 22360-
Society) 20250 35320
District Educational Officer 12250- 22360-
(Science) 20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director 2
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Public Relations Officer 1
19800 34500
12250- 22360-
Additional Administrative Assistant 1
19800 35320
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer (Audit) 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Arabic Special Officer 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Sanskrit Special Officer 1
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
PA General 1
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
PA Employment 1
19350 33680
11070- 19240-
Assistant Super Check Officer 2
18450 32110
11070- 20740-
Assistant Secretary(NFTW) 1
18450 33680
PA to Secretary State Edn. Advisory 11070- 19240-
Board / Personal Assistant 18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Sports Organiser 1
18450 32110
9190- 16180-
Editor (Vidyarangom) 1
15510 27140
(CARE) - Noon Meal Programme
12930- 24040-
Senior Administrative Assistant 1
20250 36140
10790- 18740-
Supervisor (Noon Feeding) 15
18000 31360
Examination Wing
Joint Commissioner for Government 16650- 36140-
Examinations 23200 46640
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
16650- 36140-
System Manager 1
23200 46640
Secretary to the Commissioner for 13610- 24040-
Govt. Exams. 20700 36140
PA to Secretary to the 11070- 19240-
Commissioner for Govt. Exams. 18450 32110
Text Books
13610- 24040-
Text Book Officer 1
20700 36140
Personal Assistant to the Text Book 11070- 19240-
Officer 18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Chief Accountant 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Store Keeper, Central Stores. 3
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Store Keeper, District Stores 34
15510 27140
Office of the Deputy Director, Education
20% posts will be
13610- 24040-
Deputy Director 14 placed in the HG on
20700 36140 Rs.29180-40640.
District Institute of Education & Training (DIET)
13610- 24040-
Principal 14
20700 36140
12250- 21240-
Senior Lecturer 97
19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Lecturer 168
18450 32110
7990- 13900-
Technician 4
12930 22360
7480- 13210-
Statistical Assistant 2
11910 20740
Librarian 14 6080-9830
Laboratory Assistant 14 5250-8390
District & Sub District Office
12250- 22360-
District Education Officer 38
19800 35320
Shall be redesignated
11910- 20740-
Personal Assistant to DEO 38 as Jr. Administrative
19350 33680 Assistant.
11070- 20740-
Assistant Educational Officer 163
18450 33680
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Additional Assistant Educational 11070- 20740-
Officer 18450 33680
11070- 18740-
Inspector of Muslim Education 6
18450 31360
Women Inspector of Muslim Girls 9190- 16180-
Education 15510 27140
TTI for In-service Training in Hindi
11070- 20740-
Chief Instructor 2
18450 33680
8390- 14620-
Instructor 8
13270 23480
Secondary School (Including Training Schools)
11910- 21240-
Headmaster HG 1100
19350 34500
11070- 20740-
Headmaster 1356
18450 33680
High School Assistant Sel. Gr.
High School Assistant Sen. Gr. HSA Sel. Gr.
1764 10790- 18740-
Redesignated as HSA
(Graduate/Language ) 8 18000 31360 Sen. Gr.
HSA Sen. Gr.
High School Assistant HG 2122 9590- 16980-
Redesignated as HSA
(Graduate/Language) 7 16650 29180 HG
High School Assistant 1182 8390- 14620-
(Graduate/Language) 9 13270 23480
Instructors and Specialist Teachers
Instructor (Engineering/Printing 9190- 16980-
Tech. /Agri.) 15510 29180
Teacher/Specialist/ Dance Master
Bhagavathar / Sewing Mistress/ 9190- 16980-
Drawing Master Sel. Grade 15510 29180
(Specialization details shown at the
9190- 16980-
Instructor Sen. Grade (Commerce)
15510 29180
8390- 16180-
Instructor Grade .I (Commerce)
13270 27140
Instructor/Special Teacher/
Specialist/ Dance Master
Bhagavathar / Sewing Mistress/ 3675 8390- 16180-
Drawing Master Sen. Grade 13270 27140
(Specialization details shown at the
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
7990- 14620-
Instructor/Instructor (Engineering)
12930 23480
7990- 14620-
Instructor Grade. II (Commerce)
12930 23480
7990- 14620-
Physical Training (Bharatanatyam)
12930 23480
7990- 14620-
Domestic Science Assistant
12930 23480
7990- 14620-
Secretarial Assistant
7166 12930 23480
7990- 14620-
Dance Master (Kathakali)
12930 23480
7990- 14620-
12390 23480
Instructor/ Special Teacher/
Specialist/ Dance Master
Bagavathar / Sewing Mistress/ 7990- 14620-
Drawing Master Grade. I 12930 23480
(Specialization details shown at the
Instructor/ Special Teacher/
Specialist / Dance Master
Bhagavathar / Sewing Mistress / 6680- 11620-
Drawing Master Grade. II 10790 18740
(Specialization details shown at the
(Teacher - (Ratton
Works/Music/Craft/ Physical
Edn./Veena/ Commercial/
Hindustani - Urudu /Craft)
Upper Primary & Lower Primary Schools
11070- 20740-
Headmaster Sen. Gr 501
18450 33680
10790- 19240-
Headmaster HG 3528
18000 32110
9590- 18740-
Headmaster 5335
16650 31360
Assistant Teacher (Nursery/Pre- 1584
primary)/Assistant Dance 7 9190- 16980-
Teacher/Art Assistant /Art Master 15510 29180
Sel. Grade
Teacher/Instructor /Fishing 9190- 16980-
Technology Assistant/ 15510 29180
Matron/Sewing Mistress / Pandit
/Junior Pandit/Hindi APndit/Drill
Master / Drawing Master/
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Bagavathar (Bhrathanatiyam,
Kathakali.)Sel. Grade
(Specialisation details shown at the
Technology Assistant/
Matron/Sewing Mistress / Pandit
/Junior Pandit/Hindi Apndit/Drill
8390- 16180-
Master / Drawing Master/
13270 27140
Bagavathar (Bhrathanatiyam, 1364
Kathakali.) Sen. Grade 1
(Specialisation details shown at the
Assistant Teacher (Nursery/Pre-
8390- 16180-
primary)/ Assistant Dance Teacher /
13270 27140
Art Assistant/Art Master Sen. Grade
Assistant Teacher (Nursery/Pre-
primary)/ Assistant Dance 7990- 14620-
Teacher /Art Assistant./ Art Master 12930 23480
Grade I
Teacher/Instructor/ Fishing
Technology Assistant/ 1957
Matron/Sewing Mistress / Pandit 3
/Junior Pandit/Hindi Apndit/Drill 7990- 14620-
Master / Drawing Master/ 12930 23480
Bagavathar (Bhrathanatiyam,
Kathakali.) Grade .I (Specialisation
details shown at the end))
Assistant Teacher (Nursery/Pre-
primary)/ Assistant Dance 6680- 11620-
Teacher /Art Assistant/Art Master 10790 18740
Grade II
Teacher/Instructor/ Fishing
Technology Assistant/
Matron/Sewing Mistress / Pandit
/Junior Pandit/Hindi Apndit/Drill 6680- 11620-
Master / Drawing Master/ 2145 10790 18740
Bagavathar (Bhrathanatiyam, 1
Kathakali) Grade.II (Specialisation
details shown at the end)
6680- 11620-
Attender (Kathakali Chutti)
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Teacher (Craft)
10790 18740
Instructor Work Experience 6680- 11620-
Programme 10790 18740
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
LPSA/UPSA/Teacher- Ratton
works, Craft, Training Reserve,
Industrial, Special, Language,
Hebrew, Arabic, Hindustani,
Sewing, Needle Work, Music, Music-
Cum-Needle Work, Music & Drill,
Drawing & Music, Drawing-Cum-
Needle Work, Drawing, Physical
Education, Thiruvathirakkali,
Mohiniyattom, Mirdangom,
Kaikottikali, Weaving, Tailoring,
Book Binding, Manual Training,
Physical Training, Girls Guide,
Technological Fishing.Instructor-
Kathakali Chutti, Kathakali Vesham,
Kathakali, Mridhangam, Chenda,
Art, Bharathnantyam, Physical
Training, Wood Works , Fine Arts,
Drawing & Painting, Home Science ,
Fishery Technology,
EngineeringFishing Technology
Assistant/ Matron/Sewing Mistress /
Pandit /Junior Pandit/Hindi
Apndit/Drill Master / Drawing
Master/ Bagavathar
(Bhrathanatiyam, Kathakali).
Schools for the Handicapped
11910- 21240-
Headmaster HG 10
19350 34500
11070- 20740-
Headmaster 14
18480 33680
High School Assistant Sel. Gr.
HSA Sel. Gr.
11070- 19240-
High School Assistant Sen. Grade 109 Redesignated as HSA
18450 32110 Sen. Gr.
10790- 18740-
Resource Teacher Sel. Grade 49
18000 31360
HSA Sen. Gr.
10790- 18740-
High School Assistant HG 81 Redesignated as HSA
18000 31360 HG
Teacher (Graduate who are 10790- 18740-
handicapped) Sel. Grade 18000 31360
Assistant Teacher (With special 10790- 18740-
Training) Sel. Grade 18000 31360
9590- 16980-
High School Assistant 109
16650 29180
Teacher (Graduate who are 12 9590- 16980-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
handicapped) Sen. Grade 16650 29180
Assistant Teacher (With Special 9590- 16980-
Training) Sen. Grade 16650 29180
9190- 16180-
Headmaster (Under Graduate) 20
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Resource Teacher Sen. Grade 30
15510 27140
Graduate Assistant (Training centre 9190- 16180-
for Handicapped) 15510 27140
Assistant Teacher (Without special 9190- 16980-
training) Sel. Gr 15510 29180
Resource Teacher Grade. I 42 14620-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Instructor in composing 5
19910 20740
Assistant Teacher (Without special 6680- 11620-
training) Gr. II 10790 18740
Teacher (Under Graduate who are 10790 11620-
handiapped) Grade. II 18740
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Record Keeper 3 5250-8390
Tally Clerk 3 5250-8390
Computer 11 5250-8390
Compositor 2 5250-8390
Printer 1 5250-8390
Store Assistant 6 4750-7820
Packer 1 4630-7000
Counter 14 4630-7000
Part Time Posts
Language Teacher (High School) 650 5650-8790
Language Teacher (Primary) 728 5250-8390
Teacher (craft) 102 5250-8390
Teacher (Physical Education) 51 5250-8390
Instructor 25 5250-8390
Instructor (Manual Training) 8 5250-8390
Pandit 2 5250-8390
Teacher (P.D) 12 5250-8390
Teacher (Drawing & Drill) 45 5250-8390
Teacher (Music) 29 5250-8390
Teacher (Needle Work) 12 5250-8390
Drawing Master 15 5250-8390
Drill Master 11 5250-8390
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Braillist 13 5250-8390
Specialist Teacher - 5250-8390
Posts held by personnel of Govt. Secretariat
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Deputy Secretary, Super Check 2
26600 46640
23200- 40640-
Senior Finance Officer 2
31150 54140
23200- 40640-
Law Officer 1
31150 54140
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer(DD Office) 3
19800 34500
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer Gr. II 1
20250 35320
Posts held by personnel of Economics & Statistics Department
16650- 36140-
Statistical Officer(Joint Director) 1
23200 46640
11070- 19240-
Research Officer (Statistics) 2
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Taluk Statistical Officer 1
18000 31360
8390- 14620-
Research Assistant (Statistics) 3
13270 23480
6680- 13900-
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 3
10790 22360
Statistical Assistant Gr. II 31 5250-8390
L.D Typist 1 5250-8390
Class IV Employee 1 4510-6230
Posts held by personnel of Public Works Department
11910- 20740-
Liaison Officer 1
19350 33680
11070- 20740-
Assistant Engineer (PWD Electrical) 1
18450 33680
Posts held by personnel of Technical Education Department
11910- 20740-
Special Officer, Work Experience 1
19350 33680
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
9190- 16180-
Foreman, Work Experience 4
15510 27140
Workshop Instructor, Work 7990- 14620-
Experience 12930 23480
6680- 11620-
Trade Instructor, Work Experience 2
10790 18740
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 17
19800 35320
Accounts Officer/Assistant 12250- 21240-
Provident Fund Officer 19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 211
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 235
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 21
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 8
13270 23480
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant 30
12930 22360
6680- 13210-
Upper Division Clerk 1778
10790 20740
6680- 13210-
Upper Division Typist 103
10790 20740
6680- 11620-
Sergeant 1
10790 18740
Lower Division Clerk 1779 5250-8390
L.D Clerk (Aided Schools) 1510 5250-8390
Lower Division Typist 176 5250-8390
Driver 35 5250-8390
Printer 1 5250-8390
Lift Operator 1 5250-8390
Binder 4 4750-7820
Duffedar /Chowkidar HG 2 4750-7820
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Roneo Operator 1 4750-7820
Attender 58 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 8500-
5300 4510-6230
(Peon/Cleaner/Watchman etc.) 12220
Full-Time Menial 3800 4510-6230
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees-6509; No. of Women employees including Part-
among teaching staff in order to improve the quality and efficiency of
the Department of Higher Secondary Education.
7.19(c).2. Unnecessary financial loss is also being incurred to the State
Exchequer by retaining the employees of the Universities in the
Department of Higher Secondary Education. In a recent audit report
of the Accountant General it has been pointed out that 71 officers in
Higher Secondary Education Department were on deputation during
2008-2009 and the department is incurring an expenditure of
Rs.103.33 lakhs per annum as basic pay alone for the said staff.
According to the Accountant General, the expenditure should have
been Rs.65.13 lakhs only in case the posts were filled up directly
through Public Service Commission. The avoidable minimum excess
expenditure works out to Rs.38.21 lakhs (Rs.68.01 lakhs including
D.A). Records available indicate that 18 employees of Calicut
University and 67 employees of M.G University are in the service of
the Department during 2009. A total amount of Rs.24.99 lakhs is
seen incurred towards remittance of pro-rata pension (pension
contribution) to the two Universities for the year 2009. Apart from
the above figures, employees from Collegiate Education Department
are also working on deputation in the Higher Secondary Education
Department. This means that the figures indicated in the audit
report of the Accountant General are far below the actual position.
7.19(c).3. As the Higher Secondary Education Department is a part of the
General Education Department an approved staff pattern should be
evolved for the Department. The basic qualification prescribed for
common category posts such as Clerks, Typists etc. should
necessarily be S.S.L.C as in various departments and supervisory
posts such as JS/SS/AA/AO etc are the promotion posts of Clerks. So
the Commission recommends the scales of pay of various categories
of posts based on the strength of staff as reported by the Director of
Higher Secondary Education indicated below.
7.19 (c).4. Irregular retention of employees of Universities against certain
posts in the department is shown below:
Designation In position Remarks
No equated Scale of pay Rs.23200-
Joint Registrar 1
post 31150
Scale of pay Rs.20700-
Deputy Registrar ” 2
Scale of pay Rs.16650-
Assistant Registrar ” 3
Scale of pay Rs.12930-
Section Officer (HG) ” 6 Scale of pay Rs.11910-
Designation In position Remarks
Excluding staff from
Section Officer 3 16 Collegiate Education
Sel. Gr. Scale of pay Rs.9590-
Assistant/Typist 16650
Equivalent to Junior
Senior Grade Assistant 17 10
Higher Secondary School Teacher and by transfer from
qualified Headmasters of High Schools in the ratio 2:1. Both
for promotion and by transfer appointment, minimum
approved teaching experience of 12 years is required. The
Principals are now in the scale of pay of Rs.12250-19800 on
par with Higher Secondary School Teacher (Selection Grade),
which is the 2nd time bound higher grade promotion post of
Higher Secondary School teacher on completion of 16 years
of service. Since the scale of pay of Higher Secondary School
Teacher (Selection Grade) and Principal are identical, the
post may be placed in the corresponding scale of pay of
(ii) Regarding the upgradation of the scale of pay of Higher
Secondary School Teacher (Junior), the following revised
Time Bound Higher Grades are recommended.
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Higher Secondary Schools
12250- 22360-
Principal 1264
19800 35320
Higher Secondary School Teacher 12250- 22360-
(Sel. Gr) 19800 35320
Higher Secondary School Teacher 1562 11910- 20740-
(HG) 5 19350 33680
11070- 19240-
Higher Secondary School Teacher
18450 32110
Higher Secondary School Teacher 11070- 19240-
Junior (Sel. Gr) 18450 32110
Higher Secondary School Teacher 1018 10790- 18740-
Junior (HG) 8 18000 31360
Higher Secondary School Teacher 16180-
Junior 27140
Laboratory Assistant 3149 4750-7820 8960-13210
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 3
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 17 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant 4 6080-9830
Clerk 119 5250-8390 9940-15380
Typist 15 5250-8390 9940-15380
Drivers 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Record Keeper 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Class IV Employee Gr. II 16 4510-6230 8500-12220
Night Watchman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Director 1 UGC
Joint Director 2 UGC
UGC (3)
23200- 40640-
Deputy Director 6 31150 (1) 54140
13610- 24040-
20700 (2) 36140
Senior Administrative Officer 1 23200- 40640-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
31150 54140
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
16650- 29180-
23200(2) 40640
Assistant Director 4
12250- 21240-
19800 (2) 34500
12930- 22360-
20250 (1) 35320
Accounts Officer 5
12250- 21240-
19800 (4) 34500
11910- 20740-
Administrative Assistant 1
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
P.A. To Director 1
19350 33680
Roneo Operator 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 2; No. of Casual/contract/Daily Waged
employees - 46;
No. of Women employees including Part-Time -11086.
7.19(d).3. The Commission after having discussion with the Service
Organisations and the Head of the Department makes the following
(i) The Commission is of the opinion that the AICTE scheme may
be implemented in both Polytechnic and Fine Arts Colleges, to
those teachers who are qualified as per the AICTE norms.
(ii) The Deputy Director (Polytechnic Stream) and Deputy Director
(Deputy Controller of Technical Exam) may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iii) The scale of pay of the Principal and Professor Grade I of the
Colleges of Fine Arts may be enhanced to the corresponding
scales of pay of Rs.23200-31150 and Rs.20700-26600
(iv) The Workshop Superintendent of Engineering Colleges may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(v) The scales of pay of Principals of Polytechnic Colleges and
Institute of Printing Technology may be enhanced to the
corresponding scale of pay of Rs.20700-26600.
(vi) Higher Grade in the ratio 1:1, corresponding to the scale of
pay of Rs.11910-19350, may be awarded to the
Superintendent of Govt. Commercial Institute.
(vii) The post of Administrative Assistant may be upgraded as
Senior Administrative Assistant in the Technical Education
(viii) The scale of pay of Workshop
Instructor/Demonstrator/Instructor Grade II/Draftsman Grade II
may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.8390-
13270. Higher Grade in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.9190-15510 may be allowed, in the ratio 4:1 to Workshop
Instructor/Demonstrator/Instructor Gr. II.
(ix) Government have re-designated the post of Computer
Operator as Computer Programmer without any change in the
scale of pay. The qualification prescribed for the post of
Computer Programmer is MCA. The total number of posts are
24. It has also been noted that there are 4 posts of System
Analysts whose qualification is B.Tech. Both these posts are
isolated posts having no promotion prospects. Higher Grade
promotion in the ratio 1:1 in the corresponding scale of pay of
Rs.11910-19350 may be allowed in cases where there are
more than one Computer Programmer in an Institution.
7.19(d).4. Normal revision is recommended for all other posts in the
7.19(d).5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scale of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Director 1 AICTE
Senior Joint Director (EC/PS) 2 AICTE
Joint Director (EC/PS) 4 AICTE
Joint Controller 1 AICTE
Deputy Director (Engg. College) 1 AICTE
Training Officer 1 AICTE
Principal(Engineering College) 12 AICTE
Dean 2 AICTE
Professor 109 AICTE
Assistant Professor/Reader 308 AICTE
Lecturer in Engineering/
Technology 827 AICTE
20700- 40640-
Principal (College of Fine Arts) 3
26600 54140
Deputy Director (Polytechnic 16650- 36140-
Stream) 23200 46640
Deputy Director 16650- 36140-
(Dy. Controller of Technical Exams) 23200 46640
Workshop Superintendent 16650- 36140-
(Engineering College) 23200 46640
Principal (Polytechnics/Institute of 16650- 36140-
Printing Technology) 23200 46640
Professor Gr. I (College of Fine 16650- 36140-
Arts) 23200 46640
12930- 22360-
Assistant Controller of Examination 1 20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Assistant Director (SDC) 1 20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Project Officer (DTE) 1 20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Head of Section 184 20250 35320
Professor Gr. II (College of Fine 12930- 22360-
Arts) 11 20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Technical Officer 6 19350 33680
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Assistant Director(Regional 11910- 20740-
Directorate) 2 19350 33680
Project Officer(CDC) 3 11910- 20740-
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Instructor Gr. I 40 19350 33680
11910- 20740-
System Analyst 4 19350 33680
Lecturer in Engineering/
Technology/ Instrument
11910- 20740-
Technology/ Business 706
19350 33680
Engraving/ Letter Press Printing
11910- 20740-
Post Diploma Lecturer 19350 33680
Workshop Superintendent 11910- 20740-
(Polytechnics) 19350 33680
Superintendent, Technical High 11910- 20740-
Schools 19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Lecturer (College of Fine Arts) 19350 33680
11070- 19240-
Fine Arts Expert 18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Chemist 18450 32110
11910- 20740- HG in the ratio
Computer Programmer HG - 1:1. (Reckoning
19350 33680
the number of
11070- 19240- posts in an
Computer Programmer 24
18450 32110 Institution.)
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
9190- 16180-
Head Draftsman/Draftsman Gr. I 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Foreman/Workshop Foreman 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Senior Instructor in Shorthand 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Technical Programme Assistant 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Instructor in Commerce 15510 27140
Instructor in Secretarial Practice & 9190- 16180-
Business Correspondence 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Instructor(Engineering) 15510 27140
Instructor (Govt. Commercial 9190- 16180-
Institute) 15510 27140
8790- 15380-
Instructor in Shorthand 13610 24040
8390- 14620-
Development Officer 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Data Entry Operator 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Instrument Mechanic Gr. I (WPTC) 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Instrument Mechanic Gr. I 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Art Instructor 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Mural Expert 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Studio Assistant Gr. I 13270 23480
7990- 13900-
Junior Operator 12930 22360
7990- 14620-
Demonstrator in Chemistry 1 12930 23480
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Instructor Gr. II/ Workshop
Instructor/ Demonstrator in - -
Engineering (HG)
HG and Sr.
Instructor Gr. II/ Workshop 899 Grade ratio is
7990- 14620-
Instructor/ Demonstrator in 4:1.
12930 23480
7990- 14620-
Draftsman Gr. II/Draftsman 12930 23480
8390- 14620-
Trade Instructor Sen. Gr. 13270 23480
7990- 13900-
Trade Instructor Gr. I 12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Trade Instructor Gr. II 10790 18740
Assistant Instructor in Shorthand 7990- 13900-
(GPTC) 12930 22360
Instructor -cum-Mechanic in 7990- 13900-
Spinning 12930 22360
Instructor Gr. II (Textile
7990- 13900-
Spinning/Weaving &Textile 7
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Spinning Mechanic 12930 22360
Technical Programme Assistant Gr. 7990- 13900-
II 12930 22360
Assistant Instructor in Type 7990- 13900-
writing / Stenography 12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Mechanic in Textile Chemistry 12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Mechanic in Textile Technology 12930 22360
Assistant Instructor 7990- 13900-
(Govt. Commercial Institute) 12930 22360
Assistant Instructor in Shorthand 7480- 13210-
(WPTC) 11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Instrument Mechanic Gr. II 11910 20740
Instructress (Tailoring & Garment 7480- 13210-
Making Training ) 11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Instructor (Industrial Schools ) 2 11910 20740
Studio Assistant Gr. II 3 5650-8790 9940-15380
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Typewriter Mechanic 10 5250-8390 9940-15380
Tradesman 982 5250-8390 9940-15380
Junior Instructor (Tailoring &
15 5250-8390 9940-15380
Garment Making Training )
Junior Instructor (Industrial
Schools ) 7 5250-8390
Boiler Assistant 3 5250-8390 9940-15380
Carpenter 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Welder-cum-Blacksmith 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Marker 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Studio Attender 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Clay Worker 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of Govt. Secretariat
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1 26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 2 26600 46640
Posts held by personnel of Common Pool
13610- 24040-
Scientific Information Officer 1 20700 36140
11910- 20740-
Librarian Gr. I 5 19350 33680
9190- 16180-
Librarian Gr. II 14 15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Librarian Gr. III 8 13270 23480
6680- 11620-
Librarian Gr IV 35 10790 18740
Posts held by personnel of Collegiate Education Department
Lecturer Microbiology/ Sanitary
247 UGC
Chemistry/ Economic Etc.
Librarian 3 UGC
Chief Tech. Librarian 1 UGC
13610- 24040-
Professor Grade. II (Non-UGC) 20700 36140
Lecturer in Physical Education(Non- 11070- 19240-
UGC) 18450 32110
7990- 13900-
Physical Instructor 48 12930 22360
Posts held by personnel of General Education Department
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Instructor in Humanities and 8390- 14620-
Language 70 13270 23480
Instructor in Science and 8390- 14620-
Mathematics 132 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
High School Assistant (Malayalam) 1 13270 23480
Posts held by personnel of Economics & Statistics Department
Statistical Assistant Gr. II 2 5250-8390 18740
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 19800 35320
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Confidential Asst. Selection Grade 18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 18000 31360
Junior Superintendent/Chief 9190- 16180-
Accountant/Storekeeper 15510 27140
Confidential Assistants Senior 9190- 16180-
Grade 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk/Head Accountant 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Selection Grade Typist 13270 23480
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistants Grade-1 12930 22360
7990- 14620-
Senior Grade Typist 12930 23480
6680- 13210-
U.D Clerk 10790 20740
6680- 13210-
U.D Typist 10790 20740
6680- 11620-
Sergeant 10790 18740
Confidential Assistants Grade-II 13 6080-9830
/Steno Typist
Driver (HDV) 17 5650-8790 9940-15380
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
L.D Clerk/LD Storekeeper 354 5250-8390 9940-15380
72 5250-8390
L.D Typist 15380
13 5250-8390
Clerk-Typist 15380
12 5250-8390
Matron 14620
22 5250-8390
Driver(LDV) 14620
73 4750-7820
Non-Technical Attender Gr. I 13210
3 4750-7820
Roneo Operator 13210
106 4630-7000
Non-Technical Attender Gr. II 12550
Duffedar 11 4630-7000
45 4630-7000
Gardener 12550
543 4510-6230
Class IV Employee Gr. II 12220
251 4510-6230
Watcher/Bus Cleaner 12220
19 4510-6230
Head Cook 12220
80 4510-6230
Assistant Cook 12220
1 4510-6230
Binder 12220
7 4510-6230
Sick Room Attender 12220
Full time Sweeper/Sanitary Worker 115 4510-6230
Total 9129
No. of Part time Contingent employees –434; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time –2275.
two year certificate courses in Higher Secondary level, in 42 different
disciplines, which is equivalent to Plus Two course of the Higher
Secondary Education. Presently there are 389 Vocational Higher
Secondary Schools out of which 128 are in Aided sector and 261 in
Government sector. Both Vocational and Non-Vocational teachers are
engaged for teaching. All the Vocational Higher Secondary courses
are attached to High Schools and Headmasters of those schools are
assigned with the duties of Principal/Administrative Head of the
Vocational Higher Secondary Education also.
7.19(e).2. Director is the Head of the Department and the academic
sections are managed with the help of Deputy Directors and other
supporting staff. There are seven Regional Directorates headed by
Assistant Directors. The representatives of the Service Organisations
and the Head of the Department appeared before the Commission
and presented their demands for better scale of pay and promotion
prospects. After considering all aspects the Commission
recommends as follows:
(i) The post of Director may be placed in the corresponding
scale of pay of Rs.25400-33100. The post of Director may be
included in the Special Rules as the promotion post of
Departmental personnel.
(ii) The scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200 may be
allowed to the post of Deputy Director.
(iii) The post of Assistant Director may be given the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.13610-20700.
(iv) The Commission considered the existing status of Vocational
Instructor and the post may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.8390-13270.
(v) The Commission considered the important aspects like
performance evaluation and accountability of Non-Vocational
teachers and they may be placed in the Higher Grade and
Selection Grade in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.11070-18450 and 11910-19350 respectively.
(vi) The consolidated pay of GFC Teachers may be enhanced to
Rs.5000/- p.m.
(vii) Research Assistant may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.11910-19350.
7.19(e).3. Corresponding revision is recommended to all other posts in the
7.19(e).4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
23200- 44640-
Director 1
31150 56340
16650- 29180-
Deputy Director 2
23200 40640
13610- 29180-
Deputy Director 1
20700 40640
12250- 24040-
Assistant Director 8
19800 36140
11910- 20740-
Technical Officer 1
19350 33680
11070- 20740-
Research Assistant 1
18450 33680
Vocational Teacher/ Non Vocational 12250- 21240-
Teacher (Sel. Gr.) 19800 34500
Vocational Teacher/ Non- 11910- 20740-
Vocational Teacher (HG) 19350 33680
Vocational Teacher /Non-Vocational 11070- 19240-
Teacher 18450 32110
Non-Vocational Teacher Junior (Sel. 11070- 20740-
Gr.) 18450 33680
10790- 19240-
Non-Vocational Teacher Junior (HG)
18000 32110
Non-Vocational Teacher Junior 9190-15510
Vocational Instructor 1100 7990-12930
3500 Con. 6100 Con.
Non Vocational Teacher (GFC) 53
Pay Pay
Lab Technical Assistant 1100 5650-8790 9940-15380
Common Category
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 2
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 2
18000 31360
Fair Copy superintendent 1 9190-15510
Junior Superintendent 5 9190-15510
Head Clerk 6 8390-13270
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 2 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated
as Typist Sel.
Typist (Sen. Gr.) 2 7990-12930 23480 Gr.
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
UD Clerk 153 6680-10790
UD Typist 5 6680-10790
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
Driver Grade. I 3 6080-9830
LD Clerk 277 5250-8390 9940-15380
LD Typist 5 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Grade. II 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 204 4510-6230 8500-12220
Roneo Operator 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Night Watchman 6 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
20700- 36140-
Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
Total 6410
No. of Part time Contingent employees- 04; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time- 2740.
discharge functions and duties cast on him under Indian Electricity
Act and Rules. He has to undertake frequent tours to conduct
inspections, enquires in the electrical accident sites etc. As a result
he may not have sufficient time to devote attention on establishment,
administrative, financial matters and also in public friendly services
like renewal of licenses etc in office. Hence the functioning of the
District offices is to be strengthened by providing necessary staff
having experience and capability to deal these matters effectively.
7.20.4. The proposal for creation of posts put forward by the Chief
Electrical Inspector to strengthen District Offices was considered by
the Government and decided to refer the matter to the Pay Revision
7.20.5. The proposals made by the Chief Electrical Inspector and the
demands raised by the Organisations have been examined in detail
by the Commission and makes the following recommendations:
(i) To create two posts of Deputy Chief Electrical Inspector each
at Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode.
(ii) To upgrade six posts of Junior Superintendents of the Chief
Electrical Inspectorate as Senior Superintendents and to shift
the posts to the District offices at Kollam, Alappuzha,
Kottayam, Palakkad, Malappuram and Kannur and to
upgrade the post of Head Clerk available in these six District
Offices as Junior Superintendent and shift them to the Chief
Electrical Inspectorate. Besides, the posts of Head Clerk in
the District Offices at Pathanamthitta, Idukki, Wayanad and
Kasaragode may be upgraded as Junior Superintendent.
(iii) One post of Junior Superintendent may be created in the
laboratory functioning at Government Engineering College,
(iv) The existing ratio promotion among the Skilled Assistant,
Skilled Assistant (HG), Skilled Assistant Sr. Gr. may be
modified as 1:1:1 and assign the scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.7990-12930 to the Skilled Assistants Sr. Gr.
(v) The post of Chief Electrical Inspector and Deputy Chief
Electrical Inspector may be placed in the revised scale of pay
of Rs.48640-59840 and Rs.42640-55240 respectively.
Electrical Inspector Higher Grade and Electrical Inspector
may be placed in the scale of pay of Rs.23200-31150 and
Rs.20700-26600 respectively.
7.20.6. Normal revision recommended to all other posts.
7.20.7. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are as given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Chief Electrical Inspector 1 48640-59840
Additional Chief Electrical 25400-
1 44640-56340
Inspector 33100
Deputy Chief Electrical 23200-
2 42640-55240
Inspector 31150
Electrical Inspector (HG) 4 40640-54140
16650- 25% posts will be
Electrical Inspector 13 36140-46640
23200 on HG
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Binder Gr. I 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Lower Division Clerk 47 5250-8390 9940-15380
L.D Typist 7 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder G. II 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Clerical Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. I 12 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 26 4510-6230 8500-12220
Night Watcher 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Administrative Officer 1 12930- 22360-35320
Accounts Officer 1 12930- 22360-35320
Law Officer 1 12930- 22360-35320
Total 427
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 16; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time -123.
7.21.2. The Commission held discussion with the Officials concerned.
The responsibilities of the Manager are almost equal to that of
Sheristadars of District Courts. In the absence of Managers, there is
no responsible officer to look after and supervise the functions of the
office. Hence it is recommended that the post of Assistant Manager
equivalent to that of Section Officer may be sanctioned in all the
units. It is also recommended that future appointment to the
ministerial posts be made from Judicial Subordinate Service.
7.21.3. The senior most Manager will be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12930-20250.
7.21.4. The Managers who have completed 20 years of total service may
be given scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200 as personal
7.21.5. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.21.6. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Desigantion of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Enquiry Commissioner and
Special Judge
The senior most
Manager will be
11910- 20740- placed in the scale
Manager 4 of pay
19350 33680
corresponding to
Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 3 9590-16650
29180 Assistant Sel. Gr. re-
designated as
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 4 9190-15510 Assistant Section
27140 Officer. The exiting
ratio will continue.
Assistant 7 7990-12930
Typist Gr. II 5 6080-9830
Common Category
Selection Grade Typist 1 8390-13270 14620-
Typist Sr. Gr. 2 7990-12930 23480
L.D Typist 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 1
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 2 6080-9830
No. Existing Proposed
Desigantion of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Driver Gr. II 4 5250-8390 9190-14620
Duffedar Gr. II 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 8 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sweeper-Cum-Watchman 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 55
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees- 1; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time – 20;
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Personal Assistant 12250-
1 21240-34500
Assistant 6 7990-12930 13900-22360
Programming Officer 16650-
1 29180-40640
Systems Manager 16650-
1 29180-40640
Systems Analyst 11910-
1 20740-33680
System Assistant 5 9190-15510 16180-27140
DTP Operator/
3 6680-10790 11620-18740
Data Entry Operator
Total 41
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 1; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily waged
employees - 1; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 8.
7.23. EXCISE
7.23.1. The Excise Commissioner encadered from the IAS is the Head of
the Department. He is assisted by an Additional Commissioner and a
Vigilance Officer who are also drawn from the All India Service. The
major function of this department involves enforcement of Abkari Act
& Rules of the State, collection of Excise Revenue and prevention of
distillation and sale of illicit liquor. The Department also enforces the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985 and Rules
7.23.2. The representatives of various Service Organisations appeared
before the Commission and presented their demands. The
Commission also held discussion with the Head of the Department.
After considering all aspects the Commission makes the following
(i) The Joint Commissioner of Excise/Senior Grade Deputy
Commissioner may be placed in the revised scale of pay of
(ii) Deputy Commissioner of Excise and Assistant Excise
Commissioner/Assistant Secretary (HG) may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150 and
Rs.20700-26600 respectively.
(iii) The scale of pay of the following posts may be revised to the
corresponding scales of pay noted against each.
a. Excise Guard Rs.6080-9830
b. Preventive Officer Rs.7990-12930
c. Assistant Excise Inspector Rs.9190-15510
d. Excise Inspector Rs.9590-16650
e. Circle Inspector Rs.11910-19350
f. Assistant Excise Commissioner Rs.13610-20700
(iv) Manager/Excise Circle Inspector/Superintendent (HG) may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to the Rs.12250-
19800. (Ratio 20%)
(v) The possibility of earmarking 10% posts of Preventive officer,
Assistant Excise Inspector and Excise Inspector to the
eligible candidates in the categories of Typists, Confidential
Assistants and Class IV staff may be considered.
(vi) The question of creating necessary ministerial staff in the
Department may be considered by the Government.
(vii) The scale of pay of Excise Driver may be equated to that of
their counterparts in the Police Department.
(viii) Day off allowance may be given to staff posted for special
drive during festival season.
7.23.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.23.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. of Existing Proposed
Designation Remarks
posts Scale of pay Scale of pay
Excise Commissioner 1 IAS
No. of Existing Proposed
Designation Remarks
posts Scale of pay Scale of pay
Manager/Excise Circle 20% of the post on
10790-18000 20740-33680
Inspector/Superintendent HG
(ii) The post of Senior Joint Director may be placed in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(iii) The posts of Joint Director of Factories & Boilers and Joint
Director of Factories & Boilers (Medical) may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iv) The benefits available to Medical Officers in Health Services
and Insurance Medical Services may be extended to the
Medical Officers in the Department of Factories & Boilers
(v) Government may create one post of Joint Director as the
promotion post of Technical Officer (Chemical).
7.24.3. Corresponding normal revision is recommended to all other
7.24.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
23200- 42640-
Director of Factories & Boilers 1
31150 55240
Senior Joint Director of Factories 20700- 40640-
& Boilers 26600 54140
Joint Director of Factories & 16650- 36140-
Boilers 23200 46640
Joint Director of Factories & 16650- 36140-
Boilers(Medical) 23200 46640
Inspector of Factories & Boilers 13610- 24040-
Gr. I 20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Technical Officer(Chemical) 1
20700 36140
The existing ratio of
Inspector of Factories & Boilers 11070- 20740-
18 2:1 between Gr. II &
Gr. II 18450 33680 Gr. I will continue.
Additional Inspector of 11070- 19240-
Factories(HG) 18450 32110
The existing ratio of
10790- 18740- 2:1 between lower
Additional Inspector of Factories 17
18000 31360 grade & higher grade
posts will continue.
10790- 18740-
Head Statistician 1
18000 31360
11070- 20740-
Technical Assistant (Chemical) 1
18450 33680
11070- 19240-
Chemical Inspector 4
18450 32110
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
11910- 24040-
Medical Officer 4
19350 36140
11070- 19240-
Head Draftsman 1
18450 32110
7990- 13900-
Draftsman Gr. I 3
12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Draftsman Gr. II 3
10790 18740
Nursing Assistant Gr. II 1 4630-7000
Lab Assistant 1 4630-7000
Lab Attendant 1 4630-7000
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 3
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 6
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Accountant/Head Clerk 1
13270 23280
6680- 13210-
Upper Division Clerk 50
10790 20740
Lower Division Clerk/Clerk Typist 51 5250-8390
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 1
18450 32110
9190- 16180-
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 1
15510 27140
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Gr. 2
12930 22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 2 6080-9830
Typist Selection Grade 1
13270 14620-
7990- 23280
Typist Senior Grade 1
6680- 13210-
Upper Division Typist 2
10790 20740
Lower Division Typist 2 5250-8390
8390- 14620-
Computer Operator 1
13270 23280
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
6680- 11620-
Librarian Gr. IV 1
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Driver Senior Grade 1
10790 18740
Driver Grade I 3 6080-9830
Driver Grade II 4 5250-8390
Roneo Operator 1 4750-7820
Class IV Employee (HG) 18 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II/Night 8500-
36 4510-6230
Watchman 12220
Full Time Sweeper 1 4510-6230
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
7480- 13210-
Chemist 1
11910 20740
Total 270
No. of Part Time Contingent employees- 16; No of Casual/Contract/Daily waged
employees - 6; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 84.
7.25.1. The Fire & Rescue Services Department came into existence
consequent to the bifurcation of Police Department in 1963. In the
present scenario, the Department has a pivotal role in co-ordinating
the rescue operations during accidents, natural calamities, riots and
in combating fire outbreaks. The Department is divided into three
zones for administrative convenience. The department is headed by
the Commandant General, drawn from IPS cadre.
7.25.2. The Commission held discussion with the representatives of
various Service
Organisations as well as the Head of the Department and makes the
following recommendations:
(i) The Director (Technical) may be placed in the revised scale
of pay of Rs.42640-55240.
(ii) The Deputy Director (Administration) may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(iii) Two posts of Divisional Officers will be placed in Senior
Grade in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
Divisional Officer may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.13610-20700.
(iv) The post of Senior Superintendent in the 3 Divisional Offices
may be upgraded to that of Administrative Assistant.
(v) The Assistant Divisional Officer is recommended normal
revision. It has been brought to the notice of the
Commission that no ministerial posts have been sanctioned
for Assistant Divisional Offices. The ministerial works in the
Assistant Divisional Offices are being done by clerks drawn
from Fire Stations. This causes difficulties in the Fire
Stations. Hence posts of three Clerks and one Head Clerk
may be sanctioned in the Assistant Divisional Offices.
(vi) The Station Officer may be allowed the scale of pay
equivalent to that of Sub Inspector of Police.
(vii) The Assistant Station Officer may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to that of ASI of Police.
(viii) Fireman may be allowed scale parity with Police Constable.
This may be extended to Fireman Driver-cum-Pump Operator
Gr. II also.
(ix) Fireman Driver-cum-Pump Operator Grade I, Driver Mechanic
and Leading Fireman may be allowed the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.7480-11910, by giving parity with Police
Driver Grade I.
(x) Uniform allowance may be sanctioned equal to the rates
available to the Police Personnel.
(xi) Risk allowance entitled to the Fire Force personnel is
admissible at the rates shown in the chapter dealt with
allowance. The Fire Force Personnel may be brought under
insurance coverage in view of the risk involved with their job.
The Commission makes it clear that the enhanced pay
scales are recommended in view of the arduous and risky nature
of work of the Fire Force Personnel. This will not be a right on the
part of employees of other Departments who are in the same
scales of pay for claiming the enhanced pay scales, as awarded
to Fire Force personnel.
7.25.3. Corresponding normal revision may be allowed to all other posts.
7.25.4. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts Pay Pay
Commandant General 1 IPS
Director (Technical) 1 42640-55240
Deputy Director 20700- 40640-
(Administration) 26600 54140
20700- 2 out of the total 3
Divisional Officer (Sr. Gr.) 1 36140-46640 posts may be
placed in Senior
12930- Grade
Divisional Officer 2 24040-36140
Assistant Divisional Officer 11910- 20740-
(HG) 19350 33680 20% of ADO will be
in HG
10790- 18740-
Assistant Divisional Officer 13
18000 31360
Station Officer 91 8390-13270
Assistant Station Officer 101 7480-11910
Leading Fireman 366 6680-10790 13900-22360
Driver Mechanic 91 6680-10790 13900-22360
Fireman Driver-cum-Pump
368 6680-10790 13900-22360
Operator Gr. I
Fireman Driver-cum-Pump
353 5250-8390 10480-17420
Operator Gr. II
Fireman 2136 5250-8390
Common Category
Manager 1 22360-35320
Senior Superintendent 4 18740-31360
Junior Superintendent 5 9190-15510
Head Accountant 1 8390-13270
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510 16180-27140
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 1 9190-15510 16180-27140
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990-12930 13900-22360
UD Clerk 63 6680-10790
LD Clerk 65 5250-8390 9940-15380
LD Typist 17 5250-8390 9940-15380
UD Typist 15 6680-10790 13210-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts Pay Pay
Senior Grade Typist 4 7990-12930 Re-designated as
14620-23480 Sel. Gr. Typist.
Selection Grade Typist 4 8390-13270
Night Watcher 4 4510-6530 8500-12220
Record Keeper 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Cook 1 4510-7480 8500-12220
Water Carrier 1 4510-7480 8500-12220
Posts held by Personnel of other Department
Administrative Officer 1 22360-35320
Total 3717
No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged employees -13; No. of Women employees including
Part-Time – 109.
of posts as their salary is met by Fisheries Department.
Corresponding revision may be allowed for the post.
(v) Considering the risk and the responsibility of employees
engaged in sea patrolling and sea rescue operations, risk
allowance is recommended to all staff of Marine Enforcement
Wing. The question of bringing them under compulsory
insurance scheme may be considered by the Govt.
(vi) Government may consider reorganisation of the Department
of Fisheries and to amend the Special Rules so as to attract
highly qualified professionals to this Department, as
recommended by the 8th Pay Revision Commission.
7.26.4. The Commission recommends corresponding revision to all other
posts in the Department.
7.26.5. The categories of posts in the Department with the existing and
proposed scales of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Director 1 IAS
23200- 42640-
Additional Director 1
31150 55240
16650- 36140-
Joint Director 6
23200 46640
20% of the posts
13610- 24040-
Deputy Director 16 will be on HG on
20700 36140 Rs.29180-40640.
Assistant Director/CEO/Project 12250- 21240-
Officer 19800 34500
Deputy Registrar of Co-operative 12250- 21240-
Societies (Fisheries) 19800 34500
Assistant Registrar of Co- 11070- 19240-
operative Societies (Fisheries) 18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Fresh Water Biologist 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Extension Officer 60
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Aqua Culture Expert 19
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Fishery Development Officer Gr. I 28
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Senior Co-operative Inspector 14
15510 27140
Foreman/Senior Mechanical 9190- 16180-
Instructor(HG) 15510 27140
Foreman/Senior Mechanical 13 8390- 14620- 20%of the posts will
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Instructor 13270 23480 be on HG
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Fisherman cum Watchman 8730-
41 4630-7000
Petty Yard Officer 8730-
8 4630-7000
Laboratory Attender 8730-
2 4630-7000
Oil man 8730-
1 4630-7000
Mess Boy/Mess Girl 8500-
9 4510-6230
Deckman 8500-
7 4510-6230
Regional Fisheries Technical High School
Headmaster 11070- 20740-
18450 33680
High School Assistant 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Warden cum Tutor 9190-
10 5250-8390
Common Category
Administrative Assistant 12250- 22360-
19800 35320
Senior Superintendent 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Fair Copy Superintendent 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Head Clerk 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Selection Grade Typist 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
U.D. Clerk 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
U.D Typist 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
Confidential Assistant 10480-
9 6080-9830
L.D. Clerk 9940-
78 5250-8390
L.D Typist 9940-
14 5250-8390
Clerk Typist 15 5250-8390 9940-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Driver 9190-
26 5250-8390
Driver-cum-Operator 9190-
1 5250-8390
Binder Grade II 8960-
1 4750-7820
Attender Gr. II 8730-
1 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. I 8500-
198 4510-6230
Watchman/Cleaner 8500-
53 4510-6230
Full-time Sweeper 8500-
9 4510-6230
Miscellaneous Category
Boat Driver/Engine Driver 9190-
5 5250-8390
Boat Syrang 9190-
4 5250-8390
Roneo Operator 8960-
1 4750-7820
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Senior Administrative Officer 20700- 36140-
26600 46640
Superintendent of Police (Marine 23200- 40640-
Enforcement) 31150 54140
Senior Finance Officer 20700- 36140-
26600 46640
Deputy Director (Statistics) 13610- 24040-
20700 36140
Law Officer 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
Chief Guards 12930- 24040-
20250 36140
Research Officer (Statistics) 11070- 19240-
18450 32110
Inspector of Guards 10790- 20740-
18000 33680
Sub Inspector of Guards 9190- 16980-
15510 29180
Research Assistant 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Head Guard 7480- 13900-
11910 22360
Statistical Assistant Grade I 6680- 13900-
10790 22360
Guard 10480-
38 6080-9830
Statistical Assistant Grade II 11620-
1 5250-8390
Total 1186
No. of Part- Time Contingent Employees- 60; No. of Women Employees including Part-
Time- 271.
7.27.1. The main tasks of the Forest Department are Forest & Wild Life
Protection, Forest development & maintenance, Environmental
protection, implementation of the Forest Act and Rules, Resource
mobilization etc. The Head of the Department is the Principal Chief
Conservator of Forests.
7.27.2. The Commission held discussion with various Service
Organisations and the Head of the Department. Accordingly the
following recommendations are made:
(i) The posts of Deputy Conservator of Forests (Non-cadre) and
the Economist may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(ii) The protection of forests is vested with the Forest Protective
Staff. Majority of the staff will be in the dense forest under
very adverse circumstances and climatic conditions, away
from their families. Considering the hazardous nature of
their job in the forest, the Deputy Ranger, Forester and
Forest Guard may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.8390-13270, Rs.7480-11910 and
Rs.6080-9830 respectively.
(iii) The staff working in Reserve Forests and
Sanctuaries/National Parks may also be allowed risk
allowance as applicable to the staff working in Marayur.
(iv) The teaching and non-teaching staff working in two Forest
Schools at Arippa as well as Walayar may be granted Special
Allowance @ Rs.80/- per month and Rs.50/- per month
(v) The suggestion of the Head of the Department to allow
medical reimbursement facilities to the Forest Officer for
undergoing medical treatment in private hospitals in the
vicinity of forest areas consequent on sudden illness or on
sustaining injuries by attacks of organized gangs or animals
may be considered.
(vi) The Boat Drivers in Thekkady may be sanctioned Special
Allowance @ Rs.50/- per month.
(vii) Enhanced rates of Day off Allowance may be sanctioned to
the Drivers at the same rate as applicable to the Forest
(viii) The Elephant Mahouts/Cavadies may be allowed enhanced
rate of risk allowance @ Rs.500/- per month. They may be
brought under insurance coverage.
7.27.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.27.4. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Principal Chief Conservator of
Forests 1 IFS
(Head of Forest Force)
Principal Chief Conservator of
Additional Principal Chief
Conservator of Forests
Chief Conservator of Forests 20 IFS
Conservator of Forests 16 IFS
Deputy Conservator of Forests 32 IFS
Deputy Conservator of Forest 20700- 40640-
(Non-Cadre) 26600 54150
20700- 36140-
Economist 1
26600 46640
The ratio between
Deputy Conservator
12930- 22360- of Forests and
Assistant Conservator of Forests Assistant
20250 35320
Conservator of
Forests will be 1:3.
12930- 22360-
Divisional Forest Officer
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Wild Life Warden
20250 35320
Deputy Director (Wild Life 3 12930- 22360-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Education) 20250 35320
11070- 19240-
Ranger and equated category 204
18450 32110
11910- 20740-
Wild Life Assistant Sr. Grade 3
19350 33680
9190- 16180-
Assistant Forest Publicity Officer 3
15510 27140
9190- 16180- The existing ratio of
Wild Life Assistant Grade I 3 1:1:1 among Senior
15510 27140
Grade, Gr. I and Gr.
II Wild Life
7990- 13900-
Wild Life Assistant Grade II 4 Assistants will
12930 22360 continue.
7480- 14620-
Deputy Ranger 138
11910 23480
7480- 13210-
Curator of Museum 1
11910 20740
6680- 13210-
Forester 860
10790 20740
Forest Guard 2404 5250-8390
Boat Driver 12 5250-8390
Timber Supervisor 1 4750-7820
Documentation Officer 1 4750-7820
Elephant Mahouts/Cavadies 26 4750-7820
Darkroom Attender 1 4630-7000
Boat Watcher 6 4510-6230
Boat Cleaner 3 4510-6230
Boat Lascar 4 4510-6230
Boat Syrang 1 4510-6230
Tracker-cum-Gardner 3 4510-6230
Gardner-cum-Marker 1 4510-6230
Cook 1 4510-6230
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Assistant Cook 1 4510-6230
Museum Assistant 1 4510-6230
Chowkidar 1 4510-6230
Depot Watcher/Reserve Watcher 262 4510-6230
Plantation Watcher cum Cook 8 4510-6230
Sanitation Worker 1 4510-6230
Common Category
Senior Administrative Assistant 12930- 24040-
20250 36140
Administrative Assistant 12250- 22360-
19800 35320
Senior Superintendent (And 10790- 18740-
Equated posts like Manager) 18000 31360
Junior Superintendent (And 9190- 16180-
Equated posts like Manager) 15510 27140
Faircopy Superintendent 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Head Clerk/Head Accountant 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
U.D.Clerk 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
L.D.Clerk 9940-
437 5250-8390
Personal Assistant 11070- 19240-
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Sel. Grade 11070- 19240-
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Sr. Grade 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Confidential Assistant/Steno 7990- 13900-
Typist. Grade I 12930 22360
Confidential Assistant/Steno 10480-
10 6080-9830
Typist. Grade II 17420
Typist (Selection Grade) 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Typist (Senior Grade) 7990- 13900-
12930 22360
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Upper Division Typist 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
Lower Division Typist 9940-
45 5250-8390
Driver Senior Grade 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
Driver Grade I 10480-
90 6080-9830
Driver Grade II 9190-
90 5250-8390
Binder Grade II 8960-
2 4750-7820
Class IV Employees Grade I 8730-
138 4630-7000
Class IV Employees Grade II 8500-
281 4510-6230
Attender Grade I 8960-
6 4750-7820
Attender Grade II 8730-
12 4630-7000
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Economics and Statistics
11070- 19240-
Research Officer 1
18450 32110
13610- 24040-
Deputy Director 1
20700 36140
10790- 18740-
Statistical Officer 1
18000 31360
8390- 14620-
Research Assistant 2
13270 23480
6680- 13900-
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 31
10790 22360
Statistical Assistant Gr. II 13 5250-8390
Survey and Land Records
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director 1
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Superintendent of Survey 2
18000 31360
9590- 16980-
Head draftsman 2
16650 29180
9590- 16980-
Head surveyor 2
16650 29180
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
7990- 13900-
Draftsman Grade I 48
12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Draftsman Grade II 29
10790 18740
7990- 13900-
Surveyor Grade I 17
12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Surveyor Grade II 49
10790 18740
Survey Lascar 11 4510-6230
Tribunal Judge 1 NJPC NJPC
23200- 40640-
Joint Secretary 1
31150 54140
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 1
18000 31360
12250- 21240-
Public Relations Officer 1
19800 34500
8390- 14620-
Legal Assistant 1
13270 23480
7480- 13210-
Photographer-cum- Artist 1
11910 20740
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
Class IV Employee Gr. II 1 4510-6230
AG’s Office
Central Central
Finance Manager 1 Scale Scale
Animal Husbandry
12250- 21240-
Forest Veterinary Officer 1
19800 34500
11070- 20740-
Assistant Veterinary Officer 2
18450 33650
11070- 20740-
Head Draftsman 2
18450 33680
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
7990- 13900-
Draftsman Grade I 48
12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Draftsman Grade II 29
10790 18740
10790- 20740-
Circle Inspector 2
18000 33680
9190- 16980-
Sub Inspector 4
15510 29180
7480- 13900-
Head Constable 22
11910 22360
Constable 110 6080-9830
7480- 13900-
P.T Instructor 6
11910 22360
Health Services
6680- 11620-
Pharmacist 2
10790 18740
Nursing Assistant 1 4630-7000
Hospital Attender 1 4510-6230
Kerala Water Authority
1 5250-8390 9190-
Pump Operator
Total 6506
No. of Part-Time Contingent Employees –197; No. of Women Employees including Part-
Time – 700.
with the Head of the Department and makes the following
(i) The posts of Superintending Hydrogeologist, the
Superintending Engineer and the Chief Chemist may be
placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240.
(ii) The posts of Senior Hydrogeologist, Senior Geophysicist,
Executive Chemist and Executive Engineer may be placed
in the revised scale of pay of Rs.32110-44640.
(iii) One post of the Geophysicist may be upgraded in the
grade of Superintending Geophysicist and placed in the
revised scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240.
(iv) The Geophysical wing of the Department may be re-
structured as follows :
Existing Recommen
No. of Name of Post ded No. of
Posts Posts
15 Junior Geophysicist (11070-18450) 10
03 Geophysicist (12250-19800) 07
02 Senior Geophysicist (20700-26600) 02
Superintending Geophysicist (25400-
Nil 01
20 Total 20
7.28.4.Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.28.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
25400- 44640-
Director 1
33100 56340
23200- 42640-
Superintending Hydrogeologist 2
31150 55240
23200- 42640-
Superintending Engineer 2
31150 55240
23200- 42640-
Chief Chemist 1
31150 55240
16650- 32110-
Senior Hydrogeologist 9
23200 44640
16650- 32110-
Senior Geophysicist 2
23200 44640
16650- 32110-
Executive Chemist 3
23200 44640
Executive Engineer 16650- 32110-
(Design/Hydrology/Sp & W) 23200 44640
Assistant Executive Engineer
13610- 24040-
(Design/Drilling/Hydrology/Sp & 5
20700 36140
W) (HG) 1/3rd of the posts
will be in the HG
Assistant Executive Engineer
12250- 21240-
(Design/Drilling/Hydrology/Sp& 11
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Chemist 2
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Hydro Geologist 13
19800 34500
Ratio between
12250- 21240- Executive Engineer
Geophysicist 3 and Geophysicist
19800 34500
may be modified as
11070- 19240-
Junior Chemist 3
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Junior Hydrogeologist 18
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Junior Geophysicist 15
18450 32110
Assistant Engineer 19 11070- 20740-
18450 33680
System Manager(IT) 1 11070- 19240-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
18450 32110
Master Driller 20 9590-16650 18740- Re-designated as
Field Officer
31360 (Drilling)
Senior Driller 30 9190-15510 16980-
Foreman 1 7990-12930 14620-
Store-in-charge 3 7990-12930 14620-
Driller 53 7990-12930 13900-
Drilling Mechanic 17 7990-12930 13900-
Draftsman Gr. I 3 7990-12930 13900-
The ratio of 1:1
Draftsman Gr. II 4 6680-10790 11620- between Gr. I & Gr.
18740 II will continue
Surveyor Gr. I 3 7990-12930 13900-
Geological Assistant 11 7480-11910 13900-
Geophysical Assistant 1 7480-11910 13900-
Chemical Assistant 2 7480-11910 13900-
Motor Mechanic 2 7480-11910 13210-
Store Assistant 1 7480-11910 13210-
The ratio of 1:1
Surveyor Gr. II 3 6680-10790 between Gr. I & Gr.
18740 II will continue.
Compressor Driver 11 6080-9830 10480-
Tractor Driver 1 6080-9830 10480-
Electrician 3 5650-8790 9940-15380
Tracer 2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Welder 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Machinist 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Blacksmith 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Tinker 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Turner 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Fitter 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Drilling Assistant 96 5250-8390 9190-14620
Pump Operator 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Cleaner 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Lab Attender 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Workshop Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Worker 47 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
Senior Superintendent 10790- 18740-
1 18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 16180-
1 9190-15510 27140
Head Clerk 1 8390-13270 23480
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 1 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant. 2 6080-9830 17420
U.D. Clerk 21 6680-10790 20740
L.D. Clerk 26 5250-8390 9940-15380
Selection Grade Typist 3 8390-13270 Re-designated as
14620- Typist Selection
Senior Grade Typist 3 7990-12930 23480 Grade
U.D. Typist 4 6680-10790 20740
L.D. Typist 9 5250-8390 9940-15380
Binder Gr. I 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Driver 30 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 19 4510-6230 8500-12220
Lascar 14 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher 30 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
Total 613
No. of Part- Time Contingent Employees -14; No. of Contract/Casual/Daily Waged
employees –16; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 75;
Existing Proposed
No of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Grade ratio as
Draftsman Gr. I/Overseer Gr. I 60 7990-12930 applicable in
22360 PWD
Mobile Crane Operator/Heavy 11620-
0 6680-10790
Machine Operator 18740
Senior Mechanic 1 6680-10790
Grade ratio as
Draftsman Gr. II/ Overseer Gr. II 61 6680-10790 applicable in
18740 PWD
Crane Operator 2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Tracer 10 5650-8790 9940-15380
Draftsman Gr. III/Overseer Gr. III 33 5650-8790 9940-15380
Master Gr. III 0 4750-7820 8960-13210
Engine Driver Gr. III 0 4750-7820 8960-13210
Light Machine Operator 0 4750-7820 8960-13210
Seaman 0 4750-7820 8960-13210
Blue Printer 9 4630-7000 8730-12220
Assistant Crane Operator 2 4630-7000 8730-12220
Cleaner 1 4630-7000 8730-12220
Electrician Gr. II/Linemen 5 4750-7820 8960-13210
Mechanic 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Lascar/Chainman 21 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 1
19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 9
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 3 9190-15510
Head Clerk 5 8390-13270
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Selection Grade Typist 1 8390-13270 Re-designated as
Typist Selection
Senior Grade Typist 4 7990-12930 23480 Grade
U.D Typist 12 6680-10790
U.D Clerk 33 6680-10790
L.D Typist 11 5250-8390 9940-15380
L.D Clerk 32 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant 4 6080-9830
Driver 15 5250-8390 9190-14620
Duplicating Operator 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 34 4510-6230 8500-12220
Night Watchman 17 4510-6230 8500-12220
Existing Proposed
No of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Lascar 13 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman cum cook 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Cook 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Store Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Helper 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by the personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
10790- 18740-
Divisional Accountant 7
18000 31360
Total 517
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 16; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 207
switched over its activities in hospitals by setting up of modern
equipments in hospitals there by modern technologies of modern
medicine are made accessible to poorest of the poor. As a part of
change over to modern system the Health Services Department has
made so many internal arrangements. Recently the Government has
introduced Special, Administrative, General cadres of doctors, so that
services of doctors of many major specialties are made available to
almost all hospitals.
7.30.3. The Commission has held discussions with various Service
Organisations and makes the following recommendations:
(i) The Director of Health Services may be placed in the revised
scale of pay of Rs.48640-59840. The Additional Director of
Health Services may be placed in the revised scale of pay of
(ii) The posts of Deputy Director of Health Services/Civil Surgeon
(HG)/Deputy Director of Health Services (Dental) may be
placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.44640-56340.
(iii) The post of Deputy District Medical Officer/Assistant Director
of Health Services/Zonal Malaria Officer/Principal Public
Health Training School and Family Welfare Training School,
Civil Surgeon/Dental Civil Surgeon/Ophthalmic Surgeon,
Research Officer (ORT)/District Immunisation Officer,
Consultant and Medical Officer (IUD) may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iv) Commission made careful consideration of the demands
raised by the Medical Officers to subsume the special
allowance and special pay ordered in GO (P) No.172/2008/H
& FWD dated 26.5.2008, with the basic pay for the purpose
of fixation of pay in the revised scale of pay. It is noticed that
Govt. have clarified in GO (Rt) No.3704/2009/H & FWD dated
21.12.2009 that the common special allowance will not be
reckoned for fixation of pay on promotion since the common
special allowance is attached to all grades.
Regarding the situation arising out of the introduction of
Speciality Cadre among the Medical Officers, Commission
would wish to record its view that it is premature to make a
comment on a newly introduced system especially
implemented with the consent of various service
organisations representing Medical Officers. However,
considering the fact that this category continues to be the
first among the professional cadre in the State and taking
into account their responsibilities in the health care
activities, the posts of Assistant Surgeon/Junior
Consultant/Junior Administrative Medical Officer may be
placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.24040-36140. The
demand for subsuming the special allowance along with
basic pay when switched over to the revised scales of pay is
inconsistent with the existing rules for fixation and hence the
Commission finds no justification. The common Special
Allowance sanctioned to Assistant Surgeon/Junior
Administrative Medical Officer/Junior Consultant, Civil
Surgeon/Assistant Director/ Consultant, Deputy
Director/Senior Consultant/Civil Surgeon (HG), Additional
Director/Chief Consultant and Director may be @ Rs.3400,
Rs.3600, Rs.4000, Rs.4500 and Rs.5000 respectively may be
allowed to continue. The common special allowance will not
be reckoned for fixation of pay for promotion since the
common allowance is attached to all grades.
(v) The scale of pay of Senior Grade Dental Hygienists and
Dental Mechanic may be upgraded corresponding to
(vi) The post of Non- Medical Supervisor Gr. I may be placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
(vii) The post of District Malaria Officer may be re-designated as
District Vector Borne Disease Officer (Malaria) and the scale
of pay of the post may be enhanced corresponding to
Rs.11070-18450 and allow a higher grade corresponding to
Rs.11910-19350 in the ratio of 1:3 between the higher and
lower grades.
(viii) The post of Staff Nurse Grade II may be enhanced to the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.7990-12930 in view of the
importance of the nature of work and responsibility.
(ix) The post of Senior Nursing Tutor may be placed in the
corresponding revised scale of Rs.11910-19350 and to award
a ratio of 3:1 between Nursing Tutor and Senior Tutor. The
Vice Principal and Principal may also be placed in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and Rs.13610-
20700 respectively.
(x) The post of Store Superintendent (Pharmacy Wing) may be
upgraded to the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9590-
(xi) The ratio between Gr. I and Gr. II Radiographer may be
modified from 3:1 to 1:1.
(xii) The post of Psychiatric Social Worker may be placed in the
scale corresponding to first Gazetted scale (Rs.10790-18000)
and Psychiatric Social Worker (HG) in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.11910-19350.
(xiii) The post of Occupational Therapist may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
(xiv) The post of Deputy District Education and Media Officer may
be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11070-
18450. The incumbents holding the post may be given the
corresponding revised scale as personal. The State Mass
Education and Media Officer may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(xv) The post of District Public Health Nurse may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11070-18450.
(xvi) The post of Insect Collector may be placed in the
corresponding scale of pay of Rs.5650-8790.
(xvii) The period of experience prescribed for promotion to the
post of Field Assistant may be reduced from 10 years to 5
(xviii) The scale of pay of the posts of Rehabilitation Technician
Gr. I and Foreman may be enhanced to corresponding
revised scale of Rs.7480-11910 and Rs.9590-16650
respectively. The ratio between Gr. I and Gr. II posts of
Rehabilitation Technician may be modified from 1:2 to 1:1.
(xix) The scale of pay of the post of Cobbler may be revised to the
corresponding revised pay of Rs.4750-8720.
(xx) The posts of Mechanic, Foreman Mechanic, Chargeman,
Store Superintendent may be placed in the corresponding
revised scale of Rs.5650-8790, Rs.7480-11910, Rs.8390-
13270, Rs.9190-15510 respectively.
(xxi) The posts of Cold Chain Officer may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.11910-19350. The present
incumbent has been holding the post for more than 20
years, in the same grade. It is unfair to retain such an officer
for a long period without giving increase in pay. Hence the
incumbent continuing in the same grade for the last 22 years
may be allowed the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-
31150 as personal. The Government may take steps to fix
the qualifications and method of appointment of the post in
case it is not done so far.
(xxii) The posts of all categories of Electrician in Health Services
Department may be unified and assigned the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.5650-8790.
(xxiii) The posts of Nursing Assistant Grade II and Grade I may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.4750-7820
and Rs.5250-8390 respectively in the ratio of 1:3 between
the Grade I and Grade II posts.
(xxiv) The post of Receptionist–cum-Computer Operator may be
upgraded in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.5650-8790.
(xxv) The scale of pay of the entry post of Medical Record Librarian
may be upgraded to Rs.6680-10790.
(xxvi) The posts of Deputy Director (PFA) and Chief Govt. Analyst
may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.25400-33100 and Rs.23200-31150 respectively.
(xxvii) The post of Law Officer (PFA) may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(xxviii) The post of State Nutrition Officer may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(xxix) The scale of pay of the 4 posts of Chief Lab Technician may
be upgraded corresponding to Rs.10790-18000.
(xxx) The scale of pay of the post of Junior Proto Zoologist may be
upgraded in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11910-
(xxxi) The scale of the post of Scientific Officer (Micro Biology)
may be upgraded corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and
suitably modify the method of appointment for promotion to
the post of Scientific Officer (Microbiology) prescribed in GO
(Ms) No.239/97/HD dated, 10/10/1977.
(xxxii) To place the Dietician Gr. II, Gr. I and Senior Grade in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270, Rs.9190-
15570, and Rs.11070-18450. The intention of Government
to appoint an employee from the lowest rung of the
promotion ladder in Nutrition Wing against the newly created
post of Technical Officer while implementing the National
Programme of (IDDCP) is appreciable. However, Commission
finds it quite unfortunate to record that the spree for aspiring
higher promotion posts in the Nutrition Wing by Medical
Officers or Laboratory personnel which inturn would block
the promotion prospects of the qualified and trained
Dieticians is not reasonable. Hence Government may
examine the case in detail in consultation with the experts
and Service Organisations and earmark the posts of Chief
Scientific Officer and State Nutrition Officer as promotion
posts of Dieticians so as to set right the grievance of lack of
promotion prospects to this category, including the scope for
amendments in the Special Rules, if found necessary.
(xxxiii) The post of Plate Maker may be placed in the
corresponding scale of pay of Rs.6080-9830.
(xxxiv) The post of Computer Programmer may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.10790-18000.
(xxxv) In all District Hospitals and General Hospitals Junior
Superintendents may be posted for Ministerial Supervision.
(xxxvi) In hospitals where the bed strength is above 200, an
Additional Lay Secretary may be posted in view of the
increased work load of hospital. One of the Lay Secretaries
in such hospitals shall be of higher grade equivalent to that
of Administrative Assistant.
7.30.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts in the
7.30.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
26600- 48640-
Director of Health Services 1
33750 59840
Additional Director of Health 25400- 46640-
Services/Chief Consultant 33100 58640
Deputy Director of Health
23200- 44640-
Services/Senior Consultant/Civil 45
31150 56340
23200- 44640-
Deputy DHS (Dental) 1
31150 56340
16650- 36140-
Zonal Malaria Officer
23200 46640
Principal of Public Health Training
16650- 36140-
School and Family Welfare Training
23200 46640
Existing ratio of
1:3 Between Civil
Deputy DMO/Assistant DHS/Civil 16650- 36140- Surgeon and
Surgeon/Consultant 23200 46640 Assistant
Surgeon will
16650- 36140-
Research Officer(ORT)
23200 46640
Dental Civil Surgeon 19 16650- 36140- Existing ratio of
1:3 Between Civil
23200 46640
Surgeon and
Surgeon will
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
16650- 36140-
Opthalmic Surgeon 1
23200 46640
Assistant Surgeon/Administrative 11910- 24040-
Medical Officer/Consultant 19350 36140
11910- 24040-
Dental Assistant Surgeon 66
19350 36140
Dental Mechanic Sr. Grade 3 8390-13270
Dental Hygienist Sr. Grade 12 8390-13270
13900- Existing ratio of
Dental Mechanic Gr. I 4 7990-12930 2:2:1 among Gr.
II, Gr. I & Sr.
13900- Grade posts will
Dental Hygienist Gr. I 25 7990-12930
22360 continue
Dental Mechanic Gr. II 5 6680-10790
Dental Hygienist Gr. II 25 6680-10790
16650- 29180-
Director, TB Centre 1
23200 40640
16650- 29180-
District TB Officer 14
23200 40640
16650- 29180-
Supervising Medical Officer 1
23200 40640
11910- 20740-
Bacteriologist 1
19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Senior Treatment Organiser 1
18000 31360
13900- The existing ratio
Treatment Organiser Gr. I 36 7990-12930 of 1:1 between
Gr. I and II posts
Treatment Organiser Gr. II 59 5650-8790 9940-15380 will continue.
16650- 29180-
District Leprosy Officer 14
23200 40640
11070- 19240-
Technical Assistant (Leprosy) 1
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Assistant Leprosy Officer 24
18000 31360
Non-Medical Supervisor Gr. I 55 8390-13270
Patient Employee (Fixed Pay) 87 2100 + DA 3700 + DA They will be
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
treated as PTC
11070- 19240-
Camp Co-Ordinator 15
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Ophthalmic Assistant (Senior Gr.) 68
18000 31360 Existing ratio of
1: 2:2 among Sr.
Ophthalmic Assistant (Gr. I) 140 7990-12930 Grade Gr. I, & Gr.
22360 II posts will
Ophthalmic Assistant (Gr. II) 140 6680-10790
13610- 24040-
Assistant Director (Entomology) 1
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Assistant Director (Filaria) 1
20700 36140
12250- 21240-
Senior Biologist 3
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Biologist 12
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Entomologist 12
19350 33680
HG on Rs.20740-
10790- 19240- 33680 will be
District Malaria Officer 14 allowed in the
18000 32140
ratio of 1:3
Assistant Entomologist 8 8390-13270
20700- 36140-
Additional Director (Nursing) 1
26600 46640
16650- 29180-
Deputy Director (Nursing) 1
23200 40640
13610- 24040-
District Nursing Officer 14
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Assistant Director (Nursing Service) 1
20700 36140
12930- 22360-
Nursing Officer 19
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Nursing Superintendent Gr. I 132
19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Nursing Superintendent Gr. II 155
18000 31360
Head Nurse 1740 9190-15510 16180- The existing ratio
of 1:2 between
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Head Nurse and
27140 Staff Nurse Gr. I
will continue
Staff Nurse Gr. I 3480 8390-13270 The existing ratio
23480 of 1:1 between
Gr. I and II posts
Staff Nurse Gr. II 3481 7480-11910 will continue.
Honorary Nursing Sister (Fixed Pay) 22 3000 5250
12930- 22360-
Principal, School of Nursing 19
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Vice Principal 15
19350 33680
20740- Senior Nursing
Senior Nursing Tutor Tutor will be
placed in Scale
of pay of
89 Ratio between
10790- 18740-
Nursing Tutor Nursing Tutor
18000 31360 and Senior
Nursing Tutor will
be 3:1
Assistant Director (Medical 12930- 22360-
Supplies) 20250 35320
10790- 18740-
Stores Verification Officer 14
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Stores Officer/FW/IPP 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Stores Verification Officer (District) 14
18000 31360
Pharmacist Store Keeper 108 9190-15510
Stores Superintendent, Hospital 50 8390-13270
Computer Programmer 1 8390-13270
13210- The existing ratio
Pharmacist Gr. I 560 7480-11910
20740 of 1:2 between
Gr. I and II posts
Pharmacist Gr. II 1525 6680-10790 will continue.
23200- 40640-
Director 1
31150 54140
Senior Assistant Director 1 16650- 29180-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
23200 40640
16650- 29180-
Assistant Director (Medical) 3
23200 40640
Medical Officer (Pathology)/ Medical 11910- 20740-
Officer 19350 33680
11070- 19240-
Scientific Officer(Sterile Solution) 1
18450 32110
The existing ratio
11070- 19240-
Scientific Officer (Biochemistry) 1 of 1:2 between
18450 32110 Higher Grade
and Lower Grade
11070- 21240-
Scientific Officer (Microbiology) 1 posts will
18450 34500 continue.
11070- 19240-
Research Officer (Biochemistry) 5
18450 32110
Junior Proto zoologist /Scientific 11070- 20740-
Officer 18450 33680
11070- 19240-
Junior scientific Officer 26
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Bacteriologist 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Chemist 1
18000 31360
Store Superintendent 1 8390-13270
Chemist 2 7480-11910
11070- 19240-
Junior Scientific Officer 26
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
District Lab Technician 14
18000 31360
Chief Lab Technician 4 8390-13270
13900- The existing ratio
Laboratory Technician Gr. I 390 7990-12930
22360 of 1:1 between
Gr. I and II posts
Laboratory Technician Gr. II 390 6680-10790 will continue.
Junior Laboratory Attender 93 4750-7820 8960-13210
10790- 18740-
Chief Radio Grapher 2
18000 31360
Radio Grapher Gr. I 35 7990-12930 13900- Ratio between
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Gr. I &Gr. II will
11620- be 1:1
Radio Grapher Gr. II 111 6680-10790
The existing ratio
of 1:1 between
11070- 19240- Higher Grade
Clinical Psychologist 17 and Lower Grade
18450 32110
Posts will
11070- 19240-
Radiation Physicist 1
18450 32110
The existing ratio
of 1:1 between
11070- 20740- Higher Grade
Psychiatric Social Worker HG 7 and Lower Grade
18450 33680
Posts will
10790- 18740-
Physiotherapist (General) HG 2 Ratio between
18000 31360 HG & Lower
Grade posts will
Physiotherapist (General) 5 9590-16650 be 1:2
The existing ratio
of 1:1 between
18740- Higher Grade
Psychiatric Social Worker 7 8390-13270 and Lower Grade
Posts will
Occupational Therapist 2 6680-10790
16650- 36140-
State Nutrition Officer 1
23200 46640
16650- 29180-
Chief Scientific Officer (Nutrition) 1
23200 40640
11070- 19240-
Technical Officer (Goitre) 1
18450 32110
10790- 19240-
Senior Grade Dietician 4
18000 32110 Existing ratio of
1: 2:2 among Sr.
Dietician Gr. I 18 8390-13270 Grade Gr. I , &
27140 Gr. II posts will
Dietician Gr. II 18 7990-12930
13900- The existing ratio
Blood Bank Technician Gr. I 5 7990-12930 of 1:1 between
Gr. I and Gr. II
Mortuary Technician Gr. I 2 7990-12930 13900- posts will
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Theatre Technician Gr. I 5 7990-12930
E.N.T. Technician Gr. I 1 7480-11910
20740 The existing ratio
of 1:4 between
E.C.G. Technician Gr. I 6 7480-11910 Gr. I and Gr. II
20740 posts will
C.S.R. Technician Gr. I/Sterilisation 13210-
1 7480-11910
Technician Gr. I 20740
Anaesthetic Technician Gr. I 1 7480-11910
Theatre Mechanic Gr. I 1 7480-11910
Blood Bank Technician Gr. II 49 6680-10790
18740 The existing ratio
of 1:1 between
Mortuary Technician Gr. II 2 6680-10790 Gr. I and Gr. II
18740 posts will
Theatre Technician Gr. II 1 6680-10790
E N T Technician Gr. II 1 5650-8790 9940-15380 The existing ratio
of 1:4 between
E C G Technician Gr. II 18 5650-8790 9940-15380
Gr. I and Gr. II
C S R Technician Gr. II/ Sterilization posts will
6 5650-8790 9940-15380 continue
Technician Gr. II
Anesthetic Technician Gr. II 3 5650-8790 9940-15380
Theatre Mechanic Gr. II 3 5650-8790 9940-15380
State Mass Education & Media 16650- 36140-
Officer 23200 46640
13610- 24040-
Communication Officer 2
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Health Education Instructor 2
20700 36140
12930- 22360-
Medical Lecturer cum Demonstrator 2
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Chief Health Education Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
School Health Education Officer 1
20250 35320
Deputy State Mass Education and 12930- 22360-
Media Officer 20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Training Co-ordinator 1
20250 35320
Technical Officer 1 12930- 22360-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
District Education and Media Officer 20
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Management Instructor 2
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Health Education Extension Officer 2
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Social Science Instructor 2
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Production & Distribution Assistant 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Social Scientist 1
19800 34500
Existing persons
will be allowed
Deputy District Education and 11910- 19240-
28 scale of pay of
Media Officer 19350 32110 Rs.20740-33680
as Personal.
Statistical Assistant 11 8390-13270
11910- 20740-
MCH Officer 14
19350 33680
10790- 19240-
District Public Health Nurse 26
18000 32110
10790- 18740-
Public Health Nursing Instructor 43
18000 31360
Lady Health Supervisor 157 9190-15510
Lady Health Inspector 962 8390-13270
13210- The existing ratio
Junior PH Nurse Gr. I 1858 7480-11910 of 1:2 between
Gr. I and Gr. II
11620- posts will
Junior PH Nurse Gr. II 3725 6680-10790
18740 continue
11070- 19240-
Technical Assistant Gr. I 12
18450 32110
Technical Assistant Gr. II/ District
10790- 18740-
Health Education Officer/ Senior 32
18000 31360
Sanitarian/ Senior Health Inspector
10790- 18740-
Medical Record Officer 3
18000 31360
Health Supervisor/ Health Inspector 168 9190-15510 16180-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Gr.I/ Filaria Inspector Gr. I/ Malaria
Inspector Gr. I
Health Inspector Gr. II/ Filaria
Inspector Gr. II/ Malaria Inspector 1003 8390-13270
Gr. II
The existing ratio of
Junior Health Inspector Gr. 13210- 1:2 between Gr. I
1290 7480-11910
I/Evaluation Assistant/ 20740 and Gr. II posts will
The existing ratio of
13210- 1:1 between Gr. I
Medical Record Librarian Gr. I 23 7480-11910
20740 and Gr. II posts will
The existing ratio of
11620- 1:2 between Gr. I
Junior Health Inspector Gr. II 2415 6680-10790
18740 and Gr. II posts will
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Black Smith 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Assistant Sergeant 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Electrician (Health Transport) 14 5250-8390 9940-15380
Welder 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Helper 8 4750-7820 8960-13210
Van Cleaner 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
Foreman 2 8790-13610
Rehabilitation Technician 13210-
2 6680-10790
(Orthotics) Gr. I 20740
Ratio between
Rehabilitation Technician 13210-
2 6680-10790 Gr. I and Gr. II
(Leather Works) Gr. I 20740 post will be 1:1.
Rehabilitation Technician 13210-
2 6680-10790
(Prosthetics) Gr. I 20740
Rehabilitation Technician
8 5650-8790 9940-15380
(Prosthetics) Gr. II
Ratio between
Rehabilitation Technician
4 5650-8790 9940-15380 Gr. I and Gr. II
(Leather Works) Gr. II post will be 1:1.
Rehabilitation Technician
8 5650-8790 9940-15380
(Orthotics) Gr.II
Cobbler 12 4630-7000 8960-13210
Helper 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
The incumbent
holding the post
may be allowed
16650- 20740-
Cold Chain Officer 1 the scale of pay
23200 33680 of Rs.40640-
54180 as
Superintendent 11070- 19240-
(Offset Press) 18450 32110
Helio Operator 1 8390-13270
Cameraman 1 7990-12930
Offset Machine Operator 1 7990-12930
Proof Reader 1 7480-11910
Refrigeration Mechanic (Senior 13210-
1 7480-11910
Grade) 20740
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Instructor Gr. I 1 7480-11910
Retouching Artist 1 7480-11910
Compositor (HG) 2 6680-10790
Binder UD 1 6680-10790
Graining Machine Operator 1 6680-10790
Store Keeper 1 6680-10790
Statistical Assistant 4 6680-10790
Foreman Power Laundry 2 6680-10790
Electrical Overseer 1 6080-9830
Plate maker 1 5650-8790
Electrician 2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Mechanics (UIP)
who were
benefited by GO
Refrigeration Mechanic (UIP) 14 5650-8790 9940-15380 Fin. dtd
30.11.2005 will be
allowed the scale
of Rs.13210-
20740 as personal
Copy Holder 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Instructor Gr. II 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Assistant Instructor 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Bunoi Instructor 3 5650-8790 9940-15380
Assistant Offset Machine Operator 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder LD 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Printer LD 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
LD Compositor 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Data Entry Operator 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Carpenter 6 5250-8390 9190-14620
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Dark Room Assistant 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Boiler Attendant 4 5250-8390 9190-14620
Tailoring Instructor 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Auto Electrician 14 5250-8390 9190-14620
Fireman 4 4750-7820 8960-13210
Electric Winder 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Plumber cum Operator 8 4750-7820 8960-13210
Theatre Assistant 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Boat Driver 3 4750-7820 8960-13210
Nursing Asst. shall
be differentiated
and designated as
Nursing Asst. Gr. II.
Gr. I post in the
Nursing Assistant/Attender HG 3237 4750-7820 8960-13210 scale of pay of
Rs.9190-14620 will
be allowed in the
ratio of 1:3 between
Gr. I and Gr. II.
Lift Operator 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
Junior Laboratory Assistant 30 4630-7000 8730-12550
Laboratory Assistant 9 4630-7000 8730-12550
Plaster Technician 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Packer 12 4630-7000 8730-12550
Lab Attender 19 4630-7000 8730-12550
Record Attender 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Power Laundry Attender 10 4630-7000 8730-12550
Stable Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Nursing Assistant 1560 4630-7000 8730-12550
Telephone Operator 24 4630-7000 8730-12550
Barber 197 4630-7000 8730-12550
Silk Screen Printing-cum-
1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Duplicating Operator
House Keeper 19 4630-7000 8730-12550
Engine Driver 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Tailor 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Painter 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Cook Gr. I 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Hospital Attendant Gr. I/X-Ray
Attender/Boiler Attender/Blood
1538 4630-7000 8730-12550
Bank Attender/Pump House
Attender/ Library Attender
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Hospital Attendant Gr. II 4760 4510-6230 8500-12220 Existing ratio 1:3
between Gr. I and
Gr. II posts will
Cook Gr. II 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Bottle Cleaner 6 4510-6230 8500-12220
Chowkidar Gr. II 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Lascar and Bottle Cleaner 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Dhobi 32 4510-6230 8500-12220
Ministerial Wing
12930- 22360-
Senior Administrative Assistant 3
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Administrative Assistant 17
19800 34500
Hospitals having
bed strength above
200, an Additional
Lay Secretary may
10790- 18740- be posted. One of
Lay Secretary and Treasurer 59
18000 31360 such Lay Secretary
shall be on Higher
Grade equivalent to
that of
Administrative Asst.
10790- 18740-
Manager, TB Centre 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Chief Accountant 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Junior Accounts Officer 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Accountant (AIDS) 1
18000 31360
Technical Assistant (Head Clerk) 1 7990-12930
Common Category
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant Selection Gr. 7
18450 32110
Senior Superintendent/Lay 10790- 18740-
Secretary & Treasurer 18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 81 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 8 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Senior Gr. 7 9190-15510
Head Clerk 131 8390-13270
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Selection Gr. Typist 40 8390-13270
Senior Gr. Typist 39 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 7 7990-12930
UD Clerk 1152 6680-10790
UD Typist 80 6680-10790
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 9 6080-9830
LD Clerk 1153 5250-8390 9940-15380
LD Typist 80 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk Typist 128 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 22 5250-8390 9190-14620
Posts held by Personnel of other Departments
23200- 40640-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
31150 54140
23200- 40640-
Senior Finance Officer 1
31150 54140
20700- 36140-
Law Officer 1
26600 46640
12250- 21240-
Liaison Officer (Engineer) 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Demographer 1
19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Chief Statistician 1
18000 32110
10790- 18740-
Statistical Officer 1
18000 31360
Statistician 1 8390-13270
Statistical Assistant 6 8390-13270
Statistical Investigator 1 6680-10790
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 2 6680-10790
Statistical Assistant Gr. II 2 5250-8390
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Commissioner of Food Safety 1 IAS
Deputy Director (PFA) 1 23200- 44640-
31150 56340
Chief Govt. Analyst 1 20700- 40640-
26600 54140
Law Officer (PFA) 1 12930- 36140-
20250 46640
Government Analyst 4 13610- 24040-
20700 36140
Deputy Govt. Analyst 6 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
District Food Inspector 14 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Chief Food Inspector 3 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Research Officer 23 11070- 19240-
18450 32110
Technical Officer (Food) 1 11070- 19240-
18450 32110
Technical Assistant (Legal) 1 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Technical Assistant 1 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
20% of the posts
of Food Inspector
8390- 14620- will be on higher
Food Inspector 66
13270 23480 grade in the scale
of pay of
Junior Research Officer 21 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Technical Assistant Gr. I 22 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Technical Assistant Gr. II 24 7480- 13210-
11910 20740
Lab Assistant 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Junior Lab Assistant 20 4750-7820 8960-13210
Packer 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Common Category
Junior Superintendent 1 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Head Clerk 2 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
UD Clerk/LD Clerk 92 6680- 13210-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
10790/ 20740/
5250-8390 9940-15380
UD Typist 23 13210-
Confidential Assistant 2 10480-
Clerk Typist 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. I 92 4630-7000 8730-12550
Night Watcher 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 4478
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 43; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 27044
(ii) The scale of pay of the post of Assistant Commissioner
may be enhanced and placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800.
(iii) One of the posts of Senior Superintendents may be
upgraded to Administrative Assistant in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800.
7.31.4.Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.31.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are as given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
20700- 40640-
Commissioner 1
26600 54140
13610- 24040-
Deputy Commissioner 2
20700 36140
11910- 21240-
Assistant Commissioner 6
19350 34500
8390- 14620-
Inspector Grade. I 9
13270 23480
6680- 11620-
Inspector Grade. II 2
10790 18740
Goldsmith 2 5250-8390
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 4
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 4
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk/ Head Accountant 5
13270 23480
6680- 13210-
Upper Division Clerk 22
10790 20740
Lower Division Clerk 24 5250-8390
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant Sel. Grade 1
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Senior 9190- 16180-
Grade 15510 27140
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Grade. I 1
12930 22360
Confidential Assistant Grade. II 3 6080-9830
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Typist Selection Grade 1 Re-designated as
13270 14620- Typist Selection
7990- 23480 Grade
Typist Senior Grade 1
6680- 13210-
Upper Division Typist 2
10790 20740
Lower Division Typist 5 5250-8390
Driver 2 5250-8390
Clerical Attender 2 4750-7820
Class IV Employee Gr. II 28 4510-6230
Total 128
No. of Women employee including Part-Time - 28.
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of scale of scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
20700- 40640-
Director 1
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Deputy Director 1
23200 46640
13610- 24040- 20% posts will be in HG
District Medical Officer 14
20700 36140 on Rs.29180-40640.
12930- 22360-
Hospital Superintendent 30
20250 35320
Chief Medical Officers of
Hospitals having 25 beds
12250- 21240- and more will be
Chief Medical Officer 121
19800 34500 designated as
11070- 20740-
Medical Officer 453
18450 33680
10790- 18740-
Lay Secretary 2
18000 31360
Nursing Superintendent Gr. 8390- 14620-
II 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Medical Officer (Non Cadre) 25
13270 23480
Existing ratio of 1:1
7990- 13900-
Laboratory Technician Gr. I 7 between Gr. I& II posts
12930 22360 will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:2
7480- 13210-
Nurse Gr. I 32 between Gr. I& II posts
11910 20740 will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:2
7480- 13210-
Pharmacist Gr. I 155 between Gr. I & II posts
11910 20740 will continue
Existing ratio of 1:1
6680- 11620-
Laboratory Technician Gr. II 7 between Gr. I & II posts
10790 18740 will continue
Nurse Gr. II 66 6080-9830 Existing ratio 1:2
between Gr. I & II posts
10480- to continue
Pharmacist Gr. II 311 6080-9830
Nursing Assistant Gr. I 4750-7820
4750-7820 8960-
Attender Gr. I
4750-7820 8960- Ratio between Gr. I and
Dispenser Gr. I Gr. II will be 1:2.
4750-7820 8960-
Store Attender Gr. I
Record Attender Gr. I 4750-7820
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of scale of scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Nursing Assistant Gr. II 87 4630-7000
Attender Gr. II 340 4630-7000
8730- Ratio between Gr. I and
Dispenser Gr. II 93 4630-7000 Gr. II will be 1:2.
Store Attender Gr. II 4630-7000
Record Attender Gr. II 4630-7000
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 15
18000 31360
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 3
13270 14620- Re-designated as Typist
23480 Selection Grade
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 4
6680- 13210-
U.D. Clerk 38
10790 20740
6680- 13210-
U.D. Typist 4
10790 20740
L.D. Clerk 39 5250-8390
Clerk Typist 7 5250-8390
L.D. Typist 4 5250-8390
Driver 5 5250-8390
Cook 33 4510-6230
SCP/WCS 100 4510-6230
Cleaner 26 4510-6230
Class IV employee Gr. II 104 4510-6230
Watcher 3 4510-6230
Total 2132
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees -476; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily waged
employees -178; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 1371.
7.33.1. Government of Kerala started Homoeopathic Medical Colleges in
the State for promoting Homeopathy System of Medicine in the State.
Candidates Graduated/Post Graduated in Homeopathy contribute to a
cost effective system of treatment, which has gained popularity
among the masses. The first institution was started at Kozhikode
during 1975-76. This was followed by the establishment of another
institution at Thiruvananthapuram in 1983. The collegiate hospitals
attached to these colleges render medical relief to the ailing patients
and provide clinical experience to the students.
7.33.2. There are five Homoeopathic Medical Colleges in the State, two
in Government sector and three in Aided sector. The Colleges impart
Degree course viz. Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery.
7.33.3. The Principal, Government Homoeopathic Medical College,
Thiruvananthapuram controls all the Medical Colleges in the State.
7.33.4. The Commission held discussion with the representatives of
various Associations and with the Controlling Officer of Medical
Colleges. After considering all the aspects, the Commission
recommends as follows:
(i) The post of Professor, Reader and Lecturer may be allowed
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.25400-33100,
Rs.23200-31150 and Rs.20700-26600 respectively.
(ii) Special Allowance of Rs.1000/- per month may be
sanctioned to the Principal of Medical Colleges considering
the higher duties and responsibilities attached to the posts
of Principal.
7.33.5. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.33.6. The Categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
25400- 44640-
Principal 5
33100 56340
23200- 44640-
Professor 14 These scales are applicable
31150 56340 to those teaching staff who
are not eligible for AICTE
20700- 40640-
Reader 21 scales.
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Lecturer 44
23200 46640
12930- 22360-
Tutor/RMO 121
20250 35320
11070- 19240-
Radiologist 1
18450 32110
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
10790- 18740-
Lay Secretary 2
18000 31360
Pharmacist Store Keeper 1 8390-13270
Nursing Superintendent 1 8390-13270
13900- Existing ratio of 1:1 between
Lab Technician Gr. I 5 7990-12930
22360 Gr. I & II posts will continue.
Radiographer 2 6680-10790
X-Ray Technician 2 6680-10790
Mortuary Technician 1 6680-10790
Existing ratio of 1:1 between
Lab Technician Gr. II 4 6680-10790 Gr.I & Gr. II posts will
18740 continue.
10480- Existing ratio of 1:2 between
Nurse Gr. II 4 6080-9830
17420 Gr. I & II posts will continue.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Selection Grade Typist 1 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as Typist
Senior Grade Typist 1 7990-12930 23480 Selection Grade
Head Clerk 3 8390-13270
UD Typist 3 6680-10790
UD Clerk 14 6680-10790
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
Librarian Gr. IV 4 6080-9830
LD. Clerk 33 5250-8390 9940-15380
LD Typist 13 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk-cum-Typist 4 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Electrician-cum-Mechanic 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Receptionist 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Store Keeper 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Library Attender 3 4630-7000 8730-12550
Clerical Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 28 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher 15 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sanitation Worker 9 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sweeper 15 4510-6230 8500-12220
Cleaner 10 4510-6230 8500-12220
Cook 8 4510-6230 8500-12220
Office Attender 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 487
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 13; No. of Women employees including Part-Time -
of the Housing (Technical Cell). The post of Chief Planner (Housing) is
filled up by transfer from the qualified persons of the PWD, Town
Planning Department or Technical Education Department. The
ministerial staff other than Confidential Assistant, Driver and Class IV
Employees are appointed from other Departments on deputation
7.34.2. The Commission held discussion with the Head of the
Department with regard to the Pay Structure and other related
matters. Normal revision is recommended.
7.34.3. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts Pay Pay
26600- 46640-
Housing Commissioner 1 IFS
33750 58640
25400- 44640-
Chief Planner (Housing) 1
33100 56340
12250- 21240-
Assistant Executive Engineer 1
19800 34500
11070- 20740-
Assistant Engineer 2
18450 33680
11070- 20740-
Architectural Head Draftsman 1
18450 33680
7990- 13900-
Draftsman Gr. I 1
12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Draftsman Gr. II 1
10790 18740
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 1
18000 31360
Confidential Assistant (Sel. 11070- 19240-
Gr.) 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830
6680- 13210-
UD Typist 1
10790 20740
6680- 13210-
UD Clerk 1
10790 20740
LD Clerk 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 18
No. of Part Time Contingent employees - 1; No. of Women employees including Part-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts Pay Pay
Time - 3.
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
18450 33680
11070- 20740-
Chief Draftsman 2
18450 33680
Technical Assistant 9190- 16180-
(Electronics) 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Chief Survey Syrang (HG)
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Engine Driver Gr. I 3
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Chief Survey Syrang 3
13270 23480
7990- 13900-
Draftsman Gr. I 3
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Field Assistant 15
12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Engine Driver Gr. II 4
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Survey Syrang Gr. I 3
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Deck Tindal 3
10790 18740
The existing ratio of 1:1
6680- 11620- between Draftsman Gr. I
Draftsman Gr. II 2
10790 18740 and Draftsman Gr. II will
Tide Watcher 6 5650-8790 9940-15380
Engine Driver Gr. III 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Survey Syrang Gr. II 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Master Gr. III 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Cassab 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Leadsman 8 5250-8390 9190-14620
Machine Room Attender 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Seaman 46 4750-7820 8960-13210
Blue Printer 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Cook-cum-Steward 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 1
19800 35320
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 1
13270 23480
6680- 13210-
U.D Clerk 3
10790 20740
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
6680- 13210-
U.D Typist 1
10790 20740
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830
L.D Clerk 5 5250-8390 9940-15380
L.D Typist 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Automobile Driver 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Post held by personnel of other Department
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer Gr. II 1
20250 35320
Total 143
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees -4; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time -18.
(iii) A Special allowance at the rate of Rs.1000/- per month to
the newly placed Medical Officer (Specialist) after 1.7.2004
may be allowed as they possess higher qualification.
(iv) The post of Senior Medical Officer (Siddha) may be allowed
a Higher Grade in the pay scale corresponding to
Rs.12930-20250 in the ratio of 3:1 between Lower Grade
and Higher Grade, considering the meagre promotion
chances available to the post.
(v) The posts of Lab Technicians are awarded with a new
higher grade in the ratio 1:1 and the Grade I post is placed
in the corresponding scale of pay of Rs.7990-12930.
7.36.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.36.5. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No Existing Proposed
Designation .of scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
23200- 44640-
Director 1
31150 56340
20700- 40640-
Joint Director 2
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
District Medical Officer 14
23200 46640
Superintendent, Mental 13610- 24040-
Hospital (Manasika) 20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Superintendent (Medical) 3
20700 36140
13610- 24040- Ratio between CMO and
Chief Medical Officer 32
20700 36140 SMO will be 1:3
12930- 22360-
Senior Specialist (Manasika) 1
20250 35320
Existing ratio of 1:3
between SMO and MO will
continue. Scale of pay is
assigned only to existing
incumbents as Personal.
The ratio between SMO
Senior Medical Officer 12930- 22360-
15 (Ay) and SMO (Specialist)
(Specialist ) 20250 35320 on personal scale for
promotion to the post of
Chief Medical Officer will
be 15:1 as envisaged in
the modified Special
Existing ratio of 1:3
12250- 21240-
Senior Medical Officer 219 between SMO and MO will
19800 34500 continue
12250- 21240-
Specialist (Manasika) 2
19800 34500
No Existing Proposed
Designation .of scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Ratio between SMO and
MO will be 1:3. Higher
Grade on Rs.12930-
Senior Medical Officer 12250- 21240- 20250 is allowed to SMO
3 (Siddha) in the ratio of
(Siddha) 19800 34500
3:1 between SMO
(Siddha) and SMO
(Siddha) HG.
Existing ratio of 1:3
between SMO and MO will
Medical Officer (Specialist , 11910- 20740-
53 continue. Scale of pay is
Visha, Netra, Marma ) 19350 33680 assigned only for existing
incumbents as personal.
Existing ratio of 1:3
Medical Officer (Ay) & 11070- 20740-
727 between SMO and MO will
(Unani) 18450 33680 continue.
11070- 20740- Ratio between SMO and
Medical Officer (Siddha) 7
18450 33680 MO will be 1:3
No Existing Proposed
Designation .of scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Existing ratio of 1:3
between Ayurveda
Ayurveda Therapist 23 5650-8790 9940-15380 Therapist (HG) and
Ayurveda Therapist will
Pharmacy Attender Gr. I/
Attender Gr. I/ Nursing 110 4750-7820 8960-13210
Assistant Gr. I
Lab Attender 4630-7000 8730-12550
Pharmacy Attender Gr. II/
20% of posts will be on
Attender Gr. II/ Nursing 1043 4630-7000 8730-12550 Gr. I
Assistant Gr. II
Cook Gr. I 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Cook Gr. II 114 4510-6230 8500-12220
Hospital Servant 4510-6230 8500-12220
Gardener 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 1
19800 34500
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 1
19800 35320
Junior Superintendent 16 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Typist (Selection Grade) 3 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as
Typist (Senior Grade) 3 7990-12930 23480 Selection Grade Typist
No Existing Proposed
Designation .of scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Full Time Sweeper 13 4510-6230 8500-12220
Class IV Employee Gr. II 39 4510-6230 8500-12220
Night Watchman 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
Social Studies Instructor
Pharmacist 1 6680-10790
Total 4202
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees -765; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time– 1777.
(iii) The Accounts Officer may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12930-20250.
(iv) The proposal of the Head of the Department for creation of
9 posts of Inspector of Training in addition to the existing 5
posts in order to cover all the 14 Districts may be
considered by Govt.
(v) The post of Group Instructor may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.9590-16650 in view of the higher
qualifications prescribed for promotion to the post from
Senior Instructor. 20% higher grade in the scale of pay of
Rs.10790-18000 to the Group Instructor and the
interchangeable posts now existing, may continue.
(vi) The demand for equating the scale of pay of the post of
Junior Instructor/Arithmetic-cum-Drawing Instructor with
the scale of pay of HSA is not recommended as the
qualification of HSA cannot be treated as equal to that of
the Junior Instructor.
(vii) 1:1 ratio between LD Store Keeper and UD Store Keeper
may be allowed.
7.37.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.37.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remark
posts pay pay
Director of Training 1 IAS
23200- 44640-
Additional Director of Training 3
31150 56340
20700- 40640-
Joint Director 3
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Deputy Director 4
23200 46640
Deputy State Apprenticeship 16650- 36140-
Advisor 23200 46640
13610- 24040-
Assistant Director of Training 2
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Inspector of Training 5
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Principal Class –I 22
20700 36140
12930- 22360-
Vice Principal/Principal Class II 67
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Training Officer 9
20250 35320
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remark
posts pay pay
12930- 22360-
Trade Test Officer 1
20250 35320
12250- 22360-
Accounts Officer 2
19800 35320
20% of the post and its
16980- interchangeable posts
Group Instructor 124 9190-15510 are placed on HG on
Junior Apprenticeship 16180-
15 9190-15510
Advisor(Tech) 27140
Technical Assistant 1 9190-15510
Junior Apprenticeship Advisor 16180-
1 9190-15510
(catering) 27140
AVTS Instructor 9 9190-15510
Post ITI Special Instructor 9 9190-15510
Senior Instructor /ACD 14620-
639 8390-13270
Instructor 23480
Junior Instructor /ACD 13900-
639 7990-11910
Instructor 22360
Special Grade Store Keeper 1 8390-13270
Officer-in charge of Training 14620-
5 8390-13270
cum Orientation 23480
Workshop Attender 161 5250-8390
Trade Assistant 7 5250-8390
Junior Apprenticeship Advisor 16180-
10 9190-15510
(Non Technical) 27140
Assistant Hostel 13210-
14 7480-11910
Superintendent 20740
Store Attender 34 4630-7000
Dresser 19 4630-7000
Painter 1 4750-7820
Part time Scavenger 1 4510-6230
Water Carrier 5 4510-6230
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remark
posts pay pay
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 1
19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 37
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 57 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Head Clerk 17 8390-13270
Selection Grade Typist 11 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as
Senior Grade Typist 11 7990-12930 23480 Typist Selection Grade
UD Clerk 181 6680-10790
UD Typist 23 6680-10790
UD Store Keeper 20 6680-10790
Confidential Assistant 4 6080-9830
Librarian 3 6680-10790
L D Clerk 182 5250-8390
L D Typist 24 5250-8390
Clerk Cum Typist 10 5250-8390
LD Store Keeper and
LD Store Keeper 48 5250-8390 UD Store Keeper may
14620 be in the ratio of 1:1
Driver Gr. I 6080-9830
Driver Gr. II 5250-8390
Class IV Employee Gr. I 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4510-6230
Watchman 206 4510-6230
Sweeper 121 4510-6230 8500-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remark
posts pay pay
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
Social Studies Instructor 12 8790-13610
Pharmacist 19 7990-12930
Total 2998
No. of Part-Time Contingent employee- 11; No. of Women employee including Part-Time
– 675.
(i) The Director of Handloom and the Director of Coir
Development may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.25400-33100.
(ii) The Additional Director, Joint Director and the General
Manager (District Industries Centre) may be placed in the
scales of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150, Rs.20700-
26600 and Rs.20700-26600 respectively.
(iii) The posts of Assistant District Industries Officer and
Assistant Registrar may be merged and made
interchangeable in the scale of pay corresponding to
(iv) The demand for placing the Industrial Extension Officer in
the higher time scale is accepted and allowed the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.10790-18000.
(v) Considering the higher responsibilities to be discharged,
one post of Administrative Assistant each in the
Directorate of Industries & Commerce, Coir Development
and Handloom & Textiles, may be upgraded as Senior
Administrative Assistant.
(vi) The parity among various cadres of Co-operative
Inspectors in the Industries Department with their
counterparts in the Department of Co-operation may be
7.38.4. Normal revision is recommended for all other categories of posts.
7.38.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Director 1 IAS
Director of Handloom and 23200- 44640-
Textiles 31150 56340
Director of Coir 23200- 44640-
Development 31150 56340
20700- 40640-
Additional Director 3
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Joint Director 3
23200 46640
General Manager(District 16650- 36140-
Industries Centre) 23200 46640
13610- 24040-
Director/Women's Industries 42
20700 36140
Assistant Director 10 12250- 21240-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director (Rubber) 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director (Training) 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director (Plastic) 1
19800 34500
Assistant Director (Tool 12250- 21240-
Room) 19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director (Planning) 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Special Officer (RBI) 2
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Project Officer (Coir) 10
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Deputy Registrar 17
19800 34500
Assistant Registrar of Co- 11070- 19240-
Operative Societies 18450 32110 The posts are made
Assistant District Industries 11070- 19240-
Officer 18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Foreman (Tool Room) 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Foreman (Electrical) 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Foreman (Rubber) 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Foreman (Plastic) 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Technical Assistant (CT) 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Technical Assistant (PT) 1
18000 31360
Industries Extension Officer 193 9190-15510
Senior Co-Operative 15% of the posts of
Inspector/Senior Supervisor Senior and Junior
16180- Grade together will be
(Handloom)/Senior Coir 95 8790-13610 in the Special Grade on
Inspector/Liquidation Rs.16980-29180.
Inspector-Coir Existing1:1 ratio
between Senior
Junior Co-Operative 14620- Inspector & Junior
95 7990-12930
Inspector 23480 Inspector will continue.
Textile Assistant 1 8390-13270
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Junior Scientific Officer 2 7990-12930
Electrician(CFSC) 1 7480-11910
Analyst (CFSC) 3 6680-10790
Dye Maker 1 6680-10790
Mechanic Operator (CFSC) 1 6680-10790
Skilled Worker (Rubber) 1 6680-10790
Skilled Worker (Tool Room) 1 6680-10790
Liaison Officer 1 6680-10790
Laboratory Assistant 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Machine Operator Gr. I 6 5250-8390 9190-14620
Machine Operator Gr. II 9 4750-7820 8960-13210
Winder 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Common Category
Administrative 12250- 22360-
Assistant/Accounts Officer 19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 8
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 49 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 5 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Sel. 11070- 19240-
Gr. 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 9190-15510
27140 Existing ratio of 1:1:1:1
35 will continue.
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 6080-9830
Head Clerk 32 8390-13270
UD Clerk 217 6680-10790
LD Clerk 219 5250-8390 9940-15380
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Typist Sel. Gr. 10 8390-13270 Re-designated as
14620- Typist Selection Grade
Typist Sr. Gr. 11 7990-12930 23480
UD Typist 22 6680-10790
LD Typist 22 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk Typist 76 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. I 20 6080-9830
Driver Gr. II 29 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
Class IV Employee Gr. II 254 4510-6230 8500-12220
Roneo Operator 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
12250- 21240-
Technical Assistant 1
19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Law Officer 1
18450 32110
12930- 22360-
Special Officer 1
20250 35320
Assistant Director (Nucleus 12930- 22360-
Cell) 20250 35320
11070- 19240-
Research Officer 1
18450 32110
Librarian 2 9190-15510
Research Assistant 1 8390-13270
Total 1736
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 70; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees -7; No. of Women employee including Part-Time – 546.
providing feed back to the Government on important issues so as to
ensure healthy relationship between the Government and the public.
7.39.2. The Department functions with 14 District Information Offices
and an Information Centre at New Delhi. The Administrative wing of
the Department is manned by the staff from Administrative
Secretariat and the Revenue Department. The Director is the Head of
the Department.
7.39.3. Several demands were put forth by the Service Organisations
before the Commission for upgradation of scales of pay and
improvement of promotional prospects. Considering all aspects, the
Commission recommends as follows:
(i) The posts of Additional Director/Deputy Director may be
placed in the scales of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-
31150 and Rs.20700-26600 respectively.
(ii) Higher grade in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.16650-23200 may be allowed to Information Officer and
the equated posts in the ratio 3:1.
(iii) The posts of Assistant Information Officer and Translator
may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to
7.39.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.39.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Director 1 IAS
20700- 40640-
Additional Director 1
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Deputy Director 13
23200 46640
25% of the posts may
Information Officer and 12930- 22360- be in the HG in the
Equated Categories 20250 35320 scale of pay of
11910- 20740-
Chief Photographer 1
19350 33680
Assistant Editor 20 9190-15510
Research Officer 1 9190-15510
Assistant Cultural Development 16180-
1 9190-15510
Officer 27140
Assistant Scrutiny Officer 1 9190-15510 16180-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Designer 2 8790-13610
Manager (Tagore Theatre) 1 8390-13270
Photographer 7 8390-13270
Assistant Information Officer 21 7990-12930
Translator 4 7990-12930
Artist 1 7480-11910
Photo Artist 1 7480-11910
Printer 1 6680-10790
DTP Operator 0 5250-8390
Adrema Machine Operator 0 4750-7820
Packer 1 4630-7000
Dark Room Assistant 1 4630-7000
Attender (Photography) 3 4630-7000
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
20700- 36140-
Deputy Secretary 1
26600 46640
12930- 22360-
Accounts Officer 1
20250 35320
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 7
18000 31360
Assistant 25 7990-15510
UD Clerk 9 6680-10790
UD Typist 16 6680-10790
Confidential Assistant 4 6080-9830
LD Clerk 9 5250-8390
LD Typist/Clerk Typist 17 5250-8390 9940-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Gardener 3 4630-7000
Common Category
Driver Sr. Gr. 4 6680-10790
Driver Grade I 9 6080-9830
Driver Grade II 10 5250-8390
Cinema Operator Gr. II 18 4750-7820
Roneo Operator 4 4750-7820
Clerical Attender 17 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. I 14 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 28 4510-6230
Watchman 2 4510-6230
Van Cleaner 0 4510-6230
Binder 0 4750-7820
Total 312
No. of Part time Contingent employees- 11; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Wages
employees- 15; No. of Women employees- 36.
Para Medical and other staff borne on the cadre of the Health
Services were given option to come over to the Insurance Medical
Services to constitute an independent cadre for the Department. The
Director of Insurance Medical Services is the Head of the Department.
The Department has three Regional Directorate at Kollam,
Ernakulam, and Kozhikode each under the control of a Regional
Deputy Director. In the year 2003, some ESI Dispensaries located at
Parippally, Ezhukone, Ashramam (Kollam), Udyogamandal were taken
over by ESI Corporation, resulting in deduction of number of posts
that existed in the Department.
7.40.3. Commission held discussion with Service Organisations/Head of
the Department and recommends as follows:
(i) The post of Director of Insurance Medical Services may be
placed in the scale of pay of Rs.46640-58640.
(ii) The post of Regional Director may be placed in the revised
scale of pay of Rs.44640-56340.
(iii) The posts of Deputy Director (Homoeo), Deputy Director
(Ayurveda) and Insurance Medical Officer may be placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iv) The scale of pay and allowances recommended to be
allowed to the Doctors in Health Services, ISM and
Homoeopathy Department may be extended to their
counterparts in the Insurance Medical Services
(v) The scale of pay of the post of Scientific Assistant
(Physiotherapy) may be revised as Rs.16980-29180 and
the present incumbent holding the post will be allowed the
revised scale of pay of Rs.20740-33680 as personal.
(vi) The scale of pay of the posts of Hospital Attendant Grade
II, Grade I, Nursing Assistant, Operation Theatre Attender
and Lab Assistant may be made equivalent to their
counterparts in Health Services Department.
(vii) The scale of pay of Staff Nurse may be revised to the
corresponding scale of Rs.7990-12930.
7.40.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.40.5. The Categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of scale of scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Director of Insurance Medical 1 25400- 46640-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of scale of scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Services 33100 58640
Regional Deputy Director/Joint 23200- 44640-
Director 31150 56340
16650- 36140-
Deputy Director (Homoeo) 1
23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Deputy Director (Ayurveda) 1
23200 46640
Existing ratio of 1:3
16650- 36140-
Insurance Medical Officer 170 between IMO and
23200 46640 AIMO will continue.
Insurance Medical Officer Gr. II 24040-
(Ay) 36140
Insurance Medical Officer Gr. I 22360-
(Homoeo) 35320
12930- 22360-
Superintendent (Homoeo) 1
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Nursing Superintendent Gr. I 6
19350 33680
11910- 24040-
Dental Surgeon 9
19350 36140
Existing ratio of 1:3
Assistant Insurance Medical 11910- 24040-
343 between IMO and
Officer 19350 36140 AIMO will continue.
Assistant Insurance Medical 11070- 20740-
Officer (Ayurveda) 18450 33680
Assistant Insurance Medical 11070- 20740-
Officer (Homoeo) 18450 33680
The incumbent
holding the post will
Scientific Assistant 11070- 16980-
1 be allowed the scale
(Physiotherapy) 18450 29180 of pay of Rs.20740-
33680 as personal.
10790- 18740-
Lay Secretary and Treasurer 6
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Store Superintendent 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Nursing Superintendent Gr. II 6
18000 31360
The cadre strength of
Head Nurse will be
16180- determined in the ratio
Head Nurse 64 9190-15510
27140 1:2 between Head
Nurse and Staff Nurse
Gr. I.
Cytotechnologist 1 8390-13270
Staff Nurse Gr. I 129 8390-13270 14620- Existing ratio of 1:1
between Gr. I and Gr.
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of scale of scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
II posts will continue.
Existing ratio of 2:2:1
14620- among Gr. II, Gr. I and
Dental Hygienist Sr. Gr. 2 8390-13270 Senior Grade will
Radiographer Grade 1 8 7990-12930
Storekeeper 3 7990-12930
Dietician 1 7990-12930
Existing ratio of 1:1
Blood Bank Technician Gr. I 3 7990-12930 between Gr. I and Gr.
22360 II posts will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:1
Laboratory Technician Gr. I 19 7990-12930 between Gr. I and Gr.
22360 II posts will continue.
Existing ratio of 2:2:1
13900- among Gr. II, Gr. I
Dental Hygienist Gr. I 4 7990-12930 and Senior Grade will
Existing ratio of 1:1
X – Ray Technician Gr. I 7 7990-12930 between Gr. I and Gr.
22360 II posts will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:1
Staff Nurses Gr. II 130 7480-11910 between Gr. I and Gr.
22360 II will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:3
Pharmacist (Ayurveda) Gr. I 2 7480-11910 between Gr. I and Gr.
20740 II posts will continue.
Medical Record Librarian Gr. I 1 7480-11910
Existing ratio of 1:2
Nurse (Homoeo) Gr. I 0 7480-11910 between Gr. I and Gr.
20740 II posts will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:2
Pharmacist (Homoeo) Gr. I 4 7480-11910 between Gr. I and Gr.
20740 II posts will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:2
Pharmacist Gr. I 96 7480-11910 between Gr. I and Gr.
20740 II posts will continue.
Radiographer Gr. II 9 6680-10790
Existing ratio of 1:2
Pharmacist Gr. II 191 6680-10790 between Gr. I and Gr.
18740 II posts will continue.
Auxilary Nurse Midwife(ANM) 157 6680-10790
Existing ratio of 1:1
X- Ray Technician Gr. II 8 6680-10790 between Gr. I and Gr.
18740 II posts will continue.
Blood Bank Technician Gr. II 3 6680-10790 11620- Existing ratio of 1:1
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of scale of scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
between Gr. I and Gr.
18740 II posts will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:1
Laboratory Technician Gr. II 20 6680-10790 between Gr. I and Gr.
18740 II posts will continue.
Existing ratio of 2:2:1
11620- among Gr. II, Gr. I
Dental Hygienist Gr. II 5 6680-10790 and Senior Grade will
Existing ratio of 1:3
Pharmacist (Ayurveda) Gr. II 8 6080-9830 between Gr. I and Gr.
17420 II will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:2
Nurse (Homoeo) Gr. II 1 6080-9830 between Gr. I and Gr.
17420 II posts will continue.
Existing ratio of 1:2
Pharmacist (Homoeo) Gr. II 13 6080-9830 between Gr. I and Gr.
17420 II posts will continue.
Operation Theatre Technician 4 5650-8790
Masseur 2 5650-8790
Electrician 6 5250-8390
Packer 1 5250-8390
Theatre Attender 3 4750-7820
Head Cook 7 4750-7820
Plumber-cum-Operator 13 4750-7820
Junior Laboratory Assistant 6 4630-7000
X-Ray Attender 7 4630-7000
Laboratory Assistant 6 4630-7000
Nursing Assistant 231 4630-7000
Existing ratio of 1:3
Cook Gr. I 11 4630-7000 between Gr. I and Gr.
12550 II posts will continue.
Nursing Assistant (Homoeo) 2 4630-7000
Attender (Ayurveda) 10 4630-7000
Hospital Attendent 651 4510-6230 8500-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of scale of scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Dhobi 15 4510-6230
Hospital Attendent (Homoeo) 0 4510-6230
Existing ratio of 1:3
Cook Gr. II 12 4510-6230 between Gr. I and Gr.
12220 II posts will continue.
Common Category
5 10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent
18000 31360
13 16180-
Junior Superintendent 9190-15510
1 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 9190-15510
38 14620-
Head Clerk 8390-13270
Typist (Selection Grade) 4 8390-13270 Re-designated as
Typist Selection
Typist (Senior Grade) 4 7990-12930 23480 Grade
1 13900-
Confidential Assistant Grade I 7990-12930
168 13210-
U.D. Clerk 6680-10790
9 13210-
U.D. Typist 6680-10790
3 10480-
Driver Gr. I 6080-9830
169 9940-
L.D. Clerk 5250-8390
9 9940-
L.D. Typist 5250-8390
15 9190-
Driver Gr. II 5250-8390
1 8960-
Binder 4750-7820
154 8500-
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4510-6230
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of scale of scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
23200- 40640-
Finance Officer Gr. I 1
31150 54140
23200- 40640-
Administrative Officer 1
31150 54140
Total 3040
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees –108; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees –11; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 1513.
(v) Government may consider to sanction Uniform Allowance
to the Security staff who are engaged in security duties at
Dam sites.
(vi) The Time Bound Higher Grade sanctioned to the Overseer
in PWD vide G.O. (Ms) No.6/2006/PWD dated 30.1.2006
may be extended to the Overseers with JTSLC in Irrigation
Department in compliance with the common judgement in
WP(C) No. 8991 and 15063 of 2009 of Hon’ble High Court.
(vii) During the time of discussion held with the various Service
Organisations it is requested to withdraw the 20% higher
grade sanctioned to the posts of Overseer Gr. I/Draftsman
Gr. I. The Commission recommends to withdraw the 20%
higher grade sanctioned to the posts and also
recommends to allow the Time Bound Higher Grade in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11070-18450 subject to
the final judgment of the Supreme Court.
(viii) Two posts of Administrative Assistant may be upgraded as
Senior Administrative Assistant and posted in the Chief
Engineers’ office. One Senior Administrative Assistant may
be designated as Senior Administrative Assistant
(Technical) and the other as Senior Administrative
Assistant (Administration) and assign the duties relating to
establishment matters of technical personnel and
ministerial personnel respectively.
7.41.4. It has come to the notice of the Commission that HR (Hand
Receipt) Worker and SLR Worker are engaged by the Department
without proper authority and are in turn absorbed as Grade II Worker
(Class IV Employee) in the Department. These irregular
engagements of personnel has to be discontinued.
7.41.5. Corresponding revision is recommended to all other posts in the
7.41.6. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
26600- 48640-
Chief Engineer 5
33750 59840
Deputy Chief
23200- 44640-
Engineer/Superintending 20
31150 56340
Executive Engineer/Joint Director 20700- 40640-
HG 26600 54140
Executive Engineer/ Joint Director 65 16650- 36140- 25% of the posts will
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
23200 46640 be on higher grade.
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Turner 5 5250-8390 9190-14620
Driver cum Operator 6 5250-8390 9190-14620
Boat Registration Officer 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Jetty Superintendent 45 5250-8390 9190-14620
Boat Syrang 4 5250-8390 9190-14620
Motor Boat Syrang/Syrang 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Light Machine Operator 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Lineman 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Fitter Gr. II/Mechanic 60 5250-8390 9190-14620
Assistant Pump Operator 20 4750-7820 8960-13210
Operator Mechanic 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
Blacksmith 17 4750-7820 8960-13210
Moulder 4 4750-7820 8960-13210
Welder 5 4750-7820 8960-13210
Roller Cleaner 4630-7000 8730-12550
Lorry Cleaner 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Butler 4630-7000 8730-12550
Cook cum Watchman 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Gardener 4630-7000 8730-12550
Pump Cleaner/Canal Watcher 3 4630-7000 8730-12550
Telephone Operator 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Blue Printer 63 4630-7000 8730-12550
IB Watcher 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Helper 10 4510-6230 8500-12220
NMR Worker Gr. I 4750-7820 8960-13210
NMR Worker Gr. II 4510-6230 8500-12220
Lascar/Watcher 765 4510-6230 8500-12220
Mechanical wing
26600- 46640-
Chief Engineer 1
33750 58640
23200- 44640-
Superintending Engineer/Director 2
31150 56340
20700- 40640-
Executive Engineer HG
26600 54140
16650- 36140- 25% of the posts will
Executive Engineer/Joint Director 5
23200 46640 be on higher grade.
13610- 24040-
Assistant Executive Engineer HG
23200 36140
Assistant Executive 17 12250- 21240- 1/3rd posts will be on
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Engineer/Deputy Director 19800 34500 higher grade
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Bull Dozer Operator 1 6680-10790
Excavator 1 6680-10790
Spray Painter 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Computer Operator 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Line Man Gr. I 5 5650-8790 9940-15380
Oil Engine Driver 6 5250-8390 9190-14620
Caretaker 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Mixer Driver 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Boat Driver 9 5250-8390 9190-14620
Wireman 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Line Man Gr. II 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Lock Operator 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Drilling Plant Operator 4 4750-7820 8960-13210
Plumber 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Modeller 5 4750-7820 8960-13210
Upholsterer 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Boat Cleaner 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Worker Gr. I 311 4630-7000 8730-12550
Roller cum Lorry Driver 8 4630-7000 8730-12550
Mason 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Worker Gr. II 73 4510-6230 8500-12220
Deckman 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Engine man 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 13
19800 35320
Confidential Assistant Selection 11070- 19240-
Grade 18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 26
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 159 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 7 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Senior 16180-
7 9190-15510
Grade 27140
Head Clerk 219 8390-13270
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Selection Grade Typist 69 8390-13270 Re-designated as
Typist Selection
Senior Grade Typist 68 7990-12930 23480 Grade
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 7 7990-12930
UD Clerk 844 6680-10790
UD Typist 139 6680-10790
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 7 6080-9830
Roller Driver 25 5650-8790 9940-15380
LD Clerk 844 5250-8390 9940-15380
LD Typist 139 5250-8390 9940-15380
Typist Clerk 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver 254 5250-8390 9190-14620
Lift Operator 5250-8390 9190-14620
Pump Operator 5250-8390 9190-14620
Record Attender 12 4630-7000 8730-12550
Duffedar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Mochee 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 857 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman 290 4510-6230 8500-12220
Roneo Operator 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 4
26600 46640
16650- 29180-
Law Officer 2
23200 40640
12250- 21240-
Financial Assistant 12
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Divisional Accountant 61
18000 31260
Legal Assistant 1 9590-16650
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 2 6680-10790
Statistical Assistant Gr. II 2 5250-8390
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
11070- 20740-
Assistant Surgeon 2
18450 33680
Pharmacist 1 6680-10790
Assistant Nurse/Midwife 1 6680-10790
Nursing Assistant 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Hospital Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Total 9750
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 229; No. of Casual/ Contract /Daily Waged
employees -2150;
No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 2640.
7.42.1. Criminal Justice wing and Civil Justice wing constitute the Judicial
wings in Kerala. Independent Judiciary is the fundamental concept of
our Constitution. Administration of Justice in the State are carried out
through Civil and Criminal Courts. The District Judge is the controlling
authority of both the Civil and Criminal Courts in a District and Chief
Judicial Magistrate is confined to the Criminal Courts such as the
additional Chief Judicial Magistrate and Judicial First Class Magistrate
Courts. The State Govt. had been revising the scale of pay of Judicial
Officers from Magistrate to Selection Grade District and Sessions
Judge upto 1992 Pay Revision. As the revision of the scale of pay of
Judicial Officers is being done by the National Judicial Pay
Commission, the revision of scale of pay of the staff of the Judiciary
has been considered by this Pay Revision Commission along with the
other employees of the State service.
7.42.2. The Commission held discussion with the Service Organisations
and after careful consideration of all aspects, recommends the
(i) The Sheristadar of the Principal District Court is the
Administrative Head rendering assistance to the Principal
District Judge in all matters related to the District Court.
Considering the importance and the nature of work as well
as the Administrative Head in the District Court the scale
of pay of the Sheristadar may be enhanced to that of
Senior Administrative Assistant.
(ii) The post of Sheristadar of Additional District Court, MACT,
Family Courts and Special Courts may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800. A post of
Sheristadar each may be created in the MACTs at Kollam,
Alappuzha, Kottayam, Thrissur, Palakkad and Manjeri.
(iii) The post of Sheristadar in Sub Courts may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11070-18450.
(iv) Considering the importance of the nature of duties of the
Central Nazir, the scale of pay of Central Nazir may be
enhanced corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
(v) The Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) is the Head of
Administration of Criminal Courts in a District. The Chief
Ministerial Officer rendering assistance to CJM is the
Sheristadar of CJM Court. Considering the higher duties
and responsibilities of the Sheristadar, scale of pay may be
revised corresponding to Rs.12250-19800.
(vi) 15 posts of Head Clerk in CJM Courts may be upgraded as
Senior Superintendent.
(vii) 50% of the Principal Counsellors of the Family Court may
be allowed higher grade in the scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.12250-19800.
(viii) A special allowance of Rs.400/- per month to Confidential
Assistant of District Court, CJM Court and Sub Courts and
Rs.250./- per mensum to the Munsiff Courts may be
allowed in view of the nature and quantum of work.
(ix) A Special Allowance@ Rs.150/- per month may be allowed
to Bench Clerks considering the nature of duties and
volume of work.
(x) Special Allowance to Amins and Process Servers @
Rs.100/-per month may be allowed in addition to the
existing Travelling Allowance.
(xi) The Special Allowance to the Clerk in charge of
Record/Property Rooms may be enhanced from Rs.100/- to
Rs.150/- per month.
7.42.3. The Commission recommends to upgrade one post of Junior
Superintendent as Senior Superintendent in the place where more
than two Munsiff Courts exists. Also recommends to increase the
strength of ministerial staff in Subordinate Courts based on the work
study conducted and as directed by Honorable High Court in the
judgement dated 24.5.2006 in OP.Nos.706 and 1716 of 2001.
7.42.4. The Commission recommends corresponding revision to all other
7.42.5. The Categories of posts with the existing and the proposed
scales of pay are as given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
11910- 24040-
Sheristadar District Court 14
19350 36140
Sheristadar Additional District 11910- 21240-
Court 19350 34500
Sheristadar Special Court/Court 11910- 21240-
MACT 19350 34500
Sheristadar Chief Judicial 11910- 21240-
Magistrate Court 19350 34500
50% Higher Grade
11910- 20740-
Principal Counsellor Family Court 16 on Rs.21240-
19350 33680 34500.
10790- 19240-
Sheristadar Sub Court 39
18000 32110
Senior Superintendent District 10790- 18740-
Court 18000 31360
Head Clerk Chief Judicial 9190- 18740-
Magistrate Court 15510 31360
9190- 16180-
Head Clerk MACT 14
15510 27140
Head Clerk Munsiff Magistrate 9190- 16180-
Court 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Bench Clerk District Court 78
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Bench Clerk MACT 22
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Bench Clerk CJM Court 15
13270 23480
8390- 16180-
Central Nazir 35
13270 27140
6680- 11620-
Deputy Nazir 30
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Kannada Translator 3
10790 18740
Amin 385 5250-8390
Duffedar 52 4630-7000
Court Keeper 157 4630-7000
Process Server 1833 4630-7000
Common Category
Confidential Assistant Selection 11070- 19240-
Grade 18450 32110
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 289
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 62
15510 27140
Confidential Assistant Senior 9190- 16180-
Grade 15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 72
13270 23480
Selection Grade Typist 202 Re-designated as
13270 14620-
Typist Selection
7990- 23480 Grade
Senior Grade Typist 202
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 104
12930 22360
6680- 13210-
U.D Clerk 1145
10790 20740
6680- 13210-
U.D Typist 405
10790 20740
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 109 6080-9830
L.D Clerk 1191 5250-8390
L.D Typist 406 5250-8390
Driver 64 5250-8390
Attender 122 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 1239 4510-6230
Total 8628
No. of Part–Time Contingent employees - 330; No. of Women Employees including Part-
Time -2494.
conducting research in the fields of Anthropology, Linguistics,
Sociology and Economics. It imparts training to members belonging
to SC/ST of Grama Sabha/Oorukootams, Officials of State Government
Departments and to the Youths in leadership. It is also conducting
development studies on SC/ST Development programmes,
implemented by various Departments and the three-tier Panchayats
in the State.
7.43.2. The Special Rules governing the recruitment and service
conditions of teaching & other staff of KIRTADS have been notified by
the Government in 2007.
7.43.3. The proposal of the Director has been examined by the
Commission in detail and the following recommendations are made:
(i) The revised scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240 may be
allowed to the post of Director.
(ii) The scales of pay as shown may be allowed to the
following categories of posts.
Lecturer (Anthropology)/
(Sociology) The scale of pay corresponding
Research Officer (Anthropology)
Research Officer (Statistics)
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay Pay
18450 33680
11070- 20740-
Research Officer (Anthropology) 5
18450 33680
11070- 20740-
Research Officer (Statistics) 1
18450 33680
11070- 19240-
Computer Operator 1
18450 32110
Statistician 1 8790-13610
Research Assistant (Anthropology) 1 8390-13270
Research Assistant (Sociology) 3 8390-13270
Research Assistant (Linguistics) 1 8390-13270
Cartographer 1 8390-13270
Curator 1 7480-11910
Investigator 2 6680-10790
Common Category
Junior Superintendent 1 9190-15510
U.D. Clerk 2 6680-10790
L.D. Clerk 2 5250-8390
U.D. Typist 1 6680-10790
L.D. Typist 2 5250-8390
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
Driver 4 5250-8390
Museum Attendant 1 4630-7000
Record Attender 1 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4 4510-6230
Watchman 1 4510-6230 8500-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay Pay
Night watchman 1 4510-6230
Sweeper cum-Watchman 1 4510-6230
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22630-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
Librarian Grade III 1 8390-13270
Total 49
No. of Part-Time Contingent Employee - 1; No. of Women employees including Part-Time
- 10.
7.44. LABOUR
7.44.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Labour Commissioner 1 IAS
23200- 42640-
Additional Labour Commissioner 2
31150 55240
20700- 40640-
Joint Labour Commissioner 4
26600 54140
20700- 40640-
Chief Inspector of Plantation 1
26600 54140
Deputy Labour Commissioner 13610- 24040-
(HQ) 20700 36140
Deputy Labour Commissioner &
13610- 24040-
Workmen Compensation 7
20700 36140
Deputy Labour Commissioner &
13610- 24040-
Secretary State Advisory 1
20700 36140
Contract Labour Board
12250- 22360-
District Labour Officer 25
19800 35320
Inspector of News Paper
12250- 22360-
Establishment/District Labour 1
19800 35320
Officer (HQ)
11910- 20740-
Deputy Labour Officer 19
19350 33680
Personal Assistant to the Labour 11910- 20740-
Commissioner 19350 33680
Secretary Minimum Wages 10790- 18740-
Advisory Board 18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Secretary Labour Committee 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Assistant Labour Officer Gr. I 13
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Inspector of Plantations 10
18000 31360
Assistant Labour Officer Gr. II 102 8390-13270
Common Category
12250- 21240-
Administrative Assistant 2
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 11
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 34 9190-15510
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Fair Copy Superintendent 2 9190-15510
Head Clerk 3 8390-13270
Upper Division Clerk 183 6680-10790
Lower Division Clerk 183 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk Typist 11 5250-8390 9940-15380
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 3
18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Sen. Gr. 5 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 4 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 3 6080-9830
Typist (Selection Grade) 7 8390-13270 Re-designated as
Typist Selection
Typist (Senior Grade) 9 7990-12930 23480 Grade
Upper Division Typist 20 6680-10790
Lower Division Typist 20 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver (Senior Grade) 4 6680-10790
Driver Grade I 6 6080-9830
Driver Grade II 8 5250-8390 9190-14620
Record Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Roneo Operator 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Duffedar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 175 4510-6230 8500-12220
Binder Grade II 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Night Watchman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
20700- 36140-
Law Officer 1
26600 46640
12930- 22360-
Publicity Officer 1
20250 35320
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
11070- 19240-
Research Officer 1
18450 32110
Publicity Assistant 1 9190-15510
Research Assistant 1 8390-13270
UD Compiler 2 6680-10790
Librarian Grade IV 1 6680-10790
Total 898
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 86; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 342.
7.45.1. Four Labour Courts are functioning under the Labour Department
in Kollam, Ernakulam, Kozhikkode and Kannur. The Presiding officers
of the Courts are deputed from among the officers of the Judicial
Department, in the cadre of District Judges. The post of Secretary, in
the cadre of Senior Superintendent, and other staff members are
deputed from the Labour Department.
7.45.2. The Commission held discussion with the Secretaries of all the
Labour Courts. The suggestions made by the Secretaries include
granting of special allowance to Bench Clerk, Driver, Confidential
Assistants and Class IV Employees. He has also requested for
exemption from T.A ceiling in respect of staff members attending
camp sittings. The Commission decided to concede to the above
demands and to allow the Special Allowance at the rates in the
District Courts.
7.45.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Presiding Officer 4 NJPC
10790- 18740-
Secretary 4
18000 31360
UD Clerk 6 6680-10790
UD Typist 2 6680-10790
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Confidential Assistants 10480-
4 6080-9830
Gr. II 17420
LD Typist 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
LD Clerk 8 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 8 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 41
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 4; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time -15.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Confidential Asst. Sr. Grade 1 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
1 8390- Re-designated as
Selection Gr. Typist Typist Selection
13270 14620- Grade
1 7990- 23480
Senior Grade Typist
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990- 13900-
12930 22360
U D Typist 5 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
Driver 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Attender 3 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employees Gr. II 10 4510-6230 8500-12220
Post held by Personnel of other Department
Finance Officer 1 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
Total 72
No. of Part-Time. Contingent employees- 1; No. of Women employees- 27.
careful consideration of all the aspects, the following
recommendations are made:
(i) In view of the increased work load in the Village Offices,
the Government may consider creation of one more post of
Village Assistant in each Village Office.
(ii) One of the Deputy Collectors (Senior Grade) of each
District may be designated as District Revenue Officer and
Additional District Magistrate and assigned certain
functions which are presently attended by the District
Collector. They may be given special allowance of Rs.500/-.
(iii) The Deputy Collector (Senior Grade) is in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600. The existing ratio of
3:1 between Deputy Collectors and Deputy Collector
(Senior Grade) may continue. The Deputy Collectors
holding the post of RDO may be given special allowance of
Rs.500/- p.m.
(iv) The higher grade of Tahsildar may be modified as 30% in
the corresponding scale of pay of Rs.12250-19800.
(v) Villageman may be allowed higher grade in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.4750-7820 in the ratio of 2:1
between Villageman and Villageman (HG).
(vi) Villageman may be given the right to issue receipts
against the collection.
(vii) Training may be imparted to increase efficiency in work.
7.47.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Commissioner 1 IAS
Additional Commissioner 1 IAS
District Collector 14 IAS
Sub Collector/ Assistant IAS
20700- 36140- Existing ratio of 3:1
Deputy Collector Sr. Gr. 31 between Deputy
26600 46640 Collector and Deputy
12930- 22360- Collector (Sr. Gr.) will
Deputy Collector 93 continue.
20250 35320
11910- 21240-
Tahsildar (HG) 66
19350 34500
30% in HG
10790- 18740-
Tahsildar 264
18000 31360
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
11910- 20740-
Senior Superintendent(HG)
19350 33680
20% in HG
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent
18000 31360
Deputy Tahsildar / Junior 16180-
1084 9190-15510
Superintendent 27140
Village Officer/Revenue 14620-
1777 8390-13270
Inspector/ Head Clerk 23480
U D Clerk/ Special Village Officer 3645 6680-10790
L D Clerk/ Village Assistant 3658 5250-8390
8730- ⅓rd of the post will
Villageman 2956 4630-7000 be on HG Rs.8960-
12550 13210.
Common Category
Fair Copy Superintendent 30 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Sel. 11070- 19240-
Grade 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Sr. Grade 20 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 8 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 30 6080-9830
Selection Grade Typist 69 8390-13270 Re-designated as
Typist Selection
Sr. Gr. Typist 85 7990-12930 23480 Grade
U D Typist 184 6680-10790
L D Typist 342 5250-8390
Typist Clerk 4 5250-8390
Sergeant 7 6680-10790
Driver Gr. I 30 6080-9830
Driver Gr. II 99 5250-8390
Electrician/ Pump Operator 2 5250-8390
Lift Operator 4 4750-7820 8960-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Attender 136 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 1867 4510-6230
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
1 20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer
26600 46640
15 12930- 22360-
Finance Officer
20250 35320
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 689; No. of Casual /Contract /Daily Waged
employees - 1108; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 5859.
7.48.1. The Kerala State Land Use Board was established in 1975 under
the Department of Planning and Economics Affairs. The Board is
functioning as an agency to collect and process data on land
resources to facilitate scientific use of land and to provide necessary
advisory support on matters related to the optimum use of land and
land resources.
7.48.2. Kerala Land Use Board has been declared as a State Government
Department as per G.O. (Ms) No.3/2007/Plg. dated 7.02.2007. The
Land Use Commissioner belonging to IAS cadre, is the Head of the
7.48.3. The Commission held discussion with the Head of the
Department. After considering all the aspects, normal revision is
recommended to all categories of posts in the Department.
7.48.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are as given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Land Use Commissioner 1 IAS
13610- 24040-
Deputy Director (Agriculture) 1
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Deputy Director (Soil Survey) 1
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Deputy Director (Statistics) 1
20700 36140
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director (Agriculture) 2
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director (Soil Survey) 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Agronomist 1
20250 34500
12930- 22360-
Specialist (Hydrogeology) 1
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Specialist (Soil Science) 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Specialist (Soil Conservation) 1
19800 34500
Agricultural Officer/Soil Survey 11070- 20740-
Officer / Soil Survey Assistant 18450 33680
11070- 19240-
Assistant Geologist 1
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Cartographer 1
18450 32110
9190- 16180-
Forest Officer 1
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Geological Assistant 6
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Assistant-cum-Accountant 1
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Statistical Assistant 1
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Publication Assistant 1
13270 23480
7990- 13900-
Draftsman Grade I 1
12930 22360
Draftsman Grade II 2 6080-9830
Lab Assistant 2 6080-9830
Planning Surveyor Grade II 2 6080-9830
Cartographic Assistant 1 4630-7000
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 1
18000 31360
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 1
13270 23480
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
6680- 13210-
U.D. Clerk 1
10790 20740
6680- 13210-
U.D. Typist 1
10790 20740
Confidential Assistant 3 6080-9830
Artist 1 5650-8790
Driver (LMV) 5 5250-8390
L.D Clerk 3 5250-8390
L.D Typists 1 5250-8390
Class IV Employee Gr. II 6 4510-6230
Watchman 1 4510-6230
Total 57
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
Posts pay pay
Head Accountant 5 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Librarian Grade. III 4 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Confidential Assistant Sr. 1 9190- 16180-
Gr. 15510 27140
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830 10480-
UD Clerk 9 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
LD Clerk 9 5250-8390 9940-
Typist Sr. Gr. 1 7990- 14620-
10930 23480
LD Typist 3 5250-8390 9940-
Tiffin Room Boy 1 4630-7000 8730-
Attender 8 4630-7000 8730-
Class IV Employee Gr. II 23 4510-6230 8500-
Sanitation Worker 7 4510-6230 8500-
Night Watchman 9 4510-6230 8500-
Waterman 0 4510-6230 8500-
Boy Servant 1 4510-6230 8500-
Cook 12 4510-6230 8500-
Lady Attendant 1 4510-6230 8500-
Full Time Sweeper 9 4510-6230 8500-
Total 185
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 7; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 71.
Measures Act 1976, the Standards of Weights and Measures
(Enforcement) Act 1985 and the Rules made thereunder etc. It also
plays a major role in enforcing various provisions relating to
protection of consumer rights.
7.50.2. The Controller is the Head of Department and there are three
Regional Offices headed by Deputy Controllers.
7.50.3. The Commission examined all the representations received and
held discussion with the Service Organisations and the Head of
Department. After careful examination of all aspects, the following
recommendations are made:
(i) The post of Controller may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(ii) The post of Assistant Controller may be allowed higher
grade in the ratio of 3:1 and placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.13610-20700.
(iii) The scale of pay of Inspector may be enhanced to the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
(iv) The Inspecting Assistant may be granted higher grade
promotion in the ratio of 1:1 with corresponding scale of
pay of Rs.6080-9830.
7.50.4 Normal revision may be allowed to all other categories.
7.50.5 The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of scale of
Posts Remarks
pay pay
20700- 40640-
Controller 1
26600 54140
13610- 24040-
Deputy Controller 3
20700 36140
12250- 21240- 1/4th of posts will be in
Assistant Controller 28 HG on Rs.24040-36140.
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Senior Inspector(HG) 3
19350 33650 20% of the posts will be
in the HG.
10790- 18740-
Senior Inspector 15
18000 31360
Technical Assistant 1 8390-13270
Inspector 83 8390-13270
The existing ratio of HG
will be modified as 1:1 in
Inspecting Assistant 112 5650-8790 9940-15380 the scale of Rs.10480-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of scale of
Posts Remarks
pay pay
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 1
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 2 9190-15510
Head Clerk 3 8390-13270
UD Clerk 28 6680-10790
UD Typist 1 6680-10790
LD Clerk 15 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Asst. 1 6080-9830
LD Typist 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
LD Clerk/Typist 14 5250-8390 9940-15380
Class IV Employee Gr. II 89 4510-6230 8500-12220
Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Driver 29 5250-8390 9190-14620
Full Time Watcher 57 4510-6230 8500-12220
Full Time Watcher-cum-
6 4510-6230
Sweeper 8500-12220
12930- 22360-
Law Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
Total 497
No. of Part-Time Contingent Employees- 32; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time- 69.
7.51.1. The Local Fund Audit Department is entrusted with the audit of
accounts of Local Bodies in the State as per the Local Fund Audit Act
1994. The Institutions which come under the audit control of this
Department include the three tier Panchayats, Municipalities,
Development Authorities, Universities, Dewaswom Boards,
Institutions under the Cultural Affairs Department, Courts subordinate
to the High Court of Kerala, Welfare Funds etc. The Director of Local
Fund is the Chief Auditor to the Local Self Government Institutions as
per the Local Fund Audit Act 1994 and also the treasurer of
Charitable Endowments under the provisions of the Charitable
Endowment Act 1890. This Department is functioning under the
administrative control of the State Government in the Finance
7.51.2. The Commission, held discussion with Service Organisations and
Head of the Department and after careful examination of the relevant
aspects, makes the following recommendations:
(i) The posts of Director, Joint Director and Deputy Director may
be placed in the scales of pay corresponding to Rs.25400-
33100, Rs.23200-31150 and Rs.20700-26600 respectively.
The special pay of Rs.900/- allowed to the Additional
Secretary may also be granted to the Director of Local Fund
as is given in the case of such post in the KPSC and Advocate
Generals’ Office.
(ii) The Deputy Director (HG) may be re-designated as Senior
Deputy Director as provided in Rule 16 of KLF Audit Rules,
1996 and placed on a par with Deputy Secretary.
(iii) The Deputy Director may be placed on a par with Under
Secretary and Higher Grade scale of pay given as applicable
to Under Secretary in the Secretariat, PSC and AG’s office.
7.51.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.51.4. The categories of post with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
23200- 56340+
Director 1
900 sp
20700- 40640-
Joint Director 12
26600 54140
Re-designated as
16650- 36140-
Deputy Director (HG) 27 Senior Deputy
23200 46640 Director
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
HG will be in the ratio
10790- 18740-
Office Superintendent 2 1:1 in the scale of pay
18000 31360 of Rs.20740-33680
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 24 9590-16650
Typist (Sen. Gr.) 24 9190-15510
Grade ratio 1:1:1:1
Typist Gr. I 25 7990-12930
Typist Gr. II 25 6080-9830
Common Category
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. 10480-
2 6080-9830
II 17420
Clerical Assistant Gr. I 5 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant Gr. II 6 4750-7820 8960-13210
Driver Gr. I 1 6080-9830
Roneo Operator 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Attender 23 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. I 4630-7000 8730-12550
90 ⅓rd of the post in HG
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4510-6230 8500-12220
Binder 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Night Watchman 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 1101
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 14; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 323.
7.52.2. The Chief Engineer is the Administrative Head of the Wing having
its Headquarters at Thiruvananthapuram.
7.52.3. The Commission held discussion with the Service Organisations
and the Chief Engineer. After considering the all aspects, the
following recommendations are made:
(i) The posts of Chief Engineer, Deputy Chief
Engineer/Superintending Engineer may be upgraded and
placed in the revised scales of pay of Rs.48640-59840 and
Rs.44640-56340 respectively.
(ii) 25% of the posts of Executive Engineers may be placed on
H.G in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(iii) The post of Executive Engineer may be placed in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iv) 1/3rd of posts of Assistant Executive Engineers may be
placed on Higher Grade in the scale of pay corresponding to
(v) The Time Bound Higher Grade scale of pay in respect of the
categories of Draftsman Gr. I/Overseer Gr. I will be as
applicable in the Public Works and Irrigation Departments.
(vi) The existing ratio of 1:1 between Gr. II, and Gr. I Draftsman/
Overseer may be continued.
7.52.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. of Existing
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Chief Engineer 1 48640-59840
Superintending Engineer/ 23200-
9 44640-56340
Deputy Chief Engineer 31150
Executive Engineer (HG) 13 40640-54140
26600 25% of the post in HG
on Rs.40640-54140.
Executive Engineer 34 36140-46640
Assistant Executive Engineer 13610-
41 24040-36140
(HG) 20700
12250- 1/3rd of post in HG on
Assistant Executive Engineer 121 21240-34500 Rs.24040-36140.
Assistant Engineer 729 20740-33680
TBHG scale will be
Overseer Gr. I/Draftsman Gr. I 824 7990-12930 13900-22360 applicable as in PWD,
Irrigation Dept.
No. of Existing
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Ratio between Gr. I &
Overseer Gr. II/Draftsman Gr. II 765 6680-10790 11620-18740 Gr. II will be 1:1.
Overseer Grade III 1194 5650-8790 9940-15380
Common Category
Administrative Assistant 1 22360-35320
Divisional Accountant 14 18740-31360
Junior Superintendent 18 9190-15510 16180-27140
Re-designated as Senior
Upper Division Clerk 352 6680-10790 13210-20740 Clerk
Re-designated as Senior
Upper Division Typist 85 6680-10790 13210-20740 Typist
Total 4925
No. of Part-Time Contingent employee- 170; No. of Women employee including Part-Time
– 1557.
7.53.1. The Lok Ayukta was established under the provisions of the
Kerala Lok Ayukta Act 1999 to inquire into the allegations of
corruption, maladministration and grievances against Public
Servants. It is headed by a former Chief Justice of High Court as Lok
Ayukta and two other former judges of the High Court as Upa Lok
Ayuktas. It has been reported that the Lok Ayukta is presently a full
fledged institution with regular sitting at Thiruvananthapuram on all
working days and bi-monthly camp sittings at Ernakulam, Kozhikode
and Kannur. An investigation agency, manned by officers on
deputation basis from Police Department, was also constituted under
the supervision of an IG of Police. Special Rules governing the
appointment and promotion under various categories of posts have
not been framed so far.
7.53.2. Normal revision is recommended to all categories.
7.53.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are as shown below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Registrar 1 NJPC
23200- 40640-
Additional Registrar 1
31150 54140
20700- 36140-
Deputy Registrar 1
26600 46640
12250- 21240-
PS to Lok Ayukta 1
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
PS to Upa Lok Ayukta 2
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
PA to Lok Ayukta 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
PA to Upa Lok Ayukta 2
18000 31360
11910- 20740-
Court Officer 2
19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Court Officer 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 2
18000 31360
Security Officer 1 9190-15510
Senior Accountant 1 9190-15510
Assistant(Sr.Gr.) 4 9190-15510
Assistant 4 7990-12930
Data Entry Operator 2 6680-10790
Court Keeper 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Stenographer 5 7990-12930
Typist grade II 4 6680-10790
Driver Grade II 5 5250-8390 9190-14620
Record Keeper 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Attender 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Grade I 5 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Grade II 8 4510-6230 8500-12220
Duplicator Operator 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Night Watchman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Director of Investigation 1 IPS
23200- 40640-
Superintendent of Police 1
31150 54140
Deputy Superintendent of 12930- 24040-
Police 20250 36140
10790- 20740-
Circle Inspector of Police 3
18000 33680
Head Constable 3 7480-11910
Assistant 2 7990-12930
Confidential Asst. Grade II 3 6080-9830
Driver Grade I 2 6080-9830
Driver Grade II 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 82
No. of Part Time Contingent employees – 7; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 16.
and financial control of Director of Medical Education. At present 5
Medical Colleges, 12 major Collegiate Hospitals, 3 Dental Colleges, 5
Nursing Colleges, 3 Pharmacy Colleges, Priyadarsini Institute of Para
Medical Sciences, and a Press are functioning under the Directorate.
Director of Medical Education is the Head of Department.
7.54.2. The Commission held discussion with various Service
Organisations and Head of the Department and makes the following
(i) The post of Social Scientists may be upgraded and placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510. In order to
rectify the Lower placement of better qualified Lab
Technician, the posts of Lab Assistant on Rs.7990-12930
may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.8390-
13270. The present ratio of 1:1 among Lab Technician Gr. II,
Lab Technician Gr. I may be revised as 1:1:1 among Lab
Technician Gr. II, Lab Technician Gr. I and Senior Technician
in the scales of pay corresponding to Rs.6680-10790,
Rs.7990-12930 and Rs.9190-15510 respectively. The posts
of Research Assistant (Rs.8390-13270) and Junior Research
Officer (Rs.9190-15510) may be merged together and placed
in the revised scale of pay corresponding to Rs.10790-18000
designating as Junior Research Officer.
(ii) The post of Enquiry Officer may be allowed the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.9190-15510
(iii) The scale of pay of the posts of Rehabilitation Technician Gr.
I and Senior Store Officer (Technical) may be upgraded to
the corresponding scale of Rs.7480-11910 and Rs.9590-
15510 respectively. The ratio between Gr. I and Gr. II posts
of Rehabilitation Technician may be modified from 1:2 to 1:1.
(iv) The post of Cobbler may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.4750-7820.
(v) Higher grade in the ratio of 1:1 may be allowed to the posts
of Clinical Psychologists in the scale of pay corresponding to
(vi) The entry level post of Psychiatric Social Worker may be
placed in the first Gazetted scale corresponding to Rs.10790-
18000 and Psychiatric Social Worker (HG) in the
corresponding revised scale of pay of Rs.11910-19350 in the
ratio of 1:1 between the posts.
(vii) The scale of pay of the entry level post of Scientific Assistant
(Physiotherapy) may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.9590-16650. The present incumbents
holding the post shall be allowed corresponding revision as
Personal scale.
(viii) The scale of pay of Staff Nurse Gr. II may be upgraded to the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.7990-12930 in view of the
importance of the nature of job and responsibilities.
(ix) The post of Lab Technician (Pharmacy) may be re-designated
as Pharmacist.
(x) The posts of Senior Scientific Assistant and Scientific
Assistant may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.11910-19800 and Rs.11070-18450 respectively in view of
the higher qualification of the post.
(xi) Govt. may examine the scope for re-designating the post of
Tutor Technician having MSc (MLT) as Senior Lecturer in MLT
in view of the higher qualification acquired by the
incumbents holding the post.
(xii) The scale of pay of the post of Curator may be upgraded
corresponding to Rs.8390-13270.
(xiii) Wide disparity exists in the scale of pay of the posts of
Machinist, Electrician, Lift Mechanic, Mechanic, Electrician–
cum-Mechanic, Instrument Mechanic, AC Mechanic,
Refrigeration Mechanic having identical qualification of SSLC
and ITI. The scale of pay of these posts may be unified and
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.6080-9830
considering the wide disparity and non-availability of
promotion posts. The existing persons who are drawing
higher scale of pay may be protected by allowing the scale
of pay as personal.
(xiv) The scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510 may be
allowed to the posts of Statistical Assistant and
Entomological Assistant.
7.54.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts in the
7.54.4. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
Director of Medical Education 1 AICTE
Joint Director of Medical
Colleges: A – Teaching Medical and Non-Medical)
Principal 7 AICTE
Vice principal 8 AICTE
Professor 225 AICTE
Associate Professor 279 AICTE
Assistant Professor 541 AICTE
Lecturer 900 AICTE
Bio Medical Engineer 1 AICTE
Lecturer 1 AICTE
Professor (Physical Education) 1 AICTE
Lecturer (Physical Education) 1 AICTE
Lecturer (Pharmacy) 1 AICTE
Lecturer Pharmaceutical
Speech Pathologists & 11070- 19240-
Audiologist 18450 32110
11070- 19240- Existing ratio of 1:1
Social Scientist HG 5 will continue
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Tutor MLT 5
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Lecturer in Health Education 1
18450 32110
Tutor School of MLT 11070- 19240-
(Biochemistry/Microbiology) 18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Tutor in Dental Mechanic 2
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Tutor Technician (MLT) 15
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Orthotic Technician 1
18000 31360
Medical Record 10790- 18740-
Superintendent 18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Dialysis Technician 2
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Tutor Technician (Optometry) 1
18000 31360
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
10790- 18740-
Tutor, Dental Hygiene 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Radiographer (Teaching) 2
18000 31360
Instrument Mechanic 8790- 15380-
(Pharmacy) 13610 24040
8390- 14620-
Health Educator 4
13270 23480
8390- 16180-
Entomological Assistant 3
13270 27140
8390- 16180- Existing ratio of 1:1
Social Scientist 5
13270 27140 will continue
6680- 16180-
Statistical Assistant 4
10790 27140
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Principal 1 AICTE
Professor 4 AICTE
Associate Professor 4 AICTE
Assistant Professor 9 AICTE
Lecturer 15 AICTE
College of Nursing
Principal 1 AICTE
Professor 3 AICTE
Associate Professor 6 AICTE
Assistant Professor 11 AICTE
Tutor 15 AICTE
Non-Teaching Medical
Associate Professor of
Medicine (Research)
Non-Teaching Non-Medical
Electronic Engineer–cum- 13610- 24040-
Research Superintendent 20700 36140
12930- 22360-
Chief Physiotherapist 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Nursing Officer 6
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Chief Occupational Therapist 2
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Senior Scientific Officer 15
19800 34500
Senior Research Officer 1 12250- 21240-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
Senior Librarian 1
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Nursing Superintendent Gr. I 51
19350 33680
11070- 19240-
Biochemist 8
18450 32110
Higher Grade is
11070- 19240- allowed on Rs.22360-
Clinical Psychologist 4
18450 32110 35320 in the ratio of
11070- 19240-
Physiological Assistant 1
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Medical Statistician 1
18450 32110
11070- 20740-
Mechanical Engineer 1
18450 33680
B. Pham Graduates
11070- 19240-
Pharmacist 4 only will be eligible
18450 32110 for the scale
Present incumbents
holding the post shall
Scientific Assistant 10790- 16980- be allowed
(Physiotherapy) 18000 29180 corresponding
revision as personal
10790- 18740-
Security Officer 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Nursing Superintendent Gr. II 22
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Lay Secretary and Treasurer 10
18000 31360
10790- 20740-
Senior Scientific Assistant 11
18000 33680
10790- 18740-
Assistant Leprosy Officer 3
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Superintendent of Press 1
18000 31360
Medical Records 10790- 18740-
Superintendent 18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Junior Scientific Officer 2
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Rehabilitation Co- Ordinator 1
18000 31360
Refractionist /Orthoptist 1 10790- 18740- The existing ratio of
1:2:2 among Senior
Senior Grade 18000 31360
Gr., Gr. I and Gr. II
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
will continue.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
Senior Store Officer 8790- 16980-
(Technical) 13610 29180
The posts of
Research Assistant
and Junior Research
8390- 14620-
Research Assistant 3 Officer may be
13270 23480 merged and re-
designated as Junior
Research Officer
8390- 14620-
Security Assistant 3
13270 23480
Ratio among Gr. I, Gr.
8390- 16180- II and Senior
Senior Technician 3 Technician will be
13270 27140
8390- 14620- Post shifted from
Health Inspector (H) 16
13270 23480 Health Services
Higher Grade is
8390- 18740- allowed on Rs.20740-
Psychiatric Social worker 4 33680 in the ratio of
13270 31360
Existing ratio of 1:1
8390- 14620-
Staff Nurse Gr. I 851 between Gr. I and Gr.
13270 23480 II posts will continue
8390- 14620-
Store Superintendent 6
13270 23480
8390- 16180-
Enquiry Officer 1
13270 27140
8390- 14620-
Lady Health Inspector 19
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Health Inspector Gr. I 2
13270 23480
Ratio between Gr. I
7990- 13900-
Radiographer Gr. I 35 and Gr. II posts will
12930 22360 be 1:1
7990- 13900-
Foreman 4
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Serological Assistant 1
12930 22360
Existing ratio of 1:1
7990- 13900-
Dental Mechanic Gr. I 11 between Gr. I and Gr.
12930 22360 II posts will continue
7990- 13900-
Medical Social Worker 1
12930 22360
7990- 14620-
Lab Assistant 16
12930 23480
7990- 13900-
Social Worker 2
12930 22360
Lab Assistant (Dialysis) 4 7990- 13900-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
12930 22360
Ratio among Gr. I, Gr.
7990- 13900- II and Senior
Lab Technician Gr. I 140
12930 22360 Technician. will be
7990- 13900-
Mortuary Technician Gr. I 2
12930 22360
Existing ratio of 1:1
7990- 13900-
Blood Bank Technician Gr. I 27 between Gr. I and Gr.
12930 22360 II posts will continue
Lab Technician (Pharmacy) 7990- 13900- Re-designated as
7 Pharmacist Gr. I
Gr. I 12930 22360
7990- 14620-
Curator 12
12930 23480
7990- 13900-
Health Inspector Gr. II 9
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Cyto Technician 7
12930 22360
The existing ratio of
7990- 13900- 1:2:2 among Senior
Refractionist /Orthoptist Gr. I 4
12930 22360 Gr., Gr. I and Gr. II
will continue.
Foreman-cum-Litho Press 7990- 13900-
Operator 12930 22360
Existing Ratio of 1:1
7990- 13900-
Dental Hygienist Gr. I 24 between Gr. I and Gr.
12930 22360 II posts will continue
7990- 13900-
Respiratory Technician HG 1
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
X-Ray Mechanic 1
12930 22360
Existing Ratio of 1:1
7480- 13210-
Medical Record Librarian Gr. I 16 between Gr. I and Gr.
11910 20740 II posts will continue
7480- 13210-
Museum Curator 2
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Artist Curator 3
11910 20740
Technician (Media Making) Gr. 7480- 13210-
I 11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Sterilization Technician Gr. I 11
11910 20740
Existing Ratio of 1:1
7480- 13210-
Radium Technician Gr. I 1 between Gr. I and Gr.
11910 20740 II posts will continue
7480- 13210-
E E G Technician Gr. I 6
11910 20740
VD Social Worker 1 7480- 13210-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
11910 20740
Existing Ratio of 1:1
ECG Technician Gr. I/TMT 7480- 13210-
20 between Gr. I and Gr.
Technician Gr. I 11910 20740 II posts will continue
Existing ratio of 1:2
7480- 13210-
Junior Health Inspector Gr. I 51 between Gr. I and Gr.
11910 20740 II posts will continue
Existing Ratio of 1:1
7480- 13210-
Clinical Audio Metrician Gr. I 2 between Gr. I and Gr.
11910 20740 II posts will continue
Existing Ratio of 1:1
7480- 13900-
Staff Nurse Gr. II 852 between Gr. I and Gr.
11910 22360 II posts will continue
The incumbents
holding the post will
7480- 10480- be given
Refrigeration Mechanic 5
11910 17420 corresponding
revised scale as
Existing Ratio of 1:4
7480- 13210-
CSR Technician Gr. I 9 between Gr. I and Gr.
11910 20740 II posts will continue
Existing Ratio of 1:2
7480- 13210-
Pharmacist Gr. I 47 between Gr. I and Gr.
11910 20740 II posts will continue
7480- 13210-
Chemist 2
11910 20740
The incumbents
holding the post will
7480- 10480- be given
Air Condition Mechanic 3
11910 17420 corresponding
revised scale as
The three incumbents
enjoying personal
scales as per GO(MS)
7480- 10480-
Instrument Mechanic 3 1332/99/Fin dated,
11910 17420 30.04.99 will be in
the scale of pay of
7480- 13210-
Artist/Modeller 10
11910 20740
The incumbents
holding the post will
6680- 10480- be given
Electrician- cum –Mechanic 4
10790 17420 corresponding
revised scale as
6680- 11620-
Mechanic 12
10790 18740
The ratio between Gr.
6680- 11620-
Radiographer Gr. II 110 I and Gr. II posts will
10790 18740 be 1:1
Rehabilitation Technician Gr. I 14 6680- 13210- The ratio between Gr.
I and Gr. II posts will
(Prosthetics/Orthotics/Leather 10790 20740
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
) be 1:1
The ratio between Gr.
6680- 11620-
VD Technician 1 I and Gr. II posts will
10790 18740 be 1:1
Existing ratio of 1:2
Junior Public Health Nurse Gr. 6680- 11620-
43 between Gr. I and Gr.
II 10790 18740 II posts will continue
6680- 11620-
X-Ray Technician 29
10790 18740
The existing ratio of
Refractionist/Orthoptist Gr. II/ 6680- 11620- 1:2:2 among Senior
Opthalmic Assistant 10790 18740 Gr., Gr. I and Gr. II
will continue.
Existing Ratio of 1:1
6680- 11620-
Dental Hygienist Gr. II 28 between Gr. I and Gr.
10790 18740 II posts will continue
Ratio among Gr. I, Gr.
6680- 11620- II and Senior
Lab Technician Gr. II 212
10790 18740 Technician. Will be
6680- 11620-
Pharmacist Gr. II 96
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Mortuary Technician Gr. II 2
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Boiler/Fireman 2
10790 18740
Existing Ratio of 1:1
6680- 11620-
Blood Bank Technician Gr. II 27 between Gr. I and Gr.
10790 18740 II posts will continue
Lab Technician (Pharmacy) 6680- 11620- Re-designated as
7 Pharmacist Gr. II
Gr. II 10790 18740
Existing Ratio of 1:1
6680- 11620-
Dental Mechanic Gr. II 11 between Gr. I and Gr.
10790 18740 II posts will continue
6680- 11620-
Electric Mechanic 2
10790 18740
Theatre Technician 10 6080-9830
Respiratory Technician Gr. II 1 6080-9830
Technician Media Making Gr. 10480-
5 6080-9830
II 17420
Hematology Technician 1 6080-9830
Electrician Overseer 4 6080-9830
Litho Press Operator 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Medical Record Librarian Gr. II 19 5650-8790 9940-15380 Existing Ratio of 1:1
between Gr. I and Gr.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
II posts will continue
Existing Ratio of 1:1
Sterilization Technician Gr. II 11 5650-8790 9940-15380 between Gr. I and Gr.
II posts will continue
Existing Ratio of 1:4
CSR Technician Gr. II 12 5650-8790 9940-15380 between Gr. I and Gr.
II posts will continue
Lady Receptionist 3 5650-8790 9940-15380
Anaesthesia Technician 14 5650-8790 9940-15380
Existing Ratio of 1:1
Radium Technician Gr. II 1 5650-8790 9940-15380 between Gr. I and Gr.
II posts will continue
Existing Ratio of 1:1
Nuclear Medicine Technician
4 5650-8790 9940-15380 between Gr. I and Gr.
Gr.II II posts will continue
Existing Ratio of 1:1
E E G Technician Gr. II 6 5650-8790 9940-15380 between Gr. I and Gr.
II posts will continue
Existing Ratio of 1:1
E C G Technician Gr. II/TMT
24 5650-8790 9940-15380 between Gr. I and Gr.
Technician Gr. II II posts will continue
Existing Ratio of 1:1
Clinical Audiometrician Gr. II 2 5650-8790 9940-15380 between Gr. I and Gr.
II posts will continue
Lift Mechanic 2 5650-8790
Electrician 11 5650-8790
Receptionist 3 5650-8790 9940-15380
Rehabilitation Technician Gr.
Ratio between Gr. I
39 5650-8790 9940-15380 and Gr. II posts will
(Prosthetics/Orthotics/Leather be 1:1
Machinist 1 5250-8390
Pump Operator 6 5250-8390 9190-14620
Junior Laboratory Assistant 200 5250-8390 9190-14620
Dark Room Assistant 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Compositor 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Glass Blower 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Assistant Foreman 6 5250-8390 9190-14620
Printer 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Steward 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Nursing Assistant (HG) 310 4750-7820 8960-13210
Painter 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
Post shifted from
Lift Operator (H) 27 4750-7820 8960-13210 Health Services
Telephone Attender 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Cobbler 7 4630-7000 8730-12250
Post shifted from
Mechanic (H) 1 4750-7820 8960-13210 Health Services
Projectionist 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Post shifted from
Plumber-cum-Operator (H) 5 4750-7820 8960-13210 Health Services
Theatre Assistant 3 4750-7820 8960-13210
Post shifted from
Fitter (H) 1 4750-7820 8960-13210 Health Services
Helper 1 4630-7000 8730-12250
Boiler Attender 3 4630-7000 8730-12250
X-Ray Attender 21 4630-7000 8730-12250
Power Laundry Attender 17 4630-7000 8730-12250
Nursing Assistant 854 4630-7000 8960-13210
ECG Attender 3 4630-7000 8730-12250
Hospital Attender 152 4630-7000 8730-12250
Female Physiotherapy
2 4630-7000 8730-12250
Lab Attender 6 4630-7000 8730-12250
Existing Ratio of 1:3
Hospital Attendant Gr. I 494 4630-7000 8730-12250 between Gr. I and Gr.
II posts will continue
Post shifted from
Lab Assistant (H) 2 4630-7000 8730-12250 Health Services
X-Ray Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12250
Junior Laboratory Assistant Post shifted from
13 4630-7000 8730-12250 Health Services
Tailor 5 4630-7000 8730-12250
Post shifted from
Telephone Operator (H) 9 4630-7000 8730-12250 Health Services
Marker 5 4630-7000 8730-12250
House keeper 14 4630-7000 8730-12250
Post shifted from
Painter (H) 4 4630-7000 8730-12250 Health Services
Theatre Assistant 1 4630-7000 8730-12250
Barber 7 4510-6230 8500-12220
Existing Ratio of 1:3
Hospital Attendant Gr. II 1096 4510-6230 8500-12220 between Gr. I and Gr.
II posts will continue
Electrical Lascar 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Dialysis Machine Operator 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
23200- 40640-
Administrative Officer Gr. I 1
31150 54140
23200- 40640-
Finance Officer Gr. I 1
31150 54140
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer Gr. II 1
20250 35320
Common Category
12930- 22360-
Planning Officer 1
20250 35320
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 5
19800 35320
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 13
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 17
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Confidential Assistant Sen. Gr. 22
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 1
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 72
15510 27140
Selection Grade Typist 13
13270 14620- Re-designated as
7990- 23480 Typist Sel. Gr.
Senior Grade Typist 13
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 18
13270 23480
7990- 13900-
Data Entry Operator 4
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 13
12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Driver Gr. I 32
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Sergeant Gr.II 35
10790 18740
6680- 13210- Re-designated as
UD Clerk 192
10790 20740 Senior Clerk
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 19 6080-9830
Driver Gr. II 99 5250-8390 9190-14620
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay Pay
Re-designated as
LD Typist 226 5250-8390 9940-15380 Typist
Clerk Typist 46 5250-8390 9940-15380
Fitter 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Lift Operator 38 5250-8390 9190-14620
Post shifted from
Plumber (H) 4 5250-8390 9190-14620 Health Service
Re-designated as
LD Clerk 323 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Plumber 14 4750-7820 8960-13210
Head Cook 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
Clerical Attender/Library
51 4630-7000 8730-12550
Assistant/Library Attender
Full-Time Sweeper/Cleaner 252 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman 178 4510-6230 8500-12220
Van Cleaner 7 4510-6230 8500-12220
Dhoby 38 4510-6230 8500-12220
Cook 64 4510-6230 8500-12220
Class IV Employee 75 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 11163
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 168; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 4617.
7.55.1. The Department of Mining and Geology is the agency for the
implementation of Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development)
Act 1967, Mineral Concession Rules 1960 (Government of India),
Kerala Minor Mineral Concession Rules 1967 and carries out functions
of a regulatory as well as exploratory nature.
7.55.2. The Director of Mining and Geology is the Head of the
Department. The Department has offices in all the 14 Districts and 3
Mineral Squads. Three laboratories are functioning under the
7.55.3. The Commission held discussion with the Service Associations
and Head of the Department. Accordingly the following
recommendations are made:
(i) The post of Director may be placed in the revised scale of
pay Rs.42640-55240.
The post of Additional Director may be placed in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(iii) The post of Deputy Director may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iv) Senior Geologist on Rs.12930-20250 is the feeder category
for promotion to the post of Deputy Director. There is vast
difference in the minimum of the scales of pay of Senior
Geologist and Deputy Director. In order to reduce the
difference in the minimum pay of these posts, the Senior
Geologist may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.13610-20700. The present ratio of 1:3 between
Senior Geologist and Geologist may continue.
(v) The scale of pay of the post of Senior Chemist may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.13610-
(vi) The scale of pay of the post of Audit Officer may be
enhanced to the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-
19800. The scale of pay of the feeder posts of Senior
Auditor and Junior Auditor may also be enhanced to the
scales of pay corresponding to Rs.9590-16650 and 7990-
12930 respectively.
(vii) The post of Mineral Revenue Inspector is filled up through
appointment by transfer from Upper Division Clerk/Junior
Auditor. Hence they are eligible for the pay scale of
Rs.8390-13270, equal to the Head Clerk. As there is no
promotion scope to the above category, the ratio of 1:1 in
the scale of Rs.9190-15510 is proposed for Mineral Revenue
Inspector (HG).
(viii) The existing ratio of 1:1 between Section Cutter and
Laboratory Attender for promotion to the post of Laboratory
Assistant may be continued.
7.55.4 Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.55.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
23200- 42640-
Director 1
31150 55240
20700- 40640-
Additional Director 1
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Deputy Director 2
23200 46640
Senior Chemist 1 12930- 24040-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
20250 36140
12930- 24040-
Senior Geologist 6
20250 36140
The ratio 1:3 between
12250- 21240-
Geologist 21 Senior Geologist and
19800 34500 Geologist will continue.
Administrative-cum- 12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 19800 34500
11070- 21240-
Audit Officer 1
18450 34500
11070- 19240-
Junior Chemist 3
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Assistant Geologist 30
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Assistant Drilling Engineer 1
18450 32110
Senior Auditor 1 8390-13270
Higher grade in the ratio
Mineral Revenue Inspector 14 8390-13270 1:1 in the scale of pay
23480 Rs.16180-27140
Driller Mechanic/Driller (HG) 8390-13270
23480 Higher grade at 1:1 ratio
4 will continue
Driller 7480-11910
Junior Auditor 2 6680-10790
Draftsman cum Surveyor 11620-
1 6680-10790
Gr. II 18740
Tracer 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Drilling Assistant/Technical
5 5250-8390 9190-14620
The existing ratio of 1:1
between Section Cutter
and Lab Attender for
Laboratory Assistant 1 5250-8390 9190-14620 promotion to the post of
Laboratory Assistant will
Section Cutter 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Laboratory Attender 5 4630-7000 8730-12550
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 2
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 3 9190-15510
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Selection Grade Typist 3 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as
23450 Selection Grade
Senior Grade Typist 3 7990-12930
13210- Re-designated as Senior
U.D Clerk 25 6680-10790
20740 Clerk
Librarian Gr. IV 1 6680-10790
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6680-10790
Clerk cum Typist 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
L.D Clerk 24 5250-8390 9940-15380 Re-designated as Clerk
and improvement of promotional prospects. The Commission also
held discussion with the Head of Department. After considering all
the aspects, the Commission makes the following recommendations:
(i) The Senior Deputy Transport Commissioner & Secretary
State Transport Authority may be placed in the revised scale
of Rs.42640-55240.
(ii) The Senior Deputy Transport Commissioner (Taxes) and the
Deputy Transport Commissioner may be placed in the scales
of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150 and Rs.20700-
26600 respectively.
(iii) Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector may be placed in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270. 25% of the posts of
Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspectors may be placed in the
higher grade in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-
(iv) 20% of the posts of Motor Vehicle Inspectors may be placed
in the higher grade in the scale of pay corresponding to
(v) The posts of Joint Regional Transport Officer may be placed
in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800.
(vi) The post of Regional Transport Officer may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.13610-20700.
7.56.3. The Commission recommends corresponding revision to all other
7.56.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Transport Commissioner 1 IAS
Additional Transport
Senior Deputy Transport
23200- 42640-
Commissioner & Secretary State 1
31150 55240
Transport Authority
Senior Deputy Transport 20700- 40640-
Commissioner (Taxes) 26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Deputy Transport Commissioner 4
23200 46640
Regional Transport Officer/ 12930- 24040-
Assistant Transport Commissioner 20250 36140
Joint Regional Transport Officer/
11910- 21240-
Assistant Secretary State 63
19350 34500
Transport Authority
Motor Vehicle Inspector 126 10790- 18740- Existing HG (20%)
in the scale of
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
18000 31360 will continue.
25% posts will be
7990- 14620- in the higher grade
Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector 286 in the scale of
12930 23480
Common Category
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 1
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 31
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 49
15510 27140
Head Accountant / Head 8390- 14620-
Clerk/PRO 13270 23480
6680- 13210- Re-designated as
Upper Division Clerk 307 Senior Clerk
10790 20740
9940- Re-designated as
Lower Division Clerk 307 5250-8390 Clerk
9940- Re-designated as
Lower Division Typist 33 5250-8390 Typist
6680- 13210- Re-designated as
Upper Division Typist 30 Senior Typist
10790 20740
7990- Re-designated as
Senior Grade Typist 15 Selection Grade
12930 14620-
8390- 23480
Selection Grade Typist 15
Class IV Employee Gr. II 198 4510-6230
Attender 35 4630-7000
Confidential Assistant 8 6080-9830
Driver 45 5250-8390
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Technical Advisor 1 AICTE
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Law Officer 1
26600 46640
10790- 18740-
Statistical Officer 1
18000 31360
Total 1698
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 53; No. of Women employees including Part-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Time - 415.
(vi) The post of Health Inspector Grade I and Grade II may be
placed in the scales of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510
and Rs.8390-13270 on par with their counterparts in Health
Services Department.
(vii) Higher grade is allowed to Junior Public Health Nurse Gr. II in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.7480-11910 in the ratio
of 2:1.
(viii) The post of Librarian Grade III may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270.
(ix) One post of Vehicle Supervisor in each Corporation may be
created considering the number of vehicles possessed by the
(x) The post of Lift Operators in the Corporations may be placed
in the corresponding scale of Rs.5250-8390.
7.57.4. Normal revision is recommended for all other posts in the
7.57.5. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
MCS Office and Revenue
13610- 24040-
Deputy Secretary 5
20700 36140
Personal Assistant to Secretary / 10% posts may
11070- 19240-
Revenue Officer/Accounts 31 be in HG on
18450 32110 Rs.21240-34500.
Officer / Secretary to Council
9190- 18740-
Revenue Officer Gr. II 24
15510 31360
PABX Operator/Telephone
5 4630-7000 8730-12550
Attender (Stores) 5 4630-7000 8730-12550
Bradma Operator 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Caretaker 15 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
11070- 19240-
Confidential Assistant (Sel. Gr) 3
18450 32110
Superintendent/Chief Accountant
9190- 16180-
/ Assistant Revenue Officer / 211
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 6
15510 27140
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Confidential Assistant (Sen. 9190- 16180-
Grade) 15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk/Revenue Inspector 155
13270 23480
Typist (Sel. Grade) 21
13270 14620- Re-designated as
7990- 23480 Selection Grade
Typist (Sen. Grade) 21
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant ( Grade I) 3
12930 22360
6680- 11620-
Legal Assistant 1
10790 18740
Re-designated as
6680- 13210- Senior
U.D. Clerk/Accountant 1020 Clerk/Senior
10790 20740
6680- 13210- Re-designated as
U.D. Typist 43
10790 20740 Senior Typist
Confidential Assistant ( Grade II) 3 6080-9830
Re-designated as
L.D. Clerk/Bill Collector 1050 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Re-designated as
L.D. Typist 43 5250-8390 9940-15380 Typist
Driver Grade II/Tractor Driver 185 5250-8390 9190-14620
Duffedar 10 4630-7000 8730-12550
Mochee - 4630-7000 8730-12550
Clerical Attender - 4630-7000 8730-12550
Bill Collector-cum-Lift Operator - 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sweeper 5 4510-6230 8500-12220
Telephone Operator 10 4510-6230 8500-12220
20700- 40640-
Health Officer Grade I 6
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Health Officer Grade II 4
23200 46640
12930- 22360-
T.B. Specialist 1
20250 35320
Health Officer Grade III/Assistant 11910- 20740-
Health Officer (Corporation)/ 14 19350 33680
Medical Officer
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
11910- 20740-
Lady Medical Officer
19350 33680
11070- 20740-
Veterinary Surgeon 6
18450 33680
11070- 20740-
Homoeo Medical Officer 1
18450 33680
11070- 20740-
Medical Officer (Ayurveda)
18450 33680
10790- 18740-
Health Supervisor 42
18000 31360
8390- 16180-
Health Inspector Grade I 70
13270 27140
20% will be in HG
8390- 14620-
Food Inspector 32 on Rs.16180-
13270 23480 27140.
7990- 14620-
Health Inspector Grade II 149
12930 23480
7480- 13210-
Junior Health Inspector Gr. I 166
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Junior Public Health Nurse (HG) -
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Staff Nurse -
11910 20740
6680- 11620-
Sanitary Inspector -
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Radiographer 1
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Lab Technician 1
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Pharmacist Gr. II (Allopathy) 12
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Junior Health Inspector Gr. II 385
10790 18740
1/3rd posts may
6680- 11620-
Junior Public Health Nurse Gr. II 172 be in HG on
10790 18740 Rs.13210-20740.
Pharmacist (Homoeo) 1 6080-9830
Pharmacist (Ayurveda) 6 6080-9830
Public Health Nurse - 6080-9830
Compounder 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Maistry 5 4630-7000 8730-12550
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Nursing orderly 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Cleaner 6 4630-7000 8730-12550
Lab Assistant 19 4630-7000 8730-12550
Mazdoor 3 4630-7000 8730-12550
Mosquito control Maistries &
25 4630-7000 8730-12550
X Ray Attender 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Female Attendant 112 4510-6230 8500-12220
Attendant 10 4510-6230 8500-12220
Lady Assistant 19 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sanitary Worker - 4510-6230 8500-12220
11910- 20740-
Librarian Grade I 3
19350 33680
9190- 16180-
Librarian Grade II 1
15510 27140
7480- 14620-
Librarian Grade III 16
11910 23480
7480- 13210-
Assistant Curator -
11910 20740
6680- 11620-
Sergeant 5
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Nursery School Teacher 34
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Librarian Grade IV 28
10790 18740
Park Superintendent 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Garden Superintendent 5 5250-8390 9190-14620
Gardener 20 4630-7000 8730-12550
Library Attender 10 4630-7000 8730-12550
Lift Operator 4 4750-7820 9190-14620
Town Hall Sweeper/ Gardener 5 4630-7000 8730-12550
Carpenter 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Community Organizer/ Social 6680- 11620-
Worker 10790 18740
Data Entry Operator 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Total 4881
No. of Part-Time Contingent employee under Municipalities and Corporations are not
under Municipal Common Service; No. of Women employee – 1755.
7.58.1. The Department of Museums and Zoos is a Scientific and Cultural
Organisation as well as Tourist centre functioning under the
Administrative Control of the Cultural Affairs Department. The
Director is the Head of the Department with Headquarters at
Thiruvananthapuram and the Department has two regional Offices at
Thrissur and Kozhikode. Zoological Garden, Botanical Garden,
Museum and Art galleries are the main branches of this institution.
7.58.2. The Commission after careful examination of all relevant
aspects, makes the following recommendations:
(i) The post of Director, Museums and Zoos may be placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(ii) The post of Superintendent may be re-designated as
Assistant Director and the Educational Officer as Assistant
Director (Education).
(iii) The post of Guide and Guide–Lecturer may be integrated and
assigned the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.7990-12930.
(iv) Risk Allowance @ Rs.200/- and Rs.300/- per month may be
recommended to the Zoo Keeper and Veterinary Surgeon
(Zoo) respectively.
(v) Government may consider to insure the staff who have
direct contact with wild animals.
7.58.3. The Commission recommends normal revision to all other posts.
7.58.4. The categories of posts with existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
16650- 36140-
Director 1
23200 46640
12930- 22360-
Superintendent (HG) 3
20250 35320
21240- Existing ratio of 1:1
12250- 34500 between lower and
Superintendent 3 higher grades will
12250- 21240-
Education Officer 1
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Curator (Grade I) 3
18000 31360
13900- The ratio between Gr.
Curator (Grade II) 3 22360 I and Gr. II post will be
12930 1:1.
7990- 13900-
Draftsman (Grade I) 1
12930 22360
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Guide 1
12930 13900- Guide & Lecturer
6680- 22360 integrated
Guide Lecturer 3
7990- 13900-
Taxidermist (Grade I) 1
12930 22360
7480- 13210-
Photographer 1
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Caretaker Clerk 1
11910 20740
Draftsman (Grade II) 1 6080-9830
Taxidermist (Grade. II) 1 6080-9830
Artist Modeller 1 5650-8790
Caretaker 1 5650-8790
Garden Supervisor 2 5650-8790
Pump Operator 1 5250-8390
Supervisor (Zoo) 3 5250-8390
Carpenter 1 5250-8390
Head Gardener 1 4750-7820
Keeper 42 4750-7820
Blacksmith 1 4630-7000
Mason 2 4630-7000
Lab Assistant 2 4630-7000
Lab Attendant 1 4630-7000
Gallery Assistant 2 4630-7000
Gardener 70 4630-7000
Gallery Attendant 21 4510-6230 8500-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
8500- Three posts will be in
Guards 33 4510-6230 12220 the HG on Rs.8960-
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 2
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent. 1
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 2
13270 23480
6680- 13210-
UD Clerk 7
10790 20740
6680- 11620-
Sergeant 1
10790 18740
6680- 13210-
UD Typist 1
10790 20740
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
Driver Grade I 1 6080-9830
LD Clerk 6 5250-8390
LD Clerk Typist 3 5250-8390
LD Typist 1 5250-8390
Driver Grade II 1 5250-8390
Attender Grade I 2 4750-7820
Attender Grade II 4 4630-7000
Duffedar 1 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 9 4510-6230
Night Watcher 2 4510-6230
Sweeper 44 4510-6230
Cleaner 4 4510-6230 8500-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Sweeper–Scavenger 1 4510-6230 8500-
Scavenger 3 4510-6230 8500-
Posts held by personnel from other Departments
Administrative Officer 1 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
Finance Officer 1 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
Veterinary Surgeon 1 11070- 20740-
18450 33680
Live Stock Inspector Grade. I 1 7480- 13210-
11910 20740
Head Constable 1 7480- 13900-
11910 22360
Police Constable 10 6080-9830 10480-
Line Man 1 5650-8790 9940-
Total 321
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 12; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees – 32; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 72.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Deputy Director General of
1 Def. Ser
13610- 24040-
Publicity cum Liaison Officer 1
20700 36140
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 1
19800 34500
Aeromodelling Instructor-cum- 14620-
1 8390-13270
Store Keeper 23480
Ship Modelling Mechanic 5 7480-11910
Ship Modelling Storekeeper 5 5250-8390 9190-14620
Aero-Modelling Helper 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Boat Keeper 12 4630-7000 8730-12550
Farrier 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Saddler 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
Senior Superintendent/ 10790- 18740-
Manager 18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 49 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Head Clerk 4 8390-13270
Selection Grade Typist 15 8390-13270 Re-designated as
Selection Grade
Senior Grade Typist 15 7990-12930 23480
13210- Re-designated as
UD Clerk 169 6680-10790 Senior Clerk
13210- Re-designated as
UD Typist 30 6680-10790 Senior Typist
Driver Senior Grade 23 6680-10790
Driver Grade I 48 6080-9830
Confidential Assistant 6 6080-9830
Re-designated as
LD Clerk 170 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Re-designated as
LD Typist 31 5250-8390 9940-15380 Typist
Driver Gr. II 48 5250-8390 9190-14620
Attender 6 4630-7000 8730-12550
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Class IV Employee Gr. I 127 4630-7000 8730-12550
Cook 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Full Time Sweeper 8 4510-6230 8500-12220
Class IV Employee Gr. II 253 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12250- 21240-
Administrative Assistant 1
19800 34500
Total 1041
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 39; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 1; No. of Women employees including Part-Time -37;
7.60.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Director of Employment 1 IAS
20700- 40640-
Joint Director of Employment 1
26600 54140
13610- 29180-
Deputy Director of Employment 2
20700 40640
Regional Deputy Director of 13610- 29180-
Employment 20700 40640
12930- 24040-
State Vocational Guidance Officer 1
20250 36140
12930- 24040-
Sub Regional Employment Officer 6
20250 36140
12930- 24040-
Divisional Employment Officer 4
20250 36140
11910- 20740-
District Employment Officer 14
19350 33680
Employment Officer/Employment 11070- 19240-
Officer (PL) 18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Accounts Officer 1
18450 32110
Deputy Chief, University 19240-
Employment Information and 7 32110
Guidance Bureau
9190- 16180-
Junior Employment Officer 109
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Head Accountant 1
15510 27140
8790- 15380-
Instructor( Stenography) 2
13610 24040
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 62
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 28
13270 23480
6680- 13210- Re-designated as
U D Clerk 244 Senior Clerk
10790 20740
9940- Re-designated as
L D Clerk 245 5250-8390 Clerk
Confidential Assistant 6 6080-9830
9940- Re-designated as
L D Typist 126 5250-8390 Typist
Artist 1 5650-8790 9940-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Driver 1 5250-8390
Class IV Employee Gr. II/ 8500-
143 4510-6230
Full Time Watchman 12220
Total 1117
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 138; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time – 546.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
on Rs.29180-
11910- 20740-
Assistant Director 19
19350 33680
Posts held by the personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Under Secretary 1
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 4
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 3
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Office Superintendent 1
18000 31360
Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 7 9590-16650
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 9 9190-15510
Assistant 7 7990-12930
13210- Re-designated
U.D. Clerk 6 6680-10790 as Senior Clerk
L.D. Clerk 13 5250-8390 9940-15380 as Clerk
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 1 9590-16650
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 2 9190-15510
Typist Gr. II 2 6080-9830
Clerical Assistant 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Binder 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Roneo Operator 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Driver 16 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 18 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 128
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 4; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time – 34.
1962, consequent on bifurcation of the Local bodies Department into
Department of Panchayats and Department of Municipal
Administration. Government declared the Panchayat Employees
(belonging to the Panchayat Common Service) as full scale
Government Servants vide GO (Ms) No.25/87/LAD dt.03.02.1987. As
per G.O. (P) No.151/94/LAD dt.16.06.1994, Government notified the
Kerala Panchayat Subordinate Service Rules and thereby integrated
Panchayat Common Service and Panchayat department with
retrospective effect from 01.01.1990. A Separate Engineering wing
for the Local Self Government Institutions has been constituted by
absorbing the Engineering Staff of Panchayat Department.
7.62.2. Government launched People’s plan campaign in 1996. The
landmark decision taken to devolve 35-40 percent Plan Fund to LSGIs
embarked a new era of democracy and participatory planning. The
Director of Panchayats is the Head of the Department, from IAS
7.62.3. The Commission held discussion with the Head of the
Department and Service Organisations and makes the following
(i) The post of Additional Director of Panchayats and Joint
Director of Panchayats may be placed in the revised scales
of pay Rs.42640-55240 and Rs.40640-54140 respectively.
(ii) The posts of Secretary Grama Panchayats and Special Grade
Secretary may be integrated and placed in the scale
corresponding to Rs.10790-18000.
(iii) The posts of Librarian (Senior Grade) and Librarian (Selection
Grade) may be placed in the scales of pay corresponding to
Rs.8390-13270 and Rs.9190-15510 respectively. Existing
ratio of 5:3:2 among Librarian, Librarian (Senior Grade) and
Librarian (Selection Grade) may be modified as 4:3:3. 10% of
the total posts of Librarian (3 grades taken together) may be
designated as Librarian (Special Grade) in the scale of pay of
(iv) The posts of Sanitary Inspector and Sanitary Inspector
(Higher Grade) may be re-designated as Junior Health
Inspector and Health Inspector respectively.
(v) The post of Accountant may be re-designated as Head
Accountant and may be made interchangeable with the post
of Head Clerk.
(vi) The staff pattern of Panchayats may be re-fixed on the basis
of Scientific Work Study.
7.62.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. of
Consolidated fund
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Local fund
pay pay
No. of
Consolidated fund
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Local fund
pay pay
7480- 13210- Re-designated as
Sanitary Inspector H.G 11 Health Inspector
11910 20740
Re-designated as
6680- 11620-
Sanitary Inspector 21 Junior Health
10790 18740 Inspector
6680- 11620-
Pharmacist 6
10790 18740
Auxiliary Nurse-cum-midwife 2 6080-9830
Common Category
Administrative Assistant 12250- 21240-
19800 34500
Senior Superintendent 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 9190- 16180-
212 420
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 2
15510 27140
Confidential Assistant (Sel. 11070- 19240-
Gr.) 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant (Sen. 9190- 16180-
Gr.) 15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 619
13270 23480
8390- 14620- Re-designated as
Accountant 997 Head Accountant
13270 23480
Typist (Sel. Grade) 15
13270 14620- Re-designated
23480 Typist Sel. Gr.
Typist (Sen. Grade) 15
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant (Gr. I) 1
12930 22360
234 6680- 13210- Re-designated as
U.D. Clerk 403 Senior Clerk
4 10790 20740
No. of
Consolidated fund
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Local fund
pay pay
6680- 11620-
Driver (Sen. Grade) 8 14
10790 18740
Driver Gr. I 10 35 6080-9830
Driver Grade II 45 5250-8390
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830
345 9940- Re-designated as
L.D. Clerk 91 5250-8390 Clerk
0 15380
9940- Re-designated as
L.D. Typist 45 5250-8390 Typist
Class IV Employee Gr. I 53 449 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 99 954 4510-6230
Mechanic 1 5250-8390
Full Time Sweeper 923 4510-6230
Nurse 0 6080-9830
Midwife 0 5650-8790
Nursing Assistant 0 4630-7000
Sanitary Maistry 0 4630-7000
6680- 11620-
Nursery School Teacher 0
10790 18740
Ayah 0 4630-7000
No. of
Consolidated fund
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Local fund
pay pay
7.63. POLICE
Local 441
Coastal 8
Traffic 9
Women Police Station 3
Railway Police Station 13
Cyber 1
Total 476
Total no. of Police Circle Offices is 192 and Sub Divisional Offices
headed by Deputy Superintendent of Police are 49.
7.63.3. The Commission held discussion with various Associations in the
Department. Discussion was also held with the Head of the
Department and the Additional Director Generals of Police. After
considering the demands of the Association and the suggestions of
the Head of the Department, the Commission makes the following
(i) Regarding fixing of duty hours as 8 hours, granting of Casual
leave/Weekly off, exemption from guard duties during night
and provision for primary necessities in the Station etc; to
Women Police Constables, the Government may look into the
matter for taking appropriate measures.
(ii) The posts of Technical Police Constables viz: Tailor Police
Constables, Carpenter Police Constables, Orchestra Police
Constables may be allowed scale parity with general duty
Police Constables as existed till 8th Pay Revision.
(iii) The posts of Head Constable/other equated categories and
the Assistant Sub Inspector of Police may be placed in the
scales of pay corresponding to Rs.7990-12930 and Rs.9190-
15510 respectively in view of their increased duties and
(iv) The post of Sub Inspector of Police/ other equated categories
may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9590-
16650 taking into account of the increased duties and
responsibilities attached to the post. 20% of the posts may
be placed in the higher grade in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.10790-18000. The existing allowance of
the Sub Inspector in charge of Station House Officer may be
enhanced to Rs.300/- p.m.
(v) The post of Circle Inspector of Police/ other equated
categories may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.11910-19350 and the Circle Inspector (HG) may be
allowed the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800.
(vi) The post of Deputy Superintendent of Police/Assistant
Commandant may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.13610-20700. The Deputy
Superintendent of Police (HG) may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(vii) The post of Superintendent of Police (Non IPS) may be placed
in the revised scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240. A Special
Allowance of Rs.1000/- p.m. is also recommended.
(viii) The posts of Commandant (Non IPS) and Deputy
Commandant/ Assistant Commandant (HG) of Armed Police
Battalion and Armed Reserve Police may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(ix) The Director Finger Print Bureau may be placed in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(x) The post of Finger Print Searcher may be allowed the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
(xi) The post of Finger Print Expert may be placed in the
Gazetted Cadre and allowed the scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.10790-18000. Suitable modification may be made in
the Special Rules.
(xii) The demand for re-designation of Tester Inspector as
Assistant Director is accepted by the Commission and
recommends accordingly. The post of Tester Inspector (to
be designated as Assistant Director) may be allowed the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12930-20250. 20% of the
posts of Assistant Directors may be placed in the Higher
Grade scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
(xiii) The post of Deputy Director, Finger Print Bureau may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
(xiv) The post of Photographer, Photographic Bureau may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9590-16650.
Higher grade may be extended to 50% of the posts of
Photographer from the existing 20% in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.11070-18450.
(xv) The Director, Shorthand Bureau may be placed in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800. The posts of
Reporter Grade II and Grade I may be allowed the scales of
pay corresponding to Rs.7480-11910 and Rs.8390-13270
(xvi) The Director, Forensic Science Laboratory may be placed in
the revised scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240. The Joint
Director may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.23200-31150. The Commission also recommends to re-
designate the Scientific Assistant as Scientific Officer.
(xvii) The post of System Analyst may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(xviii) The post of Malayalam Translator may be allowed the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
(xix) The existing Special Allowance of Rs.50 per month entitled to
the ministerial staff in the SBCID may be enhanced to
Rs.200/- in view of the confidential nature of work. Assembly
Allowance is also recommended. Creation of one more post
of Administrative Assistant is also recommended.
(xx) The strength of Ministerial staff may be increased
corresponding to the increase of Executive staff. The post of
Cashier in the DPO/HQ and Inspecting Store Accountant may
be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-
7.63.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.63.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Director General of Police 1 IPS
Additional Director General of
Inspector General of Police 12 IPS
Deputy Inspector General of
Assistant Inspector General
of Police
Superintendent of Police 40 IPS
Police (Local)
Superintendent of Police 23200- 42640-
(Non IPS) 31150 55240
Deputy Superintendent of 147 20700- 40640- Existing ratio of 25%
will continue.
Police (HG) 26600 54140
Deputy Superintendent of 12930- 24040-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Police/Assistant 36140
11910- 21240-
Circle Inspector (HG)
19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
207 will continue.
10790- 20740-
Circle Inspector
18000 33680
16980- 20% of the post may
Sub-Inspector 1034 9190-15510 29180 be in HG on
Assistant Sub-Inspector 1014 8390-13270
Head Constable 4827 7480-11910
Police Constable 14322 6080-9830
Women Police
Superintendent of Police 23200- 42640-
(Non-IPS) 31150 55240
Deputy Superintendent of 12930- 24040-
Police (Women) 20250 36140
11910- 21240-
Woman Inspector (HG)
19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
19 will continue
10790- 20740-
Woman Inspector
18000 33680
Woman Sub Inspector 64 9190-15510
Woman Head Constable 171 7480-11910
Woman Police Constable 2484 6080-9830
Armed Reserve Police
20700- 40640-
Deputy Commandant 8 26600 + 54140 + Special Allowance
120 sp 1000 SA
20700- 40640-
Assistant Commandant (HG) 8
26600 54140 Existing ratio of 25%
12930- 24040- will continue
Assistant Commandant 34
20250 36140
11910- 21240-
Reserve Inspector (HG)
19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
44 will continue
10790- 20740-
Reserve Inspector
18000 33680
Reserve Sub Inspector 244 9190-15510
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Reserve Assistant Sub 16180-
266 8390-13270
Inspector 27140
Havildar 1004 7480-11910
Police Constable 7394 6080-9830
Armed Police Battalion
20700- 40640-
Commandant (Non IPS) 4 26600 + 54140 + Special Allowance
120sp 1000 SA
Deputy Commandant 8 26600 +
20700- 40640-
Assistant Commandant ( HG)
26600 54140 Existing ratio of 25%
34 will continue
12930- 24040-
Assistant Commandant
20250 36140
11910- 21240-
Armed Police Inspector ( HG )
19350 34500 Existing ratio of
10790- 20740- 20% will continue
Armed Police Inspector
18000 33680
Armed Police Sub Inspector 211 9190-15510
Armed Police Assistant Sub 16180-
80 8390-13270
Inspector 27140
Havildar 1334 7480-11910
Police Constable 5523 6080-9830
Armur Wing
Armur Deputy 12930- 24040-
Superintendent of Police 20250 36140
Chief Inspector of Arms/ 11910- 21240-
Armurer Inspector (HG) 19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
5 will continue
Chief Inspector of Arms/ 10790- 20740-
Armurer Inspector 18000 33680
Armurer Sub Inspector 18 9190-15510
Armurer Assistant Sub 16180-
18 8390-13270
Inspector 27140
Armurer Head Constable 49 7480-11910
Armurer Police Constable 64 6080-9830 10480-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Mounted Police
11910- 21240-
Reserve Inspector (HG)
19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
1 HG will continue.
10790- 20740-
Reserve Inspector
18000 33680
Reserve Sub-Inspector 1 9190-15510
Reserve Assistant Inspector 4 8390-13270
Head Constable 8 7480-11910
Police Constable 23 6080-9830
Farrier Police Constable 2 5250-8390
Saddler 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Band Master (Armed Police 10790- 20740-
Inspector) 18000 33680 Existing ratio of 20%
will continue.
Band Master (Armed Police 16980-
6 9190-15510
Sub Inspector) 29180
Havildar 15 6680-10790
Police Constable 180 5250-8390
Bugler Police Constable 132 5250-8390
Drummer Police Constable 38 5250-8390
Motor Transport Unit
Superintendent of Police, MT 23200- 42640-
(Non-IPS) 31150 55240
One post will be in
Deputy Superintendent of Sr. Gr. in the scale
12930- 24040-
Police/Motor Transport 4 of pay
20250 36140 corresponding to
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Havildar Mechanic 44 6680-10790
P C-Mechanic/P.C Fitter 10 5250-8390 9190-14620
PC- Electrician 32 5250-8390 9190-14620
Police Driver / Motor Cycle Rider
Driver Sub Inspector 30 9190-15510
Police Driver Gr. I 1111 7480-11910
Police Driver Gr. II 1363 6080-9830
Motor Cycle Rider Gr. I 6680-10790
2 18740
Motor Cycle Rider Gr. II 5250-8390 9190-14620
Master Driver (ASI) 24 8390-13270
Boat Driver Gr. I 6680-10790
55 18740
Boat Driver Gr. II 5250-8390 9190-14620
Syrang Gr. I 7 6680-10790
Syrang Gr. II 49 5250-8390 9190-14620
Boat Lascar 59 4750-7820 8960-13210
RW at MSP & CW at SAP
10790- 20740-
Motor Transport Inspector 1
18000 33680
Police Training College
Principal 1 IPS
12930- 22360-
Vice Principal 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Criminologist 1
20250 35320
Armed Police Inspector/Chief 10790- 20740-
Drill Instructor 18000 33680
10790- 18740-
Senior Law Instructor 3
18000 31360
Drill Instructor/Sub Inspector 2 9190-15510
Assistant Sub Inspector 3 8390-13270
Head Constable 29 7480-11910
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Police Constable 33 6080-9830
Librarian 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Crime Branch CID
Superintendent of Police 23200- 42640-
(Non IPS) 31150 55240
Deputy Superintendent of 20700- 40640-
Police Sen. Gr. 26600 54140
Existing ratio of 25%
Deputy Superintendent of 12930- 24040- will continue
Police 20250 36140
11910- 21240-
Detective Inspector (HG) 8
19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
10790- 20740- will continue
Detective Inspector 52
18000 33680
Detective Sub-Inspector 76 9190-15510
Detective Assistant Sub- 16180-
15 8390-13270
Inspector 27140
Head Constable 339 7480-11910
Police Constable 300 6080-9830
Finger Print Bureau
20700- 40640-
Director 1
26600 54140
13610- 29180-
Deputy Director 1
20700 40640
11910- 29180- Tester Inspector is
Assistant Director (HG) 4 re-designated as
19350 40640
Assistant Director.
11070- 22360- 20% in HG on
Assistant Director 16
18450 35320 Rs.29180-40640
Finger Print Expert 42 9190-15510
Finger Print Searcher 23 8390-13270
Photographic Bureau
11910- 20740-
Chief Photographer 1
19350 33680
Ratio on HG may be
extended to 50% in
Photographer 5 9190-15510 the scale of pay
29180 corresponding to
Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Forensic Science Laboratory
23200- 42640-
Director 1
31150 55240
20700- 40640-
Joint Director 2
26600 54140
12930- 22360-
Assistant Director (HG) 1 1/3rd of the posts will
20250 35320
be in HG on
12250- 21240- Rs.22360-35320.
Assistant Director 18
19800 34500
11070- 19240- Re-designated as
Scientific Assistant 45 Scientific Officer
18450 32110
Mechanic 1 6680-10790
Technical Attender 17 4630-7000 8730-12550
Special Branch CID
Superintendent of Police 23200- 42640-
(Non IPS) 31150 55240
DYSP/ Assistant Commandant 20700- 40640-
(Sr. Gr.) 26600 54140 Existing ratio of 25%
38 will continue
12930- 24040-
DYSP/ Assistant Commandant
20250 36140
11910- 21240-
Inspector of Police (HG)
19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
35 will continue
10790- 20740-
Inspector of Police
18000 33680
10790- 20740-
Women Circle Inspector 2
18000 33680
Sub Inspector Police 285 9190-15510
Women Sub Inspector 10 9190-15510
Assistant Sub Inspector 52 8390-13270
7480- 13900-
Head Constable 645
11910 22360
Woman Head Constable 10 7480-11910
Police Constable 154 6080-9830
Woman Police Constable 10 6080-9830
Senior Administrative 1 12930- 22360-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Assistant 20250 35320
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 2
19800 35320
Senior 10790- 18740-
Superintendent/Manager 18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 18
15510 27140
7990- 13900-
Assistant Gr. I 29
12930 22360
Existing ratio of
10480- 2:3:3 among Sr. Gr;
Assistant Gr. II 29 6080-9830
17420 Gr. I and Gr .II will
8390-13270/ 23480
Typist Selection Gr. 32
Shorthand Bureau
Director 19350
1 + 75 sp
11910- 21240-
Chief Reporter (Inspector) HG
19350 34500 Existing ratio of
10790- 20740- 20% will continue
Chief Reporter (Inspector)
18000 33680
Reporter Sen. Gr.(Sub 9190- 16980-
Inspector) 5 15510 29180
7480- 14620-
Reporter Gr. I (ASI)
5 11910 23480
6680- 13210-
Reporter Gr. II (HC) 9
10790 20740
Police Telecommunications
Superintendent of Police 23200- 42640-
(Non-IPS) 31150 55240
Deputy Superintendent of 20700- 40640-
Police Sr. Gr. 26600 54140 Existing ratio of
Deputy Superintendent of 12930- 24040- 25% will continue
Police 20250 36140
Inspector 11910- 21240-
(Telecommunications) HG 19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
Inspector 10790- 20740- will continue
(Telecommunications) 18000 33680
Sub Inspector 16980-
95 9190-15510
(Telecommunications) 29180
Assistant Sub Inspector 126 8390-13270 16180-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
(Telecom) 27140
Head Constable Operator 198 7480-11910
Draftsman 1 6080-9830
Police Constable (Telecom) 375 6080-9830
Police Computer Centre (SCRB)
Inspector General of Police 1 IPS
Superintendent of Police
Superintendent of Police 23200- 42640-
(Non IPS) 31150 55240
20700- 40640-
System Analyst 1
26600 54140
Deputy Superintendent of 12930- 24040-
Police 20250 36140
11910- 21240-
Inspector of Police (HG)
19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
7 will continue
10790- 20740-
Inspector of Police
18000 33680
Sub Inspector 9 9190-15510
Head Constable 33 7480-11910
Police Constable 32 6080-9830
Railway Police
Superintendent of Police 1 IPS
Deputy Superintendent of 20700- 40640-
Police Sr. Gr. 26600 54140 Existing ratio of 25%
Deputy Superintendent of 12930- 24040- will continue
Police 20250 36140
11910- 21240-
Circle Inspector ( HG)
19350 34500 Existing ratio of 20%
4 will continue
10790- 20740-
Circle Inspector
18000 33680
Sub Inspector 15 9190-15510
7480- 13900-
Head Constable 75
11910 22360
Police Constable 376 6080-9830 10480-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Dog Squad
Sub Inspector 3 9190-15510
8390- 16180-
Assistant Sub Inspector 3
13270 27140
Head Constable/Havildar 16 7480-11910
Police Constable 17 6080-9830
Ministerial Staff other than in SB
Senior Administrative 12930- 22360-
Assistant 20250 35320
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 27
19800 35320
Manager /Accounts Officer 12250- 21240-
(Police HQ) 19800 34500
Manager/Senior 18740-
Superintendent/Accounts 10790- 31360
Officer (DPO/CPO/AP 18000
Battalion Office)
8790- 16180-
Malayalam Translator 1
13610 27140
23200- 40640-
Asst. Director 1
31150 54140
23200- 40640-
Asst. Director (Admn.) 1
31150 54140
Asst. Director (Police 23200- 40640-
Science) 31150 54140
Asst. Director (Technical & 23200- 40640-
MT Studies) 31150 54140
23200- 40640-
Asst. Director (Outdoor) 1
31150 54140
Asst. Director (Financial &
1 As in PD
Head Of Dept.(Law) 1 As in PD
HOD (Forensic Science) 1 As in PD
HOD (Forensic Medicine) 1 As in PD
HOD (Behavioral Science) 1 As in PD
HOD (Computer Applications) 1 As in PD
Assistant Commandant 1 12930- 24040- The existing ratio of
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
20250 36140 25% will continue.
12930- 22360-
Chief Instructor (Law) 1
20250 35320
10790- 18740-
Sr. Instructor (Law) 1
18000 31360
Chief Instructor (Police 20700- 36140-
Science) 26600 46640
Sr. Instructor 10790- 18740-
(Communication) 18000 31360
Sr. Instructor (Motor 10790- 18740-
Transport) 18000 31360
Sr. Instructor (Forensic 11070- 19240-
Science) 18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Sr. Instructor (Finger Print) 1
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Sr. Lecturer (Computer) 1
18000 31360
12930- 22360-
Chief Drill Instructor 1
20250 35320
Indian Reserve (IR) Battalion
20700- 40640-
Commandant 1
26600 54140
20700- 40640-
Deputy Commandant 3
26600 54140
12930- 24040-
DySP 7
20250 36140
10790- 20740-
Inspector (CI) 7
18000 33680
Sub Inspector 23 9190-15510
Assistant Sub Inspector 18 8390-13270
Head Constable 160 7480-11910
Police Constable 675 6080-9830
Water Carrier 15 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sweeper 15 4510-6230 8500-12220
Cook 24 4510-6230 8500-12220
Dhobi 8 4510-6230 8500-12220
Barber 7 4510-6230 8500-12220
Head Clerk 1 8390-13270 14620-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Clerk 5 6080-9830
Steno 1 6080-9830
Medical Officer 1 As in PD
Pharmacist 2 7480-11910
Nursing Assistant 1 4630-7000 8960-13210
Wireless Station IR Battalion
10790- 20740-
Inspector (CI) 1
18000 33680
Sub Inspector 2 9190-15510
Head Constable 4 7480-11910
Police Constable 26 6080-9830
Other Miscellaneous categories-Technical Executive Staff
Blacksmith-cum-Tinker PC 10 5250-8390
Welder PC 1 5250-8390
Fitter PC 36 5250-8390
Painter PC 26 5250-8390
Lathe Operator PC 1 5250-8390
Tailor PC 23 5250-8390
Binder PC 3 5250-8390
Carpenter PC 36 5250-8390
Mason PC 1 5250-8390
Cinema Operator PC 1 5250-8390
Electrician PC 5 5250-8390
Blacksmith PC 1 5250-8390 10480-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Mechanic PC 45 5250-8390
Cleaner PC 20 5250-8390
Civilian Technical Staff
Mechanic Gr. I 6680-10790
16 18740
Mechanic Gr. II 4750-7820 8960-13210
Electrician 32 4750-7820 8960-13210
Blacksmith 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Upholsterer 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Cobbler 4 4750-7820 8960-13210
Carpenter 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Machinist 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Camp Follower 1177 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
Junior Superintendent. 176 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 36 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant (Sel. 11070- 19240-
Gr.) 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant (Sr. 16180-
26 9190-15510
Gr.) 27140
Confidential Assistant (Gr. I) 25 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant (Gr. II) 27 6080-9830
Cashier in the
Head Clerk/ISA/SA 92 8390-13270 may be allowed the
23480 scale of Rs.16180-
UDC/UD Typist 1216 6680-10790
LDC/LD Typist 294 5250-8390 9940-15380
Attender 37 4630-7000 8730-12550
Binder 2 4510-7480 8500-12220
Class IV Employee Gr. II 127 4510-7480 8500-12220
Sweeper 36 4510-7480 8500-12220
Packer 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Deputy Director of Police
1 As in PD
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
Medico Legal Advisor 1 As in PD
Liaison Officer 1 As in PD
Statistical Officer 1 As in PD
Sports Officer 1 As in PD
Coach 4 As in PD
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 1 6680-10790
11910- 24040-
Assistant Surgeon 14
19350 36140
11070- 20740-
Veterinary Surgeon 1
18450 33680
Head Nurse 8 9190-15510
Staff Nurse 8 7480-11910
Pharmacist 13 7480-11910
Veterinary Compounder 1 6080-9830
Nursing Assistant 17 4630-7000 8960-13210
Hospital Attendant Gr. I 14 4630-7000 8730-12550
Hospital Attendant Gr. II 14 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 52676
No. of Part-Time Contingent employee - 725; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees -531; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 4292;
7.64. PORTS
dues by hire charges, cranage fees, rent on Port lands and other
items of rent. The Port Officers are appointed as Registering Officers
under the Merchant Shipping Act 1958 for all mechanized fishing
7.64.2. The Director of Port is the Head of the Department. There are
three regional offices under the Directorate with head quarters at
Neendakara, Alapuzha and Kozhikode .The Port Officers are the head
of the Regional Offices. A Mechanical Engineering Wing is also
functioning under the supervision of a Chief Mechanical Engineer.
7.64.3. The Commission considered the proposals/demands put forth by
the Head of the Department and Service Organisations. Accordingly
the following recommendations are made:
(i) The posts of Chief Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Marine
Engineer, Shipwright/Naval Architect, Officer in-charge and
Engineer in–charge may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(ii) Five years of minimum service is required in the post of
Senior Superintendent/ PA to Port Officer/ Purser for the
promotion to the posts of Administrative Assistant/ Senior
Port Conservator and from the categories of Junior
Superintendent/ Port Conservator/ Pier Master to the post of
Senior Superintendent/ PA to Port Officer/ Purser. To
overcome this difficulties, the Commission recommends to
reduce the qualification of five years residency period in the
feeder categories of Administrative Assistant/ Senior Port
Conservator and Senior Superintendent/ PA to Port Officer/
Purser to one year or declaration of probation in the feeder
post which ever is earlier.
(iii) The promotion to the post of Senior Superintendent/PA to
Port Officer/Purser are filled from the combined seniority list
of Junior Superintendent and Port Conservator and the posts
are interchangeable. Hence the pay scales of Port
Conservator/Pier Master/ Reserve Port Conservator and
Junior Superintendent may be equated to the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
(iv) The post of Dredging Superintendent/Officer Class I and the
Officer Class II/ Engineer/Deputy Dredging Superintendent
may be placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240
and Rs.36140-46640 respectively.
(v) The post of Director, Deputy Director/ Port Officer and Officer
in charge/ Engineer in charge may be placed in the revised
scale of pay of Rs.44640-56340, Rs.42640-55240 and
Rs.36140-46640 respectively.
7.64.7. The categories of posts with existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
25400- 44640-
Director 1
33100 56340
23200- 42640-
Deputy Director 1
31150 55240
23200- 42640-
Port Officer 3
31150 55240
16650- 36140-
Officer in charge 4
23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Engineer in charge 4
23200 46640
12250- 21240-
Senior Port Conservator 2
19800 34500
11070- 20740-
Assistant Engineer (Marine) 1
18450 33680
Personal Assistant to the 10790- 18740-
Port Officer / Purser 18000 31360
Port Conservator / Pier Master / 16180-
13 8390-13270
Reserve Port Conservator 27140
Master Gr. I /Driver Gr. I 10 8390-13270
Draftsman Gr. I 3 7990-12930
Master Gr. II / Driver Gr. II 21 6680-10790
Radio Operator 1 6680-10790
Wharf Supervisor / Assistant
Port Conservator / Cargo 11620-
14 6680-10790
Supervisor / Assistant Pier 18740
Draftsman Gr. II 3 6680-10790
Chief Signaller 4 6080-9830
Mobile Crane Operator 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Crane Operator 4 5650-8790 9940-15380
Light Keeper and Signaller 8 5250-8390 9190-14620
Master Gr. III / Driver Gr. III 26 5250-8390 9190-14620
Mechanical Carpenter 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Oilman 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Seaman-cum-Pump Attender 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Seaman 90 4750-7820 8960-13210
Tug Clerk 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Assistant Crane Driver 17 4630-7000 8730-12550
Watchman cum Cook 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Head Watchman 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Assistant Crane Operator cum
1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Pier Light Keeper 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Mechanical Engineering Wing
16650- 36140-
Chief Mechanical Engineer 1
23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Mechanical Marine Engineer 1
23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Shipwright / Naval Architect 1
23200 46640
Assistant Executive Engineer 13610- 24040-
(Mechanical) HG 20700 36140
1/3rd of the posts
Assistant Executive Engineer 12250- 21240-
3 will be placed on
(Mechanical) 19800 34500 Higher Grade
11070- 20740-
Assistant Engineer 3
18450 33680
11070- 20740-
Head Draftsman 3
18450 33680
Draftsman Gr. I / Chargehand 7990-12930
Overseer (Electrical) 2 7990-12930
Pier Tindal 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Assistant Lineman 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Dredging Unit
23200- 42640-
Dredging Superintendent 1
31150 55240
23200- 42640-
Officer Class I 1
31150 55240
16650- 36140-
Officer Class II 1
23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Engineer 1
23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Deputy Dredging Superintendent 1
23200 46640
13610- 24040-
Engineer cum Dredge Master 1
20700 36140
Officer Class III / Junior Officer 1 11910- 20740-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
19350 33680
11070- 19240-
Navigator 1
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Electrical Officer 1
18450 32110
Senior Cutter Suction Dredger 16180-
2 9190-15510
Operator 27140
Engine Driver 1 8390-13270
Cutter Section Dredger Operator 3 8390-13270
Greaser 6 8390-13270
Boat Swain/Syrang/Quarter 14620-
1 8390-13270
Master 23480
Radio Telephone Operator 1 6680-10790
Operator cum Mechanic 2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Welder 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Driver-cum-Operator 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Cook–cum-Steward 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Assistant Cook-cum–Steward 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Pier Lascar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Helper 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
Foreshore Sweeper 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Boatman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 2
19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 1
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 2 9190-15510
Head Clerk 5 8390-13270
Upper Division Clerk 21 6680-10790
Lower Division Clerk 21 5250-8390 9940-15380
Record Attender (Keeper) 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Confidential Assistant Selection 11070- 19240-
Grade 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Senior 16180-
1 9190-15510
Grade 27140
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Confidential Assistant Grade I 2 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Grade II 2 6080-9830
Typist Selection Grade 2 8390-13270
Upper Division Typist 4 6680-10790
Lower Division Typist 4 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk cum Typist 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver (LMV) 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Night Watchman 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman cum Gardener 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman cum Sweeper 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman 13 4510-6230 8500-12220
Gardener 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Radio Operator 1 6680-10790
Class IV Employee Gr. II 30 4510-6230 8500-12220
Assistant Lineman 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Cook 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Blacksmith 3 5650-8790 9940-15380
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
Total 435
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 14; No. of Women employees including Part
Time - 63
statutory authority for all printing documents of Government. The
post of Director of Printing is held by a Joint Secretary to Government
from the General Administration Department.
7.65.2. The Controller of Stationery and the Superintendent of
Government Presses were independent Heads of Departments till
1970 till when both the Departments were brought under the control
of the Director of Printing and Stationery. In 1992, the Department
was again bifurcated and the Department of Stationery was placed
under the control of the Controller of Stationery and the Department
of Printing was put under the control of Director of Printing, by re-
designating the post of Director of Printing and Stationery as Director
of Printing. The Commission holds the view that the Department
being a technical one, holding of the post of Director by a Joint
Secretary who has no exposure to the technical nature of work is not
at all helpful for the efficient functioning of the Department. The
demand made before the Commission that the Director of Printing
may be a promotion post of departmental technical hands seems to
be just and fair.
7.65.3. The Commission after holding discussion with the Service
Organisations makes the following recommendations:
(i) The post of Director of Printing occupied by the Joint
Secretary from the Government Secretariat may be
abolished and the post of Superintendent of Government
Presses may be upgraded to that of Controller of Stationery
and placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-
31150. The Superintendent of Government Presses may be
declared as the Head of the Department of Printing.
(ii) 30% of the posts of Deputy Superintendent may be placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200 in view of
the duties and responsibilities attached to the post.
(iii) Government may consider the abolition of the PSC Form
store as the post of Manager, PSC Form store is unwarranted
in the context that no printing and issuing of application
forms is being carried out through Government Presses by
the KPSC.
(iv) It has come to the notice of the Commission that the duties
and responsibilities of the staff in the Computing and
Reading sections have reduced considerably due to the
computerization of Government Presses. The Computing of
works, turned out by the Binders and Printers, is the function
of the Computing section. Hand composing and letter press
are functioning only nominally in the Government Presses.
Majority of the binding works are turned out by machines.
The valuation of printing materials now being attended by
computing section could be done by making use of
computers. As regards reading of pages (proof reading) the
work was reduced considerably by introducing DTP system.
Corrections could be done by the computer itself. There are
69 employees in Computing section and 131 employees in
Reading section. Most of the employees working under
Computing and Reading sections are holding the
qualification of Diploma in Printing. The services of these
employees could be utilized usefully by deploying them in
other sections. During the discussion it was brought to the
notice of the Commission that a Committee viz.
‘Modernization Committee’ has been constituted by the
Government as per G.O (Ms) No.35/10/H.Edn. dated
23.2.2010, for re-structuring and modernizing of
Government Presses. In the circumstances the Commission
is of the view that the Government may bring this matter to
the notice of the Modernization Committee.
(v) Computer Grade I, Computer Senior Grade, Computing
Supervisor, Reader Grade II, Reader Grade I and Senior
Reader in Computing and Reading sections may be given
parity in scales of pay of the equated posts in Binding,
Computing and Printing Sections.
(vi) The post of Chief Warehouseman being an isolated post
without any promotion, the existing scale of pay of the post
may be enhanced to the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.8790-13610, so long as the present incumbent holds the
(vii) The Ist Grade posts of Retouching Artist, Paste up Artist and
Plate Maker may be incorporated in the schedule of posts
under the Printing Department.
(viii) Since the promotion post and the Feeder post carry the
same scale of pay viz. Rs.7990-12930, the post of Offset
Operator Senior Grade may be allowed enhanced scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270. The Commission also
recommends to re-designate the post of Offset Operator
Senior Grade as Offset Printing Machine Operator.
Accordingly Grade I & Grade II Offset Operator may also be
got re-designated as Offset Printing Machine Operator Grade
I & Grade II, for which the Department may take corrective
steps to modify the designation.
(ix) The post of DTP Operator in Printing Department created as
per G.O (Ms) No.31/2000/H.Edn dated 10.3.2000 may be
incorporated in the schedule of posts.
7.65.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.65.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
23200- 42640-
Director of Printing 1
31150 55240
16650- 36140-
Superintendent of Govt. Presses 1
23200 46640
30% posts in
13610- 24040- High Grade
Deputy Superintendent of Govt. Press 10
20700 36140 on Rs.29180-
13610- 24040-
Controller of Forms 1
20700 36140
11070- 19240-
Assistant Superintendent 10
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Assistant Engineer (Electronics) 1
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Manager, P.S.C Form Store 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Office Manager 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Publication Assistant 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
District Forms Officer 11
18000 31360
9590- 16980-
General Foreman 14
16650 29180
9590- 16980-
Head Reader 3
16650 29180
9590- 16980-
Head Computer 3
16650 29180
9590- 16980-
Chief Foreman (Electrical) 1
16650 29180
9590- 16980-
Supervisor (Offset) 3
16650 29180
9590- 16980-
Supervisor (Plate making) 1
16650 29180
9590- 16980-
Chief Foreman (Workshop) 1
16650 29180
9190- 16180-
Supervisor 1
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Senior Foreman 22
15510 27140
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
9190- 16180-
Chief Operator 1
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Senior Foundry Foreman 1
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Type Store Keeper 1
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Workshop Foreman 3
15510 27140
8790- 15380-
Electrical Foreman 1
13610 24040
8790- 16180-
Senior Reader 9
13610 27120
8790- 16180-
Computing Supervisor 6
13610 27140
8790- 15380-
Junior Foreman 49
13610 24040
8790- 15380-
Senior Mechanic 7
13610 24040
8790- 15380-
Senior Carpenter 1
13610 24040
8790- 15380-
Senior Electrician 4
13610 24040
8390- 15380-
Reader Gr. I 24
13270 24040
8390- 15380-
Computer Sr. Grade 12
13270 24040
8390- 14620-
Assistant Foreman 83
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Mechanic 3
13270 23480
8390- 15380- 24
Chief Warehouseman 1
13270 040
8390- 14620-
Junior Supervisor (Offset) 1
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Forms Inspector /Cashier 11
13270 23480
7990- 14620-
Reader Gr. II 45
12930 23480
7990- 14620-
Computer Gr. I 24
12930 23480
7990- 13900-
Chief Time Keeper 1
12930 22360
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
7990- 13900-
Compositor Sr. Gr. 54
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Binder Sr. Gr. 103
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Printer Sr. Gr. 69
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Mono Super Caster Operator Sr. Gr. 5
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Monotype Caster Operator Sr. Gr. 5
12930 22360
Linotype Operator Sr. Gr./Intertype 7990- 13900-
Operator Sr. Gr. 12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Monokey Board Operator Sr. Gr. 5
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Foundry Worker Sr. Gr. 3
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Stereo Type Caster Operator Sr. Gr. 1
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Rotaprint Operator Sr. Gr. 1
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Rotaprint Typist Sr. Gr. 1
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Warehouseman Sr. Gr. 2
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Roller Caster Operator Sr. Gr. 2
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Electrician Sr. Gr. 3
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Technician Sr. Gr. 8
12930 22360
Technician 7990- 13900-
(Mechanic-cum-Carpenter) Sr. Gr. 12930 22360
Offset Printing Machine Operator Sr. 7990- 14620-
Gr. 12930 23480
7990- 13900-
Paste Up Artist Gr. I 1
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Phototype Setter Gr. I 1
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Retouching Artist Gr. I 2
12930 22360
Camera Operator-cum-Film Developer 7990- 13900-
Gr. I 12930 22360
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
7990- 13900-
DTP Operator Gr. I 3
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Plate Maker Gr. I 1
12930 22360
7990- 13900-
Offset Printing Machine Operator Gr. I 19
12930 22360
7480- 13210-
Compositor Gr. I 109
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Printer Gr. I 139
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Binder Gr. I 206
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Mono Supercaster Operator Gr. I 4
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Monotype Caster Operator Gr. I 5
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Linotype/Intertype Operator Gr. I 8
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Mono Keyboard Operator Gr. I 6
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Foundry Worker Gr. I 4
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Rota Print Operator Gr. I 1
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Rota Print Typist Gr. I -
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Warehouseman Gr. I 5
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Technician Gr. I (Workshop) 9
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Electrician Gr. I 7
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Senior Time Keeper 3
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Assistant Type Store Keeper 5
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Stereo Type Caster Operator Gr. I 1
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Roller Caster Operator Gr. I -
11910 20740
Technician (Mechanic-cum-Carpenter) 7480- 13210-
Gr. I 11910 20740
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
7480- 13210-
Phototype Setter Gr. II 2
11910 20740
Camera Operator-cum-Film Developer 7480- 13210-
Gr.II 11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Retouching Artist Gr. II 2
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Paste Up Artist Gr. II 4
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
DTP Operator Gr. II 4
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Plate Maker Gr. II 8
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Offset Printing Machine Operator Gr. II 31
11910 20740
6680- 11620-
Mono Keyboard Operator Gr. II -
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Time Keeper 5
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Grainer 1
10790 18740
Rotaprint Typist Gr. II - 6080-9830
Engraver-cum-Punch Cutter 1 6080-9830
Warehouseman Gr. II 2 6080-9830
Rotaprint Operator Gr. II - 6080-9830
Electrician Gr. II 11 6080-9830
Copy Holder 50 6080-9830
Computer Gr. II 24 6080-9830
Compositor Gr. II 3 5650-8790
Printer Gr. II 133 5650-8790
Binder Gr. II 218 5650-8790
Foundry Worker Gr. II 1 5650-8790
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Technician Gr. II 14 5650-8790
Mono Mechanic - 5650-8790
Assistant Time Keeper 8 5650-8790
Galley Pressman Gr. I 15 5250-8390
Examiner 1 5250-8390
A/c Mechanic 1 5250-8390
Duplicator Operator 1 4750-7820
Counter Gr. I 16 4750-7820
Packer Gr. I 11 4750-7820
Helper Gr. I 1 4750-7820
Lascar Gr. I 45 4750-7820
Gatekeeper Gr. I 3 4750-7820
Sweeper Gr. I 3 4750-7820
Sanitary Worker Gr. I 1 4750-7820
Galley Pressman Gr. II 35 4750 -7820
Lascar Gr. II 101 4630-7000
Gatekeeper Gr. II 11 4630-7000
Counter Gr. II 41 4630-7000
Packer Gr. II 24 4630-7000
Sweeper Gr. II 16 4630-7000
Helper Gr. II 7 4630-7000
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Sanitary Worker Gr. II 6 4630-7000
Gardener 1 4630-7000
S.L.R (Unskilled) 70 4510-6230
Posts held by the personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Assistant Executive Engineer 1
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Labour Welfare Officer 1
19350 33680
9190- 16180-
Security Officer 2
15510 27140
7480- 13210-
Head Constable 5
11910 20740
Police Constable 22 6080-9830
Women Police Constable 6 6080-9830
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 3
19800 35320
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 1
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 3
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior superintendent or Equated Post 19
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 1
15510 27140
Selection Grade Typist 3 Re-
13270 14620- designated
23480 as Selection
Senior Grade Typist 5 Grade
6680- 13210-
U.D Clerk /U.D Storekeeper 81
10790 20740
6680- 13210-
U.D Typist 9
10790 20740
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 2 6080-9830
Driver Gr. I 1 6080-9830
L.D. Clerk /L.D. Storekeeper 81 5250-8390
L.D. Typist 9 5250-8390
Driver Gr. II 3 5250-8390
Clerical Attender /Attender Gr. I 4 4750-7820
Attender Gr. II 11 4630-7000
Watchman Gr. I 1 4630-7000
Daffedar 1 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. I 14 4630-7000
Lorry Cleaner 2 4630-7000
Watchman Gr. II 12 4510-6230
Class IV Employee Gr. II 28 4510-6230
Part-Time Sweeper 8 Fixed Pay
Total 2465
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 8; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees -14; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 655.
7.66.3. The Commission held discussion with various Service
Organisations and the Head of the Department. Accordingly the
following recommendations are made.
(i) The post of Deputy Inspector General of Prisons may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150
with a Special Allowance of Rs.200/- p.m.
(ii) The post of Superintendent of Central Prison, Superintendent
of Open Prison and Assistant Inspector General of Prisons,
Principal, State Institute of Correctional Administration,
Programme Officer and Chief Welfare Officer may be placed
in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iii) The post of Male warder may be allowed Higher Grade in the
Scale of Rs.6080-9830 in the ratio of 1:3, between Warder
Higher Grade and Warder.
(iv) Government may consider to insure all Prison personnel
except ministerial staff under compulsory insurance scheme.
7.66.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.66.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Director General of Prisons 1 IPS
Deputy Inspector General of 40640-
3 26600 +
Prisons 56340
100 sp
Superintendent of Central 16650- 36140-
Prisons 23200 46640
Superintendent of Open 16650- 36140-
Prison 23200 46640
Principal, State Institute of 16650- 36140-
Correctional Administration 23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Programmer Officer 1
23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Chief Welfare Officer 1
23200 46640
12930- 22360-
Jailor, Central Prison 6
20250 35320
Deputy Superintendent, 12930- 22360-
Open Jail 20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Superintendent, District Jail 3
20250 35320
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
12930- 22360-
Senior Lecturer, SICA 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Superintendent, Vanitha Jail 2
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Chief Audit Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360- Ratio 1:1, with Grade
Welfare Officer Gr. I 5
20250 35320 II
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Manager 1 8390-13270
7480- 13210-
Assistant Jailor Gr. II 45
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Matron Gr. II 20
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Carpentry Instructor 3
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Carpentry Foreman 1
11910 20740
Weaving 7480- 13210-
Instructor/Foreman 11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Weaving Assistant 5
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Agricultural Demonstrator 1
11910 20740
Gate Keeper 8 10790 +
100 sp
Chief Warder 6680-10790
6680- 11620-
Chief Petty Officer
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Ministerial Head Warder
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Head Warder
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Craft Teacher
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
PD Teacher/Teacher
10790 18740
Driver 10 6080-9830
Warder Driver 13 5650-8790 9940-15380
Boot Foreman 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Black smithy Instructor 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Tailoring Instructor 6 5650-8790 9940-15380
Industrial Instructor 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Physical Training Instructor 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Ratio of 4:1 between
Female Warder
(including Female
Warder HG) and
Matron Gr.II will
Female Warder 80 5650-8790 9940-15380 continue. 1/6th of the
posts of Female
Warders on HG in the
scale of pay
1/4th posts of Male
Warders on Higher
Warder 5650-8790 9940-15380 Grade in the scale of
pay 10480-17420.
873 Revised Vide
Petty Officer 5650-8790 9940-15380 G.O dated
Female Petty Officer 5650-8790 9940-15380
Wireman 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Shoe Maistry 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
Warder Attendant/Clerical
6 4750-7820 8960-13210
Engine Driver 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Packer Clerk 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Sweeper cum Sanitation
1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Weaver 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Skilled Worker 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Technical Assistant 1 (Honorariu
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Senior Administrative 20700- 36140-
Officer 26600 46640
Medical Officer 16650- 29180-
Assistant Surgeon 23200 40640
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
11070- 20740-
Agricultural Officer 2
18450 33680
6680- 11620-
Assistant Drill Instructor 2
10790 18740
7480- 20740
Pharmacist 6 11910/
6680-10790 11620-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
6680- 11620-
Lab Technician Gr. II 1
10790 18740
7480- 13210-
ECG Technician 1
11910 20740
Nursing Assistant 4 8730-12550
8390- 23480/
Staff Nurse (Male Nurse) 2 13270/
7480-11910 13210-
Part Time Sanskrit Teacher 1 9940-15380
12930- 22360-
Medical Officer (Ayurveda) 1
20250 35320
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 2
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 6 9190-15510
10790- 18740-
Fair Copy Superintendent 1
18000 31360
Head Clerk 6 8390-13270
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 2 6080-9830
13210- Re-designated as
UD Clerk 22 6680-10790 Senior Clerk
Re-designated as
LD Clerk 22 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 2 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as
Typist Selection
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 2 7990-12930 23480 Grade
13210- Re-designated as
UD Typist 6 6680-10790 Senior Typist
9940- Re-designated as
LD Typist 6 5250-8390 Typist
Attender 2 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 8 4510-6230
Total 1649
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 1, No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 86; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 128,
(viii) The post of Manager Grade I may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
(ix) Compensatory Allowance @ Rs.150/- per month may be
allowed to Manager Grade II in view of the round clock
engagement and up keep of Rest Houses.
(x) The post of Head Gardner may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to 4750-7820 and the name of post is
changed as Head Gardner instead of Garden Supervisor.
(xi) The Service Organisations has demanded to withdraw the
provision of 20% Higher Grade sanctioned in the 2006 Pay
Revision to the post of Draftsman Grade I/Overseer Grade I if
there is no other way to grant the scale of Assistant
Engineer. Considering the views involved in the Special
Leave Petition filed by the State Government against the
order of the Hon’ble High Court in WP(C) 23518/2008 WA
1965/2009, the Commission recommends to award the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.11070-18450 as Time Bound
Higher Grade scale to Draftsman Grade I/Overseer Grade I.
(xii) The Ferryman may be placed in the pay scale corresponding
to Rs.5250-8390.
(xiii) Demand has been made to enhance the rent of boats for the
Ferry Wing. The rent of boats may be enhanced from Rs.750
to Rs.1500 per month.
7.67.3. It has been brought to the notice of the Commission that there is
no effective utilization of the machineries (Road Roller etc) and the
staff working in the Department. Hence Government may conduct a
detailed study in this regard.
7.67.4. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
26600- 48640-
Chief Engineer 5
33750 59840
Deputy chief
23200- 44640-
Engineer/Superintending 24
31150 56340
Executive Engineer/Design
Assistant/Joint Director (HG)/ 19 20700- 40640-
Executive Engineer (General) 26600 54140
Executive Engineer/Design
16650- 36140- 25%of the post will
Assistant/Joint Director 57 be on HG
23200 46640
/Executive Engineer(General)
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Assistant Executive
Engineer/Design Assistant /
13610- 24040-
Assistant Executive Enginner 103
20700 36140
Director( HG)
Assistant Executive
12250- 21240- 1/3rd of the post will
Assistant/Assistant Executive 206
19800 34500 be on HG.
Assistant Engineer/Assistant
11070- 20740-
Engineer (Works) / Assistant 955
18450 33680
Director/Junior Designer
G.O (Ms)
10790- 18740-
System Programmer 1 No.10/03/PWD dated
18000 31360 14/01/2003
Draftsman Gr. I/Overseer Gr. I 7990-12930 13900- I Gr. D/Man working
614 in KHRI are called
Research Assistant 7990-12930 22360 Research Assistant
Foreman 3 7990-12930
22360 Vacant
Scientific Assistant 1 7990-12930
Sergeant 2 6680-10790
Existing ratio of 1:1
Draftsman/Overseer Grade. II 589 6680-10790 between Gr. I & Gr. II
18740 will continue.
Tracer/Overseer Grade. III 1213 5650-8790 III Gr. Overseers
9940-15380 working in KHRI are
Lab Assistant 5650-8790 Called Lab Assistants.
Blue Printer 53 4630-7000 8730-12550
26600- 48640-
Chief Architect 1
33750 59840
23200- 44640-
Deputy Chief Architect 1
31150 56340
20700- 40640-
Architect HG
26600 55140
16650- 36140- 25%of the post will
Architect 4
23200 46640 be on HG
Assistant Architect/Assistant
13610- 24040-
Architectural Engineer/Quantity -
20700 36140
Surveyor HG
Assistant Architect/Assistant
12250- 21240-
Architectural Engineer/Quantity 12 1/3rd of the post will
19800 34500
Surveyor be on HG.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
11070- 20740-
Architectural Head Draftsman 15
18450 33680
Draftsman Gr. I 15 7990-12930
Existing ratio of 1:1
11620- between Gr. I & Gr. II
Draftsman Gr. II(Architecture) 7 6680-10790
18740 will continue.
Artist 1 7480-11910
Modeller 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Tracer 3 5650-8790 9940-15380
Superintending 23200- 44640-
Engineer(Electrical) 31150 56340
20700- 40640-
Executive Engineer (HG) 2
26600 54140
Executive Engineer 16650- 36140- 25%of the post will
3 be on HG
(Electrical/Electronics) 23200 46640
Assistant Executive Engineer 13610- 24040-
(HG) 20700 36140
Assistant Executive Engineer 12250- 21240- 1/3rd of the post will
21 be on HG.
(Electrical/Electronics) 19800 34500
Assistant Engineer 11070- 20740-
(Electrical/Electronics) 18450 33680
Existing ratio of 1:1
Overseer Gr. I/Draftsman Gr. I 67 7990-12930 between Gr. I & Gr. II
22360 will continue
Engineering Assistant 13900-
38 7990-12930
(Electronics) 22360
Refrigerator 13900-
5 7990-12930
Mechanic/Generator Mechanic 22360
Existing ratio of 1:1
Overseer Gr. II/Draftsman Gr. II 80 6680-10790 between Gr. I & Gr. II
18740 will continue
Lineman 192 5650-8790 9940-15380
Helper 16 4510-6230 8500-12220 Vanishing Category
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Dhoby 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Cook 14 4510-6230 8500-12220
Rest House Attender - 4510-6230 8500-12220
- 20700- 40640-
Executive Engineer HG
26600 54140
- 16650- 36140-
Executive Engineer
23200 46640
Assistant Executive Engineer - 13610- 24040- Administrative
Control of Mechanical
HG 20700 36140 wing is under
- 12250- 21240- Irrigation department
Assistant Executive Engineer and the posts have
19800 34500 been placed under
- 11070- 20740- the schedule of
Assistant Engineer Irrigation department
18450 33680
Carpenter - 4750-7820 8960-13210
Roller Driver Gr. II - 5650-8790 9940-15380
Roller Cleaner - 5250-8390 9190-14620
Plumbing Inspector 2 6680-10790
Fitter 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Pump Operator 19 5250-8390 9190-14620
Ferryman 259 4510-6230 9190-14620
Boring Plant Operator - 4750-7820 8960-13210
Skilled Worker 581 4750-7820 8960-13210
Assistant Lineman - 4750-7820 8960-13210
Blacksmith - 4750-7820 8960-13210
Head Gardener 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Gardener 12 4630-7000 8730-12550
Watchman cum Cook/Cook cum
92 4630-7000 8730-12550
Worker Gr. I - 4630-7000 8730-12550
Store Attender - 4630-7000 8730-12550
Worker Gr. II - 4510-6230 8500-12220
Road Worker - 4510-6230 8500-12220
Lascar 14 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher cum Gardener 33 4510-6230 8500-12220 Sanctioned as per GO
Full-Time Sweeper/Scavanger 16 4510-6230 8500-12220 No.16/10/PW.dated
Sweeper cum Cleaner 11 4510-6230 8500-12220
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Sweeper/Scavanger 6 4510-6230 8500-12220
Mechanic - 4750-7820 8963-13210
Unskilled Worker - 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 3
26600 46640
12250- 21240-
Financial Assistant 9
19800 34500
10790- 18740-
Divisional Accountant 66
18000 31360
11070- 19240- On deputation from
Assistant Geologist 1 Mining and Geology
18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Research Officer 1
18450 32110 These posts belong to
UD Compiler/ 11620- Economics and
1 6680-10790 Statistics Department
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 18740 and the Employees
are on deputation
LD Compiler/
2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Statistical Assistant Gr. II
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 16
19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 18
18000 31360
Confidential Assistant Selection 11070- 19240-
Grade 18450 32110
Junior Superintendent 112 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 9 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Senior 16180-
9 9190-15510
Grade 27140
Head Clerk 182 8390-13270
Selection Grade Typist 68 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as
23480 Selection Grade
Senior Grade Typist 68 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 9 7990-12930
13210- Re-designated as
UD Clerk 836 6680-10790
20740 Senior Clerk
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
13210- Re-designated as
UD Typist 136 6680-10790
20740 Senior Typist
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 35 6080-9830
Roller Driver 50 5650-8790 9940-15380
Re-designated as
LD Clerk 836 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Re-designated as
LD Typist 136 5250-8390 9940-15380 Typist
Driver 172 5250-8390 9190-14620
Lift Operator 12 5250-8390 9190-14620
Roller Cleaner 50 5250-8390 9190-14620
Pump Operator 19 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Managing the
Courthallam Palace in
Palace Superintendent 1 4750-7820 8960-13210 Tamil Nadu owned by
Kerala State
Roneo Operator 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Daffedar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Mochee 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 1069 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman 201 4510-6230 8500-12220
Waiter 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 9704
No. of Part-Time Contingent Employees- 433; No. of Women Employees including Part-
Time- 2417.
7.68.3. The Commission held discussion with the representatives of
various Service Organisations and the Head of the Department.
Accordingly, the following recommendations are made:
(i) The scale of pay of Inspector General of Registration and
Joint Inspector General of Registration may be enhanced and
placed in the revised scales of pay of Rs.42640-55240/- and
Rs.36140-46640/- respectively.
(ii) The scale of pay of Deputy Inspector General of Registration
may be enhanced and the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.16650-23200 may be allowed.
(iii) The scale of pay of Assistant Inspector General of
Registration and District Registrar may be enhanced and the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12930-20250 may be
(iv) The availability of a minimum of two peons in each Sub
Registrar Office may be ensured.
7.68.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.68.5. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
23200- 42640-
IG of Registration 1
31150 55240
16650- 36140-
Joint IG of Registration 1
23200 46640
13610- 29180-
Deputy IG of Registration 5
20700 40640
12250- 22360-
Assistant IG of Registration 2
19800 35320
12250- 22360-
District Registrar 24
19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Sub Registrar 322
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Cashier 1
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Chitty Inspector 9
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Chitty Auditor 13
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Chitty Prosecuting Inspector 1
18000 31360
Binding Supervisor 7 7480-11910
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Sr. Superintendent 4
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 105 9190-15510
Head Clerk 237 8390-13270
13210- Re-designated as
U D Clerk 716 6680-10790 Senior Clerk
Re-designated as
L D Clerk 722 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Selection Gr. Typist 5 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as
Sr. Grade Typist 5 7990-12930 23480 Selection Grade
Confidential Asst.Gr.1 1 7990-12930
13210- Re-designated as
U D Typist 11 6680-10790 Senior Typist
Re-designated as
L D Typist 12 5250-8390 9940-15380 Typist
Binder Gr.1 6 5650-8790 9940-15380
Binder Gr. II 21 4750-7820 8960-13210
Driver 22 5250-8390 9190-14620
Duffedar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Attender 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 608 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Accounts Officer 1
19800 34500
12930- 22360-
Law Officer 1
20250 35320
Total 2869
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 316; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Wage
employees – 4; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 1078.
7.69.1. The Department of Rural Development, started functioning in
1952, as the Community Development Department and reorganised
with its present structure in 1987. The main objective of the
Department is to improve the living standards of rural people by
utilizing the available natural and human resources. To achieve this,
the Department is implementing job oriented and infrastructural
development schemes to alleviate rural poverty and to assure
development of women/socially backward classes. The development
schemes, both Central and State are implemented by the
7.69.2. The Department is headed by the Commissioner for Rural
Development drawn from IAS cadre. Additional Development
Commissioner, Joint Development Commissioner, Deputy
Commissioner and the Assistant Development Commissioner assist
him at various subordinate levels. There are Women Welfare officers
at District level to look after their welfare.
7.69.3. The Block Panchayats are constituted as per the Kerala
Panchayat Raj Act 1994, as the intermediate level of LSGIs of the
three tier Panchayat system and devolved enormous powers to it.
Consequently, the Block Development offices have been transformed
as Block Panchayats with the Block Development Officer as the
7.69.4. Various Service Organisations appeared before the Commission
and argued their cases. Discussion was also held with the Head of
the Department. After examining all the aspects, the Commission
makes the following recommendations:
(i) The post of Additional Development Commissioner may be
placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240. The
posts of Joint Development Commissioner/Director,
SIRD/Joint Programme Co-ordinator (MGNREGS) may be
placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.40640-54140.
Deputy Development Commissioner/Co-ordinator (W &
CP/DWCRA)/Principal, Extension Training Centre/Technical
Co-ordinator CDD Watson/Secretary, SIRD may be placed in
the revised scale of pay of Rs.36140-46640.
(ii) The Existing ratio of 3:1 between Block Development
Officer (Rs.10790-18000) and Senior Block Development
Officer (Rs.11910-19350) shall be modified as 2:1.
(iii) The scale of pay of Lecturer Grade I in Agriculture is placed
in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11070-18450.
7.69.5. Normal Revision is recommended to all other posts and Special
Rules may be framed for the Department.
7.69.6. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Commissioner for Rural
Mission Director, MGNREGS 1 IAS
Additional Development 23200-
2 42640-55240
Commissioner 31150
Director SIRD 1 40640-54140
Joint Development 20700-
4 40640-54140
Commissioner 26600
Joint Programme Coordinator 20700-
8 40640-54140
(MGNREGS) 26600
Coordinator (WCP/DWCRA) 2 36140-46640
Deputy Development 16650-
16 36140-46640
Commissioner 23200
Principal, Extension Training 16650-
3 36140-46640
Centre 23200
Technical Co-Coordinator 16650-
1 36140-46640
CDD - Watson 23200
Secretary SIRD 1 36140-46640
Assistant Development 12930-
48 22360-35320
Commissioner 20250
Project Officer ITDP 12930-
1 22360-35320
Attappady 20250
District Women's Welfare 12930-
3 22360-35320
Officer (HG) 20250
20% of the posts or
three posts
District Women's Welfare 12250-
24 21240-34500 whichever is less
Officer (WD) 19800 are on Higher
Accounts Officer 1 21240-34500
Senior Block Development 11910-
38 20740-33680
Officer 19350
General Foreman 1 20740-33680
Senior Lecturer in Rural 11910-
1 20740-33680
Development 19350
Lecturer in Rural Industries 2 18740-31360
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Campaign Officer (RIB) 1 18740-31360
The ratio between
Block Development Officer 114 18740-31360 BDO and Senior
18000 BDO will be 2:1
Assistant Project Officer ITDP 10790-
1 18740-31360
Attappady 18000
Lecturer Gr. I in Home 10790-
2 18740-31360
Science 18000
Lecturer Gr. I in Agriculture 5 19240-32110
Farm Supervisor 3 18740-31360
Joint BDO (EGS) 152 9190-15510 16180-27140
Joint BDO (RH) 76 9190-15510 16180-27140
Extension Officer, Women's
1 9190-15510 16180-27140
Welfare (ITDP) Attappady
Lecturer Gr. II in Home
4 8790-13610 15380-24040
Lecturer Gr. I in Rural 10790-
2 18740-31360
Economics 18000
Lecturer Gr. II in Social
2 8790-13610 15380-24040
Assistant Campaign Officer
1 8790-13610 15380-24040
General Extension Officer 152 7990-12930 13900-22360
Extension Officer (Housing)
76 7990-12930 13900-22360
Manager, RIB 1 7990-12930 13900-22360
Extension Officer, Women's
152 7990-12930 13900-22360
Training Officer 2 7990-12930 13900-22360
Artist-cum-Photographer cum
1 7480-11910 13210-20740
Cinema Operator Gr. I
Village Extension Officer Gr. I 723 6680-10790 11620-18740
Lady Village Extension Officer
304 6680-10790 11620-18740
Gr. I
Nursery Teacher 2 6680-10790 11620-18740
Artist cum Photographer cum
2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Cinema Operator Gr. II
The existing ratio of
1:1 between Gr. I
Village Extension Officer Gr. II 724 5650-8790 9940-15380 and Grade II posts
will continue
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
The existing Ratio
Lady Village Extension Officer of 1:1 between Gr. I
304 5650-8790 9940-15380 and Gr. II posts will
Gr. II
Skilled Assistant 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Carpenter cum Blacksmith 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Mechanic (Extension Training
5 4750-7820 8960-13210
Lab Attender 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Balawadi Ayah 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts absorbed
Assistant Sericulture Officer 43 8390-13270 14620-23480 from SERIFED.
Common Category
Administrative Assistant 1 21240-34500
Senior Superintendent 16 18740-31360
Junior Superintendent 10 9190-15510 16180-27140
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510 16180-27140
Head Clerk 171 8390-13270 14620-23480
Typist Selection Gr. 31 8390-13270 Re-designated as
14620-23480 Selection Grade
Typist Sen. Gr. 31 7990-12930
Mechanic 5 7480-11910 13210-20740
Electrician 1 7480-11910 13210-20740
Re-designated as
UD Clerk 437 6680-10790 13210-20740 Senior Clerk
Re-designated as
UD Typist 62 6680-10790 13210-20740 Senior Typist
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 9 6080-9830 10480-17420
Steno typist 1 6080-9830 10480-17420
Re-designated as
LD Clerk 436 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Re-designated as
LD Typist 74 5250-8390 9940-15380 Typist
Driver Gr. I 89 6080-9830 10480-17420
6 posts absorbed
Driver Gr. II 96 5250-8390 9190-14620 from SERIFED
Duplicating Machine Operator 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Record Keeper 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Binder 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employees Gr. I 130 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employees Gr. II 262 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman 15 4510-6230 8500-12220
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Senior Administrative Officer 1 36140-46640
Senior Finance Officer 1 36140-46640
Finance Assistant 1 21240-34500
Deputy Director P & M 1 24040-36140
Chief Officer RIB 1 29180-40640
Lecturer in Animal Husbandry 1 19240-32110
Lecturer (Co-Operation) 4 19240-32110
Junior Lecturer (Rural 10790-
3 18740-31360
Engineering) 18000
Junior Lecturer in Animal 10790-
1 18740-31360
Husbandry 18000
Research Assistant 1 8390-13270 14620-23480
UD Compiler 4 6680-10790 13210-20740
Extension Officer (P & M) 152 7990-12930 13900-22360
Physical Instructor-cum-
3 6680-10790 11620-18740
Total 5075
No. of Part-Time Contingent employee - 172; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 36; No. of Women employee including Part time– 1592.
7.70.1. The Department of Sainik Welfare looks after the interests of all
serving and discharged/retired Defence personnel. This Department
helps the ex-servicemen in their rehabilitation and welfare.
7.70.2. The Head of the Department is the Director. There are fourteen
District Offices under the supervision of Zilla Sainik Welfare Officers.
The implementation of welfare schemes in the Department vests with
the Director. The Budget of the Department is shared by the Central
and the State Governments on a 50:50 basis.
7.70.3. The Commission held discussion with the Head of the Department
and recommends as follows:
(i) The Director was in the scale of pay of Deputy Secretary till
the 8th Pay Revision. So it is reasonable to place the Director
in the scale of pay Rs.20700-26600 and recommends
accordingly. At the time of discussion, the Director proposed
to award him the State’s highest scale of pay plus an
allowance of Rs.1000 per month taking into account the
status and higher responsibilities of the Department. As the
incumbent holding the post of Director at present is
continuing in the same post for more than 8 years, the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150 may be allowed to
the Director which will be treated as personal scale to him as
long as he holds that post.
(ii) The post of Deputy Director/Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer may
be allowed the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12930-
(iii) 20% of the Assistant Directors may be placed in the higher
grade in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11910-19350.
7.70.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.70.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
The incumbent in the
post of Director will be
16650- 36140-
Director 1 in the personal scale of
23200 46640 pay of Rs.40640-54140
w.e.f. 1.7.2009
Deputy Director/Zilla Sainik 12250- 22360-
Welfare Officer 19800 35320
Assistant Zilla Sainik
10790- 18740- 20% posts will be in the
Welfare Officer/Assistant 11
18000 31360 HG on Rs.20740-33680.
Welfare Organiser 13 7990-12930
Common Category
Junior Superintendent 2 9190-15510
Head Clerk/Head 14620-
11 8390-13270
Accountant 23480
Selection Grade Typist 1 8390-13270 14620-
23480 Re-designated as
Senior Grade Typist 1 7990-12930 Selection Grade
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
13210- Re-designated as Senior
UD Typist 1 6680-10790 Typist
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
Clerk Typist 12 5250-8390
9940- Re-designated as Clerk
LD Clerk 35 5250-8390
9940- Re-designated as
LD Typist 2 5250-8390 Typist
Driver Gr. II 1 5250-8390
Roneo Operator 1 4750-7820
Binder 1 4750-7820
Class IV Employee Gr. II/
20 4510-6230
Night Watchman 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Under Secretary 1
20250 35320
Junior Employment Officer 1 9190-15510
Total 166
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 13; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Wage
employees- 1; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 1.
(i) The posts of Additional Director and Joint Director may be
placed in the scales of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150
and Rs.20700-26600 respectively.
(ii) 30% posts of the District Development Officers may be
upgraded and placed in the scale of pay corresponding to
(iii) At present there are 13 posts of Assistant District
Development Officers. If there is no post of Assistant
Development Officer for Wayanad District, the Commission
recommends that a post of Assistant Development Officer
may be sanctioned for Wayanad District. Higher grade of
30% posts in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12930-
20250 is recommended to Assistant Development Officers.
(iv) The demand for restoration of the post of Joint Director
(Training) may be considered favourably by the Government.
(v) The scale of pay of Training Officer on Rs.12250-19800 may
be enhanced and allowed the scale of pay corresponding to
(vi) The post of Training Instructor may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.7990-12930.
(vii) Qualified Ayahs may be promoted as Nursery Teachers in
50% of the posts. Provision for this may be made in the
Special Rules.
(viii) The ratio between Pre-Matric Hostel Warden, Pre-Matric
Hostel Warden Higher Grade and Pre-Matric Hostel Warden
Senior Grade may be in the ratio of 1:1:1 and the Senior
Grade will be in the scale of pay of corresponding to
(ix) Cooks on Rs.4510-6230 may be allowed 1:1:1 ratio as Cook
Gr. II, Gr. I and Sr. Gr. in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.4510-6230, Rs.4630-7000 and Rs.4750-7820 respectively.
(x) The Mess charge being recovered from the salary of Hostel
Staff may be reduced and limited to 25% of the admitted
mess charge.
7.71.4. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing
Designation of Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
posts pay
Director 1 IAS
Additional Director 1 40640-54140
Joint Director/Vigilance officer 3 36140-46640
No. Existing
Designation of Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
posts pay
Deputy Director 2 24040-36140
30% of posts in HG
Dist. Development Officer for 12930-
14 22360-35320 on Rs.24040-
S/C 20250 36140.
Training officer 1 22360-35320
30% of posts in HG
Asst. Dist. Development Officer 11910-
13 20740-33680 on Rs.22360-
for S/C 19350 35320.
Scheduled Caste Development 10790-
62 18740-31360
officer Gr. I 18000
Chief Publicity Officer 1 18740-31360
Special officer for colonization/
Special Taluk Development 1 18740-31360
Inspector of Training 2 18740-31360
Scheduled Caste Development 9190-
93 16180-27140
officer Gr. II 15510
Instructor in Stenography 4 15380-24040
Superintendent/Assistant 45 14620-23480
Inspector of Training
Training Instructor 90 13900-22360
Nursery School Teacher 52 11620-18740
The posts of Pre-
matric Hostel
Warden, Pre-
matric Hostel
Warden (HG), Pre-
matric Hostel
Pre-Matric Hostel Warden ( HG) 45 11620-18740 Warden (Sr. Gr.)
10790 will be in the ratio
of 1:1:1:1 and Pre-
matric Hostel
Warden (Sr. Gr.)
will be on
Pre-Matric Hostel Warden 46 5250-8390 9190-14620
Cook 264 4510-6230 8500-12220
Ayah 68 4510-6230 8500-12220
Helper/ Mess Boy 6 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
No. Existing
Designation of Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
posts pay
Senior Superintendent 15 18740-31360
Junior Superintendent 30 16180-27140
Fair Copy Superintendent 2 16180-27140
Head Clerk 6 14620-23480
6680- Re-designated as
U D Clerk 155 13210-20740 Senior Clerk
Re-designated as
L D Clerk 155 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Confidential Assistant Sel. Gr. 1 19240-32110
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 7 13900-22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 4 6080-9830 10480-17420
Clerk Typist 8 5250-8390 9940-15380
8390- Merged and Re-
Selection Grade Typist 8 14620-23480 designated
7990- as Sel Gr. Typist
Senior Grade Typist 9
6680- Re-designated as
U D Typist 13 13210-20740 Senior Typist
Re-designated as
L D Typist 13 5250-8390 9940-15380 Typist
Driver Grade I 6 6080-9830 10480-17420
Driver Grade II 16 5250-8390 9190-14620
Clerical Attender 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Attender 12 4630-7000 8730-12550
Duffedar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employees Gr. I 64 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 108 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman 116 4510-6230 8500-12220
Full Time Sweeper 7 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sweeper-cum-Watchman 44 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
Senior Administrative Officer 1 36140-46640
Senior Finance Officer 1 36140-46640
Chief Planning Officer 1 16650- 29180-40640
No. Existing
Designation of Scale of Remarks
Scale of pay
posts pay
Research Officer 1 19240-32110
Research Assistant 14 18740-31360
Statistical Assistant Gr. II 15 5250-8390 11620-18740
Principal, Pre Examination
Training Centre
Lecturer 1 UGC
Junior Co-operative Inspector 1 14620-23480
Revenue Inspector 1 14620-23480
Field Assistant 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Total 1654
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 162; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees -39; No. of Women employees- 931.
7.72.4. The Department is headed by the Director, who is an IAS Officer. The
senior most officer from the Department is a Joint Director.
7.72.5. The Commission held discussion with the representatives of
various Service Organisations and the Head of the Department.
Accordingly the following recommendations are made:
(i) The post of Joint Director may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(ii) The post of Deputy Director/Project Officer/Manager may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
(iii) The scale of pay of the post of Special Extension Officer on
Rs.9190-15510 may be enhanced corresponding to
(iv) The mess charge being recovered from the salary of the
hostel staff may be reduced and limited to 25% of the
admitted mess charge.
(v) Cooks on Rs.4510-6230 may be allowed 1:1:1 ratio as Cook
Grade II, Grade I and Senior Grade in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.4510-6230, Rs.4630-7000 and Rs.4750-
7820 respectively.
7.72.6. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Director 1 IAS
16650- 36140-
Joint Director 1
23200 46640
Deputy Director/Project 13610- 29180-
Officer/Manager 20700 40640
Asst. Director/Tribal 12250- 21240-
Development Officer 19800 34500
Asst. Project Officer/ Asst. Tribal 11910- 20740-
Development Officer 19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Training Officer 1
18000 31360
Special Extension Officer 4 9190-15510
Tribal Extension Officer 48 9190-15510
Industrial Supervisor 1 9190-15510
Warden ( MRS) 18 9190-15510
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Supervisor 2 7480-11910
Nursery School Teacher 14 6680-10790
Data Entry Operator 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Instructor 27 5250-8390 9190-14620
Higher Grade in the
Warden (Pre Metric/Post Metric
113 5250-8390 9190-14620 ratio 1:1 will
Hostel) continue.
Record Attender 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Ayah 55 4510-6230 8500-12220
Mess Boy/Mess Girl 10 4510-6230 8500-12220
Ratio between Cook
Gr. II, Cook Gr. I and
Cook Sr. Gr. On
Cook 255 4510-6230 8500-12220 Rs.8730-12550 and
respectively will be
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 19
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 16 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Selection Grade Typist 4 8390-13270 Re-designated as
Selection Grade
Senior Grade Typist 4 7990-12930 23480
Head Clerk 2 8390-13270
13210- Re-designated as
U D Typist 10 6680-10790 Senior Typist
13210- Re-designated as
U D Clerk 62 6680-10790 Senior Clerk
Confidential Assistant 7 6080-9830
Re-designated as
LD Typist 10 5250-8390 9940-15380 Typist
Re-designated as
L D Clerk 64 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Driver 22 5250-8390 9190-14620
Attender 24 4750-7820 8960-13210
Class IV Employee Gr. II 262 4510-6230 8500-12220
Helper/Sanitation Worker/ Full 51 4510-6230 8500-12220
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Time Sweeper/Van
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
20700- 36140-
Senior Administrative Officer 1
26600 46640
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 64640
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director (SPC) 1
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Medical Officer 3
19350 33680
12250- 21240-
Assistant Executive Engineer 1
19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Assistant Engineer 6
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Research Assistant 1
18000 31360
Overseer 9 5650-8790 9940-15380
L D Compiler 13 5250-8390 9190-14620
Pharmacist 10 6680-10790
Junior Public Health Nurse 7 6680-10790
12250- 21240-
Principal 8
19800 34500
11070- 19240-
Head Master 17
18450 32110
Graduate Teacher 171 8390-13270
Special Teacher 37 6680-10790
Manager cum Resident Tutor 18 8390-13270
11070- 20740-
Medical Officer(ISM) 7
18450 33680
Total 1452
No. of Part time Contingent employees - 102; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 43; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 518.
Special Officer, Special Nutrition Programme from the Harijan Welfare
Department and Probation and After Care services from the Prisons
Department. Later, in 1987 the administrative control of the
institutions and establishments under the Children’s Act was
transferred from the Prisons Department to the Social Welfare
Department. The Social Welfare Services are intended to provide
needed care and protection to the weaker sections of the society like
women, children, the physically handicapped, the mentally retarded,
destitute orphans, aged infirm and the social deviants like juvenile
7.73.2. The Department is headed by a Director who is an IAS Officer. In
discharge of his duties the Director is assisted by an Additional
Director at Head Quarters. Regional offices of the Department under
the control of Regional Directors functions at Thiruvananthapuram,
Ernakulam and Kozhikode. At the District level, District Social
Welfare Officers implement the Welfare Schemes except the
Integrated Child Development Scheme which is looked after by the
Child Development Project Officer. The Probation Officers attend to
the cases referred to them by the Judicial Magistrate and the Prisons
7.73.3.Commission held discussion with various Service Organisations and
the Head of Department. After careful consideration of all aspects
the Commission makes the following recommendations:
(i) The posts of Additional Director/Project Co-ordinator may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(ii) The posts of Joint Director /Joint Project Co-ordinator may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
Programme Officer / Child Development Project Officer
(iii) As per the Special Rules issued in G.O. (P) No. 23/2010/SWD
dtd, 30/03/2010, the senior most among the incumbents in
the category of CDPO shall be appointed as Programme
Officer (ICDS) against the future vacancies arising after the
date of effect of these rules, though both are
interchangeable posts. During the discussion the Head of
Department pointed out that it is not fair to place two
categories of posts one having Block level jurisdiction and
the other with District level jurisdiction in a same footing
regarding scale of pay. As per the new Special Rules for the
post of District Social Welfare Officer a ratio of 1:10:3 shall
be maintained between Probation Officer, CDPOs and Senior
Superintendent and equated categories in Social Welfare
Department. Hence the post of Programme Officer may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to 11070-18450.
(iv) The existing ratio of 1: 10: 3 among Probation Officer, CDPOs
and Senior Superintendent and equated categories may be
revised to 1:8:2:3 among Probation Officers, Supervisor
Promotee CDPOs direct CDPOs, Senior Superintendents and
CDPOs from ministerial wing and equated post of Social
Welfare Department. Necessary amendments to the Special
Rules in this regard is also recommended.
(v) The ICDS Supervisor may be given higher grade in the ratio
of 4:1 in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270.
(vi) The scale of pay corresponding to Rs.8790-13610 may be
allowed to the post of Superintendent Welfare Institutions
Grade II and its equated posts.
(vii) The post of Special Teacher HMDC may be allowed the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270 in view of the duties
and responsibilities of Special Teacher HMDC.
(viii) The posts of Craft Instructor, Music Teacher, Tailoring
Instructor, Agricultural Instructor, Carpentry Instructor,
Weaving Instructor, Drill Instructor, Physical Training
Instructor and Dance Master may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.6680-10790 (pay scale of P.D
(ix) The post of Care Taker may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.6080-9830 considering the arduous
nature of work.
Commissionerate for Persons with Disabilities
(x) For the implementation of the provision of “persons with
Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
participation) Act 1995 (Act 1 of 1996), a Commissionarate
has been constituted by Government. It has been brought to
the notice of the Commission that adequate Ministerial Staff
has not been sanctioned to the Commissionerate. The
Commission recommends to provide adequate ministerial
staff to the Commissionerate.
7.73.4. For all other posts in the Department, normal revision is
7.73.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scale
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
23200 46640
Project Co-oridinator/Additional 16650- 36140-
Director (Surplus Pool) 23200 46640
Joint Director/Joint Project Co- 13610- 29180-
ordinator 20700 40640
12930- 22360-
Regional Assistant Director 3
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Assistant Director 4
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
District Social Welfare Officer 14
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Probation Officer Gr. I 17
19350 33680
10790- 19240-
Programme Officer 16
18000 32110
Superintendent, 10790- 18740-
Welfare Institution Gr. I 18000 31360
Child Development Project 10790- 18740-
Officer 18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Women Protection Officer 14
18000 31360
Project Officer, Upgraded Special
10790- 18740-
Nutrition Programme/Regional 9
18000 31360
Dowry Prohibition Officer
Superintendent, Government 10790- 18740-
Juvenile Home/Special Home 18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Deputy Superintendent Gr. I 1
18000 31360
Deputy Superintendent-cum- 10790- 18740-
Headmaster Gr. I 18000 31360
Regional Dowry Prohibition 10790- 18740-
Officer 18000 31360
Deputy Superintendent-cum- 9190- 16180-
Headmaster Gr. II 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Probation Officer Gr. II 23
15510 27140
Store-keeper –cum-Logistics 8390- 14620-
Officer 13270 23480
Superintendent, 8390- 15380-
Welfare Institution Gr. II 13270 24040
Assistant Child Development 8390- 14620-
Project Officer 13270 23480
Supervisor, 2 8390- 14620-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Vocational Training Centre 13270 23480
Social Scientist, 8390- 14620-
Vocational Training Centre 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Nutritionist 3
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Pre-School Educationist 3
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Health Educationist 3
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Sociologist 4
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Printing Supervisor 1
13270 23480
Superintendent, 8390- 14620-
Welfare Institution Gr. III 13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Inspector (Child Welfare) 33
13270 23480
7990- 14620-
Special Teacher HMDC 5
12930 23480
High Grade in the
7990- 13900-
Supervisor, ICDS 1292 ratio of 4:1 on
12930 22360 Rs.14620-23480
7480- 13210-
Carpentry Foreman 1
11910 20740
7480- 13210-
Social Education Assistant 3
11910 20740
6680- 11620-
Literacy Teacher Gr. II 7
10790 18740
6680- 11620-
Nursery Teacher 2
10790 18740
Senior Instructor, 9940-
2 5650-8790
Vocational Training Centre 15380
Care Mother 25 5650-8790
Craft Instructor 1 5650-8790
Music Teacher 1 5650-8790
Tailoring Instructor 1 5650-8790
Agricultural Instructor 1 5650-8790
Carpentry Instructor 2 5650-8790 11620-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Weaving Instructor 3 5650-8790
Drill Instructor 1 5650-8790
Physical Training Instructor 2 5650-8790
Dance Master 1 5650-8790
Matron Gr. I 26 5250-8390
Needle Work Teacher 1 5250-8390
Craft Teacher 1 5250-8390
Craft Instructor 1 5250-8390
House Master 1 5250-8390
Instructor Book Binding 2 5250-8390
Instructor (Tailoring and 9190-
2 5250-8390
Embroidery) 14620
Tailoring Instructor 2 5250-8390
Instructor (Leather Works) 1 5250-8390
Instructor (Plastic Works) 1 5250-8390
Instructor (Pottery) 1 5250-8390
Care Taker 88 5250-8390
Teacher (Industry) 1 5250-8390
Part-Time Hindi Teacher 3 5250-8390
Part-Time Music Teacher 1 5250-8390
Part-Time Bhagavathar 1 5250-8390
Part-Time Tailoring Instructor 1 5250-8390
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Electrician Pump Driver 1 4750-7820
Supervisor, Balamandir 1 4750-7820
Ayah 50 4630-7000
Matron Gr. II 3 4630-7000
Male Attendant /Male Warden 20 4630-7000
Cook 60 4630-7000
Nurse 4 4630-7000
Female Nursing Orderly 1 4630-7000
1400 Fix 2500 Fix
Consultant in Psychiatry 1
Pay Pay
1400 Fix 2500 Fix
Consultant in Paediatrics 1
Pay Pay
1400 Fix 2500 Fix
Consultant in Psychology 1
Pay Pay
1400 Fix 2500 Fix
Honorary Psychiatrist 1
Pay Pay
Physical Education-cum-Yoga 1200 2100
Teacher Honorarium Honorarium
1400 Fix 2500 Fix
Part-Time Psychiatrist 1
Pay Pay
1400 Fix 2500 Fix
Part-Time Medical Officer 1
Pay Pay
3000 5250
Part-Time Psychologists 11
Honorarium Honorarium
Common Category
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 25
15510 27140
8390- Re-designated as
Selection Grade Typist 15 Selection Grade
13270 14620-
7990- 23480
Senior Grade Typist 22
8390- 14620-
Head Accountant / Head Clerk 70
13270 23480
6680- 13210- Re-designated as
U.D .Typist 185 Senior Typist
10790 20740
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
6680- 13210- Re-designated as
U.D Clerk 203
10790 20740 Senior Clerk
Confidential Assistant 3 6080-9830
9940- Re-designated as
L.D. Typist 122 5250-8390 Typist
Driver Gr. II 174 5250-8390
9940- Re-designated as
L.D. Clerk 204 5250-8390 Clerk
Clerk Typist 82 5250-8390
Attender 1 4630-7000
Clerical Attender 12 4630-7000
Watchman/Watch Women 116 4510-6230
Gardener 1 4510-6230
Scavenger 2 4510-6230
Class IV Employee Gr. II 303 4510- 6230
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Administrative Officer 1
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Assistant Surgeon 17
19350 33680
8390- 14620-
Staff Nurse 3
13270 23480
Junior Statistical Inspector 16 6080-9830
Total 3699
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees -120; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time – 1673.
Department was formerly functioning as a unit under the Director of
Agriculture. The 8th Pay Revision Commission made a
recommendation to the Government to consider the formation of a
full fledged separate Department for Soil Conservation work in close
co-ordination with the Department of Agriculture. Government issued
notification in G.O. (P) No.78/2008/AD dated 24.4.2008 framing
Special Rules for the Kerala Soil Conservation Service 2008.
According to the Special Rules, Soil Conservation and Soil Survey are
two independent branches with various categories of Officers as
Branch I- Soil Conservation
Category 1 : Additional Director of Soil Conservation
Category 2 : Joint Director of Soil Conservation
Category 3 : Deputy Director of Soil Conservation
Category 4 : District Soil Conservation Officer/Assistant
Director of
Soil Conservation
Category 5 : Soil Conservation Officer/Assistant Engineer
(Soil Conservation)
Branch II- Soil Survey
Category 1 : Additional Director (Soil Survey)
Category 2 : Deputy Director (Soil Survey)/ Principal Soil
Category 3 : Assistant Director (Soil Survey)/ Senior
Category 4 : Soil Survey Officer/ Research Assistant /
Cartographer/Technical Assistant
7.74.2. At the State level, the Soil Conservation Branch is headed by
Additional Director of Soil Conservation and Soil Survey Branch is
headed by Additional Director (Soil Survey). The Soil Conservation
Branch operates schemes in all districts under the District Soil
Conservation Officer who is in the cadre of Assistant Director of Soil
Conservation. Similarly, Soil Survey Branch has District units in all
Districts with an Assistant Director as head. Based on the request
made by the Assistant Directors (Soil Survey), the 8 th Pay Revision
Commission recommended to designate the District level functionary
in the Soil Survey Branch as District Soil Survey Officer.
7.74.3. Though the erstwhile Soil Conservation unit of the Agriculture
Department was reconstituted as a full fledged separate Department
and a common Special Rules have been framed, the two branches of
the Department are still functioning as two independent entities.
Whatever modification/change is made in the administrative set up in
one branch, a similar change is imperative in the other branch also
irrespective of the size or job requirements of each.
7.74.4. As per the latest Administration Report of the Agriculture (S C
Unit) Department published in 2009, the total plan expenditure for
2007-2008 under Soil Conservation was Rs.18.94 crore whereas the
plan expenditure under Soil Survey during the same year was
Rs.46.78 lakh only. It is worth mentioning in this context that Sri.
K.V. Nambiar, former Member Secretary, State Planning Board in the
Study Report 1996 on the integrative of Land Use, Soil Survey and
Soil Conservation had pointed out that the function of Soil Survey and
Land Use Board are related activities and hence recommended to
merge the Soil Survey Unit with the State Land Use Board. The
report further states that such a merger would give the Land Use
Board the required ministerial support at the field level for surveys
and that both the organizations would be mutually benefited.
7.74.5. The Commission has examined the demands put forth by various
service organizations on the above background. The representatives
of the Service Organizations appeared before the Commission to
argue their case for improvement in the scale of pay of various posts
and promotional prospects. The Additional Director (Soil
Conservation) and Additional Director (Soil Survey) were also heard.
The Commission considered the demands and makes the following
(i) As per GO (MS) 1059/63/Agri dated 7.12.1963, sanction was
accorded for the formation of the Department of Soil
Conservation with the Director of Soil Conservation as Head
of Department. This has virtually become extinct by the
issue of Special Rules dated 24.4.2008. The Special Rules
issued much later than the Government Order dated
7.12.1963 do not include the post of Director. The
promotion to the posts in the Soil Conservation is directed to
be made from the posts borne in the Soil Conservation Wing.
The promotion to the posts borne in the branch of Soil
Survey is directed to be made from the posts included in the
Soil Survey Branch. From these facts, it is clear that there
exists a separate Department of Soil Conservation consisting
of two branches; viz. Soil Conservation and Soil Survey.
Even if it is assumed that the post of Director of Soil
Conservation created as per Government Order dated
07.12.1963 has not been abolished, the post has not been
filled up so far. In the 8th Pay Revision Order, Soil
Conservation is shown as a separate Department. In the
circumstances, the Commission is unable to say as to the
status of Soil Conservation Department and hence the
Commission does not make any recommendations to disturb
the existing position.
(ii) The posts of Additional Director of Soil Conservation/Soil
Survey may be placed in the revised scale of pay of
(iii) The posts of Joint Director of Soil Conservation/Principal Soil
Chemist in Soil Survey Unit may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iv) One Deputy Director of Soil Conservation in the
Headquarters may be upgraded as Joint Director in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 for proper
monitoring of State Schemes. The Deputy Director of Soil
Conservation/Soil Survey may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
(v) 20% of the posts of Assistant Directors of Soil Conservation
and District Soil Conservation Officers (taken together) and
20% of the posts of Assistant Directors and Senior Chemists
(taken together) in Soil Survey may be placed in the higher
grade scale corresponding to Rs.13610-20700.
(vi) Among the schedule of the posts existing in the Soil
Conservation furnished by the authorities, there is no post of
Field Officer for promotion of Field Assistants. But there are
3 posts of Field Officers in the Soil Survey Wing. The report
of the Head of Department that all the ministerial/technical
posts are common in both Soil Survey and Soil Conservation
cannot be relied, in view of the circumstances explained in
Para (i) above. However, the promotion of Field Assistant as
Field Officer following the existing procedure is
recommended to be continued.
7.74.6. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.74.7. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Additional Director of Soil 23200- 42640-
Conservation 31150 55240
Joint Director of Soil 16650- 36140-
Conservation 23200 46640
One post of Deputy
Deputy Director of Soil 13610- 29180-
2 Director in the HQ may be
Conservation 20700 40640 upgraded as Joint Director
Assistant Director 13 12250- 21240- 20% of the total posts
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
19800 34500 may be placed in the
scale of pay of Rs.24040-
District Soil Conservation 12250- 21240- 36140
Officer 19800 34500
11070- 20740-
Assistant Engineer 14
18450 33680
11070- 19240-
Soil Conservation Officer 44
18450 32110
Field Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 6 8390-13270
Overseer Gr. I 80 7990-12930
22360 The existing 20% HG ratio
Draftsman Gr. I 32 7990-12930
Field Assistant Gr. I 9 7480-11910
Surveyor 86 6680-10790
Draftsman Gr. II 74 6680-10790
Grade ratio 5:3:2 among
Field Assistant Gr. II 16 6080-9830 Gr. II, Gr. I and Sr. Gr. will
17420 continue.
Tracer 13 5650-8790 9940-15380
Work Superintendent 167 5650-8790 9940-15380
Soil Survey
23200- 42640-
Additional Director 1
31150 55240
16650- 36140-
Principal Soil Chemist 1
23200 46640
13610- 29180-
Deputy Director 5
20700 40640
12250- 20% in Higher grade on
Assistant Director 17 Rs.24040-36140
19800 21240-
12250- 34500
Senior Chemist 4
11070- 19240-
Soil Survey Officer 28
18450 32110
Research Assistant / 11070- 19240-
Technical Assistant 18450 32110
11070- 19240-
Cartographer 1
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Field Officer 3
18000 31360
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Laboratory Assistant 2 6680-10790
Blue Printer 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Laboratory Attender 5 4630-7000 8730-12550
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 1
19800 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 1
18000 31360
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Junior Superintendent 7 9190-15510
Head Clerk 16 8390-13270
Selection Grade Typist 5 8390-13270 14620- Re-designated as
Selection Grade
Senior Grade Typist 6 7990-12930 23480
13210- Re-designated as Senior
U.D Clerk 68 6680-10790 Clerk
13210- Re-designated as Senior
U.D Typist 11 6680-10790 Typist
Confidential Assistant 2 6080-9830
Driver Gr. I 2 5650-8790 9940-15380
Clerk Typist 4 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 33 5250-8390 9190-14620
L.D Clerk 65 5250-8390 9940-15380 Re-designated as Clerk
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 38; No. of employees Casual/Contract/Daily
wages – 37; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 427.
7.75.1. The Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs was set up in 1987.
This Department administers the programmes in the field of sports
and games of Government of India, State Sports Council, Universities,
Education Department and other Autonomous Bodies of the State.
Most of the staff in the Department are on deputation from other
Departments. The Director is the Head of the Department.
7.75.2. The Commission after having examined the details furnished by
the Head of the Department and makes the following
The post of Director may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
7.75.3.Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.75.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay Pay
20700- 40640-
Director 1
26600 54140
Sports Demonstrator 1 7990-12930
Staff Nurse 1 7480-11910
Martial Art Instructor 1 7480-11910
Electrician 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Hospital Attendant Gr. II 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Ambulance Assistant 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
23200- 40640-
Additional Director 1
31150 54140
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer Gr. II 1
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Medical Officer 2
19800 34500
Physiotherapist 2 9590-16650
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 1
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay Pay
Confidential Assistant 2 6080-9830
Re-designated as
Lower Division Clerk 10 5250-8390 9940-15380 Clerk
Re-designated as
Lower Division Typist 2 5250-8390 9940-15380 Typist
Driver 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 33
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees- 1; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Wage
employees – 5; No. of Women employees including Part-Time – 14.
Conservation Officer taking in to account of the appointment on
25.10.1990 on contract basis and that the incumbent is continuing in
the post since then and there is no scope for a further employment,
being over aged. The officer represented before the Commission to
allow the scale of pay of gazetted post and to count entire service for
pensionary benefits. The Commission examined the matter in detail
and found that the post of Assistant Director of Archives is enjoying
the scale of pay of Rs.12250-19800. The qualification prescribed for
direct recruitment of the post is 1 st or 2nd Class P.G Degree in History,
which is also the essential qualification for the post of Assistant
Conservation Officer, with experience in the field of Conservation of
Archival records.
7.76.4. The Commission held discussion with the Service Associations
and with the Director of State Archives. After having examined all
the aspects in detail and taking into account of the position explained
at para 7.76.3, the following recommendations are made.
(i) The Director may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(ii) The post of Assistant Director may be upgraded and
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12930-
(iii) The scale of pay corresponding to Rs.10790-18000 may
be allowed to the post of Assistant Conservation Officer.
As the qualification fixed for the posts of the Conservation
Officer and the Assistant Conservation Officer is the same,
Conservation Officer may be made the promotion post of
Assistant Conservation Officer. The service of the
incumbent presently holding the post of Assistant
Conservation Officer may be regularized with effect from
the date of initial appointment i.e.; from 25.10.90 of the
incumbent. The modified enhanced scale of pay may be
made applicable w. e. f. 1.7.2009.
(iv) The total number of Menders is 18. It is the feeder
category for promotion to the post of Preservation
Supervisor which is five in number in the scale of Rs.8390-
13270. The Menders may be sanctioned higher grade in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270 in the
ratio of 2:1.
7.76.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Director 1 36140-46640
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Assistant Director 1 22360-35320
Editorial Archivist 1 18740-31360
Conservation Officer 1 18740-31360
Archivist 4 18740-31360
Superintendent 5 18740-31360
Assistant Archivist Gr. I 4 9190-15510 16180-27140
Junior Editor 1 9190-15510 16180-27140
Editorial Assistant 1 6680-10790 11620-18720
UDC/Assistant Archivist Gr. II 21 6680-10790 11620-18720
Photographer 1 7480-11910 13210-20740
Assistant Conservation Officer 3 9190-15510 18740-31360
Preservation supervisor 5 8390-13270 14620-23480
⅓rd of the post
Mender 18 6080-9830 10480-17420 placed in HG on
Binder 12 5250-8390 9190-14620
Common Category
Head Clerk 1 8390-13270 14620-23480
L D Clerk 15 5250-8390 9190-14620
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830 10480-17420
Senior Grade Typist 1 7990-12930 14620-23480
U D Typist 1 6680-10790 13120-20740
L D Typist 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Librarian Gr. II 1 9190-15510 16180-27140
Driver Gr. II 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Attender 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Duffedar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Watchman 6 4510-6230 8500-12220
Class IV Employee Gr. II 6 4510-6230 8500-12220
Lascar 8 4510-6230 8500-12220
Full Time Gardener 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-35320
Administrative officer 1
Total 128
No. of Part–Time Contingent employees-: 10; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Wage
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
employees - 5; No. of Women employee- including Part-Time- 27.
7.77.1. The State Central Library is the foremost Library in the State,
constitutes one of the Departments of Government. In G.O.
(Ms)No.55/88/H.Edn. dated 09.03.1988 Government have accorded
the status of Head of Department to the State Librarian. The State
Central Library is working in two shifts, except on Public holidays.
However, the Library is now functioning in the morning shift on
7.77.2. About 27,000 books were handed over to State Central Library
by Government on winding up of the British Council Library and
opened a separate division from 30.04.2010 in State Central Library.
As per the Administration Report of the State Central Library 2008-
2009, the number of books in stock is 348854.
7.77.3. The Commission held discussion with Service Organisations and
the State Librarian. Considering all the aspects the commission
recommends as follows:
(i) The post of State Librarian may be placed in the revised
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(ii) The post of Deputy Librarian may be placed in the revised
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
(iii) The Librarian Grade I may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding Rs.12250-19800.
(iv) The Librarian Grade II may be allowed the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.11070-18450.
(v) The Librarian Grade III may be allowed the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
(vi) The post of Record Attender may be upgraded and placed
in the revised scale of pay corresponding to Rs.4750-7820.
(vii) The scale of pay of System Administrator may be fixed
corresponding to the scale of pay of Rs.8390-13270.
7.77.4. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.77.6. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
State Librarian 1 16650- 36140-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
23200 46640
12250- 29180-
Deputy State Librarian 2
19800 40640
11910- 21240-
Librarian Gr. I 2
19350 34500
Librarian Gr. II 8 9190-15510
Librarian Gr. III 11 8390-13270
System Administrator 1 -
Librarian Gr. IV 19 6680-10790
Xerox Operator 1 5250-8390
Janitor 3 4630-7000
Common Category
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 1
19800 35320
Junior Superintendent 1 9190-15510
U.D Clerk 1 6680-10790
L.D. Clerk 4 5250-8390
L.D. Accountant 2 5250-8390
L.D. Typist 1 5250-8390
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830
Binder Grade II 2 4750-7820
Record Attender 1 4630-7000
Driver Grade II 1 5250-8390
Sergeant 1 6680-10790
Mochee 2 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 9 4510-6230
Full-Time Gardener 2 4510-6230
Full-Time Scavenger-cum- 8500-
1 4510-6230
Sweeper 12220
Chowkidar 2 4510-6230
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Night Watchman 1 4510-6230
Total 81
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 11; No. of Women employees including
Part-Time - 41.
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Insurance Officer 19800 34500
Development Officer/Inspector/ 10790- 18740- 25% in the HG on
21 Rs.20740-33680
Accounts Officer 18000 31360
Common Category
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 25
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 2
15510 27140
6680- 13210-
Upper Division Clerk 76
10790 20740
Lower Division Clerk 77 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
Typist Selection Grade 6
13270 14620-
7990- 23480
Typist Senior Grade 6
6680- 13210-
Upper Division Typist 14
10790 20740
Lower Division Typist 15 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Clerical Assistant 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 42 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Law Officer 1
20250 35320
Total 310
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 12; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time -112.
(i) The scale of pay of Additional Director may be enhanced to
the corresponding scale of Rs.23200-31150.
(ii) The scale of pay of Joint Director may be enhanced to the
corresponding scale of Rs.20700-26600.
(iii) The scale of pay of Deputy Director may be enhanced to
the corresponding scale of Rs.13610-20700.
(iv) The scale of pay of Cashier may be enhanced to the
corresponding scale of Rs.8390-13270.
(v) Government may consider whether the activities of the
Lotteries Department could be extended upto the Taluk
level in order to augment the revenue.
7.79.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scale
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Director 1 IAS
20700- 40640-
Additional Director 1
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Joint Director 1
23200 46640
12930- 24040-
Deputy Director 4
20250 36140
12250- 21240-
District Lottery officer 18
19800 34500
Assistant District Lottery 10790- 18740-
officer 18000 31360
Attender cum Packer 20 4630-7000 8730-12550
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 3
18000 31360
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 28
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 1
15510 27140
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 5
13270 23480
6680- 14620-
Cashier 1
10790 23480
6680- 13210-
U D Clerk 100
10790 20740
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
L D Clerk 98 5250-8390 9940-15380
Selection Grade Typist 5
13270 14620-
7990- 23480
Senior Grade Typist 5
6680- 13210-
U D Typist 9
10790 20740
L D Typist 11 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Class IV Employees Gr. II 68 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Publicity Officer 1
20250 35320
Deputation from
Accounts Officer( IA) 1 - AG’s Office
Deputation from
Sr. Auditor 2 - AG’s Office
Total 407
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 13; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 33; No. of Women employees - 152.
7.80.1. The State Planning Board helps the State Government in the
formulation of Five Year Plan, Annual Plan, assessment of financial
resources and generally advises the State Government on matters of
economic policies. The Board provides a comprehensive database of
programmes and evaluates Projects/Schemes which are implemented
by Government. The Chairman of the Board is the Chief Minister,
Vice-Chairman is appointed by the Government and is in the status of
a Cabinet Minister.
7.80.2. The Commission held discussion with the Service Organisations
and makes the following recommendations:
(i) The post of Research Officer may be enhanced to the
corresponding scale of pay of Rs.11910-19350.
(ii) The post of Joint Director (Selection Grade) may be placed
in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(iii) The post of Joint Director may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iv) The Chiefs may continue to be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.25400-33100. Special Allowance @
Rs.500 per mensum may be allowed to the post of Chief.
(v) In the 2004 Pay Revision corresponding pay scale was
allowed to the post of Plan Publicity Officer. Hence no
enhancement is recommended. This recommendation is
made after considering the representation of the present
incumbent in the light of the direction of the Hon’ble High
Court in WP(C) No.19866/2010 (G) dated, 12.7.2010 and
also in the light of the available materials.
(vi) The post of Agronomist may be placed in the revised scale
of pay of Rs.32110-44640.
7.80.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.80.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Member Secretary 1 IAS
Chief (Plan Co-ordination 25400-
1 44640-56340
Division) 33100
Chief (Agriculture Division) 1 44640-56340
Chief (Industry & Infrastructure 25400-
1 44640-56340
Division) 33100
Chief (Social Service Division) 1 44640-56340
Chief (Evaluation Division) 1 44640-56340
Chief (Perspective Planning 25400-
1 44640-56340
Division) 33100
Chief (Decentralized Planning 25400-
1 44640-56340
Division) 33100
Joint Director Sel. Gr. 4 40640-58640
Joint Director/ District Planning 16650-
17 36140-46640
Officer 23200
Agronomist 1 32110-44640
Deputy Director/Deputy District 13610-
19 24040-36140
Planning Officer 20700
Plan Publicity Officer 1 24040-36140
Programmer 1 13610- 24040-36140
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Librarian Sr. Gr. 1 22360-35320
Assistant Programmer 1 21240-34500
Assistant Director/Assistant 12250-
28 21240-34500
District Planning Officer 19800
Publication Officer 1 21240-34500
Research Officer 40 20740-33680
Personal Assistant 2 19240-32110
Research Assistant 57 18740-31360
Draftsman 2 13210-20740
Telephone Operator 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Common Category
Administrative Assistant 1 22360-35320
Confidential Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 6 19240-32110
Confidential Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 6 16180-27140
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 6 13900-22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 9 6080-9830 10480-17420
Sr. Superintendent 2 18740-31360
Junior Superintendent 16 16180-27140
Fair Copy Superintendent 2 16180-27140
Head Clerk 1 14620-23480
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 6
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 6
U.D Typist 14 13210-20740
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
L.D Typist 14 5250-8390 9940-15380
U.D Clerk 22 13210-20740
L.D. Clerk 22 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver (Sr. Gr.) 4 11620-18740
Driver Gr. I 8 6080-9830 10480-17420
Driver Gr. II 9 5250-8390 9190-14620
Duffedar (HG) 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
7.81.1. The State Water Transport Department was formed in June 1968
as a successor of the former Kerala Water Transport Corporation and
the Inland Water Transport Service. The Department conducts about
50 passenger boat services across seven Districts i.e; Alappuzha,
Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Ernakulam, Kottayam, Kannur and
Kasaragod. It has started tourism service also. The Director is the
Head of Department with Headquarters at Alappuzha and has three
wings, Operating Wing, Management Wing, and Repair and
Maintenance Wing headed by a Traffic Superintendent,
Administrative Assistant and Mechanical Engineer respectively.
7.81.2. The Commission held discussion with the Head of the
Department and the Service Organisations. After considering all the
demands, the Commission recommends as follows:
(i) The Director may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(ii) The post of Boat Master may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.6080-9830.
(iii) The post of Assistant Carpentry Maistry may be placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.5650-8790.
(iv) The post of Store Keeper may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.8390-13270.
(v) The running bata, stay bata and Special Festival bata may
be enhanced @ Rs.2.50, Rs.2.50 and Rs.5.00 per hour
(vi) Tool Kit Allowance may be enhanced to Rs.30 p.m.
(vii) Footwear Allowance may be fixed at Rs.200 per annum.
(viii) Uniform Allowance may be introduced.
(ix) Risk Allowance may be extended to all running staff.
7.81.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.81.4. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
16650- 36140-46640
Director 1
Operating Wing
Traffic Superintendent 2 18740-31360
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Assistant Traffic Superintendent 2 16180-27140
Station Master Grade I 2 13900-22360
Checking Inspector Grade I 2 13900-22360
7480- Two posts will be
Checking Inspector Grade II 10 13210-20740
11910 placed in the Gr. I
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Blacksmith Grade I 1 11620-18740
Armature Winder 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Moulder 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Pattern Maker 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Assistant Carpentry Maistry 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Chargeman (Caulker) 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Fitter Grade II 11 5250-8390 9190-14620
Pump Operator 8 5250-8390 9190-14620
Assistant Store Keeper 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Blacksmith Grade II 5 5250-8390 9190-14620
Battery Charger 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Upholsterer 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Carpenter 28 5250-8390 9190-14620
Electrician 4 5250-8390 9190-14620
Welder 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Turner 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Machinist 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Caulker 15 4750-7820 8960-13210
Painter 3 4750-7820 8960-13210
Cooly Worker 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Oil Supplier 2 2300 + DA 4000 + DA
Common Category
Administrative Assistant 1 22360-35320
Senior Superintendent 5 18740-31360
Junior Superintendent 7 16180-27140
Head Clerk 1 14620-23480
Selection Grade Typist 1 Re-designated as
14620-23480 Typist Selection
7990- Grade.
Senior Grade Typist 1
Upper Division Clerk 24 13210-20740
Upper Division Typist 2 13210-20740
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830 10480-17420
Lower Division Clerk 26 5250-8390 9940-15380
Lower Division Typist 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. II 22 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman 6 4510-6230 8500-12220
Full-Time Sweeper 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-35320
Finance Officer 1
Total 1120
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees – 14; No. of Casual/Contract/ Daily Waged
employees- 4; No. of Women Employees including Part-Time – 37
been represented before the Commission that the staff
pattern of offices is not the same in all Regional Offices.
There is no post of Junior Superintendent in the Regional
Offices at Shoranur (Palakkad District). The Commission
recommends that post of Junior Superintendent shall be
sanctioned in the Regional Office at Shoranur, so as to
maintain uniform staff pattern in all the Regional Offices.
(vi) There are two Inspectors of Stationery in the Regional
office at Thiruvananthapuram. Out of the two Inspectors
of Stationery, one Inspector of Stationery has been
deployed for the Government Secretariat. One Inspector
of Stationery cannot carry out effective inspection of the
offices of the Head of the Department and other offices in
Thiruvananthapuram. The Commission recommends for
the creation of a post of Inspector of Stationery in the
Regional Office of Stationery at Thiruvananthapuram.
(vii) In the District Offices one of the Clerks is designated as
Assistant Store Keeper and may be assigned duties of
Store Keeper. It has been brought to the notice of the
Commission that the remaining Clerk will find it difficult to
carry on the works in the District Office smoothly. Hence,
the Government may consider creation of an additional
post of LD Clerk in the District Offices.
7.82.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.82.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the
proposed scales of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
20700- 40640-
Controller 1
26600 54140
12930- 24040-
Deputy Controller 2
20250 36140
12250- 22360-
Assistant Controller 4
19800 35320
For assigning HG
10790- 18740-
Inspector of Stationery 14 @ 25% on
18000 31360 Rs.21240-34500
for these posts,
number of posts of
Chief Store Keeper/District 10790- 18740- Senior
11 Superintendent
Stationery Officer 18000 31360
will also be
10790- 18740-
Chief Foreman 1
18000 31360
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Mechanical Foreman 1 9190-15510
Assistant Foreman 3 8790-13610
Mechanic HG 11 7990-12930
Mechanic Gr. I 3 6680-10790
Assistant Store Keeper UD 6 6680-10790
Assistant Store Keeper LD 14 5250-8390 9190-14620
Packer/Store Assistant/Store
28 4630-7000 8730-12550
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 2
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 9 9190-15510 27140
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510 27140
Head Clerk 3 8390-13270 23480
Selection Grade Typist 1 8390-13270 14620-
Senior Grade Typist 1 7990-12930 23480
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990-12930 22360
U.D Clerk 37 6680-10790 20740
U.D Typist 4 6680-10790 20740
L.D Clerk 29 5250-8390 9940-15380
L.D Typist 4 5250-8390 9940-15380
Clerk Typist 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver HDV 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Driver LDV 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Clerical Attender 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Duffedar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 23 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher/Night Watcher/
7 4510-6230 8500-12220
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Full Time Sweeper 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher-cum-Sweeper 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Night Watcher cum Sweeper 14 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 247
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 3; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 72;
7.83.1. The present Survey & Land Records Department was formed by
integrating the Staff allotted from the former Madras State, Cochin
State and Travancore State under a Director of Survey & Land
Records from 1.11.1956. The Department is entrusted with the
conduct of Survey of the entire State and to prepare survey records.
Now this Department is engaged in the modernization process for
fully automated survey with the help of modern equipment and
software. The Director is the Head of the Department who is drawn
from the IAS cadre.
7.83.2. The Commission held discussion with the Service Associations
and the Head of the Department and accordingly makes the following
(i) The demand for integration of the posts of Surveyor and
Draftsman is not recommended as the mode of
recruitment to these posts is separate and different.
(ii) The post of Additional Director and Joint Director may be
allowed the scales of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-
31150 and Rs.20700-26600 respectively. The post of
Deputy Director (Senior Grade) may be allowed the revised
scale of pay of Rs.32110-44640.
(iii) The existing ratio between Head Surveyor/Head Draftsman
and Surveyor/Draftsman may be revised as 1:6 from the
existing 1:8.
7.83.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other posts.
7.83.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Director 1 IAS
Additional Director 1 20700- 40640-
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
26600 +
240 SP
Joint Director 2 23200 +
120 SP
16650- 32110-
Deputy Director (Sr. Grade) 3
23200 44640
12930- 22360- 20% of the posts will
Deputy Director 12 be in HG.
20250 35320
12250- 21240-
Assistant Director 20
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Technical Asst. ( HG) 4
19350 33680
10790- 18740- 20% of the posts will
Technical Assistant 15 be in HG.
18000 31360
Superintendent Survey & 11910- 20740-
Land Records (HG) 19350 33680
Superintendent Survey & 10790- 18740- 20% of the posts will
52 be in HG.
Land Records 18000 31360
Ratio between Head
9590- 16980-
Head Surveyor 205 Surveyor & Surveyor
16650 29180 will be 1:6.
Ratio between Head
9590- 16980-
Head Draftsman 102 Draftsman &
16650 29180 Draftsman will be 1:6.
8390- 14620-
Printing Expert 1
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Photographer 1
13270 23480
7990- 13900-
First Grade Draftsman 437
12930 22360
First Grade Surveyor 7990- 13900-
12930 22360
Second Grade Draftsman 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
Second Grade Surveyor 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
Cutter 10480-
1 6080-9830
Tracer 19 5650-8790 9940-15380
Binder 42 4750-7820 8960-13210
Printer 3 4750-7820 8960-13210
Attender (Plate Cleaning) 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
Attender ( Plate Graining) 2 4750-7820 8960-13210
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Pressman 3 4630-7000 8730-12550
Chainman 42 4510-6230 8500-12220
Common Category
Driver 19 5250-8390 9190-14620
Night Guard 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of other Departments
12930- 22360-
Finance Officer 1
20250 35320
Assistant Secretary (Deputy 12930- 22360-
Collector) 20250 35320
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 2
18000 31360
Manager ( Junior 9190- 16180-
Superintendent) 15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Junior Superintendent 17
15510 27140
9190- 16180-
Fair Copy Superintendent 1
15510 27140
Re-designated as
7990- 14620- Selection Grade Typist
Senior Grade Typist 7 on Rs.14620-
12930 23480
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 2
12930 22360
8390- 14620-
Head Accountant 1
13270 23480
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 29
13270 23480
6680- 13210-
U D Clerk 93
10790 20740
6680- 13210-
U D Typist 19
10790 20740
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 2 6080-9830
L D Clerk 132 5250-8390 9940-15380
L D Typist 41 5250-8390 9940-15380
Attender 38 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 216 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 3473
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 47; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 50; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 982.
7.84.1.The Department of Tourism is the Government agency for promotion
of Tourism in Kerala. It is engaged in the development of
infrastructure facilities in the tourist centres, nourishment of
traditional art forms and festivals and conservation of traditional
monuments. It provides publicity for Kerala Tourism at National and
International level and hospitality service on behalf of Government of
Kerala. It also functions as an Estate Office so far as the
accommodation and conveyance of VIPs like Ministers are concerned.
29 Guest Houses/ Yathri Nivases and other allied establishments like
Tourist Information Centres are maintained by the Department. The
Department is headed by the Director (IAS Cadre) and supported by
two Additional Directors. There is also a Director (Eco-Tourism) in the
cadre of IFS.
7.84.2. The Commission held discussion with various Service
Organisations and the Head of the Department. After considering the
various demands, the Commission recommends as follows:
7.84.3. The following posts may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to the revised scale of pay shown against each.
(i)Additional Director (Hospitality) Rs.23200-31150
Joint Director
(ii) Rs.20700-26600
Deputy Director
(iii) Rs.13610-20700
Information Assistant
(iv) Rs.8390-
7.84.4. The question of regularization of the appointment of Life Guards may
be decided by the Government by making suitable amendment to
Special Rules. The daily wage is being given now to Life Guards may
suitably be enhanced for the time being.
7.84.5. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.84.6. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Director 1 IAS
Director (Eco Tourism) 1 IFS
Additional Director (General) 1 IAS
Additional 20700-
1 40640-54140
Director(Hospitality) 26600
Joint Director 3 36140-46640
Deputy Director 13 24040-36140
50% of the posts
Manager Gr. I 14 18740-31360 will be in HG on
18000 Rs.20740-33680.
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Assistant Planning Officer 1 18740-31360
Tourist Information Officer 10 18740-31360
Personal Assistant to the 10790-
1 18740-31360
Director 18000
Inspecting Officer 1 18740-31360
Superintendent, 10790-
1 18740-31360
Kanakakkunnu Palace 18000
Manager Gr. II 5 13900-22360
Information Assistant 35 14620-23480
Head Chauffeur 4 13210-20740
Manager Gr. III 10 11620-18740
The ratio between
6680- Higher Grade and
Telephone Operator HG 9 11620-18740 Lower Grade will
be 1:1.
The ratio between
Chauffeur Gr. I 45 11620-18740 Gr. I and Gr. II
10790 posts will be 1:1.
Telephone Operator 9 5250-8390 9190-14620
Steward 15 5250-8390 9190-14620
Electrician 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Mechanic 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Garden Supervisor 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
AC Mechanic 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Chauffeur Gr. II 45 5250-8390 9190-14620
Caretaker 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Butler 11 4750-7820 8960-13210
Plumber 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Cook 43 4630-7000 8730-12250
Gardener 12 4630-7000 8730-12250
Hospitality Assistant 122 4630-7000 8730-12250
Common category
Senior Superintendent 5 18740-31360
Junior Superintendent 3 16180-27140
Head Clerk 3 14620-23480
UD Clerk 28 13210-20740
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 2 6080-9830 10480-17420
LD Clerk 18 5250-8390 9940-15380
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Clerk-Typist 10 5250-8390 9940-15380
Peon 19 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watcher 34 4510-6230 8500-12220
Lascar 65 4510-6230 8500-12220
Kitchen Matey 25 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sweeper, Sanitation Worker 94 4510-6230 8500-12220
Car Cleaner 6 4510-6230 8500-12220
Masalchi 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by the personnel of other Departments
Sr. Administrative Officer 1 36140-46640
Sr. Finance Officer 1 36140-46640
Assistant Executive Engineer 12250-
1 21240-34500
(Mechanical) 19800
Planning Officer 1 19240-32110
Research Officer 1 19240-32110
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 1 13900-22360
Statistical Assistant Gr. II 1 5250-8390 11620-18740
Total 740
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 14; No. of Contract/Daily Waged employees -
122; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 146.
(i) The post of Chief Town Planner may be placed in the
revised scale of pay of Rs.48640-59840. The post of Senior
Town Planner may be upgraded and placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.25400-33100.
(ii) The post of Town Planner Higher Grade may be placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150.
(iii) The post of Town Planner may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iv) The post of Photographer-cum-Commercial Artist may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-
7.85.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
26600- 48640-
Chief Town Planner 1
33750 59840
23200- 44640-
Senior Town Planner 7
31150 56340
20700- 40640-
Town Planner(HG) 4
26600 54140 25% of the posts will
16650- 36140- be on H.G
Town Planner 13
23200 46640
13610- 24040-
Deputy Town Planner (HG) 2
20700 36140 1/3rd of the posts will
12250- 21240- be in the HG.
Deputy Town Planner 20
19800 34500
11070- 20740-
Assistant Town Planner 41
18450 33680
Photographer-cum- 8790- 16180-
Commercial Artist 13610 27140
7480- 13210-
Artist 3
11910 20740
TBHG scale of pay will
Draftsman Gr. I/ Town 7990- 13900-
53 be applicable as in
Planning Surveyor Gr. I 12930 22360 PWD, Irrigation etc.
Existing ratio of 1:1
Draftsman Gr. II/ Town 6680- 11620-
47 between Gr. I & Gr. II
Planning Surveyor Gr. II 10790 18740 will be continued.
Tracer 15 5650-8790 9940-15380
Blue Printer 13 4630-7000 8730-12550
Common Category
Administrative Assistant 1 12250- 22360-
19800 35320
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Senior Superintendent 3 10790- 18740-
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 8 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Head Clerk 7 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
U.D Clerk 35 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
LD Clerk 35 5250-8390 9940-15380
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Selection Grade Typist 4 8390-
13270 14620-
Senior Grade Typist 4 7990- 23480
U.D. Typist 8 6680- 13210-
10790 20740
LD Typist 9 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant (Sel. 1 11070- 19240-
Gr.) 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 1 9190- 16180-
15510 27140
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990- 13900-
12930 22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 2 6080-9830 10480-
Driver Sr. Gr. 1 6680- 11620-
10790 18740
Driver Gr. I 2 6080-9830 10480-
Driver Gr. II 3 5250-8390 9190-14620
Binder Gr. II 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Malayalam Translator 1 7990- 13900-
12930 22360
Duffedar 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Chainman (HG) 4630-7000 8730-12550
Chainman 4510-6230 8500-12220
Class IV Employee Gr. I 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 4510-6230 8500-12220
Watchman (HG) 4630-7000 8730-12550
Watchman 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by personnel of the other Departments
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Deputy Director (Statistics) 13610- 24040-
20700 36140
Administrative Officer 12930- 22360-
20250 35320
Assistant Director 12250- 21240-
19800 34500
Research Officer 11070- 19240-
18450 32110
Statistical Inspector/Research 10790- 18740-
Assistant (HG) 18000 31360
Statistical Inspector/Research 8390- 14620-
Assistant 13270 23480
Investigator (HG) 8390- 14620-
13270 23480
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 6680- 13900-
10790 22360
LD Investigator/Statistical 11620-
11 5250-8390
Assistant Gr. II 18740
Total 535
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 16; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees – 24; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 158.
(ii) The post of Deputy Director may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200.
(iii) It has been brought to the notice of the Commission that
there are no Junior Superintendent in some of the Sub
Treasuries of the Department. It is recommended that the
post of Selection Grade Accountant in those Treasuries
may be upgraded to that of Junior Superintendent.
(iv) The Commission recommends to upgrade the post of
Stamp Depot Officer to that of ADTO and place in the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800.
(v) The Commission recommends to sanction special
allowance @ Rs.200/- per month to Tellers.
7.86.3. Normal revision is recommended to all other categories.
7.86.4. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of
pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
23200- 44640-
Director 1
31150 56340
16650- 36140-
Joint Director 2
23200 46640
13610- 29180-
Deputy Director 4
20700 40640
12930- 22360-
Assistant Director 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
District Treasury Officer 23
20250 35320
Assistant District Treasury 12250- 21240-
Officer 19800 34500
10790- 21240-
Stamp Depot Officer 12
18000 34500
10790- 18740- 25% of the posts of Sub-
Sub Treasury Officer 181 Treasury Officer /
18000 31360
Assistant Treasury
Officer/ and Senior
Superintendent (all
10790- 18740-
Assistant Treasury Officer 21 taken together) will be
18000 31360 placed on higher scale
of Rs.20740-33680.
SB Passing Officer 317 9190-15510
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
14620- The existing ratio of
Accountant Sel. Gr. 180 8390-13270
23480 5:5:1 among Junior
Accountant, Senior
13210- Accountant and
Senior Accountant 856 6680-10790
20740 Accountant (Sel. Gr.) will
Junior Accountant 856 5250-8390 9940-15380
The Selection Grade
Grade Accountant
posted in future as
Treasurer will draw
cadre pay and usual
Treasurer 305 allowance. Present
incumbents holding the
post of Treasurer will be
eligible for the revised
scale of Rs.13210-
Stamp Examiner 18 4750-7820 8960-13210
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 12
18000 31360
Confidential Assistant Sr. 16180-
1 9190-15510
Gr. 27140
Fair copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830
Driver Gr. I 6080-9830
8 17420
Driver Gr. II 5250-8390 9190-14620
Typist 70 5250-8390 9940-15380
Attender 38 4750-7820 8960-13210
Binder 25 4750-7820 8960-13210
Duffedar 1 4510-7480 8500-12220
Full Time Watchman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Class IV Employee Gr. II 482 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 3440
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees -210; No. of Casual /Contract/Daily Waged
employees -22; No. of Women employees including Part-Time-1139.
and supervision of administration of ‘Urban Local Self Government
Institutions’ viz. Municipal Corporations and Municipalities in the
State. At present there are 5 Municipal Corporations and 60
Municipalities in the State. The Department plays a crucial role in the
fair and proper implementation of the provisions of Kerala
Municipalities Act 1994 and the allied Acts and Rules through out the
urban areas coming under the Jurisdiction of these LSGIs.
7.87.2. Director of Urban Affairs is the Head of the Department. The
Department has three Regional Offices at Kollam, Kochi and
Kozhikode. With the devolution of powers and funds to the Local Self
Governments, the duties, functions and responsibilities of the
Department have increased.
7.87.3. The Commission held discussion with the Service Organisations
and makes the following recommendations:
(i) The post of Director may be placed in revised scale of pay of
Rs.42640-55240. The posts of Joint Director
(Administration)/Regional Joint Director/Joint Director (Health)
and Corporation Secretary may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.23200-31150 and Rs.20700-26600
(ii) The post of Corporation Additional Secretary created as
per G.O(Ms) No.255/08/LSGD dated 15.09.2008 may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-
26600. Since the Corporation Secretary and the Additional
Corporation Secretary are in the same scale of pay, the
Additional Corporation Secretary shall be assigned
functions in such a way to relieve the Corporation
Secretary from some of his non–statutory functions.
(iii) The scale of pay of Municipal Secretary Grade I may be
enhanced to Rs.16650-23200, Grade II Rs.13610-20700
and Grade III corresponding to Rs.11910-19350, in view of
their higher responsibility, accountability and public
(iv) One post of Administrative Assistant/Provident Fund
Officer/Pension Officer may be designated as PF Accounts
Officer and allowed the scale of pay corresponding to
7.87.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
23200- 42640- Post now held by
Director 1
31150 55240 IAS officer
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
20700- 40640-
Joint Director (Administration) 1
26600 54140
20700- 40640-
Regional Joint Director 3
26600 54140
20700- 40640-
Joint Director (Health) 1
26600 54140
16650- 36140-
Corporation Secretary 5
23200 46640
16650- 36140-
Corporation Additional Secretary 5
23200 46640
13610- 29180-
Municipal Secretary Grade I 12
20700 40640
12250- 24040-
Municipal Secretary Grade II 22
19800 36140
Provident Fund Officer/Pension 12250- 21240- One post of AA/PF
2 Officer/Pension
Officer 19800 34500
Officer may be
designated as PF
Accounts Officer
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 1 and placed in the
19800 35320 scale of pay of
11070- 20740-
Municipal Secretary Grade III 19
18450 33680
11070- 19240-
Assistant Municipal Secretary 1
18450 32110
12250- 22360-
Administrative Assistant 1
19800 35320
Common Category
10790- 18740-
Senior Superintendent 6
18000 31360
Junior Superintendent 11 9190-15510
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Upper Division Clerk 32 6680-10790
Lower Division Clerk 32 5250-8390
Confidential Assistant (Selection 11070- 19240-
Grade) 18450 32110
Confidential Assistant Senior 16180-
1 9190-15510
Grade 27140
Confidential Assistant Grade I 1 7990-12930
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
posts pay pay
Confidential Assistant Grade II 1 6080-9830
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 2 8390-13270 14620-
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 2 7990-12930 23480
Upper Division Typist 4 6680-10790
Lower Division Typist 5 5250-8390
Driver Gr. II 4 5250-8390
Record Room Attender 1 5250-8390
Class IV Employee Gr. I 5 4630-7000
Class IV Employee Gr. II 11 4510-6230
Posts held by personnel of Other Departments
20700- 36140-
Senior Finance Officer 1
26600 46640
12930- 22360-
Law Officer 1
20250 35320
Research Assistant 1 8390-13270
Statistical Assistant Gr. I 1 6680-10790
Statistical Assistant Gr. II 1 5250-8390
Total 198
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 2; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time - 47.
level offices, District level offices, Special units, Legal wings,
Research Analysis & Enforcement wing and Intelligence branches.
7.88.2. The Commission held discussion with various Service
Organisations with regard of pay structure and promotion prospects.
After considering the various demands, the Commission recommends
as follows:
(i). The post of Legal Advisor may be placed in the revised
scale of pay of Rs.42640-55240.
(ii). The post of Additional Legal Advisor may be placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600.
(iii). The pay scale of the post of Manager may be placed in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12930-20250.
(iv). The scales of pay of Police Constable, Head Constable,
Sub Inspector, Inspector, Deputy Superintendent of
Police etc will be on par with similar categories in Police
7.88.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales of
pay are given below:
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
Posts Scale of Pay
Director of Vigilance
Legal Advisor 1 42640-55240
Additional Legal Advisor 6 36140-46640
Manager 1 22360-35320
Personnel of Police Department
Inspector General of Police 2 IPS
Deputy Inspector General of
Superintendent of Police 3 IPS
Superintendent of Police 23200-
6 42640-52240
(Non-IPS) 31150
Deputy Superintendent of 12930-
33 24040-36140
Police 20250
Inspector of Police 64 20740-33680
Sub Inspector of Police 30 16980-29180
Assistant Sub Inspector 73 8390- 16180-27140
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
Posts Scale of Pay
Head Constable 139 13900-22360
Police Constable 338 6080-9830 10480-17420
Police Driver Head Constable/ 11910 13900-22360/
Police Constable /6080- 10480-17420
Common Category
Administrative Assistant 1 22360-35320
Accounts Officer 1 21240-34500
Senior Superintendent 12 18740-31360
Junior Superintendent 14 16180-27140
Head Clerk 2 14620-23480
U .D. Clerk 59 13210-20740
L.D. Clerk 59 5250-8390 9940-15380
Fair Copy Superintendent 1 16180-27140
Selection Grade Typist 6 Re-designated as
14620-23480 Typist Selection
7990- Grade.
Senior Grade Typist 7
U .D. Typist 14 13210-20740
L .D. Typist 14 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant (Sel. 11070-
14 19240-32110
Gr.) 18450
Confidential Assistant (Sr. 9190-
14 16180-27140
Gr.) 15510
Confidential Assistant (Gr. I ) 14 13900-22360
Confidential Assistant (Gr. II) 14 6080-9830 10480-17420
Attender 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee 18 4510-6230 8500-12220
Posts held by the Personnel of other
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
Posts Scale of Pay
Audit Officer /Accounts 12250-
1 21240-34500
Officer 19800
Executive Engineer 16650-
1 36140-46640
(Mechanical) 23200
Executive Engineer (Civil) 1 36140-46640
Assistant Executive Engineer 13610-
1 24040-36140
(Civil) 20700
Total 1090
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 27; No. of Women employees – 144.
7.90.1. The Agricultural Income Tax and Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal is a
quasi judicial body concerned with disposing of appeals in connection
with Agricultural Income Tax and Sales Tax and VAT. The Principal
Bench of the Tribunal is at Ernakulam with additional benches at
Kottayam, Ernakulam, Palakkad, Kozhikode and Thiruvananthapuram.
The Chairman of the Tribunal is of the rank of a District Judge
appointed on deputation basis. The Tribunal consists of Chairman,
Member (Judicial), Member (Accounts) and Member (Departmental).
7.90.2. Member (Accounts ) is drawn either from open market , who are
Chartered Accountants appointed by Public Service Commission or
by appointment on deputation basis from among Class I officers of
Indian Audit and Accounts Service or an officer in the rank of
Inspecting Appellate Asst. Commissioner of Income Tax of the Indian
Revenue Service. Member (Judicial) is posted on deputation basis
who is in the rank of District Judge. Member (Departmental) is
appointed on deputation basis from among Deputy Commissioners of
the Commercial Tax Department. The remaining staff are drawn from
the Commercial Taxes Department.
7.90.3. Discussion was held with the Secretary of the Tribunal. The
Commission after consideration of all the aspects makes the following
(i) The Member (Accounts) may be placed in the revised scale
of pay of Rs.42640-55240.
(ii) The Member (Departmental) may be placed in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.23200-31150 if they are in the
grade of Deputy Commissioner. If the Member
(Departmental) is Deputy Commissioner (HG) they may be
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.25400-
(iii) The Government may consider to reckon a maximum
period of five years service as practicing Chartered
Accountant prior to the appointment as Member
(Accounts) for pensionery benefits and make necessary
amendment in the relevant Rules, if necessary.
7.90.4. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Chairman 1 NJPC
Member (Judicial) 2 NJPC
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
31150 55240
Deputy Commissioner
(HG) holding the
charge of Member
20700- 40640-
Member ( Departmental) 5 (Departmental) will be
26600 54140 placed in the scale of
pay of Rs.44640-
12930- 22360-
Secretary 1
20250 35320
10790- 18740-
Assistant Secretary 5
18000 31360
Common Category
9190- 16180-
Junior superintendent 2
15510 27140
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 3
13270 23480
6680- 13210-
U D Clerk 11
10790 20740
L D Clerk 11 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant Sel. 11070- 19240-
Gr. 18450 32110
9190- 16180-
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 4
15510 27140
7990- 13900-
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 2
12930 22360
Typist Sel. Gr. 1
13270 14620-
7990- 23480
Typist Sr. Gr. 4
6680- 13210-
U D Typist 3
10790 20740
Clerical Attender Gr. I 3 4750-7820 8960-13210
Clerical Attender 3 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. I 7 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 16 4510-6230 8500-12220
Duffedar 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Sweeper-cum-Peon 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 99
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 4; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time – 40.
7.91.1. The Industrial Tribunals are constituted for adjudicating industrial
disputes on reference by the State Government as well as the Central
Government under Section 10 (1) (d) of the Industrial Disputes Act
1947 and functioning as a Court constituted under Section 75 of the
Employees State Insurance Act 1948. Five Industrial Tribunals are
functioning in the State under the Labour Department with
headquarters at Kollam, Idukki, Alappuzha, Palakkad and Kozhikode.
The territorial jurisdiction of each Tribunal is fixed ranging from 2 to 4
Revenue Districts. The Presiding Officers of the Industrial Tribunals
are appointed by Government from among the Judicial Officers not
below the rank of a District Judge or a person who is qualified for
appointment as a Judge of the High Court. The Presiding Officers of
the Industrial Tribunals in the State are neither ‘District Judges’ nor
members of the Judicial Service as contemplated in Article 236 of the
Constitution of India. The staff members of Industrial Tribunals are
deployed from the Labour Department. Secretary is the ministerial
head who is in the rank of Senior Superintendent.
7.91.2. Normal revision is recommended to all categories of posts.
7.91.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay Pay
Industrial Tribunal 5 NJPC
Common Category
Secretary 5 18740-31360
Confidential Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 1 19240-32110
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 2 7990-12930 13900-22360
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 1 6080-9830 10480-17420
Typist (Sel. Gr.) 1 8390-13270
Typist (Sr. Gr.) 2 7990-12930
U.D Typist 4 6680-10790 13210-20740
L.D Typist 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
U.D Clerk 13 6680-10790 13210-20740
L.D Clerk 8 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver (Sr. Gr.) 1 6680-10790 11620-18740
Driver Gr. I 1 6080-9830 10480-17420
Driver Gr. II 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Class IV Employee Gr. I 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
⅓rd posts in the HG
Class IV Employee Gr. II 6 4510-6230 8500-12220
Night Watchman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay Pay
Total 53
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 6; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time -19;
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
District Judge/Tribunal 1 NJPC
12250- 24040-
Secretary/Deputy Registrar 1
19800 36140
Senior Inspector 1 9190-15510
Common Category
L.D. Clerk 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830
L.D. Typist 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Class IV Employee Gr. II 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 10
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees -1; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time- 4.
7.93.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are as given below:
No. Existing Proposed
Designation of Scale of Scale of Remarks
Posts pay pay
State Transport Appellate
11910- 20740-
Sheristadr 1
19350 33680
8390- 16180-
Bench Clerk 1
13270 27140
Court Keeper 1 4630-7000
Common Category
8390- 14620-
Head Clerk 1
13270 23480
6680- 13210-
UD Clerk 1
10790 20740
LD Clerk 3 5250-8390
Confidential Assistant Senior 9190- 16180-
Grade 15510 27140
6680- 13210-
UD Typist 2
10790 20740
Class IV Employee Gr. II 3 4510-6230
Total 15
No. of Part -Time Contingent employees- 1; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time– 6.
ministerial staff is appointed on deputation basis from other
7.94.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Tribunal 1 NJPC
12930- 22360-
Tribunal Secretary 1
20250 35320
Bench Clerk 1 8390-13270
Common Category
UD Clerk 2 6680-10790
LD Clerk 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant 10480-
1 6080-9830
Grade II 17420
LD Typist 3 5250-8390 9940-15380
Class IV Employee Gr. II 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Driver 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Night Watchman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 16
No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 2.
to the conditions of service including similar issues of non-
teaching staff of Private Colleges.
(ii) The Tribunal is appointed as Additional District Judge III by
the High Court and the civil appeals are made over to the
Tribunal by the District Judge Thiruvananthapuram and are
being disposed of by the Tribunal.
(iii) The Secretary to the Tribunal is an officer with Law Degree
appointed by Government from the Administrative
(iv) The highest ministerial post in the Tribunal is Head Clerk
and the present incumbent, who is a graduate, has joined
the Department on 06.07.1988 on inter-departmental
transfer and has been drawing the salary in the scale of
pay of Rs.9190-15510 on time bound higher grade and has
to retire as Head Clerk as there are no higher posts for
promotion in the Tribunal. It is, therefore, recommended
that the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.10790-18000
may be sanctioned as personal scale to the present
(v) The Bench Clerks in the District Courts are in the grade of
Junior Superintendent based on the Shetty Commission
Report and as approved by Government. The Appellate
Tribunal being headed by a District Judge, the post of
Bench Clerk may be in the grade of Junior Superintendent
by upgrading the post of UD Clerk of the Tribunal.
(vi) One of the posts of Peons may be upgraded as Duffedar
and an additional post of Peon may be sanctioned.
7.95.3. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
No. of Proposed
Designation Scale of Remarks
posts Scale of pay
Secretary 1 22360-35320
Common Category
The present
incumbent may be
Head Clerk 1 8390-13270 14620-23480 allowed Personal scale
of Rs.18740-31360.
UD Clerk 1 6680-10790 13210-20740
LD Clerk 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Confidential Assistant 1 6080-9830 10480-17420
Typist 1 5250-8390 9940-15380
Class IV Employee Gr. I 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Driver 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Total 12
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 1; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees- 1; No. of Women employees including Part-Time - 7.
7.96.5. The categories of posts with the existing and the proposed scales
of pay are given below:
Existing Proposed
No. of
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
pay pay
Vigilance Tribunal 2 NJPC
11910- 20740-
Manager 2
19350 33680
Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 3 9590-16650
29180 Re-designated as
Assistant Section
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 1 9190-15510 Officer. Existing
27140 ratio 1:1:1 will
Assistant 2 7990-12930
Senior Grade Typist 1 9190-15510
Typist Gr. II 1 6080-9830
Common Category
Confidential Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 1 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990-12930
Typist Sr. Gr. 1 7990-12930
U.D Typist 1 6680-10790
L.D Typist 2 5250-8390 9940-15380
Driver Gr. I 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Driver Gr. II 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Duffedar 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. I 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Class IV Employee Gr. II 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Sweeper-cum-Watchmen 2 4630-7000 8730-12550
Total 28
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees- 1; No. of Women employees including Part-
Time – 3.
are debited to the State Budget. The Commission is pleased to
include the details of such Commissions/Institutions as received from
the respective heads of offices in this chapter. The staff of such
Commissions/Institutions consist of serving employees and retired
hands from various Departments of Government. (However no
attempt was made by the Pay Revision Commission to collect the
details of grant-in-aid institutions, Registered Societies, Welfare Fund
Boards, Welfare Corporations/Companies registered under the
Companies Act etc., as they are autonomous bodies and the salary
cost in such Institutions are met from the own funds of the respective
7.97.2. No revision of pay is recommended as the staff on deputation
are entitled to their revised pay as in the respective parent
departments. In the cases of officers, on consolidated pay, any
change in their pay will be subject to the terms and conditions of
their appointment.
7.97.3. The details of Commissions/Institutions including the categories
of posts with existing scales of pay are given below:
(i) Kerala State Commission for Backward Classes
No of Existing Scale
Designation Remarks
posts of pay
Chairman 1 57100
Consolidated Pay
Member 1 14500
Member Secretary 1 IAS
Registrar 1 25400-33100
Additional Registrar 1 20700-26600
Finance Officer 1 12930-20250
On Deputation
Section Officer 2 10790-18000
Assistant 4 7990-12930
Typist 2 6080-9830
2- Daily Waged 1-
Driver 3 5250-8390 Co-terminus
Class IV Employee Gr. II 1 4510-6230 On Deputation
No of Existing Scale
Designation Remarks
posts of pay
Member 2 37400
Registrar 1 25400-33100 On contract
10145 (Basic
Judicial Member 1 Consolidated Pay
Member 3 15000 Consolidated Pay
Secretary 1 23200-31160
Senior Superintendent 3 11910-19350
Court Officer 1 11910-19350
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 1 9190-15510
Confidential Assistant Gr. I 1 7990-12930 On Deputation
UD Typist 1 6680-10790
UD Clerk 3 6680-10790
Driver 1 5650-8790
LD Clerk 3 5250-8390
Driver 1 5250-8390 (Co-terminus)
No of Existing Scale
Designation Remarks
posts of pay
Senior Superintendent 14 11910-19350
Confidential Assistant Sr. Gr. 11 9190-15510
UD Clerk 24 6680-10790
On Deputation
Confidential Assistant Gr. II 17 6080-9830
LD Clerk 24 5250-8390
Class IV Employee Gr. II 28 4510-6230
Part-time Sweeper 14 2700 + DA
Total 200
Secretary 1 23200-31150
Finance Officer 1 12930-20250
Section Officer 1 11910-19350
Office Assistant 4 8390-13270 On Deputation
No. of Existing Scale
Designation Remarks
posts of pay
Driver 2 8100
Class IV Employee 2 7000
Watchman 2 7000
Total 18
Secretary 1 25400-33100
Registrar 1 25400-33100
Finance Officer 1 25400-33100
On Deputation
Administrative Officer 1 23200-31150
Section Officer 2 10790-18000
Court Officer 1 10790-18000
Public Relation Officer 1 9190-15510 Direct Recruitment
No. of Existing Scale
Designation Remarks
posts of pay
Night Watchman 1 Daily Waged
Director 1 IPS
25400-33100 +
Secretary 1 On Deputation
Administrative Officer 1 23200-33150
Law Officer 1 23200-33150
Finance Officer 1 23200-33150 On Deputation
No of Existing Scale
Designation Remarks
posts of pay
Junior Superintendent 1 9190-15510
Sub Inspector 1 9190-15510
Public Relation Officer 1 7990-12930
Assistant 7 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant 5 6080-9830
Police Constable 4 6080-9830
LD Clerk 5 5250-8390
Driver 6 Daily Wages
Typist 1 5250-8390
1- Deputation
Class IV Employee Gr. II 7 4510-6230 5- Daily Wages
Security Guard 1 4510-6230 On Deputation
Driver 1 5250-8390
Class IV Employee Gr. II 5 4510-6230
No of Existing Scale
Designation Remarks
posts of pay
Total 39
Typist 1 6080-9830
LD Clerk 1 5250-8390
Driver 1 5250-8390
Class IV Employee Gr. II 1 4510-6230 On Deputation
Total 9
Joint Secretary 1 23200-31150
Joint Secretary 3 20700-26600
Law Officer 1 20700-26600
Public Relation Officer 1 12930-20250
Personal Assistant 1 11910-19350 Co-terminus
2700 + DA
Part-time Sweeper 2
2300 + DA
Total 53
Secretary 1 25400-33100
Legal Expert 1 25400-33100
Finance/Account Expert 1 23200-31150
Deputy Secretary 1 20700-26600
On Deputation
Section Officer 1 10790-18000
Sel. Gr. Assistant 4 9590-16650
Confidential Assistant 9 9590-16650
Typist 1 6080-9830
7- On Deputation
Class IV Employee Gr. II 14 4510-6230 7- Daily Wages
Security Guard 4 Daily Wages
Night Watchman 2 Daily Wages
Sweeper 2 Daily Wages
Programmer 1 Daily Wages
Driver 5 Daily Wages
Total 52
(xiv) Ombudsman for Local Self Government Institutions
No of Existing Scale
Designation Remarks
posts of pay
Ombudsman 1 80000 Consolidated Pay
Secretary 1
33100+600 SP
Administrative Officer 1 23200-31150
On deputation
Section Officer 1 10790-18000
Court Officer 1 10790-18000
Assistant 3 9590-16650
Confidential Assistant 3 6080-9830
Typist 2 5250-8390 Co-terminus
Driver 2 5250-8390
One Deputation, Four Co-
Class IV Employee Gr. II 5 4510-6230 terminus
Part Time Sweeper 2 2700+DA One Co-terminus
Total 22
Grand Total 600
No of officers on UGC
No. of All India Service Officers (IAS, IPS)
No. of employees on deputation - 399
No. of employees on daily wages/Contract/others /Co-terminus- 171
No. of Part-time Contingent employees
- 22
Total - 600
7.98.2. The existing scales of pay and number of posts are given below:
No of Existing Scale
posts of pay
Private Secretary/Additional Private Secretary 3 23200-31150
Private Secretary/Special Private
108 20700-26600
Secretary/Additional Private Secretary
Assistant Private Secretary 50 12930-20250
Assistant Private Secretary 2 11910-19350
Personal Assistant 22 10790-18000
Personal Assistant 1 6680-10790
Additional Personal Assistant 55 10790-18000
Additional Personal Assistant 1 9590-16650
Section Officer 1 10790-18000
Assistant 48 7990-12930
Clerk (Graduate) 5 7990-12930
Clerk 85 6680-10790
Typist 16 7990-12930
Confidential Assistant 5 7990-12930
Chauffeur Gr. I 2 6680-10790
Chauffeur Gr. II/Driver 45 5650-8790
Attender 11 4630-7000
Clerical Assistant 1 4750-7820
Clerical Assistant 1 4510-6230
Class IV Employee Gr. II 66 4510-6230
Cook 15 4510-6230
Total 543
8.1.1. The Commission received many representations both from individuals
and Service Organizations for the enhancement of various allowances
admissible to employees in view of the existing inflation and market
rates. The Commission has examined, in detail, various allowances
admissible to State Government employees and makes
recommendations on each item as follows:
the 2004 Pay Commission had recommended the remaining 5% as
DA on the revised pay.
8.2.5. The AICP Index with base year 1982 was revised by taking a linking
factor of 4.63, ie; Index based on 2001 series will be 115.76. As on
2006, the All India Consumer price average Index was 536. This when
divided by 4.63, we get the new Index factor of 115.76. From 1-1-
2006, 115.76 is the base Index. Accordingly, the formula adopted by
Central Government for calculating the Dearness Allowance was as
(12 months average AICPI – 115.76) x 100
8.2.6. We have already indicated that we propose to merge the entire DA of
64% as on 1-7-2009 with basic pay for arriving at the revised scales
of pay. In other words, there will be full neutralization of DA as on 1-
7-2009 in this Pay Revision. As such the Dearness Allowance as on
01-7-2009 is Zero and the formula for calculating Dearness Allowance
will be as follows:
(12 months Average AICPI-147.91) x 100
where the constant 147.91 is the 12 months Average AICP Index from
July 2008 to June 2009. Here it is to be noted that we could not adopt
the formula of calculating DA in respect of Central Government
employees as mentioned in Para 8.2.5 on account of the fact that the
Central Government had effected full neutralization of DA as on 1-1-
2006. The formula mentioned above with constant 147.91 also
cannot be adopted as the revision proposed is not entirely on par
with Central Scales of Pay. Further Dearness Allowance to Central
Government employees is based on the base Index of 115.76
whereas Dearness Allowance to State Government employees after
Pay Revision as on 1-7-2009 would be based only on the average
AICP Index of 147.91 ( as on 1-7-2009 ). Hence the Commission has
to stick on to the strategy adopted in the 2004 Pay Revision. The
Commission is of the view that there should not be any reduction in
the quantum of DA to State Government employees after effecting
Pay Revision as on 1-7-2009. The Commission is also of the firm view
that there should not be any undue benefit to State Government
employees while calculating DA after 1-7-09 and also considering the
fact that the rate of DA allowed to Central Government employees as
on 1-7-2009 was 27% of basic pay after merging the entire DA as on
1-1-2006 in the VI Central Pay Revision.
8.2.7. Taking into consideration of the above mentioned factors, the
Commission decided to adopt the approach of the VIII Pay Revision
Commission. It is to be noted that after full neutralization of DA as on
1-1-2006 Central Government employees were getting DA at 27% as
on 1-7-2009, whereas the DA as on 1-7-2009 to State Government
employees after merging 64% DA is Zero. In effect the 27% DA
enjoyed by Central Government employees as on 1-7-2009 was also
got neutralized in the case of State Government employees
consequent to this Pay Revision. Hence the formula adopted by the
Commission for calculation of DA to the State Government employees
to make the same on par with that of the Central Government
employees is given below:
Total percentage of DA declared by Central Government on or after
1-7-2009 minus (-) Rate of DA declared by Central Government as on
8.2.8. Consequently the Commission recommends the following rates of DA
Calculation as per
Rate of DA
Date of effect formula given
1-7-2009 27 - 27 0
1-1-2010 35 - 27 8
8.2.9. The Commission also wishes to place on record that in future State
Government employees would be getting DA on par with that of
Central Government employees.
8.3.1. House Rent Allowance is a compensatory allowance granted to the
Government employees along with the salary towards meeting the
expenses spent for the rent of residences/houses near the work
places. Now HRA is sanctioned as slab system as shown below:
C Class Cities not
B2 class Other
Pay Range City/Tow in B2 & C
City Places
n class
4510-4589 250 190 190
4590-7299 400 280 280
7300-13699 600 390 340
13700-17099 750 500 380 150
17100-20199 1000 680 380
20200 &
1200 790 380
8.3.2. The Service Organisations and many others demanded for granting
House Rent Allowance (HRA) as a percentage of basic pay as is
prevalent in the Central Government. The Commission gave anxious
consideration to this demand, particularly because HRA is the single
largest element in the emolument structure which causes a gap
between the take home emoluments of a Central Government
employee and his counterpart in the State. The Commission agrees
with the findings of previous Pay Revision Commissions to continue
the practice of granting HRA as Slab System as the rates would
fluctuate with each increment and it was not as if rentals were also
increasing annually. Since the transfer norms are followed more or
less strictly in Kerala, a large majority of the employees get their
posting in home District. Also, the housing problem in Kerala is not
acute as a large number of employees reside in their own houses or
in their family houses. After considering these factors the
Commission feels that the demand for HRA as percentage of basic
pay as is prevalent in Central Government is devoid of merit and the
Slab System as is prevalent now in the State need be considered. The
Commission, after considering above aspects, recommends the
revised rates of HRA as shown below:
C Class Cities not
B2 class Other
Pay Range city/To in B2 & C
city Places
wn class
8500-8729 350 270 270
8730-12549 560 390 390
12550-24039 840 550 480
24040-29179 1050 700 530 250
29180-33679 1400 950 530
33680 &
1680 1110 530
8.4. Recovery of Rent for occupying Government Quarters
8.4.1. Government employees in occupation of Government
accommodation are required to pay rent at the prescribed rate. They
are not eligible for House Rent Allowance admissible to Government
employees. The Commission makes the recommendation on the
recovery of rent in respect of employees who are occupying quarters,
as follows:
Range Rate
Those who draw the Scale of Pay
1 between Nil
Rs.8500-12220 and Rs.20740-33680
Those of and above the Scale of Pay
2 of 2%
family members is a statutory responsibility of any employer in a
modern society. The present scheme followed by the Government
with all its drawbacks has proved to be a great relief to many
Government employees/their families.
8.6.2. There are many drawbacks or genuine problems in the present
system of medical reimbursement especially due to lack of budgetary
provision for the concerned Department under the head of medical
reimbursement. Cumbersome procedures to be followed for claiming
the amount, misinterpretation of the Rules leading to audit queries,
misuse of the facilities and the growing necessity to prefer medical
treatment from Private Hospitals (which are not wholly covered under
the existing scheme) etc. are some.
8.6.3. Many representations have been received from both individuals and
Service Organisations for streamlining the implementation of the
Medical Reimbursement Rules and making them more effective.
They have also requested to introduce a comprehensive Medical
Treatment Insurance Scheme which ensures quality treatment and
medical expenses incurred by an employee and his family members
covering treatment both in IP and OP cases, irrespective of the
Hospitals concerned.
8.6.4. After careful consideration of all aspects, the Commission
recommends to continue the present system of Medical
Reimbursement Scheme in the State. The following steps may be
taken for the effective implementation of the scheme:
(i) Government may take steps to minimize or reduce the
drawbacks of the present system.
(ii) More number of private hospitals may be included in the
Schedule of Hospitals for Medical Reimbursement Scheme.
(iii) To simplify the procedures for claiming the reimbursement
(iv) Head of Departments may be delegated with more powers for
this purpose.
(v) Strict directions may be issued against the misuse of Medical
8.6.5. Cost of Spectacles: At present reimbursement limit for the cost of
Spectacle is Rs.500 once in service. The Commission recommends to
enhance the cost of Spectacle allowance to Rs.1000 once in 10 years.
8.7.1. Special Allowance was sanctioned based on the recommendations of
the 1998 Pay Revision in lieu of certain items included in the special
pay category. This allowance is intended to compensate the extra
effort put in by the employees, in addition to the normal work.
8.7.2. The existing and proposed rates of Special Allowance are as follows.
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Common Categories
Senior Administrative Officer/Senior Finance
170 210
Administrative Officer/Finance Officer 130 170
Law Officer/Legal Advisor in the Cadre of
170 210
Joint/Deputy Secretary to Govt.
Law Officer in the Cadre of Under Secretary to
130 170
* Administrative Officer/Finance Officer/Law
Officer/Joint Secretary/Deputy Secretary/Under
Secretary working on deputation of Boards,
Corporations and other Autonomous Institutions
as Administrative Officer/Finance Officer/Law
Officer are eligible for the allowance admissible to
the Finance Officer/Administrative Officer/Law
Personal Assistant, Personal Assistant (HG) and
Confidential Assistant to Chief Secretary,
Additional Chief Secretary, Chairman KPSC,
Advocate General, Principal Secretaries,
Secretaries to Govt. and Special Secretaries to
Govt., Commissioners, Commercial Taxes, Land
Revenue, Civil Supplies and Excise, DPI, Director
of Agriculture, Principal CCF, Enquiry
Commissioner and Spl. Judges, DHS, DME,
Transport Commissioner, DGP, Chief Engineer
(PWD/Irrigation Admn.), District Collectors and
District Judges
Driver attached to the above Officers 250 290
Peon, Duffedar attached to the above Officers 200 240
Personal Assistant/Confidential Assistant of
Members, KPSC and of Additional Director General 250 290
of Police
Personal Assistant, Personal Assistant (HG) and
Confidential Assistant to Additional Secretaries to
Govt., Secretary Legislature, Additional Secretary
Legislature, Addl. Advocate General, Other Heads
of Departments, SPs and Higher Ranked Police 70 110
Officers of and including the level of Inspector
General of Police, DIG(Vig.), Legal Advisor (Vig.),
Addl. Legal Advisor (Vig.) and Presiding Officers of
other subordinate Courts
Peons/Duffedars attached to the above Officers 40 80
Drivers including Motor Boat Driver, Boat Driver 110 150
and Syrang, Tractor Driver, Roller Driver and
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Assistant Driver
Drivers in charge of Heavy Duty Vehicles, the
140 180
unladen weight of which exceeds 12000 Kgs.
Senior most Typist working as Fair Copy
40 80
Superintendent in an office having 4 or 5 Typists
Peon doing work as Night Watcher 40 80
Last Grade Employees attending to Treasury Duty
where in the average monthly transaction of the 75 120
office shall be above RS.1,00,000/-.
Secret Sections
Superintendent 50 90
Clerk/Typist 40 80
Peon 30 70
Advocate General's Office
Officers attending work in the Office of the
Director of Public Prosecution
Section Officer 90 130
Confidential Assistant 60 100
Confidential Assistant to the Advocate General
60 100
attending Secret Section Work
Driver 160 200
Agricultural Department Special Vigilance Cell
Superintendent (Junior & Senior) 50 90
Confidential Assistant 40 80
Clerk (LD & UD) 40 80
Typist 40 80
Peon 30 70
Kerala Agriculture Income Tax and Sales Tax
Appellate Tribunal
Member (Departmental) 100 500
Animal Husbandry
Veterinary Surgeon and Senior Instructor qualified
in Chick Sexing, working in Regional/Dist. Poultry 70 110
Farms/Chick-sexing schools
Junior Instructor, Chick-sexing Schools 50 90
Poultry Assistant of Regional/Dist. Poultry Farms 40 80
Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Dispensary,
50 100
Veterinary Surgeon, Regional Poultry Farm,
50 100
Veterinary Surgeon, Dist. Veterinary Centre,
50 100
S.P.C.A. Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram
Live Stock Inspector attached to ICDP 300
Ayurveda Medical Education
Deputy Manager, Ayurveda Pharmacy, 90 130
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Store Superintendent, Ayurveda College,
50 90
Lift Operator, Ayurveda
40 80
Commercial Taxes Department
Law Officer 170 210
Additional Law Officer 90 130
Assistant Excise Commissioner, Inspection and
100 140
Circle Inspector of Excise-in-charge of Training 70 110
Land Revenue
to Sr.
Senior Finance Officer 130 Officer
Superintendent, Board of Revenue/Sheristadar,
60 100
Senior Superintendent (HG)/Tahsildar (HG)
working in Taluks other than Tahsildar in charge 60 100
of Taluks.
Tahsildar in charge of Taluks 200 350
District Finance – Inspecting Officer 60 100
Assistant/Clerk in the Finance Inspection Squad in
the Collectorate and Typist attending to the 40 80
Typing work of the Squad
Lift Operators, Colloctorate 40 80
Assistant Settlement Officer, Cardamom, Idukki 130 170
Deputy Tahsildar, Cardamom, Idukki 50 90
Village Officer 30 200
Villageman, Cardamom, Idukki 30 60
Survey and Land Records
Instructor in Higher Survey/Instructor for
Computer Draftsman Course (in the grade of Head 50 90
Instructor in Chain Survey in the grade of
40 80
Surveyor Gr. I
General Education
Headmaster, Govt. HS & Technical for Deaf,
250 300
Special Officer (Work Experience) 170 200
Research Officer, Primary Education 130 160
Graduate Headmasters in Special Schools 200 250
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Instructor in Science/Research-
Assistant/Education Extension Officer of the 90 120
Institute of Primary Education
Assistant Teacher (Without Training) and Special
60 100
Teacher, School for Handicapped
Teachers in Special Schools 60 100
Teacher in charge of Incomplete High School 90 130
Headmaster of High School not eligible for
90 130
Headmaster's scale
Graduate Headmasters of UP School 50 90
Headmaster of Aided UP Schools not eligible for
50 90
Headmaster's scale of pay
Headmaster of Aided LP Schools not eligible for
40 80
Headmaster's scale of pay
Headmaster of Incomplete LP School 40 80
Teacher in charge of Incomplete UP School 40 80
Education Extension Officer and Instructor
90 130
(Training School)
UD Clerk, Vigilance Section, D.P.I.'s Office 40 80
Confidential Assistant to the Additional DPI 70 100
Peon to the Additional D.P.I. 40 80
Deputy Secretary to Govt. (Super Check Cell) 170 210
A.E.O. (HM), Super Check Cell 90 130
Staff of the Commissioner for Govt. Examinations
Pay Range of Rs.10750/- and above 130 170
Pay Range between Rs.9190/- and Rs.10749/- 100 140
Pay Range between Rs.8730/- and Rs.9189/- 70 110
Pay Range below Rs.8730/- 60 100
Hindi Teachers Training Institute
Chief Instructor and Instructors 200 250
Teacher in charge of Lab / Library/IT 200
Physical Education Teacher attending the Higher
Secondary/ VHSE School Section
Collegiate Education
Deputy Director, Zonal Offices, (Non U.G.C.) 350 400
Principal of Govt. /Private Colleges having shift
350 400
system (Non U.G.C.)
Principal holding charge of evening College (Non
350 400
Principal, Junior Arts & Science Colleges and
260 310
Principal, Physical Education College, (Non U.G.C.)
Principals in Colleges having over 2000students
290 340
(Non U.G.C.)
Technical Education
Principal, Engineering Colleges 290 340
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Principal of Engineering Colleges where Part-time
430 500
Courses are conducted
Principal of Polytechnics where Part-Time Diploma
170 220
Courses are conducted at night
Graduate Teachers of General Education
Department, working as Instructor in Science,
Mathematics, Humanities and language in Junior 40 80
Technical Schools and as General Instructor in
Pre- Vocational Training Centre
Faculty Member functioning as Librarian in the
60 100
Institute of Fine Arts, Thrissur and Mavelikkara
Driver-Mechanic, Govt. Polytechnic, Kalamasserry 60 100
Engineering Colleges/Polytechnics
Senior Superintendent 70 110
Librarian Gr. I/Gr. II 70 110
Librarian Gr. III/Gr. IV 40 80
Junior Superintendent/Head Clerk/Typist/Clerk 40 80
Store Keeper 40 80
Peon, Store man, Library Attender 30 60
Staff in the Examination wing of the Directorate
Pay Range of Rs.11020/- and above 130 170
Pay Range of Rs.9190/- and above but below
100 140
Pay Range of Rs.8730/- and above but below
70 110
Pay Range below Rs.8730/- 60 100
Higher Secondary Education
Higher Secondary School Teachers / Principal
having 500
Ph.D in the respective subject
Higher Secondary School Teacher having
Special 300
Training working in Special Schools
Clerk attending the work of Higher Secondary
90 130
Section in Higher Secondary Schools
Peon attending the work of Higher Secondary
30 60
section in Higher Secondary Schools
Deputy Director of Education 150 190
Vocational Higher Secondary Education
a) High School
Principal 360 1000
Teacher holding the charge of Academic Head 500
Science Teacher (in charge of laboratories) 80 120
Person in charge of Library 80 200
b) Technical High Schools
Person in charge of Library 80 120
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Superintendent 260 300
Science Teacher (in charge of laboratories) 90 130
Physical Education Teacher 80 120
Head Clerk 90 130
Clerk/Typist/Storekeeper 70 100
Peon 40 80
Fire & Rescue Service
Fireman Driver –cum-Pump Operator 170 210
Staff Car Driver of the Commandant General 130 170
Station Officer, Fire Service – Training School, Fort
50 90
Leading Fireman, Fire Service – Training School,
40 80
Fort Kochi
Headmaster, Regional Fisheries Technical High
130 170
Principal, Forest School, Arippa 80 120
Instructor (Ranger), Forest School, Arippa 80 120
Instructor, Forest School, Walayar 80 120
(i) Vigilance and Evaluation Wing
Assistant Conservator of Forests/Divisional Forest
100 140
Ranger 80 120
Forester 40 80
Forest Guard 30 60
(ii) Wild Life Wing
Ranger/Wild Life Assistant 80 120
Deputy Ranger 60 100
Forester 40 80
Guard/Warder 30 60
(iii) Special Wing of Law Department
Joint Secretary 220 260
Section Officer 130 170
Legal Assistant/Confidential Assistant/Typist 90 130
Peon 50 90
(iv) Flying Squad
Assistant Conservator of Forest/Divisional Forest
100 140
Ranger 80 120
Deputy Ranger 60 100
Forester 40 80
Guard 30 60
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Driver 30 60
(v) Marayoor Sandal Division
Deputy Ranger 60 100
Forester 40 80
Forest Guard/Watcher 30 60
Driver 30 60
Health Services
Specialist working in Radiology, T.B., Pathology,
830 900
Leprosy and Anesthesia
Thoracic Surgeon in Thoracic Surgery unit of
830 900
District Hospitals and T.B. Hospitals
Postmortem Allowance 290 350
Exhumation Allowance (per exhumation) 580 650
Pharmacist attending clerical work 40 80
Lift Operator 40 80
Pharmacist, Ayurveda Hospital doing clerical work 40 80
Indian Systems of Medicines
Specialist Medical Officer 1000
Superintendent (Medical) 200 250
Superintendent, Mental Hospital, Kottakkal 200 250
Industries and Commerce
Designer and Craftsman who is recipient of State
70 110
Designer and Craftsman who is recipient of
110 150
National Awards
Industrial Training
Principals, I.T.I. (Kalamasserry, Kozhikode and
70 110
Staff attached to the examination wing of the
Pay Range of Rs.9690/- and above 130 170
Pay Range between Rs.9190/- and Rs.10479/- 100 140
Pay Range between Rs.8730/- and Rs.9189/- 70 110
Pay Range below Rs.8730/- 60 100
Law Officer 180 220
Irrigation, Design and Research Board
Chief Engineer 580 630
Superintending Engineer (Director) 430 470
Executive Engineer (Joint Director) 430 470
Assistant Executive Engineer (Deputy Director) 360 400
All Technical Staff other than Engineers
The Engineers deployed from the IDRB to the Dam 220 260
Safety Authority
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Confidential Assistant of District Court, CJM Court,
Sub Court
Confidential Assistant of Munisciff Court 250
Amins and Process Servers 100
Clerk in-charge of Record/ Property Rooms 150
Bench Clerk (Civil/Criminal Court) 40 150
Land Use Board
Typist operating Offset Printing Machine 60 100
Law Colleges
Principals in charge of Evening College 170 210
Librarian 70 100
Library Attender 30 60
Local Fund Audit
Inspector, Charitable Endowment Section in the
60 100
Auditor, Charitable endowment Section in the
40 80
Medical Education
Superintendent of Collegiate Hospitals 170 250
Additional Superintendent, Medical College,
Kozhikkode/Superintendent, SAT Hospital,
Thiruvananthapuram/Superintendent, Mental
Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram and 170 250
Kozhikode/Superintendent, T.B. Hospitals,
Pulayanarkotta/Superintendent, Ophthalmic
Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram
Deputy Superintendent, Collegiate Hospitals and
130 180
SAT Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram
Officer in charge of Gas House, Medical College,
50 90
Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode
Lift Operator 40 80
Homoeopathy Medical Colleges
Principal 1000
Motor Vehicles
Senior Deputy Transport Commissioner 360 400
Assistant Transport Commissioner 220 260
Assistant Secretary, State Transport Authority 180 220
Senior Superintendent, State Transport Authority 180 200
Confidential Assistant, State Transport Authority 150 190
Urban Affairs Department
Typist attending the work of Malayalam
90 130
Confidential Assistant
National Cadet Corps
Administrative Officer 170 200
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
National Employment Service
Sub Regional Employment Officer, Special
Employment Exchange for Physically 90 120
Handicapped, Thiruvananthapuram
Principal, Training Institute for Local
Administration, Thiruvananthapuram and 130 150
Instructor, Training Institute for Local
Administration, Thiruvananthapuram and 90 120
U.D. Clerk operating Bradma Printing and
50 90
Embossing Machine
L.D. Clerk operating Bradma Printing and
40 80
Embossing Machine
Sub Inspector in-charge of Police Station 200 250
(i) Special Branch and Crime Branch
Deputy Superintendent of Police 100 150
Inspector 80 120
Sub Inspector 60 100
Assistant Sub Inspector 50 90
Ministerial Staff (All Categories) working in Special
50 200
(ii) Finger Print Bureau
Director/Tester Inspector 90 130
Finger Print Expert 60 100
Finger Print Searcher 40 80
(iii) Telecommunication Unit
Deputy Superintendent of Police 100 150
Inspector 80 120
Sub Inspector 60 100
Assistant Sub Inspector 50 90
Head Constable 40 80
Police Constable/Station Writer 30 60
(iv) Dog Squad
Sub Inspector 80 120
Head Constable 50 90
Police Constable 40 80
(v) Armourer
Armourer Inspector (Chief Inspector of Arms) 70 110
Armourer Sub Inspector 60 100
Armourer Assistant Sub Inspector 50 90
Armourer Head Constable 50 90
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Armourer Police Constable 40 80
(vi) Shorthand Bureau
Chief Reporter 80 120
Reporter Sr Gr 60 100
Reporter Gr I 60 100
Reporter Gr II 40 80
(vii) District Crime Intelligence Bureau
Sub Inspector 60 100
Head Constable 40 80
Police Constable (D.C.I.B. of Thiruvananthapuram
30 60
(viii) Personal Guard
Sub Inspector (Reserve Sub Inspector/Armed
170 210
Police Sub Inspector)
Assistant Sub Inspector 160 200
Head Constable 150 190
Police Constable 130 170
(ix) Miscellaneous
Liaison Officer (Assistant Engineer) 170 210
Veterinary Surgeon of the Mounted Police 70 110
Staff Car Driver 130 170
Band Master (Sub Inspector/Armed Police Sub
60 100
Superintendent Confidential Section 60 100
Confidential Assistant/Clerk(Confidential Section) 40 80
Brass Band Man/Orchestra Man/Bugler Man 30 60
Tailor (P.C.)/Cinema Operator (Police Constable) 30 60
Station Writer (P.C)/Circle Writer (P.C.)/ Co-
30 60
Clerk/Carpenter (P.C.)/Motor Cleaner
(x) Executive Staff
Mechanic (M.T. Check)/Mason/Binder/Rattan
30 60
Weaver/Lathe Operator/Boat Crew
(xi) Civil Staff
30 60
der/Upholsterer/Packer/Store Attender/Lascar
(xii) Motor Transport Unit
Motor Transport Officer 100 140
Motor Transport Inspector 80 120
Motor Transport Sub Inspector 60 100
Havildar Mechanic 40 80
Police Constable Mechanic/Fitter/Electrician 30 60
Director 250 300
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Port Officer/Deputy Director 250 300
Chief Mechanical Engineer/Engineer in charge 200 250
Cutter-Suction Dredger Operator in CSD 'Meena' 90 130
Driver-cum-operator 110 150
Superintendent of Govt. Presses 140 180
General Foreman 40 80
Worker with LPT Diploma in Printing Technology 30 60
Cleaner 60 100
Imposer (Composing Section) 50 90
Mono/Lino Type Operators attending the work of
40 80
Mono/Lino Mechanic (3 Nos.)
Staff of Confidential Section
Pay Range between Rs 18740-31360 to 24040-
130 170
Pay Range between Rs 13900-22360 to 16180-
80 120
Pay Range between Rs 13210-20740 to 13900-
70 110
Pay Range between Rs 10480-17420 to 11620-
60 100
Pay Range between Rs 8960-13210 to 9190-
60 100
Pay Range between Rs 8730-12550 and below 50 90
Deputy Inspector General of Prisons 140 180
Medical Officer, Central Prisons,
90 130
Thiruvananthapuram, Viyyur and Kannur
Medical Officer, Ayurveda, Central Prison,
90 130
Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur
Lady Medical Officer, Central Prison,
90 130
Compounder/Pharmacist, Central Prison,
40 80
Thiruvananthapuram and Viyyur
Compounder/Pharmacist, Central Prison, Kannur 50 90
Compounder, District Jail, Kozhikode 30 60
Gate Keeper, Central Prison, Thiruvananthapuram,
100 140
Viyyur and Kannur
Chief Warder, Central Prison,
100 140
Thiruvananthapuram, Viyyur and Kannur
Open Prison, Nettukaltheri
Superintendent 60 100
Agricultural Officer 60 100
Supervisor 40 80
Welfare Officer 50 90
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Chief Accountant 40 80
Assistant Jailor Gr I 60 100
Clerk 40 80
Head Warder 40 80
Warder 30 60
Pharmacist 30 60
Part Time Medical Officer 130 170
Information & Public Relations Department
Staff Car Driver 170 210
Public Service Commission
Sub Inspector of Police 60 100
Police Constable Driver 130 170
Guard 40 80
Staff Car Driver 130 170
Secret Section
Section Officer (Part Time) 100 140
Assistant 70 110
Typist/Confidential Assistant 70 110
Peon 40 80
Public Works Department
Clerk-cum-Cashier, V.J.T. Hall,
40 80
Lift Operator 40 80
Technical Assistant (in charge of Radio and
90 130
Electrical Stores)
Design, Research, Investigation and Quality
Control Board
Chief Engineer 580 640
Superintending Engineer (Director) 430 470
Executive Engineer (Joint Director) 430 470
Assistant Executive Engineer(Deputy Director) 360 400
Assistant Engineer (Assistant Director) 360 400
All Technical Staff other than Engineers
220 260
(Draftsman, Tracer, Research Assistant etc.)
Manager Gr.II of Rest Houses 150
Rural Development
Chief Instructor, Work shop wing 170 210
Physical Instructor-cum-Librarian 40 80
Village Extension Officer 100
Sainik Welfare
Director 520 570
Governor's Secretariat
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Deputy Secretary/Joint Secretary 510 560
Private Secretary to Governor/Additional Private
510 560
Secretary to Governor
Under Secretary (Tours)/Under Secretary 510 560
Comptroller, Governor's Household 510 560
Personal Assistant to Governor/Section
Officer/Section Officer (Accounts)/Tours 360 400
Assistant 350 390
Typist 170 210
Cypher Assistant 350 390
Confidential Assistant 350 390
Head Chauffeur/Chauffeur 320 360
Motor Section Clerk/Furniture Clerk 130 170
Duffedar 100 140
Personal Attendant/Motor Cycle Despatch
Rider/Peons working with Governor, Secretary to
90 130
Governor and other Officers and posted for duty in
the V.I.P. Room
Head Butler/Head Cook 100 140
Cook/Waiter/Cleaner 90 130
Matey/Lascar 90 130
Garden Supervisor/Caretaker 100 140
Telephone Operator 130 170
Medical Officer 250 300
Staff Nurse 140 180
Pharmacist 90 130
Nursing Assistant/Hospital Attendant 80 120
Clerical Assistant/Attender 100 140
Police Driver 130 170
Administrative Secretariat
Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary in the O/o. the
700 700
Chief Secretary
Deputy Secretary/Under Secretary, General
600 600
Administration (SC) Department
Section Officer/Personal Assistant/Confidential
Assistant/Assistant/Typist, General Administration 500 500
(SC) Department
Cypher Assistant, O/o. the Chief Secretary 120 160
Section Officer, General Administration (SS),
Home (SS) and General Administration C.R. Cell) 130 170
Assistant/Typist, General Administration (SS) and
70 100
Home (SS) Department
Personal Assistant in the office of Chief Secretary 500 500
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Attender/Peon in the office of Chief Secretary 300 300
Peon/Attender, General Administration (SS) and
40 80
Home (SS) Department
Office Superintendent, General Administration
90 130
(Office Section)
Assistant, General Administration (Office Section)
60 100
Peon, General Administration (Office Section)
40 80
Office Superintendent, Teleprinter Section 100 140
Assistant, Central Agency 200 240
Peon/Messenger, Central Agency 100 140
Assistant, General Administration (Official
50 90
Language Translation) Department
Assistant, Labour Department (Working in the
50 90
office of the Director of Rehabilitation)
Supervisor, Duplicator Machine Operator 100 140
(i) Office of the Special Advisor to
Deputy Secretary 220 260
Confidential Assistant 130 170
Peon 70 110
(ii) General Administration (Accounts)
Cash Branch
Cashier 300 350
Assistant Cashier/Accounts Officer 300 350
Nottam 80 120
(iii) General Administration (Political-A)
Additional Secretary to Govt. 490 700
Under Secretary and State Protocol
360 600
Officer/Additional State Protocol Officer
Assistant Protocol Officer/Section Officer 350 500
Assistant 350 500
Typist 350 500
Confidential Assistant 350 500
Duplicating Operator/Peon 200 300
Chauffeur attached to G.A. (Pol.) Department 300
(iv) Personal Staff of Ministers/Leader of
Opposition/Govt. Chief Whip
Private Secretary/Additional Private
Secretary/Special Private Secretary/Assistant
510 600
Private Secretary/ Press Secretary and Political
Secretary to Chief Minister
Personal Assistant/Additional Personal 360 420
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Assistant/Special Personal Assistant/Section
Clerk/Assistant/Confidential Assistant/Typist 350 410
Chauffeur 320 370
Head Peon/Duffedar 200 250
Peon/Contingent Employees 200 250
(v) Personnel in the Computer Cell attached
to the O/o. the Chief Minister
Section Officer 360 420
Assistant 360 420
Typist 360 420
Peon 360 420
(vi) Office of the Principal Secretary to the
Chief Minister
Joint Secretary 490 560
Deputy Secretary/Under Secretary 360 420
Section Officer 350 420
(vii) Office of the Principal Secretary
Under Secretary 350 410
(viii) Election Department
Section Officer handling cash 90 200
(ix) Other Categories
Drivers (including Drivers in the Finance and Law
190 230
Chief Security Officer 130 170
Security Officer 100 140
Assistant Security Officer/Station Officer (Fire
80 120
Sergeant 90 130
Motor Cycle Orderly 190 230
Garden Supervisor 60 100
Lift Supervisor 200 240
Security Guard/Lift Operator 40 80
Peon, General Administration (English Records)
30 60
Finance Department
System Analyst-cum-programming Officer (Data
250 300
Processing Centre)
Section Officer, Secret Section (Part time) 160 200
Section Officer attending the work relating to
130 170
Secretaries Committee
Cashier 130 170
Assistant attending the work relating to
90 130
Secretaries Committee
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Typist attending the work relating to Secretaries
70 110
Peon attending the work relating to Secretaries
40 80
Assistant/Typist, Secret Section 70 110
Peon/Typist, Secret Section 40 80
Chief Technical Examiner 260 300
Executive Engineer/Technical Officer 220 260
Assistant Executive Engineer/Technical Assistant 130 170
Assistant Engineer/Assistant Technical Officer 90 130
Additional Secretary attending the work relating
210 250
to Secretaries Committee
Law Department
Special Secretary 430 500
Joint Secretary to Government (Suits) 260 300
Legislature Secretariat
Special Secretary 360 400
Protocol Officer (Cadre of Under Secretary) 80 120
Assistant Posted to Protocol Wing 40 80
Peon Posted to Protocol Wing 30 60
Head Driver 210 250
Assistant Manager 150 190
Driver 190 230
Lift Operator 40 80
Telephone Operator 40 80
Office Superintendent 100 140
Cashier 110 150
Assistant (Cash) 80 120
Personal Staff of
Financial Committee
Private Secretary/Additional Private
510 560
Secretary/Assistant Private Secretary
Section Officer/Personal Assistant/Additional
360 400
Personal Assistant
Typist/Assistant/Confidential Assistant 350 390
Chauffeur 320 360
Duffedars 200 240
Peon 200 240
Gardener 200 240
Chief Marshel 200 240
Deputy Chief Marshel 180 220
Marshel 150 190
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Sergeant 120 160
Sergeant Assistant 80 120
Out of State Allowance
Tourist Information Office,
Chennai/Mumbai/Jaipur/Goa and Agra
Tourist Information Officer 750 1500
Information Assistant 500 1000
Peon 330 700
Social Welfare
Superintendents of Homes for the Mentally
Retarded, Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode 220 260
and Custodial Care Home, Manjeri
Ayahs of the above Homes 140 200
Superintendent, Government Children's Home and
Special School, Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, 60 100
Kottayam, Thrissur and Kozhikode
Part Time Medical Officer, Government Children's
90 130
Home and Special Schools
Caretaker 30 60
State Insurance
Director 260 300
State Planning Board
Private Secretary/Additional Private
Secreatry/Special Private Secretary to Vice 510 550
Chiefs of different Planning Divisions 500
Personal Assistant/Technical Assistant 360 400
Driver 320 360
Peon/Security Staff/Cook 200 240
Chowkidar 40 80
Stationery Department
Mechanic attending to the duty of winding the
60 120
secretariat Tower Clock
S.T. Development Department
Teacher-cum-Warden 50 100
Director 260 300
Teller 200
Sub Treasury Officer attending to the additional
90 130
work relating to the sale of Lottery tickets
Bradma Supervisor 50 100
Accountant working in the Bradma Cells 50 100
Treasurer 300 600
Comptrometer Operator 40 80
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Junior Accountant (Data Entry) 40 80
Head Chauffeur 210 250
Chauffeur 190 230
Cleaner attached to File Van 60 100
Lascar attached to Central Stores,
40 100
University Appellate Tribunal
Secretary 70 110
Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Bureau
Legal Adviser 260 300
Additional Legal Adviser 170 200
Superintendent of Police (Non-I.P.S) 170 210
Deputy Superintendent of Police 100 140
Inspector of Police 80 120
Sub Inspector 60 100
Havildar Driver (Staff Car) 130 170
Head Constable 40 80
Police Constable 30 60
Ministerial Staff (All Categories) 50 90
Vigilance Tribunal
Confidential Assistant 300
Driver 250
Peon/ Duffedar / Sweeper cum Watchman 200
State Water Transport
Boat Master 100 140
Bata, Stay bata, Special Festival bata of operating
staff @ Rs.2.50, Rs.2.50 and Rs.5.00 per hour
Tool kit allowance 30
Special allowance sanctioned to the staff of
the O/o. the Commissioner of Entrance
Pay Range Rs.16180 and above 550 650
Pay Range Rs.14620 to Rs.16179 500 600
Pay Range Rs.11620 to Rs.14619 450 550
Pay Range below Rs.11620 400 500
Special allowance admissible to employees
handling cash
Amount of average monthly cash disbursed
Over Rs.1,00,000/- and up to Rs.2,00,000/- 150 220
Over Rs.2,00,000 and up to Rs.5,00,000/- 200 270
Over Rs.5,00,000/- and up to Rs.10,00,000/- 250 320
Existi Propos
ng ed Remar
Rate/ Rate/ ks
Month Month
Over Rs.10,00,000/- 300 370
Agricultural Demonstrator working in
Farms and Research Stations, ICDP 40 80
Blocks and Nurseries
Head Mazdoors 15 40
Animal Husbandry
Livestock Inspector, Assistant Field
Officer/ Cross Breeding Scheme,
40 80
Artificial Insemination Centre and
Key Village Block
Poultry Assistant in Poultry Farms,
40 80
District Poultry Farms and IPD Blocks
Livestock Inspector/Assistant Field
Officer in Livestock Farms Jersey
40 80
Farms, Pig Farm Units and Livestock
Livestock Inspectors/Assistant Field
40 80
Officer Regional A.I. Centres
Padmanabhapuram Palace
Ethnologist in charge of
75 125
Curator/Museum Assistant
Museum Guide/LD Clerk 50 90
Gardener/Peon/Watcher/Mechanic 40 80
Ticket Attender 40 80
Ayurveda Medical Education
Deputy Warden (Hostels) 50 90
Resident Medical Officer, Ayurveda
College Hospital/Ayurveda Maternity 50 90
Van Cleaner-cum-Conductor 20 50
Nethra Technician 65 100
Commercial Taxes
Inspecting Assistant Commissioner,
75 150
Intelligence Officer 50 100
Intelligence Inspector 40 80
Peon (Intelligence Squad) 20 50
Peon (Serving Summons/Notices) 35 60
Land Board
Confidential Assistant to Appellate
Authorities, Deputy Collectors (Land
40 80
Tribunals), Special Deputy Collectors
(Land Tribunals)
Peons (Personnel attached to the
20 50
above Officers)
General Education
Deputy Headmasters, Govt. High
200 250
Schools and Aided Schools
Headmaster, Tagore
125 180
High School Assistant, Tagore
65 100
Vidyanikethan, Taliparamba
Music Teacher, Tagore
40 80
Primary Education Extension Officer,
125 180
Tagore Vidyanikethan, Taliparamba
Resident Tutor, Tagore
65 100
Physical Education Teacher/Drawing
Master/Instructor (Work experience
40 80
programme), Tagore
Collegiate Education
Warden, College Hostels (Above 200
125 200
Warden, College Hostels (up to 200
95 150
Resident Tutor in College Hostels 65 100
Technical Education
Skilled Assistant/Attender in the
Central Polytechnic,
Thiruvananthapuram and Govt. 35 75
Polytechnics, Kannur,
Perinthalmanna and Kottayam
Workshop Attender, Junior Technical
20 50
School, Adoor
N.C.C. Officer 95 150
Engineering College,
Librarian 50 90
Assistant Librarian 40 80
Library Attender 25 50
Boiler Attender, Central Polytechnic,
25 50
Boiler Assistant, Govt. Polytechnic,
20 50
Part-Time Classes in Engineering
(i) Degree and Diploma Courses
Professor/Reader, Lecturer, Rs.40/hr.
hour. Max
Workshop Superintendent, First subject to a
Grade Instructor (Engineering maximum of
Colleges), Head of Section, Rs.500/- per
Workshop Superintendent month
hour. Max
Professor, Lecturer, Assistant subject to a
Lecturer, Technical Instructor (Non maximum of
Engineering Subject) Rs.500/mon
Rs.15/hr. Rs.30/-
subject to a hour. Max
Boiler Assistant/Workshop Attender maximum of of Rs.800/-
Rs.500/mon per
th month
(ii) M.Tech Course (Engineering
College, Thiruvananthapuram)
Teaching Staff 65/hr. 100/hr.
Co-ordinator of the course 375 450
Clerk-cum-Typist Accountant 160 200
Class IV Employee 95 150
(b) Hostels and Engineering Colleges
and Polytechnics
Warden (Above 200 inmates) 125 200
Warden (up to 200 inmates) 95 150
Resident Tutor 65 100
Part Time Medical Officer (Above
125 200
100 inmates)
Part Time Medical Officer (upto 100
95 150
(c) Pre Vocational Training Centre
Senior Craft Instructor 50 90
(d) Part Time Staff engaged for
teaching in both High Schools and
Junior Technical Schools
(i) For Technical Subjects 40/hr 80/-hr.
(ii) For English and Non Technical
35/hr 70/- hr.
Fire & Rescue Service
Fireman Driver cum Pump
40 80
Operator/Driver Mechanic
Van Driver (Publicity Unit) 50 90
Health Services
Medical Officer, Primary Health
180 500
Health Inspector, Public Health
Training School, 50 100
Higher Secondary Education
Physical Education Teacher
attending the Higher Secondary 50 100
School Section
Homoeopathic Medical College,
Warden, Men's Hostel 50 100
Industrial Training
Drivers in I.T.I.s (Those who are
imparting training to students in
150 230
Mechanic (Motor Vehicles) and
Mechanic (Diesel)
Part Time Medical Officer, I.T.I. 125 200
Assistant Hostel Superintendent
40 80
(PT), ITI, Kozhikode
Group Instructor (Foreman ITI,
40 80
Clerk, ITI, Kalamassery, Kozhikode
35 70
and Thiruvananthapuram
Peon, ITI, Kalamassery, Kozhikode
20 50
and Thiruvananthapuram
Insurance Medical Services
ESI Allowance
Director/ Joint Director /Regional
Deputy Director/Insurance Medical 250 500
Officer (Allopathy)
Nursing Superintendent 40 80
Head Nurse/Radiographer 35 70
Staff Nurse/Laboratory Technician/X-
25 50
Ray Technician
Pharmacist/Auxiliary Nurse &
20 50
Laboratory Attender/X-Ray
15 50
Attender/Nursing Assistant
Scientific Assistant (Physiotherapy),
50 100
ESI Hospital, Peroorkada
Dietician 35 70
Overseer Grade II and I (only during
the period they are actually engaged 300 350
in the work of gauging)
Roneo Operator 50 90
Land Use Board
Peon 20 50
Legal Metrology
Inspecting Assistant 20 50
Medical Education
Resident Medical Officer 125 200
Assistant Resident Medical Officer 95 150
Warden 95 or rent 150 or
free rent free
quarters quarters
65 or rent 110 or
Assistant Warden free rent free
quarters quarters
65 or rent 110 or
Resident Warden, College of Nursing free rent free
quarters quarters
Medical Officers working in the
Health Centres attached to the 160 210
Medical Colleges
(i) Department of Tuberculosis and
Respiratory Diseases, Medical
College, Thiruvananthapuram
Non Medical Staff
Social Worker 65 110
Senior Scientific Officer, Antigen
125 200
Scientific Assistant 95 150
Pharmacist/Pharmaceutical Chemist 95 150
Clerk 65 100
(ii) College of Pharmaceutical
Professor (who inspects and
supervises manufacturing in addition 250 325
to routine work)
Associate Professor (who looks after
quality control and quality assurance 190 250
in addition to routine work)
Museum and Zoo
Veterinary Surgeon,
95 150
Thiruvananthapuram Zoo
Watcher 25 50
Gardener (For operating Radio in
Public Park in addition to normal 20 50
Gardener (For attending duties in
the Children’s Park in addition to 20 50
normal duties)
Gardener (For operating the pump
attached to the Kanakakkunnu 20 50
Gardener (For assisting the Engine
20 50
Employees who are allowed only half
20 50
day off on holidays
Persons operating Television 20 50
Equal to 1 Equal to 1
Employees working on holidays
Assistants (2)/Typists (1) of Special
50 100
Police Constable doing additional
work as Cinema Operator in 20 50
Thiruvananthapuram and Thrissur
Typist doing typing work on metal
40 80
100 for
35 for each
Medical Officer (Attending to each
autopsy work) autopsy
40 for
15 for each
Mortuary Attender/Cleaner autopsy
Psychiatrist, Central Prison 125 200
25 for each 100 for
visit subject each visit
District Medical Officer visiting
to a subject to
Central Prison
maximum of a
125 Max. 500
Homoeo Medical Officer attending
the Homoeo Clinic in the Central 125 200
Prison, Thiruvananthapuram
Warder Attendant, Leprosy
50 100
Sanatorium Noornad
Information & Public Relations
(a) Information Office, New Delhi)
Information Officer 375 450
Assistant/Confidential Assistant 375 450
(b) Directorate
Assistant working in the Cellar 60 100
Clerical Assistant working in the
40 80
Peon working in the Cellar 25 50
Public Service Commission
Staff working in the Cellar
Assistant 60 100
Attender/Clerical Assistant/Binder 40 80
Peon 25 50
Public Works Department
Ferry Man 65 100
Watchman in the P.W.D. Rest House 20 50
Governor's Secretariat (Household)
A.D.C. 190 250
Physician to Governor 190 250
Head Gardener 35 70
Gardener 25 50
Sweeper 20 50
Pharmacist 25 50
Hospital Attender/Nursing Assistant 20 50
Administrative Secretariat
Lift Operator 35 70
20 50
Sergeant 20 50
(i) P&AR Department
Additional Secretary/Joint
95 150
Secretary/Deputy Secretary
Under Secretary 90 140
Section Officer 75 125
Assistant 40 80
(ii) Staff working in the Cellar
Clerical Assistant 40 80
Peon 25 50
(iii) Central Library
Librarian (Senior Grade) 65 100
Librarian (Grade II)/Assistant 50 90
Clerical Assistant 40 80
Peon 25 50
(iv) Allopathic Clinic attached to
Chief Medical Officer 375 450
Medical Officer 375 450
Gynaecologist 375 450
Dental Surgeon/Paediatrician 250 325
Pharmacist/Nurse 125 175
Dental Hygienist 95 140
Clerical Assistant 65 140
Scavenger 65 140
(v) Homoeo Clinic attached to
Medical Officer 375 450
Pharmacist 190 230
Sweeper/Peon 65 100
(vi) Other Establishments
Head Gardener 35 70
Gardener 25 50
Sweeper of Secretariat Garden 20 50
(vii) Chauffeurs in Kerala House and
Office of the Resident 1000 1000
Commissioner, New Delhi
(viii)Ayurveda Clinic attached to
Medical Officer 375 450
Pharmacist 125 175
Attender 65 100
Law Department
Librarian 65 100
Legal Assistant attached to the
50 90
Clerical Assistant attached to the
40 80
Peon attached to the Library 25 50
Binder attached to the Library 50 90
Legislature Secretariat
Lift Operator 35 70
Telephone Operator 50 90
Peon (attending chamber duty) 25 50
Sweeper (including higher
30 60
Duffedar 25 50
Senior Assembly Attendants (2
25 50
State Archives
Superintendent posted in the
65 100
Secretariat Cellar
Assistant/Clerk posted in the
50 90
Secretariat Cellar
Peon posted in the Secretariat Cellar 35 70
Preservation Section
Preservation Supervisor/Mender 35 70
Binder/Lascar 20 50
Soil Conservation
Field Assistants in the Research
40 80
Station, Konni
State Lotteries
District Lottery Officer 285 350
Personal Assistant 285 350
Senior Superintendent/Assistant
285 350
District Lottery Officer
Class III Officers 225 285
Class IV Officers (including Attender-
190 230
cum-Packer and Driver)
Packer/Store Assistant/Store
15 40
Waiter and Room Boy of Guest
House, Thiruvananthapuram, 35 70
Ernakulam and Kozhikode
Waiter and Room Boy in other Guest
25 50
Kerala House, Kanyakumari
Manager 95 150
Steward/Clerk 65 150
Cook/Kitchen Mate/Room Boy/
Waiter/ Gardener/ Lascar/ Sweeper/ 50 100
Vigilance and Anticorruption
Superintendent of Police 125 200
Deputy Superintendent of Police 115 175
Inspector of Police 100 150
Sub Inspector of Police 95 140
Head Constable/Havildar Driver 65 100
Police Constable/Police Driver 50 90
Standardization Officer 90 500
Research Officer/Quality Control Officer 60 300
Assistant Director/Disease Investigation
60 300
Assistant Research Officer 60 300
Research Assistant/Texicologist/Veterinary
60 300
Surgeon in Laboratory
Chemist/Laboratory Supervisor 30 150
Laboratory Technician/Laboratory Assistant 30 150
Laboratory Attender 20 100
Clinical Institutions including veterinary
dispensaries, District Veterinary Clinic etc.
Chief Veterinary Officer 400
Senior Veterinary Surgeon 360
Rabies Eradication
Assistant Director/Disease Investigation
Veterinary Surgeon 60 300
Livestock Inspector 30 150
Veterinary Surgeons working in Elephant
Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram,
Thripunithura and Kannur
Herpetologist 100 150
Technician (Visha) 100 150
Laboratory Technician/Laboratory Assistant 30 60
Laboratory Attender 20 50
Theatre Assistant, Anatomy Department 30 60
Scavenger, Anatomy Department 20 50
Dravya Attender 20 50
X-Ray Technician (Post Graduate Centre) 30 60
Laboratory Assistant (Post Graduate Centre) 30 60
Drugs Standardization Unit, Poojappura
Research Assistant (Chemistry) 60 100
Laboratory Technician 30 60
Laboratory Attender 20 50
Chemical Examiner's Laboratory
Chief Chemical Examiner 90 140
Junior Chemical Examiner 60 100
Assistant Chemical Examiner 60 100
Joint Scientific Examiner 60 100
Senior Superintendent 60 100
Serological Assistant 30 60
Technical Assistant 30 60
Junior Superintendent 30 60
Head Clerk/Head Accountant 30 60
Confidential Assistant/Clerk Typist/Store
25 50
Laboratory Assistant/Junior Laboratory
20 50
Packer/Bottle Cleaner/Peon/Lascar 20 50
Glass Blower 25 50
Drugs Control
Drugs Testing Laboratory
Analyst Gr. I/Gr. II/Gr. III 60 100
Pharmacologist/Bacteriologist 60 100
Bio-Chemist 60 100
Drug Inspector (Special Intelligence Branch) 60 100
Scientific Assistant/Junior Superintendent 50 90
Technical Assistant/Store Superintendent 30 60
Store Keeper/Technician/Clerk/Typist 25 50
Laboratory Attender/Watcher/Peon 20 50
Fire & Rescue Service
Leading Fireman/Fireman 30 75
Fireman Driver/Driver Mechanic 30 75
Inspector of Guards 250
Sub Inspector of Guards 200
Head Guards 150
Fishery Guards 125
Assistant Director 250
Boat Driver/Syrang/Deckman/Lascar 125
Mahouts and Cavadies 25 500
Ground Water
Drilling Staff
Senior Driller 50 90
Drilling Mechanic/Driller 50 90
Compressor Driver 30 60
Welder 30 60
Drilling Assistant 30 60
Health Services
(i) X-Ray Sections of Hospitals
Medical Officer 100 250
Head Nurse/Staff Nurse 30 60
30 60
Room Assistant
Other Full Time Employees like
20 50
Attender/Attendant/Cleaner/Warder etc.
(ii) Radium Sections of Hospitals
Medical Officer 100 250
Technician/Radiographer/Staff Nurse 30 100
Attender/Cleaner/Warder/Lascar 20 50
(iii)Sanatorium for Chest Diseases,
Pulayanarkotta/Chest Hospital,
Mulamkunnathukave Pariyaram/T B Clinics/T
B, Mulamkunnathukave, Pariyaram/T.B.
Clinics/T.B. Wards/T.B. Centres
Medical Officer 100 250
Bacteriologist/Nursing Superintendent 60 120
Manager/ Lay Secretary and Treasurer 60 120
Head Nurse/Staff Nurse 30 100
Treatment Organizer Gr.I and Gr.II 30 100
Pharmacist/Pharmacist Storekeeper 30 60
Laboratory Technician Grade I & II/Health
30 60
Welfare Worker/Medical Records Librarian
Assistant/Steward/Head Clerk/Clerk/Store
25 50
(Tailoring)/Driver/L.D. Compiler
Social Worker 30 60
Dietician 30 60
Physiological Assistant 30 60
Blood Bank Technician 30 60
Mechanic 25 50
House Keeper 25 50
All other Class-III (except Ministerial) & Class-
20 50
IV Officers
(iv) Leprosy Sanitorium , Nooranad, Leprosy
Hospital , Koratti and Chevayoor /Leprosy
Clinics/S.E.T. Centres/Leprosy Control
Unit/Leprosy Subsidiary Centres
Civil Surgeon Gr. II, Leprosy Training Centre,
240 400
Medical Officer/Assistant Surgeon, Leprosy
240 400
Training Centre, Nooranad
Lay Secretary and Treasurer 60 120
Nursing Superintendent/Physiotherapist 80 150
Matron/Head Nurse/Nursing Sister/Staff Nurse 45 100
Pharmacist/Pharmacist Storekeeper 30 100
Leprosy Inspector/Non-Medical
45 100
Supervisor/Assistant Leprosy Officer
Laboratory Technician 45 100
Midwife 30 100
Steward/Health Welfare Worker/Assistant
25 75
Steward/Head Clerk/ Clerk/ Typist/Driver
All other Class-III and Class-IV Officers in the
20 50
above Centres
Specialist Medical Officer, Govt. Hospital,
Mavelikkara, visiting the leprosy Hospital
90 200
(One Eye Specialist, One Dental Surgeon and
One Surgeon)
(v) V.D. Section of Hospitals/V.D. Clinics
Medical Officer 100 200
Nursing Superintendent (V.D.), Medical
60 120
Head Nurse/Staff Nurse 30 60
Serological Assistant/Social Worker 30 60
Technician 30 60
Cleaner/Warder/Sweeper/Attender 20 50
(vi) Mental Health Centres
Medical Officer 100 150
Nursing Superintendent 60 100
Psychiatric Social Worker (Non-Gazetted) 60 100
Head Nurse/Staff Nurse 30 60
Deputy Overseer 30 60
Laboratory Technician 30 60
Weaving Instructor/Bunoy Instructor 25 50
Nursing Assistant/Laboratory Attender/Work
20 50
All other Class-III & Class-IV Officers 20 50
(vii) Laboratory Section of Hospitals
Medical Officer 70 110
Chemist 30 60
Laboratory Technician 30 60
Laboratory Technicians working in Public
30 60
Health Centres
Attender/Attendant/Cleaner/Lascar 20 50
(viii) Contagious Disease Hospital
Medical Officer 100 150
Head Nurse/Pharmacist/Midwife 30 70
Clerk/Typist 30 60
All other Last Grade Employees 20 50
(ix) Psychiatric Clinic attached to the Medical
College Hospital, Kottayam
Staff Nurse 30 60
Nursing Assistant 20 50
(x) Public Health Laboratory
Director 100 150
Senior Assistant Director/Assistant Director 60 100
Medical Officer 70 110
Micro Biologist/Scientific Officer/Junior
60 100
Store Keeper/Junior Superintendent/Junior
Statistical Officer/Food Analyst/Technical
30 60
Assistant Gr. I & II/Health Inspector/
Glass Blower/Audio Visual Trailer 25 50
Laboratory Assistant/Attender 25 50
20 50
Attender/Butcher/Lascar/Bottle Cleaner
(xi) Regional/District Public Health
Medical Officer (Pathology) 70 110
Chief Scientific Officer 60 100
Research Officer/Scientific Officer/Junior
60 100
Scientific Officer
Technical Assistant/Laboratory Technician 30 60
Clerk/Typist/Clerk-Typist 25 50
Laboratory Assistant/Laboratory
20 50
Attender/Last Grade Employees
(xii) Government Analyst Laboratory,
Thiruvananthapuram, the Regional Analytical
Laboratories, Ernakulam & Kozhikode
Chief Govt. Analyst 90 130
Govt. Analyst/Deputy govt. Analyst 60 100
Research officer/Junior Research Officer 60 100
Junior Stastician/Statistical Assistant 30 60
Technical Assistant 30 60
Sample Collector 30 60
Junior Superintendent 30 60
25 50
Confidential Assistant/Accountant
Laboratory Assistant/Laboratory
20 50
Attender/Packer/Peon/Night Watcher
Hydrographic Survey
Master 60
Engine Driver 60
Sryang 60
Seaman/Cook-cum-Steward 50
Insurance Medical Services
Staff working in Laboratories, X-Ray Unit and
Sanatorium for Chest Disease,
Mulamkunnathukavu and VD Section
Insurance Medical Officer 100 250
Nursing Superintendent 60 100
Radiographer/X-Ray Technician/Laboratory
Technician/Head Nurse/Staff 30 60
Junior laboratory Attender/Nursing
20 50
Assistant/Hospital Attendant/Peon
Indian Systems of Medicine
Ayurveda Mental Hospital, Kottakkal
Superintendent/Senior Specialist/Specialist
90 200
Nursing Superintendent/Laboratory Assistant 30 60
Nurse/Pharmacist 25 50
Laboratory Attender 20 50
Head Clerk 25 50
Clerk/Typist 20 50
Peon/Watcher/Gardener 20 50
Medical Education
Scientific Officer, Nuclear Medicine/Assistant
90 130
Professor, Nuclear Medicine
Scavenger-cum-Sewage Cleaner 30 60
(i) Radiology Department
X-Ray Mechanic/X-Ray
30 60
X-Ray Attender/Receptionist 20 50
(ii) Dermatology and Venerology
Serological/Scientific Assistant 60 100
(iii) Reconstructive Unit of Leprosy
Sanatorium, Nooranad
Staff Nurse 45 90
Nursing Assistant 30 60
(iv) Anatomy Department
Curator 30 60
Laboratory Technician 35 70
Junior Laboratory Assistant/Mortuary
20 50
Man/Theatre Assistant/ Sweeper/ Cleaner
(v) Forensic Medicine
Mortuary Technician/Laboratory Technician 30 60
Junior Laboratory Assistant/Mortuary
20 50
Attender/ Sweeper/ Cleaner
(vi) Gas House Employees of Medical
Foreman 20 50
Fitter/Fireman/Lascar 15 45
(vii) Other Categories
Bio-Chemist/Scientific Assistant (Pathology) 60 100
Laboratory Technician/Laboratory Assistant 30 60
Junior Laboratory Assistant/Laboratory
20 50
Attender/Photographic Attender
Technician (Media making) 25 50
(viii) Staff working in T.B. Unit of Kozhikode
Medical College
Staff Nurse/Pharmacist/Health Visitor 30 60
Clerk 25 50
Hospital Attender/Nursing Assistant 20 50
Homeopathic Medical Colleges
Radiographers and X-Ray Technicians 30 60
Laboratory Technicians 30 60
Museums and Zoo
Veterinary Surgeon 300
Zoo Keeper 30 200
(i) Police Forensic Science Laboratory
Director 90 130
Joint Director/Assistant Director 60 100
Ballistic Expert/Scientific
60 100
Head Accountant/Junior Superintendent 30 60
Laboratory Technician 30 60
Confidential Assistant/Clerk/Typist 25 50
Mechanic 25 50
Police Driver/Technical Attender/Peon 20 50
(ii) Police Personnel
Circle Inspector/Armed Police
Inspector/Reserve Inspector/ Inspector 40 80
Master Gr. I, II and III 30 60
Driver Gr. I and II 30 60
C.S.D. Operator/Radio Telephone Operator 30 60
Driver-cum-Operator 30 60
Welder 30 60
Seaman/Cook/Steward 25 50
Assistant Cook/Topaz/Part Time Cook 20 50
Sub Jail Superintendent/Assistant Jailor Gr I
and II/Supervisor, Borstal School and Open 30 60
Warder/Petty Officer/Head Warder/Ministerial
Head Warder/Gate Keeper/Chief Petty 25 50
State Archives
Menders 30 60
State Water Transport
Running Staff 90
d Rate
ate (Rs.)
Designation (Rs.) Remarks
Assistant Director (Physical
990 1250
Medicine Rehabilitation)
Zonal Malaria Officer 990 1250
District Medical Officer(Health) /
Deputy District Medical Officer 990 1250
Principal, Family Welfare Training
Centre, Thiruvananthapuram / 990 1250
Civil Surgeon, Leprosy Training
450 700
Centre, Nooranad
Medical Lecturer-cum-
Demonstrator, Family Welfare
450 700
Training Centre,
Thiruvananthapuram/ Kozhikode
Supervisory Medical Officer, BCG
450 700
Campaign (Civil Surgeon)
District Immunisation Officer 450 700
Medical Officer in charge (I.U.C.D)
450 700
(Civil Surgeon)
Civil Surgeon (Non Cadre) (Family
450 700
Welfare Programme)
RMO (in the cadre of Civil
450 700
District Leprosy Officer 450 700
Medical Officer, Pilot Survey Unit 310 500
RMO in the cadre of Asst. Surgeon 310 500
Assistant Surgeon-in-charge,
Mobile Medical Unit (Attapady,
310 500
Kalpetta, Thaliparamba & Floating
Dispensary, Chambakulam)
Assistant Surgeon (Family Welfare
310 500
Medical Officer, School Health
310 500
Medical Officer, Raj Bhavan
310 500
Insurance Medical Services
Director 960 1200
Joint Director 760 1200
Regional Deputy Director 760 800
RMO (In the cadre of Civil
450 650
RMO (In the cadre of Assistant
310 500
Public Health Laboratory
Director 550 800
d Rate
ate (Rs.)
Designation (Rs.) Remarks
Senior Assistant Director 550 800
Assistant Director and Senior
410 650
Medical Officer
Assistant Director (Nutrition) (Civil
410 650
Surgeon Gr. II)
Medical Officer 280 500
Regional Laboratories
Medical Officer (Civil Surgeon Gr.
410 650
Medical Officer (Assistant
280 500
District Laboratories
Medical Officer 280 500
Medical Officer (Pathology) 280 500
Medical Officer (Microbiology) 280 500
Medical Officer Central Prisons 280 500
Indian Systems of Medicine
District Medical Officer 350 600
Superintendent Ayurvedic Mental
350 600
Hospital, Kottakkal
Superintendent District Ayurveda
350 600
Hospital, Kannur
Ayurveda College (Non-Clinical)
Principal 410 650
Professor 350 600
Reader 350 600
Lecturer/Tutor 280 500
Director 410 650
Deputy Director 410 650
District Medical Officer 350 600
Homoeopathic Medical College
Principal 410 650
Professor 350 600
Assistant Professor/Tutor 280 500
8.11.1. There are departments in which all personnel/a few group of
employees who have to wear uniform while performing their official
duties. Uniform is a significant factor to show the identity and
uniformity of the department which helps the public to know the
service of the personnel. Based on the recommendations of the last
Pay Revision Commission, the supply of uniform materials has been
dispensed with and an allowance was sanctioned periodically, year,
once in two years/once in three years depending on the nature of
department, including for washing, stitching and footwear. An
amount of Rs.130/ per annum has been sanctioned as footwear
allowance which is disproportionate when compared to the actual
cost of footwear. The same may be enhanced reasonably and an
amount of Rs.300/per annum is recommended.
8.11.2. The Government by GO (P) No.488/2010/ (169)/Fin. Dated
13.9.2010, revised the Uniform allowance to the personnel of Excise
Department, Fire Force Department and Forest Department. Uniform
allowance was allowed to them once in a year in modification of the
present practice of granting once in two years.
8.11.3. In the case of those categories who are in receipt of Uniform
Allowance but have not been indicated in the Schedule, the
Commission recommends to continue the existing rate of Rs.1600/-
per annum.
8.11.4. The existing and the proposed rates of Uniform Allowance
admissible to employees are given below:
Perio Existi Propos
Designation d in ng ed Remarks
Years Rate Rate
Assistant Public Prosecutor 2 2800 3500
Deputy Commissioner 1 4000 2500
Assistant Excise Commissioner 1 3600 2500
Circle Inspector 1 3500 2000
Excise Inspector 1 3000 2000
Assistant Excise Inspector 1 3000 2000
Preventive Officer/Excise Guard/
1 1600 2400
Fire Force
Director (T), Deputy Director
(Administration), Divisional 1 2400 2000
Officer/ Assistant Divisional Officer
Station Officer 1 1600 2000
Assistant Station Officer 1 1500 2000
Leading Fireman, Driver
Mechanic, Fireman, Driver-cum- 1 1500 2400
Pump Operator and Fireman 1
Perio Existi Propos
Designation d in ng ed Remarks
Years Rate Rate
Ranger/ Deputy Ranger/ Wild Life
1 1600 2000
Forester 1 1600 1750
Forest Guard 1 1300 1750
Forest Watcher 1 1200 1750
Driver 1 1200 2400
Boat Driver 1 1200 2400
Govt. Ayurveda Colleges
Lady Health Worker (Allopathic
1 800 1200
Nursing Superintendent 1 1200 1600
Nurse 1 1200 1600
Govt. Homeo Medical Colleges
Nurse 1 1200 1600
Health Services
Nursing Superintendent/Nursing
Sister (European and Indian
Sisters including Matron and Head
Nurse)/Nursing Tutor/Head
Nurse/Lady Health Inspector/Lady 1 1400 1800
Health Supervisor/Public Health
Nurse/Public Health Nurses
Instructor/M.C.H. Officer/Nursing
Officer (Principal)
Nurse (Male & Female) 1 1200 1600
Food Inspector (Male &
Female)/District Food
2 1500 2200
Inspector/Chief Food
Inspector(Mobile Vigilance Squad)
Junior Public Health Nurse 1 900 1400
Pupil Nurse 1 700 1200
Nurse 1 1200 1600
Insurance Medical Services
Nursing Superintendent/Head
1 1400 1800
Staff Nurse 1 1200 1600
Lady Health Worker, 1 800 1200
Indian Systems of Medicine
Nurse 1 1200 1600
Security Officer 1 3100 1800
Legal Metrology
Inspector/Assistant Collector 1 900 1300
Perio Existi Propos
Designation d in ng ed Remarks
Years Rate Rate
Motor Vehicles
Regional Transport Officer 1 1800 1500
Joint Transport Officer 1 1700 1500
Motor Vehicle Inspector/Assistant
1 1600 1400
Motor Vehicle Inspector
Midwife 1 800 1200
Superintendent of Police (Non
1 2700 3000
IPS)/Deputy Commandant
Deputy Superintendent of Police
1 2700 3000
and Officers of corresponding rank
Circle Inspector/Inspector of Police 1 2500 2800
Sub Inspector of Police/Assistant
1 2500 2800
Sub Inspector of Police (Local)
Head Constable/Police Constable
(Local/Armed Reserve/Armed 1 2400 2750
Police Battalions)
Camp follower 1 1500 2000
Port Conservator/Asst. Port
1 900 1400
Cargo Supervisor/Asst. Pier
1 800 1200
Master/Wharf Supervisor
Technical Employees – Male 1 1000 1300
Technical Employees – Female 1 1000 1300
Mechanical Employees (Workshop
1 1400 1700
Mechanical Section (Shoe
1 200 300
Inspector General of Prisons (Non
1 4100 2000
Deputy Inspector General of
1 3500 2000
Superintendent Central Prisons,
Assistant Inspector General of
Prisons, Superintendent Open 1 3300 1500
Prison, Principal SICA, Special
Officer Open Prison
Jailor, Deputy Superintendent
Open Prison, Superintendent 1 3000 1500
District Jail, Senior Lecturer SICA
Lecturer SICA Deputy Jailor, Jailor
Special Sub Jail Viyyur, Law
1 2500 1500
Lecturer SICA, Superintendent
Borstal School
Perio Existi Propos
Designation d in ng ed Remarks
Years Rate Rate
Sub Jail Superintendents,
Assistant Jailor Grade I & II and 1 1800 1300
equivalent categories
Chief Warder, Head Warder,
Warder, Chief Petty Officer, Petty 1 1500 1800
Officer, Gate Keeper
Governor’s Secretariat-Staff Nurse 1 1300 1600
Legislature Secretariat-Chief
1 3300 1500
Legislature Secretariat-Assembly
Attendent/Hostel 1 1600 1900
(i) Administrative Secretariat
Security Guard/Assistant Security
1 1600 1900
Lift Operators 1 1600 1900
Store Attender 1 1600 1900
Durbar/Conference Hall
1 1600 1900
Cycle Stand Watchman 1 1600 1900
Security Officer/Sergent 1 1600 1900
(ii) Administrative Secretariat/
Law Secretariat/Finance
Full-time Gardner 1 1600 1900
Full-time Sweeper/Full-time
1 1600 1900
Sweeper-cum-Sanitation Worker
Motorcycle Orderly 1 1600 1900
Duplicating Machine
Operator/Supervisor Duplicating 1 1600 1900
Machine Operator/Photocopy
Machine Operator
Social Welfare
Ayahs in the Home for Mentally
1 900 1300
Retarded Children
Vigilance & Anti Corruption
Superintendent of Police 1 1300 1600
Deputy Superintendent of Police 1 1200 1500
Circle Inspector of Police 1 1200 1500
Sub Inspector of Police 1 1100 1400
Assistant Sub Inspector of Police 1 1100 1400
Head Constable/Police Constable 1 1100 1400
State Water Transport
Perio Existi Propos
Designation d in ng ed Remarks
Years Rate Rate
Footwear Allowance 1 200
g Rate
d Rate
Designation (Rs.) Remarks
(Rs.) per
Camp Follower 20 40
Inspector (Telecommunications) 50
Sub Inspector (Telecommunications) 50
Assistant Sub Inspector
Head Constable (Operator) 50
Police Constable (Telecommunications) 50
2. Battalion Allowance
Armed Police Inspector/Reserve
60 80
Armed Police Sub Inspector/Reserve
50 70
Sub Inspector
Assistant Sub Inspector/Head
30 50
Constable/Havildar/Havildar Driver
g Rate
d Rate
Designation (Rs.) Remarks
(Rs.) per
Sub Inspector and equivalent rank 150 200
Assistant Sub Inspector and equivalent
150 200
Head Constable and equivalent rank 120 150
Police Constable and equivalent rank 120 150
8. Feeding Charges
Circle Inspector /Inspector
50 80
Sub Inspector/Assistant Sub Inspector 50 80
Head Constable/Police Constable 50 80
9. Camp Follower's Allowance
Cook/Water Carrier/Barber/Dhobi/
50 80
Sweeper/Cobbler/ Gardener
10. Special allowance Canoeman and
Canoeman/Boat lascar/Syrang 50 80
11. Camp Office Allowance
Deputy superintendent of Police and
Assistant Commissioners posted as 130 180
Sub divisional Police Officers
12. Ration money to Police Personnel
in the rank of Sub Inspector/Reserve
Sub Inspector/Armed Police Sub
Inspector/Assistant Sub Inspector/head 150 180
Constable/Driver/Camp Follower/Motor
Cycle Driver etc.
13. Vigilance Duty Allowance
Superintendent of Police(Non-IPS) 1380 1500
Deputy Superintendent of Police (HG) 1260 1350
Deputy Superintendent of Police 780 900
Inspector (HG) 720 800
Inspector 650 725
Sub Inspector 550 600
Assistant Sub Inspector 500 550
Head Constable 450 500
Police Constable 350 400
Exe. Engineer (Mech.) 1000 1250
Exe. Engineer (Civil) 1140 1300
Asst. Exe. Engineer (Civil) 1020 1200
Drivers (Police Personnel) 400
14. Duty Allowance to the personnel in
Superintendent of Police (Non-IPS) 1500
g Rate
d Rate
Designation (Rs.) Remarks
(Rs.) per
Deputy Superintendent of Police 900
Inspector of Police 725
Woman Inspector of Police 725
Sub Inspector 600
Woman Sub Inspector 600
Driver SI 600
Assistant Sub Inspector 550
Head Constable 500
Woman Head Constable 500
Police Constable 400
Woman Police Constable 400
Driver 400
1. Day of Allowance per day
Assistant Jailor Gr. I 80 110
Assistant Jailor Gr. II 70 100
Warder/Head Warder/Gate
Keeper/Chief Petty Officer/Petty
60 90
Officer/Ministerial Head Warder/Chief
2. Prison Special Allowance
Superintendent of Central Prison/Open
Prison/Assistant Inspector General of 110 150
Principal, State Institute of correctional
110 150
Jailor 110 150
Superintendent, Womens Prison,
110 150
Deputy Superintendent -do- 100 140
Deputy Jailor/Jailor, Special Sub
100 140
Jail/Superintendent, Borstal School
Assistant jailor Gr. I/Superintendent,
Sub Jail/Supervisor, Open 100 140
Prison/Supervisor, Borstal School
Assistant Jailor Gr. II 90 130
Head Warder/Chief Warder/Gate
80 110
Keeper/Chief Petty Officer
Ministerial Head Warder/Boat
Foreman/Industrial Instructor/Weaving 80 110
Instructor/Assistant Weaving Foreman
Warder/Petty Officer/Agricultural 70 100
Demonstrator/ Weaving
g Rate
d Rate
Designation (Rs.) Remarks
(Rs.) per
Weaver/Skilled Worker/Engineer Driver
60 90
Electrician Cum Pump Operator 60 90
2(a) Staff of Central Prison Press,
Assistant Superintendent 70 100
General Foreman 60 90
Class III Employees 50 80
Class IV Employees 40 70
3. Smartness Allowance
Head Warder/Warder 30 60
4. Allowance towards Electricity &
Water Charges
Head Warder/Gate Keeper 20 50
Warder 20 50
Fire Force
1. Smartness Allowance (p.m.)
Leading Fireman/Fireman/Driver-
30 60
Mechanic/Fireman cum Pump Operator
2. Allowance towards Electricity and
Water Charges (p.m.)
Leading Fireman/Driver-
Mechanic/Fireman Driver cum Pump 20 40
Fireman Gr. I & Gr. II 20 40
3. Day Off Allowance (Per day)
Station Officer 60 90
Assistant Station Officer 50 80
Leading Fireman/Fireman/Driver-
Mechanic/Fireman Driver cum Pump 50 80
4. Feeding Charges (per day)
Assistant Divisional Officer 50 80
Assistant Station officer/Station Officer 30 60
Fireman/leading Fireman and equated
30 60
5. Fire Force Special Allowance
Divisional Officer/P.A. to Director of
100 130
Fire Force
Assistant Divisional Officer 90 120
Station Officer 80 110
Assistant Station Officer 70 100
Fireman Driver cum Pump Operataor 60 90
g Rate
d Rate
Designation (Rs.) Remarks
(Rs.) per
Gr. I/ Leading Fireman/Driver Mechanic
Fireman/Fireman Driver cum Pump
60 90
Operator Gr. II
6. Ration Money to Fire Force
personnel in the rank of Fireman
Driver cum Pump Operator Driver
75 105
mechanic, Leading Fireman, Fireman,
Assistant Station Officer and Station
1. Excise Special Allowance
Assistant Excise Commissioner 70 100
Circle Inspector of Excise 60 90
Excise Inspector 60 90
Assistant Excise Inspector 50 80
Preventive Officer 50 80
Excise Guard 40 70
1. Forest Special Allowance
Senior Grade Ranger 60 90
Ranger 60 90
Wild Life Assistant 50 80
Deputy Ranger 90 120
Forester 80 110
Guard 70 100
Driver (attached to Forest Stations) 40 80
Watcher 40 80
2. Day Off allowance (per day)
Ranger 30 60
Deputy Ranger 120 150
Forester 110 140
Guard/Watcher 80 110
Social Welfare
1. Day Off Allowance (per day)
Guard/Supervisor/Chief Guard
30 60
etc./Scavenger/ Cook/Assistant Cook
2. Special Allowance
Superintendent, Government
90 120
Children's Home and Special Schools
Deputy Superintendent/Assistant
70 100
Industrial Instructor 60 90
Head Guard/Agricultural 60 90
g Rate
d Rate
Designation (Rs.) Remarks
(Rs.) per
Instructor/Physical Training
Guard/Female Guard 50 80
Head Cook/Gardener/Ayah/
Watchman/Electrician cum Pump 40 70
Operator/Driver etc.
Personal Assistant of MLAs in the 12th
550 600
Kerala Legislative Assembly
Special Allowance granted to the
Staff in the Kerala State Election
Commission during the election
Pay Range of Rs.16180 and above 550 650
Pay Range of Rs.146200 to Rs.16179 500 600
Pay Range of Rs.11620 to Rs.14619 450 525
Pay Range below Rs.11620 400 475
Only those employees drawing pay in
the scales of pay below Rs.29180-
40640 shall be eligible for the special
Health Department
Doctors working in rural areas 1650 3000
Doctors working in difficult rural areas 3300 4500
Animal Husbandry
Veterinary Surgeons working in rural
Veterinary Surgeons working in
difficult rural areas
e) Fresh personnel who pass the test and undergo competent
training will be taken into the commando platoon to replace
those who cease to be Commandos.
8.14.2. The Commission recommends to continue the same rate in the
revised scales of pay.
8.15.1. The Travelling Allowance is granted to a Govt. employee who
performs journey for official purposes based on the provisions
contained in Rule 12(37) Part II KSRs. Fares/Rates in respect of
conveyances have been increased considerably and the travelling
allowance also have to be revised accordingly, considering the
existing price hike and the present money value. Considering various
aspects pertaining to this allowance, the Commission makes the
following recommendations:
8.15.2. Categorisation of Officers for the purpose of TA: - The
existing and prposed classification of officers - based on the pay
scales are as follows:
Class of
Existing categorization Proposed
Grade I All officers who draw an
All officers who draw an actual
actual pay of Rs.14900/-
pay of Rs.25280/- and above
and above and Heads of
and Heads of Departments,
Departments, Private
Private Secretary to Ministers
Secretary to Ministers and
and All India Service Officers
All India Service Officers
irrespective of the Pay drawn
irrespective of the Pay
by them.
drawn by them.
Grade Officers with actual pay of Officers with actual pay of
II (a) Rs.12400/- and above, but Rs.21240/- and above, but
below below
Rs.14900/- Rs.25280/-
Grade Officers with actual pay of Officers with actual pay of
II (b) Rs.8000/- and above, but Rs.13900/- and above, but
below Rs.12400/-. N.G.Os, below Rs.21240/-. N.G.Os,
other Last Grade Servants other Last Grade Servants
when they accompany the when they accompany the
Governor and Ministers will Governor and Ministers will be
be treated as Gr. II (b). treated as Gr. II (b)..
Grade Officers with actual pay of Officers with actual pay of
III Rs.5000/- and above, but Rs.8960/- and above, but below
below Rs.8000/- and Last Rs.13900/- and Last Grade
Grade Servants on Grade Servants on Grade promotion.
Grade Officers with actual pay Officers with actual pay below
IV below Rs.5000/-. Rs.8960/-.
8.15.3. Class of travel: - Details of existing and proposed class eligible
for journey for different grades of officers are given below:
Class Existing Proposed
Grades Eligible Class Eligible Class
Grade II I Class. If the train doesn’t I Class. If the train doesn’t
(a) have I Class, II AC have I Class, II AC
Grade II III AC. If the train doesn’t have III AC. If the train doesn’t
(b) III AC, I Class have III AC, I Class
Grade III II Class II Class
Grade IV II Class II Class
8.15.4. Officers in the revised scale of pay Rs.29180-40640 are eligible
for air journeys.
8.15.5. Mileage Allowance:- Mileage Allowances are rates inclusive of
incidental expenses and are applicable for journeys irrespective of
the fact, whether the places are connected by rail/road etc. The
present rate of Mileage Allowance is Rs.0.80 per kilometer for all
categories of employees. Recently both road and rail fares have
been enhanced considerably. To compensate this hike, the mileage
allowance may be enhanced to Rs.1.50 per km.
8.15.6. Incidental Expenses (Road/Rail/Air):- Officers who perform
travel by Road/Rail/Air are eligible for incidental expenses in addition
to the actual fare (vide Rule 20 (b) Part II KSR), except in the case of
those who claim Mileage Allowance. Incidental expenses are
sanctioned to meet petty expenses while the Officer is on tour.
8.15.7. The existing rates and the proposed rates are shown in table
Existing Proposed
Air Air
Grades Rate (Rs.) Journey(Rate Rate (Rs.) Journey(Rate
per K.M per journey) per K.M per journey)
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Grade I: 0.25 220 0.50
Grade II: (a) 0.20 170 0.40 May be
Grade II: (b) 0.18 140 0.35 limited as 1
Grade III: 0.15 110 0.30 DA
Grade IV: 0.15 110 0.30
8.15.8. Daily Allowance: - It is a fixed allowance for each day of absence
from headquarters, which is intended to cover the ordinary daily
charge incurred by an Officer while on tour, subject to the condition
that the tour is on official purpose. Considering the present hike in
the cost of food items and other things, the Commission recommends
the following rates:
8.15.9. The existing rates and the proposed rates are as follows:
Existing Proposed
Sl.No. Category of Officers weight (Kg)
Weight (Kg)
Grade I: Rs.330/- at each end Rs.600/- at each end
Grade II: Rs.170/- at each end Rs.300/- at each end
Grade II: Rs.170/- at each end Rs.300/- at each end
Grade III: Rs.140/- at each end Rs.250/- at each end
Grade IV: Rs.140/- at each end Rs.250/- at each end
8.15.12. Reimbursement of Room Rent: - The Commission
recommends the following revised rates for reimbursement of room
rent as detailed below:
have requested to revise the TA ceiling. It has also been requested
to exempt TA ceiling for the journeys performed by the officers in
connection with cases pending in various Courts, Lok Ayukta,
Ombudsman etc. This may be considered positively and the
Commission recommends that the existing TA ceiling may also be
fixed in such a way that one journey extending from end to end of the
State (South-North) may be allowed.
8.16.1. Permanent Travelling Allowance is granted to any officer whose
duties require him to travel extensively. Such an allowance is granted
in lieu of all other forms of Travelling Allowance for journeys within
the Officer’s sphere of duty. This amount can be drawn all the year
round, whether the Officer is absent from headquarters or not. For
sanctioning this allowance the 8 Kms restriction is not binding.
8.16.2. The existing and the proposed rates of Permanent Travelling
Allowances are given below:
Existin Avg. No.
g Rate of days
Area of Rate
Designation (Rs) of tour
Jurisdiction (Rs.) per
per in a
month month
Land Revenue
Tahsildar 400 One Taluk 15 500
One Taluk and
Special Tahsildar 190 15 250
2 Taluks and
Special Tahsildar 240 15 300
3 Taluks and
Special Tahsildar 310 15 400
Deputy Tahsildar/Special
310 One Taluk 15 400
Deputy Tahsildar
Deputy Tahsildar/Special
190 2 Taluks 15 250
Deputy Tahsildar
Deputy Tahsildar/Special
230 3 Taluks 15 300
Deputy Tahsildar
Over One
Revenue Inspector/Special
140 Taluk but less 15 200
Revenue Inspector
than 3 Taluks
Revenue Inspector/Special
Revenue Inspector (attached
to the Offices of Special
190 One District 15 250
Thiruvananthapuram and
Taluk Surveyor/Additional
120 One Taluk 15 180
Taluk Surveyor
Chainman (Under Special
80 One Taluk 15 110
Deputy Surveyor)
Special Chainman/Special 80 One Taluk 15 110
Existin Avg. No.
g Rate of days
Area of Rate
Designation (Rs) of tour
Jurisdiction (Rs.) per
per in a
month month
Special Chainman/Special 2 Taluks and
100 15 130
Peon more
Special Chainman/Special 3 Taluks and
110 15 150
Peon more
Special Chainman/Special More than 3
140 15 180
Peon Taluks
More than 1
Village and
Village Officer 100 15 125
upto one
Village Officer 120 Two Taluks 15 150
Village Officer 140 Three Taluks 15 180
More than 3
Village Officer 150 15 200
More than 1
Village and
Village Assistant 80 15 110
upto one
Village Assistant 100 Two Taluks 15 120
Village Assistant 120 Three Taluks 15 150
More than 3
Village Assistant 140 15 170
More than 1
Villageman 80 Village and 15 110
upto 2 Taluks
Villageman 100 Three Taluks 15 130
More than 3
Villageman 120 15 150
Commercial Taxes
Agricultural Income Tax
Officer/ Sales Tax One Taluk and
250 15 350
Officer/Agricultural Income below
Tax and Sales Tax Officer
Agricultural Income Tax More than 1
Officer/ Sales Tax Taluk and
310 15 410
Officer/Agricultural Income below 2
Tax and Sales Tax Officer Taluks
Agricultural Income Tax
More than 2
Officer/ Sales Tax
360 but less than 15 460
Officer/Agricultural Income
4 Taluks
Tax and Sales Tax Officer
Agricultural Income Tax
Officer/ Sales Tax 4 Taluks and
400 15 500
Officer/Agricultural Income more
Tax and Sales Tax Officer
Civil Supplies
Existin Avg. No.
g Rate of days
Area of Rate
Designation (Rs) of tour
Jurisdiction (Rs.) per
per in a
month month
Taluk Supply Officer 310 One Taluk 15 400
Assistant Taluk Supply Officer 140 One Taluk 15 200
Excise (Range Offices)
Excise Inspector 200 One Range 15 250
Assistant Excise Inspector 140 One Range 15 190
Preventive Officer 80 One Range 15 120
Guard 80 One Range 15 120
Survey and Land Records
One or Two
Head Surveyor 190 15 250
Surveyor Gr.I and II 120 One Taluk 15 175
Land Assignment and Land
One District or
Head Surveyor 180 15 220
More than one
Surveyor Gr.I 120 15 160
One Taluk or
Surveyor Gr.I 100 15 140
Irrespective of
Surveyor Gr.II 80 15 120
Land Records
One District or
Head Surveyor 180 15 220
One Taluk or
Surveyor Gr.I 100 15 140
Irrespective of
Surveyor Gr.II 80 15 120
Unit Auditor of Co-operative
Societies/Unit Inspector of 200 One Taluk 15 240
Cooperative Societies
Economics and Statistics
Timely Reporting Survey of
Agricultural Statistics
Statistical Inspector (NSS) 450 One District 15 525
Statistiscal Inspector 300 One Taluk 15 375
Investigator (L.D/U.D) 190 One Taluk 15 250
Investigator (L.D/U.D) 300 One District 15 375
Taluk Statistical Officer 350 One Taluk 15 425
Thiruvananthapuram and
190 One District 15 220
Inspector of Fisheries, Kollam 180 One District 15 210
Existin Avg. No.
g Rate of days
Area of Rate
Designation (Rs) of tour
Jurisdiction (Rs.) per
per in a
month month
and Alappuzha
Statistical Investigator, Kollam 140 Two Taluks 15 170
1. Kollam
Sub Inspector of Fisheries, 2. Vaikom &
120 15 150
Backwaters Meenachil
3. Cherthala
Senior Co-operative Inspector,
Vizhinjam and 150 Two Taluks 15 180
Fishery Development Officer,
150 One District 15 180
Fishery Development Officer,
150 Two Taluks 15 180
Senior Co-operative Inspector,
150 One District 15 180
Kollam and Alappuzha
Fishery Development Officer,
150 One District 15 180
Sub Inspector of Fisheries,
80 One Taluk 15 110
North Parur
Fishery Development Officer,
150 Two Districts 15 180
Senior Co-operative Inspector,
150 Two Districts 15 180
Sub Inspector of Fisheries,
120 m Fisheries 15 150
Fishery Development Officer,
150 One District 15 180
Part of a
L.D.Investigator, Alappuzha 140 15 170
Office of the Deputy Director
of Fisheries, Thrissur
Senior Co-operative Inspector 150 One District 15 180
Fishery Development Officer,
150 One Taluk 15 180
Office of the Deputy Director
of Fisheries, Ponnani
Fishery Development Officer,
150 One Taluk 15 180
Ponnani and Thanur
Senior Co-operative Inspector,
150 One Taluk 15 180
Ponnani and Thanur
Office of the Deputy Director
of Fisheries, Kozhikode
Fishery Development Officer,
150 One Taluk 15 180
Senior Co-operative Inspector 150 One Taluk 15 180
Existin Avg. No.
g Rate of days
Area of Rate
Designation (Rs) of tour
Jurisdiction (Rs.) per
per in a
month month
Office of the Deputy Director
of Fisheries, Kannur
Fishery Development Officer,
150 One Taluk 15 180
Senior Co-operative Inspector 150 One Taluk 15 180
Office of the Deputy Director
of Fisheries, Kasargode
Fishery Development Officer 150 One Taluk 15 180
Senior Co-operative Inspector 150 One Taluk 180
Office of the Assistant Director
of Fisheries, Kottayam
Sub Inspector of Fisheries,
120 One District 15 150
Ranger 230 Range 20 270
Deputy Ranger 190 Range 15 230
Forester 190 Section 15 230
Surveyor 80 Range 20 110
Forest Guard 130 Range 15 160
Boat Driver/Syrang/Cleaner 80 Section 20 120
Watcher 80 Section 20 120
Hindu Religious and
Charitable Endowments
Kasargod and
Inspector, Kasargod 150 Hosdurg 15 200
Inspector, Thaliparamba 150 Taluk & Part 15 200
of Kannur
Ernad & Tirur
Inspector, Manjeri 150 15 200
Parts of
Inspector, Perinthalmanna 150 Ottappalam & 15 200
Inspector, Ottappalam 150 15 200
Taluk, Parts of
Inspector, Palakkad 150 15 200
Alathur and
Inspector, Kozhikode 150 Taluks & 15 200
Existin Avg. No.
g Rate of days
Area of Rate
Designation (Rs) of tour
Jurisdiction (Rs.) per
per in a
month month
Inspector, Thalassery 150 Vadakara & 15 200
part of Kannur
Inspector, Guruvayoor 150 Wayanad and 15 200
Health Services
District PH Nurse/District
Parts of a
Leader/Health 200 15 240
Supervisor/Malaria Inspector
Gr.I & II/Health
Educator/Health Inspector
Extension Officer 200 One Taluk 15 240
Junior Co-operative Inspector 200 One Block 15 240
One to Three
Senior Co-operative Inspector 200 15 240
One to Three
Supervisor, Handloom 200 15 240
Inspector (Quality Control) 150 Block/District 15 190
Field Assistant (Junior Field
130 One Circle 15 170
Deputy Labour Officer 280 One District 15 320
Assistant Labour Officer Gr.I &
200 One Taluk 15 240
Inspector of Agricultural
200 One District 15 240
One or more
Inspector of Plantations 250 Revenue 15 290
Legislature Secretariat
Drivers/Head Driver 150 200
Medical Education
Medical College, Alappuzha
Driver 150 Not Prescribed 15 200
Bus Cleaner 140 Not Prescribed 15 180
Motor Vehicles
Assistant Motor Vehicle
200 One Taluk 15 250
National Savings
Assistant Director 310 One District 15 400
Existin Avg. No.
g Rate of days
Area of Rate
Designation (Rs) of tour
Jurisdiction (Rs.) per
per in a
month month
For the Local
Police &
Police Constables of Local
Constables of Not
Police Stations/District Armed-
130 District Armed prescribe 170
Reserve/ District Special
Reserve 32 d
Branch and DCIB
Kms from the
For the Local
Police &
Head Constables of Local
Constables of Not
Police Stations, District Armed
190 District Armed prescribe 230
Reserve, District special
Reserve 32 d
Branch and DCIB
Kms from the
Assistant Sub Inspector of 32 Kms. from Not
Local Police Stations and 190 the prescribe 230
Armed Reserve Headquarters d
33 Kms. from Not
Sub Inspector of Local Police
240 the prescribe 280
and Armed Reserve
Headquarters d
Boat Syrang/Boat Driver 80 prescribe 110
Sub Inspector, Band Unit 120 prescribe 160
Permanent Travelling
Allowance as eligible to the
equivalent categories in the
Police Department who
receive P.T.A will be allowed to
the following technical
personnel in the Police
(I) Mounted Police
(ii) Armourer Staff 170
(iii) Electrician 170
(iv) Carpenter 170
(v) Painter 170
(vi) Blacksmith 170
(vii) Mason 170
(viii) Boat Syrang 170
(ix) Boat Driver 170
(x) Bugler/Drummer of Armed 170
Reserves & P.T.C.
(xi) Technical Staff (Both 170
executive & civilian) attached
Existin Avg. No.
g Rate of days
Area of Rate
Designation (Rs) of tour
Jurisdiction (Rs.) per
per in a
month month
to Range Workshop, M.S.P.
(xii) Personnel of and below
the rank of Sub Inspectors
attached to
Telecommunication Unit
(xiii) Members of Mounted
(xiv) Driver (the Motor Cycle
Orderlies attached to the Chief
Office will also be considered
as Drivers for this purpose)
(xv) Members of the Police
Force of and below the rank of
Sub Inspectors attached to the
Police Computer Centre
(xvi) Members of the Motor
Transport Unit attached to the
District A.R. including 170
M.T.R.S.I. Attached to various
So far as the Band and
Orchestra Personnel are
concerned, Grant of
indicated above will be in lieu
of the Special Allowance
granted to them.
Rural Development
Block Development Officer (If
240 One Block 20 300
Vehicle is available)
Block Development Officer (If
310 One Block 20 370
Vehicle is not available)
Chitty Auditor 250 One District 20 300
More than
Chitty Auditor 290 20 340
One District
Scheduled Caste
Scheduled Caste Devt. Officer
190 One Taluk 15 240
Scheduled Caste Devt. Officer
150 One Block 15 190
Scheduled Tribe
Over One
Tribal Extension Officer 150 15 200
Over Two
Tribal Extension Officer 190 15 250
Tribal Extension Officer 230 Over Three 15 300
Existin Avg. No.
g Rate of days
Area of Rate
Designation (Rs) of tour
Jurisdiction (Rs.) per
per in a
month month
Social Welfare
Anganvadi Supervisor 100 140
Chauffeur 150 District in 15 190
which posted
Boat Driver/Boat Syrang 80 150
Boat Deck Man/Boat
80 150
Town Planning : Staff in the
Town Planning Department
will be eligible for normal
Vigilance & Anti-Corruption
32 Kms. From
Sub Inspector 240 Prescribe 300
Head Constable/ Havildar 32 Kms. From
190 Prescribe 250
Driver HQ
32 Kms. From
Police Constable/ P.C. Driver 130 Prescribe 180
Legal Metrology
Senior Inspector/Inspector 190 One Taluk 15 250
Existin Propose
g Rate d Rate
Area of Remark
Designation per per
Jurisdiction s
month month(R
(Rs) s)
Agriculture Assistant Below One
70 100
working in KMEP Panchayat
Below One
Field Supervisor 60 90
Agriculture Officer 80 One Panchayat 110
Animal Husbandry
Veterinary Surgeon in Jurisdiction of the
charge of Veterinary Veterinary
60 90
Hospitals and Hospitals and
Dispensaries dispensaries
Land Revenue
One Firka or a
Inspector/Special 130 160
portion of a Taluk
Revenue Inspector
More than one
Special Chainman/
70 Village but less 100
Special Peon
than One Taluk
Village Officer 80 One Village 110
Village Assistant/Village
70 One Village 100
Civil Supplies
20 to 25 Wards in a
City Rationing Officer 130 160
Rationing Inspector 130 One Village 160
5 to 13 Wards in a
Rationing Inspector 60 90
Senior Co-operative
Circle (Municipal or
Inspector/Junior 100 130
Corporation area)
Cooperative Inspector
Dairy Development
Half the number of
Dairy Farm Inspector 100 Panchayats in a 78 130
Economics and Statistics
Deputy Health Officer 200 Working in 230
Research Assistant 130 Municipalities, 160
Compiler 70 Corporation etc. 100
Price Inspector/Price Within 8 Kms. of
60 90
Reporter/Investigator the HQ
Assistant Educational
Officer/Additional One Educational
200 250
Assistant Educational Sub District
Existin Propose
g Rate d Rate
Area of Remark
Designation per per
Jurisdiction s
month month(R
(Rs) s)
Health Services
Medical Officer (to visit
340 450
Raj Bhavan)
Medical Officer (to visit
260 350
Sub Jails)
Doctors in Health
Services (PG Diploma 460 550
Doctors in Health
Services (PG Degree 610 700
Doctors in Health
Services (Charge 120 500
Doctors in Health
Services (Specialist 610 700
Doctors in Health
Services (Senior 990 1100
Specialist Allowance)
Area covered by 3
Lady Health Inspector 130 to 5 Junior Public 180
Health Inspectors
Area covered by 3
Health Inspector/Health
130 to 5 Junior Public 180
Health Nurses
Extension Educator
130 180
(Family Welfare)
Junior Health Inspector
100 150
Non-Medical Supervisor 200 250
Leprosy Health Visitor 100 150
Urban Health
Educator(Attending 130 180
Clinics of S.E.T. Centres)
Junior Health Inspector
Gr.II/ Junior Public Health 70 100
Nurse/Social Worker
Field Assistant/Field
70 100
Bi-Weekly Dispensaries &
Tri-Weekly Dispensaries
Medical Officer 210 Where the distance 300
to be covered from
the main P.H.
Centre of
Dispensary does
Existin Propose
g Rate d Rate
Area of Remark
Designation per per
Jurisdiction s
month month(R
(Rs) s)
not exceed 8 Kms.
Where the distance
to be covered from
the main P.H.
Pharmacist 80 110
Centre of
Dispensary does
not exceed 8 Kms.
Where the distance
to be covered from
the main P.H.
Hospital Attendant 60 90
Centre of
Dispensary does
not exceed 8 Kms.
Where it exceeds 8
Medical Officer 240 320
Where it exceeds 8
Pharmacist 100 130
Where it exceeds 8
Hospital Attendant 70 100
Officer/Inspector(Quality 150 One Block 200
Land Use Board
Assistant Thiruvananthapura
230 300
Commissioner(Statistics) m City
Medical Education
(Medical College,
Health Centres at
Public Health Nursing For visiting health
Tutor/Health 140 units under the 200
Inspector/Health Visitor Neendakara and
Municipal Common
Whole area of the
Executive Engineer 390 450
Corporation or
Wards allotted
Whole area of the
Health Officer Gr.I 310 360
Corporation or
Wards allotted
Assistant Executive 310 Whole area of the 360
Engineer/Town Planning Municipality,Corpor
Officer/Health Officer Gr.II a tion or Wards
Existin Propose
g Rate d Rate
Area of Remark
Designation per per
Jurisdiction s
month month(R
(Rs) s)
and Gr.III/Revenue
Corporation/Assistant alotted80
Health Officer,
Corporation of Cochin
Whole Corporation
Assistant Engineer/Town area of the
140 180
Planning Officer Gr.II Municipality, o r
Wards alotted
Health Supervisor 140 Municipal/Corporati 180
on area
Whole area of the
Veterinary Surgeon 140 180
Corporation or
Wards alotted
Health Inspector Gr.I and
Gr.II/Revenue Officer
ve nue Officer, Cochin
Whole area
Inspector/Chief Inspector
of Income Tax/Family 130 180
a of the tion or
Planning Extension
Wards alotted
Educator / Public Health
Visitor/P.W.D. Overseer
Gr.I/Town Planning and
Building Inspector
Junior Health
Maistries doing the work
of Junior Health
Inspector/Family Planning
Whole area of the
Welfare worker/Bill
Collector/Town Planning 70 110
Corporation or
Wards alotted
Public Health
(Kozhikode Corporation)
Water Works 60 Whole area 100
Inspector/Meter Municipality or of
Inspector/work the Corporation or
Superintendent/ Lineman/ Wards alotted
Plumber/Fitter/ Turn Cock
and Turn Key/ Meter
Existin Propose
g Rate d Rate
Area of Remark
Designation per per
Jurisdiction s
month month(R
(Rs) s)
Mechanics Gr.I and
Secretary 140 Panchayat(more 200
than 76.8
One Panchayat
Secretary 130 (less than 76.8 180
Overseer 150 One Block 200
Overseer Gr.I 70 One Pahchayat 100
Overseer Gr.II 60 One Panchayat
Assistant Engineer 80 One Panchayat 110
HI/JHI 70 One Panchayat 100
Midwife 60 One Panchayat 90
Bill Collector/Junior
60 One Panchayat 90
Information & Public
Information Officer, New Delhi and
150 200
Delhi Surrounding area
Rural Development
Extension Officer (Animal
150 One Block 200
150 One Block 200
Extension Officer (I.R.D) 150 One Block 200
Extension Officer
150 One Block 200
(Womens' Welfare)
Extension Officer (H) 150 One Block 200
General Extension Officer 150 One Block 200
Assistant Engineer 150 One Block 200
Village Extension
Officer/Lady Village 100 One Circle 150
Extension Officer
Social Welfare
City Probationary Officer 200 Corporation area 250
Mechanic Gr. II 60 Within 8 Kilometers 100
Survey and Land Records
Less than One
Head Surveyor 180 210
Less than One
Surveyor Gr.I & Gr.II 70 100
Existin Propose
g Rate d Rate
Area of Remark
Designation per per
Jurisdiction s
month month(R
(Rs) s)
130 210
Residential Bunglaw
Urban Affairs
Corporation Secretary 550 Corporation Area 650
Municipal Secretary Gr.I 470 520
pal Area
Municipal Secretary Gr.II 390 Municipal area 440
Municipal Secretary Gr.III 310 Municipal area 350
8.18.4. Training Allowance: The existing Training Allowance may be
enhanced by 50%. The allowance may be extended to the staff in all
departments, where ever there are Training Institutions/parallel
arrangements for Training.
8.18.6. Project Allowance is a compensatory allowance paid to the Staff
engaged in execution of Projects or other specified work in
remote/inaccessible areas. The Commission is of the view that
Project Allowance way be paid to officers in Scheduled Tribes
Development Department who have to work in remote tribal areas
for the execution of Scheduled Tribes Development Projects. The
Commission recommends the following rates of Project Allowance to
the officers mentioned below:
(i) Project Officer : Rs.300 per month.
(ii) Tribal Development Officer : Rs.300 per month.
(iii) Tribal Extension Officer : Rs.300 per month.
8.18.7. Special allowance to Physically Challenged: Considering the
hardships faced by the physically challenged employees (40% or
more) in availing of the transport facilities, the Commission
recommends the special allowance now available @ Rs.300/- to be
enhanced @ Rs.600 per month.
8.19. Leave: All kinds of existing leave may be continued.
8.19.1. Surrender of Earned Leave: The existing system of surrender
of Earned Leave for 30 days in a year, may be continued.
8.19.2. Paternity Leave: All the Service Organizations have
represented to introduce paternity leave. In almost all developed
countries male employees are allowed paternity leave and the Central
Government have also sanctioned this benefit. As a token of concern
towards the serving people, whose wife delivers, paternity leave for 10 days
each for two children is recommended.
8.19.3. Special Casual leave for the employed parents of
physically/mentally challenged children: Special Casual Leave for 15
days in a year may be sanctioned to those employees having
physically/mentally challenged children.
8.19.4. Special Casual Leave for undergoing Chemotherapy /
Radiation / Kidney Transplantation etc.: The Commission
recommends to sanction Special Casual Leave for 45 days to those
employees who have to undergo Chemotherapy or Radiation and Kidney
which he was appointed. As the Government is the model employer
in the country, it shall definitely follow the rules and regulations in
the administrative service. Considering all these aspects, we
understand that, the promotional opportunities and security of tenure
are two important contours of the public service, which make it
attractive when compared to other sectors in the country.
9.3 The First Central Pay Commission has discussed the matter such as
promotion, security of tenure and self improvement in the public
service. With a few exceptions, majority of the posts in various
services in Central Government are reserved to be filled up by
promotion of persons already serving in a lower grade or service. A
general picture of the Central Civil Service as a whole is as follows:-
(i) The Class I, approximately 90 percent of the
posts is held by those directly recruited.
(ii) The Class II (gazetted) services and posts, there
is relatively little direct recruitment; approximately 65
percent of the posts in this class are reserved to be filled
by Class III staff. For non-gazetted post in Class II, however
there is 78 percent direct recruitment. The bulk of these
posts are, in the Central Secretariat (Assistants and
Stenographers) and in Scientific establishments.
(iii) The Class III staff generally by promotion within
the class is of greater significance than those of class II.
(iv) The Class IV employees, the lowest posts in the
Civil Service, have no promotion from to Class III. But in
some Departments, however, there are regular avenues of
promotion for Class IV employees.
9.4 In short, the extent of opportunities for promotion depends on the
relative quota of direct recruitment and promotion; which again have
to be determined in the best interest of efficiency of the Public
Service. The various Departments have framed promotion rules or
issued orders for services under their control; and in the criteria for
promotions diverge considerably. The Rules generally provide for:
(i) promotion by merit;
(ii) promotion by merit – cum – seniority or seniority-cum –
merit; and
(iii) promotion on the basis of seniority, subject to the
rejection of the unfit.
For the civil services as a whole, the orders regarding the principle to
be followed in making promotions are those issued by the Ministry of
Home Affairs in May 1957; but they are in regard to selection posts
only. The Orders require that appointment to selection posts and
selection grades should be made on the basis of merit, with regard to
seniority only to the extent indicated below:
(i) The Departmental Promotion Committee or other
selecting authority should first decide the field of
choice, i.e. the number of eligible officers awaiting
promotion who are eligible to be considered for
inclusion in the “select list”, provided however, that an
officer of outstanding merit may be included in the list
of eligible candidates even if he is outside the normal
field of choice.
(ii) From among such officers those who are considered
unfit for promotion should be excluded.
(iii) The remaining officers should be classified as
‘outstanding’, ‘very good’ and ‘good’ on the basis of
merit, as determined by their respective records of
service. The ‘select list’ should then be prepared by
placing the names in the order of these three
categories, without disturbing the seniority inter se
within each category.
(iv) Promotions should normally be made from the ‘select
list’ in the order in which the names are finally
(v) The ‘select list’ should be periodically reviewed. The
number of those officers who have already been
promoted (otherwise than on a local or purely
temporary basis) and continue to officiate should be
removed from the list and the rest of the names along
with others who may now be included in the field of
choice should be considered for the ‘select list’ for the
subsequent period.
(Note: - The field of choice, wherever possible should extend to five or
six times the number of vacancies expected within a year.)
9.5 While stating the general principles for various promotional
possibilities of the Central Government employees, the Fifth Central
Pay Commission (FCPC) has come out with certain recommendations
which provide for definite promotional opportunities to the Central
Government civilian employees in all Ministries/Departments. The
scheme is known as Assured Career Progression Scheme
(ACPS). The ACP Scheme needs to be viewed as a ‘Safety Net’ to
deal with the problem of genuine stagnation and hardship faced by
the employees due to lack of adequate promotional avenues.
The Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPS) for the Central
Government civilian employees recommended by the Commission
was implemented by Central Government with certain modifications
(G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No.35034/1/97-Estt.(D),Dated
the 9th August, 1999.). The modifications are indicated below:
Group ‘A’ Central Services
9.6 In respect of Group ‘A’ Central Services (Technical/Non - Technical), no
financial up gradation under the Scheme is being proposed for the
reason that promotion in their case must be earned. Hence, it has
been decided that there shall be no benefit under the ACP Scheme
for Group ‘A’ Central Services (Technical/Non-Technical), Cadre
Controlling Authorities in their case would however, continue to
improve the promotion prospects in organizations/cadres on
functional grounds by way of organizational study, cadre review, etc.,
as per prescribed norms.
Groups ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ services /posts and isolated posts in
Groups ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ Categories
9.7 While in respect of these categories also promotion shall continue to
be duly earned, the ACP Scheme is adopted in a modified form to
mitigate hardship in cases of acute stagnation either in a cadre or in
an isolated post. Keeping in view all relevant factors, it has
therefore, been decided to grant two Financial up gradations as
recommended by the Fifth Central Pay Commission and also in
accordance with the Agreed Settlement, dated September 11, 1997
(in relation to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees) entered into with the
Staff Side of the National Council (JCM) under the ACP Scheme to
Group ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees on completion of 12 years and 24
years (subject to conditions) of regular service respectively. Isolated
posts in Group ‘A’, ‘B’ ‘C’ and ‘D’ categories which have no
promotional avenue shall also qualify for similar benefits on the
pattern indicated above.
9.8 Regular Service for the purpose of the ACP scheme shall be interpreted
to mean the eligible service counted for regular promotion in terms of
relevant Recruitment/Service Rules. Introduction of the ACP Scheme
should, however, in no case affect the normal (regular) promotional
avenues available on the basis of vacancies . Vacancy-based regular
promotions, as distinct from financial upgradation under the ACP
Scheme, shall continue to be granted after due screening by a
regular Departmental Promotion Committee as per relevant
rules/guidelines. But, it was suggested that attempts needed to
improve promotion prospects in organizations/cadres on functional
grounds by way of organizational study, cadre reviews, etc., as per
prescribed norms and should not be given up on the ground that the
ACP Scheme has been introduced.
9.9 The Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended a slight
modification in the existing ACP scheme by making the same
applicable to all posts belonging to Group ‘A” whether isolated or
not, but the organized group ‘A’ was omitted from the scheme. The
modified scheme is known as MODIFIED ASSURED CAREER
PROGRESSION SCHEME (MACPS). The Government has considered
the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission and has
accepted the same with further modification to grant three financial
up gradations under the MACPS at intervals of 10, 20 and 30 years of
continuous regular service.
9.10 The following conditions are prescribed for the eligibility of the
(i) There shall be three financial upgradations under the MACPS,
counted from the direct entry grade on completion of 10, 20 and
30 years of service respectively. Financial upgradation under
the Scheme will be admissible whenever a person has spent 10
years continuously in the same grade-pay.
(ii) The MACPS envisages merely placement in the immediate next
higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the recommended revised
pay bands and grade pay as given in Section 1, Part-A of the first
schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. Thus, the grade
pay at the time of financial up gradation under the MACPS can
be different than what is available at the time of regular
promotion in certain cases where regular promotion is not
between two successive grades. In such cases, the higher grade
pay attached to the next promotion post in the hierarchy of the
concerned cadre/organization will be given only at the time of
regular promotion.
(iii) The MACPS shall also be applicable to work - charged employees,
if their service conditions are comparable with the staff of
regular establishment.
(iv) The existing time-bound promotion scheme, including in-situ
promotion scheme, Staff Car Driver Scheme or any other kind of
promotion scheme enjoyed by a particular category of
employees in a Ministry/Department or its officers, may continue
to be operational for the concerned category of employees if it is
decided by the concerned administrative authorities to retain
such Schemes, after necessary consultations or they may switch-
over to the MACPS. However, these Schemes shall not run
concurrently with the MACPS.
(v) The MACPS is directly applicable only to Central Government
Civilian employees. It will not get automatically extended to
employees of Central Autonomous/Statutory Bodies under the
administrative control of a Ministry/Department. Keeping in view
the financial implications involved, a conscious decision in this
regard shall have to be taken by the respective Governing
Body/Board of Directors and the administrative Ministry
concerned and where it is proposed to adopt the MACPS, prior
concurrence of Ministry of Finance shall be obtained.
(vi) If a financial upgradation under the MACPS is deferred and not
allowed after 10 years in a grade pay, due to the reason of the
employees being unfit or due to departmental proceedings, etc.
this would have consequential effect on the subsequent financial
upgradation which would also get deferred to the extent of delay
in grant of first financial up gradation.
(vii) On grant of financial upgradation under the Scheme, there shall
be no change in the designation, classification or higher status.
However, financial and certain other benefits which are linked to
the pay drawn by an employee such as HBA, allotment of
Government accommodation shall be permitted.
(viii) The financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis
subject to fitness, in the hierarchy of grade pay within the PB-1.
Thereafter for upgradation under the MACPS the benchmark of
‘good’ would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs.6600/- in PB-3.
The benchmark will be ‘Very Good’ for financial upgradation to
the grade pay of Rs.7600 and above.
(ix) In the matter of disciplinary/penalty proceedings, grant of benefit
under the MACPS shall be subject to rules governing normal
promotion. Such cases shall, therefore, be regulated under the
provisions of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and instructions issued
there under.
(x) The MACPS contemplates merely placement on personal basis in
the immediate higher grade pay / grant of financial benefits only
and shall not amount to actual/functional promotion of the
employees concerned. Therefore, no reservation orders/ roster
shall apply to the MACPS, which shall extend its benefits
uniformly to all eligible SC/ST employees also. However, the
rules of reservation in promotion shall be ensured at the time of
regular promotion. For this reason, it shall not be mandatory to
associate members of SC/ST in the Screening Committee meant
to consider cases for grant of financial upgradation under the
(xi) Financial upgradation under the MACPS shall be purely personal
to the employee and shall have no relevance to his seniority
position. As such, there shall be no additional financial
upgradation for the senior employees on the ground that the
junior employee in the grade has got higher pay/grade pay under
the MACPS.
(xii) Pay drawn in the pay band and the grade pay allowed under
the MACPS shall be taken as the basis for determining the
terminal benefits in respect of the retiring employee.
(xiii) If Group “A” Government employee, who was not covered
under the ACO Scheme has now become entitled to say third
financial upgradation directly, having completed 30 year’s
regular service, his pay shall be fixed successively in next three
immediate higher grade pay in the hierarchy of revised pay-
bands and grade pay allowing the benefit of 3% pay fixation at
every stage. Pay of persons becoming eligible for second
financial upgradation may also be fixed accordingly.
(xiv) In case an employee is declared surplus in his/her organization
and appointed in the same pay-scale or lower scale of pay in the
new organization, the regular service rendered by him/her in the
previous organization shall be counted towards the regular
service in his/her new organization for the purpose of giving
financial upgradation under the MACPS.
(xv) In case of an employee after getting promotion/ACP seeks
unilateral transfer on a lower post or lower scale, he will be
entitled only for second and third financial upgradations on
completion of 20/30 years of regular service under the MACPS,
as the case may be, from the date of his initial appointment to
the post in the new organization.
(xvi) If a regular promotion has been offered but was refused by the
employee before becoming entitled to a financial upgradation,
no financial up gradation shall be allowed as such an employee
has not been stagnated due to lack of opportunities. If however,
financial up gradation has been allowed due to stagnation and
the employees subsequently refuse the promotion, it shall not be
a ground to withdraw the financial upgradation. He shall,
however, not be eligible to be considered for further financial
upgradation till he agrees to be considered for promotion again
and the second financial up gradation shall also be deferred to
the extent of period of debarment due to the refusal.
(xvii) Cases of persons holding higher posts purely on adhoc basis
shall also be considered by the Screening Committee along with
others. They may be allowed the benefit of financial upgradation
on reversion to the lower post or if it is beneficial vis-à-vis the
pay drawn on adhoc basis.
(xviii) Employees on deputation need not be reverted to the parent
Department for availing the benefit of financial upgradation
under the MACPS. They may exercise a fresh option to draw the
pay in the pay band and the grade pay of the post held by them
or the pay plus grade pay admissible to them under the MACPS,
whichever is beneficial.
Promotion Opportunities in other States
9.11 The time- bound higher grade promotion schemes have been
introduced in Arunachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Punjab,
Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. In Arunachal Pradesh, all employees
are placed in the next higher grade after completion of 13 years of
service in a lower grade. After another 7 years of service or a total of
20 years of service, they are entitled to the next higher grade.
Similarly in Karnataka, three time bound promotions are provided
after 10, 20 and 25 years in lower grades. In Punjab, Haryana and
Himachal Pradesh, two time bound promotions are ensured after
completion of 8 years and 15 years of service in the lower grades
(para 10.22.1, Page No. 618, Report of the 7 th Kerala Pay Revision
Committee, May, 1998). The Government of Rajasthan implemented
a scheme of time bound promotion in January, 1992, wherein three
Selection Grades to its Class IV, Ministerial and Subordinate service
employees and those holding isolated posts on completion of 9 years,
18 years and 27 years of service were permitted . For eligibility under
the scheme, restrictions were imposed on its applicability to posts,
the maximum of the scale of which was Rs.3200 as in 1989. The third
selection grade is given only if the first two selection grades were in
scales of pay below the scale of Rs. 2200 – 4000. Selection grades
are given only to those employees whose service record
is”satisfactory”. The grant of selection grade does not affect the
seniority in the cadre nor the sanctioned strength of each category of
posts in the cadre (ibid, Page 618). The Government of West Bengal
introduced a scheme for improvement of career prospects of its
employees in 1990. Under this scheme, Government employees were
allowed to move to the next higher grades on completion of 10 years
and 20 years on satisfactory and continuous service (Ibid, Page 618).
The State Government of Gujarat introduced a scheme of three (3)
time-bound promotions to higher grades for its employees in June,
1987, to deal with the problem of stagnation and restricted chances
of promotion in different cadres. The higher grades were given on
completion of 9, 18 and 27 years of service (Ibid Page 618).
9.12 It is noticed that most of the above mentioned states have already
implemented revised pay scales following the Sixth Central Pay
Commission Report implemented by Government of India. However,
the latest position of time –bound grade promotion in those states is
not available at the moment.
9.13 In Karnataka, the Government with a view to give some relief to the
servants who are otherwise eligible for promotion but stagnate in the
same post held by them without any promotion, introduced the
scheme of grant of the benefits of selection time scale of pay on
completion of 10 years service in the same post under the
Karnataka Civil Services (Time Bound Advancement) Rules 1983 (G.O
No. FD 105 SRP (CSC) 82 dated 6.8.1983) and senior scale of pay
on completion of 15 years service in the same post under the
Karnataka Civil Services (Automatic grant of special promotion to
senior scale of pay) Rules 1991(Govt. Notification No. FD 25 SRP 91
dated 20.10.1991) and additional increment for 20 years of
service in the same post without a single promotion (G.O No.
FD 13 SRP 2002 dated 9.5.2002) to the posts in the first 11 scales of
pay. Further the Government extended the benefits to first 14 pay
scales w.e.f. 1.7.2005 (G.O No. FD 8 SRP 2007 dated 16.5.2007). The
5th Karnataka Pay Commission further extended the benefits to
15th pay scale, i.e. Rs.13000-23850 a selection time scale of pay of
Rs.14050 -25050 on completion of 10 years of service in the same
post and senior scale of pay on completion of 15 years service in the
post and the Government accepted the recommendations.
9.14 In Tamil Nadu for Posts that have no promotional avenues, the
selection grade and special grade shall be allowed on completion of
10 years and 20 years service in the post. Eg. A post having ordinary
grade 2550- 55-2660-60-3200 is eligible for Selection grade in the
scale of pay of 2650- 65-3300-70-4000 and special grade in the scale
of pay of 2750 -70 -3800-75-4400. If posts having promotion to the
selection grade indicated in the said scale is higher than the pay
scale of promotion post; the selection grade scale should be limited
to the pay scales of the first level promotion post. If the special grade
scale is higher than the pay scale of second level promotion post, the
special grade scale shall be limited to the scale of second level post
only. About eighteen pre- revised pay scales from 2550 – 3200 to
9100 -14050 in the ordinary grade are eligible for Selection Grade
and Special Grade as per the recommendations of the Official
Committee recommendations in the State of Tamil Nadu. As the G.O.
(Ms).No. 234, dated 1st June, 2009 the existing scheme of Selection
Grade/Special Grade were permitted to continue in the revised pay
scales to the employees drawing the grade pay from Rs.1300/- to
Rs.6000/- and such employees shall be allowed to move to Selection
Grade on completion of 10 years in the selection grade post or 20
years of total service in a post. The pay of such employees who have
moved to Selection Grade/Special Grade on or after 1.1.2006 shall be
fixed on the date of award of Selection Grade/Special Grade by
granting the benefit of one increment equal to three percent of the
basic pay including grade pay in the same Pay Band and Grade Pay.
9.15 In Government of Andhra Pradesh, the Automatic Advancement
Scheme was introduced in May 1981 for ensuring adequate
promotional opportunities in the career of Government employees.
The scheme varies depending on whether the post in which the
employee is working has opportunities for promotion or not. In the
first instance, all employees who remained in the same scale for a
continuous period of 8 years would be placed in a special grade post
which is a scale immediately higher than the scale in which he was
working. If he continues without promotion for a continuous period of
16 years he would be normally promoted had he got his promotion.
If the employee continues in the same post for a continuous period of
24 years, he would be placed in special Promotion Post II which
carries a scale of pay in the second level promotion post in his
Department’s hierarchy. The 9th Pay Revision Commission of
Andhra Pradesh which submitted its report in December 2009
has recommended to continue the existing Automatic
Advancement scheme and the benefit of the scheme was
extended up to and including of Grade –XXV in the revised
scales i.e., Rs.25, 600 – 50,560 (Pay Commission Report
Government of Andhra Pradesh in the ‘Introduction of Pay
Commission Report’, December, 2009, Page No.118 -127)
Ratio - Based Promotion Opportunities of the Employees of the
Government of Kerala
9.16 The two important avenues of promotion for the State Government
employees are; (i) Ratio promotion for which there is a fixed ratio in
the respective category, and (ii) The Time-Bound Grade Promotion. In
Kerala, in the erstwhile Travancore State, an attempt was made in
M.E 1122 (1946-1947) to place the categories of clerks in the
Secretariat into upper and lower division on time-scale basis. The
scheme did not, however materialise. But the ratio of emoluments
between the employment of the lowest paid employees of
Government and the highest paid Government Servants borne on the
State service has then been worked out as 1:32. It was also found
that in other states and in the Central Government, the Secretariat
Staff has been given higher rates of pay in view of the special nature
of the work and the greater responsibilities entrusted upon them.
Later in 1955, the Government of Travancore-Cochin referred the
question of the fixation of a suitable ratio between the number of
clerks in Upper and Lower Division to the then Pay Commission
(Government proceedings P.R 1-1123/55/Fin. dated 26-3-1955).
9.17 The general trend of the proposal was to increase the strength of the
Upper Division in the interests of efficiency and contentment in the
ministerial cadre. Therefore the Pay Commission (1955) worked on
the basis of the above orders of the Government and arrived at the
existing ratio between various Departments ranging from 1:2 to 1:20.
The commission felt that, the absence of a fixed ratio ,makes
promotion merely a matter of ‘Chance’ or ‘luck’ and this may
naturally bring about a sense of frustration and discontent among the
staff, many of whom fear that they may have to retire as Lower
Division Clerk or that they have not got the same opportunity for
promotion as their counterparts in other Departments. Considering
this aspect, the Pay Commission suggested a suitable ratio applicable
to all departments to tackle the problem. The Commission examined
the matter (order No. PR1-24771/54/Fin dated 3-1-1955) by which the
Government have fixed the ratio between the Upper Division and
Lower Division Clerk. Considering this Government order, the 1955
Pay Commission recommended 1:4 ratio between Upper Division
Clerk and Lower Division Clerk. The Commission was also of the view
that there should be one Upper Division Clerk in all offices which have
a total strength of not less than five clerks. The Commission worked
out the extra cost on account, of this; if the ratio adopted by
Government be 1:4, as Rs.3.5 lakh. Ignoring the cost factor, the
Government decided to implement the ratio promotion among L.D
Typist and L.D Clerk in the State Service.
9.18 The Pay Commission of 1955 had recommended a ratio promotion
(1:4) applicable to all Government Departments in respect of Typist
and L.D Clerk. Subsequent to this, the ratio between Upper Division
Clerk and Lower Division Clerk in the secretariat was accepted as 1:1.
The Pay Revision Committee of 1958 had considered the aspect of
ratio promotion and found that, after reorganization of the State, the
number of posts among the Upper Division Clerk had considerably
increased. The Committee worked out the 3:2 ratio between Upper
Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk in Secretariat and the service
associations demanded the same ratio between Upper Division Clerk
and Lower Division Clerk to be implemented in other Departments.
The Committee, after studying the ‘pros and cons’ of the problem,
decided not to extend the ratio of clerks in Secretariat to other
Departments and instead, suggested the ratio between Upper
Division and Lower Division Clerks and Typists in non-Secretariat
departments at 1:3.
9.19 Apart from clerks and Typists, the Committee recommended two
scales of pay for certain other posts also. Separate ratio as noted
below is recommended for these posts taking into consideration the
peculiar setup of each Department.
Name of
Name of Post Scale of Pay Ratio
Demonstrators, Library 50-150
1. Agriculture Assistants, Field Assistants, Field 1:6
man 40-120
2. Development 50-150
Gram Sevak 1:1
(Rural Department) 40-120
3. Excise Guards 1:2
4. Health Services Health Inspectors 1:6
5. -Do - Compounders 1:6
6. -Do - Sanitary Inspectors 1:6
7. -Do - Laboratory Technicians 1:3
45- 50
8. Jail Warders 1:2
9. Public Works &
Public 40-120
Works Superintendent 1:3
Health 40-100
10. Police Leading Firemen 1:2
general and also to make the supervision more effective, the existing
span of control was reviewed as:
(i) One post of Head Clerk for 4 to 6 clerks in each office.
(ii) One post of Junior Superintendent for 7 to 10 clerks in an
(iii) The number of existing senior superintendents was to be
determined according to the administrative requirements in
the offices.
9.22 The Fourth Kerala Pay Commission (1983) submitted its report on 30 th
June 1984 and later the report was published by the Government.
The Commission reviewed the promotion prospects of employees and
suggested some improvements of existing ratios, grades and grant of
new grades and higher scales of pay. There were some
improvements in the existing ratios and norms for sanctioning
supervisory Ministerial Posts. According to this, one post of Head
Clerk for 3 to 5 clerks in an office, one post of Junior Superintendent
for every six posts of Clerks in an office and one post of Fair Copy
Superintendent for every six posts of Typists. Apart from this, ratio
between Upper Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk and Upper
Division Typist and Lower Division Typist has been modified as 1:1.
The ratio promotion avenues had been sanctioned to the categories
such as, Binder, Attender and modified the ratio from 1:9 to 1:5 in
respect of class IV employees in the common categories. There was
also improvement in ratios of Assistant Grade II and Typist Grade II.
Some new ratio based promotions were sanctioned to certain
Technical Staff in selected Departments, Eg; Scientific Officers in the
Public Health Laboratory under the Department of Health Services.
9.23 In the Fifth Pay Commission there was improvement in existing ratios,
grant of new grades and higher scales of Pay for certain posts. New
ratios and percentage based higher grade were provided to many
posts in the Insurance Medical Service, Medical Education
Department, Police Department, Rural Development Department and
Town Planning Department. The general background of giving new
ratios may be due to the implementation of same ratios in similar
designations in other Departments. The percentage based higher
grade particularly in the Police Department was a new approach for it
and also found that more number of higher grades were given to the
employees in the Gazetted categories.
9.24 The Pay Equalization Committee (1992) suggested that the entire
existing ratio/percentage based higher grade would continue. But in
the subsequent Government order, there were many changes in the
ratio promotion. Almost all the common categories come under ratio
based promotion scheme and there were modification in the ratios of
many categories in different departments.
9.25 The Pay Commission (1997) has improved the ratio of the various
categories. While implementing the Pay Revision recommendations
the Government made a lot of changes in the ratio promotion &
percentage promotions making the changes advantageous to the
9.26 In the Report of the 8th Pay Revision, 2004 and the subsequent orders
modifying the pay revision orders, it was revealed that some posts
were provided with new ratios and the ratios of about 13 posts were
modified and the ratio of some posts had been omitted. In the earlier
pay revisions also, new ratios were provided or modified the then
existing ratios. As per the tables, it seems that, more number of
ratios was provided during the pay revisions in 1983, 1988 and in
9.27 The Commission understands that the employees of more than 75
percentage of the Departments are covered under ratio and
percentage based promotion pattern. In the common categories,
about 80 percent employees are beneficiaries of either ratio based or
percentage based promotion opportunities.
Table 9.1: Growth of Ratio Based Promotion Prospects of
Selected Posts
Table 9.2: Growth of Ratio Based Promotion Prospects of
Selected Posts (%)
1 Class IV Gr. I 0 0 0 0 10 17 17 33 33 33
2 Attender Gr.I 0 0 0 0 20 33 33 33 33 33
3 0 14 14 14 17 33 33 33 33 33
4 Nurse Gr.I 0 0 0 0 20 33 33 33 50 50
5 U.D.Clerk 20 25 25 33 33 50 50 50 50 50
6 Typist Gr.I 20 25 25 33 33 50 50 50 50 50
7 Asst. Gr.I 50 40 40 40 44 50 50 50 50 50
8 Civil Surgeon 0 0 0 0 17 25 25 25 25 25
Source: Pay Revision Orders, 1955,1958, 1965, 1969, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1992, 1997 & 2004
*In 1973 the pay of Government Employees was revised on the basis of the recommendations of a
cabinet sub committee but no modifications in the promotional avenues were made.
Time Bound Higher Grade (TBHG) Scheme of Government
Employees in Kerala
9.28 In 1979 Government of Kerala took a decision to provide adequate
promotional opportunities to those Non- Gazetted Officers and
Gazetted Officers (other than teachers) who have practically no
promotional avenues in the State services. In G.O(Ms)
No.439/79/GAD dated 1.8.1979 Government allowed the benefit of a
higher grade on completion of 13 years of service in the entry grade
with effect from 1-7-1979 to all Non- Gazetted Officers and in G.O.(P)
No.901/79/(116)/Fin dated 3.10.1979 the benefit was extended to
Gazetted Officers also. The guidelines for sanctioning time bound
higher grades were issued in G.O. (P) 1041/79/(142)/Fin dated
27.11.1979 and the Government delegated the power to fix the
number of posts in the Non-Gazetted cadre in accordance with the
approved ratios between lower and higher posts to the Heads of
Departments, subject to the following conditions:- (i) The
correctness of the total number of sanctioned posts should be
promptly ensured by the Head of Department before re-fixing the
strength and that the Heads of Departments shall be personally held
responsible for any discrepancy noticed in this regard, (ii) The
strength should be re-fixed even when there is reduction in total
number of posts, (iii) The orders re-fixing the strength should
invariably contain all the relevant details, so as to facilitate easy
verification and checking of the revised strength of the lower and
higher posts, and (iv) Copies of the orders re-fixing the strength
should be promptly communicated to the Accountant General and the
Administrative Department concerned (G.O.(P)No.860/81/(401)/Fin
dated 29.12.1981 ).
9.29 The scheme of time bound higher grade has undergone several
changes and the terms and conditions of the scheme have been
modified from time to time consequent to the 4 th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th
State Pay Revisions. Even though specific guidelines are issued from
time to time by the Government, certain sanctioning authorities
granted irregular and undue grade promotions to the employees
without looking into the orders and circular instructions issued by
Government. This has led to drawl of excess amount by the
employees which in turn has resulted in audit objections, recovery of
excess drawal and consequent Court cases against the audit
objections/recovery of excess drawal. In order to avoid such
undesirable situations, Government issued a comprehensive circular
containing consolidated guidelines contemplated in various standing
orders and circular instructions regarding time bound higher grades.
(vide Circular No.46/2008/Fin dated 8.8.2008).
9.30 The Fourth Kerala State Pay Commission (1983) recommended certain
modification in TBHG scheme and the Government had implemented
these recommendations (G.O (P) No. 515/85/Fin. Dated 16.09.1985)
by modifying the existing scheme of higher grades based on 13
years’ service/non-cadre promotion etc. available to the employees
(including the teaching and non-teaching staff of Aided Schools and
Colleges and Employees of Local Bodies) as follows:
(i) First higher grade on completion of 10 years of service and a
second higher grade after either 10 years of service in the
first higher grade or a total service of 20 years in the two
grades together, whichever is earlier, in the case of
employees in the revised scales ranging from Rs.550-800 to
(ii) The second higher grade under item (i) above to be made
available to all those who may get the first promotion even in
a shorter span than 10 years by operation of any of existing
norms for such promotion.
(iii) Clerks and Accountants in all Departments are to be allowed
higher grade on Rs.950-1640 (equivalent to the revised scale
of pay of Junior Superintendent) on completion of total
service of 25 years. The existing benefit of higher grade in
the scale of pay of Junior Superintendent allowed to L.D.
Clerks in Aided Schools on completion of total service of 23
years is to be continued.
(iv) Direct recruits to posts on revised scales of pay from and
above Rs.1250-2500 to be allowed one higher grade
promotion on completion of 10 years of service subject to the
condition that the higher grade to be sanctioned is subject to
the requirement of qualification.
9.31 Along with the recommendations of Fifth Kerala Pay commission
(1988), the Government had modified the TBHG by granting one
more grade on completion of 25 years service to those who are
eligible for first two grades in the scale of pay up to 1050 –1830 (G.O
(P) No. 480/89/Fin. Dated 01.11.1989). Other changes implemented
in the order are given below:
i. In the case of employees in the revised scales of pay from
Rs.750-1025 to Rs.1050-1830, first higher grade on
completion of 10 years of service, a second higher grade
after either 10 years of service in the first higher grade or a
total service of 20 years in the two grades together,
whichever is earlier and, a third higher grade on
completion of a total service of 25 years in the three
grades together.
ii. Employees in the revised scales of pay ranging from
Rs.1100-2070 to Rs. 1650-3175 will be allowed promotion
to higher grade on completion of 10 years of service and a
second higher grade after either 10 years of service in the
first higher grade or a total service of 20 years in the two
grades together, whichever is earlier.
iii. The second higher grade as mentioned under sub- paras (i)
& (ii) above will be available to all those who may get their
first promotion even in a shorter span than ten years by
the operation of any of the existing norms for such
iv. Clerks and Accountants in all Departments will be allowed
higher grade on Rs.1220-2150 (equivalent to the scale of
pay of Junior Superintendent) on completion of total service
of 25 years as at present. The existing benefits of higher
grade in the scale of pay of Junior Superintendent allowed
to L.D.Clerks in Aided Schools on completion of total
service of 23 years will also continue. Similarly Last Grade
Employees in Aided Schools will be allowed the Scale of
Pay of Rs.825-1290 on completion of 23 years of service as
at present.
v. For direct recruits against post carrying the scale of
Rs.1830-3425 one higher grade promotion in the scale of
pay of Rs.2070-3550 will be given on completion of 10
years of service. However, a direct recruit will get the
benefit of 10 year time bound promotion only if his non-
direct recruit senior has been promoted.
For incumbents of posts on scales of pay above Rs.1830-3425,
no time
bound higher grade were granted.
9.32 In 1992 the Government constituted the Pay Equalisation
Committee. In the Terms of Reference, among other things, it was
requested the commission to examine whether the existing scheme
of ratio promotions and time –bound higher grades need revision with
reference to the system obtaining in Central Service . Some of the
observations in the matter of promotion opportunities are as “(1) the
system of time –bound promotions does not exist in Government of
India except in case of teachers and as such, there is little
justification for its continuance in our State once the employees are
brought over to Central Scales of Pay. (2) the ratio based Cadre
Promotion Schemes were proposed to be continued without any
major changes. But the system had been in vogue in the State for
some years. So the abrupt, discontinuance of this system is likely to
cause hardship to the employees and is not therefore recommended”
(para 3.9, Page 8, Report of Pay Equalisation Committee, 1992). The
committee also suggested that “where the scales stand substantially
improved and the State Government employees have been placed on
par with their Government of India counter parts in almost all cases in
the matter of pay scales, three levels of time-bound promotions may
be restricted to the lowest three scales of pay only. As for other
categories up to and including the lowest Gazetted category, time –
bound promotion may be given on completion of 12 years of service,
instead of 10 years as at present. There will be no time bound
promotions for other categories. As new scales are a substantial
improvement on existing scales there will be no hardship to the
employees on this account (para 3.10, page. 8, ibid). The
Government accepted the modifications initially, but later issued
orders (G.O (P) No. 930/93/Fin. Dated 8.12.1993) by retaining the
pre-revised conditions of TBHG scheme. The Government have
sanctioned a fourth time bound promotion for class IV employees
those who complete 30 years service in the scale of Rs.1050 -1660
(G.O (P) No. 899/98(155)/Fin. Dated 10.3.1998).
9.33 The time bound higher grade promotion scheme and the grades
assigned on revision of pay scales under the scheme that have been
effective from 1st March 1992 are specified in the tables below.
(i) Those on entry posts with pay scales of Rs.775-1065 to Rs.1400-
2300 will be granted three higher grades. i.e. the first higher grade
on completion of 10 years of service in the entry post, the second
higher grade on completion of either 10 years of service in the first
promoted post or a total service of 20 years in the entry post and
the first regular promotion post/time bound higher grade together,
whichever is earlier, and the third higher grade on completion of 25
years of total service in the entry post and regular promotion
posts(s)/time bound higher grade(s) together vide- G.O.(Ms.)
No.57/91/89/Fin. dated 18 .1. 1991. The revised pay scales eligible
for TBHG is given in the table below.
Table 9.3
Revised pay 1st H.G. for 2nd H.G for 20 3rd H.G for 25
scale 10years years years
(With reference to entry post)
775-1065 800-1200 825-1250 950-1500
800-1200 825-1250 950-1500 1050-1660
825-1250 950-1500 1050-1660 1125-1720
950-1500 1050-1660 1200-2040 1400-2300
1050-1660 1200-2040 1400-2300 1400-2600
1125-1720 1200-2040 1400-2300 1400-2600
1200-2040 1350-2200 1400-2600 1640-2900
1350-2200 1400-2600 1640-2900 1760-3050
1400-2300 1520-2660 1640-2900 1760-3050
(ii) Those on entry posts with pay scales ranging from Rs.1400-
2600 to Rs.2375-3500 will be granted two time bound grades, i.e.
the 1st on completion of 10 years of service in the entry post and
the second on completion of either 10 years of service in the first
promotion post or 20 years of total service in the entry post and 1 st
promotion post/higher grade together, whichever is earlier. The
revised pay scales eligible for TBHG is given in the table below.
Table 9.4
Revised pay scale 1st H.G. for 10 years 2nd H.G. for 20 years
(With reference to entry post)
1400-2600 1600-2660 1760-3050
1520-2660 1640-2900 2000-3200
1600-2660 1760-3050 2060-3200
1640-2900 2000-3200 2200-3500
2000-3200 2200-3500 2500-4000
2060-3200 2200-3500 2500-4000
2200-3500 - -
2375-3500 2500-4000 2650-4200
2500 -4000 2650 -4200 NIL
get the scales of pay of regular promotion posts. Unqualified hands
will be allowed the next higher scale of pay above that of the scale of
pay of the post held at that time, in the standard scales of pay.
9.39 In the case of entry posts whose scales of pay are Rs.2000-3200 and
above, time bound higher grade scales will be as specified in the
table given above. Scales of pay of promotion posts will not be given
as time bound higher grade in these cases.
9.40 The persons enjoying time-bound higher grades in various posts in
accordance with the pre-revision pattern will be given only the
specified grades of pay indicated in the Tables above and not the
corresponding scales of their present time bound grades unless
ordered otherwise.
9.41 Regarding the time –bound promotion opportunities, the Seventh Pay
Revision Commission (1997) opined that,” Under ratio promotion a
functionary gets a higher scale without change in functions and
duties. The same objective is achieved by the existing scheme of
time-bound promotion under which merely on the basis of efflux of
time an employee gets a higher scale without any change of duty.
The time –bound promotion scheme is more equitable because its
criteria, viz. time spent in a grade are of universal applicability. The
PRC therefore feels that the main instrument for seeking to preserve
and improve the promotional opportunities should be the time –
bound scheme and not the ratio –promotion scheme”( Para 10.15,
Page 614, Report of the Pay Revision Committee ,1998). May be on
this view, the committee recommended the fourth time-bound grade
promotion for Class IV employees who completed 30 years of service
(G.O (P) No. 899/98(155)/Fin. Dated 10.3.1998). The Committee also
viewed that “this process of liberalization of time-bound scheme
cannot go on endlessly and has reached a saturation point. The
scheme as it exists today is an attractive one which compares
favorably with schemes available in other States and in many
respects with the scheme recommended by the Fifth Central Pay
Commission which is yet to be implemented by Government of India.
The implementation of the recommendation of the Committee will
entail a huge recurring cost. In view of these facts, the PRC does not
recommend any changes in the existing scheme of time –bound
promotion (Para 10.22.6, Page .No. 619. ibid.)
9.42 The Committee had recommended the following modifications in the
TBHG scheme w.e.f 1.11.1998, vide G.O (P) 3226/98/(30)/Fin. Dated
29.12.1998). The employees who remain in their entry posts on scale
of pay ranging from Rs.2610-3680 to Rs.4600-7125 are to be granted
three higher grades on completion of the period of qualifying service
in their posts as follows with the scale of pay indicated in Table-9.5.
Table 9.5
Revised pay Second Time
First time-bound Third Time bound
scale in the entry bound Higher
Higher Grade Higher Grade
post Grade
2610-3680 2650-4150 2750-4625 3050-5230
2650-4150 2750-4625 3050-5230 3350-5275
2750-4625 3050-5230 3350-5275 3590-5400
3050-5230 3350-5275 4000-6090 4600-7125
3350-5275 4000-6090 4600-7125 4600-8000
3590-5400 4000-6090 4600-7125 4600-8000
4000-6090 4500-7000 4600-8000 5500-9075
4500-7000 4600-8000 5500-9075 5800-9425
4600-7125 5000-8150 5500-9075 5800-9425
9.43 A fourth time bound higher grade in the scale of Rs.3350-5275 will be
allowed to Class IV employees on completion of 30 years.
9.44 Those on entry posts with pay scales ranging from Rs.4600-8000 to
Rs.7450-11475 will be granted two time bound higher grades, the
first on completion of 10 years of service in the entry post and the
second on completion of either 8 years of service in the first
promotion post or 18 years of total service in the entry post and first
promotion post/higher grade together whichever is earlier as
specified in the Table-9.6 below.
Table 9.6
Revised pay scale in the First time-bound Higher Second Time-bound
entry post Grade for 10 years Higher Grade
4600-8000 5250-8150 5800-9425
5000-8150 5500-9075 6500-10550
5250-8150 5800-9425 6675-10550
5500-9075 6500-10550 7200-11400
5800-9425 6500-10550 7200-11400
6500-10550 7200-11400 7800-12975
6675-10550 7200-11400 7800-12975
7450-11475 7800-12975 8250-13650
9.45 The second higher grade as mentioned under Table I and II above will
be available to all those who may get their first promotion even in a
shorter span than 10 years by the operation of any of the existing
norms for such promotion.
9.46 For direct recruits against posts carrying the scale of Rs.7800-12975,
one higher grade promotion in the scale of Rs.8250-13650 will be
given on completion of 10 years of service. However, a direct recruit
will get the benefit of 10 year time bound higher grade promotion
only if his non-direct recruit senior has been promoted.
9.47 For incumbents of posts on scales of pay above Rs.7800-12975, no
time bound higher grade were granted.
9.48 If there is a promotion post in respect of the categories of posts (entry)
coming under pay range from Rs.2610-3680 to Rs.5800-9425 and its
scale of pay is higher than the time bound higher grade proposed
above, then the qualified incumbent will be given the scale of pay of
the promotion post in the direct line of promotion as time bound
higher grade. While assigning higher grade only qualified hands i.e.,
those possessing the qualification prescribed for the promotion post
will get the scales of pay of regular promotion posts. Unqualified
hands will be allowed the next higher scale of pay above that of the
scale of pay of the post held at that time, in the standard scales of
pay. If the scale of pay of the promotion post is lower than the time
bound higher grade proposed in the Table, the time bound higher
grade specified above will be given by reckoning a total service in
both the lower post and promotion post together. In such cases the
fixation under Rule 28A, Part I, KSR for the 10 year grade will be
based on the basic pay of lower post.
9.49 In the case of entry posts whose scales of pay are Rs. 6500-10550
and above, time-bound higher grade scales will be as specified in the
table given above. Scales of pay of promotion post will not be given
as time-bound higher grade in these cases. This is applicable also in
the case of employees enjoying the scales of pay Rs. 6500-10550 and
above either by regular promotion or by time-bound higher grade. In
case the scale of pay of the regular promotion post is higher than the
time-bound higher grade allowed as specified in the table above,
fixation of pay on promotion to the regular post will be done based on
the basic pay notionally arrived at in the lower post. If the pay fixed
in the revised scale of time-bound higher grade (1997 Pay Revision)
is a stage in the revised scale of the regular promotion post, the pay
on regular promotion will be fixed at that stage and if it is not a
stage, the pay will be fixed at the lower stage. The drop in
emoluments will be protected as personal pay not to be absorbed in
future increase of pay but will be treated as basic pay for the purpose
of fixation of pay on promotion to higher post for Pension, Dearness
Allowance etc. However, the protection ordered above is allowed
only at the time of fixation of pay on promotion and not on
subsequent increases of pay in the higher grade.
9.50 The scale of pay in Column 1 of the Table-I above, denote the pay
scale of the post to which the employees are recruited initially and
the time-bound higher grades allowable on completion of prescribed
periods of service on each such entry post will be in Column 2, 3 and
4 of the tables as the case may be and not with reference to the
scale of pay of the promotion post or higher post held subsequently.
9.51 In case the 18/23 year higher grades as per the tables above are equal
to or lower than the 1st promotion post/2nd promotion post as the case
may be, that grade(s) will be modified and fixed at the next higher
scale(s) above that of the promotion post(s) in the list of standard
scales of pay.
9.52 The Eighth Pay Revision Commission (2004) seems to have
examined various demands as regards the question of residency
period in respect of time-bound higher grade promotion. The
Commission was of the view that there is a case for further
liberalizing the scheme of TBHG promotions for which it was felt that
the best way would be by reducing the number of years in each
bracket. Accordingly, the commission recommended time bound
grade promotion on completion of 8 and 16 years of service as
against the 10 and 18 years of service. The third grade, after
completing 23years will continue. Class IV employees will be allowed
a fourth higher grade on completion of 28 years of service instead of
the then existing 30 years of service( para 3.96, page No. 99, Report
of the VIIIth Pay Revision Commission).
9.53 The recommendations of the commission were implemented by the
Government (G.O (P) No. 145/2006/Fin. Dated 25.3.2006) and
thereby the employees who remain in their entry posts in the scales
of pay ranging from Rs.4300-5930(later the scale was modified by
the government) to Rs.7990-12950, may be granted three higher
grades, as indicated in Table 9.7, on completion of the following
specified periods of service in their posts:
(i) The first higher grade on completion of 8 years of service in
the entry post.
(ii) The second higher grade on completion of 16 years of
service in the entry post and the first regular promotion
post/time bound higher grade, taken together.
(iii) The third higher grade on completion of 23 years of total
service in the entry post, the first regular promotion /time
bound higher grade and the 2nd regular promotion post/time
bound higher grade, taken together.
Table 9.7
4510-6230 4630-7000 4750-7820 5250-8390
4630-7000 4750-7820 5250-8390 5650-8790
4750-7820 5250-8390 5650-8790 6080-9830
5250-8390 5650-8790 6680-10790 7990-12930
5650-8790 6680-10790 7990-12930 8390-13270
6080-9830 6680-10790 7990-12930 8390-13270
6680-10790 7480-11910 7990-12930 9190-15510
7480-11910 7990-12930 9190-15510 9590-16650
7990-12930 8390-13270 9190-15510 9590-16650
9.54 A fourth time bound higher grade in the scale of Rs.5650 - 8790 will be
allowed to Class IV employees on completion of 28 years of total
service, as Class IV employee.
9.55 Also the commission recommended for granting of two time bound
higher grades to those on entry posts with pay scales ranging from
Rs.8390-13270 to Rs.12250-19800, as indicated in Table 9.8, the first
on completion of 8 years of service in the entry post and the second
on completion of 16 years of total service in the entry post and first
promotion post/higher grade, taken together. It was mentioned in
the G.O that the Competent Authority sanctioning the time bound
higher grade should indicate in the order whether the official possess
qualification for promotion (including approval of DPC) and also
specify the scale of pay admissible on time bound higher grade.
Table 9.8
Ist time bound higher
Revised scale of 2nd time bound higher
grade for 8 years
pay in the entry grade for 16 years of
service in the entry
post service
(1) (2) (3)
9.56 For direct recruits against posts carrying scale of Rs.12930-20250 to
Rs.16650-23200, one higher grade promotion in the scales as shown
below will be given on completion of 8 years of service in the entry
Table 9.9
Revised pay of scale in the entry Time bound higher grade for 8
post years service in the entry post
(1) (2)
12930-20250 13610-20700
13610-20700 16650-23200
16650-23200 20700-26600
Time Bound Higher Grade (TBHG) scheme of Teachers
9.57 The Primary school teacher’s service was made eligible for promotion
on completion of 15 years service w. e. f. 1.1.1966 (G.O (MS) No.
463/68/Edn. Dated 26.10.1968). The qualifying service was reduced
to 13 years in 1979. The Secondary school teachers were entitled to
Higher Grade on completion of 12 years, w. e. f. 1.7.1966 and that
reduced to 10 years in 1979. Also the primary and secondary school
teachers were entitled to a second time-bound promotion on
completion of 10 years in the First Higher Grade. In G.O (Ms.) No.
10/81/G. Edn. Dated 12.01.1981 the entitlement to the second time –
bound promotion for Primary and Secondary School teachers was
linked to the total service of 23 years instead of 10 years in the first
Grade. The third time- bound promotion (Selection Grade) on
completion of 25 years of total service was introduced in G.O (P)
480/89/Fin. Dated 1.11.1989. Teachers will be allowed three grade
promotions on completion of 10, 18 and 23 years of service instead
of the then existing 10, 20 and 25 years (G.O (P) 3000/98/Fin. dated
9.58 Presently LP/UP school teachers were allowed grade promotion as
Grade 1, Senior Grade and Selection Grade on completion of 8, 16
and 23 years of service respectively(G.O (P)145/2006/Fin. 25.3.2006).
The High School Assistants were allowed grade promotion as Senior
Grade and Selection Grade on completion of 8 years and 16 years of
service respectively as High School Assistants. As per the G.O (P)
3000/98/Fin. dated 25.11.1998 grade promotion will be allowed only
on the basis of the service spent in High School.
Primary/Secondary School Headmaster
9.59 Headmasters of Primary Schools and Headmasters of Secondary
Schools will be eligible for their higher grades on the basis of the
same rules/guidelines which were being followed earlier. The
Private Primary School Headmasters including those who were
working as Probationary Headmaster/Headmaster, prior to the
introduction of Headmaster’s scale (i.e., 1-7-1973) will be sanctioned
a second higher grade on completion of twenty years of service in the
cadre of Headmaster with effect from 16-9-1985. The position of
Grade promotion opportunities of Primary/Secondary Headmasters
from 1983 onwards are as given below.
1983 Pay Revision
Headmaster : 975-25-1100-30-1400-40-
Headmaster (10 years) : 1050-30-1200-40-2000
Headmaster (20 years)(Sr. Grade) : 1100-40-1500-50-2100
1988 Pay Revision
Headmaster : 1330-40-1530-60-1830-80-2470-
Headmaster Higher Grade (10 years) : 1370-40-1530-60-1830-80-
Headmaster Senior Grade (20 years) :1450-40-1530-60-1830-80-
2470-85-2725- 100-2825.
1992 Pay Revision
Headmaster : 1640-60-2600-75-2900.
Headmaster Higher Grade (10 years) : 2000-60-2300-75-3200
Headmaster Senior Grade (20 years) : 2060-60-2300-75-3200
9.60 Existing scheme of time bound promotion of Headmasters of Primary
and Secondary Schools will continue as such (G.O (P) No. 930/93/
(2)/Fin. Dated 8.12.1993)
9.61 In G.O (P) No. 480/89/Fin. Dated 1.11.1989, the qualifying service for
obtaining the Higher Grade for Headmasters has been modified as
either 10 years service as Head master or 30 years’ service as
Teacher and Headmaster put together. By G.O (Ms.) No. 88/83/G.Edn.
dated 30.5.1983, Higher Grade was sanctioned to Headmasters of
Secondary Schools on completion of 7 years of service. By G. O (P)
No. 480/89/ Fin. Dated 1.11.1989 the residency period to earn Higher
Grade was modified as 7 years of service as Headmaster/ Assistant
Educational Officer or 27 years of total service as Teacher and
Headmaster/ Assistant Educational Officer.
9.62 1997 Pay Revision: - There was no much change in the existing
scheme of TBHG in respect of Teachers and Headmasters in the
primary and secondary schools. The 7th Kerala Pay Revision retained
the existing Scheme of time bound promotion of Teachers and
Headmasters of primary and secondary schools as such (Chapter – X,
Promotion Opportunities, Teachers, Para- 10.22.11)
9.63 2004 Pay Revision:-L.P/UP School Headmasters were allowed grade
promotion on completion of 8 years of service as Headmaster or 28
years total service as Headmaster and Teacher together. A Second
Higher Grade on completion of 20 years service as Headmaster will
also be allowed. The first and 2nd higher grade as Headmasters will
be granted subject to the condition that they will not be eligible for
notional higher grades based on the length of service as teacher had
they continued as teacher (G.O (P) 145/2006/Fin. 25.3.2006).This
condition was later withdrawn.
Higher Secondary School Teachers and Principal
9.64 The time bound grade for Higher Secondary School Teachers (Higher
Secondary School Teacher & Higher Secondary School Teacher Junior)
was granted as per the Pay revision Order GO (P) 145/06/Fin dated
25/03/2006 and the orders specifying the time bound grade for
Higher Secondary School Teachers was issued from the General
Education Department as per No.78941/U1/2008/Gl.Edn dated
9.65 As per the above orders those regular Higher Secondary School
Teachers who have completed the ten year service as Higher
Secondary School Teacher prior to 01/07/2004 will be granted the
higher grade for ten years in the pre revised scale of Rs.7200-11400
and the Higher Secondary School Teachers who have completed the
ten years of service between the period 01/07/2004 and 28/02/2006
will be granted the higher grade of ten years in the revised scale of
Rs.11910-19350. The regular Higher Secondary School Teachers
appointed w.e.f 01/03/2006 will be granted time bound grade on
completion of 8 years and 16 years of service in the respective post
in the pay scale Rs.11910-19350 and Rs.12250-19800 respectively.
Time Bound Higher Grade (TBHG) scheme for Doctors.
9.66 The promotion opportunities under TBHG for Doctors was introduced
in the year 1979 by providing higher grade in the scale of pay of Rs.
800 -1550 (the scale of pay of Civil Surgeon Grade II) to the Assistant
Surgeon in the scale of pay of Rs. 700-1270 who have completed 13
years service in the entry grade. During the similar period Dental
Assistant Surgeon in the scale of pay of Rs. 600-1100 were made
eligible for 13 years higher grade in the scale of pay of pay of Rs.
750 – 1450 (G.O (P)1041/79 (142)/Fin dated 27.11.1979).
9.67 In accordance with the G.O (P) No. 930/93/ (2) /Fin. Dated 8th Dec.
1993 the Assistant Surgeon/Dental Surgeon and equated categories
of Health Services Department and the Assistant Insurance Medical
Officers of Insurance Medical Services Department were given the
scales of pay Rs.2500-4000 and Rs.3000-5000 as their 12 years and
24 years time-bound higher grade scales respectively. The
Government further modified this order as an Assistant
Surgeon/Dental Surgeon in the scale of Rs.2060-3200 having 10
years service and 20 years service were allowed grade promotion as
Civil Surgeon (Non-cadre) in the scale of Rs.4200-5300 respectively
as time bound higher grade promotion. It was also mentioned in the
order that, for those who have already got the higher grade
promotion for 12 years and 24 years, their pay will be re-fixed under
Rule 30 Part I KSRs. Apart from the TBHG promotion, the Doctors are
also eligible for ratio based promotion at the rate of 3:1 between
Assistant Surgeons and Civil Surgeons.
9.68 The Government Constituted Specialty Units in the Health Service
Department and provided Specialist Allowances and Compensatory
Allowances for working in the Rural Areas(Vide G.O.(P)325/95/
(41)/Fin. dated, 7th April 1995). Compensatory Allowance and non-
practicing allowance were also paid to them at the rate fixed by
Government from time to time.
9.69 The time bound higher grades were sanctioned to Medical Officers of
Health Services Department was w.e.f 1-3-1992 with monetary
benefit from 1-1-1995. Twenty eight then existing posts of Civil
Surgeon Grade I on Rs.3000-5000 were upgraded to that of Deputy
Director in the scale of pay of Rs.4200-5300 and six posts of Deputy
Director in the scale of pay of Rs.4200-5300 were upgraded to that
of Additional Director in the scale of pay Rs.4500-5700with effect
from 1.1.1995.
9.70 After implementing the 7th Pay Revision Commission orders (G.O (P)
3000/98/Fin. Dated 25th Nov. 1998) the Assistant Surgeon/Dental
Surgeon and equated categories of Health Services Department and
Assistant Insurance Medical Officers (Allopathy) of Insurance Medical
Services Department were granted the scales of Rs.10,000 - 15,150
and Rs.14,000 - 18,000 as their 10 years and 18 years higher grade
9.71 In the Government orders on the 8th Pay Revision Commission (G.O) (P)
145/2006/Fin. dated 25th March 2006) the existing scale of pay and
span of years applicable to the Assistant Surgeon/Dental Surgeon and
equated categories of Health Services Department and Assistant
Insurance Medical Officers (Allopathy) of Insurance Medical Services
Department have been modified as 16650 – 23200 and 23200 -31150
as grade scales and the span as 8 and 16 years.
9.72 Thus the existing general terms and conditions for the grant of time
bound higher grades are as follows:
(i) The term ‘entry post’ is defined as the category of post to
which an employee is initially appointed to Government
service by direct recruitment by the competent authority. All
appointments by transfer except the promotion
appointments from Subordinate Service to State Service will
also be treated as equivalent to direct recruitment for
sanctioning time bound higher grade w.e.f. 1.3.2006- vide
G.O (P) No.494/07/Fin. dated 9.10.2007.
(ii) The service rendered in the entry post and reckoned for
normal increments shall be treated as qualifying service for
granting higher grades. Period of leave on loss of pay, not
reckoned for increment will not qualify for time bound higher
grade. The period during which increments are barred
without cumulative effect will be reckoned for computing the
qualifying service for the purpose of allowing higher grade
benefits-vide G.O.(P)No.675/82(461)/Fin dated 10.11.1982. In
the case of temporary relinquishment of promotion, such
period of relinquishment will not be reckoned as qualifying
service for granting time bound higher grade-vide para 15 of
Annexure 3 to G,O,(P)No.145/2006/Fin dated 25.3.2006.
(iii) Notional/retrospective period of promotion will not be
reckoned as qualifying service in the promoted post for
granting time bound higher grade promotions. From 1.3.2006
onwards, as per provisions contained in para1(ii) and 3 of
Annexure 3 to G.O.(P)No.145/2006/Fin dated 25.3.2006,
second higher grade will be granted on completion of 16
years of service in the entry post and in the first promoted
post /time bound higher grade post taken together.
(iv) In the case of inter-departmental transfer, the prior service in
the same post in the former department will also be
reckoned as qualifying service for time bound higher grade
as existed before 1.3.2006 vide G.O (P) No.572/07/(83)/Fin
dated 29.11.2007.
(v) Service rendered in different categories on identical scales of
pay was reckoned for computing qualifying service for 13
years’ time bound higher grade as per G.O (P) No.705/81/
(372)/Fin dated 28.10.1981 up to 15.9.1985. From 16.9.1985
onwards, time bound higher grade is admissible with
reference to entry post only.
(vi) The benefit of fixation of pay as per Rule 28A, Part I Kerala
Service Rules without re-fixation of pay shall be allowed for
the purpose of fixation of pay in the time bound higher grade
promotion post.
(vii) If the promotions to the time bound higher grade posts are
granted on the basis of completed years of service
prescribed for each grade promotion, after converting the
existing lower post held by the employee to a post on higher
scale of pay, there will be no resultant vacancy in the lower
post to be filled up (G.O (P) No.286/80/(183)/Fin dated
12.4.1980 and G.O.(P)No.939/80/(270)/Fin dated
18.12.1980). Promotion to time bound higher grade post will
not confer seniority on the promotees – vide G.O.
(P)No.343/80/(195)/Fin dated 6.6.1980. When time bound
higher grades are granted, the word ‘Higher Grade’ within
brackets shall be suffixed to the existing designation of the
lower posts.
(viii) In respect of those who are eligible for the scale of pay of
normal promotion posts as time bound higher grade scales,
based on the scale of pay prescribed in the Pay Revision
Orders, only qualified hands, i.e. those who possess the
required qualification for promotion posts, will be granted the
scale of pay of promotion posts. Unqualified hands will be
granted the next higher scale of pay in the list of standard
scales of pay in the Pay Revision Orders as grade scales. On
acquiring test qualification or becoming eligible for
permanent exemption from acquiring test qualification in
accordance with Rule 13B of the General Rules of K.S &
S.S.R. 1958, on attaining 50 years of age, they will be
granted scale of pay of promotion post with fixation benefit
as per Government Decision under Rule 30, Part I Kerala
Service Rules. Persons who are not eligible for permanent
exemption by application of Rule 13B of K.S.&S.S.R. 1958
even on attaining 50 years of age shall not be eligible for the
scale of pay of promotion post –vide G.O.
(P)No.939/80(270)/Fin dated 19.12.1980 and Para 6 of
Annexure 3 to G.O.(P)No.145/2006/Fin dated 25.3.2006.
(ix) Those who are eligible for the time bound higher grade shall
be given right of option to elect any date subsequent to the
date on which they complete the qualifying service fixed for
that higher grade –vide G.O.(P)No.81/80/(150)/Fin dated
22.1.1980. The option shall be exercised within three months
from the date of issue of order granting higher grade
promotion vide G.O.(P)No.367/96/(87)/Fin dated
19.4.1996.The option for time bound higher grade promotion
shall not be allowed beyond the date of next increment in the
lower scale w.e.f. 1.3.2006 vide Para 47 of G.O.
(P)No.145/2006/Fin dated 25.3.2006.
(x) In the case of an employee whose promotion is barred, the
benefit of higher grade shall be given only after he puts in a
total period of qualifying service in the entry grade post
excluding the period during which the promotion is barred-
vide Para 2(ix) of G.O.(P)No.1041/79/(142)/Fin dated
(xi) Provisional service will not be reckoned for time bound
higher grade promotion in respect of those who got regular
appointment/whose provisional appointment got regularized
on or after 1.10.1994-vide Circular No.3/95/ (35)/Fin dated
(xii) Declaration of probation is not necessary for an employee
for giving time bound grade promotion-vide G.O.(P)No.62/81/
(282)/Fin dated 20.1.1981.
(xiii) Acquisition of test qualification for regular promotion post
is not essential for granting time bound higher grade.
(xiv) Those who are eligible for permanent exemption from
passing obligatory departmental tests as per Rule 13B of
K.S.&S.S.R.1958 will be eligible for increments in the time
bound higher grade post provided they are otherwise eligible
– vide G.O.(P)No.337/82/(442)/Fin dated 12;7;1982.
(xv) Amins, Copyists, Typists, Copyist-Clerks, Copyist-Typists
and Village Assistants, who are appointed/promoted as
Clerks their service in the respective cadres before
appointing/promoting as Clerks will be reckoned for grade
promotion in the cadre of Clerk.
(xvi) In the case of U.D.Typist/Confidential Assistants who have
changed over to the cadre of U.D.Clerk, their prior service as
Typist/CA will be reckoned as qualifying service for allowing
time bound higher grade-vide G.O.(P) No.278/81/(314)/Fin.
dated 11.5.1985 and G.O.(P) No.1094/87/(186)/Fin. dated
(xvii) In the case of Last Grade employees, their full time service
in the various categories of Last Grade Service will be
reckoned as qualifying service in the Last Grade post for
granting time bound higher grade.
(xviii) In the case of employees on deputation to other
departments, the period spent on deputation shall be treated
as qualifying service for time bound higher grade in the
parent department w.e.f.16.9.1985.
(xix) With effect from 1.11.1989, time bound higher grade
promotion will not be given for those who have
relinquished/relinquish regular promotion. Last Grade
employees who relinquish promotion to the post of Attender
permanently are eligible for time bound higher grade
promotion since the post of Attender is not a promotion post
in the line of promotion of Last Grade employees vide G.O.
(P)No.100/95/(68)/Fin dated 22.12.1995.
(xx) Last Grade employees are eligible for a 3rd time bound
higher grade on completion of 25 years of service w.e.f.
30.6.1983 -vide G.O.(Ms) No.357/83/(512)/Fin dated 1.7.1983
and for 4th grade on completion of 30 years of service w.e.f.
1.3.1992. The 4th time bound higher grade is admissible for
28 years of service w.e.f. 1.3.2006.
(xxi) War/Military service which counts for Civil Pension will be
reckoned for computing the qualifying service for the grant
of higher grade. Civilian Service under Military will not,
however, count for higher grade.
(xxii) In the case of teaching staff of professional colleges,
scheme of non-cadre promotion was admissible when they
continued in the State scales of pay vide para10 (vi) of G.O.
(P)No.515/85.Fin dated 16.9.1985. As per G.O (Ms)
No.757/95/ (56)/Fin dated 3.11.1995, the above benefit was
restricted to the teaching staff of professional colleges,
where UGC/AICTE pattern of scale of pay are not applicable.
With the introduction of UGC/AICTE pattern of scale of pay to
the teaching staff of professional colleges ie., Medical,
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy Colleges the scheme of non-cadre
promotion ceased to exist.
(xxiii) Police constable Drivers and other technical categories in
Police Department and Fireman Drivers in the Fire Force
Department were eligible for 7/17/25 year’s grade upto
31.10.1998. They are eligible for 10, 18 and 25 years grade
promotion w.e.f.1.11.1998 and 8/16/23 years time bound
higher grade promotion w.e.f.1.3.2006.
(xxiv) Attenders, Clerical Assistants, Binders, Drivers, Stencil
Operators/Roneo Operators/Duplicating Machine Operators
and Lift Operators appointed by transfer from Last Grade
service are eligible for reckoning their Last Grade Service
also for computing the total qualifying service for the 25/23
years in the cadre of Attenders/Clerical Assistants, Binders
and Drivers, etc.
(xxv) When an employee who has been assigned time bound
higher grade in the scale of pay of promotion post gets
regular promotion, the scale of pay of his higher grade and
promotion post are the same and no fixation of pay is
necessary in the normal course. However if a fixation of pay
in the promotion post applying Rule 28A, Part I, KSR with
reference to the pay he would have drawn in the lower post
but for assignment of any higher grade is beneficial to him, it
can be done. Re-fixation of pay contemplated under the
above rule, related to the pay in the lower post will also be
admissible. This benefit is not applicable in the case of
promotions ordered after 25.3.2006.
(xxvi) An employee who has been allowed time bound higher
grade in the scale of pay of regular promotion posts when
promoted to regular promotion posts in the same scale of
pay is eligible to get fixation and re-fixation under Rule 28A,
Part I KSR based on the pay he would have drawn in the
lower post had he not been given higher grade This benefit is
not applicable in the case of promotions ordered after
25.3.2006 vide Para 48 of G.O (P) No.145/2006/Fin. dated
(xxvii) In case the scale of pay of the regular promotion post is
higher than the scale of pay of the time bound higher grade
allowed as specified in the Tables contained in the Pay
Revision Orders, fixation and re-fixation of pay in the regular
promotion post will be done under Rule 28A based on the
basic pay notionally arrived at in the lower post
w.e.f.1.3.1992. As per para 48 of G.O (P) No.145/2006/Fin.
dated 25.3.2006, in all cases of regular promotion from time
bound higher grade to post carrying the promotion from time
bound higher grade same or higher time scale of pay, the
pay in the promoted scale will be fixed in terms of Rule 30,
Part I KSR. This is applicable in the case of promotions
ordered after the date of order of 2004 Pay Revision.
(xxviii) As per Pay Revision Order 2004, second time bound
higher grade can be granted on completion of 16 years of
service in the entry post, first promoted post and time bound
higher grade post taken together w.e.f. 1.3.2006.
(xxix) Those who got appointment to higher posts/regular
promotion to higher posts with the benefit of Rule 28A
fixation within the period prescribed for grade promotion are
not eligible for further time bound higher grade promotion
during that period.
(xxx) Teachers are eligible for time bound higher grade on the
basis of orders issued by the General Education Department
regarding reckoning of their prior Aided school service and
also general orders contained in Pay Revision Orders and
subsequent orders issued by Finance/General Education
Department in the case of teachers.
(xxxi) Any claim for rectification of scales of pay, grades, etc. will
automatically lapse if not sanctioned within 5 years from the
date of such claims or two years from the date of any
subsequent General Pay Revision Orders issued by
Government whichever is earlier vide G.O.(P)No.495/90/Fin
dated 6.10.1990.
Table 9.10: Time Bound Higher Grade Promotion of Govt. Employee
in Kerala
Period of Service for Higher Grade
Sl.No. Year
1 2 3 4
1 1979 13 0 0 0
2 1983 10 20 0 0
3 1989 10 20 25 0
4 1992 10 20 25 0
5 1997 10 18 23 30*
6 2004 8 16 23 28*
Source: Pay Revision Orders, 1979, 1983, 1989, 1992, 1997 & 2004 * A fourth time
bound higher grade in scale of pay 5650-8790 was granted to class IV employees on
completion of 28 years
(iii) LD Clerks and
equated categories may be allowed a fourth higher grade in the
scale of pay equivalent to the post of Senior Superintendent.
(iv) To restore the
previous condition of sanctioning second time bound higher
grade on completion of either eight years of service in the first
promoted post or a total of sixteen years of service taken
together, which ever is earlier.
(v) Also suggested to
grant the scales of pay of the promotion post as the higher
grade scales to all categories.
(vi) The Class IV
employees may be awarded Fourth Time Bound Higher Grade
in the scale of Junior Superintendent.
9.74 Government have issued many clarifications on allowing time bound
higher grades and its implementation since the introduction of the
table showing scales of pay against such grades by the Vth Kerala
Pay Commission. The issues have been examined by the
Commission along with the related developments that arised out of
the anomalies as pointed out by the Service Associations. The
question before each Pay Commissions constituted later is mainly to
reduce the residency period between the grades.
9.75 Unlike the Ministerial Wing, certain posts under technical and lower
categories are experiencing stagnation due to inadequate
promotional avenues. Besides, they had to continue in the same
scale of pay for a long or atleast up to a period of 8 years based on
the late entry of an employee in to Government service and non
flow of fresh recruitees in to the Department for various
administrative reasons. The past Pay Commissions had examined
such issues and they felt that there was a case for liberalising the
scheme of time bound higher grade promotions for which reduction
in number of year in each grade was the feasible solution before
them. Moreover, there are complaints with regard to the scales of
pay earmarked to the time bound higher grades also. Sometimes, it
may be at close proximity with the scales of pay from which higher
grade promotion was made. In some other cases, the scales of pay
of promotion post happened to be lower than the time bound higher
grade scales shown in the table and vice versa. The employees
coming under the categories of posts enjoying the ratio/percentage
based higher grades, are fortunate to get better footing than the
time bound higher grades at this specified space.
9.76 The Commission is of the view that the only solution to alleviate
the grievance raised by the Service Organisations and to put the
low paid employees under technical categories is to reduce the
periodicity between the time bound higher grades. This would be
rather more attractive to these categories. The Commission
examined the request for allowing time bound higher grade for a
periodicity of every five year and is of the view that such a request
is not justifiable or any change in the existing minimum eight years
service for first time bound higher grade has no logic as it would
cause heavy flow of funds from the state exchequer.
9.77 There have been demands for granting higher grades to all
employees uniformly. The Commission examined this at length and
in order to bring more categories of posts under the time bound
higher grades scheme and make them beneficial on this account,
Commission felt it reasonable to extend the 3 rd time bound higher
grade to all posts in the scale of pay ranging from Rs.10480-17240
to Rs.13900-22360.
9.78 The last pay Commission analysed the issues relating to the fixation
of pay when an employee promoted to a post on higher scale from a
time bound higher grade on regular basis, and matters relating how
to treat an unqualified person when he is considered for time bound
higher grade promotion. Such cases were examined by
Government in detail from the very inception of the time bound
higher grade scheme and issued various orders clarifying such
question from time to time. The difficulties caused to employees
were mainly due to the negligent approach taken by the authorities
concerned which resulted in allowing undue benefits to their
employees. The Commission is of the view that the observations
made by the last Pay Commission has to be upheld and would wish
to reiterate that when such a situation arises, their pay in the
promoted post may be fixed at a next stage above the pay
previously drawn in the time bound higher grade if it is a stage, the
pay will be fixed at that stage. Similarly, the unqualified person are
not eligible to be promoted in the time bound higher grade even if,
they are considered for select list and not found a place in the list.
Such person may be assigned a time bound higher grade only in
the intermediate scales.
9.79 Accordingly, the Commission recommends change in the scheme of
time bound higher grade as shown below:
(i) The first time bound higher grade on
completion of eight years of service in the entry post.
(ii) The second time bound higher grade on
completion of 15 years of service in the entry post and the
first regular promotion post/time bound higher grade taken
(iii) The third time bound higher grade on
completion of 22 years of total service in the entry post and
the regular promotion post (s)/time bound higher grade (s)
taken together in respect of those coming under the scales
of pay ranging from Rs.10480-17420 to Rs.13900-22360.
(iv) A fourth time bound higher grade on
completion of 27 years of total service in the entry post and
the regular promotion post (s) /time bound higher grade (s)
taken together in the case of employees coming under the
scales of pay ranging from Rs.8500-12220 to Rs.9940-
9.80. Based on the above recommendations, an employee who remain
in their entry post on scales of pay ranging from Rs.8500-12220
to Rs.13900-20740 will be granted their higher grades on
completion of the period of qualifying service in their posts as
follows with the scales of pay shown in TABLE – A.
1st time
2nd time
Revised pay bound 4th time
bound 3rd time bound
scales in the higher grade bound higher
higher higher grade.
entry post in the entry grade
8500-12220 8730-12550 8960-13210 9190-14620 9940-15380
8730-12550 8960-13210 9190-14620 9940-15380 10480-17420
8960-13210 9190-14620 9940-15380 10480-17420 11620-18740
9190-14620 9940-15380 11620-18740 13900-22360 14620-23480
9940-15380 11620-18740 13900-22360 14620-23480 16180-27140
10480-17420 11620-18740 13900-22360 14620-23480 NIL
11620-18740 13210-20740 13900-22360 16180-27140 NIL
13210-20740 13900-22360 16180-27140 16980-29180 NIL
13900-22360 14620-23480 16180-27140 16980-29180 NIL
15380-24040 16980-29180 19240-32110
16180-27140 18740-31360 20740-33680
16980-29180 18740-31360 20740-33680
18740-31360 20740-33680 22360-35320
19240-32110 20740-33680 22360-35320
22360-35320 24040-36140
may be revised as 8 and 15 years of service. The Grade scales of pay
may be fixed as Rs.29180-40640 and Rs.40640-54140 respectively.
The existing conditions apply for grant of Higher Grade may be
allowed to continue.
9.87. If there is a promotion post in respect of the categories of
posts (entry) coming under pay range from Rs.8730-12550 to
Rs.16980-29180 and its scale of pay is higher than the time bound
higher grade proposed above, then the qualified incumbent will be
given the scale of pay of the promotion post in the direct line of
promotion as time bound higher grade. While assigning higher grade
only qualified hands will get the scales of pay of regular promotion
posts. Unqualified hands will be allowed the next higher scale of pay
above that of the scale of pay of the post held at that time, in the
standard scales of pay.
9.88. If the scale of pay of the promotion post is lower than the
time bound higher grade proposed in the Table, the time bound
higher grade specified above will be given by reckoning the total
service in both the lower post and promotion post together. In such
cases the fixation under Rule 28 A Part I KSR for the 8- year grade will
be based on the basic pay of the lower post.
9.89. No DPC clearance is required for sanctioning time bound
higher grade in the case of posts carrying scales of pay of Rs.18740-
31360 and above.
9.90. In case the scale of pay of the regular promotion post is
higher than the time bound higher grade allowed as specified in the
table above, fixation of pay on promotion to the regular post will be
done based on the basic pay notionally arrived at in the lower post. If
the pay fixed in the revised scale of time bound higher grade (2009
revision) is a stage in the revised scale of the regular promotion post,
the pay on regular promotion may be fixed at that stage and if it is
not a stage, the pay may be fixed at the lower stage. The drop in
emoluments will be protected as personal pay not to be absorbed in
future increases of pay but may be treated as basic pay for the
purpose of fixation of pay on promotion to higher post, for Pension,
Dearness Allowance etc. However the protection mentioned above
may be allowed only at the time of fixation of pay on promotion and
not on subsequent increase of pay in the higher grade.
9.91. The scales of pay in column 1 of the tables above denote
the pay scales of the posts to which the employees are recruited
initially and the time bound higher grades allowable on completion of
prescribed periods of service on each such entry post will be as
specified in Column 2,3 and 4 of the tables as the case may be and
not with reference to the scale of pay of the promotion post or higher
post held subsequently.
9.92. In case the 15/22 year higher grades as per the table
above are equal to or lower than the first promotion post/ second
promotion post as the case may be, that grade (s) will be modified
and fixed at the next higher scale (s) above that of the promotion
post (s) in the list of standard scales of pay.
9.93. Non-teaching staff in Aided Schools, Private Colleges and
Polytechnics who come under the scheme of direct payment of salary
by Government are also eligible for time bound grade promotion
subject to the above conditions.
9.94. The service rendered in the entry post and reckoned for
normal increments may be treated as the qualifying service for
granting higher grades in that post.
9.95. The term ‘entry post’ shall be defined as the post to which
an employee is initially appointed in Government service by direct
recruitment by the competent authority. Appointments made by PSC
by transfer from other categories will also be treated as equivalent to
direct recruitment for allowing the benefit of higher grade. However,
promotion to a post in the direct line of promotion in a Department to
be made on the basis of select list prepared by the Departmental
Promotion Committee, cannot be treated as direct recruitment for
allowing the benefit of time bound higher grade. The time bound
higher grade admissible will be determined with reference to the
initial entry post in the present department only. Service in posts
having same scale will not be treated as qualifying service. Similarly
in the case of employees who get inter departmental transfer
(interdepartmental transferees), their prior service in the same post
in the former department may also be reckoned as qualifying service
for time bound higher grade. Those who get regular promotion or
appointment to higher posts within the period specified for each time
bound higher grade may not be granted further time bound higher
grade during that period.
9.96. All appointment by transfer except the
promotions/appointments from subordinate service to State Service
may also be treated as equivalent to direct recruitment for
sanctioning Time Bound Higher Grade.
9.97. Those who relinquish regular promotions may not be given
time bound higher grades as at present.
9.98. The employees in the scales of pay of Rs.8730-12250 and
Rs.8500-12220 may be eligible for reckoning their service in the last
grade for allowing 22 years higher grade. This benefit may not be
allowed to employees in the posts having the revised scale of
Rs.9190-14620 and above.
9.99. Similarly, military service which will count for civil pension
of Ex-serviceman may be reckoned as qualifying service for allowing
first higher grade. However ex-servicemen enjoying protection of
pay may not be allowed this benefit. In that case service under State
Government alone will be reckoned as qualifying service. Period of
leave on loss of pay which will not be taken, into account for granting
increments may not be reckoned as qualifying service.
9.100. All other existing general terms and conditions governing
grant of time bound higher grade promotions may continue subject to
the modifications issued by Government from time to time.
9.101. It is desirable that Government may issue a comprehensive
order relating to granting of time bound grade promotions in
supersession of all the previous Government orders so as to avoid
confusion in implementing the scheme in future.
9.102. Promotions are obtained through time bound higher grade,
ratio and percentages and by regular promotion against substantive
vacancies. Whatever be the means of promotion, the promotee
moves from an existing scale of pay to a higher scale. There are a
few cases where the scales of pay of the promotion post and that of
the feeder post are the same. In such cases the Commission
recommends that the existing procedure of granting an advance
increment in the same scale may be continued on promotion. The
rules governing fixation are contained in Rules 28, 28-A and 37 (a)
KSR Part I.
9.103. Rule 28 is to the effect that when an officer holding a
substantive post is promoted/ appointed substantively to a higher
post, his pay in the new post will be fixed at the next higher stage.
Rule 37 (a) KSR stipulates that when a substantive officer is
promoted/appointed to officiate or an officiating officer is
promoted/appointed to officiate on a higher scale, his initial pay in
the higher scale will be fixed at the next higher stage with reference
to the pay drawn in the lower post. Whenever there is a change of
pay in the lower post ie. when the next increment falls due in the
lower post after promotion and when the pay in the lower post
becomes equal to or higher than the pay in the higher post, the pay
in the higher post is again fixed at the next higher stage. It is
generally accepted that the invocation of Rules 28 and 37 (a) is so
infrequent that for all practical purposes, it is only Rule 28-A KSR that
is made applicable.
9.104. This Rule provides that on promotion carrying a higher
time scale of pay, the initial pay in that scale shall be fixed at the
stage next above the pay notionally arrived at in the lower time scale
of pay by increasing the actual pay drawn by the promotee in the
lower time scale by one increment. A refixation of pay will be allowed
whenever there is a change of pay in the lower time scale.
9.105. Rule 28A KSR Part I was introduced with effect from
03/2/1962 and this rule applies to all promotions,
substantive/officiating, to a higher scale subject to a monetary limit
prescribed from time to time. From 1/07/2004 28A fixation was
applicable to all scales of pay, minimum of which is not more than
Rs.20700/-. There were only three top scales of pay where the
minimum is more than Rs.20700/- and consequently Rule 28 A was
more or less universally applicable for all promotions/appointments.
9.106. As a result of Rule 28A and its mode of fixation, on each
promotion an employee will get generally one increment in the lower
time scale and another in the promoted scale by way of stage fixation
benefit besides subsequent refixation benefit in cases of change of
pay in the lower time scale of pay. It is customary that after every
pay revision, there is an increase in increment rates. So also,
increases occur at the minimum of the new scales of pay. The
consequence is that very often, the quantum of increase in fixation
benefits accruing on account of each promotion will be substantial
which does not form an integral part of the improvements in the
wage structure and not really contemplated as a part of pay revision.
Reaping unintended monetary benefits, through fixation and re-
fixation has to be avoided because, when the scheme is availed of by
a large section of the employees, the financial commitment to the
exchequer becomes unbearable. There are cases when Rule 28A is
applied in the case of promotion to more than one post on the same
day and where persons are given direct promotion to the post next to
the immediate higher post and Rule 28A applied in both posts. For
example when UD clerk is directly promoted to the post of Junior
Superintendent his pay will be fixed first in the intermediary post of
Head Clerk under Rule 28A and then in the post of Junior
superintendent with reference to the pay notionally arrived at in the
scale of Head Clerk. Such a benefit is given even if there is no vacant
post of Head Clerk.
9.107. In this context, it is pertinent to have a closer look at the
relevant rules followed in the case of the Central Government
employees in the matter of fixation of pay on promotion. The
provisions in this regard are contained in Rule 22 of the Fundamental
Rules (Central). This rule contemplates separate mode of fixation of
pay for promotion to posts involving higher duties and responsibilities
and others not involving higher responsibilities. According to F.R 22
I(a) (i), in cases of promotion involving assumption of higher duties
and responsibilities, the mode of fixation of pay followed is similar to
that of Rule 28 A of Kerala Service Rules-ie., the initial pay of an
employee in the time scale of the higher post shall be fixed at the
stage next above the notional pay arrived at by increasing his pay in
respect of the lower post by an increment at the stage at which such
pay has accrued. But unlike in Rule 28 A of KSR, the Central Rule
does not contain provision for refixation of pay, whenever there is
change of pay in the lower time scale, after promotion. This is a
major variation from the State rules. But instead of refixation, the
Central Rules allow option to be exercised within one month from the
date of promotion, to have the pay fixed in the above manner from
the date of promotion or to have the pay fixed initially at the stage of
time scale of the new post above the pay in the lower grade or post
from which he is promoted, which will be refixed in accordance with
the normal rules referred to (Rule 22 I a (1)) on the date of actual of
next increment in the scale of pay of the lower post. If the promotee
opts for the second alternative, his next increment in the higher
scale, will fall due on the expiry of 12 months from the date of
fixation of pay reckoning the accrued increment in the lower post.
9.108. According to FR 22 I (a) (2), when promotion does not
involve assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater
importance, the promottee shall draw, as initial pay, the stage of the
time scale which is equal to his pay in respect of the old post held by
him or if there is no such stage, the stage next above his pay in
respect of the old post held by him. Thus in cases of promotions not
involving higher duties and responsibilities, even a next stage fixation
can be allowed only, if there is no such in the lower scale.
9.109. It can be seen that the fixation rules for promotion in the
case of Central Government employees as per Fundamental Rules
(Central) are more rigorous and restrictive in nature when compared
to the corresponding rules in the KSRs, applicable to State
9.110. The imperative necessity for initiating action for
restructuring the existing provisions in the KSR pertaining to the
fixation of pay on promotion has been commented upon by the
previous Pay Revision Commission. It might be worthwhile to
reproduce an extract of the dissenting notes of the Chairman of the
VIIth Pay Revision Commission, which is as follows:-
“In the light of the factors mentioned in para (2) and (3) above
suitable modification in the present provisions seem desirable. This
suggestion is made not because one is enamoured of the central
model or because we feel that the State Rules should be a replica of
the Central Rules or even because such benefits are not available in
the neighbouring State as far as it could be ascertained. We do this
only because the existing system does not discriminate between
promotion which involve higher duties and responsibilities and
promotions which do not. Promotion to a higher scale brings with it
higher incremental rates, higher maximum higher DA and a host of
other benefits such as higher pension, gratuity etc. These benefits
flow from all promotions and to provide for additional benefits as is
now available under Rule 28 A when a promotion does not involve any
higher responsibility is not reasonable. Sitting in the same chair and
doing the same work an incumbent gets all the general benefits
flowing from promotion plus up to 3 increments, I would therefore
recommend that:
In promotions not involving change of duties and responsibilities, the
benefit of fixation may be allowed and no refixation benefit need be
allowed. Notional promotions should not get any fixation benefit and if
solely on account of this a junior draws a higher basic pay than a
senior, the pay of the senior should be suitably stepped up.
In promotions involving higher duties and responsibilities, the Rule 28
A fixation benefits (without refixation benefits when increments fall
due in lower scale) may be allowed when making promotions from all
posts carrying scales of pay whose revised minimum does not exceed
Rs.12600/--. Notional promotions should not get the benefits of pay
fixation under Rule 28 A and if solely because of this a junior draws a
higher basic pay, the basic pay of the senior should be suitably
stepped up”.
9.111. The VIIIth Pay Revision Commission agreed with the above
sentiment expressed by the Chairman of the VII Pay Revision
Commission and having examined the various issues connected with
Rule 28 A KSR Part I the VIIIth Commission recommended certain
changes in the method of fixation of pay. This Commission has also
examined the issue in detail and recommends as follows.
(i) In all cases of time bound higher Grade promotions to higher
scales of pay, the existing practice may continue. Thus, the
pay in the higher time scale maybe fixed in terms of Rule 28
A Part I KSR i.e. a notional increment will first be given in the
lower scale and thereafter pay in the promoted scale maybe
fixed at the next stage above. Since in a master scale, the
increments are identical, even in different scales, Rules 28 A
fixation will essentially imply 2 increments. No subsequent
refixation of pay, based on the change of pay in the scale of
the lower posts, may be allowed. The next increment in the
higher scale will fall due on completion of 12 months from
the date of coming over to the higher scale. He will of
course have the option to avail the higher grade on a
subsequent date not later than the date of his next
increment in the lower scale.
(ii) In all cases of regular promotions from time bound grades to
posts carrying the same higher time scale of pay, the pay in
the promoted scale may be fixed in terms of Rule 30 Part I
KSR i.e. without any fixation or change in pay. The next
increment in the same or higher scale will fall due on the
date of increment in the time bound grade post.
(iii) In all cases of regular promotions, including ratio based
promotions, to posts carrying higher time scale of pay, the
minimum of which does not exceed Rs.36140/- whether it
involves change of duties and responsibilities or not, pay in
the promoted scale may be fixed as per the provisions of
Rule 28 A Part I KSRs without refixation of pay in the higher
scale consequent on change of pay in the lower scale. Next
increment in the higher time scale will fall due only on
completion of 12 months from the date of fixation of pay, in
the higher time scale of pay under Rule 28 A. Promotees
may be given opportunity to elect the date on which their
pay is to be fixed in the higher time scale of pay under Rule
28 A. Two options as indicated below will be available to the
promotees for fixation of pay under Rule 28 A.
Option (a) Pay will be fixed in the higher time scale of pay, on the
date of promotion, under Rule 28 A. Next increment in the
higher time scale will fall due only on completion of one
year from the date of such fixation of pay.
Option (b) Pay on the date of promotion will be initially fixed at the
stage of the higher time scale of pay of the promoted post
next above the pay in the lower time scale of pay.
Thereafter fixation of pay under Rule 28 A will be allowed,
based on the pay in the lower post on the date opted by
the promotee, ie. on the date of increment in the lower
post. Next increment will fall due only on completion of
one year from the date of fixation of pay under Rule 28 A.
If the fixation of pay under Rule 28 A on the date of option
does not make any change in the pay in the higher time
scale, the pay of the promotee will remain at the same
stage till completion of one year from the date of initial
fixation (date of promotion) of pay in the higher time scale.
Next increment in such cases will be allowed on completion
of one year from the date of initial fixation of pay in the
higher time Scale of pay. The option to be exercised will
be in the following forms.
Option for fixation of pay under Rule 28 A Part I KSR*
(a) Consequent upon my promotions as……………………….. with
effect from ………………………….. FN/AN, I hereby opt the fixation
of pay under Rule 28 A, in the higher scale of pay of the
promoted post, with effect from the date of promotion, without
any review consequent on accrual of increment in the lower post.
(b) * Consequent upon my promotion as ……………………….. with
effect from …………………. FN/AN, I hereby opt the initial fixation
of my pay at the stage in the time scale of pay of the promoted
post next above my pay in the scale of pay of the lower post on
the date of promotion, and thereafter under Rule 28 A in the
higher scale of pay of the promoted post based on the pay in the
lower post with effect from……………………. ie from the date of
accrual of next increment in the scale of pay of the lower post.
Place: Signature:
Date: Name:
*Strike off whichever is not applicable.
(iv) In all cases of regular promotions including ratio based
promotions to posts carrying higher time scale of pay, the
minimum of which exceeds Rs.36140/- [i.e. under Rule 37
(a)] the pay, of the promotee, on the higher time scale will
be initially fixed at the stage next above his pay in the lower
time scale of pay. In such cases if this pay in the lower scale
becomes equal to or greater than this pay in the higher scale
consequent on accrual of increment in the lower scale, his
pay in the higher scale may be fixed at the next higher stage
in the higher scale of pay with effect from that date.
(v) Where promotion posts happen to have the same scale of
pay of the feeder category posts, the existing practice will
continue ie. one advance increment will be granted to the
incumbents appointed by promotion to the posts carrying
the scale of pay of feeder category posts. This advance
increment will not be granted in the case of promotion from
time bound higher grade to a regular promotion post in the
same scale of pay and in the case of appointment to
interchangeable posts in the same scale of pay.
In cases of up gradation of posts (involving higher duties and
responsibilities) or appointments to higher posts on the
advice of PSC or otherwise (in respect of persons already in
State Government Service) when pay is fixed under Rule 28
A Part I Kerala Service Rules, the option shall be exercised
within one month from the date of appointment order or
date of taking over charge of the new post whichever is
(vi) The relevant Rules in the KSR may be amended if found
necessary. The Commission would like to reiterate that the
recommendations pertaining to new scales of pay and all
other matters like grade promotion, ratio and fixation are
subject to amendments if found necessary , in the relevant
Rules of the KSR.
9.112. It has come to the notice of the Commission that adequate
promotion chances are not available to those professionals who join
the State Government service. The introduction of Time Bound
Higher Grade promotion is with the intention to widen the scope for
promotion. There are categories of professionals who retire from
service from the very same category in which they entered in service.
The Career Advancement Scheme envisages introduction of non-
cadre promotions along with ratio and time bound grade promotions.
The Career Advancement Scheme shall be limited to the directly
recruited professionals in service.
9.113. Agriculture Officer with professional degree may be given
non-cadre promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement
scheme (CAS) on completion of 8 years of service in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and may be re-designated as
Assistant Director (NC).
9.114. An Assistant Director with 7 years or 15 years of service in
the cadre of Agriculture Officer and Assistant Director together may
be given non-cadre promotion in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.13610-20700 and re-designated as Deputy Director (NC).
Assistant Engineer
9.115. Assistant Engineer/Head Draftsman with degree in
Engineering may be given non-cadre promotion on completion of 8
years service in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800
and re-designated as Assistant Executive Engineer (NC).
9.116. Assistant Ex-Engineer with 7 years or 15 years of service in
the cadres of Assistant Engineer and Assistant Executive Engineer
together may be given non-cadre promotion in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-designated as Executive
Engineer (NC).
Animal Husbandry
Veterinary Surgeon:
9.117. Veterinary Surgeon with BVSc may be given non cadre
promotion on completion of 8 year service in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and re-designated as Senior
Veterinary Surgeon (NC)/Assistant Director (NC).
9.118. Assistant Director/Senior Veterinary Surgeon with 7 years
or 15 years of service in the cadre of Veterinary Surgeon and Senior
Veterinary Surgeon together may be given non-cadre promotion
under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.13610-20700 and re-designated as Deputy
Director (NC).
Assistant Public Prosecutor:
9.119. Assistant Public Prosecutor Grade II may be given non-
cadre promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme on
completion of 8 years of service in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.12250-19800 and re-designated as Assistant Public Prosecutor
Grade I (NC).
9.120. Assistant Public Prosecutor Grade I with 7 years or 15 years of
service in the cadre of Assistant Public Prosecutor Grade II and Grade
I together may be given non-cadre promotion under Career
Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-
26600 and re-designated as Senior Public Prosecutor (NC).
Dairy Development
9.121. Dairy Extension Officer with degree in Dairy Science may
be given non -cadre promotion on completion of 8 years of service
under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and designated as Assistant
Director (NC).
9.122. Assistant Director with 7 years or 15 years of service in the
cadre of Dairy Extension Officer and Assistant Director together may
be given non- cadre promotion under Time Bound Career
Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.13610-20700 and re-designated as Deputy Director (NC).
Drugs Control
9.123. Drugs Inspector/Analyst Grade III with B-Pharm on
completion of 8 years of service may be given non-cadre promotion
under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and re-designated as Senior Drugs
Inspector/Analyst Grade II (NC).
9.124. Senior Drugs Inspector/Analyst Grade II with 7 years or 15
years of service in the cadre of Drugs Inspector/Analyst Grade III and
Senior Drugs Inspector/Analyst Grade II may be given non-cadre
promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the
scale corresponding to Rs.12930-20250 and re-designated as
Assistant Drugs Controller/Analyst Grade I (NC).
Technical Education
9.125. Lecturer with degree in Engineering on completion of 8
years of service may be given non-cadre promotion under Time
Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay Rs.12
corresponding to Rs.12930-20150 and re-designated as Head of
Section (NC).
9.126. Head of Section with 7 years or 15 years of service in the
cadre of Lecturer and Head of Service together may be given non-
cadre promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-designated
as Principal(NC).
Fine Arts College
9.127. Lecturer Fine Arts College may be given non-cadre
promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme on
completion of 8 years of service in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.12930-20250 and designated as Professor Grade II (NC).
9.128. Professor Grade II with 7 years or 15 years of service in the
cadre of Lecturer and Professor Grade II together may be given non-
cadre promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-designated
as Professor Grade I (NC).
Electrical Inspectorate
9.129. Assistant Electrical Inspector with degree in Engineering on
completion of 8 years of service may be given non-cadre promotion
under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and re-designated as Deputy
Electrical Inspector (NC).
9.130. Deputy Electrical Inspector on completion of 7 years or 15
years of service in the cadre of Assistant Electrical Inspector and
Deputy Electrical Inspector together may be given non-cadre
promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-designated as
Electrical Inspector (NC).
Factories and Boilers
9.131. Inspector of Factories and Boilers Grade II with degree in
Engineering on completion of 8 years of service may be given non-
cadre promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.13610-20700 and designated as
Inspector of Factories and Boilers Grade I (NC).
9.132. Inspector of Factories and Boilers Grade I on completion of
7 years or 15 years of service in the cadre of Inspector of Factories
and Boilers Grade II and Grade I may be given non-cadre promotion
under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-designated as Joint Director
of Factories and Boilers (NC).
9.133. Medical Officer with Degree in Medicine on completion of 8
years of service may be given non-cadre promotion under Time
Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-designated as Joint Director
(Medical-non cadre).
Harbour Engineering
9.134. Assistant Engineer with degree in Engineering on
completion 8 years service may be given non-cadre promotion under
Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and designated as Assistant
Executive Engineer (NC).
9.135. Assistant Executive Engineer with degree in Engineering on
completion of 7 years or 15 years of service in the cadre of Assistant
Engineer and Assistant Executive Engineer together may be given
non-cadre promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement
scheme in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-
designated as Executive Engineer (NC).
Medical Education
9.136. Senior Scientific Assistant with Post graduation and directly
recruited in various wings of Medical Colleges and stagnating for
want of promotional avenues may be brought under the non-cadre
Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme on completion of 15 years
of service in the corresponding revised scale corresponding to
Rs.12250-19800 and the post may be designated as Senior Scientific
Officer (NC).
Health Services
Nursing Services
9.137. Nursing Tutor with degree in Nursing on completion of 8
years of service may be given non-cadre promotion under Time
Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.11910-19350 and re-designated as Vice Principal
9.138. Vice Principal with degree in Nursing with 7 years or 15
years of service in the cadre of Tutor and Vice Principal together may
be given non cadre promotion under Time Bound Career
Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.12930-20250 and re-designated as Nursing Officer (NC).
9.139. Medical Officer with degree in Homoeopathy on completion
of 8 years of service may be given non-cadre promotion under Time
Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and designated as Chief Medical
Officer (NC).
9.140. Chief Medical Officer on completion of 7 years or 15 years
of service in the cadre of Medical Officer and the Chief Medical Officer
together, may be given non-cadre promotion under Time Bound
Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.12930-20250 and re-designated as Superintendent (NC).
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-designated as
Insurance Medical Officer (NC).
9.145. Assistant Engineer with degree in Engineering on
completion of 8 years of service may be given non-cadre promotion
under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and designated as Assistant
Executive Engineer (NC).
9.146. Assistant Executive Engineer with degree on completion of
7 years or 15 years of service in the cadre of Assistant Engineer and
Assistant Executive Engineer together may be given non-cadre
promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-designated as
Executive Engineer (NC).
Land Use Board
9.147. Agricultural Officer, Soil Survey Assistant with degree in
Agriculture on completion of 8 years of service may be given non-
cadre promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and designated as
Assistant Director (NC).
9.148. Assistant Director with 7 years service or 15 services in the
cadre of Agricultural Officer/Soil Survey Assistant and Assistant
Director together may be given non-cadre promotion under Time
Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.13610-20700 and re-designated as Deputy
Director (NC).
Ports Department
9.149. Assistant Engineer (Marine, Mechanical) with degree in
Engineering on completion of 8 years of service may be given non-
cadre promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and designated as
Assistant Executive Engineer (NC).
9.150. Assistant Engineer/Assistant Executive Engineer with degree on
completion of 7 years or 15 years of service in the cadre of Assistant
Engineer and Assistant Executive Engineer together may be given
non -cadre promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement
Scheme in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 and re-
designated as Executive Engineer (NC).
Soil Conservation
9.151. Soil Conservation Officer with degree in Agriculture on
completion of 8 years of service may be given non-cadre promotion
under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and designated as Assistant
Director (NC).
9.152. Assistant Director on completion of 7 years or 15 years of
service in the cadre of Soil Conservation Officer and Assistant
Director together, may be given non-cadre promotion under Time
Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.13610-20700 and re-designated as Deputy
Director (NC).
Soil Survey
9.153. Soil Survey Officer/ Research
Assistant/Cartographer/Technical Assistant with degree in Agriculture
on completion of 8 years of service may be given non-cadre
promotion under Time Bound Career Advancement Scheme in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.12250-19800 and designated as
Assistant Director (NC).
9.154. Assistant Director on completion of 7 years or 15 years of
service in the cadre of Soil Survey Officer/Research
Assistant/Cartographer/Technical Assistant and Assistant Director
together may be given non-cadre promotion under Time Bound
Career Advancement Scheme in the scale of pay corresponding to
Rs.13610-20700 and re-designated as Deputy Director (NC).
more than 100 Sq. Mts. but below 800 Sq. Mts, a post of Part-time
Contingent Sweeper is to be created by the Govt. and a person
appointed against it from a list to be called for from the local
Employment Exchange. Such Part-time Contingent employees are
entitled to a remuneration based on the ‘sweeping area’. For a
sweeping area between 400-800 sq. mts. the present remuneration
is Rs.2700/month +D.A. and for a sweeping area between 100-400
Sq. Mts., the same will be Rs.2300+DA. One of the clauses in this
order is that if the sweeping area is above 800 sq. mts. but below
900 sq. mts., a part- time contingent sweeper and a casual sweeper
can be engaged. The same logic will apply if the area exceeds 1600
sq. mts. Where the total sweeping area is less than 100 Sq./mts.
Casual sweepers are utilized on a consolidated remuneration of
Rs.1000/- per month.
10.5. In sequel to the judgment of the Hon’ble HC of Kerala in WA No.
1863/2004 filed by Government of Kerala, Govt. vide
GO(P)No.61/2010/Fin dtd, 9.02.2010 ordered that all fresh
appointments of sweepers in temporary establishments shall be
made only through nearest Kudumbasree Units . It has also been
ordered therein that if a sweeper is appointed in view of exigencies
and without going through the local Employment Exchange, such an
appointment shall be made only through the nearest “Kudumbasree”
unit. Appointment of Sweepers in temporary establishments
irrespective of sweeping area and in permanent establishments
where the sweeping area is less than 100 sq. mts, shall be made only
through Kudumbasree, with effect from the date of that order. The
competent authority will execute agreement with the Kudumbasree
to this effect and the mode of payment will be made only through
Kudumbrasree and not directly to the sweeper so engaged. In such
cases, the appointment at a time shall be for a maximum of 179
days only. On completion of 179 days, the services of the person so
engaged shall be terminated and another person has to be engaged
through the “Kudumbasree” itself.
10.6. Other than Sweepers, Gardeners, Watchmen, Mess boys, Ayahs etc.
constitute a large portion of Part-time Contingent Employees.
Although some of them might have to remain on duty for longer
hours than sweepers, the nature of their duties is such that they
need not be fully engaged during office hours. With a view to provide
avenues of promotion to Part-time Contingent employees to regular
posts in the Last Grade Service, Government have reserved certain
posts for being filled up by the Part-time Contingent employees.
Necessary provision has also been incorporated in the special Rules
for the Kerala Last Grade Service for the purpose. In GO (Ms) No.
71/82/GAD. dated 18th March 1982, Government ordered that the
appointment to the posts reserved in the Last Grade service for the
Part-time Contingent employees would be made by promotion of the
Part-time Contingent employees based on a common seniority list of
all such employees prepared on Revenue District-wise basis. The
work of preparation and maintenance of the common seniority list
and making of promotion from the list in each District has been
entrusted to the District Collector.
10.7. For providing more promotional avenues to the Part-time Contingent
Employees, Government have also amended the Special Rules for
the Kerala Last Grade Service, in GO (P) No. 47/90/P&ARD dated
31.10.1990. According to the above amendment, 50% of the posts
coming under category IV of the service in the Departments of
Health Services, Indian Systems of Medicine (including Ayurveda
Medical Education), Homoeo, Insurance Medical Services and Medical
Education are to be filled up by promotion from the Part-time
Contingent Employees of the respective Departments, and the
remaining 50% and the entire vacancies in the other Departments
are to be filled up by part-time employees of the remaining
Departments (except the Departments of Animal Husbandry,
Museums and Zoos, Governor’s Secretariat, Departments in the
Secretariat, including Law, Legislature and Finance, Judicial
Department, Public Service Commission, and Office of the Advocate
General). These posts are to be filled up by the respective appointing
authorities, by promotion from the candidates, advised by the
District Collectors from seniority list of Part-time Contingent
employees prepared on a District wise basis.
10.8. But the above order was stayed by the Hon. High Court in their
Judgment dated 11.1.1991 in CMP No. 735/91, in OP No. 463/91-E
and Government have issued interim orders in GO (P)No.
46/91/P&ARD dated. 30.12.1991 stating that the vacancies in posts
coming under category IV of the Special Rules for the Kerala Last
Grade Services will temporarily be filled up by promoting the Part-
time Contingent Employees of the respective Departments based on
the provisions in the Rules that existed prior to the amendment in
GO dated 31.10.1990, subject to review depending on the final
decision of the High Court in O.P. No. 463/91.
10.9. The remuneration paid to Part-Time contingent employees has
undergone revision generally along with the Pay Revision of State
Government Employees and Teachers. The categorization of the
employees based on floor area to be swept also underwent changes.
On examination of the periodical increase given in the rate of
remuneration allowed to Part-time Contingent Employees at the
time of general Pay Revisions it can be seen that the rate of
increase maintained parity up to certain limit to that of Class IV or
other categories of Govt. Employees.
10.10. The existing rate of remuneration to Part Time Contingent Employees
is as follows:
10.11. The Part–Time contingent employees are also eligible for the
following benefits
(i) For those who have put in a total of 8 years of service as
Part-time Contingent employee, an increase of Rs.150/-in the
basic remuneration will be allowed. For those who have put
in a total of 16 years of service as Part-time Contingent
employee, an increase of Rs.300/- (Rs.150+150) in the basic
remuneration will be allowed. For those who have put in a
total of 23 years of service, an increase of Rs.400/-
(Rs.150+150+100) in the basic remuneration will be
(ii) Casual Leave for 20 days during a calendar year.
(iii) Leave without Allowances in special circumstances for a total
period of 120 days in calendar year.
(iv) Special Casual Leave for undergoing sterilization operation
for a period not exceeding 6 days for man and 14 days for
(v) Leave surrender facilities will be as admissible to
Government employees.
(vi) Earned Leave will be at the rate of 1/22 for the period spent
on duty, subject to a maximum of 15 days in a year.
(vii) C.C.A. at the rate of Rs.12/- per month for those who are
working in the designated cities.
(viii) Eligibility for minimum pension with a qualifying service of
10 years.
(ix) Gratuity at ½ month’s basic pay last drawn for every
completed year subject to a maximum of 16½ month’s basic
(x) Government vide G.O.(P) No. 127/2005 Fin. dated,
17/03/2005 and published as S.R.O No. 349/2005 have
introduced Provident Fund Scheme for the Part–time
Contingent Employees. An amendment to the above rules
has been made by Govt. vide G.O.(P) No. 205/2010 Fin.
dated, 29/03/2010 and published as S.R.O No. 343/2010
where by the duty of maintaining the same has been
brought under the control of Accountant General (Kerala)
(xi) Government vide G.O(P)No.26/2010/P&ARD. dated,
10/08/2010 have enhanced the number of days of Maternity
Leave of Part- time Contingent Employees up to 180 days.
(xii) Hill Tract allowance @ Rs.100/- per month.
10.12. The following are the main demands put in before the Commission
on behalf of the Part-time Contingent Employees.
(i) To sanction scale of pay, increments and other allowances as
in the case of regular employees and to count the period
of service for grade.
(ii) To enhance the conveyance allowance of handicapped Part-
time Contingent employees.
(iii) To sanction minimum pension to those Part-time Employees
who have put in a total service of 20 years.
(iv) To provide Uniform allowance, House Building Allowance etc.
to Part- time Contingent Employees.
(v) To sanction minimum pension to those handicapped Part-
time Contingent Employees who have put in a total service
of 2 years as in the case of regular employees.
(vi) To relax the rules regarding transfer.
10.13. Casual Sweepers
10.13.1. Government vide GO (P) No. 154/2008/Fin. dated, 5/04/2008
enhanced the wages of Casual Sweepers from Rs.750/- to Rs.1000/-
10.13.2. The main demands raised by the Staff Associations before the
Commission regarding the Casual Sweepers are:-
(i) To enhance the present remuneration from Rs.1000/- p.m. to
Rs.2000/- p.m.
(ii) To prepare a District wise seniority list of Casual Sweepers
and post them as Part-time Sweepers.
(iii) To dispense with the mode of appointment of Part-time
Sweepers from Employment Exchange and to appoint Part-
time Sweepers from the District wise seniority list of Casual
(iv) To convert the post of Casual Sweepers to Part-time
10.14. The demand for a regular scale of pay along with grades etc was
strongly voiced before the 7th Pay Revision Committee also. Some of
the other demands like HRA, CCA etc. will automatically follow once
a regular pay scale is granted to PTC employees. The 7 th PRC had
remarked that according to the existing terms and conditions of PTC
employees they should do half-a day’s work. Essentially they are
employed for work which is not full-time in nature and that is an
important factor to be reckoned while evaluating the demand for full-
time employees’ benefits with a regular scale of pay. It is illogical to
recruit a Full-time employee against a post with lesser job
requirement and to perform part-time work. It is also not possible to
increase the current work load of the PTC employees into a full-time
nature by adding other items to their prescribed type of work.
10.15. Taking note of the nature of work of Part-time Contingent employees
and the recurring financial liabilities, the Pay Revision Commission-
2005 suggested that the Government should explore the possibility
of out sourcing most of the work currently being performed by Part-
time Contingent employees. Organisations like Kudumbashree and
Seva and other NGOs can surely provide the type of service on a
contract basis with considerably lesser financial out flow from
government sources for getting the services like sweeping, watching
10.16. The recommendations regarding continuance or abolition of Part-
Time Contingency posts in Govt. Service by the previous Pay
Commissions have neither been examined by Govt. nor issued orders
implementing the same. Recent developments extending various
measures taken by Govt. to improve the service conditions of Part-
Time Contingent employees may perhaps give emphasis on
Governments’ intention to bring this category at least to the lowest
rung of Public Service. Even though they have been placed at better
level in the case of pay and other perks, coverage of Social Security
Schemes like Family Benefit and Group Insurance are yet to be
extended to them.
10.17. The Commission had gone through the long pending demand of the
employees coming under Part-Time Contingent Service that to allow
them regular scale of pay as in the case of other State Government
Employees and feels that the same warrants consideration. To bring
this category to the mainstream of the Public Service, the
Commission is of the view that this category may be placed in a
better footing . Hence for the first time this Commission recommends
regular scales of pay to the Part–Time Contingent employees as
shown below.
5520 -120 - 6000 -140 - 6700 - 160 - 7500 - 180 -
(4) (5) (5) (5)
4850 -110 5400 -120 -6000 -140 -6700 -160
(5) (5) (5) (5)
Category -III
4250 -100 -4850 -110 -5400 -120 -6000 -140
(6) (5) (5) (5)
10.21. The existing benefits of extra remuneration for completion of
8/16/23 years of service may be discontinued taking into account the
introduction of pay scales to Part-Time Contingent Employees.
10.22. The existing rate of CCA entitled to Part-Time Contingent
Employees who are working in designated cities may be revised to
Rs.50/- p.m.
10.23. All other benefits as explained in para 10.11 above may be allowed
to continue.
10.24. The existing wages of Casual Sweepers may be enhanced from
Rs.1000/- p.m. to Rs.1500/- p.m.
11.1 The payment of Pension to a retired employee is an obligation on the
part of the Employer - the State - for the past and long loyal service
rendered by the employee during the best part of his life. This is the
basic principle regarding grant of pension to an employee who retires
from service on superannuation or retires voluntarily after completion
of the required period of qualifying service. This basic principle has
since been radically changed and the length of minimum service
required for making an employee eligible for pension has become
irrelevant by the introduction of pension to ex-personal staff of
Ministers/Leader of Opposition/Government Chief Whip in 1994 and
non-statutory ex-gratia pension in 1999. The State Government
employees who retired from service on or after 01.01.1956 are
eligible for pension under the provisions of Part III, Kerala Service
Rules except those who opted for pension under the old rules viz., the
Travancore Service Regulation, Cochin Service Regulation or the
Madras Fundamental Rules as the case may be.
11.2 The Terms of Reference of the 9th Pay Revision Commission require it
to examine and suggest changes if any to the benefits available to
service pensioners. The views and suggestions of the Service
Organisations and Pensioners’ Associations were sought for by the
Commission. Various Organisations of serving employees as well as
Associations of pensioners have responded to the questionnaire
issued in this regard and furnished their views along with several
demands before the Commission. A good number of individuals have
also approached the Commission making various suggestions. The
major demands include full pension for 20 years of service, 50% of
last pay drawn should be given as pension, adoption of additional
pension to aged pensioners, enhancement of ceiling of Gratuity to Rs.
10 lakhs etc, as available to the Central Government pensioners,
based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.
11.3 During the same period (2007 – 08) the number of pensioners in the
State was 4.41 lakh and the total expenditure towards payment of
pensionary benefits during that year was Rs.4924.53 crore.
11.4 Information provided by the Heads of Departments to the Commission
reveals that the number of retirees during 2009-10 was 13243and
the number of employees/teachers due to retire as on 31 st March,
2011 is 14515.
Non availability of exact data
11.5 The major problems faced by this Commission to make a detailed
study on various issues involved in the existing pension schemes in
the State is the non-availability of exact data regarding the number
of existing pensioners, exact number of pensioners retired during the
last year, the number of pensioners receiving pension from Public
Sector Banks, etc. According to the figures provided by the
Accountant General to the Commission the total number of
pensioners in the State as on 31.03.2010 is 5,02,902 based on the
pension payment orders issued, the details of which are as follows:
Number of Superannuation pensioners : 4, 21,509
Number of family pensioners : 74,526
Number of Ex-gratia pensioners : 3,543
Number of invalid pensioners : 235
Number of personal staff pensioners : 704
Number of Part-time service pensioners : 2385
Total : 5, 02,902
11.6 The data regarding the details of pensioners receiving pension through
Public Sector Banks is not being maintained by the Accountant
General. The Director of Treasuries reported that the number of live
pensioners in the State is 5, 28,296 of which 91,748 pensioners are
drawing pension through Public Sector Banks. The figures collected
by the Commission from the concerned District Treasury Officers
indicate that about 1, 05,025 pensioners are receiving pension
through Banks. In case the data provided by the Director of Treasury
is correct, the number of pensioners has increased by 91% during the
last 15 years (The number of pensioners during 1995-96 was 2,
76,900). The expenditure on pension during 2009-10 has been
increased by 650% of the expenditure during 1995-96 (the total
expenditure was Rs.716.68 Cr. And that during 2009-10 was
Rs.4628.30 Cr.). So, while examining the demands put forth by
various service/pension associations the Commission has to ensure a
fair deal to all the pensioners simultaneously, keeping in view the
capacity of the Govt. to bear the additional burden of the financial
liability involved.
Pension to All India Service Officers
11.7 As per letter No.25014/2/2002-AIS(II) dated 11.4.2007 Government of
India have decided to take over the entire pension liability of All India
Service Officers retired as well as retiring both from the State and
Central Government. Government of India will reimburse the
expenditure connected with the payment of pension and other
retirement benefits in respect of All India Service pensioners /family
pensioners incurred by the State Government with effect from
1.4.2008. Accordingly detailed instructions were issued in
Government circular No.2/2010/Fin. dated 06.01.2010, directing all
the Treasury Officers to ensure that payment of pension, DCRG,
Commuted Value of Pension and family pension are accounted under
the head “8658 Suspense Accounts-00-101-PAO Suspense 99-
Transaction adjustable by PAO, CPAO New Delhi 01-AIS Officers” and
to forward the vouchers to the Central Pension Accounts Office. The
District Treasury Officers who are responsible for accounting
transactions made by the nominated Public Sector Banks under the
scheme of payment of Kerala Pension through Public Sector Banks
are required to obtain separate scrolls for All India Service pensioners
and other pensioners from the link branches concerned and to ensure
that the expenditure is accounted under the above mentioned
suspense head separately so as to enable the Accountant General to
claim reimbursement from CPAO, New Delhi.
Pensionary claims and other retirement/Terminal benefits in
(i) Superannuation Pension:
11.8 Superannuation pension is granted to a Government servant who
retires on his attaining the age of compulsory retirement. The age of
superannuation of various categories of employees is given below.
Category of Officers Age in
All India Service
High Court Judges 62
Officers governed by KSR 55
Last grade employees entered in service prior to 7.4.1970 60
Aided School/Pvt. College Teachers governed by C XIV B 60
KER/Statute I
NMR workers appointed prior to 7.4.70 58
Part-time contingent employees 70
State Judicial Officers (from Munisiff to District Judge) 60
(ii) Retiring Pension
11.9 Retiring pension is granted to a Government servant who retires in
advance of the age of compulsory retirement after completion of a
qualifying service of 20 years under Rule 56 Part III KSR. The actual
period of qualifying service as on the intended date of retirement of
the employee shall be increased by a period not exceeding 5 years
subject to the condition that the total qualifying service after allowing
the weightage shall not exceed 33 years.
(iii) Compassionate Allowance
11.10 A Government servant who is dismissed or removed from service is
not entitled to pension and gratuity. A Compassionate Allowance in
cases deserving of special consideration may be granted.
Compassionate Allowance is sanctioned only after the eligibility is
verified and reported by the Accountant General and the same shall
not exceed two-third of the pension, which the officer would have
drawn had he retired on the date of dismissal/removal. There is no
provision for payment of DCRG in such cases. Compassionate
Allowance will be sanctioned with prospective effect only and a
minimum qualifying service of 10 years is required for the purpose.
(iv) Compensation Pension
11.11 When a post is abolished the officer who is occupying the post will
have to be discharged from service. On such occasion the officer will
be given the option either to accept pension which he may be
entitled for the service he has rendered or to accept another
appointment. If the officer chooses to accept pension he will be
discharged from service and he will be given compensation pension.
Compensation Pension can be claimed as a matter of right.
(v) Invalid Pension
11.12 Invalid pension may be granted if a Government servant retires
from service on account of any bodily or mental infirmity which
permanently incapacitates him from the service. In the case of
Government servants who are invalidated as per the existing rules,
irrespective of the length of service put in by them, the actual period
of qualifying service as on the intended date of invalidation shall be
increased by a period of 5 years subject to the condition that the total
qualifying service after allowing the weightage shall not exceed 30
years. A minimum qualifying service of 10 years is required for the
grant of invalid pension. For commutation of pension, medical
examination is necessary.
(vi) Provisional Pension
11.13 While any departmental or judicial proceedings is initiated against
a retired officer, he shall be paid provisional pension from the date of
retirement till the date of passing final orders of the proceedings, an
amount not exceeding the pension which would have been
admissible to him. The pension so paid will be adjusted against final
retirement benefits sanctioned on conclusion of the proceedings but
no recovery shall be made when the pension finally sanctioned is less
than the provisional pension. Any reduction in pension shall have only
prospective effect from the date of order.
Pension to Panchayat Employees
11.14 Panchayat employees of the State (except the contingent
employees) have been declared as full scale Government servants
with effect from 03.02.1987 as per G.O. (Ms)No.25/87/LAD dated,
03.02.1987. They will however continue to draw their emoluments
from Panchayat fund. All the terminal benefits including pension will
also be paid from Panchayat fund.
Ex-gratia pension
11.15 In G.O. (P) No. 1851/99/Fin. dated 18.05.1999 Government
introduced the scheme of Ex-gratia Pension to State Government
employees who retire from service on superannuation but do not
have the minimum qualifying service (i.e., 10 years) required for
statutory service pension. The scheme came into effect from 1 st
October 1999 onwards. The minimum ex-gratia pension was Rs.400/-
p.m. for qualifying service of and above 3 years and the maximum
amount of ex-gratia pension was Rs.1148/- p.m. for 9 years of
qualifying service. The scheme was subsequently extended to the
employees coming under the direct payment system in aided
educational institutions, employees of local bodies etc. 8 th Pay
Revision Commission (2004) had recommended an ad hoc increase of
10% in the consolidated amount of ex gratia pension for those who
retired prior to 1.7.2004. Accordingly Government issued orders in
G.O. (P) No.180/06/ Fin. dated 18.4.2006 inter alia issued orders
increasing ex gratia pension by 10% to those who retired prior to
1.7.2004 giving effect from 1.4.2005 onwards. But as per G.O.(P)
No.420/07/Fin dated 13.9.2007 Government revised the rate of ex
gratia pension with retrospective effect from 1.4.2005 as follows:
Table 11.1
Completed year of qualifying Revised consolidated
service amount of pension
9 years 2160
8 years 1920
7 years 1680
6 years 1440
5 years 1200
4 years 960
3 years and below 720
subject to a maximum of 15 days in a year with permission to
surrender EL as in the case of regular employees. Accordingly
Government issued orders in G.O (P) No. 27/91/P&ARD dated
3.9.1991 allowing pension to part time- Contingent employees who
retires from service on or after 1.7.1988. Thus minimum pension as
per the 2004 Revision is Rs.800 p m and the maximum pension is
Rs.1500 p.m. The existing minimum and maximum family pension in
respect of part time contingent pensioners is Rs.700/- and Rs.1200
Pension to Ex- Personal Staff
11.17 The Vth Kerala Pay Revision Committee (1988) recommended grant
of pensionary benefits to the personal staff of Chief Minister, Leader
of opposition and Ministers subject the following conditions:
i. Pension may be paid without insisting minimum service; but
the minimum amount of pension stipulated for regular
employees may be given.
ii. Full pension may be paid to those who complete 30 years of
service at the age of 55.
iii. Actual service including broken periods; but excluding actual
break may be reckoned.
iv. Gratuity may be paid at the same rate and subject to the
same monetary limits applicable to regular employees.
v. No commutation of pension be allowed.
vi. Family pension may be allowed at the same rates as for
regular employees.
11.18 But the Government did not accept the recommendation in toto. In
1994 Government issued amendment to the Special Rules for the
Personal Staff of the Ministers, the Leader of Opposition and the
Government Chief Whip as S.R.O. No.1347/94 introducing pension to
the personal staff giving effect to the persons who were in service of
the staff of the Ministers, Leader of Opposition and the Government
Chief Whip on or after 1.4.1982.The minimum service required for
pension under this scheme is three years and the minimum pension
was Rs.100/- p.m. According to this scheme pension is admissible to
a person having at his credit more than two years of service ie.,2
years and at least one day’s service is enough. According to an
amendment issued as S.R.O. No.777/2009, break of service not
exceeding 120 days in the entire service shall be counted as
qualifying service for pensionary benefits. Govt. as per G.O. (P)
No.461/2007/Fin. dated, 25.09.2007 revised the rates of pension in
respect of the personal staff pensioners. Accordingly the minimum
pension to this category stands modified to Rs.600/- p.m. and the
maximum pension is 50% of the average emoluments for 30 years
service and proportionate reduction for service less than 30 years as
in the case of State pensioners. So the revision of pensionary
benefits of State pensioners may lead to the revision of pension in
the case of personal staff pensioners also.
Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity
11.19 Almost all Associations have requested to enhance the maximum
limit of Death-cum- Retirement Gratuity to Rs.10 lakh from the
existing limit of Rs.3.30 lakh. Some Associations have requested to
fix the minimum amount of DCRG at Rs.3 lakh. Our neighbouring
States viz; Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have taken a
decision to enhance the ceiling on DCRG to Rs.10 lakh.
Family Pension
11.20 Major demands are the following:
i. Family pension should be at the same rates as of service
ii. Enhanced rate of family pension in the case of death while in
service may be enhanced to 10 years.
iii. Changes proposed for revision of service pension should be
made applicable to revision of family pension also.
11.21 According to the Government of India pension Rules, the normal
family pension is 30% of the pay last drawn and the enhanced family
pension is 50% of the pay last drawn. In Kerala, the same formula is
being followed. But the enhanced family pension at 50% of the pay
last drawn is payable to the family pension beneficiary for a
maximum period of 7 years from the date of death of
employee/pensioner or till the employee/pensioner attains the age of
62 years had he been alive, whichever is earlier.
Medical Allowance
11.22 Pensioners who have attained the age of 70 years were granted an
allowance of Rs.25/- per mensem with effect from 01.04.1986. This
benefit was later extended to the pensioners who attained 65 years
of age with effect from 1.7.1988 as per G.O.(P)No.670/89/Fin dated
26.12.89. The allowance was subsequently enhanced to Rs.50/- p.m.
from the first of the month in which a pensioner completes 60 years
of age or w.e.f. 25.11.98 whichever is later. As the introduction of a
health insurance scheme to the pensioners involves some practical
difficulties, the 8th PRC had recommended enhancement of medical
allowance from Rs.50/- p.m. to Rs.100/- p.m., irrespective of the age
of pensioner and also to those who retired from the
UGC/AICTE/Medical Education/Central Judicial scales of pay etc. The
medical allowance was extended to the family pensioners and part
time contingent pensioners also. Ex-gratia pensioners, re-employed
pensioners, employed family pensioners and Ex-personal staff of
Ministers, Govt. Chief Whip, etc are not eligible for medical allowance.
The Associations have pointed out that the paltry allowance of Rs.100
per month is inadequate to meet the medical expenses. The
Associations have therefore suggested to revise the rate of medical
allowance to Rs.500 or 1000 p.m. Demands are seen raised for
extending the benefit to ex-gratia pensioners also.
Terminal Surrender
11.23 The maximum number of earned leave that can be encashed at the
time of retirement in the case of a State Government employee is
300 days. Most of the service organizations have requested that the
ceiling on terminal surrender of earned leave may be dispensed with.
In the case of Central Government employees, the ceiling on terminal
surrender is 300 days, but the entire EL encashed while availing LTC
(10 days EL was permitted to be encashed while availing LTC subject
to maximum of 60 days during their career) was to be reduced till
31.12.2005.The recommendation of the 6th Central Pay Commission
to allow the maximum 300 days EL for encashment on retirement
without deduction of EL already availed has been accepted by the
Central Government. The State Government employees are entitled
to encash EL upto 30 days every year.
One Rank One Pension
11.24 The concept of ‘one rank one pension,’ irrespective of the date of
retirement was strongly supported by the previous State Pay Revision
Commission (8th PRC) based on the recommendation of the
Legislature Committee on non-official bills in their 36 th report. The
Legislature Committee’s observation was that even if the
implementation of one rank one pension involved huge financial
implication to the State exchequer the disparity between the
employees who retired from service during earlier periods and their
counterparts who retire in subsequent years should be minimized.
The committee had therefore suggested to ensure that at least 50 %
of the starting pay in the revised pay scale for the post in which the
pensioner retired is given as pension to the old retirees in the same
11.25 The 7th State Pay Revision Commission (1997) had examined in
detail the principle of ‘one rank one pension’ suggested by the 5th
Central Pay Commission (1996) and observed that adoption of the
same principle in Kerala would involve the notional fixation of basic
pay of employees who retired prior to the date of revision by fixing
their basic pay at each of the earlier pay revisions effected in the
State at regular intervals of 5 years. There was also the possibility of
the records having been destroyed on expiry of the scheduled
retention period. The 7th State Pay Revision Commission (1997)
therefore took the stand that an adhoc increase for past pensioners
was the only feasible solution to eliminate the inter generational
inequality among pre-revision and post-revision pensioners. The
recommendation of the Commission was 40% hike in basic pension to
those who retired prior to 1-7-1978, 20% hike to those retired
between 1-7-1978 to 1-7-1988 and 10% hike to those who retired
after 01.07.1988 till the date of revision. While implementing the
recommendations the Government enhanced the rates of hike to
50%, 30% and 20% respectively.
11.26 The 9th Pay Revision Commission (2009) of Andhra Pradesh was
also not in favour of the concept of ‘one rank one pension’. The main
reasons put forth by the Andhra Pradesh Pay Revision Commission
are : (i) the frequent pay revisions result in re-fixation of pay and it is
not necessarily in the corresponding pay scales and (ii) even in cases
where only corresponding scale is awarded , the fixation benefit
coupled with substantial increase in the quantum of increment
automatically brings in variation in pension between those who
retired prior to pay revision and those who retire subsequently and at
varying points of time. Rejecting the principle of ‘one rank one
pension’ the 9th Pay Revision Commission of Andhra Pradesh
recommended additional quantum of pension to old age pensioners
as follows:
Table 11.2
Age group of Additional quantum of
pensioners pension
75 – 80 15% of basic pension
80 – 85 20% of basic pension
85 – 90 25% of basic pension
90 – 95 30% of basic pension
95 – 100 35% of basic pension
Above 100 year 50% of basic pension
existing basic pension as fitment benefit plus merger of 59% of
Dearness Relief. If the amount so calculated is less than 50% of the
minimum of the corresponding scale of the post from which the
incumbent retired, the pension would be stepped up to 50% of the
minimum of the revised scale in the case of pensioners having a
qualifying service of 30 years and above. In the case of others with
qualifying service less than 30 years, pension proportionate to
qualifying service will alone be admissible.
State’s Own Tax Revenue and Expenditure on Pension
11.28 The 8th Pay Revision Commission (2005) had recommended
implementing the principle of ‘one rank one pension’ at a time when
the number of pensioners in the State was 3.81 lakh (2004-05). The
trend of expenditure on pension indicates that the expenditure
towards pension constitutes around 30% of the State’s own tax
revenue. During the year 2007-08 the pension expenditure marked
the highest of 36.03% of the State’s own tax revenue. (Please see
Table 11.3 below)
Table 11.3: State’s Own Tax Revenue and Expenditure on
Pension (Rs. Cr)
No of Own Tax Expenditure
Year as % of
Pensioners Revenue on Pension
2000-01 3,39,000 5870 1929.48 32.87
2001-02 3,46,500 5923 1837.93 31.03
2002-03 3,53,200 7303 2282.90 31.26
2003-04 3,58,245 8089 2408.83 29.77
2004-05 3,81,156 8964 2600.87 29.01
2005-06 3,98,007 9779 2861.18 29.26
2006-07 4,16,815 11942 3294.58 27.59
2007-08 4,41,011 13669 4924.53 36.03
2008-09 4,83,815* 15990 4687.63 29.32
2009-10 RE 5,02,902* 17403 4628.30 26.59
* As provided by the Accountant General
Source: Finance Department, Finance Accounts 2008-09
11.29 In 2003 the Reserve Bank of India constituted a Group to study the
pension liabilities of the State Governments and to make suitable
recommendations regarding the feasibility of introducing necessary
modifications in the existing pension schemes and to suggest
appropriate funding arrangements to meet the growing pension
liabilities. According to the study made by the Group, the State of
Kerala ranked top in the expenditure on pension which was 20.3% of
the total Revenue receipts of the State during 2001-02. The position
in our neighbouring States during the same year was; Andhra
Pradesh-10.6%, Karnataka-10.7%, Tamil Nadu-16.2%, etc and all
States average was 11%. Projected pension payments of State
Governments for 2010-11 as estimated by the Group indicated that
all States average pension liability will be 22.3% of States’ total
Revenue Receipts and 33.8% of States’ own revenue receipts. This
estimation is seen made by the Group based on the historical
compound growth rate of 23.6 per cent in pension payments during
the period 1980-81 to 2001-02. Projected growth rate in total revenue
and States’ own revenue receipts were based on their historical
growth rate at 14.3 per cent and 14.6 per cent respectively during
the period 1980-81 to 2001-02. In Kerala, the figures available give a
different picture as may be seen from table 11.4 below:
Pension payment as %
Total revenue receipts
Pension payment as %
of Total Revenue
State own revenue
Expenditure on Pension
Expenditure on Pension
Growth Rate
Growth Rate
of own revenue
( Rs. Crore)
2001-02 5923 31.03 9056 20.30
Source: Report of the State Expenditure Review Committee, December 2008 Budget
in Brief.
11.30 The question of extending the principle of “one rank one pension”
for the pensioners who retired during the period from 1.4.2004 to
30.6.2009 and the revision of pensionary benefits have to be
examined in the above background. Of course the Commission is
expected to ensure a fair deal to all the pensioners simultaneously
keeping in view, the State’s capacity to bear additional financial
burden involved consequent on the revision of pensionary benefits.
11.31 Several States in India have adopted the pension scheme of the
Central Government consequent on the recommendations of the 6 th
Central Pay Commission, with certain modifications. Our neighbouring
States viz; Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka are among the States
where the Central Pension scheme has not been made applicable. In
all the Indian States, except Kerala, the age of retirement of
employees is 58 years or above. So while considering the question of
revision of the existing pensionary claims in this State, a comparison
with other States or extension of benefits available in those States to
Kerala pensioners is not advisable especially for the reasons that the
number of pensioners and the number of employees and teachers in
Kerala are almost the same, that employees having less than 10
years’ service at the time of retirement are enjoying monthly ex-
gratia pension, that around 20% of the State’s Revenue is being met
towards pension expenditure, etc.
Previous Pension Revisions in Kerala
(i) Pension Revision ordered in G.O. (P) No.456/79(41) /Fin. dated
11.32 For 22 years after the Kerala State was formed in 1956 revision of
pension was not made till 1.7.1978. Only small adhoc increases were
given. Pensioners were not getting D.A. (later termed D.R.) till
1.7.1978. D.A. at a reduced rate as compared to serving employees
was sanctioned in the pension revision ordered in G.O, (p) No.456/79
(41) /Fin. dated 5.5.1979. D.A. at 12% subject to a minimum of
Rs.15/- and a maximum of Rs.75/- p.m. was allowed. Serving
employees were allowed D.A. at 15% of pay (which included D.A. till
then paid) upto Rs.400/-. Dearness Allowance at the same rates as
for serving employees was allowed with effect from 1.1.1987 as per
G.O. (p) No.674/87/Fin. dated 14.8.1987. Percentage increase in
pension was sanctioned as detailed below:
1 Those who retired prior 25% of pension Subject to a
to 14.11.1966 minimum of Rs.50/-
2 Those who retired during 20% of pension subject to a
the period from minimum of Rs.40/-
4.11.1966 to 31.3.1969
3 Those who retired during 10% of pension subject to a
the period from 1.4.1969 minimum of Rs.25/-
to 30.6.1973
4 Those who retired during 5% of pension subject to a
the period from 1.7.1973 minimum of Rs. 15/-
to 30.6.1978
Pension for the above purpose will also include the commuted portion,
if any.
(ii)Pension revision ordered in G.O. (P) No.235/86/ (45) /Fin. dated
11.33 The fourth Kerala Pay Commission had classified the pensioners
into five categories. The minimum basic pension was fixed as Rs.150
p.m. and the minimum basic family pension was Rs.120 p.m. The
ceiling on pension was raised from Rs.1500 to Rs.1750. Medical
benefit allowed to the pensioners and his spouse was extended to
minor children of pensioners also. Pensioners who have completed
the age of 70 years were granted an allowance of Rs.25/- per
mensem for medical treatment from the month of April 1986
onwards. The revised pensionary benefits were given with effect from
1.4.1985. Increase in pension of each of the five categories was as
i. Those who retired prior to 1.11. 1956 - 30%
ii. Those who retired from 1.11.1956 to 13.11.1966. - 20%
iii. Those who retired from 14.11.1966 to 31.3.1969. - 15%
iv. Those who retired from 1.4.1969 to 30.6.1973. - 12 ½
v. Those who retired from 1.7.1973 to 30.6.1978. - 7½
vi. Those who retired from 1.7.1978 to 30.6.1983. - 5%
(iii) Pension Revision sanctioned in G.O. (P) No.670/89/Fin.dated
11.34 The minimum pension and family pension were increased to Rs.285
and Rs.245 p.m. respectively. The ceiling on pension was increased
from Rs.1750 to Rs.2500 p.m. The ceiling on DCRG was enhanced
from Rs.45000 to Rs.60000. The revision was given effect from
1.7.1988. The increase in pension of the various categories was as
1. Those who retired prior to 14.11.1966. - 12 ½
2. Those who retired from 14.11.1966 to 30.6.1973. - 5%
3. Those who retired from 1.7.1973 to 30.6.1978. -
4. Those who retired from 1.7.1978 to 30.6.1983. -
Medical allowance of Rs.25/- was extended to those above the age of
65. D.A. at 608 points of AICPI was merged with pension. Increase in
pension on applying 50% formula instead of slab rate was given.
Minimum pension and minimum family pension were enhanced to
Rs.285/- and Rs.245/- respectively.
(iv) Pension Revision sanctioned in G.O. (P) No.365/94/Fin. dated,
01.06.1994 w.e.f. 01.07.1993, (modifying the earlier date of
11.35 Minimum pension and minimum family pension was enhanced to
Rs.375/-. The maximum ceiling on pension is Rs.3650 p.m. The ceiling
on DCRG was enhanced to Rs.80000.
Pension of part-time contingent employees was also enhanced. Medical
allowance was enhanced to Rs.50/- and was extended to those above
the age of 60.
(vi) Pension Revision ordered in G.O. (P) No.180/06/Fin. dated
18.04.2006 with effect
from 01.07.2004, with monetary benefit from 1.4.2005
11.37 Pension was refixed merging 59% of D.R. and 6% fitment benefit
subject to a minimum of Rs.200/-. One rank one pension scheme was
introduced. Pension and family pension is to be fixed at 50% and
30% respectively of the minimum of the revised scale of pay of the
post of retirement, if it is higher than what is fixed with fitment
benefit. The pension will be fixed at the rate admissible to the
qualifying service, if it is less than 30 years. Ceiling on DCRG,
commuted value, pension, etc. were changed and enhanced.
Commutation was enhanced from 1/3 to 40% of pension. Minimum
pension and minimum family pension were enhanced to Rs.2400/-.
Medical Allowance was enhanced to Rs.100/- and allowed to all
pensioners/Family pensioners irrespective of age with effect from
1.3.2006. This benefit was later given to pensioners from part-time
contingent posts also.
Part-time contingent pensioners were given refixation of pension as
in the case of pensioners, with minimum benefit of Rs.125/-. Existing
minimum and maximum of pension and family pension were revised
as detailed below:
Minimum(p.t.c.pension) Maximum(p.t.c.pension)
1. Pension Rs.800/- Rs.1500/-
2. Family pension Rs.700/- Rs.1200/-
Several orders including those relating to work establishment
pension, Ex-gratia pension, amendments to pension Rules in part III,
KSRs, pension to disabled employees with only 3 years of service,
unmarried daughters, personal staff of the Ministers, Speaker, etc.
have been issued during the period in which pension revisions as
mentioned earlier were given.
11.38 The salient features of the pension revisions from 1978 onwards
are given in brief to give an idea of the benefits allowed to
pensioners, which have increased at least in one or two benefits.
Since the 1997 and 2006 pension revisions are the latest and have
some special features, a discussion on these two revisions are
attempted below:
1997 Pension Revision
11.39 For the first time in the pay and pension revisions in our State,
orders on pay and pension revisions were issued on the same day ie.
25.11.1998. The necessity to bridge the gap between the retirees at
different times was realised. The feasible course of action to achieve
the above purpose was decided as suitable percentage increase, the
earlier retirees being given higher percentage increase. Pre 1978
pensioners were not getting D.A. on pension. They did not get the
benefit of pension revision. Chances of promotion from time bound
grades were non-existent then, it being introduced in1979 (1.7.1979)
and further liberalised since then. Since several pay revisions had
taken place unlike at the Centre, the re-fixation of pension treating
the pensioner as if he were in service for pay fixations after his
retirement recommended by the Fifth Central Pay Commission and
accepted by the Central Government which established near parity
between past and later pensioners (pre 1.1.1996 pensioners and
those who retired after 1.1.1996), was not feasible. Hence the only
possible course was to give percentage increase (higher rate to
earlier retirees). Pre 1.1.1987 retirees were getting only lesser rate
of D.A. Hence those who retired during the period from 1.7.1978 to
30.6.1988 also deserved higher percentage increase than later
retirees. The addition of the two interim reliefs to the pension was
also a proper and commendable decision.
2006 Pension Revision
11.40 The Commission accepted 01.07.2004 as the date of effect of
changes but denied the monetary benefit for the period from
01.07.2004 to 31.03.2005. The Commission recommended adoption
of ‘one rank one pension’ in the manner that an employee retiring
after 30 years or more of qualifying service would be entitled to 50%
of the basic pay of the revised scale if he had drawn 10 months or
more of salary in the scale of corresponding rank irrespective of the
time of his superannuation and this percentage would vary
downwards depending on the length of qualifying service.
Accordingly Government in G.O. (P) No.180/20006/Fin. dated,
18.04.2006 issued orders revising the basic pension giving 6% of the
existing basic pension as fitment benefit plus merger of 59% of
Dearness Relief. If the amount so calculated is less than 50% of the
minimum of the corresponding scale of the post from which the
pensioner retired, the pension would be stepped up to 50% of the
minimum of the revised scale in the case of pensioners having a
qualifying service of 30 years and above. In the case of others with
qualifying service of less than 30 years, pension proportionate to
qualifying service will alone be admissible.
11.41 In G.O (P) No.602/2010/Fin dated 19.11.2010, Government
have ordered among other things an increase of 5% in pension and
family pension to those who retired /expired while in service during
the period from 1.3.2002 to 30.6.2004, with effect from 1.4.2009
including those who draw minimum pension/family pension.
Accordingly the minimum monthly pension/family pension stands
raised to Rs.2520/- from Rs.2400/-
11.42 The major demands of Service Organisations and Pensioners’
Associations are
(i) Stipulation of 30 years of service for full pension may be
reduced to 20 years.
(ii) Pension should be calculated on the basis of the last pay drawn
and it should be 50% of the pay.
(iii) Pension should be @ 70% of the pay last drawn.
(iv) No minimum service should be insisted for minimum pension.
(v) Additional pension to the pensioners above 80 years of age
may be granted as in Central Government. The increase is
100% to those above 100 years of age.
(vi) Weight age of 0.5% for each completed year of past service
(vii) Fitment benefit of 40% of basic pension
11.43 The Central Government has revised the pensionary benefits in
respect of Central Government Pensioners with effect from
01.01.2006 based on the recommendation of the 6th Central Pay
Commission. Prior to 01.01.2006 full pension was available only on
completion of 33 years of qualifying service in the case of Central
Government employees. An additional qualifying service up to 5
years was also allowed for computing 33 years of service to become
eligible for full pension. Thus an employee who put in a minimum
service of 28 years was eligible for full pension under the Central
Government till 31.12.2005. The 6 th Central Pay Commission had
recommended allowing 50% of the last pay drawn or 50% of the
average emoluments during the past 10 months whichever is more
beneficial to the retiring employee, as pension after completion of 20
years of service and the Central Government has accepted the
recommendation. The intention behind such a recommendation is to
motivate a Government servant to have the option of a mid career
change without losing the benefit of pension in case he had put in at
least 20 years of service in Government. In some other States where
Central pay scales are not adopted (e.g. Andhra Pradesh) 33 years of
qualifying service is required for getting full pension. Even in the last
pay revision (9th Andhra Pradesh Pay Revision implemented in 2009)
also, the limit of 33 years for full pension has been allowed to
continue in Andhra Pradesh. There is therefore no point in arguing
that the minimum service required for full pension should be reduced
to 20 years for the sole reason that new entrants come into service at
the age of 30-35 years or more. The 2004 Kerala Pay Revision
Commission also took the stand that in so far as pension is a right
secured as a result of long and loyal service, the present limit of 30
years is not an unreasonably long period for entitling a person with
full pension.
The demand that the pension should be calculated on the basis of
last pay drawn was also examined by the 2004 Pay Revision
Commission and arrived at the conclusion that the present formula
of determining pension on the basis of average emoluments of 10
months preceding superannuation should be continued. The
observation in this regard made by the 8 Pay Revision Commission
employees who retire from service with less than 10 years qualifying
service are being granted ex-gratia pension from 1999 onwards..
11.46 At any time after a Government servant has completed twenty
years qualifying service he may, by giving notice of not less than
three months in writing to the Appointing Authority, retire from
service under Rule 56, Part III, Kerala Service Rules. Several Service
Organisations have requested to reduce the period from 20 years to
15 years or 10 years for voluntary retirement. Reduction in the
period of service for voluntary retirement may create difficulties in
the retention of trained manpower besides casting upon Government
the additional liability. The 6th Central Pay Commission also was not
in favour of reduction of qualifying service required for seeking
voluntary retirement.
11.47 The 8th Pay Revision Commission had enhanced the rate of
commutation of pension to 40% of the pension, the full amount of
pension to be restored after 12 years. Various Service Organisations
have requested to enhance the rate of commutation to 50% and to
restore the commuted portion of pension after 10 years. In the case
of Central Government pensioners the rate of commutation is 40% of
pension and the period for restoration is 15 years. In the
neighbouring States like Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh the position
as in the Central Government is in existence. There is therefore no
reason to enhance the commutation of pension beyond 40% or to
reduce the restoration period from the existing level of 12 years.
11.48 The number of State pensioners belonging to different age
groups is given below:
No of No of
Pensioners Pensioners
Retirement Age
No. drawing drawing Total
Period Range
pension from pension from
Treasuries Banks
1 Before 1965 100+ 576 39 615
2 1966-70 95+ 1114 334 1448
3 1971-75 90+ 3497 1154 4651
4 1976-80 85+ 9344 3234 12578
5 1981-85 80+ 20143 7538 27681
6 1986-90 75+ 35598 13253 48851
7 1991-95 70+ 57492 17276 74768
8 1996-00 65+ 83060 20032 103092
9 2001-05 60+ 93280 19828 113108
10 2006-10 55+ 99787 7204 106991
11 < 55 14398 1500 15898
No of No of
Pensioners Pensioners
Retirement Age
No. drawing drawing Total
Period Range
pension from pension from
Treasuries Banks
12 Unknown 18282 332 18614
Total 436571 91724 528295
rounded off to Rs.4500/- which will be the minimum
pension/minimum family pension. The maximum pension
may be fixed at 50% of the maximum pay admissible to State
employees. The revised highest scale of pay recommended
by this Commission is Rs.59840/-. So the maximum pension
may be fixed at 50% of Rs.59840/- which is equal to
Rs.29920/-. The maximum family pension (normal rate may
be fixed on 30% of the maximum pay ie 30% of Rs.59840/-.
(ii) The present system of granting One Rank One Pension will not
be attractive to the pensioners who come over to the revised
pensionary structure as indicated above. The Commission is
of the view that the 12% fitment benefit allowed to the
pensioners will bring them to an advantageous stage than the
One Rank One Pension Scheme. By granting 12% fitment
benefit to all pensioners (which is 10% in the case of
employees in service) all pensioners are, assured increased
benefits than that entitled through One Rank One Pension
Scheme. However, Pensioners those who have been covered
by 5% increase in basic pension vide GO (Rt)
No.602/2010/Fin. Dated 19.11.2010 will be allowed 10%
fitment benefit only.
(v) Additional Pension/Family Pension
The additional quantum of pension to aged pensioners is
seen adopted by other States without adopting the concept of
‘one rank one pension’. The average increase in the number
of pensioners is 17000 and above per year in our State. The
expenditure during 2007-08 was more than the expenditure
during 2006-07 by Rs.1629.95 crore. This abnormal increase
requires detailed scrutiny by the Government especially in the
context that the Pay Revision Commission (2004) had
estimated an amount Rs.137 crore only per annum towards
additional expenditure on revision of pension and introduction
of ‘one rank one pension’. However the Commission
recommends that additional pension at the following rates for
pensioners/family pensioners on attaining 80 years of age
may be granted as detailed below:
On attaining
Additional Quantum of Pension
the age of
80 years 5% of revised basic pension/family pension
85 years 10% of revised basic pension /family
90 years 20% of revised basic pension/family
95 years 30% of revised basic pension/family
100 years 50% of revised basic pension/family
(vi) Commutation of Pension.
The Commutation of pension may remain at the existing rate of
40% since the rate of commutation in Central Government as well
as in other States including Andhra Pradesh is 40%.
There is no justification for reducing the period for restoration for
commuted pension from the existing 12 years to 10 years as
demanded by various Pensioners Associations. In Central
Government the period of restoration of commuted value of pension
is 15 years and this has been adopted by almost all the States
which follow the Central Pay scale. The Commission therefore
recommends to continue the period of restoration as 12 years.
(vii) DCRG
The ceiling on DCRG in the case of Central Government
employees is Rs.10lakhs w.e.f 1.1.2006 as per the 6 th Central Pay
Revision. The duration of each Pay Revision in our State is 5 years
where as Central Pay revision is once in 10 years. So it seems
inappropriate to raise the ceiling of DCRG to State employees at the
level of Rs.10 lakhs. The Commission recommends the ceiling of
DCRG to the State employees at Rs.7 lakh.
(viii) Medical Allowance to Pensioners
The Commission may recommend to continue the grant of
Medical Allowance. It is recommended that the existing rate of
Rs.100/- p.m. as medical allowance may be enhanced to Rs.300/-
(ix) The revision of pension to those under U.G.C Scheme with
reference to the scales of pay revised from 1.1.2006 may be
expedited by the Government.
(x) The Government may consider creation of a pension
department in the State in view of the position recommended
at para 15.5.1 of this Report.
(xi) A Health Care Scheme may be evolved to the Pensioners. The
Scheme implemented by the Government of Tamil Nadu as
explained at para 15.5.2 may be adopted. Alternatively,
Government may consider constituting a corpus fund and to
release specified amount to be fixed by Government for
particular disease irrespective of the medical institution in
which the pensioner is treated, to assist them who suffer from
specified serious illness.
(xii) The Commission recommends to Government that the
employees appointed as Co-terminus staff of High Court
Judges who are given assignments for a definite term of office
not less that three years may be placed on a par with the
personal staff of Ministers etc for pension. Those who are
enjoying pension under other schemes need not be
considered for further pensionary benefits under this scheme.
their approach and outlook. The first and foremost training
to be imparted to the Government Servants is regarding
their commitment to the public and the attitudinal changes.
(ii) Polite behaviour to the visitors and furnishing of
information about matters sought by them to the extent
permitted by the Rules and office procedures are also to be
ensured. Supervisory officers at all levels and the heads of
all the offices should take special care to ensure the same.
It is through the employees that the programmes of the
Government reach the people and they get opportunity to
evaluate them. The attitude and approach of the
employees towards the public, quite often, makes things
counterproductive. Effective and easy service delivery
including redressel of the grievances of the public, depends
on the attitudinal aspects of the employees. Any reform or
programme intended for public service can be reversed by
the adverse behaviour and approach of the employees.
(iii) Though there has been suggestions to provide Reception
Counters/Front Office Facilities for the public in many
important offices, it has not been effectively implemented,
except in Secretariat and a few other offices. The
Commission reiterates the need for such arrangements in
all important offices.
12.3.3. Induction Training
Efficiency in Civil Service is discussed commonly by administrators
and the citizens. Entry level training is an area of importance. This
will induct the personnel properly in the working environment saving
from the existing unhealthy working culture. Training will also induce
attitudinal changes. This is possible on a suitable timetable in every
department for one to two months in every year, after recruitment.
The department itself may offer trainings of their own to the
personnel of the department. A very deliberate and well thought out
scheme was prepared for this purpose by the Administrative Reforms
Commission (2000). We are reporting the relevant extracts below:
1. “It has been suggested in the report that any new
recruit to Government service should be provided
with focused induction training. The specifics of such
training would vary from category to category and
department to department. As such each
department may be asked to clearly specify the
training requirements of their staff at different levels
of induction as their inputs to the training policy to
be formulated by the Government. For assessing the
training requirements the following broad framework
is suggested:
2. The total employees in each department may be
divided into six distinct categories.
(i) Generalist officers of the level of Junior
Superintendent and above.
(ii) Technical officers like doctors, engineers etc.
(iii) Generalist staff particularly ministerial staff.
(iv) Technical staff including field staff like VEO, Health
Instructor etc.
(v) Other office staff mainly typists and CAs and other
similarly placed staff.
(vi) Subordinate/supporting staff like drivers,
Attenders, last grade servants, etc.
3. Except for the last two categories, the training for all
the other categories shall have a foundation
course having two components. One module of
the first component shall focus on the role of the
Government, the constitutional provisions, relation
between the Central-State and Local Governments,
role of Civil Service Organisation of the State
Government and an orientation in Information
Technology and its applications. Another module of
this component shall focus on group behavior and
public interactions. This component shall have
duration of one-month each for each module.
(I.e. Two months altogether)-
4. The second component of the foundation
course shall deal with the office procedures to be
followed, KSR, Account Code, Financial Code, KCS
(CC & A) Rules, Government Servants Conduct Rules
and the manuals to be followed. This shall be also of
two-month duration.
5. For category five, only the first component of the
foundation course shall be administered and for
category six, there shall be an abridged version of
the first component of two weeks/one month
6. Category five and six may be given placement after
completion of the above mentioned phase of
7. For the first four categories there shall be a
further on-the-job training in the concerned
department. This training may be administered by
the departmental training institutes or by involving
officers from the concerned departments. There
shall be two-week class room orientation on the role
of the concerned department, its organisation, the
major functions and the work done at each tier of the
structure and at each level in an office. This shall be
followed by actual desk attachment in the
department and the trainee will have to familiarize
himself with the work being done at each
seat/section. This desk attachment would be of
two-month duration. For the field level staff the
training shall be more oriented towards field
attachment rather than the desk attachment. It is
also desirable to include a component on
environment protection. There shall be an
evaluation of the trainee at this stage.
8. Category three and four may be given placement
after completion of the above training.
9. Regarding officers, category one and two,
there shall be further one-month training on
stress management, managing personnel,
managing the external environment, overall
office administration and personality
10. The departments concerned may specify the actual
components of the training in each of the above
modules for the above categories. Only such
trainees who pass the two-stage evaluation shall be
positioned in service. The evaluation process the
training schedule etc may be finialised as part of the
training policy with expert assistance. The venue of
training etc may be fixed on practical considerations
(Cost of building local infrastructure vis-à-vis the
recurring cost of training. No individual will be
required to perform the duties without undergoing
the induction training. The Period of Induction
Training shall be considered as duty for all
The scheme suggested above shall be taken up as early as possible.
12.4. Delegation of powers
Statutory delegation of powers may be issued in all cases where such
delegation is possible. It is to be ensured that the officers to whom
powers are delegated exercise such powers. If they are found not
capable to exercise such powers, they should be replaced by officers
who are capable to exercise the powers. Higher officers should not
take decisions on matters within the powers of lower authorities
expect when there are compelling circumstances. Seeking
clarifications from higher authorities on matters within the delegation
of powers of the lower authorities are adopted to delay matters. This
has been continuing as a practice by departmental officers. Since
such procedure is appreciated by many of the officers at the higher
level, this is being continued. There must be a check and control to
this practice and the higher authorities must initiate steps to curtail
this unpleasant practice.
12.5. Merit promotion
Appointment to posts in selection categories may be made according
to merit and ability; whereas seniority is having considered where
merit and ability; are approximately equal. Necessary provision for
this has to be made in the General Rules 28 (b).
According to General Rules 28 (b) (ii) promotion and
appointment to higher posts are to be made in accordance with
seniority subject to the person being considered suitable for the
post. Punishments other than censure awarded within a period of
three years immediately preceding such promotion or appointment
by transfer shall be taken into account in determining the suitability
of a person for promotion or appointment by transfer to posts other
than selection posts. The above mentioned Rule (b) (ii) is not being
followed strictly. No Rules have been made for the guidance of the
Heads of Departments/appointing authorities who make promotions
to non-selection posts to be filled up as per this Rule. Rule 28 (b) (ii)
is to be strictly enforced.
12.6. Steps for eradication of corruption:
Ethical standards are fast declining in public life and more so in
Government service. In the past, those working in Government had a
clear idea about the type of behaviour which is right and the type
which is wrong. There is a dangerous ethical uncertainty which is not
good for Government. More than fear of punishment what is required
is a positive belief in ethics in public life.
Police Vigilance Divisions and the Vigilance set up in the
Departments have to be strengthened. Vigilance Committees with
representatives of the service organizations have to be set up in
every office, under the head of office. Elected representatives (Local
Self Government Councils) may also be included in such committees.
The Government orders are note reaching in time in the
subordinate offices. As a result of this, the implementation of orders
are delayed inordinately. Moreover the implementation of the
Government orders are not be able to say much about
implementation when it is not monitored.
12.7. Modernization of Rules
The present system of office procedure followed in Government
Offices is quite out modeled, cumbersome and dilatory. Evaluating
the constraints of present system, the Administrative Reforms
Committee had submitted proposals to replace the existing Office
Procedure Manuals with new set of procedure incorporating
Information Technology. The various levels at which files are handled
in Government Offices based on the existing Mannuals of Office
Procedure have to be changed. There should not be handling of a file
at more than three levels. In times of urgency the principles of
jumping shall be followed. Though there had been attempts for the
revision of Rules/Methods nothing has been materialized so far. The
long keeping of files on the tables may get justification based on the
provisions of the existing manuals. This gives chances for delay and
ultimately to corruption.
The concentration of duties and powers on a single
authority causes difficulties in the successful implementation of
schemes and programmes. The District Collectors are burdened with
a variety of duties and responsibilities which he cannot carry out
successfully. So also the Secretaries of Local Bodies are entrusted
with various duties and functions. In the Municipality Act there is an
enabling provision for the Secretary to delegate any of his functions to
any officer or employee of the Municipality. But there is no provision
in the Act to delegate the duties and powers of the Secretaries to
other functionaries of the Municipality. The Secretary himself has to
exercise all the statutory duties vested on him. The secretary himself
has to exercise all the statutory duties vested on him. The
overloading and concentration of work on a single authority will result
in delay, nepotism and corruption. The problems and issues in the
urban areas like Thiruvananthapuram/Kochi and smaller urban areas
like Vaikkam, Chengannur or Paravoor have no comparison. But the
powers, duties and functions of the larger and smaller urban areas are
more or less similar. The level of officers in departments shouldering
the powers are to be divided and distributed.
12.8. Inspections
There must be periodical inspection of the works of the employees by
the superior officers. The inspections must include the movement of
files and maintenance of registers etc, the performance appraisal
must also be undertaken while conducting inspection.
12.9. Staff Conference
In every two weeks or at least once in a month the head of office
should convene staff conference. Each and every employee should
explain the works turned out by him and also the difficulties felt. The
decisions of the staff conference must be recorded and follow up
action taken.
12.10. Computerization
To increase the efficiency of civil service computerization may be
effectively implemented. A professional culture should be inculcated
among employees so that management techniques can be made use
of. The re-structuring of the departments and secretariat may be
studied and a system to make civil service more effective and public
friendly may be evolved.
A review of present state of affairs suggested that the
measures by Administrative Reforms Commission to have a system,
where monitoring of the file can be done more effectively by using
information Technology has not been taken up vigorously. Guidelines
have been issued towards establishing Computer network for the
entire Secretariat linking it to enquiry centers. However,
operationalisation of this has been too slow. Though Government
have bought computers and started distributing them to various
departments, it is not being used for the purposes for which it is
meant. In some departments the use has been confined to word
processing only. The processing of information through net working
and other related uses has not been effectively implemented and
softwares catering to the specific needs of the administration has not
been developed. One major concern of the public is delay in the
movement of files and it is high time to realize that Information
Technology can improve the matters and therefore government
should give top attention to introduce information Technology and
there by realize its potential for the benefit of public.
12.11. Professionalism
Administration has to become more efficient for which greater
professionalism is called for which may be achieved through constant
training and through proper methods of performance assessment. If
merit is given importance it would help to enhance efficiency and
bring out the best in public servants. Modern methods of
management would improve efficiency and the use of modern
technology can definitely increase output.
12.12. A people centered form of governance is not a matter to be
aimed but to be implemented. Government at all levels have to give
utmost importance to the citizens and the common man in particular.
The Government have to be responsive to the needs of the ordinary
people and have to change the systems faster for the satisfaction of
people’s needs. To achieve this, the contribution of Government
employees is of paramount importance. For this social accountability
and efficiency of administration are sine qua non.
13.1. Though women constitute nearly half of the population of the country,
it was only after independence that efforts were made to promote
women participation in public life. Since relatively more women enter
the civil service, several efforts have been made to make public
offices more gender friendly. Moreover, various studies were
undertaken on gender related problems and issues of the different
services of the Government administration. These studies have
examined a range of issues that female employees encounter while
discharging their duties. Some of the issues highlighted pertain to
stress, due to motivation for sex/ sexual harassment at work places.
Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has already initiated
steps towards framing guidelines for dealing with such issues by
reviewing the existing rules/regulations of various services for
possibly making gender friendly environment to eliminate
discriminations against women and to suggest corrective measures.
13.2. On examining the gender related issues that women encounter, the
quantitative dimensions of the presence of women in the Government
service is very significant. Women employees constitute nearly
7.53% in the Central Government by 2001. But in Kerala, the number
is much high. Estimates made by the Commission revealed that they
represent around 42% (more than two lakh). But in certain
departments, women participation is very high. In General Education
Department, they constitute 62.46% of the total employees.
Similarly, their representation is comparatively higher in Health
Services constituting around 60.71% as on 2010. (See Table I & II).
Table I
Female Employees in the State Civil Service (as on 28.10.2010)
Total number of Employees 544200
Female Employees 230810
Percentage of women to Total Employees 41.16
. Percentage of
N women
2 Health Service 60.33
3 Water Appellate Authority 60.00
4 University Appellate Tribunal 53.85
5 State Central Library 44.57
6 Homoeopathy 52.57
7 Homoeo Medical College 49.00
8 Advocate General’s Office 51.96
9 Civil Supplies 50.67
10 SC Development 51.27
11 Insurance Medical Service 48.06
12 Directorate of Ayurveda Medical Education 48.66
13 Social Welfare 43.81
14 Co-operative Tribunal 36.36
15 Legislature Secretariat 34.99
16 Administrative Secretariat 43.17
17 Vocational Higher Secondary Education 42.72
18 Indian System of Medicine 35.78
19 National Employment 43.51
provisions of residential accommodation for single woman, provision
of transport facilities, introduction of concepts such as flexi time and
flexi place on trial basis, options for working half time during the
period when children are young etc. The provisions made by the
Central Government for women employees include age relaxation for
appointment in group ‘C’ and group ‘D’ posts, exemption from
educational qualification for compassionate appointment to the
widows of the deceased Government employees, maternity and
paternity leave benefits, guideline for provision of crèche facilities as
well as posting of husband and wife at the same station etc.
13.6. It may be admitted that though no comprehensive policy aspects
have been suggested by previous pay commissions, certain
provisions exist in the Kerala Service Rules which can be considered
as the measures to safeguard and protect the rights of women.
These inter-alia include maternity leave on full pay for a period of
180 days, leave granted for all kinds of miscarriage based on medical
certificate, leave for familiarization of adopted child (3 months)/child
adoption leave etc.
13.7. It may be observed in this context that such rules, though protective
of the rights of women, do not address the basic issue of gender
friendly working environment. Almost all Service Organizations have
shared this opinion. From the discussions the Commission had with
Service Organizations, it appeared that even basic facilities like
Toilets and Rest rooms are not available for women employees in the
offices. This is particularly true in case of Police Stations where
Women Constables are working; not to speak of several schools in
the State that lack this basic facility. The Commission left to wonder
about the disease spreading and the unfriendly environment, which
the women employees are encountering in their work places.
13.8. The major recommendations
(i) Foremost is to provide basic amenities like Toilets in the
Government offices/work places. Government should
ensure that this facility is provided in all offices including in
the buildings rented by Government. On constructing new
buildings for office purposes basic facilities for women/
handicapped employees as well as to the general public
visiting the offices should be provided in the blue print
itself. These may also be taken up as a standard norm for
sanctioning construction of new buildings.
(ii) Women employees should be given preference in transfers
on requests. They may not be transferred, as far as
possible, to inhospitable places such as remote hilly areas
and high ranges.
(iii) As far as possible the women Police Constables may not be
posted for sentry duty/night duty, except in woman Police
(iv) In offices where there are concentration of female
employees, creches may be set up to take care of small
children. We may also add in this context that crèches
may be managed jointly by employees and the
Government, so that proper standards and facilities can be
(v) There should be an effective mechanism in offices to
prevent harassment on women. The directions of the
Supreme Court in this respect must be followed and
implemented scrupulously. The public office buildings may
be provided with leisure room, where more offices are
functioning. The head of offices should take initiative to
develop an ideal and healthy atmosphere in offices. The
head of office himself should be an example for upholding
moral principles and any deviation to this from anywhere
should be dealt with seriously. The grouping of male
employees to corner women employees, whom they do not
like, is to be checked and controlled with deterrent action.
There must also be means and ways to see that the
considerations given to women employees are not misused
against the male employees also.
(vi) Apart from maternity leave, the Female employees may be
allowed child care leave for a maximum period of two
years, during the entire service, for rearing up two
children. The leave may be allowed also for the purpose of
lookingafter the needs of minor children like examination,
sikness etc.
(vii) The Commission also recommends providing flexi time to
working mothers such as staggered working hours to start
and finish work early or late, depending on their
requirements at home till the child is 3 years old.
(viii) The Commission also has recommended Paternity leave
benefits up to 10 days for two children.
(ix) In places, where there are more than 100 employees a
weekly clinic facility may be made available. Along with the
clinic, it is desirable to have counseling centers for women
(x) Working Women having mentally and physically challenged
children have been recommended to give child care
allowance @ Rs.1000/- per month.
(xi) Working women headed households may be given
preference in the allotment of quarters and also in the
allotment of house building advance.
(xii) It is a fact that there are no adequate transport facilities to
reach the office in time and to go back home.. In offices
like Civil Stations/ places where offices are concentrated,
special transport facilities may be arranged exclusively for
women employees.
(xiii) Certain sections of Female employees like Nurses who have
to attend shift duties find extreme difficulty to reach home
at late hours. Commission recommends setting up of
working women hostels in all District and Taluk
(xiv) All departments in the Government should initiate to
gender budgeting as a tool to examine the achievement of
women empowerment goals initiated by the Government
through various schemes and policies.
Contingent employees and revision of wages of Casual Sweepers
can be estimated only on an approximate basis.
14.6. As per our estimate the total cost of revision will be Rs.1965 crores.
The item wise details may be seen in Table 14.1 showing the total
annual financial commitment, Table 14.2 which shows the financial
commitment on account of Pay Revision and Table 14.3 which
shows the financial commitment on account of revision of
pensionary benefits.
14.7. In order to get a broader picture of the total cost involved, the
commitment on account of revision of Pay and Allowances of
University employees and employees paid from
Municipal/Panchayat Funds will also have to be taken into account.
Table 14.1
Total Financial Commitment (Rs. in Crores)
Pay Revision 821.36
Pension and Family Pension including
enhancement in Medical allowance and
DCRG and balance payment in commutation
of pension
HRA and other allowances 200.00
Time Bound/ Ratio promotion & Fixation
Upgradation of scales / posts 82.14
Part time Contingent / Casual Sweepers 3.00
Total Rs.1964.52
Table 14.2
No. of e Average
Sl. Existing DA@ Differenc Commitme
Employe (Pre- Total (Revise DA Total
No. Scale 64% e nt
es revised d)
4510- 1036
1 6230 39951 5370 3437 8807 10360 0 0 1553 62051893
4630- 1064
2 7000 16734 5815 3722 9537 10640 0 0 1103 18464296
4750- 1030 1108
3 7820 13485 6285 4022 7 11085 0 5 778 10485936
5250- 1118 1185
4 8390 41804 6820 4365 5 11855 0 5 670 28017041
5650- 1184 1266
5 8790 9041 7220 4621 1 12660 0 0 819 7406387
6080- 1304 1395
6 9830 39968 7955 5091 6 13950 0 0 904 36123078
6680- 1432 1518
7 10790 73185 8735 5590 5 15180 0 0 855 62543901
7480- 1590 1697
8 11910 22947 9695 6205 0 16975 0 5 1075 24672614
7990- 1715 1813
9 12930 41951 10460 6694 4 18130 0 0 976 40927396
8390- 1776 1905
10 13270 48986 10830 6931 1 19050 0 0 1289 63133157
8790- 1836 1971
11 13610 250 11200 7168 8 19710 0 0 1342 335500
9190- 2025 2166
12 15510 46232 12350 7904 4 21660 0 0 1406 65002192
9590- 2151 2308
13 16650 28294 13120 8397 7 23080 0 0 1563 44229181
10790- 2360 2505
14 18000 27222 14395 9213 8 25050 0 0 1442 39259568
11070- 2420 2567
15 18450 28036 14760 9446 6 25675 0 5 1469 41173670
11910- 1000 2563 2721
16 19350 7704 15630 3 3 27210 0 0 1577 12147667
12250- 1025 2628 2787
17 19800 4180 16025 6 1 27870 0 0 1589 6642020
12930- 1061 2720 2884
18 20250 1834 16590 8 8 28840 0 0 1632 2993822
13610- 1097 2813 3009
19 20700 982 17155 9 4 30090 0 0 1956 1920596
20 32230 0 0 0
16650- 1275 3267 3491
21 23200 1870 19925 2 7 34910 0 0 2233 4175710
22 38375 0 5 0
20700- 1513 3878 4139
23 26600 526 23650 6 6 41390 0 0 2604 1369704
23200- 1739 4456 4739
24 31150 334 27175 2 7 47390 0 0 2823 942882
25 48940 0 0
25400- 1872 4797 5049
26 33200 118 29250 0 0 50490 0 0 2520 297360
26600- 1931 4948 5264
27 33750 20 30175 2 7 52640 0 0 3153 63060
495654 574378630
No. of e Average
Sl. Existing DA@ Differenc Commitme
Employe (Pre- Total (Revise DA Total
No. Scale 64% e nt
es revised d)
Annual Commitment 90
Weightage ( average 10%) 746692219
Total Commitment 09
Table 14.3
No. of Increase in
Sl. Expenditur % of increase
Age limit Pensione Expenditure
No e (Rs. in pension
rs (Rs. In crores)
In crores)
1 55 to 79 30000 276.12 10 27.61
351403 3234.01 12 388.08
2 80 to 84 27681 254.75 5+12=17 43.30
3 85 to 89 12578 115.76 10+12=22 25.47
4 90 to 94 4651 42.80 20+12=32 13.70
5 95 to 99 1448 13.33 30+12=42 5.60
6 100 and above 615 5.650 50+12=62 3.50
TOTAL 428376 3942.42 507.26
Pensioners and 74526 685.88 12 82.30
other Pensioners
Increase in
TOTAL 502902 4628.30 775.88
15.1. The Revision of pay of State employees has been taking place at
every 5 years, except in 2002, the year in which 8 th State Pay
Revision was due. As the 8th Pay Revision Commission was appointed
only in 2005 and the pay scales based on the recommendations of
that Commission had been given effect from July 2004, the 9th Pay
Revision can be given effect only from July 2009 as specifically
mentioned in the terms of reference of this Commission. But the
State Pay Revisions in Government of India has been taking place at
the intervals of 10 years. As the last Central Pay Revision has come
into effect from 1.1.2006, the next revision in the Central
Government is due only in 2016. So by convention, another pay
revision may take place in the State before the next Central Pay
Revision. The decision of the Central Government in the 6 th Central
Pay Revision to abolish Group D category and to introduce
contributory pension scheme to Central Government employees have
created widespread protest and unrest among various service
organizations. There exists wide gap between lowest pay and the
highest pay in the Central Government which is nearly 1:11.43.
Unlike the Central Government, the State Government takes very
lenient attitude to low paid employees to minimize the gap between
lowest pay and the highest pay in the pay structure of the State
employees. The recommended scales of pay will reduce the ratio
between lowest pay and highest pay in the State to 1:7.04 from the
existing ratio of 1:7.5
Expenditure on plan/UGC scheme
15.2. District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) has been
established in all the 14 Districts, of Kerala as part of National
Education Policy 1986. This is a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme
for which sufficient provision is made annually in the Budget under
‘plan for the smooth functioning of DIETs, in anticipation of Central
Assistance. Salary cost of DIET scheme is met from the plan
provision. Provision for civil works under DIET scheme is also seen
made in the State Budget till 2009-10. An effective monitoring
system should be involved at the Government level in the Finance
Department to ensure that the expenditure incurred towards DIET
from the State exchequer is promptly got released from the Central
Government, It may also be ensured that Central Assistance under
DIET is entirely utilised in accordance with the norms prescribed by
the Government of India.
15.3. Another instance that has come to the notice of the Commission is
that the share of UGC assistance which is 80% of the salary
expenditure for the 4 years of the implementation of the UGC pay
scales to College /University teachers is not being claimed properly or
there is no system at the State level to claim due share of the State
from the UGC in a centralised manner. All the University teachers,
teachers of Private /Government Colleges teachers and certain posts
under the State Higher Education Council (which is a grant in aid
institution) are in the UGC pay scales. The authorities in the
Directorate of Collegiate Education is not in a position to provide the
details of claims preferred so far or the quantum of UGC assistance
received so far. The expenditure incurred by the Universities should
necesscialry be claimed by the respective Universities directly from
the UGC. The University authorities during discussion with the
Commission have stated that no reimbursement of expenditure
incurred while implementing UGC pay scales during 1986 and 1996
had been received as per the records. As the arrears of salary in
respect of 2006 UGC pay scales have not been disbursed, the
question of claiming UGC does not arise. The Director of Technical
Education while discussion with the Commission have stated that no
assistants under AICTE has so far been received from the Central
Government. Government may therefore ensure that due share
from the Central Government in respect of Plan scheme/UGC scheme
is promptly claimed and credited to the Government account by the
departmental authorities.
Maintenance of Data
15.4. The Commission made an attempt to collect exact data regarding
number of employees in each Department/Institution, number of
service Pensioners, etc from the concerned departmental authorities.
The data so collected compiled and reported herein may help
Government to make a comparative study of the data contained in
the Staff Appendix of the State Budget. The discrepancies, if any
noted in some Departmental figures may be got clarified and the
defects rectified by the Government. The Departmental authorities
at the level of Heads of Departments should pay attention to
maintain proper data regarding its various categories of employees
by properly utilizing the services of the statistical units attached to
almost all the major Departments. Internal audit and internal control
system in each department should be strengthened and the internal
audit wing may be made responsible for the proper maintenance and
supply of such data as and when required by the authorities engaged
in the preparation of Budget estimates, formulation of plan schemes,
estimation of finance resources of the State, administrative reforms
committee etc. The Economics and Statistics Department may be
made responsible for compilation/consolidation and maintenance of
up to date departmental data pertaining to all Government
Departments, Aided Institutions, Grant in Aid Institutions,
Autonomous Bodies, Judicial Departments, Universities, Public Sector
Undertakings and LSGIs.
Entitlements of Employees - Simplification of Procedure
15.5. Fixation of salary and other entitlements of employees of
Government and the drawal of such entitlements are two major items
of work in every Government Office. The number of Government
employees has increased substantially over the years. Their rates of
emoluments have also been increased periodically by way of
increments, dearness allowance, revision of pay scales once in 5
years etc. But the system followed in fixation of entitlements and
drawal of salary has not undergone any substantial change.
15.6. There are different items of entitlements concerning Government
employees. Apart from the twelve monthly salary claims, there are
claims of travelling allowance, medical claims, bonus/festival
allowance, loans for housing, arrears of pay fixation, withdrawal from
Provident Fund etc. The work of drawing and disbursing entitlements
have to cover not only entitlements due to the employee but also
deductions due from his salary entitlements. Over the years the
number of such deduction has also gone up. The massive volume of
such work is transacted through a system which has three streams.
One is for the staff known as ‘non-Gazetted’ in different Government
Offices and Educational Institutions owned and managed by
Government. The second is for employees generally known as
‘Gazetted’ in the same institutions. The third is for all categories of
employees in private aided schools and colleges where direct
payment of salaries by Government has been introduced.
15.7. The term ‘Gazetted’ and ‘non-Gazetted’ in this context do not
have much formal relevance now. These terms seem to be the
informal legacy of old times where the postings and transfer of the
supervisory levels of employees used to be notified in the State
Gazette. Now what is really relevant is the scale of pay or the post at
which the right to draw one’s own salary based on pay slips issued by
the Accountant General. At present the Accountant General is
understood to be following a two point-criteria for treating a
particular post as ‘Gazetted’ for giving status of self drawing officers.
(i) Wherever Special Rules exist in the Department, in case
the post is included in the ‘State Service’ such post will be
treated as ‘Gazetted’ and if included in the ‘Subordinate
Service’ such post irrespective of pay scale, will be treated
as ‘Non Gazetted’ and
(ii) If Special Rules do not exist for the Department, then the
posts, the scale of pay of which is 10790-18000 (existing)
or above will be treated as ‘Gazetted’ and the posts below
that scale as ‘non Gazetted’
15.8. The total number of employees drawing/receiving salary from
the State exchequer in all the Departments, Institutions, and
Universities included in this Report is 5.43 lakhs of which 90,000 are
in the scale of pay of Rs.10790-18000 (existing) and above. The
Officers working in Offices other than Government Departments such
as Aided Educational Institutions, Universities and other Autonomous
Institutions obviously do not come under the term ‘Gazetted’. Out of
the 90,000 Officers drawing salary in the scale of pay Rs.10790-
18000 and above, Gazetted Officers come to only 75000. In other
words, about –15000 officers in the scale of pay of Rs.10790-18000
and above do not require pay slip from Accountant General for
drawing salary.
15.9. The main difficulty pointed out under the present arrangement
for disbursement of salary to Gazetted Officer is that they are often
put to inconvenience on account of the necessity to get pay slips
from the Accountant General. Any posting, transfer, leave,
emoluments revision etc necessitates the issue of a pay-slip. This
inconvenience is felt by officers working in stations away from the
location of the offices of the Accountant General. Inordinate delay in
issuing pay-slips on the plea that copies of report of transfer of
change have not been received is a reason mainly raised by the
Accountant General. Absence of any intimation from the Accountant
General’s office regarding reason for non issue of pay slips to the
concerned officers put them to undue hardships. The fact of non-
receipt of RTC (usually sent by post) will be made known to the
officer only when he contacts the Accountant General’s Office in
person. While the difficulties pointed out above are from the point of
view of the employees, there is the question of the work load in the
treasuries. About 75000 Gazetted employees present every year
around a million bills whereas non gazetted employees and Aided
School/College Teachers which come to more than 5,30,000 to
4,54,000 get their entitlements through a much smaller no. of bills.
Tracking so many bills of self drawing officers naturally causes extra
work load in treasuries and to that extent their other work could
15.10. Apart from the above aspects, it may be seen that in insisting
pay slips only in the case of Gazetted officers, while the rest of the
employees in the pay scales of Rs.10790-18000 which comes to
nearly Rs.15000 do not require such pay slips, is logically a paradox.
15.11. Government have started the process of implementation of Payroll
and Personnel Management System using SPARK (Service and Payroll
Administration Repository of Kerala) in 2005. Implementation of
SPARK has been successfully completed recently. Data entry of
Service Book is also being carried out under SPARK.
15.12. The Kerala Administrative Reforms Committee entrusted by the
Government to simplify and streamline the system of Administration
in the State in its 6th Report submitted in 2000 had recommended to
move over from the pay slip system to the establishment bill system
in a phased manner. Government accordingly issued orders in G.O
(Ms) No.20/2000/P&ARD dated 21.8.2000 accepting the
recommendation and authorizing the Finance Department to issue
separate detailed orders containing the procedure to be followed. No
such order is seen issued by the Finance Department so far for
reasons unknown. The Commission therefore recommends to
expedite action in the matter and to dispense with the system of pay
slips to Gazetted Officers., especially in the context of the successful
implementation of SPARK.
Special Rules
15.13. The Special Rules of a particular Department prescribe, among
other things, the qualifications, method of appointment and
promotional avenues for various posts under that department. In
certain Departments there exist no Special Rules to regulate the
qualification or conditions of recruitment, whereas in some other
departments the existing Special Rules are under the process of
revision/amendment on the basis of the change of qualification or
inclusion of UGC/AICTE pay scales in Government
Departments/Institutions including University employees/Teachers
appointment or for similar reasons. An efficient system of Public
service should have updated and well defined Special Rules
governing the service conditions of its employees. In the absence of
Special Rules provisional promotions are resorted to by the
appointing authorities on the strength of executive orders.
Appointments, promotions etc made on such uncertainties may often
lead to unnecessary litigations. (In Departments like Higher
Secondary Education, Agriculture, Legal Metrology, Directorate of
Medical Education, Sports & Youth Affairs, Ayurveda Medical
Education, Entrance Exam Commissionerate etc Special Rules are not
seen so far framed)
No. of State Government employees
15.14. The Commission has attempted to ascertain the number of posts
under each category in each Department, Institution, Statutory
Bodies etc. The Commission’s intension was to assess the exact
number of employees receiving salary from State exchequer. Though
the figures obtained from Head of Departments show the actual
position as on the date of furnishing the same, the Commission
understands that posts are created in some departments by the
Government thereafter which could not be included in this Report. In
the case of certain statutory autonomous institutions like Khadi and
Village Industries Board ,Societies/Projects like SCERT, IT@ School,
TEQIP, State Pollution Control Board, ANERT etc where the entire staff
cost is met from the grant provided by the Government, the staff
details of such institutions are not made available to the Commission.
The salary cost in respect of certain Public Sector Undertakings
intended for the welfare of certain targeted communities/groups are
also being met indirectly by the Government from the share capital
contribution provided to such PSUs. Examples are the SC/ST
Development Corporation, Women’s Development Corporation,
Christian Converts’ Development Corporation, Fishermen Welfare
Corporation, Handicapped Development Corporation etc. Another
point to be mentioned is that the temporary posts if any existed in
some Departments could not be distinguished from regular
permanent posts and hence the total number of posts indicated in
this Report includes temporary as well as permanent posts.
15.16. The demand of various Pensioners’ Associations to introduce
health insurance scheme to pensioners is practically impossible since
medical insurance presently admits claim only in the event of
hospitalization. Even if this stipulation is relaxed, commencement of
insurance under mediclaim at an advanced age may involve a higher
premium. In Tamil Nadu, a health fund scheme called ‘Tamil Nadu
Govt. Pensioners’ Health Fund’ is being implemented with effect
from 1.7.95 to provide financial assistance to pensioners for
undergoing specialised treatment / surgery. The pensioner has to
contribute Rs.100/- per month towards this fund. The maximum
amount of assistance under the scheme is 75% of the total cost
of treatment of pensioners or spouse of the pensioners also with
effect from 17.02.2009 subject to the maximum ceiling of
Rs.1,00,000/- for both pensioner and spouse combined together.
Tamil Nadu Government permits reimbursement for specialized
advanced surgery/treatments in respect of diseases which are
included in the list approved under Tamil Nadu Government
Pensioners’ Health Fund Scheme in unaccredited hospitals within
the State also subject to certificate issued by District Medical
Officer/Director of Medical and Rural Health Services/Director of
Medical Education. Tamil Nadu Government has also ordered for
reimbursement for specialized/advanced treatments which are not
included in the approved list of treatments/treatments taken in
hospitals outside the State without insisting certificate from
District Medical Officer/ Director of Medical Education. Upto
28.02.2010, 70,610 claims have been settled under this Health Fund
scheme in Tamil Nadu and a sum of Rs.103.24 crore have been
reimbursed to the pensioners. The Government is contributing Rs.8
lakh every year as grant to this fund. Government has also
sanctioned additional grant of Rs.33.68 crore from the date of
implementation of this scheme till date to this scheme. From
September 2009, this scheme is also extended to the family
pensioners who are willing to contribute a sum of Rs.75/- p.m. The
feasibility of adopting the Tamil Nadu Model Health Fund Scheme
may be examined by the Government..
15.17. Requests have been received from Government employees and
service organizations for considering their previous service in KSRTC,
recruited through PSC, for the purpose of reckoning pensionery
benefits along with their service in Government. For the employees
who are appointed in KSRTC service from Government service, their
previous service in Government is considered for all benefits in
KSRTC including pension. Similarly for employees coming from
University service to Government service, their previous service in
University is considered for all benefits.
15.18. Instances have been brought to the notice of the Commission
that the period of service rendered in KSRTC by certain Government
employees was reckoned for pensionery benefits by Government as
special case under Sub Rule (2) of Rule 11 Part III KSR. The service in
KSRTC is pensionable. As the service in KSRTC is pensionable and
orders have been issued in the case of certain persons as special
case, the Commission recommends the Government to consider the
service in KSRTC to be counted for pension of Government
15.19. The Commission received several representations from the daily
waged Drivers for enhancing the existing rate of wages. The
Commission is of the view that the retention of employees on daily
wages for a very long time in service without regularization is an
unfair labour practice. Since such situations are in sovereign service,
it is not possible to invoke the provisions of labour laws to get their
services regularized. It is quite reasonable to give daily wage
proportionate to the monthly salary of similar categories in regular
service. The Commission therefore recommends to enhance the
daily wage by 50% inrespect of all the categories mentioned in G.O.
(P) No. 307/2009/Fin. dated 28.07.2009.
16.1. A University is a centre of learning of the highest standard. All
Universities are of great importance and carry out studies in various
disciplines. The Universities in Kerala are offering wide range of
courses, starting from Degree, Post Graduate Degree/Diploma and
Post Doctoral Degrees. The Universities are highly active in
promoting and upgrading higher education by offering courses on
general, technological as well as other Vocational streams of study.
16.2. In 1937, the University of Travancore with Head Quarters at
Thiruvananthapuram was setup. Thereafter the University of
Calicut was established in North Kerala in 1968. Later the Cochin
University of Science and Technology (1971), the Kerala Agricultural
University (1971), the Mahatma Gandhi University (1983), The Sree
Sankara University of Sanskrit (1995) and the Kannur University
(1996) were established. These are the major Universities in Kerala.
The University of Travancore was later re-named as the University
of Kerala in 1957.
16.3. The University of Kerala has 41 Departments of teaching and
research. The colleges affiliated to this University include 60 Arts
and Science Colleges, 2 Law Colleges, 17 Engineering Colleges, 4
Medical Colleges, 37 Teacher Training Colleges, 2 Homoeo Colleges,
4 Ayurveda Colleges, 2 Fine Arts Colleges, 1 Sidha Medical College,
1 Music College, 3 Dental Colleges, 1 College of Special Education,
10 Nursing Colleges, 5 Colleges offering MCA, 2 Colleges offering
MBA and 1 Physical Education College. The University is running 27
self financing Institutions/Colleges.
16.4. The Calicut University is the Second University established in
Kerala with the objective of developing human resources in North
Kerala. This University has more than 25 Departments of study and
research at its Central Campus and the Regional Centres at
Vadakara and Thrissur. About 262 colleges spread over the districts
of Kozhikode, Thrissur, Malappuram, Palakkad and Wayanad are
affiliated to the Calicut University. There are 33 Self Financing
Colleges owned and controlled by the University.
16.5. The Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT)
was originally known as University of Cochin. It consists of 3
campuses, two in Kochi and one in Kuttanadu, about 66 km away
from Kochi. This University has the following Departments, viz;
Technology, Social Science, Science, Marine Science, Law,
Humanities, Environmental Studies and School of Engineering.
CUSAT owns 2 Self Financing Institutions.
16.6. The Kerala Agricultural University provides Sources, Skill and
Technology needed for the sustainable development of Agriculture.
This University has four Departments viz: Agriculture, Agricultural
Engineering & Technology, Veterinary & Animal Science and
Fisheries Science & Technology. It has 8 Constituent Colleges
within its 6 campuses, 23 Research Centres and three colleges of
Agriculture one each at Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur and
Neeleswaram (Details of establishing Veterinary University/Fisheries
University are not made available to the Commission). There are no
Colleges/Self Financing Colleges affiliated under this University.
16.7. The Mahatma Gandhi University with Head quarters at
Kottayam has 183 affiliated Colleges spread over 5 districts in
Central Kerala. This University has 21 Teaching/Research
Departments. It offers various academic programmes in the field of
Gandhian thoughts, Polymer Chemistry, Hospital Administration and
Environmental Management. The MG University has also 10 Inter
disciplinary Schools of Teaching and Research, 12 Schools of Higher
Learning in Applied Science and Professional Studies. The number of
Self Financing Institutions/Colleges run by this University is 26.
16.8. The Kannur University is unique with its multi Campuses located
at Mangattuparampa, Neeleswaram and Payyannur. The main
objective of the University is the development of Higher Education
in Kasaragod and Kannur Districts and Mananthavady Taluk of
Wayanadu. This University runs 9 Self Financing Colleges.
16.9. The Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit was established
in the name of the illustrious Indian Philosopher and Saint,
Jagadguru Sree Sankaracharya in his birth place at Kalady for
promotion and development of study of Sanskrit as well as Indology,
Indian Culture, Indian Language, Indian Philosophy, Fine Arts,
Foreign Languages and Social Sciences. The prime objective is to
promote the study and research in Sanskrit. Besides the main
campus at Kalady, there are seven sub centres at various parts of
the State. No Self Financing Institution is functioning under this
16.10. The Governor of the State is the Chancellor of the Universities and
the Vice-Chancellors and Pro-Vice Chancellors are appointed by the
Governor. The term of Office of the Vice Chancellor and Pro-Vice
Chancellor is 4 years. The conditions of their service are not the
same in all the Universities. In the M.G University appointment of
PVC is co-terminus with the Vice Chancellor. The V.C and P.V.C are
appointed in the UGC pay scale. The Registrar, the Finance Officer,
and the Controller of Examinations are higher Officers of the
Universities assisting the Vice-Chancellor and the Pro-Vice
Chancellor. The conditions of service of the Teachers are as per the
Statutes of the respective Universities. The age of superannuation
of the University teachers is 60 years whereas in the case of the
non-teaching staff it is 55 years. The University teachers are in
UGC/AICTE scales of pay.
Authorities of the Universities
16.11. In general, the following are the authorities looking after
Academic/Administrative matters of the Universities.
(i). The Senate
(ii). The Syndicate/Executive committee
(iii). The Academic Council
(iv). The Faculties
(v). The Board of Studies
16.12. The Syndicate of the University is the Chief Executive Body of the
respective University. The Syndicate is empowered to hold, control
and administer the properties and funds of the University, to make
Statutes/Ordinances and to amend or repeal the same. Subject to
the provisions of the Act in respect of a University, there is provision
for making special rules for prescribing powers and duties of the
authorities which are not specifically mentioned in the Act. The
fixation of the scale of pay of various posts in the University and the
terms and conditions of the service of the Officers are provided for
in the Ordinance of the respective University. All
Statutes/Ordinances and Regulations made under the University Act
should be published in the official Gazette of the State.
16.13. Staff Strength
According to the information provided by the Universities, the staff
strength under each University is as shown below.
Table: 16.1
University Teachin Non- Total
g teaching
Kerala 224 2338 2562
Calicut 235 2029 2264
MG 105 1766 1871
Kannur 84 387 471
SSUS 143 238 381
CUSAT 561 1061 1622
Agriculture 1156 2407 3563
Total 2508 10226 1273
The major source of income of the Universities is the plan/non-plan
grants provided by the State Government annually. Plan grant is
intended for developmental activities such as infrastructure
development, construction works, computerization of examination
etc. Non-plan grant to be provided to the Universities is fixed by
the Government taking into account of the own revenues of the
Universities and the establishment expenses including
salary/pension/ liabilities of the respective University. Discussion will
be held by the Government with the University officials every year,
immediately before the State Annual Budget is prepared. Audited
statements of income and expenditure after 2006-2007 in respect
of almost all the Universities are not made available to the
Commission. So the Commission is unable to make a realistic
assessment of the financial position of the Universities. The
provisional figures provided by the Universities for the year 2009-
2010 are as follows:-
Table 16..2
Receipts during 2009-2010 (Provisional) Rs. in lakh
Government Own
Name of
Grants Own Revenu
Universit Total
Revenue e as %
y Plan Non Plan of Total
Kerala 650 7081 2310 10041 23.00
Calicut 880 4916 1870 7666 24.00
M.G 650 2384 1845 4879 38.00
Kannur 934 638 528 2100 25.00
SSUS 210 1289 36 1535 2.34
CUSAT 2216 800 825 3841 21.47
3275 11758 100 15133 0.66
16.15. The above statement shows that the own revenue in respect of
Kerala, Calicut and Kannur Universities is around 25% of the total
income. M.G. University generates own revenue nearly 38% of the
total income. The income generated by CUSAT is not too low when
compared to the above 4 Universities. The quantum of plan grant
provided during 2009-2010 to CUSAT is very high and hence the
percentage of own Revenue in respect of CUSAT came down to
21.47. The very existence of the other two Universities viz.
Agriculture University and Sanskrit University depends on the grants
provided by the State Government.
16.16. The non-plan expenditure of Universities during 2009-10 is
shown below.
Table 16.3 (Rs. in Lakh)
Non-plan Expenditure Difference
Name of expenditu
University Salary Pension Others Total re and
Kerala 5071 3303 226 8600 2310 6290
Calicut 4783 1601 178 6562 1870 4692
MG University 4001 399 133 4533 1845 2688
Kannur 920 65 37 1022 528 494
SSUS 1329 89 15 1433 36 1397
CUSAT 2503 832 438 3773 825 2948
Agriculture 828 5908 18 6754 100 6654
Total 19435 12197 1045 3267 7514 25163
16.17. The above statement indicates that the income generated by all
the Universities contributes only 23% of their total Non plan
expenditure. The balance 77% of the total expenditure of the 7
Universities may have to be provided by the State Government.
In other words any additional expenditure consequent on the
revision of pay and allowances (pension as well) will automatically
become the liability of the State Government. In the case of
Agricultural University and Sanskrit University, their own income is
meagre and hence almost the entire expenditure has to be met
from the State Government grant. From M.G. University about 100
Employees are on deputation to the Higher Secondary Education
Department for several years. The pension liability of the
deputationists is that of the University. One of the favourable
factors leading to the adoption of UGC pay scales to College/
University teachers is that 80% of the additional cost consequent on
the implementation of UGC scales would be obtained from
Government of India for the first four years from the date on which
such revised pay scales become effective. The University authorities
did not produce any evidence regarding reimbursement of the share
of Central Assistance while implementing the UGC pay scales in
1986 and 1996. As the arrears arising out of the UGC pay scales
from 01-01-2006 has not been disbursed, the question of claiming
UGC Assistance during the period did not arise, according to the
University Officials.
16.18. Out of the total number of 12734 University Employees
/Teachers, 2618 (including teachers and librarians) belong to UGC pay
scales as detailed below:
Table 16.4
University UGC employees
Kerala 242
Calicut 263
M.G. 121
Kannur 99
SSUS 153
CUSAT 580 (including 313
Agriculture 1160
Total 2618
16.20. The M.G. University and CUSAT have not formulated Ordinances
prescribing qualification and method of appointment of non teaching
staff so far. These Universities are following the Ordinances issued
by the Kerala University in this regard.
16.21. The Commission has examined the question of revision of pay in
respect of the non teaching staff of the Universities in the above
background. Discussion was held with the representatives of the
Service Organisations/Authorities of the Universities. Universities in
Kerala, though constituted at different intervals of time beginning
with Kerala University, have a lot of common characteristics in the
Academic and Administrative wings. All the Universities have got
Common Categories of posts under Academic, Administrative, Fair
Copy, Library, Printing Press and Engineering wings. The posts having
identical designation, duties and responsibilities, qualifications etc.
are examined below. Such posts may be classified as University
Common Category posts. During the discussion Registrars and
Organisations have suggested to unify the scales of pay of
identical posts in Universities commensurate with those in Secretariat
and other Government Departments.
Staff under UGC scheme
16.22. In most of the Universities, Statutory Officers and teaching staff
are under UGC scheme. But the Statutory Officers viz. Registrar
(Rs.25400-33100) and Comptroller (Rs.25400-33100) in Agricultural
University are in State scale of pay. Normal Revision may be given to
these two posts. Normal revision may be given to the posts viz.
Programme Co-ordinator (NSS) in Kerala and Calicut Universities
(Rs.16650-23200), Director of Student Services (Rs.16650- 23200) in
Kerala University, Director of Student Welfare in CUSAT (Rs.12930-
20250) and in Agricultural University (Rs.25400-33100) and Research
Assistant (Rs.10790-18000) in Kerala University.
Administrative Wing
16.23. The posts from Assistants to Joint Registrar in various
Universities hold identical scale of pay on par with Secretariat Staff.
The scale of pay for the posts of Clerical Assistant, Attenders and
Class IV employees of different Universities are almost identical.
These posts may be grouped under Administrative Wing with scale of
pay in parity with Secretariat and other Government Departments.
The Commission recommends to follow the Secretariat pattern
including ratio promotion to Assistant to Joint Registrar.
Technical staff in Teaching Department
16.24. In most of the Universities there exist Technical Assistant, Technical
Officer and Scientific Officer who are the subject experts relating to
academic research work. Technical Assistant post also exists in
technical and library wing of some Universities. The nomenclature of
the post Technical Assistant in Academic wing does not signify the
nature of duties also. On verification it is seen that even though the
designation differs, their nature of duty and qualification are
identical. Their pay scales are also identical except that of Senior
Technical Assistant Gr.III in Cochin University which is at Rs.11910-
19350 instead of Rs.11070-18450. Hence the Commission makes the
following recommendations for a uniform pattern.
i. The scale of pay of Senior Technical Assistant Gr.III in
Cochin University may be modified and unified
corresponding to Rs.11070-18450.
ii. Technical Officer Grade I (Sel. Grade) in the scale of pay of
Rs.16650-23200 of CUSAT may be redesignated as
Scientific Officer.
iii. Technical Officer Grade I (Sen. Scale) in CUSAT and
Technical Officer Gr.I in Kerala, Calicut, MG and KAU may
be redesignated as Technical Officer (Sel. Gr.) in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 12930-20250.
iv. Technical Officer Gr. I in CUSAT and Gr. II in other
Universities may be redesignated as Technical Officer
Sen. Gr. with the scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 12250-
v. Senior Technical Assistant and Technical Assistant Gr.II in
CUSAT and Technical Assistant in other Universities may be
redesignated as Technical Officer with the scales of pay
corresponding to 11070-18450.
16.25. Library Staff
(i) In most of the University Libraries, the posts of Assistant
Librarians are appointed from UGC qualified Librarians with
UGC scale of pay. The post of Deputy Librarian in Kerala
University and the post of Assistant Librarian Gr.I in Kerala,
Cochin and Agriculture Universities are now held by non UGC
staff with separate scale of pay. Commission recommends
that promotions to these posts may be set apart for UGC
qualified hands only in future. Till then the persons continuing
in these higher posts may be allowed to continue in the scale
of pay corresponding to the existing scale of pay.
(ii) The Commission recommends the following modifications to
the existing scales of pay for maintaining parity in different
(a). The Assistant Librarian Gr.I in Cochin University
(Rs.11910-19350) may be redesignated as Reference
Officer Hr. Gr.
(b). The scale of pay of Library Assistant in Sree Sankara
University may be upgraded to the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.8390-13270
(c). Library assistants appointed by promotion from Class IV
employees in Calicut and Kannur Universities may be
redesignated as Library Attender with the existing
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.5250-8390.
(iii) The Commission further recommends the following
redesignation for streamlining the posts under library wing.
(a). Professional Assistant Gr. II in Calicut, Kannur and
CUSAT and Library Assistant in Kerala, SSUS, MG and
Agriculture Universities having scale of pay Rs. 8390-
13720 may be redesignated as Reference Assistant.
(b). Professional Assistant Gr. I in Calicut, Kannur, CUSAT
and Technical Assistant (Library) in Kerala, MG and
Agriculture Universities with the scale of pay of Rs.
9590-16650 may be redesignated as Reference
Assistant Hr. Gr.
(c). Junior Librarian in Calicut and CUSAT and Reference
Assistant in Agriculture, Kerala, SSUS and MG
Universities may be redesignated as Reference Officer
in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 10790-18000.
(d). Assistant Librarian Gr.II in Kerala, Agriculture and MG
Universities and Reference Assistant (Hr.Gr.) in
Agriculture University having the scale of pay Rs.11070-
18450 and Junior Librarian in Kannur University
(Rs.11910-19350) may be redesignated as Reference
Officer Hr.Gr. and granted scale of pay corresponding
to Rs. 11910-19350.
16.26. Computer Wing
On verification of the posts under Computer Wing in different
Universities, it is seen that even the posts with same designation
are in different scales of pay. System Manager in Kerala University
with qualification Ph.d/M.Tech /M.E is in the scale of Rs.23200-
31150.In Agriculture University the qualification prescribed is first
class Masters Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science
or Computer Application and two years experience in system
analysis and design programming and is in the scale of pay
Rs.16650-23200. In Cochin University the qualification for the post
of System Manager is B.Tech in Computer Science/
Electronics/Electrical with at least 55% or equivalent grade with
good academic record and 2 years experience in operating
Computer Systems with Applications in Office Management and
Informatics with the scale of pay of Rs.12250-19800 and prescribed
qualification of System Analyst is Masters Degree in
Science/Bachelor's Degree in Engineering/Technology in the
concerned/ related subject with at least 55% marks or equivalent
grade with good academic record and a pass in any National
Entrance Test(NET) like UGC-CSIR,GATE, etc. desirable:
M.Phil/M.Tech/Ph.D in the relevant related field (Minimum
qualifications should not be relaxed even in respect of candidates
who have degree like M.Phil/M.Tech/Ph.D with the scale of pay is
Rs.12250-19800. In M.G University the scale of pay of System
Analyst is Rs.16650-23200. In Calicut University qualification of
System Administrator is ME/M.Tech/MCA/M.Sc Computer Science
and Experience 1. Minimum 8 years experience as Computer
Programmer in a University. 2. Minimum 5 years experience in UNIX
and Network administration. 3. Minimum one year experience in
IBM AS/400.4. Minimum of 1 year experience in Internet
Administration and Programmer and the scale of pay is Rs.23200-
31150. There is a vast difference in scale of pay of System Analyst,
System Manger and System Administrator even though the
qualification and nature of duties of these posts are rather
The Commission recommends to unify the posts of System
Manager/System Administrator/System Analyst as System Manager/
System Analyst with the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-
23200 by fixing the qualification as P.G in Computer Science/I.T for
System Manager. The present incumbent may be allowed to
continue in the scale of pay corresponding to the existing scale of
pay as personal scale.
(i). Senior Programmer
The qualification prescribed for the above post is P.G in Science
or Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering /Technology. Scale of pay is
Rs.12930-20250 in all Universities except CUSAT where it is
Rs.11910-19350.The Commission recommends to unify the
scales of pay corresponding to Rs.12930-20250 and designate
the post as Senior Programmer.
(ii). Junior Programmer.
System Administrator in Kerala University is in the scale of pay of
Rs. 10790-18000 having qualification ME/MTech. But Junior
Programmer in Kerala Agriculture University is in the scale of pay
of Rs. 11070-18450 having BTech qualification. Computer
Operator of Cochin University is in the scale of pay of Rs. 11910-
19350 having qualification BTech. The Commission recommends
to unify the qualification as BTech in the concerned subject and
the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11910-19350 and re-
designate the said posts as Junior Programmer.
(iii). Data Entry Operator
In Sree Sankara University of Sankrit the prescribed qualification
is Graduation with Diploma in Computer Operations and in
Kannur University the qualification is University Degree and
Degree or Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications. In
both Universities the scale of pay is Rs.6680-10790 whereas in
Kannur University vide order No.17759/B2/2005/H.Edn. dated
12/05/2005, Government have sanctioned scale of pay of
Rs.7480-11910 to the newly created post of Computer Operator.
In Kerala University the prescribed qualification of Data Entry
Operator is SSLC and experience in data entry having scale of
pay of Rs. 6080-9830. In MG University the qualification of
Computer Operator is Degree and Certificate in Computer Data
Entry Operation having scale of pay Rs. 7480-11910. The
Commission recommends to unify the qualification, as Degree
and PGDCA/MCA/BSc Computer Science and fix the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs. 7990-12930.
16.27. Fair Copy Section
The posts under Fair Copy Section in some of the Universities start
from the cadre of L.D Typist to Pool Officer with identical scale of
pay except the scale of pay of the post of U.D Typist in Calicut
University and Office Superintendent of Kerala University and
CUSAT. The prescribed qualification for L.D typist in Kerala
University is Plus Two (or equivalent) plus K.G.T.E and in other
Universities it is S.S.L.C plus K.G.T.E. The Office Superintendent
post and Section Officer (FC&D) are in the same scale of pay of
Rs.10790-18000. These two posts can be merged together and
designated as Office Superintendent. The posts up to Office
Superintendent are in parity with Secretariat Service. But it is seen
that the University staff are enjoying two other promotions, i.e;
Section Officer (FC& D) Higher Grade and Pool Officer with scale of
pay Rs.11910-19350 and Rs.12930-20250,which is more than the
promotion prospects available in the Secretariat. No additional work
or duty is seen assigned to Pool Officer/Section Officer/Section
Officer Hr. Gr. Hence the Commission recommends as follows:
(i). Discontinue the practice of promotion of Office
Superintendents as Section Officer (FC & D), Section
Officer (FC &D Hr. Gr.) and Pool Officer which do not exist
in the Secretariat. To avoid the drop in emoluments, the
existing Office Superintendents may be allowed ratio
promotion @1:1. The higher grade Office Superintendent
may be assigned with a higher scale of pay corresponding
to Rs.11910-19350. The total posts of the Office
Superintendents, Section Officer (FC& D), Section Officer
(FC&D) Hr. Gr. and Pool Officer shall be together as the
total sanctioned strength of the Office Superintendents for
assigning higher grades. All the present incumbents will
be allowed to continue in their existing scale of pay as
personal scale.
(ii). Enhance the scale of pay of Office Superintendent of
Kerala University, SSUS and CUSAT, corresponding to
Rs.10790-18000, for maintaining parity, from the existing
scale of Rs. 9590-16650.
(iii). Enhance the scale of pay of U.D typist of Calicut University
corresponding to Rs.7990-12930 being the scale of pay of
their counterparts in other Universities.
(iv). Number of Office Superintendent may be regulated as per
the norms applicable in Government service.
(v). The qualification for the entry post of LD Typist may be
enhanced and fixed as Plus 2, + KGTE.
16.28. Engineering/Technical Wing
Most of the Universities have an Engineering Department
comprising of Engineering and technical staff. The equated posts
having similar nature of works and qualifications are clubbed
together to form a uniform pattern. University Engineer/Director
of Physical Plant is the chief of engineering wing assigned with
the duties of overall supervision of construction and maintenance of
all engineering works. The appointment is mostly made by direct
recruitment or by deputation from Government service with
personnel having qualification of Degree in Engineering and
experience in the field of management, maintenance and
construction. Even though the nature of duties, qualification and
method of appointment are almost the same it is seen that they
hold different scales of pay in different Universities ranging from
Rs16650-23200 to 25400-26600. The post of Executive Engineer/
Technical Officer/Instrumentation Engineer/ Maintenance
Engineer various Universities are the equated posts with same
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.16650-23200. Assistant
Executive Engineer (Kerala, Calicut, Kannur, MG, CUSAT, Agri.)
/Technical Officer Gr.II/Junior Engineer (Kerala, Calicut), Scientist
(Kerala)/Junior engineer Instrumentation are the equated posts with
same scale of pay of Rs.12250-19800 except in Kannur and M.G.
Universities. The scale parity among Assistant Engineer/ Head
Draftsman/ Technical Officer is seen maintained in all the
Universities with scale of pay of Rs.11070-18450. The scales of pay
of Overseer Grade I/Draftsman/Clinic Technician are in the
same scale of pay of Rs.7990-12930 except that of Overseer Grade I
in Kerala Agriculture University. Overseer Gr.I in PWD having
qualification Diploma in Engineering is in the scale of pay of
Rs.7990-12930. The higher scale of pay of Rs.7480-11910 in respect
of Oversear Grade II exists in Kerala Agriculture University having
qualification Diploma in Agriculture or Engineering whereas in other
Universities the qualification is SSLC and Certificate Course in
Engineering and the scale of pay is Rs.6680-10790. The posts of
Plumber cum Pump Operator/Pump Operator (Kerala, Kannur,
M.G)/ Plumber (Kerala, Calicut, SSUS, CUSAT)/Pump Operator
Gr.II (Agri.) are now in different scales of pay ranging from
Rs.5250-8390 to Rs.6680-10790. In M.G University the post is
having qualification of pass in VIII standard, ITI and plumbing
license, having scale of pay Rs.6680-10790. In SSU the qualification
is plumber’s license and four years experience with scale of pay
Rs.6080-9830. The equated post in PWD and Kerala University
having identical qualification (SSLC + ITI) is in the scale of pay of
Rs.5250-8390. The post of Pump Operator (Calicut, CUSAT&
Kerala) are equated posts with almost identical qualification but in
different scales of pay. The posts of Electricity Worker, Line
helper ,Electrical Helper , Lineman and other posts having
equal nature of job and qualifications. Workshop Superintendent
Gr.II (Kerala/SSUS)/ Overseer (SSUS) are equated posts but with
scales of pay of Rs.5650-8390 and Rs.6080-9830. Mechanic in
Kerala University having qualification ITI+6 years experience is in
the scale of pay of Rs.7480-11910 whereas in CUSAT Mechanic
having qualification Pre-Degree and ITI is in the scale of pay of
Rs.9190-15510. The scale of pay of Technician Gr.I in CUSAT (ITI
(Mechanic) or equivalent qualification +3 years experience in the
relevant area in a reputed firm/student lab.) and Kerala Agriculture
University (no Statute) is Rs.5250-8390 and Rs.7990-12930
respectively. In the Pay Revision order 2006, Electrician-I and II
have been merged and allowed scale of pay of Rs. 5250-8390. In
PWD the Oversear Gr.III having SSLC and ITI is in the scale of pay of
Rs. 5650-8790 whereas in Universities the entry post with same
qualification is Oversear Gr.II in the scale of pay of Rs. 6680-10790.
50% of the Oversear Gr.II (Rs.6680-10790) are appointed directly
with qualification of SSLC+2 years Certificate Course. The first
promotion post of Oversear Gr.III in PWD is Oversear Gr.II in the
scale of pay of Rs. 6680-10790. But in Universities the first
promotion post is Oversear Gr.I in the scale of pay of Rs. 7990-
12930. The existing ratio between Oversear Gr.II and Gr.I in PWD is
1:1 with the scale of pay of Rs. 7990-12930 to Oversear Gr.I. The
Commission makes the following recommendations.
(i). Unify the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.20700-26600 to
Director of Physical Plant/University Engineer/ Executive
Engineer /Technical Officer/ Instrumentation Engineer/
Maintenance Engineer equated to Executive Engineer in
Public Works Department.
(ii). The Assistant Executive Engineer in Kannur University
may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to
(iii). The scale of pay of Asst. Executive Engineer in M.G
University may be modified corresponding to Rs.12250-
(iv). The scale of pay of Overseer Grade I in Kerala Agricultural
University may be modified to the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.7990-12930.
(v).Overseer Gr.II in Agriculture University having Diploma
may be upgraded as Overseer Gr.I in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.7990-12930.
(vi). 1:1 ratio promotion may be extended to Oversear Gr. II
and Gr.I in Universities also.
(vii). The scale of pay of Plumber/Plumber-cum-pump
Operator/ Pump Operator /Pump Operator Gr.II may be
unified corresponding to Rs. 5250-8390 in all Universities.
(viii). The posts of Electrician Gr.I and Gr.II may be merged and
placed in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 5250-
(ix). Work Superintendent Gr.II may be granted scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.5650-8390 as in Soil Conservation
(x). Line Helper/Electrical Helper/Line Man /Field worker in the
scale of pay Rs.5250-8390 having VII standard /Literacy
as qualification may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.4630-7000.
(xi). The Commission is of the view that Government may
examine whether the existing Engineering Units in
various Universities be maintained as such in view of the
fact that the construction work in respect of the
Universities are being entrusted to outside agencies like
Nirmithi Kendra, Central PWD etc. A uniform staff pattern
with minimum Engineering and other supporting staff
may be insisted to each University.
16.29. Printing Press
Press is a major wing of the University of Kerala, Agricultural
University and Calicut University in which a uniform staff pattern
can be adopted on par with Printing Department in State Service.
Several posts have common designation and scale of pay. The
Commission recommends restructuring of the Printing Presses in
Universities with uniform staff pattern and the following changes in
the existing pay scales.
(i). The post of Press Manager with scale of pay of Rs.12930-20250
exists only in Kerala Agricultural University. The prescribed
qualification is SSLC or equivalent with LPT/Diploma with 15
years experience in KAU press for promotion and for direct
recruitment the qualification required is Pre-Degree or
equivalent. In Printing Department the Press Manager having
qualification SSLC and Account test (L) is in the scale of pay of
Rs.10790-18000. Hence the Commission recommends to
modify the higher scale of pay corresponding to Rs.10790-18000
existing in KAU.
(ii). The Commission recommends that the scale of pay of General
Foreman in Kerala Agricultural University and Kerala University
may be enhanced corresponding to Rs.9590-16650 for equating
the same with the post in other Universities and Printing
Department in State Service.
(iii). Scale of pay of Senior Foreman is Rs.8790-13610 in Agricultural
University. But in Kerala/Calicut Universities and in Printing
Department the scale of pay of Senior Foreman is Rs.9190-
15510. The Commission recommends that the scale of pay of
Senior Foreman in Agricultural University having the same
qualification may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to
(iv). The Commission recommends that the scale of pay of Junior
Foreman in Kerala Agricultural University may be enhanced
corresponding to Rs.8790-13610 for unifying the scale of the
post with other Universities since the qualifications are same.
(v). The Commission recommends to modify the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs. 5650-8790 to the post of Printer in Sree
Sankara University for unifying the scale of the post with other
Transport Wing
16.30. In Government service Drivers are included in common category as
1. Driver Gr.II - Rs.5250-8390.
2. Driver Gr.I - Rs 6080-9830
3. Driver Sr.Gr- Rs.6680-10790
They are in a ratio of 2:2:1.The qualification and duties of Drivers in
Government service and Universities are equal. But in most of the
Universities they are in different scales and ratio promotion. For
example in Agricultural University LDV Drivers are enjoying 1:1:1:1
ratio promotion in the scale of pay of Rs.5250-8390, Rs.5650-8790,
Rs.6680-10790 and Rs.7990-12930.LDV Driver Selection Grade has
also been promoted as Vehicle Supervisor LDV in the scale of pay of
Rs.8390-13270. In SSU and M.G University Driver Gr.II are in the
scale of Rs.6080-9830. There is no separate post of heavy duty
vehicle drivers as existing in Government service. Drivers having
heavy duty license are usually engaged with heavy vehicles. But in
Kerala University Bus Driver is in the scale of pay of Rs.6080-9830,
Hr.Gr Rs.7480-11910.In Agricultural University HDV Driver Gr.II is in
the scale of pay of Rs.6680-10790 and 1:1:1:1 ratio promotion in
the scale of pay Rs.7480-11910, Rs.7990-12930 and Rs.9190-15510
respectively. Selection Grade Drivers are promoted as Vehicle
Supervisor HDV in the scale of pay of Rs.9590-16650. Hence for
unifying the scales of pay of Drivers in Universities with Government
Service, the Commission recommends that the post of
LDV/HD/HV/Bus drivers may be placed in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.5250-8390 and 2:2:1 ratio promotion in the
scales corresponding to Rs.6080-9830 and 6680-10790 to Gr.I and
Sr.Gr respectively as in Government service. 10% of the Driver Sen.
Gr. will be placed as Driver Sel. Gr. in the scale of pay of
corresponding to Rs. 8390-13270.
(i). Bus Attendant.
Bus Attendant in KAU having qualification 7th std. and good
physique are in the scale of pay Rs.6080-9830 and 1:1:1:1 ratio
promotion in the scale of pay of Rs.6680-10790, RS.7990-12930 and
Rs.7990-12930 respectively. Bus Attendant is the promotion post of
Class 1V employees. It is noticed that Bus Conductor post does not
exist in KAU like in other Universities. They are eligible for the scale
of pay of Rs.4750-7820 with TBHG of Attenders in Government
service. Hence the Commission recommends to place the Bus
Attendant of KAU in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.4750-7820
with eligible TBHG only.
(ii). Bus Conductor
Prescribed qualification for Bus Conductor is SSLC and Conductor
License. There is no such post in Government service. In
Universities Conductors are in the scale of pay of Rs.6080-9830.
Considering the qualification, the Commission recommends that the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs.5650-8790 with eligible TBHG as in
Government Service may be fixed to Bus Conductor.
Publication Wing
16.31. The Director of Publication in Kerala University having qualification
of Master’s Degree is in the scale of pay of Rs.25400-33100. The
Director of Public Relations and Publications in CUSAT with
qualification prescribed as Master’s Degree and 8 years experience
in Mass Communication/ Journalism or Public Relations and Editing
and publishing of books are appointed by direct recruitment in the
scale of pay of Rs.23200-31150.The Director of Printing and
Publishing in M.G University having qualification of Master’s Degree
and experience in Publishing and Editing is in the scale of pay of
Rs.16650-23200. In Calicut University Publication Officer having
qualification P.G with 5 years experience is in the scale of pay of
Rs.16650-23200. Head of Publication wing in SSUS is Sen.
Publication Officer having Graduation and 20 years experience with
scale of pay of Rs.12930-20250.The above mentioned posts are the
Heads of Department of Publication in Universities and appointed by
direct recruitment. The Commission recommends to unify the
qualification as Masters Degree with experience in the field of
Publishing and suggests the scale of pay corresponding to
Security Wing
16.32. In Kerala and M.G University Chief Security-cum-Vigilance Officers
are appointed on deputation from the cadre of Superintendent of
Police .At present the post in Kerala University is vacant and in M.G
University a Deputy Registrar is holding the post. The Commission
recommends re-designating the post as Vigilance Officer with
necessary amendments in Statutes.
16.33. In Kerala University Security Officer is on deputation from Police
Department and the existing scale of pay is Rs.10790-18000. In
SSUS ,M.G and K.A.U the Security Officers having qualification of
Graduation and experience in Police Department is in the scale of
pay of Rs.10790-18000.But in CUSAT,Calicut and Kannur
Universities, the Ex-Service men not below the rank of Captains are
appointed as Security Officer .The scale of pay in Calicut and
Kannur is Rs.11910-19350 and in CUSAT the scale of pay is
Rs.12930-20250. The common recommendations to unify the scale
of pay of Security Officers corresponding to Rs.11910-19350 and
the appointment may be made either on deputation of persons from
posts having the same scale of pay from Police Department or
appoint Ex-Servicemen not below the rank of Captain. Commission
suggests necessary amendments of Ordinance in this regard.
16.34. In Government Secretariat the Security Guard having scale of pay of
Rs.5250-8390 is promoted in the ratio of 5:1 as Security Guard
Hr.Gr in the scale of pay of Rs.6080-9830. Their next promotion post
is Sergeant/Asst. Security Officer in the scale of pay of Rs.7990-
12930.In most of the Universities the qualification prescribed for the
post of Security Guard is identical with Secretariat .But the scale of
pay and promotion prospects are different. In Calicut University the
scale of pay of Security Guard is Rs.4750-10790. Assistant Sergeant
with scale of pay Rs.6680-10790 are appointed by direct
recruitment from Ex-Service men not below the rank of JCO and
Sergeant in the scale of pay of Rs.7990-12930 are also appointed
by direct recruitment from Ex-Service men not below the rank of
Naik Subaidar. There is no promotion chance for Security Guard in
Calicut University. In Kerala, SSUS and MG Universities Security
Guards are promoted as Security Guard H G in the scale of pay of
Rs. 5650-8790 instead of 6080-9830 in Secretariat and scale of pay
of Asst. Security Officer is Rs.7480-11910, but in Secretariat the
scale of pay of Asst. Security Officer/Sergeant is Rs.7990-12930. As
the qualification for the post of Security Guard is same as that of
Secretariat, the Commission recommends the scale of pay and
promotion prospects of Security Guard as in Secretariat and to be
extended in all Universities.
16.35. The posts other than those mentioned under University Common
Category of each University have been examined. A comparative
study has been made with the equated posts in State Departments.
It is revealed that many of the incumbents in the Universities are
enjoying higher scale of pay and ratio promotions than their
counterparts in State Service. The Commission has taken a decision
to equate the scales of pay of University employees with State
Government employees, taking into consideration of the
qualification, nature of duties and responsibilities and mode of
appointments. Suggestions in this regard relating to each
University is as detailed below.
16.36 The qualification prescribed for the post of Junior Engineer/Scientist
(Rs.12250-19800) (in Engineering/ Technical Wing) is B.E/B.Tech
(MSc. Electronics) + 2 years experience. The Commission
recommends to modify the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.11910-
19800 for maintaining professional parity.
16.37. Since the nomenclature does not signify the nature of duty, the
Commission recommends to redesignate the post of Technical
Officer (Rs.11910-19800) in Computer wing as Computer Engineer
16.38. The Commission recommends to redesigante the post of Technical
Assistant (Rs.11070-18450) in Teaching Department as Jr.
Instrumentation Engineer.
16.39. In order to streamline the posts under the publication wing, the
Commission recommends following redesignation.
(i). Technical Assistant (lexicon) (Rs.9190-15510) as Lexicon
(ii). Publication Officer (Rs.9190-15510) as Publication
Assistant (In other Universities Publication Officer is the
head of Department)
(iii). Lexicon Assistant (Rs.11910-19350) as Senior Lexicon
16.40. The Commission recommends the scale of pay of Glass
Blower (Rs.8790-13610) in Health Centre/Lab wing corresponding to
Rs.6680-10790 for unifying the scale with that in Chemical
Examiner’s Lab.
16.41. The prescribed qualification for the post of Nursing
Supervisor (Rs.8390-13270) in Health & Lab wing is BSc. Nursing +
experience in public health nursing. The Commission recommends
to enhance the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510 to
commensurate with that of Head Nurse in Health Services in
16.42. The prescribed qualification for the post of Health Information
Officer (Rs-8390-13270) in Health & Lab wing is Master’s Degree
with 3 years experience in Editing /Publication /Investigation and
Survey. Hence the Commission recommends to enhance the scale
of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-15510.
16.43. Medical Lab Technician (Rs.7480-1910) in Health and Lab wing the
qualification is PDC with MLT. The Commission recommends to
modify the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.6680-10790 being the
scale of pay of the Lab Technician Gr. II in Health Services
16.44. The Commission recommends to modify the scale of pay of the
Pharmacist (Rs. 7480-11910) corresponding to Rs.6680-10790 on
par with the scale of pay of Pharmacist in Government Service.
16.45. The qualification prescribed for the post of Laboratory Technician
(Zoology) is B.Sc. Degree in Zoology. Hence the Commission
recommends to upgrade the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.
16.46. Information and Public Relations Officer in the State Government
service is in the scale of pay of Rs. 12930-20250. Hence the
Commission recommends to modify the scale of pay of Public
Relations Officer (Rs. 16650-23200) in Kerala University
corresponding to Rs. 12930-20250.
16.47. The qualification prescribed for the post of Warden (Rs. 11070-
18450) is Master’s Degree. The Commission recommends to modify
the scale of pay of Warden corresponding to Rs. 9190-15510.
16.48. The prescribed qualification for the post of Graduate Field Assistant
(Rs. 7480-11910) is BSc Botany. The Commission recommends to
enhance the scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 7990-12930.
16.49. The prescribed qualification for the post of Scribe (Rs. 7480-11910)
is only SSLC. The Commission recommends to place them in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 5250-8390.
16.50. Since the qualification prescribed for the post of Field Man (Rs.
7480-11910) is only SSLC. The Commission recommends to place
them in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 5250-8390.
16.51. The Public Relations Officer in Calicut University having first or
second class Master’s Degree and one year experience in
journalism in a reputed National Daily is drawing the scale of pay of
Rs. 16650-23200. But in Government Secretariat, Information and
Public Relations Department, the scale of pay is Rs. 12930-20250.
As per Calicut University statues the scale of pay fixed is in tune
with Pay Revision Order – 1997 to the Public Relations Officer was
Rs. 7200-11400 (The existing corresponding scale of pay is
Rs.11910-19350). Hence the Commission recommends to revise
the scale of pay of Public Relations Officer corresponding to Rs.
16.52. The Qualification prescribed for the post of Herbarium Assistant is
Pre-Degree with Botany as one of the main subject. The scale of
pay is Rs. 4750-7820. The first Higher Grade i.e., Herbarium
Assistant (Hr.Gr.) has scale of pay of Rs. 7990-12930. Considering
the qualification of Herbarium Assistant, the Commission
recommends to enhance the scale of pay to 5650-8790 and to
modify the scale of pay of Higher Grade corresponding to Rs. 6680-
16.53. The qualification prescribed for the post of Glass Blower is SSLC + 4
years experience in Glass Blowing. The scale of pay is Rs. 8790-
13610. In Chemical Examiner’s Lab Glass Blower with similar
qualification is in the scale of pay of Rs. 6680-10790. The scale of
pay of Glass Blower in Calicut University may be fixed
corresponding to Rs. 6680-10790.
16.54. The Telephone Supervisor (8790-13610) is the promotion post of
Telephonist (Scale of pay of Rs. 5250-8390). The qualification of
Telephonist is SSLC and ability to speak in English, Malayalam and
Hindi. As the scale of pay of feeder category is Rs. 5250-8390, the
Telephone Supervisor in Calicut University may be placed in the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 7990-12930.
16.55. The qualification of Junior Engineer Instrumentation, having scale of
pay of Rs. 12250-19800, is Second Class in Engineering or MSc
(Physics) with two years experience or Diploma in Engineering or
BSc (Physics) with 8 years experience. Considering the qualification
as B.Tech, the pay scale to the Junior Engineer Instrumentation may
be fixed corresponding to Rs.11910-19350, as allowed in other
Engineering Departments having B.Tech qualification.
16.56. The appointment of Instrumentation Engineer is made by direct
recruitment with the qualification of B.Tech or Diploma in
Instrumentation with Five years experience. The post is having the
pay scale of Rs.16650-23200 on par with Executive Engineers in
PWD. Being an entry post of a B.Tech holder, the scale of pay may
be fixed corresponding to Rs. 11910-19350.
16.57. The qualification of Technician Gr. A is ITI having scale of pay of
Rs.4750-7820. But in State service the scale of pay of ITI holder is
Rs. 5650-8790. The first promotion post is Technician Gr. B in the
scale of pay of Rs. 7480-11910 whereas in State Government
service the scale of pay of immediate promotion post is Rs. 6680-
10790. Technician Gr. C, the next promotion post of Technician Gr.
B, is in the scale of pay of Rs. 7990-12930. The Commission
recommends to modify the scales of pay of Technician Gr. A and Gr.
B corresponding to Rs. 5650-8790 and 6680-10790 respectively.
16.58. The post of Plumbing Overseer is the promotion post of Plumber
with the scale of pay of Rs. 7990-12930. The feeder category post
of Plumber is having the scale of pay of Rs. 5650-8790 (in
Government service the scale of pay of Plumber is Rs. 5250-8390
only). As Plumbing Overseer is the first promotion post, the scale of
pay may be fixed corresponding to Rs. 6680-10790.
16.59. The Pump Operator (5250-8390) is being promoted as Pump
Operator (Hr.Gr.) in the scale of pay of Rs. 7480-11910. As the
scale of pay of entry post is Rs. 5250-8390, the scale of pay of
Pump Operator (Hr.Gr.) may be modified corresponding to Rs.6680-
16.60. The post of Farm Supervisor (Rs.10790-18000) is the promotion
post of Field Assistant/Plantation Assistant (7480-11910).
Qualification of the feeder post is SSLC and Diploma or Certificate in
Agriculture/ Horticulture. In the Statute additional qualification or
experience in the feeder category, for promotion as Farm
Supervisor has not been specified. Since the higher scale
(Rs.10790-18000) sanctioned to Farm Supervisor is much higher
than the scale of pay allowed in State Department, the Commission
recommends to modify the scale of pay of Farm Supervisor
corresponding to Rs. 9190-15510.
16.61. Since the qualification of House Keeper is Graduation, the scale of
pay may be enhanced from Rs.6680-10790 to Rs.7990-12930. The
scale of pay of Senior House Keeper (Rs.9590-16650), which is the
promotion post of House Keeper, may be fixed corresponding to
16.62. The Public Relations Officer in MG University, having first or second
class Master’s Degree and experience in any University is in the
scale of pay of Rs. 16650-23200. But in Government Secretariat
and Information and Public Relations Department the scale of pay is
Rs. 12930-20250. In MG University, the scale of pay fixed to the
Public Relations Officer was in tune with Pay Revision Order – 1997
and scale of pay was Rs. 7200-11400 (The existing corresponding
scale of pay is Rs.11910-19350). Hence the Commission
recommends to modify the scale of pay of Public Relations Officer
corresponding to Rs.12930-20250.
16.63. The qualifications prescribed for the post of Computer Programmer
(Rs.12930-20250) in Teaching Dept are Degree + PG Diploma in
Computer Application + 2 years experience in programming, using
and maintenance of Personal Computers in a reputed Government
Organisation. The pay scale of similar posts in other Universities is
Rs.11070-18450. Hence the Commission recommends to fix the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 11070-18450.
16.64. The qualification prescribed for the post of Clinical Psychologist
(Rs.11070-18450) in Behavioral Science is Master’s Degree + MPhil.
Considering the qualifications, duties and responsibilities, the
Commission recommends to enhance the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs.11910-19350.
16.65. The prescribed qualification for the post of Resident Medical Officer
(11070-18450) Behavioral Science is MBBS. The Commission
recommends to equate the pay of Resident Medical Officers with
the Medical Officers under Health Services and place in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.13610-20700.
16.66. The qualifications for the post of Artist-cum-photographer (11910-
19350) in Teaching Department is Degree + Diploma in
photography + experience in processing slides and maintenance of
projection facilities. Considering the qualifications, the scale of pay
may be fixed corresponding to Rs. 11070-18450 as in Government
16.67. The qualifications prescribed for the post of Glass Blower (9190-
15510) is Diploma in glass blowing or SSLC + 2 years experience.
Considering the qualification, the pay may be fixed corresponding to
Rs. 6680-10790.
16.68. The prescribed qualification for the post of Field assistant (Rs.8390-
13270) is 1st class P.G in Anthropology. Hence the Commission
recommends to enhance the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.9190-
16.69. For all categories (other than those not mentioned in the University
Common Category), the Commission recommends corresponding
revision with eligible Ratio Promotion and Time Bound Higher Grade
as applicable in Government Service.
16.70. By the unification of pay scales of equated posts, the Commission
suggests that, in cases where a lesser scale of pay is proposed,
present pay scale of the incumbent in the existing post may be
protected as personal pay scale with corresponding revision.
16.71. The Soil Analyst (7990-12930), having qualification of ITI, is allowed
the scale of pay which is much higher than the equated posts in
other Government service. The commission recommends to fix the
scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 6680-10790.
16.72. Considering the qualification of Lab. Assistant as ITI, the
Commission recommends to place Lab Assistant (Strength of
materials) & Lab. Assistant (Metallurgy) in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs. 5650-8790.
16.73. The Hatchery Assistant is allowed scale of pay of Rs. 5650-8790.
The qualification is VIII standard. Considering the qualification the
pay may be fixed corresponding to Rs. 5250-8390.
16.74. The scale of pay of Aquarium Assistant is Rs. 5650-8790. The
qualification for the post is SSLC (Failed). Considering the
qualification, the pay may be fixed corresponding to Rs. 5250-8390.
16.75. The scale of pay of Lab Attendant is Rs. 5650-8790. This is the
promotion post of Class IV employees. The Commission
recommends to fix the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.5250-8390.
16.76. The scale of pay of Laboratory Technician is 7990-12930. The
qualification is SSLC+ITI. The scale of pay allowed for similar
categories in Government services is Rs. 5650-8790. The
Commission recommends to revise the pay of Laboratory
Technician corresponding to Rs. 5650-8790.
16.77. The qualification prescribed for the post of Mechanic (Rs. 9190-
15510) is PDC+ITI. Considering the qualification, the Commission
recommends to fix the scale of pay corresponding to Rs. 6680-
16.78. The scale of pay of Technician Gr. I is Rs. 6080-9830 and
Technician-I is Rs. 5250-8390. The prescribed qualification is
SSLC+ITI. Considering the qualification of similarly placed posts in
Government Service, the Commission recommends to fix the pay
scale corresponding to Rs. 5650-8790.
16.79. The scale of pay of the post of Store Keeper Gr. III is Rs. 7480-
11910. The prescribed qualification is Graduation. Considering the
qualification, the scale of pay may be enhanced corresponding to
Rs. 7990-12930.
16.80. The Technician-II is having the scale of pay of Rs. 7480-11910. This
is the promotion post of Technician-I. The promotion post scale of
similar posts in other Government Department is Rs. 6680-10790.
As such the Commission recommends to fix the pay scale of
Technician-II corresponding to Rs. 6680-10790.
16.81. The direct recruitment post of the Technician-III is having
qualification of ITI + 5 years experience and the scale of pay
allowed is Rs. 9190-15510. Considering the qualification, the
Commission recommends to fix the pay corresponding to Rs. 6680-
16.82. The qualification prescribed for the post of Operator Reprographic
Unit (Rs. 7480-11910) is SSLC. The Commission recommends to fix
the pay corresponding to Rs. 5650-8790.
16.83. The prescribed qualification for the post of Senior Technical
Assistant. (Gr.II) (Rs. 9190-15510) is BSc or Diploma. Considering
the qualification, the scale of pay may be fixed corresponding to Rs.
16.84. The scale of pay of the post of Ammonia Print/Photo Copier Operator
is Rs.6680-10790 and the prescribed qualification is SSLC.
Considering the scale of pay of the post having similar qualification
in Government Services, the scale of pay of the post may be fixed
corresponding to Rs. 5650-8790.
16.85. The scale of pay of the post of Instrument Technician is Rs. 7480-
11910. The prescribed qualification is Diploma+3 years experience.
Considering the qualifications, the Commission recommends to
enhance the scale of pay of Instrument Technician corresponding to
Rs. 7990-12930.
16.86. The qualification prescribed for the post of Technician. Gr.II
(Welder /Fitter/Laith Operator) (Rs.7990-12930) is SSLC + ITI + 3
years experience. The Commission recommends to fix the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.6680-10790, considering the scale of Pay
of similarly positioned employees in State Government Services.
16.87. The scale of pay for the post of Matron is Rs.7480-11910 and the
prescribed qualification is Graduation. Considering the qualification
and duties and responsibilities, the pay may be enhanced
corresponding to Rs. 7990-12930.
16.88. The post of Director of Public Relations in CUSAT may be re-
designated as Public Relations Officer since such a post is not in
existence in other major Universities like Kerala or Calicut. Scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.12930-20250 may be assigned to Public
Relations Officer.
16.89. On verification of the pay structure of the different posts in Kerala
Agricultural University the following differences were seen when
compared with the same or equated posts in other Departments
and Universities. 1:1:1:1 ratio promotion is existing between
Grade.I, Grade.II, Senior Grade and Selection Grade of Farm
Assistant, Farm Assistant (Vety), Technician, Lab Assistant Grade.
III, Clerical Assistant, Lab Assistant Grade .II, HDV & LDV Driver
,Hostel Manager, Matron, Pump Operator, Tractor Driver,
Duplicating Machine Operator, Bus Attendant Grade. II, Class IV
Employee Gr.II, Printer/Compositor/Binder Gr.II posts in Kerala
Agriculture University. In Agriculture Department the ratio
promotion between Agri. Asst. Gr.II (6080-9830), Agri. Asst. Gr.I
(7450-11910), Sen. Gr. 8390-13270 is in the ratio of 2:2:1. In
Animal Husbandry Department Live Stock Inspector Gr.II, Gr.I and
Senior Grade also enjoy the same ratio promotion and scale of pay
as that of Agri. Assistant. Technician (no statue) is also enjoying a
higher ratio 1:1:1:1 in Agri. University whereas no such ratio
promotion is enjoyed by equated posts in other Departments.
Drivers in State Department are in the ratio of 2:2:1. Clerical
Assistant in Secretariat is in the ratio of 1:1. Class IV employees are
enjoying a ratio 2:1 in State Govt. service. Technician, Lab Asst.
Gr.II, Gr.III, Clerical Assistant, Hostel Manager, Matron, Pump
Operator, Duplicating Machine Operator, Bus Attender Gr.II, Printer,
Compositor, Binder are eligible Time Bound Higher Grade in State
Departments. Hence the Commission recommends to discontinue
the existing higher ratio promotion now enjoyed in violation of
guidelines in G.O.P/No.62/2006/H.Edn dt 12-06-2006 and G.O.P
No.3/2008 H.Edn dt. 05-01-2008 and to allow eligible ratio
promotion and TBHG as that of State Government employees.
16.90. A major demand raised from Kerala Agricultural University
Organisations is to enhance the scale of pay of Farm officers to that
of Agriculture Officers in Agriculture Department. Up to 13-08-1984
the qualification for the post of Agriculture Demonstrator Grade II
was SSLC plus 6 months Diploma in Agriculture (Thavanoor) and
good physique. Their duty is to supervise labourers, maintain their
attendance register, assisting the teaching staff and help research
staff. As per ordinance No. GA 7062/A3/83 dt. 08-10-1984, the post
has been re-designated as Farm Assistant (Agriculture) with effect
from 13-08-1984. Vide notification No. GA/E3/ 6395/94 dated 24-02-
2003 qualification has been prescribed as BSc (Agriculture) of KAU
with effect from 05-11-2002.As per order No. GA/B1/9367/2004
dated 01-08-2004 of Executive Committee, the post of Farm
Assistant was redesignated as Farm Officer. On verification it is
seen that the nature and responsibilities of the post has not been
changed with re-designation or up-gradation of qualification. The
existing scale of pay of Farm Officer Grade II is Rs.6080-9830.The
post of Farm officer was mentioned as Farm Assistant in the last pay
revision order (BG/A2-10311/2006/FAW dated 07-10-2006). Even
though the direct recruitees to the post of Farm Officers having the
basic qualification of B.Sc. Agri. are eligible for professional parity,
their duties and responsibilities have not been re-fixed. Majority of
the incumbents now working in the post of Farm Officer have only
SSLC qualification. In Agriculture Department the prescribed
qualification for Agriculture Assistants is SSLC + Diploma in
Agriculture (6 months) or VHSE Agriculture. In Agriculture University
the ratio promotion between GrII, GrI, Sr Grade and Selection Grade Farm
officers are in the ratio 1:1:1:1.Ratio between Farm Manager GrII and
Farm Officer is 1:5. Ratio 1:4 exists between Farm Manger Gr.I and Farm
Officers.The ratio between Farm Manger Gr.I and Farm
Superintendent is 1:1.
The existing scale of pay of promotion post in Agricultural
University/Agriculture Department is as follows:
The Registrar has reported that out of 218 sanctioned posts 175 are
in position. Among them 123 Agriculture Agriculture
are Diploma (2Years) holders and 52
Post Remarks
University Department
are B.Sc. (Agri.) Degree holders. The scale of pay of Farm Officer
Farm Officer
(Agri.), Gr.II Assistant
Farm (Agri) Rs. 6080-
(Vety.), Rs.6080-9830
Technician Ratio 2:2:1in
are on par. Change in the
existing scale of Farm Officers alone will disturb the Dept.
Farm Officer Gr.I This
equilibrium. (Agri) will also Rs. 7990- division
create Rs.7480-
among Farm Officers
12930 11910 in the very same
having Degree and Diploma holders engaged
Farm Officer
nature of Sr.Gr.
The Commission Rs. 9190-
for reviewing the decision
15510 13270
of the executive committee re-designating the Farm Assistant as
Farm Officer Sel.Gr.Agri) Rs. 9590-
Farm Officer without changing their duties and responsibilities. The
Commission recommends that the Farm Officers recruited with B.Sc.
Farm Manager Grade II (Agri) Rs 10790-
Agriculture qualification may be considered for category change
with specific higher duties and responsibilities in the scale of pay
Farm Manager
corresponding Grade I to(Agri) Rs 10790-
Rs.11910-19350. The Commission also
recommends that the Farm 18000 Officers may be given scale to scale
Farm Superintendent
revision with 2:2:1 (Agri) Rs 11910- between GrII ,GrI And Sr. Grade
ratio promotion
as that enjoyed by Agriculture Assistants in Agriculture
16.91. Since the Graduate Lab Assistant /Lab Assistant /Lab technician
Analyst/ Technical Assistant posts have no Statutes/Ordinance,
details regarding qualification, mode of appointment and nature of
duty are not available. Hence the Commission recommends for
constituting Statute/Ordinance for the above posts.
16.92. In Agriculture Department, Pharmacist with qualification of D.Pharm
is in the scale of pay of Rs.6680-10790. Hence the Commission
recommends that the Pharmacist (Rs.7480-11910) in Agricultural
University may be placed in the scale of pay corresponding to
16.93. In Dairy Development Department, Dairy Assistant with qualification
Degree or Diploma in Dairying is in the scale of pay of Rs. 7990-
12930. The Commission recommends for placing the Dairy
Assistant (8790-13610) in Agricultural University in the scale of pay
corresponding to Rs. 7990-12930.
16.94. Qualification prescribed for the post of Trade Assistant (7990-
12930) is SSLC+ITI Certificate. In General Education Department
Trade Instructor having the same qualification is in the scale of pay
of Rs.6680-10790. Hence the Commission recommends for placing
the Trade Assistant in the scale of pay corresponding to Rs.6680-
16.95. The promotion post of Technician Gr.II (Rs.6080-9830) are
Technician Gr.I (Rs.7990-12930), Technician Sr.Gr (Rs.9190-15510),
Technician Sel Gr.(Rs.9590-16650),Technical Supervisor GrII.
(Rs.10790-18000),Technical Supervisor Gr.I (Rs.10790-18000) and
Senior Technical Supervisor (Rs.11910-19350). Since the above
posts have no Statutes/Ordinance, details regarding qualification,
mode of appointment and nature of duty are not known. On
verification it is seen that even persons with VII standard
qualification are assigned 1:1:1:1 ratio promotion. Hence the
Commission recommends for modifying the scale of Technician Gr.II
corresponding to Rs.4750-7000 and eligible TBHG as in Government
Service. It is also recommended for constituting Statutes/ Ordinance
and fixing scale of pay according to qualification and nature of duty.
16.96. In Economics and Statistics Department, Inspector having
qualification of Degree in specified subject
(Economics/Maths/Commerce with Statistics) is in the scale of pay
of Rs.8390-13270. The Commission recommends to modify the
scale of pay of Junior Statistician (12250-19800) corresponding to
16.97. In General Education Department, Editor Vidhyarangam having
Degree + B.Ed. qualification is in the scale of pay of Rs. 9190-
15510. Hence the Commission recommends the scale of pay of
Language Editor (12930-20250) corresponding to Rs. 9190-15510
and to constitute appropriate Statute/Ordinance for this post.
16.98. Malayalam Translator (No Statute), the Commission recommends
for placing Malayalam Translator (Rs.9190-15510) in the scale of
pay corresponding to Rs.7480-11910 which is the scale of pay of
Assistant Translator in Law Secretariat having qualification of
Graduation in the subject concerned.
16.99. The Commission further recommends that vehicles required by the
Universities may be hired to the extent possible, so that
unnecessary posts in the transport wing can be abolished.
16.100. By the unification and modification of pay scales of equated posts,
the Commission suggests that, in cases where a lower pay scale is
proposed than the present pay scale, the existing pay scale of
the incumbent in the respective post may be protected as personal
pay scale with corresponding revision.
16.101. For all other categories not mentioned in University Common
Category (Annexure – 16.1.) and categories for which modifications
are suggested, the Commission recommends corresponding
revision with eligible Ratio Promotion and Time Bound Higher Grade
as applicable to those in Government Service.
16.102. Regarding the Allowances the Commission recommends to extend
the rates applicable to State Government employees to University
employees also in eligible cases.
16.103. Regarding Rules for fixation, Master scale, Time Bound Higher
Grade, House Rent Allowance, Travelling Allowance and Pension
revision, the Commission recommends to extend the benefits
applicable to State Government employees to University employees
16.104. The Commission recommends that all the benefits granted to the
Part Time Contingent employees in Government Service will also be
applicable to the University Part Time Contingent employees. The
terms and conditions of service of these employees may also be as
in Government Service.
16.105. The Commission also recommends to discontinue the practice of
granting ratio promotion in excess of what is enjoyed by the State
Government employees.
16.106. The Commission recommends for constituting Statutes/Ordinances
for the posts having no Statutes/Ordinance.
16.107. In the light of the proposals made in this report, the Commission
recommends to make necessary amendments in the University
Statutes within a time frame, for the posts for which modifications
are proposed.
16.108. Since the Teachers and Statutory Officers are UGC paid employees,
they are not coming under the purview of this Pay Revision Report.
16.109. The categories of posts with the existing and proposed scales of pay
of each University are given below:
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay pay
Statutory Officers
Vice-Chancellor 1 UGC
Pro-Vice Chancellor 1 UGC
Registrar 1 UGC
Controller of Examination 1 UGC
Finance Officer 1 UGC
Teaching Staff
Professor 35 UGC
Reader/Associate Professor 54 UGC
Asst. Professor 135 UGC
University Librarian 1 UGC
Deputy Librarian UGC
Assistant Librarian 8 UGC
Other Officers
Director (Planning, Computer
Centre and CDC)
Programme Co - ordinator (NSS) 1 16650-23200 Personal Scale
Director of Student Service 1 16650-23200 Personal Scale
Research Assistant 1 10790-18000 Personal Scale
40640- Uty. Common
Joint Registrar 7 23200-31150 Category
36140- Uty. Common
Deputy Registrar 20 20700-26600 Category
Assistant Registrar HG 18 16650-23200
40640 Uty. Common
Category. HG ratio 2:1
Assistant Registrar 36 12930-23250
20740- Uty. Common
Section Officer Hr. Gr. 135 11910-19350 Category. HG ratio 1:1
Section Officer 136 10790-18000 18740-
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay pay
Selection Grade Assistant 261 9590-16650
Uty. Common
Senior Grade Assistant 261 9190-15510 Category. Grade ratio
27140 1:1:1
Assistant 261 7990-12930
Clerical Assistant 52 5250-8390
Garden Maistry/ Duplicator
Operator/Roneo Operator/Lab 33 5250-8390
Last Grade Employees (Peon,
8500- HG ratio 2:1 in the
Lascar, Packer, Oiling Asst. 341 4510-6230 scale of 8730-12550.
Animal House Attender etc.)
29180- Uty. Common
Scientific Officer 16650-23200 Category
Uty. Common
Category. To be re-
Technical Officer Grade I 12930-20250 designated as
35320 Technical Officer. Sl.
Uty. Common
28 21240- Category. To be
Technical Officer Grade II 12250-19800
34500 redesignated as Tech.
Officer. Sen. Gr.
19240- To be re-designated as
Technical Assistant 11070-18450 Technical Officer
To be re-designated as
* Technical Assistant 11070-18450 Junior Instrumentation
33680 Engineer.
Deputy Librarian(Non-UGC) 3 16650-23200 Personal Scale
Assistant Librarian Grade. I (Non- 22360-
14 12930-20250 Personal Scale
UGC) 35320
Uty. Common
Assistant Librarian Gr. II (Non- 20740- Category. To be re-
* 16 11070-18450 designated as
UGC) 33680
Reference Officer HG
Uty. Common
18740- Category. To be re-
Reference Assistant 19 10790-18000 designated as
Reference Officer
To be re-designated as
Technical Asst. (Library) 32 9590-16650 Reference Assistant
29180 HG
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay pay
14620- To be re-designated as
Library Assistant 26 8390-13270 Reference Assistant
29180- Uty. Common
* Systems Manager 1 23200-31150
40640 Category
Uty. Common
22360- Category. To be re-
Programmer 6 12930-20250 designated as Senior
Uty. Common
20740- Category. To be re-
* System Administrator 3 10790-18000 designated as Junior
Data Entry Operator 4 6080-9830 Personal Scale
To be re-designated as
Technical Officer (Computer 20740-
* 1 11910-19800 Computer Eng.
Wing) 33680 Hardware.
Pool Officer 3 12930-20250 Personal Scale
Section Officer (FC&D) HG 10 11910-19350 Personal Scale
Section Officer (FC&D) 22 10790-18000 Personal Scale
Office Superintendent (HG) Uty. Common
Category. 1:1 ratio
18740- promotion
* Office Superintendent 27 9590-16650
16980- Uty. Common
Sel. Gr. Typist 34 9590-16650 Category
16180- Uty. Common
Sr. Gr. Typist 34 9190-15510 Category
13900- Uty. Common
U D Typist 34 7990-12930 Category
Uty. Common
L D Typist 36 6080-9830 Category. 1:1:1:1
17420 grade ratio promotion
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay pay
21240- Uty. Common
Asst. Executive Engineer 2 12250-19800 Category
* Junior Engineer/Scientist 1 12250-19800
Asst. Engineer/Head Draftsman/
20740- Uty. Common
* Assistant Engineer(USIC)/ 13 11070-18450 Category
Technical Officer(USIC)
18740- Uty. Common
Divisional Accountant 1 10790-18000
31360 Category
Uty. Common
Overseer Gr. II(Electrical) 1 6680-10790 Category. Ratio
18740 promotion 1:1
Electrician Gr. I 3 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Uty. Common
Category. Electrician
Gr.I & II merged
together with the
* Electrician Gr. II 3 6680-10790 scale of pay 9190-
14620 14620 and TBHG as
applicable to
Mechanic(USIC)/Technician(USIC) 13210-
7 7480-11910
/ Mechanic Turner 20740
Work Superintendent Gr.I 2 7480-11910 Personal Scale
Uty. Common
Category. TBHG as
Work Superintendent Gr.II 8 5650-8790 applicable to
15380 Government
9190- Uty. Common
Plumber 3 5250-8390
14620 Category
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay pay
16180- Uty. Common
* Senior Foreman 5 8790-13610 Category
15380- Uty. Common
* Junior Foreman 6 8390-13270 Category
16180- Uty. Common
* Senior Proof Reader 1 8790-13610 Category
15380- Uty. Common
* Proof Reader Gr. I 1 8390-13270 Category
Uty. Common
* Proof Reader Gr. II 2 7990-12930 Category. Grade Ratio
23480 2:2:1
14620- Uty. Common
Computer Sr. Gr. 1 8390-13270 Category
14620- Uty. Common
* Computer Gr. I 1 7990-12930 Category
Uty. Common
Computer Gr. II 1 6080-9830 Category. Grade Ratio
17420 2:2:1
14620- Uty. Common
* Compositor Sr. Gr. 6 7990-12930 Category
13210- Uty. Common
Compositor Gr.I 12 7480-11910 Category
Uty. Common
Compositor Gr. II 12 5650-8790 Category. Grade Ratio
15380 2:2:1
14620- Uty. Common
* Binder Sr. Gr. 5 7990-12930 Category
13210- Uty. Common
Binder Gr. I 10 7480-11910 Category
Uty. Common
Binder Gr II 14 5650-8790 Category. Grade Ratio
15380 2:2:1
14620- Uty. Common
* Printer Sr. Gr. 3 7990-12930 Category
13210- Uty. Common
Printer Gr.I 6 7480-11910 Category
Uty. Common
Printer Gr. II 9 5650-8790 Category. Grade Ratio
15380 2:2:1
13210- Uty. Common
Senior Time Keeper 1 7480-11910 Category
11620- Uty. Common
Time Keeper 1 6680-10790 Category
9940- Uty. Common
Asst. Time Keeper 1 5650-8790 Category
Galley Press Man Gr. I 1 5250-8390 9190- Uty. Common
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay pay
14620 Category
Vehicle Examiner 1 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Pass Examiner 1 7480-11910 Personal Scale
* Driver (Bus) Hr. Gr 1 7480-11910 Personal Scale
* Driver (Bus) Lr. Gr 4 6080-9830 Personal Scale
Uty. Common
Category (2:2:1) ratio
promotion between
Driver Gr. II, Gr. I and
Sr. Gr. in the scale of
pay of Rs.10480-
9190- 17420 and Rs.11620-
Driver Grade II (LDV) 21 5250-8390 18740 to Gr. I and Sr.
Gr. respectively. 10%
of the Driver Sr. Gr.
will be placed as
Driver Sel. Gr. in the
scale of pay Rs.14620-
Conductor Hr. Gr 2 6680-10790 Personal Scale
Uty. Common
Category. TBHG as
Conductor 5 6080-9830 applicable to
15380 Government
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay pay
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay pay
Electron Microscopy Assistant 1 9190-15510
Laboratory Mechanic 3 8790-13610
Artist Photographer 2 8790-13610
* Glass Blower 1 8790-13610
* Nursing Supervisor 1 8390-13270
* Health Information Officer 1 8390-13270
Radiographer 1 7990-12930
Resident Nurse 1 7480-11910
* Pharmacist 1 7480-11910
* Medical Lab Technician 1 7480-11910
Artist 1 7480-11910
* Laboratory Technician (Zoology) 1 5650-8790
Laboratory Attender 1 5650-8790
Section Cutter 1 5250-8390
* Public Relations Officer 1 16650-23200
Population Information Officer 1 11910-19350
* Veterinary Doctor 1 11070-18450
Accompanying Artist(Violin) 1 11070-18450
* Warden 1 11070-18450
Coach/Instructor of Indigenous 18740-
8 10790-18000
Exercises 31360
Instructor (Mridangam) 1 10790-18000 18740-
Existing Proposed
Designation Scale of Scale of Remarks
Pay pay
Store Keeper 2 10790-18000
Records Officer 1 10790-18000
Reception Officer 1 10790-18000
Manuscript Assistant. Gr. I 1 9190-15510
Editorial Assistant(Journalism) 1 9190-15510
Manuscript Assistant 6 7480-11910
* Graduate Field Assistant 2 7480-11910
* Scribe 1 7480-11910
* Field Man 1 7480-11910
Matron 5 5650-8790
* Scales modified.
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - Nil ; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged employees -
Nil; No. of Women employees -801.
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Statutory Officers
Vice-Chancellor 1 UGC
Pro-Vice Chancellor 1 UGC
Registrar 1 UGC
Controller of Examinations 1 UGC
Finance Officer 1 UGC
Teaching Staff
Professor 235 UGC
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Associate Professor UGC
Assistant Professor UGC
Director of Physical Education 1 UGC
Deputy Director of Physical
Assistant Director of Physical
Information Scientist 1 UGC
University Librarian 1 UGC
Deputy Librarian 1 UGC
Assistant Librarian 15 UGC
Other Officers
Dean of Students' Welfare 1 UGC
Project Officer (Adult Edn.) 1 UGC
16650- 29180-
Programme Co-ordinator NSS 1
23200 40640
23200- 40640- Uty. Common
Joint Registrar/PS to VC 7 Category
31150 54140
20700- 36140- Uty. Common
Deputy Registrar 17 Category
26600 46640
16650- 29180-
Assistant Registrar(HG) 15 Uty. Common
23200 40640
Category HG ratio
12930- 22360- 2:1
Assistant Registrar 31
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Section Officer (Hr. Grade) 136 Uty. Common
19350 33680
Category HG Ratio
10790- 18740- 1:1
Section Officer 136
18000 31360
Selection Grade Asst. 250 9590-16650
Uty. Common
Senior Grade Assistant 250 9190-15510 Category. Grade
27140 Ratio 1:1:1
Assistant 250 7990-12930
* Telephone Supervisor 1 8790-13610
Telephonist 1 5250-8390
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Clerical Asst. 56 5250-8390
Roneo Operator 10 5250-8390
Head Peon 15 5250-8390
Daffedar 1 5250-8390
Peon/Watchman (Hr.Gr.) 62 4630-7000
Peon/Watchman 124 4510-6230 HG Ratio 2:1
16650- 29180- Uty. Common
Publication Officer 1
23200 40640 Category
Uty. Common
12930- 22360- Category. To be
Technical Officer Grade. I 4 redesignated as
20250 35320
Tech. Officer Sel. Gr.
Uty. Common
12250- 21240- Category. To be
Technical Officer Grade. II 7 redesignated as
19800 34500
Tech. Officer Sen Gr.
Uty. Common
11070- 19240- Category. To be
Technical Assistant 5 redesignated as
18450 32110
Tech. Officer
Uty. Common
Category. To be re-
23200- 29180- designated as
* System Administrator 1
31150 40640 System
Programmer 1 12930- 22360- Uty. Common
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Category. To be re-
20250 35320 designated as Sen.
Uty. Common
16980- Category. To be re-
Assistant Programmer 1 9590-16650
29180 designated as Jr.
Data Entry Assistant/Operator 1 6080-9830 Personal Scale
12930- 22360-
Asst. Librarian 2 Personal Scale
20250 35320
Uty. Common
11910- 18740- Category. To be
* Junior Librarian 13 redesignated as
19350 31360
Reference Officer
Uty. Common
16980- Category. To be
Professional Asst. Grade. I 21 9590-16650 redesignated as
Reference Asst. HG.
Uty. Common
14620- Category. To be
Professional Asst. Grade. II 18 8390-13270 redesignated as
Reference Asst.
Uty. Common
9190- Category. To be re-
Library Assistant 13 5250-8390 edsignated as Lr.
12930- 22360-
Pool Officer 4 Personal Scale
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Section Officer (FC&D) HG 15 Personal Scale
19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Section Officer (FC & D) 15 Personal Scale
18000 31360
* Office Superintendent HG Uty. Common
Category.HG Ratio
10790- 18740- 1:1
Office Superintendent 25
18000 31360
Selection Grade Typist 31 9590-16650
Senior Grade Typist 31 9190-15510 Uty. Common
Category. Grade
13900- Ratio 1:1:1:1
* U.D Typist 31 7480-11910
L.D. Typist 31 6080-9830
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
16650- 29180-
Field Officer, Botany 1
23200 40640
Assistant Superintendent, 11070- 19240-
(Botanical Gardens) 18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Herbarium Curator 1
18000 31360
* Glass Blower 1 8790-13610
* Herbarium Assistant (Hr. Gr.) 1 7990-12930
Asst. Curator Grade. I 1 7990-12930
Asst. Curator 1 7480-11910
Technical Asst(Lab) 1 7480-11910
Taxidermist 1 5650-8790
Animal Room Technician, Life 9940-
1 5650-8790
Sciences 15380
Lab Assistant 15 5250-8390
Skilled Asst. (Psychology) 1 5250-8390
* Herbarium Asst. 1 4750-7820
Semi Skilled Lab Attender 8730-
1 4630-7000
(Physics) 12550
Field cum Animal Room 8500-
1 4510-6230
Attender 12220
Filter Plant Cleaner 3 4510-6230
Specimen Collector 1 4510-6230
11070- 24040-
* Physician/Lady Medical Officer 2
18450 36140
Head Nurse 1 9190-15510
Staff Nurse(Hr. Grade) 1 8390-13270
Store Keeper(Pharmacist) 1 9190-15510 16180-
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Staff Nurse 3 7480-11910
Pharmacist 2 6680-10790
Lab Technician 1 6680-10790
Hospital Assistant 1 5250-8390
Nursing Asst. 3 5250-8390
10790- 18740-
Technician (School of Drama) 6
18000 31360
Photographer 1 8790-13610
Artist-cum- photographer 2 8790-13610
Videographer 1 8790-13610
Theater Photographer 1 8790-13610
Technical Asst 1 8790-13610
Cinema Operator Cum 13900-
1 7990-12930
Electrician 22360
Assistant Photographer 1 7480-11910
Dark Room Asst. 1 5650-8790
23200- 36140- Uty. Common
* University Engineer 1 Category
31150 46640
16650- 36140- Uty. Common
* Executive Engineer 2 Category
23200 46640
16650- 20740-
* Instrumentation Engineer 1
23200 33680
Junior Engineer 12250- 20740-
* 1
Instrumentation 19800 33680
Asst. Ex. Engineer 4 12250- 21240- Uty. Common
Category. 1/3 may
19800 34500
be placed in the HG
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
with the scale of pay
of Rs. 24040-36140
Asst. Engineer(Directly 11070- 20740- Uty. Common
* 10 Category
Recruited) 18450 33680
10790- 18740- Uty. Common
Divisional Accountant 1 Category
18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Technician 3
18000 31360
AC Cum Refrigeration 15380-
1 8790-13610
Mechanic 24040
Overseer Gr. I 3 7990-12930 Uty. Common
22360 Category. 1:1 Ratio
promotion between
Overseer Gr. II 7 6680-10790 Gr.I and II
* Plumbing Overseer 1 7990-12930
9190- Uty. Common
* Plumber 5 5650-8790 Category
* Pumping Overseer 1 7990-12930
* Pump Operator Hr. Grade 8 7480-11910 Personal Scale
Uty. Common
Category. TBHG as
Pump Operator 9 5250-8390 applicable to
14620 Government
Senior Electrician 6 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Uty. Common
* Electrician 6 6680-10790 Category. TBHG as
14620 applicable
13900- Uty. Common
Mechanic cum Plumber 1 7990-12930 Category
Technician Grade. C 7990-12930 Personal Scale
* Technician Grade B 7 7480-11910
* Technician Grade A 4750-7820
Workshop Mechanic Cum LNP 13210-
1 7480-11910
Plant Operator 20740
8730- Uty. Common
* Line Helper 9 5250-8390 Category
Tracer 1 5250-8390 9190-
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
8730- Uty. Common
* Skilled Asst. 1 5250-8390
12550 Category
Workshop Asst. 1 4510-6230
Vehicle Examiner 1 9190-15510 Personal Scale
HV Driver 4 6680-10790 Personal Scale
Uty. Common
Category (2:2:1)
ratio promotion
between Driver Gr.
II, Gr. I and Sr. Gr. in
the scale of pay of
Rs.10480-17420 and
L.V. Driver 10 5250-8390 Rs.11620-18740 to
14620 Gr. I and Sr. Gr.
respectively. 10% of
the Driver Sr. Gr.
will be placed as
Driver Sel. Gr. in the
scale of pay
9940- Uty. Common
* Bus Conductor 2 6080-9830 Category
Bus Cleaner 2 4510-6230
13610- 24040- Uty. Common
Superintendent 1
20700 36140 Category
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
23480 Category
DTP Operator 2 6680-10790
10480- Uty. Common
L.D. Computator 1 6080-9830
17420 Category
Asst. Warehouse Man 1 6080-9830
L.D. Compositor 2 5650-8790
Uty. Common
L.D Binder 7 5650-8790 Category.Grade
15380 Ratio 2:2:1
L.D Printer 5 5650-8790
9940- Uty. Common
L.D Counter 1 5650-8790
15380 Category
11910- 20740- Uty. Common
Security Officer 1 Category
19350 33680
11070- 14620- Uty. Common
* Asst. Security Officer 1 Category
18450 23480
14620- Uty. Common
* Sergeant 1 7990-12930 Category
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Uty. Common
11620- Category. To be
Asst. Sergeant 1 6680-10790
18740 redesignated as
Security Guard HG
Uty. Common
* Security Guard 27 4750-7820 Category. HG Ratio
15380 5:1
Gurhka watchman 13 4510-6230
16650- 22360-
* Public Relations Officer 1
23200 35320
13610- 24040-
Archivist ( History) 1
20700 36140
13610- 24040-
Curator ( Malayalam) 1
20700 36140
10790- 18740-
Coaches 11
18000 31360
10790- 16180-
* Farm Supervisor 1
18000 27140
* Senior House Keeper 1 9590-16650
Field Asst.(Botany) 2 6680-10790
Plantation Asst.(Botany) 1 6680-10790
* House Keeper (Ladies Hostel) 1 6680-10790
Statistical Asst. 1 5650-8790
Garden Mastery 2 5250-8390
Matron 1 5250-8390
Manuscript Keeper 1 5250-8390
Gardener 17 4630-7000
Grounds man 3 4630-7000
Sweeper cum scavenger 7 4510-6230
Mosquito Sprayer 1 4510-6230
Existing Proposed
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Animal Room Asst. 1 4510-6230
Room Boy cum Bearer 3 4510-6230
* Scales modified
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 96 ; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 20; No. of Women employees -395
Existing Proposed
Designation of Remarks
Scale of Pay Scale of Pay
Statutory Officers
Vice-Chancellor 1 UGC
Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1 UGC
Registrar 1 UGC
Controller of Examination 1 UGC
Finance Officer 1 UGC
Teaching Staff
Professor 8 UGC
Associate Professor 20 UGC
Asst. Professor 77 UGC
University Librarian 1 UGC
Deputy Librarian 1 UGC
Assistant Librarian 5 UGC
Other Officers
Director Students Service 1 UGC
Director of Physical
N.S.S. Program Co-
Assistant Director of
Physical Education
Uty. Common
Joint Registrar 7 23200-31150 40640-54140 Category
Existing Proposed
Designation of Remarks
Scale of Pay Scale of Pay
Uty. Common
Deputy Registrar 18 20700-26600 36140-46640 Category
Assistant Registrar HG 14 16650-23200 29180-40640 Uty. Common
Category. HG Ratio
Assistant Registrar 28 12930-20250 22360-35320 2:1
Section Officer HG 145 11910-19350 20740-33680 Uty. Common
Category. HG Ratio
Section Officer 146 10790-18000 18740-31360 1:1
Personal Secretary to VC 1 10790-18000 18740-31360
Assistant (Sel. Gr.) 237 9590-16650 16980-29180
Uty. Common
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 237 9190-15510 16180-27140 Category. Grade Ratio
Assistant 237 7990-12930 13900-22360
Clerical Assistant HG 51 5650-8790 9940-15380 Personal Scale
Existing Proposed
Designation of Remarks
Scale of Pay Scale of Pay
Uty. Common
Category. To be re-
Computer and
* 1 16650-23200 29180-40640 designated as System
Communication Engineer Manager/System
Assistant Programmer 2 9590-16650 16980-29180
Computer Data Entry Uty. Common
* 1 7480-11910 13900-22360 Category
Officer/Programme Co- Uty. Common
2 16650-23200 29180-40640 Category
ordinator (School of
Behavioral Sciences)
Uty. Common
Category.To be
Technical Officer Gr.I 1 12930-20250 22360-35320 redesignated as Tech.
Officer. Sel. Gr.
Uty. Common
Category.To be
Technical Officer Grade II 1 12250-19800 21240-34500 redesignated as Tech.
Officer. Sen. Gr.
Existing Proposed
Designation of Remarks
Scale of Pay Scale of Pay
Uty. Common
* Security Officer 1 10790-18000 20740-33680 Category
Uty. Common
* Assistant Security Officer 1 7480-11910 14620-23480 Category.
Uty. Common
* Security Guard ( H G) 3 5650-8790 11620-18740 Category.
Uty. Common
* Security Guard 33 4750-7820 9940-15380 Category. Ratio 5:1
Uty. Common
* Gurkha/Watchman 6 4750-7820 8500-12220 Category
Vehicle Supervisor (HD) 1 9590-16650 16980-19180 Personal Scale
Existing Proposed
Designation of Remarks
Scale of Pay Scale of Pay
Laboratory Assistant 20 5250-8390 9190-14620
Laboratory Attender 8 4750-7820 8960-13210
* Clinical Psychologist 1 11070-18450 20740-33680
Clinic Technician 1 7990-12930 13900-22360
Clinic Nurse 1 7480-11910 13210-20740
Special Teacher 2 7480-11910 13210-20740
Field Worker 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
* Resident Medical Officer 1 11070-18450 24040-36140
Staff Nurse 2 7480-11910 13210-20740
Lab Technician (University
1 6680-10790 11620-18740
Health Centre)
* Public Relation Officer 1 16650-23200 22360-35320
Coach 7 10790-18000 18740-31360
Cultural Officer 1 10790-18000 18740-31360
Officer in Charge of Answer
1 10790-18000 18740-31360
Statistical Assistant 2 9190-15510 16180-27140
Garden Maistry 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Hostel Attendant 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 1871
* Scales modified.
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - Nil ; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 272; No. of Women employees -463
of Existing Proposed
Designation Remarks
Pos scale of pay scale of pay
Statutory Officers
Vice Chancellor 1 UGC
Pro-Vice Chancellor 1 UGC
Registrar 1 UGC
Finance Officer 1 UGC
Controller of Examinations 1 UGC
of Existing Proposed
Designation Remarks
Pos scale of pay scale of pay
Teaching Staff
Director of Physical Education 1 UGC
Deputy Director of Physical
Professor 6 UGC
Associate Professor 21 UGC
Asst. Professor 57 UGC
Assistant Director of Physical
University Librarian 1 UGC
Deputy Librarian 1 UGC
Assistant Librarian 3 UGC
Other Officers
Director of Students Service 1 UGC
Program Co-ordinator NSS 1 UGC
Joint Registrar 2 23200-31150 40640-54140 Category
Deputy Registrar 6 20700-26600 36140-46640 Category
Assistant Registrar HG 4 16650-23200 29180-40640 Uty.Common
Category. HG Ratio
Assistant Registrar 9 12930-20250 22360-35320 2:1
Section Officer Higher Grade 30 11910-19350 20740-33680 Uty.Common
Category. HG Ratio
Section Officer 31 10790-18000 18740-31360 1:1
Assistant(Sel. Gr) 59 9590-16650 16980-29180
Assistant(Sen. Grade) 59 9190-15510 16180-27140 Category. Grade
Ratio 1:1:1
Assistant 59 7990-12930 13900-22360
Roneo Operator 2 5250-8390 9190-14620
Peon 29 4510-6230 8500-12220
Category. TO be re-
Junior Librarian 5 11910-19350 20740-33650 designated as
Reference Officer
Category. To be
Professional Assistant Grade .I 9 9590-16650 16980-29180 redesignated as
Reference Assistant
of Existing Proposed
Designation Remarks
Pos scale of pay scale of pay
Category. To be re-
.II designated as
Reference Assistant
Category. To be re-
Library Assistant 4 5250-8390 9190-14620 designated as
Library Attender
Assistant Executive Engineer Uty.Common
* 1 11910-19350 21240-34500
(Civil) Category
* Assistant Engineer (Civil) 1 11070-18450 20740-33680 Category
Overseer Grade. II (Civil) 1 6680-10790 11620-18740 Category
Overseer Grade .I (Electrical) 1 7990-12930 13900-22360 Personal Scale
Electrician 1 6680-10790 9190-14620 Category
Pump Operator cum Electrical Uty.Common
1 5250-8390 9190-14620 Category
of Existing Proposed
Designation Remarks
Pos scale of pay scale of pay
Uty. Common
Category (2:2:1)
ratio promotion
between Driver Gr.
II, Gr. I and Sr. Gr. in
the scale of pay of
and Rs.11620-
Driver 4 5250-8390 9190-14620 18740 to Gr. I and
Sr. Gr. respectively.
10% of the Driver
Sr. Gr. will be
placed as Driver
Sel. Gr. in the scale
of pay Rs.14620-
Security Officer 1 11910-19350 20740-33650 Category
* Security Guard 2 5250-8390 9940-15380 Category
Watchman 2 4510-6230 8500-12220 Category
Development Officer 1 16650-23200 29180-40640
* Public Relations Officer 1 11910-19350 22360-35320 Category
* Field Assistant 1 8390-13270 16180-27140
Telephone Supervisor 1 8790-13610 15380-24040
Sweeper (Full Time) 3 4510-6230 8500-12220
Total 471
* Scales modified.
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - Nil ; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 1; No. of Women employees -96.
of Existing Proposed
Designation Remarks
Post Scale of pay scale of pay
Associate Professor 61 UGC
Asst. Professor 70 UGC
Assistant Director
Physical Education
Deputy Librarian 1 UGC
Other Officers
Director Planning &
Joint Registrar 1 23200-31150 40640-54140 Category
Deputy Registrar 2 20700-26600 36140-46640 Category
Assistant Registrar Uty.Common
1 16650-23200 29180-40640
(HG) Category. HG Ratio
Assistant Registrar 3 12930-20250 22360-35320
PS to Statutory
3 12930-20250 22360-35320
Section Officer (HG) 10 11910-19350 20740-33680 Uty.Common
Category HG Ratio
Section Officer 10 10790-18000 18740-31360 1:1
Assistant (Sel. Grade) 21 9590-16650 16980-29180
Assistant (Sr. Grade) 21 9190-15510 16180-27140 Category Grade Ratio
Assistant 21 7990-12930 13900-22360
Clerical Assistant
3 5650-8790 9940-15380 Personal Scale
Grade I
Clerical Assistant
4 5250-8390 9190-14620
Grade II
Class IV 61 4510-6230 8500-1220
* Sr. Publication Officer 1 12930-20250 29180-40640 Category
Section Officer (FC&
1 10790-18000 18740-31360 Personal Scale
Office Superintendent Uty.Common
* 20740-33680
HG Category HG Ratio
* Office Superintendent 1 9590-16650 18740-31360
Typist(Sel. Grade) 2 9590-16650 16980-29180 Uty.Common
of Existing Proposed
Designation Remarks
Post Scale of pay scale of pay
Typist(Sr. Grade) 2 9190-15510 16180-27140
Category. Grade
Typist (Grade. I) 2 7990-12930 13900-22360 Ratio 1:1:1:1
Typist 4 6080-9830 10480-17420
* Security Officer 1 10790-18000 20740-33680 Category
Security Guard (Hr. Uty.Common
* 1 5650-8790 11620-18740 Category
Uty. Common
Category. Grade ratio
5:1 between Security
* Security Guard 7 4750-7820 9940-15380 Guard and Security
Guard HG ( Head
Security Guard)
Category. To be re-
* Reference Assistant 3 11070-18450 18740-31360 designated as
Reference Officer
Category. To be re-
* Library Assistant 14 7990-12930 14620-23480 designated as
Reference Assistant
Driver (Sr. Gr.) 2 6680-10790 11620-18740 Uty. Common
Category (2:2:1) ratio
Driver (Gr. I) 3 6080-9630 10480-17420 promotion between
Driver Gr. II, Gr. I and
Sr. Gr. in the scale of
pay of Rs.10480-
17420 and Rs.11620-
18740 to Gr. I and Sr.
* Driver (Gr. II) 3 6080-9630 9190-14620 Gr. respectively. 10%
of the Driver Sr. Gr.
will be placed as
Driver Sel. Gr. in the
scale of pay
Category. To be re-
* Computer Operator 2 6680-10790 13900-22360 designated as Data
Entry Operator
Lecturers (Non UGC) 8 10790-18000 18740-31360
Assistant Uty. Common
* 1 11070-18450 20740-33680
Engineer(Civil) Category
of Existing Proposed
Designation Remarks
Post Scale of pay scale of pay
* Overseer 2 6080-9830 9940-15380 Category
* Plumber 1 6080-9830 9190-14620 Category
* Electrician 1 6080-9830 9190-14620 Category
* Printer 2 6080-9830 9940-15380 Category
Binder 1 5650-8790 9940-15380 Category
Public Relations
1 12930-20250 22360-35320
* Telephone operator 1 9190-14620
Total 381
* Scales of modified.
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - 34 ; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged
employees - 78; No. of Women employees -152
No. Existing Proposed
Name of post of Scale of scale of Remarks
Posts pay pay
Uty. Common
Professor 35 AICTE Category
Uty. Common
Associate Professor. 66 AICTE Category
Uty. Common
Assistant Professor 212 AICTE Category
Uty. Common
University Librarian 1 UGC Category
Uty. Common
Dy. Librarian 1 UGC Category
Uty. Common
Information Scientist 1 UGC Category
Uty. Common
Asst. Librarian 10 UGC Category
Other Officers
Planning & Development 20700- 36140- Uty. Common
Officer 26600 46640 Category
23200- 40640- Uty. Common
Joint Registrar 3 Category
31150 54140
20700- 36140- Uty. Common
Deputy Registrar 8 Category
26600 46640
16650- 29180-
Assistant Registrar (HG) 5
23200 40640 Uty. Common
Category HG Ratio 2:1
12930- 22360-
Assistant Registrar 10
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Section Officer (H.G) 42
19350 33680 Uty. Common
Category HG Ratio 1:1
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 42
18000 31360
Assistant (Sel. Grade.) 82 9590-16650
Uty. Common
Assistant (Sr. Gr.) 82 9190-15510 Category. Grade Ratio
27140 1:1:1
Assistant 82 7990-12930
Uty. Common
Clerical Assistant 8 5250-8390 9190-14620 Category
Uty. Common
Attender (Clerical Attender) 1 5250-8390 9190-14620 Category
Uty. Common
Peon 106 4510-6230 8500-12220 Category
No. Existing Proposed
Name of post of Scale of scale of Remarks
Posts pay pay
Uty. Common
Sweeper-cum-cleaner (FT) 43 4510-6230 8500-12220 Category
Uty. Common
Technical Officer Gr. I (Sel. 16650- 29180- Category. To be re-
1 designated as
Gr) 232000 40640
Scientific Officer
Uty. Common
Category. To be re-
Technical Officer Gr. I (Sn. 12930- 22360-
1 designated as
Scale) 20250 35320 Technical Officer. Sel.
Uty. Common
Category. To be re-
12250- 21240-
Technical Officer Gr. I 2 designated as
19800 34500 Technical Officer. Sen.
Uty. Common
11910- 19240- Category. To be re-
* Technical Asst. Grade III 5 designated as
19350 32110
Technical Officer
12250- 21240-
System Analyst 2 Personal Scale
19800 34500
12250- 21240-
System Manager 1 Personal Scale
19800 34500
11910- 20740-
Computer Programmer 2
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Computer Operator 2
19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Programme Assistant 1
19350 33680
Uty. Common
11910- 20740- Category. To be re-
Asst. Librarian 10 designated as
19350 33680
Reference Officer HG
Uty. Common
10790- 18740- Category. TO be
Junior Librarian 9 redesignated as
18000 31360
Reference Officer
Uty. Common
Category. To be re-
Professional Asst. Gr.I 15 9590-16650 designated as
29180 Reference Assistant
Uty. Common
14620- Category. To be re-
Professional Asst. Gr.II 13 8390-13270 designated as
Reference Assistant.
* Library Assistant 10 5650-8790 9190-14620 Uty. Common
Category. To be re-
No. Existing Proposed
Name of post of Scale of scale of Remarks
Posts pay pay
designated as Library
12930- 22360-
Pool Officer 5 Personal Scale
20250 35320
11910- 20740-
Section Officer (Typist) H G 8 Personal Scale
19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Section Officer (Typist) 9 Personal Scale
18000 31360
* Office Superintendent HG
33680 Uty. Common
Category. HG Ratio 1:1
* Office Superintendent 16 9590-16650
Typist (Sel. Grade)
Designated as Sel. Grade 20 9590-16650
Typist (Sr.Gr.) Designated as 16180-
20 9190-15510
Sr. Grade. Typist/Steno 27140 University Common
Typist (Grade I) Designated Category. Grade Ratio
13900- 1:1:1:1
as Upper Division 20 7990-12930
Typist (Grade II) Designated
as Lower Division 21 6080-9830
Typist-cum-Storekeeper 1 9190-15510
* Soil Analyst 1 7480-11910
Chemical Assistant 13900-
1 7990-12930
(Technician. Gr.II) 22360
Laboratory Assistant
(Strength of Materials) 1 7990-12930
(Technician Gr.II)
Laboratory Assistant
* (Metallurgical Welder) 1 7990-12930 9940-15380
(Technician Gr.II)
* Laboratory Technician 1 7990-12930 9940-15380
* Hatchery Assistant 1 5650-8790 9190-14620
Hatchery Asst.-cum-Syrang &
1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Specimen Collector 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
* Aquarium Assistant 1 5650-8790 9190-14620
No. Existing Proposed
Name of post of Scale of scale of Remarks
Posts pay pay
Laboratory Assistant 14 5650-8790 9940-15380
* Lab Attendant 6 5650-8790 9190-14620
23200- 36140- Uty. Common
* University Engineer 1
31150 46640 Category
* Mechanic 1 9190-15510
13900- Uty. Common
Overseer Grade I (Civil) 3 7990-12930
22360 Category
Uty. Common
11620- Category. The Ratio
Overseer Grade II (Civil) 3 6680-10790 between Overseer Gr.I
and Gr.II will be 1:1
Uty. Common
Overseer Grade III (Civil) 4 5650-8790 9940-15380 Category
Uty. Common
* Electrician Grade II 8 6680-10790 9190-14620 Category
* Technician Gr I 32 6080-9830 9940-15380
Uty. Common
* Plumber 3 5650-8790 9190-14620 Category
Plumbing Supervisor 1 6680-10790
Uty. Common
* Pump Operator 1 5650-8790 9190-14620 Category
Uty. Common
* Line Helper 9 5250-8390 8730-12550 Category
Uty. Common
Workshop Attender (PS&RT) 1 5250-8390 9190-14620 Category
Net Maker 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
Technical Asst. Grade II 25 9190-15510
Technical Asst. Grade I 37 7990-12930
No. Existing Proposed
Name of post of Scale of scale of Remarks
Posts pay pay
* Store Keeper Grade III 3 7480-11910
Store Keeper Grade II 1 9190-15510
10790- 18740-
Store Keeper Gr. I 1
18000 31360
11070- 19240-
Technician V 2
18450 32110
10790- 18740-
Technician IV 3
18000 31360
* Technician III 1 9190-15510
* Technician II 2 7480-11910
* Technician I 4 5250-8390 9940-15380
16650- 29180-
Engineer(technical Officer 1
232000 40640
Gr.I .Sel scale)
16650- 29180-
Technical Officer Gr. II 1
23200 40640
6 5650-8790 9940-15380
Duplicator Operator 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
* Operator Reprographic Unit 1 7480-11910 9940-15380
Senior Technical Assistant 11910- 20740-
(Technical Assistant Gr. III) 19350 33680
11910- 20740-
Technologist(Technical 1
19350 33680
Assistant Gr. III)
Senior Technical Assistant 16180-
1 9190-15510
(Technical Assistant Gr II) 27140
Ammonia Print-cum-
* 1 6680-10790 9940-15380
Photocopier Operator
Instrument Technician 13900-
* 2 7480-11910
(Physics, Photonics) 22360
* Technician Gr.II 15 7990-12930
* Welder Technician Gr.II 1 7990-12930
* Fitter Technician Gr.II 1 7990-12930
Lathe Operator Technician 11620-
* 1 7990-12930
Gr.II 18740
No. Existing Proposed
Name of post of Scale of scale of Remarks
Posts pay pay
Technician 1 7990-12930
10790- 18740-
Engine Driver 1
18000 31360
13610- 24040-
Deck Officer 1
20700 36140
Assistant Engine Driver 1 7480-11910
Assistant Deck Officer 1 7480-11910
* HV Driver 5 6680-10790 9190-14620 Uty. Common
Category (2:2:1) ratio
promotion between
Driver Gr. II, Gr. I and
Sr. Gr. in the scale of
pay of Rs.10480-17420
and Rs.11620-18740
* LV Driver/Vehicle Supervisor 8 5650-8790 9190-14620 to Gr. I and Sr. Gr.
respectively. 10% of
the Driver Sr. Gr. will
be placed as Driver
Sel. Gr. in the scale of
pay Rs.14620-23480.
Uty. Common
* Conductor 4 6080-9830 9940-15380 Category
Boatman 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Lascar 1 4510-6230 8500-12220
Artist-cum-Photographer 1 7480-19910
Uty. Common
* Printer 1 5250-8390 9940-15380 Category
Public Relation Officer Uty. Common
designated as Director of 20700- 22360- Category. To be re-
* 1
Public Relations and 26600 35320 designated as Public
Relations Officer
Editorial Assistant 1 9190-15510
12930- 20740- Uty. Common
* Security Officer 1
20250 33680 Category
No. Existing Proposed
Name of post of Scale of scale of Remarks
Posts pay pay
Guard and Security
Guard HG ( Head
Security Guard)
Store Keeper Gr. I (Ship 10790- 18740-
Technology) 18000 31360
10790- 18740-
Statistical Officer 1
18000 31360
Warden-cum-Physical Trainer 1 9190-15510
Mess Manager-cum-Assistant 13210-
1 7480-11910
Warden 20740
* Matron 1 7480-11910
Store Keeper Gr. II
(Electronics, Photonics, 3 7480-19910
Asst. Matron 3 6680-10790
Garden Maistry 1 5250-8390 9190-14620
* Gardner 13 4750-7820 8730-12550
Room Boy (Guest House &
5 4630-7000 8730-12550
Athidhi Bhavan)
Mochee 2 4510-6230 8500-12220
Cook 1 4750-7820 8960-13210
Total 1622
* Scales modified.
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - Nil ; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged employees
- 554; No. of Women employees -412
Existing Proposed
No. of
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Associate Professor 295 UGC
Asst. Professor 709 UGC
Other Officers
25400- 44640-
Director of Students welfare 1 Personal Scale
33100 56340
University Librarian 1 UGC
Deputy Librarian 1 UGC
Assistant Librarian 1 UGC
Joint Registrar/ Senior Deputy
23200- 40640-
Comptroller/ Senior 4 Uty. Common Category
31150 54140
Administrative Officer
Deputy Registrar/ Deputy
Comptroller/ Estate Officer/ 20700- 36140-
10 Uty. Common Category
Financial Assistant/ 26600 46640
Administrative Officer Gr. I
Assistant Registrar HG/
Assistant Comptroller
16650- 29180-
HG/Recruitment Officer 6 Uty. Common Category
23200 40640
HG/Administrative Officer
Higher Grade
Assistant Registrar/Assistant
Comptroller/ Recruitment 12930- 22360-
12 Uty. Common Category
Officer/ Administrative 20250 35320
Officer Grade-II
11910- 20740-
Section Officer Hr.Gr. 68 Uty. Common Category
19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Section Officer 68 Uty. Common Category
18000 31360
Assistant Selection Grade 136 9590-16650 Uty. Common Category
Assistant Senior Grade 136 9190-15510 Uty. Common Category
Assistant 136 7990-12930 Uty. Common Category
Clerical Assistant (Sel.Gr.) 30 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Clerical Assistant (Sen.Gr) 30 6680-10790 Personal Scale
10480- 1:1 Ratio promotion
* Clerical Assistant (Hr.Gr.) 30 5650-8790
17420 between Clerical Asst.
and Celrical Asst. HG
Clerical Assistant 33 5250-8390 9190-14620
Existing Proposed
No. of
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Duplicating Machine 13900-
4 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Operator Selection Grade 22360
Duplicating Machine 11620-
4 6680-10790 Personal Scale
Operator Senior Grade 18740
Duplicating Machine
4 5650-8790 9940-15380 Personal Scale
Operator Grade-I
Duplicating Machine TBHG as applicable to
6 5250-8390 9190-14620
Operator Grade-II Government Employees
Existing Proposed
No. of
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Typist Grade-II 40 6080-9830
16650- 29180-
Systems Manager 1 Uty. Common category
23200 40640
Uty. Common category.
12930- 22360-
Programmer 5 To be redesignated as
20250 35320 Sen. Programmer
11070- 20740-
* Jr. Programmer 10 Uty. Common category
18450 33680
* Data Entry Operator 4 Not fixed Personal Scale
16650- 29180-
Scientific Officer Uty. Common category
23200 40640
Uty. Common category.
12930- 22360-
Technical Officer Grade-I To be re-designated as
20250 35320 Tech. Oficer. Sel. Gr.
12 Uty. Common category.
12250- 21240-
Technical Officer Grade-II To be re-designated as
19800 34500 Tech. Oficer. Sen. Gr.
Uty. Common category.
11070- 19240-
Technical Assistant To be re-designated as
18450 32110 Tech. Oficer.
11070- 19240- To constitute
Laboratory Assistant/ 5 Statute/Ordinance
18450 32110
Laboratory Technician/
Analyst/ Research Assistant
Lab Assistant Sel. Grade 10 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Lab Assistant Senior Grade 10 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Lab Assistant Grade-I 10 7480-11910 Personal Scale
TBHG as applicable to
Lab Assistant Grade-II 10 5650-8790 9940-15380 Government Employees
Assistant Chemist 2 8790-13610
Senior Farm Superintendent 11910- 20740-
21 Personal Scale
(Agriculture) 19350 33680
10790- 18740-
Farm Manager-I (Agriculture) 22 Personal Scale
18000 31360
Existing Proposed
No. of
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
10790- 18740-
Farm Manager-II (Agriculture) 36 Personal Scale
18000 31360
Farm Officer Sel. Grade 16980-
45 9590-16650 Personal Scale
(Agriculture) 29180
Farm Officer Sen. Grade 16180- 2:2:1 Ratio Promotion
45 9190-15510 between Farm Officer
(Agriculture) 27140
Gr. II, Gr.I and Sen. Gr.
Farm Officer Grade I 13900- in the scale of pay of
45 7990-12930
(Agriculture) 22360 Rs.13900-22360 and
16180-27140 to Gr. I
Farm Officer Grade II 10480- and Sen. Gr.
47 6080-9830
(Agriculture) 17420 respectively
Existing Proposed
No. of
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Uty. Common Category.
Assistant Executive Engineer 12250- 21240-
10 1/3 will be in the HG on
(Electrical/Mech/Civil) 19800 34500 Rs.24040-36140
Assistant Engineer 11070- 20740-
* 3 Uty. Common category
(Electronics/Agri Engineering) 18450 33680
Assistant Engineer 11070- 20740-
* 25 Uty. Common category
(Civil/Electrical/Mechanical) 18450 33680
* Overseer Grade-I 9190-15510 Uty. Common category
27 Uty. Common category.
* Oversear Grade-II 7480-11910 May be upgraded as
22360 Oversear Gr.I
Pump Operator Selection 13900-
9 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Grade 22360
Pump Operator Senior Grade 9 6680-10790 Personal Scale
Pump Operator Grade-I 9 5650-8790 9940-15380 Personal Scale
University Common
CategoryTBHG as
Pump Operator Grade-II 10 5250-8390 9190-14620 applicable to
Government Employees
* Lineman 1 5250-8390 8730-12550 Uty. Common category
Existing Proposed
No. of
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Technician Selection Grade 12 9590-16650 Personal Scale
Technician Senior Grade 12 9190-15510 Personal Scale
Technician Grade-I 12 7990-12930 Personal Scale
TBHG as applicable to
* Technician Grade-II 14 6080-9830 8960-13210 Government Employees
Vehicle Supervisor (HDV) 2 9590-16650 Personal Scale
14620- Uty. Common category.
* HDV Driver Selection Grade 4 9190-15510 2:2:1 ratio promotion
between Driver. II, Gr.I
11620- and Sen. Gr. in the
* HDV Driver Senior Grade 4 7990-12930 scale of pay of Rs.
10480-17420 and
10480- 11620-18740 to Gr.I
* HDV Driver Grade-I 4 7480-11910 and Sen. Gr.
respectively. 10% of
the post of Driver Sen.
Gr. may be placed in
* HDV Driver Grade-II 5 6680-10790 9190-14620 the scale of pay of Rs.
Vehicle Supervisor (LDV) 2 8390-13270 Personal Scale
14620- Uty. Common category.
* LDV Driver Selection Grade 23 7990-12930 2:2:1 ratio promotion
between Driver. II, Gr.I
11620- and Sen. Gr. in the
LDV Driver Senior Grade 23 6680-10790 scale of pay of Rs.
10480-17420 and
11620-18740 to Gr.I
and Sen. Gr.
respectively. 10% of
* LDV Driver Grade-I 23 5650-8790 the post of Driver Sen.
17420 Gr. may be placed in
the scale of pay of Rs.
Uty. Common category.
2:2:1 ratio promotion
between Driver. II, Gr.I
and Sen. Gr. in the
scale of pay of Rs.
10480-17420 and
LDV Driver Grade-II 22 5250-8390 9190-14620 11620-18740 to Gr.I
and Sen. Gr.
respectively. 10% of
the post of Driver Sen.
Gr. may be placed in
the scale of pay of Rs.
Bus Attendant Selection 13900-
3 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Grade 22360
Bus Attendant Senior Grade 3 7990-12930 13900- Personal Scale
Existing Proposed
No. of
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Bus Attendant Grade-I 3 6680-10790 Personal Scale
TBHG as applicable to
* Bus Attendant Grade-II 5 6080-9830 8960-13210 Government Employees
Tractor Driver Selection 13900-
3 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Grade 22360
Tractor Driver Senior Grade 3 6680-10790 Personal Scale
10480- Uty. Common category.
* Tractor Driver Grade-I 3 5650-8790 1:1 ratio
betweenTractor Driver
Gr.II and Gr.I in the
Tractor Driver Grade-II 3 5250-8390 9190-14620 scale of pay of Rs.
10480-17420 to Gr.I
11070- 19240-
Skipper Grade-II 1
18450 32110
Engineer in Charge 1 8790-13610
Gear Technician 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Deck Hand 4 4510-6230 8500-12220
12930- 18740-
* Press Manager 1 Uty. Common category
20250 31360
* General Foreman 1 9190-15510 Uty. Common category
* Sr. Foreman 1 8790-13610 Uty. Common category
* Senior Proof Reader 1 8790-13610 Uty. Common category
* Jr. Foreman 1 8390-13270 Uty. Common category
* Proof Reader Grade-I 2 8390-13270 Uty. Common category
* Proof Reader Grade-II 7990-12930 Uty. Common Category
Printer/Compositor/Binder 14620-
5 8390-13270 Personal Scale
Selection Grade 23480
Printer/Compositor/Binder 14620-
* 5 7990-12930
Senior Grade 23480
Uty. Common category.
Printer/Compositor/Binder 13210- Ratio promotion 2:2:1
5 7480-11910
Grade-I 20740 between Gr.II , Gr.I and
Sen. Gr.
Printer/ Compositor/ Binder
8 5650-8790 9940-15380
Copy Holder 2 6080-9830 10480- Uty. Common category
Existing Proposed
No. of
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
Computer (Press) 1 6080-9830 Uty. Common category
11070- 20740-
* Headmaster 1
18450 33680
* Teacher HSA Selection Grade
10790- 18740- Re-designated as HSA
Teacher HSA Selection Grade
18000 31360 Sen. Gr.
Teacher HSA 8390-13270 TBHG
Teacher LPSA Selection 16980-
* 9190-15510
Grade 29180
* Teacher LPSA Senior Grade 8390-13270
* Teacher LPSA Grade-I 7990-12930
Teacher LPSA 6680-10790 TBHG
UPSA/SA (Malayalam 11620-
5 6680-10790
Medium) UPSA Hindi 18740
Nursery School
Assistant/School Assistant 11620-
7 6680-10790
(Drawing/Physical 18740
10790- 20740-
* Security Officer 1 Uty. Common Category
18000 33680
12930- 22360-
Public Relations Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 22360-
Labour Officer 1
20250 35320
12930- 16180-
* Language Editor 1
20250 27140
12250- 14620-
* Junior Statistician 1
19800 23480
11070- 19240-
Technical Assistant (Stat.) 1
18450 32110
Chief Artist 1 10790- 18740-
Existing Proposed
No. of
Name of Post Scale of scale of Remarks
pay pay
18000 31360
* Malayalam Translator 1 9190-15510
Artist 6 8790-13610
Photographer 4 8790-13610
Hostel Manager Senior Grade 2 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Hostel Manager Selection 13900-
2 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Grade 22360
Hostel Manager Grade-I 2 7480-11910 Personal Scale
TBHG as applicable to
Hostel Manager Grade-II 5 5650-8790 9940-15380 Government Employees
Matron Selection Grade 2 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Matron Senior Grade 2 7990-12930 Personal Scale
Matron Grade-I 2 7480-11910 Personal Scale
TBHG as applicable to
Matron Grade-II 2 5650-8790 9940-15380 Government Employees
Cook-Cum-Caretaker 4 5650-8790 9940-15380
Dark Room Assistant 1 5650-8790 9940-15380
Ayah 4 4630-7000 8730-12550
Helper 1 4630-7000 8730-12550
* Pharmacist 1 7480-11910
Total 3563
* Scales modified.
No. of Part-Time Contingent employees - Nil ; No. of Casual/Contract/Daily Waged employees -
592; No. of Women employees -804
Category existing Remarks
revised scale
unified scale
1 2 3 4 5
Statutory Officers
1 Vice Chancellor UGC
2 Pro - Vice Chancellor UGC
3 Registrar UGC
Controller of Examination /
5 Finance Officer UGC
Teaching Staff
6 Professor UGC
7 Associate Professor/Reader UGC
8 Assistant Professor UGC
9 Director of Physical Education UGC
Deputy Director of Physical
10 UGC
Assistant Director of Physical
11 UGC
Other Officers
12 Program Co-ordinator(NSS) UGC
Director of Student Welfare/Director
13 of Student Services/ Dean of UGC
Students Welfare
Directors (Planning, Computer Centre
14 UGC
15 Information Scientist UGC
16 University Librarian UGC
17 Deputy Librarian UGC
18 Assistant Librarian UGC
19 Joint Registrar 23200-31150 40640-54140
20 Deputy Registrar 20700-26600 36140-46640
21 Assistant Registrar Hr. Grade 16650-23200 29180-40640
HG Ratio 2:1
22 Assistant Registrar 12930-20250 22360-35320
23 Section Officer Hr. Grade 11910-19350 20740-33680 HG Ratio 1:1
Category existing Remarks
revised scale
unified scale
24 Section Officer 10790-18000 18740-31360
25 Selection Grade Asst. 9590-16650 16980-29180
26 Senior Grade Asst 9190-15510 16180-27140 Grade Ratio 1:1:1
27 Assistant 7990-12930 13900-22360
28 Scientific Officer 16650-23200 29180-40640
29 Technical Officer Sel. Gr. 12930-20250 22360-35320
30 Technical Officer Sen. Gr. 12250-19800 21240-34500
31 Technical Officer 11070-18450 19240-32110
32 Reference Officer HG 11910-19350 20740-33680
33 Reference Officer 10790-18000 18740-31360
34 Reference Asst. HG 9590-16650 16980-29180
35 Reference Asst. 8390-13270 14620-23480
36 Library Attender 5250-8390 9190-14620
37 System Manager/System Analyast 16650-23200 29180-40640
38 Senior Programmer 12930-20250 22360-35320
39 Junior Programmer 11070-18450 20740-33680
40 Data Entry Operator 7480-11910 13210-20740
41 Office Superintendent HG 11910-19350 20740-33680
HG Ratio 1:1
42 Office Superintendent 10790-18000 18740-31360
43 Sel. Gr. Typist / Sel.Gr.Stenographer 9590-16650 16980-29180
44 Sen. Gr. Typist / Sen.Gr.Stenogrpaher 9190-15510 16180-27140 Grade Ratio
45 U.D Typist/Stenographer Gr.I 7990-12930 13900-22360 1:1:1:1.
46 L.D Typist / Stenographer Gr II 6080-9830 10480-17420
Director of Physical Plant/University
Engineer /Executive
47 Engineer/Technical 20700-26600 36140-46640
Engineer/Maintenance Engineer
(1/3 of the posts
Asst. Executive Engineer/Technical may be on HG in
48 Officer Gr.II/Junior Engineer Junior 12250-19800 21240-34500 the Scale of pay
Engineer Instrumentation of Rs. 24040-
49 Assistant Engineer/Head 11910-19350 20740-33680
Category existing Remarks
revised scale
unified scale
Draftsman/Technical Officer
50 Divisional Accountant 10790-18000 18740-31360
51 Overseer Grade I /Draftsman 7990-12930 13900-22360 Gr.I and Gr.II
may be in the
52 Overseer Grade II 6680-10790 11620-18740 Ratio 1:1
53 Overseer Grade III 5650-8790 9940-15380
54 Work Superintendent 5650-8790 9940-15380
Plumber Cum Pump Operator/Pumb
55 5250-8390 9190-14620
Operator/Plumber Pum Operator
56 Pump Operator /Pump Operator 5250-8390 9190-14620
57 Electrician 5250-8390 9190-14620
Line Helper/Electrical
Helper/Lineman/Field Worker/
Workshop Attender/Skilled
58 4630-7000 8730-12550
Assistant/Semi Skilled Lab Attender /
Electricity Worker / Workshop
59 Superintendent (University Press ) 13610-20700 24040-36140
Assistant Superintendent (University
60 11070-18450 19240-32110
61 Press Manager 10790-18000 18740-31360
62 General Foreman 9590-16650 16980-29180
63 Senior Foreman 9190-15510 16180-27140
Junior Foreman
64 8790-13610 15380-24040
65 Asst. Foreman 8790-13610 15380-24040
66 Senior Proof Reader 9190-15510 16180-27140
67 Proof Reader Gr. I 8790-13610 15380-24040
68 Computor Sen.Gr 8390-13270 14620-23480
69 Offset Printer 8390-13270 14620-23480
70 Proof Reader/Proof Reader Gr. II 8390-13270 14620-23480
71 Compositor/Binder/Printer Sr. Gr. 8390-13270 14620-23480
72 Computer Gr. I 8390-13270 14620-23480
73 Mechanic(Press) 8390-13270 14620-23480
74 Mechanic cum Electrician 7480-11910 13210-20740
75 Senior Time Keeper 7480-11910 13210-20740
76 Store Keeper 7480-11910 13210-20740
77 Litho Printer/Litho Operator/Lino 7480-11910 13210-20740
Operator/Mono Super Caster
Category existing Remarks
revised scale
unified scale
78 Binder/Printer/Compositor Gr.I 7480-11910 13210-20740
79 Time Keeper 6680-10790 11620-18740
80 LD Computator 6080-9830 10480-17420
81 Copy Holder/Computer Gr.II 6080-9830 10480-17420
82 Store Keeper(AWM) 6080-9830 10480-17420
LD Binder/LD Printer/LD
83 Compositor /LD Counter / Binder / 5650-8790 9940-15380
Printer/Compositor/Binder Gr. II
84 Assistant Time Keeper 5650-8790 9940-15380
85 Galley Press Man Gr.I 5250-8390 9190-14620
CounterGr. I/Packer Gr. I /Galley
86 4750-7820 8960-13210
Press man Gr. II
Counter Gr. II/Packer Gr. II/Lascar Gr.
87 I/Lascar Gr. II/Lascar/Packer/ 4630-7000 8730-12250
88 Driver Sel. Gr. 8390-13270 14620-23480 2:2:1 Ratio
89 Driver Sen. Gr. 6680-10790 11620-18740 promotion
between Driver
90 Driver Gr.I 6080-9830 10480-17420 Gr. II , Gr. I and
Sen. Gr.10% of
the post of Driver
91 Driver Gr. II 5250-83900 9190-14620 Sen. Gr. may be
placed as Driver
Sel. Gr.
92 Bus Conductor 5650-8390 9940-15380
93 Bus Attendant 4750-7820 8960-13210
94 Bus Cleaner 4510-6230 8500-12220
95 Director of Publication / Publications 16650-23200 29180-40640
96 Security Officer 11910-19350 20740-33680
97 Assistant Security Officer/Sergeant 8390-13270 14620-23480
98 Head Security Guard 6680-10790 11620-18740 5:1 Ratio
between Security
99 Security Guard 5650-8790 9940-15380 Guard and Head
Security Guard
Gurkha/ Watchman 4510-6230 8500-12220
17.1. Fitment benefit @10% of basic pay to all categories. Minimum
benefit assured is Rs.1000/-.
17.2. Service weightage up to 15% @ of 1/2 % for every completed
year of service.
17.3. 27 numbers of pay scales fitted to a running master scale. 64%
of DA, as on 01/07/2009, merged with pay.
17.4. Minimum pay at entry level to be Rs. 8500/- maximum ceiling on
pay is Rs.59840/-. Ratio between minimum pay and maximum
pay brought down to 1:7.04.
17.5. The Time Scale of Pay has been introduced to Part-Time
Contingent employees. This will benefit more than 16000
employees. Minimum benefit assured is Rs.300/- to Rs.470/-.
17.6. Several categories of employees like Teachers, employees in the
Departments such as Police, Excise, Prisons, Motor vehicles, Fire
& Rescue Service Department, PWD, Irrigation, Co-operation etc.
to get higher pay scales.
17.7. More benefits to the State Government employees working in
New Delhi.
17.8. Scheme of Time Bound Higher Grade further liberalized. TBHG
on completion of 8, 15 and 22 years to all categories up to and
including the scale of pay of Rs. 29180-40640.
17.9. 4 TBHG to those who are in the first 5 scales of pay on
completion of 8,15,22 and 27 years of service.
17.10. All allowances including City Compensatory Allowance and
House Rent Allowance enhanced. TA and DA rates are also
17.11. Risk Insurance Coverage to deserving categories
17.12. Recommendations relating to allowances to be
implemented from the date of Government Order implementing
the Pay Revision.
17.13. Introduced the scheme of Leave Travel Concession to State
17.14. Spectacle allowance enhanced to Rs. 1000/- subject to one
claim in every 10 years.
17.15. Paternity Leave introduced. (10 days each for 2 children.)
17.16. The wide disparity existed between different scales of pay
have been reduced to the minimum possible extent for which 3
new scales of pay has been introduced.
17.17. Ratio based Grade Promotion extended to more categories.
17.18. New carrier advancement scheme introduced for the
professional categories.
17.19. Revised scales to be given with effect from 01/07/2009.
17.20. All the pensioners have been recommended increase of
pension almost on a par with that given to serving employees.
Fitment formula recommended for serving employees to be
extended in the case of existing Pensioners/Family Pensioners.
Minimum pension to be 50% of the minimum of the lowest scale
of pay. (Existing number of Live pensioners is 5,28,295).
17.21. Ceiling on DCRG enhanced to Rs. 7,00,000/-.
17.22. Higher rate of pension for Pensioners/Family Pensioners on
attaining the age of 80,85,90,95 and 100 years. Around 47,000
number of pensioners to get this benefit at present.
17.23. Medical Allowance to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners is
enhanced to Rs.300/- per month.
17.24. Specific recommendations made to improve the status and
conditions of service of female employees suggesting solutions
to the problems faced by them.
17.25. Minimum qualification for the post of LD Clerk/LD Typist to
be Plus 2 and Computer knowledge.
17.26. Revision of scales of pay of University employees to be
effected along with the pay revision of Government employees.
17.27. Recommended to move over from the pay slip system to
the Establishment Bill System in respect of Gazetted officers.
17.28. Recommendations of the Commission would lead to an
additional expenditure of Rs.1965/- Crore per annum for serving
employees and pensioners.
17.29. Rates of wages of staff engaged on daily wage basis is
recommended to be enhanced.
17.30. The following scales of pay corresponding to the existing
scales of pay have been recommended.
No Scales of pay (2004) No
Revised scales of pay (2009)
1 4510-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6230 1 8500-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220
4630-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6680- 8730-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-
2 2
160-7000 12550
4750-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6680- 8960-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-
3 3
160-7480-170-7820 13210
5250-130-5510-140-5930-150-6680-160-7480- 9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-
4 4
170-7990-200-8390 14620
5650-140-5930-150-6680-160-7480-170-7990- 9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-
5 5
200-8790 400-15380
6080-150-6680-160-7480-170-7990-200-9590- 10480-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-
6 6
240-9830 400-16980-440-17420
7 6680-160-7480-170-7990-200-9590-240-10790 7
8 7480-170-7990-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910 8
7990-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340- 13900-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-
9 9
12930 560-22360
8390-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340- 14620-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-
10 10
13270 560-23480
11 11 15380-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040
9190-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340- 16180-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040-
12 12
13610-380-15510 620-27140
9590-240-10790-280-11910-340-13610-380- 16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-
13 13
16650 680-29180
10790-280-11910-340-13610-380-16650-450- 18740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-
14 14
18000 750-31360
11070-280-11910-340-13610-380-16650-450- 19240-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-
15 15
18450 750-32110
16 11910-340-13610-380-16650-450-19350 16
17 12250-340-13610-380-16650-450-19800 17
18 12930-340-13610-380-16650-450-20250 18
19 13610-380-16650-450-20700 19 24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140
20 16650-450-20700-500-23200 20 29180-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140-900-40640
21 32110-750-32860-820-36140-900-40640-1000-44640
21 20700-500-23200-550-25400-600-26600 22 36140-900-40640-1000-46640
22 23200-550-25400-600-26600-650-31150 23 40640-1000-48640-1100-54140
24 42640-1000-48640-1100-55240
23 25400-600-26600-650-33100 25 44640-1000-48640-1100-56340
24 26600-650-33750 26 46640-1000-48640-1100-57440-1200-58640
27 48640-1100-57440-1200-59840
Master Scale Master Scale
4510-120-4990-130-5510-140-5930-150-6680- 13540-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-
160-7480-170-7990-200-9590-240-10790-280- 560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-
11910-340-13610-380-16650-450-20700-500- 36140-900-40640-1000-48640-1100-57440-1200-
23200-550-25400-600-26600-650-33750 59840
18.1 The Government of Kerala vide G.O (Ms) No. 81/2010 dated
20-02-2010 constituted the 9th Pay Revision Commission with
Mr. Justice R. Rajendra Babu, Former Judge of the High Court
of Kerala as Chairman and Dr. P. Mohanan Pillai, Professor,
Centre for Development Studies and Advocate Sri. P.
Venugopalan Nair, as Members, to make recommendations
regarding the revision of pay and allowances and other
benefits of the State Government employees, University
employees (posts not covered by UGC & AICTE) and also
various other matters relating the service conditions etc.
Sri.V. Prasenan, Additional Secretary of Finance Secretariat
was appointed as the Secretary to the Commission and
Officials and staff from the Secretariat and other departments
were appointed to assist the Commission. The Commission
assumed charge on the 25th of February 2010. The Office of
the Commission started functioning by the end of February
2010 in the Legislature Complex, Thiruvananthapuram. The
timely involvement of the Hon. Speaker of the Legislative
Assembly Sri. K. Radhakrishnan and the Hon. Minister for
Finance Dr. T.M. Thomas Issac, in providing sufficient and
convenient accommodation in the Legislature Complex with in
the shortest span of time is regarded by the Commission with
much gratitude and appreciation.
18.2 The time assigned to the Commission was too short compared
to the heavy and sensitive nature of works to be completed.
Several Service Organisations and Associations have
submitted written representations, expressing their views and
suggestions and also making their demands. Opportunity was
given to all the Service Organisations to substantiate the
demands and most of the Service Organisations utilized the
above opportunity and advanced their arguments before the
Commission and the discussions continued up to the 3rd week
of October 2010. The Commission expresses sincere thanks
to the representatives of all the Associations and
Organisations for their valuable co-operation and involvement
in the proceedings. A large number of individuals also
submitted their representations, some of them reflecting of
common grievances whereas some highlighting their
individual grievances. Due to the paucity of time, Commission
could not hear them, in person, yet almost all such
representations had been considered. One may realize the
limitations of the Commission to consider and grant relief in
respect of individual grievances. Commission hopes that their
grievances also would get redressed as a result of the general
recommendations of the Commission. The Commission
expresses the sincere gratitude to each and every one of
them for their co-operation and participation in the
18.3 The Commission received a letter from Hon. Mr. Justice V.R.
Krishna Iyer, Former Judge of the Supreme Court of India,
proposing some suggestions, which were duly considered by
the Commission. The Commission expresses the sincere
gratitude to Hon. Mr. Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer for the valuable
suggestions conveyed. The Commission received full co-
operation from all the heads of departments and Commission
expresses its sincere gratitude to all of them.
18.4 The Chairman of the Commission was holding the post of the
Chairman, Dam Safety Authority also. The Chamber of the
Chairman of the Kerala Dam Safety Authority was utilized for
holding the discussions and meetings. Some other facilities of
the Dam Safety Authority also were utilized and the
Commission remembers the co-operation from the Hon.
Minister for Water Resources Sri. N.K. Premachandran with
much gratitude.
18.5 The Commission utilized the service of the Centre for Socio
Economic and Environmental Studies, Kochi, chaired by Sri.
K.K. George and they have subscribed their views on “The
Trends in Kerala Economy and Finances – Implications for the
9th Pay Revision Commission”. Dr. Sabu Thomas, Research
Associate, Nodal Centre, Cochin University of Science and
Technology has made a comparative study on the existing
pay structure of the employees of Central Government,
Southern States and State of West Bengal and also on the
promotional prospects of employees and submitted his views
and opinions. Sri. C.J. Joseph, Retired Additional Secretary to
Govt. had made a study on the issues relating to the
pensioners and submitted his views. The Commission has
consulted with Sri. Gopalakrishnan Nair, Accounts Officer
(Retired) A.G’s Office, Thiruvananthapuram relating to the
various aspects on pensions. The Commission expresses
sincere gratitude to all of them for their valuable services.
The Commission remembers the service rendered by the
Secretary and other Officers and staff of the Kerala
Legislature and also the Dam Safety Authority for the valuable
timely co-operation with much gratitude. The Commission’s
acknowledgements are also due to Sri. C.S. Sathikumar, Chief
Librarian, Legislature Library and other Library staff providing
reference books and previous Pay Commission Reports for
reference to the 9th Pay Revision Commission.
18.6 All efforts have been made to prepare the report in tune with
the terms of the reference in a fair and equitable manner,
keeping in mind the resources of the State and the aspirations
of the general public at large. The anomalies caused as a
result of the last Pay revision have been brought to the notice
of the Commission and all effects have been made to rectify
the same to the possible extent. The Commission has made
earnest attempts to reduce the distance among the scales of
pay as far as possible. The Commission has the privilege to
claim that the heavy and sensitive task entrusted with it could
be completed within the shortest span of time. This could be
achieved only due to the sincere co-operation and hard work,
(out of office hours and, on holidays) from the part of the
Secretary, officials and staff of the Commission. Commission
has no hesitation to appreciate their sincere committed
efforts. Commission expresses sincere gratitude to each and
every one of them especially to Sri.V. Prasenan, the
Secretary, Sri. S. Harikrishnan, Joint Secretary, Sri. C. Rajan
Achari, Joint Secretary, Sri. K. Sreedharan Namboothiri,
Deputy Secretary, Sri. N. Madhusoodanan Asari, Deputy
Secretary, Sri. P.K. Jayarajan, Senior Finance Officer, Sri. C.
Vijayakumar, Joint Registrar of Co- operative Societies and Sri.
T. Radhakrishnan, Finance Officer. Commission has put in all
efforts to make the report fair and square with utmost faith
and equity.
18.7 Commission does not claim that the report is absolutely free
of anomalies, but can assure that earnest attempts have been
made to complete the report fair and equitable as far as
possible within the shortest period.