Item No. 1. Vision Documents of All The Nits
Item No. 1. Vision Documents of All The Nits
Item No. 1. Vision Documents of All The Nits
of NITs held on 15th November, 2011 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
under the Chairmanship of Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, CSIR Bhatnagar
Fellow, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
The first meeting of the Standing Committee of the Council of NITs was held on
15 November, 2011 under the Chairmanship of Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, CSIR Bhatnagar
Fellow, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune. The list of participants is at Annexure.
It was noted that the Ministry has so far received Vision Documents in respect of barely
10 NITs. The Chairman of the Standing Committee desired that before the next meeting
of the Committee, all the remaining NITs must submit their Vision Documents along with
its soft copy. He hoped that vision of the institutes would help realize the overall vision
of the NIT system. He emphasized that such vision ought not to be top-down but
should be prepared with due consultations with all stakeholders in the Institute,
including the students. It should consider the paradigm shifts that are going to take
place due to the disruptive influence of digital learning. It was decided that in the next
meeting, the Directors would make presentations.
Item No. 2. To consider report of the Curriculum and Academic Reform Committee.
At the outset, Prof. S. Sancheti, Director, NITK, Surathkal appraised the Standing
Committee of the salient features of the Report of the Curriculum and Academic
Reforms Committee prepared by Three-Member Committee. The Chairman
commended some really substantive recommendations made by the Committee for
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academic reforms in the system. He, however, expressed that apart from institutions
having necessary ambiance, the institutions should also have requisite level of ambition
to indulge in not only education in innovation but also in innovation in education. He
enjoined upon the NITs to involve themselves with new ideas about engagement with
technology and it should not only follow the best practices but should also create next
practices. Keeping in view the overall discussion in this respect, it was decided that the
document should be redone by the designated Committee and be submitted to the
Standing Committee in its next meeting.
The Standing Committee agreed in principle to the proposal submitted in regard to the
structure of the secretariat of the Council of NITs. It, however, recommended that, to
begin with, only three positions, namely, Executive Officer/ Administrative Officer,
Steno/ Office Assistant and Office Attendant may be filled in and the persons on the
other positions could be considered once the Secretariat acquires critical mass. Special
Secretary suggested that to man the post of Executive Officer/ Administrative Officer, it
may be preferable to look for a suitable person from the NIT system itself who has
requisite expertise, besides having proper appreciation of the NIT system.
Item No.4: To consider report of the Committee for removal of anomalies of pay etc.
of the faculty posts.
The committee submitted its report to the Ministry. However, because the report
is to elaborate the Ministry appointed a second committee under Chairmanship of Prof.
Sarangi to look at the issues again and create a set of crisp guidelines to the Boards of
NITs for implementation.
The report submitted by Prof. Sarangi was discussed in detail by the Standing
Committee. The recommendations were accepted by the Standing Committee with one
major change and some modifications. On the question of considering the past service
of a candidate prior to joining an Institute, the Committee decided that a Selection
Committee is competent to consider all past record of a candidate and recommend
initial increments in salary. Such initial increments should be considered equivalent to
past service within the Institute for the purpose of pay fixation while moving from 5 th
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CPC to 6th CPC Scales, particularly for the post of Associate Professor. It was noted
that this view was originally recommended by the First Committees of Directors as well.
The Report of the committee containing the draft order of the Ministry, incorporating
decision of the Standing Committee is given in the Annexure-I for consideration of the
Item No.5: To consider uniform Recruitment Rules for faculty & non-faculty positions
and Promotion Rules (CAS) for the faculty posts in NITs.
It may be mentioned that earlier there were no uniform Recruitment Rules (RRs) for the
faculty & non-faculty posts for the existing NITs. Now, the NITs are governed by the NIT
Act, 2007 and these Institutes have since been declared as the Institutions of national
importance. Therefore, this Ministry felt the urgent need of framing the RRs etc. at the
earliest common for all the existing National Institutes of Technology (NITs) throughout
the country.
2. Ministry of HRD had set up a Committee under the Chairmanship of the then
Director, NIT Rourkela [Prof. S.K. Sarangi] to look into the anomalies arising out of the
implementation of the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission for the
faculty members. This was decided in the meeting of the Councils of NIT held on
21.10.2009. Subsequently, the Committee was entrusted with two more subjects by this
Ministry viz. (i) framing of the RRs of the faculty posts, and (ii) issue related to
promotions of faculty members under CAS and other linked issues. The Committee has
been advised to submit its report at the earliest.
3. The Committee submitted its Reports on the above issues. After examination of
the RRs (for the older NITs) in the report submitted by the Committee, it was found that
there are some differences with that framed and circulated for the ten new NITs. This
Ministry then advised Prof. Sarangi to look into the issue and submit uniform RRs in
respect of faculty posts for all the thirty NITs. Later on Prof. Sarangi has also been
entrusted with framing of uniform recruitment rules for all the non-faculty posts in NITs.
The recommendations of the Second Committee headed by Prof. Sarangi on Faculty
recruitment rules and on implementation of CAS were accepted by the Standing
Committee with minor modifications. These recommendations containing the
Recruitment Rules for both 3-tier and 4-tier structures and specific recommendation for
implementation of CAS are given in Annexure-II. The Standing Committee also
approved the uniform recruitment rules for the non-faculty positions in the NIT system,
as recommended by the Sarangi Committee.
Item No. 6. To consider report of the Committee set up to examine the status of the
Physical Education Personnel (and other allied issues) of the NITs.
The Standing Committee took note of the request from Prof. S. Sancheti, Chairman of
the Committee seeking extension of time and desired that the Committee may submit its
report/ recommendations by December, 2011.
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Item No. 7 Centralized Counseling for admission of students in post-graduate
programmes in NITs constitution of a Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. I.K.
Bhat, Director, MNIT-Jaipur.
The Standing Committee took note of the fact that the Council of NITs in its meeting
held on 28.6.2011 had approved constitution of a Committee under the Chairmanship of
Dr. I.K. Bhat, Director, MNIT-Jaipur to strengthen the system of centralized M.Tech
admission and also to promote participation of all NITs in the process of centralized
counseling for admission in PG programmes. The Standing Committee decided that the
said Committee may include Dr. S. Sundarrajan, Director, NIT, Tiruchirappalli, Dr. S.
Sancheti, Director, NITK-Surathkal and Prof. T. Srinivasa Rao, Director, NIT, Warangal
and may finalize all necessary modalities by December, 2011 so that the system could
be put in place for the next academic session 2012-13.
Item No. 8. To consider Special Allowance paid to faculty at par with the IIT faculty for
similar works.
The Standing Committee considered the proposal regarding the grant of special
allowance to the faculty of the Institutes discharging the duties of Deputy Director,
Deans, Associate Deans, Chief Warden and Associate/Assistant Wardens at par with
that applicable in the IIT system.
Item No. 9
(A) To consider establishment of a permanent structure of Central Counseling Board
(B) To consider reconstitution of CCB 2012 and exclusion of Self Financed Institutions
The Committee also approved the constitution of the CCB-2012 under the
Chairmanship of Prof. S.K. Sarangi, Director, NIT-Rourkela and resolved that the
existing practice of constituting CCB every year may continue.
Item No. 10. To consider enhancement in the tuition fees being charged by the NITs.
It was explained by Special Secretary that the policy in regard to the tuition fee and
other related issues are presently being under finalization in respect of IIT system on
the basis of the recommendations made by the Ramasami Committee and, therefore, it
may be advisable to await the same before a decision in respect of NITs is taken.
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Item No. 11. To consider Scholarship Scheme for meritorious students admitted
through AIEEE.
Item No. 12. NITs to maintain All-India character of its faculty and non-faculty staff.
The Standing Council approved the proposal for circulation amongst all the NITs for
Item No. 13. Greater autonomy to NITs and review of NIT system.
Item No. 14. Any other Agenda item with the permission of the Chair.
Some of the members raised the issue regarding the existing statutory provision in
regard to appointment of Visitors nominee in the Selection committee for faculty
appointment. It was pointed out that at present only one person is approved as Visitors
nominee for all the departments in an NIT and, therefore, it becomes difficult for any
serving professor from a top institute to spare adequate time. To obviate the problem,
various suggestions were made and it was decided that the Ministry may suitably
address the issue.
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