Statistical Considerations On The K - Means Algorithm
Statistical Considerations On The K - Means Algorithm
Statistical Considerations On The K - Means Algorithm
Abstract. Cluster analysis from a data mining point of view is an important method for
knowledge discovery in large databases. Clustering has a wide range of applications in life
sciences and over the years it has been used in many areas. The k -means is one of the
most popular and simple clustering algorithm that keeps data in main memory. It is a well
known algorithm for its efficiency in clustering large data sets and converges to acceptable
results in different areas. The k -means algorithm with a large number of variables may be
computationally faster than other algorithms. The current work presents the description
of two algorithmic procedures involved in the implementation of k -means algorithm and also
describes a statistical study on a known data set. The statistics obtained from the experiment,
by detailed analysis, can be used to improve the future implementation techniques at the k -
means algorithm to optimize data mining algorithms which are based on a model.
1. Introduction
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining are rapidly growing fields in the area of
Computer Science. They group together methods and techniques, which allow to
analyse very large data sets to extract and discover previously unknown structures
and relations out of huge heaps of unnecessary detailed information. Topics include:
classification and clustering, cluster analysis, deviations analysis, trend associations,
dependency modeling, sequential patterns, analysis of time series, classification by
decision trees or neural networks.
Over the last two decades we have witnessed an explosive growth in the generation
and collection of data. Information of all kinds needs to be filtered, prepared and
classified so that it will be a valuable aid for decisions and strategies. We developed
needs for new techniques and tools that can intelligently assist us in transforming row
data into useful knowledge [1].
The ever-growing repository of data in almost all fields can contribute significantly
towards future decision making provided appropriate knowledge-discovery mecha-
nisms are applied for extracting hidden, but potentially useful information embedded
in the data. A knowledge discovery system employs a wide class of machine-learning
algorithms to explore the relationships among tuples, and characterize the nature
of relationships that exist between them. Classification and clustering are two most
commonly examples for knowledge-discovery techniques that are applied to extract
knowledge. Classificatory analysis refers to a set of supervised learning algorithms
which study pre-classified data sets in order to extract rules for classification. Cluster
analysis and clustering techniques refer to unsupervised learning algorithms for data
analysis in which the aim is to partition a given set of data elements into homogenous
groups called clusters [4].
In this paper we demonstrate how the popular k -means cluster algorithm can be
combined with statistical-based assumptions in order to obtain improvements in ef-
ficiency and also optimization of data mining algorithms based on k -means. Cluster
analysis is one of the major data mining methods for knowledge discovery in large
databases and also a statistical method used for partitioning a sample into homoge-
neous classes to create an operational classifications. It is the process of grouping
large data sets according to their similarity. Cluster analysis is a major tool in many
areas of engineering, medical and scientific applications including data segmentation,
discretization of continuous attributes, data reduction, outlier detection, noise filter-
ing, pattern recognition, image processing [2], data compression, vector quantization
and optimization. Also its applications appear in the commercial field: nowadays
organizations have large volumes of data, related to their business processes, and re-
sources, and this data can provide statistical information, so it will be useful to get
some knowledge about this data to improve performance and profit. In the same time
data clustering is useful in many non-commercial applications such as health care
systems, web, etc [3].
Many clustering algorithms have been proposed in the literature and there are
many clustering algorithms in use today. In this paper we focus on the k -means
algorithm. One of the simple clustering algorithms, k -means, was first published over
50 years ago. In spite of the fact that thousands of clustering algorithms have been
published since then, k -means is still widely used.
The k -means algorithm is well known for its efficiency in clustering large data set.
With a large number of variables k -means may be computationally faster than
other algorithms (if k is small) and also may produce tighter clusters compared to
other algorithms.
Starting from the idea that data mining is on the interface of Computer Science
and Statistics, utilizing advances in both disciplines to make progress in extracting
information from large databases, in this article we apply the k -means algorithm on a
known set of data in order to obtain statistics with very low error limits, statistics that
are necessary for the implementation of programs allowing for future improvement
On the other hand the results obtained in this work will be the starting point for
new research to optimize data mining algorithms which are based on model.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we will view some related
work, Section 3 presents the classical k -means technique, in Section 4 we will review
the experimental results and in Section 5 we conclude and also we present the future
2. Related work
Hartigan (1975), Jain and Dubes (1988), extensively studied in data mining, Han and
Kamber (2000) and machine learning, Bishop (2006).
Clustering algorithms can be divided into two groups: hierarchical and partitional.
Hierarchical clustering algorithms recursively find nested clusters in two ways: in ag-
glomerative mode and in divisive mode. The principles on which the agglomerative
mode and the divisive mode are based are summarized below: for the agglomerative
mode - starting with each data point in its own cluster and merging the most sim-
ilar pair of clusters successively to form a cluster hierarchy, for the divisive mode -
starting with all the data points in one cluster and recursively dividing each cluster
into smaller clusters. Partitional clustering algorithms in comparison to hierarchical
clustering algorithms, are sometimes more efficient in that they find all the clusters
simultaneously as the partition of the data and do not impose a hierarchical structure.
The k -means algorithm is one of the most popular hierarchical algorithms. Ease of
implementation, efficiency, simplicity and empirical succes are the main reasons for
its popularity. Keeping data in main memory it works fast and may form the basis
for other clustering algorithms. It is the best known algorithm because it is fast and
converges to acceptable results in different areas. It is a simple iterative method to
partition a given dataset into a user specified number of clusters, k. This algorithm
has been discovered by several researchers across different disciplines, most notably
Steinhaus (1956), Lloyd (1957, 1982), Ball and Hall (1965), Forgey (1965), Friedman
and Rubin (1967) and McQueen (1967). Gray and Neuhoff provide a nice historical
background for k -means placed in the larger context of hill-climbing algorithms [5].
In this section we will extensively describe the k -means algorithm, description that
includes the presentation of mathematical concepts and also enumeration of solutions
consisting in proposing limitations and generalizations to solve various problems of
the algorithm.
3.1. The k -means algorithm. The algorithm works as follows: the user first must
define the number of clusters to be founded by k -means; k -means starts by initializing
a number of prototypes equal to number of desired clusters, then makes two steps;
the first is assigning each point to its closest center, then moving each prototype to
the mean of its assigned points. These two steps will be repeated until it converges
to a solution.The algorithm depends on minimizing the square sum of error to assign
each point to its cluster. Its simplicity and acceptable results mean it has a wide
usage. However k -means has some drawbacks: first the user may not know in advance
the number of clusters; also k -means is sensitive to the random initializing of its
prototypes which may give poor clusters, since a different initialization may give
different results, and this will cause k -means to converge to a suboptimal solution
rather than the global optimum. Another disadvantage of k -means is its sensitivity
to outliers [3].
The algorithm operates on a set of d-dimensional vectors, D = {xi | i = 1, ...., N },
where xi ∈ <d denotes the i-th data point. The algorithm is initialized by picking
k points in <d as the initial k cluster representatives or ”centroids”. Techniques for
selecting these initial seeds include sampling at random from the dataset, setting them
as the solution of clustering a small subset of the data or perturbing the global mean
of the data k times. Then the algorithm iterates between two steps till convergence:
Case 1: Data Assignment. Each data point is assigned to its closest centroid, with
ties broken arbitrarily. This results in a partitioning of the data.
Case 2: Relocation of ”means”. Each cluster representative is relocated to the cen-
ter (mean) of all data points assigned to it. If the data points come with a probability
measure (weights), then the relocation is to the expectations (weighted mean) of the
data partitions.
The algorithm converges when the assignment (and hence the cj values) no longer
changes. Each iteration needs N × k comparisons, which determines the time com-
plexity of one iteration. The number of iterations required for convergence varies and
may depend on N , but the algorithm can be considered linear in the dataset size.
One issue to resolve is how to quantify ”closest” in the assignment step. The
default measure of closeness is the Euclidean distance, in which case one can readily
show that the non-negative cost function,
argminj kxi − cj k22
will decrease whenever there is a change in the assignment or the relocation steps,
and hence convergence is guaranteed in a finite number of iterations [5].
3.2. Limitations. Besides the great sensitivity to the initialization, the k -means
algorithm presents other several problems. First, we can notice that k -means is a
limiting case of fitting
P data2 by a mixture of k Gaussians with identical, isotropic co-
variance matrices ( = σ I ), when the soft assignments of data points to mixture
components are hardened to allocate each data point solely to the most likely compo-
nent. So, it will falter whenever the data is not well described by reasonably separated
spherical balls, for example, if there are non-covex shaped clusters in the data. This
problem may be alleviated by rescaling the data to ”whiten” it before clustering, or
by using a different distance measure that is more appropriate for the dataset. For
example, information-theoretic clustering uses the kl-divergence to measure the dis-
tance between two data points representing two discrete probability distributions. It
has been recently shown that if one measures distance by selecting any member of a
very large class of divergences called Bregman divergences during the assignment step
and makes no other changes, the essential properties of k -means, including guaran-
teed convergence, linear separation boundaries and scalability, are retained. As long
as using a corresponding divergence this result makes k -means effective for a much
larger class of datasets.
For describing non-convex clusters k -means can be associated with another al-
gorithm. One first clusters the data into a large number of groups using k -means.
These groups are then agglomerated into larger clusters using single link hierarchical
clustering, which can detect complex shapes. This approach also makes the solution
less sensitive to initialization, and since the hierarchical method provides results at
multiple resolutions, one does not need to pre-specify k either. The cost of the opti-
mal solution decreases with increasing k till it hits zero when the number of clusters
equals the number of distinct data-points. This situation makes difficulties in two
cases: the first case is directly compare solutions with different numbers of clusters
and the second case is to find the optimum value of k. If the desired k is not known
in advance, one will typically run k -means with different values of k, and then use
a suitable criterion to select one of the results. Alternatively, one can progressively
increase the number of clusters, in conjunction with a suitable stopping criterion.
Bisecting k -means achieves this by first putting all the data into a single cluster, and
then recursively splitting the least compact cluster into two using 2-means. Both
these approaches thus alleviate the need to know k beforehand.
The algorithm is also sensitive to the presence of outliers, since ”mean” is not
a robust statistic. A preprocessing step to remove outliers can be helpful. Post-
processing the results, for example to eliminate small clusters, or to merge close
clusters into a large cluster, is also desirable [5].
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