Closing The Confucius Institute

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Closing the Confucius Institute, the US wants to

demolish China’s “soft power”

In the context of leadership in Washington concerned about China’s culture
has an effect on American higher education. A series of Confucius Institutes –
the facilities that impulse Beijing’s culture and soft power (in overseas) at
American universities are being closed.
More than 100 Confucius Institutes in the United States

The University of North Florida is the latest American post-secondary

educational institution which will close a branch of a cultural institute called
the famous Eastern philosopher Confucius. The move comes as US legislators
censure that China make use of this institute to influence American higher

On August 14th, the University of Jacksonville announced because of unsuitable

for its mission and goals, the cultural institute that China funded and managed
after four years of operation was closed. Due to a legal obligation (notice of
termination of cooperation six months in advance), the Confucius Institute at
the University of North Florida will officially close in February 2019.

The headquarters of the Confucius Institute in Beijing did not immediately

respond to the news. However, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
related incidents once said that the goal of establishing the Confucius Institute
is to enhance mutual understanding as well as promote Chinese language and
culture in the context of deep and wide integration. Beijing also urges to
abandon the "outdated thoughts" of anyone who suspects these programs.

Despite the closure of several Confucius Institutes, more than 100 such centers
are still operating throughout the United States. The Institute for propagating
Chinese culture was built like the model of Western Cultural Institutes such as
the Institut Fran-ais (France), the Goethe Institute (Germany) or the British
Council (United Kingdom).

A casing to expand “ soft power “

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio immediately welcomed the decision of the University
of North Florida. He was one of several US lawmakers warned that the
Confucius Institute is one of Beijing's efforts to expand its political influence
and soft power abroad.
Rubio and other legislators are pursuing a bill that requires universities to
reveal great profits from abroad, at the time American politicians, including
President Donald Trump and many Democrats push a tough stance toward

Moreover, US-China relations are currently strained in many ways. The trade
war between the two countries is escalating seriously by reciprocal
punishments in the form of "tit for tat."

After professors complained about the institute's programs are the Chinese
government's propaganda tool which is covered externally by cultural and
linguistic education programs. Besides universities in Florida, many other major
universities in the US including Pennsylvania State University and the
University of Chicago broke ties with the Confucius Institute.

Understanding of this issue, GS. Joseph S. Nye at Harvard University, former

Assistant Secretary of Defense and President of the National Intelligence
Council pointed out that the Confucius Institute is the most successful plan of
Chinese government to broadcast “ soft power “ through the spread of its
culture abroad.

By funding money, materials, and lecturers for the opening of institutes

popularize Chinese culture and languages, this model has created a great
attraction since its development in 2004. By the end of 2017, China has found
525 Confucius Institutes and 1,113 Confucius classes in 146 countries and
territories worldwide, mostly in Europe and the United States.

Researching the teaching materials carefully, Confucius Institutes are allegedly

"borrowed reputation" the famous philosopher of the East to propagate the
interpretation of sensitive issues (such as Taiwan, Tibet, and human rights as
well as the conduct of the government on many internal and external issues).

Gradually, according to US accusations, this cultural promotion model will

become a political tool attacking the ideology of students around the world.

This is also the reason, in 2014, the American Association of University

Professors promulgated a report calling for universities to close Confucius
Institutes, unless Beijing renegotiated contracts to ensure the ability take
control of school academic matters.

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