Minerals Table

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Name of Mineral Primary function Deficiency condition, Toxicity condition, Food Sources Any other
symptoms and symptoms and properties
description description
Maintains normal Muscle cramps, metal Edema, acute Table salt, soy sauce,
SODIUM fluid and electrolyte acute hypertension hypertension moderate amounts in
and acid-base meats, milks, breads
balance; assists in and vegetables; large
nerve impulse amounts in processed
transmission and foods
muscle contraction
Maintains normal Do not occur under Vomiting Table salt, soy sauce,
CHLORIDE fluid and electrolyte normal circumstances moderate amounts in
balance; part of meats, milks, eggs;
hydrochloric acid large amounts in
found in the processed foods
stomach, necessary
for proper digestion
Maintains normal Irregular heartbeat, Muscular weakness; All whole foods; meats,
POTASSIUM fluid and electrolyte muscle weakness, glucose vomiting; if injection into milks, fruits,
balance; facilitates intolerance a vein, can stop the heart vegetables, grains,
many reactions; legumes
supports cell
integrity; assists in
nerve impulse
transmission and
muscle contractions
Mineralization of Stunt growth in children; Constipation; increased Milk and milk products,
CALCIUM bones and teeth; bone loss (osteoporosis) in risk of urinary stone small fish (with bones),
also involved in adults formation and kidney tofu, greens (bok choy,
muscle contraction dysfunction; interference broccoli, chard),
and relaxation, with absorption of other legumes
nerve functioning, minerals
blood clotting, and
blood pressure
Mineralization of Muscular weakness, bone Calcification of All animal tissues
PHOSPHORUS bones and teeth; pain nonskeletal tissues, (meat, fish, poultry,
part of every cell; particular the kidneys eggs, milk)
important in genetic
material; part of
phospholipids, used
in energy transfer
and in buffer
systems that
maintain acid-base
Weakness; confusion; if From nonfood sources Nuts, legumes, whole
Bone mineralization, extreme , convulsions, only; diarrhea, alkalosis, grains, dark leafy green
building of protein, bizarre muscle dehydration vegetables, seafood,
MAGNESIUM enzyme action, movements (especially of chocolate, cocoa
normal muscle eye and face muscles),
contraction, nerve hallucinations, and
impulse difficulty in swallowing; in
transmission, children, growth failure
maintenance of
teeth, and
functioning of
immune system

As part of proteins, None know; protein Toxicity would occur only All protein-containing
SULFUR stabilizes their deficiency would occur if sulfur containing amino foods (meats, fish,
shape by forming first acids were eaten in poultry, eggs, milk,
disulfide bridges; excess; this (in animals) legumes, nuts)
part of the vitamins suppresses growth
biotin and thiamin
and the hormone
Part of the protein Anemia: weakness, GI distress; iron overload: Red meats, fish,
IRON hemoglobin, which fatigue, headaches; infections, fatigue, joint poultry, shellfish, eggs,
carries oxygen in the impaired work pain, skin pigmentation, legumes, dried fruits
blood; part of the performance; impaired organ damage
protein myoglobin immunity; pale skin, nail
in muscles, which beds, mucous
makes oxygen membranes, and palm
available for muscle creases; concave nails;
contraction; inability to regulate body
necessary for temperature; pica
energy metabolism
Part of insulin and Growth retardation, Loss of appetite, Protein-containing
ZINC many enzymes; delayed sexual impaired immunity, low foods: red meats, fish,
involved in making maturation, impaired HDL, copper and iron shellfish, poultry,
genetic material and immune function, hair deficiencies whole grains; fortified
proteins, immune loss, eye and skin lesions, cereals
reactions, transport loss of appetite
of vitamin A, taste
perception, wound
healing, the making
of sperm, and
normal fetal
A compent of the Underactive thyroid gland Underactive thyroid Iodized salt; seafood;
IODINE thyroid hormones goiter, mental and gland, elevated TSH, plants grown in iodine-
that help to regulate physical retardation goiter rich soil and animals
growth, (cretinism) fed those plants
development, and
metabolic rate
Part of an enzyme Associated with Keshan Nail and hair brittleness Seafoods, organ meats;
SELENIUM that defends against disease and loss; fatigue, other meats, whole
oxidation; regulates irritability, and nervous grains, fruits, and
thyroid hormone system disorders, skin vegetables (depending
rash, garlic breath odor on the soil content)
Helps form Anemia, bone Liver damage Seafood, nuts,
COPPER hemoglobin; part of abnormalities legumes, whole grains,
several enzymes seeds
Maintains health of Susceptibility to tooth Fluorosis (pitting and Drinking water (if
FLUORIDE bones and teeth; decay discoloration) of teeth fluoridated), tea,
confers decay seafood
resistance on teeth
Enhances insulin Diabetes-like condition None reported Meats (liver), whole
CHROMIUM action, may improve grains, brewer’s yeast
glucose intolerance

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