PCU 2018 Criminal Law Reviewer
PCU 2018 Criminal Law Reviewer
PCU 2018 Criminal Law Reviewer
Prepared by:
Subject Head: Gretel M. Erum
Assistant Subject Head: Accel J. Celis
Member: Shiela Mae A. Abucay
a. The offender performs all the acts of another. In such cases, the court wherein
execution; any of the crime's essential and material
acts have been committed maintains
b. All the acts performed would jurisdiction to try the case; it being
produce the felony as a understood that the first court taking
consequence; cognizance of the same excludes the other.
Thus, a person charged with a continuing or
c. But the felony is not produced; and transitory crime may be validly tried in any
municipality or territory where the offense
d. Failure to consummate is by reason was in part committed. (Onal vs People,
of causes independent of the will of G.R. No. 197849, November 29,2017)
the perpetrator.
NOTE: The action for kidnapping can be
NOTE: Rape is either attempted or filed in the place where the victim was
consummated. There can be no frustrated abducted and the place where he was
rape. (People vs Aca-ac, G.R. No. 142500, actually detained.
20 April 2001)
If the check was a foreign check, and
The crime of theft cannot have a it was issued here then deposited and
frustrated stage. Theft can only be dishonored in the US, the action can be filed
attempted or consummated. Unlawful here because one of the essential
taking, which is the deprivation of one’s ingredients of the crime, which is the
personal property, is the element which issuance, occurred in the Philippines.(De
produces the felony in its consummated Villa vs CA, G.R. No. 87416, April 8, 1991)
stage. At the same time, without unlawful
taking as an act of execution, the offense Complex Crimes
could only be attempted theft, if at all.
(Valenzuela vs People, G.R. No. 160188, Two (2) kinds of complex crimes:
21 June 2007) Compound Crime
The accused who was convicted of Single act results to two (2) or more
by the lower court of a non-probationable grave or less grave felonies.
offense (frustrated homicide), but on appeal,
was found guilty of a probationable offense Requisites:
(attempted homicide) may apply for
probation. (Colinares vs People, G.R. No. a. That only one single act is committed by
182748, December 13, 2011) the offender ; and
In order to have robbery with arson, The elements of qualified rape are:
there must be violence or intimidation
against persons first and thereafter, the a. Sexual congress;
premises were burned, and there is no b. With a woman;
killing, rape or intentional mutilation. c. Done by force and without consent;
d. The victim is under 18 years of age at
Arson the time of the rape; and
e. The offender is a parent (whether
If the crime of arson was employed by legitimate, illegitimate or adopted) of the
the offender as a means to kill the offended victim. (People vs Colentava, G.R. No.
party, the crime committed is murder. The 190348, February 09, 2015, Del
burning of the property as the means to kill Castillo)
the victim is what is contemplated by the
word ―fire‖ under Article 248 which qualifies NOTE: Since the crime of rape is essentially
the crime to murder.(Reyes, p.864) one committed in relative isolation or even
secrecy, it is usually only the victim who can
When the burning of the property was testify with regard to the fact of the forced
done by the offender only to cause damage coitus. In its prosecution, therefore, the
but the arson resulted to death of a person, credibility of the victim is almost always the
the crime committed is still arson because single and most important issue to deal with.
the death of the victim is a mere If the testimony of the victim is credible,
consequence and not the intention of the convincing and consistent with human nature
offender. (People vs Paterno, G.R. No. L- and the normal course of things, the accused
2665, March 6, 1950) may be convicted solely on the basis thereof.
Even if the whole houses have not (People vs Dumpa, G.R. No. 207633,
been completely gutted by the fire, the December 09, 2015, Del Castillo)
crime committed is still consummated
arson. It is enough that a portion thereof is In rape, the force and intimidation
shown to have been destroyed. (People vs must be viewed in the light of the victim’s
Hernandez, G.R. No. 31770, December 5, perception and judgment at the time of the
1929) commission of the crime. It is settled that not
all victims react the same way. Some victims
Note: There is no special complex crime of may cry out, some may faint, some may be
arson with homicide. What matters in shocked into insensibility, while others may
Test of Negligence
d. That material damage results;
Would a prudent man in the position of
e. That there is inexcusable lack of the person to whom negligence is attributed,
precaution on the part of the offender, foresee harm to the person injured? If so,
taking into consideration: the law imposes on the doer, the duty to
i. His employment or occupation refrain from the course of action, or to take
precaution against such result. Failure to do
ii. Degree of intelligence, physical so constitutes negligence. Reasonable
condition, and foresight of harm, followed by ignoring the
admonition borne of this provision, is the
iii. Other circumstances regarding constitutive fact of negligence. (Picart vs
persons, time and place. Smith, G.R. No. L-12219, March 15, 1918)
D. Bouncing Checks Law (B.P. Blg. 22) a. The accused was in possession of
dangerous drugs;
The gravamen of the offense
punished by B.P. Blg. 22 is the act of b. Such possession is not authorized
making and issuing a worthless check; that by law; and
is, a check that is dishonored upon its
presentation for payment. It is designed to c. The accused was freely and
prevent damage to trade, commerce, and consciously aware of being in
banking caused by worthless possession of dangerous drugs.
checks.(Gidwani vs People, G.R. No. (People vs EyamWatang, G.R. No.
195064, January 15, 2014, Del Castillo) 184056, November 26, 2012, Del
NOTE: What is material in a prosecution for
a. The making, drawing and issuance illegal sale of drugs is the proof that the
of any check to apply for account or transaction or sale actually took place,
for value; coupled with the presentation in court of the
corpus delicti or the illicit drug in evidence.
(People vs Tanael, G.R. No. 200797,
January 12, 2015, Del Castillo)
Exclusionary Rule