Java J2EE Made Easy
Java J2EE Made Easy
Java J2EE Made Easy
Java & J2EE Made Easy
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Phani Kosuri
J2EE Consulting Inc.,
8400 Gradington Dr, Phone: 614 260 0555
Westerville, OH 43081 Email: [email protected]
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ISBN 978-1-4243-3263-2
Dedicated to
preface xv
what’s in this book xvii
acknowledgements xxii
Chapter 1
Introduction 1
What is Java? 1
Java Based Applications 2
How does Java achieve Platform Independency 2
Java Virtual Machine 4
Installing Java Software 4
Environment Setup 4
Compiling and executing a simple program 7
Summary 8
Chapter 2
Introduction 10
Class 10
Data Types 13
Integer Data Types 14 * Decimal Data Types 14
Character Data Types 14 * Boolean Data Types 15
Casting Data Types 15
Displaying results to User 18
Conditional Statements 19
if, if-else 20
Control Statements 21
while, do-while, for 22
First Java Program 22
Main Method 27
Class Methods 30
Passing arguments to methods 3
Comments 31
Static Blocks 36
Summary 40
Time for 50-50 40 * Interview Questions 42
Chapter 3
Packages 43
Introduction 44
What is a Package? 44
Creating Packages 44 * Namespace Collisions 46
Fully Qualified Class Name 47 * Package Naming Conventions 47
Access Control using Packages 49
Public Access 50 * Protected Access 50
Default Access 51 * Private Access 50
Summary 51
Time for 50-50 52 * Interview Questions 52
Chapter 4
Introduction 55
What is an Object? 55
Difference between class and object 55
Objects and Methods 58
Understanding object references 68
Encapsulation 73
Method Overloading 78
Object Initialization 81
Constructor 82 * Constructor Overloading 85
Inheritance 89
Method Overwriting 97 * Abstract Methods 109
Abstract Classes 109 * Final Methods 113
Final Class 113 * Final Variables 113
Difference between abstract and final keywords 114
Interfaces 114
The Object class 120
Summary 122
Time for 50-50 124 * Interview Questions 126
Chapter 5
Introduction 129
Loose Coupling 131
Parent Class referencing Child Class 133
Accessing Methods using Inheritance 139
Understanding Interface references 146
Accessing Methods using Interfaces 146
Summary 155
Chapter 6
Introduction 157
Handling Exceptions in Java 157
Exception Types 161
Handling Checked Exceptions 169
Creating Custom Exceptions 169 * Throwing Exceptions 171
Finally Block 177
Summary 178
Time for 50-50 179 * Interview Questions 181
Chapter 7
Introduction 183
Important Core Libraries 183
java.lang package 184
Wrapper Classes 184 * Handling Strings 187
StringBuffer class 191
java.util package 193
ArrayList 194 * Vector 196 * HashSet 197
TreeSet 200 * HashMap 205 * Hashtable 206
Properties 206 * Date class 207 * SimpleDateFormat 208
StringTokenizer 210
Naming Conventions 211
Java Documentation 212
Summary 218
Chapter 8
Threads 223
Introduction 224
Multi-Processing 224 * Multi-Threading 224
How Multi-Threading is done? 225
Thread Queue 226 * Scheduler 226
Thread Lifecycle 227
Multi-Threading in Java 228
Thread Class 228 * Runnable Interface 228
Main Thread 229 * Creating a Thread 230
Thread Priorities 232 * Thread Yielding 234
Synchronization 239
synchronized keyword 239 * synchronized blocks 240
Summary 241
Time for 50-50 241 * Interview Questions 242
Chapter 9
Introduction 244
Notion of Jar File 244
Creating a Jar file 245 * Using a Jar file 246
Understanding API 251
Chapter 10
Introduction 256
Core J2EE Technologies 258
Enterprise Application Architectures 262
2-Tier Architecture 262 * 3-Tier Architecture 263
N- Tier Architecture 264 * Enterprise Architecture 265
J2EE Application Servers 265
Summary 268
Chapter 11
JDBC 270
Introduction 272
Database Basics 272
Structured Query Language (SQL) 273
Creating a Table 274 * Inserting Data 275
Updating records in Table 275 * Retrieving records from table 276
Deleting records 278
Database Drivers 280
JDBC-ODBC bridge 280 * Party Java Partly Native Driver 281
Intermediate Database Access Driver Server 281
Pure Java Drivers 282
Creating table 287 * Inserting Data 289
Reading Data 292 * PreparedStatement 295
Batch Processing 298
Connection Pooling 303
Database Isolation levels 305
Dirty Read 306 * Repeatable Read 306
Phantom Read 306
Summary 309
Time for 50-50 310 * Interview Questions 311
Chapter 12
Introduction 314
What is XML? 314
What is an XML Document 314
Why XML is important? 317
XML Validation 318
Document Type Definition (DTD) 318 * XML Schema 321
XML Parsing 325
SAX 325 * DOM 325
JAXP 326
SAX Parsing using JAXP 326 * DOM Parsing using JAXP 331
Difference between SAX and DOM 336
Summary 337
Chapter 13
Introduction 342
HTTP 343
GET Request 343 * POST Request 344
Server Side of the Web Application 344
Web Container 344 * Structure of a Web Application 346
Servlet Technology 347
Definition of Servlet 347 * Servlet API 347
Deployment Descriptor 348
Steps for Writing a Servlet 349
LifeCycle of a Servlet 350
Servlet Initialization 353
Reading HTML Form Data 356
Session Management 361
Creating a Session 362 * Storing the data in the Session 363
Reading the data from Session 363 * Destroying the Session 363
Request Dispatching 363
The forward() method 364 * The include() method 364
Summary 380
Time for 50-50 381 * Interview Questions 382
Chapter 14
Introduction 384
JSP Basics 384
JSP Directives 386 * JSP Declarations 392
JSP Expressions 393 * JSP Scriptlets 395
Implicit Objects 396
Java Beans in JSP 400
jsp:useBean 401 * jsp:setProperty 402
jsp:getProperty 402
Custom Tags 420
Summary 427
Time for 50-50 428 * Interview Questions 429
Chapter 15
JSTL 431
Introduction 432
Core Tags 432
SQL Tags 437
XML Tags 441
Summary 444
Interview Questions 444
Chapter 16
Struts 445
Introduction 446
Model View Controller Design 447
Why Struts is important to us? 448
How Struts Work? 449
Struts API 450
Struts Requests 451
The Struts Configuration File 452
Action Class 459
JSP Development using Struts Tags 467
Bean Tags 468 * Logic Tags 477 * HTML Tags 481
Struts Validation 483
Validation using FormBeans 484
FormBeans using DynaActionForm class 492
Struts Validator Framework 498
validation-rules.xml 499 * validation.xml 502
Java Script Validation 508
Tiles Framework 510
Internationalization 517
Summary 520
Time for 50-50 521 * Interview Questions 522
Chapter 17
Introduction 525
Importance of Asynchronous Messaging 525
Chapter 18
Introduction 549
Spring Framework 550
Goals of Spring Framework 550
Architecture of Spring Framework 551
Core Module 552 * Application Context Module 552
AOP Module 552 * DAO Module 552
Web Module 553 * ORM Module 553
Inversion of Control (IoC) 553
Core Module 557
Why wiring beans 558 * BeanFactory 559
ApplicationContext 561
Aspect Oriented Programming 569
Aspect 570 * Advice 570 * PointCut 571
Before Advice 571 * After Advice 572
Around Advice 573 * Throws Advice 574
Static Pointcuts 575
DAO Module 580
Summary 591
Time for 50-50 591 * Interview Questions 592
Chapter 19
Hibernate 593
Introduction 594
Chapter 20
Introduction 646
What is a Design Pattern? 646
Types of J2EE Patterns 647
Creational Patterns 648
Factory Pattern 648 * Singleton Patterns 650
Structural Patterns 651
Decorator Pattern 651 * Façade Pattern 654
Presentation Tier Patterns 655
Front Controller 655 * Business Delegate 657
Business Tier Patterns 658
Session Façade 660 * Transfer Object 663
Integration Tier Patterns 664
Data Access Object (DAO) 664
Summary 666
Non Technical
Introduction 670
Enterprise Application Team Structure 671
Business Analysts 671 * Technical Project Manager(s) 672
Non Technical Project Manager(s) 672
Architecture Teams 673 * Development Teams 673
Infrastructure Team 673 * Testing Team 674
Build/Environment Support team 674
Enterprise Application Lifecycle 674
Framing an Idea 675 * Business Requirements Gathering 676
Business Requirement Analysis 676
Application Architecture 677 * Application Design 677
Application Development 677
Database Developers 678
Business Component Developers 678
Presentation tier Developers 678
Application Testing 679
Unit Testing 679 * IST Testing 680 * UAT Testing 680
Performance/Load Testing 681
Production Support 681
Version Control 681
What is a Version Control System? 682
Creating a Project 683
Joining a Project 683
Check in Operation 684
Check out Operation 684
Delivering Work 684
Synchronizing Work 685
Interview Tips 685
In today’s world, we all know the role of e-commerce applications and how much
impact they had on our lives. With Internet became an integral part of our life, every
known business irrespective of size is moving into cyber world from our physical world
to capture customers attention. At the same time customers are also searching for ways
to make life easy by using internet for most of their day to day activities. Because of this
mutual benefit to customers and businesses, e-commerce applications or enterprise
applications are taking off from the runway into internet space. These applications have
now become the faces of modern businesses on internet and act as a bridge for
customers to reach businesses and vice-versa.
One of the key challenges today’s e-commerce applications face is sustaining severe
competition from other similar businesses. Therefore, to sustain from this immense
competition, adoption of sophisticated technologies has become the key factor in
exploiting the information assets of a business. Though there are billions of technologies
that helped business to some extent to address the challenges, it is the introduction of
Java and J2EE that helped businesses to stand firmly and with authority.
For more than a decade, Java and J2EE has relentlessly served and serving the enterprise
community in building enterprise e-commerce applications. One of the primary reasons
for the success of Java and J2EE is the simplicity that it offers and the flexibility. To make
Java and J2EE even strong, several communities have been developed and developing to
constantly identify potential challenges and incorporating sophisticated solutions to
address challenges.
Java as a programming language is designed to be very simple and yet very powerful.
One feature that stands on top of all is the portability factor, the ability to port the code
from one operating system to the other. Besides this, Java language includes the most
powerful built-in libraries that heavily reduce the development time and also makes the
application more reliable. On top of the above, Java programming language has inherent
support for concurrent processing, networking and many more.
Though Java programming language like any other programming language allows
building standalone applications, its true strength lies on the server side where it is used
to build highly sophisticated server applications using networking and multi-threading
capabilities. This is what led to the so called client server applications. Java based client
server applications over the years have gone though several phases from traditional
two-tier applications, where fat clients like GUI’s acted as user interfaces for interacting
with server application to the latest n-tier applications that use the standard web
browser for interacting with the server via internet.
With enterprises deciding to use internet to do business to increase the customer base,
Java applications started getting overloaded due the increase in the number
simultaneous requests. This seriously affected the performance and scalability of the
application and also resulted in maintenance nightmares. To solve this problem, Java
community got into the act and came with a powerful solution. The solution is nothing
but the J2EE platform. The entry of J2EE into the world of enterprise application
development radically changed the dimensions of enterprise internet computing and
has now become almost a de facto standard for building and hosting enterprise internet
J2EE platform is a bundle of several ready made technologies with each being used in
different areas within the enterprise application. For instance, some technologies are
used to build presentation components, some used for building business components
etc. Over the years, the standard J2EE technologies served the industry and are still
serving. Though the J2EE technologies provided end to end solutions for building
enterprise applications, the quest for building better Java based solutions didn’t stop.
This quest is what led to the so called open source frameworks.
Open source frameworks don’t reinvent the wheel but try to build a better wheel. These
frameworks are again built from the core J2EE technologies to further simplify the
application development. Few such open source frameworks that have become very
popular these days are Struts, Spring and Hibernate. It is very important to understand
that these frameworks don’t replace the entire J2EE platform, but serves an alternative to
some of the standard J2EE technologies within the platform. With open source
frameworks also gathering momentum, the blend of Java, J2EE and open source
frameworks has become a killer combination for enterprise internet application
This book covers all the above three. Starting with Java programming language, it
slowly takes you though the journey of J2EE and open source. I hope you’ll surely enjoy
the journey and have a good time. Good luck.
What’s in this Book
Chapter 1: Introduction
This first chapter serves as a brief introduction to Java and its role in today’s world.
It talks about how Java achieves platform independence and the types of
applications that can be built using Java. If you don’t have any idea about what Java
is all about, this is a great place to start. It also explains how to install Java and set up
the environment for the remaining chapters.
Chapter 3: Packages
This chapter demonstrates the idea of using packages to logically organize Java
classes. It also explains the usage of various keywords associated with packages and
how to implement access control for classes stored within packages.
Chapter 6: Exception Handling
This chapter explains about how to handle abnormal conditions which we call as
exceptions in Java programs. Exception handling is one of the most important
aspects of any Java based application. Understanding this chapter is very important
to get a good feel about what Java is all about.
Chapter 13: Servlet Programming
This chapter introduces you to the world of Web Applications using Java. Since Web
Applications form the basis for enterprise internet applications, starting with this
chapter,the next few chapters give you all the details about Web application
development using J2EE and open-source technologies. This first chapter introduces
you to basic web application development using Servlet technology and also gives
you an idea about Web Containers.
Chapter 19: Hibernate
This chapter introduces you to one of the most popular open source ORM solution,
Hibernate. By the end of this chapter you’ll understand how to use hibernate
framework for mapping objects to relational database systems and how to retrieve
objects from database using hibernate query features.
This book is written in such a way to correlate every concept with real world scenarios.
Every chapter ends with a small quiz and interview questions that should help every
prospective Java developer to land in a good Job. This book also covers the non technical
details of enterprise application development such as typical team structures, team
collaboration, and application development lifecycle to bring awareness about how
things are handled in real world applications.
Code conventions
This book contains several examples. All the examples will appear in code font. If there
is a particular part of an example that I want you to pay more attention, it will appear in
bolded code font. All the examples in this book are complete, and can be executed
without making any changes.
Source Code download
The complete source code for all the examples this book can be downloaded from the
authors website at
Author Online
This book has free access to web forum where you can make comments about this book
and ask technical questions and receive help from the author and from other users. To
access the forum, point your web browser to This page
provides information about how to get to the forum, what kind of help is available.
Firstly, let me tell you this. This book was not a one man job. Many of my friends played
a great role in shaping out this book to what it is.
To my friends - thanks for all their help, motivation that kept me going.
Part 1
Chapter 1 What is Java?
Chapter 1
What is Java?
Java™ is a programming language introduced by Sun Microsystems Inc. Like
any other programming languages Java is also used for building software applications.
If this is the case, then why do we need Java? Good question. Here is what makes Java
distinctive from other programming languages. Most programming languages like C,
C++ etc, are targeted for a particular platform (a.k.a operating system). What this really
means is that, if we write a program in a language like C or C++ or any other language,
say on an OS like Windows, then the same program cannot be executed on a different
OS like, say Linux, without making some changes to the source code. These changes
could span anywhere from modifying few lines of code to rewriting the entire program.
This is not good, right? Therefore, we say such programming languages as being non
portable in nature.
When the machine code generated by compiler of a programming language can be used on
any OS without any modification, then we say the programming language as being
portable in nature.
Keeping the above philosophy in mind, creators of Java language made it portable.
Sweet! We’ll see how this portability is achieved later. For now, this portability feature is
what makes Java distinctive from other programming languages and this is the reason
why we call it as platform independent language. Believe me, this one feature is the
driving force and motivation for today’s modern enterprises that uses Java technologies.
And moreover, this is also the reason why we are interested in learning Java.
Chapter 1 Java based Applications
1. Standalone applications
2. Internet applications
Standalone applications are the applications that run on a single computer. All the
command line applications and GUI based applications where funky windows are used
to interact with the applications fall in this category. This is one side of Java. The other
side of Java is that it can be used to build applications that can be run on the internet.
This is where Java unleashes its true power. We all agree without any slightest hesitation
that internet is part of our life. Here is how I look at internet and Java. Internet connects
people and organizations around the globe to exchange information. To achieve this, we
need to build high speed applications that run on internet. Prior to Java, there are other
languages and technologies with which internet applications are built, but they suffered
from serious problems and limitations. The advent of Java and its adaptability on
internet has completely changed dimensions of business organizations and the way
business is done. This is the true strength of Java, its adaptability on the Internet.
First things first. As I said before that Java is platform independent, the question is, how
does it achieve this independency? To understand, there is some thing called bytecode
that we need to know about. Most programming languages use compilers to translate
high level program to machine code of the OS in a single step. Once the machine code is
generated we cannot port it to a different OS and can only be used on that OS only.
Therefore, any language that uses just the compiler to compile as well as execute the
program is platform dependent. Java recognized this problem upfront and came with a
novel idea by breaking the compiler into two different programs as compiler and
Java uses compiler to translate high level Java code into bytecode, and uses the interpreter
to translate bytecode to machine code. This is a two step process as opposed to single
step process shown in Fig 1.1.
Chapter 1
Java Approach
Fig 1.1 Block Diagrams of single step and two step approaches.
The generated bytecode is like an intermediary code and is 100% platform independent.
This bytecode can now be ported across any OS. After porting it, Java uses the second
component, the interpreter, to convert the bytecode to machine code of that OS. Smart,
isn't it. So in Java, we port the intermediary bytecode but not the OS specific machine
code itself. From Java programming standpoint, we treat the bytecode as the executable
and this is how we achieve platform independence. In this two step process, it uses javac
program as a compiler and java program as interpreter. Fig 1.2 shows the idea of
platform independency.
OS 2
Byte Code
javac java
OS 3
OS 1
Chapter 1 Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Now that we know what Java is, we can start learning the intricacies of Java
programming language. But before that, we need to install Java software and set up the
working environment.
By default, JDK will be installed to “C:\Program Files\j2sdk1.5”. You can however choose
a different directory at the time of installation.
Environment Setup
Once you downloaded and installed JDK, we need to set up our working environment
to run the examples.
Chapter 1 Environment Setup
Assuming the JDK is installed to “C:\Program Files\j2sdk1.5” directory, you see several
sub directories as shown in Fig 1.3 below.
We call the installation directory “C:\Program Files\j2sdk1.5” as the home directory for
Java and is referred with the name JAVA_HOME. This is one of the global environment
variables we need to set up.
Table 1.1 lists various subdirectories within JDK and their purpose
Directory Purpose
This directory includes Java Compiler, Interpreter (JVM) and several
bin other utility tools.
demo This directory contains several examples.
include This directory will have header files that be used by the JVM. Not
important for us.
jre This directory includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), the core
libraries and security settings.
In this section, let’s set up two environment variables namely JAVA_HOME and PATH.
Go to Start -> Settings-> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment
Chapter 1 Environment Setup
1. Click New, which opens a window. Type JAVA_HOME for variable name and
C:\Program Files\j2sdk1.5 as variable value, and click OK.
2. Select the PATH variable in the same section. Click Edit, and append
;JAVA_HOME\bin to the existing variable value and click OK.
This completes the Java set up process. For running all the examples in this book, let’s
create the following directory:
Finally, to validate the Java setup, let’s do the following three things.
3. Type the command java, and you should see something as shown below
Chapter 1 Environment Setup
If everything worked as above, we successfully completed the Java Setup Process. Good
Let’s take a simple Java Program, and learn how to compile and execute it. Don’t worry
about what the program is, we will see that later. This is just like a match practice before
the real game. Copy the following program into your favorite editor:
Save the program as C:\JavaTraining\ To compile the program, use the javac
command and specify the file name as shown below:
The above command will compile the source code in the file. If there are any errors it
will display them, otherwise, it generates the bytecode file and displays the prompt. To
see the bytecode file, type dir command, and you will see the bytecode file
Greeting.class as shown below:
Directory of C:\JavaTraining
Now, we need to execute the bytecode using java command and pass the bytecode file,
to see the output as shown below:
C:\JavaTraining>java Greeting
I am ready to taste Java with Passion
Note: You must not specify .class extension in the java command. It will
automatically figure it out.
Practice the above two commands 2-3 times. In the next chapters, when I ask you to
execute a program, this is what I expect you to do. Now that we know how to compile
Chapter 1 Summary
and execute a program, we are ready to learn the nuances of Java Programming
Language. This completes this chapter, and I am sure you learned something. Let’s
move forward.
9 Java Programming language is invented by Sun Microsystems Inc.
9 Java is Platform Independent language.
9 Java uses bytecode to achieve platform independence.
9 The bytecode generated will have “.class” extension.
9 The program that translates the bytecode to machine code is called as Java
Virtual Machine (JVM).
9 To compile a Java program we use javac command, and to execute a program we
use java command.
Chapter 2 Chapter Goals
Java Language Fundamentals
Chapter 2
Java Language
This chapter helps you to understand and write simple Java programs and highlights
some of the important Java keywords. Understanding this chapter is important as it
forms the basis for the next several chapters. Honestly, from my experience if you know
what a class is and what a method is, and some keywords associated with them, you can
call yourself as a Java Programmer. With I saying this, it doesn't mean you can skip the
rest of the chapters. :-)
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the basic elements of a typical Java program
9 Understand the primitive Java data types
9 Learn to write and execute Java Programs
9 Understand Class concepts
9 Standard Java conventions and best programming practices
Environment Setup
All the programs in this chapter should be stored in the following directory.
Chapter 2 Introduction
Java Language Fundamentals
This chapter introduces you to basic Java programming. One of the primary
goals while designing Java is to keep things simple. This is the reason why Java programs
are very easy to write and understand unlike other programming languages. The best
way to learn anything is to enjoy it, and once you start enjoying it, everything looks
unbelievably simple and beautiful. So, let’s start rolling the ball.
A typical Java program is usually stored in a file with the extension “.java”. This
file represents the Java source code that we write. Upon compiling the Java source code,
the Java compiler generates bytecode for the program. This generated bytecode is stored
with “.class” extension which we then use to execute the program and get the results.
The building bock for any Java program is an entity called class. So, what is a class? A
class is nothing but an entity that holds state and behavior. State is represented by
variables and behavior is represented by methods that operate on the state.
There can be one or more than one class in a single Java source file. So, we can say that a
Java program is nothing but a collection of classes and these classes can interact with
each other to process requests and return results.
Now that we know a Java program as a collection of classes, the question that comes to
our mind is, which class is the starting point of our program? Very good question. Just
like a flowchart has a start block from where the process starts, a Java program has a
class from where the execution begins. We call this class as the top-level class. Like a flow
chart cannot have multiple start blocks, there cannot be multiple top-level classes for a
single Java program. To conclude, a Java program can only have ONE top-level class
which we also call it as main class. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) upon completing all
the interactions with other classes finally terminates the main class.
Every class in a Java program is identified by a name called classname. If a Java file has
multiple classes, then every class must have a unique name. As an example, we can have
three classes named TestClass1, TestClass2 and TestClass3 stored in a single Java source
file namely
Chapter 2 Compiling a Java Program with Classes
Java Language Fundamentals
Note: When any Java source is compiled, one bytecode file will be generated for every
class in the program, and the name of the bytecode file will be the name of the class with
a “.class” extension.
Good Practice: Try to write one class per Java file, and ensure the Java file name is
same as class name. For instance, if a program has a class named Test, then save it to a
file named which upon compilation will generate Test.class. This way
you don’t have to remember multiple filenames for the same program. However, if you
save the same program to a file named, upon compilation it will
still generate Test.class since the class name still remained the same. The problem is
you have to remember two file names namely and Test.class.
Are we not complicating things here?
Complicating things is what we should always strive to avoid. Keep life simple and easy.
// Class Declaration
public class Calculator {
Chapter 2 A Typical Java Program
Java Language Fundamentals
As seen from Listing 2.1, a typical Java program will have the following basic elements.
9 One and only one package statement. The package statement specifies the
directory in which the Java file is stored. In the above program, the package
statement denotes that the file is stored in chapter1 directory. The package
statement is optional but using packages is a standard programming practice.
9 One or more import statements for importing the library classes and other utility
classes to use them in the current program.
9 A class with a classname that defines the state (as variables and constants) and
behavior (as methods). A class can have ‘n’ number of variables and methods.
9 Comments. These are the text lines explaining the parts of the program.
Now that you know how a typical Java program looks like, it time to learn how to write
simple Java programs, and more importantly following best practices. Wherever
applicable, I am going to highlight the best practices and standard coding conventions.
It’s very important that we follow them right from the beginning to get used to them
without having to spend that extra time to learn them. This is one of the goals of this
Though we are ready to write our first Java program at this point, I thought it’s very
useful to learn certain things that are seen frequently in any computer program written
in any language. Learning such things upfront will help us not only to write programs
faster but also makes understanding a program much easier and fun. So, without
wasting any further time, let’s see what these common elements are.
The fundamental elements that are seen in any computer program are
Chapter 2 Data Type Declarations
Java Language Fundamentals
In my opinion, it doesn’t make sense to write a program without knowing how to write
the above four mentioned. We will not dedicate a complete chapter for the above, but
we learn them as simple essentials for any program. This way we can save more time to
learn the important things.
For storing integers, Java uses the following 4 data types based on the size of the integer
byte - This data type allocates maximum of 1 byte (8 bits) for storing the number.
short - This data type allocates maximum of 2 bytes (16 bits) for storing the number.
int - This data type allocates maximum of 4 bytes (32 bits) for storing the number.
long - This data type allocates maximum of 8 bytes (64 bits) for storing the number.
Table 2.1 shows the range of values that can be safely stored in each of the above integer
data types.
Chapter 2 Data Type Declarations
Java Language Fundamentals
Most Java programs often use int and long data types for storing integers. Following
are some examples of integer variable declarations.
int i = 10;
long k = 123456789;
byte b = 200;
short s = 12345;
For storing decimal numbers Java uses the following two data types based on the
precision of the decimal number
float - This data type allocates maximum of 4 bytes (32 bits) for storing the decimal
number. This data types offers less precision (number of digits following the decimal
point). While declaring the float data type, we need to use the literal ‘f’ at the end of
the number as shown below.
double - This data type allocates maximum of 8 bytes (64 bits) for storing the decimal
numbers. This data types offers very high precision.
Unlike float, we need not use any literal like ‘d’ at the end of the number. This is because
Java by default treats any decimal number without a literal as a double. Following is
how we declare a double.
For storing single characters, Java uses the following data type.
char – This data type allocates a maximum of 2 bytes for storing characters. Characters
must be enclosed in single quotes during initialization as shown below:
char ch = ‘A’;
Chapter 2 Casting Data types
Java Language Fundamentals
In Java, we can also store the ASCII number corresponding to the character. For instance
the ASCII code of character ‘A’ is 65. So, the following declaration is perfectly legal.
The above representation allows us to do character arithmetic, but this form is seldom
used in programs. So, don’t worry about it. Just remember the previous one.
Java introduces a new data type for storing boolean values true and false as shown
Note that we don’t have to use single quotes or double quotes around. This is one of the
most important data type and is normally used with decision making statements such as
if, for, while etc.
Now that we know about several Java data types, there is one concept around data types
called datatype casting which we need to understand. Let’s learn what this is to complete
the discussion on data types.
Rule 1: First rule of thumb is, it is always illegal to assign a larger integer data type to
smaller integer data type. This causes a compilation error. Following is the order of data
types from smallest to largest.
Based on the above order, following assignments are illegal. The numbers in the
parenthesis are the sizes (in bytes) of the data types.
Chapter 2 Casting Data types
Java Language Fundamentals
int i = 10;
byte b = 100;
short s = 22;
long k = 20;
With the above declarations, following assignments are illegal and cause compilation
To make the above assignments legal, we need to cast them as shown below.
You know what, unknowingly you are paying some price to make the compiler happy
and that price is data loss. Hmmm... Let's see what this is with an example.
int i = 500; // i can store 500 safely, since it allocates 4 bytes of memory.
Now, look at the following casting from int to byte. We are converting larger data type to
a small data type. We call this as narrowing the data type.
byte b = (byte) i;
With this assignment, the value of b will become -12. This is because, a single byte can
only store a maximum value of 127 and JVM uses the cyclic process and makes it -12.
This is not good, right? So, the moral of the story is, be careful while casting data types.
Do casting only when you know for sure that the data in the larger data type is small
enough to store in the smaller data type, in which case you don't loose any data.
Rule 2: You can assign any decimal data types (double, float) safely to integer data types
(int, long etc.,) even though the decimal data types are larger than integer data types. As
an example, consider the following assignments.
Chapter 2 Casting Data types
Java Language Fundamentals
The above assignment is perfectly legal in Java and will not result in a compilation error
even though a larger data type is assigned to smaller data type. The thumb rule is,
float and double data types can be assigned to any integer data types irrespective of
size. But the price we pay is we loose the precision.
a) An int if all the data types participating in the expression are equal to or less
than int.
b) Largest data type in the expression if one of the data types participating in the
expression is greater than int.
As an example,
int i=10;
long k = 20;
i = i+k;
The above is a greater than int expression and the result is long as per Rule 3(b).
We know that long cannot be assigned to int variable i. So the above assignment
results in a compilation error. One solution is to convert the result of expression to int
as shown below:
The other solution is assigning the expression to a long variable as shown below.
k = i+k;
This time we are assigning long to long. So, the compiler is happy.
Hmmm, lot of rules right. Don't worry, these are seldom seen in programs, but all I say
is beware of such things as they may be the root cause in a million dollar loss for a
company. Don’t believe me? Read at the following paragraph.
Chapter 2 Displaying results to user
Java Language Fundamentals
Let's say a customer visits a website and purchases a product for $2.99. When the order is
submitted, if the processing system assigns the price it to an "int", the company looses 99 cents
on the product, since it trims off the digits after decimal point. If the company is like
which sells millions of products a day, think of how many $$ it looses. The result is "You are
For the rest of the chapters, just remember the following things and you’ll be good.
The above statement echoes anything specified in between the parenthesis to the
console. At this point let me tell you one thing. Java is a case-sensitive programming
language which means in the above statement, ‘S’ must be in uppercase. Though it kind
of frustrates you initially, you will start to enjoy as you move forward. There is a trick
I’ll tell you when we start writing programs, and this will no longer be frustrating.
In Java we usually display data in variables, text messages to the console. So, let’s see
how we display them.
1. To display as text message, use the double quotes around text as shown below,
int i =10;
i = i*2;
System.out.println (i);
Chapter 2 Conditional Statements
Java Language Fundamentals
Simply specify the variable name in parenthesis. What if you want to display
more than one variable? Separate each variable with an empty text and a +
operator as shown below
int i = 10;
int k = 20;
int i =10;
int k = 20;
int sum = i+j;
System.out.println ("The Sum of "+ i + " and " + k + " is " + sum);
We use the above statement a lot in the programs. Just recite the above
statement five times and you’ll never forget it in your life. Sometimes we need to
do this, as it gives you more command on the language, gives you the rhythm
and boosts your confidence.
Conditional Statements
Like any programming language, the conditional statements that Java uses are again the
same old “if-else” blocks. In Java, we need to specify a boolean expression in the “if”
statement. If the expression evaluates to true, the if block gets executed, other wise the
control goes to else block if one is present. Before we look at the examples, let’s see the
conditional operators we have in Java that return a boolean value.
Chapter 2 Conditional Statements
Java Language Fundamentals
Any expression that uses the above operators returns a boolean value true or false as
shown below
The variable test will have false, since the condition is evaluated to false. The above
statement is a single condition statement. We can also use multiple conditions in a single
statement using logical AND (&&) and OR (||) operators as shown below:
As we all know, && returns ‘true’ if both the conditions are true, and || returns true if
one of the conditions is true.
Example 1
The following is a simple if statement. It executes all the statements within the block
when the condition is evaluated to true.
int i = 10;
if (i>=10)
System.out.println("i is greater than 10");
Example 2:
The following demonstrates an if-else block. If the condition evaluates to false, the
control goes to the else block. This example also demonstrates nested ‘if’. Look at the ‘if’
statement inside the else block.
int i = 2;
if ( i>=10) {
System.out.println("i is greater than 10");
else {
if ( i < 5){
System.out.println("i is less than 5");
Chapter 2 Control Statements
Java Language Fundamentals
Example 3:
In the following example we declared a boolean variable ‘found’. The first if block sets
the value to true. Therefore the second if block will be evaluated to true, and displays the
statement ‘Found Monkey’. It’s perfectly legal to pass a boolean variable directly to an if
if (i == 10) {
found = true;
if (found) {
System.out.println("Found Monkey");
} else {
System.out.println("Damn. It escaped");
Example 4:
Control Statements
Control statements are the most important elements of any program. Control statements
allow a set of statements to execute repeatedly until a certain condition is met. There are
three types of control statements, namely, while, do-while and for loops.
Chapter 2 Control Statements
Java Language Fundamentals
Example 1:
This is an example of while loop. The condition is specified in the while statement. If the
condition is evaluated to true, then the statements inside the loop will be executed. At
some point of time, it’s important that the control comes out of the loop, otherwise the
program hangs. So, we usually place a statement inside the loop that makes the
condition fail after few iterations. In the following code it is the i++ statement. This will
increment the value in variable i by 1 every time the control comes inside the loop.
When the value of i becomes 11, the while loop condition evaluates to false, and the
control comes out of the loop.
int i = 1; // Initialization
Now, a small question for you. What if the condition fails for the first time itself? None
of the statements inside the loop will be executed, right? Now, I have a requirement
where the statements inside the loop must be executed at least once before the condition
is checked, what should I do? Is there is simpler solution. Yes, we have one. Look at the
next example.
Example 2:
This example uses a do-while loop. This works much the same as previous while loop,
except the statements in the loop will be executed before the condition is checked. So, we
are 100% guaranteed that the statements in the loop are executed at least once. Is this
what our requirement is? Cool. So, using do-while loop is the solution. Notice the
semicolon after the while statement.
int i = 1;
System.out.println("Counter value is " + i);
i++; // Increment or decrement
while( i<=10);
Example 3:
This example uses a for loop. This is the simplest of all in the sense it declares initializer,
condition and condition changer all in one line. Note that variable i is declared inside
Chapter 2 First Java Program
Java Language Fundamentals
the loop itself. This is perfectly legal. Unlike in C, you need not declare the variables at
the beginning of the program. You are free to declare them wherever you want. Declare
and use, one of the coolest features in Java.
Example 4:
We can also define a loop within a loop as shown below. These are called as nested
loops. For every value of i in the outer loop, the inner one loops 10 times. So, guess the
for (int i =1; i<=10;i++)
for ( int k = 1; k<= 10; k++)
System.out.println("Count is " + (i+k));
That’s it guys. We finished learning the basic elements of any Java program and we are
now ready to take on the big ones. The reason I’ve explained all this upfront before even
writing a single Java program is that you will feel more comfortable and confident when
you start writing real programs. This saves us whole lot of precious time.
To run all the examples in this chapter, please follow the steps outlined in the
environment setup at the beginning of the chapter.
class is a Java keyword that identifies a Java class. Listing 2.2 shows a single class
defined in the Java file.
Chapter 2 First Java Program
Java Language Fundamentals
class TestClass{
As you can see from the above code, the name of the class is TestClass. This class can
be saved to a file with the name of your choice. In this case, it is saved in the file named Compile the program as shown below:
The above command generates TestClass.class file since the Java source defined a
class with the name TestClass. In Java, we always compile the ‘.java’ file and we
execute the ‘.class’ file to see the results. To execute the program, we need to pass the
name of the classfile without the extension as shown below.
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter1>java TestClass
The reason JVM has resulted in the above error message is due to the fact that the class
doesn’t have anything defined in it. Therefore, the program is of no use. Let's look at
next program.
Listing 2.3 ( Java source with more than one class.
class BasicClass11
class BasicClass12
class BasicClass13
The above Java source file has three classes namely BasicClass11, BasicClass12 and
BasicClass13 which are saved to the file named Once again all the
classes are empty. Compile the program as shown below:
Chapter 2 First Java Program
Java Language Fundamentals
Since we defined three classes, Java compiler generates three class files, one for each.
The resulting three class files will be BasicClass11.class, BasicClass12.class and
BasicClass13.class. Now the question is, which class should we execute? You can try
executing all the three classes as shown below, and you know what, they all give you the
same error “Main method not found”. This error makes sense, since all the classes are
empty, right? We can’t blame the JVM. Ok.
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter1>java BasicClass11
Error: Main method not found
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter1>java BasicClass12
Error: Main method not found
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter1>java BasicClass13
Error: Main method not found
Now, our goal is to make all the above classes executable. Since JVM complained about
the absence of main method, let’s add that method in all the classes and see what
happens. Modify the above classes as shown in Listing 2.4.
class BasicClass11
public static void main (String args[])
class BasicClass12
public static void main (String args[])
class BasicClass13
public static void main (String args[])
This time our program added a main method in each of the classes. If we compile and
execute the above program like we did in the previous example, the error will
disappear. So, here is the rule. To execute any class, the class must have a main method,
and the main method must be exactly as shown below.
Chapter 2 First Java Program
Java Language Fundamentals
At this point of time, don’t worry about the words public, static, void and all that.
You’ll know about these later when time comes. All we need to know is, to execute a
Java class, the class must define the main method.
Let’s do a small experiment with the above code. Add the keyword public to
BasicClass11 class as shown below.
Now save the program and recompile it again. To your surprise, you’ll see the following
compilation error.
Error: The file name must be the public class BasicClass11
The moment we added public keyword to BasicClass11 class, JVM treats it as top level
class, and says, “Hey buddy, if your code has a top level class, the file name must be the class
name of the top-level class. Otherwise, I am going to throw an error”. So, the rule is, if a Java
file has a class declared as public, then the file name must be same as the public class
name. Therefore for the above program to compile, we should obey the JVM order and
sincerely rename the file to Save the file, and compile it again, and
without any surprises the error disappears.
Let me now ask you a question here. Can more than one class in a single Java file be
declared as public? Strictly No. You can’t. The reason is simple. You cannot have two
filenames for the same file. As simple as that. In essence, a single Java file can only have
one public class, and if it is the case then Java source file name must be the name of the
public class name.
Let me tell you one thing here. Though we executed the classes successfully without any
errors, it’s not a good practice to write more than one class in a single java file. Always
write one class per Java file. So, from here onwards, I am going to write just one public
class in one Java file with or without the main method, to keep things simple and
Good Practice: A class name should always start with uppercase character, and every
word in class name should also start with uppercase letter. Some example class names
are shown below
Chapter 2 Main method of class
Java Language Fundamentals
The above class naming convention is universal standard in Java, so let’s follow it. With
the above good practices and naming conventions, our Java program would look like as
shown in Listing 2.5.
We finally reached a point where, to compile and execute a Java program without any
Listing 2.6 is a simple program that uses for loop that repeats five times. So the
message gets printed five times in the console. See, learning the basic programming
elements upfront makes it easy to write and understand them pretty fast. We don’t have
to scratch our minds as to what a for loop is, what a System.out statement is and
how they work. Compile and execute the program as shown below.
Chapter 2 Main method of class
Java Language Fundamentals
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter1>java Message
Listing 2.7 ( A simple class that computes the sum of squares.
long sum = 0;
sum = sum + i * i;
System.out.println(“The sum of squares of first 30 numbers is “ + sum );
The above program again uses for loop and computes the sum of squares of certain
numbers. When the value of variable i becomes 31, the loop terminates, and we print the
value in the ‘sum’ variable. Copy the above program to the following directory to
compile and execute the program.
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter1>java SumSquare
I know the above two programs are not so interesting. So, let’s write some modular
programs using methods. From here onwards, when I ask you to compile and execute a
program, I expect you to
Chapter 2 Main method of class
Java Language Fundamentals
In all the previous examples, our class just had the main method with all the statements.
However this is usually not the case. As I said before, a class can have any number of
methods besides the main method. So, let’s see how to define a method in a class.
The example in Listing 2.8 is more interesting and spicy. This example introduces you to
methods in a class. A class can have one or more methods which define the behavior of
the class. All these methods define statements to compute the results. Moreover,
methods can call each other to generate results. A method is like a reusable module with
in a class that can be invoked any number of times. Following is how the program
Any doubts? No, right? Compile and execute the program only to see the following
I am in main method
Thanks for Paying taxes
I am in sayHi method
Chapter 2 Class Methods
Java Language Fundamentals
Before we start writing further examples, let’s learn some details about methods and
their intricacies.
Class Methods
One of the keywords we need to use at least for now is static. Why? Good question. In
Java, there are only two fundamental entities called class and object. Right now we are
only dealing with the first entity, which is the class. Both class and object can have
methods as well as variables. Therefore, to distinguish class level methods, variables
from object level methods, variables we use the keyword static. If the method or a
variable is declared as static, then they will be treated as class level properties,
otherwise, they will be treated as object level properties. Make sense? Since we are
talking about class methods and not object level methods, we use static in every method
declaration. Don’t even think about objects for now. We’ll see them later. Ok.
The return type of a method denotes the type of data being returned back to whoever
called the method. If the method doesn’t return any data back, we need set the return
type as void as shown below
If the method does return some data back, it needs to do two things.
1. Need to specify the type of the data being returned as the return type,
2. Return the data using the keyword return.
For instance, if a method returns a number of type int, following is how the method
should look like:
It is very important that the data returned match with the declared return type.
Otherwise, it results in a compilation error.
Chapter 2 Passing Arguments to Methods
Java Language Fundamentals
When the invoker of this method sends two numbers, the numbers will be stored in
variables a and b, which can then be used within the method body for processing. This is
all about methods you need to know at this point.
Using comments in program is very good practice as it improves the readability of the
program. In Java, we can write single line comments and multi line comments as shown
The examples we are going to write from here inwards are more interesting. If you
notice, in all the examples thus far we just used one class to define all the methods and
invoked them from the main method. We will get away from this approach and start
writing code in multiple classes and have them call each other. This is how we need to
write programs. Instead of writing all the functionality in one class, try logically
distributing the code into multiple classes, so that we can reuse the classes. This is one of
the best practices.
Let’s implement a search functionality that allows searching for a resource on Internet
and directory.
Chapter 2 Passing Arguments to Methods
Java Language Fundamentals
Since we need to search for resources in two different places, let’s write two classes
namely and and
define a search()method in each.
Look at the above two search classes in Listing 2.8 a & b. If you noticed, both the search
engine classes do not have a main method defined. So you can compile them, but cannot
execute them. These are like utility classes that some other class must use them;
otherwise their existence doesn’t make any sense, right? Therefore, we will write
another class named PremierSearch, which will use the above classes to search for
resources. Listing 2.8c has the implementation for this class.
// Local Search
// Other searches;;
Chapter 2 Passing Arguments to Methods
Java Language Fundamentals
The PremierSearch class has its own search() method for local search. It calls this
method by just specifying the method name like we did in previous examples. However,
to call the search() methods in the two search engine classes, it needs to prefix the
class name with a dot before the method name. The rule is, for a class to invoke static
methods in another class, it must use the following syntax:
If I say, the color of the shirt is red, it probably refers to my shirt. But if I wanted to say
the color of other person shirt, I must say "The color of Tom’s shirt is red". See, I have to
use his name. Java is closely related with how we talk every day.
Above is exactly what we did in PremierSearch class. We used the class name to
invoke the methods in different classes. Writing functionality in multiple classes allows
loose coupling and at the same time code reusability. Tomorrow, if you want to add new
search functionality, you can write a new class with a search method, and then call it
from where ever you want. Isn’t this nice? I am sure you are with me.
Note: You need to compile all three classes using javac command and then execute the
PremierSearch class to see the results. Compile and execute the classes as shown
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter1>java PremierSearch
Trick: I know it’s tedious to compile each and every program using the javac command
shown above. To get around with this, use the following simplified command to
compile all java files in one step (using *).
Chapter 2 Passing Arguments to Methods
Java Language Fundamentals
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter1>javac *.java
The above command compiles all the Java files in the directory in one go. You can then
execute which ever class you want using the java command. Sweet! I like tricks. In fact,
who doesn’t?
In the next example, we’ll design two classes using give and take model. We’ll have one
class takes the give the details, and have the other class use the details supplied and
return the essentials. The code is shown in listing 2.9.
Listing 2.9a ( Class taking the details and returning the
static double getApprovedAmount() {
approvedAmount = 500;
approvedAmount = 1000;
} else {
approvedAmount = 0.0;
return approvedAmount;
Chapter 2 Passing Arguments to Methods
Java Language Fundamentals
The LoanCalculator class has defined three variables and three methods. Whenever
we define variables in a class, they can be accessed or shared by all the methods of that
class. We call them as global variables of the class. Another important thing is that the
class level global variables must be declared static. This implies that, static methods can
access static global variables only. Note this point.
The setCreditScore() method takes the credit score and stores it in creditScore
variable. Similarly the other set methods. Finally, the getApprovedAmount() method
reads the data from the populated global variables, and returns the approved amount
based on some conditions. Also note that this method has a return statement at the end
to return the approved amount which we declared as double. Therefore, in its method
declaration, the return type is set to double as shown below:
Listing 2.9b ( Test class that passes the details and take
the essentials.
This is how we need to define variables and methods in Java program. Let’s look at next
Chapter 2 Static Blocks
Java Language Fundamentals
Static Blocks
So far we used static keyword in a class with methods and variables only. Is there
another usage of static that we missed? Yes there is, and the most important application
of static, a static block. A static block has the following properties.
9 It has no name
9 It gets invoked before the main method is invoked
9 JVM will only invoke it once
9 There can be more than one static blocks in a class, and the JVM will execute all
of them one by one. However, it’s not a good practice to use multiple static
A static block looks as shown below:
static {
// Initialization Statements
The purpose of static block in a class is for class level initialization. More often than not,
we require JVM to perform some initialization before it starts executing the main
method. For instance, before we use something like a database, it’s very important to
initialize some of its internal components. Initialization is almost a must for any
software application. This is where static blocks come in handy. They allow Java
programs to execute certain initialization statements before the actual execution begins.
Listing 2.10 demonstrates the usage of static block.
static {
System.out.println("I am in Main");
Chapter 2 Static Blocks
Java Language Fundamentals
When the JVM executes the above class, it first invokes all the static blocks one by one
before it begins executing the main method. Compile and execute the program, and the
above mentioned properties of static block will make sense. The result of the program
will be,
Use static blocks whenever you want to execute certain statements prior to the execution
of main method. The above example is pretty simple and doesn’t really demonstrate the
beauty of static blocks. So, let’s look at a classical database example with and without a
static block, and you'll notice its importance.
In this example, let’s implement a database functionality where the database returns two
connections to the requestor.
1. We cannot get a connection without initializing the database. At the same time
we must not initialize the database every time we get a connection.
2. Only Database should initialize itself. We should not call the initialize method
from outside database class.
We will see three cases on this example from bad to good to great. The program is very
simple. We will simply write a class named Database with two methods namely
initialize() and getConnection() methods. We will then write a test class that
only invokes the getConnection() method twice to retrieve two connections. The test
class is not allowed to invoke the initialize() method as it is internal to database.
Initialization must be taken care by the database class itself.
For all the cases, the test class remains the same, but we will enhance the Database class
to come up with a clean and better solution.
Chapter 2 Static Blocks
Java Language Fundamentals
This class is not smart, but is safe. It bluntly invokes the initialize() method every
time the getConnection() method is invoked, ensuring that the database is always
initialized before returning the connection. This implementation is not at all good
because it is misusing the resources. Listing 2.11b shows the test class that tries to get the
two connections.
If you look at the above test class, it invokes the getConnection() method twice to
get two connections from the database to meet the requirement. This is exactly what we
want to do. Compile the above two classes and execute the test class to see the following
Database Initialized
Connection established
Database Initialized
Connection established
As you can see from the above code, to get two connections successfully, this version of
database class initialized itself twice. Usually, database initialization is a costly operation
and consumes significant amount of resources. Therefore, it must be done as few times
as possible. This is therefore a very bad implementation. Let’s see if we can modify the
database class to cut down the number of initializations.
Chapter 2 Static Blocks
Java Language Fundamentals
Case 2:
In this case, we will tweak the above database class to ensure that it is initialized just
once. Look at the following enhanced version of the database class in listing 2.11c.
System.out.println("Database Initialized");
val = 1;
if (val == 0) {
System.out.println("Connection established");
Look at the above enhanced Database class. In this case, the database class is good. To
ensure that the database is initialized only once, it introduced some additional logic
around the call to initialize() method in the getConnection() method. The way
the logic works is, when the test class invokes the connection method for the first time,
the variable val will be 0, and the control goes inside the if block and invokes the
initialize() method. After successful initialization within the method, it updates
the variable val to 1. For the second call to the method from the test class, the condition
fails and will not get initialized. Smart logic, right? With this updated class, if you
execute the same test class, the output will be what we wanted it to be as shown below:
Database Initialized
Connection established
Connection established.
Case 3:
In the previous example, we didn't change anything in the test class. All we did is
tweaked the database class to get the right output. At this point, you might be
wondering that we were able to solve the problem in second case itself, so why do we
need a third case. What I don't like in the second case is the introduction of additional
Chapter 2 Static Blocks
Java Language Fundamentals
logic to meet the requirement. Always remember one thing; every additional line code is
a potential bug. So try to make the program as simple as possible with fewer statements.
And also remember the fact that, when the program is getting complicated, you are
always going in the wrong direction. My third case is smart and classical. It permanently
removes the initialize() method in the database class, and moves the initialization
statements into a static block as shown in listing 2.11d.
static {
System.out.println("Database Initialized");
System.out.println("Connection established");
Use the above database class and compile the program. Execute the test class again, and
you’ll be surprised to see the same result as Case 2. But notice how simple the database
class is. No variables, no conditions and no initialization method. Yet, the results are
same. This is the best solution we can get, right? Simple and classical. Following is how
it works.
As we know that the static block gets invoked only once, we simply put all the
initialization statements in this block. By doing this, JVM ensures that it calls this block
only once. When the control comes for the first time to this class, i.e., when the
getConnection() method is called for the first time from the test class, JVM invokes
the static block, and then invokes the connection method. From the second call onwards
to the connection method, JVM bypasses the static block as it already executed before,
and directly invokes the method.
Thumb Rule: Put all the class level initialization statements in the static block.
This is all what we need to know about classes. We have seen several examples and I am
sure we learned a lot in no time. If some things are confusing, go through them again,
and you’ll be fine.
Chapter 2 Summary
Java Language Fundamentals
9 A class is the building block of Java program.
9 A class will have methods and variables.
9 A class can have Class-level variables, methods and Object level variables and
9 Class level methods and variables must be declared as static.
9 Static methods can only access static global variables.
9 To execute a class, it must have a main method.
9 Several classes can interact with other. For one class to invoke static methods in
different class, it must use ClassName.methodName syntax.
9 A class uses static blocks for initialization purposes. A class can have any
number of static blocks, but it’s a good practice to use only one.
9 JVM invokes the static blocks before invoking the main method.
a) double getAmount()
b) static double getAmount()
a) DriverManager.getConnection
b) DriverManager.getConnection();
static int i;
Chapter 2 Summary
Java Language Fundamentals
i = 10;
System.out.println( “ Context Initialized “);
a) Context Initialized
b) Context Initialized
a) byte b = 5 * 5;
b) int k = 5 * 5;
Interview Questions
Question: List the properties of a static block.
9 It has no name
9 It gets invoked before the main method is invoked
9 JVM will only invoke it once
9 There can be more than one static blocks in a class, and the JVM will execute all
of them one by one. However, it’s not a good practice to use multiple static
Chapter 3 Chapter Goals
Chapter 3
By the end of this chapter you will understand the notion of packages in Java. This
chapter demonstrates the usage of various keywords associated with packages and how
to implement access control for classes within packages.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the notion of packages
9 Understand the keywords associated with packages
Environment Setup
All the programs in this chapter should be stored in the following directory.
Chapter 3 Introduction
This chapter introduces you to the notion of packages in Java. A typical Java application
comprises of several Java classes and organizing the classes in a systematic fashion is
very important from maintenance standpoint. Consider for instance we are developing a
chatting application. Such application contains several classes that can be categorized as
UI related classes, server related classes, FTP classes, utility classes and many more.
Storing all these classes in just one directory poses several maintenance problems. It
would be much better if we store them in separate directories. This is very much like
organizing files on your computer system. This is what Java packages is all about. A
package is nothing but a directory in which we store Java classes. The good thing with
using packages is that besides organizing classes, we can also provide some level of
security to the classes which comes automatically.
Java packages is really not a concept, but we can think of it as a good practice. You really
don’t have to concentrate seriously to understand this chapter. It hardly takes couple
minutes to understand what packages are and how to use them. I am going to keep this
chapter really short by giving you the important details about packages.
Without wasting any time let’s quickly get though all the important things we need to
know about packages.
What is a Package?
A package is a collection of classes that allows organizing the code effectively and
efficiently without any namespace collisions.
Chapter 3 Creating and Declaring Packages
If we wish to store a class in the above package, the code will look as shown in listing
// Package statement
package src;
System.out.println("Hello World");
As you can see from the code, the first line is the package statements that tells the JVM
that this class strictly belongs to the package src. The keyword we use for package
declaration is package. The syntax for declaring the package is,
package <packagename>;
You can store any number of classes in a single package. Moreover, like we create
directories within directories we can also have packages within packages. For instance,
we can create another package named examples within src package. The classes
within examples package will then use the following package statement:
package src.examples;
package examples;
There is nothing wrong in your thinking. However, it doesn’t work this way since the
package names are relative names. Before we start using the packages, we first need to fix
the root directory. All the packages we create must be created within the root directory.
So, what is a root directory? A root directory is nothing by the directory of your project.
Let’s say we are developing a financial application. So, fundamentally, we need to
Chapter 3 Creating and Declaring Packages
choose a directory for storing all our work. Let’s say we have created the following
directory for this application.
The above directory will now be the root directory for all the components within the
application. All the packages we create will be created from this directory onwards for
storing the class files. Once created, the package names should be with respect to the
root directory. Consider the following package structure for organizing our classes.
Based the above package structure, the package names for various classes will be as
shown in table 3.1.
package core.logging;
package core.utils;
I am sure the above table made things clear. As you can see, all the package names are
now with respect to the root directory “RetailBanking”.
Namespace collisions
More often than not, you might want to have one or more Java files with different
functionality but share the same name. This would be impossible without packages. The
reason is simple. You cannot have two files with the same name in the same directory.
For instance, I can have one date class for processing general purpose dates, and other
date class for processing database related dates. Rather than using two class names like
Chapter 3 Creating and Declaring Packages
RegularDate and DatabaseDate, I can use same name for both the files but should
store them in two different packages as shown below:
The first one uses the package statement with the name core and the second one with
the name database.
A fully qualified name of the class is the class name along with the package name. For
instance in the above example, core.Date and database.Date are the fully qualified
names of the two date classes. The fully qualified name will always be unique.
Although you can have any arbitrary names for package names, we always follow
standard naming conventions. A typical Java application uses several third party classes
from different companies. For instance, we can use the logging classes from company
say, XLOG, some other classes from some other company. All these companies follow a
standard naming convention as shown below:
Using the above conventions, if you own a company named “eTools Inc”, which sells
commercial tools, then your application packaging structure can be,
and so on….
Chapter 3 Java Core Libraries
All the above packages will have several classes. To use the classes stored in above
packages, we need to import them using the import keyword as shown below:
import java.lang.*;
The asterisk (*) at the end indicates all the classes within the package. However, if you
just want to import one specific class in a particular package, you can do so as,
Unlike a package statement, a Java program can have any number of import statements
as shown below:
import java.util.* ;
There is a standard way of compiling and executing a class that uses packages. To better
understand, let’s consider the code in listing 3.2.
package examples;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
sum = sum + i;
Chapter 3 Access Control using Packages
When ever we use packages, the programs should always be compiled from the root
directory only. The above program should be compiled as shown below:
In the above command, “chapter3” is the root directory. The javac command should
specify the package name and the class name separated by a “\”. If we want to compile
all the classes in the same package, we can use the following syntax
Once all the programs are compiled, we then have to execute the main class using the
following command:
Note that while executing the program, we need to use dot (.) instead of slash (\) and
without any extension. This is how you need to compile and execute the classes using
Now that you know how to create, use and import packages, it’s time to understand the
most important aspect of packages which is access control.
Java provides three keywords namely public, protected and private which we call them
as access modifiers. Using these three keywords and together with packages, classes and
methods can be implemented with restricted access.
A Java application is all about invoking the methods in classes that are distributed in
several packages. Based on this, following are the important questions we can ask
Chapter 3 Access Control using Packages
2. Even if the answer is “yes” for the above question, can a class A be able to access
class B methods?
The answers to both the questions are Yes and No. The answer is “yes” if we use public
keyword and “no” if we use private keyword. Access modifiers are used with classes,
methods and variables. Table 3.2 lists which access modifiers are applicable to which
As you can see from the above table, all the access modifier keywords can be used with
classes, methods and variables except that we don’t use private and protected with a
class. Also, it is important to note that “default” means no keyword. Following are some
of the examples:
Public Access
This keyword is used with classes, methods and variables and is the most generous one.
If used with a class, will allow classes in the same package or in any other package access it
without any restriction. One good example is the utility classes which should always be
declared as public since they are normally shared by all the remaining classes within the
application irrespective of package they are present in. The same is applicable to
variables and methods if they are declared public. Any class will be able to access them.
Protected Access
This keyword is used with methods and variables. The scope of this keyword is almost
close to public keyword with just one small access restriction. If a method or variable is
Chapter 3 Summary
declared protected, only classes within the same package and “child” classes within different
package can access them. Don’t worry about what child classes are for now. We’ll see
them later.
Default Access
If none of the access modifiers are used with a class, method or variable, then we say
that they all have default access. This means only the classes in the same package can access
Private Access
This keyword is only used with methods and variables. When used, they are only limited
to the class in which they are present even if the class is public. A class typically has a
combination of public and private methods. The private methods as the name suggests
are private to that class, and cannot be shared with other classes. This is the lowest level
of access we can provide to any entity.
From the above discussion, the order of access from highest to lowest is
public ->protected->default->private
From the next chapters onwards we will start using these access modifier keywords.
Don’t worry about them for now. I will explain them in detail when we start using them.
This is all you need to know about access modifiers and packages. Using proper access
modifiers and packages is only a good practice but not a “must”. Since we are aspiring
to become a professional developer, we always follow good practices. With this brief
overview about packages, let’s move on with the rest of the chapters.
The next chapter is the most and most important one, as it introduces you to the second
type of entity in Java, an Object. You know what, if you noticed carefully, all the
programs are based on ‘Structured and Modular Programming models’. Though Java’s
strength is ‘Object Oriented Programming’ which we will see in the next chapter, it still
supports the old programming models. Sweet!
Chapter 3 Summary
9 A class can only have one package statement and it must be the first statement in
the code.
9 All the library classes are organized in several packages. For a class to use such
library classes, it needs to import them using the import statement.
9 Unlike a package statement, a class can have any number of import statements.
9 Using packages provides access control to classes.
9 The keywords that support in access control are public, protected and private
9 The order of access modifiers from highest to lowest is public, protected, default
and private.
a) Package
b) package
a) package java.util.Hashtable;
b) import java.util.Hashtable;
5. Which of the following access modifier should be used to allow access in the
same package
a) public
b) default
6. Which of the following access modifier is used with a method to prevent external
classes from accessing it?
a) protected
b) private
Chapter 3 Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Question: Explain the differences between public, protected and private keywords
When a class or a method or a variable is declared public, they can be accessed by any class
in any package.
When a method or a variable is declared protected, they can be accessed by all the classes in
the same package and child classes in different packages. Usually a class will not be declared
as protected.
Private keyword is used only with methods and variables. These can only be accessed only
within the class that contains them. This is the smallest level of access.
When none of the keywords are used with a class, or a method or a variable, it is given a
default access. This means they can only be accessed by classes in the same package.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed this chapter and I am sure you are
ready to move to the next chapter. Let’s move on.
Chapter 4 Chapter Goals
Object Oriented Programming
Chapter 4
Object Oriented
By the end of this chapter, you will know how to build Object Oriented Java
applications. This chapter will demonstrate Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
concepts and their implementation in Java. You'll surely enjoy this chapter since OOP is
fun and its associated terminology is heard in our day to day life.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the difference between Class and Object
9 Learn how to create Objects from Classes
9 Learn to define interaction between objects
9 Understand Object Oriented concepts like Encapsulation, Inheritance etc.
9 Understand the notion of Constructors and some important keywords
9 Understand Abstract classes and Interfaces.
Environment Setup
All the programs in this chapter should be stored in the following directory.
Chapter 4 What is an Object?
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) as the name suggests, is nothing but
programming using Objects. OOP model is a very powerful programming model as it
allows us to build reusable, modular, loosely coupled and flexible applications unlike
applications built using other programming models. The central idea or entity on which
OOP model is based is something called object. So, without wasting any further time,
let’s see what it is before doing some programming using objects.
What is an Object?
There are several ways to define an object like the ones below.
In simple terms, an object is a carbon copy of a class. Let’s say you want to build a car. You
just can't go ahead and build it right away. You first need to design a car, and then build
the car. So, a car is built from a car design, a computer is built using computer design.
Likewise, an object is built from an object design and object design is what we call as class.
So, to create an object, we need a class. Point to be noted.
Once we have a car design, we can build ‘n’ number of different cars from it, and every
car is an independent entity. It has its own wheels, seats, doors etc,. Similarly, if we have
a class, we can create ‘n’ number of different objects belonging to that class and again
every object is an independent entity. Another point to be noted.
Writing a program that creates objects from a class, and defining the interactions
between the objects is what we call as object oriented program and such a programming
model is referred to as Object Oriented Programming model (OOP).
So, in OOP methodology, we write object oriented programs and we write them in Java
from here onwards. Cool.
Chapter 4 What is an Object?
Object Oriented Programming
1. For every class, we can create ‘n’ number of objects belonging to the same class
2. There is no ‘object’ without a ‘class’.
O1 O2 O3 O1 O2 O1 O2
Therefore, to write an Object Oriented Java program, we do the following three things.
If you recall from chapter 2, we learned something about class level methods and
variables and object level methods and variables. Now it’s time to clearly understand
what this means. Let‘s say we have a class with two variables and two methods. Now, if
we create an object from this class, the question is, does the object also have the same
two variables and methods? Hmmm. Tough question, right? The answer is both Yes and
Yes, if the variables and methods in the class are not declared as static.
No, if the variables and methods in the class are declared as static.
Let's stop this theory crap, and see with an example to make our life easy. Like you, I do
hate theory, but you know what, sometimes we can’t escape from it. But, let me tell you
one thing, I’ll try my best to cut short the theory and explain things with examples.
Chapter 4 What is an Object?
Object Oriented Programming
Listing 4.1 ( Class with object level and class level properties.
package objectconcepts;
void print() {
The code shown in listing 4.1 has two variables namely i,j and two methods namely
display() and print(). Now, when we create objects of this class, the question is,
which variables and methods the objects will have?
1. Objects will only get non-static variables and methods defined in a class So,
every object created from this class will only have variable j and method
print(). These are called object level properties.
2. All the static methods and variables namely i and display() will remain in the
class only. These are class level fields and can be shared by all the objects created
from the class. This is the reason why we call class level properties (variables and
methods) as shared properties.
In Java, all a class will have is static and non-static methods and variables. If someone
gives you a class or if you need to use some library class, the first thing you need to do is
identify which are class level fields and which are object level fields. If you see the
keyword static for a method or variable, mark them as class level, and if you don't see
static, mark them as object level fields. If you could do this, then half the job is done.
Trust me. To access class level methods, we use ClassName.methodname syntax, and to
access variables we use ClassName.variablename syntax which we already discussed in
chapter 2. I am sure you didn’t forget these.
From here onwards in this chapter, we’ll see how to access object level properties.
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
Note: For all the examples in this chapter, we will write at least two classes. One is the
class whose objects will be created, the other is a test class that will create the objects and
invoke the methods on these objects. For instance, two classes namely Car and
CarTest. The test class is the one that will have the main method and it is in this
method, we will start creating car objects. To execute the program, we simply have to
execute the test class. No confusions, right?
Listing 4.1 ( Class with object level and class level properties.
package objectconcepts;
if (paperCount > 0) {
paperCount = paperCount - 1;
System.out.println("Document printed");
} else {
void printDocument() {
As you can see from the code, the Printer class has one object level method namely
printDocument() method (non-static). Objects created from this class will only have
this method.
Coming to the class level properties, it has two of them namely, paperCount variable
and print() method (static ones). These two properties can be shared by all the objects
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
created from this class by directly invoking them from the object level methods as
shown below:
Tip: For the class, visualize a rectangle that has a print() method and paperCount
package objectconcepts;
// Create 2 objects
Printer p1 = new Printer();
Printer p2 = new Printer();
As you can see from the above test class, it first created two printer objects. The syntax
for creating an object from a class is shown below:
In the above, new is the keyword used for creating objects. Based on the above syntax,
we created two printer objects as
The moment objects are created, JVM will load the objects with all the object level
properties (printDocument() method) , and references the objects using the names p1
and p2. Both p1 and p2 are two completely different objects independent of each other.
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
Tip: Visualize two circles (objects) pointed with the names p1 and p2 in your mind each
having printDocument() method. Now you have one rectangle and two circles in
your mind. Good job.
The above statement invokes the printDocument() method in the object referenced
by p1. This method in turn invokes the shared print() method in the class. The
print() method checks the paperCount which is 1, decrements to 0 and displays the
following message:
This is how object level methods share the class level methods. Now, let me ask you a
question here. Like an object level method invoking the class method, can a class
method invoke object method? I must say big No to this. See the following rule.
Rule: Object level methods (non-static) can always access class level methods (static
methods), but class level methods cannot access object methods. Violating this rule
causes compilation errors.
Save the above two files in objectconcepts directory and compile them as shown
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>javac objectConcepts\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>java objectConcepts.PrinterTest
Following picture demonstrates the working of this example. This is the picture I asked
you to imagine in your mind.
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
int paperCount
void print()
p1 p2
Tip: The best and easiest way to understand objects is by visualizing them. Every time
we create object(s) using new keyword, right there, imagine a circle(s) with the name of
the reference variables or draw it on a piece of paper as shown in the above picture. Do
this for the first few examples.
Now that you know how to create objects from class and invoke methods using their
references, from here onwards in this chapter, we are going to write classes with only
object level methods and variables. We are strictly into object oriented programming
business. Ok. See listing 4.3a where the class only has object level properties.
package objectconcepts;
// Instance variable
double result = 0;
// Instance methods
public void sum(int i, int k) {
result = i + k;
result = i * k;
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
The calculator class in listing 4.3a has two instance methods namely sum() and
multiply() and one instance variable result. Both the methods take some data, and
update the same result variable. This means, all object level methods can share all the
object level variables.
package objectconcepts;
// First object
Calculator cal1 = new Calculator();
cal1.sum(4, 16);
// Second object
Calculator cal2 = new Calculator();
cal2.multiply(5, 6);
As you can see from the above test class, it created two calculator objects and invoked
methods using their respective references as shown below:
The above statement updates its result variable to 20. The test class then displays the
value in the result variable using the following statement.
System.out.println( cal1.result);
Similarly, it creates another object cal2 and invokes the multiply() method and
updates its own result variable. Though the object has both the methods sum() and
multiply(), we are invoking only the sum() method in one object, and multiply() method
in the other. You can however, invoke both the methods on the same object as shown
System.out.println( cal1.result);
System.out.println( cal1.result);
Compile both the classes and execute the test class like as shown below
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>javac objectConcepts\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>java objectConcepts.CalculatorTest
Think of objects as carbon copies made from the original document. You can play with
every carbon copy (invoking methods on object) as you like. Once you are done
scratching the carbon copy, you can take another copy (create another object) and start
working with it in a different way (invoking different methods on the object). Fig 4.2
should give some idea. A picture is worth 100 words.
calc1 calc2
In the above example, we created two independents as shown in the above figure and
just invoked the methods on these independent objects. One thing we should
understand is having independent objects simply serves no purpose. As I said right at
the beginning of the chapter, an object oriented program creates objects as well as
establishes communication between these objects. We now know how to create objects,
so let’s learn how to tie these objects together and make them more powerful.
Let’s say we want to send a message to a legacy system which requires the message to
be formatted and then sent. We see two operations here namely ‘sending message’ and
‘formatting message’. If we have two objects with one operation in each, then to send the
message successfully to the legacy system, we need to have both objects interact with
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
each other. In this case, as shown in Fig 4.3, the test object invokes the sendMessage()
method on the Messenger object, which in turn invokes the formatMessage()
method on the Formatter object.
Messenger Formatter
The communication between the above two objects will be established by having the
sendMessage() method of one object invoking the formatMessage() method of the
other . In Java, for one object to invoke the method on the other object, the former must
first create the object of later, and then invoke the method as shown below:
void sendMessage(){
Listing 4.4 shows the code for the above messenger and formatter classes.
package objectconcepts;
public class Messenger {
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
package objectconcepts;
If you look at the messenger class in listing 4.4a, its sendMessage() method created an
object of Formatter class and invoked the formatMessage() method. This is how
messenger object interacts with formatter object, simple, right? The Formatter class is
pretty straightforward as it simply defines the formatMessage() method as shown in
listing 4.4b. Finally, the test class simply creates an object of messenger class and invokes
the sendMessage() method as shown in listing 4.4c.
package objectconcepts;
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>javac objectConcepts\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>java objectConcepts.MessengerTest
Message formatted
Message sent successfully to legacy system
This is how objects interact with each other. The rule is pretty simple. If an object should
interact with any another object(s), it should simply create object(s) and invoke the
methods. Before we look at the next concept, let’s do one complex example where
several objects interact with several objects as shown in Fig 4.4.
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
Helper4 Helper5
m4() m5()
From the above figure, Foo object interacts with Helper2 and Helper4 objects, and
Helper2 object interacts with Helper3 and Helper5 objects. Also, Foo object is the
one that initiates the interaction. Each class has methods as shown in the figure.
However in real world applications, there could be several objects interacting with each
other in much more complex fashion. Look at the code listing 4.5a for each of the above
classes, and you’ll get the complete picture.
Listing 4.5a Code snippets for the classes shown in Fig 4.4
package objectConcepts;
package objectConcepts;
package objectConcepts;
Chapter 4 Objects and Methods
Object Oriented Programming
package objectConcepts;
package objectConcepts;
The implementation of all the above classes is pretty straightforward. For instance, Foo
object to invoke methods in Helper2 and Helper4, created the objects and invoked the
methods as shown below:
Now, if we write a test class and invoke the method m1() in Foo object, the interaction
initiates. Listing 4.5b shows the test class.
package objectConcepts;
Chapter 4 Understanding Object References
Object Oriented Programming
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>javac objectConcepts\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>java objectConcepts.BoxTest
In Foo
I am in Helper2
I am in Helper3
I am in Helper5
I am in Helper4
Chapter 4 Understanding Object References
Object Oriented Programming
The above Messenger class has two methods. One method that sets the message and
the other method that sends the message. With this class, let’s create an object as shown
The reference variable ‘m1’ is like a pointer to the physical object. It is using this pointer,
we invoke the methods in the object as shown below:
m1.setMessage("Hello ");
Now, let me ask you a question. Can an object have more than one reference pointing to
it? Yes it can. This is achieved by assigning references. Assigning object references is
very much like assigning primitive variables. Look at the following two statements.
As you can see from the above statements, we first created an object with reference ‘m1’.
We then assigned m1 reference to m2 reference just like we assign primitive variables.
The only rule is that the reference variable m2 should also be of the same class type.
Now the object in memory will have two references as shown in the following figure.
Chapter 4 Understanding Object References
Object Oriented Programming
m1 m2
We can now use any of the above references to invoke the methods as they are pointing
to the same object. For instance, we can use ‘m1’ to invoke one method, and ‘m2’ to
invoke the other method as shown below:
In Java, a single object can have ‘n’ number of references, and we can use any of the
references to update the objects properties. Now that we know how the object references
work, the question that comes to our mind is, when and why do we assign references?
Good question. The main application of assigning references is when passing ‘objects’ as
parameters to methods. In Java, just like we pass primitive data types (int, float etc) as
arguments to methods, we can also pass objects as parameters. Look at the code in
listing 4.6 that demonstrates assigning references.
package objectconcepts;
double bookPrice;
The Book class shown above is pretty straight forward. It defined two methods, one to
set the price, and the other to return the price.
Chapter 4 Understanding Object References
Object Oriented Programming
package objectconcepts;
The above test class defined a method displayPrice() that echoes the book price. To
see how this works, the main method first created the book object ‘b’ and set the price by
invoking the setPrice() method. At this point, the book object will be as shown
bookPrice = 24.99
The main method then passed the reference ‘b’ as a parameter to displayPrice()
method. Since ‘b’ is of type Book, the method parameter in the displayPrice() must
also be of type Book as shown below:
When ‘b’ is passed into ‘b1’, it is indirectly equal to the following assignment:
Chapter 4 Understanding Object References
Object Oriented Programming
b1 = b;
Therefore, ‘b1’ also points to the same object as ‘b’ points and the book object will now
have two references as shown in the following figure.
b b1
bookPrice = 24.99
Since ‘b1’ is pointing to the same object, it is like we indirectly passed the object to the
method. But, strictly speaking we passed the object reference, but not the physical object,
right? So, when the method invokes getPrice() method using the reference ‘b1’ as
shown below, it returns the price of the book object.
We all know without any hesitation that an object has methods and variables and we all
know that objects interact with other is by calling each others methods. Let’s say I am an
object for now. I have some personal information that I don’t want to share with other
objects, but have some other information that I really want to share. So, how can I
restrict other objects from accessing my personal stuff and only access what I wanted
them to? Is there a way? Yes, there is one. Simply prefix those methods and variables
you think are personal with private keyword, and for the ones you want to share, prefix
with public. That’s it. If some other class or object tries to invoke private methods, the
Chapter 4 Encapsulation
Object Oriented Programming
compiler spits an error message. Based on these two keywords, let’s look at the first
OOPS concept, Encapsulation.
Encapsulation allows an object to hide the details and present only the essentials. Details
and essentials are nothing but the variables and methods of object. We use private
keyword for hiding the details and public keyword for presenting the essentials. That’s
it. Let’s look at a classical tax calcualtor example. See listing 4.7a.
package objectconcepts;
// Details
private double federalReturn;
private double stateReturn;
private double miscReturn;
// Essentials
public double getMyReturns(double federalWithHeld, double stateWithHeld,
double expenses, double misc) {
federalReturn = computeFederal(federalWithHeld);
stateReturn = computeState(stateWithHeld);
miscReturn = computeMisc(expenses,misc);
Chapter 4 Encapsulation
Object Oriented Programming
- It has three private variables and three private methods and no class can directly
access these properties. If they try, you know what happens. Compilation errors.
- It has one public method getMyReturns(). This is the only method any one
can ever access.
- The getMyReturns() method internally uses the private methods as helper
methods to computes the taxes. The method finally returns the results back. This
method is hiding the details and giving only the essentials. Isn’t this what
encapsulation is all about? Cool.
package objectconcepts;
Now, look at the TaxCalculatorTest class. This class creates the tax calculator object
first, and sincerely calls the public method getMyReturns()by passing all the required
data (essentials). It never even dreams to call the private methods as it knows what
happens. You can try calling the private method if you want.
If you noticed TaxCalculator class carefully, the use of private and public keywords
makes complete sense, right? As a user of the tax calculator, I really don’t care how it
computes my taxes (details). All I care is how much tax returns it gives me back
(essentials), right? This is what we call as give and take system. Compile and execute the
programs to see the following result.
Thumb Rule: Keep all variables private, and all methods either private or public. Never
expose the object state (variables) to outside world. If some one needs the data in the
variable, write a method that returns it. Ok. At any cost, make sure that an external
Chapter 4 Encapsulation
Object Oriented Programming
object can only interact through methods. No direct access to variables should be
allowed. This is a good practice.
You know what; I am tired of using int’s and double’s in my programs for declaring the
data. Storing text data is the common thing that we would see in any application since
most of the data is text based. For instance, things like name, address, city, country and
what not. So, I need a new primitive data type to store just text data. Do we have one?
The answer is very big NO. Shoot! What should we do now? You know what, don’t
worry. There is a special entity called as String which is not really a primitive data type,
but behaves in a similar way. We will start using this from now onwards to store texts,
but don’t even worry about its details for now. Just use it like any other data type. Ok.
We’ll see its details later. There is a big section dedicated to it. Trust me.
The usage of String is shown below. The text to be stored must be enclosed in double
String s = "Thank God, finally I found one for storing text data ";
Let’s get back to encapsulation for a moment. In real world applications how and where
do we use it? Let’s say we want to store the details of a customer like firstName,
lastName, address, ssn etc,. A good solution is to create a class called Customer, and
define variables like firstName, lastName etc,. To, get a clear picture, see the code in
listing 4.8a.
package objectconcepts;
firstName = fname;
lastName = lname;
address = add;
Chapter 4 Encapsulation
Object Oriented Programming
return firstName;
return lastName;
Damn, the programs are getting longer. You know what; the programs are instead
getting simpler and classier as we move forward. Length doesn’t matter for us. Concept
matters most. Look at the Customer class and see how simple it is. All it did is,
This class simply encapsulated the variables and provided getter methods and setter
methods for storing and retrieving the data. We call such a class as JavaBean or a POJO
(Plain Old Java Object). In real world applications, to store complex data, there will be
several of these classes. They simply declare private variables and define getters and
setters. Don’t be surprised even if you see thousands of above like classes.
Note: Some people call the above class as JavaBean and some others call it as POJO.
Technically, both are same,ok.
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Encapsulation
Object Oriented Programming
As you can see from the above test class, it created Customer object c1 and invoked the
set methods to store the data, and then invoked the get methods to retrieve the data
back. Compile and execute the test class to see the following result.
Grove City, CA
In the above customer class, I see one small bad practice, the names of method
parameters in the set methods. For instance, look at the following set method:
firstName = fname;
In the above method, the argument name is fname, and the instance variable name is
firstName. We are using two different names to represent the same data, right? In
such situations, it’s a good practice to use the same names for both. If this is the case,
then which one refers to instance variable and which refers to argument variable? To
solve this dilemma, we need to use the keyword this as shown below.
this.firstName = firstName;
Chapter 4 Method Overloading
Object Oriented Programming
return this.firstName;
The above technique of using this keyword is called as instance variable hiding. Modify all
the methods in the Customer class using the above convention, and you’ll see the same
The above case of encapsulation is very simple, yet very powerful. It offers restricted
access to methods and variables by using private and public keywords.
Trick: Always try to visualize the objects as circles and method names within these
circles for the first few examples. This makes understanding objects easier.
Let me once again reiterate that to work with objects, all we need to do is
Now, let’s learn another concept called method Overloading, another classical OOPS
Method Overloading
Method Overloading is a mechanism where more than one method in a single class
shares the same name. Following are the two rules for overloading methods.
If the above two rules are satisfied, then we say that the method is overloaded. Method
overloading is very useful in some situations where you have one generic operation that
can be implemented in number of ways.
For instance, let’s say we have a messenger whose sole purpose is to send text messages
to a mainframe system. Now, what if this messenger should have three sending
operations to send one text message, two text messages and three text messages based
on the situation? This is like same generic operation but different behavior. Such
scenarios are best implemented using overloading. Listing 4.9a demonstrates method
Chapter 4 Method Overloading
Object Oriented Programming
package objectconcepts;
// One message
public void sendMessage(String msg1) {
// Two messages
public void sendMessage(String msg1, String msg2) {
// Three messages
public void sendMessage(String msg1, String msg2, String msg3) {
package objectconcepts;
As you can see from the above code, we invoked all the three methods passing different
data. Based on the data, JVM will figure it out as to which overloaded method in the
messenger class it should invoke. Isn’t this cool? I am sure you are with me.
Chapter 4 Method Overloading
Object Oriented Programming
Another point to be noted is that you can also have another set of overloaded methods
in the same messenger class. For instance, you can write three more formatMessage()
overloaded methods next to the sendMessage() methods in the same messenger class.
There is absolutely no limitation on the number of methods you can overload, as long
they adhere to the two rules of overloading.
You’ll see a lot of method overloading in real world applications. As an example, we can
get a customers profile based on last name, or based on first name and last name, or
based on SSN etc. In all the cases, the number of parameters or the type of parameters is
changing, but the operation is still the same, right? In such cases, it’s a good practice to
use method overloading.
Compile the above two classes and execute the test class to see the following result.
Now, here is a certification question you can expect. Look at the following two methods
and tell me whether they are overloaded or not?
You are correct. They are overloaded. If you look at rule 2 of method overloading, it says
Number of arguments or Type of arguments must be different. In this case, the type of
arguments is different. So, they are legally overloaded. Good. Since they are legally
overloaded, let’s say my test class passes two numbers to the overloaded method as
shown below:
c.sum(10, 10);
Now you tell me, which of the above two methods will be invoked? Most probably you
are stumped. You know what, JVM is also stumped, and gives a compilation error
saying “method sum is ambiguous”.
Here is how the compiler interprets the code. It treats both 10 and 10 as int and looks
for a method that takes int and int. When it cannot find such method, it looks for a
method whose parameter combinations are equal to or greater than int. To its surprise, it
finds two methods and gets confused as to which method to invoke. Any time the
compiler gets confused, its only weapon to show frustration is by echoing an error. So,
the solution is, either remove one of the above method, or pass the arguments correctly
as shown below:
Chapter 4 Object Initialization
Object Oriented Programming
The above statements use explicit data casting to invoke the right method. This is just to
demonstrate the highly improbable scenario, but it’s always good to know such things.
Things like this are frequently asked in certification exams. If they confuse you, simply
ignore them. You’ll not see them in real world applications. But understanding these
things will surely boost your confidence by many times.
Now, we will look at one of the most important feature in object oriented programming,
“Object Initialization”.
If you noticed carefully, in all the examples thus far in this chapter, we simply created
objects and invoked its methods. We never initialized objects. Did we? It’s time now to
start initializing objects. Let’s rock.
Object Initialization
If you recall from chapter 2, we learned something about class level initialization using
the so called static blocks. Let me ask you a question. Since objects are created from a
class, if we initialize a class, does this mean we also initialized all the objects of that
class? I have to say ‘no’ again. An object though created from a class, can still have its
own initialization.
Let’s consider a classical printer example that prints documents in both color as well
black and white. Printer can be viewed as a class, and documents as objects of printer,
right? We need to feed the printer with papers. This is printer (class) initialization. Let’s
say the printer must print documents in both black and white as well as color. Here
color is specific to the document (object), and not to the printer. Choosing the color of
the document (object) is object level initialization. Make sense?
So, the question is, how do we initialize objects? We initialize objects using something
called constructor. Let’s see what this is.
Chapter 4 Constructor
Object Oriented Programming
A constructor is a special method defined in the class used for object initialization.
Special? In what way is it special? Look at the following.
Now we should agree that it’s indeed special. Next thing to know is, who invokes the
constructor and when is it invoked? Great question. JVM invokes the constructor, and
invokes it immediately after creating an object using new keyword. Sweet! So, this is all
automatic, right? We don’t have to worry about invoking constructors at all. All we need
to do is define a constructor in the class with what ever initialization we want to do for
the object and leave the rest to JVM. Let’s look at the details as to how JVM invokes the
Consider a class named Printer. So, based on the above 2 rules, the constructor of this
class would be as shown below:
As you can see from the above constructor definition, its name is same as class name and
doesn’t have any return type like void or int preceding the method name adhering to
the constructor rules. When we create an object of this class as shown below,
It is at this point, JVM identifies the constructor based on the characters after new
keyword highlighted in bold. Simple, right? Now that it identified the constructor, it
simply executes the statements inside the constructor method right away.
Let me ask you a question here. Can a constructor take arguments or parameters like a
method? Absolutely, why not? We didn’t specify anything in the constructor rules, not
to take any arguments. Did we? So, we can also have constructors that take arguments.
It is using these arguments that we do different initializations for different objects. Note
this point.
Chapter 4 Constructor
Object Oriented Programming
As an example, let’s say we want to pass an integer value to a constructor of some class
say, Test. The constructor of this class would then look as,
To create an object that uses the above constructor, we need to pass the integer number
right at the point of creating the object as shown below:
Since 10 by default is of type int, JVM will invoke the constructor that takes int
argument and assigns the number to the constructor argument val. Inside the
constructor, the object uses the val variable for its initialization. To create another object
and initialize with say 20, we simply do it as shown below:
Note: If you define a constructor and don’t pass the arguments correctly, you get
compilation errors. So, be careful.
I think it’s time to write an example using constructors. Let’s implement the printer and
documents idea we discussed in the beginning. Listing 4.10a shows the printer class.
package objectconcepts;
String printType;
// Document initialization
AdvancedPrinter(String type) {
printType = type;
Chapter 4 Constructor
Object Oriented Programming
As you can see from the printer class in listing 4.10a, it defined a constructor that takes
type as an argument and initializes the instance variable printType. When the
printDocument() method is invoked, it uses the printType to print the text. Now
look at the test class shown in listing 4.10b.
package objectconcepts;
The above test class simply created two printer objects ‘bw’ and ‘colorPrinter’. For the
first object, we passed ‘Black And White’ as the print type. So, when we invoke the
printDocument() method passing the text, we get the following displayed.
The colorPrinter object passes ‘Color’ as the print type, and displays the following when
the printDocument() method is invoked.
Simple and cool, right? We were able to create objects with different initializations.
Compile and execute the test class to see the results.
Now that you know how to define a constructor, and how to create objects to invoke the
constructors, here is the tricky situation. In all the several examples we wrote thus far,
we didn’t define any constructor and we created objects as shown below:
Yet the examples compiled and executed fine. Didn’t they? However, during the
discussion on constructors, we learned that JVM invokes the constructor at the time of
creating an object. So, how is this possible when none is defined? Stumped again? Don’t
Chapter 4 Constructor Overloading
Object Oriented Programming
worry. Here is the rule. If no constructor is defined, JVM is gracious enough of provide a class
with a “default constructor”.
A default constructor is nothing but an empty constructor with no parameters and no body as
shown below:
Though we didn’t define any constructor in our examples, JVM provided us with an
invisible to us and visible to JVM default constructor. When a class doesn’t define any
constructor, visualize the presence of a default constructor. This is the reason why all the
examples compiled and executed fine without any problems. See, JVM is so generous. :-)
Constructor Overloading
As I said before, constructor is a special method. If this the case, let me ask you a simple
question. Like we overloaded methods, can we also overload constructors? You’re right.
We can well and truly overload constructors. This means an object can have different
initializations or more specifically different levels of initialization. Moreover, the same rules
apply for constructor overloading. Take a look at listing 4.11a.
package objectconcepts;
int ramSize;
int hardDiskSize;
String os;
public Computer() {
// Default Initialization
ramSize = 512;
hardDiskSize = 40;
os = "Windows XP Home";
hardDiskSize = 40;
os = "Windows XP Home";
Chapter 4 Constructor Overloading
Object Oriented Programming
os = "Windows XP Home";
The above code defines a Computer class with four overloaded constructors. One is
default constructor that initializes all the instance variables to default values. A
computer object created using this constructor is always a Windows XP Home with 256
MB RAM and 40 GB hard disk.
The second constructor allows the objects to specify the RAM capacity with other two
variables to default values. A computer object created using this constructor is always a
Windows XP Home with 40 GB hard disk and a specified RAM capacity.
The third constructor allows to create objects with different RAM and hard disk size but
with default OS. A computer object created using this constructor is always a Windows
XP Home with specified hard disk and RAM capacity.
Similarly, the last constructor allows us to specify all three parameters. This is the most
specific constructor. The compute() method simply uses the values initialized by the
constructors for computing. Now look at the test class shown in listing 4.11b.
Listing 4.11b ( Test class using different constructors for creating
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Constructor Overloading
Object Oriented Programming
The above test class creates four different types of computer objects using different
constructors. Based on the parameters passed, the corresponding constructor will be
invoked. c1 uses default constructor, c2 invokes second constructor, c3 the third and
c4 the fourth constructor. No complexities and confusions, right?
Compile and execute the test class to see the following result.
Computing with Windows XP Home with 512MB RAM and 40GB hard disk
Computing with Windows XP Home with 256MB RAM and 40GB hard disk
Computing with Windows XP Home with 512MB RAM and 40GB hard disk
Computing with Max OS with 1024MB RAM and 80GB hard disk
If you noticed carefully at the Computer class, you’ll see some duplicate initialization
statements such as,
The above statement appears thrice and some other statements too. So, is there a way by
which we can eliminate these duplicate initialization statements? Yes. We can solve this
problem by having constructors invoke each other. For one constructor to invoke another
constructor, it needs to use this keyword with the constructor arguments. For instance,
to call the default constructor we need use the following statement:
Similarly, to call the constructor that takes an integer argument, we use the following
The above representation is like replacing the constructor name with the this keyword,
right? There is one important rule with invoking the constructors. The above statements
must appear as the first statement inside the constructor. Otherwise, a compilation error
Chapter 4 Constructor Overloading
Object Oriented Programming
will be thrown at us. Look at the following updated Computer class in listing 4.11c and
see how the duplicate code is classically eliminated.
package objectconcepts;
int ramSize;
int hardDiskSize;
String os;
public Computer2() {
ramSize = 512;
hardDiskSize = 40;
os = "Windows XP Home";
ramSize = rs;
hardDiskSize = hd;
this(rs, hd);
os = os1;
Look at how the different constructors used this keyword to invoke other constructors.
The second constructor invokes the default constructor which initializes all three
variables to default values. Then it sets the ram size with the new value. Similarly, the
other constructors invoke the appropriate ones.
Chapter 4 Inheritance
Object Oriented Programming
This is how we overload constructors and have them invoke each other. As we write
many more examples throughout this book, we will come across constructor
overloading for sure. As always, compile and execute the test class to see the same
We now arrived at a point where we are ready to learn the most important OOPS
concept, the Inheritance.
First, let’s define what inheritance is. Inheritance is a mechanism where one class acquires
or inherits the properties of another class.
Properties are nothing but variables and methods. For applying inheritance, we need at
least two classes. One is the parent class whose properties will be inherited, and the other
is the class that inherits the properties, called as the child class.
The keyword extends is used to create a child class from a parent class. Moreover,
during inheritance, a child class cannot inherit the private members of the parent class.
Before we write programs, it’s important to understand as to when we use inheritance.
Let’s say we wrote a class today with four methods for client 1. Tomorrow, we got a new
client and needs the same four methods plus one additional method. If we don’t have
inheritance, what we need to do is simply create a new class, copy all the four methods
from the old class and add the one new method, right? At this point, you might wonder
why not just add the one new method in the old class? You can do, but why do you
want to give additional functionality to client 1 when he doesn’t need it? Moreover, if
we get another client needing for 6 methods, we again have to update the class, and
therefore we are impacting client 1 as well as client 2. Aren’t we? This is a very bad
The best solution is, have the new class automatically inherit the functionality that it
needs from the old class so that it doesn’t have to duplicate the code and just define the
new functionality. This is exactly what inheritance allows us to do. To better understand
inheritance, look at the code in listing 4.12a.
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Inheritance
Object Oriented Programming
result = d1 + d2;
return result;
Assume that the above BasicCalculator class is sold to client 1. Now we got a new
client 2 who needs the sum() method as well as multiply() method. See listing 4.12b.
package objectconcepts;
result = n * m;
return result;
As you can see from the above code, we created a ScientificCalculator class for
client 2 that extends from the BasicCalculator class as shown below:
The above statement will tell the JVM to inherit (copy) all the non-private methods from
the BasicCalculator to the ScientificCalculator. Though you don’t physically
see them, they are implicitly there in the class. You have to visualize their presence. This
class then defined the new multiply() method which leads to this class having both
sum()that is inherited as well as the new multiply() methods. Notice that the private
variable in the BasicCalculator class will never be inherited which is why the child
class declared its own result variable.
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Inheritance
Object Oriented Programming
// Client 1 code
BasicCalculator bc = new BasicCalculator();
double result = bc.sum(10, 20);
// Client 2 code
ScientificCalculator sc = new ScientificCalculator();
result = sc.sum(20, 30);
result = sc.multiply(20, 30);
As you can see from the above test class, it first created an object of BasicCalculator
class and invoked the sum() method. This is client 1 code. Next, it instantiated the
ScientificCalculator class and invoked both the sum() as well as multiply()
methods. This is possible only because the child class inherited the sum() method. Isn’t
this cool? Now a small question. What if I got a new client, who needs the methods
sum(), multiply() and divide() ?
I am sure you would go with choice b. This is exactly what we should and can do.
AdvancedCalculator will now be the child of ScientificCalculator and
following is how its class declaration will be.
The above class inherits the sum() as well as multiply() methods and defines the
divide() method. We can then create an object of this class and invoke all the three
methods as shown below. Isn’t this cool and classical?
The above example follows the pattern in which A is the parent of B, B is the parent of C
as shown in the following figure.
Chapter 4 Inheritance
Object Oriented Programming
In the previous example, we learned how to create a child class from a parent class. Let
me ask you another question here. Can a parent class have just one child class? No. A
parent class can have any number of child classes. For instance, in the above example
BasicCalculator has just one child called ScientificCalculator. However, we
can also create another child from it like MathCalculator as shown below:
This child class will now have sum() method plus its own methods. There is absolutely
no limit on the number of child classes a parent class can have. To demonstrate the real
power of inheritance, let’s look at a complex inheritance hierarchy diagram and
understand what methods are inherited by various classes in the diagram. Since, I
cannot write the entire method in the figure, let’s use some conventions.
Class: A
+ j : int
- val : String
+ m1 : void
+ m2 : void
- m3 : void
Chapter 4 Inheritance
Object Oriented Programming
In the above class block, + represents public members, and – represents private
Based on this convention, the above block represents a class named A having one public
variable j, one private variable val, two public methods m1 and m2 and one private
method m3. Now, look at the Fig 4.5 that represents a complex inheritance hierarchy.
The inheritance diagram shows six classes namely A, B, C, D, E, F each having their own
methods and variables. From the class diagram, we observe the following things.
Based on the above rule, let’s see that methods and variables various classes will have.
Class B:
From A it inherits
Variables: j
Methods: m1 and m2
Combining the above with its own variables and methods, B will have
Chapter 4 Inheritance
Object Oriented Programming
Class: A
+ j : int
- val : String
+ m1 : void
+ m2 : void
- m3 : void
Class: B Class: C
+ j : int +K : int
- val : String - val : String
+ m4 : void + m7 : void
+ m5 : void + m8 : void
- m6 : void - m9 : void
Class C:
From A it inherits:
Variables: j
Methods: m1 and m2
Combining the above with its own variables and methods, C will have
Chapter 4 Inheritance
Object Oriented Programming
From A, B it inherits
Variables: j
Methods: m1, m2, m4, m5
Combining the above with its own variables and methods, D will have
j, val as variables, and methods m1, m2, m4, m5, m10, m11, m12.
From A, B it inherits:
Variables: j
Methods: m1, m2, m4, m5
Combining the above with its own variables and methods, E will have
j, val as variables, and methods m1, m2, m4, m5, m13, m14, m15.
From A, C it inherits
Variables: j,k
Methods: m1, m2, m7, m8
Combining the above with its own variables and methods, D will have
j, k, val as variables, and methods m1, m2, m7, m8, m16, m17, m18.
I hope the above picture and the derivations are pretty straightforward. This is how we
can build the inheritance hierarchy and determine which methods and variables are
inherited. Now, based on the above diagram, let me ask you couple questions here.
Question 1: I need to build a class with the methods m1, m2, m4, m5 from existing classes
and a new method p1. Which of the following classes my new class must extend:
Chapter 4 Inheritance
Object Oriented Programming
a) Class A
b) Class B
Question 2: I need to build a class with the methods m1, m2, m7, m8, m16, m17 from
existing classes and a new method p2. Which of the following classes my new class must
a) Class F
b) Class C
The correct answers are ‘choice b’ for Q1 and ‘choice a’ for Q2. I am sure you got them
right. Now you are an expert in inheritance and its intricacies.
If you carefully observe the above inheritance diagram, we don’t see a class having more
than one parent. So the question is, can a class have more then one parent, which is also
known as multiple inheritance? The answer is big no. In Java, multiple inheritance is
strictly not allowed which means we cannot create a child class from two different
parents. Therefore the following class declaration causes compilation error.
All this is to say that, in Java, only single inheritance is allowed. A class can only have
one parent. The reason why Java doesn’t allow multiple inheritance is that it introduces
whole lot of confusions and complications which is fundamentally against the primary
goal of Java, “Keeping things Simple”. Fig 4.6 shows both legal and illegal inheritance
Illegal A
Chapter 4 Method Overwriting
Object Oriented Programming
This completes the basics of inheritance. More and deeper details on inheritance are
investigated in the next chapter. For now, let’s move on to the next concept.
Method Overwriting
We all now know that we use inheritance when we need to create a class with most of
existing functionality plus some new functionality. Good. Now, let’s say we have a class
named MainframeMessenger with three methods being used by client 1. Now let’s
say we got a new client who needs a new messenger class with same functionality as the
above class, but with slight modification to one of its methods (no new method this time,
ok). What shall we do? Shall we update the method in existing class? No, we can’t,
because the updates made to method for client 2 will surely break client 1 functionality,
right? So, this is clearly not the solution.
The only solution for the above scenario is to create a completely new class. Again, how
do we want to create this new class? Shall we copy all the methods from the old class
and update the method that needs to be updated or use inheritance to eliminate code
duplication? So, at this point the best solution is using inheritance. Good. I therefore
created a new messenger class from the mainframe messenger class as shown below:
When we created our new class as above, what happened is, by the rule of inheritance
the new class inherits the exact same methods that are in the parent class. Hmmm. Looks
like we are back to square one, since our new SAPMessenger class is exactly same as
MainframeMessenger class at this point of time. The challenge we have now is to
update the inherited method, right? This is where method overwriting comes into
Method overwriting requires us to overwrite the inherited old method with the new
updated method. To clearly understand, take a look at the code in listing 4.13.
package objectconcepts;
System.out.println("Message Formatted");
Chapter 4 Method Overwriting
Object Oriented Programming
Looking at the mainframe messenger class, it has two methods namely formatMes
sage() and sendMessage(). This class is used by client 1. Now look at the code in
listing 4.13b
package objectconcepts;
System.out.println("Message" + message + " sent to SAP System");
As you can see from the above code, we created a SAPMessenger class for client 2 and
just implemented the sendMessage() method with updated functionality. Is this going
to work? Yes it will. This is how it works.
This process of defining the exact same method in the child class that is in the parent
class, and then changing the behavior is what we call as method overwriting. The child
class is now said to have overwritten the method in the parent class. In the above code, if
you noticed, we eliminated duplicating the formatMessage() method, right? In real
world applications there will be tons of methods in the parent class, and overwriting just
one method eliminates lot of code duplication.
Chapter 4 Method Overwriting
Object Oriented Programming
package objectconcepts;
The above test class created both the messengers and invoked the sendMessage()
methods. By using m1 reference it invokes the method from the mainframe class which
produces the following output.
Message Formatted
Message Hello sent to Mainframe
Using s1 reference, it invokes the updated method in the SAP messenger class, and
produces the following output
Message Formatted
Message Hello sent to SAP System
Compile all the above 3 classes, and execute the test class to see the above results.
In the above example, we clearly know that we eliminated writing duplicate methods in
the class using inheritance and method overwriting. Let’s look at another classical
example that also eliminates duplicate statements in the methods.
Consider a class called Processor with a method process() that processes four steps
used by client 1 as shown below:
void process(){
Now my new client requires a process() method to process six steps as shown below
Chapter 4 Method Overwriting
Object Oriented Programming
void process(){
So, what we need to do is, create a child class of Processor class and overwrite the above
method to include six steps, right? Though this is what we should do, the child class
process() method will now have the duplicate statements from parent process()
method plus additional statements, right?. The situation is even worse if we have several
hundred statements like in real world applications.
In such situations, the best solution is have the child class process() method invoke
the parent class process() method, and just define the additional statements. This is
when we use the keyword super. The super keyword is used by child classes methods
to invoke the parent class methods. The syntax for invoking methods using super
keyword is shown below:
Now look at the code in listing 4.14 that demonstrates the usage of super keyword and
smartly eliminating the duplicate statements.
package objectconcepts;
System.out.println("Processing Initiated");
System.out.println("Processing Completed");
Chapter 4 Method Overwriting
Object Oriented Programming
The above code is pretty straightforward and let’s assume that it is used by client 1.
Now take a look at code in listing 4.14b that uses the super keyword.
package objectconcepts;
Listing 4.14c ( Test class for client 1 and client 2 code
package objectconcepts;
System.out.println("Using Processor");
System.out.println("Using AdvancedProcessor");
Chapter 4 Method Overwriting
Object Oriented Programming
In the above test class, when the execute() method is invoked using p1 reference, it
internally invokes the begin(), process() and stop() methods from Processor
class. So, the result will be,
Processing Initiated
Processing Step 1
Processing Step 2
Processing Step 3
Processing Step 4
Processing Completed
When the execute() method is invoked using p2 reference, it invokes the begin(),
process() and stop() methods in the AdvancedProcesssor class. Don’t ask me
where the begin() and stop() methods came from. They are inherited from the
parent class. The process() method first invokes the parent class method, executes the
four statements, comes back and executes the remaining two statements. So the result
will be,
Processing Initiated
Processing Step 1
Processing Step 2
Processing Step 3
Processing Step 4
Processing Step 5
Processing Step 6
Processing Completed
This is all about method overwriting. The rule is pretty simple. Overwrite a method in a
class when some one needs a completely updated behavior in the existing class. When
you overwrite a method, the rule is that the method name, argument list, keywords and
return type all must be the same. No changes at all, ok. This is opposite to overloading,
Answer: Overloading is related with one class where more than one method in the same
class shares the same name. Overwriting is related with 2 classes namely parent class
and child class, where the child class defines the exact same method as the one in parent
class. You need to have this on your finger tip. :-)
Hopefully I didn’t confuse you until now. I am sure the examples thus far are pretty
straightforward. One of the primary goals of this book is not to create any confusion at
Chapter 4 Constructors Revisited
Object Oriented Programming
any point of time. If something is still confusing, read the same again. If you still don’t
understand, skip it. You’ll be fine. Trust me. The important thing is we should always
keep moving forward, not just with this book, but anywhere :-)
Constructors Revisited
It’s time to revisit constructors again. You know, we already learned how to define a
constructor and how the JVM invokes the constructors. We also know how to overload
constructors. Is there anything that we missed? Yes, a small concept around constructors
during inheritance. Consider the two classes shown in listing 4.15a and 4.15b.
package objectconcepts;
public Parent() {
package objectconcepts;
public Child() {
The code shown in listing 4.15 shows two classes namely Parent and Child each
having a default constructor and a constructor that takes int as an argument. Let’s see
four cases here.
Chapter 4 Constructors Revisited
Object Oriented Programming
The above statement is creating a parent object with default constructor. So, the JVM
invokes the default constructor, and the result will be,
The above statement is creating a parent object with constructor taking an integer
argument. So, the JVM invokes the constructor that takes int. The result will be,
No surprises until now. Which ever constructor we used while creating the Parent
class object, the same constructor is executed. Let’s look at next case.
The above statement is creating a child object with default constructor. So, like before we
expect the result to be,
Stumped! How can this be possible? Take a look at the next case.
Chapter 4 Constructors Revisited
Object Oriented Programming
The above statement is creating a child object with integer constructor. So, we expect the
result to be,
Once again stumped. Shoot, what the hell is going on here. No need to get frustrated
guys. Here is the JVM’s rule of executing the constructors under inheritance.
Rule: Before executing any child class constructor, JVM always executes parent class
default constructor.
With the above rule, look at Case 3 and Case 4 again. You’ll no longer be stumped.
package objectconcepts;
Compile all the above three classes, and execute the test class as shown below
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>javac objectConcepts\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>Chapter4>java objectConcepts.ConstructorTest
Chapter 4 Constructors Revisited
Object Oriented Programming
If you look at the previous example, all the child class constructors are only invoking the
parent class default constructor. But in real world applications, it would be more
beneficial if the child class constructors have the ability to invoke which ever parent
constructor it want to rather than JVM always invoking the default constructor as shown
If you recall one of the previous examples, we saw how constructors invoked other
constructors of the same class using this keyword. Similarly, for a child class to
explicitly invoke any of the parent class constructors, it should use super keyword. For
instance, the statement super() invokes the parent class default constructor, super(20)
invokes the parent class integer constructor and so on.
Now that we know how to use super to invoke the parent class constructors, the
question that comes to my mind is when and why a child class should invoke the parent
class constructor? Again the reasoning is simple, to eliminate duplicate initialization
statements. Just like in one of the example we used super to invoke a parent class
method to eliminate the duplicate statements, we use super() constructor calls to
avoid duplicate initialization code in child classes.
Let’s look at more practical application. Extreme Solutions Inc is a company that
develops a database called “ExtremeDB”. Today it released version 5 of the database
which has certain initialization. As part of continuous enhancements, it decided to
release version 6 after 1 year and fix some of the bugs in the previous release. Let’s say
the version 5 database is suffering from serious performance issues. After serious
research the company attributes the problem due to bad initialization of the database,
and decides to add more initialization steps on top of existing initialization process
hoping to improve the performance. Let’s now write a program to implement this
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Constructors Revisited
Object Oriented Programming
System.out.println("Executed Statements");
If you look at the ExtremeV5 class, it defines a constructor that takes an integer
argument. This constructor has some initialization, ok. Now, take a look at the code in
listing 4.16b.
package objectconcepts;
// Additional Initialization
for (int i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
As you can see from the above code, we created ExtremeV6 class whose constructor
explicitly invokes the parent class constructor as shown below:
The above statement executes all the initialization statements in ExtremeV5 parent
class constructor. Once completed, the control comes back to the ExtremeV6 constructor
and executes the rest of the initialization statements. Listing 4.16c shows the test class for
the above two classes.
Listing 4.16c ( Test class for version 5 and version 6 databases.
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Constructors Revisited
Object Oriented Programming
The test class creates objects of both the classes by passing the argument value 4 to their
constructors and invokes the execute() method. The output of the program will be,
As you can see from the above result, the version 6 of the database used the initialization
from version 5 followed by its own initialization statements. This is how we use super
keyword to invoke the parent class constructors. There is one rule here shown below.
Rule: The super statement must be the first statement in the constructor, and a single
child constructor cannot invoke more than one parent constructor.
Chapter 4 Abstract Methods
Object Oriented Programming
Abstract Methods
In object oriented design, one of the common things we try to do is define a generalized
class with method definitions, and let other classes implement the methods in their own
way. The generalized class is like a definition class that only knows what methods a
class must have, but doesn’t know how to implement the methods (define the body).
Such methods are said to be abstract as they don’t have any implementation.
To define an abstract method, the keyword we need to use is abstract. Following are the
two simple rules to define an abstract method.
1. Define the method and put a semicolon after the method signature. No curly
braces {}.
All we did is included the abstract keyword in the method declaration, and terminated
with a semicolon without writing any statements.
Abstract classes
Now, what is an abstract class? If a class has at least one abstract method, the class is
said to be abstract and must be declared abstract as shown below:
A class can have any number of abstract methods. However, a class besides having
abstract methods can also have non-abstract methods (ones that are implemented). This
is why we also call abstract class as a partially implemented class.
Note that we again have to use the abstract keyword in the class declaration. Look at
following 2 simple rules with abstract classes:
Chapter 4 Abstract classes
Object Oriented Programming
2. If a class is abstract, we cannot create objects of that class using new keyword.
This makes sense because, the class is partial, and we don't want to create partial
objects. So the JVM itself forbids creating objects.
Rule 2 is interesting. If the class is declared abstract, it says we are not allowed to create
objects of that class. If this is the case, then this class is fit for nothing even though it has
few implemented methods, right? To make the class useful, what we therefore need to
do is, create a child class and have it implement all the abstract methods. Now the child
class becomes fully implemented class and we should use this class for creating objects.
Make sense? Yes it does.
Here is the de facto rule. If we have an abstract class, there should be one or more child
classes of the abstract class to implement all the abstract methods. Every child class can
implement the abstract methods in its own way. But the rule is, it must implement all
the methods.
If you have a situation where you know what methods a class must have, but cannot
implement some of the methods, then use an abstract class. Then somebody who knows
how to implement abstract methods should write a child class of the abstract class, and
provide the implementation for those some unimplemented methods. Let’s look at an
example and see how abstract methods are used.
I am a car designer. I create the design and sell it to various car manufacturers. Car
manufacturers will then use my design and build the car with their own technology and
features. As a designer, I know there will be some things that are common to every car,
like the way the car should be driven and the manufacturers should never implement
them. Instead, they should only implement other specific components. Listing 4.17
shows the code for this scenario using abstract classes and child classes.
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Abstract classes
Object Oriented Programming
Look at the Car class in the above listing. This class defined several abstract methods. It
also defined one method testDrive() which is not abstract, as it knows how to
implement the method. This is the common method that the car class expects the child
classes to always use. This is a partially implemented class and the class is therefore
declared abstract as shown below:
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Abstract classes
Object Oriented Programming
System.out.println("Driving at 80 mi/hr");
As you can see from the above code, the Honda class is created from the Car class and
implemented all the abstract methods as it knows how to implement them. This class
inherits the testDrive() method. Therefore, it has all the methods implemented and
we can create objects of this class. Likewise, you can create another class like Toyota and
implement the same methods but in a different way. Now look at test class shown in
listing 4.17c.
package objectconcepts;
The test class simply created Honda object and invoked the testDrive() method. This
method internally invokes all the methods and generates the following output.
In Java, only methods and classes can be abstract. Variables cannot be abstract. This is
how we use abstract classes and methods. Using abstract classes is very common in real
world applications as it allows multiple implementations of certain behavior. The next
topic is final methods and final classes.
Chapter 4 Final methods
Object Oriented Programming
Final methods
Like abstract methods and abstract classes, methods and classes can also be final. This is
done using the final keyword. The usage of final with methods and classes is very
simple. If you want a certain method in a class not to be overwritten in the child class,
then simply declare the method as final as shown below
When the method is declared as above, JVM will not allow any of the child classes to
overwrite the method. In the previous example, the testDrive() method in the Car
class is not final. So, Honda class can overwrite it. But it didn't. So the Car class is at the
mercy of Honda class not to overwrite it. But now that we know what a final can do,
without any hesitation attach the final keyword to the testDrive() method, and the
Honda class can’t overwrite it. The Car class need not live at the mercy of Honda class
anymore. This is like enforcing the rule. Now I am 100% sure that no car manufacturer
will ever dare to overwrite the method. They must adhere to the design. This is how we
use final with methods.
Final class
Let me ask you a question here. If one of the methods in a class is final, should the class
be declared final? Nope. Unlike abstract, you need not declare the class as final if it has
final methods. However, you can make the class final at any time to gain one advantage.
The advantage is preventing inheritance of that class. So, if a class is declared as final, it
cannot have any child classes. Following is how a final class looks like:
Trying to create a child class of the above class using extends keyword will cause a
compilation error.
Final variables
Can a variable be final? Yes. A variable can be final. If a variable is final, its value cannot
be changed once assigned as shown below:
Chapter 4 Interfaces
Object Oriented Programming
Trying to alter the value of MAX_QTY will cause a compilation error. This is why we
call final variables as CONSTANTS.
Let’s summarize the usage of final and abstract, and see the differences between the two.
If you noticed carefully, final keyword and abstract keyword work totally opposite.
Here are the differences between final and abstract keywords. This is 100% guaranteed
interview question.
Let’s recall the notion of abstract classes here for a second. As I said before, an abstract
class is a partially implemented class. This means, some of its methods are well and
truly implemented and some of them are abstract. Let me ask you a question. What if all
methods in the class are abstract? Good guess. The class is said to be 100% abstract,
right? Keeping this in mind, Java has provided us with a special entity to use whenever
all the methods are known to be abstract. This special entity is what we call as interface.
An interface is nothing but an entity whose methods are all abstract by default. The
good thing with interfaces is that, you need not declare the methods using abstract
keyword anymore. The moment we use an interface, JVM knows the methods are
implicitly abstract. Following is the syntax for declaring an interface with methods.
Chapter 4 Interfaces
Object Oriented Programming
The keyword used to declare an interface is interface. Once we defined an interface with
all the methods, are we done? No. We need to write a class that implements all the
methods in the interface. Make sense? Yes, it does. Otherwise, the existence of an
interface doesn’t make any sense unless someone implements its methods. So the rule is,
if we have an interface, we need to write a class that implements the interface. Good. Let
is look at a classical Database example using interfaces.
Problem: As a designer for databases, I know how to design a database, such as what
elements a database must have an all that good stuff. However, I don't know how to
create a working database based on this design. But there are good number of people
out there who knows how to implement database based on the design. So, I give my
design to those people, who will then use their expertise to implement the database.
Problem solved. Cool. Let's implement this scenario.
This guy knows what elements a database must have and cannot implement any of
these elements (methods). So he creates a Database interface with all the methods a
database must have.
These guys use the above design (Database interface) and provide implementation of
all the elements (methods)
These are the users of the database who use the above created databases like Oracle and
MySQL. We use them by creating objects of databases and invoking the methods.
Chapter 4 Interfaces
Object Oriented Programming
package objectconcepts;
The above Database interface defined four methods without any implementation.
Notice that we didn’t use any abstract keyword here as they are implicitly abstract by
default. Since the above interface is of no use alone, we need to write a class to
implement the above interface. Now look at the implementation class shown in listing
package objectconcepts;
As you can see the above code, we defined a class named Oracle that implements all
the methods in the interface. For a class to implement an interface, it must use the
Chapter 4 Interfaces
Object Oriented Programming
keyword implements just like we used extends keyword when creating a child class.
See the following class declaration.
This class besides implementing the methods in the interface can also have its own
methods. No restriction, ok. At the bare minimum it must implement all the methods of
the interface. In our case, the Oracle class also implemented its own private method
clearCache(),which it uses as a helper method while implementing the interface
methods. That’s it. We now have a class with all the functionality implemented, and we
can now create the objects of this class to invoke the methods. Listing 4.18c shows the
test class.
package objectconcepts;
The test class is pretty straight forward. It simply created an instance of Oracle class,
and invoked the methods. Just like we created oracle class, we can create another class
from the same interface and implement the methods in its own way as shown below:
The moral of the story is, given an interface, we can write multiple implementation
classes for the same interface.
Chapter 4 Interfaces
Object Oriented Programming
Good question. If you have a situation where you know what methods a class must
have, but cannot implement any of the methods, then use an interface. You must then
write a class that implements the interface, and provide the implementation for all the
methods. Finally, use this class to create objects.
If you have a situation where you know what methods a class must have, but cannot
implement some of the methods, then use an abstract class. You must then write a child
class that extends the abstract class, and provide the implementation for those some
methods that are not implemented. Then use this class to create objects.
The only difference between an abstract class and interface is, in the former "some"
methods are unimplemented, and in later "all" methods are unimplemented. This is a
very important interview question. So learn it twice. Let me ask you a question here. Is
the following statement true or false?
“Like a child class cannot inherit from more than one parent class, a class cannot
implement more than one interface.” True/False
The answer is false. Classes can implements ‘n’ number of different interfaces. The
syntax is as shown below:
The only rule is that, if a class implements more than one interface, it must implement
all the methods from all the interfaces. Make sense? Yes it does. So, let’s look at the next
example that uses multiple interfaces. See listing 4.19.
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Interfaces
Object Oriented Programming
package objectconcepts;
As you can see the above code, the two interfaces defined three methods. These are
pretty straight forward. Now look at the code in listing 4.19c that implements both the
above interfaces.
package objectconcepts;
The above class implements both the interfaces. Notice that we implemented all the
three methods from the two interfaces. Once we have this class, we can write a test class
as shown below and invoke its methods.
Listing 4.19d ( Test class invoking all the methods in the
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 The Object Class
Object Oriented Programming
All we did in the above test class is invoked the methods in the implementation class.
Compile and execute the test class to see the following result.
This is how you need to use interfaces, a very powerful concept in Object Oriented
design. There will hardly be any real world Java applications that ever use interfaces
and abstract classes. So, read them twice.
By saying that any class is a child of Object class if it doesn’t use the extends keyword,
based on inheritance rule it must inherit the methods from the Object class, right?,
Before we verify the this fact, let’s first look at what methods the Object class has.
Method Description
Object clone() Creates and returns a copy of this object.
boolean Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object o1)
void finalize() Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage
Chapter 4 The Object Class
Object Oriented Programming
Out of all the above methods, the only method that we are interested and most widely
used is the toString() method even though all the above methods are inherited. So, to
verify the fact that these methods are indeed inherited into any class that doesn’t extend
from any class, let’s execute the following programs.
package objectconcepts;
return "12345678";
package objectconcepts;
Chapter 4 Summary
Object Oriented Programming
If you look at the PhoneNumber class, it just defined the getNumber() method. Since
this class didn’t extend any class, it inherits from the Object class, and therefore the
class will have all the methods from Object class plus its own method. One such
inherited method from the Object class is the toString() method which returns a
String value of the object. To verify this fact, the test class created the object referenced
by ph and invoked both getNumber() as well as toString() invisible method. If you
compile this class, you’ll not see any compilation errors which proves that the method
toString() is inherited from the Object class. The output will be some funky alpha-
numeric for the first one, and the phone number for the second like as shown below:
Just remember that Object class is the ultimate parent of any class that doesn’t extend
from any other class. This completes all the concepts we need to know to work with
objects. So, let’s summarize all we learned until now in this chapter.
9 Object Oriented Programming is “Programming using Objects”.
9 An Object is an instance of class. A single class can have ‘n’ number of objects of
the same class.
9 The keyword static differentiates between Class level methods and Object level
methods in the sense Object level methods are non-static and class level methods
are static.
9 All object methods can access static class methods as shared methods, but the
reverse is not true.
9 Objects interact with each other by invoking each others methods.
9 Encapsulation hides the details and presents the essentials of an object. This is
achieved by using the keywords private and public.
9 Objects can be passed as arguments to methods. In this case, we pass the
reference (pointer) of the object, but not the Object itself.
9 Method overloading allows more than one method to share the same name in a
single class.
9 A Constructor is used for object initialization, just a static block is used for class
level initialization.
9 A Constructor is like a special method whose name is same as class name and
doesn’t have a return type.
9 JVM automatically invokes the constructor at the time of creating object using
new keyword.
9 Constructors can also be overloaded like methods. The rules are same.
Chapter 4 Summary
Object Oriented Programming
9 For one constructor to invoke another constructor, we use this keyword and pass
arguments within the parenthesis. Ex: this(10), this(10, ‘a’) etc.
9 Inheritance allows one class to inherit the properties of another class. Using this,
a child class can inherit all the non-private members of the parent class.
9 Inheritance eliminates the code duplication.
9 Method Overwriting allows a child class to define the exact same method as the
one in the parent class.
9 super keyword is used by a child class to explicitly invoke the parent class
9 A default constructor is an empty constructor with no arguments and no body.
9 If a constructor is not defined in a class, JVM provides with a default constructor.
9 When a child class object is created with any child class constructor, JVM always
invokes the parent class default constructor first before invoking the child
9 For the child class constructor to explicitly invoke an appropriate parent class
constructor, it can use super keyword. Ex: super(), super(10) etc.
9 An abstract method is a method that doesn’t have any body. In such cases, the
method must be declared using abstract keyword.
9 If a class has any abstract methods, the class must also be declared abstract.
9 An abstract class however can also have some methods implemented. This is
why, abstract class is also called as partially implemented class.
9 If a class is abstract or partial, we cannot create objects of its class using new
9 We need to create a child class from abstract class and implement all the abstract
methods. We then have to use this class to create objects.
9 If a final keyword is used with a method, then it cannot be overwritten in the
child class.
9 If a class is final, we cannot create child classes from it.
9 If a variable is final, then its value cannot be changed. It’s a Constant.
9 An interface is an entity whose all methods are implicitly abstract.
9 A class must implement the interface and define the body for all the methods in
the interface.
9 A class can implement any number of interfaces. But a class can never have more
than one parent class. Multiple inheritance is strictly not allowed in Java.
9 The ultimate parent of any class is the Object class. If a class doesn’t use extend
keyword in it declaration, it is implicitly a child of Object class, and implicitly has
all the methods in the Object class.
9 The most important method in the Object class is toString() method.
Chapter 4 Time to play 50-50
Object Oriented Programming
a) void
b) static
a) void display();
b) static void display();
b) int Test()
c) Test()
Chapter 4 Time to play 50-50
Object Oriented Programming
a) super
b) this
9. Which of the following keywords us used for hiding the details of Object?
a) public
b) private
10. A simple class with variables and getter methods and setter methods is called as
a) class Test{
abstract void display();
b) abstract class Test{
abstract void display();
a) interface Test{
void display() {
Chapter 4 Interview Questions
Object Oriented Programming
b) interface Test{
void display();
I am sure you cracked all of the above in a minute. The only reason I want to give you
just two options is that you don’t have to think out of the blue. More the options, more
the thoughts, more the questions, and more the confusion which is what I intend to
avoid. Keeping life simple and easy, way to live.
Interview Questions
Question: Can you tell me what are the important OOPS concepts?
Answer: The most important OOPS concepts are Encapsulation, Inheritance, and
Encapsulation hides the details and presents the essentials of an object using private and
public keywords.
Inheritance is a technique which allows one class to inherit the variables and methods of
another class. One is called the Parent class and the other is called the Child class. A
child class can only inherit the non-private members of the parent class only.
Chapter 4 Interview Questions
Object Oriented Programming
Answer: this keyword is used for invoking the methods, variables and constructors of
the same class. super keyword is used by the child class to invoke the variables,
methods and constructors of parent class.
That’s all we need to know in this chapter. This completes all the concepts in Object
Oriented Programming. Wow. Let me tell you one thing. Though there are plenty of
concepts, all of them are very simple and easy to understand. Moreover, the terminology
is almost what we speak in our day to day life, which is why Object Oriented
Programming is so fun and interesting. I am sure you thoroughly enjoyed this chapter
and more importantly with passion. If possible read this chapter twice before going to
next chapter. Java programming is all about creating objects and invoking methods.
Chapter 5 Chapter Goals
Referential Polymorphism
Chapter 5
This chapter teaches you on how to use parent class and interface references. By the end
of this small chapter, you will be able to know how and when to use inheritance and
interfaces in real world applications. The ideas and examples in this chapter are totally
based on what we learned in the previous chapter. We are not trying to reinvent the
wheel here, ok. Understanding the concepts in this chapter is utmost important since
most of the real world Java applications are based on Object Oriented Design whose
primary weapons are inheritance and interfaces.
Chapter Goals
9 Understanding parent class references
9 Understanding Interface references
9 How to restrict access to methods using Inheritance
9 How to restrict access to methods using Interfaces
Environment Setup
All the programs in this chapter should be stored in the following directory.
objectRefs is a package in which we will store the programs. To compile the programs,
move to the following root directory and get ready.
Chapter 5 Introduction
Referential Polymorphism
In Java, it’s all about different objects invoking methods in different objects. Methods are
like sophisticated operations and sometimes it’s important that we restrict access to
some of the operations to certain objects and allow the same to some other group of
objects. In the previous chapter, we learned something called encapsulation where
access to methods is restricted using private keyword. However, the private keyword
restricts access to all the outside objects which is not what we wanted. We wanted to
restrict access to some objects and allow access to some others. So, using private
keyword is definitely not the solution.
The solution to this problem is using inheritance and interfaces. In the previous chapter
we learned how inheritance and interfaces allows us to have multiple implementations
of the same methods, and at the same time, how to eliminate duplicate code. This is one
side of inheritance and interfaces. The other side of it is what the most powerful one is,
controlling access to methods, one of the key application in Object Oriented Design.
Let’s see how this is achieved.
We already know how to create objects from a parent class and a child class, and what
methods we can invoke on the same. Just as a recap, we’ll see one example and invoke
the methods in both the classes. Take a look at the code in listing 5.1.
package objectrefs;
System.out.println("Message Formatted");
System.out.println("Message Sent");
As you can see from the above code, the Parent class defined two methods namely
formatMessage() and sendMessage(). Its child class is shown in listing 5.1b.
Chapter 5 Introduction
Referential Polymorphism
package objectrefs;
As you can see from the above code, the child class overwrote the formatMessage()
and defined new method namely recieveMessage(). Now take a look at the
following two simple cases.
Using reference variable ‘p’, we can only invoke the methods in parent class as shown
Using reference variable ‘c’, we can only invoke the methods in child class as shown
No confusions, right? We simply invoked the respective methods on each bject. This is
what we learned in the previous chapter. Good.
Chapter 5 Loose Coupling
Referential Polymorphism
Loose Coupling
One of the primary goals in Object Oriented Design is to design the system in such a
way that various objects are loosely coupled with each other to increase the flexibility of
the overall system. To understand loose coupling, consider the following example.
Let’s say my company want to build a search engine that uses web tool to search for
resources over the web. To develop this system, I need two classes namely
SearchEngine and WebTool. Look at the following code in listing 5.2 for both the
package objectrefs;
// Search method
public void search() {
I am sure you know how the above code works. The WebTool class defined a
search() method that displays the search results. This is the method our search engine
class invokes to display the search results. Now look at the search engine class in listing
package objectrefs;;
As you can see from the above code listing, the SearchEngine class defines a method
performSearch() that takes the WebTool object as a parameter, and invokes the
Chapter 5 Loose Coupling
Referential Polymorphism
search() method using the tool reference to display the results. We know all this
from the previous chapter. Look at the test class in listing 5.2c.
package objectrefs;
The test class created a WebTool object and passed it as a parameter to perform
Search() method of the search engine object as shown below:
The above method internally invokes the search() method in the WebTool class.
Executing the test class will give you the following result.
So far so good. Let’s say my client who is using the above code for searching comes to
me and say, “Hey! Right now you are searching only using WebTool which is good.
Sometimes we also want to search using another tool called ImageTool to search for
images”. To fulfill this requirement, we need to implement the following two changes:
package objectRefs;
Chapter 5 Parent class referencing the Child Object
Referential Polymorphism
package objectrefs;;
public void performSearch (ImageTool tool){;
Using the above SearchEngine class, my client will then be able to search using either
tool. So, every time my client comes with a new search tool, I need to add a new search()
method in the search engine class, right? We can say this class as a tightly-coupled class,
since we need to update it every time our client comes with a new requirement, ok. This
is not a good design. So the question is, what is the best design for the above class? To
get to the best design, our goal is two fold:
Trust me, we will definitely reach our design goal, but before that we need to know
something about parent class and child class references.
The above statement is legal only if WebTool is a child class of SearchTool. Let me ask
you a question here. Using the reference variable ‘p’, which methods can we access?
I am sorry to say that both are wrong. Here is the rule. Using reference ‘p’, we can
Chapter 5 Parent class referencing the Child Object
Referential Polymorphism
Confusing? Let’s see an example and the confusion will fly away. See the code in listing
package objectrefs;
class SearchTool {
package objectrefs;
class WebTool {
With the above two classes, when we create a child object as shown below,
Rule 1 says “Only the methods in parent class”. So, the only methods we can invoke
using ‘tool’ reference are format() and search() as shown below.
Chapter 5 Parent class referencing the Child Object
Referential Polymorphism
Since, format() method is not overwritten in the child class, it invokes this method
from the parent (Rule 1.1) . The result is
In Parent Format
Since search() method is overwritten in the child class, it invokes this method from
the child class (Rule 1.2) . So the result of this invocation will be
In Child Search
Here is a simple technique JVM uses to invoke the methods when a child object is
referenced with a parent class variable. It first goes to parent class method and checks if
the method is overwritten in the child class. If so, it invokes the child class method.
Otherwise, it invokes the parent class method. This should take away your confusion.
From the above statement, if we don’t override any methods in the child class, then all
the methods will be invoked from the parent class, right? In such cases, following two
statements are identical:
Tip: Use the parent = child relationship, only when the parent class is abstract.
Using the above concept, let’s improve our previous search engine example. Before we
understand the program, let’s write the code and then look at the details. See listing 5.4.
package objectrefs;
As you can see from the above code, we created an abstract class called SearchTool
with an abstract search() method. Any search tool who knows how to search must
extend the abstract class and implement the search() method. See listing 5.4b in which
we create a child class of this class.
Chapter 5 Parent class referencing the Child Object
Referential Polymorphism
package objectrefs;
The above WebTool class is inherited from the abstract SearchTool class and
implemented the search() method. This is a typical parent child implementation.
Now look at the SearchEngine class in listing 5.4c.
package objectrefs;;
The above SearchEngine class instead of taking WebTool as an argument, used its
parent class SearchTool as a parameter and invoked the search method. Now look at
the test class shown in listing 5.4d.
package objectrefs;
engine.performSearch(new WebTool());
To understand the above code, look at the two snippets of code shown below:
Chapter 5 Parent class referencing the Child Object
Referential Polymorphism
As you can see from the above, the WebTool object is passed into the SearchTool
leading us to the following assignment.
So, when the perfomSearch() method invokes the search() method using its
argument tool reference, it actually invokes the method in the WebTool object passed,
right? This is because the search() method is overwritten in the WebTool class and
according to our rule, overwritten methods are invoked from the child class.
Compile and execute the above classes, and the output will be,
With the above code, did we eliminate tight coupling? Yes we did. To prove this, let’s
fulfill our client’s requirement who also want to use ImageTool to search for images.
With the above code, all we need to do is create this class just like the WebTool class as
shown below:
package objectrefs;
Trust me; you don’t have to change a single piece of line in the SearchEngine class.
You don’t have to add any new method like we did in example 5.2 (Page 133). If my
client needs to use this tool, all he has to do is simply pass the object of ImageTool class
as shown in listing 5.4f.
Chapter 5 Parent class referencing the Child Object
Referential Polymorphism
package objectrefs;
engine.performSearch(new WebTool());
// Updated functionality
engine.performSearch(new ImageTool());
The funda here is using the parent class references as method arguments instead of child
class references. This is the trick. In most of the real world applications, the arguments of
a method will always be a parent class references, and who ever invokes the method,
should always pass the child objects.
search() search()
WebTool ImageTool
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Inheritance
Referential Polymorphism
Case 1: Client A needs a search tool with the following 6 search methods
searchLdap();searchOracleDB(); searchMySqlDB();
The above requirement is very simple to implement. All we need to do is write a class
that implements all the above methods, right? So, our class will look as shown in 5.5a.
package objectrefs;
Now, let’s write a utility class that will return the above search tool to Client A as shown
in listing 5.5b.
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Inheritance
Referential Polymorphism
Listing 5.5b ( Utility class to return the search tools for clients.
package objectrefs;
return p;
Client A can use the above class and invoke the method getClientASearchTool() to
get his search tool. Note that the above method is declared static (class level) so that
client code can call the method directly using class name. His code will therefore look
something like the one shown in listing 5.5c.
package objectrefs;
Compile and execute the above test class to see the following result.
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Inheritance
Referential Polymorphism
Case 2: Client B wants a superior search tool that has enhanced searching in Novel and
Ldap, and also a new search for searching libraries. All other searches must remain the
For this requirement, what we can do is, create a child class from the above
PremierSearchTool class, overwrite searchNovel() and searchLdap() methods,
and create a new method searchLibraries(), right? This is nothing but reusing the
code using inheritance. So, my search tool class for this requirement will be as shown in
listing 5.5d.
package objectrefs;
// Overwritten methods
public void searchNovel() {
As you can see from the above code, all we did is created SuperiorSearchTool class
from PremierSearchTool class and,
9 Overwrote the two methods for novel search and ldap search
9 Added one new search method for library search.
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Inheritance
Referential Polymorphism
package objectrefs;
return p;
public static SuperiorSearchTool getClientBSearchTool(){
return s;
Client B can use the above class and invoke the method getClientBSearchTool() to
get his search tool. His code will therefore look something like the one shown in listing
package objectrefs;
// Old Searches
// Updated searches
// New Search
Compile all the classes and execute the above test class to see the following result.
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Inheritance
Referential Polymorphism
Time for a small quiz. Bob is the creator of search tools and Harry is the user of the
search tools.
1. If Harry should only be allowed to use the following 6 search methods, which of the
following statement should he be using to create the tool object?
2. If Harry should only be allowed to use the following 7 search methods, which
of the following statement should he be using to create the tool object?
DB,searchMySqlDB,searchLibraries (new)
I am sure you knocked out the questions in a sec. Very good. Keep it going. The answers
are ‘a’ and ‘b’.
This case is same as Case 2, except that he doesn’t need the library search. Let’s say we
used the following statement to create the search tool in our utility (SearchTools)
With this he can use all 6 searches; however the novelsearch and ldapsearch will be the old
ones. But the requirement says we need the updated ones, right? So this is incorrect.
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Inheritance
Referential Polymorphism
Say we use the following statement to create the search tool in our utility (SearchTools)
With this he can use all the required 6 searches with updated novel and ldap searches as
well. But you know what, he can also use the new searchLibraries and he should not be
allowed to search libraries, right? So, this too is incorrect
If we have statement that allows access to all the methods in the PremierSearchTool
with only the overwritten methods from the SuperiorSearchTool, then it is the right
answer. So, do we have one? I am sure you guessed the answer. This is parent = child
relationship we read in the previous section. Following is the statement and correct
My utility class will return the search tool to Client C as shown below in bold:
package objectRefs;
return p;
public static SuperiorSearchTool getClientBSearchTool(){
return s;
public static PremierSearchTool getClientCSearchTool(){
return p;
Client C can now use the above class and invoke the method getClientCSearch
Tool() to get his search tool. His code will therefore look something like the one shown
in listing 5.5f.
package objectrefs;
public class ClientCSearchTool {
Chapter 5 Understanding Interface References
Referential Polymorphism
Compile and execute the test class to see the following result
When you have parent and a child class you can only get 3 different levels of access to
methods in an object.
A good design must provide as many as possible levels of access to methods. So what
we will do is, implement the same search tool using a better design by using interfaces
and see if it provides more levels of access control.
Rule: In Java, you can also assign an object of a class to an interface, provided the class
implements that interface.
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Interfaces
Referential Polymorphism
then the following statements are perfectly legal since class X implements interfaces
A a = new X();
B b = new X();
C c = new X();
Reference a can be used to access only the methods defined in interface A that are
implemented in X
Reference b can be used to access only the methods defined in interface B that are
implemented in X
Reference c can be used to access only the methods defined in interface C that are
implemented in X
As we know that the total search methods we have are seven, let’s distribute these 7
methods into four interfaces namely InternetSearch,DirectorySearch,
DatabaseSearch and LibrarySearch as shown in listing 5.6a-d.
package objectrefs;
Listing 5.6b (
package objectrefs;
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Interfaces
Referential Polymorphism
package objectrefs;
Listing 5.6d (
package objectrefs;
package objectrefs;
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Interfaces
Referential Polymorphism
package objectrefs;
If you look at the updated PremierSearchTool class in listing 5.6d, the only
difference with the previous version of the code is that implements three interfaces in its
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Interfaces
Referential Polymorphism
Using the above two updated classes, the previous three cases will also work. You can
copy the above two files, and again run all the three test classes for the clients A,B,C.
Trust me. You’ll get the same results. This is to say that our new design still supports the
old clients without breaking them. Now let’s see if this design offers some additional
Note: In real world applications, if there is a piece of code that is used by multiple
clients, for some reason when you update the code or redesign, make sure that none of
the clients functionality is broken. You need to do lot of regression testing when ever
you make changes. Ok. Always keep this in mind.
An interface reference is basically a restricted view of the underlying object. Look at the
following class declaration:
The above class declaration should be viewed as shown in the following figure.
Let’s see what meaning the above figure conveys us. PremierSearchTool object has
six methods shown in the rectangle. This object has three interfaces (views) as shown.
Since InternetSearch interface defines searchWeb() and searchImages()
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Interfaces
Referential Polymorphism
methods, using its reference one can only access these two methods from the underlying
object. Same is the case with other two interfaces. Now, let’s look at three cases shown
searchWeb(), searchImages()
If you noticed carefully, the above two methods are the InternetSearch interface
methods. So, I can give the search tool for this client by just creating an object of
PremierSearchTool and referencing it with InternetSearch interface type as
shown below:
So, we add the following method to the SearchTools utility class to return the search
tool as shown below:
return p;
Using the above method, Client D search code will be as shown in listing 5.6g.
package objectrefs;
Executing the above client test code will produce the following results.
Found 10 Web results
Found 10 Image results
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Interfaces
Referential Polymorphism
The beauty is, though we are giving him the object that has all the six methods, he can
only invoke two methods. If he tries to invoke other search methods, he get’s a
compilation error. Are’nt we restricting access to some methods? The InternetSearch
interface reference acts as a restricted point of entry into the search tool.
Tomorrow if Client D requests access for another search method, all we need to do is
declaring the new method in the InterentSearch interface. That’s it. Isn’t this simple?
searchNovel(old), searchLdap(old)
Follow the same steps as we did for Case 4. Take this as home work.
searchOracle(old), searchLySql(old)
Follow the same steps as we did for Case 4. Take this is home work.
The above class declaration can be viewed as shown in the following figure.
(See the figure in the next page).
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Interfaces
Referential Polymorphism
DirectorySearch LibrarySearch
In the above figure, the first four methods are inherited from PremierSearchTool.
class.The other three methods are the methods from DirectorySearch and
LibrarySearch interfaces.
searchNovel(updated), searchLdap(updated)
You can then write the new method in the SearchTools class and Client G test code
following the steps in Case 4.
Chapter 5 Accessing methods using Interfaces
Referential Polymorphism
Here is a simple thumb rule. If a class implements ‘n’ interfaces, then the number of
ways you can access methods using interfaces is also ‘n’. Since PremierSearchTool
implements three interfaces, it gave us 3 additional cases. Likewise, Superior
SearchTool implements two interfaces, so it gave us 2 more cases. The moral of the
story is, more the interfaces a class implements, more the access levels you can get.
I know you might have cursed me for not giving the answers for Case 4, 5, and 8. So,
here are the answers.
Case 4:
DirectorySearch tool = new PremierSearchTool();
Case 5:
DatabaseSearch tool = new PremierSearchTool();
Case 8:
LibrarySearch tool = new SuperiorSearchTool();
Using the above, you can add methods in the SearchTools utility class, one for each
case and then write the test code for each of the classes.
In Java 50% of the method parameters are usually of type interfaces, and 50% are of type
abstract parent classes. Just remember the following three important points, and you can
be a Java champ.
1. If any method takes Object as a parameter, you can pass an object of any class to that
method. As an example, consider a class having a method as shown below:
Since we know that Object is the ultimate parent class, the above method can take
any object as shown below:
In the above code, we can pass any class object to the add() method without any
Chapter 5 Summary
Referential Polymorphism
compilation errors. This is because both Box and Demo are the child classes of Object
class by default.
2. If a method argument is an interface, then we must pass an object of class that implements
the interface. As an example, consider a class having a method as shown below
Just remember these three rules. Read them 100 times. You can do it.
This concludes the chapter. We learned a lot in this one. I suggest you to read this
chapter at least 2 times. Trust me, if you understood the concepts until now, you can
take the liberty to even skip the rest of the chapters if you don’t have time. You’ll still be
fine. But I recommend you to spend some time with the later chapters to become even
more comfortable with Java.
9 When a parent class object is assigned to a parent class reference, we can only
invoke the methods in the parent class.
Referential Polymorphism
9 When a child class object is assigned to a child class reference, we can only
invoke the methods in the child class. This includes the methods inherited from
parent class.
9 When a child class object is assigned to a parent class reference, we can only
invoke the non-overwritten methods in the parent class and overwritten
methods from the child class.
9 An object of a class can be legally assigned to interface reference only if the class
implements the interface.
9 If an object is assigned to an interface reference, we can only invoke the methods
defined in the interface, even though the object has more methods.
Interview Questions
No one will ask you any questions from this chapter during interview, since this chapter
gives you better design ideas (not concepts) using the concepts from the previous
Chapter 6 Chapter Goals
Exception Handling
Chapter 6
Exception Handling
By the end of this chapter, you will know for sure as to how to handle abnormal
conditions which we call as exceptions in Java programs. Exception handling is one of
the most important aspects of any Java based application.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand what exceptions are.
9 Handling Exceptions.
9 How to throw exceptions
9 How to create custom exceptions.
Environment Setup
All the programs in this chapter should be stored in the following directory.
exceptions is a package in which we will store the programs. To compile the programs,
move to the following root directory and get ready.
Chapter 6 Introduction
Exception Handling
In the last few chapters, we have written several programs and they all worked fine
without exhibiting any abnormal behavior, right? They are therefore good programs for
behaving well without giving us any trouble. However, in real world applications we
come across several abnormal conditions in programs due to which JVM abruptly
terminates the program. There is absolutely nothing wrong terminating the program,
but it would be really nice if the JVM tells us what the abnormal condition is, due to
which it terminated the program. We are kind of asking JVM to be somewhat liberal by
being co-operative. We will find out later if the JVM is really co-operative or not.
Sometimes, there will be abnormal conditions which are really abnormal that the
program cannot recover from. For instance, if the JVM run out of memory space is there
anything the program can do to fix the problem? No, right? In such cases, JVM
terminating the program is the best solution. However, there will be several situations
where the abnormal conditions from JVM point of view are normal from the program point of
view, and we don’t want JVM to terminate the program.
In order that JVM not to terminate the program, there must be some mutual
understanding between JVM and the Java program. The understanding should be like
the Java program requesting the JVM, “Hey JVM, I know you always try to terminate me in
the event of an abnormal condition. But you know what, why don’t you tell me what the problem
is, so that I‘ll take the decision whether or not to terminate myself”.
This is exactly what the JVM does. It wraps all the information about the abnormal
condition in an exception object, and rubs off its hands by throwing the exception object
to the Java program. Now the exception object is in Java program’s court. The program
should sincerely catch the exception object, take the appropriate decision and continue
with the rest of the program. This is called Exception handling. However, if the
program fails to catch the exception object, then the program terminates.
Now tell me this. Is the JVM co-operative or not? Good. JVM is really with us and gave
us all the co-operation that it can possibly give. So, lets’ use its support and move on.
As a programmer, at any cost we don’t want the program to terminate abruptly. For
instance, I have a client who is using my program to calculate his taxes. All of sudden
the program terminates abruptly and the data is lost. You tell me, what would be his
state in that situation. If my program conveyed a meaningful message to him explaining
what the problem is, then he will be more than happy, right? This is exactly what we can
do if we handle exceptions.
Chapter 6 Handling Exceptions in Java
Exception Handling
From here onwards, let’s write programs that can also handle abnormal conditions
That’s it. Pretty simple, right? Let’s say we completed Step 1. To complete the second
step, we first need to know is what an exception handling block is.
An exception handling block is formed using the keywords try and catch as shown
try {
// Harmful Statements
catch ( exception object ) {
The exception handling block comprises of try block, immediately followed by a catch
block. If one of the harmful statements in the try block causes an abnormal condition,
JVM with create an exception object with all the information and throws it. The catch
block will catch the exception object and executes the statements in its block. Once all the
statements are executed in the catch block, the program continues with the rest of the
statements following the catch block, resuming the program execution.
Let me tell you one thing. You don’t have to scratch your mind trying to understand
exceptions. There are simple tricks that I am going to tell you how to handle exceptions.
Just follow them and you’ll be good. Also, you really don’t have to spend too much time
on this chapter.
I’ll keep this chapter as simple and as short as possible, so that we can spend more time
learning the important ones.
Chapter 6 Handling Exceptions in Java
Exception Handling
Let’s first write a program without any exception handling. See listing 6.1.
1 package exceptions;
3 public class ExceptionTest {
5 public static void main(String args[]) {
7 int i = 10;
8 int j = 0;
10 // Harmful statement, division by 0
11 int k = i / j;
13 System.out.println(k);
14 System.out.println("Hello World");
15 }
If you compile and execute the above program, the result will be as shown below:
In the above program we did not handle the exception, so the program abruptly
terminated at line 11, and therefore we didn't see the message "Hello World" at line 14.
In this case, JVM sincerely did its job of throwing the exception object. But the above
program failed to catch the exception object and this is why the program terminated.
The exception is mainly because we are dividing with 0 as shown below:
int j = 0;
int k = i/j;
This is the culprit statement. So the trick is, simply enclose this statement in a try-catch
block as shown in listing 6.2.
Chapter 6 Handling Exceptions in Java
Exception Handling
package exceptions;
int i = 10;
int j = 0;
try {
int k = i / j;
System.out.println("Hello World");
In the above program, the try block is pretty obvious. The catch block is the one that
deserves some attention. If someone throws a ball at us we need to catch the ball and
not something else, right? Based on this analogy if the JVM throws an exception object of
java.lang.ArithmeticException class, the catch block must catch the same. This
is why the catch statement is like as shown below:
catch(java.lang.ArithmeticException ae)
In the above statement, ae is some name that we gave to the exception object. Don’t
worry about why we need the name at this point of time. We’ll see that later. For now,
just remember that the catch statement must always give a name to the exception object.
In the catch block, we can write any statements to handle the exception, and convey a
message that exception is handled. This is what we did in this example.
If you compile and execute the above updated program, the output will be:
Once the catch block is executed, JVM will continue with the rest of the program. This is
why you see "Hello World" getting displayed. No more program termination.
Chapter 6 The Real Challenge
Exception Handling
Without doing the above, how the hell are we supposed to know what type of exception
object JVM throws? There can be infinite different types of exceptions JVM can throw.
How do I know which exact exception to handle? We’ll surely address this challenge but
only after learning the next section. Keep this challenge in mind for now.
Exception Types
In Java, there are tons of built-in exception classes. JVM can only throw exception objects
of these classes only. The good thing is that we will neither have learn about all these
different exceptions nor store them in our mind. However, we need to know very few
important ones that are most commonly thrown by the JVM. Thank God.
In Java, all the built-in exception classes are categorized into two types as,
1. Runtime Exceptions
2. Checked Exceptions
Runtime Exceptions as the name suggests, will be created and thrown by the JVM, only
when the program is executed. With these exceptions, the compiler doesn't know for
sure whether an exception will be really thrown or not. Therefore it compiles the
program without any errors even if you don't put a try-catch block. When you run the
program, that's when an exception may or may not pop up based on the data. If an
exception pops up, then the program terminates. This is the price you need to pay with
runtime exceptions. 50-50 chances, right?
Checked Exceptions on the other hand are created and thrown by Java programs
themselves. Because they are thrown by the Java program itself, the compiler knows
exactly what possible exceptions particular statements in a program can throw, and
checks whether the program handled these exceptions using try-catch block. Failing to
handle will not let the program to compile at all. So, a try-catch block is a must for
checked exceptions.
Chapter 6 Exception Types
Exception Handling
Now that we know the difference between the two, let’s understand five runtime and
two checked exceptions. Fair enough, right?
This is thrown when we try to access an element from an array outside the bounds of its
This is thrown when we improperly cast objects. We’ll see an example later.
This is thrown when we try to call a method on a null object. Most frequent one.
In Java, all the built-in exceptions are nothing but classes. We really don’t have to worry
about how the above classes are written and all that. All we need to know is how they
are related with each other. To understand this, look at the following inheritance
Chapter 6 Exception Types
Exception Handling
IOException InterruptedException and many more
Checked Exceptions
NullPointerExcepti ArithmeticExcepti
ArrayIndexOutOfB on on and many more
Runtime Exceptions
Fig 6.1 Exception hieracrchy
Look at the above hierarchy. As I said before, Object is the ultimate parent of all.The
actual exception class hierarchy begins from the Throwable class. This is the ultimate
exception parent class. This class has two child classes namely, Exception and Error.
In Java, we must never handle errors. Good. This leaves us with just one option, which
is handling Exception objects (ones in the rectangle). Therefore, we are only interested
in the hierarchy enclosed in the rectangle.
1. All the Checked Exceptions (within upper dotted line) are child classes of
Exception class.
2. All the runtime exceptions (within lower dotted line) are child classes of
RuntimeException class which in turn is the child class of Exception class.
It is the Exception class at the top that will help us to address the challenge we faced
before. With this knowledge let’s get back to writing programs.
Chapter 6 Exception Types
Exception Handling
package exceptions;
try {
int i = 10;
int k = i / 0; // Culprit 1
System.out.println("Hello 1");
System.out.println("Hello 2");
When you compile and execute the above test program, it will produce an Arithmetic
Exception due the following statement:
int k = i/0;
So, all the following statements will be skipped, and the control comes to catch block
that handles ArithmeticException. So, the output of the program will be,
int k = i/2;
Good. Compile and execute the program only to see another exception as shown below:
Hello 1
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
at exceptions.ExceptionTest1.main(
Chapter 6 Exception Types
Exception Handling
Now we started to hate exceptions. We fixed one, and we got another. Shoot! This time
my new exception is ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. This is the first of the five
runtime exceptions we listed before. Since the exception message gave us the line
number as 13, the statement shown below is the culprit.
a[2] = 3;
If you look at the code, we created an array of size 2, but trying to store the element in
the 3rd position that doesn’t even exist. Aren’t we going out of bounds? So is the
exception. The question is, how should we make the program to also handle
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException? Very simple. Put another catch block for this
exception as shown in listing 6.4.
package exceptions;
try {
int i = 10;
int k = i / 2; // We fixed this
System.out.println("Hello 1");
This time when the out of bounds exception is thrown, the control goes to the catch
block that handles it (second one). Upon executing this new catch block, the program
continues with the statements after the last catch block. The output of the above
program will therefore be:
Hello 1
Out of Bounds handled
Chapter 6 Exception Types
Exception Handling
So the moral of the story is, a single try block can be associated with ‘n’ number of catch blocks
each catching its own exception. What if my try block throws 100 different exceptions?
Should we put 100 different catch blocks? Even if we are patient enough to add 100
catch blocks, we should still know the exact names of all 100 exceptions. Holy cow!
Now, I am stuck. Some how we found the names of 100 exceptions, and placed 100 catch
blocks. Now we are smart. You know what, all our code will be cluttered with catch
blocks than the real code. Is there a cleaner solution that addresses all the above
problems? Yes, we have. Look at the code in listing 6.5.
package exceptions;
try {
int i = 10;
int k = i / 0; // First Culprit
System.out.println("Hello 1");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception handled");
In the above code, we activated both the culprits. When you run the program, it first
throws ArithmeticException, and the output will be:
Exception handled
Now, let’s just fix the first culprit by making it i/2. This time after the Hello 1 statement,
the out of bounds exception will be thrown. The time the result will be,
Hello 1
Exception handled
Chapter 6 Exception Types
Exception Handling
Wow. The single magical catch block shown below caught both the exceptions unlike
before. If the try block throws some other exception, the catch block will still catch it.
What a catch block. It’s like a super cop catching all the culprits, right?
catch (Exception e)
All this happened because Exception is the parent class of all the exceptions. Look at
the figure couple pages back to verify this. So, strictly speaking if we use this type of
catch statement, we don't have to know about any of the infinite exceptions we have.
Life is cool :-) I don't have to learn anymore in exceptions. Hurray! Just remember this
one catch block an you can handle any exceptions. Now you can relax and read the next
topics without any worries. This generic catch block is indeed the solution for the
challenge we had couple pages ago.
Though the above trick is useful, it also suffers from a serious drawback. Damn. The
reason is simple. This single catch block handles all the exceptions in the same way. This
is like a consistent catch. Some times being consistent is bad. You will see the same
‘Exception Handled’ message for both ArithmeticException as well as
ArrrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Can someone please answer the following
The answer to both the questions is the same, which is using multiple catch blocks.
Haha. Sorry guys. The trick doesn’t work all the times. It all boils down to how you
want to handle exceptions. If it is ok for you to handle all the exceptions in the same
way, then use the single catch solution trick. Otherwise, use the multiple catch solution.
For instance, consider this scenario. Some piece of code throws five different exceptions
namely A,B,C,D,E. The requirement is that, exceptions A, B must be handled differently,
while the remaining exceptions C, D, E can all be handled in the same way. How do you
implement this scenario? Look at the following two solutions:
Chapter 6 Exception Types
Exception Handling
Which one of the above two implementations do you like? I like the second one. The rule
is simple. Put a separate catch block for every exception you need to handle differently.
Lastly, you put the generic (trick) catch statement for all the remaining exceptions that
you want to handle in the same way. So, if you have multiple catch blocks, the generic
catch block must be the last catch block. Very important rule. If we try to put it as the
first catch block, then it will also swallow exceptions A and B, right? So, the A and B
catch blocks will never be reached by the JVM to execute. Compiler recognizes this fact
upfront and gives you an error saying “Unreachable catch blocks”. So, the rule is always
to put the parent class exception after the child class exceptions.
Now, it’s time to understand the most common exception that any Java program faces.
It’s the very popular NullPointerException. This exception is thrown when we try
to invoke a method on a null object. Null object means the object doesn’t exist at all.
Can you tell me when an object doesn’t exist? The answer is very simple. When we don’t
create an object using new keyword, right? Look at the following statements.
Date d;
In the above statements, the Date object is actually not created, and we are trying to
invoke a method on it. In Java, when an object is not created, the default value of any
object reference variable is null. Therefore, in the above code, the object pointer ‘d’ is
null, and so is the NullPointerException. To avoid this exception, we simply have
to check that the object is not null before invoking the method as shown below:
Date d;
if ( d != null){
Chapter 6 Handling Checked Exceptions
Exception Handling
The above code will never throw a NullPointerException because of the check we
are doing. Always check for the object reference variable as not null before invoking the
methods using it. This is a good practice.
I told you at the very beginning of the chapter, that exceptions are both good and bad.
We saw the bad side of exceptions until now. Let’s now look at the good side of
exceptions. In real world applications, it’s extremely important to convey meaningful
error messages to the users. This is exactly what we can do with exceptions, convey
proper error messages.
Creating Exceptions
All the exceptions in Java are nothing but classes. Creating an exception means, creating
object of one such class. These exception classes can either be built-in classes or user
defined custom exception classes. Let’s look at both the cases.
(Note that is the package in which IOException class is stored in the library)
To create an exception of the above class, we simply create an object like we did using
new keyword as shown below:
Chapter 6 Handling Checked Exceptions
Exception Handling
String message = "We are unable to locate the file. Please try again later"; ex = new message );
You can define a message and pass the message to the exception object or can directly
pass in the message as shown above. Most folks use the second approach. This is how
we create exception object ex from built-in exception class. Easy, right?
In this case, we need to first write our custom exception class as shown below:
If you look back at our exception class hierarchy diagram, all the checked exceptions are
child classes of Exception class. Therefore, to create a custom checked exception,
a) We must create a class that extends from Exception class as shown above.
b) We then have to define a constructor that takes String as an argument for
message and then pass this message to the parent class Exception constructor
using super statement as shown above.
That’s it. We now created our own exception class. Finally we create the exception object
as shown below:
If someone asks you to create a custom exception, this is what you need to do. Keep this
in mind since we often create whole lot of custom exception classes in real world
Chapter 6 Handling Checked Exceptions
Exception Handling
Throwing Exceptions
Now that we know how to create checked exceptions, we need to see how to throw these
exceptions. To throw an exception we simply use the throw keyword as shown below:
throw ex;
throw new MyCustomException (" Please call 1-800-888-8244 for Help ");
Use can use one of the above conventions. The second one is simplest as it does all in
one line. This is the commonly used convention. Keep it in mind.
This is the simplest of all. Like we did with runtime exceptions, we also use the same
try-catch block for handling the custom/built-in checked exceptions as shown below:
try {
One important point to be noted here is that, all the above 3 steps namely creating,
throwing and handling should be done in the same method in the Java program (at least
for now).
Knowing all the above three things like creating, throwing and handling checked
exceptions, let’s write a program to get a complete picture. See listing 6.6.
package exceptions;
Chapter 6 Handling Checked Exceptions
Exception Handling
package exceptions;
if (j == 0) {
} else {
If you look at the above two classes in listing 6.6a-b, we first created our custom checked
exception class which we already know. We then wrote a class named Calculator
which defines the divide() method. This method creates and throws the exception
object if the value of j is 0. Otherwise, it computes and displays the result. Try
compiling the above classes as shown below:
C:>JavaTraining>Chapter6>javac exceptions\*.java
Error: Unhandled exception type MyCustomException.
The above compilation error is pretty obvious because the method missed the 3rd step,
which is handling the exception, right? So, let’s fix the code as shown below:
if (j == 0) {
System.out.println (message);
Compile the code again with the above fix, and the error disappears. I know what you
are wondering about. The statements in the catch block, right? Where the hell did the
Chapter 6 Handling Checked Exceptions
Exception Handling
getMessage() method come from? If you look at our custom exception class, we
inherited it from Exception class. So, by the rule of inheritance, all of the methods in
the built-in Exception class will be inherited into our MyCustomException child
class. One such method is the getMessage() method shown below:
getMessage() – This method returns back the String message that we supplied
while creating our exception as shown below:
Since it returns the message, like good folks we took it into the message variable. Java is
all about give and take. Once we got the message, we simply echoed it. Now, look at the
test class shown in listing 6.6c.
package exceptions;
In the above test class, the first call to divide method produces the correct result without
any exception. It is the second one that results in an exception which the divide()
method handles and displays the message. Compile and execute the above program to
see the following result.
10/2 = 5
Call 1-800-888-8244 for Help
The above error message is more meaningful and my client will be happier then ever.
This is possible only by throwing the exception and then handling it, right? Let’s
introduce a tricky situation here.
Say we have a requirement where the above divide() method can create and throw an
exception, but should not handle the exception at all. Is this possible? Don’t we get a
compilation error when we do this? You know what, there is a solution. If the method
doesn’t know how to handle a checked exception, it must throw the exception to the
Chapter 6 Handling Checked Exceptions
Exception Handling
outside world using the throws keyword. Then the one who actually invoked the
method must handle the exception. Again, if the called method doesn’t handle the
exception, it should throw it to some other method. This is like throwing the ball until
some one finally catches it. The syntax for throwing an exception to the outside world is
shown below:
So let’s update our divide() method by removing the try-catch block and using the
throws keyword to throw the exception to the invoker of the method. See listing 6.6d.
package exceptions;
if (j == 0) {
} else {
As you can see from the above code, the divide() removed the try-catch block, and
declared a throws clause specifying the name of the exception to throw to the caller of
that method. This is like the method saying, “Hey guys, my code might throw an exception
named MyCustomException which I honestly don’t know how to handle it. You guys take are
of it. Bye”. This is how it rubs off her hands. Smart method, right? Now the one who
invokes the method must handle this exception by putting the try-catch block around it.
This poor guy will be cursing the divide() method and painfully adds a try-catch
block. See listing 6.6e.
package exceptions;
Chapter 6 Handling Checked Exceptions
Exception Handling
try {
The try-catch block is now moved into the test class and all the calls to the divide()
method must be enclosed in this block. With this updated code for both Calculator
and ExceptionTest7, compile and execute the test class. The result will still be the
Let me ask you a question. What if the test class too doesn’t want to handle the
exception? Can it also throw the exception to some other world? Yes, it can, but you
know what, that world is the final world which is none other than JVM (because the
main method is called by JVM). JVM will then display a weird exception trace on the
Modify the test class by removing the try-catch block and declare a throws clause in the
main method as shown below:
If you execute the test class with the above update, the output will be
MyCustomException: Call 1-800-888-8244 for Help
at Calculator.divide(
at ExceptionTest.main(
Exception in thread "main"
If no one handles the exception, this is what JVM will give us. We call this as exception
stack trace. Though this looks weird at the first place, if we observe it carefully, we can’t
wait to appreciate what it has to offer. It tells you the following things:
Chapter 6 Finally block
Exception Handling
Note: Whenever you see an exception, don’t panic. Take it positively and be thankful for
JVM for giving all the information about the error.
Let me ask you a question here. Can a single method throw more than one exception?
The answer is yes. A method can throw more than one exception. All we need to do is,
list all the exceptions in the throws clause with a comma delimiter as shown below:
Then whoever calls this method, must handle all the exceptions by putting multiple
catch blocks, one for each (or) one catch block with the generic Exception as shown
catch(IOException e1){
catch(TestException1 t1){
catch(TestException2 t2){
catch( Exception e){
We finally arrived at the last concept of this chapter, using finally block. Let’s see what
this is all about.
Finally block
Let's say we have some piece of code that may or may not throw an exception. What ever
be the case, I always intend to execute some functionality. What should I do? The answer
Chapter 6 Finally block
Exception Handling
is use finally block and put all the functionality there. To get a clear picture, take a look
at the code in listing 6.7
package exceptions;
calc.divide(10, 2);
calc.divide(10, 5);
} finally {
If you execute the above code, both the divide() methods are passing good data, and
neither an exception will be thrown nor will be handled. The result will be,
10/2 = 5;
10/5 = 2;
This is always executed.
Change the second compute method to divide(10,0), and the result will be
10/2 = 5;
Exception handled
This is always executed.
1. It must be placed after the last catch block of the try block.
2. There can be only one finally block per try-catch block.
The moral of the story is, the statements in the finally block will always be executed
whether or not an exception is thrown. We usually place the clean up statements here.
Chapter 6 Summary
Exception Handling
However, there is one way we can stop the JVM from executing the finally block. This is
by manually terminating the program in the try block or the catch block as shown
catch( Exception e){
Interview Question: How can you make the program not execute the finally block?
Answer: By placing a System.exit(0) in both try and catch blocks.
That’s it guys. This is all about exceptions you need to know. Here is a simple trick with
Trick: If any method in a class has a throws clause in its declaration, simply enclose that
method call in a try-catch block. This will save your life for sure.
In real world applications, exception handling is one of the important aspects. So, it’s
always nice to know something about exceptions and their details. I am sure you
thoroughly enjoyed this chapter like others. Trust me; life get’s real easy and easy from
next chapter onwards. Before we get there, let’s summarize this chapter.
9 Exception is an abnormal condition that occurs in a program due to which JVM
terminates the program abruptly.
9 To prevent the termination of the program, exceptions must be handled.
9 In Java, exceptions are handled using try-catch block.
9 The try block encloses all the harmful statements that result in throwing
9 The catch block catches the exceptions thrown by the try block and takes the
appropriate action.
9 Exceptions are classified as Runtime Exceptions and Checked Exceptions.
Chapter 6 Time to play 50-50
Exception Handling
9 Runtime Exceptions are created and thrown by the JVM when the program is
executed. With these exceptions, the program will compile without any errors
even without a try-catch block.
9 Checked Exceptions on the other hand are created and thrown by the program
itself. The program must always handle these exceptions using try-catch block.
Failing to handle will result in compilation errors.
9 The parent class of all the checked exceptions is Exception class.
9 To create a custom checked exception, we need to create a child class of
Exception class and define a constructor that takes String argument.
9 A method can throw an exception using throw keyword.
9 If a method throws an exception using throw keyword, it must also handle the
exception using try-catch block.
9 If the method decides not to handle the exception, it must throw the exception to
the invoker of that method using throws keyword. The invoker of the method
must then handle the exception using the try-catch block.
9 A method can also throw multiple exceptions. In this case, the method must
declare all the exceptions in the throws clause.
9 Use finally blocks to always execute some statements irrespective of whether an
exception is thrown or not.
a) try-finally
b) try-catch
2. Which of the following exceptions need not be handled, and yet the program
compiles without any errors
a) Checked Exceptions
b) Runtime Exceptions
3. All the checked exceptions are child classes of which of the following exception
a) RuntimeException
b) Exception
Chapter 6 Interview Questions
Exception Handling
a) NullPointerException
b) IOException
a) RuntimeException
b) Exception
7. Which of the following keyword is used by a method to throw an exception?
a) throws
b) throw
8. Which of the following keyword is used in the method declaration to throw the
exceptions to the outside world?
a) throw
b) throws
9. Which of the following must be used to always execute the statements whether
or not an exception is thrown?
a) catch blocks
b) finally blocks
10. Which of the following is used prevent the execution of finally block?
a) System.out.println(“Program terminated”);
b) System.exit (0);
Interview Questions
Question: What is an exception in Java?
Chapter 6 Interview Questions
Exception Handling
Answer: An exception in Java is an abnormal condition due to which JVM terminated the
program abruptly.
Question: What are the two categories of exceptions, and what is the difference?
Answer: Runtime exceptions and checked exceptions are the two categories. The
difference between the two is that, with runtime exceptions, the program compiles
without any errors even without try-catch block. With checked exceptions, the program
will not compile without a try-catch block.
Question: What are the keywords by which a method can throw an exception?
Answer: throw and throws.
Chapter 7 Chapter Goals
Core Libraries and Best Practices
Chapter 7
Core Libraries and Best
By the end of this chapter, you’ll be an expert in using Java built-in core classes. Java is
all about writing simple programs using the built-in classes. This chapter will also tell
you some simple tricks and tips on how to use classes and also demonstrates the coding
conventions and best practices that are well and truly followed in all the real world Java
applications. Understanding this chapter gives you an edge for a successful career in
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the important core libraries
9 Understanding the most important core library classes
9 Coding conventions and best practices
9 Generating Java Documentation using javadoc tool.
Environment Setup
All the programs in this chapter should be stored in the following directory.
utilities is a package in which we will store the programs. To compile the programs,
move to the following root directory and get ready.
Chapter 7 Introduction
Core Libraries and Best Practices
In all the previous chapters we have written several programs understanding the object
oriented concepts, handling abnormal situations in a program using exceptions and may
more. All the examples we wrote thus far didn’t use any of the built in classes that Java
comes with. In real world applications there will be several complex requirements and
it’s time consuming to implement each and every requirement from scratch. Since time
is the primary constraint, it would be more beneficial if there are some ready made
components that can do the bulk of the job, and leaving the rest to us.
By making our Java program use the ready made components, not only the
development gets faster, but also the code becomes more reliable since the ready made
components are built by reliable people. In Java, these components are nothing but the
classes. In this chapter we'll first understand the important built-in classes and then start
writing programs using them, ok.
Let me tell you one thing here. Using the built-in classes is a fine art and mastering this
art is the key to become a successful Java programmer. The best part of it is, mastering
this art just takes few minutes. Trust me. I am going to tell you few tricks and tips. We’ll
follow them and make our life easy.
java.lang and
The above two packages have tons of interfaces and classes. So, should we learn all of
them? Don’t worry. Again, we just have to understand few classes in each package.
Awesome. This is why I like Java. Let’s don’t waste any time and understand these few
classes to become a master Java programmer.
Chapter 7 java.lang package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
java.lang package
This package though contains several classes and interfaces; we are interested in just the
following classes:
1. Wrapper Classes
2. String class
3. StringBuffer class
Before using the above classes, let me tell you this one more time. 99.9% of the time, a
Java class will simply have no more than variables and methods. Don’t worry about the
other 0.1% special classes for now. Using a class means, using the methods in the class.
Wrapper Classes
In Java there are some special built-in classes that can only work with objects and not
primitive variables like int, long, double etc. So, if we have primitives in our hand, there is
no way we can use the so called special classes, right? If I cannot move forward without
using the special classes, then I definitely need someone to convert the primitives to
objects. That someone is none other than wrapper classes. Wrapper classes simply
convert the primitives into equivalent objects, which can then be used with the special
classes. There is one wrapper class for every primitive data type as shown in Table 7.1.
Primitive Equivalent
int Integer
short Short
byte Byte
long Long
float Float
double Double
char Character
The wrapper class names are pretty obvious. Note the class names start with uppercase
letter. All we need to know is how to wrap a primitive variable and convert it to object,
and vice-versa. So without wasting any time, let’s see how to do this.
Chapter 7 java.lang package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
int i=10;
Integer ii = new Integer( i );
double d=12.2345;
Double dd = new Double( d );
Chapter 7 java.lang package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
Likewise, the usage is same for the rest of primitives. This is all you need to learn about
the wrapper classes. Let’s do one quick example. See the code in listing 7.1.
package utilities;
import java.lang.Integer;
int i = 10;
In the above code, we have a method named add() whose parameter is of type
Integer. So, if we have a primitive int, we need to convert it to Integer object and
then pass it as a parameter. This is exactly what we did in the main method. The add()
method takes the Integer argument, computes the sum by converting back to the
primitive. Finally, look at the import statement that we added at the beginning of the
program. If at anytime we use a built-in class, we need to import the class as shown
below. Since Integer class is in java.lang package, the import statement will be,
import java.lang.Integer;
Compile and execute the above program to see the result 15 displayed.
Now, it’s time to understand the most important and widely used class, the String
Chapter 7 java.lang package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
Handling Strings
String class is the most widely used library class. There will hardly be any Java
program without using this class. This is because most of the real world data is
represented in the form of text. For instance things like customer name, address, city,
state, country and what not. Everything can be represented as text. You agree with me?
I am sure you might be wondering that we used strings to store text data in previous
chapters. So why are we discussing this again? You are right. But you know what, I said
that string is like a special data type and now is the time to understand why it is indeed
special. Ok.
To store text data, we need to create an object of String class, and pass the text as
shown below:
All the text must be enclosed in the double quotes. Let me say one thing here. In any real
world application, there will be million places to store text. So, it’s really tedious to
always use the new keyword and then pass the text, right? Is there a simpler solution?
Fortunately, the inventors of Java language recognized this fact upfront, and gave us a
shortcut representation for strings as shown below:
Now the above declaration is simple. By looking at it, doesn’t this shortcut
representation look like a primitive data type declaration? Yes, it does look like that.
This is why I called it as special data type for storing text data.
So, no more using new keyword when it comes to declaring strings. This shortcut is
only applicable to String class, ok. Once the text is declared using String class, it
offers several methods to process the text. Let’s see the most important methods.
Consider the following string. Every character in it will have a position or index. The
indexing of characters will start with 0 as shown below:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
T h i s i s r e a l l y r e a l l y b i g t e x t
Let’s look at the methods in String class for working with text data. For all the
following examples, please use the above table.
Chapter 7 java.lang package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
2. char charAt(int index): This method returns the character at the specified
There are two overloaded indexOf() methods. One takes a single character and
returns the position of its first occurrence, and the second takes a string, and
returns the first occurrence of that string.
The above two overloaded methods return part of the text from the original text.
The first one returns the text from the specified index to the end of the text. The
second one returns the text between two specified indices.
Chapter 7 java.lang package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
The content in s1 will be big text, and the content in s2 will be really
This method compares one text with another text, and returns either true or
false. The comparison is case-sensitive.
The above code displays Strings are unequal. This is because ‘h’ is in lower-case.
Tip: If any method returns a boolean, you can call the method from conditional
statements like if,while etc,.
This method compares the text with another text, and returns either true or
false. The comparison is case-insensitive.
Chapter 7 java.lang package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
String s1 = "Hello";
String s2 = s1 + "World";
String s3 = "This" + " is " + "easy";
These are all the methods you need to know about strings. The most important one is
the equals() method which compares two strings. To conclude this section, let’s do
one quick example. See the code in listing 7.2.
package utilities;
import java.lang.*;
char ch = str.charAt(6);
String s1 = str.substring(22);
String s2 = str.substring(8, 20);
Chapter 7 java.lang package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
Compile and execute the above class to see the following result.
str.substring(3, -1);
The StringBuffer class is another class used for processing the texts. When we
already have the String class that does this, why do we need another class? Great
question. The answer is simple. String class consumes more memory when processing
texts than StringBuffer class. This is because string objects are immutable. This means,
whenever we try to change the text in the string object, JVM will create a new object.
More processing means more string objects in memory.
It is important to note that this way creating of String objects is done purposefully to
improve the performance. But many a times this solution becomes an anti-performance
while complex text processing is involved. In such situations, StringBuffer class is an
ideal candidate.
With StringBuffer class, there will just be one object in the memory and all the text
processing is done within the same object. For complex text processing always try to use
StringBuffer class instead of String class. Following is how we use this class.
Chapter 7 java.lang package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
You can insert a text in the middle using the insert() method as shown below:
Finally, to get the text out of the buffer, we use the following statement:
See how easy it is to process text using this class. Let’s write an example. See listing 7.3.
package utilities;
buffer.insert(5, "Hello");
Compile and execute the above program to see the following result:
A sillHelloy young cricket accustomed to sing through the warn sunny days
This is all about processing text using String and StringBuffer classes. These are
very simple to use, and you’ll learn automatically when you start writing programs. No
big deal.
These are the only two classes (String, StringBuffer) we need to know in the java.lang
package. Most of the real world applications use these classes extensively and
understanding them will make our life easy. There are several other methods in above
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
three classes, and you can try them to see if they help you in any other way. The next
package we are going to see is the java.util package.
java.util Package
This package as the name suggests, is a package that has several utility classes that we
can use in our programs. The classes in this package are called as collection classes.
These classes represent various data structures that can be used for storing complex
data. Though there are several of these classes, we will learn only those that are
frequently used in real world applications.
The collection classes in this package can only store objects. They cannot store primitive
data types like int,double etc. Point to be noted. Before we learn the usage of the classes
in this package, let’s find out why we need to use these classes.
In any real world applications, most of the data is highly complex in nature, and it’s
extremely tedious to store the data using primitive variables like int, double etc. Instead
we store the data in the form of object. Therefore we need some thing that provide
flexible way of storing and retrieving data objects. This is where the data structures in
this package come in handy. Not only the classes in this package allow storing and
retrieving data objects, but also provide several convenient methods to process the data
like sorting, deleting etc.
All the data structure classes in this package forms the collection hierarchy. There are
two broad classifications for all the data structures in this package as shown below:
The class and interface hierarchy for one dimensional data structures is shown in the
following figure.
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
List Set
ArrayList Vector
HashSet TreeSet
First, let’s look at the differences between List, Set and SortedSet interfaces.
List represents ordered, duplicate and unsorted elements. The classes that implement
this interface are ArrayList and Vector.
Set represents unordered, unique and unsorted elements. The important class that
implements this interface is the HashSet
SortedSet represents unordered, unique and sorted elements. The important class
that implements this interface is the TreeSet class.
Though each class and interface has several methods, like smart folks we’ll only learn
the most important ones.
Let’s first look at the ArrayList and Vector classes of List interface.
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
0 1 2 3 4
object1 object2 object2 object3 object4
This class should be used for storing objects in an order like an array. Following are the
properties of this data structure.
1. Create an ArrayList
2. Add objects to the list
3. Display objects in the list
Let me ask you a question here. If you notice the above class hierarchy, ArrayList
class implements List interface. Based on this, is the following statement legal or
You are correct. The above statement is perfectly legal and ‘list’ is an interface reference
to the Arraylist object. This is the convention we normally use and is also one of the
best practices. Let’s do a quick example to get a complete picture of ArrayList class. See
listing 7.4.
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
// Create an ArrayList
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
// Add objects.
The above example code created an ArrayList and added four String objects using
the add() method. It then used a for loop using the size() method to retrieve the
strings back. Notice how we used the object casting within the loop. Since the get()
method returns Object, we need to narrow it down to String object since we stored
strings. Compile and execute the above program to see the following output:
If you noticed the above result, we can observe the following things:
1. The string objects are displayed in the same order that we added.
2. The list allowed duplicate objects (World)
3. The strings in the ArrayList are not automatically sorted.
This is one of the widely used data structure in real world applications since we need to
preserve the order of the data. So, keep this in mind.
If you look back at the class hierarchy diagram, both ArrayList and Vector
implement the same List interface. This means, both of them will have same methods,
right?. If this the case, why do we need Vector when we already have ArrayList?
This is an interview question. The answer is, using Vector is safer in multi-threaded
environments than using ArrayList. So, depending on what the context is, you can use
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
either Vector or ArrayList classes. The usage of Vector is exactly same as using
ArrayList as shown in listing 7.5.
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
// Create a Vector
List list = new Vector();
// Add objects.
If you noticed the above code, the only difference is that we created Vector instead of
ArrayList. One important thing with ArrayList and Vector is that the objects will
never be sorted. The next couple of examples will demonstrate how we can automatically
sort objects in a data structure.
This class implements the Set interface and should be used when the order of the
elements is not important. Look at the following figure to see how the objects are stored
within HashSet.
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
With this class, we can add the elements using the add() method just like we did with
the ArrayList and Vector classes. However, to display the objects, we need to follow
two simple steps listed below:
Iterator iterator() : This method returns the Iterator object for the elements.
The Iterator class in turn has the following two important methods for retrieving the
I know this is some what complex than array list and vector classes. Take a look at the
code in listing 7.5 and you’ll get the picture.
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
// Create a Hashset
Set set = new HashSet();
// Add objects.
while (itr.hasNext()) {
If you look at the above example, after adding the strings to the HastSet, we got hold
of the iterator object using the following statement:
We then used the two methods in the Iterator class with a while loop, and displayed
the elements. The hasNext() methods returns true until all the elements are returned.
The working of the while loop is like, “If there are more elements, then give me the next
element”. Compile and execute the above class to see the following result.
If you noticed the above result, we can observe the following things:
The only advantage with this data structure is that we can eliminate the duplicate
elements. For instance, if you want to count the number of unique objects in a given set
of objects, a simple solution is that you add all the objects to HashSet and the size of the
hashset gives you the count of unique elements. Without this, you have to compare the
current object with the previous object and all that crap. Are you with me? I am sure you
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
This class works just the same as the HashSet class, except that it sorts the elements in
an ascending order. In the above program, change the following statement
Compile and execute the program with the above change, and you’ll notice the strings
sorted alphabetically as shown below:
Let me ask you a question here. Does TreeSet sort any type of objects or just String
objects? The answer is not that simple. Look at the following rule.
Rule: With String objects and Wrapper objects, TreeSet by default will sort the
objects in ascending order. With all other objects, TreeSet expects the user to define
how the sorting should be done.
Let’s say we have a complex object (Java Bean) like Customer which encapsulates data
like firstName, lastName and SSN. Now let’s add the customer objects to the TreeSet
as shown below:
Based on the above rule, the TreeSet will not sort the objects. This makes sense because
the treeset doesn’t know which particular field in the object to use for sorting, right? In
such situations, treeset expects us to pass an object of Comparator class that defines
how the sorting should be done. To better understand, look at the following comparator
class in listing 7.7a.
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
return index;
Once we have the above comparator, we are now ready to use the TreeSet to sort the
customer objects. Listing 7.7b & c shows the customer class and the test class.
package utilities;
String firstName;
String lastName;
int ssn;
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
return this.lastName;
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
Look at the CustomerSortTest class. Before it added the customer objects to the
treeset object, it created a TreeSet as shown below:
The rule is that we need to pass the object of the comparator class to the TreeSet
constructor. Once we passed this object, the treeset knows how to sort the elements. We
can start using the TreeSet add methods as usual to add the different customer objects.
Compile and execute the test program and you’ll see the following result.
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
You can see from the above result, that the customer objects are sorted by last name in
ascending order. If we want the lastnames sorted in descending order, all we need to do
is put a negative sign infront of index variable in the compare() method as shown
return -index;
This completes all the one dimensional data structures. Following is the summary of 1-D
data structures.
9 Use ArrayList to store objects when you want to preserve the order of the
9 Use add() method to store the data
9 Use get() method in a for loop to read the data
9 Use HashSet to store objects when you don't want duplicate objects
9 Use add() method to store the data
9 Get the Iterator and use it with a while loop to read the objects.
9 Use TreeSet to store objects when you want to sort the objects
9 Use add() method to store the data
9 Get the Iterator and use it with a while loop to read the objects.
You are good if you can just remember the above points.
The main disadvantage with 1D data structures is searching for a particular object. We
need to iterate through the entire list and then get the object that matches the specified.
This is where 2D data structures come in handy. They offer flexibility and faster way of
retrieving the objects. So, let’s see what they are.
In two dimensional data structures, objects are stored in the form of a table using key-
object pair as shown below:
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
If you notice the above representation, every data object (object 1, object 2, object3) is
associated with a unique key. When a key is passed, the data structure will return the
data object corresponding to this key. So, given a key, the data object can be retrieved in
just ONE step, right? This is why searching is fast with 2D data structures.
Hashtable HashMap
The top-level interface is the Map interface. Hashtable and HashMap are the two
classes that implement this interface. Preperties class is a child class of Hashtable
In this category of classes, we just have to learn how to use HashMap, Hashtable and
Properties classes. They are very simple to use. Trust me. One more important thing
is that we can only use these data structures only when every object we store has a
unique key that identifies the object. There is no way you can store an object that doesn’t
have a key. Makes sense?
In all the above three classes, there are just 2 important methods we need to know, one
for storing the object and the other for retrieving the object. With these things in mind,
let’s look at the 2D data structures one by one.
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
A Hashmap object stores the data in the form of key-value pairs. Both the key and the
value can be object. Normally, a String object is used as the key to store any other
objects. Let’s say we wish to store data about several customers who has firstname,
lastname and ssn. To store this data, we need to first identify the unique key associated
with each customer. In our case, we can use SSN as the key, since it is unique.
Let’s use the same customer class we wrote in the previous example and use a HashMap
to store different customer objects. Take a look at the code in listing 7.8.
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
// Create a hashmap
Look at the above class. We first created three customer objects namely c1, c2, c3 by
supplying all the data. We then created a HashMap object and used the put() method
to store the data. This method takes the key as the first argument, and the data object as
the second argument. Since we decided to use ssn as the key, the put method will be as
shown below:
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
Once we stored all the three customers data, we used the get() method to retrieve the
data. This method takes the key, which is the ssn, and returns the customer object
associated with that key. Note that, we need to do the object casting here to get the
required customer object as shown below:
Once we got the customer object, we simply displayed its properties. Compile and
execute the class to see the following result.
Hashtable works much the same as HashMap. If this is the case, then why do we need
Hashtable? This is yet another interview question. The answer is again the same as
with ArrayList and Vector. Hashtable can be safely used in multi-threaded
environment, while HashMap cannot.
If you recompile and execute the above class, the output will still be the same. In most of
the real world applications we use HashMap instead of Hashtable.
Note: If you look at both HashMap and Hashtable classes, the data objects that we can
store can be any object. It can be Customer object, or Box object or anything else. But it’s
a good practice to always use String object as the key to all the data objects.
This data structure works much the same as HashMap, but the only difference is that we
use it in situations where both the key and value is a String object.
This is one class that is widely used in real world applications. With this class, instead of
using get() and put() methods like in HashMap, we use getProperty() and
setProperty() methods. Take a look at the code in listing 7.9.
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
p.setProperty("driver", "com.test.Driver");
p.setProperty("url", "localhost:8080");
As you can see in the above example, we used setProperty() method to which we
passed string as both key and data. We then used getProperty() method by passing
the key and reading the string value back. The getProperty() method instead of
returning Object like the get() method, returns the String object and we don’t have
to do the casting. Compile and execute the above class to see the following result:
This completes all the important data structures that we need to know. Most of the real
world applications don’t go beyond the above mentioned data structures unless
otherwise the requirements are highly complex. Let’s now look at two more important
utility classes that are widely used while representing and processing dates.
Date class
This class is used to get the current system date. The usage is pretty simple. Look at the
code in listing 7.10.
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
The above program simply created a Date object and displayed it. If you compile and
execute the program, you’ll see the date displayed as shown below:
If you notice the above result, the Date object displays both date and time. Though this
is not harmful, sometimes in real world applications, we require the date to be displayed
in different formats. For instance like MMddyyyy or yyyy/MM/dd etc. So, the question
is, how do we format dates? The answer is using SimpleDateFormat class which is the
next class we are going to discuss.
This class belongs java.text package, not the java.util package. We use this class,
to format and parse the dates. To better understand how this class works, let’s see the
following two cases.
Case 1: Convert the given Date object into String in the form of MM/dd/yyyy format.
As you can see from the above statements, we first have to create SimpleDateFormat
object by passing the format that we need. JVM will interpret MM as month, dd as day
and yyyy as year. We then have to invoke the format() method by passing the Date
object that is to be fomatted. This method will then return the date as String object in
the desired format.
Case 2: Given a date as String, convert it to Date object. This is the reverse of the above
and we call it as parsing the date. Following is how we parse the dates.
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
This parse() method returns the constructed Date object from the string. Just in case if it
fails to parse the date, it will throw a ParseException that should be caught. This is a
checked exception and we need to enclose the method call in a try-catch block. See the
code in listing 7.11.
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
// Case 1
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
String formattedDate = sdf.format(new Date());
// Case 2
sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
try {
Date d = sdf.parse("03/12/2005");
Compile and execute the above program to see the following result:
Tue Mar 03 12:34:789 2005 EST
Date d = sdf.parse("03/12/2005"); to
Date d = sdf.parse("2005/03/12");
You’ll see the message “Unable to parse Date”, as it throws exception due to improper
Chapter 7 java.util Package
Core Libraries and Best Practices
Let’s see one last class called StringTokenizer, which is also used very frequently in
real world applications.
This class is a cool class that breaks the text using a delimiter. For instance, consider the
following text data.
Let’s say that someone gives us a comma delimited text in the above form, and we are
required to break it into pieces at the delimiter. This is when we use the String
Tokenizer class. It tokenizes the original text and gives us individual tokens. This class
has two methods namely hasMoreTokens() and nextToken(). Let’s see how to use
this class.
Firstly, we need to create an object of the class by passing the original text and the
delimiter where we want to break it as shown below:
We then have to use the hasMoreTokens() and nextToken() methods to get the
individual strings (tokens). The description for these two methods is given below:
boolean hasMoreTokens() : This method returns true if there are more tokens left.
String nextToken() : This method returns the actual token.
package utilities;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = st.nextToken();
Chapter 7 Naming Conventions
Core Libraries and Best Practices
The while loop works like, ”If you have more tokens, then give me the next token”. Compile
and execute the program to see the following result.
This are all the utility classes that we need to know to write any complex Java programs.
Most of the real world applications use these classes to simplify the development. Just
learn them once. Even if you couldn’t remember the method names, that’s OK as long as
you know how to use them. So, be cool.
The next few pages give you an insight of some of the best coding practices, conventions
that we usually follow in al the real world Java applications.
Naming Conventions
Using meaningful names in programs improves the readability of the program. We
don’t want to write a program in such a way that people who use the program have a
tough time understanding what the program is all about.
Following are the naming conventions we should follow while writing programs:
2. Class names must always start with a uppercase letter, and every word
in the class name must also start with an uppercase letter as shown below:
3. Method names must always start with a lowercase letter, and every other word
in the method name must start with an uppercase letter as shown below:
getName, setName, parseNameLine etc.
4. Any method that returns a boolean should start with “has” or “is” as shown
Chapter 7 Java Documentation
Core Libraries and Best Practices
5. All the boolean variable names should start with the words “is” or “has”, as
shown below:
boolean isMarried;
boolean hasStatments;
6. Constant names must always be declared as static and final, and should always
be in uppercase with words separated by an underscore.
Always follow the above rules while writing the Java programs. This will really help
you in making your life easy. Moreover, these conventions are followed by every one in
the Java community. So, let’s also be on the same page with them.
Note: Writing a Java program is not the key here. Wring a good Java program following
the best practices and coding conventions is the key. In every single Java project, there
will be dedicated personal who strictly enforces the usage of the above standards. So, it’s
always good that we learn to use them right from the beginning.
Java Documentation
Documentation of the program is the most important thing that is very strictly enforced
in all the real world applications. A program without any documentation is simply of no
use at all. Trust me. We write programs so that someone uses them. If there is no
documentation, how will the users of the program know how to use it?
We use comments inside the program to make the program self-explanatory. When
somebody looks at our program, reading the comments must tell that what the program
Chapter 7 Java Documentation
Core Libraries and Best Practices
is all about. The comments must be written in such a way, that even non-java
programmers must be able to understand the program. We already wrote several
programs using comments as shown below:
Following statements uses the SSN
to check whether or not the candidate is
eligible for a Credit Card.
Now, it’s time to learn how to generate high-level documentation for a Java class. Trust
me, this is very simple. We use a tool called javadoc to generate this documentation. All
the documentation will be generated in HTML format, so that you can also publish it
online. The documentation that the javadoc tool generates is so cool, that you’ll se
surprised after seeing it.
javadoc is a documentation generating utility tool that comes along with the java
installation. Good. This tool generates the following documentation for a given class.
1. Class details like who the parent class is, what interfaces it implements, what
child classes it has and so on.
2. Lists all the method names and a description on how to use the methods, what
exceptions does the method throws, what parameters it takes, what values it
return back and all that good stuff.
3. Lists all the global variables and constants.
In order to generate the above documentation for a class, we need to first write the
descriptions in the class using javadoc tags. These are very simple to use, and you can
master them in few minutes. Following table lists the six most important javadoc tags.
Chapter 7 Java Documentation
Core Libraries and Best Practices
The best way to learn the usage of the above tags is by writing a program. Look at the
following example that uses the javadoc tags.
package utilities;
import java.util.*;
* Gateway class that has several methods to retrieve customers
* information.
* @author Steve
* @since October, 2006
* @version 1.0
public class CustomerGateway {
// Global Variables
private static final String MAX_ACCOUNTS = 3;
* Retrieves the Customer profile based on SSN.
* @param ssn – The SSN of the Customer
* @return String – The profile of the Customer
* @throws IOException – Thrown when Customer is not found
public String getCustomerProfile (String ssn) throws IOException
return "John, 1234 Broad St, NY";
Copy the above program into the “utilities” directory and execute the javadoc command
as shown below:
Chapter 7 Java Documentation
Core Libraries and Best Practices
The above command generates several HTML files and stores them in the docs
directory. The starting point of the documentation is index.html. If you open this file,
you’ll see the following:
The index.html list the class as shown above. Click on the class name, and it displays
the content shown in Fig 7.3 in the next page.
The page displays all the details of the class. It has four sections as listed below:
Section 1 lists the name of the class, and its inheritance hierarchy. Since the class doesn’t
extend from any class, it is an automatic child of Object class as shown.
Section 2 displays the class description, the author name, creation date and version. This
information is specified in our class right before the class name as shown below:
* Gateway class that has several methods to retrieve customers
* information.
* @author Steve
* @since October, 2006
* @version 1.0
public class CustomerGateway {
Chapter 7 Java Documentation
Core Libraries and Best Practices
Any Javadoc comment will have a short description followed by the tags. All the
javadoc comments must be enclosed within /** and */ and every line must begin with a *
as shown above.
Section 3 displays the constructors of the class. Since we didn’t define any constructor,
as we learned before, JVM will supply with a default constructor. This is what is shown
here. However, if you defined your own constructors, they would be displayed too.
Section 4 gives the method summary of the class. It will display all the methods in the
class as hyperlinks along with a description, the method parameters and the return type.
If you click on the link, it will show you the complete details of the method as shown
Chapter 7 Java Documentation
Core Libraries and Best Practices
If you notice the above figure, it displayed the entire method signature with the
following items:
All the above 4 items came from the following chunk in our code:
* Retrieves the Customer profile based on SSN.
* @param ssn – The SSN of the Customer
* @return String – The profile of the Customer
* @throws IOException – Thrown when Customer is not found
public String getCustomerProfile (String ssn) throws IOException
Isn’t the documentation beautiful? Are you surprised? I am sure you are. The good thing
is that we just have to specify the information in the program, and the javadoc tool will
take care of the rest. In real world applications, there will be several methods, and you
need to follow the same procedure for all the methods.
In the above example, we just generated the documentation for one class. However, in
real world applications there will be tons of classes in a single package, and you can use
the following command to generate documentation for all in one step as shown below:
Chapter 7 Summary
Core Libraries and Best Practices
The above command generates the documentation for all the java files in the utilities
package, and stores it in the docs directory.
This is all you need to know about the javadoc tool and the tags to use in the program to
specify the descriptions.
This completes all the important core classes that I’d like you to know to be more
comfortable with Java programming. All we did is, learned some library classes that are
frequently used in real world applications and more importantly the best practices and
coding conventions. I am sure you enjoyed this chapter as much as you did with the
previous chapters, so let’s summarize.
9 Java comes with rich set of built in library classes organized in packages.
9 The two most important packages are java.lang and java.util.
9 To use a library class in a package, we first need to import the package using
the import statements. A program can import any number of classes and
9 The important classes in java.lang package are wrapper classes, String,
StringBuffer and StringTokenizer.
9 Wrapper classes like Integer, Float, Double, Long etc represent the
corresponding primitive variables as objects.
9 String class is the widely used class as it represents text data, and also has
several methods for text processing. The only disadvantage with String class
is that JVM creates a completely new String object when the text is modified.
9 StringBuffer class must be used in situation where complex text processing is
9 StringTokenizer class is used to break a large string into smaller strings
using a delimiter.
9 The classes in java.util package forms the Collection Framework. These
classes are used to store data objects.
9 Data Structures are broadly classified as one-dimensional and teo-
9 List and Set interfaces represent 1D data structures.
9 List interface represents ordered, duplicate and unsorted objects.
9 ArrayList and Vector are the two important classes that implement List
Chapter 7 Summary
Core Libraries and Best Practices
a) integer
b) Integer
a) substring
b) substring
a) StringBuffer
b) StringTokenizer
Chapter 7 Summary
Core Libraries and Best Practices
a) Collection
b) Object
a) Set
b) List
a) HashMap
b) ArrayList
a) ArrayList
b) HashSet
a) HashSet
b) TreeSet
10. Which of the following class stores the data as key-value pairs?
a) HashSet
b) HashMap
Chapter 7 Interview Questions
Core Libraries and Best Practices
a) Date
b) SimpleDate
14. Which of the following class should be used to format and parse dates?
a) Date
b) SimpleDateFormat
a) ParseException
b) ParsingException
Interview Questions
Question: What is the difference between String and StringBuffer classes?
Answer: String is an immutable object which means that JVM will create a new string
object when ever the contents are modified. StringBuffer is a mutable object and JVM
will use the same object while the contents are modified. This is also the reason why
StringBuffer offers better performance than String class when complex text processing is
Chapter 7 Interview Questions
Core Libraries and Best Practices
Answer: Hashtable is thread safe than HashMap. This is because all the methods in
Hashtable are synchronized by default. The second difference is that, HashMap allows
null keys and values, while Hashtable doesn’t.
Question: Which class is used to format dates?
Answer: SimpleDateFormat
This is the end of this chapter. You know what, this chapter is an unofficial end to the
Java fundamentals section. However, I sugget you to take few minutes to read the next
two very small chapters. So, let’s rock and roll.
Chapter 8 Chapter Goals
Chapter 8
This chapter will introduce you to concurrent processing in Java. Java language has
built-in support for writing programs that run simultaneously. By the end of this
chapter, you’ll understand the basics of how multi threading is done.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the importance of concurrent processing
9 Understand the API for multi-threading.
9 Understand the life cycle of threads
9 Understand synchronization
Environment Setup
All the programs in this chapter should be stored in the following directory.
threads is a package in which we will store the programs. To compile the programs,
move to the following root directory and get ready.
Chapter 8 Introduction
Ever since the invention of first computer named Abacus to the latest and super fast
computers, our primary goal is to improve the “speed” with which computing is done.
Over several years, based on the need for high speed computing, computers have gone
through radical improvements using sophisticated semiconductor technologies and
today we are in the world of Supercomputers that compute trillions of instructions per
second. So, how is this achieved? Good question. Let’s start with the term “processor”. A
processor is a hardware device in a computer that processes the instructions. So, for
faster processing we need super fast processors. This is where the silicon technology
comes into picture. This technology helped us to build super fast processors for
computing. Once we have super fast processors it is very important to use them to their
full potential, right? There is no point in having a supercomputer and making it sit idle
for most of the time waiting for something to happen. All I mean to say is that, using a
super fast processor effectively and efficiently is more important than just having the
Creating the processor is the job of semi conductor industry. Using the processor
effectively and efficiently is the job of the operating system of the computer. Over the
years operating systems too have undergone significant changes incorporating better
algorithms to better utilize the CPU and one thing that contributed significantly in this
space is the “multi-tasking” or “multi-processing”. There is also something called
“multi-threading” which is often confused with “multi-processing”. To tell you, both
these are completely different but they are related with other. Let’s see what these are.
Chapter 8 How Multi-Threading is done?
process, it can have any number of sub-processes (threads) and it may require that these
threads be running concurrently within the process. This is what we call as multi-
threading. So, multi-threading is the ability of the CPU to execute multiple threads
within a “single process” simultaneously. Following picture should help you
understand the difference between multi-processing and multi-threading.
Operating System
As you can see from the above figure, every process will have its own threads and will
never interfere with another process threads. In this chapter, we will see how we can use
Java to work with threads and how to build multi-threaded applications.
Java Application/Process
Thread Queue
Chapter 8 How Multi-Threading is done?
As you can see from the above figure, there are several components that participate in
multi-threaded programming. Following explains the roles and responsibilities of each
of the above components.
This is the application that we as Java developers write using the multi-threading
features of Java language. Its main responsibility is to create threads, set the priorities to
threads and start the threads. Once it does all these actions, its job is done. There is
nothing it can do or control how the threads should run or when they should run and all
that stuff.
Thread Queue
This is a component that will contain all the threads that are created by the above Java
application and also the threads from other processes. There will not be a separate queue
for every process. All the threads will be lined up in this Queue waiting to get into the
This is the component that manages the threads. The scheduler acts like a manager and
decides which thread should be sent to the CPU based on things like priority and some
thing else. If there is a thread in the queue with high priority sitting behind than the
lesser priority one, it may pick the highest priority thread and send it to the CPU.
However, it is important to understand that this behavior is never guaranteed. The
scheduler can send a low priority thread to the CPU ahead of a high priority thread.
The scheduler component comes with the operating system. Most schedulers follow
“time-slicing” algorithm for managing threads. With this algorithm, the scheduler will
send a thread to the CPU for a small duration of time (called as time slice). Once the time
slice is completed, is pulls the thread out of the CPU even if it is partially executed and
puts it back in the thread queue. It then sends the next thread in the queue to the CPU
and again pulls it back after the time slice. When a previously pulled out thread gets a
chance again to go to the CPU, it will resume executing from where it stopped before.
This switching between the threads by the scheduler will be so fast that from the
application point of view it looks like all the threads are running simultaneously.
Following figure should give you some idea on how the scheduler manages the threads.
Chapter 8 Thread Lifecycle
As you can see from the above figure, every thread will get a 1 slice of CPU time at a
time. By the end of the cycle, the scheduler makes sure that all the threads are executed
completely by the CPU. The time slice will normally be in nano and pico seconds based
on the CPU frequency which cannot be recognized by the naked eye and this why we
feel the simulation of multi-threading or concurrency behavior.
Now that we know how multi-threading is implemented internally, let’s understand the
life cycle of a typical thread.
Thread Lifecycle
Following are the states a thread can go from the creation to its death.
As you can see from the above state diagram, once the thread is started, it goes right
away to the runnable state. This is the state of the thread in the queue and is ready to be
executed whenever the scheduler decides. From the runnable state, it goes to the
running state. This is the state when the thread is inside the CPU. If the thread is
completely executed, then from the running state it directly goes to the terminated state
which is a dead state. Otherwise, it will or can go to the runnable state again in the
following 3 ways.
1. A running thread can voluntarily yield or relinquish the CPU and go back to the
runnable state. This is normally done by the thread itself when ever it thinks that
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
its job is not a high priority one. These are good threads because they care about
other threads. If however there are no other threads in the queue, the scheduler
will send it back to the CPU again.
2. A running thread can sleep for a definite amount of time and then go to the
runnable state. In this case, you are always guaranteed that the next thread
comes to the CPU only after t1 sec where t1 is the amount of time the thread
slept. Usually threads will sleep because their operation is dependent on the
execution of other threads.
Now that we know the typical lifecycle of a thread, let’s see how we can do multi-
threading in Java.
Multi-Threading in Java
Java language supports multi-threading using the standard built-in classes. The good
thing is that there is just one class and one interface we need to know to start writing
multi-threaded applications. These are
1. java.lang.Runnable interface
2. java.lang.Thread class
Thread class
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
static Thread
currentThread() Returns the current thread
Runnable Interface
The only method in this interface is the “run” method as shown below:
Main Thread
As I said before, threads are nothing but sub processes within a parent process. It is this
parent process that creates the threads. Let me ask you a question. What if there is no
parent process? The answer is simple. There will not be any threads. Therefore, before
we start creating the threads, we need to have a parent process. So, the question is, who
is this parent process? You know what; the class that has the main method is itself the
parent process and we call it as the main thread. It is within this main method, we will
start spawning threads. So, let’s prove this fact by writing a simple program.
Take a look at the code in listing 8.1.
package threads;
Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
Compile and execute the above program to see the following result.
As you can see from the output, the name of the thread is “main” which is the parent
thread and its priority is 5. This is the default priority of the main thread. The
currentThread() method returns the Thread object that is actually running the
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
code. In our case it returned as the main thread. This proves that main method itself is
the parent thread. Let’s look at mode details on threads from here onwards.
Creating a Thread
You might wonder why we need two different ways of creating a thread. We’ll get to the
answer later. Let’s first understand how to create the threads using both ways.
Runnable Interface
1. Write a class that implement the Runnable interface and implement the run()
2. Create a Thread object by passing the Runnable object
3. Start the thread.
See the following code in listing 8.2 that demonstrates the above three simple steps.
package threads;
* Any statements that should be executed concurrently
* must go in this method.
public void run() {
System.out.println("Executed the thread");
As you can see from the above code, we first wrote a thread class that implements the
Runnbale interface with the run() method. All the statements that should be executed
concurrently must be placed in this method. This is the rule. Ok. Now, take a look at the
test class in listing 8.2b that creates and starts this thread.
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
package threads;
// Step 1
MyThread t1 = new MyThread();
// Step 2
Thread th = new Thread(t1);
// Step 3
In the above test class, the main method (parent thread) created the object of MyThread
class, and passed it to the Thread object constructor. Finally it started the thread using
the start() method. When the start() method is invoked, the thread will go to
runnable state (queue) and is now at the mercy of scheduler. When the CPU executes the
thread (which is MyThread) , it executes the statements in its run() method. The rule
is, place all the statements that are to be executed inside the thread in the run()
C:/JavaTraining>chapter8>javac threads\*.java
C:/JavaTraining>chapter8>java threads.RunnableTest
From the output, you can see that it executed the main thread first, followed by
MyThread. On some other computer, the output statements may be reversed. One thing
you need to always keep in mind is that with multi-threading the output is never
guaranteed to be same on all computers or even by running the same program again an
again. This is because every OS will have its own scheduler program that functions
differently from others.
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
Thread Priorities
In Java, we can also set the priority of a given thread. Thread priority gives the
programmer a way to only suggest the scheduler to run the thread ahead of other low
priority threads. But again, the scheduler decides whether or not to obey this order. You
as a developer can only suggest but not command the scheduler. There are three
priorities we can set on a given thread such as low, medium and high as shown below:
In the previous program, let’s set a high priority as shown below to see if our thread
get’s executed before the main thread.
Compile and execute the program again with the above statement and see if the output
is reversed or not. The result can be something like shown below:
In this case, we need to write a thread class that extends the Thread class and overwrite
the run() method. This is just a different style, ok. See the code in listing 8.3.
package threads;
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
As you can see, we created a thread class by inheriting from Thread class as shown
We then overwrote the run() method. Easy, right? Let’s now write the main class that
creates the above thread.
package threads;
As you can see from the above test class, to create a thread all we need to do is,
This is the simplest way of creating a thread. Most applications uses this style of creating
threads. Now, let’s find out the answer to the question we left couple pages ago. When
do we use Thread class and when do we use Runnable interface?
Answer: Use implements Runnbale style when the thread class should also be a child
class of some other non-thread parent class as shown below:
If however the class doesn’t have to inherit from any other non-thread parent class, then
use the extends Thread style.
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
Thread Yielding
A thread can voluntarily give up the CPU to give other threads a chance to get into the
CPU. So why should the thread so graciously yield the CPU? Usually when we have a
threads that need to run for long duration of time say for several hours, in such cases it
would be beneficial to make the thread yield at regular intervals of time so that we can
take decision whether or not we want to proceed further or terminate the thread.
As an example, let’s say your notebook started running a background process to backup
your hard disk and takes like 4 hours to complete the job. If it doesn’t yield, you have to
patiently wait for 4 hours before you leave home which I know is not good at all. On the
other hand, if the thread gives you some alert at regular intervals of time whether or not
to continue further, then based on the importance of the job you can decide to either kill
it or run it.
Another typical application is the threads that do less important work. In such cases
graciously giving up the CPU for other threads that are deemed to be of utmost critical
is a good thing. Let’s write a small example where we have 4 threads namely A,B,C,D.
What we will do is, set a priority of 5 for thread A, and priority 10 for B,C,D making
them more critical than A. Ok. Listing 8.4 shows the code for low priority thread and
high priority threads.
package threads;
public class LessImportantThread extends Thread {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
As you can see from the above code, the thread yielded by calling the yield() method.
This method inherited from the Thread class. When it yielded, the scheduler may give
the other threads a chance to execute because they are set high priority.
package threads;
The run() method in the CriticalThread class is pretty simple. Its constructor takes
a name argument an passes it to parent class constructor. The Thread class has a
method called getName() which when used, will return back the thread name. With
the above two thread classes, let’s now look at the ThreadStarter parent thread class.
package threads;
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
The above class simply created one less useful thread with the name A and priority 5,
and three critical threads with names B,C,D with priorities 10. Usually the thread name
should be passed to the Thread class which is why we used the following statement in
the thread constructors:
To display the thread name for debugging purposes, we can call the getName()
method which prints the thread name. This is exactly what we did in the run()
methods. Compile and execute the above classes as shown below:
C:/JavaTraining>chapter8>javac threads\*.java
C:/JavaTraining>chapter8>java threads.ThreadStarter
B Running
A Running
A yielded
C Running
D Running
Main Thread completed
A Running Again
Looking at the above result, when A yielded, our scheduler sent C and D threads to the
CPU followed by main thread. Finally our less useful thread A came back and finished
its work.
One of the widely used application of threads is the resource sharing where multiple
threads compete for the same resource at the same time. This is when the resource will
get messed up. This scenario can be viewed as four kids fighting for the same toy and
you all know what will happen to the toy ultimately. So the solution to keep the toy
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
from breaking is to make the kids (threads) get hold of the toy(resource) one after the
other. This is what we call as synchronizing the threads to share the resource.
In our example we will use a printer object as the resource that multiple threads use to
print the documents. We will look at two cases, one without synchronizing and other
with synchronizing the threads and compare the results. Fig 8.1 demonstrates the idea
for this example.
package threads;
try {
// Sleep for 1 second (Simulating the printing process)
} catch (Exception e) {
Chapter 8 Multi-Threading in Java
Look at the above Printer class. This class has a print() method that takes the data
and prints it. Just to make the printer take at least 1sec (1000ms) to print the document,
we add the sleep() method to sleep for 1 sec. Now look at the thread class shown in
listing 8.5b.
package threads;
Printer p;
String data;
this.p = p; = data;
The above thread class takes the Printer object reference along with the data through
the constructor. When the CPU executes the thread, the run() method simply calls the
print() method on the Printer object by passing the data as shown below:
Listing 8.5c (PrinterTest) Test class creting threads to access the same printer.
package threads;
// Create Threads
Chapter 8 Synchronization
Now, look at the test class. It first created the Printer resource object and then created
four threads passing the same resource (p) with different data as shown below:
Finally it started all the threads. If all the threads behaved well, then we expect the
output to be in the pattern shown below:
Let’s compile and execute the above test code with the following commands and cerify if
the result indeed follows the above pattern or not.
C:/JavaTraining>javac threads\*.java
C:/JavaTraining>java threads.PrinterTest
As you can see from the above, printing the documents is messed up. It didn’t follow
our expected pattern. This is what happens when all the threads simultaneously act on a
single resource. To prevent this from happening we need to synchronize the printer
resource. Let’s see how we do this.
Thread synchronization is the art of making the threads access the resource one after the
other without messing up the resource. The question is, who does this synchronization?
Will the resource does this or will the threads do it. You know what, both can do it. In
Java, there is a keyword named synchronized that we can use to implement
Chapter 8 Synchronization
If the resource itself want to implement the synchronization, all it need to do is declare
its shared methods (print method) using the synchronized keyword. In our example, the
resource is the print() method in the Printer class, so we declare the method as,
Modify our print() method adding the above keyword and run the same test program
again. This time to your surprise, the output will be
Now the output looks great, right? See how simple it is for the resource to get the
threads in control. Let’s say the Printer class is obtained from a third party company
who didn’t synchronize the method and at the same time didn’t give us the permission
to access to the source code. What would you do in such situation? You cannot add
synchronized keyword to the print() method, right? Does this mean our poor printer
would be messed up by the four threads? Not really if the threads behave properly like
good threads. In such cases, the threads themselves need to take the responsibility to
synchronize the Printer object in their own run() method. This is where
synchronized block comes in handy. Let’s see what this is.
Synchronized blocks
A synchronized block is normally used by a thread to lock the resource from other
threads before using it. The syntax for this block is,
In our example, let’s again remove the synchronized keyword from the print()
method. Now update the run() method in the PrintThread class as shown below:
Chapter 8 Summary
synchronized ( p ){
As you can see from the above code, we first synchronized the printer object “p” and
then invoked the method. This is like a thread locking the printer object and putting the
key in its pocket until it is done with the object.
Run the same program again with the above updated code, and the result will still be
the same good result. This is called as external synchronizing.
This completes all the important things you need to know to work with threads. There
are however, some concepts like joining the threads etc., which we seldom use in real
world applications. Read the interview questions in the later section, and you’ll be good
to go. For now, let’s summarize what we learned this far in threads.
9 Multi-threading is a technique in which multiple threads in a single process are
executed simultaneously.
9 Java supports multi-threading using the threads API.
9 A thread goes through several states before it finally dies.
9 A thread can voluntarily relinquish control of CPU by yielding. It can later come
back to CPU and resume its execution cycle.
9 Java uses Thread class and Runnable interface to create threads.
9 All the statements that should be executed simultaneously must be placed inside
the run() method of the thread class.
9 Synchronization is the process by which multiple threads can access the resource
one after the other without corrupting the resource.
9 To synchronize the threads with the resource, we use synchronized keyword.
a) Thread
b) Runnable
Chapter 8 Interview Questions
a) Thread
b) Runnable
a) Running
b) Runnable
5. Which of the following keyword is used to sync the threads with the resource?
a) synchronize
b) synchronized
Interview Questions
Question: Explain the lifecycle of a thread.
Answer: Refer to page
R1 R2
T1 T2
Chapter 9 Chapter Goals
JAR Files and Using API
Chapter 9
JAR Files and Using API
By the end of this last chapter, you will become familiar about creating and using JAR
files, understand how to use API’s and how to work with CLASSPATH.
Chapter Goals
9 Learn how to create JAR files
9 Learn how to use JAR files
9 Understand CLASSPATH variable
9 Learn to use any Java API
Environment Setup
All the programs in this chapter should be stored in the following directory.
misc is a package in which we will store the programs. To compile the programs, move
to the following root directory and get ready.
Chapter 9 Introduction
JAR Files and Using API
As I said at the very beginning of the chapter, a Java application is nothing but a
collection of several classes. We also know that Java is platform independent because we
can port the class files to any operating system. Though porting a Java application is
simply copying the class files from one system to another, it’s not as easy as it looks. We
need to use some utility tools that aid in porting the code conveniently and this is what
we will learn in this chapter.
Usually Java applications comprises several class files, and it’s tedious to distribute each
and every file to the clients. Instead, we pack all the files into one or more JAR files and
then distribute the JAR files to who ever need it.
The primary reason for the success of Java is the usability factor. A single Java
application can use any third party Java applications with ease. Let me clarify this. Say,
you want to build chatting application in Java. To build this application, there are
several components you need to build, like FTP application to transfer files during
chatting, voice transfer application for voice chatting, image transfer application for
video chatting and so forth. Developing all these components is time consuming task if
we build all from scratch. What if there are some companies that distribute free and
reliable Java code for the above components? This way we don’t have to write all the
complex code using complex algorithms. All we need to do is use the third-party code
and integrate it into our application. Is’nt this cool? This is the best part of Java. These
companies usually distribute the Java code in the form of JAR files, and once we get
these JAR files, we can use the classes in the JAR files as if they are our own classes.
There are two things we need to know here. As a sender, we need to know how to create
JAR files, and as a receiver we need to know how to use the JAR files in our application.
So, let’s learn both.
Chapter 9 Notion of JAR file
JAR Files and Using API
A Jar file is created using the jar tool that comes along with the Java software
installation. Let’s first write couple of classes and then create a JAR file with the two
classes shown in listing 9.1a&b.
package misc;
package misc;
The above two classes are pretty straightforward. Let’s don the role of sender and create
a Jar file with the above two classes in it. Following are the steps to create a Jar file.
Chapter 9 Notion of JAR file
JAR Files and Using API
3. Finally, create the Jar file named audiovideo.jar to include the source files
and class files that are in misc package using the following command:
added manifest
adding: misc/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: misc/AudioTransferTool.class(in = 540) (out=
333)(deflated 38%)
adding: misc/ = 263) (out=
144)(deflated 45%)
adding: misc/VideoTransferTool.class(in = 545) (out=
342)(deflated 37%)
adding: misc/ = 269) (out=
153)(deflated 43%)
The Jar command displays all the verbose of what it did on the console. You’ll now see
audiovideo.jar created in the same directory. If you noticed the above verbosity, it
added both “.java” files “.class” files. Most people would only archive the class files
only. They will never distribute the source code. This is how they maintain the
ownership of the code. If you only want to give the class files, then we tweak the above
command as shown below:
added manifest
adding: misc/AudioTransferTool.class(in = 540) (out= 333)(deflated 38%)
adding: misc/VideoTransferTool.class(in = 545) (out= 342)(deflated 37%)
The above command just added the “.class” files. Many a times, classes will be
distributed in more then one package. In such cases, to create a Jar file with classes in
different packages, all we need to do is simply list all the directories we want to archive
with a space delimiter as shown below:
This is all you need to know about creating JAR files. Copy the above Jar file to the
following directory:
Using the Jar files is the best part of Java. Assuming that we received the above
audiovideo.jar file via email or some other means, let’s write a chatting program
that uses the two classes in the jar file.
Chapter 9 Notion of JAR file
JAR Files and Using API
package chatapplication;
import misc.*;
import misc.*;
Since the classes in the jar file are in the misc package, we need to import them using the
import statement. The above statement imports all the class files in the misc package,
which is what we want, right?
Once we finished importing, we are ready to use the classes in the Jar file like our own
classes. Therefore, we created objects of the classes, and invoked the methods as shown
Chapter 9 Notion of JAR file
JAR Files and Using API
Let’s compile the above class with the following command and see what happens.
C:\JavaTraining>chapter9>javac chatapplication\*.java
Shoot. The compiler is not happy. It says it cannot resolve the imports for Audio/Video
classes. Did we miss anything here? Yes, we did. We wrote the program that uses the
classes in the Jar file. From program point of view, we did everything right. This is just
not sufficient. How does the Java compiler know where these classes are? This is like
asking the compiler to compile a program that uses third party classes without telling it
where the third party classes are. No wonder why the compiler bombed at us.
We know that the above classes are in the audiovideo.jar file, but how do we tell
this to the compiler? Good question. This is where something called CLASSPATH
variable comes into picture. Let’s first understand what the CLASSPATH variable is
before we fix the above errors.
CLASSPATH is a standard variable that Java compiler uses to determine the location of
classes that are to be loaded before compiling the program. During the installation of
Java software, a default value for this CLASSPATH variable will be set. The default
Chapter 9 Notion of JAR file
JAR Files and Using API
value is nothing but the location of the built-in library classes. To specify the location of
third-party Jar files, we need to append the location of the new Jar file to the existing
classpath as shown below:
The problem with the above command is that, if you close the command window, then
you again have to type the above command before executing the program. There is a
way to get rid of this problem using the following process:
2. Select the CLASSPATH and click Edit button. This will display a small
window as shown below:
Chapter 9 Notion of JAR file
JAR Files and Using API
3. Append the following at the end as shown and click OK. Keep Clicking OK until
all the windows disapprears.
When the Java compiler compiles the program, it first checks the above CLASSPATH
variable and then compiles the program. Since the location of the audiovideo.jar is
also specified in the class path, it will then compile the program without any errors.
Now, compile the chat application program again, and all the errors will disappear. You
can then execute the program like we did before to see the following output.
C:\JavaTraining>chapter9>java chatapplication.ChatApplication
If you have more than one Jar file, you have to append all the JAR files to the
CLASSPATH variable. This is all you need to know about creating Jars and using Jars. I
am sure the above commands are simple and pretty straight forward. In real world
applications, there will be fancy editors where you simply click the easy button to do all
the above tasks. Cool.
Chapter 9 Understanding API
JAR Files and Using API
Understanding API
This is the buzzword that you always hear with any Java application. API stands for
“Application Programming Interface”. This is nothing but the Java documentation that
we saw in the previous chapter. This is a funky name given to the Java documentation.
As I said before, a Java application is a collection of several classes and interfaces. Since
it’s virtually impossible to remember the names of each and every class, there must be
documentation about all the classes that we can use to learn the functionality the classes
Usually any company that develops a technology using Java, provide us with the so
called API which is nothing but Java documentation in HTML format that we saw in the
previous chapter. We then use the API to understand the functionality of the classes,
and then use them in our programs.
If someone like your manager comes to you and say, “Use Spring API to build database
applications”, what he means is,
1. Use the Jar files that Spring has provided to build the application and
2. Use the API (HTML documentation) to learn about the classes in the Jar files.
Like wise, if I say, “Let’s learn Servlet API”, what I mean is, use the documentation and
understand the details about the servlet classes. The good thing about Java is that, all
this documentation is available online. You can also download the documentation if you
want. When you download a Java technology from a company, they also give you the
Java documentation for all the classes used by the technology. The reason is simple. If
they don’t give you the documentation, then we cannot use their technology and they
are the ones who lose their business. So, trust me, there will always be documentation
for any Java technology. So, don’t panic to learn all the classes.
If you need the API for any Java technology, for instance Struts technology, just type
“Struts API” it in Google, and it will pull it up for you. The API will look as shown in
the following figure.
Chapter 9 Understanding API
JAR Files and Using API
If you look at the above figure, it will display all the class names (left bottom), and all
the packages it has (right side). You can click on the links to know about each class.
Now is the moment to call yourself as an expert Java Programmmer. So, hearty
congratulations and a job well done. Take my high five.
Chapter 9 Suggestion
JAR Files and Using API
Now that you have become a very good Java Programmer, take a small break and enjoy
yourself. When you come back, I am going to teach you something called J2EE. Trust
me, J2EE is lot easier than Java fundamentals.
Most people are scared of Java because of the number of technologies it has and
remembering the class names in these technologies. But you know what, you don’t have
to memorize all the classes as long as you know what the program is doing. If some
technology or even a program frustrates you, skip it temporarily and revisit it later.
When you revisited and if it still frustrates you, then forget about the technology. You’ll
be fine. Take my word. Always make sure that you move forward and make sure you
don’t loose your heart. Very important.
Congratulations on successfully completing the Core Java fundamentals. Keep the ball
Chapter 9 Suggestion
JAR Files and Using API
Part 2
Chapter 10 Chapter Goals
Introduction to J2EE
Chapter 10
Introduction to J2EE
This chapter introduces you to the world of J2EE by highlighting the important J2EE
technologies and their application. This will also give an idea about J2EE application
servers and their role in building enterprise applications.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the notion of J2EE
9 Understand the key challenges during enterprise application development
9 Understand the key challenges when an application is run on internet
9 Understand what a J2EE application server is.
9 Understand the core J2EE technologies supported by the application servers
9 Know the list of free and commercial servers available in the market
9 Understand the various J2EE architectures.
Environment Setup
Not Needed.
Chapter 10 Introduction
Introduction to J2EE
Having learned all the good things in Java, we finally landed in the world of J2EE. Let
me tell you one thing. J2EE is unbelievably easy and simple. You can take my word on
this. As I told you at the beginning itself, Java is used to build two types of applications;
standalone and internet based applications. All the Java programs we learned and
developed until now are standalone applications. These applications are either console
based applications that spit the output to the console, or GUI based applications like
word processors, paint tools etc where funky windows show up to display information.
These applications are like independent applications that are used by several users and
every user will have a copy of the application. Such Java applications are no different
from applications built using other languages like C, C++ etc, except being platform
independent. This is one side of Java that we all know about.
The other side of Java is that it can be used build Internet based applications that can be
used by millions of users at the same time. This is the true power of Java. Such internet
applications are popularly known as enterprise level applications, as they form the faces of
today’s modern enterprises on the internet. So, from now onwards, we will use Java to
build enterprise level applications that run on internet.
The advent of internet has completely changed the world of communication. With the
widespread usage of internet, businesses quickly realized a whole new market had
opened up to exploit and started taking advantage through e-commerce. E-commerce is
nothing but doing business using internet and has become an instant success. E-
commerce applications have now become the global faces of business companies and
completely changed the dimensions of businesses. With almost all the businesses going
online, the information assets of a company became more and more valuable. In order to
sustain the competition, adoption of sophisticated technologies has become the key
factor in exploiting the information assets of a business. J2EE is one such technology that
helps businesses to build better and flexible e-commerse applications by securing the
critical business data.
Now that we know what an enterprise application is, let’s look at the key challenges that
every enterprise application faces.
Chapter 10 Introduction
Introduction to J2EE
Performance: Since the application is now exposed to millions of users, its very
important that it responds faster enough to user requests. This is one of the most
important aspects that play a key role in the success of a business.
Availability: It’s very important that the application be up and running all the times
with almost zero downtime. Few seconds of downtime can result in losing thousands of
Security: The application must be able to provide a secure environment during the
exchange of information between customers and businesses.
All the above are the challenges that an enterprise application faces after it is completely
developed. However, there are few challenges while developing the application itself.
Building enterprise application is not that simple as it involves interactions with several
software systems like databases, mainframe systems, messaging systems and what not.
We see two important challenges here.
Challenge 1: Making our Java program interact with such complex systems. It is very
important for us to understand the details of the system that we want to interact with
like say, what format the request should be sent, what protocol to use to send the
request, what kind of response we get back and all that good stuff. Understanding such
systems and writing code to interact with such systems is a time consuming task and
delays building enterprise applications. The result is "Your company is losing serious
business". You agree with me? Good.
If you own a business, you want to spend more time writing code that serves your
customers rather then writing code to connect with databases, legacy systems etc, right?
But again, you can't serve your customers without connecting to such systems.
Therefore, we need some ready made specialized helper technologies that already know
how to interact with such complicated systems, and all we need to do is use such
technologies to talk with them.
Challenge 2: We are trying to build enterprise applications in Java. What if the above
mentioned ready made helper technologies are written in some other language say C,
C++ etc,? Again it gets complicated (but not impossible) for our Java program to use the
technologies. So, to make our life easy, we need someone to develop these technologies
in Java itself. Then a Java program using Java technologies will be pretty straight
forward, right?
Chapter 10 Core J2EE Technologies
Introduction to J2EE
Challenge 3: Assuming that we have all the ready made helper technologies written in
Java, managing such technologies is yet another challenge. For instance, configuring the
technologies, managing the lifecycle of the technologies and above all, running our
enterprise application that uses the technologies. So, we need some sort of sophisticated
environment which we also call as runtime that helps in addressing this challenge.
J2EE provides one such sophisticated environment which we call it as J2EE Application
Server. Learning J2EE is nothing but,
Chapter 10 Core J2EE Technologies
Introduction to J2EE
The above listed technologies are standard J2EE technologies that are supported by
every application server. However, there are several open-source technologies (free of
cost) in the market though not adapted as standard technology in J2EE platform, are
very popular and demanding in the world of J2EE. These technologies have become
very popular and almost every real world J2EE application since the last couple of years
is using them. Following is the list of popular open-source Java technologies.
In simple terms, Open Source technology is free to use and a standard J2EE technology
is proprietary. With open-source technology, companies will also distribute the source
code (Java source files) along with the class files, so that you can modify and use if
needed. This is why we call them as open source technologies. But this is not the case with
standard J2EE technologies listed in Table 10.1. Companies will never give the source
code, ok.
I am sure you are disappointed to know that you have to learn all the above
technologies in the two tables. You know what; you really don’t have to know all the
technologies. An enterprise level application is a very complex and huge application. It
is impossible for a single person to build it from scratch. Instead, there will several teams
to build the entire application, and every team is specialized in a particular area. To
understand this, take a look at Fig 10.1.
Chapter 10 Core J2EE Technologies
Introduction to J2EE
Web Development
Team Middle Ware Team Integration Team
Servlet/JSP Spring, JDBC JMS, JCA etc
Struts EJB, JNDI etc
If you look at the above figure, we see like three different teams involved in the entire
application development. The technologies used by the teams are listed under the team
names. The web development team uses Servlet/JSP and Struts technologies. So, if you
happen to get a Job as Java Web Developer, then you are good if you know just these
two technologies. All the teams together are called as Server Side developers which
means if you are get a job as server side developer, you might work in any of the above
teams based on your specialization and expertise. However you can also work in all the
teams at the same time.
All this is to say that you don’t have to worry about the number of technologies you
have to learn. But it’s always good to know the purpose of each and every technology so
that you are not lost during discussions with other teams.
Chapter 10 Core J2EE Technologies
Introduction to J2EE
This book covers in detail the following latest and greatest technologies that are used in
today’s real world J2EE applications. Trust me; knowing these is more than enough to
land in a good job in J2EE world. Fair enough, right. The whole purpose of this book is
teaching you Java and J2EE that is needed to land in a good job.
EJB technology is an ocean and the complete details of it are beyond the scope of the
book. Most of the real world applications are slowly trying to get away from EJB due its
complexity and moving to Spring/Hibernate which will be covered in detail. We will
only learn those technologies that are widely used in real world applications.
At this point let me tell you one thing. Writing J2EE programs is very simple. It hardly
takes few minutes to write the program, but the real challenge is getting it running. This
is because J2EE is process oriented. You need to strictly follow a systematic process to
make the application running and working.
This challenge can be addressed by keeping things simple and following a systematic
approach which is exactly what we’ll do in this book. I will outline all the steps that you
need to follow to run the applications. If you still don't get something to work, don't
loose your heart. Learn J2EE with passion and more than that with patience. I am sure
you'll enjoy it. The way to learn J2EE is, learn to build applications using technologies.
As long as you know what you are trying to accomplish, you are good. If you can get the
application working, it’s a BONUS. That's how I learned J2EE. I never worried even if
the program failed to work as long as I know that I followed a systematic process and
what I did makes sense.
Chapter 10 Enterprise Application Architectures
Introduction to J2EE
Let me ask you a question here. Do all the technologies require the use of an application
server? Good question. The answer is No. You only need a server primararily when you
build Web applications. The only technologies used to build web applications are:
9 Servlets/JSP and
9 Struts
We can call the above two technologies as mainstream technologies. All others are
helper technologies that the mainstream technologies use to build the applications.
Therefore, when we learn helper technologies like JDBC, Spring, Hibernate we will run
them as standalone applications using javac and java commands. We will only use the
server when we write applications using Servlet/JSP and Struts technologies. Keep this
in mind.
2-Tier Architecture
Look at Fig 10.2 that shows typical 2-tier architecture. In this architecture, all the business
logic and presentation logic of the application is embedded in the clients computer itself.
Therefore if my application has 100 clients, I need to install the application on all the 100
client computers. However the database will still reside on a separate computer that will
be shared by all the clients.
Client 1
Client 2
Chapter 10 Enterprise Application Architectures
Introduction to J2EE
The disadvantages of this architecture outweigh the few advantages making it less
3-Tier Architecture
Fig 10.3 shows typical 3-tier architecture. In this architecture, the presentation logic,
business logic and data are logically distributed in three tiers. The main difference is that
the business logic is permanently isolated from all the client systems and moved to
centralized middle tier. The presentation logic on the client systems will query the
business logic in the middle tier which in turn accesses the data from the database. This
architecture overcomes all the cons of 2-tier system.
Client 1
Client 2
Chapter 10 Enterprise Application Architectures
Introduction to J2EE
9 Centralized business logic will offer more flexibility. Business logic is only
required to be changed at one place there by eliminating the installation process
of the application on client systems.
9 Less network traffic, thereby improving the performance of the application.
9 Application performance is no longer dependent on client computer due to the
business logic isolation.
9 No more maintenance nightmares.
9 Any update to the business logic must be accepted by all the clients even if they
are not ready for updates.
N-Tier Architecture
In this type of architecture, the application logic is divided based on the functionality
rather than physically like in 2-tier and 3-tier architectures. A typical n-tier architecture
contains the following elements:
User Interface: This is something like a web browser that handles the client interactions.
Presentation Logic: This defines format using which the information will be displayed.
Business Logic: Encapsulates all the business rules by interacting with data sources.
Infrastructure Services: These are utility services that the presentation and business logic
makes use of.
Data tier: This contains all the enterprise data.
Application Databases
Shared Services
File System
Chapter 10 J2EE Application Servers
Introduction to J2EE
Breaking the application logic based on functionality offers several benefits like
flexibility, better maintenance, improved performance, reusability of code and may
more. This architecture is also referred to as Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
Enterprise Architecture
Client A N - Tier
File System
Client B N - Tier
Data Tier
An application server is the heart of any J2EE application. This is the one that runs the
enterprise application on the internet. So, we can’t even move a step forward without
knowing what this is.
Chapter 10 J2EE Application Servers
Introduction to J2EE
A J2EE application server is a ready made sophisticated application that will host and
run all the J2EE applications. There are several free and commercial application servers
available in the market today that are developed by noted companies like Sun
Microsystems Inc, IBM, BEA and many more. What is the purpose of all these
companies developing the same application server? Good question. Here is the deal.
Sun Microsystems first came up with the notion of J2EE platform that can be used to
build large scale enterprise applications in Java. To simplify the development of such
applications, they felt the need for the following two things:
They did the hard work and came up with the specifications for the above. These are
popularly known as J2EE specifications. Having just the specifications is not good
enough. We need someone to convert the specifications into workable realities.
Therefore, Sun Microsystems decided to distribute the specifications to companies who
can implement them. This is how IBM, BEA, Apache and several other companies came
into picture. These companies used the J2EE specifications from Sun Microsystems, and
built the two workable components listed above using their expertise. Once they built
the application server along with the helper technologies, they started selling it.
A company to build and host enterprise level applications in Java needs a J2EE
application server. It will therefore hunt for those who sell the J2EE servers and come
across several companies like SUN, IBM, BEA, JBoss and many more. After serious
negotiations with the companies, it finally chooses the company who sells it for less $$
and more value.
Once you have a J2EE application server, you can start building and running enterprise
applications. All the companies that built the J2EE Application Server gave funky names
to their product shown in the following table:
Chapter 10 J2EE Application Servers
Introduction to J2EE
To summarize, “A J2EE application server runs enterprise internet applications that are built
using standard J2EE technologies”. Remember this one point, and you are good.
Look at the following figure that shows the architecture of a J2EE application server.
Servlets/JSP EJB
Let me ask you one question here. An application server has both Web container and
EJB container. If our application doesn’t use EJB technology, do we need an EJB
container? You are right. We don’t need an EJB container. In such cases, having just a
web container is good enough. Therefore, purchasing an application server is not a good
idea. We therefore need a vendor who just gives us a Web container. This is where a
company named Apache Software Inc, comes into picture who developed a Web
container named Tomcat. This web container is FREE to download. Wow. This is really
cool, isn’t it? Not only that we got a web container, but also for free of cost. Cool deal.
Chapter 10 Summary
Introduction to J2EE
In this book, we will use this FREE Tomcat web container to run the applications. When
we get to a point where we need to use the Tomcat container, we’ll see how to install it.
Until then don’t worry about it.
With all this basic understanding of what J2EE is all about and J2EE application servers,
let’s begin the journey into J2EE with passion. Trust me, developing J2EE application is
fun and I am sure you’ll enjoy it. So, without wasting any further time, let’s start
learning the J2EE technologies. But for now, lets summarize this chapter.
Chapter 10 Time to play 50-50
Introduction to J2EE
a) Struts
b) Hibernate
4. Which of the following is the name of the application server from IBM?
a) Websphere
b) Weblogic
a) WebLogic
b) Tomcat
7. Which of the following architecture is widely used for building J2EE application?
a) 2-tier
b) n-tier
8. Which of the following are the main challenges with a J2EE application?
There will not be any interview questions in this chapter, as it just an introductory
chapter. Let’s move on to the next chapters to begin our journey into the world
called J2EE.
Chapter 11 Chapter Goals
Chapter 11
By the end of this chapter, you will be an expert in writing Java applications that talk
with databases. This chapter will explain the details of what a database is, how to use
JDBC technology to connect with databases, and how to execute the SQL queries against
the database. This chapter also gives you a brief over of SQL and it syntax.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the basics of Databases and Drivers
9 Understand the basics of SQL language
9 Understand the important components in JDBC API
9 Learn to write Java programs to connect with databases
9 Learn to write programs to store data in the database tables
9 Understand various database operations.
9 Understand the notion of Connection Pooling
9 Understand the common problems in typical databases and solutions to address
Environment Setup
Chapter 11 Chapter Goals
Since it’s always tedious to set the classpath, we will define the classpath setting in batch
file named ‘env.bat’ and execute the batch file before we start executing the programs.
This makes life easy. Follow the instructions below to complete the JDBC setup process.
1. Install J2EE SDK, MySql and DbVisualizer software following the instructions in
“Software Installation” chapter.
5. Create a directory named jdbc as shown below to store the JDBC examples.
Note: Whenever you start working with JDBC, the first thing you need to do is execute
the batch file to setup the classpath as shown below:
Once you execute the above command you are ready to compile and execute any JDBC
program in this chapter.
Chapter 11 Introduction
The success of any business depends on the information and data assets it possesses.
Therefore it is very important for a business to have a system for storing and retrieving
data. Though files are used for storing data, they are highly inefficient in many respects
like the amount of data that can be stored, retrieving the data and many more. In order
for the businesses to be competent, they need sophisticated systems for storing complex
and heavy volume of data and at the same time retrieve the data faster enough to
process the data. One such systems are the so called Databases.
Databases typically form the back bone for any e-business company. Any enterprise
application usually queries the databases to store, manipulate and retrieve the data to
fulfill user’s requests. Therefore understanding the basic details of databases is very
important for building enterprise applications.
In this chapter, we will first learn the basics of databases and then learn how to use
JDBC helper technology to access the databases from Java programs. So, let’s rock.
Database Basics
A database as the name suggests is a sophisticated system for storing the data.
Databases store the data in the form of tables with each table containing several records
of data. Databases are broadly categorized into two types as listed below:
A single table databases doesn’t mean that they have just one table. It will have several
tables of data and all the tables are independent of each other. The main drawback with
these databases is the lack of flexibility while retrieving the data. On the other hand in
multi table databases, two or more tables are related with other. This feature offers more
flexibility and power to retrieve the data. These databases are therefore called as
relational databases. Most of the modern enterprises use relational databases.
Table: Customers
Name SSN Age Country
John 1234567 47 USA
Smith 3435345 21 Canada
Chapter 11 Structured Query Language (SQL)
The above table shows customers table that has two records of data. A typical database
will have ‘n’ number tables with each having ‘n’ number of records.
A relational database can store the data in several tables that are related with each other
as shown below:
Table: Customers
Name SSN Age Country
John 1234567 47 USA
Smith 3435345 21 Canada
Table: Addresses
SSN AddressLine 1 AddressLine 2 City State
1234567 Apt # 20 1111 S St LA CA
3435345 Apt #2345 2222 N St Detroit MI
If you notice the above tables, they are related with each other by the common column
SSN. The two tables together represent the customer information. To pull the customer
information, we need to pull the data from both the tables based on the matching SSN.
For here onwards, let’s use the following figure to represent a database.
Now that we know what relational databases are capable of, we need to know
something about how to store the data and retrieve the data to and from databases.This
is where SQL comes into picture. So, let’s see what this is all about.
Chapter 11 Structured Query Language (SQL)
Creating a table
Let’s create a table named Customers to store customer data like firstname, lastname,
ssn, age, city, state, and country as shown below:
Table : Customers
FirstName LastName SSN Age City State Country
Using the above syntax, to create the customers table, the SQL query will be as shown
While creating table, it’s very important to mention the type of data that will be stored in
various columns. VARCHAR is a standard datatype for storing text data. NUMERIC is used
for storing numbers. The numbers in parenthesis represent the maximum length of data
that can be stored. Likewise, there are several other data types. Table 11.1 lists some of
the most important SQL data types:
Chapter 11 Structured Query Language (SQL)
To insert the data into the tables, we use the INSERT query. A single insert query inserts
one record or row of data. Following is the sql syntax.
Using the above syntax, we insert the record into customers table as
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES (‘Smith’, ‘John’, 123456, 20, ‘Vegas’, ‘CA’, ‘USA’);
The above SQL inserts the data in the Customers table as shown below:
Table : Customers
FirstName LastName SSN Age City State Country
Smith John 123456 20 Vegas CA USA
If you don’t know what value to insert in a particular column, you must specify a NULL
as shown below:
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES (‘Smith’, null, 123456, 20, null, ‘CA’, ‘USA’);
To update the data in an existing record, we use the UPDATE query statement. The
syntax for this query is shown below:
Let’s say we want to change the last name to ‘Roberts’ and first name to ‘Joe’ whose SSN
is 123456. The update query will be,
Chapter 11 Structured Query Language (SQL)
The above query will update all the customers firstname and lastname whose SSN
equals to 123456. The contents of the table would be as shown below:
Table : Customers
FirstName LastName SSN Age City State Country
Joe Roberts 123456 20 Vegas CA USA
Retrieving the records is the most important database operation. We use the SELECT
query to retrieve the records. The syntax for this query is as shown below:
There are several ways you can use the SELECT query. To better understand, consider
the following table:
Table : Customers
FirstName LastName SSN Age City State Country
Joe Roberts 123456 20 Vegas CA USA
Sam Perry 34534543 22 LA CA USA
Serra Bates 567657 67 SFO CA USA
Serry Sanders 123213 33 DEN CO USA
Smith Murray 89789 45 NEV NV USA
Slater Mike 676576 32 COL OH USA
If the query has no WHERE clause, then it retrieves the selected columns from all the
records in the table. Based on this, let’s see few cases here:
In the above sql asterisk(*) means all columns of data. Since there is no WHERE clause in
the query, it will pull up all the records. The result of the above query is the entire table.
Case 2: Select all the customers who belong to the state of CA.
Chapter 11 Structured Query Language (SQL)
The above query will retrieve those records whose state is CA as shown below
Table: Customers
FirstName LastName SSN Age City State Country
Joe Roberts 123456 20 Vegas CA USA
Sam Perry 34534543 22 LA CA USA
Serra Bates 567657 67 SFO CA USA
Case 3: Retrieve the first names and last names whose country is USA and state is CA
(multiple conditions)
Table: Customers
FirstName LastName
Joe Roberts
Sam Perry
Serra Bates
This is how we need to use select query. The SQL language uses very general
terminology. Reading the SQL itself will tell us what it is doing.
All the above select queries retrieve the data from just ONE table only (Customers).
However, in real world applications data is required to be pulled from multiple tables.
Let’s take a look at a simple example.
Table 1: Books
Publisher ISBN Title
Wrox AB3456 Perl Scripting
McGraw YZ6789 Core Java
Table 2: Authors
Author ISBN Country
Smith AB3456 Germany
John YZ6789 Australia
Chapter 11 JDBC
If you noticed the above two (Books and Authors) tables, they are joined together using
the ISBN column. If we need to pull the publisher, author, title and country (data in both
the tables) for a particular ISBN, we do so as shown below:
SELECT t1.Publisher, t1.Title, t2.Author, t2.Country from Books t1, Authors t2 WHERE
t1.ISBN = t2.ISBN;
Whenever we need to pull data from multiple tables, we need to use alias names for
tables. In the above query, t1 is the alias name for Books table, and t2 is the alias name
for Authors table. Therefore, all the columns in books table must be prefixed with “t1.”
and columns in authors table must be prefixed with “t2.” as shown below:
Now, look at the where clause. Since we need to pull the data if the ISBN in both the
tables match, the where clause will be as shown below:
To delete the records in the table we use DELETE query. The syntax for this query is
shown below:
For instance, to delete all the customers whose state is CA, the query will be,
The above SQL deletes 3 records in the customers table. These are all the basic SQL
operations you need to know to work with any database. I am sure things are pretty
simple. With this basic knowledge of databases and SQL, we are now ready to learn
JDBC technology to access databases. Let’s rock and roll.
JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity which is a technology that allows Java
applications to,
Chapter 11 How JDBC talks with Databases
I Oracle
Java programs
The above figure should tell you the complete story. Java applications simply use JDBC
API to interact with any database.
Chapter 11 Database Drivers
Database Drivers
A driver is not a hardware device. It’s a software program that could be written in any
language. Every database will have its own driver program. Given a driver program of a
particular database, the challenge is how to use it to talk with database. To understand
this, we need to know the different types of drivers.
This is also called as Type-1 driver. Fig 11.2 shows the configuration of this driver.
Java Application
As you can notice from the above figure, this driver translates the JDBC calls to ODBC
calls in the ODBC layer. The ODBC calls are then translated to the native database API
calls. Because of the multiple layers of indirection, the performance of the application
using this driver suffers seriously. This type of driver is normally used for training
purposes and never used in commercial applications. The only good thing with this
driver is that you can access any database with it.
In simple words, with this driver for JDBC to talk with vendor specific native API,
following translations will be made.
Chapter 11 Database Drivers
This is also called as Type-2 driver. As the name suggests, this driver is partly built using
Java and partly with vendor specific API. Fig 11.3 shows the configuration of this driver.
Java Application
With this driver, the JDBC calls are translated to vendor specific native calls in just one
step. It completely eliminates the ODBC layer. Because of this ODBC layer elimination,
the applications using this driver perform better.
This is also known as Type-3 driver. If you look at the Type-2 driver configuration, we
only access one database at a time. However there will be situations where multiple Java
programs need to access to multiple databases. This is where Type-3 driver is used. It
acts as a middleware for the applications to access several databases. The Type-3
configuration internally may use Type-2 configuration to connect to database. See Fig
11.4 that shows the configuration of this driver.
JDBC Driver
Chapter 11 JDBC API
These are called as Type-4 drivers. Because of the widespread usage of Java, to facilitate
easy and faster access to databases from Java applications, database vendors built the
driver itself using Java like good friends helping each other. This is really cool as it
completely eliminates the translation process. JDBC is Java based technology, and with
the driver also written in Java, it can directly invoke the driver program as if it were any
other Java program. This is the driver that all the J2EE applications use to interact with
databases. Because this is a Java to Java interaction, this driver offers the best
performance. Fig 11.5 shows a Type-4 driver.
Java Application
Java Driver DB
Interview Question: What type of JDBC driver is normally used to access databases?
Answer: Type-4 driver which is also called as Pure Java driver.
To summarize, besides having a database, we need a Type-4 Java driver to work with
databases. Very important point to remember.
Now the question is, where do we get this Type-4 driver? For most the databases, we get
this driver program bundled in a JAR file when we download the database. Cool deal.
In this chapter, we will use MySQL database for all our applications. Assuming you
have downloaded both MySQL database and MySQL driver with the instructions in the
last chapter, we are now completely ready to write Java programs using JDBC API.
JDBC technology is nothing but an API. It is a set of classes and interfaces that our Java
programs use to execute the SQL queries against the database. The fundamental idea
behind JDBC is that, Java programs use JDBC API, and JDBC API will in turn use the
Chapter 11 JDBC API
driver to work with the database. Therefore, to work with MySQL database, we need to
configure the JDBC with all the MySQL information. This information is nothing but:
In simple words, for a Java program to work with the database, we first need to
configure JDBC with the above database info and then make the Java program use the
We’ll see how to configure JDBC later, but once configured, Table 11.2 lists the
important JDBC classes and interfaces that we can use to build applications.
Class/Interface Description
DriverManager This classes is used for managing the Drivers
It’s an interface that represents the connection to the
Statement Used to execute static SQL statements
PreparedStatement Used to execute dynamic SQL statements
CallableStatement Used to execute the database stored procedures
ResultSet Interface that represents the database results
ResultSetMetaData Used to know the information about a table
DatabaseMetadata Used to know the information about the database
The checked exception that all the database classes will
Let me tell you one thing here. JDBC programming is the simplest of all. There is a
standard process we follow to execute the SQL queries. Following lists the basic steps
involved in any JDBC program.
Chapter 11 JDBC API
By following the above process, we can have our Java programs successfully interact
with databases. Plase remember the above process. Its an interview question.
Before we run any of the programs, we need to start the MySQL database. To do so, run
the following command:
The above command will start the MySQL database and listens at port 3306.You can
close the command window if you want.
With the database up and running, using the above process and the JDBC API, let’s
write our first JDBC program. Our program simply establishes a connection to the
MySQL database. See code in listing 11.1.
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
If you look at the above program, the first thing we need to do is import the JDBC
classes using the following import statement. This is required for all the programs that
use JDBC.
Chapter 11 JDBC API
To get a connection to the database, we just have to follow the first two steps. In Step 1,
we load the JDBC driver using the following statement:
A JDBC driver is normally specified using fully qualified name of the driver class. For
MySQL database, the driver class name is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. For some other
databases, the class name will be different. The second step is to get the connection to
the database by specifying the URL. So, what is a URL? A URL is something that
identifies the database. Its syntax as shown below:
If the database is running on the same computer, the host name will be localhost.
With the above syntax, the MySQL database URL will look as
In the above URL, MyDB is the name of the database that we created while installing the
database. You can imagine schema as a something that contains all the tables in the
database. Every schema will have a name, which in our case is MyDB.
To get the connection, we need to invoke the static getConnection() method in the
DriverManager class by passing the above URL as a string. This method then returns a
Connection object as shown below:
Once we got the connection object, we simply displayed it. Save the program in the
‘jdbc’ directory and compile and execute the program as shown below:
C:/JavaTraining>chapter11>javac jdbc\*.java
C:/JavaTraining>chapter11>java jdbc.ConnectionTest
If all goes well and a connection is established, you’ll see the output something like
shown below.
Chapter 11 JDBC API
If something went wrong, you would see an exception message. As I said before, don’t
loose your heart if the program doesn’t run. As long as you understood what the
program is doing, you are good. Trust me.
In all the JDBC programs, steps 1,2 and 7 are always needed. Instead of writing the same
code again and again, let’s write a utility class that defines these three steps, and we can
use this utility in all the programs to eliminate the redundant code. So, let’s write this
class.See code listed in 11.2.
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
try {
// Step 1: Load the Driver
} catch (Exception e) {
.println("Unable to load the Driver. Please check your
} catch (Exception e) {
Chapter 11 JDBC API
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Failed to close the connection");
If you look at the above utility class, we have a static block to load the driver. The reason
we put this in the static block is that we only have to load the driver once. This class
defines two methods namely getConnection() to return the Connection object and
closeConnection() method to close the connection.
In all our programs from now onwards, we'll use the above utility program to get the
connection at the beginning, and close the connection at the end.
Creating Table
Our next program uses JDBC to create a table named Customers in the database. We
will use this created table for the rest of the programs. Let’s first look at the code in
listing 11.3.
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
Chapter 11 JDBC API
if (result != -1) {
} else {
} else {
System.out.println("Unable to get the connection");
As you can see from the above code, we created a class with a main method. The main
method invokes the createTable() method which is where all the JDBC logic is
The createTable() method first defines the SQL query for creating the table and then
gets the connection using our utility class as shown below:
con = DBUtils.getConnection();
Once we got the connection, we need to create a statement (Step 3). For this, we need to
invoke the createStatement() method on the con object obtained in Step 2 as shown
The above method returns a statement object that we can use to execute the SQL query.
To execute the sql query, we use the executeUpdate() method and pass the sql as a
string parameter shown below (Step 4):
The above method returns an int that specifies the status of query execution. If the
value of the result variable is anything other than -1, then it means the table is
successfully created, otherwise, it means some thing went wrong during SQL query
Chapter 11 JDBC API
execution. Once all this is completed, we finally need to close the statements and the
connection as shown below:
C:/JavaTraining>chapter11>javac jdbc\*.java
C:/JavaTraining>chapter11>java jdbc.CreateTable
To verify this, open the DbVisualiser tool we installed and connect to the database.
You’ll see the customers table created.
Note: For all the SQL operations that doesn’t return any results like CREATE, INSERT,
DELETE, UPDATE we always use the executeUpdate() method on the statement
object which returns an int.The int value specifies the number of records that effected.
Inserting Data
The next thing we need to do is populate the above Customers table with all the data. To
spice up the things, let’s assume we have all the data in a file named Data.txt as shown
The above file has five records and every record has eight columns of data separated by
a comma. What we will do is,
Chapter 11 JDBC API
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
String sql = "INSERT INTO CUSTOMERS VALUES(" + " ' " + firstName
+ " ' , " + " ' " + middleName + " ' , " + " ' " + lastName
+ " ' , " + age + " , " + ssn + " , " + " ' " + city + " ' , "
+ " ' " + state + " ' , " + " ' " + country + " ')";
Chapter 11 JDBC API
if (result != -1) {
} else {
The above program though long, is very simple. All it does is, the main() method reads
the file record by record, breaks the record using the StringTokenizer class, then
assigns all the eight tokens in the record to appropriate variables, and constructs a query
string in proper format. It then passes the SQL query to the insertCustomer()
method which executes it. The code in this method is just the same as previous program.
Compile and execute the code to see the following result.
To verify this, open the DbVisualiser tool and connect to the database. Click on the
Customers table, and you’ll see the records.
This is the most important and widely performed operation. In order to retrieve the
data, we use the following method on the statement object:
Chapter 11 JDBC API
The above method takes the query and returns a ResultSet object that contains all the
records returned by the database. We should then iterate over it and display the data. To
retrieve the data from the ResultSet, there are several get methods available based on
the type of the data. Let’s look at an example that retrieves all of the customers data and
then see how it works. See listing 11.5.
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
if (con != null) {
} else {
Chapter 11 JDBC API
As you can see from the above code, we used the executeQuery() method to execute
the SELECT query. This method will return a ResultSet object as shown below:
A resultset object can be imagined like a table of records with a pointer at the beginning
of the table as shown below:
To read the records, we need to move the pointer to the record using the next()
method until the pointer reaches the end of the records. This is what the while loop does.
Once we are in the loop, we need to read the record that the pointer points using the get
methods. The get methods can either take the column number starting from 1 or the
column name itself. In our example we used the column numbers. Following are the
most commonly used get methods:
Based on the above methods, since SSN and Age are declared as NUMERIC data types
when we first created the table, we used getInt() method to read the data, and all the
remaining are VARCHAR types, so we used getString() method to read the column
data as shown below:
Instead of specifying the column numbers, we can also specify the column names as
shown below:
Chapter 11 JDBC API
You are free to use which ever convention you like. Once we get the data, we can do
what ever we want. In our case, we simply displayed it. The while loop will print all the
records and terminates. Compile and execute the code. If all goes well, you’ll see the
following output:
If you noticed carefully, most of the code is same in all the programs. The only
difference is the execute method that we call. Here is the trick to remember:
Trick: If the query is SELECT, use the executeQuery() method. For all other queries
(CREATE, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE etc) use the executeUpdate() method.
The DELETE and UPDATE operations work the same way as CREATE and INSERT.
You can use the same program by just modifying the sql. Take this as home work. Use
the code in listing 11.3, but use the following queries.
After running the code in listing 11.3 with the above query, run the code in listing 11.5 to
see the updated data.
After running the the code in listing 11.3 with the above query, run the code in listing
11.5 to see the updated data. (Some records will be deleted).
If you observe the SQL queries we used in the above examples, we hard coded all the
data in the query itself as shown below:
Chapter 11 JDBC API
In real world applications, data should be inserted or retrieved on the fly based on the
data supplied at run time. As an example, let’s say we want to write a search application
that searches for customers based on last name. In this case, the SQL query must be
dynamically built as shown below:
String sql = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE LASTNAME =‘" + lastName + " ' ";
Here we wrote a method that takes the lastname and dynamically constructs the query
by appending it at the end. Though the above approach works, it gets cumbersome
while formatting the sql. We need to carefully use all the punctuation marks in the sql
like the commas, quotes etc as shown above. In JDBC, there is a better approach for
executing the queries whose parameters are dynamic. Let’s see what it is.
In real world applications, the data to the query comes from some other world. One
good example is registering in a web site where we fill in a HTML form and submit it.
The submitted data will then go to a JDBC program that reads the data and inserts it into
the database. This is where prepared statements come in handy. These will not only
simplify the process, but also improve the performance of the application.
Like the name suggests this is really a “prepared” statement. This class replaces the old
Statement class that we used for executing the queries in the previous examples. The
usage of this class is pretty simple. It involves three simple steps as listed below:
1. Create a PreparedStatement
2. Populate the statement
3. Execute the prepared statement.
The basic idea with this class is using the ‘?’ symbol in the query where ever the data is
to be substituted and then when the data is available, replace the symbols with the data.
Let see how we do this.
Step1: To create a prepared statement we use the following method on the Connection
object as shown below:
Chapter 11 JDBC API
The SQL query to be passed to the above method will look as shown below:
Since we need to insert data into eight columns, we used eight question marks. If you
notice the query, there are no single quotes like we had in earlier examples. Once we
have the above sql, we create the prepared statement as shown below:
Step 2: Now that we created a prepared statement, its time to populate it with the data.
To do this, we use the set methods as shown below:
Looks like the above set methods are familiar, right? These work opposite to the get
methods we used with ResultSet class couple pages back. The first parameter to the
set method denotes the position of ‘?’ to replace and the second argument is the actual
data. The trick here is, which set method to use. Look at the following table that tells
which method to use:
In the above sql, the first ‘?’ represents ‘firstName’ which is a VARCHAR. So, we use
setString() method. Let’s write a simple example to get a clear picture. See the code
in listing 11.7.
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
Chapter 11 JDBC API
PreparedStatement ps = null;
if (con != null) {
// Create statement from connection
ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setString(1, firstName);
ps.setString(2, middleName);
ps.setString(3, lastName);
ps.setInt(4, age);
ps.setInt(5, ssn);
ps.setString(6, city);
ps.setString(7, state);
ps.setString(8, country);
if (result != -1) {
.println("Unable to insert record.
Please check your SQL syntax");
} else {
System.out.println("Unable to get the connection");
If you look at the above code, you’ll see all the JDBC steps we learned before. Always
remember one thing. The numbers in the set methods denote the position of the question
Chapter 11 Batch Processing
mark symbol but not the column number in the table. The main() method simply
passes the data to the insertCustomer() method. This method will then use its
parameters to populate the prepared statement. Look how clean this program is. There
is absolutely no query formatting at all. Compile and execute the code. If all goes well,
you’ll see the following output:
Following are some of the examples that demonstrate the usage of Prepared-
Statement class.
This completes all the important things that you need to know in JDBC. The above
examples are what you’ll see in most of the real world applications. The only difference
is that you’ll see several of thse sql queries and several classes. If you understood the
above examples, trust me, you can call yourself a champion JDBC developer. You can
curse me if you see anything besides the above.
Batch Processing
The JDBC programs we wrote until now simply execute one SQL query at a time. If you
have several of these queries, what you can do is store the SQL queries in a file, read one
by one, and execute it. The only drawback with this approach is that, we need to call the
executeUpdate() method for each and every query, right? So, if you have 1000
queries, you have to call the executeUpdate() method 1000 times.
Executing a single SQL query means, we are physically sending each query to the
database possibly across the network (in real world applications, databases are
distributed across the network), and making the database run it. This process takes some
time and resources. It would rather be good, if we could send all the queries across the
network in one go, and then have the database execute all the queries in one go. This is
what is called as batch processing of queries.
Chapter 11 Batch Processing
The only limitation with batch processing is that we cannot add SELECT queries to the
batch. Always use INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements with batch processing.
Following are the two methods in Statement class that support batch processing:
The first method is used add a query to the batch, and the second one to execute the
batch after all the queries are added. Let’s do an example. See the code in listing 11.8.
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
Chapter 11 Database Transactions
con = DBUtils.getConnection();
if (con != null) {
// Create statement from connection
stmt = con.createStatement();
else {
System.out.println("Unable to get the connection");
If you look at the runAsBatch() method, it defined six queries and then added them
using the addBatch() methods. Once all the queries are added, we used the
executeBatch() method to execute all the queries in one go. Compile and execute the
code. If all goes well, you’ll see the following output:
Processed SQL
Processed SQL
Processed SQL
Processed SQL
Processed SQL
Processed SQL
With the above knowledge of batch processing, let’s move on to some thing that is really
important while working with databases.
Database Transactions
In some situations, processing a single business transaction might involve executing
more than one SQL queries in which all the queries must either succeed or fail. In such
Chapter 11 Database Transactions
scenarios what we need to do is, group all the queries as one single unit of work and
execute this single unit as a whole. Such a unit is called as a transaction.
Let's look at a real world scenario. Two customers go to bank to transfer funds from one
account to another. This financial transaction requires the following two basic
For the business transaction to succeed, both the above two operations must succeed.
Even if one fails, the entire financial transaction must fail. Let‘s say, SQL1 and SQL2
perform the above two operations. If SQL1 succeeds and SQL2 fails for some reason, say,
the database went down, from business standpoint this means we debited funds from
A's account but failed to credit B's account. This is totally unacceptable and the
customers will freak out.
To prevent this, what we need to do is, group SQL1 and SQL2 as one operation (we call
this as Transaction) and if any of the SQL fails then we need to rollback the transaction,
meaning, bring back A's and B's accounts to original state that existed before the
transaction began. However, if both the SQL's succeeded, then we need to commit the
transaction in which case changes should be made permanently in the database.
In the JDBC Connection interface, there are three methods for transaction support
Using the above methods, let’s write a program and then see how it works. See the code
in listing 11.9.
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
try {
Chapter 11 Database Transactions
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (conn != null) {
// Create statement from connection
stmt = conn.createStatement();
else {
System.out.println("Unable to get the connection");
Here is what the above program does. It first creates a Statement object. To initiate a
database transaction, it need to turn off the auto-committing the data using the
following statement:
Chapter 11 Connection Pooling
The above statement will tell the database not to permanently make the table changes
until the user informs it to do so. We then execute the two queries using the
executeUpdate() method as shown below:
We then check if the values of status1 and status2 are positive or not and based on
it we either commit or rollback the transaction as shown below:
} else {
System.out.println("Something went wrong!
Rolled back the transaction");
In most of the real world applications, there will be multiple queries to execute as part of
single transaction and are always run within a database transaction. This completes all
the practicals that we need to do in this chapter. You can stop this chapter here and can
go into the next chapter. However, there are some theoretical concepts that you need to
now to be more comfortable. Read them like a story, ok. They are simple though :-)
Connection Pooling
In all the programs we wrote thus far, there is one thing that we are repeatedly doing all
the times. Opening a connection at the beginning and closing the connection at the end
when everything is done. If you noticed carefully, we are always closing the connection
in the finally block. Can you guess why we are doing this? You guessed it right. We
always want to close the connection irrespective of whether the program runs or not.
There are two major problems that hunt us when we write database programs.
Problem 1: Usually, every database has limited number of connections. Let’s say a
database supports only 10 connections, and if your program doesn't close the connection
every time it ran, the 11th time you run, database will refuse to give you a connection. If
you don't close a connection after using it, from database point of view somebody is still
using the connection, and it will not reuse this connection until the connection is closed.
You need to shutdown the database and restart it to release all the connections which is
not good.
Chapter 11 Connection Pooling
Problem 2: Let's say we have a database that can support a maximum of 200 connections
at a time and the application we wrote supports 1000 customers at a time. So, if the 200
connections are used for 200 customers, what will happen to the remaining 800
customers? They are simply kicked off. This is no good because you are loosing
Such a mechanism is what we call as connection pooling. Now the question is who
implements connection pooling? To implement the connection pooling we need to know
all the intricacies of database connection. Who else other than the database vendors
know better about connection details? This is the reason why database vendors
themselves implement connection pooling mechanism in Java using certain standards.
This is a big relief for us, right? The connection pooling program comes along when we
download the drivers for a particular database. Sweet! Connection pooling mechanism
addresses both the above problems.
Java Application
Connection Pool
Chapter 11 Database Isolation levels
Connection pooling will be implemented in such a way that all the details are hidden
behind the scenes. The only change we as application developers need to make is the
way we retrieve the connection object. Once we get a connection object, the rest of the
program will be the same.
Connection pooling is usually used with large scale enterprise applications where
thousands of processes need to access the database at the same time. In such situations
the application server will be configured to use the connection pooling. Since we are not
yet there, we will revisit this topic in the later chapters. For now understanding the
details of connection pooling is good enough.
1. Dirty Reads
2. Repeatable Reads
3. Phantom Reads
Let's see what these are, and find out how much damage they may cause to our
Dirty Read
Quite often in database processing, we come across a situation wherein one transaction
can change a value, and a second transaction can read this value before the original
change has been committed or rolled back. This is known as dirty read because there is
always a possibility that the first transaction may rollback the change, resulting in the
second transaction reading an invalid value.
Ex: Let's say we have a joint account with $500 in it. Jim goes to the bank to debit $200,
and initiates a transaction. Now the account will have $300 in it. At this point of time,
Tom goes to ATM to withdraw $400. His transaction sees only $300 in the account and
Chapter 11 Database Isolation levels
gets rejected saying "Insufficient funds" which is OK. Now, Jim changes his mind and
cancels his transaction at the bank, so his 200$ is credited back which leaves the account
back at $500. Few minutes later, Tom checks the account balance and to his surprise sees
$500 in it and freaks out. What's going on? The good thing happened is the funds didn’t
get lost. All this is to say that dirty reads don't cause damages to data, but they confuse
the users.
Repeatable Read
'B' performs a read, but 'A' modifies or deletes that data later. If 'B' reads the same row
again, he will get different data.
Phantom Reads
'A' does a SELECT query on a table and gets 10 matching records. 'B' modifies the table
such a way that when ‘A’ queries the table again it would get different number of
records back.
In all the above three problems, what is happening is that the transactions are getting
overlapped with each other. So the solution is, to isolate the individual transactions.
Every database will have something called isolation level that indicates which of the
above problems are addressed. All we need to do is, check this isolation level and then
decide whether or not we want to continue with our database transactions.
The isolation level is a number from 0-3 (inclusive). These are represented as
CONSTANTS in the Connection interface as follows.
Following table lists various isolation levels and what problems are addressed by
various isolation levels:
Table 11.4 Isolation Levels
Chapter 11 Database Isolation levels
As you can see from the above table, the best isolation level is 3 which address all the
above problems. Following is the method in the Connection interface that returns the
isolation level of the database.
Without wasting any further time, let’s write a small program to display the isolation of
MySQL database. See the code in listing 11.10.
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
try {
if (con.getTransactionIsolation() ==
} else if (con.getTransactionIsolation() ==
// Most of the databases will address all the three problems. So the
// isolation level will always be 3.
// But many a times, we want to set our own isolation level. we can
// use the following to only address "Dirty reads".
Chapter 11 Summary
// Here you do your SQL operations, like creating statements and all
// that good stuff.OK
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
In the above code, we got the isolation level using the getIsolationLevel() method
and then checked which level of isolation is supported by the database using the
conditional statements. Compile and execute the above program to see which isolation
level is supported by your database.
Most of the databases address all the three problems. So, when you try to get the
isolation level using the above code, it always returns 3. Isolation level 3 is termed as
"very strong isolation" and poses serious performance problems. 99.9% of the enterprise
applications are fine with isolation level 2 even if the database supports isolation level 3.
In such cases, we need to select our own isolation level to improve the application
To change the isolation level, use the following method in the Connection interface.
In our example we used the above method and changed the isolation level to 1.
This completes all the topics in this chapter. The important things that you need to
understand is how to execute the SQL queries using Statement and Prepared
Statement classes. I am sure you are now an expert in writing JDBC programs to
work with the databases. If the concept like isolation levels is confusing, don’t worry
about it. It is seldom seen in real world applications.
9 JDBC technology is used by Java applications to connect with database.
9 JDBC is a universal API for accessing any database.
9 Every database will have something called as Driver using which external
applications can connect to database.
9 There are four different types of database drivers namely, Type-1, Type-2, Type-3
and Type-4.
Chapter 11 Time to play 50-50
9 JDBC uses Pure Java Driver (Type-4) driver to connect with databases.
9 JDBC applications need to load the driver before getting a connection to the
9 Using JDBC API such as Statement and PreparedStatement classes, we can
execute different SQL queries.
9 We use executeQuery() method to execute SELECT statements, and
executeUpdate() method for all other SQL queries.
9 The main difference between Statement and PreparedStatement classes is
that Statement object always compiles the SQL before executing it, while the later
compiles the query just once and execute ‘n’ number of times. Because of this,
PreparedStatement offers better performance.
9 PreparedStatement provides more flexibility to bind the data.
9 We use CallableStatement to execute stored procedures.
9 To optimize the usage of connections in enterprise applications, we use
connection pooling.
9 Connection pooling maintains a pool of connections with the database. An
application retrieves the connection from the pool, and upon using it returns
back to the pool instead of closing the connection.
9 Application Servers usually configure the connection pooling program.
9 Database transactions are used to group multiple queries into one single
9 The transaction will either commit or rollback based on the query results.
9 Every database have problems like Dirty Reads, Repeatable Reads, Phantom
9 We use the Isolation Level of the database to check whether the above problems
are addressed by the database vendors or not.
a) Class.forName(“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”)
b) Class.loadClass(“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”);
a) DriverManager.loadConnection();
b) DriverManager.getConnection();
Chapter 11 Time to play 50-50
a) http:mysql://localhost:3306/MyDB
b) jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MyDB
a) JDBCConnection
b) Connection
a) Statement
b) SQLStatement
a) createStatement()
b) getStatement()
a) createPreparedStatement()
b) prepareStatement();
8. Which of the following method is used to execute an UPDATE query?
a) executeQuery()
b) executeUpdate()
a) executeQuery()
b) executeUpdate()
a) Type – 1 Driver
b) Type – 4 Driver
Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Question: What are the different types of JDBC drivers?
Answer: JDBC-ODBC bridge driver, Partly Native Partly Java driver, Intermediate Server
Driver, Pure Java Driveer. For details, refer to page 280.
Question: Explain the various steps that to execute SQL queries using JDBC.
Answer: Refer to page 284.
This completed the JDBC chapter. I am sure you enjoyed this chapter more than
anything else. We are now ready to learn another simple technology used to build web
applications. The fun begins. Let’s move forward.
Chapter 12 Chapter Goals
XML And Java
Chapter 12
XML And Java
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to know what XML is and its usage in
Java. This chapter will also give you an idea on parsing XML documents using Java.
Understanding this chapter is very important from J2EE point of view as XML is widely
used in almost all the J2EE applications.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand what XML is
9 Understand the XML standards SAX and DOM
9 XML parsing using SAX and DOM
9 Understanding JAXP API for parsing XML documents
Environment Setup
Chapter 12 Chapter Goals
XML And Java
Note: Whenever you start working with XML, the first thing you need to do is execute
the batch file as shown below to setup the CLASSPATH:
Once you execute the above command you are ready to compile and execute any
programs in this chapter.
Chapter 12 Introduction
XML And Java
XML technology has become a buzz word every where in the IT community. Ever since
its inception, XML technology has made leaps and bounds and completely changed the
way enterprise computing is done. Its adoption by the software industry is such that
you’ll hardly find any software application that doesn’t use XML. So, let’s see what this
is and how we can use XML in the world of J2EE.
What is XML?
XML stands for “eXtensible Markup Language”. The notion of XML is based on
something called XML Document.
An XML document/file comprises of several tags that represent the data or information.
These tags are also referred to as nodes. Following is how a XML tag looks like:
In the above tag, lastName is the name of the tag. Every tag has a beginning and an
end. The beginning of the tag is denoted by the tag name in between ‘<’ and ‘>’ and the
end of the tag is denoted with the tag name in between ‘</’ and ‘>’ symbols. All the
characters or text in between represent the tag data
The above tag is the simplest and smallest tag you can see in an XML document.
However, we can also have complex tags which are nothing but tags within tags as
shown below:
Chapter 12 What is an XML Document?
XML And Java
Here, name is a complex tag that contains two simple tags namely firstName and
lastName. The good thing with XML is that, the tag names can be anything. However,
there is just one rule that we need to strictly follow.
If the above rule is followed, then we say that the XML document as well formed.
Following shows a well formed XML document:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<addressline1>Apt 2222</addressline1>
The above XML represents customer information. If you notice, every tag has a closing
tag which is why we say that it is well formed. Don’t you see a tree like representation
here? I am sure you did. In this document, customer is the root node. This has five
child nodes namely firstName,lastName,age,ssn and address. The address
child node in turn has 4 child nodes. There is no limit on the number of child nodes a
node can have. Following figure shows the tree representation of the above xml
Chapter 12 What is an XML Document?
XML And Java
<?xml version="1.0"?>
We call this as the prolog of the XML document. It represents the version of the XML we
are using.
In the above node, email is the attribute of tag whose value is [email protected].
A tag can have any number of attributes as shown below:
An XML document is saved with the extension “.xml”. One simple way of verifying
whether an XML document is well-formed or not is by opening the xml file using any
browser like Internet Explorer. If the document is well-formed, you’ll see the complete
XML in the browser as shown below:
Chapter 12
XML And Java
If we fail to close some tag, the browser will display an error as shown below indicating
that the XML document is not well formed. The error will also list the element name
where the violation occurred.
Since enterprise applications involve complex data representation and processing, the
flexibility that XML offers make it an ideal candidate for using in such situations. Over
the course of next several chapters, you’ll see how J2EE extensively uses XML in various
ways for simplifying things.
Chapter 12 XML Validation
XML And Java
XML Validation
As I said before XML is used to represent data or information. Whenever we have any
data, the first thing we need to do before processing the data is to verify whether the
data is valid or not, right? So the question is how to validate the data represented by
XML document? The simplest way is by using a DTD which stands for Document Type
Definition. So, let see how to use DTD to validate data.
All the validations defined using DTD are stored in a file with the extension “.dtd” and
is referenced by the XML document. A DTD defines the validation rules for elements in
an XML document using the ELEMENT declaration. Let’s see how we define an xml
element using a DTD declaration.
The content-model basically tells the type of content the element can have. There are
four types of content models an element can have as listed below:
1. EMPTY: This indicates the element will not have any content
As an example, look at the following DTD for an element, and the element usage in the
XML based on the DTD declaration
<format></format> or <format/>
Chapter 12 XML Validation
XML And Java
3. Children Only: This indicates that the element can only have child elements in the
specified order. Look at the following DTD and equivalent XML.
4. Text with mixed children: This indicates that an element can have text as well as
specified children in any order. See the following DTD and equivalent XML.
where asterisk(*) indicates that the elements in parenthesis can occur 0 or more times
within description. Following lists the various symbols.
+ means 1 or more
? means 0 or 1
* means 0 or more
This is a test <b> description </b>
The child elements can be <code> in </code> in any <b>order</b>
Using the above declarations, following is the DTD for the customer data we defined
Chapter 12 XML Validation
XML And Java
The above DTD tells that the customer element should have the five child nodes
namely firstName,lastName,age,ssn,address in the same order. It then defines
the content types of every element. All the text elements are defined as PCDATA which
stands for Parsed Character DATA. We’ll see what parsing is in the next section. The
address element in turn defines its child elements along with the order of the elements.
As we learned before, an XML element can also have attributes. Let’s see how we can
define the validation rules for attributes using DTD. Following is the syntax for attribute
declarations in a DTD
The above declaration tells that book element can have two attributes namely isbn
which is required and pages attribute which is optional. So, the xml will look as shown
These are the basic things you need to know to write a DTD for an XML document. Once
we have the DTD in a file say customer.dtd, we finally need to link it with the XML
file using the DOCTYPE element as shown below:
Chapter 12 XML Validation
XML And Java
It’s important that you have the DOCTYPE element before the XML prolog. Once the
XML is linked with the DTD, our applications can start validating the XML document
before processing it. Though DTD provides a simple way of validating an XML
document, it has certain limitations listed below.
1. It can only validate the order of the elements. It cannot validate the list of valid
values an element can have.
2. Less flexible. A DTD cannot be extended using inheritance.
3. No support for validating numeric and boolean data
To overcome the above limitations, a new validation scheme is created which is called as
XML Schema. Let’s see what this is and how we can use xml schema to validate xml
documents in a better way.
XML Schema
Unlike a DTD, an XML Schema is itself an XML document with elements, attributes etc.
XML Schemas overcame all the limitations of DTD and had now become the standard
for validating XML documents. The good thing about XML Schema is that it is closely
associated with Object Oriented data models. One of the major concerns with DTD is the
lack of support of various data types. There is no way that using a DTD we can validate
the type of data an element can have. This is where schema comes in real handy. It
contains several built in primitive data types such as string, integer, float etc for
validating the data.
XML Schema can also be used to build complex data types using simple data types.
First, let’s look at the important simple data types listed in the following table.
Using the above data types, an element named score will be defined as shown below:
Chapter 12 XML Validation
XML And Java
All the above defines data types for simple elements. However, using XML schema we
can build complex data structures from simple data structures. This is where XML
schema exhibits its true power. It allows us build complex data structures by defining
the order of elements, valid values for different elements and so on.
Let’s first write a sample XML and then define the corresponding XML Schema that
includes all the validation rules.
Sample XML
Chapter 12 XML Validation
XML And Java
Let’s define the schema for the above XML. The XML defines several complex data
elements namely garage,garages,leasecontract,apartment etc. Let’s look at
one by one.
<xsd:element name=”garage”>
<xsd:attribute name=”id” type=”xsd:string”/>
<xsd:attribute name=”rate” type=”xsd:float”/>
The <xsd:element> tag defines the name of the element as garage. The
<xsd:complexType> element tells the schema that the element named garage is a
complex element that can have both child elements as well as attributes. In our case, it
only has attributes which are defined by the <xsd:attribute> elements.
<xsd:element name=”leasecontract”>
<xsd:element ref=”leasingperiod”/>
<xsd:element ref=”lesse-name”/>
<xsd:element ref=”deposit” minOccurs=”0”/>
This element first defined the simple elements namely leasingperiod, deposit etc.
It then built the complex data type named leasecontract by referencing the simple
elements. The sequence element tells the schema about the order of the elements in the
XML document. The minOccurs attribute makes the element optional. The absence of
this attribute means the element is required. Following similar lines, complete the
definitions for other elements namely address,apartment etc. Let’s now define
definition for the root element rentalcompany.
<xsd:element name=”rentalcompany”>
<xsd:element ref=”type”/>
Chapter 12 XML Validation
XML And Java
<xsd:element ref=”owner”/>
<xsd:element ref=”address”/>
<xsd:element ref=”apartments”/>
<xsd:element ref=”garages” minOccurs=”0”/>
As you can see from the above chunk, we defined all the child elements under
rentalcompany element. Once all the elements are defined, we need to assemble them
into one big chunk of document called as schema document as shown below:
<xsd:element name=”rentalcompany”>
<xsd:element ref=”type”/>
<xsd:element ref=”owner”/>
<xsd:element ref=”address”/>
<xsd:element ref=”apartments”/>
<xsd:element ref=”garages” minOccurs=”0”/>
The important thing to note in the above schema document is the <xsd:schema> element
which defined the namespace for all the elements in the schema. A namespace uses a
prefixing strategy that associates element names with a Uniform Resource Identifier
where the actual vocabulary for the elements will be defined. A namespace is defined
using the attribute xmlns:xsd. This tells the schema to look for the vocabulary for all
the elements prefixed with xsd at the resource specified by the URI. You are free to use
which ever prefix you want. Namespaces come very handy especially when combining
more than one XML document together resulting in namespace collisions.
I think with all this basic idea about DTD and XML Schema, we are now ready to look at
the most important aspect of XML, XML Parsing.
Even if you don’t understand the above XML schema and DTD, you’ll still be fine.
Usually, there will be several tools that automatically do it for you. You don’t have to
remember the syntax and all that. You can take my word. The only thing you need to
Chapter 12 XML Parsing
XML And Java
know is writing a well formed XML document, which I am sure you have absolutely no
problem in writing it. Good.
XML Parsing
Representing data using XML is one side of the coin. Though XML provides infinite
flexibility to represent data of any complexity, it’s of no use if we cannot read the data
back from XML file. This is where parsing an XML document comes into picture.
Parsing an XML document is nothing but reading the data back from the document. This
is the other side of XML. The application that parses an XML document is called an XML
SAX is abbreviated for Simple API for XML. SAX parsing is based on event model in
which sequences of events are generated for each and every tag in the XML document.
Based on the type of events, the application can take appropriate action. The various
events a SAX based parser generates are:
1. Start of Document
2. Start of Tag
3. End Of Tag
4. End of Document etc.
SAX based parsing can be used only for reading the data from XML and not for
modifying the contents. Moreover, SAX parsing is more efficient in situations where the
XML document is huge and we only want to extract a small piece of data from it.
DOM stands for Document Object Model. In this model, an XML document is
represented as a tree of nodes. A parser based on this model, can traverse the through
the nodes to read the data or modify the data by removing the nodes. In DOM parsing,
the entire XML must be loaded into the memory before reading or modifying the
document. Because of this reason, DOM based parsing should be used only when the
XML document is small enough not to cause any memory issues.
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
Any XML parser that is constructed will be based on either SAX or DOM model. There
are several XML parsers available in the market for free of cost. Most notable ones are
the parsers from Apache, BEA and Sun Microsystems. In this chapter, we use the parser
from Apache called as Xerces parser to parse the XML documents.
Now that we know what XML parsing is, and the two parsing standards SAX and DOM,
let’s see how we can use an XML parser it to parse XML documents from Java
applications. This is where we need to know something about JAXP.
JAXP stands for Java API for XML Parsing. This API is created by Sun Microsystems as a
universal way for parsing XML documents from Java. One important thing to
understand with JAXP is that it provides classes and interfaces that have zero
implementation. If this is the case, how can we use JAXP to parse the XML documents?
Good question. JAXP uses the classes that are implemented by some other vendors to
parse the documents. However, there is one limitation here. The vendors who
implement the parsers must adhere to JAXP specification. This is like if B adheres to A’s
rules, then A can use B. Here B is the vendor XML parser and A is JAXP.
In this chapter, we will use sun’s xerces parser which adheres to JAXP specification. This
parser supports both SAX and DOM parsing. Sun distributes this parser in the form of a
Jar file named xercesimpl.jar. To use this jar file, all we need to do is put it in the
classpath. This is shown the environment setup at the beginning of the chapter.
Once the xerces parser is loaded in the classpath, we can use the JAXP API to write Java
programs and parse XML documents using SAX and DOM.
In this chapter, we will see examples using both SAX as well as DOM.
As said before, SAX based parsing is based on event model in which a sequence of
events are generated for processing the tags. The five most important events are listed in
the following table.
Event Description
startDocument This event indicates the beginning of the XML document
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
A characters()
R Handler
E endElement()
Following the above steps, let’s write an example to parse the following XML:
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<addressline1>Apt 2222</addressline1>
As I said before, SAX parsing should be used in situations where we need to extract only
few details from XML data. In this example, our goal is to retrieve the firstName and
SSN of the customer. Take a look at the code in listing 12.1.
Listing 12.1 ( A simple Java Bean for storing the data.
package xml;
package xml;
import org.xml.sax.AttributeList;
import org.xml.sax.HandlerBase;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
public void startElement(String name, AttributeList attrs)
throws SAXException {
public void characters(char buf[], int offset, int len)
throws SAXException {
public void endElement(String name) throws SAXException {
if ("firstName".equals(name)) {
if ("ssn".equals(name)) {
public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
return customer;
package xml;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
The above code comprises of 3 classes. A Customer bean for storing the data (firstName
and SSN), a handler class MySAXHandler that handles the events and finally the
SAXParserDemo that initiates the parsing. The bean class is a simple class that defines
the getters and setters for storing the data that is retrieved from the xml document. To
write a handler class, we need to do the following 2 things.
1. The class must extend the HanderBase class. This is one of the JAXP built-in
library classes.
2. The handler class should overwite the methods namely startDocument(),
startElement() etc. These methods are known as callback methods that get
invoked automatically when the parsing begins.
The only methods we use in this example are the characters() and endElement().
Whenever the parser comes across a tag, it first calls the startElement() method,
followed by characters() and then followed by the endElement()method. The
startElement() and endElement() methods have a name parameter which
represents the name of the tag that is currently parsed. So what we will do is, check
whether the name of the tag is either SSN or firstName and populate the customer
bean with the data read in the characters() method. When the end of the document
is reached, the customer bean will have both the SSN and the name populated.
The SAXParserDemo class simply follows the steps outlined before, and initiates the
parsing by invoking the parse() method. This method takes two parameters. One is
the name of the XML file, and the other is the object of the handler class. When all the
parsing is completed it retrieves the customer bean and displays the data.
C:/>JavaTraining>chapter12>javac xml\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>chapter12>java xml.SAXParserDemo
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
This is how we do SAX parsing. If you need any other data from XML, you will add
getters and setters in the Customer bean, and then add another if block in the
endElement() method to populate the beans property. Most of the real world
applications implement SAX parsing just like the above example. For the first time it
might seem confusing, but go through it 2-3 times and you’ll get it. You can use the
above code as a reference to write any Java program that needs to parse XML using
The main disadvantage with SAX is that, if the XML has repeating elements, then
extracting the data becomes really complicated. For instance, look at the following XML:
The above XML represents data for two customers. Here the customer tag is repeating
twice. If we need to extract this customer data using SAX parser, the application logic
will get more complicated due to duplicate elements. In such situations, DOM parsing
offers more flexibility. So, let’s see what it is.
In DOM Parsing, the entire XML is loaded in the memory as a tree of nodes. We call this
entire tree as the Document. Once the XML is loaded, we can traverse through the entire
tree and get the information about every node. In DOM, there are different types of
nodes corresponding to the component types of an XML document. These are:
1. Element Node
2. Attribute Node
3. CDATA Node etc.
The most important interfaces we use in DOM parsing are the Document and Node. The
basic process to implement DOM parsing is shown below:
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
Let’s write an example based on the above steps. In this example, we will retrieve
customer information from the following XML, and store it in the database. This
example uses the JDBC API we discussed in the previous chapter.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Let’s first write the Java Bean for storing the above data. See the code in listing 12.2a.
package xml;
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
return city;
public void setCity(String city) { = city;
public String getCountry() {
return country;
public void setCountry(String country) { = country;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public String getMiddleName() {
return middleName;
public void setMiddleName(String middleName) {
this.middleName = middleName;
public int getSsn() {
return ssn;
public void setSsn(int ssn) {
this.ssn = ssn;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
As you can see the above code, we simply defined the bean with getters and setters for
every element in the customer element. Nothing special. Now, look at the parser class
shown in listing 12.2b.
package xml;
import java.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import java.sql.*;
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
info.setAge(new Integer(age).intValue());
info.setSsn(new Integer(ssn).intValue());
NodeList nl = element.getElementsByTagName(name);
if (nl != null && nl.getLength() > 0) {
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
value = el.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
return value;
stmt.setString(1, customer.getFirstName());
stmt.setString(2, customer.getMiddleName());
stmt.setString(3, customer.getLastName());
stmt.setInt(4, customer.getAge());
stmt.setInt(5, customer.getSsn());
stmt.setString(6, customer.getCity());
stmt.setString(7, customer.getState());
stmt.setString(8, customer.getCountry());
} catch (Exception e) {
I know the above program is really lengthy, but you know what, it is very simple.
Following is what we did:
Chapter 12 JAXP
XML And Java
a) Using the DOM API, it gets a Document object. It will then retrieve the
two customer nodes.
b) It will iterate over the node list using for loop, get the customers
information using the getData() method, populate the customer bean
and finally store the bean in an ArrayList.
c) It then passes the list of customers to saveToDatbase() method, which
uses the JDBC API, and inserts the customers beans into the database.
This is one of the widely used in real world applications. You can use this as a reference
to parse an XML document using DOM. Save both the programs and compile them as
shown below:
c:/>JavaTraining>chapter12>javac xml\*.java
c:/>JavaTraining>chapter12>java xml.DOMParserDemo
If all goes well, you’ll see the following output, and see two records inserted into the
Customers table in the database.
To verify, open DBVisualizer tool, and check the contents of the customers table.
This is all you need to know about XML and XML parsing. Most of the real world
applications use either SAX parsing or DOM parsing based on the application. Even if
you didn’t thoroughly understood the above two examples, you can use them as
references. When you work in a company, no one will ever ask you to write code with a
closed book. You are free to use references available online or some other place and
parse the XML documents as you wish.
From interview standpoint, all you need to know is the difference between SAX parsing
and DOM parsing. That’s it. Read the following differences between the two, and you
are good to go.
Chapter 12 Summary
XML And Java
9 SAX parsing is used for reading XML documents only and cannot be used to
modify its contents.
9 SAX is used for reading small portion of information from large XML
I am sure this chapter may have helped you to know some basics about XML and its
intracacies. So, let’s summarize what we learned in this chapter.
9 XML is an industry standard for representing complex data.
9 XML is 100% language and platform independent.
9 Any application can use XML to exchange data.
9 An XML document is built using tags.
9 An XML document is said to be well-formed when every opened tag has a
closing tag.
9 XML parser is used to parse XML documents.
9 SAX and DOM are two standards for parsing XML documents.
9 JAXP API is used by Java applications for parsing XML documents.
9 JAXP is a specification. It uses parser implementations provided by third party
vendors to parse documents. Xerces parser from Apache is one of JAXP
complaint XML parser that supports both SAX and DOM parsing.
9 SAX parsing is based on event driven model and DOM is tree based.
Interview Questions
Question: What is an XML parser?
Answer: A parser is an application used for reading and modifying the contents of an
XML file.
Chapter 12 Interview Questions
XML And Java
This completes all the basic XML that we need to know to get on with J2EE. However, if
you want to know more about XML, please refer to the books and resources that teach
XML and XML related technologies in detail. Let’s continue with J2EE for now.
Chapter 13 Chapter Goals
Servlet Programming
Chapter 13
Servlet Programming
This chapter introduces you to the world of Web Applications using Java. Since Web
Applications form the basis for enterprise internet applications, starting with this
chapter, the next few chapters give you all the details about Web application
development using J2EE and open-source technologies. This first chapter introduces you
to basic web application development using Servlet technology and also gives you an
idea about Web Containers.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the evolution of Web Applications
9 Understand the basics of HTTP
9 Understand the notion of Web Containers
9 Servlet API
9 Structure of J2EE Web Applications
9 Building Web Applications using Servlet API
9 Understand Web deployment descriptor
Environment Setup
1. Install Tomcat Server following the instructions at the end of the book.
2. Create the directory structure shown in the rectangle in Tomcat installation
Chapter 13 Chapter Goals
Servlet Programming
Chapter 13 Chapter Goals
Servlet Programming
CATALINA_HOME = c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31
To start the server, click on the “startup.bat” file in the following directory.
Chapter 13 Introduction
Servlet Programming
Several years ago, client-server applications have become very popular for building
enterprise applications. In this model, client application is usually installed on the
client’s personal computer, which then sends requests to the server application via
network. In such a model, client applications usually contained most of the presentation
and application logic and the interaction with the server application is done through a
GUI. Such application clients are referred to as fat clients since the application logic is
also included in the client application. Any change in the application logic requires re-
installation of the client application on all the computers.
With the advent of internet, application clients are completely replaced with web clients.
In this model, both the application logic and presentation logic are physically separated
from the clients PC and moved to the server side. The Web client delegates all the user
interactions to the server side application logic which then processes the requests and
uses the presentation tier components to send the response. Since the application logic is
no longer present on the client PC, web clients are referred to as thin clients. Since the
presentation logic is also moved to the server side, the layout of the user interface can
also be controlled from the server side. A web client in this case is nothing but a browser
application like Internet Explorer, FireFox etc. Applications that use web clients for user
interaction are called as Web Applications.
Web clients to interact with server side applications, use the following:
1. A general purpose browser like Internet Explorer to send requests and display
the response.
2. HTML markup for defining the user interfaces for interaction with the server
3. HTTP protocol to send and receive requests and responses.
Since HTTP plays an important role in web applications, let’s first know some basics
about it and then look at the server side details.
Chapter 13 HTTP
Servlet Programming
HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Following are some of the important
properties of HTTP:
Based on how the data is sent in the request, HTTP requests are categorized into several
types, but the most important and widely used are the GET requests and POST requests.
GET Request
GET request is the simplest of all the requests. This type of request is normally used for
accessing server-side static resources such as HTML files, images etc. This doesn’t mean
that GET requests cannot be used for retrieving dynamic resources. To retrieve dynamic
resources, some data must be sent in the request and GET request can send the data by
appending it in the URI itself as shown below:
In the above URI, the HTTP request sends two pieces of data in the form of name value
pairs. Each name-value pair must be separated by ‘&’ symbol. The server side program
will then read the data, process it, and send a dynamic response.
1. All the data in the request is appended to the URI itself making the data visible
to every one. When secure information need to be sent, GET request is not the
2. GET requests can only send text data and not the binary data. Therefore in
situations where you need to upload image files to server, GET request cannot be
Chapter 13 Server Side of the Web Application
Servlet Programming
These limitations are addressed by the HTTP POST request. Let’s see what this is.
POST Request
POST request is normally used for accessing dynamic resources. POST requests are used
when we need to send large amounts of data to the server. Moreover, the data in the
POST request is hidden behind the scenes therefore making data transmittal more
secure. In most of the real world applications, all the HTTP requests are sent as POST
Now that we know the basics of HTTP, let’s move on to the server side of the web
Web Container
A Web container is the heart of Java based web application which is a sophisticated
program that hosts the server side programs like Servlets. Once the Servlet programs are
deployed in this container, the container is ready to receive HTTP requests and delegate
them to the programs that run inside the container. These programs then process the
requests and generate the responses. Also a single web container can host several web
applications. Look at the following figure that shows how a typical web container looks
Chapter 13 Server Side of the Web Application
Servlet Programming
Web Container
Servlets Servlets
HTML/Images HTML/Images
There are several J2EE Web Containers available in the market. One of the most notable
one is the Apache’s Tomcat container which is available for free of cost. Sweet! This is
what we will install for running web applications. Installing Tomcat Web container is
one of the steps in the environment setup page at the beginning of the chapter. Having
just the web container is not sufficient. We need to have a programming model to build
server side programs that run within this container.
J2EE supports two key technologies to build server side components in Java. These are
Servlet and JSP technologies. In this chapter, we will use Servlet technology to build web
I know you might be wondering about the need for several technologies to build web
applications. Don’t worry; you’ll get the answer by yourself as we move on.
Chapter 13 Server Side of the Web Application
Servlet Programming
Note: At this point, since we know what a web container is, please install Tomcat Web
For the web container to run the web application, the web application must follow a
standard directory structure within the container. Let’s say we want to build a web
application named myweb. The directory structure for this application must be as
shown below:
where webapps is a standard directory within the web container (Tomcat installation
directory). It is from this directory, you need to start creating the directory structure.
Directory Description
myweb This directory represents the entire web application
WEB-INF This directory contains the configuration file like web.xml
This directory must contain all the Java class files in the web
All the static resources namely html files, image files can be stored directly under
myweb directory. Creating this directory structure is one of the steps in the environment
configuration section at the beginning of the chapter.
With the above directory structure, all the components within myweb application
should be accessed with the URL starting with:
Chapter 13 Servlet Technology
Servlet Programming
If you want to create another web application like mywebproject, you must again create
the same directory structure with mywebproject as the root directory and should access
the components using the URL starting with:
At this point please make sure you created the directory structure as outlined in
environment configuration section.
Servlet Technology
Servlet technology is a standard J2EE technology used for building dynamic web
applications in Java. Using Servlet technology is again nothing but using the standard
classes and interfaces that it comes with. These classes and interfaces form what we call
as Servlet API.
Definition of Servlet
A server side Java program that uses the above API is called as Servlet. In simple terms,
a Servlet is a server side Java program that processes HTTP requests and generates
HTTP response.
Servlet API
Though there are several classes and interfaces in this API, we are interested in the most
important ones shown in Table 13.2.
Class/Interface Description
HttpServlet The base class that represents a HTTP Servlet
The class that encapsulates all the HTTP request
The class used for sending HTTP response back to
the browser
ServletConfig Class used for dynamically initializing the servlet
HttpSession Class used for session management
Class used by the servlet to dispatch the request to
various resources.
Chapter 13 Deployment Descriptor
Servlet Programming
At this point, we have the following two important things to build the web applications
in Java:
Are the above two things good enough to build applications? The answer is big No. We
are missing the most important component here. This is nothing but the deployment
descriptor. Once we have a Web container and several Servlets, it is the deployment
descriptor that tells the web container what servlets to run. So, this is the key component
of any web application. Let’s see what this is.
Deployment Descriptor
A deployment descriptor is a standard XML file named web.xml that is used by the web
container to run the web applications. Every web application will have one and only one
deployment descriptor (web.xml file). This file defines the following important
information pertaining to a Servlet:
The servlet name can be any arbitrary name, but it’s a good practice to have the class
name as the servlet name. However, the servlet class tag must represent the fully
qualified name of the servlet which includes the package name as shown above. This
completes Step 1.
The next thing we need to define is the URL mapping which identifies how the servlet is
accessed from the browser. For the above servlet, the url mapping will be as shown
Chapter 13 Steps for Writing a Servlet
Servlet Programming
If you noticed carefully, the servlet name in both the XML snippets is the same. This is
how we bind the url mapping with a servlet. The url pattern defines how the servlet will
be accessed. With the above mapping, the FormProcessingServlet should be accessed
with the following URL:
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
Chapter 13 LifeCycle of a Servlet
Servlet Programming
These three methods are the standard methods for any servlet. These are called as
callback methods that the web container invokes automatically when a HTTP request
comes to this servlet. For all the GET requests, the web container invokes the doGet()
method, and for POST requests it invokes the doPost() method.
LifeCycle of a Servlet
The life cycle of a servlet represents how the web container uses the servlet to process
the requests. Following is what a web container does with a servlet:
Before we start writing examples, remember the following three important points:
1. Any request sent by typing the URL in the browser is always a GET request
2. When a hyperlink is clicked, it’s always a GET request
3. When a html form is submitted it can either be GET or POST
Assuming that you completed all the steps in the environment setup section, let’s begin
writing servlet examples.
The first example we are going to write simply displays a greeting in a web
browser.Before we understand the details about how it works, take a look at the code in
listing 13.1.
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
Chapter 13 LifeCycle of a Servlet
Servlet Programming
PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter();
This is a simple servlet which defined just the doGet() method since we will only send
a request from the browser which is a GET request. This method takes two arguments
namely HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse. The former is used to
read the data from the request and the later is used to send the response back to the
browser. In this example we only use the response object to send a greeting message to
the browser. To send a response, we need to do three things as outlined below:
1. Define the type of the response data. This is done using the following statement:
The above line specifies that we are sending HTML response back.
2. Open a stream/channel to the browser to send the response. This is done using
the following statement:
PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter();
3. Send the html message to the browser. To send response message to the browser,
we use the println() method as shown below:
The first two steps are common to any servlet. Let’s now run the servlet.
Chapter 13 LifeCycle of a Servlet
Servlet Programming
3. Update and save the web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory as shown below:
Chapter 13 Servlet Initialialization
Servlet Programming
See how simple it is to write a servlet. All we did is followed a simple process. The
program is very simple, right?
The next example demonstrates servlet initialization. Our servlet reads the initialization
parameters defined in the web.xml, and displays them in the browser. The two
parameters are driver and url for the MySQL database.
Servlet Initialialization
Initializing a servlet is one of the most common practices. Servlet initialization is done in
the init() method of the servlet. Defining initialization parameters for servlets in
web.xml is a good practice as it eliminates hard coding in the servlet. The web container
while loading the servlet, invokes the init() method of the servlet as part of the life
cycle and passes the parameters defined in the web.xml to it. The other advantage with
this is, in the future if the initialization values need to be changed, you only have to
change the web.xml without having to recompile the entire web application.
Initialization parameters to a servlet are defined in the web.xml using the <init-param>
element as shown below:
With the above definition, a servlet can access the parameter in the init() method as
shown below:
Chapter 13 Servlet Initialialization
Servlet Programming
As you can see from the above code, the ServletConfig class defines a method
named getInitParameter() that takes the name of the initialization parameter
defined in the web.xml for that servlet, and returns the value. Therefore drivername
will be initialized with com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. To verify this, take a look at the
code in listing 13.2.
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
String drivername;
String databaseURL;
drivername = config.getInitParameter("driver");
databaseURL = config.getInitParameter("URL");
PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter();
If you look at the above code, the init() method reads two parameters namely
drivername and databaseURL using the ServletConfig object. The parameter keys
namely driver and URL will be defined in the web.xml in the servlet definition as shown
Chapter 13 Servlet Initialialization
Servlet Programming
Once the init() method is completed, the container will invoke the doGet() method
which displays the values in the browser.
Chapter 13 Reading HTML Form Data
Servlet Programming
Following are the steps for processing a HTML form using a Servlet
1. User fills the data in the html page and submits it.
2. The form data will then be sent to Servlet
3. Servlet reads the form data, processes it and send a confirmation.
The form data will be sent in the HTTP request object as name value pairs as shown
Chapter 13 Reading HTML Form Data
Servlet Programming
The servlet then reads the above request data using the HttpServletRequest object
as shown below:
String fn = request.getParameter(“name”);
String age = request.getParameter(“age”);
fn will now have John and age will have 20. The servlet can do whatever it want with
the data, and send a confirmation message back. Let’s do a quick example shown in
listing 13.3.
<title>Customer Form</title>
<h3>Please fill in the following details and submit it</h3>
Chapter 13 Reading HTML Form Data
Servlet Programming
<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" size=20 />
The above code represents a simple HTML form will the customerm fields. The data in
this form will be submitted to a servlet using the following form element:
The above form element sends the form data as a GET request to the
FormProcessingServlet. Now, let’s see how to write this servlet. Look at the code in
listing 13.3b.
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
String drivername;
String databaseURL;
drivername = config.getInitParameter("driver");
databaseURL = config.getInitParameter("URL");
PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter();
Chapter 13 Reading HTML Form Data
Servlet Programming
iage = Integer.parseInt(age);
issn = Integer.parseInt(ssn);
if (status != -1) {
responseMsg = "Sucessfully processed the form";
} else {
responseMsg = "Failed to process the form. Please try again";
} catch (Exception e) {
responseMsg = "Error while Parsing Age and SSN.
Make sure you enter numbers";
// Send the response
pw.println("<h1" + responseMsg + "</h1>");
return 1;
1. In the doGet() method, it reads all the form data using the getParameter()
method. All the data will be returned as strings. When the form is submitted, the
URL will look as shown below:
The getParameter() method takes the firstName as the key, and returns
Chapter 13 Reading HTML Form Data
Servlet Programming
Chapter 13 Session Management
Servlet Programming
Fill in the form and click the submit button. If you entered valid data, you will see the
If you entered characters for age or ssn, you’ll see the following message:
Error while Parsing Age and SSN. Make sure you enter numbers
Session Management
The examples we saw until now just deal with one servlet. However, a typical web
application comprises of several servlets that require collaborating with each other to
give a complete response. For instance, if you go online to purchase a book, you need to
go through multiple pages like search page, shopping page, billing page etc before you
can complete the transaction. In situations like this, it is important that one servlet shares
information or data with other servlet.
In web application terminology we call the shared data or information as state. Having
state is just not sufficient. Someone must be able to pass this state from one servlet to
other servlet so that they can share the data. So, who does this state propagation? Can
HTTP do this? No, because HTTP is a stateless protocol which means it cannot
propagate the state. So, is there anyone to help us out here to make the state available to
all the servlets? Yes, there is one guy who is always there for our rescue and it’s none
other than web container (Tomcat).
A web container provides a common storage area called as session store the state and
provides access to this session to all the servlets within the web application. For instance,
servlet A can create some state (information) and store it in the session. Servlet B can
then get hold of the session and read the state.
Since the state (data or information) in the session is user specific, the web container
maintains a separate session for each and every user as shown in the following diagram.
Chapter 13 Session Management
Servlet Programming
User 1
Servlet A
State Servlet B
User 2
Servlet C
User 3
If you look at the above figure, every user will have his own session object for storing
the state pertaining to his transaction and all the servlets will have access to the same
session. Also notice, the session objects are present within the container.
Now that we know what a session is, let’s see how a servlet uses the session for sharing
the data across multiple pages in a web application. A servlet can do the following four
most important operations to work with sessions.
The above four operations are called as Session Management operations. Let’s see each
of them one by one.
Creating a Session
The servlet API provides us with a class called HttpSession to work with sessions. To
create a session, we do the following:
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
The above method returns a new session object if one is not present, otherwise it returns
the old session object that is already created before.
Data in session is stored as key-value pair just like in HashMap or Hashtable. The
value can be any Java object and the key is usually a String. To store the data we use
the setAttribute() method as shown below:
session.setAttribute(“price”,new Double(“12.45”));
To read the data, we need to use the getAttribute() method by passing in the key as
shown below which then returns the value object:
Double d = (Double)session.getAttribute(“price”);
Notice that we need to do proper casting here. Since we stored Double object, we need
to cast it again as Double while reading it.
A session is usually destroyed by the last page or servlet in the web application. A
session is destroyed by invoking the invalidate() method as shown below:
Before we write an example using session management, let’s see a simple concept called
Request Dispatching.
Request Dispatching
Request dispatching is the ability of one servlet to dispatch or delegate the request to
another servlet for processing. In simple words, let's say we have a servlet A which
doesn't know how to completely process the request. Therefore, after partially
processing the request, it should forward the request to another servlet B. This servlet
then does the rest of the processing and sends the final response back to the browser.
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
The class used for dispatching requests is the RequestDispatcher interface in Servlet
API. This interface has two methods namely forward() and include().
This method is used for forwarding request from one servlet to another. Consider two
servlets A and B. Using this method, A gets the request, which then forwards the request
to B, B processes the request and sends the response to the browser. This method takes
HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse as parameters.
With this method, one servlet can include the response of other servlet. The first servlet
will then send the combined response back to the browser. This method also takes
HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse as parameters.
Following two figures demonstrate dispatching using forward() and include() methods.
Forward Dispatching
Res B
Req A
Res B
Servlet A Servlet B
Res A + Res B
Include Dispatching
Now that we also know something about request dispatching let’s build a mini web
application using session management and request dispatching.
The following figure shows the structure of the web application we are going to build.
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
login.html billing.html
RegistrationServlet BannerServlet
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
<P align="center"><FONT size="6" color="#008040" face="Verdana">Welcome
to BuyForLess</FONT></P>
<DIV align="center">
<form action="/myweb/LoginServlet">
<TABLE border="0">
<TD width="109"><FONT size="3" face="verdana">Login ID</FONT></TD>
<TD width="255"><INPUT type="text" name="userid" size="35"></TD>
<TD width="109"><FONT size="3" face="verdana">Password</FONT></TD>
<TD width="255"><INPUT type="password" name="password" size="35"></TD>
<TD width="109"></TD>
<TD width="255"><INPUT type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"></TD>
<FONT size="3" face="verdana">If you are visiting for the first time,
please <A href="/myweb/register.html">register here</A></FONT></DIV>
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
if (isAuthenticated(userid, password)) {
// Go to the shopping page
RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/htmls/shop.html");
rd.forward(req, res);
} else {
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
// You need to write JDBC loginc here to verify from the datababse
return true;
<title>Customer Form</title>
<P align="center">
<FONT size="6" color="#008040" face="Verdana">
Welcome to BuyForLess
<hr />
<h4 align="center">
<FONT size="3" face="verdana">
Please Select the following items and click Buy to
<form action="/myweb/OrderProcessingServlet">
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
<SELECT name="j2eeQty">
<OPTION value="0">0</OPTION>
<OPTION value="0">1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="0">2</OPTION>
<OPTION value="0">3</OPTION>
<td align="center">Perl Scripting</td>
<td align="center">Wrox Publications</td>
<td align="center">$9.99</td>
<td align="center">
<SELECT name="perlQty">
<OPTION value="0">0</OPTION>
<OPTION value="0">1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="0">2</OPTION>
<OPTION value="0">3</OPTION>
<td align="center">Red Roses</td>
<td align="center"></td>
<td align="center">$1.99</td>
<td align="center">
<SELECT name="flowerQty">
<OPTION value="0">0</OPTION>
<OPTION value="0">1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="0">2</OPTION>
<OPTION value="0">3</OPTION>
<td align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Checkout"
size="20" />
<br />
<i>Copyright 2001</i>
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
<P align="center"><FONT size="6" color="#008040" face="Verdana">Welcome
to BuyForLess</FONT></P>
<DIV align="center">
<hr />
<form action="/myweb/BillingServlet">
<TABLE border="0">
<TD width="225">Card Type</TD>
<TD width="347"><INPUT type="radio" name="cardtype"
value="MasterCard" checked> MasterCard
<INPUT type="radio" name="cardtype" value="Visa">
<TD width="225">Credit Card Number</TD>
<TD width="347">
<INPUT type="text" name="number" size="35"></TD>
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
doGet(req, res);
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
req.getRequestDispatcher("/BannerServlet").include(req, res);
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter();
pw.println("Thank You for Shopping at Please Visit
again. Hava a nice day!");
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
Type in any username and password and you’ll enter in to the application. In the
shopping page select the products and checkout. This will send you to a billing page
that takes the credit card details and gives you a confirmation message.
This servlet reads the parameters posted by login.html. It passes the username and
password to a method named isAuthenticated() which returns either true or
false. For now, this method is defaulted to always return true. In reality, you need to
write database logic to verify whether the user exists in the database or not. If not, then
return false.
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
If the method returns true, which it does, it uses the RequestDispatcher and
forwards the request to the shop.html page. Otherwise, it forwards back to the
login.html page. Following is the code that does this.
This servlet reads all the data submitted by the form in the shop.html, and computes
the price of the order. It then stores the price in the session as shown below:
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
The price will then used by the BillingServlet later on. Finally it forwards the
request to the billing page as shown below:
This servlet reads the billing information posted by billing.html page and generates
a confirmation number. It then stores this confirmation number in the session as shown
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
This servlet reads both the price and confirmation number from the session, and
computes the overall price including the taxes (7%) as shown below:
It then combines its own response message along with the response of BannerServlet
as shown below:
Chapter 13 Request Dispatching
Servlet Programming
This completes all the important concepts in servlets. All the examples we did until now
are more than enough using Servlets. These days, most of the web applications are
moving away from using servlet technology and using JSP and open source technologies
like Struts to build web applications. This doesn't mean we can completely ignore
Servlets. The reason is simple. The underlying technology for both JSP as well as Struts
is again Servlets. So, it’s always good to know how servlets work.
One of the primary drawbacks with servlets is the way they generate the html response.
If you noticed, we use whole lot of println() method to send the html response. This
is really tedious and time consuming task. A typical web application will have 90% of
HTML code and 10% dynamic content. So all our Java code will be cluttered with these
println statements which makes the servlet hard to understand and manage. Practically,
it’s tedious to write HTML markup in a Java program and I am sure you’ll agree with
For a sec, let's try to reverse the situation here. How will it be if we rather write Java
code in a HTML file? Hmmm, sounds interesting, right? If this is the case, we don't have
to write a single println statement. We just have to write the Java code in HTML file
where ever needed. This reverse technology is nothing but what we call as JSP
technology. We will discuss this in the next chapter. JSP makes our life very simple, but
Chapter 13 Summary
Servlet Programming
again, the underlying technology for JSP is Servlets. So, learning Servlets is worth the
The beauty of J2EE is that it simplifies life as we move forward. I know you might be
thinking why not jump right away to simplified technologies. If we do this, even the
simplest things will get tough. So, let’s move step by step.
Chapter 13 Interview Questions
Servlet Programming
a) HTTPServletRequest
b) HttpServletRequest
a) servlet.xml
b) web.xml
a) HttpSession
b) HtmlSession
a) RequestDispatcher
b) ServletDispatcher
a) forward()
b) dispatch()
a) forward
b) include
Interview Questions
Question: What is a Servlet?
Interview Questions
Servlet Programming
Answer: Server is a server side Java program that runs in a web container for processing
HTTP requests and sending HTTP responses.
Question: What is the name of the deployment descriptor a web application uses?
Answer: web.xml
Chapter 14 Chapter Goals
JSP Programming
Chapter 14
JSP Programming
This chapter introduces you to the most widely used web technology, the Java Server
Pages (JSP). By the end of this chapter, you’ll become familiar in building web
applications using JSP pages. JSP technology is the coolest and simplest of all web
technologies and I am sure you’ll enjoy reading it.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the fundamentals of JSP
9 Understand the JSP directives
9 Understand JSP scriptlets
9 Using Implicit Objects
9 Using Java Beans
9 Custom Tag Anatomy
9 Building custom tags
Environment Setup
Chapter 14 Introduction
JSP Programming
JSP is yet another J2EE technology for building web applications using Java. This
technology is built to overcome all the cons of Servlet technology, one of which is the
way it renders the html response. Since most of the web pages have static content with
little dynamic content, Sun Microsystems decided to build a technology that completely
simplifies the development of web applications by embedding Java code inside html
markup as opposed to html markup inside Java code used by servlets. JSP technology
has become an instant hit and has become the de facto standard for building web
applications using Java. In a single sentence, JSP is the past, present and will be the
future technology for any web application built using Java and J2EE. This is the reason
why we are seriously interested to learn and digest this cool technology.
Let me tell you one thing here. One of the primary reasons for the success of any
technology is the simplicity and ease that it offers. The simpler a technology gets, more
is the success it tastes. This is applicable to everything, not just Java and J2EE. Trust me,
keep your life as simple as possibly can, and you’ll truly taste success.
One thing you must know at this point is that JSP technology is built on top of servlet
technology. This is why we can call JSP as an abstraction over servlet. What does
abstraction mean? In simple terms, abstraction is a simplified fine grained layer over a
slightly more complex layer that makes the development faster and easier. More the
abstraction, more the simplicity.
With this brief introduction, let’s jump into the real world of JSP and see how it justifies
all the good things about it that we stated thus far.
JSP Basics
A typical JSP page very much looks like html page with all the html markup except that
you also see Java code in it. So, in essence,
Therefore, JSP content is a mixed content, with a mixture of HTML and Java. If this is
the case, let me ask you a quick question. Can we save this mixed content in a file with
“.html” extension? You guessed it right. No we can’t, because the html formatter will
also treat the Java code as plain text which is not what we want. We want the Java code
to be executed and display the dynamic content in the page. For this to happen, we need
to use a different extension which is the “.jsp” extension. Good. To summarize, a html
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
file will only have html markup, and a jsp file will have both html markup and Java
code. Point to be noted.
HTML request
HTML response
The above picture should give you some idea of how a web container processes html
requests and JSP requests. When the browser requests for html file, the web container
simply responds with a html response without any processing. However, when the
browser sends a JSP page request, the web container assumes that the JSP page might
include Java code, and translates the page into a Servlet. The servlet then processes the
Java code, and returns the complete html response including the dynamic content
generated by the Java code. I am sure the picture is now 100% clear. Don’t think
anything beyond this.
Though the web container does the translation of JSP to Servlet, we need to know how it
does this translation. For a web container to translate JSP, it needs to identify from the
JSP page, as to which is HTML markup and which is Java code. According to J2EE
specification, a JSP page must use special symbols as placeholders for Java code. The
web container instead of scratching its head to identify Java code, simply uses the
special symbols to identify it. This is a contract between JSP and the Web container. This
is an example of making life easy.
Let’s understand what these special symbols are. In JSP, we use four different types of
placeholders for Java code. Following table shows these placeholders along with how
the web container translates the Java code with them.
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
pw.println(Java Code);
<%@ %> Mostly as imports in Servlet
To better understand the above four place holders, let’s take a sample JSP page and see
how the web container translates it into a Servlet. See the following JSP and Servlet code
The above table shows exactly how the Java code in various placeholders is translated
into different places in a servlet. Look at the rules in previous table and every thing will
make sense. Even if you don’t understand the above translation, it’s still fine because we
don’t do this translation. We are just trying to understand what the web container does.
After all, who cares what it does. So, don’t worry. All you just have to know as a JSP
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
developer is, how and for what purposes we use various placeholders. Understanding
this hardly takes few minutes. So, without wasting any further time, let’s see what these
JSP Directives
Directives are used for declaring classes, session usage etc., and does not produce any
response to the client. A directive uses attributes for declarations. There are 3 types of
directives as listed below:
9 page directive
9 include directive
9 taglib directive
This directive is used to declare things that are important to the entire JSP page. The
syntax for this directive is shown below
Following table lists the most widely used attributes with this directive:
Ex 1: If the JSP page needs to import the core library classes, it uses the page directive as:
Ex 2: If the JSP page needs to use the session, then its uses page directive attribute as
shown below:
<%@ page session=”true” %>
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
If the session attribute is set to true, then the page will have access to session.
Ex 3: If a JSP page should forward to a custom error page for any exceptions within the
page, the page directive will be as shown below:
The web container will then forward the request to Error.jsp if it encounters
exceptions within the page.
Ex 4: If a JSP page should allow itself as an error page for other JSP pages, it should use
the following page attribute:
Instead of defining one attribute per page directive, we can define all the attributes at a
time as shown below:
I know you are waiting to see an example, so take a look at the code in listing 14.1 that
uses a page directive.
<h4>Welcome to the world of JSP</h4>
Since we are writing Java code in JSP, there is 100% chance that the Java code may throw
an exception. So, what happens when the Java code in JSP throws some exception?
You’ll see the very familiar page not found error. Such pages really freak the customers
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
who visit the web site. Good web applications usually display custom error page rather
than blank pages. By displaying error pages, we can let the users know what might have
caused the error and give them a help desk number for customer support.
To display custom error pages, JSP uses the page directive attribute errorPage. Let’s
first write a piece of code to demonstrate its usage and then see how it works. See the
code in listing 14.2.
int i=0;
int k = 10/i; // This throws Arithmetic Exception
For now, don’t worry about the code in <% and %> symbols. We’ll see about it later.
/myweb/jsps/ErrorPageDemo.jsp and
2. Start the server, and type the following URL in the browser:
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
This directive is used to include the response of another resource (JSP or html) at the
point where the directive is placed in the current JSP. Its usage is shown below.
<%@ include file=”/jsps/PageDirectiveDemo.jsp” %>
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
2. Start the server, and type the following URL in the browser
This directive allows the JSP page to use custom tags written in Java. Custom tag
definitions are usually defined in a separate file called as Tag Library Descriptor. For the
current JSP to use a custom tag, it needs to import the tag library file which is why this
directive is used. Following is how taglib directive is used.
Custom tags and tag libraries are explained in detail in the later pages and we’ll see how
to use this directive at that point. For now, don’t worry about it.
Now that we know how and when to use JSP directives, let’s see the usage of another
type of placeholder.
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
JSP Declarations
JSP declarations are used to declare global variables and methods that can be used in the
entire JSP page. A declaration block is enclosed within <%! and %> symbols as shown
Variable declarations
Global methods
return "Hello " + name + "! It's "+ d + " and how are you doing today";
2. Start the server, and type the following URL in the browser:
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
JSP Expressions
Expressions in JSP are used to display the dynamic content in the page. An expression
could be a variable or a method that returns some data or anything that returns a value
back. Expressions are enclosed in <%= and %> as shown below
String getMessage(){
return "Your shipment has been sent to the following address.Thank you
for shopping at";
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
<h3> <%= getMessage() %> </h3>
<%= name %>
<%= address %>
</h4> <hr/>
2. Start the server, and type the following URL in the browser:
JSP Scriptlets
A Scriptlet is a piece of Java code that represents processing logic to generate and
display the dynamic content where ever needed in the page. Scriptlets are enclosed
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
between <% and %> symbols. This is the most commonly used placeholder for Java
code. Look at the code in listing 14.6.
<HEAD><TITLE>Tag - Methods</TITLE></HEAD>
int sum=0;
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++) {
for(int i=2;i<=5;i++){
if( i % 2 == 0){
<br/><%=i %> is an even number
<% }
<br/><%= i %> is an odd number
} // End of for loop
2. Start the server, and type the following URL in the browser:
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
The above four symbols are all the Java placeholders that we use in a typical JSP page.
You can use them as you wish to build complex web pages. The most important one is
the JSP scriptlet. Let me tell you a small trick here. When you write a scriptlet, follow
the following two steps.
1. Write Java code and HTML without using <% and %>.
2. Once you finished writing the scriptlet code, then divide the Java code and html
code using <% and %>. This makes life easy.
All the concepts we learned so far are very simple, right? This is why JSP is the coolest
web technology. Remember we processed HTML forms using servlet? Let’s see how JSP
handles this aspect of web applications. Before we get to this, let’s look at something
called Implicit Objects.
Implicit Objects
As the name suggests every JSP page has some implicit objects that it can use without
even declaring them. The JSP page can readily use them for several purposes. Following
table lists the implicit objects.
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
Out of all the above implicit objects, only request and session objects are widely
used in JSP pages. The request object is used for reading form data and session object is
used for storing and retrieving data from session.
Let’s see an example using request and session implicit objects. In this example, we
will have html form post some data to a JSP page with reads the form parameters and
stores them in the session. We will then write another JSP that reads the data from the
session and displays them in the browser. Take a look at the code in listing 14.7
<form action="StoreData.jsp">
<table border=1>
<td> Login Name </td>
<td> <input type="text" name="username" size="20"/></td>
<td> Password </td>
<td> <input type="password" name="password" size="20"/></td>
<td> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/></td>
Listing 14.7b (StoreData.jsp) JSP that stores the form data in session
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
<h3> This page read the form data and stored it in the session.</h3>
Listing 14.7c (ReadData.jsp) JSP that reads the form data in session
// Read the data in the session
String name = (String)session.getAttribute( "userid");
String pwd = (String)session.getAttribute("password");
The username is <%= name %> <br/>
The password is <%= pwd %>
Look at the code in Login.jsp. This page simply has a html form that posts the data to
StoreData.jsp as shown below:
<form action=”StoreData.jsp”>
2. Store the form data in the session using the session implicit object.
session.setAttribute( "userid",name);
The RetrivePage.jsp reads the data stored in the session as shown below and
displays it.
Chapter 14 JSP Basics
JSP Programming
2. Start the server, and type the following URL in the browser:
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
All the examples we’ve seen until now demonstrate some of the basic capabilities of JSP.
The real power of JSP is its ability to use Java beans and the properties of the beans. Let’s
see what this is all about.
A Java bean as we learned at the beginning of the book is a simple class with getters and
setters. Using Java beans in JSP offers whole lot of flexibility and avoids duplicate
business logic. JSP technology uses standard actions for working with beans. So, let’s see
how we can use beans in JSP and simplify our life.
Following are the three standard actions for working with Java beans:
1. <jsp:useBean>
2. <jsp:setProperty>
3. <jsp:getProperty>
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
This action is used by the web container to instantiate a Java Bean or locate an existing
bean. The web container then assigns the bean to an id which the JSP can use to work
with it. The Java Bean is usually stored or retrieved in and from the specified scope. The
syntax for this action is shown below:
With the above declaration, following is what the web container does.
1. Tries to locate the bean with the name cus in session scope. If it finds one, it
returns the bean to the JSP.
2. If the bean is not found, then the container instantiates a new bean, stores it in
the session and returns it to the JSP.
If the scope is session, then the bean will be available to all the requests made by the
client in the same session. If the scope is request, then the bean will only be available
for the current request only.
This action as the name suggests is used to populate the bean properties in the specified
scope. Following is the syntax for this action.
<jsp:setProperty name ="bean name" property ="property name" value= "data" />
For instance, if we need to populate a bean whose property is firstName with a value
John we use this action as shown below:
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
This standard action is used to retrieve a specified property from a bean in a specified
scope. Following is how we can use this action to retrieve the value of firstName
property in a bean identified by cus in the session scope.
Don’t worry even if you are confused with the above actions. A quick example will clear
all the confusions.
Scenario 1: JSP collects the data from the client, populate the bean's properties and stores
the bean in request or session scope. This bean will then be used by another server
side component to process the data.
Scenario 2: A Server side component loads a Java Bean with all the information and
stores it in the request or session. The JSP will then retrieve the bean and displays
the information to the client.
In scenario 1, JSP uses the bean to collect the data into it, while in scenario 2, it uses the
bean to read the data from it to display.
The following example demonstrates scenario 1 in which a html form posts the data to a
JSP page. The JSP page will then collect the data and store it in a Java Bean named
Customer in session scope. It then provides a link to a servlet which retrieves the
bean from the session and process the data in it. Fig 14.1 depicts this example.
htm JSP
l Servlet
Customer Bean
Listing 14.8a (CustomerData.html) Simple html form that posts info to a JSP
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
<title> Customer Form </title>
<h3>Please fill in the following details and submit it </h3>
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
<H3>Readingthe form data</H3>
<a href="/myweb/CustomerInfoProcessor" >Click Here </a> to invoke
the servlet that process the bean data in session.
package beans;
public class Customer implements {
String firstName;
String middleName;
String lastName;
String age;
String ssn;
String city;
String state;
String country;
public String getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(String age) {
this.age = age;
public String getCity() {
return city;
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import beans.*;
String drivername;
String databaseURL;
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
drivername = config.getInitParameter("driver");
databaseURL = config.getInitParameter("URL");
// Remember in our database, age and ssn are integers. So lets convert
// the strings to int and then store it to database
int iage = 0;
int issn = 0;
try {
iage = Integer.parseInt(age);
issn = Integer.parseInt(ssn);
if (status != -1) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
responseMsg = "Error while Parsing Age and SSN. Make sure you enter
PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter();
pw.println(fName + " " + mName + " " + lName + " " + age +
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
// Please write the JDBC logic to insert the data into the Customers
// table. Take this as a home work.
// This method should return an int that the executeUpdate methods
// returns. Note: the driver name and the URL are already available in
// the init()method.
return 1;
The form in the CustomerData.html will post all the customer information to the
CustomerInfoGatherer.jsp. This JSP will first create the Customer bean using the
following action:
The above action creates a customer bean with the id userInfo and stores it in the
session. The class attribute must specify the fully qualified name of the bean class. Since
the class is stored in beans package, the class attribute should be beans.Customer.
The customer bean simply defines all the fields (properties) along with the getters and
setters for every property. The CustomerInfoGatherer.jsp after declaring the bean,
will populate all the bean properties from the request parameters as shown below:
The above action will populate the firstName property in the bean with the value in
the request parameter came from the html form. Let me ask you a question here. How
does the web container use the above action and populate the actual bean property?
Good question. Internally, the web container invokes the setFirstName() method
and stores the data. This is why we need to define the setters in the bean class to set the
property values. Similarly, we populate the rest of the bean properties. At this point the
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
customer bean is fully populated with the data and is available in the session. The JSP
page will then provide a link to a servlet that processes the bean.
When the hyperlink is clicked, the web container invokes the doGet() method of the
CustomerInfoProcessor servlet. This servlet first reads the customer bean from the
session as shown below:
Notice that the session attribute name must be userInfo, since this is the name the JSP
defined for the bean. Also notice the casting we did. Since the object in the session
belongs to Customer class, we need to cast it as shown. Once the bean is retrieved from
the session, the servlet simply invokes the bean getters and get the bean data. From here
onwards, I am sure you can understand what we did.
c:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac beans\*.java
c:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac myservlets\*.java
4. Add the following snippet in the web.xml file
<!-- Servlet Definitions -- >
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
5. Start the server using the following command and wait for few seconds.
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
1. Make all the html forms field names same as bean property names as shown
2. Use the following one and only one setProperty action with the property
attribute set to asterisk(*) to populate all the form data in all the bean properties
in one step as shown below:
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
That’s it. All the form data will be stored in the bean in one go. In this example, we
already implemented Step 1 (matching names and properties). So, let’s remove all the
setProperty actions and replace all of them with the above setproperty action. The
updated CustomerInfoGatherer.jsp will now look as shown in listing 14.8e.
<H3>Readingthe form data</H3>
<a href="/myweb/CustomerInfoProcessor" >Click Here </a>
to invoke the servlet that process the bean data in session.
Run the example again, and you’ll notice the same result. Isn’t this cool? I am sure it is.
This is why JSP is really a cool technology. Let’s now look at scenario 2 of JavaBeans
In this scenario, we will have a JSP that sends customer name to a servlet. The servlet
based on the name, will create, populate and store the bean in the session. The servlet
then forwards the request to a JSP page which retrieves the bean from the session and
displays it to the client. Fig 14.2 depicts this.
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
JSP Servlet
Customer Bean
<form action="/myweb/SearchServlet">
<table border=1>
<td> Customer Name </td>
<td> <input type="text" name="customername" size="20"/></td>
<td> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/></td>
package myservlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import beans.*;
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
RequestDispatcher rd =
rd.forward(req, res);
// This is where you need to write the JDBC logic for the following SQL
// SELECT * from Customers where LASTNAME = ?
// Then use preprepared stament to set the customername in the place of
// Refer to the JDBC chapter that has this example
// Finally return a Customer object
// For now Iam mockin two customers
if (customerName.trim().length() > 0
&& customerName.equalsIgnoreCase("john")) {
} else if (customerName.trim().length() > 0
&& customerName.equalsIgnoreCase("James")) {
return customer;
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
<table border=1>
<td> First Name </td>
<td><jsp:getProperty name="searchresult" property="firstName"
<td> Middle Name </td>
<td><jsp:getProperty name="searchresult" property="middleName"
<td> Last Name </td>
<td><jsp:getProperty name="searchresult" property="lastName"
<td> Age </td>
<td><jsp:getProperty name="searchresult" property="age" /></td>
<td> SSN </td>
<td><jsp:getProperty name="searchresult" property="ssn" /></td>
<td> City </td>
<td><jsp:getProperty name="searchresult" property="city" /></td>
<td> State </td>
<td><jsp:getProperty name="searchresult" property="state" /></td>
<td> Country </td>
<td><jsp:getProperty name="searchresult" property="country"
The Search.jsp page will post the customer name to SearchServlet. This servlet
will read the customer name and builds the customer object by calling the
getCustomer() method. Ideally, this method should use the JDBC logic and retrieve
the customer data from a database. Take this as a home work. For now, this method
mocked two customer objects whose names are James and John and returns the
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
appropriate customer object based on name. The servlet then stores the returned
customer object with the name searchresult in the session as shown below:
Notice that the id must be the same name that the servlet used to store the bean in the
session. Also, the scope attribute must be set to session as this is where our servlet
stored the bean. Once it gets the bean, it uses the getProperty actions as shown below
to display the properties of the bean.
<td> First Name </td>
<td><jsp:getProperty name="searchresult" property="firstName" /></td>
c:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac myservlets\*.java
<servlet-class>myservlets. SearchServlet </servlet-class>
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
<servlet-name>SearchServlet </servlet-name>
<url-pattern>/SearchServlet </url-pattern>
5. Start the server using the following command and wait for few seconds.
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
In the previous two examples if you notice the customer bean class, all it has is getters
and setters for storing and retrieving the data. Such beans are one side of the coin. The
other side of the coin is the beans that encapsulate business logic. This is where the real
power of JavaBeans is exposed. To demonstrate this, let’s look at an example.
Let’s write an example with and without using the beans and you’ll notice the beauty of
beans. See the code in listing 14.10a which doesn’t use the beans.
int sum=0;
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++) {
<h3> The sum of first 100 numbers is <%= sum %> </h3>
If you look at the above code, the JSP uses a scriptlet to compute the sum of 100
numbers, which is good. The above code suffers from one serious drawback not in terms
of functionality but in terms readability of the code. If someone comes and gaze though
the page, he will simply be stumped because he doesn’t know what the heck is going on
in the page. All this is because of the presence of the Java code in the JSP. A JSP is
fundamentally a presentation component which should have presentation logic instead
of business logic. Let’s see how we can improve the code using beans. See listing 14.10b
which uses beans.
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
<jsp:useBean id="calculator" class="beans.Calculator" />
package beans;
String count;
String sum;
int s = 0;
int maxCount = Integer.parseInt(count);
sum = s + "";
return sum;
public void setSum(String sum) {
this.sum = sum;
Look at the above calculator bean class. It defined two properties namely count and
sum along with the getters and setters. The interesting piece is the getSum() method.
This method uses the count variable, computes the sum and returns it to the JSP.
The JSP page will define the bean and set the count property at the first place. It then
retrieves the sum property which computes the sum and displays the result. The
Chapter 14 Java Beans in JSP
JSP Programming
computing logic is now moved from JSP page to the bean method. The good thing with
this implementation is that, if the JSP need to compute the sum of other numbers, it can
simply do so as shown below:
If you noticed the above JSP code, we completely avoided duplicate business logic,
right? This is another beauty of using beans. Start the server and type the following URL
This completes most of the important things you need to know about using JavaBeans in
JSP pages. Notice the GoodCalculator.jsp code again. It eliminated duplicate
business logic and at the same time improved the readability of code several times.
Chapter 14 Custom Tags
JSP Programming
However, a careful insight into the code reveals another problem. This is duplicate
HTML code as shown below highlighted in bold.
We eliminated duplicate Java code using JavaBeans. Now you might be wondering if
there is another solution to also eliminate the duplicate html content. Are we greedy
here? If we do have one, then our JSP will be a killer and you know what, we have a
solution. It’s nothing but using custom tags. Let’s see what custom tags are and how
they aid in the development of simplified JSP pages. This is the last concept in this
Custom Tags
Custom Tags are introduced from JSP 1.1 specification. A custom tag is a user defined
tag, which looks just like an XML tag in terms of representation, but conveys a special
meaning to the web container when it comes across it. Custom tags are extremely
powerful and offers a whole lot of flexibility. The notion of custom tag is such a big hit
that you literally see them in almost every single JSP page in any real world J2EE based
web application.
To write a custom tag and use it in a JSP page, we need to follow simple process. This is
a very small price compared to the benefits it offers. So, without wasting any further
time, let’s get into the details of custom tag anatomy.
A custom tag like any standard html tag will have the following things:
1. A tag name
2. One or more tag attributes
3. Body Content
4. Nested tags
In the above custom tag, write is the name of the tag and name and property are the
attributes of the tag. With custom tags it’s very important that every tag that is opened
must also be closed. Failing to do so will result in a JSP translation error.
Chapter 14 Custom Tags
JSP Programming
Just remember the above process even if you don’t understand the custom tags. You’ll
be good. Let’s now see the details of above steps one by one.
A custom tag can be viewed as a “representative” of some Java code in a JSP page. To
write a custom tag, we need to write a Java class using the standard tag extension API.
This API has few built-in classes that we need to use to write the Tag class. Trust me; it’s
very easy to write this class.
Using the above process, let’s write the following custom tag that displays the sum of
<calc:sum count=”100”/>
The web container should compile the above tag and produce the following html
markup. This is our first goal.
See listing 14.11a that’s shown a tag class for the above tag.
package customtags;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
Chapter 14 Custom Tags
JSP Programming
import beans.*;
// This method will be called when the JSP encounters the start of the
// tag implemented by this class.
String count;
// This means the JSP must evaluate the contents of any CHild tags
// in this tag;
// This method is called when the JSP encounters the end of te tag
// implemented by this class
try {
"The Sum of first " + count + " numbers is " + sum);
} catch (IOException e) {
If you observe the above code, we created a class named CalculatorTag that inherits
from TagSupport class, a built-in class that supports custom tags development (Rule
1). Since our custom tag takes count as an attribute, we defined a property (instance
variable) named count and implemented both the getter and setter method (Rule 2). We
then overwrote two methods namely doStartTag() and doEndTag() (Rule 3).
Chapter 14 Custom Tags
JSP Programming
When the web container comes across the custom tag in the JSP, it follows a systematic
approach. It first calls all the setters and assigns the attribute values to the tag class
properties. It then calls the doStartTag() method. The doStartTag() method is
usually empty and always returns EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE. Where did this come from?
Don’t worry. This is a constant defined in the parent class. Returning this constant
means, “Hey container, please evaluate the body content if there is some, otherwise go ahead
with the next step”.
Since our tag doesn’t have any body content, the web container gracefully goes to the
next step which is the invocation of doEndTag() method. Entering in to this method
means, the web container is at the end of the tag. This is where we need to do what ever
we want to have the custom tag render the desired html to JSP page.If you notice the
implementation of this method, it first uses the Calculator bean class, and computes
the sum as shown below:
Once the sum is computed, it should return it back to the JSP in proper format. For the
custom tag to return anything to the JSP, it need to use the pageContext object
inherited from the parent class and use the write() method as shown below:
Now that it finished sending the desired html markup to the JSP, it must return the
constant EVAL_PAGE. This means, “Hey container, I am done processing the tag, so please go
ahead with the rest of the page”. That’s it guys. We finished writing the tag class. Save the
above file in the following directory
This is the most important step. A tag library descriptor is a standard XML file that
defines all the details of the custom tag that the web container needs to process it. It
defines the following information:
1. Name of tag
2. Class of the tag
3. Attributes of the tag
Chapter 14 Custom Tags
JSP Programming
See the following tag library descriptor for our custom tag shown below:.
<calc:sum count=”100”/>
<info>Simple Library</info>
The only important element in the above XML is the one highlighted in bold. The
elements like tlibverion,jspversion,shortname and info are used to convery
some basic information to the container. These are the required elements. The important
one is the tag element which defined the name, the tag class, and the list of attributes
the tag will have. The above code is pretty obvious and conveys a clear picture.
This file though contains xml content, must be saved to a file with a “.tld” extension.
Save this file in the following directory as:
Remember we talked about JSP directives at the beginning and delegated the usage if
third directive named taglib to later section. Now is the time to use this. This directive
is used to import the TLD file into the JSP page as shown below:
The above directive will tell the web container something like, “Hey container, this JSP
uses custom tags that are defined in mytags.tld file which has all the information to process the
Chapter 14 Custom Tags
JSP Programming
tags. Moreover, all the tags defined by this TLD file will be prefixed with calc” as shown
<calc:sum count=”100”/>
There is nothing to explain here guys. Simply use the above custom tag in the JSP page.
Look at the following code that covers both Step 3 and 4.
C:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac customtags\*.java
3. Start the server using the following command and wait for few seconds.
Chapter 14 Custom Tags
JSP Programming
You can now update the JSP to use the custom tag again and again as shown below:
We can also specify the body content for a custom tag. The body content can either be
html or JSP as shown below:
Chapter 14 Summary
JSP Programming
All you need to do is in the TLD file, specify the body content for the tag as html or JSP
as shown below:
Recognizing the important of custom tags in JSP pages, to simplify our life from
building custom tags from scratch, companies like SUN and Apache Software came up
with technologies with rich set of ready made custom tags. These companies identified
the most common custom tags that any JSP page requires and provided the
implementations for the tags by themselves. Most of the real world applications uses
these technologies and leverage the built-in custom tags to use in JSP pages. However,
you are free to write your own custom tags just in case if the functionality you are
expecting is not available with the built-in ones. In such cases, follow the above
procedure. The two most popular technologies that had rich set of custom tags are JSTL
which stands for Java Standard Tag Libraries and Struts created by Apache. These are
our next chapters.
At this point, we finished learning all the important concepts in JSP technology. I am
sure you really enjoyed JSP programming and learnt to use several cool features it
offered. You can now use combination of Servlets and JSP to build any complex web
application. Always remember that, simple concepts are easy to forget. So, read this
chapter twice before you go to the next one, ok.
9 JSP is a reverse technology to Servlets.
9 In JSP technology, Java code is embedded in html code.
9 JSP technology is built over servlet technology. The web container translates
JSP into a Servlet
9 JSP uses special placeholders for Java code.
9 The JSP directives namely page, include and taglib defines the elements that
effects the overall structure of the page.
9 JSP declarations are used for declaring global methods and variables.
9 Scriplets are used for generating the dynamic content.
Chapter 14 Time to play 50-50
JSP Programming
a) include
b) page
2. Which of the following directive is used for importing the custom tags
a) include
b) taglib
a) session = “true”
b) scope=”session”
a) <% %>
b) <%= %>
5. Which of the following standard action is used for defining a Java bean?
a) <jsp:getBean>
b) <jsp:useBean>
Chapter 14 Interview Questions
JSP Programming
a) <jsp:property>
b) <jsp:getProperty>
a) request
b) HttpRequest
a) getResource
b) include
a) TLD file
b) Text file
a) Struts
Interview Questions
Question: What are the implicit objects in a JSP page?
Answer: request, response, session, out, context
Question: What the difference between include directive and standard action
Answer: Directive inclusion provides static inclusion of content and <jsp:include> action
provides dynamic inclusion of content. The content can be either HTML or JSP.
Chapter 14 Interview Questions
JSP Programming
Chapter 15 Chapter Goals
Chapter 15
This chapter introduces to a utility custom tag library called JSTL for building JSP pages.
By the end of this chapter you’ll get acquainted in using standard JSTL tags in JSP pages.
Chapter Goals
9 Understanding JSTL
9 JSTL Core Tags
Environment Setup
c.tld,c-rt.tld,fmt.tld,fmt-rt.tld,sql.tld,sql-rt.tld,x.tld,x-rt.tld into
/myweb/WEB-INF/tld directory
3. Copy the following two Jar files from JSTL installation directory (jakarta-
taglibs\standard-1.0\lib) into myweb project
Chapter 15 Introduction
This chapter introduces you to JSTL which stands for Java Standard Tag Library. In the
last chapter we saw how to develop custom tags for JSP pages. Though we know how to
build custom tags on our own, the only concern is that we have to develop them from
scratch. Since we are in competitive world in which time is very precious, it would be
really nice if we have ready made useful custom tags that we can use in our JSP pages
without having to develop them. This is what JSTL is all about. It is a set of cool ready
made custom tags.
JSTL provides us with custom tags that can be used for most of the common actions in
JSP pages such as iteration, conditions etc. Using these tags has become a common
practice in most of the real world applications due to the following reasons:
1. Simple to use
2. Enhances JSP page readability
3. Highly powerful and
4. Faster JSP development
This chapter gives you an idea about how to use different variety of JSTL tags in JSP
pages. Let's see what these are.
JSTL tags are broadly classified into four groups as shown below:
1. Core Tags
2. SQL Tags
3. XML Tags
4. Format Tags
Out of the above, core tags are the widely used ones followed by SQL tags. Let me tell
you one thing here. Each category has like 5-6 tags and are very simple to use and
hardly takes few minutes to master them. What we will do is, learn all the tags in each
category and then do an example using the same. So, without wasting any further time
let’s see what these are.
Core Tags
These tags are used for general purpose page actions like conditions, iterations,
displaying and manipulating variables in specified scope etc. All the core tags will be
prefixed with "c". Following are the important ones.
Chapter 15 Core Tags
This tag will display what ever you pass into value attribute.
Example 1:
Example 2:
String str="Cool";
str += " JSTL";
<c:out value="${str}" />
The above snippet prints the value in the scripting variable str which is Cool
Use this tag where ever you want to display dynamic content. I know you are seriously
wondering about what "${ }" is for. We need to use this to display the value of a page
variable or a bean property. The symbol $ should be read as "Value of variable or bean
property" and the variable/property name should be enclosed within curly braces.The
default attribute specifies the default value to be displayed if the value attribute
evaluates to null.
Example 3:
In the above tag, if the value of data variable is null, then it displays NO DATA in the
This tag is used to store data in the specified scope as name-value pair. Usually we store
the data in request or session scope.
Example 4:
To store a value something like Steve in session with the key user, we can use this
tag as shown below:
Chapter 15 Core Tags
Example 5:
The above tag stores the value 12345 in the ssn property of customer bean in session.
This is the most widely used tag for iterating through a collection of objects. Look at the
following implementation for this tag.
The items attribute take the collection to iterate and assigns every object in the
collection to item variable. We can then print the object using the c:out tag as shown
above. The above tag should be read as, for each object in list taken into item, display item.
The above tag is equivalent to the following Java code:
for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++)
Object str = list.get(i);
As you can see, the custom tag representation is more readable than the equivalent Java
code representation. This is the beauty of custom tags.
This tag is used to test a condition. If the condition is evaluated to true then the
statements inside the tag will be evaluated.
Example 6:
Chapter 15 Core Tags
if ( accountExists == true){
This tag is used in conjunction with <c:if> tag and <c:when> tag. This tag is normally
used like a typical if-else block.
Example 7:
<c:if test="${accountExists}" >
Total Balance in the account is $<c:out value="${totalFunds}" />
<c:otherwise >
Account not found.
</c:otherwise >
In the above snippet, if the account doesn't exist then the content enclosed in the
c:otherwise tag will be evaluated.
The above two tags are used to create a URL and append query parameters as shown
The above code snippet will produce the following URL and stores it in nextpage
We can then use the above URL in a hyperlink element as shown below:
This completes all the important core tags. As I promised before, let's do an example
using all the above core tags. See the code in listing 15.1.
Chapter 15 Core Tags
<c:out value="${hello}"/>
java.util.List list = new java.util.ArrayList();
pageContext.setAttribute("list", list);
Following are the names in a collection.
Following is a demo of c:choose tag
<c:when test="${test=='Hello'}">
<c:out value="The value is Hello"/>
<c:out value="The value is not Hello"/>
Chapter 15 SQL Tags
SQL Tags
I am sure you already guessed what these tags have to offer. Good. The SQL tags as the
name suggests are used for database operations. These tags allow the page developers to
execute SQL queries from the page itself with minimum effort. All the SQL tags are
usually prefixed with the word sql. Let’s see the important ones here.
This tag is used to establish a connection with the database with the given information.
The connection object will be returned in a variable specified by the var attribute.
Example 1:
The above tag gets a connection to the MyDB database and stores it in myDatSrc
variable. We can now use this variable to execute the SQL queries.
Chapter 15 SQL Tags
This tag is used for executing all the SQL queries except the SELECT query. The query
for this tag can be specified as the body content or through the sql attribute. The syntax
for this tag is shown below:
Use the first convention if the SQL is static and doesn’t require setting any parameters
dynamically as shown below:
If the parameters are required to be passed dynamically which is usually the case, we
use the second convention as shown below
<sql:update dataSource=”${myDatSrc}”>
<sql:param value=”${firstName}”/>
<sql:param value=”${lastName}”/>
The important thing with this convention is the way we set the query parameters. We
need to use the <sql:param> tag with the value attribute as shown above. In our
query we plugged in the firstName and lastName as two parameters.
This tag is used to execute the SELECT queries. The syntax for this is shown below
Like the update tag, the select query can be supplied as an attribute or body content.
This tag will then return the results object that we can iterate and display the results.
Following snippets show both the cases.
Chapter 15 SQL Tags
Let us assume that the above SQL returned the results as shown in the following table.
The results variable should be iterated as shown below to display the data.
This tag is used to specify multiple queries in a single transaction. Its usage is pretty
simple as shown below:
<sql:update sql=”” dataSource=”${myDatSrc}”/>
<sql:update sql=”” dataSource=”${myDatSrc}”/>
All we need to do is enclose all the queries that are to be part of the transaction in the
body of the tag. This completes all the important SQL Tags. Let’s do an example. See the
code in listing 15.2.
int count = 1;
String fn = "James " + count;
String ln = "Bond" + count;
Chapter 15 SQL Tags
pageContext.setAttribute("fn", fn);
pageContext.setAttribute("ln", ln);
<sql:update dataSource="${myDatSrc}">
<sql:param value="${fn}" />
<sql:param value="${ln}" />
<table border=1>
The above JSP code first inserts a record and then displays all the records in the
Customers table.
1. Copy the MySQL driver Jar file into the following directory
3. Assuming that you already have the Customers table, start the server and type
the following URL
Chapter 15 XML Tags
XML Tags
XML Tags are used for processing XML documents. These tags basically use the XPATH
structure to retrieve the data from xml. XML tags are used for parsing the XML content
and then displaying the nodal information. Most the XML tags except the parse tag are
similar to core tags with just a small difference in the sense these tags use the attribute
select instead of value or items attributes. Usually XML tags are prefixed with “x”.
This tag is used to parse the given XML document. The syntax for this tag is shown
The XML source can be the URI to an xml file on the server, or the variable name that
contains the xml content. For instance, look at the following usage.
<x:parse xml=”/xmls/Messages.xml” var=”data” />
The above tag parses the Messages.xml file in the directory named xmls. If the xml
content is stored in a page variable, then we can use this tag as shown below:
Chapter 15 XML Tags
Once the XML parsed, it stores all the nodal structure with the reference variable
specified by the var attribute (data). Using the reference variable, we can retrieve the
values in various nodes.
This tag is used to iterate over the XML elements using the XPATH representation.
Consider the following XML.
<text>This is message 1</text>
<text>This is message 2</text>
<text>This is message 3</text>
When the above XML is parsed and referenced with the variable data, we can use the
forEach tag to display the contents of repititive elements (message) as shown below:
This tag is used to evaluate the body of the tag based on the XPATH expression as
shown below:
Chapter 15 XML Tags
The above code only displays the processed messages. The other XML tags like
<x:when>,<x:choose> work just the same way as the equivalent core tags. Let’s write
a quick example using XML Tags. See the code in listing 15.3.
<text>This is message 1</text>
<text>This is message 2</text>
<text>This is message 3</text>
<x:forEach var="element" select="$data/response/messages">
<x:if select="$element/status= Processed ">
<td> <x:out select="$element/text" /> </td>
Chapter 15 Summary
This completes all the JSTL tags that we need to know for JSP page development. JSTL
tags are extensively used in real world applications and using them makes the page look
much cleaner and simple. I am sure you found the JSTL tags very helpful and easy to
use them in JSP pages. Just read the core tags twice, since these are the widely used
ones. Let’s summarize this chapter.
9 JSTL is a standard library of Custom tags that can be readily used in JSP pages
without building from scratch.
9 JSTL tags are classified as Core tags, SQL Tags, XML tags and Format Tags.
9 The most frequently used ones are the core tags. These tags provide the basic
actions in JSP such as iterations, conditions etc.
9 SQL tags are used for working with databases by executing SQL queries.
9 XML tags are used for processing xml content. These tats use XPATH syntax for
retrieving the XML content.
Interview Questions
Chapter 16 Chapter Goals
Chapter 16
This chapter introduces to the most popular and widely used web technology called
Struts. This is an open source framework developed by Apache Software foundation. By
the end of this chapter, you’ll understand the important features of Struts and how web
applications are built using it.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand MVC Design Pattern
9 Using Struts components.
9 Using Struts Validator
9 Using Struts Tiles
9 Internationalization using Struts
Environment Setup
1. Download the Struts framework at the following URL.
2. Copy all the Jar files in the Struts installation directory (jakarta-struts\lib\*.jar) to
the following “lib” directory in your web project.
/myweb/jsps/struts, /myweb/WEB-INF/classes/formbeans
/myweb/WEB-INF/classes/actions, /myweb/WEB-INF/classes/properties
Chapter 16 Introduction
Struts is an open source framework developed by Apache Software foundation for
building dynamic web applications. What, one more framework to build web
applications? Thankfully Yes. The reason I used the word ‘thankfully’ is because this is
such a good framework and makes life much easier with web application development.
You’ll agree with me by the end of this chapter.
Generally the term framework means some kind of ready made infrastructure based on
a very good design using which one can build web applications at faster pace and that
are flexible and easy to maintain. Struts is one such framework for building web
applications in Java. A framework typically doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it uses a
good design to build a better and reliable wheel. What I mean to say is, a framework
doesn't introduce you to new type of programs, but it will use the same old
technologies, but in a different style. By following its style (process) we can build some
cool web applications. Struts framework also has its own style (process) based on a
design called MVC and we follow this process to build robust dynamic web applications
in Java.
In earlier chapters we looked at Servlet and JSP technologies for building web
applications. The good thing is that struts framework is built using same technologies
but uses a different approach. Therefore, we will still continue to write the same old JSP
pages, simple Java programs etc, but using its new approach or process. For instance, we
will write a Java program that is derived from so and so class, store it in some directory,
then define the class in an XML file and store it so and so directory and so on. The
process that struts follow is very simple. You'll like it, because it makes life easy.
Point number one: Struts framework comes with several built in classes and interfaces.
However, we don't need to know about all of them. But there are few classes that we
need to use to build web applications. They are very simple, trust me. We'll see what
these classes are, and how they help us and all that good stuff later.
Point number two: Like there is woman behind a successful man, there is always a good
design behind a successful framework.
The design behind Struts is the popular design pattern, “The Model View Controller”
a.k.a MVC. Let’s see what MVC design is before learning something about Struts
Chapter 16 Model View Controller Design
The top figure shows the Model 1 design in which a JSP (View) takes the requests from
the browser, processes the request using the Java Beans (Models) and sends the response
back to the browser. In this design JSP acts as both the controller component as well as
the view component. As a controller, it intercepts and processes the requests by
dispatching to helper classes, and as a view it also displays the information to the user.
This design is referred to as MVC1 design.
Now look at the second figure which shows the Model 2 design. I am sure you already
guessed how the design works. The browser can no longer send requests to JSP pages. It
can only send requests to a servlet, which will use its own expertise or helper classes to
process the request. Once all the data is processed and models are prepared to
encapsulate all the information, it will select the appropriate JSP page to display the
information in the browser. In this design, all we did is cleanly separated controller
duties from the view component into a servlet. Moreover, there will only be one
controller servlet in this design and this why we say that the controller as a centralized
component. This design is popularly known as MVC2.
Chapter 16 Why Struts is important to us?
The only difference between the two designs is that, in MVC1 design, JSP acts as both
controller and view, and in MVC2 design, a Servlet acts as a centralized controller and
JSP acts as a View component. This is an interview question.
Model: An entity that stores the data (A Java Bean, a POJO - Plain Old Java Object)
View: A component that sends queries or requests to update the model data, or to read
the model data.
Controller: A centralized component that reads the requests from the browser or a view.
It acts as a single point of entry and exit to/from the application. It manages all the
interactions within the application by coordinating with other components. Its main
duties are:
In MVC2 design, there will be "n" number of models to store different variety of data,
"n" number of Views that queries or updates different models, and "1 and only 1"
Controller. Note this point. This is the design that Struts framework use to build
dynamic web applications in Java. Now that we know what this design is and how it
works, let’s get into serious Struts business.
1. Allows building web applications that are flexible and easy to maintain.
2. Follows a systematic process to build applications.
3. Comes with several cool and ready made custom tags to be used in JSP pages.
4. Uses XML for configuring the applications.
5. It has excellent support and ready made infrastructure for data validation.
6. It comes with Tiles framework that we can leverage to build composite pages
with flexible page layouts.
7. It has inherent support for internationalization making web applications run in
different locales.
8. Excellent support for error handling.
Chapter 16 How Struts work?
With all the above good things that Struts framework has to offer, I am sure you can’t
wait to learn Struts. The above features are one of the reasons why Struts has tasted
instant success and became a de facto standard for all the real world web applications
built in Java.
FB 1
populates form bean
sends FB1 to
RP 1 Ac 1
creates request processor FB 2
1 Read the form bean data
2 Ac 2
sends request to RP 2
Call the backend and
get the response
FB 3
Browser Controller Populate the models
with information
RP 3 Ac 3
sends response to Select the view to
7 display results
XML Properties
I hope the above picture is clear and give you some idea about how Struts work. Follow
the bolded arrows starting from 1, and read the text in the boxes and along the arrows. If
you read carefully, this is how the story builds up:
Chapter 16 Struts API
3. Based on the information the request processor (RP1) got from controller, it does two
1) Read the data in the request and populate the Form Bean (FB1)
2) Send the form bean as a parameter to Action class (Ac 1)
4. Action class after receiving the form bean, does the following
5. The action class will supply all the information to the Controller which will
then use the selected JSP to send the response to the browser.
In the above figure, some components are ready made and some of them are not. The
ready made components are controller and request processors. We don’t have to create
them or write them. They are internally used by Struts framework. The form beans and
action classes are the ones that we need to create as part of development. Writing these
classes hardly takes couple of minutes. Besides these, we also have to write the JSP
pages. Once we finished developing all these components, we define them in a
configuration file named struts-config.xml. The struts framework will take care of
the rest.
Now that we know how Struts work, let’s see some of the components that we use to
build web applications.
Struts API
The Struts API is a set of classes and interfaces that we normally use to build application
components. Following table lists the most important and widely used classes.
Class/Interface Description
ActionForm This class is used to create form beans
Chapter 16 Struts Requests
The best way to learn the API is by using the API. I will explain the usage of the above
classes when we start writing example programs. There are two important files we need
to know for Struts development. These are:
struts-config.xml: This file is where we configure all the Struts related components.
property file: This file defines all the struts related and application related message
properties which is used for displaying messages to the user.
Struts Requests
Struts framework follows some conventions. One of the conventions that stand on top of
all, is the way the HTTP requests are send by the browser. As we learned couple pages
ago, the controller servlet intercepts all the requests sent by the browser to a struts based
web application. The controller usually expects all the requests from the browser to end
with a “.do” extension as shown below:
The struts controller component will intercept the above request and interpret it in the
following manner.
1. Get the name of the request. The name if the request is the part of the URL
after the context name myweb and before .do extension. Therefore it gets
/welcome as the name of the request.
Chapter 16 The struts configuration file
In Struts based applications, we commonly see the following two scenarios for
processing the requests.
Scenario 1: This is the scenario without action class. In this case, the controller will use its
own expertise with the information defined in the configuration file to process the
Scenario 2: This is the scenario with action class. In this case, the controller will delegate
the request to a RequestProcessor object which will use the formbean (if any) and
action class to process the request. The action class finally returns the response back to
the controller which will then send it to the browser.
These are the only two cases you'll normally see in any struts based application. All the
examples we do in this chapter also fall in one of the above cases.
Chapter 16 The struts configuration file
This tag is used for defining the data sources to use within the application. This tag is
rarely used.
This element is used to define all the form beans within the application. This element
uses the child element <form-bean> for defining individual beans as shown below:
<form-bean name=”customer” type=”formbeans.CustomerBean” />
The above defines a single formbean with the name customer that belongs to a class
CustomerBean in the formbeans package.
This element is used to define error pages for various exceptions thrown by the
application components. Its usage is as shown below:
<exception type=”” path=”Error.jsp”/>
If any of the application components throws IOException, then the controller will
forward the request to the Error.jsp page.
This element is used to declare the global forward pages that can used by all the action
classes. Its usage is shown below:
<forward name=”success” path=”/jsps/Main.jsp”/>
<forward name=”failure” path=”/jsps/Error.jsp”/>
Chapter 16 The struts configuration file
With the above forwards, if the action class selects the success forward, then the
controller will forward the request to Main.jsp.
This is the most important element in the configuration file. It defines all the action
classes and related information like exceptions, forwards etc. We’ll see the details of this
element when we do examples.
This element is used for internationalization support. It defines the list of property files
and resource bundles to be used by the framework to display messages on the browser
based on locale.
This element is used to plug in external frameworks into struts framework. This is one of
the key features of struts, the ability to integrate with other frameworks.
With this basic understanding of what a struts configuration file contains, let’ begin our
journey into Struts.
1. If the request sent from the browser doesn’t contain any data, then we don’t need
to write formbean and action class. We just have to define an action mapping in the
configuration file with information sufficient for the controller to take care of the
2. If the request does include data, then we must write an action class. If the data
comes by submitting a HTML form, then we also need to write a formbean class.
Otherwise, no form bean is required.
Let’s write a simple program to get started. This example simply takes a “.do” request
from a browser and forwards it to a welcome page. Since no data will sent in the
request, we use trick 1. See the code in listing 16.1.
Chapter 16 The struts configuration file
<TITLE>Tag - Methods</TITLE>
<h1>Welcome to Struts</h1>
Chapter 16 The struts configuration file
When the above URL is sent to the controller servlet, it checks for action mapping whose
path is /welcome. Since we defined the following as the action mapping in the struts-
config.xml file,
the controller will forward all the /welcome requests to Welcome.jsp page. The above
URL will therefore produce the following result:
The above example is very simple and I am sure you got it in few seconds. In the next
example what we will do is, send a request parameter called page with two possible
values. Based on its value, we will have the controller forward it to appropriate page. In
this example, we will create two JSP pages namely Sales.jsp and Inventory.jsp.
When the browser sends the following maintenance request, the controller should
display Sales.jsp content:
This example uses trick 2 listed before. See the code in listing 16.2.
Chapter 16 The struts configuration file
package actions;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
try {
nextPage = page;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Finish with
return mapping.findForward(nextPage);
We’ll see how the above action class works after running the example.
Chapter 16 The struts configuration file
2. Add the following action mapping in the action mappings section in the struts-
config.xml (Next to previous mapping)
C:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac actions\*.java
Now change the URL to send inventory as the page parameter as shown below:
Chapter 16 Action Class
Since the example worked the way it should, let’s understand how to build action class.
Action Class
Action class is a core component in the struts framework that we need to write to
process the request. To create an action class,
1. ActionMapping - Used by the action class to select the view (JSP page)
2. ActionForm - This argument represents the formbean if there is one. Since our
example doesn’t have any formbean class, it will be null and we don’t use this
for now.
3. HttpServletRequest – This parameter is used to read request parameters and
get a handle to session object.
4. HttpServletResponse – This is a response object, but we never use it. So, we
will ignore this argument completely.
The execute() method returns an object of ActionForward class. This object is used
to return the selected view information back to the controller. Following is what we
normally do inside the execute method:
Chapter 16 Action Class
If a formbean is not defined by the application, we use the following methods to read
the data based on where the data is present.
request.getParameter() (or)
If there is form bean defined, say CustomerBean, then we need to do the following:
a) Get the form bean using the form argument as shown below:
b) Read the data from the above bean using its get methods.
This is the step where we process all the data and generate dynamic content by calling
whichever backend systems we want to. If there is no dynamic content, we simply select
the next view (page) to go to. However, if there is dynamic content (which is normally
the case) we store it in session and then select the next view. Make sense?
Once the above step chooses the view, the execute method returns it back to the
controller using the mapping argument as shown below:
In our example, we just followed the above process. Since we don’t have any form bean,
we read the data as,
We then assigned the value of the above variable to nextPage. This variable can have
either sales or inventory based on what value is sent in the request, right? We then
returned the view using the following statement.
Chapter 16 Action Class
The above statement will return either sales or inventory back to the controller to select
the view. Can you tell me how the controller associates the above mapping to the actual
JSP pages? Look at the following action mapping we added in the configuration file:
In this example, our action class can only return sales or inventory as the forward. In the
next example, instead of sending a request from the browser, let’s have a html form post
the login information to a login action. This example will use a form bean to store the
form data. Let’s first write the code and then look at the details. See the code in listing
<P>Please Login into the application.<BR>
<form action="/myweb/">
<TABLE border="1">
<INPUT type="text" name="username" size="20">
<TD><INPUT type="password" name="password" size="20"></TD>
<TD colspan="2" align="center"><INPUT type="submit"
Chapter 16 Action Class
String name = (String) session.getAttribute("Name");
<h3>Hello Mr <%= name%>. How are you doing?</h3>
package formbeans;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
package actions;
import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;
import formbeans.LoginForm;
Chapter 16 Action Class
try {
nextPage = "success";
} catch (Exception e) {
// Finish with
return (mapping.findForward(nextPage));
return name;
2. Add the following action mapping in the action mappings section in the struts-
config.xml (Next to previous mappings)
Chapter 16 Action Class
C:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac formbeans\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac actions\*.java
Chapter 16 Action Class
Now that you successfully executed the program, let’s see how it works.
The login page posts the login information to /login action as shown below:
<form action="/myweb/">
The controller will then retrieve all the information form struts-config.xml for this
action. Following is what it finds:
The above action mapping is almost same as the previous one but includes a name
attribute. This attribute will tell the controller that the LoginAction class is using a
formbean named loginForm to collect the data. The controller goes to the form beans
mappings in the configuration file, and looks for the bean definition with the same name
and finds the following:
Now look at the form bean class LoginForm. Two simples rules to write this class:
This is exactly what we did in the LoginForm class. When the login page is submitted,
the controller will populate the formbean properties with the form data and passes the
formbean as a parameter to LoginAction class. The action class will first read the
formbean as shown below:
Once the bean is retrieved, it will invoke the getter methods to read the data.
At this point, you can do whatever you want with the data. In our case, we want to get
the actual name of the user from the username to display it in the next page. For this, we
called the getName() method passing the username. This method should ideally
connect to database and get the name, but we just mocked up couple of names using
HashMap object. If no name is found, it returns Guest. After the name is returned back,
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
we just can’t leave it alone. Instead, we must store it in the session so that the next
page can read it from the session and display it. This is exactly what we did with the
following statements.
nextPage = "success";
Now if you look at the action mapping for this action class, success will be forwarded to
Main.jsp as shown below:
Finally, the main page will read the session attribute and displays the greeting. If the
above explanation is confusing, here is the simple process that outlines the above:
Important Trick: Whenever there is a html form, write a form bean with the form
properties and use the formbean within the action class. This is also the reason why it
got the name formbean.
Now that you understood the basics of Struts, it time to concentrate on JSP page
development using struts style. Once we learned to build JSP pages using struts style,
we will again get back to normal struts business. Ok.
All the custom tags in struts are categorized into four types as shown below:
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
The struts installation will include the TLD files for all the above tags. Following are the
four TLD files for the above four categories of tags:
1. struts-html.tld
2. struts-bean.tld
3. struts-logic.tld
4. struts-tiles.tld
To use the custom tags defined in the above TLD files, we import them in the JSP pages
as shown below:
Based on the above taglib directives, you can easily guess that all the html tags will be
prefixed with html, all the bean tags will be prefixed with bean etc., as shown below:
<bean:define …..
<tiles:insert…… and so on.
Let me tell you one thing here. There are several custom tags in each category unlike in
JSTL where we have few tags. I know it’s tough to memorize all of them, so we will only
look at the most important ones here. Ok. The usage of these tags is pretty simple and
again hardly takes few minutes to master them.
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
Bean Tags
These tags as the name suggests are used for reading and populating the bean
properties. All the bean tags are normally prefixed with the word bean. To better
understand how the bean tags work, let’s consider a bean structure as shown below:
accountDetail: AccountDetail
address: Address
creditCards[]: CreditCard
bankName: String
The Account bean has three properties namely accountDetail, address, array of
creditcards and a bankName. The AccountDetail bean in turn has two properties,
Creditcard has two properties and Address bean has four properties. The Account
bean is the top level bean that represents all the information. Based one the above bean
structure, given an account bean, the account type is retrieved with the property key
accountDetail.accountType and so on. Now, let’s look at the important tags.
This tag is used to define a scripting variable in a JSP page. The syntax is shown below:
Example 1:
The following defines a scripting variable named userSSN and assigns the value
12345. You can then use userSSN variable any where in the JSP page.
The following defines a scripting variable named type and assigns the value of
accountType property of account bean stored is in the session.
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
This tag echoes the value stored in a bean property on the page. Its syntax is shown
Example 3:
The following usage prints the value in bankName property of account bean stored in
Example 4:
The following usage prints the value in name and number properties of first creditcard
in account bean stored in session.
This tag reads the property value from the properties file based on the specified key. Its
systax is shown below:
Example 5:
The following displays the property value of error.username key from the property
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
package beans;
String name;
String number;
package beans;
String accountType;
String accountBalance;
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
package beans;
String addressLine1;
String city;
String state;
String country;
package beans;
import java.util.List;
AccountDetail accountDetail;
Address address;
List creditCards;
String bankName;
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
The above four bean classes are pretty straight forward. Look at the Account bean. This
bean defines four properties as shown below:
AccountDetail accountDetail;
Address address;
List creditCards;
String bankName;
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
we also need to define two additional indexed methods with the actual object contained
in the list as shown below:
Now, let’s write an action class to populate the Account bean and store it in the session
package actions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;
import beans.*;
try {
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
request.getSession(true).setAttribute("account", account);
} catch (Exception e) {
return (mapping.findForward(nextPage));
As you can see from the above code, we first created and populated the child beans, and
then added the child beans to the Account bean using the set methods. Finally, we
stored the Account bean in the session with the name account as shown below:
In the request from the browser, let’s send a parameter named page whose value is
used to select the view. Following is the JSP that uses the bean tags to display the
account bean properties.
<h2> Accessing the Account bean properties from the session </h2></BR>
<bean:define id="ssn" value="324324" />
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
This JSP uses the bean tags to retrieve the Account bean information. For instance, to
retrieve the account type, it uses the following bean tag:
Since we stored the bean with the name account in session scope, the above tag must
also use the same name to access it. It also specifies where the bean can be found using
the scope attribute. The property attribute is the one that specifies the complete path of
the property. We also used the message tags to read the properties from the following
property file:
To display the above property values in the browser, we use the message tag as shown
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
The above tag will retrieve the property value of error.password from the property
file and display it in the browser. Let’s execute the program.
2. Add the following action mapping in the action mappings section in the struts-
config.xml (Next to previous mappings)
. . . . . . .
C:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac beans\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac actions\*.java
Notice the page parameter in the request. The action class will use this parameter to
select the view. This is the reason why we have the forward with the name bean in the
configuration file as shown below:
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
Now that we understood how the bean tags work, let’s look at how logic tags work.
Logic Tags
These tags are used for basic operations in the JSP pages like iterations, conditions etc.
These tags are very much similar to the JSTL core tags that we read in the previous
chapter. These tags are normally prefixed with the word “logic”. Following are the most
important tags in this category.
This tag is used to check the emptiness of a collection referenced by a JSP page variable
or a bean property. The body of the tag is evaluated based on the outcome. The syntax
for this tag is shown below:
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
Example 1:
List data = new ArrayList();
<logic:empty name=”data”>
Some content
The above usage will evaluate the body of the tag if the collection referenced by data is
Example 2:
The following usage of the tag will evaluate the body if the collection referenced by
creditCards property in accounts bean is empty.
The behavior of this tag is exactly reverse of the above empty tag. This tag will evaluate
the body if the collection is not empty. The syntax for this tag is shown below:
This tag as the name suggests will evaluate the body of the tag if the value of a page
variable or bean property is equal to the specified value. Its syntax is shown below:
Example 3:
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
The above usage of this tag will evaluate the body if the value in firstName variable is
equal to John.
Example 4:
The above usage of the tag will check the value of bankName property in account bean
and then evaluate the content accordingly.
This tag is used to iterate over a collection of objects. This is one of the most widely used
logic tag. Following is the syntax for this tag:
Example 5:
This above usage of the tag will iterate over the creditCards collection in the
account bean. It uses the id attribute to reference every object in the collection. Inside
the tag, we use the id value and read the properties as shown above. The iteration will
display all the credit card names and numbers stored in the account bean.
Using the above logic tags let’s write an example. What we will do is, use the same bean
classes and action class of the previous example and simply create a new JSP file called
LogicTagsDemo.jsp and use the account bean stored in the session class.
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
2. Update the action mapping used in the previous example (/customtags) to add
the following new forward:
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
HTML tags
The Struts html tags are used to represent the standard html elements in the JSP page.
Though these tags work much the same way, it’s a good practice to use them to be
consistent. These tags are normally prefixed with the word “html”. Following are the
important ones.
<html:form action="">
This tag is used to create a html form element. To submit a html form to an action
mapping named "/" we use this tag as shown below:
<html:form action="welcome">
Chapter 16 JSP development using Struts Tags
Example 1:
To create a text field with the name firstName of size 20, and with maximum character
limitation of 50, we use this tag a shown below:
This tag is used to create html text area with specified name, rows and columns.
Example 2:
To create a text area with the name description with dimensions 5 by 40, we use this
tag as shown below:
This tag defines a hyperlink. The name attribute is optional and if present must be a Map
which will get converted to queryString.
Example 3:
Map queryString = new HashMap();
This tag is used to represent a drop down box for selecting the items.
Example 4:
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
When the form is submitted, the selected item in the drop down will be sent in the
request with the property name book as shown below:
<html:errors />
This tag is used to display all the Struts errors. The usage of this tag is explained in the
later section.
This completes all the basic custom tags that we need to know to build JSP pages. With
this knowledge, let’ get back to the real struts business.
Struts Validation
Validating the form data is one of the common things we do in web applicatons. Struts
support data validation through two mechanisms listed below:
1. Formbean Validation
2. Struts Validator
Let’s look at both the mechanisms one by one and see which one offers more flexibility.
The example that we are going to develop now will cover all the concepts that we
learned so far. In this example, we will build a JSP page that uses the struts custom tags
and post the customer information to an action class. Since we have a form, we will
create a form bean to collect the data. This example also introduces you to data
validation using form beans. Following is what we will do in this example:
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
4. If the validation fails, the controller will display the form listing the errors.
5. The action class will insert the data into database and displays a confirmation
Let’s first write the code and then look at the details. See the code in listing 16.6.
<html:form action="customer">
<TABLE border="1">
<TD><html:text property="firstName"></html:text></TD>
<TD><html:text property="middleName"></html:text></TD>
<TD><html:text property="lastName"></html:text></TD>
<TD><html:text property="age"></html:text></TD>
<TD><html:text property="ssn"></html:text></TD>
<TD><html:text property="city"></html:text></TD>
<TD><html:text property="satte"></html:text></TD>
<TD><html:text property="country"></html:text></TD>
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
<TD colspan="2"><html:submit></html:submit></TD></TR>
<h2> Thanks for registering with us.</h2>
package formbeans;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
package actions;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import formbeans.CustomerForm;
try {
customerForm.getMiddleName(), customerForm.getLastName(),
customerForm.getAge(),customerForm.getSsn(), customerForm.getCity(),
customerForm.getState(), customerForm.getCountry());
} catch (Exception e) {
// Finish with
return (mapping.findForward("success"));
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
String country) {
// Use JDBC Logic here to insert the data into the Customers table.
myweb/ WEB-INF/classes/formbeans/
2. Add the following action mapping in the action mappings section in the struts-
config.xml (Next to previous mappings)
. . . . . . .
C:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac formbeans\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>..>..>classes>javac actions\*.java
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
This page uses the struts html tags to build a customer form and posts the data to
/ action as shown below:
<html:form action="customer">
The above mapping has three important attributes namely name, validate and input.
This formbean simply defines all the properties of the form along with the getters and
setters. The important thing to understand here is how the controller uses the bean to
validate the data. Here is the trick. To validate the data inside formbean, it should
implement the validate() method as shown below:
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
try {
int ssn1 = Integer.parseInt(ssn);
} catch (Exception e) {
// If it comes here, then the user entered non-numeric data for SSN
errors.add("ssn_number", new ActionError("error.ssn.invalid"));
try {
int age1 = Integer.parseInt(age);
} catch (Exception e) {
errors.add("age_number", new ActionError("error.age.invalid"));
return errors;
This method is a standard method for validating the data. Since the validation is turned
on using the validate attribute in the action mapping, the controller after populating
formbean properties will invoke the validate() method. This method will return
ActionErrors object which is a collection of ActionError objects. For every failed
validation, we need to add an ActionError object to the ActionErrors list as
shown below:
The above code checks for lastName, and does the following two things:
The constructor usually specifies the key defined in the property file whose value
will be echoed when the validation fails. With the following property defined in
the property file,
when the errors are displayed on the page, the actual message from the property
file will be displayed; in our case the message will be “LastName is required”.
2. The above action error will then be added to the ActionErrors list as
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
Similarly, we add the errors for other fields. By the end of the validate() method, if
the ActionErrors list is empty (no errors) , then the form bean will be sent to action
class. Otherwise, the controller will go back to the page specified by the input attribute
in the action mapping which happens to be the same JSP page that submitted the form.
Since the formbean is performing four validations, we will have four property messages
defined in the properties file as shown below:
The execute() method of this action class simply reads the formbean data and invokes
the method to insert the data into the database. Take this part as assignment to
implement the JDBC logic. It finally selects the success forward which takes us to the
confirmation page using the following forward definition:
There is one more thing we need to know. Assuming that validation errors if any are
returned back to the page, how should we display them? Very simple. We simply need
to add the following html errors tag in the jsp page where ever we want to display the
In our example, let’s display the errors at the top of the page by placing the above tag as
shown below:
Enter non-numeric data for Age and SSN and you’ll see the following result:
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
Congratulations. Now you know how to validate form data using formbeans. Though
formbeans give us the flexibility for custom validations, it has some serious drawbacks
too. Let’s see this negative side of formbeans.
1. Since a single formbean is associated with a single html form, if the web
application has like 100 html forms, we need to have 100 formbean classes,
right? This poses code maintenance problems and the project size also gets
2. If the html form undergoes changes by adding or removing fields, then the
formbean properties must be changed accordingly, which requires
recompilation of entire project.
To overcome the above two problems, does struts have a solution by which we can
completely eliminate the formbean classes and also eliminate the recompilation of the
project due to form changes? Yes, we have a solution in the form of dynaformbeans. So,
without wasting any time, let’s see what this is all about.
If you noticed the formbeans we wrote until now, they all belong to ActionForm class
because the formbean inherits from it as shown below:
Such formbeans suffer from the above two problems. The new type of formbeans use
DynaActionForm class instead of ActionForm class to address the problems. This is
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
why we call them as dynaformbeans. Using DynaActionForm we can eliminate all the
formbean classes by declaring the formbean properties in the struts configuration file
(struts-config.xml) itself. The formbean definition will go right in the form beans section
of the xml file. By moving the entire formbean definition into the xml itself, we no longer
have to recompile the project in the event of changes. We just have to restart the server.
Following is how the formbean definition for a customer form looks like:
<form-bean name="dynamicCustomerForm"
<form-property name="firstName" type="java.lang.String" />
<form-property name="middleName" type="java.lang.String" />
<form-property name="lastName" type="java.lang.String" />
<form-property name="age" type="java.lang.String" />
<form-property name="ssn" type="java.lang.String" />
<form-property name="city" type="java.lang.String" />
<form-property name="state" type="java.lang.String" />
<form-property name="country" type="java.lang.String" />
There are two important things we need to understand with the above definition. The
type attribute should always be org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidator
Form and we need to use nested <form-property> tags to define the bean properties.
This element should also define the class of the property using the type attribute as
shown below:
The above defines firstName as a String. Similarly, if you want to define a property
to store numbers, it will be defined as shown below:
Though the above definition solved the two problems, what about validation? Clearly,
we did not move the validation logic in the validate() method to the xml, right? So, if
we want to do data validation, what should we do? Good question. There are two
solutions. One solution is create a class and just define the validate() method. What?
a new class again? This is what we want to eliminate, right? Using this solution brings
us back to square one. So, this is definitely not the solution. The solution is XML based
validation using Struts Validation framework. Every time we have a problem, struts is
there for our rescue. This is the beauty of Struts.
Now that we know how to define a dynaformbean in the configuration file, we need to
know how to read the data from this bean in the action class. If you recall from the
previous example, action class first casts the formbean into the appropriate class and
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
then invoke the getter methods to read the data. We do almost exactly the same with
dynaformbeans too. Following is how the code looks like in the action class:
As you can see from the above code, we cast the form to DynaValidatorForm class
and use the get methods passing the property names to read the data. Let’s stop this
theory crap and look at an example using the dynaformbeans. In this example we will
use the same JSP code from the previous example, but post it to a new action class that
uses dynaformbean. See the code in listing 16.7.
<h3> Thank you <%= session.getAttribute("Name") %> for visiting the WebSite
package actions;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm;
try {
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
// Remember in our database, age and ssn are integers. So lets convert
// the strings to int and then store it to database
int iage = 0;
int issn = 0;
iage = Integer.parseInt(age);
issn = Integer.parseInt(ssn);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Finish with
return mapping.findForward(nextPage);
conn =
} catch (Exception e) {
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
if (conn != null) {
// Create statement from connection
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
ps.setString(1, firstName);
ps.setString(2, middleName);
ps.setString(3, lastName);
ps.setInt(4, age);
ps.setInt(5, ssn);
ps.setString(6, city);
ps.setString(7, state);
ps.setString(8, country);
Don’t worry by the length of the code. We also included the JDBC logic to insert the
customer details to the database. If you look at the code in the above action class, we
used the dynaformbean to read the form data. This is the only change from the previous
<form-bean name="dynamicCustomerForm"
3. Add the following snippet in the action mappings section next to the previous
Chapter 16 Struts Validation
type="actions.DynamicCustomerAction ">
<forward name="success" path="/jsps/struts/Confirmation2.jsp"/>
Notice that our new formbean name is “dynaCustomerForm” which uses the
dynaformbean defined in Step 2. It also defines a forward to Confirmation2.jsp.
<html:form action="dynaCustomer">
c:/>JavaTraining…….>myweb>WEB-INF>classes>javac actions\*.java
Let’s see how the code works. The JSP will post the form data to dynaCustomer action.
Since this action mapping uses dynaformbean, the controller will populate the bean
properties with the form data and passes it as an argument to action class. The action
class simply reads all the data and stores the Name of the customer in the session. For
now we commented the method to insert the data into database. If you have the table
ready, then you can uncomment this code to store the data in the table. The action class
then selected the success forward which forwards it to confirmation page defined in
the action mapping. This JSP will read the Name field from the session and displays a
greeting to the user.
Start the server, and type the following URL in the browser.
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
Now that we know how to use dynamic formbeans for capturing the form data, it’s time
to understand how we can do data validation using the same. Since we already ruled
out the usage of additional class, the only solution left is the “Validation Framework”.
Let’s see what this is.
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
The validation framework is created by David Winterfeld and it now integrated into the
Struts framework as part the distribution. This validator completely eliminates the
coding of formbean classes and declaratively configures the validation logic in the XML
files. This framework uses the following two XML files for validation:
1. validation-rules.xml
2. validation.xml
The validation-rules.xml is a standard XML file that comes along with the Struts
distribution. The validation.xml file is the one that we create and declare all the
validations our application needs. Let’s understand the usage of these two XML files in
This XML as I said before comes along with the Struts distribution. This file defines all
the standard validation functions that are most widely and commonly used in typical
web applications. Seldom web applications go beyond the validation rules defined in
this file. Following is the basic structure of this XML file:
As shown above, the root element of this XML document is the form-validation.
This element can have one or more global elements, but usually have just one global
element. The global element will have several validator elements each defining a
validation rule. There is absolutely no limit on the number of validation rules it can
have. If the standard rules don’t meet your requirements, you are free to add new
validation rules. The validator element forms the heart of this XML. So, let’s see how
this element typically looks like.
<validator name="required"
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
depends=”numeric,mask” />
Attribute Description
A unique name that identifies the validation rule. In this case, the
name if the rule is required
This represents the class that contains the actual validation logic.
classname This will always be org.apache.struts.util.
StrutsValidator which is a standard built-in struts class.
This attribute represents the name of the method in the above
class that does the validation. Once such method is
validateRequired. This method does the required validation
for a form field.
This represents a comma delimited list of parameters to the
above method. It takes five parameters.
This represents the key in the property file whose value should
be used in the event of validation error
This attribute defines names of other validation rules that should
depends be fired before firing the current rule. We can specify more then
one dependent rules here using a comma delimiter.
This validation-rules XML file will define several such validator elements one for each
validation rule. So, don’t get scared by the length of the XML file. All the validation
rules in this XML file uses the msg attribute that defines the property key to get the
actual error message as shown below:
Therefore, for the validation rule to work, we need to define the above key in the
properties file with the actual error message as shown below:
Every validation rule will have its own message key and therefore we need to define
each an every key in the property file. The good thing is, the XML file defines all the
message properties in the comment section. We just have to copy paste them into our
property file. Following are the validation keys used by the validation rules in this XML
file. We sincerely need to copy paste them into the property file.
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
errors.required={0} is required.
errors.minlength={0} can not be less than {1} characters.
errors.maxlength={0} can not be greater than {1} characters.
errors.invalid={0} is invalid.
errors.integer={0} must be an integer.{0} is not a date.
errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}.{0} is an invalid credit card number.{0} is an invalid e-mail address.
Don’t worry about the numbers in the message text. We’ll look at their significance in
the later section. For now, remember them as arguments to the message. For every
validation rule in the XML file, there will be a corresponding method defined in the
StrutsValidator class. Following table lists the rules and corresponding methods.
This is all you need to know about the validation-rules.xml file. Now, let’s look at the
second XML file, the validation.xml.
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
This file defines which validation rules in the validation-rules.xml are required to be fired
for various formbean fields. The XML structure for this file is shown below:
As you can see from the above xml fragment, the root form-validation element has
two child elements namely global and formset. The global element defines one or
more constant elements and formset element defines one or more form elements.
The form element is the most important one that specifies which validation rules need
to be fired for various form fields. Consider the following form element
<form name=”customerForm”>
<field property=”lastName” depends=”required”>
<arg0 key=”customerForm.lastName”/>
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
The above form element defines validations for three form fields in a formbean named
customerForm whose names are lastName, ssn and age respectively. Let’s look at
the field elements one by one.
This field uses the required validation as specified by the depends attribute. This
validation uses the following property in the property file to display the error message:
errors.required={0} is required.
In the above message “{0}” represents the 0th argument which should be replaced with
the actual field name. Therefore, we need to pass the field name for 0th argument as
shown below:
<arg0 key=”customerForm.lastName”/>
With all the above, the error message produced for this field is “Last Name is required”.
The only difference with this field is that we added integer validation in the depends
attribute. For this field, the struts validator first performs the required validation. If a
value is entered for this field, then it fires the integer validation that checks whether the
value entered in the field is a number or not. If it is not a number, then it generates an
error message. Following two properties are used for this validation:
errors.required={0} is required.
errors.integer={0} must be an integer.
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
Let me ask you a question. How many arguments do we need to pass for the above two
messages? One or two? Good. We have to pass only ONE argument. This is because
each of the above messages only need one argument.
1. Identify the error messages for the three functions. This gives us the following
errors.required={0} is required.
errors.integer={0} must be an integer.
errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}.
0th argument will be used by first three messages, and 1st and 2nd arguments will be used by
third message. So, if I have three arguments as shown below,
key1 =Age
Age is required
Age must be integer
Age is not in the range 20 through 30
Sometimes, users prefer to define the actual values in the XML itself as opposed to
defining them in property file. In the above example, if we want to define values 20 and
30 in the field definition itself, we can do it as shown below:
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
In the above snippet, we defined to variables namely limit1 and limit2 with values
10 and 20. Now look at 1st argument. It says, for range validation (name=range), don’t use
the property file (resource = false), use the value of limit1 variable (key="$[val:limit1]"). I am
sure the picture is clear. If at any time you want to declare variable values that should be
plugged in the error message, you can do so using the above convention.
I think with all the above theory crap, you now know how the struts validator works.To
conclude, let’s do an example and you’ll be an expert. We will use the previous dyna
formbean example and add the following validations for lastName, ssn and age fields:
lastName: required
ssn: required, integer
age: required, integer, range
<form name="dynamicCustomerForm">
<field property="lastName" depends="required">
<arg0 key="customerForm.lastName" />
<field property="ssn" depends="required,integer">
<arg0 key="customerForm.ssn" />
<field property="age" depends="required,range">
<arg0 key="customerForm.age" />
<arg1 name="range" key="$[var:minLength]"
resource="false" />
<arg2 name="range" key="$[var:maxLength]"
resource="false" />
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
The above validation xml defines validation rules for a form named dynamicCustomer
Form as shown below:
<form name="dynamicCustomerForm">
The form name defined by this element must be exactly same as the formbean name
used in the struts-config.xml file. Once the above field definitions are definied, we
are ready to execute the program.
(Note: The rules xml file comes with struts installation. Just copy it)
errors.required={0} is required.
errors.minlength={0} can not be less than {1} characters.
errors.maxlength={0} can not be greater than {1} characters.
errors.invalid={0} is invalid.
errors.byte={0} must be a byte.
errors.short={0} must be a short.
errors.integer={0} must be an integer.
errors.long={0} must be a long.
errors.float={0} must be a float.
errors.double={0} must be a double.{0} is not a date.
errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}.{0} is an invalid credit card number.{0} is an invalid e-mail address.
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
4. Update the previous action mapping to validate the data as shown below:
In the above process, Step 3 deserves some attention. Struts validation framework by
default will not be enabled. We need to ask the struts framework to enable it by defining
it as a plugin as shown above. If you noticed in the plugin declaration, we also need to
specify the locations of the two XML files validation.xml and validation-rules.xml. You
don’t have to remember the syntax of this element. Just copy and paste it as we only do
it once. Ok. In this example, we are using all the code from the previous example. Now
that we completed all the steps, start the server and test the following URL
1. Don’t enter lastName, SSN and Age. You’ll see the errors
2. Enter lastName, with invalid SSN and Age. You’ll see the errors
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
There is one more interesting feature with the struts validator framework. With simple
modifications, we can display error messages using JavaScript dialog boxes. Let’s do
this, and I am sure you’ll like it.
This is an extension to the validator framework to display the error messages using
Javascript dialog boxes. Follow the process below:
<form action="dynaCustomer"
onSubmit="return validateDynamicCustomerForm(this);">
<html:javascript formName="dynamicCustomerForm"/>
Chapter 16 Struts Validator Framework
In the above function name, the formbean name should start with an uppercase letter
and the function should be terminated by a semicolon as shown below:
onSubmit="return validateDynamicCustomerForm(this);
In Step 2, we need to use one of the html tags with the formName attribute specifying
the formbean name. No changing case here, ok. Now run the JSP again with the same
URL as before, and you’ll see the error messages as shown below:
This completes all the details of Struts validator framework. Using this framework, we
can completely eliminate the formbean classes and make use of xml for data validation
which offers more flexibility and ease of use. There is one more utility framework in
Chapter 16 Tiles Framework
Struts just like the validator framework, but this is for a different purpose. It is used for
web page layout. Let’s see what this framework has to offer.
Tiles Framework
In real world applications there will be several web pages. If you noticed carefully, most
of the pages will have certain things in common like headers, footers, navigation bars
etc. A typical web page can be viewed as composite page built from several small pages
(tiles) arranged according to a fixed layout called master layout. By using master layouts
to build composite pages, we can increase the flexibility of the web pages. Tomorrow, if
you want to use a different layout for the page, all you have to do is change the master
layout, and all your web pages will take the new form automatically. This is cool, right?
You don’t have to manually change each and every page to adjust to the new layout.
Struts tiles framework supports building such composite pages using master layouts.
Using struts tiles framework is very simple. There is a standard and simple process to
follow as depicted below:
1. Create a master layout JSP page with different tiles. Every tile will have a unique
name to identify it.
2. Create smaller JSP pages that will be used to build the composite page. The
smaller pages are referred to as tiles.
The tiles framework like the validation framework uses an XML file to define the master
layouts and tile information. The name of this file can be anything, but we usually name
it as layout-tiles-defs.xml. The details of this file are deferred to a later section.
To use Struts tiles framework, we need to configure the tiles plugin just like we plugged
in the struts validator in the configuration file. Following is the plugin information that
we will be adding to the struts-config.xml file to turn on the tiles framework.
<plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin">
<set-property property="definitions-config"
value="/WEB-INF/layout-tiles-defs.xml" />
<set-property property="moduleAware" value="false"/>
<set-property property="definitions-parser-validate" value="true"/>
If you notice the above plugin element, it takes the location of the tiles XML file as a
parameter as shown below:
<set-property property="definitions-config"
value="/WEB-INF/layout-tiles-defs.xml" />
Chapter 16 Tiles Framework
Once we added the above plugin in the configuration file, we are ready to build
applications using tiles. At the beginning of the chapter, we learned three categories of
struts custom tags namely html tags, bean tags and logic tags. There is one more
category of tags which is exclusively used with tiles framework. These are referred to as
tiles tags. The tags are normally prefixed with the word “tiles”. Following are the
important ones.
This tag is used by the composite page to specify the master layout to use.
<tiles:insert attribute=””>
This tag is used by the composite page to associate the actual tile page in to be used in
the master layout.
The above three tags are more than enough to develop JSP pages using tiles. Let’s see a
quick example to build a composite JSP page based on the following master layout.
<TABLE border=1>
<TD colspan=2 width=1001 height=93><div >
Chapter 16 Tiles Framework
If you look at the JSP code, we used the tiles insert tags to define various tiles in the
master layout . Following is how this tag is used.
As you can see from the above tag, every tile will have a unique name like header in
the above tile. When we actually build the composite page using the master layout, we’ll
associate the header tile with the actual JSP content. Let’s now build the smaller pages
also referred to as tiles.
<h1> This is a Header. You can build a fancy one </h1>
<h1> This is a Footer. You can build a fancy one </h1>
<br/><h3> <i>Copyright HeloWorld Inc, 2006 </i></h3>
<h1> This is a Body. You can build a fancy one </h1>
Chapter 16 Tiles Framework
<h1> This is a Navigator. You can build a fancy one </h1>
The above code forms the smaller pages or tiles that be used in building the composite
page. Let’s now build the composite page.
Look at the above composite page. There are two important things it does as listed
Start the server and type the following URL to access the Composite page:
Chapter 16 Tiles Framework
As you can see from the above result, the smaller pages got assembled and formed up a
composite page using the mater layout. Though the above example succeeded in
building composite page, I see small maintenance problem. Let’s say want to build 10
composite pages using the same master layout, I need to physically build ten different
JSP files as Compsite1.jsp, Composite2.jsp and so on, right? If you carefully observe the
composite page, the content is just the tile definition as shown below:
Of course, each will have it own definition though. But still, do we really need to create a
separate JSP just for the above definition? If there a solution where we can store all the
definitions in one file and permanently eliminate creating composite JSP pages then I
guess it is the best solution, just like we eliminated the formbeans classes using
Chapter 16 Tiles Framework
dynaformbeans. So the question is, do we have such solution? Thankfully Yes. We can
store all the tiles definitions for all the composite pages in a single XML file and then
have the tiles framework assist us in selecting a suitable definition. This XML is nothing
but the layout-tiles-defs.xml.
After creating this XML file, we need to copy paste the tiles definition we had in the JSP
page in to the XML file and make few modifications. The definition in the XML will look
as shown below:
<definition name="composite1"
Can you notice the difference? We use the definition element with two attributes.
The name attribute identifies the composite page, and the path attribute specifies the
master layout page to use for that definition. The body elements will use the put
element instead of tiles:put tag. That’s it. Now you can permanently delete the
Composite1.jsp file.
Let me ask you a question here. Earlier, since we had the Composite1.jsp file, we called
it directly from the browser to see the response. Now that we deleted it and moved the
definition to an XML file with the name composite1, the question is, how can we call
this definition which is in the XML file from the browser? The answer is simple. You
can’t call the definition directly from the browser. This logically means we can indirectly
call it, right? This is done by simply writing an action mapping in struts-
config.xml fine that forwards the request to the tiles definition as shown below:
Once we have the above mapping, we will call the action from the browser as shown
Chapter 16 Tiles Framework
The action mapping will then forward the request to the tiles definition named
composite1 from the tiles XML file. You can also define the tiles definition in the
action forwards section as shown below:
Implement the following steps to use XML definition for the previous example:
2. Add the following tiles plugin in the struts-config.xml file next to the validator
<plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin">
<set-property property="definitions-config"
value="/WEB-INF/layout-tiles-defs.xml" />
<set-property property="moduleAware" value="false"/>
<set-property property="definitions-parser-validate" value="true"/>
3. Start the server and type the following URL. You’ll see the same result.
Let’s say I want to build another composite page that should have the exact same
header, footer, navigator but different body. Normally my new definition in the tiles xml
file will look as shown below:
If you observe the above definition, all we changed is the name attribute and the body
element with the new JSP page Body1.jsp. Though the above definition works
perfectly fine, I see some redundant code. The other three put elements are duplicated in
my definition, right? The best solution will be to reuse the put elements from the
composite1 definition. To do this, we simply use extends attribute as shown below:
Chapter 16 Internationalization
All we need to do is remove the path attribute, and add extends attribute with the
name of the definition from which it should inherit the tiles. Now you can also remove
the three duplicate put elements. This is tiles definition inheritance in which one
definition inherits tiles from other definitions. This way of writing definitions is what we
normally do in real world applications.
This completes all the things we need to know in tiles framework. We now arrived at the
last and final concept, internationalization. You’ll love this one. Trust me.
Internationalization feature in Struts allows your web applications to run in different
languages. Let’s say we are trying to build a global web application. Though we can
have all the web pages in the universal language “English”, some people prefer their
regional languages. As a business person, our goal is to reach all possible customers all
over the world, right? So, if you only build the application in one language, are you not
losing customers and business? So, let’s see how we can tune our web application to run
in different country say France in French language.
The key idea behind internationalization feature is something called resource bundles. A
resource bundle is nothing but a collection of several property files. Java and Struts uses
the following two things to achieve internationalization:
Chapter 16 Internationalization
1. Locale
2. Resource Bundles
This is a class in Java library that specifies the locale of the country in which the
application is running. Following are some of the standard locales:
en - English
fr - France
de – German
es_US - Spanish in US
ru - Russian
Resource Bundles
As the name suggests, it’s a bundle of resources and resources are nothing but the
property files that have messages based on the locale of the country. Every locale will
have its own property file as shown below:
Notice the names of the property files. They must end with an “_locale”.
The trick to build universal web applications is to define the same messages in several
property files, one per locale or language. So, if I want my web application to run in
English, French and German, I will have three property files as shown below:
Every property file will have the same keys defined in English, but the values will be in
different language as shown below:
error.username= User Name is Invalid
Chapter 16 Internationalization
error.username= La De User Ine
(The above messages are not really French and German texts. It’s just some crap I used
to simulate :-)
Once we defined the above property files, Struts will smartly use the messages based on
the country in which the application is running. Let’s write a small application that runs
in French language. What we will do is create some property files and run our previous
examples to see different messages.
Steps to implement
Notice that the keys will be exactly same, but the values will be different.
Save this file as myweb/WEB-INF/classes/myprops/
Select the language as French(France) in the drop down and click OK.
Chapter 16 Summary
4. Start the server and run the dynaformbean example with the following
Look at the error messages now. Do you like them? I am sure you do. Now go back and
change the language back to English. From the developer standpoint all we need to do is
create a new property file and store the messages in different language. The Struts
framework will take care of the rest. This is the beauty of Struts. I am sure you now
figured out why Struts has become a de facto standard for J2EE based web applications.
This completes all the concepts we need to know in Struts. You are now an expert in
building web applications and let me say this, you are now a professional Struts, JSP or
even better a J2EE developer.
9 Struts is an open source framework for building web applications.
9 Struts is based on Model View Controller architecture.
9 The major components in Struts are the formbeans and action classes.
Chapter 16 Time to play 50-50
9 Formbeans represent the HTML form data and also used to validate the data.
9 Action classes are used to process the requests.
9 All the Struts components are defined in a configuration file named struts-
9 Dynaformbeans eliminate the formbean classes by defining the form properties
in the configuration file itself.
9 Dynaformbeans use struts validator to validate the form data.
9 Struts includes several built-in custom tags. These are categorized into html,
bean, logic and tiles tags.
9 HTML tags are used to create standard html elements like forms, textfields etc.
9 Bean tags are used to work with JavaBeans and their properties.
9 Logic tags are used to general purpose operations like iterations, conditions etc
in the JSP page.
9 Tiles tags are used for page layout.
9 Struts messages are usually defined in property files which allow international
-ization of the application.
9 Struts validator framework is an XML based framework for validating the form
data. This framework also supports messages displayed using Java Script dislog
9 Struts tiles framework is used for building composite pages using master
layouts. This framework use XML to define tiles definitions.
a) MVC1 Design
b) MVC2 Design
a) ControllerServlet
b) ActionServlet
a) Action
b) ActionForm
Chapter 16 Interview Questions
a) Action
b) ActionForm
a) ActionForm
b) Action
a) web.xml
b) struts-config-xml
7. Which of the following element is used to define global forwards in the
configuration file?
a) <global-forwards>
b) <action-mappings>
a) <action-mappings>
b) <form-beans>
a) ActionForm
b) DynaActionForm
10. Which of the following element is used to define action classes in the
configuration file?
a) <action-mappings>
b) <actions>
Interview Questions
Question: Which design does Struts framework use?
Answer: Model View Controller (MVC) design.
Chapter 16 Interview Questions
Question: What are the various elements defined in the configuration file?
Answer: Form beans, Global Forwards, Global Exceptions, Action Mappings, Message
resources, Plugins (Validator and Tiles).
Question: What is the difference between a local forward and a global forward?
Answer: A local forward can be used by a single action class where as global forwards
can be used by all the action classes.
Question: What is the name of the XML file in which all the validation rules are defined?
Answer: validation-rules.xml
This completes everything you need to know about Struts. I am sure you enjoyed this
chapter. The next few chapters are smaller ones and should be a cakewalk once you
arrived at this point.
Chapter 17 Chapter Goals
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
Chapter 17
Java Messaging Service
This chapter introduces you to asynchronous messaging using JMS. By the end of this
chapter you’ll know the basics of messaging systems and how synchronous and
asynchronous messaging is implemented.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the notion of messaging systems.
9 Understand JMS architecture
9 Understand various JMS messaging models
Environment Setup
2. Copy the activemq-3.2.jar file from C:\ActiveMQ\lib directory into j2eelib directory.
Create C:\JavaTraining\chapter17\env.bat with the following contents.
Run the env.bat file before running the examples. This completes the environment setup.
Chapter 17 Introduction
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
This chapter introduces you to yet another powerful J2EE technology called JMS. JMS
stands for Java Messaging Service. Before we understand what JMS is all about, we need
to understand the basics of enterprise level communication. In a typical enterprise
application most of the communication is synchronous, which is based on request –
response paradigm. In this type of communication, sender sends a request message and
receives a response message instantly from the recipient of the message without having
to wait for an indeterminate amount of time. This is a two-way communication. Most of
the enterprise communication falls in this category. The simplest example of
synchronous communication is HTTP communication in which we send a HTTP request
from the browser and the server instantly responds with a HTTP response message. In
this case both the parties namely sender and receiver are always active.
Besides synchronous messaging, there will be several cases where the communication is
required to be asynchronous in nature. This is one way communication in which sender
sends a message to the recipient and doesn’t wait for any response or confirmation from
the recipient. The sender doesn’t even care whether the recipient received the message
or not. This is where the challenge comes. What if the recipient of the message is inactive
at the time when the sender sends the message? The message is lost in the air, right? Yes
it will be lost. So, you might wonder why enterprise applications really need to do
asynchronous communication when it is unreliable. Before we discuss a solution for this,
let’s first understand the importance of asynchronous communication.
Let’s consider a typical eCommerce application which sells wide variety of products
from different manufacturers. One of the main components of such application is the
inventory management system. This system is required to update the inventory of
products based on sales and availability and this has to be in real time. Let’s say it has to
send orders to three vendors namely A, B and C. If the inventory system uses
synchronous messaging to send orders one by one, then tell me what happens if vendor
A is down? Should the system wait until A comes up? If this the case, the orders to B
and C will also be delayed, right? Why should B and C vendors suffer due to vendor A
being down? One solution is, the inventory system can temporarily ignore vendor A,
Chapter 17 MoM (Message oriented Middleware)
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
process B and C and come back to A at some other time. This is not a good approach
because the inventory system should now keep a track of which orders are placed and
which are not. This is an additional burden on the system, right? The simple solution is
to have the inventory system send all the orders to an “always running middle ware
system” and then have the three vendors read the orders from the middle ware system.
This will totally eliminate the dependency of inventory system on vendors A, B and C.
From inventory system point of view, all it has to do is send the appropriate messages to
the middle ware, that’s it. It is vendor’s responsibility to read messages from the middle
ware and update the inventory. The communication between inventory system and the
middleware is 1-way which is asynchronous messaging. Similarly, the communication
between vendors and middleware is also asynchronous. Following figure demonstrates
this form of messaging.
Vendor A
Vendor C
The middleware is now the heart of the application. All we did is broke the synchronous
communication into asynchronous communication by introducing the middleware. This
middleware is what we call as MoM system (Message oriented Middleware).
Chapter 17 Messaging Models
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
Consumer A
Producer A
Middle Ware
Producer B Consumer B
Producer C
Consumer C
Let me ask you a question here. Does MoM only support asynchronous communication
(1-way)? No, MoM systems also support synchronous communication. Now that we
know some basics about messaging systems, let’s see the different messaging models
these systems support.
Messaging Models
There are two popular messaging models that every MoM system supports. These are:
1. Publish/Subscribe model
2. Point-to-Point model
Publish/Subscribe Model
As the name suggests, in this model, the producer publishes the messages to something
called Topics. The consumers of the messages will subscribe with the published topics
Chapter 17 Messaging Models
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
and receive the messages. This is one-to-many messaging model in which multiple
consumers can subscribe to the same topic and receive the messages. A single consumer
can also subscribe with several topics. The examples of this model are newsletters where
we subscribe with topics called “Sports” to receive all the sports related news.
As you can see from the above figure, one publisher publishes the messages to a topic
named sports and both the subscribers subscribed to this topic to receive messages. In
this model, Topic is an administered object.
Point-to-Point Model
In this messaging model, a producer puts a message into something called a Queue, and
the consumer reads the message from the queue. This is a one-to-one messaging model.
Unlike in pub/sub model, only one consumer can receive the message that is put in the
queue. Once the message is consumed by the consumer it will no longer be available in
the queue. In this model, Queue is an administered object. Fig 17.4 shows this model.
Queue 2
Producer 2 Consumer 2
Chapter 17 JMS API
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
Most of the real world applications use point-to-point model due to the flexibility it
offers. However, there will also be some applications that use pub/sub model. In this
chapter, we will see example using both the messaging models. Fair enough?
Let me ask you a question here. Since MoM is a proprietary messaging system that can
be implemented in any language, how do we access it from Java? The answer is simple.
Recall how we used JDBC to access any type of database. Similarly we also have a J2EE
technology that provides a universal way of accessing any MoM system. This
technology is nothing but JMS, which stands for Java Messaging Service. So, to build
synchronous/asynchronous applications in Java using MoM systems, we need to use
JMS API. Good.
JMS API is a set of simple classes we use to send and receive messages to and from MoM
systems. In this chapter, we will use ActiveMQ MoM broker from Apache. There is a
standard process we follow while working with MoM systems, no matter what the
messaging model is. Fig 17.5 in the next page outlines the process.
As you can see from the figure, there are three steps we usually do to work with
messaging system.
1. An Admin tool will bind the administered objects (Topics,Queues etc) in the
JNDI namespace.
2. Java application will then use JNDI to lookup the admin objects.
3. Using the admin objects, the application establishes a connection with the
messaging system and performs the messaging.
Chapter 17 JMS API
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
JNDI NameSpace
Admin Tool
Java Application
MoM (ActiveMQ)
For now, don’t worry about the details of what JNDI is. Just think of it as a Java based
solution for storing and retrieving the objects from a common storage place (a.k.a
registry) for Java objects. When we write programs, you’ll see how we can use JNDI.
Administered objects are nothing but pre-configured objects that encapsulate all the
information about the underlying messaging system. The information is usually the
hostname, port number etc, used for connecting with the system. These objects are
usually configured by the application administrators. As a developer, we just need to
use the admin objects and connect with messaging systems. There are only four
administered objects in JMS. These are:
9 TopicConnectionFactory
9 Topic
9 QueueConnectionFactory
9 Queue
Chapter 17 JMS API
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
We will see what these are and how to use them in later sections.
The usage of JMS API is pretty simple. There are few important classes we need to
know, and we use them with a simple and standard process. JMS API has classes for
both Pub/Sub model and Point-to-Point model. All the classes in the Pub/Sub model
start with the word Topic, and classes that support point-to-point messaging start with
the word Queue. The class names are very easy to remember as you can see from the
following table.
For point-to-point messaging we use Queue related classes and for pub/sub messaging
we use Topic related classes.
All the admin objects namely TopicConnectionFactory and Topic for Pub/Sub
model and QueueConnectionFactory and Queue for point-to-point model are bound
Chapter 17 Publish/Subscribe Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
to the JNDI namespace in the server. As an application developer, we need to use JNDI
API and look up (search) for these objects.
The first thing we need to do before looking up for admin objects is to obtain a JNDI
context by supplying in the MoM information. This information is usually the context
factory class of the messaging system, and the URL with the hostname and port number
as shown below:
The factory class is vendor specific just like a driver class for database. The above factory
class is an ActiveMQ proprietary class. These two properties will change based on the
underlying messaging system. Once the context is obtained, we do a lookup (search) for
administered objects namely, QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnection
Factory. For ActiveMQ, these objects are bound with the names “ConnectionFactory”.
The lookup for objects will therefore be as shown below,
TopicConnectionFactory topicFactory =
QueueConnectionFactory queueFactory =
Chapter 17 Publish/Subscribe Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
Method Arguments:
Steps 1 though 5 are common for both Publisher and Subscriber code. You can copy
paste them.
Creating a Publisher
Create a publisher for the topic using the session as shown below (Step 6)
Creating Messages
Create and publish messages using the above publisher object (Step 7)
There are different types of messages we can create based on the type of data to be sent
to the recipient. Following are some of the important JMS messages:
Chapter 17 Publish/Subscribe Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
To send a text message, we use the TextMessage class and specify the text as shown
To publish the above message to the topic, we invoke the publish() method as shown
The overall consolidated code for the publisher will be as shown below:
Coming to the subscriber part, there are two types of subscriptions we can make as
shown below:
1. Non-Durable subscriptions
2. Durable subscriptions
Non-Durable subscriptions
With non-durable subscriptions, the subscriber of the topic will receive the published
messages only when the subscriber connection is active, i.e, the subscriber application
should be up and running and continuously listen for messages. This type of
subscription will consume the messages as and when they are published. The subscriber
code should register a listener object that should continuously listen and read the
published messages.
Chapter 17 Publish/Subscribe Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
In order for the subscriber not to loose any of the published messages, the subscriber
code must be run before the publisher code. Following are the steps for creating non-
durable subscriptions
Creating a Subscriber
Once the listener class is created, it should be registered with the subscriber as shown
This completes the subscriber code. It is now ready to listen for published messages.
Durable Subscriptions
With durable subscriptions, the subscriber of a topic can receive messages even if the
subscriber connection is inactive. If any messages are published during this inactive time,
the messaging system will persist them internally, so that when the subscriber comes
alive, he will receive the earlier messages and also the messages from that point
onwards. With durable subscriptions, there is one important thing called clientID that
should be set on subscriber side. The code for durable subscriber will look as shown
On Subscriber side:
Chapter 17 Publish/Subscribe Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
All the remaining code will be the same as durable subscriptions. Without wasting any
further time, let’s see examples with both durable and non-durable subscriptions.
In this example, we will create a publisher that publishes three messages. We will create
two subscribers to consume the messages durably and non-durably. See the code in
listing 17.1
package jms;
//JNDI imports
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.jms.*;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
public Publisher() {
try {
Chapter 17 Publish/Subscribe Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
System.out.println("Messages published");
} catch (Exception e) {
package jms;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.jms.*;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
public Subscriber() {
try {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "tcp://localhost:61616");
Chapter 17 Publish/Subscribe Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
msg = (TextMessage) message;
System.out.println("Reading message: " + msg.getText());
} else {
System.out.println("Message of wrong type: "
+ message.getClass().getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
As you can see from the above Publisher and Subscriber code, they follow the
same process that we outlined before. Save the above two files in jms package and
compile both the programs as shown below:
C:/>JavaTraining>chapter17>javac jms\*.java
Run the subscriber code using the following command. This will wait indefinitely until
the messages are consumed.
C:/>JavaTraining>chapter17>java jms.Subscriber
Chapter 17 Publish/Subscribe Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
Now, open another command window and run the Publisher code using the following
C:/>JavaTraining>chapter17>java jms.Publisher
Messages Published
The moment you see the above message, you’ll also see the actual three text messages in
the Subscriber window as shown below:
Now, change the main method to add one more subscriber as shown below
Save the code and run the Subscriber and Publisher programs again. This time in the
Subscriber window, you’ll see the messages twice. This is a proof of one-many
messaging in which any number of subscribers can subscribe to the same topic and
every subscriber will receive the published messages. This is an example of non-durable
subscriptions. The subscriber must be executed before the publisher. Try running the
publisher code first and then the subscriber code, and you’ll never see the published
messages. This is because the subscriber is inactive when the messages are published.
Now, let’s modify the subscriber code to use durable subscription. First you need to
change is set the clientID on the connection object as shown below:
That’s it. Save the file and run the Publisher first and then the Subscriber. The subscriber
will receive the messages. This is because the messaging system retains the messages
internally so that when the subscriber comes active, it will deliver the messages. This
completes the Pub/Sub messaging model. Let’s see how Point-to-Point model works.
Chapter 17 Point-to-Point Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
The factory class for this model is obtained from JNDI lookup as shown below:
QueueConnectionFactory queueFactory =
Method Arguments:
Chapter 17 Point-to-Point Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
Steps 1 though 5 are common for both producer and consumer code. You can copy paste
Creating a Sender
Create a sender for the queue using the session as shown below (step 6)
Sending Messages
Create and send messages using the above queue sender as shown below (Step 7)
To send the message to the consumer, we invoke the send() method as shown below:
The overall consolidated code for the producer will be as shown below:
With point-to-point messaging, there will be only one consumer for the messages unlike
in pub/sub model where we have multiple subscribers for messages. When the producer
send message to the queue, the message will be persisted in the queue until someone
consumes the message. The messaging system ensures that the message is never lost.
Chapter 17 Point-to-Point Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
This is referred to as quality of service. On the consumer side, we again have to register
a listener object to read the messages asynchronously.
Following is how the JMS code looks like on the consumer side.
receiver.setMessageLister(new MyListener());
Let’s now write an example using point-to-point model. In this example we will have a
producer put a message in the queue named “movies” and then have the consumer
consume it asynchronously. See the code in listing 17.2.
package jms;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.jms.*;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
public Producer() {
try {
Chapter 17 Point-to-Point Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
System.out.println("Message Sent");
} catch (Exception e) {
package jms;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.jms.*;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
public Consumer() {
try {
Chapter 17 Point-to-Point Messaging using JMS
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
reciever.setMessageListener(new MyListener());
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
msg = (TextMessage) message;
System.out.println("Reading message: " + msg.getText());
} else {
System.out.println("Message of wrong type: "
+ message.getClass().getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
If you look at the above code, the producer sends a message to a queue named “Movies”
and the consumer reads the message from the same queue. The only difference in the
two programs is that one uses QueueSender object to send the message and the other
use the QueueReciever object to receive the message. Since this is point-to-point
messaging, the messages are always persisted in the Queue when the producer sends the
messages. The consumer can run at any time and receive the messages. This is a one-to-
one messaging model. You cannot have multiple consumers consume the same message
from the same queue. Once the message is consumed, the messaging system will
permanently delete the message. Compile and execute the Producer code using the
following commands.
Chapter 17 Summary
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
C:/>JavaTraining>chapter17>javac jms\*.java
C:/>JavaTraining>chapter17>java jms.Producer
You’ll see the message “Message Sent” in the console. Now run the consumer code
using the following command.
C:/>JavaTraining>chapter17>java jms.Consumer
The consumer code will display the following result in the console.
In this messaging model, a single queue can only have one consumer. If you need to
send messages to several consumers, you need to create a separate queue for each and
every consumer.
This completes all the important concepts of messaging. I am sure you now understood
how asynchronous messaging works. Most of the real world applications use one of two
messaging models. Just try to understand how the Pub/Sub and Point-to-Point
messaging works and you’ll be fine.
Chapter 17 Time to play 50-50
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
9 In point-to-point model, sender send a message to queue. This message will them
be consumed by the consumer. The MoM system retains the message in the
queue until it is consumed. This is a one-to-one messaging model.
a) MySQL
b) MQSeries
b) JMS
a) Asynchronous
b) Synchronous
a) ConnectionFactory
b) TopicConnectionFactory
a) Point-to-Point model
b) Pub/Sub model
6. Which messaging model uses queues for sending and receiving messages?
a) Pub/Sub
b) Point-to-point
Interview Questions
Question: What are the different messaging models supported by JMS?
Answer: Publish/Subscribe and Point-to-Point models
Chapter 17 Interview Questions
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
Chapter 18 Chapter Goals
Spring Framework
Chapter 18
Spring Framework
This chapter introduces you to yet another open source framework for building
enterprise applications, the Spring framework. This chapter explains the important
spring modules.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand Spring architecture
9 Inversion of Control
9 Aspect Oriented Programming
9 Understanding spring core module
9 Understanding DAO module.
Environment Setup
1. Download the Spring framework at the following URL. After clicking the download
button, make sure you download the distribution with dependencies.
2. Copy the following Jar files in the Spring installation directory to the “j2eelib”
3. Set the CLASSPATH in the env.bat file with the above Jar files just like we did in the
previous chapters.
Chapter 18 Introduction
Spring Framework
This chapter introduces you to one of the most popular and widely used open source
framework, the Spring framework. Spring is a light weight container framework for
building Java applications inside and outside the container. One of the key challenges
today’s J2EE developers face is to build applications faster and that are easy to maintain
with minimum effort. Although the standard J2EE technologies offer solutions for rapid
application development, there are some technologies in it that consume whole lot of
time in terms of development and testing. One such technology is the EJB technology.
Some enterprise applications use EJB technology to build business and persistence
components. The one and only one reason for choosing EJB is the support that EJB
container provides to the EJB components such as transactional, persistent services etc.
So, enterprise applications to leverage these features from EJB container use EJB
components to build business and persistent components.
Though EJB technology offers several benefits, the usage of EJB container to host the
EJB’s causes additional overhead in terms of consuming resources and most importantly
effecting the length of testing cycle. The EJB container is like a server that needs to be
restarted for every change in the business component. The testing cycle will therefore be
code, start server, test, code, start server,test etc which should ideally be code,test,code,test etc.
Most of the real world applications are not complex enough to really use the full scale
services of the EJB container. Instead they only require using one or two of the important
container services such as transactional, persistence services. The question that comes to
our mind at this point is, why the heck do we need to use this heavy weight EJB
container just to leverage few services and more so at the expense of resources, testing
time and probably even performance. This is where we start wondering if there is any
alternative solution/technology that completely eliminates the EJB container, yet
provides most of the frequently needed services to the business components. This is
where spring framework steps in.
Spring is a lightweight framework that provides most of the important services like
transactions, persistence that can be used out of the box. Isn’t this what we are looking
for? EJB containers usually come along with application servers which are mostly
commercial and are expensive. Spring framework not only eliminates the necessity of
EJB container but also comes at absolutely free of cost. So, who can stop anyone from
choosing spring framework to build enterprise applications? This is why we are
interested in knowing something about spring framework and the features it has to offer
to the developer community.
Chapter 18 Spring Framework
Spring Framework
Let me tell you one thing here. Though we demonstrated our hatred towards EJB, we
cannot completely rule out the usage of EJB container just because of the above few
reasons. EJB technology is built to meet the highly complex business requirements such
as distributed transactions, remoting, security, interoperability etc which are beyond the
reach of the most of the real world enterprise applications. If you are starting a business,
you want to build the infrastructure at minimum cost, right? This is when you can use
spring framework. As your business starts growing and the business requirements are
getting complex and complex that are tough to handle by spring alone, then you can
think of EJB container. Until then let’s use spring framework.
In this chapter, we’ll look at the basic architecture of spring framework and also utilize
its cool development tools to build better applications are that are easy to maintain and
easy to test.
Spring Framework
Spring framework unlike other popular open source frameworks like Struts is not a
specialized framework. It’s more of a generalized framework for building end-to-end
J2EE applications. What does this mean? If we take Struts for instance, it can only be
used for building web application components that only reside in the presentation tier.
With spring framework, we can build components that can be used across all the tiers in
a typical n-tier application. In presentation tier, it can be used for building web
components, in the business tier it can be used for building transactional and persistent
components etc. You can imagine this framework as another Java alternative solution for
Spring doesn’t use any complex business components like EJB’s. Instead, it uses the
simple Java Beans which we also call as POJO’s to build applications by making
them almost as powerful as EJB’s. Developing POJO’s hardly takes few minutes and
also simplifies the testing of business components.
When developing business components it’s very important that they must be as
loosely coupled as possibly can. This allows testing the components individually
Chapter 18 Architecture of Spring framework
Spring Framework
without any dependencies. Spring uses the notion of Inversion of Control to achieve
loose coupling. We’ll see IoC in detail in later sections.
With the applications no longer using heavy weight components like EJB, code
maintenance gets very easy from the point of packaging the code to deploying the
code on the server. It also reduces the complexity of configuring the application
Knowing all the above good things about spring framework, let’s begin our journey into
the world of spring framework.
Core Module
As you can see from the above figure, the entire spring framework is divided into
several modules as listed below:
Chapter 18 Architecture of Spring framework
Spring Framework
1. Core Module
2. Application Context Module
3. AOP Module
4. DAO Module
5. ORM Module and
6. Web Module
Core Module
The core module is the heart of spring framework. It includes all the core infrastructure
components that support the framework and also factory classes for bean processing.
One such factory class is the BeanFactory class which is used for working with POJO’s
or simply JavaBeans. This factory class allows wiring the beans on the fly and also used
to populate the bean properties.
This module is an extension to the core module in the sense it offers services such as
access to JNDI components, and more importantly support for internationalization
through the use of property files and resource bundles. Using this module, bean
properties can be loaded from property files.
AOP Module
This module provides support for Aspect Oriented programming. AOP capabilities are
not yet completely utilized in the world of J2EE, but it is very powerful feature that
declaratively injects utility services to business components. Using AOP we can cleanly
eliminate duplicate code (ex., security logic or logging logic) that is usually scattered
across various business methods.
DAO Module
The DAO module is what made spring very popular. Though spring has several other
modules, most of the real world applications uses spring framework just for leveraging
the services of this module. The reason is simple. This module offers highly simplified
solution for persisting data to databases. It does this though something called templates
which we’ll see later. This module abstracts all the redundant JDBC code like loading
the drivers, managing the connections etc and allows users to only work with the
important things like executing the SQL queries and processing the results. This way it
Chapter 18 Inversion of Control (IoC)
Spring Framework
keeps the persistence code lot simpler and cleaner. Don’t be surprised if you only get
DAO module related questions in interviews.
Web Module
This module as the name suggests can be used for building web applications. This
module like struts framework is built upon MVC design pattern. The good and bad
news is that this module didn’t gain as much attention as DAO module. Most real world
applications even today still use Struts framework for building web applications. This
also means that all the time we spent learning struts didn’t go in vain.
ORM Module
This module is used for working with Object Relational Mapping tools. Spring doesn’t
come with a full implementation of ORM solution, but can integrate third party ORM
solutions like Hibernate, JDO etc,. Once integrated, this module provides a consistent
way of persisting data by hiding the underlying ORM solution.
Let me tell you one thing here. To cover all the above modules is beyond the scope of
this book. This chapter only covers the most important and frequently used modules
listed below:
Besides the above modules, we will also learn the concepts of Inversion of Control and
Aspect Oriented Programming. Now that we know spring architecture and the modules it
has, let’s understand the first concept, Inversion of Control.
Let’s say we have a bank teller whose purpose is to provide two types of services to
customers namely account services and customer services. Consider the following object
design for the three objects Teller, AccountServiceImpl and CustomerService
Chapter 18 Inversion of Control (IoC)
Spring Framework
package spring;
if (accountNotFound)
throw new Exception("Unable to transfer funds");
package spring;
Chapter 18 Inversion of Control (IoC)
Spring Framework
package spring;
As you can see from the above code, the AccountServiceImpl class defines a single
method namely transferFunds(). This method throws an exception if the account is
not found. Similarly CustomerServiceImpl class defines method to change customer
address. The Teller class references the above two classes to invoke the appropriate
methods. With all these three classes, let’s write the test class for Teller.
package spring;
The above test class simply invokes both the operations on the teller class. If we execute
the test class, it throws an exception with the message “Unable to Transfer Funds”.
Therefore, we can conclude that the teller class as a failure since the exception occurred
while invoking the teller class. But if you carefully look at the code, the exception is
actually thrown by the transferFunds() method in the AccountServiceImpl
class. But from the testing point of view the culprit seemed to be the Teller class. So the
question is, does the above code really test the Teller class? The answer is big No. A
test class should only test the functionality of the corresponding class and not its
dependent classes. This is therefore a bad test. The main reason for this is the tight
coupling between Teller class and its dependent classes.
A good design must allow testing the classes independently irrespective of the
dependent classes. This is possible only if we eliminate the dependencies. Can you think
Chapter 18 Inversion of Control (IoC)
Spring Framework
of a solution for this? Very simple. We simply need to reverse the design by injecting the
dependent classes to the Teller class rather than having the teller class reach for its
This decoupling is achieved by using the so called interfaces. Let’s see how we can use
interfaces and eliminate the dependencies. Let’s have the CustomerServiceImpl class
implement the CustomerService interface as shown below:
The code for AccountService will also follow the same lines. With these two updated
classes, let’s now look at the Teller code.
public void updateAddess() {
public void setAccountService(AccountService aService) {
this.aService = aService;
public void setCustomerService(CustomerService cService) {
this.cService = cService;
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
As you can see from the above Teller class code, we introduced two setter methods to
inject the implementation classes using the interface references. The class is now
completely independent of CustomerServiceImpl and AccountServiceImpl
classes. The Teller class can be viewed as a light weight class since it cannot do anything
until the actual implementation objects are injected into it. Therefore the test class
should first invoke the setters to send the dependent objects, and then invoke the actual
business methods as shown below:
As you can see from the above code, the dependent objects are passed to the teller class
prior to invoking the business methods. If the two impl classes are tested successfully
prior to testing Teller class, any failure in the test code from can be attributed solely to
the Teller class itself. All this is possible only by injecting the dependencies which is
what is what we call as inversion of control. In simple words, if we have three classes
namely A, B, C where B,C are dependents of A, then according to IoC, B and C must be
injected in to A rather than A reaching for B and C.
Inversion of Control is a design technique that spring uses behind the scenes. With this
basic understanding of IoC, let’s start looking at the spring modules one by one.
Core Module
The spring’s core module essentially comprises of factory classes for working with Java
beans. Just like in object oriented programming where we have independent objects that
are associated with each other to implement a solution, in spring we use the notion of
beans to implement functionality.
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
may require the services of Account bean and Customer bean. Before we process them
we need to populate the beans properties and associate them with each other. The
spring’s core factory classes provide services for wiring the beans. Let’s see how this is
Client Teller
The above figure shows the bank teller functionality. The teller application needs to use
Customer and Account bean for certain business functions. The account bean in turn
uses some other beans to fulfill the teller’s requests. Although from client’s point of view
the only bean that needs to be loaded is the Teller bean, it’s very important that we also
load the behind the scenes beans for the teller bean to work as desired. This means the
account bean must first wire the CreditCard and Mortgage beans, the teller should
then wire the customer and account beans etc. Wiring the beans usually starts from the
bottom node and wiring up to the root node.
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
Now that we know the importance of wiring beans, let’s see the two important core
components namely BeanFactory and ApplicationContext classes that aid in
wiring the beans.
The BeanFactory class as the name suggests is a factory of bean classes. Its main
purpose is to instantiate and set the properties of different types of bean classes. The
BeanFactory is an interface that has multiple implementation classes. One such
implementation class is the XMLBeanFactory which is one of the widely used. This
factory uses the XML file that contains the definition of all the beans for creating and
loading the bean properties. The XMLBeanFactory class is instantiated as shown
Once the reference to factory object is obtained, we can start creating beans using the
getBean() method. Every bean in the XML is identified with a unique identifier which
is used to retrieve the bean as shown below:
In the above, customer is the id of the bean defined in the XML. The definition for the
bean in the XML file will look as shown below:
As we all know the fact that a typical bean stores the data in the form of properties
whose values are set and retrieved using the setter and getter methods, the getBean()
method before returning the bean instance, does two important things:
Before we understand the complete intricacies of beans, let’s do a simple example to get
a feel. Ok. This example defines a customer bean and loads the properties firstName,
lastName etc with some arbitrary values. Take a look at the code in listing 18.2.
package spring.example1;
public class Customer {
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
String lastName;
String ssn;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public String getSsn() {
return ssn;
public void setSsn(String ssn) {
this.ssn = ssn;
package spring.example1;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory;
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
The Customer bean doesn’t deserve any explanation. Look at the test class. This class
loaded the xml bean definitions file, and then retrieved the bean by its id. The xml file
uses the bean element to define the bean. The bean element does the following:
When the bean is returned by the factory class, spring will load the bean properties with
the values in the bean definition.
C:/>JavaTraining>chapter18>javac spring\example1\*.java
Whenever we write a bean class, we also need to define the bean in bean definitions xml
file. Now let’s look at the second factory class for wiring beans.
As said before, this container class is also used for working with the beans. The most
significant improvement with this class is that it also loads the properties from the
property files. There are multiple implementations available to this interface; however
following are two most important ones.
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext: This class is used to load the xml file from the
class path. You are free to use which ever you want.
Once the context is obtained, its usage is again same as BeanFactory. Using this
context, beans will be retrieved as,
Now, let’s see the how the application context uses the property files to load the bean
properties. Consider the following property file
driverName = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
In order that the application context load the above property file, we need to define a
bean of type PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer which is a built-in spring class and
specify the property file location as shown below:
<bean id="propertyConfigurer"
<property name="location">
Once the above bean is defined with all the information, we can read the properties
using the ${} syntax. For instance, the driverName property can be read as
${driverName} and so on. The following bean definition defines a DataSource bean
whose properties are loaded from the above property file.
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
Let’s now see the some of the basic scenarios for defining the bean element in the XML
file. This element defines several child elements that can be used to make the bean very
powerful. Following are the important cases:
To set the properties of the bean with we use the nested property element. Following
definition defines a bean with a property named driver with value “TestDriver”. It
also defines another property named userid whose value is read from the property file.
Sometimes before invoking the business logic methods on the bean, we require to invoke
the initialization method. Similarly, before the bean is destroyed, we need to invoke
certain method for clean up. Spring allows us to declare these methods in the XML file
as shown below:
The init-method attribute specifies the initialization method, and the destroy-
method attribute specifies the method before destruction.
One of the most important aspects of wiring the beans is its ability to reference other
beans. Let’s say we want to wire the beans as shown below:
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
Referencing the beans should always be done backwards from right to left or bottom to
top. We will first define the CreditCard and Mortgage beans and then wire them to
Account bean. Following bean declaration demonstrates this.
As you can see from the above definition, we used the ref element to reference other
beans. The creditcard and mortgage properties of account bean now references the
CreditCard and Mortgage beans.
More often than not, some of the bean properties will be represented as collection of
objects. The factory classes also support the setting of collection properties. For instance,
the Account bean can have a list of account types namely Checkings, Savings, Credit
Card etc. Following definition shows how to wire the collection type properties.
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
The above definition will populate the accountTypes collection with the list of
specified values in the same order. Likewise, to store other beans in a collection object,
we use the following definition:
With this knowledge of bean definitions, let’s write an example to make things more
clear. The following example is an auto application for test driving vehicles. Following
figure shows the bean structure:
package spring.example2;
package spring.example2;
String power;
String transmission;
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
package spring.example2;
String power;
String transmission;
package spring.example2;
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
package spring.example2;
package spring.example2;
package spring.example2;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory;
Chapter 18 Core Module
Spring Framework
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
C:/>….>JavaTraining>chapter18>javac spring\example2\*.java
C:/>….>chapter18>javac spring.example2.TestClient
Go through bean definitions, and you’ll understand the entire program. The test class
will produce the following result
This completes all the basics you need to know about wiring. Let’s now look at another
important concept of spring framework, AOP programming.
AOP as the name suggests revolves around the central entity called Aspect. An aspect is
nothing but a reusable service that can be plugged in declaratively. Aspects one written
can be declaratively plugged into the code and this is exactly what spring does. In order
to plug-in the service declaratively, spring uses the application context. To better
understand, look at the following figure:
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
Logging Service
Account Module
Authentication Service
Customer Module
Database Service
As you can see from the above figure, logging, authentication and database services are
independent services that can be used be any application module. For instance, the
account module uses all three services while the customer module uses just two services.
There is nothing wrong here because every module is free to choose whatever services it
needed, right? With Spring AOP features, business modules can use the application
context to specify declaratively what services it needs. Based on this information, at
runtime, spring will make the services intercept the business method calls and execute
the service code. Tomorrow if you think you don’t want to use a particular service,
without a single line of code change you can get rid of it. This is the true beauty of AOP
with spring. So, without wasting any further time, let’s see how this works and what is
needed to be done from development point of view.
Before we learn something about AOP, let’s understand some of its terminology.
An aspect is the definition of the service we want to implement. This is like an interface
to a class.
An advice is the actual implementation of aspect. This contains the service code that is
executed at runtime.
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
A pointcut defines where the advices should be applied in the code. For instance, should
the advice be applied to all the business methods of a class, or only to some methods of
the class? There is no use in writing an advice if we don’t define a pointcut as to where
the advice should be applied.
Now that we know what an advice is and what a pointcut is, let’s learn about advices in
Types of Advices
1. Before Advice
2. After Advice
3. Around Advice
4. Throws Advise
Before Advice
I am sure you already guessed what this advice might do. Advices of this type are
always invoked before the execution of the business method. Once the execution of the
advice (service) is completed spring will execute the actual business method. One thing
to be noted with this advice is that the target method is always executed.
The spring component that supports this advice is the MethodBeforeAdvice interface.
This interface defines the following method that needs to be implemented:
Method Arguments
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
package spring.example3;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.springframework.aop.MethodBeforeAdvice;
As you can see from the above code, we implemented the before() method in the
advice. This method simply logs the name of the method along with the class name that
the method belongs to. You can even write JDBC logic in this method and log it to
database. We will use this code later. For now, let’s learn the next advice.
After Advice
This is the reverse of the before advice. An advice of this type will be executed after the
completion of the target method. The spring component that supports this advice is
This method takes one additional argument which is the return value of the method. We
can write another logging advice that also logs the return value. Look at the following
package spring.example3;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.springframework.aop.AfterReturningAdvice;
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
Around Advice
This advice is can be viewed as a combination of both the before and after advices. The
unique feature of this advice is that it allows the user to take the decision whether or not
to execute the target method. If you take the before advice, you are always guaranteed
the execution of target method unless an exception is thrown. However with this advice,
there two things we can do:
1. Take the decision whether or not to execute the target method, and also
2. Change the return value of the target method.
This is the most popular advice used in real world applications. The spring component
that supports this advice is MethodInterceptor. This interface defines the following
method that needs to be implemented.
The best example for this advice is the authentication. Let’s say we pass a username and
password as method parameters that should be verified before the method is executed.
Following is how we implement this scenario using around advice.
package spring.example3;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
return null;
Let’s now see how the above code works. The parameter to the invoke() method, i.e,
the invocation parameter is the important one here. Using this parameter we can get
all the information about the target method. In our case, we used the getArguments()
method to read the first and second arguments which happen to be the username and
password. Based on the validation, we are either proceeding to the actual method
invocation or throwing an exception. Throwing the exception will force the spring
container to bypass the execution of the method.
Throws Advice
One thing common with the previous three advices is that if any of the advice throws an
exception, the target method execution is bypassed. With these advices we don’t have
the ability to perform some cleanup operations in the event of exception like closing
connections to database and all that good stuff. This is where the throws advice offers
support. It allows us to handle exceptions thrown by the target method. The interface we
use to create this advice is the ThrowsAdvice. This is marker interface that will not
have any methods to implement. If this the case, which method do we need to
implement? Don’t worry. We need to implement one of the following two methods:
The second method is the widely used one as it also allows us to get the method
information. This advice is used whenever you want to handle certain exceptions in a
different way. Following is a simple implementation of this advice.
package spring.example3;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.springframework.aop.ThrowsAdvice;
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
Now that we know different types of advices we need to create based on the context, we
need to see how we can inject these advices into the real code. There is absolutely no use
in writing the above advices if we cannot inject them in the code. This is where pointcuts
come to our rescue. Once the advices are created, it’s the pointcut that specifies where
the advices needed to be applied.
Static Pointcuts
Spring supports both static and dynamic pointcuts. This chapter only covers static point
cuts. The most popular static point cut is the NameMatchMethodPointCut. As the
name suggests, this pointcut simply looks for a matched target method name based on
the naming pattern specified in the bean definition. This class has the following two
important properties that we normally use to specify the method name patterns.
1. methodName
2. methodNames
The first property is used to specify either a single method or a pattern of methods. For
instance, if we need to apply an advice to all the methods whose name starts with “test”,
we set the property as,
<property name=”methodName”>
If we only need to apply the advice to just one method, we need to specify the complete
method name as shown below:
<property name=”methodName”>
The second property is used when the method names don’t follow a particular pattern.
In such cases we can list all the method names as shown below
<property name=”methodNames”>
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
As always, the best way to understand the anything is by writing an example. So let’s
write it. In this example, we will create a business component with three methods and
apply all the above four advices we learned before. See the code in listing 18.4.
package spring.example3;
package spring.example3;
System.out.println("Created Account");
return "12345678";
public void changeAccount(String from, String to) throws Exception {
if (!from.equals("Checking"))
throw new Exception("Unable to change");
package spring.example3;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory;
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
<bean id="beforeInterceptor"
<property name="mappedName">
<property name="advice">
<ref bean="logging" />
<bean id="afterInterceptor"
<property name="mappedName">
<property name="advice">
<ref bean="loggingafter" />
<bean id="authInterceptor"
<property name="mappedName">
<property name="advice">
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
<bean id="exceptionInterceptor"
<property name="mappedName">
<property name="advice">
<ref bean="error" />
<bean id="accountService"
<property name="proxyInterfaces">
<property name="interceptorNames">
<property name="target">
<ref bean="accountImpl" />
In this example the code in all the classes is pretty straight forward. The XML definition
is where all the spice is added. Let’s see one by one.
1. This application has five beans (4 advices and 1 class). Therefore we defined the
five beans as below:
2. We then defined four pointcuts for four advices. For instance, look at the
following pointcut definition.
Chapter 18 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Spring Framework
<bean id="beforeInterceptor"
<property name="mappedName">
<property name="advice">
<ref bean="logging"/>
3. The last one is the accountService bean that defines the target
object and the list of all the pointcuts. This is the bean that will be
retrieved by the test class to invoke the business functions.
C:/>….>chapter18>javac spring\example3\*.java
C:/>….>chapter18>javac spring.example3.AccountServiceTest
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
Try changing the username to any other value, and you’ll see the following result due to
Invalid Credentials
Entered into createAccountin springbeans.example3.AccountServiceImpl
Created Account
Entered into changeAccountin springbeans.example3.AccountServiceImpl
Updated Accounts Successfully
Exiting method changeAccountwith a return value null
Try changing the string “Checking” to “Checkings” and you’ll see the following result
due to AccountNotFounfAdvice
Invalid Credentials
Entered into createAccountin springbeans.example3.AccountServiceImpl
Created Account
Entered into changeAccountin springbeans.example3.AccountServiceImpl
Exception Handled. No need to panic
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Unable to change
This completes all the important things you need to know in the core module. At this
point you should be comfortable working with spring’s aspects and advices along with
the factory classes used for wiring the beans. The next module we will look at is the
DAO module which is undoubtedly the reason for the success of spring framework.
DAO Module
We now arrived at a point where we begin to start learning the most widely used spring
module. For the last one year or so, the DAO module has crept into almost all the J2EE
applications that use persistence. You might wonder why we wasted all the time
learning JDBC which is also used for building persistence applications. Once again we
need to remember that spring is a framework which like any other framework doesn’t
reinvent the wheel but tries to build a better wheel. Just like with Struts framework in
which Servlet and JSP are the underlying technologies, JDBC is the underlying
technology for this module.
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
ignore the fixed parts of the code. Thankfully with DAO module we no longer have to
worry about these anymore. It will take care of the fixed parts of persistence logic
behind the scenes and allows the programmer to only concentrate on executing the
query statements. Not only this, it will also manage the database transactions if needed
by the application. By the end of this section you’ll agree with me as to why many
companies are moving towards using Spring DAO module for data persistence.
The word DAO stands for Data Access Object. This is the pet name given to those objects
that encapsulate persistence logic. Spring’s DAO module uses something called
dataSources and templates for working with databases. Let’s see what these are.
Data sources are special beans that are typically defined in application context XML file
and are used by spring’s JDBC templates to work with databases. Before we look at the
templates, let’s see how we configure a data source in the application context XML file.
Following bean definition shows the data source configuration.
<property name="driverClassName">
<property name="url">
<property name="username">
<property name="password">
As you can see from the above bean definition, spring uses BasicDataSource to
define a data source. This class requires certain properties to be initialized such as driver
class, username, password, database schema and all that good stuff. In the above
definition, we initialized the properties from the property file. Once the data source bean
is defined, we are now ready to work with the Spring’s JDBC templates for database
Spring comes with a class called JDBCTemplate which is the core DAO class that
encapsulates all the crappy code like loading the drivers, creating connections etc,. Not
only this, it also defines several utility methods for executing the SQL queries in a
flexible manner. Let’s understand the important methods this class has before we start
writing some examples using it.
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
It simplifies the use of JDBC and helps to avoid common errors. It executes core JDBC workflow,
leaving application code to provide SQL and extract results. This class executes SQL queries or
updates, initiating iteration over ResultSets and catching JDBC exceptions and translating them
to the generic, more informative exception hierarchy defined in the org.springframework.dao
package. Code using this class need only implement callback interfaces, giving them a clearly
defined contract. The PreparedStatementCreator callback interface creates a prepared statement
given a Connection provided by this class, providing SQL and any necessary parameters. The
RowCallbackHandler interface extracts values from each row of a ResultSet.
This method takes the query and query arguments and returns a list of objects (records).
The RowMapper interface is a callback interface which will be called for every row
returned by the query. This method as you might have guessed is normally used with
SELECT queries.
These methods are used to execute the non-SELECT sql queries like INSERT, UPDATE,
DELETE etc. The second form of update() method is another convenient form which
uses the PreparedStatementSetter class to populate the prepared statement.
The above three methods are the most commonly used methods. However there are tons
of other methods in the JDBCTemplate class and you are free to explore them. Let’s
start writing examples using the data sources and templates with the above methods.
Take a look at the code in listing 18.5.
package spring.example4;
String name;
Integer age;
Integer ssn;
String state;
String zip;
String country;
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
package spring.example4;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
jdbcTemplate.update(sql, args);
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
public void setJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
package spring.example4;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
System.out.println("Inserted record");
url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MyDB
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
<bean id="dataSource"
<property name="driverClassName">
<property name="url">
<bean id="jdbcTemplate"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="dataSource" />
If you observe the above code, we defined a Customer bean with properties whose
values will be inserted into the database table. The best way to understand the above
code is by looking at the beans definitions. The first bean loads the property file that contains the database information. The next bean defines a
datasource object by supplying the database information as shown below
<property name="driverClassName">
<property name="url">
The third bean defines the template object. As I said before, this object will simply
reference the datasource bean. The important thing in this definition is the class
attribute which should be the spring’s built in class BasicDataSource. Following
shows the template definition.
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
Once the template bean is defined, we are now ready to use it for database operations. If
you look at the DAO class, it defines the following property:
Therefore, the DAO bean must set this property before performing the SQL operations.
This is exactly what is done by the following DAO bean definition:
With the above definition, when the DAO bean is retrieved using application context,
the template property will be set automatically and we can start invoking the persistence
methods on it. The DAO class defines one method insertCustomer() that takes the
customer bean as the parameter. This method invokes the update() method in the
JDBCTemplate class and passes the SQL query along with the array of parameters as
shown below:
See how clean the above code is. No creating connections, no loading drivers and all that
crappy stuff. The above code will insert the data into the CUSTOMERS table. Without
spring, the equivalent JDBC code will look as shown below:
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(“blab la “);
String sql = “INSERT INTO CUSTOMERS VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)";
PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
int status = stmt.executeUpdate();
See the number of lines we reduced and more than that how we made the code look
cleaner. No wonder why people are getting addicted to this module. Now look at the
test class. It simply gets the DAO bean and passes the Customer bean with all the data
which will be inserted into the table.
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
C:/>….>chapter18>javac spring\example4\*.java
C:/>….>chapter18>javac spring.example4.CustomerDAOTest
Make sure you put the MySQL driver in the classpath before running the program. Also
create the following table in your MyDB database schema:
You’ll see the record inserted into the table. Sometimes to be safer, people will use the
following update method to also specify the column types.
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
Use the above code in the DAO class and re-run the program. Now that we’ve seen how
to execute the DML queries, let’s see how to execute SELECT queries. For executing the
SELECT queries, we use the following method:
The important parameter in the above method is the RowMapper object. Let’s first write
the code and then understand the details. Take a look at the code in listing 18.6.
package spring.example5;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import spring.example4.Customer;
customer.setSsn(new Integer(rs.getInt(3)));
customer.setAge(new Integer(rs.getInt(2)));
return customer;
package spring.example5;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import spring.example4.Customer;
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
customer.getCountry() };
jdbcTemplate.update(sql, args);
public List getCustomers() {
return customers;
public void setJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
package spring.example5;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import spring.example4.Customer;
import java.util.List;
If you recall the query() method in the JDBCTemplate class, one of the parameter is
RowMapper. This is an interface which means we need to pass an object of the class that
Chapter 18 DAO Module
Spring Framework
implements this interface. The RowMapper interface defines the following callback
method that the spring container will invoke for every record returned by the query.
The first thing we need to do is write a class and implement the above method. This
method should read the record, populate the necessary JavaBean which in our case is the
customer bean and return it as shown below:
customer.setSsn(new Integer(rs.getInt(3)));
customer.setAge(new Integer(rs.getInt(2)));
return customer;
Now look at the DAO class. We added a method named getCustomers() as shown
Look how simple the method is. It passes the SQL query along with the object of the
handler class that implemented the RowMapper interface. What will happen behind the
scenes is that spring container will invoke the handler method for every record, gather
all the customer objects and returns them as a List. We can then iterate over the list and
display the results. This is exactly what we did in the test class.
Execute the test class and you’ll see all the records displayed. This is all you need to
know about DAO module. In real world applications, 99% of the time we write code
similar to our examples. Try playing with the above two examples to get a good feel for
this module.
This completes all the important things you need to know in spring framework. Though
spring has several modules, they are less frequently used. If you are interested in
leaning other modules like Web, ORM modules, I’d recommend you to read a good
Chapter 18 Summary
Spring Framework
spring book. Trust me, if you understand just the DAO module, you are in pretty good
9 Spring is an open source framework for building enterprise applications.
9 Spring framework includes several modules like core module, web module,
DAO module etc.,
9 Spring uses plain vanilla like objects for encapsulating business logic as opposed
to heavy weight components like EJB’s.
9 Spring uses inversion of control to promote loose coupling of components.
9 The AOP features of spring allow applications to declaratively specify the
services that business modules need to leverage.
9 Spring’s core module includes factory classes for wiring the beans. The
important factory classes are the BeanFactory and ApplicationContext.
9 Spring‘s DAO module is the widely used module for building persistent
9 The DAO module uses the notion of data sources and templates for persisting
data to databases.
9 The DAO module hides all the fixed parts of the program like loading drivers,
creating connections etc and allows programmers to only work in the variant
parts of the program like executing the SQL queries.
a) BeanContext
b) BeanFactory
2. Which of the following class is used to load the bean properties from property
a) BeanFactory
b) ApplicationContext
3. Which of the following element in the beans definition XML file defines a bean?
a) bean
b) pojo
Chapter 18 Interview Questions
Spring Framework
4. Which of the following advice is used for intercepting the method call and allows
taking decision whether or not to execute the method?
a) Before advice
b) Around advice
a) pointcut
b) joinpoint
a) DataSource
b) BasicDataSource
7. Which of the following spring class is used for executing the SQL queries?
a) Template
b) JDBCTemplate
Interview Questions
Question: What are the important factory classes used for loading beans?
Answer: BeanFactory and ApplicationContext
Question: Which class in DAO module is used for executing SQL queries?
Answer: JDBCTemplate
Chapter 19 Chapter Goals
Chapter 19
This chapter introduces you to one of the most popular open source ORM solution,
Hibernate. By the end of this chapter you’ll understand how to use hibernate framework
for mapping objects to relational database systems and how to retrieve objects from
database using hibernate query features.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the importance of ORM
9 Understanding hibernate components.
9 Persisting JavaBeans
9 Understanding Associations.
9 Understand Polymorphic Associations
9 Understand Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
Environment Setup
2. Copy the following Jar files in the Hibernate installation directory to the “j2eelib”
5.0.3-bin.jar, ehcache-1.1.jar,cglib-2.1.3.jar,jta.jar,antlr-2.7.6rc1.jar,asm-attrs.jar,asm.jar
3. Add all the above Jar files to the classpath in the batch file. Make sure to include
MYSQL Jar in the classpath.
Chapter 19 Introduction
Data persistence is one of the most critical part of any enterprise application.
Applications that don’t persist data are practically less useful and cannot service the
customers well enough to retain them. Over the years several persistence technologies
have emerged to provide a better and flexible way of persisting the data to databases.
Every new persistence technology has proven to be somewhat better and flexible than
the older ones. It is important to understand that there has never been an end and will
never be an end to the emergence of persistence technologies. Every now and then some
new persistence solution will pop up and we will be forced to use it. This should give
you some idea about how important data persistence is to the success of any application.
There are infinite numbers of free and commercial persistence solutions available in the
market. Choosing a solution not only depends on how well it works but also depends on
other factors like budget, adaptability and several others. Some applications may go for
freeware solutions and some others for commercial ones. It all boils down how much
persistence our application needs and how much complexity is involved during
persistence. There is no point in using a highly sophisticated technology just to persist
data to couple of tables, right?
Since we are in the world of Java and J2EE, we need to find the persistence solutions that
can be easily integrated into the Java applications. In the last few chapters we have seen
couple of persistence technologies like JDBC and Spring. Every technology has its own
strengths and weaknesses. We simply cannot rule them out completely. In some
applications where complex SQL processing is involved Spring JDBC is the way to go.
All this is to say that it is the application demand that should determine which
technology to use. The main challenge with persistence is the “mismatch” that exists
between databases and Java application objects.
The problem with any relational database is that it stores the data in the form of tables
which are two dimensional in nature. However, Java applications represent the data in
the form of objects whose structure is hierarchical in nature (i.e., like a tree which is
multi-dimensional). Do you see a mismatch here? I am sure you got the point. There is
no way you can directly map the Java objects to tables in the database. This is the
problem. However if we have an “Object Relational databases” that can store the objects
directly, then the problem is solved, and we don’t need any technologies, right? Though
there are such object databases available in the market, they are not accepted by the
industry in the same way relational databases are accepted, whatever may be the reason.
Instead of drilling into the details of why they are not accepted, let’s work with the
problem we have in our hand. The problem is mapping Java objects to tables in
Chapter 19 Introduction
relational database. Though it not impossible to map the data in Java objects to tables, it
involves some level of complexity. The application developer should be responsible to
understand the underlying table structure and then write the complex SQL queries to
persist the data to the right tables. Historically this is what we were doing.
We as Java developers are more comfortable working with Java objects than working
with SQL operations to the databases. As a business logic developer, we should spend
more time developing the business logic than working with SQL queries to map the data
to database tables. Our goal as a developer is to persist the data to the database at any
cost. The question is how much effort we need to put for the same. This eventually boils
down to how well the persistence layer is designed, right? If the design is good, using
JDBC or any other technology doesn’t make any difference. This has now become a
designers concern and not the developers concern. Historically designers suggested the
idea of using EJB entity beans using CMP as a persistence solution. Though entity beans
served the J2EE community for a long time, most real world applications started to get
away from them due to the complex O/R mappings. Moreover, an EJB container is a
must to run the entity beans which makes the application heavier and also consumes lot
of resources thereby affecting the application performance. So, companies started
looking for a light weight persistence solution that not only makes life easy but also
eliminates the EJB container.
The primary goal of any persistence solution is to handle all the persistence mappings
by itself behind the scenes by acting as a middleware between Java application and the
database and thereby eliminating the burden of complex manual mapping from the
application developer. This will save whole lot of time and the application developer
can sleep peacefully only worrying about the Java application objects and not the
underlying tables. One such solution that has become very popular these days is the
Hibernate framework. This is an open source persistence framework which is built using
XML and Java. Within short period of time, Hibernate has proven its capability by
providing solutions to complex persistence problems. This is why we are interested in
learning this framework.
Any persistence solution that maps objects to tables in database is called as ORM (Object
Relational Mapping) solution. Hibernate is one such ORM solution that sits in between
Java applications and database as shown in the following figure.
Chapter 19 Why do we need ORM solution?
As you can see from the above figure, Java applications use Hibernate to map Java
objects to Tables in relational database. So, without wasting any further time, let’s see
how Hibernate simplifies our life.
Address Account
As you can see from the above figure, we have five objects to represent the customer’s
data in two tables namely CUSTOMERS and ACCOUNTS. This is a 5:2 mismatch. Let’s
say we have the Customer and Address object represent the data in CUSTOMERS
table, and the remaining objects represent the data in ACCOUNTS table. Both the above
tables should be related with each other through a foreign key to associate the account
information with the customer information. For every operation that I do with the
objects, I need to manually execute the equivalent SQL query. For instance, to delete the
address, I can simply set the address object to null, but at the same time I need to
execute the following query:
Chapter 19 Why do we need ORM solution?
So, deleting an object in this case is not a SQL DELETE because address is part of the
customer record and we can only update it. This may lead to some confusion to
developers. Like wise, if I want to delete the customer, then I need to delete the record in
ACCOUNTS table first, followed by the record in the CUSTOMERS table due to the
foreign key relationship. In real world applications, object structure and database
structure will be completely apart and persisting and loading data to and from the tables
get whacky and error prone. This is where we need a reliable ORM solution like
Hibernate which can take care of creating and executing the SQL queries on the fly and
behind the scenes.
1. Hibernate ORM solution provides us with a clean API for persisting data objects.
2. Provides a dialect (Hibernate Query Language aka HQL) to specify the SQL
3. Provides an XML based mapping tool to map the Java bean properties to the
columns in relational tables.
1. Allows application developers to manage the Java objects and abstracts all the
SQL operations from the developer.
2. It’s a light weight ORM solution and doesn’t even need a application server or
container to run the applications.
3. Offer loose coupling of Javabeans with the underlying tables though the use of
XML as the medium of communication.
4. Consumes less resources there by improves the overall performance of the
5. Offers significant amount of flexibility in designing persistence applications.
Hibernate commonly uses two XML files for persisting data in Java objects.
1. One is the user defined XML file that contains all the mapping information.
2. A standard hibernate.cfg.xml file that contains all the database configuration
information along with the locations of user defined mapping XML in step 1.
Let me tell you one thing here. Understanding Hibernate is somewhat tough than the
previous ones since all the concepts are tied with the ORM concepts. What I will do in
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
this chapter is cover only the important and most frequently used parts of Hibernate in
real world applications. So, let’s start with a simple example.
String : firstName
String : lastName
long : SSN
String : addressLine1
String : city
package hibernate.example1;
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
public String getAddressLine1() {
return addressLine1;
public void setAddressLine1(String addressLine1) {
this.addressLine1 = addressLine1;
public String getCity() {
return city;
public void setCity(String city) { = city;
public String getCountry() {
return country;
public void setCountry(String country) { = country;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
Look at the above mapping definition for the Customer bean. We have a Customer
bean with several properties whose values should be inserted into the database. The
heart of the program is the “example1.hbm.xml” file which we call it as the mapping
document. This mapping file defines a class element that does the following:
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
2. Specifies the bean properties to the column names. The only tricky part is the id
element. Every table that we map using the class element must have a primary
key column and id element must be used to map a bean property to the primary
key. In our case, since we want to use SSN as the primary key in the table, we
map the bean property ssn.
3. The id element should also specify a generator child element with a class
attribute that tells the Hibernate as to who will pass the value for the primary
key. See below:
class=”assigned” means Hibernate should use the bean property value as the
primary key
class=”increment” means Hibernate should use a unique number as the primary
key and increment it for every record.
class=”native” means Hibernate should generate the primary key.
In our case we used the assigned class since we know that ssn should be
used as primary key.
If you notice, every property element also specifies the column name. If the property
names and column names match each other (case insensitive) then we don’t even have
to specify the column attribute as shown below. Hibernate will automatically figure out
that the column name is same as property name.
The example1.hbm.xml is the mapping file just for this example. Every example we
write will have a new mapping XML file. Before we run the application, we need to tell
Hibernate about two important things.
1. The details about database like Driver, URL and all that good stuff
2. The location of the example mapping files.
Though there are several ways to specify this information, we will use the XML style.
The name of the XML configuration file should be hibernate.cfg.xml. Listing 19.1c
shows this file.
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password"></property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.pool_size">10</property>
<property name="show_sql">true</property>
<property name="dialect">
<property name="">update</property>
As you can see from the above configuration file, it configures session-factory element
by specifying all the database information and finally the location of the mapping
documents. For this example, we specified the mapping file as shown below:
<mapping resource="example1.hbm.xml"/>
Now that we configured the Hibernate SessionFactory we need to write a test class
using the above sessionfactory and start persisting the Customer bean. Look at the test
class shown below:
package hibernate.example1;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
try {
SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure()
session = sessionFactory.openSession();
} catch (Exception e) {
As you can see from the test class, before persisting the object we need to do couple
session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Once we completed the above, we simply created the customer bean and populated all
the properties with the values to be persisted to the CUSTOMERS table. To insert the
customer bean, we simply need to call the save() method on the session as shown
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
When the above method is called, Hibernate will mark the object as “ready to be
persisted” but will still not physically write it to the table. Once we commit the
transaction, that’s when hibernate will magically insert the bean properties in the table
behind the scenes. Do you see any SQL in the program? This is the beauty of the
Hibernate. All you need to do is define the mappings and hibernate will take care of the
rest. You don’t even have to create the tables. Trust me.
If you want to update the customer record, we simply have to call the update() method
Try modifying the bean properties and call the update() method, and you’ll see the
changes in the table. Similarly, you can delete the customer record using the following:
Once the mappings are specified, you can do what ever with the bean and hibernate will
ensure synchronizing the changes in the table.
C:/JavaTraining>chapter19>javac hibernate\example1\*.java
C:/JavaTraining>chapter19>java hibernate.example1.CustomerTest
Make sure you have completed the environment setup explained at the beginning of the
chapter. If all goes well, you see the CUSTOMERS table with a record in it.
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
In the above example, what I don’t like is the design of the Customer bean class. Let’s
make the bean more object oriented by introducing Address bean to store the address
information. Our Customer and Address beans will now look as shown below:
Take a look at the code in listing 19.2.
package hibernate.example2;
package hibernate.example2;
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
All we did is moved the address properties into a different bean and added the
Address reference to the Customer bean. The association between Customer and
Address bean is a strong association. To map such associations hibernate uses
component mappings. Take a look at the following mapping document.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<id name="ssn">
<generator class="assigned" />
<property name="firstName" />
<property name="lastName" />
<!-- Mapping for the Address object -->
<component name="address" class="hibernate.example2.Address">
<property name="addressLine1" />
<property name="city" />
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
Look at the above class mapping for Customer bean. It uses the component element
with the property name address and then maps the address bean properties to the
address columns in the table. With this mapping document implement the following
address.setAddressLine1("1112 S St");
<mapping resource="example2.hbm.xml"/>
Chapter 19 Mapping Beans to Tables
Executing the test class will again insert the record. Make sure you change the SSN
number to a different value every time you execute the program, since this is a primary
By using components and nested components you can map any bean structure to any
table. For instance, let’s say we now want to create HomeAddress and OfficeAddress
objects as shown below:
HomeAddress OfficeAddress
class Address{
The class element in the mapping XML will now look as shown below:
Chapter 19 Configuring Hibernate
As you can see from the above definition, we nested component elements. The
haddress and oaddress are the child components of address component. By using
nested components, you can map any complex bean structure to the underlying table
In the next section, let’s see the different ways we can configure Hibernate.
Configuring Hibernate
One of the striking features of Hibernate is that it can be used in diverse variety of
environments. Therefore, it is every important that we understand some of the
important ways of configuring Hibernate.
Hibernate uses a class called SessionFactory for persisting and loading data objects
to and from the database. The SessionFactory class as the name suggests is a factory
of session objects. Before we open the session, we need to configure the
SessionFactory with the underlying database(s). Hibernate uses Configuration
class to configure the session factory.
This is the scheme we demonstrated in our previous examples where all the database
information and mapping files are defined in a XML file named hibernate.cfg.xml. With
this scheme, the XML should be placed in the classpath of the application which is
typically the root directory of the application. Following listing shows the configuration
XML file:
Chapter 19 Configuring Hibernate
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password"></property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.pool_size">10</property>
<property name="show_sql">true</property>
<property name="dialect">
<property name="">update</property>
With the above configuration, our application can then create the SessionFactory
object as shown below:
Once the factory instance is obtained, we can open the session objects and start
persisting objects as shown below:
session = factory.openSession();;
The above scheme works for single session factory. What if we want to work with
multiple databases? In such cases, we need multiple configuration XML files such as
security.cfg.xml, financial.cfg.xml etc., with each configuration file containing
information about a particular database. In such cases, we can obtain the session factory
objects as shown below:
You can use this type of configuration if you prefer to use XML style.
Chapter 19 Configuring Hibernate
This configuration scheme is much the same as the previous one, except that it uses file in the classpath. The property file will then list the properties
as shown below:
# JDBC Properties
hibernate.connection.driver_class = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
hibernate.connection.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MyDB
hibernate.connection.username = root
hibernate.connection.password = root
hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
However, if you are using JNDI based datasources, then you need to use the following
hibernate.connection.datasource = jdbc/MySQL
hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
There are also several other properties that you can define like transaction properties,
cache properties, connection properties etc. Once you have this property file in the
classpath, you can obtain the SessionFactory object as shown below:
Again, if you want to work with multiple databases, you need to create multiple
property files and load them as shown below:
There is one more thing we missed here. We also need to specify the location of the
mapping files, right? Following is how we do:
Once the mapping resources are added, we can obtain the session factory object as
shown below:
Chapter 19 Associations
You can choose which ever style you want. If you prefer XML style then use the Case 1
scheme, if you prefer using property files then use the Case 2 scheme.
In this scheme, you neither have to use XML file nor have to use the property file. You’ll
simply specify the configuration in the program itself as shown below:
The advantage with programmatic configuration is that you can pass the property
values at runtime. This gives your application more flexibility while working with
multiple databases.
This completes all the important and widely used schemes of configuring hibernate.In
the next section we will see the most important aspect of ORM, the associations.
Associations basically indicate that one class retains the relationship to another class
over an extended period of time. If you recall our Customer-Address example, an address
is associated with a customer. This is a very strong relationship and is normally read as
“has a” relationship. Following are some of the examples:
Chapter 19 Associations
1. One-to-One Association
2. One-to-Many association
3. Many-to-One association
4. Many-to-Many association
Many-to-One Association
The simple example for this association is multiple books belonging to the same
publisher. At the same time if only the Books should be able to see the changes made to
the publisher, it becomes unidirectional.
101 123 123
102 123
Chapter 19 Associations
In the above definition, the many-to-one element tells hibernate to use the PUBLISHERS
primary key as the foreign key in the BOOKS table. The PUB_ID column in BOOKS table
will now have the same value as the PUB_ID column in the PUBLISHERS table.
package hibernate.example4;
int publisherId;
String publisherName;
package hibernate.example4;
int bookId;
Publisher publisher;
Chapter 19 Associations
String author;
String title;
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
Chapter 19 Associations
package hibernate.example4;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
// Create a publisher
Publisher pub = new Publisher();
} catch (Exception e) {
As you can see from the test class, we created one publisher and associated with many
books as shown below:
Chapter 19 Associations
Execute the test class and you’ll see 1 record inserted in the PUBLISHERS4 table, and 2
records in the BOOKS4 table.
Note: Hibernate will also create the tables for you with all the proper table constraints.
In this example it creates PUBLISHERS4 and BOOKS1 tables that we specified in the xml
file as shown below. These tables will be created only once.
The above code will print the publisher name of the Book.
Bidirectional Many-to-one/One-to-Many
In this case, the publisher should have the knowledge of all the books it published.
Therefore, the publisher class should have a collection property for books as shown
int publisherId;
String publisherName;
Set books;
// Getter and Setters
Chapter 19 Associations
Look at the addBook() utility method. If we try to associate a book to a publisher, all
we need to do is just update the record in the books table to set the publisher using the
following update statement.
However hibernate recognizes two changes, one for updating the book and the other for
updating the publisher of the book. But logically speaking, both these operations are
same. To make Hibernate just execute the above update statement, we need to set the
inverse attribute to true as shown in the following class definition:
Note that the set element defines that each book should have the same PUB_ID and
there will be a one-to-many association between the publisher and the book.
As you can see from the above code, we searched for a publisher whose ID is 1 and then
displayed the books. The above code will print all the book objects.
Chapter 19 Associations
Both one-to-many and many-to-one relationships work just the same way. As can you
see from the previous example, a bidirectional many-to-one also includes a one-to-many
One-to-One Association
As the name suggests, with this association, one object (record in one table) should be
associated with one and only one object (record in another table). For example, a book
can only be associated with one publisher. Let’s again look at both unidirectional and
bidirectional one-to-one associations using the Book and Publisher.
This is the simplest of two. In this case, a one-to-one association is derived from a many-
to-one relationship by setting the unique property to true for the PUB_ID column in the
BOOKS table. The PUB_ID then becomes the foreign key to the PUBLISHERS table
primary key. For instance let’s say we have the following tables:
101 123 123
102 123
As you can see from the above table, a one-to-one relationship can be obtained from a
many-to-one relationship by eliminating the duplicate foreign key (PUB_ID) in the
books table. We tell this to hibernate by simply setting the unique attribute to true for
the PUB_ID in the class definition for book as shown below:
The class definition for Publisher will remain the same as shown below:
Chapter 19 Associations
Notice that we are using different table names for this example, BOOKS5 and
PUBLISHERS5. When Hibernate generates the DDL for the tables, it adds a foreign key
constraint to the PUB_ID in the Books table as shown below:
With the above relationship, if we try to add more than one book to the same publisher
it will add the first book and then throws an exception. Following is the test code to
verify this fact.;;;
When you run the above code, you’ll see one record inserted in the PUBLISHERS2 table,
and one record in the BOOKS2 table. You’ll then see an exception something like shown
Chapter 19 Associations
Making this association bidirectional is nothing but having the publisher access the book
information. The only difference is that in this case, it has to be just one book. Firstly, we
need to add the book reference in the Publisher class as shown below:
int publisherId;
String publisherName;
Book book;
Secondly, the class definition for the Publisher will look as shown below:
As you can see from the above definition, we added a one-to-one mapping of the book
to the publisher using the property-ref attribute. This tells Hibernate that the book
association in Publisher is the reverse of publisher association in Book.
Chapter 19 Associations
The above test code will display the book information for the publisher whose id is 1.
This completes both unidirectional and bidirectional one-to-one association using
foreign keys. Let’s now look at the same using primary key.
With this type of association, both the books and the publishers table will have the same
primary key as shown in the following figure.
As you can see from the above figure, both the BOOK_ID and PUB_ID must always be
the same. This way we can completely delete the foreign key PUB_ID from the books
table. The challenge we have here is that, we somehow need to tell hibernate to use
PUB_ID in the publisher table as both primary key and also the foreign key of the
BOOK_ID in the books table. Only then, hibernate will insert same value in both the
tables. This is done using the constrained=true attribute as shown in the following
publisher class definition:
There are three important things we need to understand with the above definition.
Chapter 19 Associations
2. The constraint=true attribute tells hibernate that there is a foreign key constraint
on the primary key of the publisher table.
3. A special generator named foreign must be used which tells hibernate to use the
value of the primary key on the books table as the primary key value in the
publishers table.
Hmmm.. Confusing, right?. I can understand but learn it twice and you’ll get it.
The class definition for the book will be simply be a straight forward mapping as shown
The test code for adding records to the table should be done carefully. Let me ask you a
question. Should the publisher object set the value for book, or should the book object
set the value for publisher? Since the association is from publisher to book, publisher
should set the book. This is very important to understand otherwise you will get an
exception. Following is how the test code looks:
As you can see from the above code, we first created the book object and then passed the
book to the publisher object. Here is a simple trick to remember:
Trick: If we have a method invocation as a.setTest(b), where a and b are two objects, then
the direction of the association is from a to b.
Chapter 19 Associations
Making the previous association as bidirectional is very simple. This time we need to
add a publisher property in the book object using a one-to-one association as shown
The above tells hibernate to also retrieve the publisher while retrieving the book. You
can now use either of the following test code to get the details of book and publisher:
This completes every thing we need to know about one-to-one association. The last one
is the many-to-many association. This is one of the rarely seen associations. Let’s see
how it looks.
Many-to-Many Association
The classical example for this association is the one between Topics and Subscriptions.
As you know, a single topic will have more than one subscriber and a single subscriber
can subscribe to more than one topic. Do you see a many-to-many relationship here? I
am sure you did. Following figure shows this association:
Topic 1 Subscriber 1
Topic 1 Subscriber 2
Topic 1 Subscriber 3
Chapter 19 Associations
In this case, the Topic object will define a collection of subscriber objects as shown
int topicid;
String topicName;
Set subscribers;
The subscriber class will define a collection of topics objects as shown below:
With unidirectional association, a topic will have the knowledge of all the subscribers
and not vice-versa. In this case, the class definition for Topic class will look as shown
Chapter 19 Associations
As you can see from the above definition, the set element tells hibernate to insert
TOPIC_ID from TOPICS6 table and SUB_ID from SUBSCRIBERS6 table into the link
table TOPIC_SUB6 when the association is made.
Following is the class definition for subscriber class. This class will not have the
subscribers property defined as we should not allow subscribers to access topics.
Following is the source code with the complete XML mappings and the bean classes.
package hibernate.example6;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
int topicId;
String topicName;
Set subscribers = new HashSet();
Chapter 19 Associations
package hibernate.example6;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class Subscriber {
int sid;
String name;
// Bi directional
Set topics = new HashSet();
public Set getTopics() {
return topics;
public void setTopics(Set topics) {
this.topics = topics;
public void addTopic(Topic topic) {
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public int getSid() {
return sid;
public void setSid(int sid) {
this.sid = sid;
Chapter 19 Associations
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
In both the Topic and Subscriber classes, we added a collection property along with the
following utility methods for subscribers to add topics and vice versa.
Now, let’s write the test code to add 3 subscribers to 1 topic as shown below:
package hibernate.example6;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
Chapter 19 Associations
} catch (Exception e) {
As you can see from the above code, we created 3 subscribers and added them to one
topic. When we execute the above code, following is how the contents of three tables
will look like:
As you can see from the above link table, it inserts the primary keys of the both TOPICS
and SUBSCRIBERS table. With the above data, when we do a search for the topic using
the topic id, hibernate will return all the three subscribers with the following code:
Chapter 19 Associations
This is how a unidirectional many-to-many association is implemented. Let’s now look
at the bidirectional many-to-many association.
In this case, we need to update the class definition of the subscriber to include the topics
property as a set element as shown below:
As you can see from the above definition, this is simply the reverse of the subscribers
property in the Topic class definition. However, we need to add the inverse=”true”
attribute to tell hibernate to synchronize both the ends of the association. The class
mapping for the Topic will remain the same as the one with unidirectional association.
With these class definitions, let’s have James subscribe to two new topics as shown
sub.addTopic(t2); ; ; ;
With the above code, the tables will now look as shown below :
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
Now. to retrieve the topics for a given subscriber, we can use the following code:
You know what, we have now successfully completed all the associations. Though they
may look confusing at the beginning, read them 2-3 times and you’ll get the trick.
In the next section, we will learn new type of associations called polymorphic
associations. These associations as based on inheritance.
Polymorphic Associations
As we all know that Inheritance is one of the key features in object oriented design
where specific information is represented by the child classes. This being a common
scenario when modeling Java objects, we need to know see how Hibernate assists us in
mapping inheritance hierarchy to relational tables. Clearly, inheritance hierarchy is the
main pointer for the structural mismatch with the tables.
Let’s take a simple example and then see how we can implement the above two cases.
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
ShoppingCart <abstract>Product
Book Computer
As you can see from the above figure, the shopping cart object references a product
object which can be either be object of Book or Computer class. There are three
approaches with which we can map the above hierarchy to the database tables.
Let’s look at each of them and find out the best approach.
In this approach, as the name suggests we use one table per concrete class in the
hierarchy. In our case Book and Computer are two concrete classes of abstract Product
class. Therefore, Hibernate will create one table for each subclass with columns for all
the properties in the sub classes including the inherited properties as shown below:
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
As you can see from the above two tables, hibernate will create PRODUCT_ID and
SELLER columns for the inherited properties in each of the table. It’s important to note
that hibernate will not create a table for the Product class as it is abstract. Here lies the
challenge. ShoppingCart object references either Book or Computer object through the
Product interface, right? In this approach, since hibernate will not create a table for
product class which is like a broken link, how does hibernate associate SHOPPINGCART
table directly with the BOOK and COMPUTER tables? The solution is the ShoppingCart
table should add two columns as listed below:
1. A column that defines the type of the subclass, for instance PRODUCT_TYPE
whose value identifies the type of the subclass object (Book or Computer)
2. A column that stores the primary keys of both the Book and Computer table
some thing like ITEM_ID. This is not a foreign key but can be thought of as a
composite foreign key since it holds to both the subclass tables primary keys.
The ShoppingCart element should use the element any to tell hibernate about the two
columns as shown below:
As you can see from the above mapping, the any element defined two columns as
shown below:
The PRODUCT_TYPE column contains two values to identify two sub classes. We also
need to tell Hibernate what possible values it can have and also the type of values. We
use meta-value element for the former and meta-type attribute for the later. The id-
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
type attribute specifies the column type for ITEM_ID column. Let’s now look at the
complete code for this example.
package hibernate.example7;
int productId;
String seller;
package hibernate.example7;
String isbn;
String author;
String title;
String publisher;
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
this.publisher = publisher;
public int getProductId() {
return productId;
public void setProductId(int productId) {
this.productId = productId;
public String getSeller() {
return seller;
public void setSeller(String seller) {
this.seller = seller;
package hibernate.example7;
String processor;
int ramSize;
String os;
String type;
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
return seller;
public void setSeller(String seller) {
this.seller = seller;
package hibernate.example7;
int clientId;
Product product;
The above code represent the JavaBean classes for Product, Book, ShoppingCart
and Computer. Now, let’s write the mapping file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<class name="hibernate.example7.Book" table="BOOK7"
<id name="productId" column="BOOK_ID">
<generator class="increment" />
<property name="seller" column="SELLER" />
<property name="author" column="AUTHOR" />
<property name="title" column="TITLE" />
<property name="publisher" column="PUBLISHER" />
<class name="hibernate.example7.Computer" table="COMPUTERS7"
<id name="productId" column="PRODUCT_ID">
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
Notice the class mappings for Book and Computer. They simply map their respective
properties to columns in tables like we did in the very first example. The only difference
is that we need to add polymorphism=”true” attribute to tell hibernate that their
associations are polymorphic in nature. Also note that both the classes uses the inherited
productId as the primary key. That’s it. We now can write a test class to store and
retrieve the objects.
The following code creates a Book object and associates with a ShoppingCart
The above code will insert one record in the books table and one in the shoppingcart
table. Now, we can use the following code to retrieve the shopping cart which also
retrieves the book object.
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
This approach though works well is very seldom used due to its inherent complexity.
Use this technique when you don’t require polymorphic association.
In this approach, we just use one table to map the entire hierarchy that includes
Product, Book and Computer classes. This one table contains columns for all the
properties defined in all the classes as shown below:
As you can see, the table now has all the columns. Following is the challenge we have in
our hand with this approach.
9 How does hibernate know which columns are associated with Book class and
which columns with Computer class?
The good thing is hibernate gave us the solution by asking us to use subclass element
along with the discriminator column while mapping the class.The discriminator column
tells hibernate which columns to populate/read for the sub classes. This is why in the
above table, hibernate also created PRODUCT_TYPE column to store some unique
identifiers that tells which specific object to store or retrieve. The class definition for the
product class will be as shown below:
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
As you can see from the above definition for the product class, it defined a discriminator
column along with two subclass elements, one for book and other for computer class.
Also note that the subclass elements specified a discriminator values namely BOOK and
COMPUTER for hibernate to distinguish between the two.
You might wonder why I used many-to-one association here. Recall that a one-to-one
association can be implemented as many-to-one association with unique=”true”
attribute. This is exactly what we did here. Run the previous example with the above
class mappings, and you’ll see the same result. The only difference is that you’ll see just
one table created in the database as shown below:
As you can see from the above, hibernate added BOOK as the discriminator value and
populated columns corresponding to Book. Try adding a computer to the shopping cart
and you’ll see the other columns filled with book columns with blank values.
Chapter 19 Polymorphic Associations
This is the simplest type of polymorphic association and also easy to understand
without any confusions. Moreover, this is the most efficient way of persisting objects. So,
keep this approach in mind. Most real word applications use this one.
This approach is same as table per concrete class except that hibernate will not create
columns for inherited properties as shown in the following figure.
As you can see from the above, we observe the following two important things:
1. Hibernate will eliminate the columns for the inherited properties in the Books
and Computers table, and adds a primary key column.
2. Because of the elimination of the columns in step1, it will create a table for the
abstract class Product with columns for inherited properties.
When we persist on of the computer or book class, hibernate will insert the book or
computer related data in the books or computers table and the inherited properties from
the product class in the products table. So, every time we add a new product, one record
will be inserted in one of the specific tables, and one in the products table.
Now that there are three tables each with their own primary keys, hibernate will simply
use the primary keys of the sub classes to map with the super class. With this approach,
Chapter 19 Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
we need to tell hibernate using the joined-subclass element as shown below. The
mapping is just the same as we did with subclass element.
As you can see from the above class mapping for Product, it defined its own properties
like productId and seller and then defined the mappings for its subclasses using the
joined-subclass element. The only difference you’d notice with this element
compared to the subclass element in the previous example is that we specified the table
names highlighted in bold and defined the key column in both the subclass tables.
With the above mapping for product class, run the previous test class and you’ll see the
same results. One of the main concerns with this approach is the performance. Behind
the scenes hibernate will use complex queries that involve outer joins which affect the
performance. Use this approach only when the subclasses have fewer properties
This completes all the polymorphic associations that we need to know. Just remember
the table per class hierarchy which the simplest of all and you are good.
In the next and the last section, we’ll see something about Hibernate Query Language
(HQL) and see how we can efficiently retrieve the persisted objects.
Chapter 19 Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
from the results. This is what we did using JDBC. With HQL, you don’t have to worry
about writing complex SQL queries which are more error prone and instead use simple
user friendly queries to directly fetch the desired objects from the tables. Hibernate will
translate all the HBL queries into SQL queries behind the scenes and fetch the objects.
This will really simplify the life of the developer as he/she no longer need to build the
complex SQL queries.
Hibernate supports two important classes namely Query and Criteria to query for
objects. One thing you need to understand is that we can use either Query or Criteria
class for retrieving objects. We don’t have to use both of them. In some cases using
Query is more flexible and in some other cases using Criteria is more flexible. Let’s
see some cases using both Query and Criteria classes.
Case 1: To retrieve all the Book objects from the BOOKS table.
Using Query:
In this case, we first need to create the Query object from the session by specifying the
query string. When we say “from Book”, hibernate will automatically figure out the
table name based on the mappings we defined in the xml and returns all the Book object
populating all the properties with the column data. Behind the scenes, hibernate will
translate the above into the following SQL:
Using Critetia
Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Book.class);
List records = c.list();
In this case, we just have to specify the class of the objects we want to retrieve. Hibernate
will return all the Book objects from the BOOKS table.
Binding parameters at runtime allows us to execute dynamic SQL statements, just like
we used to do with PreparedStatement in JDBC. Let’s say we want to retrieve all the
Books authored by James.
Chapter 19 Summary
Using Query
In the above query, “:author” is the query parameter. With HQL, all the parameters
must be prefixed with a colon as shown. Based on the type of data to be passed to the
parameter, we can use the set methods defined by the Query interface. One such
method is the setString() method to set the character data. Likewise, there are
several other set methods for passing dates, numbers etc,. The above query retrieves all
the Book objects that are authored by James.
HQL also permits using indices for parameters instead of names as shown below:
These are all the basic HQL operations you need to know. Using both Query and
Criteria interfaces you can build any complex queries for retrieving the objects.
This completes all the concepts you need to know to start building applications using
Hibernate. Try reading this chapter twice, since some of the concepts like associations
might be confusing at the first place. Let’s now summarize all we learned in this chapter.
9 Hibernate is an open source framework for mapping Java objects to tables in
relational database.
Chapter 19 Time to Play 50-50
9 Hibernate is an alternate solution for EJB entity beans and eliminates the
need to a container.
9 Hibernate uses XML to define the mappings for various objects and the
underlying table columns.
9 SessionFactory is the class that hibernate uses to persist objects to databases.
9 SessionFactory can be configured using XML, Property files and even
9 The XML mapping document defines mappings for class properties to
columns in tables.
9 Hibernate supports one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-
many associations using special elements in the mapping file.
9 Hibernate also supports polymorphic associations in three different ways.
9 Table per concrete class, Table per Hierarchy and Table per sub class are the
three different ways to implement polymorphic associations.
9 Hibernate comes with a query language called HQL for retrieving objects
from the tables.
9 The two important components used for defining HQL queries are the Query
and Criteria classes.
a) SessionFactory
b) BeanFactory
a) Configurer
b) Configuration
a) Many-to-Many
b) One-to-Many
4. Which of the following method in the session object is used to persist the objects?
a) persist()
b) save()
Chapter 19 Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Question: What is the name of the XML file used to configure hibernate?
Answer: hibernate.cfg.xml
Question: What is the name of the attribute to use to realize a one-to-one association from
a many-to-one association?
Answer: unique=true
Question: How should the Java bean property be represented for a one-to-many
Answer: Collection
Chapter 20 Chapter Goals
J2EE Design Patterns
Chapter 20
J2EE Design Patterns
This chapter explains you the important J2EE design patterns that or normally used
while designing enterprise applications. Knowing these design patterns help you to
design applications that perform well.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the importance of design patterns
9 Types of J2EE design patterns
9 Creational patterns
9 Behavior patterns
9 Presentation tier patterns
9 Business tier patterns
9 Integration tier patterns
Chapter 20 Introduction
J2EE Design Patterns
The success of any application can undoubtedly be attributed to its design. A sound
design leads to a resounding application. When we say “success”, what kind of success
are we talking about? Are we talking about success in terms money it generated or
something else? You guessed it right. The success we are talking is the success in terms
of its ability to serve the customers in a better way, such as the ability to respond fast,
the ability to be easily scalable, the flexibility it offers and all that good stuff. This level
of success is only achieved by using a good design to build the application. A good
design makes the application more stable and makes the application more profitable and
One important thing we must all know is the fact that we cannot see design flaws in an
application until we get the application up and running. What I mean to say is that we
can build an application at the first place based on some preliminary design which
should not be assumed to meet all the requirements in terms of performance, scalability,
flexibility, security and all that stuff under all conditions. For instance, the performance
of the application may be very good during the initial stages which could probably be
attributed to lesser load on the application. As the application gains more popularity the
load on the application would certainly increase by many times, and its performance
may degrade. This is normal behavior and we should accept it. The reason for this is the
fact that it is impossible to come up with perfect solution at the first place itself that
meets all the requirements. It is time that determines whether an application is properly
designed or not. This doesn’t mean we have the luxury to poorly design the application.
A good design should anticipate as many possible problems as possibly can upfront and
incorporate solutions to address them. One thing we as designers should strive for is to
come up with a best solution rather than an ideal solution. This is where the notion of
design patterns come into picture.
Though the definition looks very simple, there is lot to understand. Consider for
instance, we built an application incorporating a solution that addresses a performance
issue at the database level. Tomorrow when we build another similar application which
throws the same performance problem at the database, we don’t have to scratch our
minds to reinvent the solution to the same problem, right? Put in simple words, we
don’t want to reinvent the wheel when we already have one. This is possible only if we
Chapter 20 Types of J2EE Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Now, we need to understand why we used the world “context”. If we take an n-tier
application, we will have several tiers like presentation tier, business tier, integration tier
etc. Let’s say we are having a performance problem in the presentation tier and we only
have a solution to a performance issue in business tier. Can we apply the same solution
in the presentation tier? Good guess. No we can’t. This is simply because the “context”
in which the problem occurred is different. This leads to the following conclusion:
Every solution to a problem has a boundary within which it works as desired. The
moment the pattern or the solution crosses the boundary it becomes an, “anti-pattern”.
Now that we know what a design pattern is, defining what a J2EE design pattern is
1. Creational Patterns
2. Behavior Patterns
3. Structural Patterns
4. Presentation tier Patterns
5. Business tier Patterns
6. Integration tier patterns
In this chapter, we will see the following design patterns from each category
Chapter 20 Creational Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Creational Patterns
As the name suggests, patterns belonging to this category are used for creating objects.
You might wonder why we need patterns for creating objects when we already have the
keyword new for creating objects. The reason is simple. With new keyword we can know
for sure what type of object we are creating. For instance, following statement clearly
tells that we are creating a Box object.
The problem with the above statement is that our application can only work with Box
objects but not with any other objects, right? Often in applications we need to create
objects whose type can only be determined at runtime. In such cases we need to abstract
the object creational details from certain application components. For instance, say we
have an application that sells different products to customers. Now, a product can be a
Book, or a DVD or something else. Therefore, based on the product the customer selects,
some times we need to create book objects, and some times DVD objects or even both.
This type of creating objects is more complicated than creating objects by simply using
new keyword. This is where two important creational patterns listed below help us.
9 Factory Pattern
9 Singleton Pattern
Factory Pattern
A Factory Pattern can be thought as a factory that creates objects. In reality, a factory
that can create different types of objects is more useful than the one that can only create
one type of objects. For instance, a product factory can create different objects like
computers, DVD players, Television sets etc,. At the same time, a factory like
SAXParserfactory can only create SAXParser objects. In most of the enterprise
applications, the actual object that needs to be created will only be known at runtime. In
such situations using a factory pattern that abstracts the object creational details is more
useful. Following figure shows the factory pattern
Chapter 20 Creational Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Client Parser
Parser A Parser B
As seen from the above figure, client uses the ParserFactory class to create objects of
Parser A and B. Let’s write the example that implements the above scenario.
public class IBMParser extends Parser{
public void parse(String filename){
System.out.println(“ Using IBM Parser to parse “ + fileName);
public class BEAParser extends Parser{
public void parse(String filename){
public class ParserFactory{
public Parser createParser ( String parserName){
if (“IBM”.equals(parserName))
return new IBMParser();
else if (“BEA”.equals(parserName))
return new BEAParser();
return null;
Chapter 20 Creational Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
public class ParserClient{
public static void main(String args[]){
parser = factory.createParser(“BEA”);
Singleton Pattern
This is the second type of creational pattern. This pattern ensures that only one object of
a class is created per JVM process. For instance, if we want to use the same Logger
object to log all the entries, we can implement the logger as a singleton. Following code
demonstrates this pattern.
As you can see from the above code, we used a conditional statement to always return
the same object. Another important thing is that we need to declare the object as static
so that JVM allocates memory for one object only.
Both Factory and Singleton patterns are generic patterns and can be implemented in any
Chapter 20 Structural Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Structural Patterns
Structural Patterns are typically used to build or represent larger objects from smaller
objects. This pattern is visible in our day to day life. For instance, a Television object is
built from smaller objects like Monitor, Amplifiers, Capacitors etc. So, a television can be
called as composite object. There are two important patterns in this category namely
Decorator and Façade. Let’s see the details one by one.
As the name suggests, this pattern decorates the object. So what does decoration mean?
Decoration is nothing but adding or modifying the properties of object. For instance,
let’s say our application gets some messages from a mainframe system which requires to
be formatted before we can display them to the user. This may include adding some
header and footer notes etc. What we are doing here is that we are kind of “decorating”
the object by giving some additional features. Following figure shows the decorator
Abstract Abstract
Message Decorator
If you see from the above figure the MessageReciever uses the Message and
Decorator classes to decorate the message. The decorator object takes a message object
and returns a decorated message. Following code demonstrates the implementation of
this pattern.
Chapter 20 Structural Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Message m1 = receiver.getMainFrameMessage();
Message m2 = receiver.getDatabaseMessage();
System.out.println( m1.getMessage());
System.out.println( m2.getMessage());
public class MessageReciever{
public abstract class Message{
public getMessage();
public setMessage();
public class MainFrameMessage extends Message{
String msg;
public String getMessage(){
return msg;
public void setMessage(String msg){
this.msg = msg;
Chapter 20 Structural Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
public class DatabaseMessage implements Message{
String msg;
public String getMessage(){
return msg;
public void setMessage(String msg){
this.msg = msg;
public abstract class Decorator{
public Message decorate(Message m);
public class MainFrameDecorator extends Decorator{
return m;
public class DatabaseDecorator extends Decorator{
return m;
Look at the code in the MessageReciever class. The methods in this class create the
respective messages and decorators and use the decorator to decorate the messages. Run
the test class and you’ll see the decorated messages.
Chapter 20 Structural Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Façade Pattern
This pattern is used to hide all the underlying complexities of a system by providing a
global interface for client interaction. This interface provides a single point of entry for
all the client interactions with the underlying subsystems. Following are some of the
advantages of this pattern:
Client C
As you can see from the above code, client code invokes all the services though the
façade class. This class internally connects with the appropriate systems and processes
the requests. Now, let’s look at the implementation of AccountServiceFacade.
Chapter 20 Presentation Tier Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
// Connects to System B
systemB.applyLoan ();
public void getTransactionHistory (){
// Connects to System C
systemC.getTransactionHistory ();
public void getAccountOffers (){
// Connects to System D
systemD.getAccountOffers ();
The above code is just a skeleton code. In reality, this class will use several utilities like
JNDI, RMI etc to connect with underlying systems. These details are completely hidden
from the client application.
9 Front Controller
9 Business Delegate
9 Model-View-Controller
Front Controller
A Front Controller pattern as the name suggests stands in front of all the presentation tier
components and controls the application flow within the presentation tier. This involves,
intercepting the requests, dispatching the requests to request handlers, co-ordinating the
actions of various components and finally returning the response to the client. The front
controller is like a façade in the presentation tier. The best example of this design pattern
is the controller servlet in Struts framework. If you recall from Struts, following is what
the controller servlet is responsible for:
Chapter 20 Presentation Tier Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
9 It’s a centralized component that reads the requests from the browser
9 It acts as a single point of entry and exit to/from the application
9 It manages all the interactions in within the application, by coordinating with
other components
9 Processes the requests and prepares the models
9 Selects the View to display the models
Following figure shows class and sequence diagrams for the front controller pattern.
Client Controller
Helper A Processor B
As you can see from the above class diagram, the controller class uses various other
classes such as delegators, helpers, views to process the client requests.
1 (Request)
1.1 (Uses)
1.2 (Response)
1.3 (Request)
1.3.1 (Invokes)
1.4 (Response)
Chapter 20 Presentation Tier Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Use the front controller pattern when you need a centralized control in the presentation
Business Delegate
This design pattern delegates all the presentation tier calls to business tier components.
A business delegate is normally the last component among the presentation tier
components after which the request will be delegated to the business tier.
Following shows the class and sequence diagrams for business delegate pattern.
Class Diagram
As you can see from the above class diagram, the request from the client is delegated to
the business delegate component which uses a lookup tool to search and retrieve the
business service. Once the service is retrieved, it uses the service to invoke the business
Chapter 20 Business Tier Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Business Business
Client Locator
Delegate Service
1.1 Locate
1.1.3 Invoke
1.1.4 Results
1.1.5 Return
Please refer to the Model View Controller design pattern explained in detail in Struts
This completes the most important and widely used presentation tier design patterns.
Let’s now look at the Business Tier design patterns.
Chapter 20 Business Tier Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Configuration 1
Client 1
Client 2
Configuration 2
If you look at configuration 1, we have both the presentation tier and business tier on the
client’s machine. This is a typical 2-tier architecture which is not suitable for enterprise
internet applications. However, this configuration gives better performance since there
is no physical network in between the two tiers.
Now look at configuration 2. This is a typical n-tier architecture where the presentation
and business tiers are distributed across various systems. This architecture supports
diverse application clients which have their own presentation tiers (PT1 an d PT2) and
the business logic that drives all the clients will still be the same. It is because of this
reason, the business tier will be on a separate centralized system which we also call it as
“Middleware” that will be accessed by all the presentation tiers. Here, the important
thing we need to observe is the physical network involved in between the presentation
tiers and business tier. This configuration poses serious performance problems due to
heavy network traffic. This is the main problem with the business tier and we need to
look at the design patterns that address this problem and improve the performance of
the application by reducing the network traffic.
There are two design patterns that come to our rescue. One is Session Façade and the
Chapter 20 Business Tier Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
other is the Transfer Object or Value Object design pattern. Let’s look at them in detail.
Session Façade
In many J2EE applications we use enterprise Java beans to encapsulate business and
persistence logic. Enterprise Java Bean a.k.a EJB technology comes with two important
components namely session beans and entity beans. Session beans are used to
encapsulate business logic and entity beans are used to encapsulate persistence logic.
Accessing EJB’s (especially entity beans) involve several remote calls which leads to
increased network traffic. This is because the presentation tier components attempt to
read and store application data in the database. Without a good design pattern, the
system will look as shown in the following figure:
Entity Beans
Presentation Tier
As you can see from the above figure, the presentation tier makes calls to every entity
bean in the EJB container. Assuming that a business transaction requires using all the
five entity beans, it should send five separate requests to get hold of five entity beans,
right? This gets manifested to 2*5 = 10 traversals (to and fro) across the network leading
to serious performance problems. Strictly speaking the situation will be even worse since
accessing a single entity bean takes at least two calls. With this factor plugged into the
equation it turns out to be 20 traversals across the network. Now look at the following
Chapter 20 Business Tier Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
In the above figure we introduced a Session bean to act as a gateway for interactions
with the entity beans. From the presentation tier point of view, it should only access the
one session bean which in turn interacts with all the entity beans. Two important things
to be noted here:
1. The presentation tier no longer has to worry about calling the entity beans, which
reduces 5 * 2=10 traversals. This cuts down the network traffic by 50%. Good.
Client application should only access the session bean which adds 2*1=2
traversals. The total traversals will now be 10+2 = 12 which is still better than
without a session bean.
2. There is no network between the session bean and the entity beans which will
also add up to improving the performance.
Based on the above facts, we can well an truly accept the above design. The Session bean
we are taking about is the solution which we call it as Session Façade. So, a session façade
can be thought of as a single point of entry into the business tier. Now let’s look at the
class and sequence diagrams. See next page.
Chapter 20 Business Tier Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Bean 1
Business Session
Client Delegate Facade
Bean 2
As you can see from the above figure, the business delegate is the last component in the
presentation tier and the Session Façade is the first component in the business tier. The
business delegate makes all the calls to the façade which uses the behind the scenes
components to process the requests. These components however can be any thing,
doesn’t necessarily have to be just entity beans.
1.1.1 (invoke)
1.2.1 (invoke)
The above sequence diagram shows the sequence of events from the point the client
making a business request until the client getting response. This is one of the widely
used design pattern and also a candidate during interviews. So, keep this in mind.
Chapter 20 Business Tier Patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Transfer Object
When we talked about session façade we talked a lot about network traffic. So, what
kind of traffic are we talking about? Is it just the traffic for making the calls to business
objects? No. We are talking about two kinds of traffic. One is the traffic due to locating
the business objects, and the other is the traffic due to data exchange between the
presentation tier components and business tier components. The second traffic is the
most significant one which amounts to almost 80% of the overall network traffic.
Minimizing this traffic is the key to improving the performance of the application. This
is where the Transfer Object pattern comes into picture.
The presentation tier components instead of sending pieces of data one by one across the
network, it can use a transfer object to encapsulate all the data and then send it once to
the business tier. The same applies to business tier components when it comes to
returning the response back to the presentation tier components. It uses the transfer
object pattern to encapsulate all the response data and send it back to the presentation
Bean 1
Business Session
Client Delegate Facade
Bean 2
As you can see from the above class diagram, both the business delegate and the session
façade will use the transfer object to send data across the network. Usually a transfer
object can be implemented as a simple Java Bean or a POJO.
Chapter 20 Integration Tier patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
1.1 Request
1.2.1 Create
1.2.3 Create
As the name suggests, this pattern is an implementation for accessing data from the
persistent stores. The DAO implementation hides all the underlying data store access
details and provides interfaces (methods) to the application components to universally
access the underlying data systems. Following figures shows the class and sequence
diagrams for this pattern.
Chapter 20 Integration Tier patterns
J2EE Design Patterns
Business Data
Client Delegate DAO
As you can see from the above class diagram, business components make calls to the
DAO object, which in turn interacts with the persistent systems (data sources) like
relational databases. Upon retrieving all the data from the data source, it encapsulates it
in a transfer object and returns it back to the client application.
1.1 Request
1.2.1 Uses
1.2.2 Creates
1.3 Response
1.2.3 Business Response
Chapter 20 Summary
J2EE Design Patterns
template.update(. . . . . . );
return profile;
As you can see from the above DAO code, the updateAddress() method uses JDBC
templates to update the data in the relational database system. At the same time, the
getCustomerProfile() method uses some mainframe messenger to get the customer
profile and return a profile object. From the business component point of view, it just
have to invoke the DAO method by passing the SSN and take the response object
returned by it. It need not worry about what mechanism is used inside the DAO method
to retrieve the customer profile. This way the business component is abstracted from all
the underlying persistent systems.
This completes all the important J2EE design patterns that you need to know. Let’s
summarize all the patterns we learned until now.
9 A design pattern documents a proven solution to a recurring problem in a
particular context.
9 Design Patterns are categorized as Creational, Structural, Behavioral patterns.
9 J2EE design Patterns are categorized as Presentation tier, Business tier and
Integration tier patterns.
9 Factory and Singleton patterns are used for creating objects.
9 Decorator pattern is used to change the behavior of the object through
9 Front Controller pattern is used to build centralized components in the
presentation tier.
9 Business Delegate pattern is used in the presentation tier to delegate all the
requests to the business tier.
9 Session Façade pattern is used in the business tier as a single point of entry into
the business tier. This reduces calls between presentation tier and business tier.
Chapter 20
J2EE Design Patterns
a) Façade
b) Factory
2. Which of the following pattern ensures creating just one object per JVM?
a) Singleton
b) Factory
a) Business Delegate
b) Session Facade
a) Transfer Object
b) Front Controller
a) MVC
b) Factory
a) MVC
b) DAO Pattern
Chapter 20 Interview Questions
J2EE Design Patterns
Interview Questions
Question: What is a Factory pattern?
Answer: A factory pattern allows to model an interface for creating objects which at
creation time let’s the sub classes to decide which exact object to create.
This completes all the basic design patterns that you need to know. You know what, this
is also the last technical chapter. Congratulations. You are now a Java and J2EE guru.
Non- Technical Chapter Goals
Inside the Company
Non- Technical
Inside the Company
This chapter is purely non technical and gives you a glimpse of enterprise application
development lifecycle. Understanding this chapter is very important and gives you the
details about how applications will be developed, how different teams co-ordinate and
all that good stuff.
Chapter Goals
9 Understand the Team Structure
9 Understand the Project Life cycle
9 Team responsibilities
9 Version Control Systems
9 Interview Tips and Suggestions.
Non- Technical Introduction
Inside the Company
We all know the fact that today’s modern enterprises uses e-Commerce applications to
run their business with the sole reason of reaching to customers irrespective of
geographical location. The advent of internet has completely changed the dimensions of
businesses by leaps and bounds. Enterprise software applications not only help the
businesses thrive but also help customers to reach for their needs with minimum effort.
Many businesses have started taking this advantage of eCommerce applications and
started pumping in money for enterprise application development.
There are two key challenges that every business face with eCommerce applications.
One is serving the customer base effectively and efficiently and the second one is
sustaining immense competition from similar businesses. Out of these two, meeting the
first challenge is far more important than the second one. There is no point in competing
with other businesses when you can’t serve the existing customer base to their
satisfaction. Most businesses spend millions of dollars in building sophisticated
enterprise applications to capture the market and customers. This is why enterprise
application development has become a buzz word in IT industry.
Enterprise applications form the back bone for any enterprise and no wonder why
companies continuously invest whole lot of money to make the application stronger,
reliable and flexible to retain and add new customers. Any minor hiccup within the
enterprise application results in a million dollar loss to a company which could also lead
to our favorite phrase, “You are fired”. To avoid hearing such phrases, companies take
utmost care during enterprise application development.
Enterprise application development is not a one man show. There will be hundreds and
even thousands of people working in tandem each contributing to the success of the
application. Some people will involve in designing the application, some with
development, some other group of people supporting the application day and night and
so on.
In this chapter we’ll see the complete lifecycle of a typical enterprise application
development, how the teams will be structured and how different teams co-ordinate
Non- Technical Enterprise Application Team Structure
Inside the Company
with each other in implementing business requirements and all that good stuff. So,
without wasting any further time, let’s get into the details.
Non-Technical Project
Business Analysts Technical Project Manager Manager
As you can see from the above figure, there are several teams involved in the
development of an enterprise application. At the top of the hierarchy is the line of
business a.k.a LOB folks. These are the people who come up with business ideas. These
are also the people who provide funding to the project. This funding can range from
several hundred thousand dollars to millions of dollars. These people have strong
business ideas, vision who knows the direction in which the business is heading. These
people are supported by several intellectuals who do all the research and market
analyses of business ideas before the LOB folks approve the funding. The LOB people
will then rely on the business analysts, project managers, architects in realizing their
business ideas and concepts.
Business Analysts
9 Gathering the business requirements from the LOB folks and analyzing the
requirements. These people will have the complete knowledge of the business
rules and processes.
Non- Technical Enterprise Application Team Structure
Inside the Company
There can be one or more than one technical project manager based on the size of the
application. Technical project managers will have good knowledge of what technologies
and development tools to use for implementing the requirements. The main duties of
these people are:
9 Managing the resources and time. Should be able to pump in the resources based
on the amount of work and the time.
9 Lead different teams like architecture teams, design teams and development
9 Work with the technical infrastructure teams to ensure that proper tools and
technologies are used.
9 Constantly monitor the development of application and ensure that all the
requirements are met within the time frame.
9 Setup weekly meetings with the development, design and architecture team
leads to monitor the progress of work.
These people manage the non technical parts of the application such as testing and
building the application. Their duties include:
9 Work with the build teams to build and deploy the application on testing boxes.
9 Co-ordinate the builds with different teams.
9 Ensuring proper testing environment is setup for the various testing teams.
9 Work with various team leads to determine the testing activity.
9 Work with testing teams in getting the application tested in a timely fashion.
Non- Technical Enterprise Application Team Structure
Inside the Company
Architecture Teams
These are the highly qualified technical folks. These folks should understand the
business requirements thoroughly and should be able to drive the development. Their
important duties include:
Development Teams
These are the teams that provide the actual implementation of the business
requirements. Every development team will have a team lead who leads the entire team
of developers. A team lead takes the business requirements from the business analysts
and converts them to functional specifications which are also called as technical designs.
These are the low level designs that contain all the coding details like which classes to
code, which methods need to be implemented and all that stuff.
Team lead will identify the development tasks and delegates them to the developers. He
also ensures the smooth progress of the application development by regularly checking
the status of every developers work thorough team meetings. These meetings could be
once a week or sometimes for every two days based on how critical the deadlines are.
Team leads normally maintain a critical path document that contains all the tasks along
with the implementation dates. Based on development activities this document will be
updated once a week.
Infrastructure Team
This team is responsible for building and supporting the core infrastructure of the
application. Folks in this team are like technical leaders who establish the standards and
best practices. This team normally builds the core application modules that form the
corner stones of the enterprise application. They also play a key role in doing code
reviews with the development teams. Every developer will be required to submit the
code to the technical leads who review the code to ensure all the coding standards are
strictly followed. Some of these standards include code documentation, proper
indentation, Java conventions, proper use of API and all that good stuff.
Non- Technical Enterprise Application Lifecycle
Inside the Company
This team also closely works with architecture teams to constantly improve the
architecture and design of the application. Simply saying, this team constantly searches
for better ways to implement the business requirements.
Testing Team
This team is responsible for testing the application. As we all know, testing is the key
phase of any application development. There is no way a business can launch an
application without proper testing no matter how smart the architects and developers
are. This team ensures that all the business requirements are met as per the
specifications. We’ll see testing in detail in the later sections. This team will not give the
green signal to the launch of application until all the business requirements are
thoroughly tested. So, it’s very important that development teams to maintain good
harmony and friendship with this team. Don’t ever mess with this team. Just kidding.
This team is responsible for building and deploying the application on various servers.
These teams usually maintain build schedules and accordingly perform the builds.
These people work closely with the development teams to ensure that the latest code is
deployed on servers for the testing team to test the application. The other responsibility
of this team is to maintain the version control systems. In simple words, folks in this
team are like application administrators who configure the application based on
different environments. For instance, application should point to development databases
on development servers, cert databases in UAT or beta environments etc. Sometimes
these teams also provide environment support like providing systems to developers,
configuring the desktops and all that good stuff.
This is how various teams involve in the application development. Now, lets see the
typical lifecycle of enterprise application.
Non- Technical Enterprise Application Lifecycle
Inside the Company
As you can see from the figure, there are several stages from coming up with a business
idea to launching the idea. Let’s look at each of these stages in detail.
An idea is basically the motivation to start a business. This involves identifying what
type of business services you want to provide to the customers, identifying the potential
customers who can use your business services, foreseeing the future of business in terms
of success, financial growth etc.
Since it is this idea or concept that will drive the business, it’s very important that you
do case studies, market analysis and all that good stuff. Once the idea is framed, the real
fun starts. Let’s assume that our business idea for this chapter is to setup a retail
financial company.
Application Launch
Non- Technical Enterprise Application Lifecycle
Inside the Company
This is the most important phase. In this phase, business analysts and various team
leads, architects and designers sit together and analyze the requirements one by one.
This involves identifying the responsibilities of every team. Every team lead goes
though the business requirement document created by the BA’s and tries to identify
which things would fall in his plate. Based on the amount of work a particular team
should do, team leads come up with an estimation time to fulfill the requirements.
The estimation time is based on the amount of design, development and testing that
needs to be done to fulfill the requirement. These meetings would go for several weeks
until all the business requirements are finalized. Sometimes based on critical deadlines
and resources, certain requirements would be marked as out of scope meaning they
cannot be implemented within the given timeframe and will probably be delegated to
Non- Technical Enterprise Application Lifecycle
Inside the Company
later releases. This is however will be decided by the LOB. If LOB needs a particular
requirement to be implemented at any cost, then the development teams should burn
the midnight oil. No escaping.
Application Architecture
Application architects are the highest technical leaders. They are usually very
experienced and have good knowledge technologies and tools. These people also act as
decision makers whether or not certain business requirements should be implemented
or not. Overall, application architects drive the application development.
Application Design
Once all the technologies and tools are identified by the architects, the designers will get
into act. These people are technology specific experts and try do design the application
using the best design techniques to simplify the development. The application designers
design the core framework of the application like how persistence should be dealt, how
messaging with external systems should be dealt and all that good stuff. These people
besides designing the application also involve in developing the core components of the
The design team also enforces development guidelines such as coding conventions, best
practices, API usage etc,. Overall, application designers work closely with the
development teams to ensure that application is properly developed.
Application Development
Once the application is designed and the design team established development
standards, application development kicks on. In large scale enterprise applications, there
will be several people involved during the development of application based on the
individual skills. Following are some of the categories of application developers.
Non- Technical Enterprise Application Lifecycle
Inside the Company
Database Developers
These are the folks who develop the critical business components. These people will
have excellent core Java skills and utilize the persistence components developed by
database developers to build the business components. These developers also form the
Middleware team.
These people involve in the development of web components using technologies like
Servlet, JSP, HTML etc. These developers are responsible for developing UI components
and should come up with good look and feel for the application. This team plays a
significant role in the success of the application because the presentation and the
flexibility of the application is what bring the customers to the web site. Poorly
developed web interfaces though have rich functionality cannot survive longer. No
wonder if presentation teams get more credit than the other development teams. Besides
application development, every development team is also responsible for unit testing
the application components.
Once the developers complete application development and unit testing, there is one
important thing that is left to do. They should submit their code to the team leads or
technical leads for review. There are two levels of review that is normally done.
Level 1 code review is normally done by the developers themselves using automated
code review tools. These tools will be integrated into the application development
software and will report the basic coding violations such as variables usage, keywords
usage etc. This code review will make the code look clean and free of basic coding
violations. Some of these tools also report violations like method names being longer,
method body exceeding the limit etc. These are low priority violations and can be
Non- Technical Application Testing
Inside the Company
ignored. The goal of this review to fix as many violations as possibly can and document
violations that doesn’t make any sense. This completes Level 1 code review. The code
should then be submitted to team leads for Level 2 code review.
Level 2 code review is a manual review where the team leads check whether proper
coding standards are followed are not, whether are not proper API is used and all that
good stuff. Based on the review, team leads come with suggestions to improve the code
and convey them to the developers. Developers will then implement the suggestions
and resubmit it for review. This is an iterative process which will finally be approved for
Once the code review process is completed, developers will deliver the code to the build
team who will build the application and deploy it on the servers for testing.
Application Testing
This is the critical piece of application development lifecycle. It is this phase that
determines whether or not the application should go into production or not. There are
three important levels of testing as shown below:
1. Unit Testing
2. IST or Alpha Testing
3. UAT or Beta Testing
4. Performance or Load Testing
Unit Testing
This is the testing that application developers do. This involves writing several test cases
to verify whether the actual responses meet with the expected responses. Application
developers must write test case for every piece of functionality or simply every method
in the class.
One of the popular framework for writing test cases in Java is the JUnit framework. This
is a very simple framework in which a test class will be written for every class in the
application. For instance, if we have a class named MessageFormatter, then we write
a test class named MessageFormatterTest defining several test cases. A test case is
nothing but a method that tests a piece of functionally in the actual class. This involves
creating the object of the class, invoking the business methods by passing the valid
arguments and verifying the results.
Non- Technical Application Testing
Inside the Company
Every test class usually defines several test cases out of which some are positive test
cases which test for correct functionality of the class and some are negative test cases
that test whether the class responds normally under abnormal situations. One example
for negative testing is to pass invalid arguments such as nulls and verify whether proper
error messages are returned back or not.
Unit testing is very important task in the application development cycle and team leads
ensure that all the developers unit tested their code thoroughly before delivering the
code to the server for next level of testing.
IST Testing
IST stands for Integration System Testing. Some people also call this as alpha testing. In
typical enterprise applications, there will be several developers working on different
pieces of the application. For instance, middleware teams develop the business
components; presentation teams develop the UI components etc. Once all the teams
deliver their code, it’s important to test whether all these individual pieces are property
integrated with each other or not such as the coupling of presentation components with
the business components, coupling of business components with the persistence
components etc,. This is why we call this as integration system testing.
Usually there will be dedicated IST testing team whose sole responsibility is to test
whether the application has met all the business requirements or not. This level of
testing can be both automated as well as manual. This phase of testing should ensure the
following important things:
The IST testing and the application development is iterative in nature. Development
teams deliver the code for IST testing. IST testers based on the testing send the defects
back to the development teams who fix the defect and reinstall the code for testing. This
cycle continues until all the defects are fixed. Finally the IST team will certify the
application as meeting all the business requirements.
UAT Testing
UAT stands for User Acceptance Testing. Some people also call it as beta testing. As the
name suggests, this testing is done by the business people to ensure that all the
Non- Technical Application Testing
Inside the Company
requirements are working as needed. During this phase, business users try to get a feel
of the application. This is a pre production and final testing where the business users
work with the application and certify it to go to production. This phase usually doesn’t
involve any serious defects unless they are missed by the IST testing team. Once the
application is in UAT, it is just once step away from making it to production.
This testing is normally done somewhere in between IST and UAT testing. This testing
will try to simulate the production environment by subjecting the application with
thousands of simultaneous requests to ensure whether or not the application is meeting
the performance limits. There will be a dedicated performance testing team who use
sophisticated tools for loading the application and analyzing the performance reports.
Once all the above testing is completed, every testing team must certify the application
by physically signing the documents. Once all the teams sign of the documents, the
application is good to go into production.
Production Support
Every ticket will be set with a priority to expedite the fix for the issue. If the priority is
set to high, then it means the issue is seriously affecting the business and which ever
team is responsible for the issue should immediately leave the current work and fix the
issue right away.
Production support is a 24/7 support and every team member will be provided with a
dedicated cell phone or pager that he or she should hang around the neck even while
sleeping at home. When the pager rings, he/she should identify the issue and bring the
required people on board to provide a fix for the issue. This is the reason why most
people hate production support jobs. Take it easy.
This completes enterprise application lifecycle. Let’s now jump into the last topic of this
book, which is the version control. Trust me, this is a simple concept.
Non- Technical Version Control
Inside the Company
Version Control
With any application, the most critical part of it is nothing but the code that we write.
Maintaining the code is extremely important for the business to survive. So, what do we
mean by the term “maintaining”? Good guess. Maintaining the code means securing the
code without getting lost. Historically, we used to back up the code by simply storing
multiple copies of the code in storage devices. This storage is usally version specific. So,
what we used to do is, every time the code changes, we dump the entire code base into a
backup directory. This is a crude way of doing things, since we don’t have a dedicated
systems for doing the same.
The other challenge while developing the application is code sharing. Usually multiple
teams will be involved in application development, where one team of developers need
to use the code developed by other teams. In such situations, the simplest way is for one
team say A, send a copy of the code through email or someother means to another team
B, saying the code is ready to use. What if team A changes the code when team B is still
using the old code? This new version of the code should be resent, right?.
With the technology advancement, we can now get away from this crude way of
backing the code and manual communication of code updates by using the so called
version control systems. These systems now take the responsibility of maintaining and
versioning the code. Most software applications are now using these version control
systems as a de facto standard for versioning the code as they offer several convenient
features and flexibility. So, let’s take few minutes to understand the basics of version
control systems.
1. Creating a project
2. Joining the project
3. Checkin the files
4. Checkout the files
5. Synchronizing the files.
Non- Technical Version Control
Inside the Company
Creating a Project
Any version control systems will be first initialized by creating an empty project as
shown in Fig 21.2a.
Empty Project
Every application will have a dedicated team for administering the version control
system. Usually the build team takes this responsibility. When the project begins, this
team will create an empty project as shown above in the version control system. You can
imagine the version control system as a server program.
Once the project is created, the build team will notify the development teams that the
project is created and ready for development. This is when all the development teams
connect to the version control system and join the project. At this point, every developer
will have his own local copy of the empty project as shown in Fig 21.2b. (Next Page).
Once every developer has his own copy of the project, he/she can start adding files to the
Non- Technical Version Control
Inside the Company
Empty Project
Copy Local
Local Local
Copy Copy
Checkin Operation
This is the most important action. Once all the files are modified by the developer,
he/she checks in the file. This means a new version of the file will be created on the
version control system. Once the file is checked in, any developer can obtain the latest
version by synchronizing the local copy of the project with the server copy. A checked in
file will always be in read-only mode.
Checkout Operation
When a developer needs to make any changes to an existing file, he/she must check out
the file. This makes the file writable. Upon completing all the changes, th developer will
checkin the file again. Usually a checkout operation will be followed by a checkin
After every developer completes his/her changes to the project, he/she will deliver his
work to the server copy of the project in the version control system. The server copy will
then have all the latest and greatest code from all the developers. Usually this action is
done when the development tasks are completed and ready for testing. The build team
Non- Technical Interview Tips
Inside the Company
will then take the copy of the project from the version control system and builds the
In this action, every developer will connect to the version control system and
synchronize his local copy of the project will the server copy. This will merge all the
developers work into the local copy. This way, developers need not email the code. All
they have to do is synchronize the project, and all the latest and greatest version of the
code will be available in his own local project.
Using version control systems completely eliminates the crude way of backing up the
code and also improves the development style. Most version control systems also allow
comparisions with previous versions of the file to identify the changes. This helps in
identifying the person who made the changes to the code.
This completes all the important things that you need to know to understand how things
work within an enterprise. In the next section, I’d like to give you some interview tips an
Interview Tips
9 Since 90% of them will be telephonic interviews, don’t panic while talking. Speak
loud and clear. Don’t rush things.
9 Avoid using negative words like “don’t know, I am not sure” etc,. Always be
9 Never try to deviate the attention using unrelated anwers. This will put you in
big trouble. Keep answers simple and to the point.
9 Never loose your heart at any stage. Be confidant.
9 During face to face interviews, always maintain a gentle smile on your face. This
will boost your confidence.
Always remember one thing, there are plenty of oppertunities out there. Don’t loose
your heart if you miss one. Missing an opportunity means a better one is waiting for
you. Always think positively and be brave. No one can stop your success. Make sure
that you always move forward.
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Installing J2EE
2. Accept all the licences and download the J2EE Setup file.
3. Double click and install the J2EE 1.4 SDK.
4. Accept the defaults and keep clicking OK until finished.
5. You’ll see the following directory in C drive.
Click on the “Download” link shown below and save the zip file to C:\MySQL
Extract the ZIP file into “C:\MySQL” directory. After it extracts, you will see the
directory “mysql-5.0.26-win32”in “C:\MySql”. This completes the MYSQL installation
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Installing DBVisualizer
1 Downloading the DBVisualizer tool.
Go to
Double Click on the downloaded file and follow the steps below.
a) Click “Next”
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Open a new command window, move to the “bin” directory and run the command as
shown below. You will see the “Mysql”prompt.
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Now, lets open the DBVisualizer tool and look at the database we created. We can do all
the DB operations from the command prompt like above. But it would be easy if we
have a nice GUI from where we can connect to the database, and execute the SQL’s. This
is what DBVisualizer is about.
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Go to “Tools -> Driver Manager”. This will display the following window
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Click on “MqSQL” on the left hand side, and then click on the “folder” button on the
right hand side as shown above.
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
Go to Database->Create Database Connection. Then click “No” on the pop up window. This
will display the next window.
4. Click Connect.
Software Installation
J2EE, MYSQL and DBVisualizer
In the above window, all the tables will be listed under the TABLE node. Right now, it
will be empty since we didn’t create any tables.
Firstly, let me congratulate you for successfully completing this mindblowing journey through
Java and J2EE. I am sure you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed in explaining the things.
The whole idea behind writing this book is to help you in landing in a good job by giving you the
essentials that industry is demanding. I suggest the beginners to read the last chapter that gives
an idea of how things are done within the enterprise. These non technical details are as important
as all the technical details that we covered in this book. I also strongly recommend you to keep
reading the summary sections and interview questions when ever time permits and especially
when you are getting ready for an interview. The good thing with Java and J2EE is that the
concepts are extremely simple. The problem is that there are plenty of these concepts. It is easy to
remember one or two tough concepts than remembering 10 very easy concepts. This is why I
suggest you to always keep in touch with Java and J2EE concepts.
I tried my best to explain Java and J2EE as simple as I can, sometimes using simple stories. If you
find some concepts confusing, leave them temporarily and try visiting them later. If they are still
confusing simply ignore them. You’ll still be fine. Trust me.
Finally, thank you very much for considering my book. I wish you all the best and good luck. For
now, its Good Bye, Au Revoir, Namaste and Khudaa hafiz.
Phani Kosuri
abnormal, 157 catch, 158
abstract, 109, 114, 135 catch block, 167
Abstract, 108 charAt, 188
Action, 459 Checked Exceptions, 161
ActionErrors, 491 Checkin, 684
ActionForm, 459 Checkout, 684
ActionMapping, 459 child class, 89, 133
ActionServlet, 449 class, 10
Advice, 570 Class, 55
After Advice, 572 CLASSPATH, 248, 250
AfterReturningAdvice, 572 ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, 562
Analysts, 671 CLIENT_ACKNOWELDGE, 533
AOP, 552, 569 clientID, 535
API, 251 code duplication, 98
application server, 265 Code review, 678
ApplicationContext, 558, 561 Collection, 194
Architecture, 677 comments, 31
arguments, 31 commit, 301, 603
ArithmeticException, 160
component, 605
Around Advice, 573
ArrayList, 194 composite JSP, 511
Aspect, 570 concurrent, 223
association, 605 Configuration, 608
asynchronous messages, 525 connection pooling, 303
attributes, 316 constrained, 621
AUTO_ACKNOWELDGE, 533 constructor, 82
Availability, 257 constructors, 103, 105
Container, 344
context, 646
B Conventions, 211
BasicDataSource, 581 core module, 557
batch processing, 298 Core Module, 552
Bean Tags, 468 Core Tags, 432
bean:message, 469 Coupling, 131
bean:write, 469 Criteria, 641
BeanFactory, 552, 558 custom exception, 171
Beans, 400 Custom Tags, 420
Before Advice, 571
broker, 529 D
built in classes, 183
Business Delegate, 657 DAO, 552, 580
bytecode, 2 Data Access Object, 664
Database, 272
DataSource, 562
Q struts-logic, 467
struts-tiles, 467
quality of service, 526 subclass, 637
Query, 641 subscriber, 535
Queue, 528, 530 substring, 188
QueueConnectionFactory, 530 super, 100
Synchronization, 239
R synchronized, 239
Synchronizing, 685
references, 128 synchronous messaging, 525
relational databases, 272
Reliability, 257
Repeatable Read, 305 T
RequestProcessor, 450 Table per Concrete class, 631
Requirement Analysis, 676 Table per Hierarchy, 637
ResultSet, 292 Table per Sub Class, 639
return, 30 taglib, 391
rollback, 301 TagSupport, 421
run(), 230 Team Structure, 671
Runnable, 229, 230 templates, 552, 581
Runtime Exceptions, 161 Testing, 674
thin clients, 342
S this, 78, 88
Thread Lifecycle, 227
SAX, 325, 326, 336 Thread Queue, 226
SAXParser, 327 throw, 169
SAXParserFactory, 327 Throwing, 171
Scheduler, 226 throws, 174
Scriptlets, 394 ThrowsAdvice, 574
Servers, 265 Tiles, 510
Servlet, 345, 347 tiles:put, 515
ServletConfig, 354 time-slicing, 226
Session, 361, 363 Topic, 528, 530
Session Façade, 660, 662 TopicConnection, 532
SessionFactory, 601 TopicConnectionFactory, 530
SimpleDateFormat, 208 TopicSession, 532
Singleton, 650 toString, 121
specifications, 266 Transactions, 300
Spring, 549 Transfer Object, 663
SQL, 273, 580 TreeSet, 194, 200
SQL Tags, 437 try, 158
Standalone, 2 try block, 166
start(), 231 Type-2, 281
stateless, 343 Type-3, 281
static, 36, 37, 56 Type-4, 282
String, 75, 187
StringBuffer, 191
StringTokenizer, 210 U
Structural Patterns, 651 UAT Testing, 680
Struts, 427, 449 unique, 638
Struts Validator, 483, 498 Unit Testing, 679
struts-bean, 467 usability, 244
struts-config.xml, 450, 451
struts-html, 467
V while, 21
wiring, 558
validate(), 491 Wrapper, 184
Validation, 483
validation.xml, 499
validation-rules, 499
VARCHAR, 293 Xerces, 326
Vector, 196 XML, 314
version control, 682 XML parser, 325
XML Schema, 321
XML Tags, 441
W XMLBeanFactory, 559
web container, 344
web.xml, 348 Y
WEB-INF, 346
Yielding, 234
well formed, 315