Mental Illness: From Shame: Most Popular
Mental Illness: From Shame: Most Popular
Mental Illness: From Shame: Most Popular
by Thomas S. Szasz
How and why did this change come about? One impetus for this
transformation-which psychiatrists call the "remedicalization of Economics in One Day
psychiatry"-was the publication, in 1961, of my book The Myth of Learn about scarcity, prosperity,
Mental Illness and Erving Goffman’s book Asylums. Another was values, cooperation, character,
the fleeting interest of a few lawyers, stimulated by these books, in markets, spontaneous order, and
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freeing mental patients from their psychiatric life sentences. (Sadly, entrepreneurship. You'll see the
these "civil rights" zealots were more interested in promoting profound effect of free markets on
themselves than in protecting liberty and responsibility, and showed our standard of living across the
no interest in opposing the insanity defense.) globe and over hundreds of years.
The psychiatrists’ second line of defense was equally inspired. State Flipboard Articles
mental hospitals had acquired a bad name. Keeping persons
"hospitalized" for years and decades did not conform to the image of
how real doctors use hospitals. With wages rising sharply after the
1950s, the cost of such prolonged hospitalization was also becoming
burdensome to the states. The solution was to "discharge" the
hundreds of thousands of chronic mental patients, attribute their
forcible expulsion to the therapeutic effectiveness of "psychiatric
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miracle drugs," and call the eviction "deinstitutionalization." The
enterprise was a fraud from beginning to end. But it looked like the
"right thing to do," just as formerly the chronic hospitalization of
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mental patients looked that way.
Still another important element of remedicalization consisted of
sanitizing the psychiatric vocabulary. The classic diagnoses of
hysteria, neurosis, and homosexuality were declared to be
nondiseases and were quickly forgotten. So-called "severe" mental Support
diseases were authoritatively declared to be "brain diseases," a claim Foundation for
supported by the invention of a new neurochemistry (in fact, a Economic Education.
neuromythology) and the popularization of the view that such When you shop at,
illnesses are due to "chemical imbalances in the brain." Amazon donates.
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