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Digital Democracy: Political Discourse in a Technological Era

Caleb T. Knox

Legal Studies Academy

First Colonial High School



Democracies have long understood the necessity of political discourse to protect a nation and

finding the greatest solution to its problems, but the means through which political speech is

shared has fundamentally shifted with the advent of social media platforms stepping into the role

of the modern public square. The discussion that follows is not about freedom of speech at large,

nor does it concern the surge of social media platforms in general, rather it delves into why

political speech is important, how it has been affected by the modern means of discourse, and

what is the proper route of action. This paper explores said development, beginning with

outlining the role political speech has for a free people. Secondly, it looks into how social media

has morphed political conversation, and finally, the paper ends with a discussion of what

regulations would look like and how they can be done correctly to uphold a healthy mode of


Digital Democracy: Political Discourse in a Digital Era

Essential to upholding the American experiment is the right to speak freely of legislative

affairs without fear of state interference (Gamreklidze, 2015). With the advent of a technological

boom, the modern American most likely finds themselves hearing and discussing a majority of

political opinions on social media platforms (Shearer & Matsa, 2018). These expanded

infrastructures bring with them a whole new array of legal, ethical, and psychological questions

on the role of the state, the companies, and the individual.

Searching for the best way to go about working through these modern dilemmas requires

a nuanced solution that takes into account the complexities of each actor. Upholding the

blessings of free speech in the face of a new technology will require social media platforms, the

government, and the end-user to each play a part in protecting public discourse.

Political Speech

The Significance of Political Speech

In ​Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce​ (1990) The United States Supreme Court

articulated that "the right to engage in political expression is fundamental to our constitutional

system." Although not chronologically aligned, this reasoning is what brought Justice Williams

to conclude in the landmark Supreme Court case of N​ew York Times Co. v. Sullivan​ (1964), that

there is a “profound national commitment that debate on public issues should be uninhibited,

robust, and wide-open, and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes

unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.”

It is not self-evident why the courts consider the right to speak freely on political matters

so important. For instance, two centuries of First Amendment Jurisprudence has established that

there is communication that lies outside the protections the Constitution offers (Galloway, 1991).

Even within the bounds of protected speech, the degree to which the state can infringe is

hierarchically oriented, placing the greatest amount of scrutiny on legislative attempts to control

speech relating to “public discourse” (Weinstein, 2009).

The answer to the sacralization of political speech, at least in the eyes of the courts, finds

its origin embedded in America’s founding. The framers saw freedom of speech not solely as a

natural right, but also a right that serves the purpose to help uphold the political structure at

large, ensuring the survival of natural rights. In Cato’s Letters, a series of political commentaries

that spurred classical republicanism in Great Britain and American colonies, the author outlines

that “Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as

publick liberty, without freedom of speech” (Eijnatten, 2011). This derives from free speech

holding an “enlightenment function” as outlined in ​Whitney v. California​ (1927) where the court

ruled that the “Freedom to think as you will and to speak as you think are means indispensable to

the discovery and spread of political truth.”

The primacy of freedom of speech stems from the idea that truth is necessary to discern

good ideas from the bad. The essence of political speech becomes finding the closest sembence

to this truth, so a nation may be guided in making the necessary qualitative distinctions to an ever

changing amount of problems. In this process there exists somewhat of an epistemological

roadblock, namely nobody can know a-priori what this truth is (Milton, 1644). Each person,

bound by biases and blindspots, is in a position removed from a greater view of the truth that can

only be rectified through a discussion with other subjective agents who see the world lay itself

out in a different manner (Peterson, 17). In an L.A. Times article from 1987, Howard Rosenburg

found himself reporting on the dangerous development of neo-natzism when he pointed out that,

"Presuppos[ing] that right conclusions are more likely to be gathered out of a multitude of

tongues, than through any kind of authoritative selection. To many that is, and always will be

folly; but we have staked upon it our all” (1987). To this, political speech has to be understood

not as a monologue, but as a continuous dialogue.

Defining Political Speech

In understanding the architecture of political speech, it must be thoroughly defined. There

is no way for a nation to censor, protect, or let alone address political speech without thoroughly

defining it. In ​Wells v. State of Illinois ​Justice Barnes of the Court of Appeals of Indiana offered

a legal definition: “Expressive activity (speech included (Duhaime Law Dictionary)) is political

if its point is to comment on government action, including criticizing the conduct of an official

acting under color of law.” This definition can be applicable to any issue that the government

may handle whether it’s concerning its action or inaction.

One intricacy of defining political events is it’s ever widening scope. In Alexis De

Tocqueville’s classic, ​Democracy in America (​ 1835), he argues that democratic nations have a

natural impetus toward centralizing power. Individualist democracies free people from the state

but also from bonds with one another, so when a problem presents itself outside the bounds of

the individual, the natural impulse is to outsource said problem to the state, seen as the abstracted

will of the individual. The government, therefore, becomes the primary centripetal force in a

large democratic nation, creating a positive feedback loop with a strong central power at its base.

Regardless of whether or not the solvency for problems ends up developing from central

power, what this process does is bring a steady flow of problems into the political sphere. David

Brooks, a social critique writing for The New York Times, reported earlier this year how this

process has been amplified in a digital era. An upcoming generation of voters are forming their

political consciousness from online voices, where they will see an expanding amount of

problems as political ones as they spend an increased amount of time on these platforms (Bialik,

14). So when defining political speech in keeping with Justice Barnes definition provided in

Wells v. State of Illinois,​ it is important to understand that online political discourse will

increasingly mark a majority of national discourse for upcoming years as more issues are brought

into the political arena (Ortner,19).

How the Digital Era is Changing Political Discourse

Writing for the majority, in the 2017 United States Supreme Court case of​ Packingham v.

North Carolina​, now-retired Justice Anthony Kennedy “called the cyber age a revolution of

historic proportions” prophesying that “we cannot appreciate yet its full dimensions and vast

potential to alter how we think, express ourselves, and define who we want to be” as

“cyberspace” becomes “the most important place . . . for the exchange of views” (Hudson, 2019).

But bringing about this “modern Gutenberg Revolution” was not an isolated event of this past

year, but imbedded in the development of social media’s politicization (Peterson, 17).

The social media of today finds itself in quite a different place than it was at its

conception (Haidt & Rose-Stockwell, 2019). Early internet infrastructures like Facebook and

Myspace appeared between 2002 and 2004, with the goal of “helping users connect with

friends.” Come 2006, with the introduction of Twitter to the market, came the timeline, and with

it Facebook added the news feed, each designed to deliver a continuous diet short updates. This

effectively allowed any post, from any user, to spread like wildfire as long as it generates views.

By 2009, Twitter would also update its airways adding the retweet, which “essentially enabled

the frictionless spread of content”.

Social media crossed the rubicon in the early 2010s when Upworthy, among other

pioneers in the industry, began conducting a series of psychological tests, looking at multiple

variations of headlines to develop the thread that generated the engagement. This brought the

advent of clickbait paired with images “tested and selected to make us click impulsively,” paving

the way for a corrupted mode of discourse (Haidt & Rose-Stockwell, 2019).

By 2014 this technology was first harnessed for political ends with its ability to distribute

political sentiments that have international reach. In bypassing the top-down style that news

media offers, social media delivers a more spontaneous and inclusive approach (Miller, 19).

Combined with the blessings of an expanded dialogue, social media has presented new problems

to our Republic. In the section below some of these issues will be briefly outlined in their

relation to modern technology.

Political Polarization

Humans evolved in tribal terms, this makes our conceptual framework view the world in

“us vs them” manner. Simply put, we see people either as part of our tribe or not (Goldberg,

2018). In Federalist No. 10 James Madison articulated the dangers of the modern tribe, the

“faction,” which “inflamed (men) with mutual animosity,” abandoning any sense of common

good. Madison saw the geographical diversity and multiplicity of associations as a check against

polarization, because political whims could not transcend regional differences.

But social media serves to exploit the inner barbarian in the modern man, flattening

regional differences (Merkovity, Imre, & Owen, n.d.), making it easier for any idea, no matter

how extreme, to find an ally, but more importantly to find a common enemy. In 2017, a group of

social psychologists at NYU measured the manifestation of 500,000 tweets, finding that each

“moral or emotional word” used in a tweet increased its engagement by an average of 20 percent.

On social media, posts that exhibit “indignant disagreement” received nearly twice as many

views, likes, and shares as any other category of content (Haidt & Rose-Stockwell, 2019).

Over the course of a 25 year study, Pew Research has been documenting America’s

polarization. The pollsters, in getting peoples opinions on ten political questions, were able to

test “ideological consistency.” In 1994, only 10% of American were either consistently

conservative or liberal, this stayed relatively constant a decade later in 2004 at 11% ideological

consistency. A leap occurred in 2014, after social media took its developing role in our public

forums; the national ideological consistency increased to 21%. Among many issues, this has

diminished moderate thought from our political discourse. In 1994 and 2001 about half (49%) of

the population took an equal number of conservative and liberal positions. Come 2014, this

number of moderates dropped to 39% (Pew Research, 18).

Social media enables this trend by allowing individuals to exist in an “echochamber,” a

falsified construction of reality where views contrary to the end-user can be suppressed and taken

off of their feed with ease (Bolter, 19). For instance, Youtube’s “associative linking” has “turned

into a mechanism for political indoctrination.'' Algorithms grant a steady-stream of confirmation

bias to end-users, creating ideologs who are trained not to engage with ideas, but to instead

suppress those which they disagree with (Haidt, 19).

Simplifying Dialogue

By establishing a political structure that rests the source of power in the people,

liberalism depends upon an informed populous. One which understands that matters of policy

entails complexities beyond party l​ines and does not present a clear differentiation between good

and evil or right and wrong (Anderson & Enevoldsen, 2005). This was obvious to prior

generations, for instance the now infamous Lincoln-Douglas Debates​ would begin each

discussion with an hour opening statement, followed by an hour and a half rebuttal, with a final

thirty minute rebuttal from the opening speaker (NPS, 2017). These longer forum discussions

were seen as necessary to find the truth lying at the heart of political speech.

Modern technology, by the implied consent of the end user, has traded longer, nuanced

discussions for soundbites and 140-character t​weets, and rather than generating a dialogue that

promotes thoughtful discussion it devolves into ideological reductions (Ebeling, 2017). More

than ever, individuals are relying on social media sites for their political news (Shearer & Matsa,

2018), but these individuals enter an environment which incentivizes ideologies jabs over

expounded ideas(Haidt & Rose-Stockwell, 2019).

Trump has been on the frontier of harnessing social media’s ability to compress a

message. From his first two years alone, he has “tweeted more than 600 times about Russia and

collusion, more than 400 times lamenting fake news, and more than 200 times each about

Clinton and Obama. Often, the tweets carry a simple, emotional conclusion, such as ‘No

Collusion’ or ‘Just more Fake News.’” (Bolter, 2018). Far from being a partisan divide the

development of political correctness has weaponized words such as “hate speech, equality, and

white supremacist” to call forth a message that lay latent in ideologically charged words

(Emmons & Wilson, 2019). Trump’s base is aware of the message “Fake News” entails without

it being fully articulated, the politically correct types know what calls for “Equality” embody.

The majority of those participating in online political discussion aren’t searching for truth

in an attempt to find the best route of action, rather it is advocacy, with a-priori ideological

reductions designed to make simplified statements that will simultaneously spark outrage and fit

preconceived notions("Section 5: Political," 2014). Among our leaders this phenomena is not

unique to Trump; it is the most ideological members of congress who post the most on social

media (Kessel, Hughes, & Messing, 2018). As I stated earlier “political speech has to be

understood not as a monologue, but as a continuous dialogue”, but the modern forum for

political speech enables ideological oversimplifications in a stunted conversation; rather than

give the search for truth the gravitas it deserves.

Distributing Misinformation

It is nearly impossible to quantify how much of our online political discourse consists of

falsified information (Read, 18). But as posts between laymen became primary means of political

discourse, popularity became a modern measurement of accuracy. Despite the benefit of

expanding this political discourse to an extended number of citizens, there is no evidence it is

making people educated on political questions. The researchers concluded this is the result of

the modern end-user’s inability to distinguish “the signal from the noise” (Fabrega & Sajuria,


Our modern conception of fake news was generated in the digital environment, as a

personal opinion, grounded in no truth, was given the same look and feel as a story from The

Atlantic (Fabrega & Sajuria, 2013). Misinformation is disseminated by both private and public

actors, on a global scale (Omidyar, 2017). International entities from “Russian bots” to “chinese

click farms” have developed an army of “online bots” with the sole purpose of spreading

disinformation online (Read, 18).

This manifested itself most clearly in the last presidential election, as Russia in particular

used “social media in an unprecedented way in terms of not just political advertising, but more

specifically (the) creation of fake accounts that spread misinformation and

disinformation”(Laslo, 18). A study (Bovet & Makse, 19) on the “​Influence of fake news in

Twitter during the 2016 US presidential election” found ​that 25% of information generated from

American news outlets or users tagged in the United States was falsified or misleading. Domestic

and international actors now hold the capacity to manipulate information at levels not possible

before social media.

Hate Speech or Political Speech?

​Social media infrastructure are receiving political pressure from separate schools of

thought to carry out contradictory roles. The open arena of information combined with a

polarized fervor has brought out an increase in “hate speech.” In response to these the

commonality between companies has been to suppress voices (Hudson, 2019). Being

unchartered territory, infrastructures cast a wide net in an attempt to censor or dampen hateful

speech on their platform. Yet lacking a concrete legal definition, hate speech became, regardless

of intent, a tool of suppressing not just hate speech, but political voices at large (Strossen, 2018).

Continuing below is not meant to be a general discussion on the line between hate speech and

political speech, rather pointing out how this question plays itself out on a digital platform.

There exists a near universal agreement that there is online speech that can be destructive,

but there is no agreement on its criteria or what it includes (Masnick, 19). Sheryl Sandberg, the

Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, spoke of the difficulty of determining what types of speech

would violate company standards barring hate speech (Brannon, 2019).

Just recently, Twitter suspended a group of journalists for referencing the Pensacola

shooter’s manifesto. To justify the suspension, Twitter claimed the journalist had posted the

manifesto. However, the manifesto was never posted, and only one of the journalists posted a

scre​enshot of it​ (Slatz, 2019)​. PragerU, a right wing political organization that speaks on

controversial topics, had a series of their videos restricted from Youtube. After filing a

compliment, they were to​ld their “videos aren't appropriate for the younger audiences..." (Youtbe

continues, n.d.). At one point, Facebook had the Declaration of Independence flagged as hate

speech, with an automated note claiming “goes against our standards of hate speech” but

reversed this decision after enough backlash (Morton, 2018).

In understanding online hate speech, a study in 2017 found a correlation between

anti-refugee Facebook posts and attacks on refugees in Germany (Muller & Schwarz, 2017).

Domestically, prosecutors said the Charleston church shooter, who in 2015 opened fire on a

church, killing nine black clergy and worshippers, was in a “self-learning process” online. This

brought him to believe that the goal of white supremacy required violent action (Laub, 2017).

The Pittsburg synagogue shooter was an end-user on Gab, a new social media site claiming to be

a “free speech alternative”. Although it is not clear if he was radicalized online, he did send a

final message on it’s server, with the chilling remark: “Screw your optics, I’m going in.”

These six examples are to show that both statements are simultaneously true. 1) “No

principled distinction can be drawn between public hate speech and other forms of political

expression” (Heyman, 09). Private regulation of hate speech will continue to infiltrate political

discourse, hindering our search of truth (Leetaru, 2019). 2) Without a means of regulating

content, social media will continue to be weaponized as a tool of radicalization. This

radicalization brings people to commit heinous crimes (Laub, 2019).

In becoming “the most important place . . . for the exchange of views” (​Packingham v.

North Carolina, ​2017), social media infrastructures have been given the impossible task of

upholding First Amendment values and protecting its end users from potentially dangerous

content. Answering these questions are not unique to social media, but the expanded dialogue

these companies offer magnifies these issues at large. Within the friction between political

speech and hate speech, political discourse has been corrupted by the digital era.

In the eyes of the public, the wealth of services these corporations may provide, or the

ideals they profess, have been outweighed by the issues mentioned above; giving rise to a unified

negative sentiments from all over the political spectrum, among both politicians and citizens,

against social media companies (Masnick, 2019). These companies have recognized their

responsibility in the modern cultural landscape as providing “platforms for speech” (Brannon,

2019). The disconnect between these separate stakeholders becomes apparent on the legislative

question, technology is developing faster than laws can keep up, and different coalitions are

calling for modern infrastructures to take responsibility for different, often contradictory roles.

This transitions into the next element of the paper; the significance of political speech has been

established, the way it has changed with the advent of technology has been discussed. What is

left to consider is: what limits should be placed and upon what actor should they fall?

How to Regulate Political Speech in a Digital Setting

Any discussion concerning free speech needs to include limits (Van Mill, 2018). Great

free speech apologists, among them John Locke and John Stuart Mill, presupposes a certain

degree of limits, legal or not, when defending the free to speak. The question was rather not

what but who defines the limits and what do they look like? The section that follows will attempt

to take a nuanced and multi-leveled look at how speech can be best regulated in a digital era to

preserve a healthy public square.

“Free Speech is a Triangle”

The common conception of free speech is grounded in legal jurisprudence leading all the

way up through the twentieth century (Balkin, 2018). It is often referred to as a “Dyadic Model,”

on the one hand exists the state, who governs and regulates those on the other hand, the speakers

and publishers of content. But the twenty-first Century, with its technological advancements,

requires a new mode of understanding the metrics of Free Speech, a triangle. This triangle

composes, the state on one corner, social media infrastructures at the other, and the end-user at

the final corner (Balkin, 2018).

Jack Balkin, the scholar who developed this idea, is a Professor of Constitutional Law

and the First Amendment at Yale Law School. His theory, articulated as “Free Speech is a

Triangle,” (which will be laid out in greater detail below) provides the best framework to answer

questions surrounding how to limit political speech online. This updated mode of

conceptualizing free speech is the most realistic means through which any regulatory attempts

would occur.

Prior to the advent of social media, existing under the “Dyadic Model,” speech was

limited through what Balkin (2004) refers to as “old school regulation.” This means of regulation

aims directly “at speakers and publishers of content”, utilizing “traditional methods of

enforcement”, such as fines, imprisonment, and in extreme cases, violence or the threat of it; all

in an attempt to disincentivize speakers and publishers from certain actions. Updating this

method, the triangle model employs “new school regulation” which does not aim directly at

speakers or publishers, but instead the digital infrastructure they operate on.

The primary example of new school regulation is collateral censorship, defined as when

the “state targets entity A (social media for the purposes of this paper) to control the speech of

another entity, B (end-user for the purposes of this paper)… In effect, collateral censorship

attempts to harness a private organization to regulate speech on the state’s behalf”. Congress,

through the use of collateral censorship of many forms has private governance do their jobs for

them (Balkin, 2018).

Congress grants companies immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency

Act, protecting them from legal objections “decisions to host content created by others and for

actions taken voluntarily and in good faith to restrict access to objectionable material” (Zeran v.

Am. Online, 1997). This effectively allows companies free reign to allow and censor material.

Showing its pragmatic effects, Professor at Yale Law School, Jed Rubenfield points out “If an

article or advertisement in the New York Times libels you, you can sue the Times; if an article or

advertisement on Facebook does the same thing, Facebook is immune.”


According to Professor Dawn Nunziato, Congress grants this immunity for two reasons

already mentioned: First, they lack the technological capacity to efficiently regulate the airways.

Secondly, the First Amendment restricts the state from restricting “harmful, offensive, and

otherwise undesirable speech” (Rubenfeld, 2019). Binding the airways to this same guideline

would stop any ability to interfere on content over the ways of the internet, outside of political

speech (Brannon, 2019).

By enabling this freedom, infrastructures have grown into private bureaucratic states

“almost by accident” (Balkin, 2018). Through the use of collateral censorship the state has

outsourced this responsibility to private infrastructures. Forcing upon them the creation of

“elaborate bureaucracies, which are effectively governance structures” (Grimmelman, 2015).

Any post today “exists in an architecture of privately owned websites, servers, routers, and

backbones,” forcing its existence online to be bound to the rules of those private governments

(Peters, 17).

Although these companies may function like governments, they are not bound by The

rule of law, the First Amendment, or due process (Regulating social, 2018). Infrastructures lack

transparency. Facebook’s criteria for censoring content had to be leaked to the press (Hopkins,

2018). Furthermore, censorship occurs behind closed doors by a bureaucrat or algorithm, there

is no judicial restraint restricting companies decision to remove content (Balkin, 2018). This

becomes extremely problematic with Facebook alone flagging more than one million posts per

day (Buni & Chemaly, 2016).

Limits from Social Media


The first solution would be to mandate a system of judicial restraint upon infrastructures.

These companies would hold the same immunity and autonomy to regulate speech as they

please, but in doing so there has to be a process. End-users have to understand the rules which

guide their online existence, and expect due process if they violate them (Balkin, 2018). Most

likely these will not work if imposed politically, rather through voluntary adoption to preserve

the norms of individual infrastructures, ensuring legitimacy (Masnick, 2019). The only current

solution as to what this would look like is “The Manila Principles”, a series of proposals

developed by civil society organizations in 2015 to curb internet dominance. These are a

roadmap, as previously stated, the groundwork for rules that would be imposed voluntarily. They

require, among other reforms (1) “clear and public notice of the content-regulation policies

companies actually employ; (2) an explanation and an effective right to be heard before content

is removed; and (3) when this is impractical, an obligation to provide a post facto explanation

and review of a decision to remove content as soon as practically possible.”(Manila


By ensuring due process companies could retain their freedom in regulating content, but

protect the end-user in the process by diminishing the chance of tyrannical and arbitrary limits

(Leetura, 2019). Judicial restraint would actively serve in finding a line between political and

hate speech as companies would have articulate rules that could be discussed and tried.

Limits from the State

As explained in the triangle, most regulations from the government would be placed not

directly on the end-user, but instead on the company. The state needs to place content-neutral

regulations, defined as limits on “the time, place, and manner of speech in contrast to

content-based laws, which regulate speech based on content” (Hudson, n.d.). This means they

can not force regulation of specific views (Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of University of

Virginia, 1995), but apply broad regulations upon the manner in which content is displayed. In

the realm of political speech, this is a well documented mode of action from the state.

In the case of ​Ward v. Rock Against Racism​ (1989), the Supreme Court of the United

States adopted a three-pronged guide to approving state regulation of political speech (direct or

indirect): 1) “It must be content-neutral.” 2) “It must be narrowly tailored to serve a significant

governmental interest.” 3) “It must leave open ample alternative channels for communicating the

speaker’s message.” These would be placed in collateral censorship, giving infrastructures a

basis outside of content on what to regulate.

This allows for the government to regulate a certain variance of speech when it presents a

threat outside of content as an example stopping foreign interference in elections, regardless of

what viewpoint the speaker represents. Content-neutral regulation also halt the dangers of

legislatively suppressing voices based on their opinion (Hare & Weinstein, 2009). Aside from

being beneficial, content-neutral regulations are most likely the only regulation the court would

allow Congress to pass (Hudson, n.d.).

Concurrent Solution - Decentralization

As discussed in the beginning of this discussion, any realistic solution will require a joint

effort of the private and public sector. Above I outlined what social media companies can do and

what the state can do, but of greater importance is their combined effort.

Much of the conversation surrounding social media regulation can be boiled down to the

same attack - big structures. Some believe that social media has become too big and powerful

and must be regulated by the government. Others rebut this by outlining the dangers of the state,

another big power, interfering in political discourse. Both ideas recognize the problems of having

big structures regulating speech, and switching one for the other will not solve the fundamental


It has been established that social media platforms have been pushed into developing

massive systems of private governance to regulate the airways. This translates into a

responsibility that has no time for due process, the formation of thousands of low paid workers

or AI to flag millions of posts daily, and massive corporations applying one central set of rules to

international networks (Hopkins, 2018). The best solution seems to be decentralizing social

media platforms, on two seperate levels through legislative means and market developments. As

Mike Masnick explained in his recent article, “Protocols, not platforms: A technological

approach to free speech”

A protocol-based system, however, moves much of the decision making ​away from the

center and gives it to the ends of the network.​ Rather than relying on a single centralized

platform, with all of the internal biases and incentives that that entails, anyone would be

able to create their own set of rules—including which content they do not want to see and

which content they would like to see promoted.

This breaks up social media companies within their own infrastructure, decentralizing

what rules, due process, and norms ought to look like, as opposed to super-imposing a vague

definition from a central location which inevitably disenfranchises some group of users.

The state. ​To help in this process the government would need to impose

“pre-competition regulation.” In the status quo, Facebook and the other major networks have

gridlocked the system pushing competition out of the picture (Griffith, 2017). Having a few

major platforms stalls innovation, makes us more susceptible to large scale interference from a

foreign power, and removes any friction from misinformation spreading at large. By introducing

this regulation more competition would introduce itself to the market allowing for norms

conforming more to localized ideals rather than absolutizing one set of beliefs (Flock, 17).

One example of this has been Jordan Peterson’s creation of “Thinkspot”, concerned by

the simplification of dialogue, addressed in section two; his platform has a minimum character

limit rather than a maximum. This allows for an expanded conversation rather than ideological


The infrastructures. ​Jack Dorsey, the founder and CEO of Twitter, announced on

December 11 through a thread of tweets that Twitter was looking into decentralizing their

platform. He admitted to the “new challenges centralized solutions are struggling to meet…

which is why the work must be done transparently in the open, not owned by any single private

corporation, furthering the open & decentralized principles of the internet.”

Dorsey later explains that it is difficult to know what this would look like practically but

Twitter has built a team called @bluesky to redesign how twitter works. The decentralized plan,

laid out by Mike Masnick (which Jack Dorsey referred to in the thread), is becoming a reality

through market principles. Although this will most likely take time, especially in relation to

other companies, the market is moving this way.

Section two of this paper explores many of the problems of social media, many of them,

for instance, political polarization could be curbed through decentralization. As explained, our

founders saw regionalism as a check to tyranny. Rather than forcing all players with different

values to enter into the same online norms, decentralized levels would allow for people to craft

their own regional identity. On the matter of disinformation, localities could establish a burden of

evidence to post content. Decentralizing allows problem solving to happen, there just needs to

exist 1) inter-network competition, increasing amount of platforms available on the market and

2) intra-network competition, allowing autonomy to be transferred to localized communities on

social media platforms.

The individual.​ As mentioned when defining political speech, democracies have a

natural inclination to look to centralized forces when problems present themselves (De

Tocqueville, 1865). While it is the case that the issues explored in this paper have to be

addressed in large part through policy, it does not matter how many regulations are laid out and

in what fashion they exist if individuals are not filing their expanded role as citizens of a republic

(Knox, 2019). Each right, exists only embedded inside the context of a responsibility, and free

speech is not exempt from this (​Anderson & Enevoldsen, 2005)​.

In 1644 the English poet John Milton wrote a letter to Parliament when they considered

licensing political and religious speech, explaining that the state is not needed to regulate speech

because the individual can do it for themselves. Free speech is built from the ground up,

beginning with the end-user, the speaker, operating as the fundamental unit of analysis from

which the whole structure is generated (Peterson, 2019). In the words of psychologist Carl Jung

“the psychology of the individual is reflected in the psychology of the nation. What the nation

does is done by each individual, and so long as the individual continues to do it, the nation will

do likewise. Only a change in the attitude of the individual can initiate a change in the

psychology of the nation.”



Liberal democracy has sacralized the necessity of political discourse in protecting a

nation and finding the greatest solution. But the means by which these topics have been

discussed have shifted, with social media platforms stepping into the role of the modern public

square. Although they have played an active role in expanding the political conversation to

many, platforms have played a large role in corrupting our discourse through polarizing forces,

enabling foreign interference, spreading misinformation, just to name a few of the topics

discussed. Limits are required but what they look like is not self-evident, any solution requires

nuance and an understanding of the role all shareholders play. Through combining solutions

with social media companies, the state, and the individual, the digital public square can return to

finding the best solutions to problems, rather than help create them.


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