Isar May 3, 2020 Planetary Price Lines
Isar May 3, 2020 Planetary Price Lines
Isar May 3, 2020 Planetary Price Lines
What is the aspect between the Price of S&P and Sun`s position?
The position of Sun was making a hard aspect to the price of S&P, which makes the price
line of Sun very powerful on that day… Amazing!
Uranus was at 4-5° of Taurus and making a trine to the Gold Price
Uranus Sesquisquare Jupiter, making Jupiter line also important, as it was
acting as resistance, but Uranus involved, making it vulnerable
AND the SUN activated this aspect with multiples of 45°…….
What happens?
PPL calculation
High Or Low Price 620
How many circles P/360 1.722222222
Residual multiply by 360 259.2
Degrees equals to price 18-19° Sag
PPL calculation
High Or Low Price 6400