Astrological Methods of Forecasting The Djia: by Carol Mull
Astrological Methods of Forecasting The Djia: by Carol Mull
Astrological Methods of Forecasting The Djia: by Carol Mull
Humankind moves through periods of optimism, expansion, anxiety, depression and panic, as
dictated by the magnetic winds that govern the universe. These cycles affect market trading and
can be forecast by observing and analyzing planetary phenomena.
There are at least twenty different planetary, solar, or lunar movements that affect the market in a
significant way. I know of no computer program that utilizes more than five or six of them.
Below is a summary of the most useful, listed from those with the shortest effect through those
lasting decades.
oppositions are negative but this can be overridden by the nature of the planets
involved. Saturn and Mars are always negative. Jupiter, Venus and Sun are
always positive.
When the list is complete, add your negative column and then your positive
column. If you have -86 and +13, you should definitely expect a down-day at the
market. Plus 72 and minus 14 would indicate a bull market.
This same method of tallying aspects can be used on a hourly basis or even
fifteen minutes.
Moons Daily Motion
The average daily motion of the Moon is 13.17749 degrees, but it fluctuates from
11.54 to 14.36, gaining in daily speed for nine to thirteen days and then losing
speed for nine to thirteen days, depending on the season of the year. Whenever
the Moon is gaining in daily speed the market tends to move upward; whenever
the Moon is losing daily velocity, the market tends to move downward. This can
account for small wobbles on a general trend line.
(I find it of interest that this average thirteen day motion correlates with the
Mayan calendar of thirteen day cycles, which they grouped into 260 day cycles
(13x20). I am working on an overall plan to tie the market to the Mayan
calendar, but it is not complete.)
Periods of solar prominence (sunspots) pour forth energy, causing all earthly
activities to increase, including stock market trading. The usual result of this
stimulus is a major market turning point, either up or down.
Increased sunspot activity occurs whenever the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars,
and Jupiter are on the same side of the Sun as the Earth. The greatest influence
of all this tidal-like force occurs when Jupiter and Venus are in a helio-centric
line-up with the Earth at 00, 450, and 900, but lesser activity produces the wellknown Dow cycles of 89 weeks, 124 weeks, and 208 weeks.
A very good illustration of this market indicator occurred on October 19, 1987,
when the market dropped 505 points. Jupiter was exactly opposite the Sun,
increasing solar flares and market timing--thus forcing a market turning point.
Another example is October 27, 1997, when Jupiter was square the Sun.
So, be aware that helio-centric aspects to the Sun mark major market turning
points, both up and down.
Powerful Aspects
Certain aspects are especially powerful and will influence the market for five to
seven days. Examples of powerful benevolent aspects are Jupiter or Venus in
aspect to Uranus, Sun, or Mercury. Powerful negative aspects are Saturn to any
planet and Mars to anything except Venus and Jupiter .
The Planet Mercury
Mercury does rule trading and it alone can give you a reasonably good forecast.
Whenever you see a Sun-Mercury conjunction, you may expect a high volume
day that is very bullish. These happen about every six weeks.
Mercury's daily motion is a very important market indicator. That is, whatever
the daily motion of Mercury is increasing, the market is likely to move upward
and whenever Mercury's velocity is decreasing, the market trend is downward.
This has nothing to do with retrograde or forward motion.
It is the increase or decrease of velocity that counts and the direction does not
matter. When Mercury is stationery or nearly so, the market has a very low
volume and is bearish. If Mercury is rapidly gaining in velocity, the market gains
rapidly. If Mercury is gaining velocity slowly, the market is up a little. The tone
of the market can be discerned by the actions of Mercury .
Seasonal Highs and Lows
The market is usually up January 9th through the 18th. This is because the Sun
reaches 23~25o Capricorn in mid-January, which produces a grand trine with
Mercury at 24 Taurus in the NY Stock Exchange chart, Sun at 26 Taurus in the
NYSE chart, Neptune at 20 Virgo in the chart of the USA, and Pluto at 24
Capricorn in the chart of the USA. A similar effect happens each September,
when transit Sun reaches 18-27 Virgo.
In fact, the degree 24-26 Taurus is important to stock exchanges around the
world. The New York Stock Exchange has Sun and Mercury in that area, Tokyo
Exchange has Sun, Amsterdam Exchange has Sun and Pluto, Budapest Exchange
has Venus, Lisbon Exchange has Jupiter, London Exchange has Sun, Melbourne
Exchange has Venus and Uranus, Toronto Exchange has Jupiter opposite, Zurich
Exchange has Venus and Pluto. It is easy to see why the markets so often act in
Mars Aspects
The planet Mars acts as a "trigger" for certain undesirable long-term stock
market movements, whenever this planet is square or opposite one of the outer
planets. That is, the outer planetary aspects set the long-term trends, but Mars
produces the action.
The following aspects are especially bad for the market: Mars conjunct Saturn,
Mars square Neptune, Mars opposite Jupiter, Mars in opposition, regardless of
the planet.
In contrast, stock prices have consistently risen during the thirty days just before
a conjunction of Mars with Jupiter or Mercury.
These are some of the more important astro indicators of DJIA trends. Applying
them is not a quick study. Instead, it requires several years of blending the
Various factors, until a certain "wisdom" develops. Above all, you should always
be aware of both political and economic happenings around the world for these
will provide the background for your research.