Sci 11 Physical Science 4th Quarter Div2 PDF

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Fourth Quarter
School Year 2019-2020

Name: ________________________Gr. 12/Strand______________ Date:________Score_______

Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the correct answer and write the letter before the number.
For items number 1 and 2. Use the information inside the table 1 to answer the problem in
each item.
Table 1
a. celestial spheres being e. mathematics as the best way to express
crystalline truth
about the Universe
b. mathematical symmetries f. added auxiliary spheres to provide
used to demonstrate appropriate tilt to the planets’ path.
perfect shapes
c. Universe is mathematical g. two-domainsystem
d. Attainment of perfection is h. Earth is the center of the Universe
an absence of change.
______1. Pythagoras is one of the Greek philosophers during the ancient time. Which information best
describe his study ?
A. c, h, a, B. c, e, h C. b , e, g D. a, c, h
______2. Which information were expressed by Plato about the universe?
A. b, d, e B. d, f, h C. b, d, f D. a, b, d
______3. Which analogy best describes the principle of Aristotle?
A. Terrestrial: fire, air, alteration B. Celestial domain: ether, natural motion
B. Terrestrial: air, water, natural motion D. Celestial domain: water, violent motion
______4. How will you describe the annual motion of the stars during August to September with
reference to the illustration below?
A. Alteration
B. Natural motion
C. Retrograde motion
D. Violent motion

______5. How does Eratosthenes able to measure a nearly accurate circumference of the Earth?
A. Distant projection C. The use of some objects’ shadow of the
B. Light year D. Taking the reverse motion
______6. How does Plato describe the universe?
A. The universe is made up of crystalline spheres
B. It consists the sun and the stars.
C. Nested with 27 auxiliary spheres
D. Earth is the center of the universe.
______7. Using the model below, how does Eudoxus describes the universe?
A. The Earth is the center of the universe.
B. Nested with 57 auxiliary spheres.
C. Prime mover.
D. Motion of the stars becomes correlated
______8. How does Eudoxus help to make believe that the Earth is round?
A.By observing lunar eclipse
B.If indeed the earth is round, then the shadows should all vary in length from one distant
location to another.
C.He followed previous models of the universe but added auxiliary spheres to provide
appropriate tilt of the planets’ path.
D.If the earth is flat, then the lengths of all the shadows should be identical when measured
For items numbers 9-10, read carefully the different celestial bodies in relation to its motion.
“Starla is a star observed in the morning at the north side of the sky afterwhich it is found
distant from its original place.”
“Planet A complete its revolution for 365 days.”
“Planet B rotates on its owns axis from east to west which tend to observe celestial bodies
displaced from its original place.”
“Constellation appears slowly around the earth taking turns at rising behind the rising sun.”
______9. Which celestial body maintain its diurnal motion?
A. Starla A B. Planet A C. Planet B D. Constellation
______10. Which celestial body exhibits Annual motion? (Refer your answer from the options in
number 9)
______11. Which of the following statements contributed to the facts regarding the motion of the
A.Precession of the equinoxes: the stars were moving not the Earth.
B.Precession of the equinoxes: the stars have a cyclic motion that sometime in the year may
pass by the Earth.
C.Precession of the equinoxes: a cyclic wobbling in the orientation of Earth’s axis results in two
notable points of direction, the north and south celestial poles.
D.Precession of equinoxes: this is caused by the unequal gravitational pull of the Moon and
the Sun that keep the Earth to stay in its position.
_______12. Which do you consider as an evidence/s formulated by the scientists that the Earth is
i.Shadow cast during eclipse .
ii.Shadows cast must vary in length
iii.Your shadow will not vary anytime of the day.
iv. You will see everything when you climb a tree
v. Ships sails off toward the horizon
A.i , ii , and iii only B. ii, iii, and iv only C. iii, iv, and v only D. i, ii, and v only
________13. Plato has written on “ Saving Appearances” which constrained the Greek Model of the
Universe. Which of the following below plausibly explained the motion of the celestial
bodies in the universe?
A.Systems are of uniform circular motions and irregular in motion
B. Heavenly bodies’ motion is circular, uniform, and constantly regular.
C.Heavenly bodies are kept in motion due to its counteracting gravity.
D.Systems in the universe move differently but do not collide to its repulsive forces.
For Item number 14-15, evaluate the images below to answer the problems in the items.
i. Aristotle ii. Copernicus iii. Aristarchus iv. Ptolemy

________14. Which model/s is/are still uncontested and still accepted in the context of what is the
Universe during their time?
A. i and ii only B. ii and iii only C. iii and iv only D. i
and v only
________15. How will you describe the models of Aristotle, Copernicus, Aristarchus and Ptolemy?
Stars were fixed on the outer sphere.
II. The center of all celestial motion is the center of the universe.
III. The Earth is spherical and unmoving in the central region of the Universe
IV. All the planets orbit the Sun along circular paths.
V. The Sun at the center, that is a heliocentric Universe.
A. I and II only B. II and III only C. III and IV only D. IV and V only
_________16. The following are examples of astronomical phenomena that lead to the invention of
telescope EXCEPT:
A. Pleiades star cluster C. Lunar Crater
B. Constellations Across cultures D. “ saving the appearances”
Use the images below to answer items number 17-18.
_________17. How do these models relate each other in the development of the planetary

Tychonic System Copernican Ptolemaic

A. It shows the motions of the Sun/Earth and all the planets.
B. The model is initially set to model the planets Mercury and Mars.
C. It shows that the Earth's orbit (in the Copernican system) becomes the orbit of
the sun in the Ptolemaic and Tychonic systems.
D. The orbit of Venus about the sun (in the Copernican and Tychonic systems)
the epicycle of Jupiter in the Ptolemaic system.
________18. Which is NOT TRUE about these three models?
A. Tycho Brahe proposed a model of the solar system to explain Galileo's
observation that Earth has phases without making it necessary for Earth to be
B. Tycho’s model had all the planets (except Earth) orbiting around the Sun, but
then the Sun orbited around the Earth.
C. Copernicus made his model to describe heliocentric system which put the sun at
the centre of our system.
D. Ptolemy believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe.
_________19. How does Galileo’s astronomical discoveries and observations weaken the support for
Ptolemic model?
A. Using the telescope, he discovered that the Moon has mountains, pits, and other
features, just like the Earth.
B. Using the telescope, he discovered that Jupiter is the largest planet and had four
"stars" surrounding it.
C. He discovered that the sun has sunspots, which appear to be dark in color.
D. He was able to figure out that the planet orbits the Sun.
_________20. Which ONE of the following studies held by Brahe do not ignite Kepler’s interest
that lead to the formulation of his three laws?
A. Tycho Brahe, who asked him to define the orbit of Mars.
B. Brahe compiled extensive astronomical records, which Kepler eventually used to
prove heliocentrism and to calculate the orbital laws.
C. Brahe discovered that the sun has sunspots, which appear to be dark in color.
D. Brahe believed in a model of the Universe with the Sun orbiting the Earth but the
other planets orbiting the Sun.
For items number 21- 22, analyze the natural phenomenon to answer the question of
the items.
A. About 2 weeks after the December Solstice, when it is winter in the Northern
Hemisphere and we felt colder than another ordinary month.
B. The planetary motion says that the average distance of a planet from the Sun
is directly proportional to the orbital period squared.
C. Earth is at perihelion; it is about 147 million km from the Sun. When it is
at aphelion, it is 152 million km from the Sun.
D. Twoweeks after the June Solstice, when the Northern Hemisphere is enjoying
warm summer months and we experienced hotness than another month.
_________21. What Kepler’s law that best fit for letter B statement?
A. First law of planetary motion. C. Third law of planetary motion
B. Second law od planetary motion D. First and third law of planetary motion
_________22. Which Statement/s is/are example phenomenon for Kepler’s first law of planetary
A.A and B B. A only C. A and D only D. C only
_________23. Which of the following statements of Galileo discredited the Aristotelian’s Idea ?
A.Object will fall at the same rate regardless of their mass.
B.All objects in the universe has a proper place which can be determined by
their nature.
C.Postulated that the heavier the object, the faster it should fall or strive to find its
natural place.
D.An object will require a push or a pull to keep it moving.
________24. A small ball was pushed in a plane surface eventually the ball stopped after a minute.
What force stop the ball which best explains the Galileo’s concept of motion?
A. Tension force B. Frictional force C. Applied Force D. Normal Force
________25. Two different objects were placed in a vacuum. Both objects were released together in
the same height. They reached at the bottom at the same time. What force is being
neglected in the experiment.?
A.Gravitational force B. Natural force C. Frictional force D. Air Resistance force
________26. If you were asked to graph a constant acceleration of a moving object, which graph
would it be?
A. B. C. D.

________27. Which graph above (number 26) shows the slowing movement of the object?
A .A B. B C.C D. D
________28. Using the same graph, which graph shows that the object is at rest?
A .A B. B C.C D. D
________29. What does the position -time graph describes?
A.changing velocity C. change of position over a period of time
B. the motion of an object over a period of time D. variability of direction
________30. What Newton’s law of motion best explain why it is a requirement to fasten your seatbelt
when riding a car?
A.Law of Inertia C. Third law of motion
B.Second Law of motion D. Law of gravitational force
________31. A 1 kg object accelerated at a constant 5 m/s2. Estimate the net force needed to
accelerate the object.
A. 5 Newton B. 10 Newton C. 15 Newton D. 20 Newton
________32. Block A with a mass of 100-gram is place above block B with a mass of 300 gram, and
then block B is pushed with a force of 5 N vertically upward. Determine the normal
force exerted by block B on block A.
A. 1 N B. 1.25 N C. 2 N D. 3 N
_______33. Which of the following statements explain that Newton’s Law of motion is axioms while
Kepler’s laws of planetary of motion is empirical?
A.Newton is offering a mathematical treatment while Kepler’s laws were derived strictly
from careful observation and had no purely theoretical foundation.
B.Newton acknowledges that the preceding results are all based on an un-physical
assumption while Kepler concern on bodies attracted toward an immovable center.
C.Newton recognized that his mathematical models had differing relationships to reality
than Kepler’s law.
D.Newton's language as codified in his fourth rule of reasoning, while Kepler explain
why the planets move as they do.
_______34. Object A, B, C, and D were held together on the roof top. These objects were of the same
mass. What will not change when they reach on the ground when released and dropped to
the ground?
A.Shape B. Texture C. Weight D. Mass
______35. Which is TRUE to the following statements when object A and B collide in an isolated system
about their momentum before collision and after collision?
A.Momentum is greater before than after collision.
B.Momentum is lesser before than after collision.
C.Momentum will remain the same before and after collision.
D.Momentum will vary before and after collision
_______36. You are determined to conserve energy at home. What are the most beneficial practices
to achieve your goal?
i. Install a programmable or smart thermostat
ii. Purchase energy efficient appliances
iii. Keep your light bulbs until it last
iv. Keep your water heating activity
A. i and ii B. ii and iii C. iii and iv D. i and v
________37. What was the contribution of Julius Robert Mayer in the field of Physics?
A.Law of conservation of mass C. Law of conservation energy
B.Law of definite composition D. Law of conservation of momentum
________38. In what way does diffuse reflection becomes advantage when you look of an object?
A.You will see the image of the object since the surface is rough and the light reflects in
different directions.
B. You will see the reflected image of the object since the surface is rough and the light
reflects in different directions.
C.You will see the image of the object since the surface is smooth and the light reflects in
different directions.
D. You will see the image of the object since the surface is rough and the light reflects in one
_______39. What causes the pencil to bend when placed in the glass of water?
A. Light is reflected C. Light is transmitted
B. Light is refracted D. Light absorbed
_______40. How will you describe the light rays in the picture labelled in C?

A. Reflected A
B. Refracted
C. Transmitted
D. Absorbed C

_______41. Use the picture below to choose what has been the conclusion of Newton about the
property of light.

A. Color is a property of the light that reflects from

objects, not a property of the objects themselves.
B. All objects appear to be the different color as the
beam of colored light.
C. Color is not a property of the light that reflects from objects, not a property of
the objects themselves.
D. A beam of colored light will change the color no matter how many times it is
reflected or refracted.
______42. Which is TRUE about the propagation of light?
A. It can be described in terms of electromagnetic waves, but not as rays
B. It is the manner in which an electromagnetic wave transfer it's energy from one
point to another.
C. It induces a medium response via interaction of an object with electrons and
nuclei in the medium.
D. The light cannot travel along the optical axis with a phase or wave front of
constant phase orthogonal to the propagation direction.
_______43. Which is NOT TRUE about the photon theory of light?
A. Visible light is composed of submicroscopic particles called photons.
B. They do not have mass.
C. They carry energy and momentum.
D. They have charge like proton.
_______44. Why we get easily sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in visible light?
A. UV have a lower energy than those of longer wavelength photons such as those of
visible light.
B. UV photon hits some compounds in the body such as DNA, it has no energy to
"break" it, causing a chemical reaction.
C. Visible light photons lack the energy to get past this barrier, so they can't cause the
same damage.
D. UV light is called " non-ionizing radiation." It has enough energy to actually kick
electrons off of atoms. Visible light is "ionizing radiation,"
______45. Choose and arrange the events that describe how Galileo and Roemer contributed to
acceptance of the view that light is finite.
i. Devised an experiment in which two people with covered lanterns
stood a known distance apart.
ii. Roemer studied Jupiter’s moons and noted that their eclipses took
place sooner than predicted
iii. Galileo attempted to record the time between lantern signals but
was unsuccessful.
iv. Galileo was not able to measure the speed of light because the
distance involved was too small and light simply moved too fast to be
measured this way
A. i, iii, iv, ii B. iii, i, iv, ii C. ii, iii, iv, i D. iv , ii, i, iii
_______46. Why mirage occur in hot, sunny day?
i. The hot ground warms a layer of air just above the ground.
ii. A layer of very warm air near the ground refracts the light from the sky
nearly into a U-shaped.
iii. When the light moves through the cold air and into the layer of hot air
it is refracted (bent).
iv. This heated roadway in turn heats the surrounding air, keeping the air
just above the roadway at higher temperature.
A. I, ii, iii, iv B. ii, iii, iv, i C. iv, i, iii, ii D. iv, iii, ii, i
_______47. He was best known for his discovery of electromagnetic induction, his contributions to
electrical engineering and electrochemistry or due to the fact that he was responsible for
introducing the concept in the field of physics to describe electromagnetic interaction. This
refers to __________.
A. Benjamin Franklin C. James Clerk Maxwell
B. Michael Faraday D. Charles Augustin de Coulomb
_______48. Which is NOT TRUE about the Simultaneity?
A. It is impossible to say in an absolute sense whether two distinct events occur at
the same time if those events are separated in space.
B. A mathematical form of the relativity of simultaneity was introduced by Hendrik
Lorentz and physically interpreted by Henri Poincaré.
C. Albert Einstein deduced the failure of absolute simultaneity from two assumptions:
1) the principle of relativity; 2) the constancy of the speed of light detected in
empty space, independent of the relative motion of its source.
D.The slowing of the passage of time experienced by objects in motion relative to an
observer, measurable only at relativistic speeds.
________49. The following statements below explain why length contraction can be ignored in daily
life EXCEPT?
A. Length contraction is negligible at everyday speeds and can be ignored
for all regular purposes.
B. Length contraction becomes noticeable at a substantial fraction of the
speed of light with the contraction only in the direction parallel to the
direction in which the observed body is travelling.
C. An observer at rest viewing an object travelling very close to the speed of
light would observe the length of the object in the direction of motion as
very near zero.
D. Length contraction arises due to the fact that the speed of light in a
vacuum is not constant in any frame of reference.
________50. Which of the following support the statement that we live in an expanding universe?
i. Cosmic Background Radiation iii. red shift”
ii. Black hole iv. Milky way
A.i, and iii only B. ii, and iv C. i and ii D. iii and iv


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