10 - Chapter 4
10 - Chapter 4
10 - Chapter 4
After the independence, the cost of living has considerably increased. The
increase in the cost of living and countrywide political up surge found its way in
economic discontent among the masses, particularly in the industries. The
industrial unrest and economic discontent led to number of strikes and labour
Workers were generally illiterate and poor and unaware about their rights.
Workers are weak in negotiating with the employer for employment and wages.
The employer dictated their own terms and conditions regarding wages and the
employment. The workers being in weaker position have no choice but to accept
such terms for employment because employment was the only means to earn
their livelihood and feed their family.
The Government has made following Acts for the betterment of labours life :
Though the Government has made these Acts for the betterment of workers.
The implementation of Labour Welfare and security schemes is not satisfactory.
Many provisions and the Sections of the Act are contradictory and do not provide
clear meaning of the Act.
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The aims of all these Act is to provide reasonable wages and work condition to
the worker at work place and facilities like education, recreation, medical etc.
However, the implementation of this all Acts become very difficult, some of the
workers are ignorant about their rights, risk about hazardous job. In many Acts
workers rights to be away from hazardous operation remains overlooked or
Wages paid to the labour in small scale industries and labour in unorganized
sector is very low. Their wages are not sufficient to provide them food, cloths and
shelter, i.e. Roti, Kapda Aur Makan.
It has been observed that instead of formulating a long term wage policy on
national basis, state or region wage policy was formulated and adhoc measures
like increases in dearness allowances, house rent allowances, increase in
management contributions are used for.
The Government of India has adopted the policy of Welfare State after the
Independence under the leadership of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. So that upto
1991 providing social security i.e. employment, welfare of people, Basic needs
were considered as the important responsibility of the Nation.
1. More than 30% people are living below the poverty line.
Considering the above points the Government has decided that the attempts
at providing social security are targeted at the poor through special employment
generation programmes on the one hand and provision at free or heavily
subsidized basic needs like health, nutration, housing, education on the other
hand. Though 2 0 % of the plan and non-plan expenditure at the State and
Central Government is directed towards the creation and maintenance of social
infrastructure the gap between what is needed and what can be made available
within the available resources at Government is too large.
The administrative and legal infrastructure cannot secure for all those in the
organised work force what the laws seek to provide for them.
line and where agricultural productivity per capita income level and minimum
wage is low and not satisfactory to provide the basic needs of the workers.
productivity is high and where the per capita income levels in general are high
are by and large satisfactory. In this part, the market wage is well above the
there were few house holders identifiable as below poverty line. The policies that
enable high growth in output to reduce the burden on the direct planning
The Scheme is applicable in only power using factories employing more than
20 persons. The scheme is framed under the employees State Insurance Act
1948 provides for medical care and treatment, cash benefits during sickness,
maternity, employment injury and pension for dependents on the death of the
The Scheme also provides for the expenditure on the funeral of an insured
person. But the Scheme is not applicable where power is not used for production
and where the number of employed persons are below than 20 persons.
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The health, hygiene and industrial safety set up, which has so far remained
confined mainly to manufacturing sector and should allocate a substantial part of
each resources to providing services to agricultural sector, which constitute
majority of work force.
The agricultural labour is exposed to mainly potential risk at the work location.
The hospital gets a large number of cases of accident at work in the field. But in
agriculture sector there is no provision for the health and safety for labourers.
Provisions are made to provide social security to agricultural labour in ninth plan.
Any welfare scheme which is beneficial for the working population in the
unorganized sector has to be employed properly. The implementation of such
scheme largely depends upon the active involvement and economic support of
the employer. Because identification of beneficiary is possible, when employer
supports the scheme. So the stress has to be given on the active involvement of
•iUe employer.
extended for the whole country. The welfare boards of Beedi and Cigar workers,
mine workers are financed by the cess levied on these commodities. In the Ninth
Plan, a strong research and development effort will be mounted to facilitate the
The existing welfare schemes of the unorganized sector which are widely
security for the unorganized rural labour would be designed to provide for
The benefit of uniform countrywide scheme can not reach effectively in all
the locations. The requirements of the working population and resources that can
be pooled from the workers the employers and the state or national level
institutions differ from place to place. As far as possible, new scheme are
A few states namely, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu demonstrated the
viability and potential of old age Pension Scheme. These states have provided
some form of social assistance to the workers in the organised sector. However,
the social security are not given to the informal worker, migrated worker, child
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and women workers. There are multiple social assistance scheme introduced by
the state. But these schemes are not effective, so there is considerable scope for
Urban informal sector is a sector where mostly migrant workers are found.
They are landless poor workers who came to the cities and find themselves in a
support of the trade unions. There is need to provide adequate social security to
such workers.
An effort of providing social security to the poor was initiated in the eighth
2. Maternity Benefits
This has been implemented mainly as a programme for the poor under the
It is found that the approach towards the labour was changed according to the
time and industrial development, from a long time 'labour' is considered as one
of the factors of production process. But now the 'labour' has got importance in
the organizational and industrial sector. It is very interesting to study the theories
of 'labour welfare' from the ancient period. These different theories of welfare
provides us with the ideas about, how to improve labour welfare.
The Policy
7. The 8. 1. Theory
Functional OR
Theory Compulsion
People Theory Theory
This theory believes that without compulsion and periodical supervision and
fear of punishment employer will not provide even the minimum welfare facilities
to the workers. Man is selfish and always tries to achieve his objectives, even at the
cost of welfare of other or exploitation of others, those are under him. So to
improve welfare, the state should take steps to prevent exploitation of the worker
and offer a minimum standard of welfare. This theory emphasises on fear and not
on the spirit of welfare which should be guiding factor. So this theory of
compulsion leads to :
In the countries where, minimum provision of safety and work conditions are
not provided adequately and where the workers are illiterate, in that case some
extent amount of compulsion through laws becomes essential.
This theory believes that an employer has to take up welfare activities in the
expectation of future benefit either in this life or in some future life. Thus,
according to this theory any good work is considered 'an investment' both the
benefactor and the beneficiaries are reward, some people take up welfare
activities in a spirit of atonement for their sins. In short, the benevolent acts of
welfare are treated either as an investment or an atonment.
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Human being is primarily concerned with his o w n welfare and only
secondarily, with the welfare of others when man offers wealth or goods to other
people to attain 'Kalyan' or 'Mukti' or 'Moksha' is the motive behind such act.
We come across many trusts and charitable persons in India which function on
the basis of this belief.
In fact, the labour welfare movement began in the early years of the Industrial
Revolution with the support of such philanthropists as Robert O w n . Employer is
the important factor of organization. He is responsible for the well-being of his
According to this theory, the industrialist or employer holds the total industrial
estate and profit accruing from them in trust. He uses all properties and estate for
himself, for the benefit of worker and also for the society. Workers in the
organization is like a minors, they are ignorant because of lack of education and
are not able to look after their own interest. Employer therefore, have the moral
responsibility to look after the interest of their wards, who are the workers.
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5. The Placating Theory :
The placating theory is based on nnilitant approach of the labour. This theory
believes that labour groups are more conscious of their rights and privilege their
demands for higher wages and better standards cannot be ignored. Timely and
periodical review of labour welfare measure can create healthy atmosphere in
the organization. This approach w i l l increase cooperation of the worker for
achieve the objectives of the organization. This theory is unsound, though it has
often been acted upon to secure the workers cooperation.
The Public Relation theory is based on the assumption that the labour welfare
movement may be utilized to improve relations between the management and
labour. Good relations between the labour and the management helps to raise in
the efficiency of labour and productivity of organization. So labour welfare
programme under this theory works as a sort of an advertisement and help an
industnalist to build up good and healthy public relations.
This theory believes that both the parties have an identical aim in mind that is
higher production through better welfare, and this w i l l encourage labour's
participation in welfare programmes.
This theory believes that the management should help to the workers for their
socio-economic development through labour welfare measure and labour should
help to the management for higher production through high efficiency and hard
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