Ship Energy Efficiency Manage-Ment Plan - Part Ii (Seemp - Part Ii) Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting IMO Data Collection System (DCS)
Ship Energy Efficiency Manage-Ment Plan - Part Ii (Seemp - Part Ii) Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting IMO Data Collection System (DCS)
Ship Energy Efficiency Manage-Ment Plan - Part Ii (Seemp - Part Ii) Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting IMO Data Collection System (DCS)
For further information please contact: What above means that, not later then 31st of December 2018, the Ship
Alessandro PESCETTO
Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) is to be amended to include a
Sector Manager Marine Innovation part II describing the methodology that will be used to collect the data required
RINA Services by regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI and the relevant procedure for data
Via Corsica, 12
16128 Genova - ITALY reporting.
T. +39 010 5385504
[email protected] The concerned amended SEEMP is to be submitted to the Flag Recognized
Organization (R.O.) for verification.
RINA provides a wide range of services across the Energy, Marine, Certification, Transport & Infrastructure and
Industry sectors through a global network of 170 offices in 65 countries.
RINA is a member of key international organisations and an important contributor to the development of new
legislative standards.
RINA S.p.A. | Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova | P. +39 010 53851 | [email protected] |
C.F. / P. IVA / R.I. Genova N. 03794120109 | Cap. Soc. € 50.985.823,50 i.v.
March, 2018 | 135°
When the Flag Administration or the R.O. (if authorised to do so by the Flag
Administration) has received from a ship and verified, in accordance with the
requirements, the fuel consumption data, will issue a Statement of Compliance
to the ship.
Each Statement of Compliance will remain valid for the duration of the calendar
year when it was issued and for the first five months of the next calendar year.
Finally the Flag Administration or the R.O. has to report the data to IMO in
accordance with the provisions of Regulation 22A of Marpol Annex VI.
Companies shall collect and report, for each ship above 5000 GT on
international voyages, the following data for each calendar year:
RINA provides a wide range of services across the Energy, Marine, Certification, Transport & Infrastructure and
Industry sectors through a global network of 170 offices in 65 countries.
RINA is a member of key international organisations and an important contributor to the development of new
legislative standards.
RINA S.p.A. | Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova | P. +39 010 53851 | [email protected] |
C.F. / P. IVA / R.I. Genova N. 03794120109 | Cap. Soc. € 50.985.823,50 i.v.
March, 2018 | 135°
Some Flag Administrations impose the verification of the data report and the
subsequence submission to IMO be carried out by the R.O. who class the
Some other Flag Administration will allow also other R.Os., independently if the
ships is classed by them or not.
Some other Administrations accept the same RO that has been already
appointed by the ship Owner as the verifier pursuant the EU Regulation
757/2015 that covers the same topic: Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of
carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport.
To have more information concerning the above, and for any further assistance
and more clarification regarding the RINA services on the matter, your local
RINA Office of reference is available and ready to be contacted.
RINA provides a wide range of services across the Energy, Marine, Certification, Transport & Infrastructure and
Industry sectors through a global network of 170 offices in 65 countries.
RINA is a member of key international organisations and an important contributor to the development of new
legislative standards.
RINA S.p.A. | Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova | P. +39 010 53851 | [email protected] |
C.F. / P. IVA / R.I. Genova N. 03794120109 | Cap. Soc. € 50.985.823,50 i.v.