Family Firm Mergers & Acquisitions in Different Legal Environments
Family Firm Mergers & Acquisitions in Different Legal Environments
Family Firm Mergers & Acquisitions in Different Legal Environments
Isabel Feito-Ruiz
Susana Menéndez-Requejo
Department of Finance. Family Business Chair. University of Oviedo. SPAIN.
Address: Susana Menéndez Requejo. Faculty of Economics. Avda. del Cristo s/n. 33071 Oviedo. Spain
[email protected] or [email protected] Phone: +34 985 10 39 12 FAX: +34 985 10 37 08
This study analyses family versus non-family firm returns under different legal environments
when a Merger and Acquisition (M&A) is announced. The database includes M&As of
European listed firms, with target firms being worldwide public or private firms, over the
2002-2004 period.
Shareholders of bidder family firms value better the M&A announcement compared to non-
family firm shareholders. Cumulative Average Abnormal Return, in (-2,+2), is 1.18% for the
whole sample, 2.82% for family firms and 0.92% for non-family firms. Family ownership is a
positive factor in bidder shareholder M&A valuation in environments with higher shareholder
protection, better accounting standards, greater financial development (GDP) and better
corruption control.
Key Words: Mergers and Acquisitions, Family Firms, Bidder, Abnormal Return, Legal
Competition for market share influences firm strategy, with M&As being one of the main
ways for firms to grow, yet also supposing an important challenge for family firms. Empirical
research shows mixed results in relation to firm wealth creation after an M&A announcement.
Moreover, differences in M&A market valuation between family and non-family firms, as
well as the influence of the legal environment, are incipient topics. These are the motivations
The database to test the theoretical proposals considers Mergers and Acquisitions for
European listed firms over the 2002-2004 period, distinguishing between family and non-
family firms, with target firms being worldwide public or private firms. We will compare
bidder shareholder wealth creation between family and non-family firm M&As, using event
study methodology and multivariate analysis and controlling by the differences in the legal
environment of the countries of acquiring and acquired firms. This paper will also present a
database which includes not only domestic operations, but cross-border ones as well, and also
analyzes unlisted firm acquisition. In contrast with other research studies which consider
exclusively European firms, or only American firms, or exclusively listed firms, or only
We have structured the paper into the following sections: in the second section, we analyze
the precedents in the financial literature related to shareholder M&A valuation, as well as the
influence of the legal and institutional environment, and propose the hypotheses under study;
in the third section, we present the database and descriptive statistics; in the fourth section, we
summarize the results of the analysis of abnormal returns and their differences according to
the legal and institutional environment; in the fifth section, we carry out a multi-variant
analysis of abnormal return determinants; and, in the sixth and final section, we present our
2. Firm acquisition valuation: Research background
One of the reasons motivating this research is that the results found in empirical studies on the
acquiring-firm shareholders valuation are contradictory. While research studies agree on the
positive valuation that acquired-firm shareholders make, the same does not occur when
analyzing the valuation of acquiring-firm shareholders. Some studies conclude that acquiring-
firm shareholders negatively value the announcement of an M&A,1 while others obtain
positive abnormal returns.2 To reflect upon the reasons for these divergences, it is necessary
to examine the differences in the analyzed databases, as well as to study the relevance of the
characteristics of the firms involved and the transactions. Among the former studies,
concerning firms listed in the USA, Travlos (1987) obtains a cumulative abnormal return for
the acquiring firm of -1.6% when payment is made in shares of stock and of -0.13% when in
cash. For the USA, Chang (1998) reports a cumulative abnormal return of 0.09% when
unlisted firms are acquired and payment is in cash, and -0.02% when the target firms are
listed. When the transaction payment is in shares of stock, the abnormal return takes the value
The increase in merger and acquisition operations in the European market since the 1990s
allows for comparing results with those of the American market. Several papers focus on
acquisitions carried out by European financial firms, such as Cybo-Ottone and Murgia (2000),
who report positive abnormal returns of 0.99% for acquiring-firm shareholders, although
there are those who obtain negative cumulative returns: Beitel et al. (2002), -0.01% for
Travols, 1987; Walter, 2000; De Long, 2001; Beitel and Arbour, 2002; Gregory and McCorriston, 2002;
Georgen and Renneboog, 2004; Campa and Hernando, 2006; Hagendorff, Collins, and Keasey, 2007.
Maquieria, Megginson and Nail, 1998; Fuller, Netter and Stegemoller, 2002; Raj and Forsyth 2002; Campa and
Hernando, 2004; Moeller, Schillingemann and Stulz, 2004; Ben-Amar and André, 2006; Faccio, McConnell and
Stolin, 2006.
operations in any part of the world; Campa and Hernando (2006), -0.87% for European
operations; or Hagendorff et al. (2007), -0.32% for European and American financial firms. In
the USA, studies with databases starting from the 1980s or 90s again obtain diverse results:
Mulherin and Boone (2000), -0.37 %; Walker (2000), -0.30% for non-financial firms; and
DeLong (2001), -1.68%, while Moeller et al. (2004) obtain abnormal returns of 1.10% and
a) Method of payment. If management considers that the shares of their firm are
overvalued, they will prefer to pay an M&A operation in shares of stock. Thus, the
1984). On the other hand, they will positively value payment in cash (Travlos, 1987;
b) Friendly vs hostile takeover. Hostile takeovers raise the price paid for the target firm,
valuation which implies the diversification of business focus. Jensen and Ruback
(1983), Bradley, Desai and Kim (1988), Campa and Kedia (2002), and Raj and
Forsyth (2002) associate wealth creation to M&As which diversify, while Morck,
Sheleifer and Visnhny (1990), Lang and Stulz (1994), Berger and Ofek (1995), and
Maquieria et al. (1998) conclude that diversification diminishes acquiring-shareholder
announcement both in the United States (Francis, Hansan and Sun, 2007) and in
Europe (Martynova and Renneboog, 2008; Antoniu, Petmezas and Zhao, 2007),
although domestic operations generate greater returns. Integration costs and cultural
e) Managerial opportunism and growth opportunities. It is more likely that firms with
free cash-flow carry out acquisitions no matter the circumstances (Harford, 1999), and
therefore that their shareholders negatively value the announcement. Lang, Stulz and
Walking (1989) show that firms with a high market-to-book ratio obtain high
Richardson and Teoh (2006) find to the contrary, which leads them to consider the
f) Size of acquiring firm. The greater separation between ownership and control, which
tends to exist in large firms, may favor managerial interest in M&As, even though this
on the part of the acquiring-firm shareholders (Schewert, 2000, Beitel et al., 2004,
Moeller, 2004).
g) Relative size of the target firm. On the one hand, the larger the target firm is, the more
information there will be on the firm, as well as less adverse selection problems in
their valuation (Asquith, Bruner and Mullins, 1983). On the other hand, however, this
will generate higher integration costs between the two firms (Agrawal, Jaffe and
h) Target Firm Listing. The majority of studies analyze acquisitions of market listed
firms. Acquiring a listed firm generates the free-rider problem (Grossman and Hart,
1980) by attracting potential buyers, which raises the payment price. The acquisition
selection forces the price to drop (Akerlof, 1970). Faccio et al. (2006) obtain positive
abnormal returns, 1.48%, when the target firm is unlisted and negative returns, -0.38%
when it is listed. Chan (1998), Fuller et al. (2002), Moeller et al. (2004), and Conn,
Cosh, Guest and Hughes (2005) also show greater gains when purchasing private
Bidder ownership structure and its influence on the wealth creation surrounding an M&A is
an aspect which has yet to receive attention. However, studies do relate family or non-family
A) On the one hand, acquiring family firms may seek mainly to benefit the family's interests
at the expense of minority shareholders, and thus negative shareholder returns would be
expected when the M&A is announced (Claessens, Djankov, Fan and Lang, 2002). Large
shareholders, like families, may transfer assets or profits to other firms that they own (i.e.
McConaughy, Walker, Henderson and Mishra (1998), Anderson and Reeb (2003), Barontini and Caprio
(2006), Maury (2006), Menéndez (2006), Poutziouris (2006), Villalonga and Amit (2006), Chang and Shin
(2007), Millar, Le Breton-Miller and Cannella (2007).
tunneling) (Johnson, La Porta, López-Silanes and Shleifer, 2000). Tunneling may refer to
excessive compensation for family positions in the firm, advantageous transfer prices or
loans, loan guarantees, or M&A operations that enhance the value of other owned
B) On the other hand, family firms may be characterized by long-term perspectives, given
their interest in transferring the business on to future generations (James, 1999). Thus,
valuation when M&As are announced (Anderson and Reeb, 2003). We call this
and André (2006) find that abnormal returns around the announcement of the acquiring
firm, for a sample of Canadian transactions, are positive and greater for family versus
non-family firms, 2.1% versus 0.2% abnormal returns, respectively. They state that
market participants do not perceive families as using an M&A to obtain private benefits at
The analysis of ownership structure influence on M&A market valuation should also bear in
mind that ownership structures differ across countries and depend on the legal and
shareholder protection and a more disperse ownership structure, with agency problems arising
(civil law, differentiating between French, German and Scandinavian models), less legal
that the most relevant agency problems are those associated with the possible wealth
This study aims to examine whether shareholder M&A valuation depends on the legal and
established and will later examine in our empirical analysis which of these predominates.
1) On the one hand, the “poorer” institutional environment of an acquired firm (low
control) will determine a market with “less” active and “less” competitive corporate
shareholders (Rossi and Volpin, 2004; Starks and Wei, 2004; Hagendorff et al., 2007;
Bris and Cabolis, 2008; Martynova and Renneboog, 2008). Furthermore, the target
firm will adopt better corporate governance practices and will show greater degrees of
transparency and shareholder protection, which will allow the acquiring firm to pay a
lower price in the takeover (Starks and Wei, 2004; Bris and Cabolis, 2008; Martynova
2) On the other hand, target firms in a “poorer” legal and institutional environment may
generate problems and decrease the value of the M&A. Low minority shareholder
corruption control, poor creditor protection and less developed capital markets hinder
Therefore, a negative M&A valuation will be expected on the part of the acquiring
shareholders (Dahlquist, Pinkowitz, Stulz and Williamson, 2003; Rossi and Volpin,
Furthermore, large shareholders, like families, may extract private benefits more easily from
minority shareholders, for example, after an M&A in legal environments with poor protection
for minority shareholders (Ben-Amar and André, 2006). Higher benefits of control would be
associated with less developed capital markets, more concentrated ownership and, in general,
a worse legal and institutional environment. In contrast, family ownership may positively
influence firm value in legal environments with greater minority shareholder protection
(Maury, 2006).
3. Database
The aim of this research study is to verify the previously expounded hypotheses and
arguments. In order to do so, we examine the database made up of listed European firms
which announced an M&A during the 2002-2004 period, with the target firm being listed or
unlisted in any country in the world, with or without the prior participation of the acquiring
firm or a subsidiary of another firm. We consider the different characteristics of the target
firms examined to be a contribution of this study, as other studies have been limited to a
We obtained our dataset from the Thomson One Banker Merger & Acquisitions Database,
DataStream, Lexis Nexis and Amadeus. Our sample meets the following criteria:
(i) Observations are made on all M&As announced by a European listed company for the
period 2002-2004 which have been completed to date; (ii) Both domestic and cross-border
transactions are considered; (iii) Target firms may be listed, private or a subsidiary of the
acquiring firm in any part of the world; (iv) The transaction involves a change in control.
Of the 511 merger and acquisition operations initially identified, we eliminated those
transactions in which:
(i) The share price is not available in Datastream (175 operations). (ii) There are relevant
discrepancies regarding the announcement dates between Thomson One Banker and Lexis-
Nexis (27 operations). (iii) The acquiring firm announces more than one operation in the
event window, (-20, +20) (49 operations). (iv) There is no change in control in the acquired
firm (5 operations). (v) The beta parameter of the market model is not significant at the 95%
The final sample of M&A announcements consists of 176 transactions involving firms from
25 countries, with a total market value of over US$ 2666.962 billion. Acquiring firms paid, on
One Banker, Lexis Nexis, the company annual report, the company website and the stock
exchange in the country of each firm. 33 firms do not have information about shareholder
structure available in any of those sources. The remaining 143 firms are classified as family
firms when the major shareholder is a family group or an individual, being non-family firms
otherwise. 45 firms are classified as family (31%) and 98 as non-family firms (61%).
Table 1 shows M&A distribution according to the geographical area of both the acquiring and
target firm. 31.25% of all operations are carried out in the United Kingdom. Domestic
Table 1. Geographic distribution of the mergers and acquisitions
Database: Thomson One Banker. Number of merger and acquisition operations for the 2002-2004 period in both
the country of the acquiring firm (listed firms in Europe) and that of the target firm (listed and unlisted firms
around the world).
Bidder country Total+ Family Target country Total
176 45 98 176
Austria 2 - 1 Austria 2
Belgium 2 1 1 Belgium 4
Denmark 1 - 1 Bermuda 1
Finland 6 - 5 Bulgaria 1
France 18 9 8 Canada 1
Germany 15 7 6 China 2
Greece 3 - 2 Demark 3
Ireland 4 1 2 Finland 8
Italy 6 - 5 France 13
Netherlands 3 1 2 Germany 14
Norway 8 - - Greece 2
Poland 1 - - India 1
Spain 6 6 - Ireland 5
Sweden 16 4 9 Italy 7
Switzerland 4 1 3 Japan 1
United Kingdom 81 14 49 Luxemburg 1
Netherlands 2
Norway 5
Poland 1
Portugal 1
Spain 4
Sweden 17
Switzerland 3
United Kingdom 60
United States 17
Domestic 109 29 56 Domestic 109
Cross-border 67 16 42 Cross-border 67
33 firms could not be classified, as family or non-family, due to the unavailability of their ownership data.
Table 2 shows the transaction distribution depending on whether the acquiring firm is a
family or non-family firm. Panel A refers to the characteristics of the transaction, according to
payment method, whether the M&A is hostile or friendly, whether the acquisition has the
same business focus or, to the contrary, represents a diversification, and whether it is
domestic or cross-border. Panel B classifies operations according to whether or not the target
firm lists on the market and the acquiring firm has had previous participation in the target
firm. We do not observe differences between family and non-family firms regarding the
percentage which each type of operation represents. 76% of the target firms do not list on the
market. Around 90% of the transactions do not imply previous bidder participation in the
target firm (non-subsidiary). 95% are friendly takeovers, while 59% represent acquisitions
with the same business focus. 43% of non-family firm M&As are cross-border transactions
Table 3 includes the statistical descriptions for the entire M&A dataset, distinguishing
between family and non-family firms as well as between domestic and cross-border M&As.
The differences between family and non-family firms are not statistically significant. Neither
are they between domestic and cross-border operations, except for larger size in reference to
the target firm (transaction value, in millions of US dollars, divided by the acquiring firm
market value four weeks prior to the operation, in millions of US dollars), greater cash flow
availability and the greater weight of private target firms in domestic transactions.
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics
Sample of 176 M&A announcements by European listed firms, target firms being listed and non-listed firms
worldwide, for completed transactions between 2002 and 2004. We distinguish: 45 family firms, 98 non-family
firms and 33 firms with unavailable ownership data. 109 are cross-border transactions and 67 are domestic.
The table shows the average value (as percentage, or dollars for some variables), with the standard deviation
below in parentheses. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney test of differences (p value).
All+ Family Non family Difference Domestic Difference Test
(N=176) (N=45) (N= 98) Test (p value) (N= 67) (p value)
(N= 109)
Panel A: Transaction Characteristics
30 27 37 30 30
Cash payment (%) (0.19) (0.95)
(0.46) (0.44) (0.48) (0.46) (0.46)
15 13 14 10 17
Equity payment (%) (0.88) (0.21)
(0.36) (0.34) (0.35) (0.31) (0.38)
15 8 14 13 16
Mixed payment (%) (0.37) (0.70)
(0.36) (0.28) (0.35) (0.34) (0.36)
Others means of 40 51 34 47 37
(0.06*) (0.21)
payment (%) (0.49) (0.51) (0.48) (0.50) (0.48)
96 98 94 96 95
Friendly (%) (0.32) (0.97)
(0.21) (0.14) (0.24) (0.21) (0.21)
15 13 18 19 13
Tender offers (%) (0.46) (0.24)
(0.36) (0.34) (0.39) (0.40) (0.34)
59 58 59 64 56
Related businesses (%) (0.87) (0.28)
(0.49) (0.50) (0.50) (0.49) (0.50)
94 98 91 96 93
100% acquired (%) (0.13) (0.45)
(0.24) (0.15) (0.29) (0.21) (0.26)
Value of transactions 661.37 500.80 814.46 414.46 813.35
(0.78) (0.95)
(mil $) (4736.75) (2369.35) (6082.63) (1956.10) (5827.19)
1.25 1.32 1.43 0.29 1.84
Relative size (0.21) (0.00)***
(8.47) (5.47) (10.70) (1.39) (10.68)
Panel B: Bidder Characteristics
12829 13161.06 13173.78 11462.14 13673.41
Total assets (mil $) (0.12) (0.40)
(69819.81) (61709.37) (79671.97) (51413.04) (79315.95)
Cash flow to total 3.89 0.33 6.55 0.30 6.02
(0.92) (0.04)*
assets (44.54) (0.47) (59.06) (0.41) (56.22)
112.08 390.30 16.76 292.03 4.11
Market to Book (0.51) (0.25)
(1289.68) (2548.39) (67.71) (2104.04) (17.23)
Panel C: Target Characteristics
24 22 26 30 21
Public target (%) (0.67) (0.19)
(0.43) (0.42) (0.44) (0.46) (0.41)
52 49 53 43 57
Private target (%) (0.64) (0.08)*
(0.50) (0.51) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50)
24 29 21 27 22
Subsidiary target (%) (0.33) (0.47)
(0.42) (0.46) (0.41) (0.45) (0.42)
33 firms could not be classified due to the unavailability of their ownership data.
*,*** significant at the 10% and the 1% level.
Table 4 shows the number of operations in the database, classifying them in accordance with
the legal system of both the acquiring and target firm countries. Following La Porta et al.
(1998), we classify countries by the subsequent system: English (common law) and German,
Scandinavian, French, and communist (civil law). In the sample there is no transaction in a
country with a communist legal system. The greatest number of operations takes place among
countries with the same legal system. Note should be taken of the number of transactions
carried out among firms pertaining to the English legal system (74 transactions out of the 176
which make up the sample), that is to say, those belonging a strong shareholder protection
We shall now examine the valuation that capital markets make of M&As, following the event
We obtain M&A announcement dates from Thomson One Banker and Lexis Nexis. We
calculate the abnormal return for each announcement (AR) in the event window (-20, +20) as
the difference between daily returns and expected returns according to the market model,
estimated in the period (-200, -21) before the announcement date. Datastream provides the
daily return index for each firm, adjusted by dividends and splits. This return index allows
estimating daily return. We follow the method of Dodd and Warner (1983) and Corrado
(1989) for small sample size in order to verify the existence of significant daily abnormal
Table 5 shows the cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) for bidder firm shareholders
around the announcement of the M&A. The abnormal return for bidder firm shareholders on
the day of the merger or acquisition transaction announcement (t=0) is 0.30% for the entire set
of firms, 0.52% for family firms and is not statistically significant for non-family firms. The
results for the entire set of firms is consistent with Chang (1998), Fuller et al. (2002), Moeller
et al. (2004), Faccio et al. (2006), and Martynova and Renneboog (2006). In the interval
(-2,+2) the Cumulative Average Abnormal Return for the whole sample is 1.18%, 2.82% for
family firms and 0.92% for non-family firms, all cases being statistically significant.
Therefore, bidder firm shareholder valuation is positive for the entire set of public firms in
Europe. Acquiring family firm shareholders value the M&A more than non-family firm
shareholders. The CAARs obtained are similar to those obtained by Ben-Amar and André
(2006) for the Canadian market. These results support the hypothesis of family firm efficiency
in M&As (long-term objectives, greater ties to the future of the firm) as opposed to the
hypothesis of family shareholder opportunism (using M&As to obtain private benefits at the
Table 5. Cumulative Average Abnormal Return (CAAR) for the acquiring firm
surrounding the M&A announcement
Sample of 176 M&A announcements by European listed firms, target firms being, listed and unlisted firms
worldwide, for completed transactions between 2002 and 2004. 45 family firms, 98 non-family firms, 33 firms
with unavailable ownership data.
In accordance with the aim of this paper, we will now analyze the valuation made by
shareholders in more detail. We examine the differences in said valuation, comparing family
and non-family firms, according to whether the target firm is public or private, and
Table 6 shows the Cumulative Average Abnormal Return for bidder shareholders in (-2, +2).
The difference between the CAAR for family and non-family firms is not statistically
significant, as neither is the difference in the CAAR for domestic and cross-border M&As. As
regards the method of payment, and in accordance with other studies, the CAAR is positive,
1.25%, when the M&A is paid in cash and statistically different from the CAAR when the
method of payment is through equity, being negative in this case, though not statistically
different from zero. The differences are also significant when the payment method is in cash
and the bidder is a private firm, 1.58%, versus a public firm (not statistically different from
Table 6. Cumulative Average Abnormal Return (CAAR) for the bidder firm according
to firm and transaction characteristics
Sample of 176 M&A announcements by European listed firms, target firms being, listed and unlisted firms
worldwide, for completed transactions between 2002 and 2004. 45 family firms, 98 non-family firms, 33 firms
with unavailable ownership data.
The results of the Dodd and Warner T-test (1983) and the Corrado non-parametric test (1989) are included
respectively in parentheses below the CAAR. The test for difference is the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test.
CAAR Domestic Cross-border. Difference Cash Equity Mixed Others
cash vs
(-2,+2) (N=109 ) (N=67 ) (p value) (N=53 ) (N=26) (N=26) (N=71)
Panel A: All (N=176)
CAAR 1.18% 1.22% 1.11% 1.25% -1.84% 1.45% 2.13%
(Dodd-Warner) (3.87***) (3.68***) (1.57) (p=0.67) (3.11***) a a (2.98***) (p=0.09*)
(Corrado) (3.06***) (2.64***) (1.57) (1.89*) (0.04) (2.08**) (2.06**)
Panel B: Family vs non-family
2.82% 3.21% 2.12% 2.50% 4.63% -1.03% 3.19%
Family (3.22***) a a (p=0.60) a a a a (p=0.57)
(2.57**) (2.42**) (1.34) (1.19) (1.51) (0.36) (1.92*)
0.92% 0.88% 0.98% 0.71% -0.24% 1.20% 1.53%
Non-family (1.99**) (1.52) (1.28) (p=0.88) (1.38) a a (1.72*) (p=0.27)
(1.56) (1.15) (1.08) (1.02) (0.49) (0.47) (1.23)
(p=0.20) (p=0.23) (p=0.64) (p=0.81) (p=0.22) (p=0.60) (p=0.50)
(p value)
Panel C: Public vs private target
0.88% 1.42% 0.25% 0.341% 0.45% -0.17% 1.94%
Public (0.78) a a (p=0.75) a a a a (p=0.81)
(1.48) (1.06) (1.11) (0.41) (1.27) (0.67) (0.80)
1.28% 1.17% 1.47% 1.58% -3.27% 1.75% 2.18%
Private (4.01***) (3.77***) (1.64) (p=0.76) (3.29***) a a (2.90***) (p=0.04**)
(N =133)
(2.73***) (2.57**) (1.16) (2.07**) (-0.95) (1.83*) (1.81*)
(p=0.64) (p=0.83) (p=0.86) (p=0.51) (p=0.32) (p=0.36) (p=0.99)
(p value)
***, **, *: significant at the 1%, 5% and 10% level.
a: the results are not shown due to the reduced size of the sub-sample.
characteristics of the legal and institutional environment of both the acquiring and the target
firm. The variables which we take into consideration for each country are the following:
Rossi and Volpin (2004) and Hagendorff et al. (2007) and multiply the revised anti-
director index (La Porta et al., 2008) by a measure of the rule of law which rates the
b) The quality of accounting standards (ACCOUNT). We use the index from the Center
for International Financial Analysis and Research (La Porta et al., 1999, 2000).
c) Economic development (GDPpc). We consider the gross domestic product per capita
for each country and year (at constant prices from the year 2000), obtained from the
(1998) as the average of the participation of the three major shareholders in the ten
e) Corruption control (CCORR). Variable defined by Kaufmann, et al. (2007) for the
Djankov, McLiesh and Shleifer (2003), proxy for the possibility of debt financing, by
Table 7 shows the Cumulative Average Abnormal Return for bidder shareholders according
to the differences between the respective institutional environments of the acquiring and the
target firm. This univariate analysis only obtains significant cumulative returns for domestic
transactions or between firms from countries with the same legal and institutional
non-family cumulative returns. However, before reaching any conclusions, in the following
section we will carry out a multivariate analysis, which will allow us to take all the possible
Table 7. Cumulative Average Abnormal Return (CAAR) (-2,+2) for the acquiring firm,
according to the differences in the legal and institutional environment
Sample of 176 M&A announcements by European listed firms, target firms being, listed and unlisted firms
worldwide, for completed transactions between 2002 and 2004.
The results of the Dodd and Warner T-test (1983) and the Corrado non-parametric test (1989) are included
respectively in parentheses below the CAAR. The test for difference is the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test.
5. Determinants of bidder abnormal returns
After the above univariate analysis, in this section we will carry out a multivariate analysis
which allows us to test the determinants of the acquiring-firm shareholders’ valuation of the
will also examine the influence of the family nature of the acquiring firms, as well as the legal
and institutional environment of both the acquiring and the target firm.
The dependent variable (CARi) is the estimated 5-day (-2,+2) cumulative abnormal return of
Family (FAMILY) is a dummy variable taking the value of one when an individual or family
The INSTI variable groups together variables concerning the legal and institutional
environment characteristics of both the acquiring and the target firm, as defined in the
preceding section. The explanatory variables are defined as the difference in each
characteristic between the acquiring and the target firm4: Shareholder protection
We also consider the variable for the acquiring and the target firm separately. However, the results are not
significant in this case.
(DFGDPBT), Ownership concentration (DFOWNCONCBT), Corruption control
The FAMILY*INST variable reflects the interaction between family ownership and the
characteristics of the legal and institutional environment. In accordance with the previous
hypotheses, we expect that a “better” legal environment in the bidder country, when the
bidder is a family firm, will positively affect the acquiring-firm shareholders’ valuation.
The Xi variable is a variable vector which incorporates both firm and transaction
Method of payment (CASH), which has a value of 1 if financing is exclusively in cash; Bidder
attitude regarding the takeover (FRIEND), which has a value of 1 if friendly; Focus activity
(FOCUS), which has a value of 1 if the main line of business for both firms is the same, two
digits of the SIC code; Cross-border transactions (CROSS), which has a value of 1 if the
transaction is cross-border; Acquiring firm size (SIZE), which has a value of 1 if the firm falls
within the first quartile of market capitalization at the end of the semester prior to the
transaction announcement; Target firm listing (LISTED), which has a value of 1 if the target
firm lists on the market; Managerial opportunism (CFLOW), defined as cash flow between
all acquiring firm assets; Growth opportunities (MB), approximated as the market-to-book
ratio of the acquiring firm; and Relative size of the acquired firm (RSIZE), calculated as a
logarithm of the value of the transaction divided by the market value of the acquiring firm
In this section we develop the cross-sectional regression analysis to examine the impact of
family ownership on bidder abnormal return, considering the influence of the legal and
The dependent variable is the cumulative abnormal return (-2, +2) for bidder shareholders at
announcement. The explanatory variables are those described in the previous section.
Table 8 shows the results of the regression analysis. The fact that the acquiring firm is a
family firm has a positive and significant effect on the valuation made by bidder shareholders
(models 1, 4, 5). This result is consistent with the “family firm efficiency in M&As”
hypothesis that we established previously. The long-term perspective of family firms and their
lesser degree of manager-shareholder agency conflicts are in accordance with this result.
Shareholders do no perceive families as using M&As to obtain private benefits at the expense
We also find a non-monotonic relationship between the level of ownership concentration and
acquiring firm abnormal returns. The ownership2 variable has an expected negative and
significant sign (Model 2). At higher concentrations of ownership by large shareholders, the
correlation between family and ownership variables causes said variables to lose significance
in Model 3.
Among the classic explanatory variables, the following results are significant: the fact of
being a friendly takeover (FRIEND), which has a positive effect, and the existence of
investment opportunities (MB), which has a negative effect, consistent with Moeller et al.
The positive effect of the family variable is maintained when we incorporate the variables for
the legal and institutional environment of both the acquiring and the target firm, as well as
their difference (Table 8 shows the estimates defining institutional variables as differences
between the environment of the bidder and that of the target firm). Among the institutional
variables, only the difference in corruption control between the countries of the firms
involved in the M&A is significant. This result is consistent with the possibility of
shareholder wealth expropriation in the target firm country. The high correlation between the
institutional variables and the family variable leads us to verify the significance of the
*, **, ***: statistically significant at the 90%, 95 % and 99 % confidence level, respectively.
Table 9 reports the interaction between family and legal and institutional characteristics of the
bidder country. We separately estimate 6 models, given the high correlation between the
variables. When the bidder is a family firm, we observe a positive effect in the bidder
shareholder valuation when its legal and institutional environment offers greater shareholder
protection (Model 1), better accounting standards (Model 2), financial development (GDP)
and majority-minority shareholder agency conflicts are less serious. Likewise, there is less
operational risk in said environments. These results are consistent with the positive influence
(Maury, 2006).
We do not observe any differences in the results for other event windows of the cumulative
abnormal return or for alternative definitions of legal and institutional environment variables
(such as dummies).
6. Conclusions
This study explores the influence of family ownership on the abnormal return of European
bidder firms, taking into account the legal environment of the acquiring firm and the possible
The sample includes M&As announced by European listed firms throughout 2002-2004.
Target firms are listed and unlisted firms worldwide. This is a broader sample in comparison
to other research studies. Another contribution of this paper is the analysis of cross-border
Family firm control may impose costs on minority shareholders, such as tunneling earnings or
strategies and diminish agency conflicts between shareholders and management. Our results
1.18% for the whole sample, 2.82% for family firms and 0.92% for non-family firms.
shows that family ownership is a positive factor in bidder shareholder M&A valuation in
environments with greater shareholder protection, better accounting standards, more financial
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