Game Programming-Cse3029 Lab Assignment-4

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7. Projection of the scene using camera by the technique of perspective projection.

Perspective projections are used to produce images which look natural. When we

view scenes in everyday life far away items appear small relative to nearer items.A
side effect of perspective projection is that parallel lines appear to converge on
a vanishing point.
An important feature of perspective projections is that it preserves straight lines,
this allows us to project only the end-points of 3D lines and then draw a 2D line
between the projected endpoints. Camera renders the scene with sense of depth.
Perspective projection depends on the relative position of the eye and
the viewplane. In the usual arrangement the eye lies on the z-axis and the
viewplane is the xy plane. To determine the projection of a 3D point connect the
point and the eye by a straight line, where the line intersects the viewplane. This
intersection point is the projected point.

When we select perspective view we can see there is an option field of
view. It indicates camera view angle in degrees.

8. Projection of the scene using camera by the technique of Orthographic

Orthographic projection (sometimes referred to as orthogonal projection, used to
be called analemma) is a means of representing three-dimensional objects in two
dimensions. It is a form of parallel projection, in which all the projection lines
are orthogonal to the projection plane, resulting in every plane of the scene
appearing in affine transformation on the viewing surface. The obverse of an
orthographic projection is an oblique projection, which is a parallel projection in
which the projection lines are not orthogonal to the projection plane.
The term orthographic is sometimes reserved specifically for depictions of objects
where the principal axes or planes of the object are also parallel with the
projection plane, but these are better known as multiview projections.
Furthermore, when the principal planes or axes of an object in an orthographic
projection are not parallel with the projection plane, but are rather tilted to reveal
multiple sides of the object, the projection is called an axonometric projection.
Sub-types of multiview projection include plans, elevations and sections. Sub-types
of axonometric projection include isometric, dimetric and trimetric projections.


In Orthogonal projection there is no sense of depth. Only size matters. Size is half
the height of the camera. Changing the size results a difference in entire scene.

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