Lecture 3 Projections
Lecture 3 Projections
Lecture 3 Projections
Affine and Perspective Projections – one 3D space to other
Vanishing Point: A point representing infinity in the plane
Affine Geometry (Theorems of Euclidean Geometry)
Affine transformations: h = 1 plane; bilinear transformations
Planar Geometric Projections
Two different
projections of
the same line
Front View (general)
Two basic methods:
◼ Parallel
◼ Perspective
The distinction between two basic classes is in the
relation of the center of projection to the projection
Distance between the center of projection and
projection plane: Infinite: Parallel Projection
Distance between the center of projection and
projection plane: Finite: Perspective Projection
Parallel projection: coordinate positions are transformed to
the view plane along parallel lines (projectors are parallel:
center of projection infinitely distant )
Visual effect of Perspective Projection: Photographic
systems and Human Visual systems: perspective
Perspective foreshortening: Size of the perspective
projection of an object varies inversely with the distance of
that object from the center of projection
Parallel projection:
◼ Less realistic views
Perspective foreshortening is lacking, although there can be
different constant foreshortenings along each axis
◼ Can be used for recording the exact shape and
measurements of the objects
◼ Angles are preserved only on those faces of the object
parallel to the projection plane
◼ Parallel lines do remain parallel 10
Perspective projection:
◼ Tend to look realistic
◼ Not particularly useful for recording the exact shape and
measurements of the objects
◼ Distances can not be taken from the projection
◼ Angles are preserved only on those faces of the object
that are parallel to the projection plane (as perspective
◼ Parallel lines do not in general project as parallel lines 11
In developing the various transformations for planar
geometric projections, two alternative approaches may be
adopted (although, both are mathematically equivalent)
First Approach assumes that
◼ Center of projection or eye point is fixed (object
Second Approach assumes that:
◼ Object is fixed; Center of projection is free to move
Designing/viewing an object:
◼ Location of eye is typically fixed
◼ Plane of projection (e.g., face of CRT) is typically
perpendicular to the viewing direction
First approach is generally more appropriate
If CG display used to simulate:
◼ The motion of a vehicle
◼ Observer moving through a computer-generated model
(case for vehicle simulators)
◼ For an observer strolling through an architectured model
Then second approach is more appropriate
We will follow the First Approach
Parallel Projections are affine projections
Orthographic: Rays perpendicular; Object parallel to plane
of projection
Axonometric: Rays perpendicular; Object not parallel to
plane of projection
Isometric: Mechanical Engineers
Dimetric: People in Furniture Design business
Oblique: Rays inclined
Perspective: Artists/Architects – difficult hence not used in
manual technical work
Orthographic Projections
Orthographic Parallel Projections
(Multiview Drawings)
Complete representation
requires two or more views
(projections) of the object
onto different view planes
Most common types:
◼ Front View
◼ Top View
◼ Side View
In all these cases, projection
plane is perpendicular to a
principal axis, which is the
direction of projection
Construction of three orthographic projections
Orthographic Parallel Projections
(Multiview Drawings)
Projections on one of the coordinate planes
◼ z = 0 (front view or elevation)
◼ x = 0 (right side view)
◼ y = 0 (top view or plan)
(a)Trimetric view
(b)Normal coincident with the Z
(c)Projected onto the z = 0 plane
Sectional Views
Complex object: frequently necessary to show details of
the interior
Accomplished using a sectional view
Sectional view: constructed by passing a plane, called the
section or ‘cutting’ plane, through the object
Removing the part of the object on one side of the plane
and projecting the remainder onto the section plane
Sectional Views
Sectional view: constructed by making the normal to the
section plane coincident with one of the coordinate axes
Clipping the object to one side of the section plane and
Finally projecting the result onto the coordinate plane
perpendicular to the axis
Axonometric Projections
Axonometric Projections
Single orthographic projection fails to illustrate the general
3D shape of an object
Axonometric projections overcome this limitation
Show 3 adjacent faces
From CP at infinity, projected to one of the 2D planes
Use projection planes that are not normal to a principal axis
(or the object inclined to plane of projection) and therefore
show several faces of an object at once
Axonometric Projections
They resemble the perspective projection in this way, but
differ in that the foreshortening is uniform rather than
being related to the distance from the center of projection
Isometric Dimetric Trimetric
Constructed by manipulating the object, using rotations and
translations, such that at least three adjacent faces are
The result is then projected from a center of projection at
infinity onto one of the coordinate planes, usually the z = 0
plane 25
Axonometric Projections
Unless a face is parallel to the plane of projection, an
axonometric projection does not show its true shape
Relative lengths of originally parallel lines remain constant
(parallel lines are equally foreshortened)
Foreshortening factor: Ratio of the projected length of a
line to its true length
Foreshortening = 1 – foreshortening factor
Axonometric Projections
Transformations [T]
1. Rotation @ Y axis through angle ∅ Z
Isometric Projections
Projection plane normal (and therefore the direction of
projection) makes equal angles with each principal axis
If the projection plane normal is (dx, dy, dz) then we
require that |dx| = |dy| = |dz| or ±dx = ±dy = ±dz
there are just eight directions (one in each octant) that
satisfy this condition (one such direction is (1, -1, -1))
Useful property: all three principal axes are equally
foreshortened, allowing measurement along the axes to be
made to the same scale
In addition, the principal axes project so as to make equal
angles one with another 30
Isometric Projections
On solving: fX = fY = fZ, we get
sin2θ = ⅓ i.e. θ = ± 35.26°
sin2𝜙 = 0.5 𝜙 = ± 45°
tan𝛼 = tan𝜙.sinθ = sinθ 𝛼 = ± 30°
Foreshortening factor: f = 0.8165 = 2Τ3
𝜙 and θ angles of rotation @ Y and X axis resp.
𝛼 is the angle between projected X axis and horizontal
plane in Isometric
[1 0 0 1].[Tax] = [cos𝜙 sin𝜙.sinθ 0 1]
Axonometric Projections
Dimetric projections
◼ Projection plane normal (and therefore the direction of
projection) makes equal angles with exactly two of the
principal axes
Trimetric projections
◼ Projection plane normal (and therefore the direction of
projection) makes unequal angles with the three
principal axes
The trimetric projection is least restrictive and the
isometric projection the most restrictive 32
Trimetric Projection
Axonometric projection: constructed by manipulating the
object, using rotations and translations, such that at least
three adjacent faces are shown
Trimetric projection: formed by arbitrary rotations, in
arbitrary order, about any or all of the coordinate axes,
followed by parallel projection onto the z = 0 plane
For any specific trimetric projection, the foreshortening
ratios are obtained by applying the concatenated
transformation matrix to the unit vectors along the
principal axis
Each projection formed by first rotate @ Y-axis by angle
Φ then @ X-axis by angle θ, followed by parallel
projection onto the Z = 0 plane
Dimetric Projection
Trimetric projection with two
of the three foreshortening
factors equal (Δx=Δy≠Δz )
Formed by first rotating @
Y-axis by angle Φ then @ X-
axis by angle θ, followed by
parallel projection onto the Z
= 0 plane
On solving
= sin −1 ( f z )
Dimetric projections for various
− fZ
= sin (
1 ) foreshortening factors
(2 − f 2z) 35
Oblique Projections
Oblique Projections
Rays inclined (𝛼) but parallel to each other
Parallel projectors intersect the plane of projection at an
oblique angle
Center of projection at infinity
Illustrate the general 3D shape of an object
Combine properties of the front, top and side orthographic
projections with the properties of axonometric projections
Best example: Shadow of objects
Front face (|| to plane of projection) – True Shape & Size
Depth information – distorted
Other faces are distorted
Oblique Projections
Oblique Projection
Oblique Projections
Two frequently used Oblique projections:
◼ Cavalier
◼ Cabinet
Oblique Projections
Cavalier Projection
◼ Angle between the oblique projectors and the plane of projection
is 450
◼ Foreshortening factors for all three principal directions are equal
◼ Resulting figure appear too thick
Perspective Projections
Perspective Projections
Perspective Projections
Perspective projection:
◼ Vanishing points (certain set of parallel lines appear to
meet at a point)
◼ Perspective foreshortening (farther an object is from the
center of projection, smaller it appears)
Perspective Transformations
Set of lines parallel to any of the three principal axes:
vanishing point → axis vanishing point
At most there are three such points corresponding to the
number of principal axes cut by the projection plane
Ex: if the projection plane cuts only the Z axis (therefore
normal to it), only Z axis has a principal vanishing point
Lines parallel to either the Y or X axes are also parallel to
the projection plane and have no vanishing point)
Perspective Transformations
Perspective Projection: categorized by their number of
principal vanishing points
(by the number of axes the projection plane cuts)
Single / Double / Triple Vanishing Points
Perspective Transformations
Parallel lines converge
Object size reduces with increasing distance from center of
projection (CP)
Non uniform foreshortening: f(orientation, distance)
Shape of the object not preserved
Projection from one 3D space to another 3D space
One Point Perspective Projections
Two different one-
point perspective
projections of a cube
Figure 1: One-point
projections because
lines parallel to the X
and Y axes do not
Only lines parallel to Z Figure 1
axes do so
One Point Perspective Projections
Construction of a
one-point perspective
with some of the
projectors and with
the projection plane
cutting only the Z
(projection plane
normal is parallel to
z-axis) Figure 2 53
Two/Three Point Perspective Projections
2-point perspective: in figure, lines parallel to the y-axis
do not converge in the projection
2-point perspective: used in architectural, engineering,
industrial design, and in advertising drawing
3-point perspective: used less frequently, since they add
little realism beyond that afforded by the 2-point
Two Point Perspective Projections
Projection plane intersects both the X and Z axes but not the Y axis 55
1-Point Perspective Transformations
1 0 0 0
0 0 x
x z 1
1 0
= x z rz + 1 =
y z
y y 1 (Eq.1)
0 0 1 r rz + 1 rz + 1 rz + 1
0 0 0 1
x* = On points on Z = 0
z y X
plane, perspective x
zc transformation has no Z
y effect
y* =
z • Origin unaffected
1− Z
z* = 0 with orthograph ic projection
Perspective Transformations
1 0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 1 0
1 0
= 0 0 1 r = 0 0 1
0 0 1 r r
0 0 0 1