Encoder Written Exam

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Applicant Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

1. You can navigate around an Excel spreadsheet by:

a. Pressing the space bar on your computer keyboard. 
b. Using your mouse to click the green File button in the top left
hand corner of your screen. 
c. Using the navigation bar with an up pointing arrow and down
pointing arrow on the right hand side of your screen. 
d. By using the screen maximizing block in the top right corner
of your screen.

2. How do you know which cell in Excel is currently selected?

a. The selected cell will be highlighted. 
b. It will have a black border around it and the contents of the
cell will appear in the formula bar (above the grid). 
c. There is no way of telling which cell is selected.  
d. The number of the selected cell will appear on the status bar
at the bottom of the screen.

3. How do you delete numbers from a cell?

a. You have to press the same numbers on your keyboard. 
b. By pressing delete several times. 
c. It is not possible to delete numbers from a sheet once they have been inserted. 
d. By selecting the cell and pressing the delete button on your keyboard.

4. What is the horizontal navigation bar at the bottom right of a

spreadsheet used for?
a. To move the view of the spreadsheet to cells on the right or
left of the screen. 
b. To expand the screen and make it fill your screen. 
c. To add horizontal lines to the spreadsheet. 
d. To navigate upwards and downwards through a spreadsheet.

5. Which of the following type(s) of text can be added to a cell?

a. People and place names. 
b. Losing sports teams and corrupt politicians. 
c. Exclamation marks, question marks and commas. 
d. All of the above are examples of text that can be added to a cell.
6. How do you delete text from a cell? 
a. By retyping the word and pressing enter twice. 
b. It is not possible to delete cell contents for data security reasons. 
c. By selecting the cell and pressing the delete button on your keyboard. 
d. By dragging your mouse cursor over the sheet whilst holding the left mouse button down.

7. How do you make changes (edit) numbers added to a cell? 

a. Select the cell and make the needed changes in the bar above
the grid. 
b. Insert the new data in the cells next to the data you wish to
correct and then delete the old data. 
c. It is not possible to make changes. 
d. Use the data button on the ribbon to edit the data in your cell.

8. How do you delete text or numbers from many cells at the same time? 
a.  It is not possible to do this.  You have to select each cell individually. 
b. Hold down the control key on your keyboard and press delete. 
c. Enter the number of cells you wish to delete into a blank cell and press enter twice. 
d. Hold your left mouse button down whilst dragging the mouse cursor across all the cells you wish to
select, then press delete.

9. After adding text or numbers to a cell, which keyboard button should you press to "accept" the
content you entered?
a. The spacebar. 
b. Control, Alt and Delete. 
c. The enter button or tab button – both will work. 
d. There is no keyboard button, you have to use your mouse (left click).

10. What happens if you select a cell that already contains text or numbers and you start typing or
inserting numbers? 
a. The above action will add the additional text and/or numbers to the end of the existing contents of the
b. The above action will delete the current contents of the cell and replace it with the next typed text or
c. The text or numbers you type will automatically be appended to the end of the existing contents of the
d. Nothing will happen.  It is not possible to replace the contents of an existing cell.

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