Excel Q&ans
Excel Q&ans
Excel Q&ans
11. Where can you change automatic or manual calculation mode in Excel?
A) Double CAL indicator on status bar
B) Go to Tools >> Options >> Calculation and mark the corresponding radio button
C) Both of above
D) None of above
12. How can you show or hide the gridlines in Excel Worksheet?
A) Go to Tools >> Options >> View tab and mark or remove the check box named Gridline
B) Click Gridline tool on Forms toolbar
C) Both of above
D) None of above
13. Which of the following Excel screen components can NOT be turned on or off?
A) Formula Bar
B) Status Bar
C) Tool Bar
D) None of above
14. What happens when you press Ctrl + X after selecting some cells in Excel?
A) The cell content of selected cells disappear from cell and stored in clipboard
B) The cells selected are marked for cutting
C) The selected cells are deleted and the cells are shifted left
D) The selected cells are deleted and cells are shifted up
15. Which of the following option is not available in Paste Special dialog box?
A) Add
B) Subtract
C) Divide
16. Which command will you choose to convert a column of data into row?
A) Cut and Paste
B) Edit >> Paste Special >> Transpose
C) Both of above
D) None of above
17. It is acceptable to let long text flow into adjacent cells on a worksheet when
A) data will be entered in the adjecent cells
B) no data will be entered in the adjacent cells
C) there is no suitable abbrevition for the text
D) there is not time to format the text
18. Which of the cell pointer indicates you that you can make selection?
A) Doctors symbol (Big Plus)
B) small thin plus icon
C) Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip
D) None of above
19. Which of the cell pointer indicates that you can fill series?
A) Doctors symbol (Big Plus)
B) small thin plus icon
C) Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip
D) None of above
20. Which of the cell pointer indicate that you can move the content to other cell?
A) Doctors symbol (Big Plus)
B) small thin plus icon
C) Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip
D) None of above
1-B, 2-D, 3-D, 4-B, 5-C, 6-D, 7-A, 8-C, 9-B, 10-A, 11-B, 12-C, 13-D, 14-B, 15-D, 16-B, 17-B, 18-A, 19B, 20-C,
What term refers to a specific set of values saved with the workbook?
a. Range
b. Scenario
c. Trend line
d. What-if analysis
Correct Answer: b
Got functions? No? You need the insert function dialog box. How do you get it?
e. Right click a cell and then click insert
f. Click the insert menu and then click function
g. Type = in a cell
h. All of the above
Correct Answer: b
Which of the following describes how to select all the cells in a single column?
a. Right click on column and select Pick from list
b. Use data text to columns menu item
c. Left click on the gray column title button
d. Pressing Ctrl + A on the keyboard
Correct Answer: c
when you use the fill effects in the format data series dialog box, you can not
a. rotate text on the chart
b. select a fore ground color
c. select a pattern
d. select a background color
Correct Answer: a
Paper spreadsheets can have all the same advantages as an electronic spreadsheet except which
of the following?
a. Rows and columns
b. Headings
c. Speed
d. None
Correct Answer: c
Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?
a. Save the workbook
b. Modify the worksheet
c. Enter text and data
d. Copy the worksheet
Correct Answer: d
Whats a quick way to extend these numbers to a longer sequence, for instance 1 through 20?
a. Select both cells, and then drag the fill handle over the range you want, for instance 18 more
b. Select the range you want, include both cells, point to fill on the Edit menu, and then click
c. Copy the second cell, click in the cell below it, on the standard toolbar click the down arrow on
the Paste button, and then click Paste Special
d. All of above
Correct Answer: a
Correct Answer: b
b. Source
c. Client
d. None
Correct Answer: d
The Name box
Correct Answer: b
Correct Answer: d
Hyperlinks cannot be
a. Special shapes like stars and banners
b. Drawing objects like rectangles ovals
c. Pictures
d. All can be hyperlinks
Correct Answer: d. All can be hyperlinks
You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to
a. Split a worksheet into two panes
b. View different rows and columns
c. Edit the contents of a cell
d. View different worksheets
Correct Answer: b
What do we call a computer program that organizes data in rows and columns of cells? You might
use this type of program to keep a record of the money you earned moving lawns over the
a. Spreadsheet program
b. Database program
c. Word processor program
d. Desktop publisher program
Correct Answer: A
You can add an image to a template by clicking the Insert Picture From File button on the .
a. Standard
b. Formatting
c. Drawing
d. Picture
Correct Answer: d
Which of the following format you can decide to apply or not in AutoFormat dialog box?
a. Number format
b. Border format
c. Font format
d. All of above
a. server
b. source
c. client
d. none
217. How can you update the values of formula cells if Auto Calculate mode of Excel is disabled?
a. F8
b. F9
c. F10
d. F11
218. You want to set such that when you type Baishakh and drag the fill handle, Excel should produce
Jestha, Aashadh and so on. What will you set to effect that?
a. Custom List
b. Auto Fill Options
c. Fill Across Worksheet
d. Fill Series
219. Where can you change automatic or manual calculation mode in Excel?
a. Double CAL indicator on status bar
b. Go to Tools >> Options >> Calculation and mark the corresponding radio button
c. Both of above
d. None of above
220. How can you show or hide the gridlines in Excel Worksheet?
a. Go to Tools >> Options >> View tab and mark or remove the check box named Gridline
b. Click Gridline tool on Forms toolbar
c. Both of above
d. None of above
221. Which of the following Excel screen components can NOT be turned on or off?
a. Formula Bar
b. Status Bar
c. Tool Bar
d. None of above
222. What happens when you press Ctrl + X after selecting some cells in Excel?
a. The cell content of selected cells disappear from cell and stored in clipboard
b. The cells selected are marked for cutting
c. The selected cells are deleted and the cells are shifted left
d. The selected cells are deleted and cells are shifted up
223. Which of the following option is not available in Paste Special dialog box?
a. Add
b. Subtract
c. Divide
224. Which command will you choose to convert a column of data into row?
a. Cut and Paste
b. Edit >> Paste Special >> Transpose
c. Both of above
d. None of above
225. It is acceptable to let long text flow into adjacent cells on a worksheet when
b. 1
c. 5
d. 10
243. By default Excel provides 3 worksheets. You need only two of them, how will you delete the third
a. Right click on Sheet Tab of third sheet and choose Delete from the context menu
b. Click on Sheet 3 and from Edit menu choose Delete
c. Both of above
d. None of above
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245. While Finding and Replacing some data in Excel, which of the following statement is valid?
a. You can Find and Replace within the sheet or workbook
b. Excel does not have option to match case for find
c. Both are valid
d. None are valid
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246. Which of the following is not true about Find and Replace in Excel
a. You can search for bold and replace with italics
b. You can decide whether to look for the whole word or not
c. You can search in formula too
d. You can search by rows or columns or sheets
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247. You can move a sheet from one workbook into new book by
a. From Edit menu choose Move or Copy sheet, mark the Create a ccopy and Click OK
b. From Edit menu choose Move of Copy then choose (Move to end) and click OK
c. From Edit menu choose Move or Copy then select (new book) from To Book list and click OK
d. None of above
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248. What is the short cut key to replace a data with another in sheet?
a. Ctrl + R
b. Ctrl + Shift + R
c. Ctrl + H
d. Ctrl + F
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251. Which menu option can be used to split windows into two?
a. Format -> Window
b. View -> Window-> Split
c. Window -> Split
d. View > Split
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257. Which area in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas?
a. Title Bar
b. Menu Bar
c. Formula Bar
d. Standard Tool Bar
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262. In EXCEL, you can sum a large range of data by simply selecting a tool button called ..?
a. AutoFill
b. Auto correct
c. Auto sum
d. Auto format
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264. To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL we use the function?
a. ROUND ( )
b. FACT ( )
c. MOD ( )
d. DIV ( )
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270. What will be the output if you format the cell containing 5436.8 as #,##0.00?
a. 5430
b. 5436.8
c. 5436.8
d. 6.8
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275. What is the short cut key to highlight the entire column?
a. Ctrl+C
b. Ctrl+Enter
c. Ctrl+Page Up
d. Ctrl+Space Bar
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276. In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed columns or rows?
a. $
b. *
c. %
d. &
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278. What is the correct way to refer the cell A10 on sheet3 from sheet1?
a. sheet3!A10
b. sheet1!A10
c. Sheet3.A10
d. A10
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283. Which setting you must modify to print a worksheet using letterhead?
a. Paper
b. Margin
c. Layout
d. Orientation
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284. What do you call the chart that shows the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to
another data element?
a. XY Chart
b. Line Chart
c. Pie Chart
d. Column Chart
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285. The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from ________ menu.
a. insert
b. file
c. tools
d. view
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287. To record a sequence of keystrokes and mouse actions to play back later we use:
a. Media player
b. Sound Recorder
c. Calculator
d. Macro Recorder
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290. What happens when dollar signs ($) are entered in a cell address? (e$B$2:$B$10)
a. An absolute cell address is created.
b. Cell address will change when it is copied to another cell.
c. The sheet tab is changed.
d. The status bar does not display the cell address.
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291. What are the tabs that appear at the bottom of each workbook called?
a. Reference tabs
b. Position tabs
c. Location tabs
d. Sheet tabs
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292. What is represented by the small, black square in the lower-right corner of an active cell or range?
a. Copy handle
b. Fill handle
c. Insert handle
d. Border
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294. In Excel, the Fill Color button on the Formatting toolbar is used for what?
a. To insert a background.
b. To add borders.
c. To select a distribution of figures.
d. To add shading or color to a cell range.
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295. In help menu of Excel, which of the following tabs are found?
a. Contents tab
b. Answer Wizard tab
c. Index tab
d. all of the above.
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298. Which function is used to calculate depreciation, rates of return, future values and loan payment
a. Logical
b. Math & Trigonometry
c. Statistical
d. Financial
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Click the Like, Tweet or Google+ buttons below to show correct answers:
Q.No-Correct Answer
201 d
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221 d
231 b
241 a
251 c
261 a
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222 b
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242 a
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262 c
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246 d
256 d
266 c
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217 b
227 b
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282 b
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277 c
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297 d
1. Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell
a. Pressing an arrow key
b. Pressing the Tab key
c. Pressing the Esc key
d. Clicking on the formula bar
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278 a
288 d
298 d
279 a
289 b
299 b
280 d
290 a
300 b
5. Text formulas:
a. Replace cell references
b. Return ASCII values of characters
c. Concatenate and manipulate text
d. Show formula error value
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c. Click the Print button on the standard toolbar to print the document then take it to Kinkos and have 2 more
copies made
d. Press Ctrl+P+3
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15. When a label is too long to fit within a worksheet cell, you typically must
a. Shorten the label
b. Increase the column width
c. Decrease the column width
d. Adjust the row height
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c. Scenario Manager
d. All of above
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19. You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to
a. Split a worksheet into two panes
b. View different rows and columns edit the contents of a cell
c. Edit the contents of a cell
d. view different worksheets
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25. To copy formatting from one area in a worksheet and apply it to another area you would use:
a. The Edit>Copy Format and Edit>Paste Format commands form the menu.
b. The Copy and Apply Formatting dialog box, located under the Format>Copy and Apply menu.
c. There is no way to copy and apply formatting in Excel You have to do it manually
d. The Format Painter button on the standard toolbar
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27. When you link data maintained in an excel workbook to a word document
a. The word document cannot be edit
b. The word document contains a reference to the original source application
c. The word document must contain a hyperlink
28. Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas
a. Title bar
b. Menu bar
c. Formula bar
d. Standard toolbar
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29. To hold row and column titles in place so that they do not scroll when you scroll a worksheet click the
a. Unfreeze panes command on the window menu
b. Freeze panes command on the window menu
c. Hold titles command on the edit menu
d. Split command on the window menu
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40. You can use the format painter multiple times before you turn it off by
a. You can use the format painter button on ly one time when you click it
b. Double clicking the format painter button
c. Pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the format painter button
d. Pressing the Alt key and clicking the format painter button
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42. You can convert existing excel worksheet data an charts to an HTML document by using
a. FTP wizard
b. Internet assistant wizard
c. Intranet wizard
d. Import wizard
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45. When you insert an excel file into a word document. The data are
a. Hyperlinked placed in a word table
b. Linked
c. Embedded
d. Use the word menu bar and toolbars
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46. Which of the following is not information you can specify using the solver?
a. Input cells
b. Constraints
c. Target cell
d. Changing cells
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49. You can enter which types of data into worksheet cells?
a. Labels, values, and formulas
b. Labe3ls and values but not formulas
c. Values and formulas but not labels
d. Formulas only
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52. The Paste Special command lets you copy and paste:
a. Multiply the selection by a copied value
b. Cell comments
c. Formatting options
d. The resulting values of a formula instead of the actual formula
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53. The numbers in our worksheet look like this: You want them to look like this: $1,000.How can you
accomplish this?
a. None of these
b. Select Format > Money from the menu
c. Click the Currency Style button on the formatting toolbar
d. You have to retype everything and manually add the dollar signs, commas, and decimals.
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55. Excel worksheet cells work very similarly to what common element of the windows graphical user
a. Option buttons
b. List boxes
c. Text boxes
d. Combo boxes
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56. Which of the following options is not located in the Page Setup dialog box?
a. Page Break Preview.
b. Page Orientation
c. Margins
d. Headers and Footers
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57. You want to track the progress of the stock market on a daily basis. Which type of chart should you
a. Pie chart
b. Row chart
c. Line chart
d. Column chart
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58. Without using the mouse or the arrow keys, what is the fastest way of getting to cell A1 in a
a. Press Ctrl +Home
b. Press Home
c. Press Shift + Home
d. Press Alt + Home
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59. Which of the following methods can not be used to edit the contents of a cell?
a. Press the Alt key
b. Clicking the formula bar
60. If you begin typing an entry into a cell and then realize that you dont want your entry placed into a
cell, you:
a. Press the Erase key
b. Press Esc
c. Press the Enter button
d. Press the Edit Formula button
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62. When you want to insert a blank imbedded excel object in a word document you can
a. Click the object command on the insert menu
b. Click the office links button on the standard toolbar
c. Click the create worksheet button on the formatting toolbar
d. Click the import excel command on the file menu
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68. It is acceptable to let long text flow into adjacent cells on a worksheet when
a. Data will be entered in the adjacent cells
b. No data will be entered in the adjacent cells
76. To copy cell contents using drag and drop press the
a. End key
b. Shift key
c. Ctrl key
d. Esc key
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c. Excel ME
d. Excel XP
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80. Which menu option can be sued to split windows into two
a. Format > window
b. View > window > split
c. Window > split
d. View > split
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a. (quote)
b. = (equal)
c. _ (underscore)
d. (apostrophe)
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85. Which of the following formulas will Excel Not be able to calculate?
a. =SUM(Sales)-A3
b. =SUM(A1:A5)*.5
c. =SUM(A1:A5)/(10-10)
d. =SUM(A1:A5)-10
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d. 1024
These multiple choice questions are originally presented in MCQ Sets. Please visit http://mcqSets.com for question banks, online quiz, downloads, subjective questions and answers . Prepare your exam better with MCQ Sets.
b. A horizontal axis
c. The organization of individual values with a charts data series
d. The data range that supply chart data
These multiple choice questions are originally presented in MCQ Sets. Please visit http://mcqSets.com for question banks, online quiz, downloads, subjective questions and answers . Prepare your exam better with MCQ Sets.
98. You can use drag-and-drop to embed excel worksheet data in a word document
a. By dragging a range of excel data to the word button on the taskbar while pressing the Ctrl key
b. By dragging a range of excel data to the word button on the taskbar while pressing Shift key
c. By dragging a range of excel data to the word button on the taskbar while pressing Alt key
d. None of above
These multiple choice questions are originally presented in MCQ Sets. Please visit http://mcqSets.com for question banks, online quiz, downloads, subjective questions and answers . Prepare your exam better with MCQ Sets.
100. Excel uniquely identifies cells within a worksheet with a cell name
a. Cell names
b. Column numbers and row letters
11 a
21 d
31 d
41 b
51 d
61 c
71 d
81 b
91 b
12 d
22 d
32 c
42 b
52 d
62 a
72 c
82 d
92 c
13 d
23 a
33 a
43 c
53 c
63 a
73 d
83 a
93 b
14 d
24 d
34 a
44 d
54 b
64 b
74 b
84 d
94 d
15 b
25 d
35 d
45 b
55 c
65 d
75 c
85 a
95 a
16 b
26 b
36 d
46 a
56 a
66 d
76 a
86 b
96 d
17 b
27 b
37 d
47 c
57 c
67 d
77 d
87 d
97 d
18 d
28 c
38 d
48 b
58 a
68 b
78 b
88 d
98 a
19 b
29 b
39 a
49 a
59 a
69 b
79 d
89 d
99 b
10 a
20 b
30 a
40 b
50 c
60 b
70 c
80 c
90 b
100 c