Articulo de Actividad 5 Final

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Universidad Nacional

Abierta y a Distancia Findings of the audit

Pedro Javier Suarez Condition: It was
Martínez Strong found that the
Código 79906425 aspects of company Plastics
the process and Technology
12 de mayo de 2020,
SAS (P&T SAS) has
Bogotá, D.C.
a permissible
excess of
emission in fixed

“Article on the report of Criterion: These

are set forth in
the audit carried out to resolution
909/2008, which
the company Plastics y establishes the
norms and
technology SAS " standards for the
emission of
pollutants into the
atmosphere by
Description fixed sources and
dictates other
The company Plastics y Technology provisions.
SAS P&T SAS is located in the
Industrial Zone of the town of Cause: They are
Puente Aranda in Bogotá reflected in the
is a Colombian Company that It has operational area
been in the market for more than through the
20 years developing plastic reception of raw
products. It has state-of-the-art materials, in
technology in the development of addition to the
molds and in manufacture of manufacture of
products by injection and blowing, caps and brushes,
achieving leadership in through which can
innovation and the excellent quality drastically affect
of it products. The star product of air quality.
the Company corresponds to the
caps and brushes for enamels, Effect: This is
having as clients nationally serious because
recognized companies and Latin non-compliance
America. affects air quality
and generates
pollution of the
of this type of
atmosphere, waste generated
diseases, among from its activities.
other impacts. In addition, it is
observed that it
does not keep a
Condition: It was record of the
found that the delivery and
company Plastics y inventory of the
Technology SAS raw material.
(P&T SAS) has not
implemented the Criterion: Decree
proper 4741 of 2005,
management and which regulates the
disposal of prevention and
hazardous waste. management of
hazardous waste or
Criterion: Decree residues - RESPEL.
4741 of 2005,
which regulates the Cause: Lack of a
prevention and service manager in
management of hazardous waste
hazardous waste or disposal.
residues - RESPEL,
Cause: No Mismanagement of
Implementation of waste storage and
the hazardous environmental
waste management contamination.

Effect: There is no
tool for the proper
management and Observations
final disposal of the
RESPEL generated  A visit is made to the
by the company's company where the required
own activities, information is provided and a
which generate a clarification is made to each
bad appearance. of the concerns during the

Condition: It was  The company has the

found that the provision of the development
company lacks an of the hazardous waste
authorized management plan, all this
manager for the allows the optimization of
adequate disposal environmental aspects
through waste prevention and applied is considered
minimization plans through beneficial because it reflects
process control, in addition to the application of corrective
reducing of waste, and its measures and he establishes
respective reuse of waste and new work plans, and this
look for a manager in the optimizes each of the
responsible disposal processes and makes
according to its category. appropriate and profitable
 As for the other effects, the use of environmental impacts
company Plastics y and aspects.
Technology SAS (P&T SAS) 2. The company Plastics and
seeks to lower the levels so Technology SAS (P&T SAS),
that environmentally, it is a although it tries to comply
company in the care of the with environmental
environment. requirements, it is necessary
that it implement the
Nonconformities hazardous waste
management plan so that it is
 Pollution from atmospheric in continuous improvement
emissions. and thus look for its
 Management and disposal shortcomings in the
of hazardous waste. environmental part and abide
 There is no lack of an by under the legal framework
authorized manager for of the ministry of
the proper disposal of this environment and sustainable
type of waste generated development
from its activities.


1. he audit applied to the

company Plastics y Recommendations
Technology SAS (P&T SAS)
provides relevant results for
the company, and in addition,  Evaluate the application of
it makes a precise definition current regulations, which
of the aspects to be improved allows us to determine the
and the waste management degree of legal compliance in
plan that must be environmental matters with
implemented within the the regulation of hazardous
company, on the other hand waste management in which
it is important that a record the sector is subject.
and control of the company's
activities is lacking within the  The processes of regulating
company, such as that of the prevention and
making inventories of raw management of hazardous
materials, the plan that is residues or wastes - RESPEL,
and evaluating the
environmental impacts
generated by the company,
such as spills, solid residues
and their degree of danger,
must be covered.

Photographic records

Espino, G. M. G. (2014).
Fundamentos de auditoría. México,
D.F., MX: Larousse - Grupo Editorial
Patria. Capítulo 1. La auditoría como
actividad profesional, características
e implicaciones éticas. Recuperado

ICONTEC, (2015). NTC ISO 14001.

Sistemas de gestión ambiental –
Requisitos con orientación para su
uso. Recuperado de

ICONTEC, (2018). NTC ISO 19011.

Directrices para la auditoria de los
sistemas de gestión. Recuperado de
Pallerola, C. J., & Monfort, A. E.
(2014). Auditoría. Capítulo 1.
Introducción a la auditoría.
Recuperado de
ICONTEC. (2015). Norma Técnica
Colombiana NTC-ISO 14001.
Recuperado el Octubre de
2019, de Información UNAD:

BSI. (2015). ISO 14001:2004 a ISO

14001:2015. Recuperado el Octubre
de 2019, de ISO 14001-Guía de

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