Controls and Process 2018

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Minimum Control Standards - 2018

Final version after audit committee July 2018

Minimum Control Standards (MCS) 1/3
16. Management of titles, licenses and permits
1. Communication and promotion of the Code of Business
17. Provisions for rehabilitation and restoration
Conduct and speak-up culture
18. Classification and depreciation of property, plant and
2. Compliance with Fair Competition laws and requirements
3. Conflict of Interest and related party transactions
19. Physical verification of fixed assets
4. Board of Directors secretarial requirements
5. Health & Safety
6. Risk assessment
7. Mitigation of business risks - Security
8. Mitigation of business risks - Group insurance
9. Mitigation of business risks - Crisis Management System 20. Management of customer and product master data
10. Mitigation of business risks - Remediation of deficiencies and 21. Price management
non-compliance with MCS 22. Control of customer credit limits
11. Personal data protection 23. Matching of sales orders, shipments and invoices
12. Segregation of duties 24. Accounts receivable valuation
13. Delegation of authorities and approval workflows
14. Litigation disputes
15. Review of contracts by finance

Minimum Control Standards (MCS) 2/3

25. Execution of onboarding, offboarding and transfers of 34. Physical stock take of spare parts and materials
workers 35. Inventory provision and write-off
26. Payroll
27. Compliance with payroll and local labor laws
28. Employee pension and benefit plans

29. Management of supplier master data 36. Management of access to IT systems
30. Supplier qualification 37. Review of IT user access rights to Production IT systems
31. Three-way match two way match and direct vendor invoices 38. Security configuration settings
32. Supplier payment processing 39. Data backup, storage and restoration process
33. Accruals for expenditures not invoiced 40. Managing changes to IT systems

Minimum Control Standards (MCS) 3/3

41. Compliance with accounting and reporting standards 51. Tax risk assessment and reporting
(LHARP) 52. Tax filings and payments
42. Reconciliation of general ledger accounts 53. Deferred and income tax calculations
43. Reconciliation of bank accounts 54. Transfer pricing
44. Reconciliation of intercompany balances 55. Non-income (indirect) taxes
45. Manual journal entries
46. Impairment of goodwill, intangible assets and PPE
47. Transactions in a foreign currency
48. Management of legal structure and consolidation hierarchy 56. Bank relations
49. Consolidation of financial statements 57. Security, handling and recording of cash and checks
50. Statutory financial statements 58. Secure payment means
59. Financial instruments, borrowings and commitments
60. Forex, interest rate, commodities risks monitoring and

Minimum Control Standards (MCS) - Legend

Subject of the MCS

MCS Leaflet

Primary objective of
the MCS

Explanations &
guidance for


GOVERNANCE Communication and promotion of the Code of Business Conduct and speak-up
AND culture

Control #1 Senior management continuously communicate and role model the Code of Business Conduct (CoBC) - to be
signed by all employees - while promoting a speak-up culture.

Control Description ● The CoBC is communicated to every employee in the company and to all new employees at on-boarding.
Employees acknowledge that they have read and understand the policy and this is stored in the employee's
personnel file.
● At least annually and more frequently as the need demands, the CEO communicates to all employees
concerning the values of LafargeHolcim and the CoBC and encourages employees to speak up when they see
or suspect that the code or other policies, laws or regulations have been breached by using the Integrity Line.
● The organization's commitment to integrity and ethical behavior defined in the Code of Business Conduct for
Suppliers is communicated to joint venture partners, suppliers, sales distributors, outsourced service providers
and other business partners.
● In the event that substantiated breaches occur, remediation (consequential management and effect discipline)
must occur in consultation with Group Investigations.
Links to CoBC and Supplier CoC

1. Acknowledgement of the CoBC by each employee, maintained by HR.
2. Communication of the CoBC to employees and CoBC for Suppliers to joint venture partners, suppliers,
sales distributors, outsourced service providers and other business partners.
3. Remediation by management in coordination with Group Investigations of any confirmed breach.

AND Compliance with Fair Competition laws and requirements

Control #2 Follow Group Fair Competition directive and ensure risk-exposed employees are trained

Control Description ● The Fair Competition directive is communicated to the management and risk exposed employees are actively
monitored by the local ExCo (minuted in ExCo meetings).

● All risk exposed employees have attended mandatory training which is documented, with records retained by
local HR.

● Follow Commercial Documentation directive to ensure all pricing and discount decisions, competitor contacts
and sources of market information are properly documented for legal purposes.

Links to Fair Competition Directive & Fair Competition Implementation Directive &
Commercial Documentation Directive

1. Review and monitoring by ExCo (included in minutes) of employees identified as risk exposed
employees for competition law purposes (see Fair Competition directive).
2. Training on fair competition compliance by HR of all risk exposed employees is completed and

AND Conflict of Interest and related party transactions

Control #3 Ensure exposed employees complete the conflict of interest questionnaire yearly

Control Description ● Training on the COI directive is a mandatory part of the standard ABC Compliance Training for Employees.
● Employees must assess their own situation and disclose any Conflict of Interest situation as soon as it can be
anticipated, arises or becomes apparent via the COI Platform (or in writing where the COI Platform is not yet
available). The disclosure will be reviewed as described in the COI directive. Once it is determined what actions
or adjustments are needed to address the situation, they must be documented and monitored using the COI
Platform (or other method if not yet available).
● High Exposed ABC Employees and Directors must complete annually a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire. The
annual distribution and collection of Conflict of Interest Questionnaires will be organized by the Compliance
Department or by the Secretary of the relevant board.
● Any business deal or arrangement between a LH entity and a shareholder or a director's company shall be
deemed a related-party transaction. For companies locally listed, related party transactions are to be reviewed
by the legal department before approval or signature.
Links to Conflict of Interest intranet site (including the COI tool), Code of Business Conduct and Conflict of
Interest directive

1. Review and monitoring by the appropriate person (see COI directive) and the local compliance officer of
potential COI situations reported by employees and any resulting actions or requirements via the COI
Platform (or other method if not yet available).
2. Review by the Compliance Department of completed questionnaires of highly exposed ABC employees
and directors annually.
3. Review and approval by the legal department before initiating any business deal or arrangement
between a LH entity and a shareholder or director’s company. 8
AND Board of Directors secretarial requirements

Control #4 The local secretary and the chairperson of the Board of Directors (BoD) ensure that all local corporate legal
requirements are met

Control Description When required by law, an entity that has a BoD must ensure that all corporate secretarial duties are performed and
documented in a timely manner in accordance with the local requirements. On behalf of the BoD, the secretary and
chairperson must ensure that the BoD and its Committees (if applicable) operate according to the provisions of the local
corporate laws, company’s articles of incorporation, bylaws, charters or other corporate governance regulations. This
includes in particular that:
● Key corporate documents and records are maintained in accordance with applicable retention policies (local law
and Group regulations)
● Meetings of the Board are held at least as frequently as required by local law
● Minutes are taken at the meetings, are approved and are maintained as part of the corporate records
· Shareholder's registers are kept up-to-date
● Annual shareholders meeting occur, if applicable

The BoD chairperson and secretary shall jointly confirm compliance with all applicable corporate legal requirements by
signing a compliance confirmation letter as part of the annual internal control certification process.

1. Signing by the BoD chairperson and secretary of a letter to confirm compliance with all corporate legal

AND Health & Safety

Control #5 Ensure effective implementation of the four pillars of the Health & Safety Management System (Leadership
and Engagement, Objectives and Planning, Operations and Support Processes, Performance Evaluation)

Control Description Country must ensure that the following 4 pillars of the Health & Safety management system are in place and operating
with regular reviews:

● Leadership and Engagement: Consequence Management program is in place.

● Objectives and Planning: A high quality annual Health & Safety Improvement Plan (HSIP) is set up following the
Group HSIP process. HSIP completion is tracked at the country Exco level and the strategic area of HSIP is
tracked in the Group tracking tool.

● Operations and Support Processes: Ensure that all employees and contractors are in scope of the training plan
which must meet minimum expectations of classroom and practical per H&S standards.

● Performance Evaluation: Group H&S Audit and annual self-assessment performed at unit level. DSCQP and
Incident Reporting and Investigation with incidents correctly classified and action plans kept up-to-date with
relevant actions. Road KPIs should be reviewed.

Link to Group Health & Safety site


1. Review regularly the implementation of consequence management, HSIP completion, employees and
contractors training plan and Health & Safety KPIs.

AND Risk assessment

Control #6 Perform and document a robust business and compliance risk assessment at the country level at minimum
once annually

Control Description ● A comprehensive risk assessment is performed at least annually and identifies risks with the greatest likelihood
of occurring and with the highest potential negative impact. This will be used prioritize, mitigate, monitor and
report risks throughout the year.

● Appropriate action plans are established and monitored to mitigate identified risks to an acceptable level.

1. Assessment of risks by ExCo (or designee) annually to be used in prioritization and planning for the
year with related action plans to mitigate identified risks to an acceptable level.

AND Mitigation of business risks - Security

Control #7 Implement security measures and procedures in accordance with the Security Policy and directives

Control Description Country must ensure that the following steps are respected:
● Appointment of a Security focal point for the country and at each site
● Issue bi-annual country threat assessments
● Update the Country Travel Security Guide on a yearly basis
● Connect the Country travel agency(ies) to International SOS assistance services
● Perform a yearly site security risk assessment
● Maintain an up-to-date mapping of LH sites
● Maintain a Security incident database
● Respect the contracting process with Private Security Companies (PSC)
Link to Security Policy and related directives

1. Security measures and procedures are implemented in accordance with the Security Policy and

AND Mitigation of business risks - Group insurance

Control #8 Follow the Group insurance process.

Control Description The Country must comply with the following 5 priorities:

● Payment of Group insurance premiums is executed within the expected timeframe with no delay.

● Values to be insured are reviewed for accuracy to avoid reduced coverage.

● All claims and losses covered by a Group insurance policy have been timely declared to Group Risk
Management (GRM) within 48 hours of incident.

● Any change that can impact Risk & Insurance is communicated (new activity, new products, etc.).

● All entities in the country have contracted for additional insurance locally when necessary.

Link to the Group Risk Management Policy (including insurance)

1. Payment of Group insurance premiums are made prior to the due date.
2. Review by the ExCo (or designee) of insured values for accuracy to ensure correct coverage.
3. Reporting by the ExCo (or designee) of all insurance claims and losses to GRM within 48 hours of
4. Purchase by the ExCo of additional local coverage if needed.

AND Mitigation of business risks - Crisis Management System

Control #9 Every legal entity must have a Crisis Management System

Control Description ● Each entity has to implement the LH Crisis Management Directive and put in place every activity necessary to
ensure they have a comprehensive Crisis Management System.

● The Crisis management System consists of:

● An Emergency Response Plan
● A Crisis Management Plan
● A Business Continuity Plan
● An Evacuation Plan (if applicable)

● Each entity is responsible for appointing a Crisis Management Team (referred to as "CMT"), and for appointing
a Crisis Coordinator to drive the development, the implementation, the communication and the maintenance of
its Crisis Management System.


1. Appointment by the ExCo of a Crisis Management Team (CMT) and a Crisis Coordinator to manage its
Crisis Management System.
2. Definition and documentation of the Crisis Management system by the CMT and approval by the ExCo,
including plans for emergency response, crisis management, business continuity and evacuation (if

GOVERNANCE Mitigation of business risks - Remediation of deficiencies and
non-compliance with MCS

Control #10 Management process is in place to identify and correct deficiencies found in monitoring the MCS

Control Description ● Management responds timely and appropriately to any deficiencies identified through monitoring activities of all
the assurance functions (internal control, compliance, investigations and internal and external auditors) and
takes adequate and timely actions to correct deficiencies. This process includes:

● A root cause analysis, a detailed description of the deficiency and the creation of an action plan to
remediate the weakness identified.
● Deficiencies are communicated to those parties responsible for taking corrective action, senior
management and the board of directors (or audit committee).
● Monthly follow-up of corrective actions and progress towards completion.
● Action plans relating to very high or major deficiencies are tracked regularly by the ExCo and to Group
Internal Control at least twice a year (IC Plan in Q1 and IC Status Update in Q4).
● Any exceptions or significant deficiencies to MSCs need to be approved by the Group Internal Control.

1. Approval by Group internal Control of any exception or significant deficiency to MSCs.
2. Review and monitoring by the ExCo of the progress of all action plans relating to very high or major
deficiencies to ensure they are resolved with reporting at least twice a year to the Group (Internal
Control Plan in Q1 and Status Update in Q4).

AND Personal data protection
Control #11 Ensure personal data managed in the company (acquired, processed, stored and deleted) is handled in
accordance with the demands of local laws and regulations

Control Description EEA located entities (regardless of internal control Categories) have to implement this control by Oct. 8, 2018.
( )
Non-EEA entities (regardless of internal control Categories) have to start implementation from now on, and target a completion
by November 2019.
1. When handling employee personal data, ensure that the employee is informed as to how we process their data
and what we do with it. Data privacy notice/policy is published / distributed to all existing employees. New
employee receives Data privacy notice during the onboarding process. When collecting an employee's image
(photo/video), the company collects and records the employee's consent. Seek advice from the Data
Protection Responsible if necessary. (Links to the control standard on employee onboarding).
2. When handling customer personal data, ensure that the customer is informed as to how we process their data
and what we do with it. Data privacy notice/policy is published or distributed to all existing customers (either
by email, online on a dedicated customer platform or on the company's website, signing addendum to the
existing commercial contract, or is embedded to general conditions of commercial agreement). Data privacy
notice is given to new customers systematically. Customer's consent is collected whenever legally required.
Seek advice from the Data Protection Responsible concerning the collection of customer consents. (Links to
the control standard on customer master data).
3. When external vendors have access to personal data handled by a LH entity, seek advice from the Data
Protection Responsible concerning implementation of an agreement with the vendors regarding the
processing and protection of that personal data.
4. A process is put in place and communicated internally to respond to data subject request concerning an
individual's personal data processed by the company. A data subject is any individual who may be an
employee, job applicant, customer or supplier, stakeholder, member of the public, who interacts with the
company and whose data is collected and processed by the company. Always inform and seek advice from
the Data Protection Responsible concerning how to respond to a data subject request.
5. Trainings are provided to all employees to report any incidents relating to personal data which may be in
breach of the law to the Data Protection Responsible. 16
AND Segregation of duties
Control #12 Ensure there is a proper segregation of duties

Control Description Segregation of Duties: SoD reports are reviewed twice a year (at a minimum). Any conflict of duties identified must be
● Resolved by removing the incompatible duties identified
● Whenever that is not possible, by implementing a compensating control or additional approval. These mitigating
actions must be documented and monitored to ensure they are reducing the identified risk.
Business Access Review: At least twice a year, the following occur:
● A review of all user accounts to ensure that users have access according to their job roles. Any excessive
access that is not required for the performance of their job role should be immediately revoked.
● Dormant account reviews of all business users (e.g. user not logged-in for 30/60/90 days) and necessary
actions taken (e.g. delete or disable user accounts).

Business process owner (BPO) perform the following control activities half yearly:
1. Obtain the SoD matrix configured in the system (e.g. SAP GRC) from IT and review that LH defined risks are
embedded. Review the SoD report and propose action for either removal of conflicting transactions or assign
mitigation plans / CFO approval for risk acceptance. For removal of conflicting transactions, send a request to IT.
2. Obtain list of mitigating plans and select a sample of 25 to verify that mitigating plans are implemented.
3. Obtain a report from IT for all business users with the level of access (for all critical business applications) and
review user access rights to ensure that the access is in line with their job role. Propose corrective actions based
on the review (e.g. revoke access / change access and send a request to IT for such changes).
4. Obtain the dormant user report from IT and review to ensure that dormant users access is timely revoked / deleted
(notify IT to Disable/Delete dormant user ID's).
5. Information used in control (IUC) should be documented by the IT department to ensure completeness and
correctness of the reports / data submitted to the business.
AND Delegation of authorities and approval workflows

Control #13 Define clear delegation of authority in compliance with Group Approval Rules with an adequate approval

Control Description Group Approval Rules: The Group defines approving authority in its policies and other communication for key transactions and commitments involving
LafargeHolcim or any of its subsidiaries. These rules provide a framework to the countries and functions to make their decisions. These rules must be
complied with and all approvals must be documented.

Defining the Delegation of Authority Matrix:

● An authorization policy or delegation of authority matrix (DoA) must exist to establish clear lines of authority for the approval of all main
transactions within monetary limits and other authorizations in the Country. As monetary thresholds increase, additional approvals from senior
levels of management are required, with the highest monetary thresholds requiring Board of Directors and Executive Committee's approval. This
DoA is formally documented, kept up-to-date and signed-off by the Executive Committee, and Board of Directors (when applicable).
● All Group Approval Rules (GAR) must be respected within the country matrix.
● Responsibilities are clearly stated and communicated within the organization.
● The assignment of responsibilities is clear, including third-party service providers (who carry out activities on behalf of the organization), related to
the extent of their decision-making rights.
● DoA is adhered to for every transaction which requires approval.
● The delegation of authority matrix is reviewed at least yearly for compliance with the authorization policy or limits definitions and updated as

Maintaining the Delegation of Authority Matrix in the system:

● The DOA is loaded in the ERP workflow approval matrix. This and any subsequent changes require appropriate approval based on supporting
● Quarterly, a report is run of all additions, modifications and deletions to the matrix to ensure that all the transactions were performed by authorized
users. The report is reviewed and signed-off by the manager responsible for access to the matrix. If any exceptions are found, they are
documented and reported immediately for investigation, corrective action is documented and tracked and closed within the quarter at the latest.

1. Approval by the ExCo (and BoD, if applicable) of the authorization policy which includes GAR requirements.
2. Review and approval by the manager responsible for the ERP workflow approval matrix for compliance with the
authorization policy.
3. Quarterly review and sign-off by the manager responsible for access to the system of the report of all changes to the
matrix in the ERP. Exceptions and their resolution are documented.
AND Litigation disputes

Control #14 Risks related to legal disputes are assessed and recorded quarterly in the Group Legal Case Management

Control Description ● The legal department keeps track of and properly completes the status of all ongoing disputes, including the
estimated maximum risk, estimated expected risk, classification of the risk as probable, possible or remote and
the related provisions recorded in the financial statements.

● At year-end (minimum), legal letters may be requested from external law firms assisting on disputes to receive
updated information regarding such disputes. The legal opinions are reviewed by the legal department and

● The Group Legal Case Management tool must be updated as per the Group Legal requirements at a minimum.
Provision amounts must agree to the amounts recorded in the financial statements at that date. The loss
estimate and the classification are reviewed by the CFO.

Link to the Group Legal Case Management tool.

1. Review by the Head of Legal (or designee) of the information reported in the Group Legal Case
Management tool to ensure all required information is reported and is complete and updated with the
latest assumptions according to Group Legal requirements.
2. Review by the CFO (or designee) of the provisions reported in the tool to confirm they agree to the
amounts in the financial statements.

AND Review of contracts by finance

Control #15 Contracts and material commitments are reviewed by Finance

Control Description ● Contracts are reviewed by finance prior to signing to ensure:

● Contracts in a foreign currency are communicated to the financial department before signature
● Financial impacts are properly assessed, and are taken into account in the decision making (CAPEX,
OPEX, Leases per IFRS 16 etc.)
● All material commitments are communicated to the financial department

● In the case of a volume increase or scope changes during the life of a contract involving foreign currency, all
changes must be communicated to finance for further actions.

1. Review by finance of all contracts in a foreign currency before signing or upon subsequent change.

2. Review by finance of all contracts to ensure the financial impacts are properly assessed and the proper
accounting treatment is applied (e.g. capital versus operating lease per IFRS 16).

3. Review by finance of all material commitments to ensure proper accounting and disclosure.

FIXED ASSETS Management of titles, licenses and permits

Control #16 Ensure proper validity, filing and timely renewal of titles, licenses and permits.

Control Description ● All existing titles of ownership, mining / surface rights, concessions and permits are reviewed at least annually
with the local legal team and in consultation with the quarry (mine planner) and land management officer to
ensure they are valid.

● The land management officer leads a review of the land ownership situation twice a year (or according to the
local requirements). A review of the foreseen land acquisition / disposals is led by the land management officer
with the quarry management and the country raw material competent person. These reviews include reviewing
all requirements to maintain the relevant licenses and permits.

● Renewal of permits, trigger and exercise of mining rights and permits occurs before the expiration date.

● Meetings with all stakeholders are conducted to review the progress of the mining activities, monitor compliance
with the mining regulations and permitting obligations. These include Quarry & Plant Management, Sustainable
Development, Environment, Legal and Land Management).

1. Review by the legal team and the quarry (mine planer) and land management officer of the existing titles
of ownership, mining and surface rights, concessions and permits at least annually, including
upcoming renewals.
2. Review by the land management officer of the land ownership situation twice a year, including
proposed or planned land activity (acquisition, disposal) activity, and the effect on the relevant licenses.
3. Review by stakeholders (see description) of the progress of mining activities and the compliance with
mining regulations and permitting requirements.
FIXED ASSETS Provisions for restoration and rehabilitation

Control #17 Ensure that restoration and rehabilitation requirements are implemented for every quarry and properly
recorded in financial statements

Control Description ● A restoration/rehabilitation plan for each quarry operation must be developed according to Group requirements
and in line with the intended long-term development of the quarry site, specifying the magnitude and schedule
of restoration/rehabilitation work. The plan and its supporting documents are available from both land & quarry
management and finance.

● The cost of restoration/rehabilitation work, based on local historical data or estimates given by recognized
specialists, is verified and approved by the Country plant management and is included as an annex to the plan,
allowing the assumptions to be verified.

● At least once a year, finance and land and quarry management, with legal if necessary, meets to review the
validity of the restoration/rehabilitation concept as well as the evaluation of related costs and validate
assumptions used to calculate site restoration/rehabilitation provisions (discount rate, timing of future cash
costs, residual life, etc.). If a revision occurs that impacts a legal guarantee related to rehabilitation, finance will
secure the corresponding revision.

● Restoration/rehabilitation work contracts must be reviewed on Legal aspects by an expert prior to signing and
are copied to finance for filing.

Refer to LHARP Site Restoration Costs and the Quarry Rehabilitation and Biodiversity Directive.

1. Review by finance and land and quarry management of the validity of the restoration / rehabilitation
concept and costs as well as the assumptions used to calculate the provisions.
2. Review by legal of contracts relating to the rehabilitation / restoration work prior to signing according to
FIXED ASSETS Classification and depreciation of property, plant & equipment

Control #18 Ensure the proper recognition and classification of property, plant and equipment in financial statements

Control Description ● Assets are properly classified. Refer to LHARP Property, Plant and equipment and 6.4 Capitalization,
Accounting and Valuation of Assets.

● Depreciation schedules required for different purposes are maintained. Refer to LHARP and

● For mineral reserves, refer to LHARP

● Once assets are identified as unused, mothballed or idle, the depreciation and the assumptions should be
supported by adequate documentation and properly approved by the CFO. Unused, mothballed and idle assets
that have been written-off are supported by adequate documentation and are approved by the CFO. Refer to
LHARP G 002-13 Mothballing 2013 in section under Idle Assets.

1. Review and approval by the appropriate finance person to capitalize an expenditure according to the
LHARP classifications and assign the proper life and depreciation methods.
2. Review by the appropriate finance person of the CIP accounts to ensure that only active projects are
included (i.e. non viable projects are written off and completed projects are moved to PP&E).
3. Approval by the CFO (or designee) of the write-off of all unused, mothballed and idle assets.

FIXED ASSETS Physical verification of fixed assets

Control #19 Perform periodic verification of the fixed assets to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the balances in
the financial statements

Control Description Regular physical inventories of assets are performed on a rolling basis (at least once every three years) and differences
in floor to list and list to floor comparisons are identified. Material differences are investigated to identify the root cause
and any adjustments needed are approved and recorded.

Refer to LHARP

1. Completion of a physical inventory of fixed assets is performed on a rolling basis at least once every
three years with counts documented and differences identified and adjusted.

REVENUE Management of customer and product master data

Control #20 Ensure only authorized personnel can create, modify and delete customer data

Control Description ● The addition of a new customer or product and subsequent changes require approval based on a predefined
approval process or framework with appropriate supporting documentation. A check is performed to confirm that
all required information is completed.
● Before adding a new customer in countries designated as having a sanctions risk (see Legal & Compliance
intranet portal/sanctions), obtain a sanctions screen (or exemption) from local or regional compliance.
Sanctioned entities or individuals cannot be added to the customer master data.
● Quarterly, a master data change report is run of all creations, modifications and deletions to ensure that all the
transactions were duly approved and performed by authorized users. The report is reviewed and signed-off by
the manager responsible for access to each master data table. If any exceptions are found, they are
documented and reported immediately for investigation. Corrective actions are documented and tracked. All
exceptions are closed within the quarter at the latest.
● Authorized user access list should be reviewed and updated on a half yearly basis.
● Customer records should be reviewed on an annual basis for activity and it is recommended that any record
with no activity for a long period (e.g. 18 months) should be deactivated.
Refer to LHARP

1. Approval per DOA of any changes to the customer and product master data, including a sanctions
screening for any new customer designated as having a sanctions risk.
2. Quarterly review and sign-off by the manager responsible for access to each master data table of all
changes to master data to ensure they were approved and performed by authorized users only.
3. Review by the manager responsible for access to each master data table of customer records for
inactivity and deactivation.
4. Review of authorized users by the manager responsible for access to change master data twice a year.
REVENUE Price management

Control #21 Prevent unauthorized prices, discounts or rebates.

Control Description ● All price determination processes are defined in a written pricing policy compliant with legal requirements as
well as fair competition and anti-bribery and corruption laws and regulations. A price list of all products and
services are set by pricing, sales and marketing, taking into account different pricing aspects as per pricing
policy, including other providers (e.g. transporters, applicators). A complete list, including effective dates, is
communicated to the team responsible for updating the list in the system. No backdating of effective prices is
● Standard discount and rebate structures are defined for different categories of customers. Each discount or
rebate type is documented in the company's policy with specific objectives, clear rules of application that were
approved by management and supported by local legal/compliance.
● Exceptions to standard discounts/rebates are specified in accordance with the company's policy and are
authorized by the designated approver.
● Price changes are properly approved and exception reports are leveraged and reviewed. Corrective actions are
duly closed within the process of the company's policy and documented.
● All price setting, discount setting, and (individual) price decisions to be documented in accordance with the
Commercial Documentation Directive.
● Authorized user access list should be reviewed and updated at least on a half yearly basis.

1. Approval per the DoA of standard prices, discounts and rebates and review of documentation for
compliance with the Commercial Documentation directive.
2. Approval per the DoA of price changes and exceptions to standard discounts or rebates.
3. Review by the manager responsible for access to the price table of all authorized users at least twice a

REVENUE Control of customer credit limits

Control #22 Grant prior authorization for customers exceeding their credit limit

Control Description ● Orders exceeding a customer's credit limit are managed according to an appropriate procedure.

● No shipments are allowed when customers exceed their credit limit until:

● An increased credit limit has been properly approved by delegation of authority and updated in the system.

● The individual order is released following a documented effective approval process to avoid unnecessary

● All invoices, deliveries, credit notes and orders are computed to calculate the customer balance and to
compare it against their credit limit.

● Any practice of bypassing a hold on customer shipments (manual shipment, fictive cash customer account,
etc.) are restricted and tracked by exception reports. Corrective actions are duly closed within the process
of company's policy and documented.

1. Review of a customer account when the credit limit has been exceeded and approval per the
DoA of a change to the limit.

REVENUE Matching of sales orders, shipments and invoices

Control #23 Match and reconcile sales orders, shipments and invoices to ensure proper revenue recognition

Control Description ● All sales orders, shipments and invoices are recorded in the applications.
● Invoices/billing (e.g. quantities, price, discount, rebates, product, customer data) are matched with sales orders,
quantities shipped & customer master file information. An automated match is performed between the invoice
and order (including all necessary data).
● Any differences are investigated and related adjustments are approved and documented (e.g. returns,
redispatch, interco mismatch, cut-off). In addition, any discounts and taxes match the approved parameters in
the system from sales order to invoice.
● There is, at least at month end, a follow-up on unbilled items. The report of unbilled items is reviewed weekly by
the billing team and all the unbilled items are billed within one week from the date they first appear in the
unbilled report and within the same reporting month as the delivery. Every month end, the sales manager
receives the information, documenting any follow-up action. Finance reviews and approves the need for a
possible adjustment entry (e.g. sales accrual) at the end of the month, based on the review of the unbilled items
by the sales department manager.
● Accuracy of amounts invoiced are checked when manually calculated, or are accurately calculated by the
application system using standard programmed algorithms and established terms of sales (unit price, discount
and rebates rate).
● SAP: All orders shall be processed via SD including any rebates, i.e. no direct FI bookings.

1. Review and correction of any differences identified in the matching of invoices and order.
2. Review by the billing team of unbilled items weekly and resolution within a week.
3. Review and approval by finance of any sales accrual needed at month-end based on unbilled items.

REVENUE Accounts receivable valuation

Control #24 Ensure receivable balances are reviewed and provisions are recorded on a quarterly basis

Control Description ● The bad-debt provision must consider the risk of debt recoverability at the end of the reporting period:
● The assessment of the bad debt provision is estimated based on the aging balances, historical experience
and current situation (e.g. litigation, bankruptcy) of the debtor
● Any deviation is clearly documented and justifiable by the Country
● Provisions are reviewed and approved by the appropriate Country finance person and recorded by the
designated department.
● The Credit Committee meetings are held regularly to monitor the doubtful A/R balances.
● Review over specific A/R which indicates uncollectibility is considered for write-off. Uncollectibility is evidenced
by significant difficulty of debtor, a high probability of bankruptcy or other situations as defined in LHARP.
● Write-offs are determined by the Credit Committee on the basis of appropriate supporting documents
● Write-offs for amount above a locally defined thresholds approved by the Country CFO.
● If receivables are collected after being written off, the amounts collected should be directly credited on the
company bank account and the information provided to A/R department.

1. Review and approval by the designated finance person of the provision for bad debt.
2. Regular monitoring by the Credit Committee of the doubtful account balances.
3. Determination by the Credit Committee of write-offs of accounts receivable balances which are
approved according to the DoA.

HUMAN Execution of onboarding, offboarding and transfers of workers

Control #25 Ensure onboarding, offboarding and worker transfer processes exist and cover payroll changes, recovery of
assets, system access termination and comply with legal regulations

Control Description ● A process is in place for HR administration to be informed of all moves of both employees and temporary workers paid through payroll in a
timely manner, including on-boarding, off-boarding and changes of position.
● Employment contracts exist for all employees and are signed.
● For people changing positions or leaving the company, there is a process to monitor the recovery of all company assets by notifying relevant
departments of the change and obtaining confirmation that the assets were recovered. This includes a confirmation from the IT Manager
that the employee access is deactivated.
● User termination process is agreed between the HR /Business and the IT function - HR / business notifies IT on or before the last
working day of the user who is leaving the company (e.g. end of contract, resigned, terminated etc.) requesting termination of access
from all IT systems
● Notification is received back from IT in a timely manner confirming that all IT system access is terminated (within 5 working days from
the requested date)
● All employee departures follow a strict written procedure ensuring that all legal requirements have been respected (in particular in case of
lay-off) and all payroll related payments have been made to the employee, once all company assets have been retrieved.
● Headcount by department and by site is regularly reviewed by managers for accuracy, ensuring that all employees on the payroll exist and
are still employed (employees on leave are coded as such), the pay is coded to the appropriate department and site and the classification of
employee, subcontractor and third party personnel is correct. Any discrepancies found should be resolved in a timely manner.
Refer to LHARP 8.11.1 for guidance on operational indicators relating to personnel (FTE).
1. Signing by the employee and the company of employment contracts for all employees.
2. Confirmation by the HR Manager that all assets were recovered from terminated employees and employee system
was deactivated prior to final payroll payments.
3. Review by department managers that the headcount report is accurate (only active employees, proper coding and

HUMAN Payroll

Control #26 Review, validate and reconcile payroll before and after processing every month

Control Description ● Review and validation prior to processing payroll:

● Balancing routine control: For manual and mass uploading imports, the payroll manager should perform data accuracy
controls (e.g. verify that the total hours worked from the excel sheet received by manager matches with the total hours
worked indicated in the payroll system; verify that the total amount of bonus received by HR matches with the total amount
in the payroll system). When Workday is interfaced with the local payroll system, data accuracy is validated prior to the
interface by having compensation & benefits information in Workday be validated by the HR department before interface
with payroll.
● A review of any manual or Excel computations (e.g. bonus based on an excel formula) by a second person is
recommended to ensure accuracy.
● A payroll review comparing one month to another and justifying variations is recommended before bank transfer validation.
● Review and reconciliation after processing payroll:
● Monthly payroll exception reports or manual reviews are performed to identify unusual amounts (e.g. negative value check,
zero value check, significant increase between two months)
● For each payroll, the total payment issued (treasury account) is reconciled with the payroll journal in order to check that
amount paid to employees matches with the amount calculated by payroll department
● Report periodically (e.g. monthly) on employees' complaints to ensure data accuracy
● Report periodically (e.g. annually) to identify hourly employees without working time for several months. Investigation
should be performed and, if employee is no longer working, the payroll master data should be cleaned.
● At least twice a year, department heads must verify that the employees being charged to their department are correct.
1. Review by Payroll Team of payroll for reasonableness and performance of data accuracy controls prior to processing.
2. Review by Payroll Team of monthly payroll exception reports to identify unusual amounts and reconciliation of total
payments to the payroll journal after processing the payroll.
3. Verification by department heads that the employees being charged to their department are correct (twice a year).
HUMAN Compliance with payroll and local labor laws

Control #27 Ensure payroll and employment practices are compliant with local labor laws. Work permits and work
contracts are in place, checked, and up-to-date at all times

Control Description ● The HR department regularly performs a review to ensure compliance of payroll and employment practices with
local regulations for employee regulations, temporary workers, valid work permits and work contract, etc.

● A review and update of employee files is performed by the HR department when a change in local regulation
occurs. In case of non-compliance with the local regulation, a risk analysis is performed and communicated to
the Finance, Legal and Compliance departments to determine the potential needs for provisions, disclosures or
actions to achieve compliance.

● Quarterly analysis over the labor liabilities should be performed to identify which were caused due to lack of
compliance with local labor laws and regulations. Appropriate action should take place to prevent future labor
litigations of this nature.

1. Review by HR of key payroll and employment practices and laws to identify changes.
2. Update by HR to the payroll system (if not automatic) and employee files or procedures in the event of a
3. Review of the liabilities relating to labor each quarter to identify and correct any non-compliance with

HUMAN Employee pension and benefit plans

Control #28 Ensure employee pensions and benefit plans are defined according to Group policies and local labor laws
with proper calculation and recording

Control Description ● All employee benefits plans are identified and managed by the HR Department and formalized in local Policies
in agreement with Group HR Policies and directives and local labor laws and regulations. The accounting
treatment is defined with the involvement of the CFO and Group Finance.
● There is a review of the main assumptions used for the calculation of provisions for pensions and employee
benefits, as well as the personnel data communicated by the HR department to actuaries from the HR
department to the actuaries. The actuarial report and related adjustments recorded are reviewed by the
appropriate Finance person after understanding the material changes, verification of the assumptions used and
consistency with Group instructions).
● The fair value of assets, if any, is reconciled with external sources (e.g. asset managers).
● All changes to the plan are approved by the ExCo and, at least annually, the ExCo is provided an update on the
status of the plan.
Refer to LHARP and

1. Review by HR of personnel data prior to sending it to the actuary.
2. Review by the Pension Committee or CFO of the actuarial report and assumptions used by the actuary
in the calculation for the provisions relating to the plan.
3. Reconciliation by the CFO (or designee) of the fair value of the assets is reconciled to external sources.
4. Approval by the ExCo of all changes to the plan.
5. Review by the ExCo of the status of the plan at least annually.

EXPENDITURE Management of supplier master data

Control #29 Ensure only authorized personnel create, modify and delete financially relevant vendor data

Control Description ● The addition of a new supplier or bank account and subsequent changes require appropriate approval based on supporting
documentation. A check is performed to confirm that all required information is completed.
● Pre-qualification of High Risk Sustainable Procurement vendors is required prior to inclusion in the master data.
(Conditioned to zero-tolerance bridges according to Sustainable Procurement Process). All service suppliers that represent
the company to a government agency, official or owned-enterprise to be screened compliant with the TPDD directive before
inclusion in the supplier master data.
● Quarterly, a master data change report is run of all creations, modifications and deletions to ensure that all the transactions
were performed by authorized users. The report is run, reviewed and signed-off by the manager responsible for access to
each master data table. If any exceptions are found, they are documented and reported immediately for investigation.
Corrective action is documented and tracked. All exceptions are closed within the quarter at the latest.
● Authorized user access list should be reviewed and updated on a half yearly basis.
● Supplier records should be reviewed on an annual basis for activity; any record with no activity for a long period (e.g. 18
months) should be deactivated or blocked for payment and purchase.
● Suppliers identified as part of the procurement supplier reduction strategies should be deactivated and flagged for deletion.
● Vendor master data should reflect the current sustainable procurement pre-qualification results.
● Before adding a new supplier in countries designated as having a sanctions risk (see Legal & Compliance intranet
portal/sanctions), obtain a sanctions screen (or exemption) from local or regional compliance. Sanctioned entities or
individuals cannot be added to the supplier master data.

1. Approval per DoA of any changes to the supplier master data, including a pre-qualification of high risk
sustainable procurement vendors and a sanctions screening for vendors in high risk countries.
2. Quarterly review and sign-off by the manager responsible for access to each master data table of all
changes to master data to ensure they were approved and performed by authorized users only.
3. Review by the manager responsible for access to each master data table of supplier records for
inactivity and deactivation.
4. Review of authorized users by the manager responsible for access to change master data twice a year.
EXPENDITURE Supplier qualification

Control #30 Screen and approve suppliers before their addition to the supplier master data and manage supplier
performance scorecard

Control Description ● Supplier qualification should include the following: Health and Safety, Human Rights and Labor, Environment
and Bribery and Corruption criteria, as defined in the Sustainable Procurement initiative; Commercial (financial
health of the supplier); Technical (goods and services as defined by category teams) and on-going performance
● There are clear rules based on purchasing categories to identify vendors that are required to go through a
qualification process. Qualification is performed in line with the Supplier Code of Conduct, DUNS requirements,
and certification such as ISOs.
● All service suppliers that represent the company to a government agency, official or owned-enterprise to be
screened compliant with the TPDD directive before inclusion in the supplier master data.
● Before adding a new supplier in countries designated as having a sanctions risk (see Legal & Compliance
intranet portal/sanctions), obtain a sanctions screen (or exemption) from local or regional compliance.
Sanctioned entities or individuals cannot be added to the supplier master data.
● During the ongoing qualifications, supplier performance is periodically assessed for at least critical and strategic
criteria and any supplier that does not meet the requirements must be flagged as disqualified and consequent
management applied (ex. replacement).
● In case of poor performing suppliers, the Category Manager agrees with the supplier on a corrective action plan;
if this corrective action plan is not followed or not efficient, the supplier is blacklisted.
1. Screening of potential suppliers by Procurement (or designee) based on the criteria required by
Sustainable Procurement (e.g. health & safety, human rights and labor, environmental), Procurement
(e.g. financial health, technical, DUNS, certifications) and Compliance (e.g. sanctions, TPDD) must
occur prior to entering a supplier in the supplier master data or approved supplier list.
2. Review of supplier performance by Procurement must occur for at least critical and strategic critical
criteria with suppliers not meeting the requirements being flagged as disqualified until action plans are
completed, or the supplier is blacklisted if there are ongoing issues.
EXPENDITURE Three-way match, two way match and direct vendor invoices

Control #31 Reconcile purchase orders, receipts and invoices (3-way match) or approve 2-way match or vendor direct
invoices to clear invoices for payment

Control Description Purchases using purchase orders:

● Purchasing instruments (purchase request, purchase orders, blanket orders or contracts) are approved according to country,
regional and Group delegations of authority (involving legal and financial departments when required) prior to entering into a
commitment with the supplier.
● Supplier invoices are only cleared for payment after the system automatically matches the purchase order, receipts and the
supplier invoice (3 way match) or purchase order and an approved invoice (2 way match).
● All discrepancies between the invoice, PO and receipt are formally identified and the system blocks the payment process if
the discrepancy exceeds the defined threshold. (Defined thresholds, must be documented and approved by local DOA).
● An exception report (exception to 3-way match) is distributed regularly for review and resolution. Only when the exceptions
are cleared and properly explained can the payment be made. If discrepancies exceed a defined threshold, payment
requires approval as per delegation of authority.
Purchases using vendor direct invoices (if applicable):
● Any vendor direct invoices (SAP FI invoices) which qualify for payment without a PO are entered into the system and are
sent into a workflow immediately for review and approval according to DoA. Once the responsible employee reviews the
invoice to confirm the amount, that the good or services were received, etc and approved, the invoice is cleared for

1. Approval in the system by the designated approver according to the DoA of all purchase requisitions or
purchase orders (depending on system design).
2. Review and correction of exceptions by the designated reviewer (business or procurement) to the three
way match report and approval according to the DoA if the exception is above the defined threshold.
3. Review and approval by the requisitioner or other designated approver per the DoA of any 2 way match
4. Review and approval by the designated approver per the DoA in the system of any vendor direct
invoices. 36
EXPENDITURE Supplier payment processing

Control #32 Approve payments/cash disbursements in accordance with local and Group Treasury Policy

Control Description ● Payments / cash disbursements are approved according to the local and Group Treasury Policy, Group
Approval Rules and delegation of authority prior to actual payment.

● Payments related to transactions that did not go through the PO or Direct Invoice process are authorized on the
basis of appropriate supporting documents and according to delegation of authority prior to actual payment.

● The payment process ensures that distinct persons are in charge of the following tasks: 1) approval for payment
(persons signing the check or issuing payment by bank transfer) and 2) accounting (preparation of bank journal
entries). Disbursements should be processed by a member of staff independent from the receipt or matching of
invoice process.

● Payments to suppliers that represent the company to government agencies, officials or owned-enterprises have
been approved under the TPDD Directive before payment can be made.

1. Approval according to the DoA of all payments and cash disbursements prior to payment.

EXPENDITURE Accrual for expenditures not invoiced

Control #33 Ensure that all expenditures are properly recorded in financial statements in the correct period

Control Description Inventories:

● All inventory goods receipts and the corresponding vendor invoices are recorded in the system. If the goods are received but
the invoice is missing, an accrual is created in the application. The accrual is reviewed for reasonableness on a monthly
basis by the Purchasing Manager.
Other goods and services: For all other purchases (services and goods other than inventory):
● If a good or service is purchased using a PO and a receipt is recorded, the system creates an accrual entry (GR/IR) awaiting
the posting of the vendor invoice. These balances should be reviewed to ensure they are accurate and there are no
duplicates or errors.
● For purchases not made using a PO, the employee responsible for the purchase informs the accounting department at
month-end of the amounts not invoiced. The accounting department reviews the invoices that are missing to determine
which expenses should be accrued for proper cut-off. The completeness of the accrual of rendered services and received
goods is then validated through a comparison of costs to budget, where applicable, and by reviewing open POs or service
orders (if complete review is not possible, certain thresholds based on budget can be defined locally).
● Follow-up: Old accrual entries which were not offset by the system are followed up monthly and cleared by the Purchasing
Manager. Any adjustment related to current month accrual is posted by the Accounting personnel and reviewed by the
appropriate Financial responsible.

1. Review by the Purchasing Manager of the accrual for inventory goods received but not invoiced created
by the system.
2. Review by the designated person (business or procurement) of the GR/IR system accrual for accuracy
(no duplicates or errors).
3. Review and accrual by accounting each month of purchases that were received but not recorded.

INVENTORY Physical stock take of spare parts and materials

Control #34 Perform physical stock take of spare parts and materials at minimum annually to ensure that the records
reflect the correct descriptions, quantities, and values

Control Description Regular physical stock takes of spare parts and materials are performed according to defined procedures. Material
differences are investigated to identify the root cause and any adjustments needed are approved and recorded.

For semi-finished and finished products, a monthly physical count is necessary. For spare parts the physical count is
performed at least annually.

Refer to LHARP

1. Completion of the physical stock takes of spare parts (every year) and materials (every month) is
performed with counts documented and differences identified and adjusted.

INVENTORY Inventory provision and write-off

Control #35 Record the proper value of inventory by identifying and providing for obsolete or slow-moving items

Control Description ● Inventory provisions are estimated according to LHARP, based on appropriate supporting documents and
applied consistently from one year to another. They are approved according to the delegation of authority.

● Review for obsolescence for slow moving parts and related provisions and write-offs are performed at least

Refer to LHARP

1. Review and approval of inventory provisions according to DoA.
2. Review by CFO (or designee) of provisions for obsolescence of slow moving parts and write-offs.

IT Management of access to IT systems

Control #36 Management of access to IT systems is in place to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification,
damage or loss of data

Control Description Note: IT Systems refers collectively to Business Applications and IT Infrastructure (Operating System, Database,
Network, interfaces)

1. Access to the IT systems will only be granted, changed or terminated based upon a correctly authorized access
request as per defined procedure.
2. In the case of terminations, upon receipt of notification from HR/business, IT to terminate all User Access in a
timely manner (3 working days for a power user, such as an administrator role, and 5 working days for a regular

IT Review of IT user access rights to production IT systems

Control #37 IT users have appropriate access as per their job role and authorization

Control Description Note: IT Systems refers collectively to Business Applications and IT Infrastructure (Operating System, Database,
Network, interfaces)

1. IT performs a half yearly review of all IT user access rights and permissions for accounts within the production
2. Actions are proposed (lock, disable, remove user accounts) if access rights are inappropriate.
3. Access changes performed are documented and appropriately retained.
4. Dormant account reviews are performed periodically for all IT users (e.g. user not logged-in for 30/60/90 days) and
actions taken

IT Security configuration settings

Control #38 Security configuration settings are reviewed to provide reasonable technical assurance to prevent any
unauthorized access to IT systems

Control Description Minimum Security Baseline requirements are defined in - Annex 11a - IT.IS.03 Security Configuration

Note: IT Systems refers collectively to Business Applications and IT Infrastructure (Operating System,
Database, Network, interfaces)

1. Once a year, the security configuration settings of IT systems are reviewed to verify whether the settings are
appropriate and enforced according to the defined security requirements for applications, Operating Systems and
Database. Access to identified critical transactions is restricted to users as needed.

IT Data backup, storage and restoration process

Control #39 Data backup, storage and restoration process is implemented to minimize loss of data

Control Description
1. IT defines backup requirements based on business requirements (RPO, RTO, Retention, Encryption,
Offsite/onsite/online across data centers, Real Time).
2. Backup is performed as per the schedule (daily, weekly, monthly etc.), verified and stored offsite (offsite storage
when removable media is used).
3. Restoration tests are performed annually.
4. Backup media labeling procedures are defined and followed (when external removable media is used).
5. Backup logs are monitored to verify completeness. Errors are reported as incidents.

IT Managing changes to IT systems

Control #40 Prevent unauthorized changes in IT systems

Control Description Note: IT Systems refers collectively to Business Applications and IT Infrastructure (Operating System, Database, Network, interfaces)

1. There is verification that the requester is authorized to request changes to the relevant IT systems.
2. There is a verification that the requester has followed defined procedure for requesting changes and that the requests are
approved as required.
3. User Acceptance Test is performed (there may be additional tests for the Unit and Integration Test, if required). Results of
User Acceptance Test record who performed the User Acceptance Test and when.
4. There is a verification on the release authorization (ensures evidence of who authorized the release and when).
5. There is verification that segregation of duties is maintained especially that the developer does not move their own
changes into the production environment.
6. There is a verification on the existence of test and log evidence to support the assertion of secure movement of changes
into production (where changes are applied directly on production systems e.g. a configuration or security setting
change, it is reviewed and confirmed for correctness).

ACCOUNTING & Compliance with accounting and reporting standards (LHARP)

Control #41 Implement and comply with all LHARP accounting and reporting standards

Control Description ● The Company's Chief Financial Officer is responsible for ensuring that LHARP is sustained in the Company
including updating the internal policies for the LHARP change releases.

● In the countries where SAP is deployed, the LHARP manual is implemented in the transaction systems of all
Group companies. This implementation is certified by the Group STAP team who conducts a detailed review. In
the entities where SAP is not deployed, LHARP shall be implemented as per the interim instructions.

● Regular LHARP Sustainability Reviews are conducted by the STAP Team based on an annual plan.Any
deficiencies identified must be monitored and remedied by the CFO (or designee).

● The LHARP Manual includes IFRS elements that are relevant for Group reporting purposes. In the case where
local circumstances dictate that a specific IFRS, which is not documented in the LHARP Manual, is applied, it is
the responsibility of the Company's CFOs to ensure that the IFRS is followed (in addition to LHARP).

Link to the LHARP Manual.

1. Confirmation by the CFO of compliance to LHARP and IFRS.
2. Confirmation by the CFO that any deficiencies identified in a sustainability review conducted by the
STAP team are remedied per the agreed upon timeline.

ACCOUNTING & Reconciliation of general ledger accounts

Control #42 Reconcile and review balance sheet accounts and CFO sign-off of the trial balance and non-consolidated
financial statements

Control Description ● The CFO (or designee) prepares and communicates a closing checklist or other document of key activities that
must be performed during a close, including who performs the task and the deadline, which is monitored.
● Balance sheet account reconciliations are to be performed at least quarterly (monthly for high volume accounts
or those with material balances). Reconciling items must be identified and corrected by the next accounting
period (same accounting period if material). The reconciliations should be reviewed and approved by the
designated financial person.
● Every month, each subledger is analyzed for unusual or potentially incorrect balances and this review is
documented with any material follow-up actions being resolved immediately. The subledger is reconciled to the
general ledger monthly to ensure the total balance per the subledger agrees with the total per the general
ledger. Any differences are documented, investigated and cleared (all corrections made to the subledger). The
reconciliation is approved by the designated finance person.
● The CFO (or designee) performs an analytical review of the income statement, balance sheet and statement of
cash flows to look for variances exceeding the locally defined thresholds (% and amount in local currency) in
comparison to the prior year and to forecast or budget. All significant deviations are explained in writing and all
errors are corrected prior to final closing. Significant deviations discovered in the review are disclosed in
writing. Once completed, the CFO (or designated approver) approves the trial balance and non-consolidated
financial statements.
1. Communication and monitoring by the CFO (or designee) of a monthly close checklist.
2. Review and approval by the designated financial person of all balance sheet accounts at least quarterly.
3. Review and approval by the designated financial person of all subledger to GL reconciliations monthly.
4. Review and approval by the CFO (or designee) of the trial balance and non-consolidated financial

ACCOUNTING & Reconciliation of bank accounts

Control #43 All bank accounts are reconciled to the general ledger regularly, signed by the CFO, and adjustments are
recorded immediately

Control Description At least monthly, all bank statements are reconciled to the general ledger account. The accounts denominated in foreign
exchange rates are recalculated according to the month-end rate and the impact is recorded in the general ledger.
Reconciling items (identified differences between the book and bank balances) are followed up timely and are aged.
Any adjustments required to the general ledger are recorded before closing. The reconciliations should be reviewed and
approved by the designated financial person.

1. Review and approval by the designated financial person of all bank reconciliations monthly.

ACCOUNTING & Reconciliation of intercompany balances

Control #44 All intracompany and intercompany balances are reconciled with the partner to ensure accuracy of the
general ledger and proper elimination upon consolidation

Control Description All balance sheet and income statement intracompany / intercompany accounts are formally reconciled with each
partner unit, including other companies of the LH Group. Reconciling items must be identified and corrected before the
end of the close. The reconciliations should be reviewed and approved by the designated financial person. This ensures
that intercompany balances are fully eliminated in consolidation.

Refer to LHARP

1. Review and approval by the designated financial person of the intercompany and intracompany
accounts each month, including a confirmation with each partner (or documentation that balances
agree in Reco-Live!).

ACCOUNTING & Manual journal entries

Control #45 Manual journal entries are properly supported, reviewed and approved by appropriate personnel

Control Description Scope: Countries determine what entries are within the scope of this control.

● All manual journal entries are required to have adequate supporting documentation.

● Manual journal entries may be posted in the system after they are reviewed and approved. Any entry relating to
valuation adjustments require a CFO signature.

● The CFO or designated finance person performs a periodic review of manual journal entries posted on a sample
basis. The CFO needs to be provided with statistics on the number, nature and amount of journal entries to
detect any unusual activity as part of the review, or to identify errors that should be prevented in the future.

Refer to LHARP 1.1.1

1. Review and approval by the designated financial person of the manual journal entries and the
supporting documentation (based on the scope defined by the country).
2. Review and approval by the CFO of all valuation adjustments.
3. Review by the CFO (or designee) periodically of a sample of all manual entries by the country to detect
unusual activity or errors that should be prevented in the future.

ACCOUNTING & Impairment of goodwill, intangible assets and PP&E

Control #46 Perform an impairment test for goodwill, intangible assets, and plant, property and equipment (PP&E) to
ensure that their recorded values are not greater than their recoverable amount

Control Description Cash Generating Unit:

CGU shall generally represent the country organization as a whole (often referred to as a Group Reporting Unit). If a country would like
to use a lower level CGU, approval must be obtained from the Group Reporting & Consolidations team.
● The Group goodwill impairment test template will be used to test for impairment. The cash flows contained in the Mid-Term
Plan form the basis of the test with additional information also be required.The calculations and assumptions must be
validated and approved by the CFO. If impairment is indicated, the it must be first approved by the Head of Consolidation and
Reporting before it is included in the final Mid-Term Plan. However, any impairment loss must first be validated by Regional
Controlling (RC) before it can be formally approved by the Head of Consolidation and Reporting.
Other intangibles with indefinite lives:
● At least annually or if a triggering event occurs,a test of impairment of an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life (or an
intangible asset not yet available for use) is completed by comparing its carrying amount with its recoverable amount.
Tangible assets:
● All designated assets are assessed at least annually to determine if there is any indication of impairment. If indicators are
present, a formal estimate of the recoverable amount of the asset or Cash Generating Unit (CGU) must be calculated. The
review needs to be documented and must be formally approved by the appropriate finance person.
● If it is determined that there is an impairment, the impairment loss must be recognized immediately to the extent that the
carrying value is greater than the recoverable amount.
● If there is an indication that an asset may be impaired, the remaining useful life of the asset should be reviewed and adjusted,
if needed, even if no impairment loss is recognized.
● Group Reporting & Consolidations should be notified if any impairment issues arise before the end of November.
1. Approval by Group Reporting & Consolidation if a CGU other than the Group Reporting Unit is used.
2. Validation and approval by the CFO of the goodwill impairment test template assumptions and MTP cash flow data.
3. If a goodwill impairment exists, validation by Regional Controlling of the loss and approval from the Head of
Consolidations & Reporting before inclusion in the MTP is required.
4. Validation and approval by the CFO of the impairment tests for other intangible assets with indefinite lives and
tangible assets annually or if a triggering event occurs and, if an impairment exists, review of the impairment loss
and possible adjustment to the carrying value and useful life (if applicable).
5. Notification of impairment issues from the country to the Group Reporting & Consolidations team as they occur.
ACCOUNTING & Transactions in a foreign currency

Control #47 Identify, record and revalue all transactions in a foreign currency and recognize foreign currency gains/losses

Control Description ● A foreign currency transaction is one that requires settlement, either payment or receipt, in a foreign
currency. Such transactions are identified and recorded in the general ledger as a foreign currency transaction
(denominated in the currency of the transaction so the ERP system can automatically revalue the transaction until
● The exchange rate used in the ERP system is the official rate calculated and defined by the Group and
communicated to all countries.
● Where a transaction is not settled in the same reporting period as that in which it occurred, it must be revalued
using the closing rate of the reporting currency. Any resulting gain or loss must be recognized in the income
statement as a foreign currency gain or loss. If recorded in the system in the currency of the transaction (foreign
currency), this will be done automatically by the ERP system. If not, this must be done manually.
● Forex (FX) risks must be mitigated by natural hedging as much as possible. If not possible, it must be identified
and managed to the maximum extent possible in cooperation with Group Treasury (CFT).

Refer to LHARP, and

1. Recording by the accountant or accounts payable/receivable specialist of a foreign currency transaction
in the ERP system in the foreign currency (so it can be automatically revalued by the system).
2. Validation by the CFO or designee that the correct Group communicated exchange rates were entered
into the ERP system daily or at least monthly.
3. Review of the foreign currency gain or loss in the general ledger to ensure all foreign currency
transactions were properly revalued using the month end rate.
4. Review by the CFO (or designee) of the foreign currency transactions to determine if hedging is required.
ACCOUNTING & Management of legal structure and consolidation hierarchy

Control #48 Ensure a complete and correct scope of consolidation by proper reporting and disclosure of the legal
ownership rights

Control Description ● The creation of any new legal entity must be in accordance with the Group Approval Rules.

● Before the start of the country consolidation, the consolidation hierarchy is reviewed together with the Group
Consolidations team to verify the completeness and correctness of the ERP system set-up of the legal entities,
the consolidation methods and the legal ownership percentages.

● If a transaction is considered to be a change in structure (CIS), then it must be documented (legal entity, % of
ownership, parent, method of consolidation, etc.). If the transaction meets the threshold, it is recorded as a CIS
movement in the SAP FC package.

1. Review by the designated finance person of the consolidation hierarchy (ERP set-up of legal entities,
consolidation methods and ownership percentages) and agreement on treatment for material
transactions before each consolidation.

ACCOUNTING & Consolidation of financial statements

and consolidation
Control #49 Review of the reporting package, including equity and consolidation entries, and approval of the reporting
package and supporting schedules before submission to the Group

● A review is performed to ensure the amounts reported in the group reporting package (SAP-FC) are correct and
Control Description complete. The mapping between the local chart of accounts and the consolidation package, if applicable, is
formalized and any change is authorized by the designated finance person.

● When a country performs a sub-consolidation, the consolidated reporting package is reviewed for the
completeness and correctness of the consolidation, where applicable, including:
● Eliminations, taking into consideration any non-controlling interest calculation
● Accounting for any deconsolidation, acquisition or merger.
● Conversion to the reporting currency and related currency translation adjustment are reviewed for
reasonableness using the rates published by the Group (and used in SAP FC)..

● A reconciliation of local equity (general ledger) to the Group consolidation accounts (SAP FC) is performed at
least quarterly and approved by the CFO (or designated finance person). Differences are explained,
documented and recorded.

● The country reporting package is reviewed and approved by the appropriate finance person (country CFO or
designee) before being submitted to the Group. The CFO (or designated approver) formally signs off on the
financial statements to confirm that they have been reviewed, the amounts reported are correct and that all
relevant information for disclosure purposes has been included in the appendices.

1. Review and approval by the CFO (or designee) of the reconciliation of local equity (general ledger) to
the reporting package (SAP-FC) quarterly.
2. Review and sign-off by the CFO (or designee) of the SAP-FC reporting package before submission.

ACCOUNTING & Statutory financial statements

Control #50 Statutory financial statements are reconciled to Group financial statements, reviewed and signed off by the
CFO and statutory audits are completed by April 30th

Control Description ● A reconciliation between the financial statements per the Group reporting package and the statutory financial
statements must be performed to ensure amounts are correct and complete.

● Any adjustments made to the SAP-FC financial reporting package (financial statements) to comply with the
regulations of the statutory financial statements (e.g. IFRS to a local GAAP) must be documented and approved
by the CFO or designated approver.

● The CFO (or designated approver) formally signs off on the statutory financial statements to confirm that they
have been reviewed and the amounts reported, including all relevant disclosures, are correct.

● All statutory audits of a calendar year must be completed by April 30 of the following year. Any exceptions must
be approved by the Head of Group AR&IC.

1. Review and sign-off by the CFO (or designee) on 1) the reconciliation between the Group reporting
package and the statutory financial statements and all adjustments made and 2) the statutory financial
statements, including related disclosures.
2. Completion by external auditors of all statutory audits of a calendar year by April 30 of the following
year with any exceptions approved by Head of Group AR&IC.

TAX Tax risk assessment and reporting

Control #51 Track, monitor and reduce tax risks and ensure they are properly reflected in financial statements and

Control Description At least quarterly, the finance team keeps track of and properly completes the status of all ongoing disputes and tax
audits, including:

● The estimated maximum risk and estimated loss,

● The classification as probable, possible or remote
● The amount of the provisions recorded in the financial statements.

Based on this information:

● Provisions must be adjusted accordingly
● Contingencies must be disclosed

This information is reported to Group Tax using the spreadsheet format communicated by Group tax with all balances
reconciled to SAP-FC.

Refer to LHARP

1. Review by the Head of Tax of the information reported in the Group Tax spreadsheet every quarter to
ensure all required information is reported and is complete and updated with the latest assumptions.
2. Review by the CFO (or designee) of the provisions reported in the report to confirm they agree to the
amounts in the financial statements.

TAX Tax filings and payments

Control #52 Any exceptions to timely tax filings and payments must be approved by the Group Head of Tax

Control Description ● A tax calendar, including filing and payment due dates for all taxes, is formally set up by the tax
manager and CFO.

● A process is in place to monitor filings and payments so they are made on time. Entities should be
compliant with local rules for timely filing and payment of tax liabilities. Any extension request for filing
or payment of taxes shall be approved by Group Head of Tax Accounting and Reporting.

1. Creation of a tax calendar by the Tax Manager and CFO (or designee) of all tax filing and payment due
2. Review of the calendar by the Tax Manager to ensure that all filings and payment are made on time. If an
extension is needed, the Tax Manager obtains approval from the Group Head of Tax Accounting and

TAX Deferred and income tax calculations

Control #53 The income tax and deferred tax calculations and related documentation are prepared in accordance with the
Group consolidation instructions, tax policies, directives and guidance and in line with local tax regulations

Control Description A quarterly review of the income tax and deferred tax calculations and related documentation is performed by the Tax
Manager and CFO and includes:

● Appropriate representation on outstanding audits

● Compliance with requirements of tax rulings
● Enacted tax rate changes
● Tax Risks Provisions/Uncertain Tax Positions (UTPs) and exposures including analysis of changes and or
expirations, quantification, and probability assessment
● Documented analysis of any temporary differences between the tax basis of an asset or a liability and its
carrying amount per the Statement of Financial Position and proofs of all deferred tax balances
● Reconciliation with amounts booked in the consolidation package
● Tax rate reconciliation (prepared, documented, and validated)
● Recoverability of deferred tax assets is justified by supporting evidence
● Account reconciliation ending balances are verified to ensure all accounts requiring reconciliation are identified
and ending balances on the reconciliations are correct.

Refer to LHARP

1. Review by the Tax Manager and CFO (or designee) of all income tax and deferred tax calculations at
least quarterly.

TAX Transfer pricing

Control #54 All tax and legal rules regarding intercompany transfer prices and documentation are complied with; transfer
prices are entered in the relevant systems; transactions are reviewed by Group Tax. Any exceptions are
discussed and approved by the Group Head of Tax

Control Description ● Group Tax and the Regional Heads of Tax are analyzing, advising and confirming the transfer pricing
methodology for all intercompany transactions. Transfer prices are entered into the relevant systems in order to
ensure compliance to the Group Transfer Pricing Policies.
● Any exceptions to the Group transfer pricing policies for goods sold and services / intellectual property licenses
within the Group (including rebates and one offs) should be discussed with Group Tax to evaluate the risk and
has to be formally agreed by the Head of Tax
● The practice of the entity is regularly analyzed by the tax manager and the CFO to check compliance with the
Group tax transfer pricing policies and rules and LHARP Intra-Company Transactions. Risk analysis is
communicated to the finance and legal departments to define potential needs for provisions or disclosures in
accordance with the MCS on Tax Risks.
● Transfer Pricing Documentation is maintained and filed at country and / or Headquarter level in accordance to
local tax regulations and requirements.

1. Determination and confirmation by Group Tax and Regional Heads of Tax on the methodology used for
intercompany transactions.
2. Agreement by the Head of Tax on any exception to the Group transfer pricing policy.
3. Review and analysis by the Tax Manager and CFO (or designee) to check that the practice of the entity
is in compliance with the Group Transfer Pricing policy.
4. Maintenance by the Tax Manager (or designee) of transfer pricing documentation in accordance with
local requirements.

TAX Non-income (indirect) taxes

Control #55 Non-income tax returns and related account reconciliations are prepared, reviewed and approved in line with
the locally required frequency and local tax requirements

Control Description ● Value Added Tax (VAT) and indirect tax returns are prepared, reviewed and approved in line with local required
frequency and local tax requirements.

● The reconciliation (base revenue, sales, others used to calculate VAT or sales taxes with the recorded revenue,
sales, others in P/L) summarizes current month sales activity to produce the monthly accrual needed. Any
reconciling items noted during the reconciliation will be evaluated to determine a potential impact on the tax
return. The reconciliation summarizes information based on current monthly accruals, quarterly accruals or
annual accruals, based on the jurisdiction. Miscellaneous issues (missed payments, audit issues, etc.) are also
noted and tracked on the reconciliation.

● The reconciliations for various VAT accrual and VAT recoverable accounts are performed by local RTR
personnel. The local RTR team will contact the county Tax Manager if they notice any unusual payments during
the reconciliation process.

● VAT payments are made from multipurpose cash accounts. The reconciliations for the cash accounts used to
make VAT payments are performed by the local RTR cash personnel as part of their cash account reconciliation
process. Any unusual VAT payments during the reconciliation process shall be reported to the tax manager.

1. Review and approval of all VAT and indirect tax returns by the CFO (or designee).
2. Review by the Tax Manager (or designee) of the reconciliation of current month activity per the tax
calculation with the amount in the financial statements).
3. Review by RTR team of reconciliations of all VAT accrual and recoverable accounts monthly.
4. Review by the Tax Manager (or designee) of unusual activity in the VAT reconciliations.

TREASURY Bank relations

Control #56 Bank relationship management – including all openings and closings of bank accounts as well as bank
activities with fees in excess of CHF 50,000 – are managed and approved by Corporate Finance and Treasury
in compliance with Treasury Policy requirements. All signatory guidelines in the Treasury Policy must be in
Control Description ● Banks and other counterparties are selected in accordance with the Group Treasury Policy and rules. Banking
relationship management is centralized by Corporate Finance & Treasury, or 'CFT'. CFT maintains a list of all
banks, categorized as Core, Relationship or Local. Any relationship with a non-Core or non-Relationship bank
must be approved in writing by CFT.
● Any opening or closing of bank accounts is approved by CFT.
● In order to limit credit exposure and concentration on any counterparty, the Group will only do business with
authorized counterparties within assigned limits. Counterparty limits are authorized according to the Group
Treasury Policy and rules.
● The country CFO reviews yearly the list of active and inactive bank accounts and ensures that the number of
banks and bank accounts is optimized to increase visibility on cash and reduce risks and costs. If it is not
optimized, a plan is set up for closing accounts by a specific deadline.
● The responsibility for information provided to the banks, including legal and compliance-related questions, should
be centralized through CFT.
● Any activities and business with banks with fees in excess of CHF 50k have to be approved by CFT.
● A process is in place to:
● Ensure only joint signatory rights are allowed for any transaction with a bank and each signatory has
sufficient seniority to become an authorized signatory
● Inform the bank immediately in case of signatory changes
● Obtain from the banks the list of authorized signatures to confirm it is up to date and consistent with
delegation of authority (at least once a year)
1. Approval by CFT of any bank accounts that are opened or closed.
2. Approval by CFT of banks with fees in excess of 50k.
3. Review by the CFO (or designee) of all bank accounts to determine if it is optimized annually.
4. Review by the CFO (or designee) of the list of authorized signatories from the back to ensure it is
consistent with the DoA annually. 61
TREASURY Security, handling and recording of cash and checks

Control #57 Employees and assets are secured during the cash issuance and collection process and all transactions
using cash or checks are tracked, documented and reconciled

Control Description ● The cash issuance and collection process is safeguarded (employee and assets are secured).

● There is a local process in place to secure checks and payment by checks.

● All cash transactions are tracked and supported by appropriate documentation.

● A reconciliation of check books and petty cash to the books is performed regularly and differences are
investigated. When needed, differences are approved by the appropriate person.

1. Creation by the CFO (or designee) of requirements to safeguard cash and the employees handing it.

2. Review by the CFO (or designee) of the reconciliation of the checking and petty cash accounts.

TREASURY Secure payment means

Control #58 Payments are secured to avoid errors and safeguard assets

Control Description For bank transfers:

● Each user has a unique ID and password for accessing the bank transfer system
● At least two authorized signatories approve bank payments
● No modification of data is possible along the whole transfer process (e.g. supplier bank data, amount to be paid,
● Electronic transfers are coded by the system
● Banks systematically send a confirmation ensuring that the electronic file was received without communication
● Minimize fraud and cyber risks by reconciling bank and intercompany accounts on a daily basis and refraining
from communicating any details regarding the payment process to external parties other than banks.
● Manual transfers (i.e. paper based such as fax) must be strictly limited and the bank must call the treasurer
back once the paper transfer is received and before payment execution.
Incorrect payments:
● A process must be in place to prevent incorrect payments (e.g. use of a duplicate payments report, stamping
invoices as paid when the payment is issued, automatic system control).

1. Monitoring by the CFO (or designee) of the bank transfer process to ensure all users have a unique ID
and password when accessing the bank transfer system, two signatures are required to approve a
payment,the bank calls the Treasurer to confirm any manual transfer before execution and the bank
confirms whether all electronic files are received without error.
2. Review by the Treasurer (or designee) of the reconciliation of the bank and intercompany accounts

TREASURY Financial instruments, borrowings and commitments

Control #59 All financial instruments, borrowings and commitments are authorized in accordance with the Group Treasury
Policy. Outstanding positions are reconciled with counterparty statements

Control Description ● Financial instruments (LHARP 6.9), borrowings (LHARP and commitments (LHARP 3.5) can only be
entered into after having been approved by appropriate personnel in accordance with delegation of authorities
and Group Treasury Policy.

● The list of all approved current financial instruments and commitments is signed-off by the CFO (or designated
approver). All instruments, borrowings and commitments must be supported by adequate documentation.

● The annual financial commitments disclosure must be reviewed and approved by the CFO (or designated

● All payments/disbursements related to borrowings are authorized as per the Group Approval Rules and are
recorded timely. The Treasury Manager (or designated person) keeps track of all disbursements related to the
repayment of borrowings and ensures that both the repayments and the related borrowings are properly
recorded, including the recognition of current and non-current portions of the liabilities.

● Outstanding positions sent by the Risk desk from Corporate Finance and Treasury are reconciled with
counterparties statements. Fair values are those indicated by counterparty Corporate Treasury Department.

1. Approval according to DoA of any new financial instruments, borrowings and commitments.
2. Sign-off by the CFO (or designee) of the list of all approved current financial instruments and
3. Review and approval by the CFO (or designee) of the annual financial commitments disclosure.
4. Review by Treasurer (or designee) of the reconciliation of outstanding positions from CFT to
counterparty statements.
TREASURY Forex, interest rate, commodities risks monitoring and hedging

Control #60 Exposure to foreign exchange, interest and commodity risks are regularly followed-up, hedged and reported
according to the Group Treasury Policy

Control Description ● Exposure to foreign exchange, interest risks are regularly followed-up, hedged and reported according to the
Group Treasury Policy and Foreign Exchange & Interest Rate Risk Management Directive.

● Speculation is strictly forbidden.

● Country financings and deposits are denominated in their functional currency whenever possible.

● Foreign exchange risks must be mitigated by natural hedging as much as possible, or identified and managed, if

● The potential foreign exchange exposure is determined by the country and communicated to CFT during the
preparation of the budget as well as any changes to the exposure during the year.

● Foreign exchange exposures are hedged according to the Foreign Exchange & Interest Rate Risk Management


1. Review and analysis by the CFO (or designee) of transactions denominated in a foreign currency to see
if the related risk is naturally hedged upon change in exposure or at least during the budget process.

2. Notification by the CFO (or designee) to CFT if there is potential foreign exchange or interest rate
exposure not included in the budget that may need to be hedged by CFT.


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