Ubc Diffcal PDF
Ubc Diffcal PDF
Ubc Diffcal PDF
R A L P H WA L D O E M E R S O N , ( 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 8 2 )
Copyright © 2020 Leah Edelstein-Keshet
License information: Differential Calculus for the Life Sciences by Leah Edelstein-Keshet is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
7 Optimization 145
7.1 Simple biological optimization problems 145
7.2 Optimization with a constraint 148
7.3 Checking endpoints 152
7.4 Optimal foraging 153
7.5 Summary 157
Exercises 160
Appendices 361
D Limits 377
D.1 Limits for continuous functions 377
D.2 Properties of limits 378
E Proofs 385
E.1 Proof of the power rule 385
E.2 Proof of the product rule 386
E.3 Proof of the quotient rule 387
E.4 Proof of the chain rule 388
Bibliography 439
List of Figures
1.1 Units for Michaelis-Menten kinetics, v = kn +x . 37
1.2 Chemical reaction speed data. 50
science calculus.
This preface describes the main philosophy of the course, and serves as a
guide to the student and to the instructor. It outlines reasons for the way that
topics are organized, and how this organization is intended to help introduce
first year students to the major concepts and applications of differential
calculus. The material for this book was collected during two decades of
teaching calculus at the University of British Columbia, and benefitted greatly
from insights and ideas of colleagues, as well as questions, interest, and
enthusiasm of students and instructors.
Calculus arose as a tool for solving practical scientific problems through the
centuries. However, it is often taught as a technical subject with rules and for-
mulas (and occasionally theorems), devoid of its connection to applications.
In this course, the applications form an important focal point, with empha-
sis on life sciences. This places the techniques and concepts into practical
context, as well as motivating quantitative approaches to biology taught to
undergraduates. While many of the examples have a biological flavour, the
level of biology needed to understand those examples is kept at a minimum.
The problems are motivated with enough detail to follow the assumptions, but
are simplified for the purpose of pedagogy.
The mathematical philosophy is as follows: Power functions,
We start with basic observations about functions and graphs, with an Polynominals,
Rational functions
emphasis on power functions and polynomials. We use elementary properties
of a function to sketch its graph and to understand its shape, even before
discussing derivatives; later we refine such graph-sketching skills. We Graph Sketching
consider useful ideas with biological implications even in this basic context.
In fact, we discuss several examples in which two processes (such as growth Application: when
and predation or nutrient uptake and consumption) are at balance. We show does growth
balance mortality
how setting up the relevant algebraic problem revels when such a balance can
We introduce the derivative in three complementary ways: (1) As a rate of
change, (2) as the slope we see when we zoom into the graph of a function,
and (3) as a computational quantity that can be approximated by a finite
By making the link between the exponential function and the differential Differential
equation dy/dx = ky, we open the door to a host of biological applications equations
where we seek to understand how a system changes: how a population size
grow? how does the mass of a cell change as nutrients are taken up and Application: What
if growth does not
consumed? By revisiting our initial discussions, we identify the “balance balance mortality?
points” as steady states, and we develop arguments to predict what changes
with time would be observed. The idea of a deviation away from steady state
also leads us to find the behaviour of solutions to the differential equation
dy/dt = a − by. This leads to many useful applications. including the
Slope field and
temperature of a cooling object, the level of drug in the bloodstream, simple
geometric analysis
chemical reactions, and many more.
Ultimately, a first semester calculus course is all about the applications Qualitative
of a derivative. We use this fact to explore nonlinear differential equations predictions of a
of the first order, using qualitative sketches of the direction field and the equation
state space of the equation. Even though some of the (integration) methods
Applications to
for solving a differential equation are developed only in a second semester population growth
and disease spread
Like tall architectural marvels that are made of simple units (beams, bricks,
and tiles), many interesting functions can be constructed from simpler
building blocks. In this chapter, we study a family of simple functions, the
power functions - those of the form f (x) = xn . Mastered Material Check
Our first task is to understand properties of the members of this “family”. 1. Can you define function?
We will see that basic observations of power functions such as x2 , x3 leads to 2. Give an example of a polynomial
insights into a biological problem of why the size of living cells is limited. function; a rational function.
2. Justify that power functions with low powers dominate near the origin, and
power functions with high powers dominate far away from the origin.
Let us consider the power functions, that is functions of the form ` Click on this link and then adjust the
slider on this interactive desmos graph
y = f ( x ) = xn , to see how the power n affects the shape
of a power function in the first quadrant.
where n is a positive integer. Power functions are among the most elementary
and “elegant” functions - we only need multiplications to compute their value
at any point. They are thus easy to calculate, very predictable and smooth,
and, from the point of view of calculus, very easy to handle.
From Figure 1.1, we see that the power functions (y = xn for powers n =
2, . . . , 5) intersect at x = 0 and x = 1. This is true for all positive integer powers.
The same figure also demonstrates another fact helpful for curve-sketching:
the greater the power n, the flatter the graph near the origin and the steeper
4 y
the graph beyond x > 1. This can be restated in terms of the relative size of
the power functions. We say that close to the origin, the functions with lower x5 x4
powers dominate, while far from the origin, the higher powers dominate.
More generally, a power function has the form 2
y = f (x ) = K · x
x = (b/a)1/(n−m) . (1.1) 1 2 3 4
Figure 1.2: Graphs of two power functions,
This is shown in Figure 1.2 for the specific example of y1 = 5x2 , y2 = 2x3 . y = 5x2 and y = 2x3 .
Close to the origin, the quadratic power function has a larger value, whereas
for large x, the cubic function has larger values. The functions intersect when
5x2 = 2x3 , which holds for x = 0 or x = 52 = 2.5. ♦
If b/a is positive, then in general the value given in (1.1) is a real number.
(a) Intersections occur at x = 0 and at ±(27/3)1/(4−2) = ± 9 = ±3.
Note that in many cases, the points of intersection are irrational numbers Mastered Material Check
whose decimal approximations can only be obtained by a scientific calculator 5. What is an irrational number?
or by some approximation method (such as Newton’s Method, studied in
Section 5.4)
With only these observations we can examine a biological problem related
to the size of cells. By applying these ideas, we can gain insight into why
cells have a size limitation, as discussed in the next section.
1.2 How big can a cell be? A model for nutrient balance
i A summary of the cell size model.
We discuss what cell size is consistent
Section 1.2 Learning goals with a balance between nutrient
absorption and consumption in a cell.
1. Describe the derivation of a mathematical model for cell nutrient absorp-
tion and consumption.
3. Demonstrate the link between power functions in Section 1.1 and cell
nutrient balance in the model.
S = cell surface area, 8. Given your choices for 7., what are
the units associated with k1 , k2 ?
r = radius of the cell.
A = k1 S,
we observe that A,C are simply power functions of the cell radius, r, that is Mastered Material Check
9. What are constants a and c in terms
A(r ) = ar2 , C (r ) = cr3 . of k1 and k2 ?
10. Why are we considering different
Note: the powers are n = 3 for consumption and n = 2 for absorption. values of r in Example 1.3?
Example 1.3 (A fine balance) For what cell size is the consumption rate
exactly balanced by the absorption rate? Which rate (consumption or absorp-
tion) dominates for small cells? For large cells?
The two rates “balance” (and their graphs intersect) when
A(r ) = C (r ) ⇒ πk2 r3 = (4πk1 )r2 .
1. Justify the given mathematical model that describes the energy input and
output on Planet Earth.
2. Use the given model to determine the energy equlibrium of the planet.
1. Energy input from the sun, given the Earth’s radius r, can be approximated
as Mastered Material Check
Ein = (1 − a)Sπr2 , (1.4) 11. Do you think Ein is proportional to
Earth’s surface area or volume?
where S is incoming radiation energy per unit area (also called the solar
constant) and 0 ≤ a ≤ 1 is the fraction of that energy reflected; a is
also called the albedo, and depends on cloud cover, and other planet
characteristics (such as percent forest, snow, desert, and ocean).
2. Energy lost from Earth due to radiation into space depends on the current
temperature of the Earth T , and is approximated as
Notice there are several different symbols in Eqns. (1.4) and (1.5). Being
clear about which are constants and which are variables is critical to using
any mathematical model. As the next example points out, sometimes you
have a choice to make.
Solution. Both Ein and Eout depend on Earth’s radius as the power ∼ r2 .
However, since this radius is a constant, it is not fruitful to consider it as
an interesting variable for this problem (unlike the cell size example in
Section 1.2). However, we note that Eout depends on temperatureas ∼ T 4 . (We
might also select the albedo as a variable and in that case, we note that Ein
depends linearly on the albedo a.) ♦
Example 1.5 (Energy equilibrium for the Earth) Explain how the assump-
tions above can be used to determine the equilibrium temperature of the
Earth, that is, the temperature at which the incoming and outgoing radiation
energies are balanced.
We observe that the factors πr2cancel, and we obtain an equation that
can be solved for the temperature T . It is instructive to examine how this
temperature depends on the constants in the problem, and how it is affected
by cloud cover and greenhouse gas level. This is also explored in Exercise 21
Even power functions Odd power functions Figure 1.4: Graphs of power functions.
2.5 (a) A few even power functions: y = x2 ,
2 y = x4 and y = x6 . (b) Some odd power
x6 x4 x5 x3
2 functions: y = x, y = x3 and y = x5 . Note the
1 x symmetry properties.
1.5 2
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0.5 1 1.5
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0.5 1 1.5
(a) (b)
positive values. Thus we expand the discussion to consider all real values of x.
We examine now some symmetry properties that arise. Mastered Material Check
In Figure 1.4 (a) we see that power functions with an even power, such 12. Highlight the y-axes and circle the
as y = x2 , y = x4 , and y = x6 , are symmetric about the y-axis. In Figure 1.4(b) origins in Fig 1.4.
we notice that power functions with an odd power, such as y = x, y = x3 13. Consider Figure 1.4: where do even
power functions intersect? Odd?
and y = x5 are symmetric when rotated 180◦ about the origin. We adopt the
14. Show that f (a) = a5 − 3a is an odd
term even function and odd function to describe such symmetry properties. function.
More formally, 15. Give an example of a function
which is bounded.
f (−x) = f (x) ⇒ f is an even function, 16. Verify y = x2 is not one-to-one.
f (−x) = − f (x) ⇒ f is an odd function 17. What graphical property do
one-to-one functions share?
Many functions are not symmetric at all, and are neither even nor odd. See
Appendix C for further details.
Example 1.6 Show that the function y = g(x) = x2 − 3x4 is an even function
Here we have used the fact that (−x)n = (−1)n xn , and that when n is even,
(−1)n = 1. ♦
All power functions are continuous and unbounded: for x → ∞ both
even and odd power functions satisfy y = xn → ∞. For x → −∞, odd power
functions tend to −∞. Odd power functions are one-to-one: that is, each
value of y is obtained from a unique value of x and vice versa. This is not true
for even power functions. From Fig 1.4 we see that all power functions go
through the point (0, 0). Even power functions have a local minimum at the
origin whereas odd power functions do not.
P OW E R F U N C T I O N S A S B U I L D I N G B L O C K S 33
Solution. The polynomial in Eqn. (1.6) has two terms, each one a power
function. Let us consider their effects individually. Near the origin, for x ≈ 0
the term ax dominates so that, close to x = 0, the function behaves as Mastered Material Check
17. Justify why the linear term
y ≈ ax. dominates near the origin, while the
cubic term dominates further out.
This is a straight line with slope a. Hence, near the origin, if a > 0 we would 18. Sketch the graph of any function
see a line with positive slope, whereas if a < 0 the slope of the line should be with horizontal asymptote y = 2.
negative. Far away from the origin, the cubic term dominates, so
y ≈ x3
Example 1.8 (Zeros) Find the places at which the polynomial Eqn. (1.6)
crosses the x axis, that is, find the zeros of the function y = x3 + ax.
y = p(x ) = 0 ⇒ x3 + ax = 0 ⇒ x3 = −ax.
y y y
x x x
y y y
x x x
y y y
x x x
This would have no solutions if a is a positive number, so that in that case, Figure 1.5: The graph of the polynomial
y = p(x) = x3 + ax can be obtained
the graph crosses the x axis only once, at x = 0, as shown in Figure 1.5. If a by combining its two power function
is negative, then the minus signs cancel, so the equation can be written in the components. The cubic “arms” y ≈ x3 (top
row) dominate for large x (far from the
origin), while the linear part y ≈ ax (middle
x2 = |a| row) dominates near the origin. When these
are smoothly connected (bottom row) we
and we would have two new zeros at obtain a sketch of the desired polynomial.
p Shown here are three possibilities, for
x = ± |a|. a < 0, a = 0, a > 0, left to right. The value
of a determines the slope of the curve near
For example, if a = −1 then the function y = x3 − x has zeros at x = 0, 1, −1. x = 0 and thus also affects presence of a local
maximum and minimum (for a < 0).
Mastered Material Check
Example 1.9 (A more general case) Explain how you would use the ideas 19. Find the zeros of y = x3 + 3x.
of Example 1.7 to sketch the polynomial y = p(x) = axn + bxm . Without loss of
generality, you may assume that n > m ≥ 1 are integers.
Solution. As in Example 1.7, this polynomial has two terms that dominate
at different ranges of the independent variable. Close to the origin, y ≈ bxm
P OW E R F U N C T I O N S A S B U I L D I N G B L O C K S 35
(since m is the lower power) whereas for large x, y ≈ axn . The full behaviour is
obtained by smoothly connecting these pieces of the graph. Finding zeros can
refine the graph. ♦
A step back. The reasoning used here is an important first step in sketching
the graph of a polynomial. In the ensuing chapters, we develop specialized
methods to find zeros of more complicated functions (using an approximation
technique called Newton’s method). We also apply calculus tools to deter-
mine points at which the function attains local maxima or minima (called
critical points), and how it behaves for very large positive or negative values
of x. That said, the elementary steps described here remain useful as a quick
approach for visualizing the overall shape of a graph.
Solution. We can break up the process of sketching this function into the
following steps:
• The graph of the function in Eqn. (1.7) goes through the origin (at x = 0,
we see that y = 0).
• For very small x, (i.e., x << a) we can approximate the denominator by the
constant term an + xn ≈ an , since xn is negligible by comparison, so that
Axn Axn
y= n ≈ = xn for small x.
a + xn an an
This means that near the origin, the graph looks like a power function, Mastered Material Check
• Since the function behaves like a simple power function close to the origin,
we conclude directly that the higher the value of n, the flatter is its graph
near 0. Further, large n means sharper rise to the eventual asymptote.
x x x
Kx K saturation
speed of reaction = v = , (1.8)
kn + x
where K, kn > 0 are constants specific to the enzyme and the experimental K/2
Equation (1.8) is a rational function. Since x is a concentration, it must
initial rise x
be a positive quantity, so we restrict attention to x ≥ 0. The expression in kn
Eqn. (1.8) is a special case of the rational functions explored in Example 1.10, Figure 1.8: The graph of reaction speed,
where n = 1, A = K, a = kn . In Figure 1.8, we used plot this function for v, versus substrate concentration, x in an
enzyme-catalyzed reaction, as in Eqn. 1.8.
specific values of K, kn . The following observations can be made
This behaviour is called Michaelis-Menten
kinetics. Note that the graph at first rises
1. The graph of Eqn. (1.8) goes through the origin. Indeed, when x = 0 we almost like a straight line, but then it curves
and approaches a horizontal asymptote. This
have v = 0. graph tells us that the speed of the enzyme
cannot exceed some fixed level, i.e. it cannot
2. Close to the origin, the initial rise of the graph “looks like” a straight line. be faster than K.
We can see this by considering values of x that are much smaller than kn .
Then the denominator (kn + x) is well approximated by the constant kn .
Thus, for small x, v ≈ (K/kn )x, so that the graph resembles a straight line
through the origin with slope (K/kn ).
N1 = k1 , k1 , k2 > 0 (1.9)
(1 + k2 N0 )
Sketch N1 as a function of N0 and explain how the constants k1 and k2 affect
the shape of the graph you obtain. Is there a population level N0 that would
be exactly the same from one year to the next? Are there any restrictions on
k1 or k2 for this kind of static (“steady state”) population to be possible?
Hill functions
The Michaelis-Menten kinetics we discussed above fit into a broader class of
Hill functions, which are rational functions of the form shown in Eqn. (1.7)
with n > 1 and A, a > 0. This function is often referred to in the life sciences
as a Hill function with coefficient n, (although the “coefficient” is actually a
power in the terminology used in this chapter). Hill functions occur when
an enzyme-catalyzed reaction benefits from cooperativity of a multi-step
process. For example, the binding of the first substrate molecule may enhance
the binding of a second. Hill function kinetics
Michaelis-Menten kinetics coincides with a Hill function for n = 1. In n=3
biochemistry, expressions of the form of Eqn. (1.7) with n > 1 are often n=2
denoted “sigmoidal” kinetics. Several such functions are plotted in Figure 1.9. n=1
Aan Aa2 A
v= = 2
= .
an + an 2a 2
This shows that the level x = a leads to a reaction speed of A/2 which is half
of the maximal possible rate.
P OW E R F U N C T I O N S A S B U I L D I N G B L O C K S 39
Interactions of predators and prey are often studied in ecology. Professor Holling Predator response
C.S. (“Buzz”) Holling, (a former Director of the Institute of Animal Resource Type I
predators, termed “Type I”, “Type II” and “Type III”, according to their
ability to consume prey as the prey density increases. The three Holling Type III
“predator functional responses” are shown in Fig. 1.10.
Based on Fig. 1.10, match the predator responses to functions shown below.
Hint: One of the curves “looks
P1 (x) = kx, like a straight line" (so which function
x here is linear?). One of the choices is
P2 (x) = K , a power function. (Will it fit any of the
a+x other curves? why or why not?). Now
P3 (x) = Kxn , n ≥ 2 consider the saturating curves and use
our description of rational functions
xn in Section 1.5 to select appropriate
P4 (x) = K , n≥2
an + xn formulae for these functions.
(b) Are there situations where the predation rate cannot match the growth
rate? Explain your results in terms of the constants K, a, r.
1.7 Summary
−4 −2 2 4
(c) For what values of ρ would you expect that this function would
have a local maximum (“peak”) and a local minimum (“valley”)?
1.7. Finding points of intersection. Consider functions f (x) = Axn
and g(x) = Bxm . Suppose m > n > 1 are integers, and A, B > 0.
Determine the values of x at which the the functions are the same - i.e.
they intersect. Are there two places of intersection or three? How does
this depend on the integer m − n?
Note: The point (0, 0) is always an intersection point. Thus, we are
asking: when is there only one more and when there are two more
intersection points? See Exercise 5 for an example of both types.
1.8. More intersection points. Find the intersection of each pair of func-
(a) y = x, y = x2 ,
(b) y = − x, y = x2 ,
(c) y = x2 − 1, 4 + y2 = 1.
1.9. Crossing the x-axis. Answer the following by solving for x in each
case. Find all values of x for which the following functions cross
the x-axis (equivalently: the zeros of the function, or roots of the
equation f (x) = 0.)
(a) f (x) = I − γx, where I, γ are positive constants.
(b) f (x) = I − γx + εx2 , where I, γ, ε are positive constants. Are there
cases where this function does not cross the x axis?
(c) In the case where the root(s) exist in part (b), are they positive,
negative or of mixed signs?
1.10. Crossing the x-axis. Answer Exercise 9 by sketching a rough graph
of each of the functions in parts (a-b) and using these sketches to
determine how many real roots there are and where they are located
(positive vs. negative x-axis).
Note: this exercise provides qualitative analysis skills that are helpful
in later applications.
1.11. Power functions. Consider the functions y = xn , y = x1/n , y = x−n ,
where n is an integer n = 1, 2, . . .).
(a) Which of these functions increases most steeply for values of x
greater than 1?
(b) Which decreases for large values of x?
(c) Which functions are not defined for negative x values?
(d) Compare the values of these functions for 0 < x < 1.
(e) Which of these functions are not defined at x = 0?
1.12. Roots of a quadratic. Find the range m such that the equation x2 −
2x − m = 0 has two unequal roots.
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1.13. Rational Functions. Describe the shape of the graph of the func-
tion y = Axn /(b + xm ) in two cases:
(a) n > m and
(b) m > n.
1.14. Power functions with negative powers. Consider the function
f (x ) =
where A > 0, a > 1, with a an integer. This is the same as the func-
tion f (x) = Ax−a , which is a power function with a negative power.
(a) Sketch a rough graph of this function for x > 0.
(b) How does the function change if A is increased?
(c) How does the function change if a is increased?
1.15. Intersections of functions with negative powers. Consider two
functions of the form
f (x ) = , g(x ) = b .
xa x
Suppose that A, B > 0, a, b > 1 and that A > B. Determine where these
functions intersect for positive x values.
1.16. Zeros of polynomials. Find all real zeros of the following polynomi-
(a) x3 − 2x2 − 3x,
(b) x5 − 1,
(c) 3x2 + 5x − 2.
(d) Find the points of intersection of the functions y = x3 + x2 − 2x + 1
and y = x3 .
1.17. Inverse functions. The functions y = x3 and y = x1/3 are inverse
functions (see Section 10.3 for a discussion of inverse functions).
(a) Sketch both functions on the same graph for −2 < x < 2 showing
clearly where they intersect.
(b) The tangent line to the curve y = x3 at the point (1, 1) has slope m =
3, whereas the tangent line to y = x1/3 at the point (1, 1) has
slope m = 1/3. Explain the relationship of the two slopes.
1.18. Properties of a cube. The volume V and surface area S of a cube
whose sides have length a are given by the formulae
V = a3 , S = 6a2 .
4π 3
V= r , S = 4πr2 .
Note that these relationships are expressed in terms of power functions
with constant multiples such as 4π. The independent variable is r,
not x. We say that “V is a function of r” (and also “S is a function
of r”).
(a) Sketch V as a function of r and S as a function of r on the same set
of axes. Which one grows faster as r increases?
(b) What is the ratio of the volume to the surface area; that is, what
is VS in terms of r? Sketch a graph of VS as a function of r.
(c) The formulae above tell us the volume and the area of a sphere of
a given radius. But suppose we are given either the volume or the
surface area and asked to find the radius.
(i) Find the radius as a function of the volume (i.e. express r in
terms of V ).
(i) Find the radius as a function of the surface area.
(i) Use your results to find the radius of a balloon whose volume
is 1 litre.
(i) Find the radius of a balloon whose surface area is 10 cm2
1.20. The size of cell. Consider a cell in the shape of a thin cylinder
(length L and radius r). Assume that the cell absorbs nutrient through
its surface at rate k1 S and consumes nutrients at rate k2V where S,V
are the surface area and volume of the cylinder. Here we assume that
Note that µM is 10−6 moles and µm is
k1 = 12µM µm−2 per min and k2 = 2µM µm−3 per min. 10−6 meters.
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(a) Use the fact that a cylinder (without end-caps) has surface area S =
2πrL and volume V = πr2 L to determine the cell radius such that
the rate of consumption exactly balances the rate of absorption.
(b) What do you expect happens to cells with a bigger or smaller
(c) How does the length of the cylinder affect this nutrient balance?
1.21. Energy equilibrium for Earth. This exercise focuses on Earth’s
temperature, climate change, and sustainability.
(a) Complete the calculation for Example 1.5 by solving for the tem-
perature T of the Earth at which incoming and outgoing radiation
energies balance.
(b) Assume that greenhouse gases decrease the emissivity ε of the
Earth’s atmosphere. Explain how this would affect the Earth’s
(c) Explain how the size of the Earth affects its energy balance accord-
ing to the model.
(d) Explain how the albedo a affects the Earth’s temperature.
1.22. Allometric relationship. Properties of animals are often related to
their physical size or mass. For example, the metabolic rate of the
animal (R), and its pulse rate (P) may be related to its body mass m
by the approximate formulae R = Amb and P = Cmd , where A,C, b, d
are positive constants. Such relationships are known as allometric
(a) Use these formulae to derive a relationship between the metabolic
rate and the pulse rate (hint: eliminate m).
(b) A similar process can be used to relate the Volume V = (4/3)πr3
and surface area S = 4πr2 of a sphere to one another. Eliminate r
to find the corresponding relationship between volume and surface
area for a sphere.
1.23. Rate of a very simple chemical reaction. We consider a chemical re-
action that does not saturate, and a simple linear relationship between
reaction speed and reactant concentration.
A chemical is being added to a mixture and is used up in a reaction.
The rate of change of the chemical, (also called “the rate of the reac-
tion”) v M/sec is observed to follow a relationship Units.
Note that M stands for Molar, which is
v = a − bc the number of moles per litre.
(a) What units should a and b have to make this equation consistent?
Note: in an equation such as v = a − bc, each of the three terms
must have the same units. Otherwise, the equation would not make Reaction rate
slope −0.2
(b) Use the information in the graph shown in Figure 1.12 (and assume
that the intercept on the c axis is at 0.001M) to find the values of a
and b (hint: find the equation of the line in the figure, and compare
it to the relationship v = a − bc). M
(c) What is the rate of the reaction when c = 0.005 M?
Figure 1.12: Figure for Exercise 23; rate of a
1.24. Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Consider the Michaelis-Menten kinetics chemical reaction. Assume that the intercept
of the line on the c axis is at 0.01M
where the speed of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is given by v =
Kx/(kn + x).
(a) Explain the statement that “when x is large there is a horizon-
tal asymptote” and find the value of v to which that asymptote
(b) Determine the reaction speed when x = kn and explain why the
constant kn is sometimes called the “half-max” concentration.
1.25. A polymerization reaction. Consider the speed of a polymerization
reaction shown in Figure 1.13. Here the rate of the reaction is plotted
as a function of the substrate concentration; this experiment concerned
the polymerization of actin, an important structural component of
cells; data from [Rohatgi et al., 2001]. The experimental points are
shown as dots, and a Michaelis-Menten curve has been drawn to best
fit these points. Use the data in the figure to determine approximate
values of K and kn in the two treatments shown.
of polymerization.
(arbitrary units)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Concentration (µM )
(2) (3)
1/c 1/c
(a) (b)
(a) Convert this data to a Lineweaver-Burk (linear) relationship (see Table 1.2: Chemical reaction speed data.
A physicist might study the motion of a falling ball by taking strobe images at
fixed time intervals, and gluing them side by side to get a record of position
of the ball over time. In a similar manner, cell biologists study the motion of
proteins inside living cells. First, the proteins are labeled by fluorescent “tags”
(this makes them visible in microscopic images). Then images of some thin
strip of the cell are made at fixed time intervals, in regions through which the
“glowing” (fluorescent) proteins move. Finally, those thin strips are “glued”
together to form a record of the protein position over time, as shown in each
panel of Fig 2.1. Biologists refer to such images as kymographs.
The “streaks of light” in such kymographs allow us to determine the
locations of the labeled proteins over time. as well as their velocity in the cell.
But how fast were these proteins moving? Why are there zigzags in the left
panel? And what happened in the treated cells (right panel) that made the
Figure 2.1: Cell biologists track the motion
streaks look different from those in the “normal cell” (left panel)1 ? of proteins inside cells on images like
In this chapter we develop the tools to address some of these questions, this kymograph. Data courtesy of Anna
Akhmanova’s lab shows the position of
and to characterize what we mean by velocity. As a first step, we introduce
proteins that track growing ends of long
average rate of change. To motivate the idea, we examine data for common biopolymers called microtubules as they get
processes: changes in temperature, and motion of a falling object. Simple longer or shrink inside cells. Displacement
is shown horizontally (scale bar 5 µm) and
experiments are described in each case, and some features of the data are time vertically (scale bar 20 sec).
discussed. Based on each example, we calculate net change over some time 1
Benjamin P Bouchet, Ivar Noordstra, Mi-
interval and then define the average rate of change and average velocity. randa van Amersfoort, Eugene A Katrukha,
York-Christoph Ammon, Natalie D Ter Ho-
This concept generalizes to functions of any variable (not only time). We eve, Louis Hodgson, Marileen Dogterom,
interpret this idea geometrically, in terms of the slope of a secant line. Patrick WB Derksen, and Anna Akhmanova.
Mesenchymal cell invasion requires coop-
In both cases, we ask how to use average rate of change (over a given
erative regulation of persistent microtubule
interval) to find better and better approximations of the rate of change at a growth by slain2 and clasp1. Developmental
single instant, (i.e. at a point). We find that one way to arrive at this abstract cell, 39(6):708–723, 2016
concept entails refining the dataset - collecting data at closer and closer time
points. A second - more abstract - way is to use a limit. Eventually, this
procedure allows us to arrive at the definition of the derivative, which is the
instantaneous rate of change.
2. Describe the trends seen in such data using words such as ‘increasing’,
‘decreasing’, ‘linear’, ‘nonlinear’, ‘shallow’, ‘steep’, ‘changes’, etc.
In this section we consider time dependent processes and develop the idea
of rates of change. We also use graphical software to represent the data.
To make yoghurt, heat milk to 190◦ F to kill off bacteria, then cool to 110◦ F.
time (min) Temperature (◦ F)
Add a spoonful of “live” pre-made yoghurt and keep the mixture at 110◦ F for
0.0 44.3
7-8 hours. This promotes growth of the microorganism Lactobacillus, that 0.5 61
turns milk into yoghurt. 1.0 77
1.5 92
2.0 108
Example 2.1 (Heating and cooling milk) Shown in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 are 2.5 122
sets of temperature measurements over time. Use your favorite software to 3.0 135.3
3.5 149.2
plot the data and describe the trends you see in each graph. 4.0 161.9
4.5 174.2
Solution. The data is plotted in Figure 2.2, and points are connected with line 5.0 186
segments. The heating phase is shown on the left. (Temperature increases Table 2.1: Heating milk temperature data.
at a nearly linear rate.) On the right, the milk is cooling and the temperature
time (min) Temperature (◦ F)
decreases, but the slope of the graph becomes shallower with time. ♦ 0 190
2 176
4 164.6
200 200
Temperature (◦F) Temperature (◦F) 6 155.4
8 148
150 180
10 140.9
14 131
160 18 123
22 116
140 26 111.2
120 Table 2.2: Cooling milk temperature data.
1 2 3 4 5 5 10 15 20 25
time (min) time (min) Figure 2.2: Plot of temperatures of milk
being heated (left) and cooled (right).
time (hrs)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Figure 2.3: Distance travelled by two bluefin
tuna over 35 hrs
of change. Let us consider the simplest case where a variable of interest, y 5. Why are we ‘idealizing’?
depends linearly on time, t. This was approximately true in some examples 6. Compute the rate of change for a
linear relationship which goes
seen previously (Figure 2.2a, parts of Figure 2.3). We can describe this kind through points (1, 4) and (2, 2).
of relationship by the idealized equation
y(t ) = mt + b. (2.2)
A graph of y versus t is then a straight line with slope m and intercept b. ` The equation of a straight line (2.2)
specifies the slope m and the y intercept
Definition 2.1 (Rate of change for a linear relationship) For a straight b of the line, as shown by manipulating
the sliders on this interactive graph.
line, we define the rate of change of y with respect to time t as the ratio:
Change in y
Change in t
We now make an important observation.
Change in y ∆y y2 − y1
= =
Change in t ∆t t2 − t1
(mt2 + b) − (mt1 + b) mt2 − mt1
= = = m.
t2 − t1 t2 − t1
Thus, the slope m corresponds exactly to the notion of change of y per unit
time which we call henceforth the rate of change of y with respect to time.
It is important to notice that this calculation leads to the same result no matter
which two points we pick on the graph of the straight line. ♦
1. Use the image and the superimposed grid to estimate the average veloc-
ities of microtubule tips (up to one significant digit). This is best done on
the lower panel, where the position versus time graphs can be most easily
2. Based on the lines in the graph, explain whether the three microtubule tips
shown are moving at similar or at quite different speeds.
3. Compare the normal and treated cells shown in two panels of Fig. 2.1,
carefully noting the fact that the coordinate system differs from that of
Fig. 2.5. How does the treatment affect the speed of microtubule tips?
4. Explain what could account for the apparent “zigzags” and “curves” (not
straight lines) seen in both panels of Fig. 2.1.
Section 2.3 Learning goals Figure 2.5: Part of the image from Fig. 2.5
is shown (top panel) on a yt (distance in
1. Define average rate of change; explain its connection with the slope of a µm vs time in seconds) coordinate system,
with a grid superimposed. The red lines
secant line.
represent positions of proteins that track the
tips of growing microtubules over time. In
2. Compute the average rate of change using time-dependent data over a the lower panel, the same lines are shown on
given time interval. the grid alone; we can use this to estimate
average velocity.
3. Given two points on the graph of a function, or two discrete data points,
find both the slope and the equation of a secant line through those points.
data points as in Figure 2.2, or a formula, as in Eqn. (2.1).) 7. Sketch some nonlinear function and
two different secant lines.
Pick any two points (a, f (a)), and (b, f (b)) satisfying y = f (t ), and
8. Is there any reason why we must
connect the points with a straight line. We refer to this line as the secant line, draw secant lines between pairs of
and we call its slope an average rate of change over the interval a ≤ t ≤ b. successive data points?
Formally, we define
Definition 2.2 (Secant Line) A secant line is a straight line connecting any
two specific points on the graph of a function.
f (a)
secant line t
a b
2. Write the equation of the secant line through the data points t = 2 and
t = 4 for the heating phase.
Definition 2.4 (Average velocity) For a moving body, the average velocity
over a time interval a ≤ t ≤ b is the average rate of change of distance over
the given time interval.
Example 2.4 (Swimming velocity of Bluefin tuna) Use the tuna swimming
data in Figure 2.3 to answer the following questions:
(a) Determine the average velocity of each of these two fish over the 35h
shown in the figure.
(b) What is the fastest average velocity shown in this figure, and over what
time interval and for which fish did it occur?
(a) We find that Tuna 1 swam 180 km, whereas Tuna 2 swam 218 km over the
course of 35 hr. Thus, the average velocity of Tuna 1 was v̄ = 180/35 ≈
5.14 km/h, whereas for Tuna 2 it was 6.23 km/h.
Mastered Material Check
(b) The fastest average velocity corresponds to the segment of the graph that
9. What was the average velocity of
has the greatest slope. This occurs for Tuna 2 during the time interval Tuna 1 during 15 ≤ t ≤ 20?
15 ≤ t ≤ 20. Indeed, over that 5 hr interval the tuna has a displacement
(net distance covered) of 140-78=62km. Its average velocity over that time
interval was thus 62/5 = 12.4km/h.
Example 2.5 (Equation of secant line 2) Find the equation of the secant
line connecting the first and last data points for the Tuna 1 swimming dis-
tances in Figure 2.3.
Solution. In Figure 2.8, we reproduce the data for the falling object from y(t) y(t) = 4.9t2
secant line and
Figure 2.4 and superimpose a secant line connecting two points labeled t0 and
average veloc-
t0 + h. ity
We compute the average velocity as follows: secant
y(t0 + h) − y(t0 ) line
v̄ = ← (definition of average velocity)
c(t0 + h)2 − c(t0 )2 t
= ← the function of interest t0 t0 + h
2 Figure 2.8: A secant line through two points
(t0 + 2ht0 + h2 ) − (t02 )
= c some algebra on the graph of distance versus time for an
h object falling under the force of gravity.
2ht0 + h2
= c simplifying the expression
= c(2t0 + h). (2.3)
The average velocity over the time interval t0 < t < t0 + h is v̄ = c(2t0 + h). ♦
2. Describe the connection between average rate of change over a very small
time interval and instantaneous rate of change at a single point.
Example 2.7 (Refined average rate of change) Use the data in Table 2.4 to
compute the average rate of change of the temperature over the time intervals
time Temp time Temp time Temp Table 2.4: Partial data for temperature in ◦ F
for the three graphs shown in Figure 2.9.
0 190 0 190 0 190 The pairs of columns indicate that the
2 176 1 182 0.5 185.5 data has been collected at more and more
4 164.6 2 176 1 182 frequent intervals h = ∆t.
Temperature (◦F )
Temperature (◦F )
180 180 180
5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
time (min) time (min) time (min)
0m t 0m t
(a) (b)
period. The location of the ball is given first at intervals of ∆t = 0.5 seconds,
Mastered Material Check
then at intervals of ∆t = 0.1 and finally ∆t = 0.05 s. In Figure 2.10(b), we
11. From what height was the object
graph the height Y = Y0 − ct 2 against time t. (The distance fallen is still dropped in Figure 2.10?
described by the function y(t ) = ct 2 , as in Example 2.3.) 12. If you wanted 50 equally spaced
By collecting data at finer time points, we can determine the “velocity” data points over a 2 s interval, what
would ∆t be?
of the object with greater accuracy. Indeed, taking smaller and smaller time
steps leads us to define instantaneous velocity.
Instantaneous velocity
i A brief summary of average and
instantaneous velocity in the example of
We know that the velocity over an interval can be calculated by finding the
a falling ball.
slope of a secant line connecting the endpoints of that interval. The slopes of
the secant lines in Figure 2.10(b) are steeper at the end of the time interval
than at the beginning - lending justification to what we intuitively know: a
falling object’s velocity increases as time passes.
With this in mind, to define an instantaneous velocity at some time t0 , we
compute average velocities over decreasing time intervals t0 ≤ t ≤ t0 + h,
allowing h to get smaller.
Note: we use the notation h → 0 to denote the shrinking the time interval.
For example, we make the strobe flash faster so that ∆t = (t0 + h) − t0 =
h → 0. At each stage, we calculate an average velocity, v̄ for the interval
t0 ≤ t ≤ t0 + h. As we continue to refine the measurements in this way, we
arrive at a value for the velocity that we denote the instantaneous velocity.
This number represents “the velocity of the ball at the very instant t = t0 ".
v(t0 ) = lim v̄
We shall be more explicit about the meaning of the notation lim in the next
Solution. We have already found the average velocity of the falling object
over a time interval t0 ≤ t ≤ t0 + h in Example 2.6, obtaining Eqn. (2.3),
v̄ = c(2t0 + h).
Here we have used the fact that the expression c(2t0 + h) approaches 2ct0 as
h shrinks to zero. This result holds for any time t0 . More generally, we could
write that at time t, the instantaneous velocity is v(t ) = 2ct. For example, for
c = 4.9m/s2 , the velocity of an object at time t = 1 s after it is released is
v(1) = 9.8 m/s. ♦
y(t0 + h) − y(t0 )
v(t0 ) = lim
h→0 h
c(t0 + h)2 − c(t0 )2
= lim
h→0 h
(t0 + 2ht0 + h2 ) − (t02 )
= lim c
h→0 h
2ht0 + h 2
= lim c = lim c(2t0 + h) = 2ct0 .
h→0 h h→0
All steps but the last are similar to the calculation (and algebraic simplifica-
tion) of average velocity (compare with Example 2.6). In the last step, we
formally allow the time increment h to shrink, which is equivalent to taking
limh→0 . ♦
dy f (x + h) − f (x )
= lim
dx h→0 h
C (x + h)2 −Cx2
= lim
h→0 h
(x2 + 2xh + h2 ) − x2
= lim C
h→0 h
(2xh + h )
= lim C = lim C (2x + h) = 2Cx.
h→0 h h→0
change of the function with respect to the variable x at the point of interest,
x0 . We explore properties and meanings of this concept in the next chapter.
df d dy
f 0 (x ), , f (x ), , y0 , D f (x ), and Dy.
dx dx dx
These notations evolved for historical reasons and are used interchangeabley
in science.
2.6 Summary
1. How do we calculate average rate of change of a time dependent process over a given interval?
2. Over what interval does the function depicted in the graph below have the greatest average rate of change? Smallest
average rate of change?
−4 −2 2 4
3. Given the function defined by {(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 7)}, how many different secant lines can be formed?
2.1. Heating milk. Consider the data gathered for heating milk in Ta-
ble 2.1and Figure 2.2 (left)
(a) Estimate the slope and intercept of the straight line shown in the
figure and use to write the equation of this line. According to this
approximate straight line relationship, what is the average rate of
change of the temperature over the 5 min interval shown?
(b) Find a pair of points such that the average rate of change of the
temperature is smaller than your result in part (a).
(c) Find a pair of points such that the average rate of change of the
temperature is greater than your result in part (a).
(d) Milk boils at 212◦ F, and the recipe for yoghurt calls for avoiding a
temperature this high. Use your common knowledge to explain why
the data for heating milk is not actually linear.
2.2. Refining the data. Table 2.4 shows some of the data for cooling milk
that was collected and plotted in Figure 2.9. Answer the following
(a) Use the table to determine the average rate of change of the temper-
ature over the first 10 min.
(b) Compute the average rate of change of the temperature over the
intervals 0 ≤ t ≤ 2, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ t ≤ 0.5.
(c) Which of your results in (b) would be closest to the “instantaneous"
rate of change of the temperature at t = 0?
2.3. Height and distance dropped. We have defined the variable Y (t ) =
height of the object at time t and the variable y(t ) as the distance
dropped by time t.
(a) State the connection between these two variables for a ball whose
initial height is Y0 .
(b) How is the displacement over some time interval a ≤ t ≤ b related
between these two ways of describing the motion? (Assume that
the ball is in the air throughout this time interval).
2.4. Falling ball. A ball is dropped from height Y0 = 490 meters above
the ground. Its height, Y , at time t is known to follow the relation-
ship Y (t ) = Y0 − 21 gt 2 where g = 9.8 m /s2 .
(a) Find the average velocity of the falling ball between t = 1 and t = 2
(b) Find the average velocity between t sec and t + ε sec where 0 ≤ ε ≤
1 is some small time increment (assume that the ball is in the air
during this time interval).
(c) Determine the time at which the ball hits the ground.
2.5. Tuna average velocity. Find the average velocity of Tuna 1 over
each of the time intervals shown in Table 2.3, that is for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5 hr,
5 ≤ t ≤ 10 hr, etc. year human population
2.6. Average velocity and secant line. The two points on Figure 2.8 (billions)
1 0.2
through which the secant line is drawn are (1.3, 8.2810) and (1.4, 9.6040). 1000 0.275
Find the average velocity over this time interval and then give the 1500 0.45
1650 0.5
equation of the secant line. 1750 0.7
2.7. Human Population Growth. Table 2.5 gives data for the human 1804 1
1850 1.2
population (in billions) over recorded history (with some estimates 1900 1.6
where data was not available). 1927 2
1950 2.55
Note: human population growth is further studied in Chapter 11. 1960 3
1980 4.5
(a) Plot the human population (in billions) versus time (in years) using 1987 5
graphing software of your choice. 1999 6
2011 7
(b) Determine the average rate of change of the human population over 2020 7.7
the successive time intervals.
Table 2.5: The human population (billions)
(c) Plot the average rate of change versus time (in years) and determine over the years AD 1 to AD 2020.
over what time interval that average rate of change was greatest.
(d) Over what period (i.e. time interval) was this average rate of
change increasing most rapidly? (hint: you should be able to
answer this question either by looking at the graph you have drawn
or by calculation)
2.8. Average velocity at time t. A ball is thrown from the top of a building
of height Y0 . The height of the ball at time t is given by
Y (t ) = Y0 + v0t − gt 2
where h0 , v0 , g are positive constants. Find the average velocity of the
ball for the time interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 assuming that it is in the air during
this whole time interval. Express your answer in terms of the constants
2.9. Average rate of change. A certain function takes values given in
Table 2.6. Find the average rate of change of the function over the t 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
f (t ) 0 1 0 -1 0
Table 2.6: Function values for Exercise 9.
(a) 0 ≤ t ≤ 0.5,
(b) 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.0,
(c) 0.5 ≤ t ≤ 1.5,
(d) 1.0 ≤ t ≤ 2.0.
2.10. Average rate of change. Find the average rate of change for each of
the following functions over the given interval.
(b) Find the average rate of change of cos(x) over π/4 ≤ x ≤ π/3. Table 2.7: Table of sine and cosine values
(c) Is there an interval over which the functions sin(x) and cos(x) have
the same average rate of change? (hint: consider the graphs of
these functions over one whole cycle, e.g. for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π. Where do
they intersect?)
(1 + h, 1 + (1 + h)2 ).
(a) Find the slope of a secant line connecting these two points.
(b) The slope of a tangent line to y = f (x) is the derivative f 0 (x). Use
the slope you calculated in (a) to determine what the slope of the
tangent line to the curve at (1, 2) would be.
(c) Find the equation of the tangent line through the point (1, 2).
2.13. Secant and tangent lines. Given the function y = f (x) = 2x3 + x2 − 4,
(a) find the slope of the secant line joining the points (4, f (4)) and (4 +
h, f (4 + h)) on its graph, where h is a small positive number, then
(b) find the slope of the tangent line to the curve at (4, f (4)).
2.14. Average rate of change. Consider the function f (x) = x2 − 4x and the
point x0 = 1.
(a) Sketch the graph of the function.
(b) Find the average rate of change over the intervals [1, 3], [−1, 1],
[1, 1.1], [0.9, 1] and [1 − h, 1], where h is some small positive
(c) Find f 0 (1).
2.15. Approximation using a tangent line. Let y = f (x) = x2 − 2x + 3.
(a) Find the average rate of change over the interval [2, 2 + h].
(b) Find f 0 (2).
(c) Using only the information from (a), (b) and f (2) = 3, approxi-
mate the value of y when x = 1.99, without substituting x = 1.99
into f (x).
2.16. Average rate of change. For the following, express your answer in
terms of square roots and π. Do not compute the decimal expressions.
Note that
sin(x) cos(x)
tan(x) = , cot(x) =
cos(x) sin(x)
(a) Find the average rate of change of tan(x) over 0 ≤ x ≤ π4 .
(b) Find the average rate of change of cot(x) over π
4 ≤ x ≤ π3 .
2.17. Secant and tangent lines.
(a) Find the slope of the secant line to the graph of y = 2/x between the
points x = 1 and x = 2.
(b) Find the average rate of change of y between x = 1 and x = 1 + ε
where ε > 0 is some positive constant.
(c) What happens to this slope as ε → 0 ?
(d) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve y = 2/x at the
point x = 1.
2.18. Velocity and average velocity. For each of the following motions
where s is measured in meters and t is measured in seconds, find the
velocity at time t = 2 and the average velocity over the given interval.
(a) s = 3t 2 + 5 and t changes from 2 to 3s.
(b) s = t 3 − 3t 2 from t = 3s to t = 5s.
(c) s = 2t 2 + 5t − 3 on [1, 2].
2.19. Acceleration. The velocity v of an object attached to a spring is given
by v = −Aω sin(ωt + δ ), where A, ω and δ are constants. Find the
average change in velocity (“acceleration”) of the object for the time
interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π
ω .
Note: acceleration is further explored in Chapter 4.
2.20. Definition of the derivative. Use the definition of derivative to calcu-
late the derivative of the function
f (x ) = .
we mean the shape we see when we zoom into a point on the graph. Imagine
using a microscope where the center of the field of vision is some point of
interest. As we zoom in, the graph looks flatter, until we observe a straight
line, as shown in Figure 3.1. Mastered Material Check
1. Write down the equation of a
Definition 3.1 (Tangent line) The straight line that we see when we zoom generic straight line.
into the graph of a smooth function at some point x0 is called the tangent 2. Identify the slope of that straight
line at x0 . line.
3. How many zeros does the
Definition 3.2 (Geometric definition of the derivative) The slope of the function f (x) = x3 − x have?
tangent line at the point x is denoted as the derivative of the function at the
given point.
y y
y 4 2.1
3 2
2 1.9
x 1 1.8
−2 −1 1 2
x x
−5 1 1.5 2 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6
Solution. The graph of the function is shown in each panel of Figure 3.1,
where we have indicated the point of interest with a red dot. Now zooming
in on the given point. Locally, the graph resembles a straight line. This is the
tangent line to f (x) at x = 1.5. ♦
` Zooming in to the graph of a
Example 3.2 (Zooming into the sine graph at the origin) Determine the function.
(1) Click on the + (“zoom in”) button
derivative of the function y = sin(x) at x = 0 by zooming into the origin on its on this graph of sin(x) to see how, close
graph. Write down the equation of the tangent line at that point. to the point (0, 0), the graph looks like a
straight line of slope 1.
Solution. In Figure 3.2 we zoom into x = 0 on the graph of the function (2) Now change the function to
f (x) = |x| and note that when zooming
y = sin(x). into the cusp at x = 0, we do not see a
(single) tangent line. In that case we say
The sequence of zooms leads to a straight line (far right panel) that we that the derivative does not exist at the
given point.
identify once more as the tangent line to the function at x = 0. From the graph,
the slope of this tangent line is 1. We say that the derivative of the function
y = f (x) = sin(x) at x = 0 is 1, and write f 0 (0) = 1 to denote this. As this
line goes through (0, 0) and has slope 1, its equation is y = x. We can also say
that close to x = 0 the graph of y = sin(x) looks a lot like the line y = x. ♦ Mastered Material Check
4. Using the far right panel of
Figure 3.2, perform the calculations
that verify the y = sin(x) looks a lot
like y = x near x = 0.
5. Give an example of a function with
a discontinuity.
T H R E E F AC E S O F T H E D E R I VAT I V E : G E O M E T R I C , A NA LY T I C , A N D C O M P U TAT I O NA L 71
y y y
0.5 0.5
x x x
−2 2 −0.5 0.5 −0.2 0.2
−0.5 −0.5
Figure 3.2: Zooming into the graph of the
function y = f (x) = sin(x) at the point x = 0.
Eventually, the graph resembles a line of
At a cusp or a discontinuity, the derivative is not defined slope 1. This is the tangent line at x = 0 and
its slope, the derivative of y = sin(x) at x = 0
If we zoom into a function at a cusp or a discontinuity, there is no single is 1.
straight line that describes the local behaviour. For example, in Figure 3.3, we
see two distinct lines meeting at a sharp “corner”.
y y y
x x
y y
x x
Figure 3.4: Zooming into a function at a
discontinuity shows no single distinct line
that might be a tangent line.
Mastered Material Check
6. Sketch the “zooming in” graph of
the function y = f (x) = sin(x) at
From a function to a sketch of its derivative x = 1.
7. How many local minima are
The tangent line to the graph of a function varies from point to point along depicted in Figure 3.5?
the graph of the function - what we see when zooming in depends on the
location of the zoom. This means that the derivative f 0 (x) is, itself, also
a function. Here we consider the connection between these two functions
by using the graph of one to sketch the graph of other. The hand-sketch is
approximate, but preserves important elements.
f (x)
Example 3.3 Consider the function in Figure 3.5. Reason about the tangent
lines at various points along to sketch the derivative f 0 (x).
Solution. In Figure 3.6 we first sketch a few tangent lines along the graph of
f (x). Focus on the slopes (rather than height, length, or other properties) of Figure 3.5: The graph of a function. We
sketch its derivative.
f (x)
2 1 0 −1 −0.5 0 2 3 slopes
the dashes. Copying these lines in a row below the graph, we estimate their f (x)
are first positive, then zero, then negative, increase again through zero, and
then positive. There are two locations with zero slope (horizontal dashes). tangents
2 1 0 −1 −0.5 0 2 3 slopes
Next, in Figure 3.7, we these rough values for slopes. Only a few points have
been plotted for f 0 (x), but these trends are clear: the derivative function has f 0 (x)
two zeros, and it dips below the axis between these places. In Figure 3.7 we
emphasize how the original function lines up with its derivative f 0 (x).
We have aligned these graphs so that the slope of f (x) matches the value
of f 0 (x) shown directly below. ♦ Figure 3.7: Sketching the derivative of a
Example 3.4 Sketch the derivative of the function shown in Figure 3.8.
T H R E E F AC E S O F T H E D E R I VAT I V E : G E O M E T R I C , A NA LY T I C , A N D C O M P U TAT I O NA L 73
Solution. We can get a good rough sketch by simply noting where the slopes f (x)
are positive, negative, or zero. See Figure 3.9 for the entire process. The thin
vertical lines demonstrate that f 0 (x) = 0 coincides with tops of hills or bottom
of valleys on the graph of the function f (x).
♦ Tangent lines
f (x)
Example 3.5 (Derivative of y = C) Use a geometric argument to determine
+ 0
– 0
– 0 +
Solution. This function is a horizontal straight line, whose slope is zero Derivative
f 0(x)
everywhere. Thus “zooming in” at any point x, leads to the same result, so the
derivative is 0 everywhere. ♦ x
(a) Sketch the corresponding instantaneous velocity v(t ) for the vesicle.
(b) Use your sketch to explain what was happening to the kinesin carrying
that vesicle.
0 t
velocity, v
(a) The plot in Figure 3.11(a) consists of straight line segments with sharp
corners (cusps). Over each of these line segments, the slope dy/dt (which
corresponds to the instantaneous velocity, v(t )) is constant. Segments
with positive slope correspond to motion towards the right (as in the top
microtubule track in Figure 3.10. Over times where the slope is negative,
the motion is to the left. Where the slope is zero (flat graph), the vesicle
was stationary.
(b) Based on Figure 3.11(b), the kinesin motor was moving on a right-facing
microtubule, then hopped onto a left-facing microtubule, and then hopped
back to a right -facing microtubule. For a brief time it was either stuck or
detached from the microtubule tracks (stationary part). Finally, it hopped
onto a left-moving microtubule.
T H R E E F AC E S O F T H E D E R I VAT I V E : G E O M E T R I C , A NA LY T I C , A N D C O M P U TAT I O NA L 75
By this we mean that the function is defined at x = a, that the above limit exists,
and that it matches with the value that the function takes at the given point.
This definition has two important parts. First, the function should be
defined at the point of interest, and second, the value assigned by the function
has to “fit the local behaviour” in the sense of the limit. This rules out a
“jump” or “break” in the graph. When the above is not true at some point xs ,
we say that the function is discontinuous at xs . We give a few examples to
demonstrate some different types of discontinuities that exist. At the same
time we illustrate how limits are calculated.
Function with a hole in its graph. Consider a function of the form
(x − a)2
f (x ) = .
(x − a)
Even though the function is not defined at x = a, we can still evaluate the limit Mastered Material Check
of f as x approaches a. We write 11. Sketch the graph of the function
f (x ) = (x−1)
(x − a)2
lim f (x) = lim = lim x − a = 0,
x→a x→a (x − a) x→a
and say that “the limit as x approaches a” exists and is equal to 0. We also
say that the function has a removable discontinuity. If we add the point
(a, 0) to the set of points at which the function is defined then we obtain a
continuous function identical to the function x − a. See also Appendix D.
Notice we use limx→a− to denote approaching a from the left, and limx→a+
to denote approaching a from the right. Since the left and right limits are
unequal, we say that “the limit does not exist” (abbreviated DNE).
f (x ) = .
Mastered Material Check
Then as x approaches a, the denominator approaches 0, and the value of the
12. What type of discontinuity does
function goes to ±∞. We say that the function “blows up” at x = a and that x2 +4x+4
the limit, lim f (x), does not exist. 13. What type of discontinuity does
Figure 3.12 illustrates the differences between functions that are continu- x2 +4x+4
x+4 have?
ous everywhere, those that have a hole in their graph, and those that have a
jump discontinuity or a blow up at some point a.
y continuous y y y
hole jump
a x
x x x
a a
Solution. In each case, the function is continuous at the point of interest (at
x = 3, 1, 10, respectively). Thus, we simply “plug in” the values of x in each
case to obtain
1 1 x 10
(a) lim x2 + 2 = 32 + 2 = 11 (b) lim = (c) lim = .
x→3 x→1 x+1 2 x→10 1+x 11
Example 3.9 (Hole in graph limits) Calculate the limits of the following
functions. Note that each has a removable discontinuity (“a hole in its
x2 − 6x + 9 x2 + 3x + 2
(a) lim , (b) lim .
x→3 x−3 x→−1 x+1
Mastered Material Check
Solution. We first simplify algebraically by factoring the numerator, and then
14. How do these examples change if
evaluate the limit. Note that the simplification is possible so long as we evalu- the limit approaches a different
ate the limit, rather than the actual function, at the point of discontinuity. value of x?
x2 − 6x + 9 (x − 3)2
(a) lim = lim = lim (x − 3) = 0.
x→3 x−3 x→3 (x − 3) x→3
x2 + 3x + 2 (x + 1)(x + 2)
(b) lim = lim = lim (x + 2) = 1.
x→−1 x+1 x→−1 (x + 1) x→−1
Example 3.10 (Limit involving sin(x)) Use the observation made in Exam-
ple 3.2 to arrive at the value of lim .
x→0 x
Solution. Example 3.2 illustrated the fact that close to x = 0 the function
sin(x) has the following behaviour:
sin(x) ≈ x, or ≈ 1.
lim = 1. (3.1)
x→0 x
We read this “as x approaches zero, the limit of sin(x)/x is 1." This limit is
used in later calculations involving derivatives of trigonometric functions. ♦
1. For the secant line connecting the points x and x + h on the graph of a
function, in the limit h → 0, those points get closer together, leading to a
tangent line.
2. The slope of a secant line is an average rate of change, but in the limit
(h → 0), we obtain the derivative, which is the slope of the tangent line.
dy f (x + h) − f (x )
= lim
dx h→0 h
K (x + h)3 − Kx3
= lim
h→0 h
(x3 + 3x2 h + 3xh2 + h3 ) − x3
= lim K
h→0 h
(3x2 h + 3xh2 + h3 )
= lim K
h→0 h
= lim K (3x + 3xh + h2 )
Example 3.13 Use the definition of the derivative to compute f 0 (x) for the
function y = f (x) = 1/x at the point x = 1.
i See the calculation of the derivative
Solution. We write down the formula for this calculation at any point x of y = f (x) = 1/x.
and then simplify algebraically, using common denominators to combine
fractions, and then, in the final step, calculate the limit formally. Lastly we
substitute the value x = 1 to find f 0 (1).
f (x + h) − f (x )
f 0 (x) = lim (the definition)
h→0 h
1 1
(x +h)
− x
= lim (applied to the function)
h→0 h
x (x +h)
= lim (common denominator)
h→0 h
= lim (algebraic simplification)
h→0 hx(x + h)
= lim (cancel factor of h)
h→0 x(x + h)
=− 2 (limit evaluated) (3.4)
Thus, the derivative of f (x) = 1/x is f 0 (x) = −1/x2 and at the point x = 1 it
takes the value f 0 (1) = −1. ♦
In Exercise 3. 8 we apply similar techniques to the derivative of the square-
root function to show that
√ 1
y = f (x ) = x ⇒ f 0 (x ) = √ . (3.5)
2 x
In the next chapter, we formalize some observations about derivatives of
power functions and rules of differentiation. This allows us to simplify some
of the calculations involved in finding derivatives.
3. Explain using words how the derivative shape is connected with the shape
Mastered Material Check
of the original function.
16. Describe how to find the derivative
of a function f (x) at x = x0
4. Interpret the differences between two types of biochemical kinetics:
Michaelis-Menten and Hill function.
17. Describe how to find the derivative
of a function f (x) at x = x1
We have explored geometric and analytic aspects of the derivative. Here geometrically.
∆f ∆f
f 0 (x)numerical ≈ rather than the actual value f 0 (x)actual = lim .
∆x ∆x→0 ∆x
vHill = f2 (c) = . (3.7)
an + cn
T H R E E F AC E S O F T H E D E R I VAT I V E : G E O M E T R I C , A NA LY T I C , A N D C O M P U TAT I O NA L 81
(Both f1 (c), f2 (c) are shown as functions of c in Figure 3.13a.) Our goal is to
use a spreadsheet to compute a numerical approximation of the derivative of
these two reaction speeds with respect to the chemical concentration c.
6 6
Hill function Hill function
Reaction Rate, v
4 4
Michaelis-Menten Michaelis-Menten
2 2
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
chemical concentration, c chemical concentration, c
(a) (b)
(A) Open your favorite spreadsheet and label columns where data will be kept.
In the link we display a spreadsheet with columns for the step size ∆c,
concentration c, and values of the function f2 (c), with K = 5, a = 1, n = 4.
The last column contains the approximation for the derivative ∆ f /∆c. P Link to Google Sheets. This
spreadsheet shows how to create an
(1) We input the desired step size ∆c, here set to 0.1 (cell A2) approximation for the derivative of the
Hill function in (3.7). Fig 3.13 was
(2) Input the value of c at which to start the calculations. Here we used produced by a similar set of
calculations, see Feature Problem 3.1.
c = 0 as the left endpoint (input 0 into cell B2). Then let the spreadsheet
You can view this sheet and copy it
create the entire set of c values by inputting = B2 + $A$2 in cell B3, elsewhere. You cannot edit it as is.
and dragging the “fill handle” (small square dot on bottom right hand
corner) down the column. Note that the symbols $ are universally used
in spreadsheets to denote an absolute reference to a particular cell,
whereas all other references are relative.
(3) In cell C2 type = 5 ∗ B2 ∧ 4/(1 + B2 ∧ 4) to create the formula for the
desired function. The symbol ∧ denotes a power. This will generate the
first point on the graph to be plotted. Similarly drag the fill handle to
generate the rest of the points f2 (c) corresponding to the all c values.
(1) Use column D for the numerical derivative of f2 (c). To do so, approxi-
mate the actual derivative with a finite difference,
∆ f2 d f2
≈ .
∆c dc
Note: importantly, the two expressions are not equal. However, for
sufficiently small ∆c, they approximate one another well.
(2) Dragging the fill handle down the column generates the desired list of
values of the numerical derivative.
(C) Create a chart and plot the results. The x axis is the set of values of c.
Results of the above process (but modified for the two functions and their two
derivatives) lead to the graphs shown on the right panel of Figure 3.13. ♦
3.4 Summary
f (x + h) − f (x )
f 0 (x) = limh→0
Limits are detailed further in Appendix D. In the absence of analytical
methods, or in the presence of only data, a numerical derivative calculus
can be used to approximate:
f(x) f0 (x)
∆f C 0
f 0 (x)numerical ≈ .
∆x Bx B
Bx + C B
5. Derivatives that were computed in this chapters are summarized in Ta- Kx3 3Kx2
− x12
ble 3.1. √x 1
x 2 x
6. The applications we encountered in this chapter included:
(a) molecular motors and vesicle transport; and Table 3.1: Some computed derivatives.
3. Draw the derivative of the function f (x) at x = 1, depicted on the graph below.
−1 1 2 3
3.1. Sketching the derivative (geometric view). Shown in Figure 3.14 are
four functions. Sketch the derivative of each of these functions.
y y y y
x x
x x
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
F (x) F (x)
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
x x
−4 −2 2 4 −4 −2 2 4
(a) (b)
T H R E E F AC E S O F T H E D E R I VAT I V E : G E O M E T R I C , A NA LY T I C , A N D C O M P U TAT I O NA L 85
3.5. Introduction to velocity and acceleration.The acceleration of a
particle is the derivative of its velocity. Shown in Figure 3.16 is the
graph of the velocity of a particle moving in one dimension.
Indicate directly on the graph any time(s) at which the particle’s
acceleration is zero.
3.6. Velocity, continued. The vertical height of a ball, d (in meters) t
at time t (seconds) after it was thrown upwards was found to sat-
isfy d (t ) = 14.7t − 4.9t 2 for the first 3 seconds of its motion.
(a) What is the initial velocity of the ball (i.e. the instantaneous veloc- Figure 3.16: Figure for Exercise 5; velocity
ity at t = 0)? of a particle moving in one direction.
y = f (x) y = f (x)
2 4 6 8 10
0.5 1 1.5 2 −5
−0.5 −10
(a) (b)
10 3
f 0 (x) f 0 (x)
2 (c) 4 6 8 10 (d)
−1 −0.5 0.5 1
−10 −2
y v
Figure 3.18: Figure for Exercise 11,
molecular motors.
3.12. Concentration gradient. Certain types of tissues - epithelia - are
made up of thin sheets of cells. Substances are taken up on one side of
T H R E E F AC E S O F T H E D E R I VAT I V E : G E O M E T R I C , A NA LY T I C , A N D C O M P U TAT I O NA L 87
the sheet by some active transport mechanism, and then diffuse down
a concentration gradient by a mechanism called facilitated diffusion
on the opposite side.
Shown in Figure 3.19 is the concentration profile c(x) of some sub- facilitated
stance across the width of the sheet (x represents distance). Sketch the active
corresponding concentration gradient, i.e. sketch c0 (x), the derivative transport
Note that you should use a fairly small step size, e.g. ∆t = 0.01 to
get a reasonably accurate approximation of the derivatives.
(b) Use the same spreadsheet to (numerically) calculate (an approxi-
mate) derivative y01 (t ) and add it to your graph.
(c) Now calculate y001 (t ), that is (an approximation to) the derivative of
the derivative of the sine function and add this to your graph.
Differentiation rules, simple antiderivatives and applica-
dy f (x + h) − f (x )
= f 0 (x) = lim .
dx h→0 h
Using this formula, we calculated derivatives of a few power functions. Here,
we gather results so far, and observe a pattern, the power rule. This rule
allows us to compute higher derivatives (e.g. second derivative etc.), to differ-
entiate polynomials, and even to find antiderivatives by applying the rule “in
reverse” (finding a function that has a given derivative). All these calculations
are useful in common applications, including accelerated motion. These
are investigated later in this chapter. We round out the technical material by
stating several other rules of differentiation (product and quotient), allowing
us to easily calculate derivatives of rational functions.
1. Express the power rule (Table 4.1) and be prepared to apply it to both
derivatives and antiderivatives of power functions and polynomials.
4. Express the product and quotient rules and be able to apply these to
calculating derivatives of products and of rational functions.
Example 4.1 Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of the power
function y = f (x) = 4x5 at x = 1, and determine the y-intercept of that tangent
f 0 (x) = 20x4 .
Solution. The quantities π, ε, r are constants for this problem. Hence the rate
0 (T ) is
of change (‘derivative’) of energy with respect to T , denoted Eout
Eout (T ) = (4πr2 εσ ) · 4T 3 = (16πr2 εσ )T 3 .
Next, we find that the result for derivatives of power functions can be ex-
tended to derivatives of polynomials, using simple properties of the deriva-
1. the derivative of a sum of two functions is the same as the sum of the
derivatives; and
d d f dg
( f (x) + g(x)) = + , (4.1)
dx dx dx
1. L[ f + g] = L[ f ] + L[g] and
2. L[c f ] = cL[ f ],
where f , g are objects (such as functions, vectors, etc.) on which L acts, and
c is a constant multiplier. We refer to Eqns. (4.1) and (4.2) as the linearity
properties of the derivative.
where the coefficients, ai are constant and n is an integer. Hence, the deriva-
tive of a polynomial is just the sum of derivatives of power functions (multi-
plied by constants). Formally, the derivative of Eqn. (4.3) is
p0 (x) = = an · nxn−1 + an−1 · (n − 1)xn−2 + · · · + a1 . (4.4)
(Observe that each term consists of the coefficient times the derivative of a
power function. The constant term a0 has disappeared since the derivative of
any constant is zero.) The derivative, p0 (x), is a function in its own right, and
a polynomial as well. Its degree, n − 1, is one less than that of p(x). In view of
this observation, we could ask: what is the derivative of the derivative?
Notation: we henceforth refer to the “derivative of the derivative” as a
second derivative, written in the notation p00 (x) or, equivalently ddx2p .
Mastered Material Check
Using the same rules, we can compute, obtaining 4. Are their other notations for the
second derivative of p(x) that you
d2 p might expect?
p00 (x) = = an n(n − 1)xn−2 + an−1 (n − 1)(n − 2)xn−3 + · · · + a2 . (4.5)
dx2 5. Check that Eqn. (4.7) is an
antiderivative of Eqn. (4.6) by
The following examples should be used for practice. differentiating Eqn. (4.7).
Example 4.3 Find the first and second derivatives of the function
(a) f 0 (x) = 10x4 + 12x3 + 3x2 − 10x + 1 and f 00 (x) = 40x3 + 36x2 + 6x − 10.
The original function, y(t ), should have a power higher by 1 (of the form t n+1 ),
but the “guess” yguess = At n+1 is not quite right, since differentiation results in
A(n + 1)t n . To fix this, we revise the “guess” to
y(t ) = A t n+1 . (4.7)
(n + 1)
Question. Is this the only function that has the desired property? No, there
are other functions whose derivatives are the same. For example, consider
adding an arbitrary constant C to the function in Eqn. (4.7) and note that we
obtain the same derivative (since the derivative of the constant is zero). We
summarize our findings:
The antiderivative of y0 (t ) = At n is y(t ) = A t n+1 + C. (4.8)
(n + 1)
(a) constants,
Example 4.4 (Antiderivative of a polynomial) Find an antiderivative of the
(b) dependent variables, and
polynomial y0 (t ) = At 2 + Bt + C.
(c) independent variables.
1 1
y(t ) = A t 3 + B t 2 + Ct + D,
3 2
where D is an arbitrary constant. We see that the antiderivative of a polyno-
mial is another polynomial whose degree is higher by 1. ♦
Example 4.5 The second derivative of some function is y00 (t ) = c1t + c2 . Find
a function y(t ) for which this is true
for antidifferentiation y00 (t ) → y0 (t ) → y(t ).
These results are used in applications to acceleration, velocity, and dis-
placement of a moving object in Section 4.2.
The product rule: If f (x) and g(x) are two functions, each differentiable in
the domain of interest, then
d [ f (x)g(x)] d f (x ) dg(x)
= g(x ) + f (x ).
dx dx dx
Another notation for this rule is
The quotient rule: If f (x) and g(x) are two functions, each differentiable in
the domain of interest, then
d f (x ) dg(x)
d f (x ) dx g(x) − dx f (x )
= .
dx g(x) [g(x)]2
We can also write this in the form
Example 4.7 Find the derivative of the function y = ax−n = a/xn where a is
a constant and n is a positive integer.
Solution. We can rewrite this as the quotient of the two functions f (x) = a
and g(x) = xn . Then y = f (x)/g(x) so, using the quotient rule leads to the
dy f 0 (x)g(x) − g0 (x) f (x) 0 · xn − (nxn−1 ) · a
= =
dx [g(x)]2 ( xn ) 2
a n xn−1
= − = a (−n) x−n−1 .
This calculation shows that the power rule of differentiation holds for
negative integer powers.
could be applied one after the other to lead to the new composite function
f (g(x)) = 3x2 + 1 .
The chain rule states that the derivative of this new function with respect to x
is the product of derivatives of the individual functions.
Example 4.8 Use the chain rule to differentiate the composite function
y = f (g(x)) = 3x2 + 1 .
Solution. The functions being composed are the same as in Eqn. (4.9).
Applying the chain rule gives:
dy d f du
= = 10u9 · 6x = 60(3x2 + 1)9 x.
dx du dx
The details of how to use the chain rule, and many applications are post-
poned to Chapter 8.
This idea can be generalized to any fractional power. Indeed, we state here a
result (to be demonstrated in Chapter 9).
The first term is a constant, and we use the rule for a derivative of a fractional
power to compute that
dT 1 1 −3/4
= · ·E .
dEout 4πr2 εσ 4 out
1. Recognize that velocity and acceleration are first and second derivatives of
position with respect to time (and that velocity and position are first and
second antiderivatives of acceleration.)
v(t ) = = y0 (t ).
Mastered Material Check
In general, v may depend on time, which we indicated by writing v(t ).
12. Give three different examples of
possible units for velocity.
Definition 4.2 (The acceleration) We define the acceleration as the (instan-
13. Give three different examples of
taneous) rate of change of the velocity, i.e. as the derivative of v(t ). possible units for acceleration.
a(t ) = = v0 (t )
(acceleration could also depend on time, hence a(t )).
d dy
a(t ) = = 2 = y00 (t ).
dt dt dt
a(t ) = v0 (t ) = −g = constant?
v(t ) = −gt + v0
where, as before we allow for some additive constant k. Reasoning as before, Mastered Material Check
we can determine the value of the constant k from a known initial position of 14. Verify that the derivative
the object y(0) = y0 . As before (plugging t = 0 into Eqn. (4.12)), we find that of y(t ) = −12gt 2 + v0 t + k is the
given expression for v(t ).
k = y0 , so that
y(t ) = − gt 2 + v0t + y0 . (4.12)
Here we assumed that the acceleration is due to gravity, −g, but any other
motion with constant acceleration would be treated in the same way. ♦
Example 4.11 Determine when the object reaches its highest point, and its
velocity at that time.
Solution. When the object reaches its highest point, its velocity has de-
creased to zero. From then on, the velocity becomes negative and the object
falls back down. We solve for t in the equation v(t ) = 0:
v(t ) = v0 − gt = 0 ⇒ ttop = .
Example 4.12 When does the object hit the ground and with what velocity?
Figure 4.1: The position, velocity, and
acceleration of an object that is thrown
Solution. Since y is height above ground, the object hits the ground when upwards and falls under the force of gravity.
y = 0. Then we must solve for t in the equation y(t ) = 0. This turns out to be a
quadratic equation: ` Use the sliders to see how the initial
q velocity v0 and initial height y0 affect
the time to reach the top and the time to
1 v0 ± v20 + 2gy0 reach the ground on this interactive
y(t ) = gt 2 − v0t − y0 = 0, ⇒ tground = .
2 g graph.
We are interested in a solution with t ≥ 0, so, rejecting the negative root, i Video summary of how we find the
time that the object reaches its highest
point and the time that it hits the
v0 v20 + 2gy0
tground = + .
g g
The velocity of the object when it hits the ground, v(tground ), is then Mastered Material Check
top speed vc but it has to slow down (decelerate) to keep from getting too hot.
Assume that the cheetah has a constant rate of (negative) acceleration a = −ac .
A gazelle runs at a slower speed vg but it can maintain that constant speed
for a long time. If the gazelle is initially a distance d from the cheetah, and
running away, when would it be caught? Is there a (large enough) distance d
such that it never gets caught?
4.3 Sketching the first and second derivative and the anti-derivatives
2. Given the sketch of a function, sketch its first and second antiderivatives.
t t
D I F F E R E N T I AT I O N RU L E S , S I M P L E A N T I D E R I VAT I V E S A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 101
Solution. In Figure 4.3 we show the functions y(t ) (top row), their first
derivatives y0 (t ) (middle row), and the second derivatives y00 (t ) (bottom row).
In each case, we determined the slopes of tangent lines as a first step.
t t
0 + ++ + 0 0 + 0
y0 y0
t t
0 + 0− − 0 0 0 0
y 00
t t
Mastered Material Check
17. Identify any cusps in Figure 4.2.
18. What is each dotted line indicating
in Figure 4.3?
Along flat parts of the graph), the derivative is zero. This is indicated at
19. What is the arrow in the middle of
several places in Fig. 4.3. In (b), there are cusps at which derivatives are not Figure 4.3 indicating?
defined. ♦
x x
at which y0 (x) has a cusp correspond to places where the concavity of y(x)
changes abruptly.
x x
+ 0 − − − 0 + + 0 − − 0 +
y y
–– –– –– ––
x x
4.4 Summary
(a) division
(b) exponentiation
(c) composition
(d) squaring
3. Suppose an object has acceleration a(t ) = 10m/s2 . What can you say about its:
(a) accelleration at t = 5s?
(d) position at time t?
(b) velocity at time t?
(e) position at time t = 5s?
(c) velocity at time t = 5s?
4. Consider the following graph which describes the position y of an object at time t:
30 y
1 2 3 4 5
4.1. First derivatives. Find the first derivative for each of the following
(a) f (x) = (2x2 − 3x)(6x + 5),
(b) f (x) = (x3 + 1)(1 − 3x),
(c) g(x) = (x − 8)(x2 + 1)(x + 2),
(d) f (x) = (x − 1)(x2 + x + 1),
x2 − 9
(e) f (x) = ,
x2 + 9
2 − x3
(f) f (x) = ,
1 − 3x
(g) f (b) = 2 ,
(h) f (m) = − (m − 2)(2m − 1),
3m − 1
(x2 + 1)(x2 − 2)
(i) f (x) = .
3x + 2
4.2. Logistic growth rate. In logistic growth, the rate of growth of a
population, R depends on the population size N as follows:
R = rN 1 − ,
v= .
kn + x
y= .
an + x n
4.4. Volume, surface area and radius of a sphere. The volume and
surface area of a sphere both depend on its radius:
V = πr3 , S = 4πr2 .
D I F F E R E N T I AT I O N RU L E S , S I M P L E A N T I D E R I VAT I V E S A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 105
(a) Find the rate of change of the volume with respect to the radius and
the rate of change of the surface area with respect to the radius.
(b) Find the rate of change of the surface area to volume ratio S/V
with respect to the radius.
4.5. Derivative of volume with respect to surface area. Consider the vol-
ume and surface area of a sphere. (See Exercise 4 for the formulae.)
(a) Eliminate the radius and express V as a function of S.
(b) Find the rate of change of the volume with respect to the surface
4.6. Surface area and volume of a cylinder. The volume of a cylinder
and the surface area of a cylinder with two flat end-caps are
y(x) = 5x3 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.
4.15. Ball thrown from a tower. A ball is thrown from a tower of height h0 .
The height of the ball at time t is
2 4 6 8 10
4.18. Sketching graphs. Each of the graphs in Figure 4.8 depict the deriva-
tive of a function. Use these to sketch the corresponding antideriva-
tives and derivatives.
dx F (x)
x 0.2
−4 −2 2 4
(a) (b)
Tangent lines, linear approximation, and Newton’s method
In Chapter 3, we defined the tangent line as the line we see when we zoom
into the graph of a (continuous) function, y = f (x), at some point. In much the
same sense, the tangent line approximates the local behaviour of a function
near the point of tangency., x0 . Given x0 , y0 = f (x0 ), and the slope m =
f 0 (x0 ) (the derivative), we can find the equation of the tangent line Mastered Material Check
1. What are the slope and y-intercept
rise y − y0
= = m = f 0 (x0 ) of the generic tangent line (given in
run x − x0 Eqn. (5.1))?
⇒ y = f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ). (5.1)
1. Given a simple function y = f (x) and a point x, be able to find the equation
of the tangent line to the graph at that point.
2. Graph both a function and its tangent line using a spreadsheet or your
favorite software.
In the following examples, the equation of the tangent line is easily found.
In many cases, directly solving for roots of functions (as in Example 5.2c)
is not possible. In Section 5.4 we discuss how a repetition of this idea can be
used to refine the approximation of a zero using Newton’s method.
b) Find where that tangent line intersects the x-axis. Mastered Material Check
3. How many zeros does the function
Solution. This is the same type of calculation, but the constant, ρ - chosen depicted in Figure 5.2 have?
to develop familiarity with alternative constant choices - makes the example 4. Check that the tangent line goes
slightly less straightforward. through the desired point and has
the slope we found. One way to do
a) The derivative of f (x) = x3 − ρx is f 0 (x) = 3x2 − ρ so at x = 1, the slope is this is to pick a simple value for ρ,
e.g. ρ = 1 and do a quick check that
m = f 0 (1) = 3 − ρ. The point of tangency is (1, f (1)) = (1, 1 − ρ ). Then, the answer matches what we have
the equation of the tangent line is found.
= 0.25 ⇒ y = 2 + 0.25(x − 4).
Featured Problem 5.1 (Shortest ladder) In Fig. 5.3, what is the shortest ground
ladder that you can use to reach the window at 6 meters height in the tower
if there is an anthill in the way? Assume that the equation of the anthill is
y = f (x) = −x2 + 3x + 2. Figure 5.3: The ladder (red line) must
reach the window at height 6m. What is the
shortest ladder that avoids the anthill whose
equation is y = f (x) = −x2 + 3x + 2?
1. Explain the generic form of the tangent line equation (5.1) and be able to
connect it to the geometry of the tangent line.
2. Find the coordinate of the point at which the tangent line intersects the
x-axis (important for Newton’s Method later on in Section 5.4).
tangent line
Generic tangent line equation f (x)
Then from the slope-point form of the equation of a straight line, Mastered Material Check
6. Circle the point (x0 , f (x0 )) on
y − f ( x0 ) Figure 5.4.
= m = f 0 ( x0 ) .
x − x0 7. Circle where the tangent line
depicted in Figure 5.4 would cross
Rearranging and eliminating the notation m, we have the desired result. the x-axis.
Summary, Tangent Line equation: The equation of a tangent line at x = x0 i Quick video with a derivation of the
to the graph of the differentiable function y = f (x) is generic equation of a tangent line.
Solution. At the intersection with the x-axis, we have y = 0. Plugging this into
Eqn. (5.1) leads to
f (x0 )
0 = f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ) ⇒ (x − x0 ) = −
f 0 ( x0 )
f (x0 )
⇒ x = x0 − 0 .
f (x0 )
We have seen that the tangent line approximates the local behaviour of
a function, at least close enough to the point of tangency. Here we use this
idea in a formal procedure called linear approximation. The idea is to chose
a point (often called the base point) where the value of the function and its
derivative are known, or are easy to calculate, and use the tangent line at that
point to estimate values of the function in the vicinity. Specifically,
Example 5.6 Use the fact that the derivative of the function f (x) = x2 is
f 0 (x) = 2x to find a linear approximation for the value (10.03)2 .
Solution. Without the aid of calculator, we know that value of f (x) at the
nearby point x = 10 is 102 = 100. The derivative is f 0 (x) = 2x, so at x = 10
the slope of the tangent line is f 0 (10) = 20. The equation of the tangent line
directly provides the linear approximation of the function.
y − 100
= 20 ⇒ y = 100 + 20(x − 10),
x − 10
⇒ f (x) ≈ 100 + 20(x − 10).
On the tangent line, the value of y corresponding to x = 10.03 is Mastered Material Check
9. Use the linear approximation for x2
f (10.03) ≈ y = 100 + 20(10.03 − 10) = 100 + 20(0.03) = 100.6 found in Example 5.6 to
approximate (9.97)2 .
which is our approximation to the value of the original function. This com- 10. Use the linear approximation
pares well with the calculator value f (10.03) =100.6009. ♦ for sin(x) found in Example 5.7 to
approximate sin(−0.05).
Example 5.7 (Approximating the sine of a small angle) Use a linear 11. Can you think of an example of a
function whose linear approximation
approximation to find a rough value for sin(0.1). is exact for all values?
12. Do you know what concave means?
Solution. We have not yet discussed finding derivatives of trigonometric
functions, but recall from Example 3.2 that close to x = 0 the function y =
sin(x) is well approximated by its tangent line, y = x. Hence, the linear
approximation of y = sin(x) near x = 0 is sin(x) ≈ x (provided x is in
radians, to be discussed in Chapter 14). Thus, at x = 0.1 radians, we find
that sin(0.1) ≈ 0.1, close to its true value of sin(0.1) = 0.09983 (found using
a calculator). ♦
Solution. In Figure 5.5(a,b), we show the functions and their linear approx-
imations. In (a) we see that the tangent line to y = x2 at x = 10 is always
underneath the graph of the function, so a linear approximation underesti-
mates the true value of the function.
In (b), we see that the tangent line to y = sin(x) at x = 0 is above the
graph for x > 0 and below the graph for x < 0. This shows that the linear
approximation is larger than (overestimates) the function for x > 0 and smaller
than (underestimates) the function for x < 0. ♦
In Chapter 6, we associate these properties with the concavity of the
function, that is, whether the graph is locally concave up or down.
y =x −x
TA N G E N T L I N E S , L I N E A R A P P ROX I M AT I O N , A N D N E W T O N ’ S M E T H O D 115
f 0 (x) = √ = (1/2)x−1/2 . Mastered Material Check
2 x
13. A perfect square is an integer m of
Both the function and its derivative require evaluation of a square root. the form m = n2 where n is also an
Some numbers (“perfect squares” ) have convenient square roots. One integer. List several different perfect
such number, x = 4, is nearby, so we use it as the “base point” for a linear
√ 1.5
y= x
x x
2 4 6 8 4 5 6 7
(a) (b)
a) The slope of the tangent line at x = 4 is f 0 (4) = 1/(2 4) = 1/4 = 0.25
so the linear approximation of 6 is obtained as
b) A graph of the function and its tangent line in Figure 5.6(a) and a zoomed
portion in Figure 5.6(b) compares the true and approximated values of 6.
The tangent line is above the graph of the function, so the linear approxi-
mation overestimates values of the function. ♦
The discrepancy between true and approximated values is called the error.
The closer we are to the base point, the smaller the error in the approxima-
tion. This is demonstrated by comparing the values in Table 5.1, computed
using a spreadsheet with base point x0 = 4.
Table 5.1: Linear approximation to x at the
base point x = 4. The exact value is recorded
exact value approx. value
√ in column 2 and the linear approximation in
x f (x ) = x y = f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ) column 3. The approximation is reasonably
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 good close to the base point.
2. Given f (x) and initial guess x0 , use Newton’s method to find improved
values x1 , x2 , etc., for the zero of f (x) (value of x such that f (x) = 0).
3. For a given function f (x), select a suitable initial guess x0 for Newton’s
method from which to start the iteration.
Newton’s method
Consider the function y = f (x) shown in Figure 5.7. We have already found
that a tangent line approximates the behaviour of a function close to a point
TA N G E N T L I N E S , L I N E A R A P P ROX I M AT I O N , A N D N E W T O N ’ S M E T H O D 117
of tangency. It can also be used to build up and refine an approximation of the tangent line
zeros of the function.
Our goal is to find a decimal approximation for the value x such that
f (x) = 0. (In Fig. 5.7, this value is denoted by x∗ .) Newton’s method is an f (x0 )
iterated scheme (a procedure that gets repeated). It is applied several times,
to generate a decimal expansion of the desired zero to any level of accuracy.
A starting value, x0 , initiates the method. This can be a rough first guess
x1 x∗ x0 x
for the zero we seek, found graphically, for example. Newton’s method,
applied a number of times, will generate better and better approximations of
Figure 5.7: In Newton’s method, we seek
the true zero, x∗ . a decimal approximation for x∗ , a zero of
Gluing a tangent line at x0 , we follow it down to its x-axis intersection. In y = f (x). A rough initial guess, x0 , is refined
by “sliding down the tangent line” (glued
a previous section, we have already computed that intersection point in (5.3), to the curve at x0 ). This brings us to an
to be improved guess x1 . Repeating this again
f ( x0 ) and again allows us to find the root to any
x1 = x0 − 0 .
f (x0 ) desired accuracy.
f ( x0 ) x03 − x0 − 3 13 − 1 − 3
x1 = x0 − = x0 − = 1 − .
f 0 (x0 ) 3x02 − 1 3 · 12 − 1
y y
Figure 5.8: Newton’s method applied to
5 Newton’s method 5 Newton’s method
solving y = f (x) = x2 − 6 = 0.
f (x) = x2 − 6 f (x) = x2 − 6
x0 x1 x x0 x3 x2 x1 x
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
−5 −5
f (x0 ) x2 − 6
x1 = x0 − 0
= x0 − 0 .
f (x0 ) 2x0
Starting with an initial guess x0 = 1 (not very close to the value of the
P Link to Google Sheets. This
root), we show in Figure 5.8 how Newton’s method applies a tangent line to spreadsheet implements Newton’s
determination x1 . In the right panel, we see how the value of x1 is then used method for Example 5.11. You can view
the formulae by clicking on a cell in the
to obtain x2 by repeating the calculation. sheet but you cannot edit the sheet here.
A spreadsheet is ideal for carrying out the repetitive calculations, as shown
in Table 5.2. For example, we compute the following set of values using
k xk f (x k ) f 0 (x k ) x k +1
our spreadsheet. Observe that the fourth column contains the computed 0 1.00 -5.00 2.00 3.5
(Newton’s method) values, x1 , x2 , etc. These values are then copied onto the 1 3.5 6.250 7.00 2.6071
first column to be used as new “initial guesses”. After several repetitions, 2 2.6071 0.7972 5.2143 2.4543
3 2.4543 0.0234 4.9085 2.4495
the numbers calculated converge to 2.4495, and no longer change to that 4 2.4495 0.000 4.8990 2.4495
level of accuracy displayed. This signals that we have obtained the root to 5
Table 5.2: Newton’s method applied to
significant figures of accuracy. ♦
Example 5.11. We start with x0 = 1 as
Note: it is possible that Newton’s method fails to find a root - something we our initial approximation and refine it four
do not explore further here. This might happen if our initial guess is too poor.
TA N G E N T L I N E S , L I N E A R A P P ROX I M AT I O N , A N D N E W T O N ’ S M E T H O D 119
x3 x2
P(x ) = G(x ) ⇒ K = rx ⇒ K =r
a3 + x 3 a3 + x3
simplifying algebraically leads to the equation ` Examine this graph of the predation
rate P(x) and the population growth rate
Kx2 = r (a3 + x3 ) ⇒ rx3 − Kx2 + ra3 ≡ f (x) = 0. G(x) to find reasonable initial guess(es)
for points of intersection. (We look only
for positive values, since x represents
Having converted the problem into the form f (x) = 0, we can apply New- the number of aphids.) These will be
ton’s method. We need the function and its derivative for Newton’s method used as value(s) for x0 in Newton’s
formula, method.
Using the numerical values for the constants, and examining the graph of
the two functions P(x) and G(x), we find intersections at x = 0 and x0 ≈ 10.
k xk f (x k ) f 0 (x k ) x k +1
There is another intersection at x0 ≈ 60. To implement the method, we apply 0 10 1500.00 -450.00 13.33333333
Newton’s formula, 1 13.33333333 -148.15 -533.33 13.05555556
2 13.05555556 -0.78 -527.66 13.05407294
f ( x0 ) (rx03 − Kx02 + ra3 ) 3 13.05407294 0.00 -527.63 13.05407294
x1 = x0 − = x0 − 4 13.05407289 0.00 -527.63 13.05407294
f 0 (x0 ) 3rx02 − 2Kx0
Table 5.3: Newton’s method applied to
with x0 = 10. Table 5.3 summarizes the convergence to the root x =
Example 5.12. We start with x0 = 10 as the
13.05407289 after four rounds of improvement using Newton’s method. initial approximation.
growth and predation rates do not match? In such cases, we expect change to
take place. How to analyze such situations will be the topic of a later chapter.
1. Find a tangent line to a function that goes through some point (not neces-
sarily on the graph of the function).
Example 5.13 Find any value(s) of the constant a such that the line y = ax is
y = f (x )
tangent to the curve y = f (x) = −x2 + 3x − 2.
x0 x
Solution. We do not know the coordinate of any such point, but we label it x0
in Figure 5.10 to denote that it is a definite (as yet to be determined) value.
Finding x0 is part of the problem. We collect the information to be used:
Figure 5.10: Figure for Example 5.13:
• The tangent line y = ax intersects the graph of the function y = f (x) =
finding the point of tangency.
−x2 + 3x − 2 at (x0 , f (x0 )). Mastered Material Check
• Equating y values of the tangent line and the curve y = f (x) at x0 we get: 18. Factor f (x) = −x2 + 3x − 2. Does
the shape depicted in Figure 5.10
make sense?
f (x0 ) = −x02 + 3x0 − 2 = ax0 .
• The equation of the tangent line is y = ax. Its slope is a, which is also the
derivative of f (x) at x0 . Equating slopes gives:
f 0 (x0 ) = −2x0 + 3 = a.
We have two equations with two unknowns, (a and x0 ). We can solve this
system by substituting the value of a from the first equation into the second,
−x02 + 3x0 − 2 = (−2x0 + 3)x0 .
TA N G E N T L I N E S , L I N E A R A P P ROX I M AT I O N , A N D N E W T O N ’ S M E T H O D 121
Simplifying: y y = ax
−x02 + 3x0 − 2 = −2x02 + 3x0 ⇒ x02 − 2 = 0, x0 = ± 2.
Thus, there are two possible points of tangency, as shown in Figure 5.11. y = f (x)
Finally, we find a using a = −2x0 + 3. We get:
x0 x
√ √ √ √
x0 = 2 ⇒ a = −2 2 + 3, and x0 = − 2 ⇒ a = 2 2 + 3.
The solution to Example 5.13 was set up by
Practicing such multi-step problems is a critical part of training for many Figure 5.11: Two points of tangency in the
solution to Example 5.13
fields, including science, medicine, engineering, etc.
Example 5.14 Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve y = f (x) =
1 − x2 that goes through the point (1, 1).
Solution. Finding the point of tangency x0 is part of the problem. We use the
following facts:
• The tangent line goes through the point (x0 , f (x0 )) on the graph of the
function and has slope f 0 (x0 ).
• Consequently, its equation has the form Eqn. (5.2): y = f (x0 ) = f 0 (x0 )(x −
x0 ).
1. y = 1, and
We can also find points of tangency for functions that contain general
constants, as the next example illustrates.
5.7 Summary
2. If L(x) is the tangent line to a function f (x) at x0 , then L(x) forms a linear
approximation to f (x) near the point x0 .
TA N G E N T L I N E S , L I N E A R A P P ROX I M AT I O N , A N D N E W T O N ’ S M E T H O D 123
f (xk )
xk+1 = xk − .
f 0 (xk )
1. Is it possible for two different tangent lines of the same function to be parallel?
3. Consider the graph of the following function, and its tangent line at x = 1.
1 2 3 4 5
(a) When would the linear (tangent line) approximation result in an overestimate? Under-estimate?
(b) What is a reasonable interval on which to use this tangent line for approximation?
5.1. Equation of tangent line. Find the equation of the tangent line to the
function y = f (x) = |x + 1| at:
(a) x = −1,
(b) x = −2,
(c) x = 0.
If there is a problem finding a tangent line at one of these points, y
indicate what the problem is.
5.2. Equation of tangent line. A function f (x) satisfies f (1) = −1
and f 0 (1) = 2. What is the equation of the tangent line of f (x) at x =
5.3. Point of tangency. Shown in Figure 5.13 is the graph of y = x2 with
one of its tangent lines.
(a) Show that the slope of the tangent to the curve y = x2 at the x
point x = a is 2a. 1 a
(b) Suppose that the tangent line intersects the x axis at the point (1, 0).
Figure 5.13: Figure for Exercise 3; y = x2
Find the coordinate, a, of the point of tangency. and a point of tangency.
5.4. Approximation with a tangent line. Shown in Figure 5.14 is the y
(b) Find the coordinate x1 at which the tangent line intersects the x-
5.7. Estimating a square root. Use Newton’s method to find an ap-
proximate value for 8 (hint: first think of a function, f (x), such
that f (x) = 0 has the solution x = 8).
5.8. Finding points of intersection. Find the point(s) of intersection
of: y1 = 8x3 − 10x2 + x + 2 and y2 = x3 + 15x2 − x − 4 (hint: an x
intersection point exists between x = 3 and x = 4). x1 x0
5.9. Roots of cubic equations. Find the roots for each of the following Figure 5.16: Figure for Exercise 6; generic
cubic equations using Newton’s method: function and tangent line.
(a) x3 + 3x − 1 = 0
(b) x3 + x2 + x − 2 = 0
(c) x3 + 5x2 − 2 = 0 (hint: find an approximation to a first root a using
Newton’s method, then divide the left hand side of the equation
by (x − a) to obtain a quadratic equation, which can be solved by the
quadratic formula). unknown
coordinates to
5.10. Intersecting tangent lines. The parabola y = has two tangent lines find
that intersect at the point (2, 3). These are shown as the dark lines in
Figure 5.17. Find the coordinates of the two points at which the lines
are tangent to the parabola.
Note: note that the point (2, 3) is not on the parabola.
5.11. An approximation for the square root. Use a linear approximation
to find a rough estimate of the following functions at the indicated (2, 3)
points. x
√ √ y
(a) y = x at x = 10 (use the fact that 9 = 3).
Figure 5.17: Figure for Exercise 10; y = x2
(b) y = 5x − 2 at x = 1.
5.12. An approximation for the cube root. Use the method of linear
approximation to find the cube root of
(a) 0.065 (hint: 3 0.064 = 0.4)
(b) 215 (hint: 3 216 = 6)
5.13. Approximating from a graph. Use the data in the graph in Fig-
ure 5.18 to make the best approximation you can to f (2.01).
5.14. Linear approximation. Approximate the value of f (x) = x3 − 2x2 +
3x − 5 at x = 1.001 using the method of linear approximation.
5.15. Approximating cube volume. Approximate the volume of a cube
whose length of each side is 10.1 cm. Figure 5.18: Figure for Exercise 13; using
a graph to approximate the value of a
5.16. Using Newton’s method to find a critical point. Consider the func- function.
g(x) = x5 − 4x4 + 3x3 + x2 − 3x.
1. Identify that the sign of the first derivative corresponds to the increasing or
decreasing trend of a function.
2. Recognize that the sign of the second derivative corresponds to the concav-
ity (curvature) of a function.
1. If f 00 (x) > 0 then f 0 (x) is increasing. This means that the slope of the
original function is getting steeper (more positive, from left to right). The
function curves upwards: we say that it is concave up. See Figure 6.1(a).
2. If f 00 (x) < 0 then f 0 (x) is decreasing. This means that the slope of the
original function is getting shallower (more negative or less positive from
left to right). The function curves downwards: we say that it is concave
down. See Figure 6.1(b).
i See video summarizing the
connection between the shape of the
graph of y = f (x), and the derivatives of
Concavity and points of inflection the function, f 0 (x), f 00 (x) of the
The second derivative of a function provides information about the curvature
of the graph of the function, also called the concavity of the function.
x x
f 0 (x) f 0 (x)
x x
f 00 (x) f 00 (x)
We can deduce from the definition and previous remarks that at a point of inflection point f (x)
inflection the second derivative changes sign. This is illustrated in Figure 6.2. f 00 (x) = 0
Note: It is not enough to show that f 00 (x) = 0 to conclude that x is an f 00 (x) > 0
inflection point. We summarize the one-way nature of this relationship in the concave up
1. If the function y = f (x) has a point of inflection at x0 then f 00 (x0 ) = 0. Figure 6.2: An inflection point is a place
where the concavity of a function changes.
2. If the function y = f (x) satisfies f 00 (x0 ) = 0, we cannot conclude that it
has a point of inflection at x0 . We must actually check that f 00 (x) changes
sign at x0 .
Example 6.1 Consider the the functions (a) f1 (x) = x3 and (b) f2 (x) = x4 .
Show that for both functions, the second derivative is zero at the origin
( f 00 (0) = 0) but that only one of these functions actually has an inflection point
at x = 0.
i A summary of Example 6.1,
reinforcing the fact that f 00 (x) = 0 is not
Solution. The functions are
enough to guarantee an inflection point!
We have to check that f 00 (x) changes
(a) f1 (x) = x3 , (b) f2 (x) = x4 . sign.
(a) (b)
2. The expression changes sign only at points x = ai for which ni is an odd in-
teger power.
Example 6.3 Where does the function f (x) = (2/5)x6 − x4 + x have
inflection point(s)?
f 0 (x ) = (12/5)x5 − 4x3 + 1,
f 00 (x) = 12x4 − 14x2 = 12x2 (x2 − 1) = 12x2 (x + 1)(x − 1).
Here we have completely factored the second derivative. Sign changes can
only occur when there are factors with odd powers, such as (x + 1) and (x − 1).
These change sign at x = −1, 1, respectively - making both inflection points.
There is NO sign change at x = 0, since the factor x2 is always positive. ♦
1. Define a zero of a function and be able to identify zeros for simple func-
tions (factorizable polynomials).
2. Explain that a function f (x) can have various types of critical points
(maxima, minima, and other types) at which f 0 (x) = 0.
Zeros of a function
Example 6.4 (Factoring) For the function y = f (x) = x2 − 5x + 6, find zeros
by factoring.
Solution. This polynomial has factors f (x) = (x − 3)(x − 2). Zeros are values
of x satisfying 0 = (x − 3)(x − 2), so either (x − 3) = 0 or (x − 2) = 0. Hence,
there are two zeros, x = 2, 3. ♦ Mastered Material Check
5. What is another term used for zeros
Example 6.5 Find the zeros of the function y = f (x) = x3 − 3x2 + x. of a function?
Solution. We can factor this function into f (x) = x(x2 − 3x + 1). From this
we see that x = 0 is one of the desired zeros of f . To find the others, we apply
the quadratic formula to the second factor, obtaining
1 p 1 √
x1,2 = (3 ± 32 − 4) = (3 ± 5).
2 2
Thus, there are a total of three zeros in this case:
1 √ 1 √
x = 0, (3 + 5), (3 − 5).
2 2
Solution. This polynomial does not factor into integers, nor is it easy to apply
a cubic formula (analogous to the quadratic formula). However, as we saw in
Example 5.10, Newton’s method leads to an accurate approximation for the
only zero of this function, (x ≈ 1.6717) ♦
Critical points
Definition 6.2 A critical point of the function f (x) is any point x at which
the first derivative is zero, i.e. f 0 (x) = 0.
x x
f 0 (x) f 0 (x)
x x
f 00 (x) f 00 (x)
• The first derivative test: depends on changes in the sign of the first
derivative close to a critical point, x0 .
Near a local maximum, the sign pattern is:
• The second derivative test: is based on the sign of f 00 (x0 ) for x0 a critical −0.5
Example 6.8 Sketch the graph of the function B(x) = C (x2 − x3 ). Assume
that C > 0 is constant.
i Steps in the calculations of
Solution. To prepare, we compute the derivatives: Example 6.8.
Mastered Material Check
B0 (x) = C (2x − 3x2 ), B00 (x) = C (2 − 6x). 8. What is the independent variable in
Example 6.8? The dependent
1. Zeros. We start by finding the zeros of the function. Factoring makes this variable?
easy. Solving B(x) = 0, we find 9. Given our discussion on
“considering the powers” for
Example 6.8, add a reasonable scale
0 = C (x2 − x3 ) = Cx2 (1 − x), ⇒ ⇒ x = 0, 1.
to each of x-axes for the graphs in
Figure 6.6.
2. Consider the powers. Reasoning about the powers as in Chapter 1, we
surmise that close to the origin, x2 dominates (producing a parabolic
shape) whereas, far away, −x3 dominates (producing the shape of an
inverted cubic). We show this in a preliminary sketch, Figure 6.6.
x x x
4. Second derivative. From the second derivative, B00 (0) = 2 > 0, confirming
that x = 0 is a local minimum. Further, B00 (2/3) = 2 − 6 · (2/3) = −2 < 0
so x = 2/3 is a local maximum, as expected.
5. Classifying the critical points. Now identifying where B00 (x) = 0, we find
2 1
B00 (x) = C (2 − 6x) = 0, when 2 − 6x = 0 ⇒ x= =
6 3
we also note that the second derivative changes sign here: i.e. for x < 1/3, B(x)
B00 (x) > 0 and for x > 1/3, B00 (x) < 0. We may conclude that there is
inflection local max
an inflection point at x = 1/3. The final sketch, now labeled, is given in
Figure 6.7.
♦ x
1/3 2/3 1
Example 6.9 Sketch the graph of the function y = f (x) = 8 x5 + 5 x4 − 20 x3 local
Solution. This example is more challenging, but similar ideas apply.
1. Zeros. Factoring the expression for y and then using the quadratic formula Figure 6.7: A sketch of B(x) = C (x2 − x3 ) in
leads to Example 6.8.
5 1 √
y = x3 (8x2 + 5x − 20). ⇒ x = 0, − ± 665.
16 16
In decimal form, these are approximately x = 0, 1.3, −1.92.
2. Consider the powers. The highest power is 8 x5 , so far from the origin
we expect typical positive odd function behaviour. The lowest power is
−20 x3 , which means that close to zero, we expect to see a negative cubic.
This implies that the function “turns around”, creating local maxima and x
minima. We draw a rough sketch in Figure 6.8.
10. Classifying the critical points. To identify the types of critical points, we
use the second derivative test.
y 200 y 400 y
y = f (x) 200
20 y = f 0 (x) x
100 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0.5 1 1.5
x 00
−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0.5 1 1.5 y = f (x) −600
−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0.5 1 1.5
−10 −800
1 1
−2 + 2x = 0, ⇒ −2 = 2x ⇒ x3 = 1
x2 x2
which implies a critical point at x = 1. The second derivative at this point is
f 00 (1) = 4 + 2 = 6 > 0,
so that x = 1 is a local minimum.
We now calculate the value of the function at the endpoints x = 0.1 and 10
x = 4 and at the critical point x = 1 to determine where global and local
minima and/or maxima occur: 5
• f (0.1) = 2
+ 0.12 = 20.01; 1 2 3 4
• f (4) = 24 + 42 = 16.5.
6.4 Summary
1 2 3 4 5
4. Suppose you are given that γ is a critical point of some function g. What would you ask to learn more about the
shape of g?
f (x) = x4 − 2x2
and determine what kind of critical point each one is. Your answer
should be given in terms of the constant a, and you may assume
that a > 0.
6.16. Describing a function. The function f (x) is given by
( p + a)v = b( p0 − p)
(a) Sketch the shortening velocity versus the load, i.e., v as a function
of p.
Note: the best way to do this is to find the intercepts of the two
axes, i.e. find the value of v corresponding to p = 0 and vice versa.
(b) Find the rate of change of the shortening velocity with respect to
the load, i.e. calculate dv/d p.
(c) What is the largest load for which the muscle contracts? (hint: a
contracting muscle has a positive shortening velocity, whereas a
muscle with a very heavy load stretches, rather than contracts, i.e.
has a negative value of v).
6.19. Checking the endpoints. Find the absolute maximum and minimum
values of the function
f ( x ) = x2 + 2
on the interval [ 21 , 2]. Be sure to verify if any critical points are max-
ima or minima and to check the endpoints of the interval.
1. Given a function, find the derivative of that function and identify all
critical points.
Biologists often notice that the growth rate of a population depends not only
on the size of the population, but also on how crowded it is. Constant growth
is not sustainable. When individuals have to compete for resources, nesting
sites, mates, or food, they cannot invest time nor energy in reproduction,
leading to a decline in the rate of growth of the population. Such population
growth is called density dependent growth.
One common example of density dependent growth is called the logistic
growth law. Here it is assumed that the growth rate of the population, G
a) Find the population density N that leads to the maximal growth rate G(N ). N
0 K/2 K
b) Find the value of the maximal growth in terms of r, K.
Thus, the population density with the greatest growth rate is K/2.
c) To find the population size at which the growth rate is zero, we set G = 0
and solve for N:
K −N
G(N ) = rN = 0.
There are two solutions. One is trivial: N = 0. (This is biologically
interesting in the sense that it rules out the ancient idea of spontaneous
generation - a defunct theory that held that life can arise on its own,
from dust or air. If N = 0, the growth rate is also 0, so no population
spontaneously arises according to logistic growth.) The second solution,
N = K means that the population is at its “carrying capacity”.
We return to this type of growth in Chapter 13.
Example 7.2 Determine the radius of the cell for which the net rate of
increase of nutrients N (r ) is largest.
To identify the type of critical point, we use the second derivative test
3. Use the constraint to eliminate one of the independent variables, and find a
desired critical point. (As before, this includes classifying the critical point
as a local minimum, maximum or neither.)
Figure 7.2: Properties of a cylinder
• The volume of a cylinder is the product of its base area, A, and its height,
L. That is, V = AL. For a cylinder with circular cross-section, V = πr2 L.
• As in Figure 7.2, a cylinder can be “cut and unrolled” into a rectangle with
O P T I M I Z AT I O N 149
side lengths L and 2πr, where r is the radius of the circular cross-section.
The surface area is the product of these side lengths, Sside = 2πrL. Mastered Material Check
5. If a cylindrical cell has
• If the “ends” of the cylinder are two flat circular caps then the sum of the volume 100µm3 and length 10µm,
areas of these two ends is Sends = 2πr2 . While in a real cell, the end caps what is its radius?
would not be actually flat, for simplicity, we assume flat, circular ends. 6. What is the surface area of a
cylindrical cell with
volume 100µm3 and length 10µm?
• The total surface area of the cylinder with flat ends is then
S = 2πrL + 2πr2 .
Example 7.3 Minimize the surface area S = 2πrL + 2πr2 of the cell, given
that its volume V = πr2 L = K is constant1 . 1
I would like to thank Prof Nima Geffen
(Tel Aviv University) for providing the
inspiration for this example.
Solution. The shape of the cell depends on both the length, L, and the radius,
r, of the cylinder. However, these are not independent. They are related to
one another because the volume of the cell has to be constant. This is an
example of an optimization problem with a constraint, i.e., a condition that
has to be satisfied. The constraint is “the volume is fixed”, i.e.,
V = πr2 L = K,
L= . (7.2)
substituting this into the function S yields
S = 2πrL + 2πr2 . ⇒ S(r ) = 2πr + 2πr2 ⇒ S (r ) = 2 + 2πr2 ,
πr2 r
where S is now a function of a single independent variable, r (K and π are
S0 (r ) = −2 + 4πr, S00 (r ) = 4 + 4π.
r2 r3
Since K, r > 0, the second derivative is always positive, so S(r ) is concave up.
Any critical point we find is thus automatically a minimum. (In Exercise 7 we
also consider the first derivative test as practice.) Setting S0 (r ) = 0:
S0 (r ) = −2 + 4πr = 0.
which barrels contain the most wine for a
given price.
Kepler sought the wine barrel that contains the most wine for a given
cost. This is equivalent to asking which cylinder has the largest volume
O P T I M I Z AT I O N 151
The rod used to “measure” the amount of wine (and hence determine the cost
of the barrel) is shown as the diagonal of length L in Figure 7.4. Because the
cylinder walls are perpendicular to its base, the length L is the hypotenuse
of a right-angle triangle whose other sides have lengths 2r and h/2. (This
follows from the assumption that the tap hole is half-way up the side.) Thus,
by the Pythagorean theorem,
2 2 h
L = (2r ) + . (7.4)
The function V (h) is positive for h in the range 0 ≤ h ≤ 2L, and V = 0 at the
two endpoints of the interval. We can restrict attention to this interval since
otherwise V < 0, which makes no physical sense. Since V (h) is a smooth
function, we anticipate that somewhere inside this range of values there
should be a maximal volume.
Computing first and second derivatives, we find
0 π 2 3 2 00 π 3 3
V (h) = L − h , V (h) = 0 − 2 · h = − πh < 0.
4 4 4 4 8
Setting V 0 (h) = 0 to find critical points, we then solve for h:
V 0 (h) = 0 ⇒ L2 − h2 = 0 ⇒ 3h2 = 4L2
L2 L
⇒ h2 = 4 ⇒ h = 2√ .
3 3
We verify that this solution is a local maximum by the following reasoning.
The second derivative V 00 (h) = − 38 πh < 0 is always negative for any
positive value of h, so V (h) is concave down for h > 0, which confirms a local
maximum. We also noted that V (r ) is smooth, positive within the range of
interest and zero at the endpoints. As there is only one critical point in that
range, it must be a local maximum.
Finally, we find the radius of the barrel by plugging the optimal h into the
constraint equation, i.e. using
h2 L2
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
r = L − = L − = L
4 4 4 3 4 3
⇒ r = √ √ L.
3 2
The shape of the optimal barrel can now be characterized. One way to do so
is to specify the ratio of its height to its radius. (Tall skinny barrels have a
largeh/r ratio, and squat fat ones have a low ratio.) By the above reasoning,
the ratio of h/r for the optimal barrel is Mastered Material Check
9. If all barrels had a radius of 25cm,
h 2 √L √ given the result Example 7.4, what
= 1 3 = 2 2. (7.5)
would be the best barrel height?
r √ √ L
3 2
10. What would the volume of such a
Hence, for greatest economy, Kepler would have purchased barrels with barrel be?
height to radius ratio of 2 2 = 2.82 ≈ 3. ♦ 11. Consider a barrel with radius 25cm
and height 100cm. What is this
barrel’s volume?
7.3 Checking endpoints
In some cases, the optimal value of a function does not occur at any of
its local maxima, but rather at one of the endpoints of an interval. Here we
consider such an example.
2. Interpret graphs of the rate of energy gain in various food patches, and
explain the distinctions between types of food patches.
Animals spend much of their time foraging - searching for food. Time
is limited, since when the sun goes down, the risk of becoming food (to a
predator) increases, and the likelihood of finding food decreases. Individuals
who are most successful at finding food over that limited time have the
greatest chance of surviving. It is argued by biologists that evolution tends to
optimize animal behaviour by selecting those that are faster, stronger, or more
fit, or - in this case - most efficient at finding food.
In this section, we investigate a model for optimal foraging. We follow the
basic principles of [Stephens and Krebs, 1986] and [Charnov, 1976].
it should stay in the patch to optimize its
overall average energy gain per unit time.
food patch
travel time τ
time t
• τ= travel time between nest and food patch (this is considered to be time
that is unavoidably wasted).
• t = residence time in the patch (i.e. how long to spend foraging in one
patch), also called foraging time,
Energy gain in food patches. In some patches, food is ample and found Mastered Material Check
quickly, while in others, it takes time and effort to obtain. The typical time 16. Which of the energy gain functions
needed to find food is reflected by various energy gain functions f (t ) shown in Figure 7.7 are strictly increasing?
in Figure 7.7.
Example 7.6 (Energy gain versus patch residence time) For each panel
in Figure 7.7, explain what the graph of the total energy gain f (t ) is saying
about the type of food patch: how easy or hard is it to find food?
1. The energy gain is linearly proportional to time spent in the patch. In this
case, the patch has so much food that it is never depleted. It would make
sense to stay in such a patch for as long as possible.
2. Energy gain is independent of time spent. The animal gets the full quantity
as soon as it gets to the patch.
O P T I M I Z AT I O N 155
t t t
t t t
3. Food is gradually depleted, (the total energy gain levels off to some
Mastered Material Check
constant as t increases). There is “diminishing return” for staying longer,
suggesting that it is best not to stay too long. 17. Which model(s) can you
automatically dismiss as not very
biologically realistic?
4. The reward for staying longer in this patch increases: the net energy gain
is concave up ( f 00 (t ) > 0), so its slope is increasing.
5. It takes time to begin to gain energy. After some time, the gain increases,
but eventually, the patch is depleted.
a) The function resembles Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Figure 1.8). In
Figure 7.7, Panel (3) is the closest match.
Write down R(t ) for the assumed patch energy function Eqn. 7.6.
Solution. The ‘total time spent’ is a sum of the fixed amount of time τ
traveling, and time t foraging. The ‘total energy gained’ is f (t ). Thus, for the
patch function f (t ) assumed in Eqn. (7.6), Mastered Material Check
18. What units might be used in the
f (t ) Emaxt function R(t )?
R(t ) = = . (7.7)
(τ + t ) (k + t )(τ + t )
We can now state the mathematical problem:
Example 7.9 Use tools of calculus and curve-sketching to find and classify
the critical points of R(t ) in Eqn. (7.7).
These two conclusions are shown in Figure 7.8 (left panel), and strongly
suggest that there should be a local maximum in the range 0 < t < ∞, as shown
in the right panel of Fig 7.8. Since the function is continuous for t > 0, this
t t
sketch verifies that there is a local maximum for some positive t value.
O P T I M I Z AT I O N 157
kτ − t 2
R0 (t ) = Emax = 0. (7.8)
(k + t )2 (τ + t )2
This can only be satisfied if the numerator is zero, that is
kτ − t 2 = 0 ⇒ t1,2 = ± kτ.
Rejecting the (irrelevant) negative root, we deduce that the critical point of
the function R(t ) is tcrit = kτ. The sketch in Figure 7.8, verifies that this
critical point is a local maximum. ♦
Example 7.10 For practice, use one of the calculus tests for critical points to
show that tcrit = kτ is a local maximum for the function R(t ) in Eqn. (7.7).
• Thus, R0 (t ) > 0 for t < tcrit , and R0 (t ) < 0 for t > tcrit .
This confirms that the function increases up to the critical point and decreases
afterwards, so the critical point is a local maximum, henceforth denoted tmax .
To optimize the average rate of energy gain, R(t ), we found that the
animal should stay in the patch for a duration of t = tmax = kτ. Mastered Material Check
19. Given tmax is the duration of time an
Example 7.11 Determine the average rate of energy gain at this optimal animal should stay in a patch, and τ
patch residence time, i.e. find the maximal average rate of energy gain. is travelling time, explain why the
constant k is also in units of time.
Solution. Computing R(t ) for t = tmax = kτ, we find that
Emaxtmax Emax 1
R(tmax ) = = √ . (7.9)
(k + tmax )(τ + tmax ) τ (1 + k/τ )2
The reader is asked to fill in the steps for this calculation in Exercise 27(d). ♦
In Appendix G.5, we extend this example by considering a more general
problem. Geometric arguments play a key role in that discussion.
7.5 Summary
• population density,
(b) Nutrient absorption in a cell. Using the model developed in Section 1.2
for a spherical cell, we considered:
• cell length,
• cell radius,
• cell volume (constant),
• cell surface area (to be minimized).
(d) Wine for Kepler’s wedding, seeking the largest barrel volume for a
fixed diagonal length. The following parameters were considered:
50000 − N
G(N ) = 1.2N ,
where N is the density of the population, under what circumstances is the population growing fastest?
2. When finding a global maximum, why is always imperative to check the endpoints?
3. Demonstrate the variability of barrel dimensions by giving two different height and radius pairs which lead to a
volume of 50L.
4. Would the answer to Kepler’s wine barrel problem have changed if we had solved for h2 instead of r2 ?
7.1. Find the numbers. The sum of two positive number is 20. Find the
(a) if their product is a maximum,
(b) if the sum of their squares is a minimum,
(c) if the product of the square of one and the cube of the other is a
7.2. Distance, velocity and acceleration. A tram ride departs from its
starting place at t = 0 and travels to the end of its route and back. Its
distance from the terminal at time t can be approximately described by
the expression
S(t ) = 4t 3 (10 − t )
y = v0t − 4.9t 2
(b) Use the first derivative test to show that the critical point r = 2k1 /k2
is a local maximum.
7.6. Nutrient increase in cylindrical cell. Consider a long skinny cell in
the shape of a cylinder with radius r and a fixed length L. The volume
and surface area of such a cell (neglecting endcaps) are V = πr2 L = K
and S = 2πrL.
(a) Adapt the formula for net rate of increase of nutrients N (t ) for a
spherical cell Eqn. (7.1) to the case of a cylindrical cell.
(b) Find the radius of the cylindrical cell that maximizes N (t ). Be sure
to verify that you have found a local maximum.
7.7. Cylinder of minimal surface area. In this exercise we continue to
explore Example 7.3.
(a) Reason that the surface area of the cylinder, S(r ) = 2 Kr + 2πr2 is a
function that has a local minimum using curve-sketching.
K 1/3
(b) Use the first derivative test to show that r = 2π is a local
minimum for S(r ).
(c) Show the algebra required to find the value of L corresponding to
this r value and show that L/r = 2.
7.8. Dimensions of a box. A closed 3-dimensional box is to be constructed
in such a way that its volume is 4500 cm3 . It is also specified that the
length of the base is 3 times the width of the base.
Determine the dimensions of the box which satisfy these conditions
and have the minimum possible surface area. Justify your answer.
7.9. Dimensions of a box. A box with a square base is to be made so that
its diagonal has length 1; see Figure 7.9.
(a) What height y would make the volume maximal?
(b) What is the maximal volume? (hint: a box having side lengths `, w, h
has diagonal length D where D2 = `2 + w2 + h2 and volume V =
y D
7.10. Minimum distance. Find the minimum distance from a point on the
positive x-axis (a, 0) to the parabola y2 = 8x.
7.11. The largest garden. You are building a fence to completely enclose
part of your backyard for a vegetable garden. You have already
purchased material for a fence of length 100 ft.
What is the largest rectangular area that this fence can enclose?
7.12. Two gardens. A fence of length 100 ft is to be used to enclose two
gardens. One garden is to have a circular shape, and the other to be
Determine how the fence should be cut so that the sum of the areas
inside both gardens is as large as possible.
7.13. Dimensions of an open box. A rectangular piece of cardboard with
dimension 12 cm by 24 cm is to be made into an open box (i.e., no
lid) by cutting out squares from the corners and then turning up the
Find the size of the squares that should be cut out if the volume of the
box is to be a maximum.
7.14. Alternate solution to Kepler’s wine barrel. In this exercise we
follow an alternate approach to the most economical wine barrel
problem posed by Kepler (as in Example 7.4).
Through this approach, we find the proportions (height:radius) of the
cylinder that minimizes the length L of the wet rod in Figure 7.3 for a
fixed volume.
(a) Explain why minimizing L is equivalent to minimizing L2 in
Eqn. (7.4)
(b) Explain how Eqn. (7.3) can be used to specify a constraint for this
problem. (hint: consider the volume, V to be fixed and show that
you can solve for r2 ).
(c) Use your result in (c) to eliminate r from the formula for L2 .
Now L2 (h) depends only on the height of the cylindrical wine
(d) Use calculus to find any local minima for L2 (h). Be sure to verify
that your result is a minimum.
(e) Find the corresponding value of r using your result in (b).
(f) Find the ratio h/r. You should obtain the same result as in
Eqn. (7.5).
7.15. Rectangle with largest area. Find the side lengths, x and y, of the
rectangle with largest area whose diameter L is given (hint: eliminate
one variable using the constraint. To simplify the derivative, consider
that critical points of A would also be critical points of A2 , where A =
O P T I M I Z AT I O N 163
xy is the area of the rectangle. If you have already learned the chain
rule, you can use it in the differentiation).
7.16. Shortest path. Find the shortest path that would take a milk-maid
from her house at (10, 10) to fetch water at the river located along
the x-axis and then to the thirsty cow at (3, 5).
7.17. Water and ice. Why does ice float on water? Because the density of
ice is lower! In fact, water is the only common liquid whose maximal
density occurs above its freezing temperature. This phenomenon
favours the survival of aquatic life by preventing ice from forming
at the bottoms of lakes. According to the Handbook of Chemistry
and Physics, a mass of water that occupies one liter at 0◦ C occupies a
volume (in liters) of
V = −aT 3 + bT 2 − cT + 1
R(x) = Ax2 (B − x)
Find the size of the swarm for which the rate of depletion of heat
energy is greatest.
7.20. Cylinder inside a sphere. Work through the steps for the calculations
and classification of critical point(s) in Example G.2, that is, find
the dimensions of the largest cylinder that would fit in a sphere of
radius R.
7.21. Circular cone circumscribed about a sphere. A right circular cone
is circumscribed about a sphere of radius 5. Find the dimension of this
cone if its volume is to be a minimum.
Note: this is a rather challenging geometric problem.
7.22. Optimal reproductive strategy. Animals that can produce many
healthy babies that survive to the next generation are at an evolution-
ary advantage over other, competing, species. However, too many
young produce a heavy burden on the parents (who must feed and care
for them). If this causes the parents to die, the advantage is lost. Fur-
ther, competition of the young with one another for food and parental
attention jeopardizes the survival of these babies.
Suppose that the evolutionary Advantage A to the parents of having
litter size x is
A(x) = ax − bx2 .
Suppose that the Cost C to the parents of having litter size x is
C (x) = mx + e.
G = A −C.
F (x ) = B(x + 1)2
O P T I M I Z AT I O N 165
R(N ) = rN (1 − N/K )
where E, the effort of the fishermen, and q, the catchability of this type
of fish, are positive constants.
At what density of fish does the growth rate exactly balance the
harvesting rate? This density is called the maximal sustainable yield:
7.26. Conservation of a harvested population. Conservationists insist
that the density of fish should never be allowed to go below a level at
which growth rate of the fish exactly balances with the harvesting rate.
At this level, the harvesting is at its maximal sustainable yield. If more
fish are taken, the population keeps dropping and the fish eventually
go extinct.
What level of fishing effort should be used to lead to the greatest
harvest at this maximal sustainable yield?
Note: you should first complete the Exercise 25.
7.27. Optimal foraging. Consider Example 7.7 for the optimal foraging
(a) Show that the parameter k in Eqn. (7.6) is the time at which f (t ) =
Emax /2.
(b) Consider panel (5) of Figure 7.7. Show that a function such as a
Hill function would have the shape shown in that sketch. Interpret
any parameters in that function.
(c) Use the quotient rule to calculate the derivative of the function R(t )
given by Eqn. (7.7) and show that you get Eqn. (7.8).
(d) Fill in the missing steps in the calculation in Eqn. (7.9) to find the
optimal value of R(t ).
7.28. Rate of net energy gain while foraging and traveling. Animals
spend energy in traveling and foraging. In some environments this
energy loss is a significant portion of the energy budget. In such cases,
it is customary to assume that to survive, an individual would optimize
the rate of net energy gain, defined as
Net energy gained Energy gained − Energy lost
Q(t ) = = (7.10)
total time spent total time spent
Assume that the animal spends p energy units per unit time in all
activities (including foraging and traveling). Assume that the energy
gain in the patch (“patch energy function”) is given by Eqn. (7.6).
Find the optimal patch time, that is the time at which Q(t ) is maxi-
mized in this scenario.
7.29. Maximizing net energy gain: Suppose that the situation requires an
animal to maximize its net energy gained E (t ) defined as
2. Produce the chain rule of differentiation and apply it to find the derivative
of a composite function.
Function composition
Consider Figure 8.1 which depicts a function composition: an independent
variable, x, is used to evaluate a function, and the result, u = f (x) then acts as
an input to a second function, g. The final value is y = g(u) = g( f (x)).
a) h1 (x) = g( f (x))
b) h2 (x) = f (g(x))
a) For h1 we apply f first, followed by g, so h1 (x) = ( x)2 + 1 = x + 1
(provided x ≥ 0.)
b) For h2 , the functions are applied in the reversed order so that h2 (x) =
x2 + 1 (for any real x).
We note that the domains of the two functions are slightly different: h1 is only
defined for x ≥ 0 since f (x) is not defined for negative x, whereas h2 is defined
for all x. ♦ Mastered Material Check
2. Can you define the domain of a
Example 8.2 Express the function h(x) = 5(x3 − x2 )10 as the composition of function?
two simpler functions. 3. What are the domains of f (x)
and g(x) found in Example 8.2?
Solution. We can write this in terms of the two functions f (x) = x3 − x2 and
g(x) = 5x10 . Then h(x) = g( f (x)). ♦
dy dy du
= .
dx du dx
Informally, the chain rule states that the change in y with respect to x is a
product of two rates of change:
Why does it work this way? Although the derivative is not a simple quotient,
we gain an intuitive grasp of the chain rule by writing
dy ∆y ∆y ∆u
≈ =
dx ∆x ∆u ∆x
then it is apparent that the “cancellation” of terms ∆u in numerator and
denominator lead to the correct fraction on the left. The proof of the chain
rule uses this essential idea, but care is taken to ensure that the quantity
∆u is nonzero, to avoid the embarrassment of dealing with the nonsensical
ratio 0/0. The proof of the chain rule is found in Appendix E.4.
I N T RO D U C I N G T H E C H A I N RU L E 169
Example 8.3 Compute the derivative of the function h(x) = 5(x3 − x2 )10 .
d (5u10 ) d ( x3 − x2 )
dy dy du
= = = 50u9 (3x2 − 2x).
dx du dx du dx
Solution. We use both the quotient rule and the chain rule for this calcula-
tion. √ √
dy [ x ] 0 · x2 + d 2 − [ x2 + d 2 ] 0 · x
= √ .
dx ( x2 + d 2 ) 2
Here the [. . . ]0 denotes differentiation. Then
dy 1 · x2 + d 2 − [ 12 · 2x · (x2 + d 2 )−1/2 ] · x
= .
dx ( x2 + d 2 )
dy x2 + d 2 − x2 d2
= 2 = 2 .
dx (x + d ) (x + d ) (x + d 2 )3/2
2 1/2 2 2
Solution. The rate of change (decline in this case) of the fish population
depends on:
dC dC dP dV
= · · .
dr dP dV dr
P V r
dC dC dP dV 1 2P
= = r−1/2 (2)(2P) = 1/2 . Mastered Material Check
dr dP dV dr 2 r
5. Take an alternative approach to
Using the fact that V = r1/2 and P = 2V , we obtain Example 8.8 by expressing the
number of carnivores C explicitly in
dC 2P 2(2V ) terms of rainfall r, and then
= = = 4.
dr V V differentiating. Verify that both
approaches yield the same solution.
6. While both approaches work in this
case, why might they not in general?
Example 8.9 (Budget for coffee) Your budget for coffee depends on the
number of cups consumed per day and on the price per cup. The total budget
changes if either price or the consumption goes up. Define appropriate
variables and quantify the rate at which the coffee budget changes if both
consumption and price change.
Solution. The total rate of change of the coffee budget is a product of the
change in the price and the change in the consumption. For t time in days,
x = f (t ) the number of cups of coffee consumed, and y = g(x) the price for x
cups of coffee, we obtain
dy dy dx
= = g0 (x) f 0 (t ).
dt dx dt
Assume that the albedo a is the only quantity that depends on the level of
greenhouse gases G, and that da/dG is known.Determine how the tempera-
ture changes as the level of greenhouse gases G increases.
Mastered Material Check
Solution. Temperature T depends on the level of greenhouse gases G through 7. List all constants in Example 8.10.
the albedo a, so we write T (a(G)). Here S, ε, σ are all constants, so it 8. List all variables in Example 8.10.
simplifies calculation to rewrite T as
T (a) = (1 − a)1/4 .
dT dT da
= .
dG da dG
1/4 1/4
dT S d h i da S 1 da
= (1 − a)1/4 = (1 − a)(1/4)−1 · (−1) .
dG εσ da dG εσ 4 dG
Rearranging leads to
dT 1 S da
=− (1 − a)−3/4 .
dG 4 εσ dG
In general, greenhouse gasses affect both the Earth’s albedo a and its emissiv-
ity ε. We generalize our results in Exercise 3. ♦
3. Using optimization, find each critical point and identify its type.
Armed with the chain rule, we can now differentiate a wider variety of
functions, and address problems that were not tractable with the power,
product, or quotient rules alone. We return to optimization problems where
derivatives require use of the chain rule.
I N T RO D U C I N G T H E C H A I N RU L E 173
Example 8.11 (Minimizing the total path length) Use the diagram to
determine the length of the shortest path that connects the nest to both food
sources. Assume that d << D.
2. a T-shaped path.
The length of a V-shaped path is 2 D2 + d 2 , whereas the length of a T-
shaped path is D + 2d. Mastered Material Check
Now consider a third possibility: a Y-shaped path, where the ants first 9. If D = 2m and d = 20cm, how long
walk straight ahead and then veer off to the left and right. All three possibili- is the V -shaped path? The T -shaped
ties are shown in Figure 8.3.
To determine the actual length of the path, we substitute x = d/ 3 into the
function L(x) and obtain (after simplification, see Exercise 4)
L = L(x) = D + 3d.
The final result is summarized in Figure 8.4. The shortest path is Y-shaped,
√ √
with x = d/ 3. The ants march straight for a distance D − (d/ 3), and then
their trail branches to the right and left towards the food sources. Does this happen really?
Featured Problem 8.1 (Most economical wooden beam) A cylindrical
tree trunk is to be cut into a rectangular wooden beam. What is the most
economical way to cut the beam so as to waste the least amount of material?
Figure 8.5: A cylindrical trunk can produce
a variety of wooden beams. Which one
uses the most wood and wastes as little as
I N T RO D U C I N G T H E C H A I N RU L E 175
Paying attention. Many types of food are cryptic - hidden in the environ-
ment - and so, require time and attention to find. Some types of food are
more easily detected, but other foods might provide greater nourishment.
Behavioural ecologist Reuven Dukas (McMaster U) studied how blue jays
allocate attention to two food types [Dukas and Ellner, 1993, Dukas and
Kamil, 2000, 2001]. The goal in the following problem is to find the optimal
subdivision of time and attention between the food types so as to maximizes
the total energy gain. Mastered Material Check
11. If x = 1 and full attention is devoted
Setting up the model. Suppose that there are two available food types. to finding food type 1, is any
Define notation as follows: attention devoted to finding food
type 2?
x = attention devoted to finding food of type 1
12. If x = 0.5, how much attention is
P(x) = probability of finding the food given attention x being paid to finding food of type 1?
We assume that 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, with x = 0 representing no attention and x = 1 Mastered Material Check
meaning full attention is devoted to finding food type 1. 13. Use Figure 8.6 to estimate the
attention x needed to have a 50%
Moreover, P is a probability which mean 0 ≤ P ≤ 1. We assume that probability of finding food type 1.
P(0) = 0 which means that when no attention is paid (x = 0) the probability of That is, roughly estimate x such
finding food is zero (P = 0). We also assume for simplicity that P(1) = 1, so that P(x) = 0.5 for each of the
probability curves.
when full attention paid x = 1, there is always success (P = 1).
14. If we fully divide attention between
Figure 8.6 displays hypothetical examples of P(x). The horizontal axis food types 1 and 2, and we
is attention 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, and the vertical axis, is the probability of success, spend 0.25 of our attention on
finding food type 1, how much
0 ≤ P ≤ 1. All these curves share the assumed properties of full success with attention is given to food type 2?
full attention, and no success with no attention. However, the curves differ in Converting the probability to a
overall shape. percentage may help with
Observe that concave down curves such as 3 and 4 rise rapidly at small x, 0 attention, x 1
indicating that the probability of finding food increases a lot just by increas-
ing the attention by a little: these represent foods that are relatively easy to Figure 8.6: The probability, P(x), of finding
a food depends on the level of attention x
find. Other curves (1 and 2) are concave up, indicting that much more atten-
devoted to finding that food. Here 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,
tion is needed to gain appreciable increase in the probability of success: these with x = 1 being “full attention”. We show
represent foods that are harder to find. The concavity of the curves carries possible curves for four types of foods, some
easier to find than others.
P1 (x) = x2 , P2 (y) = y3 .
i See an explanation of Example 8.12.
(These functions satisfy P(0) = 0, P(1) = 1, in accordance with Figure 8.6.)
Further, suppose that both foods are equally nutritious, so N = 1. Find the
optimal V (x).
Nutritional value, V (x)
first root suggests that the animal should spend ≈ 0.45% of its attention on 0.2
food type 1 and the rest on type 2. However, to confirm such speculation, we
must check whether the critical point is a maximum. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
attention, x
The second derivative is positive for all values of x in 0 ≤ xle1, signifying a
local minimum! The animal gains least by splitting its attention between two Figure 8.7: Figure for Example 8.12. The
food typess in this case. Indeed, from Figure 8.7, we see that the most gain probabilities of finding foods of types 1
occurs at either x = 0 (only food type 2 sought) or x = 1 (only food type 1 and 2 are concave up power functions. There
is no local maximum.
sought).This example reemphasizes the importance of checking the type of
critical point before drawing hasty conclusions. ♦
I N T RO D U C I N G T H E C H A I N RU L E 177
and both foods are equally nutritious (N = 1). Find the optimal food value i See a brief recap of Example 8.13,
and why we expect to find a local
V (x ).
maximum in this case.
Solution. These functions also satisfy P(0) = 0, P(1) = 1, in accordance with 1.6
0 1 1
V (x) = 1/2 − ,
2x 3 (1.0 − x)(2/3)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1 2 attention, x
V 00 (x) = − − .
4 x(3/2) 9 (1.0 − x)(5/3)
We must solve V 0 (x) = 0 to find the critical point. Unfortunately, this problem, Figure 8.8: Figure for Example 8.13. The
probabilities of finding foods of types 1
turns out to be algebraically nasty. However, we can look for an approximate and 2 are both function that are concave
solution to the problem, using Newton’s Method. down. As a result there is a local maximum
for the nutritional value.
A plotting the graph of V (x) in Figure 8.8 demonstrates that there is a
maximum inside the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, i.e., for attention split between finding
both foods. We further see from V 00 (x) that the second derivative is negative
for all values of x in the interval, indicating a local maximum, as expected. ♦
Applying Newton’s method to find the critical point.
Example 8.14 Use Newton’s Method to find the critical point for the func-
tion V (x) in Example 8.13.
Mastered Material Check
Solution. Finding the critical point of V (x) reduces to solving V 0 (x)
= 0. 17. Justify algebraically why V 00 (x) in
0 Example 8.13 is negative on the
Let f (x) = V (x) - we must solve f (x) = 0 using Newton’s Method (Recall
interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.
Section 5.4).
18. Using Figure 8.8, what is the largest
Since the interval of interest is 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, we start with an initial “guess” for possible nutritional value?
the critical point at x0 = 0.5, midway along this interval. Then, according to
Newton’s method, the improved guess would be
f ( x0 )
x1 = x0 − .
f 0 (x0 )
and, repeating this, at the k’th stage,
f ( xk )
xk+1 = xk − .
f 0 ( xk )
To use this method, carefully note that
1 1
f (x ) = V 0 (x ) = − ,
2 x1/2 3 (1.0 − x)(2/3)
1 2
f 0 (x) = V 00 (x) = − − .
4 x(3/2) 9 (1.0 − x)(5/3)
Thus, we might use a spreadsheet in which cells A1 stores our initial guess,
whereas B1, C1, and D1 store the values of f (x), f 0 (x) and x0 − f (x0 )/ f 0 (x0 ).
In the typical syntax of spreadsheets, this might read something like the
following: P Link to Google Sheets. This
spreadsheet implements Newton’s
method for Example 8.14. You can view
A1 0.5 the formulae by clicking on a cell in the
B1 =(1/(2*(A1)^(1/2))-1/(3*(1-A1)^(2/3))) sheet but you cannot edit the sheet here.
C1 =(-1/(4*A1^(3/2))-2/(9*(1-A1)^(5/2)))
D1 =A1-B1/C1
d 0 d
V 00 (x) = [V (x)] = [P10 (x) − NP20 (1 − x)]
dx dx
= P100 (x) − NP200 (1 − x)(−1) = P100 (x) + NP200 (1 − x).
The concavity of the function V is thus related to the concavity of the two
functions P1 (x) and P2 (1 − x). If these are concave down (e.g. as in food
types 3 or 4 in Figure 8.6), then V 00 (x) < 0 and a local maximum occurs at any
critical point found by our differentiation.
Another way of stating this observation is: if both food types are relatively
easy to find, one can gain most benefit by splitting up the attention between
the two. Otherwise, if both are hard to find, then it is best to look for only one
at a time.
I N T RO D U C I N G T H E C H A I N RU L E 179
8.3 Summary
dy dy du
= .
dx du dx
2. Write f (x) as a composition of three different functions. Differentiate using the chain rule. Verify your solution
matches that of 1.
3. If an animal needs to divide its attention x between 4 food types, and P1 (x) = 0.2, P2 (x) = 0.1 and P3 (x) = 0.5, what
is P4 (x)?
4. Consider the following graph depicting the nutritional value gained when x attention is applied to food type 1
Nutritional value, V (x)
8.1. Practicing the chain rule. Use the chain rule to calculate the follow-
ing derivatives
(a) y = f (x) = (x + 5)5 ,
(b) y = f (x) = 4(x2 + 5x − 1)8 ,
(c) y = f (x) = ( x + 2x)3 .
8.2. Growth curve. An example of a growth curve in population biology is
called the Bertalanffy growth curve, after Canadian biologist Ludwig
von Bertalanffy. This curve is defined by the equation credit: De Sapio
N = (a − b2−kt )3 ,
where the constants a, b and k are positive and a > b; N denotes the
size of the population and t denotes elapsed time. Find the growth
rate dN/dt of the population.
Note: if f (x) = 2ax , then f 0 (x) = 0.6931 · a2ax . Derivatives of such
exponential functions are studied in Chapter 10.
8.3. Earth’s temperature. We expand and generalize the results of Ex-
ample 8.10. As before, let G denote the level of greenhouse gases on
Earth, and consider the relationship of temperature of the earth to the
albedo a and the emissivity ε given by Eqn. (8.1).
(a) Suppose that a is constant, but ε depends on G. Assume that dε/dG
is given. Determine the rate of change of temperature with respect
to the level of greenhouse gasses in this case.
(b) Suppose that both a and ε depend on G. Find dT /dG in this more
general case (hint: the quotient rule as well as the chain rule are
8.4. Shortest path from nest to food sources.
(a) Use the first derivative test to verify that the value x = √d is a local
minimum of the function L(x) given by Eqn (8.2)
(b) Show that the shortest path is L = D + 3d.
(c) In Section 8.2 we assumed that d << D, so that the food sources
were close together relative to the distance from the nest. Now
suppose that D = d/2. How would this change the solution?
8.5. Geometry of the shortest ants’ path. Use the results of Section 8.2
to show that in the shortest path, the angles between the branches of
the Y-shaped path are all 120◦ . Recall that sin(30) = 1/2, sin(60) =
8.6. More about the ant trail. Consider the lengths of the V and T-shaped
paths in the ant trail example of Section 8.2. We refer to these as LV
and LT ; each depend on the distances d and D in Figure 8.3.
(a) Write down the expressions for each of these functions.
(b) Suppose the distance D is fixed. How do the two lengths LV , LT
depend on the distance d? Use your sketching skills to draw a
rough sketch of Lv (d ), LT (d ).
(c) Use you sketch to determine whether there is a value of d for which
the lengths LV and LT are the same.
8.7. Divided attention. A bird in its natural habitat feeds on two kinds of
seeds whose nutritional values are
• 5 calories per seed of type 1, and
• 3 calories per seed of type 2.
Both kinds of seeds are hidden among litter on the forest floor and
have to be found. If the bird splits its attention into x1 (a fraction of 1
- its whole attention) searching for seed type 1 and x2 (also a fraction
of 1) searching for seed type 2, then its probability of finding 100
seeds of the given type is
Assume that the bird pays full attention to searching for seeds so
that x1 + x2 = 1 where 0 ≤ x1 ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ x2 ≤ 1.
(a) Give an expression for the total nutritional value V gained by the
bird when it splits its attention. Use the constraint on x1 , x2 to
eliminate one of these two variables (for example, let x = x1 and
write x2 in terms of x1 .)
(b) Find critical points of V (x) and classify those points.
(c) Find absolute minima and maxima of V (x) and use your results to
explain the bird’s optimal strategy for maximizing the nutritional
value of the seeds it can find.
Chain rule applied to related rates and implicit differenti-
constant rate, k. Determine the rate of growth of the volume of the tumor
when the radius is r = 1cm. Assume that the tumor is approximately spherical
as depicted in Figure 9.1.
But we are told that the radius expands at a constant rate, k, so that Mastered Material Check
1. What is dV /dt when the radius is
dr dV r = 2cm?
= k. ⇒ = 4πr2 k.
dt dt 2. What are the units of dV /dt?
Hence, the rate of growth of the volume is proportional to the square of the
radius; in fact, it is proportional to the surface area of the sphere. At the
instant that r = 1 cm,
= 4πk.
Importantly, the numerical value r = 1 cm holds only at one instant and is used
at the end of the calculation, after the differentiation and simplification steps
are completed. ♦
Example 9.2 (Convergent extension) Most animals are longer head to tail
than side to side. To obtain relative elongation along one axis, an embryo
undergoes a process called convergent extension whereby a block of tissue
elongates (extends) along one axis and narrows (converges) along the other
axis as shown in Figure 9.2. Here we consider this process. Mastered Material Check
Suppose that a rectangular block of tissue, with dimensions L = w = 10mm 3. How wide is the tissue
when L = 20mm if thickness τ and
and thickness τ = 1mm, extends at the rate of 1mm per day, while the volume volume V remain fixed?
V and thickness τ remain fixed. At what rate is the width w changing when
the length is L = 20mm?
Figure 9.2: Convergent extension of tissue
in embryonic development. Cells elongate
Solution. We are told that the volume V and the thickness τ remain constant. along one axis (which increases L) while
We find, using the initial length, width and thickness, that the volume is contracting along the other axis (decreasing
V = 10 · 10 · 1mm3 . Further, at any given time t, the volume of the rectangular w). Since the volume and thickness remain
fixed, the changes in L can be related to
block is changes in w.
V = L(t ) · w(t ) · τ.
V depends on L and w, both of which depend on time. Hence, there is a chain
of dependencies t → L, w, → V , Differentiating both sides with respect to t
leads to
dV d
= (L(t ) · w(t )τ ) ⇒ 0 = (L0 (t ) · w(t ) + L(t ) · w0 (t )) τ.
dt dt
(Here we have used the product rule to differentiate L(t ) · w(t ) with respect
to t. We also used the fact that V is constant so its derivative is zero, and τ is
constant, so it multiplies the derivative of L(t )w(t ) as would any multiplica-
tive constant.) Consequently, canceling the constant factor and solving for
w0 (t ) results in
L0 (t )w(t )
L0 (t )w(t ) + L(t )w0 (t ) = 0 ⇒ w0 (t ) = − .
L(t )
Solution. Let us define h and r as the height and radius of water inside the
cone. Then we know that the volume of this (conically shaped) water in the i Draining Cone Example: See the
calculation in action.
cone is
V = πr2 h,
or, in terms of functions of time,
V (t ) = π [r (t )]2 h(t ).
We are told that
= −k,
where the negative sign indicates that volume is decreasing. By similar
triangles, we note that Mastered Material Check
5. What volume of water can be
r R R
= ⇒ r= h, contained in a cone of height 5cm
h H H and radius 3cm?
so we use this substitution to write the volume in terms of the height alone: 6. What are the units of the constant k?
2 7. What is meant by similar triangles?
1 R
V (t ) = π [h(t )]3 .
3 H
Then the chain rule leads to
dV 1 R dh
= π · 3[h(t )]2 .
dt 3 H dt
Now using the fact that volume decreases at a constant rate, we get
R dh dh −kH 2
−k = π [h(t )]2 ⇒ = .
H dt dt πR2 h2
The rate computed above holds at any time as the water leaks out of the
container. At the instant that the cup is full, h(t ) = H and r (t ) = R, so that
dh −kH 2 −k
= = .
dt πR2 H 2 πR2
dh −k
= .
dt 9π
It is important to use information about a specific instant only after deriva-
tives are computed. ♦
• Compute the derivative dF/dt, remembering to use the Chain Rule. You Figure 9.6: The radius of the trunk is R and
may want to use the quotient rule for practice, or to first simplify the the thickness of the phloem (living part of
the trunk) is d. We assume a cylindrical
expression as much as possible and then compute a derivative. geometry. F = fraction of volume in the thin
(blue) cylindrical shell.
y = x2
(x − 1)2
+ (y − 1)2 = 1,
we cannot solve for a simple function that describes the entire curve. Never-
theless, the idea of a tangent line to such a curve - and consequently the slope
of such a tangent line - is perfectly reasonable.
In order to make sense of this idea, we restrict attention to a local part of
the curve, close to some point of interest (Figure 9.7c). Then near this point,
the equation of the curve defines an implicit function, that is, close enough
to the point of interest, a value of x leads to a unique value of y. We refer to
this value as y(x) to remind us of the relationship between the two variables.
x x
(c) (d)
can still determine these small changes, and form a ratio ∆y/∆x which is a
(secant line) slope. Now let ∆x → 0 to arrive at the slope of a tangent line
as before, dy/dx. In the next section we show how to do this using implicit
differentiation, an application of the chain rule.
First, consider the simple example of a circle. We aim to find the slope of
the tangent line at some point. The equation of a circle of radius 1 and centre
at the origin (0, 0) is
x2 + y2 = 1.
(a) (b)
d 2 d d
x + [y(x)]2 = 1 = 0 + [y(x)]2
⇒ = 0.
dx dx dx dx
Notice that in the second term, the value of x determines y which in turn
determines y2 . Applying the chain rule, we obtain
dy2 dy
dx dy
+ = 0. ⇒ 2x + 2y = 0.
dx dy dx dx
dy dy 2x x
2y = −2x ⇒ =− =− .
dx dx 2y y
At the point of interest, x = 1/2, y = 3/2. Thus the slope of the tangent
line is √
0 dy x 1/2 −1 − 3
y = = − = −√ =√ = .
dx y 3/2 3 3
0 dy x d x
y = =− ⇒ 2
= −
dx y dx dx y
d2y 1 · y − x · y0 y − x −x
y y2 + x2 1
= − 2
= − 2
= − 3 = − 3.
dx y y y y
Substituting y = 3/2 from part (a) yields
Mastered Material Check
d2y 1 8 9. Verify the result of Example 9.5(a)
=− √ =− ( .
dx ( 3/2) 3 3 3/2) by differentiating the explicit
function for the top half of a circle
We used the equation of the circle, and our result for the first derivative to of radius√1, centered at the origin:
f ( x ) = 1 − x2 .
simplify the above. ♦
10. Similarly, verify the result of
Example 9.5(b).
Note: we can see from the last expression that the second derivative is
11. The second derivative is positive
negative for y > 0, i.e. for the top semi-circle, indicating that this part of for y < 0. What does this say about
the curve is concave down (as expected). Indeed, as in the case of simple the bottom part of the circle?
functions, the second derivative can help identify concavity of curves.
Example 9.6 (Energy loss and Earth’s temperature) Redo Example 4.9
using implicit differentiation, that is: find the rate of change of Earth’s
temperature per unit energy loss based on Eqn. (1.5): Eout = 4πr2 εσ T 4 .
Eout (T ) = (4πr2 εσ )T 4
and observe that the term in braces is constant. We then differentiate both
sides with respect to Eout . We find,
dEout dT 4 dT dT
= (4πr2 εσ ) ⇒ 1 = (4πr2 εσ ) · 4T 3 .
dEout dT dEout dEout Mastered Material Check
The calculation is completed by rearranging this result. Thus 12. Does this result agree with that of
Example 4.9,
dT 1 1 dT
= = −3/4
Eout ?
dEout 16πr εσ T 3
2 dEout 16πr2 εσ
Justify algebraically.
is the rate of change of the Earth’s temperature per unit energy loss. ♦
13. Can you define an inverse function?
d d dy dy 1
[y(x)]2 = (x)
⇒ 2[y(x)] =1 ⇒ = .
dx dx dx dx 2y
We eliminate y by substituting y = x. Then
dy 1 1
= √ = x−1/2 .
dx 2 x 2
dy m m
= x( n −1) .
dx n
has the shape of an astroid. It describes the shape (Figure 9.10) generated by
a the path of a point on the perimeter of a disk of radius 12 rolling inside the
perimeter of a circle of radius 2.
Find the slope of the tangent line to a point on the astroid.
dy dy (y − 2x)
(6y − x) + (2x − y) = 0 ⇒ = .
dx dx (6y − x)
Setting dy/dx = 0, we obtain y − 2x = 0 so that y = 2x at the point of
interest. Next, we find the coordinates of the point.
are two equations and two unknowns. Plugging y = 2x into the original
equation of the ellipse, we get:
After simplifying, this equation becomes 11x2 = 1, leading to the two rotated ellipse
possibilities 0.6
1 2 0.4
x = ±√ , y = ±√ .
11 11
Which of these two points is at the top? The rotated ellipse is depicted in
Figure 9.11 which gives strong indication it is the positive solution - but −1 −0.5 0.5 1
we can confirm this analytically. −0.2
3. Identifying the point at the top: The top point on the ellipse is located
at a point where the curve is concave down. Concavity can be determined −0.6
using the second derivative, computed (from the first derivative) using the
Figure 9.11: A rotated ellipse. In Exam-
quotient rule: ple 9.9, we find the point at the top of the
ellipse using implicit differentiation.
4. Plugging in information about the point: Now that we have set down
the form of this derivative, we make some important observations about
the specific point of interest. (This is done as a final step, only after all
derivatives have been calculated)
• We are only concerned with the sign of the second derivative. The denom-
inator is always positive (since it is squared) and so does not affect the
−2 −2
y00 (x) = = .
(6(2x) − x) 11x
Consequently, the second derivative is negative (implying concave down
curve) whenever x is positive. This tells us that at the point with positive x
value (x = 1/ 11), we are at the top of the ellipse. A graph of this curve is
shown in Figure 9.11. ♦
(x − a)2 + = 1.
This ellipse has its center at (a, 0) and has axes 1 and s.
9.4 Summary
1. The chain rule can be used to relate the changes in variables that depend
on one other in some “chain of relationships”. We use the term “related
rates” to describe such problems.
2. Curves that fail the vertical line property cannot be describe by a single
function y = f (x), even if we can represent some of those curves by
3. Zooming in on such a curve, we can define an implicit function that
describes some local piece of the curve.
4. When we use implicit differentiation in two variables, we treat one vari-
able as independent and the other as dependent. This allows us to differen-
tiate the equation with respect to the independent variable using the chain
5. Through implicit differentiation we showed that the derivative of y = xm/n
dy m
is dx = mn x( n −1) .
6. Applications addressed in this chapter included:
2. In Example 9.4, suppose that the cone does not leak, but that it is being filled with water at a constant rates. How
would your work change?
3. Use implicit differentiation to find the slope of the tangent line to the circle x2 + y2 = 1 at the point x = −1? How does
your result relate to the orientation of the tangent line to the circle at that point?
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
l/r = C
(a) How fast is the radius increasing when the radius is 15 cm?
(b) Without using the result from (a), find the rate at which the surface
area of the balloon is increasing when the radius is 15 cm.
9.6. Ice melting. A spherical piece of ice melts so that its surface area
decreases at a rate of 1 cm2 /min. Find the rate that the diameter
decreases when the diameter is 5 cm.
9.7. Point moving on a parabola. A point moves along the parabola y =
1 2
x in such a way that at x = 2 the x-coordinate is increasing at the rate
of 5 cm/s. Find the rate of change of y at this instant.
9.8. Boyle’s Law. In chemistry, Boyle’s Law describes the behaviour of
an ideal gas: this law relates the volume V occupied by the gas to the
temperature T and the pressure P as follows:
PV = nRT
1 1 1
= + .
f p q
conical paper cup at the rate of 1 cm3 /min. The cup has height 8 cm
and radius 6 cm, and is initially full up to the top.
Find the rate of change of the height of water in the cup when the cup
just begins to leak.
9.12. Conical tank. Water is leaking out of the bottom of an inverted
conical tank at the rate of 10 m3 /min, and at the same time is be-
ing pumped in the top at a constant rate of k m3 /min. The tank has
height 6 m and the radius at the top is 2 m.
Determine the constant k if the water level is rising at the rate
of 15 m/min when the height of the water is 2 m.
9.13. The gravel pile. Gravel is being dumped from a conveyor belt at the
rate of 30 ft3 /min in such a way that the gravel forms a conical pile
whose base diameter and height are always equal.
How fast is the height of the pile increasing when the height is 10 ft?
9.14. The sand pile. Sand is piled onto a conical pile at the rate of 10 m3 /min.
The sand keeps spilling to the base of the cone so that the shape al-
ways has the same proportions: that is, the height of the cone is equal
to the radius of the base.
Find the rate at which the height of the sandpile increases when the
height is 5 m.
9.15. Conical water reservoir. Water is flowing into a conical reservoir at a
rate of 4 m3 /min. The reservoir is 3 m in radius and 12 m deep.
(a) How fast is the radius of the water surface increasing when the
depth of the water is 8 m?
(b) In (a), how fast is the surface rising?
9.16. Sliding ladder. A ladder 10 meters long leans against a vertical wall.
The foot of the ladder starts to slide away from the wall at a rate of 3
(a) Find the rate at which the top of the ladder is moving downward
when its foot is 8 meters away from the wall.
(b) In (a), find the rate of change of the slope of the ladder.
9.17. Sliding ladder. A ladder 5 m long rests against a vertical wall. If the
bottom of the ladder slides away from the wall at the rate of 0.5 m/min
how fast is the top of the ladder sliding down the wall when the base
of the ladder is 1 m away from the wall?
9.18. Species diversity in an area. Ecologists are often interested in the
relationship between the area of a region (A) and the number of differ-
ent species S that can inhabit that region. Hopkins (1955)suggested a
relationship of the form [Hopkins, 1955]
S = a ln(1 + bA)
H h1
l1 l2
y0 = (1/3)x−2/3 .
First write the relationship in the form y3 = x, and then find dy/dx.
9.21. Generalizing the Power Law.
(a) Use implicit differentiation to calculate the derivative of the func-
y = f (x) = xn/m
(a) Use implicit differentiation to find the slope of a tangent line to the
circle at some point (x, y).
(b) Use this result to find the equations of the tangent lines of the circle
at the points whose x coordinate is x = r/ 3.
(c) Use the same result to show that the tangent line at any point on the
circle is perpendicular to the radial line drawn from that point to the
centre of the circle
Note: Two lines are perpendicular if their slopes are negative
9.23. Implicit differentiation. For each of the following, find the derivative
of y with respect to x.
(a) y6 + 3y − 2x − 7x3 = 0
(b) ey + 2xy = 3
9.24. Tangent line to a circle. The equation of a circle with radius 5 and
centre at (1, 1) is
(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2 = 25
(a) Find the slope of the tangent line to this curve at the point (4, 5).
(b) Find the equation of the tangent line.
9.25. Tangent to a hyperbola. The curve
x2 − y2 = 1
x 2 y2
+ =1
4 9
at which the slope is −1/2.
9.27. Motion of a cell.
In the study of cell motility, biologists often investigate a type of cell
called a keratocyte, an epidermal cell that is found in the scales of
fish. This flat, elliptical cell crawls on a flat surface, and is known to
be important in healing wounds. The 2D outline of the cell can be
approximated by the ellipse Figure 9.13: An elliptical cell
x2 /100 + y2 /25 = 1
where x and y are distances in µm. When the motion of the cell is Units.
Note that 1µm, often called “1 micron”,
filmed, points on the “leading edge” (top arc of the ellipse) move in a
is 10−6 meters.
direction perpendicular to the edge.
Determine the direction of motion of the point (x p , y p ) on the leading
edge, i.e. find the slope of the dark arrow in Fig. 9.13.
(1.5a, 1.5a)
9.28. The Folium of Descartes. A famous curve (see Figure 9.14) that was
studied historically by many mathematicians (including Descartes) is
x3 + y3 = 3axy a
x3 + y3 + 2xy = 4, y = 1 when x = 1.
(a) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve when x = 1. Figure 9.15: Figure for Exercise 30; circle
inside a parabola.
(b) Find y00 at x = 1.
(c) Is the graph of y = f (x) concave up or concave down near x = 1?
(hint: differentiate the equation x3 + y3 + 2xy = 4 twice with respect
to x).
Exponential functions
2x where x is any real number. We can then attach meaning to the notion 1. If a population has size P, what do
we mean by a doubled poulation
of the derivative of an exponential function. In doing so, we encounter a size??
specially convenient base denote e, leading to the most useful member of this 2. How large would the population be
class of functions, y = ex . We discuss applications to unlimited growth in a it it doubled twice?
1. Explain the link between population doubling and integer powers of the
base 2.
2. Given information about the doubling time of a population and its initial
size, determine the size of that population at some later time.
The function 2n first grows slowly, but then grows faster and faster as n
Mastered Material Check
increases. As a side remark, the fact that 210 ≈ 1000 = 103 , will prove useful
4. Why would the approximation
for simple approximations. With this preparation, we can now check the 210 ≈ 103 be helpful?
accuracy of Crichton’s statement about bacterial growth.
Example 10.1 (Growth of E. coli) Use the following facts to check the
assertion made by Crichton’s statement at the beginning of this chapter.
Using a scientific calculator, the value is found to be 4.7 · 1021 , so the approxi-
mation is relatively good. ♦
Apparently, the estimate made by Crichton is not quite accurate. However
Mastered Material Check
it can be shown that it takes less than 2 days to produce a number far in
6. Verify that it takes less than 2 days
excess of the “size of Planet Earth”. The exact number of generations is left to produce a number far in excess of
as an exercise for the reader and is discussed in Example 10.12. the size of Planet Earth.
200 200
x x
−4 −2 2 4 6 8 10 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 10
(a) (b)
and all other fractional exponents that are multiples of 1/2. We can add these
to the graph of our previous powers of 2 to fill in additional points. This is
shown on Figure 10.2(a).
is a value that we can obtain. Adding these values leads to an even finer Mastered Material Check
set of points. By continuing in the same way, we “fill in” the graph of the 7. Given 21/2 ≈ 1.41421, find 23/2
emerging function. Connecting the dots smoothly allows us to define a value and 25/2 without using fractional
for any real x, of a new continuous function,
8. What method might you use to
determine a decimal approximation
y = f ( x ) = 2x . of 21/4 without computing
fractional powers?
Here x is no longer restricted to an integer, as shown by the smooth curve in 9. Why do we need to assume that
Figure 10.2(b). a > 0 for the exponential function
y = ax ?
4. Recall the fact that the function y = ekx has a derivative that is proportional
to the same function (y = ekx ).
consider an arbitrary positive constant a as the base. Note that the base has to
be positive to ensure that the function is defined for all real x. For a > 0 let
y = f ( x ) = ax .
1 n
e = lim (1 + h)1/h = lim 1 + .
h→0 n→∞ n
5. e0 = 1, and e1 = e.
b) The slope of the tangent line at x = 0 is therefore 1. The tangent line goes
through (0, e0 ) = (0, 1) so it has a y-intercept of 1. Thus the tangent line at tangent line
x = 0 with slope 1 is y = x + 1. This is shown in Figure 10.4. ♦
Composite derivatives involving exponentials −4 −2 2 4
Using the derivative of ex and the chain rule, we can now differentiate com- Figure 10.4: The function y = ex has the
posite functions in which the exponential function appears. property that its tangent line at x = 0 has
slope 1.
Example 10.7 Find the derivative of y = ekx .
Solution. Letting u = kx gives y = eu . Applying the simple chain rule leads to,
dy dy du
dx du dx
du dy
=k so = eu k = kekx .
dx dx
We highlight this result for future use:
Mastered Material Check
The derivative of y = ekx is dy
dy 15. Let y = e5x . What is dx ?
= kekx . 16. Let y = eπx . What is dy
dx dx ?
17. List all constants in Example 10.8.
18. List all variables in Example 10.8.
(a) Is there a population level N0 that would stay constant from one year to
the next?
` Adjust the sliders to observe how the
parameters K and r affect the Ricker
equation 10.2. What is special about the
intersection of the two curves shown?
(c) What population level this year would result in the greatest possible
population next year?
1. Explain the concept of inverse function from both algebraic and geometric
points of view: given a function, determine whether (and for what re-
stricted domain) an inverse function can be defined and sketch that inverse
2. Describe the relationship between the domain and range of a function and
the range and domain of its inverse function. (Review Appendix C.5).
• The functions f (x) = xn and g(x) = x1/n are inverses of one another for all
x when n is odd. ` Note symmetry about the line y = x
for this graph of f (x) = xn and
• The domain of a function (such as y = x2 or other even powers) must be g(x) = x1/n . Adjust the slider for n to
√ see how even and odd powers behave.
restricted (e.g. to x ≥ 0) so that its inverse function (y = x) is defined. What do you notice about the domain
over which g(x) is defined? Adjust the
• On that restricted domain, the graphs of f and f −1 are mirror images of slider for a to observe “corresponding
one another about the line y = x. Essentially, this stems from the fact that points” on the two graphs.
y = f −1 (x) = ln(x).
−4 −2 2 4
function, this domain and range are interchanged, meaning that ln(x) is only
defined for x > 0 (its domain) and returns values in −∞ < x < ∞ (its range). As
shown in Figure 10.6, the functions ex and ln(x) are reflections of one another
about the line y = x.
Properties of the logarithm stem directly from properties of the exponen-
tial function. A review of these is provided in Appendix B.2. Briefly, Mastered Material Check
22. Give algebraic justification of the
1. ln(ab) = ln(a) + ln(b), three properties of logarithms.
2. ln(ab ) = b ln(a),
temperatures. At the same time, trees produce shade and increased competi-
tion for nutrients. Both the advantage A(x) and the shading S(x) depend on
distance from the tree, with shading a dominant negative effect right under
the tree. Suppose that at a distance x from a given tree species, the net benefit
B to a crop plant can be expressed as the difference
Figure 10.7: Too close to a tree, shading
(grey) S(x) interferes with crop growth. Just
beyond this region, the advantage A(x) to
crop growth outweighs any disadvantage
2 /a2 2 /b2 due to shading. We seek to find the optimal
B(x) = A(x) −S(x), where A(x) = αe−x , S(x) = β e−x , αβ , a, b > 0 distance x for planting the crops.
d y(x ) d
y = ln(x) ⇒ ey = x ⇒ e = x.
dx dx
dey dy dy dy 1 1
=1 ⇒ ey =1 ⇒ = y= .
dy dx dx dx e x
We find (using a calculator) that ln(2) = 0.6931 . . . This coincides with the
value we computed earlier for C2 in Example 10.4, so we have
= kekx = ln(2)eln(2)x = ln(2)2x .
Through the above base conversion and chain rule, we relate the constant C2
in Example 10.4 to the natural logarithm of 2: C2 = ln(2). ♦
2 −2x 2
e5x =1 ⇒ 5x2 − 2x = 0 ⇒ x = 0, .
We see that the logarithm is useful in the last step of isolating x, after simpli-
fying the exponential expressions appearing in the equation. ♦
Example 10.12 (The Andromeda strain) Starting from a single cell, how
long does it take for an E. coli colony to reach size of 6 · 1039 cells by doubling
every 20 minutes?
Hence, it takes 44 hours (but less than 2 days) for the colony to “grow to the
size of planet Earth” (assuming the implausible scenario of unlimited growth).
Solution. We have
where A = ln(a). Thus, we have shown that X and Y are related linearly:
ln(BM R)
6 dog
5 10 15 20
ln(M )
Example 10.15 (Finding the constants) Use the straight line superimposed
on the data in Figure 10.8 to estimate the values of the constants a and b.
Solution. We use the straight line that has been fitted to the data in Fig-
ure 10.8. The Y intercept is roughly 8.2. The line goes approximately
through (20, 3) and (0, 8.2) (open dots on plot) so its slope is ≈ (3 −
8.2)/20 = −0.26. According to the relationship we found in Example 10.14,
10.5 Summary
1. Instead of 1 E. coli cell, suppose we began with 2 which also doubled every 20 min. How long would it take for the
population to grow to the size of the earth?
2. Given 3 ≈ 1.74205, compute without taking square roots:
(a) 33/2 ,
(b) 35/2 ,
3. Let x = eρa . Determine da .
1 2 3 4 5
(a) Let Y = log(y) and X = log(x). Find constants A and B such that Y = AX + B.
(b) Determine constants a and b such that y = axb .
Note: these values of t are called the doubling time, and half-life,
10.17. Invasive species. An ecosystem with mature trees has a relatively con-
stant population of beetles (species 1) - around 109 . At t = 0, a single
reproducing invasive beetle (species 2) is introduced accidentally.
how long does it take for species 2 to overtake the population of the
resident species 1? Assume exponential growth for the entire duration.
10.18. Human population growth. It is sometimes said that the population
of humans on Earth is growing exponentially. This means year human population
P(t ) = Cert , where r > 0. 1 0.2
1000 0.275
We investigate this claim. To this end, we consider the human popula- 1500 0.45
1650 0.5
tion beginning in year 1800 (t = 0). Hence, we ask whether the data in
1750 0.7
Table 10.5 fits the relationship 1804 1
1850 1.2
P(t ) = Cer(t−1800) , where t is time in years and r > 0? 1900 1.6
1927 2
1950 2.55
(a) Show that the above relationship implies that ln(P) is a linear 1960 3
function of time, and that r is the slope of the linear relationship 1980 4.5
(hint: take the natural logarithm of both sides of the relationship 1987 5
1999 6
and simplify). 2011 7
2020 7.7
(b) Use the data from Table 10.5 for the years 1800 to 2020 to investi-
gate whether P(t ) fits an exponential relationship (hint: plot ln(P), Table 10.5: The human population (billions)
where P is human population (in billions) against time t in years - over the years AD 1 to AD 2020.
we refer to this process as “transforming the data”.
(c) A spreadsheet can be used to fit a straight line through the trans-
formed data you produced in (b).
(i) Find the best fit for the growth rate parameter r using that
(ii) What are the units of r?
(iii) What is the best fit value of C?
(d) Based on your plot of ln(P) versus t and the best fit values of r
and C, over what time interval was the population growing more
slowly than the overall trend, and when was it growing more
rapidly than this same overall trend?
(e) Under what circumstances could an exponentially growing popula-
tion be sustainable?
10.19. A sum of exponentials. Researchers that investigated the molecu-
lar motor dynein found that the number of motors N (t ) remaining
attached to their microtubule tracks at time t (in sec) after a pulse of
activation was well described by a double exponential of the form can we do better than ‘researchers’?
N (t ) = C1 e−r1 t + C2 e−r2 t , t ≥ 0.
(a) Plot this relationship for 0 < t < 8 min. Which of the two expo-
nential terms governs the behaviour over the first minute? Which
dominates in the later phase?
(b) Now consider a plot of ln(N (t )) versus t. Explain what you see and
what the slopes and other aspects of the graph represent.
10.20. Exponential Peeling. The data in Table 10.6 is claimed to have been What is exponential peeling?
generated by a double exponential function of the form time N (t )
0.0000 100.0000
N (t ) = C1 e−r1 t + C2 e−r2 t , t ≥ 0. 0.1000 57.6926
0.2000 42.5766
0.3000 35.8549
Use the data to determine the values of the constants r1 , r2 , C1 , and C2 . 0.4000 31.8481
10.21. Shannon Entropy. In a recent application of information theory to 0.5000 28.8296
2.5000 4.7430
the field of genomics, a function called the Shannon entropy, H, was 4.5000 0.7840
considered. In it, a given gene is represented as a binary device: it can 6.0000 0.2032
be either “on” or “off” (i.e. being expressed or not). 8.0000 0.0336
If x is the probability that the gene is “on” and y is the probability that Table 10.6: Table for Exercise 20; data
it is “off”, the Shannon entropy function for the gene is defined as to be fit to a function of the form N (t ) =
C1 e−r1 t + C2 e−r2 t , t ≥ 0.
H = −x log(x) − y log(y)
Note that
• x and y being probabilities just means that they satisfy 0 < x ≤ 1,
and 0 < y ≤ 1 and
• the gene can only be in one of these two states, so x + y = 1.
Use these facts to show that the Shannon entropy for the gene is
greatest when the two states are equally probable, i.e. for x = y = 0.5.
10.22. A threshold function. The response of a regulatory gene to inputs
that affect it is not simply linear. Often, the following so-called
“squashing function” or “threshold function” is used to link the input x
to the output y of the gene:
y = f (x ) = ,
1 + e(ax+b)
where a, b are constants.
(a) Show that 0 < y < 1.
(b) For b = 0 and‘a = 1 sketch the shape of this function.
(c) How does the shape of the graph change as a increases?
10.23. Graph sketching. Sketch the graph of the function y = e−t sin πt.
10.24. The Mexican Hat. Consider the function
2 2 /3
y = f (x) = 2e−x − e−x
where α, β > 0.
(a) Find the value of the current population which maximizes the
salmon population next year according to this model.
(b) Find the value of the current population which would be exactly
maintained in the next generation.
(c) Explain why a very large population is not sustainable.
Note: these populations do not actually change continuously, since
all the parents die before the eggs are hatched.
10.26. Spacing in a fish school. Life in a social group has advantages and
disadvantages: protection from predators is one advantage. Dis-
advantages include competition for food or resources. Spacing of
individuals in a school of fish or a flock of birds is determined by the
mutual attraction and repulsion of neighbours from one another: each
individual does not want to stray too far from others, nor get too close.
Suppose that when two fish are at distance x > 0 from one another, they
are attracted with “force” Fa and repelled with “force” Fr given by:
Fa = Ae−x/a
Fr = Re−x/r
(c) It is generally assumed that R > A and r < a. Interpret what this
mean about the comparative effects of the forces.
(d) Sketch a graph showing the two functions on the same set of axes.
(e) Find the distance at which the forces exactly balance. This is called
the comfortable distance for the two individuals.
(f) If either A or R changes so that the ratio R/A decreases, does the
comfortable distance increase or decrease? Justify your response.
(g) Similarly comment on what happens to the comfortable distance
if a increases or r decreases.
10.27. Seed distribution. The density of seeds at a distance x from a parent
tree is observed to be
2 /a2
D(x) = D0 e−x ,
where a > 0, D0 > 0 are positive constants. Insects that eat these seeds
tend to congregate near the tree so that the fraction of seeds that get
eaten is
2 2
F (x) = e−x /b
where b > 0.
Note: These functions are called Gaussian or Normal distributions.
The parameters a, b are related to the “width” of these bell-shaped
The number of seeds that survive (i.e. are produced and not eaten by
insects) is
S(x) = D(x)(1 − F (x))
Determine the distance x from the tree at which the greatest number of
seeds survive.
10.28. Euler’s ‘e’. In 1748, Euler wrote a classic book on calculus, “Intro-
ductio in Analysin Infinitorum” [Euler, 1748]in which he showed that
the function ex could be written in an expanded form similar to an
(infinitely long) polynomial:
x2 x3
ex = 1 + x + + + ...
1·2 1·2·3
Use as many terms as necessary to find an approximate value for the
number e and for 1/e to 5 decimal places.
Note: in other mathematics courses we see that such expansions,
called power series, are central to approximations of many functions.
Differential equations for exponential growth and decay
1. Explain that the exponential function and its derivative are proportional to
one another, and thereby satisfy a relationship of the form dy/dx = ky.
f (x) = ex is a function that “satisfies” the equation, and we call this a solution
to the differential equation.
Note: The solution to an algebraic equation is a number, whereas the solution
to a differential equation is a function.
We call this a differential equation because it connects (one or more)
derivatives of a function with the function itself. Mastered Material Check
1. For whar constant C does y = Cex
Definition 11.1 (Differential equation) A differential equation is a mathe- satisfy the differential equation
dy/dx = y?
matical equation that relates one or more derivatives of some function to the
2. What function satisfies the DE
function itself. Solving the differential equation is the process of identifying dy/dz = y?
the function(s) that satisfies the given relationship.
= ky. (11.1)
We can verify by differentiating y = ekt , using the chair rule. Setting u = kt,
and y = eu , we have
dy dy du dy
= = eu · k = kekt = ky ⇒ = ky
dt du dt dt
It is interesting to ask: Is this is the only function that satisfies the differential
equation 11.1? Are there other possible solutions? What about a function
such as y = 2ekt or y = 400ekt ?
The reader should show that for any constant C, the function y = Cekt
is a solution to the DE (11.1). To do so, differentiate the function and plug
into (11.1). Verifying that the two sides of the equation are then the same Hint: Notice that the constant C in
establishes the result. While we do not prove it here, it turns out that y = Cekt front will appear in both the derivative
and the function, and so will not change
are the only functions that satisfy Eqn. (11.1). the equation.
Let us summarize what we have found out so far:
= ky (11.2)
are the functions
y = Cekt (11.3)
for C an arbitrary constant.
A few curves of each type (C > 0,C < 0) are shown in each panel of 7. Plot, using software, y = Ce−t for
each of C = −4, −2, 2, and 4.
Figure 11.1. The collection of curves in a panel is called a family of solution
curves. The family shares the same value of k, but each member has a distinct
value of C. Next, we ask how to specify a particular member of the family as
the solution.
k>0 k<0
(a) (b)
Example 11.1 Given the differential Eqn. (11.2) and the initial value ` Adjust the sliders in this interactive
graph to see how the values of k and C
affect the shape of the graph of the
y(0) = y0 , function y = Cekt as well as its initial
value y(0) = y0 .
find the value of C for the solution in Eqn. (11.3). Note the transitions that take place
when k changes from positive to
Solution. We proceed as follows:
Mastered Material Check
kt k·0 0
y(t ) = Ce , so y(0) = Ce = Ce = C · 1 = C. 8. Given differential Eqn. (11.2) and
the initial value y(0) = 1, find C for
the solution in Eqn (11.3).
But, by the initial condition, y(0) = y0 . So,
9. Repeat the above but for the initial
value y(0) = 10.
C = y0
10. Draw the ty-plane with the
points (0, y0 ) for y0 = 1, 10.
and we have established that
11. Use differentiation to verify that the
unction y = 3e−0.5t in Example 11.2
y(t ) = y0 ekt , where y0 is the initial value. is a solution to dy/dt = −0.5y with
initial condition y(0) = 3.
For example, in Figure 11.1, the initial value specifies that the solution we
want passes through a specific point in the ty-plane - namely, the point (0, y0 ).
Only one curve in the family of curves has that property. Hence, the initial
value picks out a unique solution.
= −0.5y
that satisfies the initial condition y(0) = 3. Describe the behaviour of the
solution you have found.
1. Recall the derivation of a model for human population growth and de-
scribe how it leads to a differential equation.
3. Define per capita birth rates and rates of mortality, and explain the process
of estimating their values from assumptions about the population.
4. Compute the doubling time of a population from its growth rate and vice
i A screencast summary of the model
Differential equations are important because they turn up in the study of for (unlimited) human population
many natural processes that vary continuously. In this section we examine growth.
the way that a simple differential equation arises when we study continuous
uncontrolled population growth.
Here we set up a mathematical model for population growth. Let N (t ) be
the number of individuals in a population at time t. The population changes
with time due to births and mortality. (Here we ignore migration). Consider
the changes that take place in the population size between time t and t + h,
where ∆t = h is a small time increment. Then Mastered Material Check
12. What is the dependent variable in
this model? The independent
Change Number of Number of variable?
N (t + h) − N (t ) = = − (11.4)
in N births deaths 13. What are the units associated with
each variable in this model?
Eqn. (11.4) is just a “book-keeping” equation that keeps track of people en-
14. What does “x is proportional to y”
tering and leaving the population. It is sometimes called a balance equation.
We use it to derive a differential equation linking the derivative of N to the
value of N at the given time.
Notice that dividing each term by the time interval h, we obtain
N (t + h) − N (t )
Number of births Number of deaths
= − .
h h h
The term on the left “looks familiar”. If we shrink the time interval, h → 0, this
term is a derivative dN/dt, so
Rate of
Number of Number of
= change of N = births per − deaths per
per unit time unit time unit time
For simplicity, we assume that all individuals are identical and that the
number of births per unit time is proportional to the population size. Denote
by r the constant of proportionality. Similarly, we assume that the number of
deaths per unit time is proportional to population size with m the constant of
Both r and m have meanings: r is the average per capita birth rate, and m
is the average per capita mortality rate . Here, both are assumed to be fixed
positive constants that carry units of 1/time. This is required to make the
units match for every term in Eqn. (11.4). Then
= rN − mN = (r − m)N. (11.5)
This is a differential equation: it links the derivative of N (t ) to the func-
tion N (t ). By solving the equation (i.e. identifying its solution), we are be
able to make a projection about how fast a population is growing.
Define the constant k = r − m. Then k is the net growth rate, of the
population, so
= kN, for k = (r − m).
Suppose we also know that at time t = 0, the population size is N0 . Then:
• The function that describes population over time is (by previous results),
(The result is identical to what we saw previously, but with N rather than y
as the time-dependent function. We can easily check by differentiation that
this function satisfies Eqn. (11.5).)
• The population grows provided k > 0 which happens when r − m > 0 i.e.
when birth rate exceeds mortality rate.
• If k < 0, or equivalently, r < m then more people die on average than are
born, so that the population shrinks and (eventually) go extinct.
• The sex ratio is roughly 50%. This means that half of the population is
female and half male. number of
people fertile
• Women are fertile and can have babies only during part of their lives: we
assume that the fertile years are between age 15 and age 55, as shown in
Figure 11.3. age
0 15 55 80
• A lifetime lasts 80 years. This means that for half of that time a given
(55−15) Figure 11.3: We assume that only women
woman can contribute to the birth rate, or that 80 = 50% of women
between the ages of 15 and 55 years old are
alive at any time are able to give birth. fertile and can give birth. Then, according
to our uniform age distribution assumption,
• During a woman’s fertile years, we assume that on average, she has one half of all women are between these ages
baby every 10 years. and hence fertile.
• We assume that deaths occur only from old age (i.e. we ignore disease,
number of
war, famine, and child mortality.) people mortality occurs
• We assume that everyone lives precisely to age 80, and then dies instantly.
Based on the above assumptions, we can estimate the birthrate parameter r as 0 80
Figure 11.4: We assume that the people in
the age bracket 79-80 years old all die each
year, and that those are the only deaths. This,
number women years fertile number babies per woman too, is a silly assumption, but makes it easy
r= · ·
population years of life number of years to estimate mortality in the population.
1 1 1
r= · · = 0.025 births per person per year.
2 2 10
Note that this value is now a rate per person per year, averaged over the Mastered Material Check
entire population (male and female, of all ages). We need such an average 18. Under these assumptions, for a
rate since our model of Eqn. (11.5) assumes that individuals “are identical”. population size of 800, how many
male 35 year-olds would you
We now have an approximate value for the average human per capita birth expect? Women in their 60’s?
rate, r ≈ 0.025 per year. 19. Is the fertility assumption
reasonable? Why or why not?
Next, using our assumptions, we estimate the mortality parameter, m. With
20. Explain the units attached to the
the flat age distribution shown in Figure 11.2, there would be a fraction of birthrate parameter r.
1/80 of the population who are precisely removed by mortality every year
(i.e. only those in their 80th year.) In this case, we can estimate that the per
capita mortality is:
m= = 0.0125 deaths per person per year.
The net per capita growth rate is k = r − m = 0.025 − 0.0125 = 0.0125 per
person per year. We often refer to the constant k as a growth rate constant
and we also say that the population grows at the rate of 1.25% per year.
Example 11.3 Using the results of this section, find a prediction for the
population size N (t ) as a function of time t.
N (t ) = 7e0.0125t
so that when t = 100 we would have
Mastered Material Check
N (100) = 7e0.0125·100 = 7e1.25 = 7 · 3.49 = 24.43. 21. Based on Figure 11.5, when would
we expect the human population to
Thus, with a starting population of 7 billion, there would be about 24.4 billion reach 15 billion?
after 100 years based on the uncontrolled continuous growth model. ♦
A critique. Before leaving our population model, we should remember that
our projections hold only so long as some rather restrictive assumptions are
made. We have made many simplifications, and ignored many features that
would seriously affect these results. These include (among others),
• variations in birth and mortality rates that stem from competition for
resources and,
• epidemics that take hold when crowding occurs, and
• uneven distributions of resources or space.
We have also assumed that the age distribution is uniform (flat), but that is not
accurate: the population grows only by adding new infants, and this would
skew the distribution even if it is initially uniform. All these factors suggest
that some “healthy skepticism” should be applied to any model predictions.
Predictions may cease to be valid if model assumptions are not satisfied. This
caveat will lead us to think about more realistic models for population growth.
Certainly, the uncontrolled exponential growth would not be sustainable
in the long run. That said, such a model is a good starting point for a first
description of population growth, later to be adjusted.
τ= .
Mastered Material Check
22. What are the units associated
Example 11.5 (Human population doubling time) Determine the doubling with τ?
time for the human population based on the results of our approximate 23. The human population hit 3 billion
in 1959. How does this fit with our
growth model.
(imperfect) model?
Solution. We have found a growth rate of roughly k = 0.0125 per year for the
human population. Based on this, it would take
τ= = 55.45 years
for the population to double. Compare this with the graph of Fig 11.5, and
note that over this time span, the population increases from 6 to 12 billion. ♦
Note: the observant student may notice that we are simply converting back
from base e to base 2 when we compute the doubling time.
We summarize an important observation:
= ky
that represents an exponential growth has a doubling time of
ln(2) y
τ= .
This is shown in Figure 11.6. We have discovered that based on the
uncontrolled growth model, the population doubles every 55 years! After 110
years, for example, there have been two doublings, or a quadrupling of the 2y0
Example 11.6 (A ten year doubling time) Suppose we are told that some t
animal population doubles every 10 years. What growth rate would lead to τ
such a trend?
Figure 11.6: Doubling time for exponential
Solution. In this case, τ = 10 years. Rearranging
τ= ,
we obtain
ln(2) 0.6931
k= = ≈ 0.07 per year.
τ 10
Thus, a growth rate of 7% leads to doubling roughly every 10 years. ♦
1. Describe the model for the number of radioactive atoms and explain how
this leads to a differential equation.
4. Describe the link between half-life of the radioactive material and its
decay rate; given the value of one, be able to find the value of the other.
(1) The process of radioactive decay is random, but on average, the probabil-
ity of decay for a given radioactive atom is k per unit time where k > 0 is
some constant.
(2) During each (small) time interval of length ∆t = h, a radioactive atom has
probability kh of decaying. This is merely a restatement of (1).
Mastered Material Check
Suppose that at some time t, there are N (t ) radioactive atoms. Then, 24. Suppose a given atom has a 1%
chance of decay per 24 hours. What
according to our assumptions, during the time period t ≤ t ≤ t + h, on average is this atom’s probability of decay
khN (t0 ) atoms would decay. How many are there at time t + h? We can write per week? Per hour?
the following balance-equation:
Amount left Amount present Amount decayed
at time = at time − during time interval
t +h t t ≤ t ≤ t +h
or, restated:
N (t + h) = N (t ) − khN (t ). (11.8)
Here we have assumed that h is a small time period. Rearranging Eqn. (11.8)
leads to
N (t + h) − N (t )
= −kN (t ).
Considering the left hand side of this equation, we let h get smaller and
smaller (h → 0) and recall that
N (t + h) − N (t ) dN
lim = = N 0 (t )
h→0 h dt
dN Ady(t ) dy(t )
= −kN ⇒ = −k(Ay(t )) ⇒ A = A(−ky(t ))
dt dt dt
cancelling the constant A from both sides of the equations leads to
dy(t ) dy
= −ky(t ), or simply = −ky. (11.10)
dt dt
Thus y(t ) satisfies the same kind of differential equation (with the same
negative proportionality constant) between the derivative and the original
function. We will refer to (11.10) as the decay equation. ♦
dy(t ) d de−kt
= [y0 e−kt ] = y0 = −ky0 e−kt = −ky(t ).
dt dt dt
This verifies that for the derivative of the function is −k times the original
function, so satisfies the DE in (11.11). We can also check that the initial
condition is satisfied:
y(0) = y0 e−k·0 = y0 e0 = y0 · 1 = y0 .
Hence, Eqn. (11.12) is the solution to the initial value problem for radioactive
decay. For k > 0 a constant, this is a decreasing function of time that we refer
to as exponential decay. ♦
Example 11.9 (Half life) Determine the half life in the exponential decay
described by Eqn. (11.12).
Solution. We compute:
y0 1
= y0 e−kt ⇒ = e−kt .
2 2
Now taking reciprocals:
1 y
2= = ekt .
Thus we find the same result as in our calculation for doubling times, namely, y0
Example 11.10 (Chernobyl: April 1986) In 1986 the Chernobyl nuclear Figure 11.7: Half-life in an exponentially
power plant exploded, and scattered radioactive material over Europe. The decreasing process.
Solution. We first determine the decay constants for each of these two
elements, by noting that
k= ,
and recalling that ln(2) ≈ 0.693. Then for I131 we have
ln(2) ln(2)
k= = = 0.0866 per day.
τ 8
Then the amount of I131 left at time t (in days) would be
yI (t ) = y0 e−0.0866t .
For Cs137
k= = 0.023 per year.
so that for T in years,
yC (T ) = y0 e−0.023T .
Note: we have used T rather than t to emphasize that units are different in the
two calculations done in this example.
Example 11.11 (Decay to 0.1% of the initial level) How long it would take
for I131 to decay to 0.1 % of its initial level? Assume that the initial level
occurred just after the explosion at Chernobyl.
Mastered Material Check
Solution. We must calculate the time t such that yI = 0.001y0 : 25. Repeat the calculation in
Example 11.11 for Cesium.
0.001y0 = y0 e−0.0866t ⇒ 0.001 = e−0.0866t ⇒ ln(0.001) = −0.0866t. 26. Convert the Cesium decay time units
to days and repeat the calculation of
Therefore, Example 11.10 with the new time
ln(0.001) −6.9 units.
t= = = 79.7 days.
−0.0866 −0.0866 27. If the decay rate of a substance is
10% per day, what is its half-life?
Thus it would take about 80 days for the level of Iodine-131 to decay to 0.1%
of its initial level. ♦
We can keep track of such changes in cell mass by using a simple “balance
equation”. The balance equation states that “the rate of change of cell mass is
the difference between the rate of nutrient (mass) coming in (A) and the rate
of nutrient (mass) being consumed (C), i.e.
= A −C. (11.13)
Each term in this equation must have the same units, mass of nutrient per
unit time. A contributes positively to mass increase, whereas C is a rate of
depletion that makes a negative contribution (hence the signs associated
with terms in the equation). It also makes sense to adopt the assumptions
previously made in Section 1.2 (and Featured Problem 9.1) that
A = k1 S, C = k2V , m = ρV ,
where S,V , ρ are the surface area, volume, and density of the cell, and Mastered Material Check What are the
units of k1 , k2 , ρ?
k1 , k2 , ρ are positive constants. Then Eqn. (11.13) becomes
dm d (ρV )
= A −C ⇒ = k1 S − k2V . (11.14)
dt dt
The above equation is rather general, and does not depend on cell shape.
Now consider the special case of a spherical cell for which V = (4/3)πr3 ,
S = 4πr2 . This simplification will permit us to convert the balance equation
into a differential equation that describes changes in cell radius over time.
Now Eqn. (11.14) can be rewritten as
d [ρ · (4/3)πr3 ]
= k1 (4πr2 ) − k2 (4/3)πr3 . (11.15)
We can simplify the derivative on the right hand side using the chain rule, as
done in Featured Problem 9.1, obtaining
4π dr
ρ π (3r2 ) = k1 (4πr2 ) − k2 (4/3)πr3 . (11.16)
3 dt
What does this tell us about cell radius?
One way to satisfy Eqn. (11.16) is to set r = 0 in each term. While this
is a “solution” to the equation, it is not biologically interesting. (It merely
describes a “cell” of zero radius that never changes.) Suppose r 6= 0. In that
case, we can cancel out a factor of r2 from both sides of the equation. (We
can also cancel out 4π.) After some simplification, we arrive at
Hint: If we use units of
dr k2 dr 1 k2 µm (=10−6 m) for cell radius,
ρ = k1 − r, ⇒ = k1 − r .
dt 3 dt ρ 3 pg (=10−12 gm) for mass, and measure
time in hours, then approximate values
With appropriate units and taking into account typical cell size and density, of the constants are
ρ = 1pg µm−3 ,
this equation might look something like
k1 = 1pg µm−2 hr−1 , and
k2 = 0.3pg µm−3 hr−1 .
= (1 − 0.1 r ) . (11.17) In that case, the equation for cell radius
dt is dr/dt = (1 − 0.1 · r ).
From a statement about how cell mass changes, we have arrived at a resultant
prediction about the rate of change of the cell radius. The equation we
obtained is a differential equation that tells us something about a growing cell.
In an upcoming chapter, we will build tools to be able to understand what this
equation says, how to solve it for the cell radius r (t ) as a function of time t,
and what such analysis predicts about the dynamics of cells with different
initial sizes.
11.5 Summary
= kN.
= −ky, y ( 0 ) = y0 ⇒ Solution: y(t ) = y0 e−kt . (11.18)
Facts, observations “Laws of Nature”
5. So far, we have seen simple differential equations with simple (exponen- assumptions, or statements about
tial) functions for their solutions. In general, it may be quite challenging hypotheses rates of change
Predictions about
In this chapter, we saw examples in which a natural phenomenon (popula- the systme
tion growth, radioactive decay, cell growth) motivated a mathematical model behaviour
that led to a differential equation. In both cases, that equation was derived by
making a statement that tracked the amount or number or mass of a system
over time. Numerous simplifications were made to derive each differential
equation. For example, we assumed that the birth and mortality rates stay Differential
Solutions to the
fixed even as the population grows to huge sizes. equation(s)
describing the
• Our purpose was to illustrate how a simple model is created, and what
such models can predict.
• In biology, where the laws governing biochemical events are less formal,
the models are often based on some mix of speculation and reasonable
1. Identify each of the following with either exponential growth or exponential decay:
(a) y = 20e3t ;
(b) y = 5e−3t ;
(c) dt = 3t;
(d) dx = −5x.
3. Determine the half life of the of the exponential decay function N (t ) = 500e−2t .
20 40 60 80 100
What is the doubling time of this function?
dP(t )
= bP(t ) − mP(t )
(a) If the population is initially P(0) = 1000, find how big the popula-
tion is in 5 years.
(b) When does the population double?
11.8. Rodent population. The per capita birthrate of one species of rodent
is 0.05 newborns per day. This means that, on average, each member
of the population results in 5 newborn rodents every 100 days. Sup-
pose that over the period of 1000 days there are no deaths, and that the
initial population of rodents is 250.
= ky.
If one day at a certain location the atmospheric pressures are 760
and 675 torr (unit for pressure) at sea level and at 1000 meters above
sea level, respectively, find the value of the atmospheric pressure
at 600 meters above sea level.
Solving differential equations
1. Given a function, check whether that function does or does not satisfy a
given differential equation.
2. Verify whether a given function does or does not satisfy an initial condi-
Example 12.1 Show that the function y(t ) = (2t + 1)1/2 is a solution to the
(1 − y0 )e−t X
Example 12.3 (Height of water draining out of a cylindrical container) A Table 12.2: (b) The function y(t ) = 1 −
cylindrical container with cross-sectional area A has a small hole of area a (1 − y0 )e−t is a solution to the differential
at its base, through which water leaks out. It can be shown that height of equation (12.1). The expressions we get
by evaluating each side of the differential
water h(t ) in the container satisfies the differential equation equation do match.
dh √
= −k h, (12.2)
S O LV I N G D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q UAT I O N S 251
(where k is a constant that depends on the size and shape of the cylinder and
its hole: k = Aa 2g > 0 and g is acceleration due to gravity.) Show that the
p t 2
h(t ) = h0 − k (12.3)
is a solution to the differential equation (12.2) and initial condition h(0) = h0 . Mastered Material Check
1. Draw a diagram of the system
described in Example 12.3.
2. What set of units would be
Solution. We first easily verify that the initial condition is satisfied. Substi- reasonable for each of the
tute t = 0 into the function (12.3). Then we find h(0) = h0 , verifying the parameters in Example 12.3.
dh(t ) t −k
d p t 2 p
= h0 − k = 2 h0 − k ·
dt dt 2 2 2
p q
= −k h0 − k = −k h(t ).
Here we have used the power law and the chain rule, remembering that h0 , k
are constants. Now we notice that, using Eqn. (12.3), the expression for h(t )
exactly matches what we have computed for dh/dt. Thus, we have shown
that the function in Eqn. (12.3) satisfies both the initial condition and the
differential equation. ♦
3. Use the transformed (decay) equation to find the solution for z(t ) and, for
y(t ) in the original equation, (12.4).
6. Describe a variety of related examples, and use the same methods to solve
and interpret these (examples include chemical production and decay, the
velocity of a skydiver, the concentration of drug in the blood, and others).
z(t ) = y(t ) − , Figure 12.2: We define z(t ) as the deviation
b of y from its steady state value. Here we
Then, since a, b are constants, we recognize that show two typical initial values of z, where
z0 = y0 − ab .
dz dy
= .
dt dt
Second, the initial value of z follows simply from the initial value of y:
a a
z(0) = y(0) − = y0 − .
b b
Now we can transform the equation (12.4) into a new differential equation
for the variable z by using these two facts. We can replace the y derivative by
the z derivative, and also, using Eqn. (12.4), find that
dz dy a
= = −b y − = −bz.
dt dt b
Hence, we have transformed the original DE and IC into the new problem
Figure 12.3: The deviation away from steady
dz h ai state (blue, grey curves) is z(t ) = y(t ) − a/b.
= −bz, z(0) = z0 , where z0 = y0 − .
dt b We can solve the differential equation for
But this is the familiar decay initial value problem that we have already z(t ) because it is a simple exponential
decay equation. Here we show two typical
solved before. So solutions for z.
z(t ) = z0 e−bt .
We have arrived at the conclusion that the deviation from steady state decays
exponentially with time, provided that b > 0. Hence, we already know that y
should get closer to the constant value a/b as time goes by!
We can do even better than this, by transforming the solution we found
for z(t ) into an expression for y(t ). To do so, use the definition once more,
setting Figure 12.4: Finally, we can determine the
a a −bt solution y(t ).
z(t ) = z0 e−bt ⇒ y(t ) − = y0 − e .
b b
Solving for y(t ) then leads to
a a −bt ` Adjust the sliders to see how the
y(t ) = + y0 − e . (12.5)
b b parameters a and b and the initial value
y0 affect the shape of the function y(t )
in the formula (12.5).
Example 12.4 (a = b = 1) Suppose we are given the differential equation 3
and initial condition Solutions to
dy differential equation
= 1 − y, y(0) = y0 . (12.6) dy
dt 2 dt = 1 − y
Determine the solution to this differential equation.
Solution. 1
By substituting a = 1, b = 1 in the solution found above, we observe that
y(t ) = 1 − (1 − y0 )e−t .
0.5 1 1.5 2
time, t
Representative curves in this family of solutions are shown in Figure 12.5 for
various initial values y0 . ♦ Figure 12.5: Solutions to Eqn. (12.6) are
We now apply the methods to a number of examples. functions that approach y = 1.
Mastered Material Check
Featured Problem 12.1 (Predicting the size of a growing cell) Find a 4. Find the steady state of Eqn. (12.6).
solution to the differential equation (11.17) for the radius of a growing cell 5. From Figure 12.5, determine what
r (t ) (in units of µm=10−6 m) as a function of time t (in hours), that is find were the four different initial
conditions used.
r (t ) assuming that at time t = 0 the cell is 2µm in radius.
6. Rewrite these four initial conditions
By solving the above problem, we get a detailed prediction of cell growth as the initial deviations away from
steady state, that is, give the initial
based on assumed rates of nutrient intake and consumption. values, z0 of the deviation.
temperature of the object should get warmer! But this does not agree with our
everyday experience: a hot cup of coffee cools off in a chilly room. Hence
α ≥ 0 cannot be correct. Based on this, we conclude that Newton’s Law of
Cooling, written in the form of a differential equation, should read:
= k(E − T (t )), where k > 0. (12.7)
Note: the sign of the term in braces has been switched.
Typically, given the temperature at some initial time T (0) = T0 , we want to
predict T (t ) for later time.
temperature, T
T (0) = E − T0 . After carrying out Steps 1-3 as before, we find the solution for
T (t ), 10
T (t ) = E + (T0 − E )e−kt . (12.8)
In Figure 12.6 we show a family of curves of the form of Eqn. (12.8) for
five different initial temperature values (we have set E = 10 and k = 0.2 for all 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
these curves). ♦
Next, we interpret the behaviour of these solutions. Figure 12.6: Temperature versus time, T (t ),
for a cooling object.
Example 12.6 Explain (in words) what the form of the solution in Eqn. (12.8)
of Newton’s law of cooling implies about the temperature of an object as it
warms or cools.
Thus the temperature of the object always approaches the ambient temper-
ature. This is evident in the solution curves shown in Figure 12.6.
Example 12.7 (Murder mystery) It is a dark clear night. The air temper-
ature is 10◦ C. A body is discovered at midnight. Its temperature is 27◦ C.
One hour later, the body has cooled to 24◦ C. Use Newton’s law of cooling to
determine the time of death.
i Details of the calculations for
Solution. We assume that body-temperature just before death was 37◦ C Example 12.7.
(normal human body temperature). Let t = 0 be the time of death. Then the
initial temperature is T (0) = T0 = 37◦ C. We want to find the time elapsed
until the body was found, i.e. time t at which the temperature of the body had
cooled down to 27◦ C. We assume that the ambient temperature, E = 10, was
constant. From Newton’s law of cooling, the body temperature satisfies
= k(10 − T ).
From previous work and Eqn. (12.8), the solution to this DE is
T (t ) = 10 + (37 − 10)e−kt .
We do not know the value of the constant k, but we have enough informa-
tion to find it. First, at discovery, the body’s temperature was 27◦ . Hence at
time t
27 = 10 + 27e−kt ⇒ 17 = 27e−kt .
Also at t + 1 (one hour after discovery), the temperature was 24◦ C, so
14 = 27e−k(t +1) .
S O LV I N G D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q UAT I O N S 257
We have two equations for the two unknowns t and k. To solve for k, take
a ratio of the sides of the equations. Then
27e−k(t +1)
14 14
= = e−k ⇒ −k = ln = −0.194 .
17 27e−kt 17
This is the constant that describes the rate of cooling of the body. Mastered Material Check
To find the time of death, t, use 13. Give the concluding sentence for
Example 12.7. Be sure to include an
17 actual time of death, given that the
17 = 27e−kt ⇒ −kt = ln = −0.4626 body was discovered at midnight.
14. Use a plotting program to graph
finally, solving for t, we get T (t ) for Example 12.7.
15. Use your plot to estimate how long
0.4626 0.4626 it took for the body to cool off to
t= = = 2.384 hours. 33◦ C.
k 0.194
= a − by, y(0) = y0 (12.9)
has the solution
a a
y(t ) = − − y0 e−bt . (12.10)
b b
Suppose that a, b > 0 in Eqn. (12.9). Then we can summarize the behaviour
of the solutions (12.10) as follows:
• The time dependence of Eqn. (12.10) is contained in the term e−bt , which
(for b > 0) is exponentially decreasing. As time increases, t → ∞, the
exponential term becomes negligibly small, so y → a/b.
• If initially y(0) = y0 > a/b, then y(t ) approaches a/b from above, whereas
if y0 < a/b, it approaches a/b from below.
Eqn. (12.7). As expected from the general case, T approaches a/b = E, the
ambient temperature, which corresponds to a steady state of NLC.
Next, we describe other examples that share this structure, and hence
similar dynamic behaviour.
Friction and terminal velocity A falling object accelerates under the force
of gravity, but friction slows down this acceleration. The differential equa- Note. Eqn. (12.11) comes from a simple
force balance:
tion satisfied by the velocity v(t ) of the falling object with friction is
ma = Fgravity − Fdrag ,
= g − kv (12.11) and from the assumption that Fdrag = µv,
where µ > 0 is the “drag coefficient”.
where g > 0 is acceleration due to gravity and k > 0 is a constant representing Dividing both sides by m and
replacing a by dv/dt leads to this
the effect of air resistance. (In contrast to the “upwards pointing” coordinate
equation, with k = µ/m.
system used in Example 4.10, here we focus on how the magnitude of the
velocity changes with time.) Usually, a frictional force is assumed to be
proportional to the velocity of the object, and to act in a direction that slows
it down. (This accounts for the negative sign in Eqn. (12.11).) Parachutes
operate on the principle of enhancing that frictional force to damp out the
acceleration of a skydiver. Hence, Eqn. (12.11) is often called the skydiver
Example 12.8 Use the general results for Eqn. (12.9) to write down the
solution to the differential equation (12.11) for the velocity of a skydiver
given the initial condition v(0) = v0 . Interpret your results in a simple
description of what happens over time.
Mastered Material Check
Solution. Eqn. (12.11) is of the same form as Eqn. (12.9), and has the same 16. Assign appropriate units to each of
type of solutions. We merely have to adjust the notation, by identifying the parameters in Example 12.8.
17. When a sky-diver steps into the void,
v(t ) → y(t ), g → a, k → b, v0 → y0 . her initial vertical velocity is zero.
Write down her velocity v(t ) based
Hence, without further calculation, we can conclude that the solution of on results of Example 12.8 .
(12.11) together with its initial condition is:
g g
v(t ) = − − v0 e−kt . (12.12)
k k
The velocity is initially v0 , and eventually approaches g/k which is the
steady state or terminal velocity for the object. Depending on the initial
speed, the object either slows down (if v0 > g/k) or speed up (if v0 < g/k) as
it approaches the terminal velocity. ♦
Chemical production and decay. A chemical reaction inside a fixed reaction
volume produces a substance at a constant rate Kin . A second reaction results
in decay of that substance at a rate proportional to its concentration. Let c(t )
denote the time-dependent concentration of the substance, and assume that
time is measured in units of hours. Then, writing down a balance equation
leads to a differential equation of the form
= Kin − γc. (12.13)
S O LV I N G D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q UAT I O N S 259
Here, the first term is the rate of production and the second term is the
rate of decay. The net rate of change of the chemical concentration is then
the difference of the two. The constants Kin > 0, γ > 0 represent the rate
of production and decay - recall that the units of each term in any equation
have to match.For example, if the concentration c is measured in units of
milli-Molar (mM), then dc/dt has units of mM/hr, and hence Kin must have
units of mM/h and γ must have units of 1/hr.
Example 12.9 Write down the solution to the DE (12.13) given the initial
condition c(0) = c0 . Determine the steady state chemical concentration.
5. How big an effect would be produced on the CO2 level in 50 years if 15%
of the plant biomass is removed to deforestation just prior to t = 0?
Note: Information for Problem 12.2 is adapted from [Le Quéré et al., 2016],
and may reflect many simplifications and approximations. In actual fact, most
“constants” in the problem are time-dependent, making the real problem of
predicting CO2 levels much more challenging.
∆t apart as shown in Figure 12.8. Our procedure starts with the known initial
value y(0) = y0 , and uses it to generate an approximate value at the next time
point (y1 ), then the next (y2 ), and so on. We denote by yk the value of the
independent variable generated at the k’th time step by Euler’s method as an
approximation to the (unknown) true solution y(tk ).
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 Mastered Material Check
18. If ∆t = 0.1 and t0 = 0, what are t1 ,t2
and t3 ?
Method. We approximate the differential equation by a finite difference 19. Explain the difference between the
value y1 and the true solution y(t1 ).
20. If ∆t is not sufficiently small, why
dy yk+1 − yk might Euler’s method give a bad
= f (y) approximated by = f (yk ). approximation to the solution?
dt ∆t
This approximation is reasonable only when ∆t, the time step size, is small.
Rearranging this equation leads to a process (also called recurrence relation)
for linking values of the solution at successive time points,
yk+1 − yk
= f (yk ), ⇒ yk+1 = yk + ∆t · f (yk ). (12.16)
Application. We start with the known initial value, y0 . Then (setting the
index to k = 0 in Eqn. (12.16)) we obtain
y1 = y0 + f (y0 )∆t.
The quantities on the right are known, so we can compute the value of y1 ,
which is the approximation to the solution y(t1 ) at the time point t1 . We can
then continue to generate the value at the next time point in the same way, by
approximating the derivative again as a secant slope. This leads to
y2 = y1 + f (y1 )∆t.
From this iteration, we obtain the approximate values of the function yk ≈ y(tk )
for as many time steps as desired starting from t = 0 in increments of ∆t up to
some final time T of interest.
It is customary to use the following notations:
• h = ∆t : common notations for the step size, i.e. the distance between the
points along the t axis.
• tk : the k’th time point. Note that since the points are at multiples of the step
size that we have picked, tk = k∆t = kh.
• y(t ) : the actual value of the solution to the differential equation at time t.
This is usually not known, but in the examples discussed in this chapter,
we can solve the differential equation exactly, so we have a formula for the
function y(t ). In most hard scientific problems, no such formula is known
in advance.
• y(tk ) : the actual value of the solution to the differential equation at one of
the discrete time points, tk (again, not usually known).
= ay, y ( 0 ) = y0
where a is a constant (see Eqn 11.2).
Mastered Material Check
Solution. Subdivide the t axis into steps of size ∆t, starting with t0 = 0, and 23. Carry our Example 12.10
t1 = ∆t,t2 = 2∆t, . . . The first value of y is known from the initial condition, with ∆t = 0.1, a = 1, and y0 = 1.
24. Plot the first 5 points you determine.
y0 = y(0) = y0 . Compare with the true solution.
25. Solve the initial value problem in
We replace the differential equation by the approximation Example 12.11 analytically.
Compare the points (0, 100),
yk+1 − yk (0.1, 95), (0.2, 90.25)
= ayk ⇒ yk+1 = yk + a∆tyk , k = 1, 2, . . . and (0.3, 85.7375) with the true
∆t solution at the corresponding t
S O LV I N G D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q UAT I O N S 263
In particular,
y1 = y0 + a∆ty0 = y0 (1 + a∆t ),
y2 = y1 (1 + a∆t ),
y3 = y2 (1 + a∆t ),
and so on. At every stage, the quantity on the right hand side depends only on
value of yk that as already known from the step before. ♦
The next example demonstrates Euler’s method applied to a specific
differential equation.
Example 12.11 Use Euler’s method to find the solution to P Link to Google Sheets. This
spreadsheet implements Euler’s method
= −0.5y, y(0) = 100. for Example 12.11. You can view the
dt formulae by clicking on a cell in the
Use step size ∆t = 0.1 to approximate the solution for the first two time steps. sheet but you cannot edit the sheet here.
k tk yk
Solution. Euler’s method applied to this example would lead to
0 0 100.00
1 0.1 95.00
2 0.2 90.25
y0 =100. 3 0.3 85.74
4 0.4 81.45
y1 =y0 (1 + a∆t ) = 100(1 + (−0.5)(0.1)) = 95, etc.
5 0.5 77.38
We show the first five values in Table 12.3. Clearly, these kinds of repeated
Table 12.3: Euler’s method applied to
calculations are best handled on a spreadsheet or similar computer software. Example 12.11.
Below, we use Euler’s method to compute a solution from each of several
initial conditions, T (0) = 0, 5, 15, 20 degrees.
Euler’s method
time approx solution exact soln
tk Tk T (t)
15 True solution 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
1.0000 2.0000 1.8127
2.0000 3.6000 3.2968
10 3.0000 4.8800 4.5119
4.0000 5.9040 5.5067
5.0000 6.7232 6.3212
5 6.0000 7.3786 6.9881
7.0000 7.9028 7.5340
8.0000 8.3223 7.9810
∆t = 1.0
2 4 6 8 10
time, t
In Figure 12.9 we show a typical example of the method with initial value 26. What change would you make in the
process set up in Example 12.14 to
T (0) = T0 and with the time step size ∆t = 1.0. Black dots represent the dis- improve the approximation made by
crete values generated by the Euler method, starting from initial conditions, Euler’s method?
T0 = 0, 5, 15, 20. Notice that the black curve is simply made up of line seg-
ments linking points obtained by the numerical solution. On the same graph,
we also show the analytic solution (red curves) given by Eqn. (12.17) with the
S O LV I N G D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q UAT I O N S 265
same four initial temperatures. We see that the black and red curves start out
at the same points (since they both satisfy the same initial conditions). How-
ever, the approximate solution obtained with Euler’s method is not identical
to the true solution. The difference between the two (gap between the red and
black curves) is the numerical error in the approximation.
12.4 Summary
= a − by, y(0) = y0
has a steady state solution y = a/b.
4. If we define the deviation from steady state, z(t ) = y(t ) − ab , we get a decay
equation for z(t ) that has exponentially decreasing solutions provided b > 0.
This says that the eviation from steady state always decrease over time.
5. The resulting solution for y(t ) is
a a
y(t ) = − − y0 e−bt .
b b
6. For some differential equations, it is not always possible to determine an
analytic solution (explicit formula). Numerical solutions can be found
using Euler’s method, and serve as an approximate solution.
7. Euler’s method takes a known initial value y0 and uses the iteration
yk+1 = yk + f (yk )∆t.
1. Explain why an object at room temperature is at a steady state for Newton’s law of cooling.
2. The following graph depicts solution curves to a particular differential equation of the form dy/dt = a − by.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(a) Estimate the value that these solution curves are approaching.
(b) Which solutions are approaching from above? From below?
= 2 − 4y, y(0) = 4,
(a) What value does its solution curve approach?
(b) Does its solution approach from above or below?
4. Why is a large value of ∆t not a good idea when using Euler’s method?
S O LV I N G D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q UAT I O N S 267
y(0) = y0 .
12.6. Verifying solutions. For each of the following, show the given func-
tion y is a solution to the given differential equation.
(a) t · = 3y, y = 2t 3 .
(b) + y = 0, y = −2 sint + 3 cost.
dt 2
d2y dy
(c) 2
− 2 + y = 6et , y = 3t 2 et .
dt dt
12.7. Verifying a solution. Show the function determined by the equa-
tion 2x2 + xy − y2 = C, where C is a constant and 2y 6= x, is a solution
to the differential equation (x − 2y) = −4x − y.
12.8. Determining the constant. Find the constant C that satisfies the given
initial conditions.
(a) 2x2 − 3y2 = C, y|x=0 = 2.
(b) y = C1 e5t + C2te5t , y|t =0 = 1 and dt |t =0 = 0.
(c) y = C1 cos(t −C2 ), y|t = π = 0 and dy
dt |t = 2 = 1.
12.12. Details of Newtons Law of Cooling. Fill in the missing steps in the
solution to Newton’s Law of Cooling in Example 12.5.
12.13. Newton’s Law of Cooling. Newton’s Law of Cooling states that the
rate of change of the temperature of an object is proportional to the
difference between the temperature of the object, T , and the ambient
(environmental) temperature, E. This leads to the differential equation
= k (E − T )
where k > 0 is a constant that represents the material properties and, E
is the ambient temperature. (We assume that E is also constant.)
(a) Show that the function
T (t ) = E + (T0 − E )e−kt
(c) Use the data in the table and your favourite spreadsheet (or similar
software) to show that the data so transformed appears to be close
to linear. Assume that the ambient temperature was E = 20◦ F.
(d) Use the same software to determine the constant k by fitting a line
to the transformed data.
12.16. Infant weight gain. During the first year of its life, the weight of a
baby is given by
y(t ) = 3t + 64
dy k
dt y
= I − αNF (12.18)
(a) At what rate are fish added per day according to Eqn. (12.18)? Give
both value and units.
(b) What is the average number of fish caught by one fisher? Give both
the value and units.
(c) What is being assumed about the fish birth and mortality rates
in Eqn. (12.18)?
(d) If the fish input and number of fishers are constant, what is the
steady state level of the fish population in the lake?
(e) At time t = 0 the company stops restocking the lake with fish. Give
the revised form of the differential equation (12.18) that takes this
into account, assuming the same level of fishing as before. How
long would it take for the fish to fall to 25% of their initial level?
(f) When the fish population drops to the level Flow , fishing is stopped
and the lake is restocked with fish at the same constant rate
S O LV I N G D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q UAT I O N S 271
√ kt 2
y(t ) = ( y0 − )
y00 + ay0 + by = 0.
12.24. Euler’s method. Solve the decay equation in Example (12.11) analyt-
ically, that is, find the formula for the solution in terms of a decaying
exponential, and then compare your values to the approximate solution
values y1 and, y2 computed with Euler’s method.
12.25. Comparing approximate and true solutions:
(a) Use Euler’s method to find an approximate solution to the differen-
tial equation
with y(0) = 1. Use a step size h = 0.1 and find the values of y up
to x = 0.5. Compare the value you have calculated for y(0.5) using
Euler’s method with the true solution of this differential equation.
What is the error i.e. the difference between the true solution and
the approximation?
(b) Now use Euler’s method on the differential equation
= −y
with y(0) = 1. Use a step size h = 0.1 again and find the values of y
up to x = 0.5. Compare the value you have calculated for y(0.5)
using Euler’s method with the true solution of this differential
equation. What is the error this time?
12.26. Beginning Euler’s method. Give the first 3 steps of Euler’s method
for the problem in Example 12.13.
12.27. Euler’s method and a spreadsheet. Use the spreadsheet and Euler’s
method to solve the differential equation shown below:
dy/dt = 0.5y(2 − y)
S O LV I N G D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q UAT I O N S 273
Use a step size of h = 0.1 and show (on the same graph) solutions for
the following four initial values:
For full credit, include a short explanation your process (e.g. 1-2 sen-
tences and whatever equations you implemented on the spreadsheet.)
Qualitative methods for differential equations
3. Explain the law of mass action, and derive simple differential equations
for interacting species based on this law.
(K − N )
= R(N ) · N, where R(N ) = r .
dt K
The term R(N ) is a function of N that replaces the constant rate of growth k
(found in the unrealistic, unlimited population growth model). R is called the
density dependent growth rate.
, y, 1
dt Mastered Material Check
that is, it can be written in the form 5. Can the differential equation
dt = a − by be written in the form
dy (13.2)? If so, what are the values of
α +βy+γ = 0 (13.2) α, β , γ?
where α, β , γ do not depend on y. Note that “first order” means that only the
first derivative (or no derivative at all) may occur in the equation.
So far, we have seen several examples of this type with constant coeffi-
cients α, β , γ. For example, α = 1, β = −k, and γ = 0 in Eqn. 11.2 whereas
α = 1, γ = −a, and β = b in Eqn. (12.4). A differential equation that is not of
this form is said to be nonlinear.
dy dy dy
(a) = y2 , (b) − y = 5, (c) y = −1.
dt dt dt
Solution. Any term of the form y2 , y, 1/y, etc. is nonlinear in y. A product
such as y dy
dt is also nonlinear in the independent variable. Hence equations (a),
(c) are nonlinear, while (b) is linear. ♦
Mastered Material Check
The significance of the distinction between linear and nonlinear differ- 6. For what values of α, β and γ can
ential equations is that nonlinearities make it much harder to systematically Example 13.1(b) be put into the
form (13.2)?
find a solution to the given differential equation by “analytic” methods. Most
linear differential equations have solutions that are made of exponential func-
tions or expressions involving such functions. This is not true for nonlinear
However, as we see shortly, geometric methods are very helpful in under-
standing the behaviour of such nonlinear differential equations.
b) Which of the two terms dominates for small versus large population
b) From familiarity with power functions (in this case, the functions of N
that form the two terms, rN and bN 2 ) we can deduce that the second,
quadratic term dominates for larger values of N, and this means that when
the population is crowded, the loss of individuals is greater than the rate of
reproduction. ♦
of individuals per acre, or number of bacteria per ml - y(t ) measures the 11. This population is at what percent of
its carrying capacity?
population in “multiples of the carrying capacity.”
For example, if the environment can sustain 1000 aphids per plant (so
K = 1000 individuals per plant), and the current population size on a given
plant is N = 950 then the value of the scaled variable is y = 950/1000 =
0.95. We would say that “the aphid population is at 95% of its carrying
capacity on the plant.”
Eqn. (13.3) “looks simpler” than Eqn. (13.1) since it depends on only one Mastered Material Check
parameter, r. Moreover, by understanding this equation, and transforming 12. What are the units of the parameter
back to the original logistic in terms of N (t ) = Ky(t ), we can interpret
13. How might we use the parameter r
results for the original model. While we do not go further with transforming to define a time-scale?
variables at present, it turns out that one can also further reduce the scaled
logistic to an equation in which r = 1 by “rescaling time units”.
Slope fields
Here we discuss a geometric way of understanding what a differential equa-
tion is saying using a slope field, also called a direction field. We have
already seen that solutions to a differential equation of the form
= f (y)
are curves in the (y,t )-plane that describe how y(t ) changes over time (thus,
these curves are graphs of functions of time). Each initial condition y(0) = y0
is associated with one of these curves, so that together, these curves form a
family of solutions.
What do these curves have in common, geometrically?
• the slope of the tangent line (dy/dt) at any point on any of the curves
is related to the value of the y-coordinate of that point - as stated in the
differential equation.
• at any point (t, y(t )) on a solution curve, the tangent line must have
slope f (y), which depends only on the y value, and not on the time t.
Note: in more general cases, the expression f (y) that appears in the differ-
ential equation might depend on t as well as y. For our purposes, we do not
consider such examples in detail.
By sketching slopes at various values of y, we obtain the slope field
through which we can get a reasonable idea of the behaviour of the solutions
to the differential equation.
y f (y ) slope of behaviour of y direction of Table 13.1: Table for the slope field diagram
of differential equation (13.4), dy
dt = 2y,
tangent line arrow described in Example 13.5.
-2 -4 -ve decreasing &
-1 -2 -ve decreasing &
0 0 0 no change →
1 2 +ve increasing %
2 4 +ve increasing %
generate the direction field and the corresponding solution curves. Note that
the direction of the arrows (rather than their absolute magnitude) provides the
most important qualitative tendency for the slope field sketch. ♦
2 2 y Figure 13.1: Direction field and solution
curves for differential equation, dy
dt = 2y
1 1
described in Example 13.5.
0 0
−1 −1
−2 t −2 t
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
In constructing the slope field and solution curves, the following basic
rules should be followed:
1. By convention, time flows from left to right along the t axis in our graphs,
so the direction of all arrows (not usually indicated explicitly on the slope
field) is always from left to right.
2. According to the differential equation, for any given value of the vari-
able y, the slope is given by the expression f (y) in the differential equa-
tion. The sign of that quantity is particularly important in determining
whether the solution is locally increasing, decreasing, or neither. In the
tables, we indicate this in the last column with the notation %, &, or →.
3. There is a single arrow at any point in the ty-plane, and consequently so-
lution curves cannot intersect anywhere (although they can get arbitrarily
close to one another).
value of the derivative f (y), since that sign determines whether the solutions
increase, decrease, or stay constant. Recall that factoring helps to find zeros,
and to identify where an expression changes sign. For example,
= f (y) = y − y3 = y(1 − y2 ) = y(1 + y)(1 − y).
The sign of f depends on the signs of the factors y, (1 + y), (1 − y). For Mastered Material Check
y < −1, two factors, y, (1 + y), are negative, whereas (1 − y) is positive, so 15. Graph the
that the product is positive overall. The sign of f (y) changes at each of the function f (y) = y(1 + y)(1 − y) and
indiate where it changes sign.
three points y = 0, ±1 where one or another of the three factors changes sign,
16. Repeat the process for the
function f (y) = y2 (1 + y)2 (1 − y).
as shown in Table 13.2. Eventually, to the right of all three (when y > 1), the
sign is negative. We summarize these observations in Table 13.2 and show
the slopes field and solution curves in Figure 13.2. ♦
y sign of f (y) behaviour of y direction of Table 13.2: Table for the slope field diagram
of the DE (13.5) described in Example 13.6.
y < −1 +ve increasing %
-1 0 no change →
-0.5 -ve decreasing &
0 0 no change →
0.5 +ve increasing %
1 0 no change →
y>1 -ve decreasing &
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
1 1
Figure 13.2: Direction field and solution
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / curves for differential equation (13.5)
described in Example 13.6.
0.5 / / / / / / / / / / 0.5 / / / / / / / / / /
0 0
−0.5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ −0.5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
−1 −1
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Example 13.7 Sketch a slope field and solution curves for the problem of a
cooling object, and specifically for
= f (T ) = 0.2(10 − T ). (13.6)
Solution. The family of curves shown in Figure 13.3 (also Figure 12.6) are
solutions to (13.6). The function f (T ) = 0.2(10 − T ) corresponds to the
slopes of tangent lines to these curves. We indicate the sign of f (T ) and
thereby the behaviour of T (t ) in Table 13.3. Note that there is only one
T sign of f (T ) behaviour of T direction of Table 13.3: Table for the slope field dia-
gram of dT
dt = 0.2(10 − T ) described in
arrow Example 13.7.
T < 10 +ve increasing %
T = 10 0 no change →
T > 10 -ve decreasing &
change of sign, at T = 10. For smaller T , the solution is always increasing and
Mastered Material Check
for larger T , the solution is always decreasing. The slope field and solution
17. Indicate the regions Figure 13.3
curves are shown in Figure 13.3. In the slope field, one particular value of t is where T is increasing.
coloured to emphasize the associated changes in T , as in Table 13.3. ♦ 18. Where is T not changing in
Figure 13.3?
temperature, T
15 15 differential equation (13.6) in Example 13.7.
10 10
5 5
t 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
State-space diagrams
In Examples 13.5-13.7, we saw that we can understand qualitative features of
solutions to the differential equation
= f (y), (13.7)
by examining the expression f (y). We used the sign of f (y) to assemble a
slope field diagram and sketch solution curves. The slope field informed us
about which initial values of y would increase, decrease or stay constant. We
next show another way of determining the same information.
First, let us define a state space, also called phase line, which is essen-
tially the y-axis with superimposed arrows representing the direction of flow.
Definition 13.2 (State space (or phase line)) A line representing the depen-
dent variable (y) together with arrows to describe the flow along that line
(increasing, decreasing, or stationary y) satisfying Eqn. (13.7) is called the
state space diagram or the phase line diagram for the differential equation.
Rather than tabulating signs for f (y), we can arrive at similar conclusions
by sketching f (y) and observing where this function is positive (implying
that y increases) or negative (y decreases). Places where f (y) = 0 (“zeros
of f ”) are important since these represent steady states (“static solutions”,
where there is no change in y). Along the y axis (which is now on the hori-
zontal axis of the sketch) increasing y means motion to the right, decreasing y
means motion to the left.
As we shall see, the information contained in this type of diagram pro-
vides a qualitative description of solutions to the differential equation, but
with the explicit time behaviour suppressed. This is illustrated by Figure 13.4,
where we show the connection between the slope field diagram and the state
space diagram for a typical differential equation.
% f (y)
t y
Solution. From Example 13.6, we know that f (y) = 0 at y = −1, 0, 1. This i Video explanation of the steps in the
solution to Example 13.8.
means that y does not change at these steady state values, so, if we start a
system off with y(0) = 0, or y(0) = ±1, the value of y is static. The three
places at which this happens are marked by heavy dots in Figure 13.5(a).
y y
(a) (b)
We also see that f (y) < 0 for −1 < y < 0 and for y > 1. In these intervals,
y(t ) must be a decreasing function of time (dy/dt < 0). On the other hand, for
0 < y < 1 or for y < −1, we have f (y) > 0, so y(t ) is increasing. See arrows
on Figure 13.5(b). We see from this figure that there is a tendency for y to
move away from the steady state value y = 0 and to approach either of the
steady states at 1 or −1. Starting from the initial values given above, we have
Example 13.9 (A cooling object) Sketch the same type of diagram for the
problem of a cooling object and interpret its meaning.
f (T )
Solution. Here, the differential equation is
= f (T ) = 0.2(10 − T ). (13.9)
A sketch of the rate of change, f (T ) versus the temperature T is shown in T
Figure 13.6. We deduce the direction of the flow directly form this sketch. ♦ 10
Example 13.10 Create a similar qualitative sketch for the more general
form of linear differential equation
dy Figure 13.6: Figure for Example 13.9, the
= f (y) = a − by. (13.10)
dt differential equation (13.9).
Mastered Material Check
For what values of y would there be no change?
19. In Figures 13.6 and 13.7, where is
Solution. The rate of change of y is given by the function f (y) = a − by. This the function positive?
is shown in Figure 13.7. The steady state at which f (y) = 0 is at y = a/b. 20. Consider Eqn. (13.10) analytically:
what value does y approach?
Starting from an initial condition y(0) = a/b, there would be no change. We
f (y)
also see from this figure that y approaches this value over time. After a long
time, the value of y will be approximately a/b. ♦
Chapter 12.
Figure 13.7: Qualitative sketch for
Eqn. (13.10) in Example 13.10.
Definition 13.3 (Steady state) A steady state is a state in which a system is
not changing.
Solution. Steady states are points that satisfy f (y) = 0. We already found
those to be y = 0 and y = ±1 in Example 13.8. ♦
From Figure 13.5, we see that solutions starting close to y = 1 tend to get
closer and closer to this value. We refer to this behaviour as stability of the
steady state.
Definition 13.4 (Stability) We say that a steady state is stable if states that
are initially close enough to that steady state will get closer to it with time.
We say that a steady state is unstable, if states that are initially very close to
it eventually move away from that steady state.
1. Practice the techniques of slope field, state-space diagram, and steady state
analysis on the logistic equation.
3. Identify that the resulting set of two ODEs can be reduced to a single
ODE. Use qualitative methods to analyse the model behaviour and to
interpret the results.
Example 13.13 Find the steady states of the logistic equation, Eqn. (13.1): i The scaled logistic equation, its slope
field, and steady state values are
dN (K − N ) discussed here.
= rN .
dt K
Solution. To determine the steady states of Eqn. (13.1), i.e. the level of
population that would not change over time, we look for values of N such that
= 0.
This leads to
(K − N )
rN = 0,
which has solutions N = 0 (no population at all) or N = K (the population is at
its carrying capacity). ♦
We could similarly find steady states of the scaled form of the logistic i A second way to analyze the scaled
equation, Eqn. (13.3). Setting dy/dt = 0 leads to logistic equation, using the phase line
approach, and its connection to the
dy slope field method as described in
0= = ry(1 − y) ⇒ y = 0, or y = 1. Example 13.14.
This comes as no surprise since these values of y correspond to the values
N = 0 and N = K.
Example 13.14 Draw a plot of the rate of change dy/dt versus the value of
y for the scaled logistic equation,Eqn. (13.3): Mastered Material Check
dy 22. Circle the steady states in
= ry(1 − y). Figure 13.8 and identify which one
is stable.
Solution. In the plot of Figure 13.8 only y ≥ 0 is relevant. In the interval
23. Why is y < 0 not relevant in
0 < y < 1, the rate of change is positive, so that y increases, whereas for y > 1, Example 13.14?
the rate of change is negative, so y decreases. Since y refers to population
Rate of change
size, we need not concern ourselves with behaviour for y < 0. dy/dt
From Figure 13.8 we deduce that solutions that start with a positive y
value approach y = 1 with time. Solutions starting at either steady state y = 0
or y = 1 would not change. Restated in terms of the variable N (t ), any initial y
population should approach its carrying capacity K with time. ♦ 1
We now look at the same equation from the perspective of the slope field.
Example 13.15 Draw a slope field for the scaled logistic equation with
Figure 13.8: Plot of dy/dt versus y for the
r = 0.5, that is for
the scaled logistic equation (13.3).
= f (y) = 0.5 · y(1 − y). (13.11)
Solution. We generate slopes for various values of y in Table 13.4 and plot
the slope field in Figure 13.9(a). ♦
Finally, we practice Euler’s method to graph the numerical solution to
Eqn. (13.11) from several initial conditions.
y sign of f (y) behaviour of direction of Table 13.4: Table for slope field for the
logistic equation (13.11). See Fig 13.9(a) for
y arrow the resulting diagram.
0 0 no change →
0<y<1 +ve increasing %
1 0 no change →
y>1 -ve decreasing &
curves for the logistic equation (13.11),
1 dy
dt = 0.5 · y(1 − y)
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10
From Figure 13.9(b), we see that solution curves approach the steady state y = P Link to Google Sheets. This
1, meaning that the population N (t ) approaches the carrying capacity K for spreadsheet implements Euler’s method
for Example 13.16. A chart showing
all positive starting values. A link to the spreadsheet that implements Euler’s solutions from four initial conditions is
method is included. ♦ included.
Solution. We have already established that all initial values in the range 0 <
y0 < 1 are associated with increasing solutions y(t ). Now we consider the
concavity of those solutions. The logistic equation has the form Mastered Material Check
25. How do we know that initial
= ry(1 − y) = ry − ry2 conditions in the range 0 < y0 < 1
dt lead to increasing solutions?
Differentiate both sides using the chain rule and factor, to get
d2y dy dy dy
= r − 2ry = r (1 − 2y).
dt 2 dt dt dt
Featured Problem 13.1 (aphids) Consider the aphid-ladybug problem Hint: Growth rate (number of
(Example 1.3) with aphid density x, growth rate G(x) = rx, and predation rate aphids born per unit time) contributes
positively, whereas predation rate
by a ladybug P(x) as in (1.10). (a) Write down a differential equation for the (number of aphids eaten per unit time)
aphid population. (b) Use your equation, and a sketch of the two functions contributes negatively to the rate of
to answer the following question: What happens to the aphid population change of aphids with respect to time
starting from various initial population sizes?
= A −C.
Assuming the cell was spherical, we showed that this equation results in the
differential equation for the cell radius r (t ):
dr 1 k2
= k1 − r , k1 , k2 , ρ > 0 (13.12)
dt ρ 3
Using tools in this chapter, we can now understand what this implies about
cell size growth.
2. Other than the state (S or I), individuals are “identical,” with the same
rates of recovery and infectivity.
Example 13.18 Suppose that the process can be represented by the scheme
S + I → I + I,
According to our assumption, recovery takes place at a constant rate per unit
time, denoted by µ > 0 . By the law of mass action, the disease transmission
Example 13.19 Use Eqns.(13.13) to show that the total population does not
change (hint: show that the derivative of S(t ) + I (t ) is zero).
i Video showing that the population
Solution. Add the equations to one another. Then we obtain N (t ) = I (t ) + S(t ) is constant.
d dI dS
[I (t ) + S(t )] = + = β SI − µI − β SI + µI = 0.
dt dt dt
d dN
[I (t ) + S(t )] = = 0,
dt dt
which mean that N (t ) = [I (t ) + S(t )] = N=constant, so the total population
does not change. (In Eqn. (13.1), here N is a constant and I (t ), S(t ) are the
variables.) ♦
Example 13.20 Use the fact that N is constant to express S(t ) in terms
of I (t ) and N, and eliminate S(t ) from the differential equation for I (t ). Your
equation should only contain the constants N, β , µ.
Example 13.21 a) Show that the above equation can be written in the form
= β I (K − I ),
where K is a constant.
Using the above process, we have reduced the system of two differential
equations for the two variables I (t ), S(t ) to a single differential equation
for I (t ), together with the statement S(t ) = N − I (t ). We now examine
implications of this result using the qualitative methods of this chapter.
(a) K ≥ 0,
(b) K < 0.
Use your diagram to determine which steady state(s) are stable or unstable.
Mastered Material Check
Solution. Steady states of Eqn. (13.14) satisfy dI/dt = β I (K − I ) = 0. 31. What is the significance of the grey
Hence, these steady states are I = 0 (no infected individuals) and I = K. The shaded regions in Fig. 13.10.
latter only makes sense if K ≥ 0. We plot the function f (I ) = β I (K − I ) in 32. Draw Fig. 13.10 for K = 0.
Eqn. (13.14) against the state variable I in Figure 13.10 (a) for K ≥ 0 and (b) 33. Why is I = K not an admissible
steady state if K < 0?
for K < 0. Since f (I ) is quadratic in I, its graph is a parabola and it opens
downwards. We add arrows pointing right (→) in the regions where dI/dt > 0
and arrows pointing left (←) where dI/dt < 0.
f (I) f (I)
Figure 13.10: State-space diagrams for
differential equation (13.14). Plots of f (I )
as a function of I in the cases (a) K ≥ 0,
and (b) K < 0. The grey regions are not
biologically meaningful since I cannot be
I 0 I
0 K K
(a) (b)
Example 13.23 Interpret the results of the model in terms of the disease,
assuming that initially most of the population is in the susceptible S group,
and a small number of infected individuals are present at t = 0.
Solution. In case (a), as long as the initial size of the infected group is
positive (I > 0), with time it approaches K, that is, I (t ) → K = N − µ/β . The
rest of the population is in the susceptible group, that is S(t ) → µ/β (so that
S(t ) + I (t ) = N is always constant.) This first scenario holds provided K > 0
which is equivalent to N > µ/β . There are then some infected and some
healthy individuals in the population indefinitely, according to the model. In
this case, we say that the disease becomes endemic.
In case (b), which corresponds to N < µ/β , we see that I (t ) → 0 regardless Mastered Material Check
of the initial size of the infected group. In that case, S(t ) → N so with time, 34. In the case that β = 0.001per person
the infected group shrinks and the healthy group grows so that the whole per day and µ = 0.1 per day, how
population becomes healthy. From these two results, we conclude that the large would the population have to
be for the disease to become
disease is wiped out in a small population, whereas in a sufficiently large endemic?
population, it can spread until a steady state is attained where some fraction 35. Frequent hand-washing can be a
of the population is always infected. In fact we have identified a threshold protective measure that decreases
the spread of disease. Which
that separates these two behaviours: parameter of the model would this
affect and in what way?
>1 ⇒ disease becomes endemic,
<1 ⇒ disease is wiped out.
The ratio of constants in these inequalities, R0 = Nβ /µ is called the basic i A video summarizing the
interpretation of the model and the
reproduction number for the disease. Many current and much more detailed
meaning of the constant R0 = Nβ /µ.
models for disease transmission also have such threshold behaviour, and
the ratio that determines whether the disease spreads or disappears, R0 is of
great interest in vaccination strategies. This ratio represents the number of
infections that arise when 1 infected individual interacts with a population
of N susceptible individuals.
13.4 Summary
(a) 5 dy
dt − y = −0.5 (c) dy
dx + πy + ρ = 3
2 dx
(b) dy
+y+1 = 0 (d) dt + x + 2 = −3x
5 10 15 20
4. Circle the stable steady states in the following state space diagram
f (y)
(a) = −0.5y
(b) = 0.5y(2 − y)
(c) = y(2 − y)(3 − y)
13.3. Drawing slope fields. Draw a slope field for each of the given differ-
ential equations:
(a) dt = 2 + 3y
(b) dt = −y(2 − y)
(c) dt = 2 − 3y + y2
(d) dt = −2(3 − y)2
(e) dt = y2 − y + 1
(f) dt = y3 − y
dy √
(g) dt = y(y − 2)(y − 3)2 , y ≥ 0.
(A) = ry(y + 1)
(B) = r (y − 1)(y + 1)
(C) = −r (y − 1)(y + 1)
(D) = ry(y − 1)
(E) = −ry(y + 1)
13.10. The Law of Mass Action. The Law of Mass Action in Section 13.1
led to the assumption that the rate of a reaction involving two types of
molecules (A and B) is proportional to the product of their concentra-
tions, k · a · b.
Explain why the sum of the concentrations, k · (a + b) would not make
for a sensible assumption about the rate of the reaction.
13.11. Biochemical reaction. A biochemical reaction in which a substance S
is both produced and consumed is investigated. The concentration c(t )
of S changes during the reaction, and is seen to follow the differential
dc c
= Kmax − rc
dt k+c
where Kmax , k, r are positive constants with certain convenient units.
The first term is a concentration-dependent production term and the
second term represents consumption of the substance.
(a) What is the maximal rate at which the substance is produced? At
what concentration is the production rate 50% of this maximal
(b) If the production is turned off, the substance decays. How long
would it take for the concentration to drop by 50%?
(c) At what concentration does the production rate just balance the
consumption rate?
13.12. Logistic growth with proportional harvesting. Consider a fish
population of density N (t ) growing at rate g(N ), with harvesting, so
that the population satisfies the differential equation
= g(N ) − h(N ).
(K−N )
Now assume that the growth rate is logistic, so g(N ) = rN K
where r, K > 0 are constant. Assume that the rate of harvesting is
proportional to the population size, so that
h(N ) = qEN
where E, the effort of the fishermen, and q, the catchability of this type
of fish, are positive constants.
Use qualitative methods discussed in this chapter to analyze the
behaviour of this equation. Under what conditions does this lead to a
sustainable fishery?
13.13. Logistic growth with constant number harvesting. Consider the
same fish population as in Exercise 12, but this time assume that the
rate of harvesting is fixed, regardless of the population size, so that
h(N ) = H
= ry(1 − y).
= by2 − ay1 y2 ,
= ay1 y2 − by2 .
(a) Explain the terms in the equation. What is the value of the con-
stant b?
(b) Show that the total population P = y1 (t ) + y2 (t ) is constant.
Note: this is a conservation statement.
(c) Use the conservation statement to eliminate y1 . Then analyze the
differential equation you obtain for y2 .
(d) Use your model to determine whether this newly launched social
media will be successful or whether it will go extinct.
13.19. A bimolecular reaction. Two molecules of A can react to form a
new chemical, B. The reaction is reversible so that B also continually
decays back into 2 molecules of A. The differential equation model
proposed for this system is
= −µa2 + 2β b
db µ
= a2 − β b,
dt 2
where a(t ), b(t ) > 0 are the concentrations of the two chemicals.
(a) Explain the factor 2 that appears in the differential equations
and the conservation statement. Show that the total mass M =
a(t ) + 2b(t ) is constant.
(b) Use the techniques in this chapter to investigate what happens in
this chemical reaction, to find any steady states, and to explain the
behaviour of the system
Periodic and trigonometric functions
4. Review properties of the functions sin(x) and cos(x) and other trigono-
metric functions. State and apply the connections between these functions
(“trigonometric identities”).
D = 2R. S
This leads to the familiar relationship of circumference C, to radius R,
C = 2πR. R
This statement is merely a definition of the constant π.
As shown in Figure 14.3, an angle θ can be put into correspondence with
an arc along the edge of a circle. For a circle of radius R and angle θ we
define the arclength, S by the relation S = Rθ where θ is measured in a Figure 14.3: The angle θ in radians is
related to the radius R of the circle, and
the length of the arc S by the simple
formula, S = Rθ .
convenient way that we now select. Both S and R carry units of “distance" or
“length". But their ratio is,
θ= ,
so the units in numerator and denominator cancel, and the angle θ is dimen-
sionless (carries no units). Mastered Material Check
Now consider a circle of radius R = 1 (called a unit circle) and denote by s 1. What angle θ corresponds to a 1/6
revolution around the perimeter of a
a length of arc around the entire perimeter of this unit circle. Then circle?
s 2. Sketch an angle of π/4 radians.
θ= .
1 3. If the radius of a circle is 2 and an
In particular, for one complete revolution around the circle, the arclength is arc on its perimeter has length 0.5,
what is the angle corresponding to
s = 2π · 1 = 2π, which is just the circumference of the unit circle. In that case, that arc (in radians)?
it makes sense to consider the angle corresponding to one revolution as
θ= = 2π.
This leads naturally to the definition of the radian: we identify an angle of
2π radians with one complete revolution around the circle. Note that (like
degrees or other measures of angles), a radian is a number that carries no
We can now use this measure for angles to assign values to any frac-
tion of a revolution, and thus, to any angle. For example, an angle of 90◦
corresponds to one quarter of a revolution around the perimeter of a unit
circle, so we identify the angle π/2 radians with it. One degree is 1/360 of a
revolution, corresponding to 2π/360 radians, and so on.
We summarize the properties of radians:
We define the functions sine and cosine, both dependent on the angle t
(abbreviated sin(t ) and cos(t )) as follows:
y x
sin(t ) = = y, cos(t ) = = x
1 1
That is, the function sine tracks the y coordinate of the point as it moves
around the unit circle, and the function cosine tracks its x coordinate. ` A demonstration of the link between
motion on a circle and the function
Note: A review and definitions of trigonometric quantities is given in Fig- y = sin(x). Click on the arrow left of the
ure F.1, Appendix F as ratios of sides in a right angle triangle. The hy- parameter a or shift the slider on a to
potenuse in our diagram is simply the radius r = 1 of the circle. see the moving point.
Featured Problem 14.1 (Cosine as motion around circle) Adapt the inter-
active sine graph to represent the link between the graph of y = cos(x) and the
x coordinate of a point moving around a circle.
• We adopt the convention that when the radius vector points along the
x-axis, the angle is t = 0, and coordinates of the point are x = 1, y = 0. This
implies that cos(0) = 1, sin(0) = 0.
• When the radius vector points up the y-axis, the angle is π/2 (correspond-
ing to one quarter of a complete revolution), and coordinates of the point
are x = 0, y = 1 so that cos(π/2) = 0, sin(π/2) = 1.
• Through geometry, we can also determine the lengths of all sides - and
hence the ratios of the sides - of particular triangles, namely
– equilateral triangles (in which all angles are 60◦ ), and Mastered Material Check
– right triangles (two equal angles of 45◦ ). 6. Review Appendix F and then use
triangles to determine the x and y
These types of calculations (omitted here) lead to some easily determined coordinates of angles of 60◦
and 45◦ in the unit circle.
values for the sine and cosine of such special angles. These are shown in
7. Why does cosine have its largest
Table F.1 of the Appendix F. value when the angle t = 0, at the
beginning of the cycle?
Characteristics of sine and cosine.
• Both sin(t ) and cos(t ) go through the same values every time the angle t
completes another cycle around the circle. We refer to such functions as
periodic functions.
• The two functions, sine and cosine depict the same underlying motion,
viewed from two perspectives: cos(t ) represents the projection of the
circularly moving point onto the x-axis, while sin(t ) is the projection of
the same point onto the y-axis. In this sense, the functions are “twins”, and
as such we expect many relationships connecting them.
• The cosine has its largest value at the beginning of the cycle, when t = 0
(since cos(0) = 1), while sine has its peak value a little later (sin(π/2) =
1). Throughout their circular race, the sine function is π/2 radians ahead
of the cosine, that is, π
cos(t ) = sin t + .
See Figure 14.5 for graphs of both functions showing this shift by π/2.
• The period T of the sine function sin(t ) is defined as the value of t for
which one whole cycle (around the circle) has been completed. Ac-
cordingly, this period is T = 2π. Similarly the period of the cosine
function cos(t ) is also 2π. (See Figure 14.5.)
• The point (x, y) = (cos(t ), sin(t )) is on a circle of radius 1, and, thus, its
coordinates satisfy
x2 + y2 = 1.
This implies that
sin2 (t ) + cos2 (t ) = 1 (14.1)
for any angle t. This is an important relation, (also called a trigonometric
identity), and one that is frequently used. See Appendix F for a review of
other trigonometric identities.
• The sine and cosine functions have symmetries that we already encoun-
tered: sin(t ) is an odd function (symmetric about the origin) and the
cos(t ) is an even function (symmetric about the y-axis). These symme-
tries also imply that sin(−t ) = − sin(t ) and cos(−t ) = cos(t ).
0 π 3π 5π t
2 π 2 2π 2 3π 4π
period, T
y = cos(t)
0 π 3π 5π t
2 π 2 2π 2 3π
period, T
In Section 14.1, we identified the period of sin(t ) and cos(t ) as the value
of t at which one full cycle is completed. Here we formalize the definition of
a periodic function, define its period, frequency, and other properties.
f (t ) = f (t + T ),
Example 14.1 Show that the trigonometric functions are indeed periodic.
Mastered Material Check
Solution. The point (x, y) in Figure 14.4 repeats its trajectory every time 8. If cos(α ) = β , what
a revolution around the circle is complete. This happens when the angle t is cos(α + 2π )? cos(α − 6π )?
completes one full cycle of 2π radians. Thus, as expected, the trigonometric
functions are periodic, that is
In Appendix C we review how the appearance of any function changes when 9. How many zeros are depicted in
each panel of Figure 14.6?
we transform variables. For example, replacing the independent variable x
10. How many local minima are
by x − a (or αx) shifts (or scales) the function horizontally, multiplying f by a depicted in each panel of
constant C scales the function vertically, etc. The same ideas apply to shapes Figure 14.6?
of a trigonometric function when similar transformations are applied. 11. In each panel of Figure 14.6,
A function of the form identify where y = 1.
12. Indicate a single period on each
panel of Figure 14.6.
y = f (t ) = A sin(ωt )
has both t and y-axes scaled, as shown in Figure 14.6(c). The the amplitude
of the graph, A scales the y axis so that the oscillation swings between a
minimum of −A and a maximum of A. The frequency ω, scales the t-axis.
This cycles are crowded together (if ω > 1) or stretched out (if ω < 1). One
full cycle is completed when
ωt = 2π,
−2 −2
(a) (b)
y y = A sin(ωt) y y = A sin(ω(t − a))
2 2
1 1
π π 3π
2π π π 3π
2 2 2 2
−1 −1
−2 −2
(c) (d)
y = f (t ) = A sin(ω (t − a)),
Mastered Material Check
we find that the basic sine graph has been shifted in the positive t direction by 15. Sketch a graph of y = 3 sin(t − π2 )
a, as in Figure 14.6(d). At time t = a, the value of the function is and y = 3 cos(t )
16. Sketch a graph of y = cos(4(t − π ))
y = f (t ) = A sin(ω (a − a)) = A sin(0) = 0,
so the cycle “starts” with a delay of t = a relative to the basic sine function.
Another common variant of the same function can be written in the form
y = f (t ) = A sin(ωt − φ ).
Here φ is called the phase shift of the oscillation. The above two forms are
the same if we identify φ with ωa. The phase shift, φ has no units, whereas a
has units of time, which is the same as the units of t. When φ = 2π, (which
happens when a = 2π/ω), the graph has been moved over to the right by one
full period, making it identical to the original periodic graph.
Some of the scaled, shifted, sine functions described here are shown in
Figure 14.6.
f (t ) = f (t + 1), t in seconds.
As a check, we show in the next example that the relationship in Eqn. (14.3)
reduces to the familiar period and frequency notation in terms of our original
time t in seconds.
f (τ ) = f (τ + 2π ).
f (ωt ) = f (ω (t + T )) .
This relationship holds for any regular heartbeat, whether at rest or exercise
where the frequency of the heartbeat, ω, is related to the period (duration of 1
beat cycle) by ω = 2π/T . ♦
Rhythmic processes
Many natural phenomena are cyclic. It is sometimes convenient to represent
such phenomena with a simple periodic functions, such as sine or cosine.
Given some periodic process, we determine its frequency (or period), ampli-
tude, and phase shift. We create a trigonometric function (sine or cosine) that
approximates the desired behaviour.
To select a function, it helps to remember that (at t = 0) cosine starts at
its peak, while sine starts at its average value of 0. A function that starts at
the lowest point of the cycle is − cos(t ). In most cases, the choice of sine or
cosine to represent the cyclic phenomenon is arbitrary, they are related by a
simple phase shift.
Next, pick a constant ω such that the trigonometric function sin(ωt )
(or cos(ωt )) has the correct period using the relationship ω = 2π/T . We
then select the amplitude, and horizontal and vertical shifts to complete the
process. The examples below illustrate this process.
Solution. On Sept 21 and March 21 the lengths of day and night are equal,
and then there are 12 hours of daylight (each of these days is called an
equinox). Suppose we identify March 21 as the beginning of a yearly day-
night length cycle. Let t be time in days beginning on March 21. One full
cycle takes a year, i.e. 365 days. The period of the function we want is thus
T = 365
ω = 2π/365.
Solution. We first note that it takes one day (24 hours) to complete a cycle.
This means that the period of oscillation is 24 hours, so that the frequency is
2π 2π π
ω= = = .
T 24 12
The level of hormone varies between 0 and 100 ng/ml, which can be ex- 0 t
pressed as 50 ± 50 ng/ml. (The trigonometric functions are symmetric cycles, 1 7 13 19 24
and we are finding both the average value about which cycles occur and the 12 hrs
amplitude of the cycles.) We could consider the time midway between the 6 hrs
low and high points, namely 13:00 hours as the point corresponding to the
upswing at the start of a cycle of the sine function. (See Figure 14.8 for the Figure 14.8: Hormonal cycles. The full
cycle takes 24 hrs (hence the period is
sketch.) Thus, if we use a sine to represent the oscillation, we should shift it
T = 24h and the frequency is ω = 2π/24
by 13 hrs to the left. per hour). The level H (t ) swings between 0
and 100 ng/ml. From the given information,
we see that the average level is 50 ng/ml,
and that the origin of a sine curve should be
at t = 13 (i.e. 1/4 of the cycle which is 6 hrs
past the time point t = 7).
Note: the material in this section can be omitted without loss of continuity in
the next chapter. If this is done, merely skip Sections 15.1 and 15.3.
y = arcsin(x) −1 ≤ x ≤ 1
(a) (b)
To interpret this function, we note that arcsin(x) is “the angle (in radians)
whose sine is x”. In Figure 14.11, we show a triangle in which θ = arcsin(x). 1
This follows from the observation that the sine of theta, opposite over hy-
potenuse (sin θ = opp
hyp as reviewed in Appendix F) is x/1 = x. The length of θ
the other side of the triangle is then 1 − x2 by the Pythagorean theorem. √
√ √ 1 − x2
For example arcsin( 2/2) is the angle whose sine is 2/2, namely π/4
(we can also see this by checking the values of trigonometric functions of Figure 14.11: This triangle has been
standard angles shown in Table F.1) constructed so that θ is an angle such
that sin(θ ) = sx/1 = x. This means that
The functions sin(x) and arcsin(x), reverse (or “invert”) each other’s θ = arcsin(x).
effect, that is:
sin(arcsin(x)) = x for − 1 ≤ x ≤ 1.
Note: the allowable values of x that can be “substituted in” are not exactly Mastered Material Check
the same for these two cases. In the first case, x is an angle whose sine we 26. What is the value of arcsin(sin(x))
compute first, and then reverse the procedure. In the second case, x is a for x = π/2 and for 5π/2?
(a) (b)
y = arccos(x) −1 ≤ x ≤ 1
Pythagorian theorem. x
The inverse relationship between the functions mean that
Figure 14.13: This triangle has been
constructed so that θ is an angle such
arccos(cos(x)) = x for 0 ≤ x ≤ π, that cos(θ ) = x/1 = x implying that
θ = arccos(x).
cos(arccos(x)) = x for − 1 ≤ x ≤ 1.
a) arcsin(sin(π/4)),
b) arccos(sin(−π/6))
a) tan(arcsin(x)),
b) cos(arctan(x)).
Mastered Material Check
Solution. 29. Redraw and further label triangles to
aid in the solutions to Example 14.9.
a) Consider first the expression arcsin(x), and note that this represents an
30. Evaluste the expression
angle (call it θ ) whose sine is x, i.e. sin(θ ) = x. Refer to Figure 14.11 for a arccos(sin(π/4)).
sketch of a triangle in which this relationship holds. Now note that tan(θ ) 31. Simplify the expression
in this same triangle is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side, sin(arccos(x)).
tan(arcsin(x)) = √ .
1 − x2
b) Figure 14.15 shows a triangle that captures the relationship tan(θ ) = x or
θ = arctan(x). The cosine of this angle is the ratio of the adjacent side to
the hypotenuse, so that
cos(arctan(x)) = √ .
x +1
14.4 Summary
3. If, in a 1-minute interval, a heart beats 50 times, what is the length of a heart beat cycle?
14.1. Radians, degrees and right tirangles. Convert the following expres-
sions in radians to degrees:
(a) π,
(b) 5π/3,
(c) 21π/23,
(d) 24π.
Convert the following expressions in degrees to radians:
(e) 100o ,
(f) 8o ,
(g) 450o ,
(h) 90o .
(i) cos(π/3),
(j) sin(π/4),
(k) tan(π/6).
14.2. Graphing functions. Graph the following functions over the indicated
(a) y = x sin(x) for −2π < x < 2π,
(b) y = ex cos(x) for 0 < x < 4π.
14.3. Sketching the graph. Sketch the graph for each of the following
1 π
(a) y = sin 3 x − ,
2 4
(b) y = 2 − sin x,
(c) y = 3 cos 2x,
1 π
(d) y = 2 cos x+ .
2 4
14.4. Converting angles. The radian is an important unit associated with
angles. One revolution about a circle is equivalent to 360 degrees
or 2π radians.
(a) Convert the following angles (in degrees) to angles in radians.
Express each as multiples of π, not as decimal expansions:
(i) 45 degrees
(ii) 30 degrees
(iii) 60 degrees
(A) N = 60 + 120 sin 11 (t − 2000) + 2
(B) N = 60 + 60 sin 2π (t + 2000)
(C) N = 60 + 60 cos 2π (t + 2000)
N = 60 + 60 sin 2π
(D) 11 (t − 2000)
N = 60 + 60 cos 2π
(E) 11 (t − 2000)
(or cos(tan−1 (x)) is the cosine of that same angle. By using a right
triangle whose sides have length 1, x and 1 + x2 we can verify that
cos(arctan(x)) = 1/ 1 + x2 .
y = cos(2 arcsin(x)).
lim = 1. (15.1)
h→0 h
(See Eqn. (3.1).) This is a very important limit, and we apply it directly in
computing the derivative of trigonometric functions using the definition of the
A similar analysis of the graph of the cosine function, leads to a second Mastered Material Check
important limit: 1. Perform the calculation to verify
d cos(x)
cos(h) − 1 that dx = − sin(x).
lim = 0. (15.2)
h→0 h 2. Based on properties of the sine
We can now apply these to computing derivatives of both the sine and the function, estimate the value of sin(x)
for x = 0.01 radians and for x = 0.01
cosine functions. degrees.
3. Repeat this for estimates of cos(x)
Derivatives of sine, cosine, and other trigonometric functions for these two values of x.
Observe that a trigonometric identity (for the sum of angles - see Eqn. (F.3))
and Limits (15.1) and (15.2) were used to obtain the final result. ♦
A similar calculation using the function cos(x) leads to the result
d cos(x)
= − sin(x).
Note: the same two limits appear in this calculation, as well as the trigono-
metric identity Eqn. (F.4).
We can now calculate the derivative of the any of the other trigonometric
functions using the quotient rule.
Derivatives of the six trigonometric functions are given in Table 15.1. y = f (x ) f 0 (x )
The first three are frequently encountered in practical applications and worth sin(x) cos(x)
committing to memory. cos(x) − sin(x)
tan(x) sec2 (x)
csc(x) − csc(x) cot(x)
Featured Problem 15.1 (Lung volume) Breathing is a rhythmic process. sec(x) sec(x) tan(x)
The volume of air in the lungs can be modelled by a function of the form cot(x) − csc2 (x)
tan(y) = x.
y = f (x ) f 0 (x )
Now using again the relationship tan(y) = x, we obtain
arcsin(x) √1
d arctan(x) 1
= 2 . arccos(x) −√ 1
dx x +1 1−x2
This expression is used frequently in integral calculus. The derivatives of the arctan(x) 1
x2 + 1
important inverse trigonometric functions are given in Table 15.2.
Table 15.2: Derivatives of the inverse
trigonometric functions.
15.2 Changing angles and related rates
1. Explain how the chain rule is applied to geometric problems with angles
that are change over time (“related rates”).
The examples in this section provide practice with chain rule applica-
tions based on trigonometric functions. We discuss a number of problems,
and show how the basic properties of these functions, together with some
geometry, are used to arrive at desired results.
= − sin(θ )ω,
Mastered Material Check
= cos(θ )ω. 7. Write a concluding sentence for
dt Example 15.3.
♦ 8. If ω = 2 per min, what is the rate of
change of the x and y coordinates
Example 15.4 (Runners on a circular track) Two runners start at the when θ = π/2?
same position on a circular race track of length 400 meters. Joe Runner
takes 50 sec, while Michael Johnson takes 43.18 sec to complete the 400 me-
ter race. Find the rate of change of the angle formed between the two runners
and the center of the track, assuming that they run at a constant rate.
Solution. We are told that the track is 400 meters in length (total). However,
this information does not actually enter into the solution. Joe completes one
cycle around the track (2π radians) in 50 sec, while Michael completes a
cycle in 43.18 sec. This means that
Let θJ , θM be the angles subtended between one of the runners and the
starting line. We take the x-axis as that starting line, by convention, as in
Figure 14.4. From this, we find that
dθJ 2π
= = 0.125 radians per sec,
dt 50
dθM 2π
= = 0.145 radians per sec.
dt 43.18
Thus, the angle between the runners, θM − θJ changes at the rate
Solution. Let a, b, c be the lengths of the three sides, with c the length of the
side opposite angle θ . The law of cosines states that
c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos(θ ).
c2 (t ) = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos(θ (t ))
so it is evident that only c and θ vary with time, while a, b remain constant.
Differentiating with respect to t and using the chain rule leads to:
dc d cos(θ ) dθ
2c = −2ab .
dt dθ dt
But d cos(θ )/dθ = − sin(θ ) and dθ /dt = k, so that
dc ab dθ ab
= − (− sin(θ )) = k · sin(θ ).
dt c dt c
At the instant in question, a = 3, b = 4, and c = 5, forming a Pythagorean
triangle in which the angle opposite c is θ = π/2. We can see this fact using Mastered Material Check
the law of cosines, and noting that 9. Verify that a triangle formed by
sides of length 3, 4 and 5 is a
c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos(θ ), 25 = 9 + 16 − 24 cos(θ ). Pythagorean triangle.
10. Redo Example 15.5 with a triangle
This implies that 0 = −24 cos(θ ), cos(θ ) = 0 so that θ = π/2. Substituting in which a = 5, b = 12 and c is the
third side, at the instant when the
these into our result for the rate of change of the length c leads to
tringle so formed is Pythagorean.
dc ab 3·4 11. Write a concluding sentence for
= k= k. Example 15.5.
dt c 5
Example 15.6 (Clocks) Find the rate of change of the angle between the
minute hand and hour hand on a clock.
Solution. We call θ1 the angle that the minute hand subtends with the x-axis
(horizontal direction) and θ2 the angle that the hour hand makes with the
same axis as depicted in Figure 15.2(a).
If our clock is working properly, each hand moves around at a con-
stant rate. The hour hand traces one complete revolution (2π radians) ev-
ery 12 hours, while the minute hand completes a revolution every hour. Both
hands move in a clockwise direction, which (by convention) is towards
negative angles. This means that
= −2π radians per hour,
dθ2 2π
=− radians per hour.
dt 12
The angle between the two hands is the difference of the two angles, i.e.
θ = θ1 − θ2 .
C Y C L E S , P E R I O D S , A N D R AT E S O F C H A N G E 331
x x
(a) (b)
Solution. We use the law of cosines on the triangle shown in Figure 15.2.
Side lengths are a = 3, b = 4, and c(t ) opposite the angle θ (t ). From the
previous example, we have
dc ab dθ
= sin(θ ) .
dt c dt
At precisely 3:00 o’clock, the angle in question is θ = π/2 and it can also be
seen that the Pythagorean triangle abc leads to
c2 = a2 + b2 = 32 + 42 = 9 + 16 = 25
so that c = 5. We found from our previous analysis that dθ /dt = 6 π. Using
this information leads to:
dc 3·4 π 11 22
= sin − π = − π cm/hr.
dt 5 2 6 5
1. Describe the geometry of a visual angle, and determine how that angle
changes as the distance to the viewed object (or the size of the object)
changes (an application of “related rates”).
2. Determine how the rate of change of the visual angle of a prey fish (zebra
danio) changes as a predator of a given size approaches it at some speed.
3. Explain the link between the rate of change of the visual angle and the
triggering of an escape response.
4. Using the results of the analysis, explain in words under what circum-
stances the prey does (or does not) manage to escape from its predator.
Visual angles
Example 15.8 (Visual angle) In the triangle shown in Figure 15.3, an object
of height s is moving towards an observer. Its distance from the observer
at some instant is labeled x(t ) and it approaches at some constant speed, v.
Determine the rate of change of the angle θ (t ) and how it depends on speed,
size, and distance of the object. Often θ is called a visual angle, since it
represents the angle that an image subtends on the retina of the observer.
` Demo of the changing visual angle.
Solution. The object approaches at some constant speed, v so that You can see how the angle depends on
the size of the object s. Notice that the
dx angle hardly changes when the object is
= −v. far away, and changes dramatically as
the object gets closer.
where the minus sign means that the distance x is decreasing. Using the
trigonometric relations, we see that
tan(θ ) = . s
If the size, s, of the object is constant, then the changes with time imply that θ(t)
s x(t)
tan(θ (t )) = .
x(t )
Figure 15.3: A visual angle θ would change
We differentiate both sides of this equation with respect to t, and obtain
as the distance x decreases. The size s is
assumed constant. See Example 15.8.
d tan(θ ) dθ
d s
= ,
dθ dt dt x(t )
dθ 1 dx
sec2 (θ ) = −s 2 ,
dt x dt
C Y C L E S , P E R I O D S , A N D R AT E S O F C H A N G E 333
so that
dθ 1 1 dx
= −s 2 .
dt sec (θ ) x2 dt
We can use the trigonometric identity
sec2 (θ ) = 1 + tan2 (θ )
to express our answer in terms of the size, s, the distance of the object, x and
the speed v:
s 2 x2 + s2
sec2 (θ ) = 1 + =
x x2
dθ 1 dx s
= −s 2 2 = 2 2 v.
dt x +s x2 dt x +s
Thus, the rate of change of the visual angle is Mastered Material Check
16. Where did the minus sign go in the
sv/(x2 + s2 ). final result of dθ
dt for Example 15.8?
The angle thus changes at a rate proportional to the speed of the object. ♦
The dependence on the size of the object is more involved. This is ex-
plored next.
= −v.
Using this information and geometry, we characterize the rate of change of
the angle α.
prey predator
α x S
Example 15.9 (Danio’s visual angle) Use the above geometry to express the x
α S
rate of change of angle α in terms of the size S and speed v of the approach-
ing predator, and its distance away, x.
Solution. If we consider the top half of the triangle shown in Figure 15.5 Figure 15.5: The geometry of the escape
we find a Pythagorean triangle identical to that of Example 15.8, but with response problem.
θ = α/2 and s = S/2. The side labeled x is identical in both pictures. Thus,
the trigonometric relation that holds is:
α (S/2)
tan = . (15.3)
2 x
Mastered Material Check
Furthermore, based on the results of Example 15.8, we know that dα/dt can 17. Verify the calculations for the
be written as solution of Example 15.9.
dα S/2 Sv 18. Write a concluding sentence for
=2 2 2
v= 2 . (15.4) Example 15.9; address units.
dt x + (S/2) x + (S2 /4)
Solution. We are asked to sketch dα/dt versus x. Let us denote by f (x) the
function of x that we want to graph. Then from Eqn. (15.4),
f (x ) ≡ .
x2 + (S2 /4)
We first make three observations about this function. Reference sketching skills developed
throughout course? Particular chapters?
• When x = 0, (and the predator has reached its prey),
Sv 4v
f (0) = = .
0 + (S2 /4) S
f (x) → 0.
The sketch of f (x) (the rate of change of the visual angle, dα/dt) versus
distance x of the predator is shown in Figure 15.6.
When to escape? What sort of visual input should the danio respond to, if
it is to be efficient at avoiding the predator? In principle, we would like to Figure 15.6: The function f (x) plotted
consider a response that has the following features: against x. This graph shows that the rate
of change of visual angle dα/dt ≡ f (x) is
small when the distance to the predator x is
• If the predator is too far away, or moving slowly, (or moving further away), large.
it is likely harmless and should not trigger an escape response.
Then the critical value, denoted Kcrit > 0, is a constant that depends on
the “skittishness of the prey or level of perceived danger of its environment.
Hence, the danio’s escape response is triggered when
= Kcrit .
Example 15.11 (Finding the predator’s distance) How far away is the
predator when the escape response is triggered?
Solution. Rewrite the above condition using the dependence of dα/dt on the
geometric quantities in the problem. Then, we must solve for x in
= Kcrit . (15.5)
x2 + (S2 /4)
Figure 15.7(a) illustrates a geometric solution, showing the line y = Kcrit and
the curve y = Sv/(x2 + (S2 /4)) superimposed on the same graph.
x x
(a) (b)
The value x = xreact is the distance of the predator at the instant that the
escape response is triggered, termed the reaction distance. Solving for x,
(Exercise 11) leads to:
s s
Sv v S
xreact = − = S − . (15.6)
Kcrit 4 Kcrit 4
Example 15.12 (Lunch) Interpret the reaction distance xreact . Are there ever
cases in which the prey does not notice a predator in time to escape?
Solution. Figure 15.7(b) illustrates a case where Kcrit = Sv/(x2 + (S2 /4))
is never satisfied. This could happen if either the danio has a very high
threshold of alert (large Kcrit ), or if 4v/S is too low. That happens either if S
is very large (big predator) or if v is small (predator slowly “stalks” its prey).
From this scenario, we find that in some situations, the fate of the danio
would be sealed in the jaws of its pursuer. ♦
Large slow predators beat danio’s escape response. Notice the reaction
distance, xreact , of the danio with reaction threshold Kcrit is largest for certain
sizes of predators. In Figure 15.8, we plot the reaction distance xreact versus
the predator size S. We see that for very small predators (S ≈ 0) or large
predators (S ≈ 4v/Kcrit ) the distance at which escape response is triggered is
very small. This means that the danio may miss noticing such predators until
they are too close for a comfortable escape, resulting in calamity.
C Y C L E S , P E R I O D S , A N D R AT E S O F C H A N G E 337
On the other hand, some predators are detected when they are very far
away- they have a large xreact . This is explored in Example 15.13.
4 detected.
Mastered Material Check
19. Which panel of Figure 15.8 would
10 20 30 40 2 4 6 8 10
you use to determine the distance at
predator size S predator speed v which a danio would react to a
(a) (b) predator of fixed size?
20. According to Figure 15.8 what size
predator is easiest to detect farthest
away? what size is undetectable
until it is too close?
Example 15.13 (Bad design for a predator) Some predators are more
21. According to Figure 15.8 what is the
easily detected than others. Find the size of predator for which the reaction slowest moving predator that is just
distance is maximal, and interpret your finding. barely detected? How far away is a
predator detected if its speed is 10
distance units per unit time?
Solution. We solve this problem using differentiation (Exercise 12) and
find that xreact has a critical point at S = 2v/Kcrit . From Figure 15.8(a), we
see that this critical point is a local maximum. We can also reason based on
Eqn. (15.6): xreact cannot be negative. However, we see that xreact = 0 at S = 0
and at S = 4v/Kcrit . Hence, xreact has a local maximum for some predator
size between these two values. In short, a predator of size S = 2v/Kcrit would
be detected as far away as possible (largest possible xreact ), giving the prey a
good chance to escape. ♦
Observe that at sizes S > 4v/Kcrit , the reaction distance is not defined. We
also see this Figure 15.7(b): when Kcrit > 4v/S, the straight line and the curve
fail to intersect, and there is no solution.
Figure 15.8(b) illustrates the dependence of the reaction distance xreact on
the speed v of the predator. We find that for small values of v, xreact is not
defined: the danio would not notice the threat posed by predators that swim
very slowly. See Exercise 13 for the largest velocity that fails to trigger the
escape response.
Note: this section is optional and can be skipped or left for independent
In Section 15.3, we studied the escape response of the Zebra danio and
showed that the connection between the visual angle and distance to predator
satisfies α (S/2)
tan = . (15.7)
2 x
We also computed the rate of change of the visual angle per unit time using
implicit differentiation and related rates. Here we illustrate an alternate
approach using inverse trigonometric functions. (This provides practice with
differentiation of inverse trigonometric functions.)
Example 15.14 Use the inverse function arctan to restate the angle α in
Eqn. 15.7 as a function of x. Then differentiate that function using the chain
rule to compute dα/dt.
d arctan(u) 1
= 2
du u +1
and the chain rule lead to
dα (t ) d arctan(u) du dx
1 S
= = 2 − 2 (−v).
dt du dx dt u +1 2x (t ) Mastered Material Check
22. Verify the simplification to the final
Simplifying leads to the same result,
solution in Example 15.14.
dα Sv
= 2 .
dt x + (S2 /4)
This rate of change of the visual angle agrees with Example 15.8. ♦
15.4 Summary
d sin(x) d cos(x)
= cos(x), = − sin(x)
dx dx
2. Implicit differentiation was used to compute the derivatives of the inverse
trigonometric functions.
C Y C L E S , P E R I O D S , A N D R AT E S O F C H A N G E 339
2. Rewrite the reaction distance formula twice: first clearly identifying the size, and second the speed, of
the predator as the independent variable.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
15.1. First derivatives. Calculate the first derivative for the following
(a) y = sin x2 ,
(b) y = sin2 x,
(c) y = cot2 3 x,
(d) y = sec(x − 3x2 ),
(e) y = 2x3 tan x,
(f) y = cos x ,
(g) y = x cos x,
2 1
(h) y = e− sin x ,
(i) y = (2 tan 3x + 3 cos x)2 ,
(j) y = cos(sin x) + cos x sin x.
15.2. Derivatives. Take the derivative of the following functions.
(a) f (x) = cos(ln(x4 + 5x2 + 3)),
(b) f (x) = sin( cos2 (x) + x3 ),
(c) f (x) = 2x3 + log3 (x),
(d) f (x) = (x2 ex + tan(3x))4 ,
(e) f (x) = x2 sin3 (x) + cos3 (x).
15.3. Point moving on a circle. A point is moving on the perimeter of a
circle of radius 1 at the rate of 0.1 radians per second.
(a) How fast is its x coordinate changing when x = 0.5?
(b) How fast is its y coordinate changing at that time?
15.4. Graphing trigonometric functions. The derivatives of the two
important trig functions are [sin(x)]0 = cos(x) and [cos(x)]0 = − sin(x).
Use these derivatives to answer the following questions.
Let f (x) = sin(x) + cos(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π
(a) Find all intervals where f (x) is increasing.
(b) Find all intervals where f (x) is concave up.
(c) Locate all inflection points.
(d) Graph f (x).
15.5. Tangent lines. Find all points on the graph of y = tan(2x), − < x <
, where the slope of the tangent line is 4.
C Y C L E S , P E R I O D S , A N D R AT E S O F C H A N G E 341
θ D
15.7. Hot air balloon. A hot air balloon on the ground is 200 meters away
from an observer. It starts rising vertically at a rate of 50 meters
per minute. Find the rate of change of the angle of elevation of the
observer when the balloon is 200 meters above the ground.
15.8. Cannon-ball. A cannon-ball fired by a cannon at ground level at
angle θ to the horizon (0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2) travels a horizontal distance
(called the range, R) given by the formula below:
1 2
R= v sin θ cos θ .
16 0
Here v0 > 0, the initial velocity of the cannon-ball, is a fixed constant
and air resistance is neglected (see Figure 15.10).
What is the maximum possible range?
15.9. Leaning ladder. A ladder of length L is leaning against a wall so that θ
its point of contact with the ground is a distance x from the wall, and R
its point of contact with the wall is at height y. The ladder slips away
from the wall at a constant rate C. Figure 15.10: Figure for Exercise 8; cannon-
ball trajectory.
(a) Find an expression for the rate of change of the height y.
(b) Find an expression for the rate of change of the angle θ formed
between the ladder and the wall.
15.10. Cycloid curve. A wheel of radius 1 meter rolls on a flat surface with-
out slipping. The wheel moves from left to right, rotating clockwise at
a constant rate of 2 revolutions per second.
Stuck to the rim of the wheel is a piece of gum, (labeled G); as the
wheel rolls along, the gum follows a path shown by the wide arc
(called a “cycloid curve”) in Figure 15.11. The (x, y) coordinates
of the gum (G) are related to the wheel’s angle of rotation θ by the
x = θ − sin θ ,
y = 1 − cos θ ,
where 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π.
(a) How fast is the gum moving horizontally at the instant that it
reaches its highest point?
(b) How fast is it moving vertically at that same instant?
y θ
x θ 2π
15.11. Zebra danio’s reaction distance. Solve Eqn. (15.5) for x and show
that you get the reaction distance x ≡ xreact given in Eqn (15.6).
15.12. Bad design for a predator. Some predators are more easily detected
than others. Use Eqn. (15.6) to find the size of predator for which the
reaction distance is maximal.
15.13. Sneaking up on the prey.
(a) Use Eqn. (15.6) to show that a predator moving “slowly enough”
can sneak up on the prey without being detected.
(b) What is the largest velocity for which a predator of size S is not
detected by a prey that responds to a visual sighting when the rate
of change of the visual angle exceeds the threshold Kcrit ?
C Y C L E S , P E R I O D S , A N D R AT E S O F C H A N G E 343
x sin(xy − y2 ) = x2 − 1
θ 0.1
15.20. Best view.Your room has a window whose height is 1.5m. The bottom
edge of the window is 10cm above your eye level, as depicted in
Figure 15.14. How far away from the window should you stand to get
the best view?
Note: “best view” means the largest visual angle, i.e. angle between
the lines of sight to the bottom and to the top of the window.
15.21. Fireworks. You are directly below English Bay during a summer
fireworks event and looking straight up. A single fireworks explo-
sion occurs directly overhead at a height of 500m as depicted in
Figure 15.15. The rate of change of the radius of the flare is 100m/sec.
Assuming that the flare is a circular disk parallel to the ground (with
its centre directly overhead), what is the rate of change of the visual
angle at the eye of an observer on the ground at the instant that the
radius of the disk is r = 100 meters? Figure 15.15: Figure for Exercise 21;
fireworks overhead.
Note: the visual angle is the angle between the vertical direction and
the line between the edge of the disk and the observer.
15.22. Differential equations and their solutions. Match the differential
equations given in parts (i-iv) with the functions in (a-f) which are
solutions for them.
Differential equations:
(i) d 2 y/dt 2 = 4y
(ii) d 2 y/dt 2 = −4y
(iii) dy/dt = 4y
(iv) dy/dt = −4y
(a) y(t ) = 4 cos(t )
(b) y(t ) = 2 cos(2t )
C Y C L E S , P E R I O D S , A N D R AT E S O F C H A N G E 345
(1) The equation of the tangent line to the function y = f (x) at the
point x0 is
(a) y = f 0 (x0 ) + f (x0 )(x − x0 )
(b) y = x0 + f (x0 )/ f 0 (x0 )
(c) y = f (x) − f 0 (x)(x − x0 )
(d) y = f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 )
(e) y = f (x0 ) − f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 )
(2) The functions f (x) = x2 and g(x) = x3 are equal at x = 0 and
at x = 1. Between x = 0 and at x = 1, for what value of x are their
graphs furthest apart?
(a) x = 1/2
(b) x = 2/3
(c) x = 1/3
(d) x = 1/4
(e) x = 3/4
(3) Consider a point in the first quadrant on the hyperbola x2 − y2 = 1
with x = 2. The slope of the tangent line at that point is
(a) 2/ 3
(b) 2/ 5
(c) 1/ 3
(d) 5/2
(e) 2/3
(4) For a, b > 0, solving the equation ln(x) = 2 ln(a) − 3 ln(b) for x
leads to
(a) x = e2a−3b
(b) x = 2a − 3b
(c) x = a2 /b3
(d) x = a2 b3
(e) x = (a/b)6
(5) The function y = f (x) = arctan(x) − (x/2) has local maXima (LX),
local minima (LM) and inflection points(IP) as follows:
(a) LX: x = 1, LM: x = −1, IP: x = 0.
(b) LX: x = −1, LM: x = 1, IP: x = 0.
(c) LX: x = −1, LM: x = 1, IP: none.
√ √
(d) LX: x = 3, LM: x = − 3, IP: x = 0.
√ √
(e) LX: x = − 3, LM: x = 3, IP: x = 0.
(6) Consider the function y = f (x) = 3e−2x − 5e−4x .
(a) The function has a local maximum at x = (1/2) ln(10/3).
(b) The function has a local minimum at x = (1/2) ln(10/3).
(c) The function has a local maximum at x = (−1/2) ln(3/5).
(d) The function has a local minimum at x = (1/2) ln(3/5).
(e) The function has a local maximum at x = (−1/2) ln(3/20).
(7) Let m1 be the slope of the function y = 3x at the point x = 0 and
let m2 be the slope of the function y = log3 x at x = 1 Then
(a) m1 = ln(3)m2
(b) m1 = m2
(c) m1 = −m2
(d) m1 = 1/m2
(e) m1 = m2 / ln(3)
(8) Consider the curve whose equation is x4 + y4 + 3xy = 5. The slope
of the tangent line, dy/dx, at the point (1, 1) is
(a) 1
(b) -1
(c) 0
(d) -4/7
(e) 1/7
(9) Two kinds of bacteria are found in a sample of tainted food. It is
found that the population size of type 1, N1 and of type 2, N2 satisfy
the equations
dt = −0.2N1 , N1 (0) = 1000,
dt = 0.8N2 , N2 (0) = 10.
A D D I T I O NA L E X E R C I S E S 349
(11) Shown in Figure 16.1 is a function and its tangent line at x = x0 . The
y = f (x)
tangent line intersects the x axis at the point x = x1 . Based on this
figure, the coordinate of the point x1 is
f ( x0 )
(a) x1 = x0 + f 0 ( x0 )
(b) x1 = x0 − 0
f (x0 )(x − x0 ),
f 0 (x1 )
(c) x1 = x0 − f (x1 ) x
f 0 ( x1 ) x1 x0
(d) x1 = x0 + f ( x1 )
f (x0 )
(e) x1 = x0 − f 0 ( x0 ) Figure 16.1: Graph for Exercise 1; a
function and its tangent line.
(12) Consider Euler’s method. For the differential equation and initial
= (2 − y), y(0) = 1
using one time step of size ∆t = 0.1 leads to which value of the
solution at time t = 0.1?
(a) y(0.1) = 2,
(b) y(0.1) = 2.1,
(c) y(0.1) = 2.2,
(d) y(0.1) = 1.2,
(e) y(0.1) = 1.1,
(13) Consider the function y = cos(x) and its tangent line to this function
at the point x = π/2. Using that tangent line as a linear approxima-
tion of the function would lead to
(a) Overestimating the value of the actual function for any nearby x.
(b) Underestimating the value of the actual function for any
nearby x.
x(t ) = (t + 2)3 + λt
where λ is a constant
(a) Determine the velocity v(t ) and the acceleration a(t ).
(b) Determine the minimum velocity over all time.
16.4. Motion. A particle’s motion is described by y(t ) = t 3 − 6t 2 + 9t
where y(t ) is the displacement (in metres) t is time (in seconds)
and 0 ≤ t ≤ 4 seconds.
(a) During this time interval, when is the particle furthest from its
initial position ?
(b) During this time interval, what is the greatest speed of the particle?
(c) What is the total distance (including both forward and backward
directions) that the particle has travelled during this time interval?
16.5. Falling object. Consider an object thrown upwards with initial veloc-
ity v0 > 0 and initial height h0 > 0. Then the height of the object at
time t is given by
y = f (t ) = − gt 2 + v0t + h0 .
Find critical points of f (t ) and use both the second and first derivative
tests to establish that this is a local maximum.
16.6. Linear approximation. Find a linear approximation to the func-
tion y = x2 at the point whose x coordinate is x = 2. Use your result to
approximate the value of (2.0001)2 .
16.7. HIV virus. Initially, a patient has 1000 copies of the virus. How long
does it take until the HIV infection is detectable? Assume that the
number of virus particles y grows according to the equation
= 0.05y
A D D I T I O NA L E X E R C I S E S 351
where t is time in days, and that the smallest detectable viral load
is 350, 000 particles. Leave your answer in terms of logarithms.
16.8. Fish generations. In Fish River, the number of salmon (in thousands),
x, in a given year is linked to the number of salmon (in thousands), y,
in the following year by the function
y = Axe−bx
16.15. Shape of E. coli. A cell of the bacterium E. coli has the shape of
a cylinder with two hemispherical caps, as shown in Figure 16.3.
Consider this shape, with h the height of the cylinder, and r the radius
of the cylinder and hemispheres.
(a) Find the values of r and h that lead to the largest volume for a fixed Formula.
Note that a hemisphere of radius r has
constant surface area, S= constant.
volume V = (2/3)πr3 and surface
(b) Describe or sketch the shape you found in (a). area S = 2πr2 .
For a cylinder: V = πr2 h and S = 2πrh.
(c) A typical E. coli cell has h = 1µm and r = 0.5µm. Based on your
results in (a) and (b), would you agree that E. coli has a shape
that maximizes its volume for a fixed surface area? (Explain your
16.16. Changing cell shape. If the cell shown in Figure 16.3 is growing so
that the height increases twice as fast as the radius, and the radius
is growing at 1 µm per day, at what rate does the volume of the cell
increase? Leave your answer in terms of the height and radius of the
16.17. Minima and Maxima.
(a) Consider the polynomial y = 4x5 − 15x4 . Find all local minima
maxima, and inflection points for this function.
A D D I T I O NA L E X E R C I S E S 353
(b) Find the global minimum and maximum for this function on the
interval [−1, 1].
16.18. Minima and Maxima. Consider the polynomial y = −x5 − x4 + 3x3 .
Use calculus to find all local minima maxima, and inflection points for
this function.
16.19. Growth of vine. A vine grows up a tree in the form of a helix as
shown on the left in Figure 16.4. If the length of the vine increases at
a constant rate α cm/day, at what rate is the height of its growing tip
increasing? Assume that the radius of the tree is r and the pitch of the
helix (i.e. height increase for each complete turn of the helix) is p, a
positive constant. Note that the right panel in Figure 16.4 shows the
unwrapped cylinder, with the vine’s location along it.
Best fit line
5 10 15 20 25 30
time in minutes
16.21. Blood alcohol. Blood alcohol level (BAL), the amount of alcohol
in your blood stream (here represented by B(t ), is measured in mil-
ligrams of alcohol per 10 millilitres of blood. At the end of a party
(time t = 0), a drinker is found to have B(0) = 0.08 (the legal level for
driving impairment), and after that time, B(t ) satisfies the differential
= −kB, k > 0
where k is a constant that represents the rate of removal of alcohol
form the blood stream by the liver.
(a) If the drinker had waited for 3 hrs before driving (until = 3), his
BAL would have dropped to 0.04. Determine the value of the rate
constant k (specifying appropriate units) for this drinker.
(b) According to the model, how much longer would it take for the
BAL to drop to 0.01?
16.22. Population with immigration. An island has a bird population of
density P(t ). New birds arrive continually with a constant colonization
rate C birds per day. Each bird also has a constant probability per day,
γ, of leaving the island. At time t = 0 the bird population is P(0) = P0
(a) Write a differential equation that describes the rate of change of the
bird population on the island.
(b) Find the steady state of that equation and interpret this in terms of
the bird population.
(c) Give the solution of the differential equation you found in (b) and
show that it satisfies the following two properties:
(i) the initial condition,
(ii) as t → ∞ it approaches the steady state you found in (b).
(d) If the island has no birds on it at time t = 0, how long would it take
for the bird population to grow to 80% of the steady state value?
16.23. Learning.
(a) It takes you 1 hrs (total) to travel to and from SFU every day to
study Philosophy 101. The amount of new learning (in arbitrary
units) that you can get by spending t hours at the university is given
approximately by
LP (t ) = .
How long should you stay at SFU on a given day if you want to
maximize your learning per time spent?
Note: time spent includes travel time.
(b) If you take Math 10000 instead of Philosophy, your learning at
time t is
LM (t ) = t 2 .
A D D I T I O NA L E X E R C I S E S 355
How long should you stay at SFU to maximize your learning in that
16.24. Learning and forgetting. Knowledge can be acquired by studying,
but it is forgotten over time A simple model for learning represents the
amount of knowledge, y(t ), that a person has at time t (in years) by a
differential equation
= S − f y,
where S ≥ 0 is the rate of studying and f ≥ 0 is the rate of forgetting.
We assume that S and f are constants that are different for each
Note: your answers to the following questions will contain constants
such as S or f .
(a) Mary never forgets anything. What does this imply about the
constants S and f ? Mary starts studying in school at time t = 0
with no knowledge at all. How much knowledge does she have
after 4 years (i.e. at t = 4)?
(b) Tom learned so much in preschool that his knowledge when en-
tering school at time t = 0 is y = 100. However, once Tom is in
school, he stops studying completely. What does this imply about
the constants S and f ? How long does it take him to forget 75 % of
what he knew?
(c) Jane studies at the rate of 10 units per year and forgets at rate
of 0.2 per year. Sketch a “direction field” (“slope field”) for the
differential equation describing Jane’s knowledge. Add a few
curves y(t ) to show how Jane’s knowledge changes with time.
16.25. Least cost. A rectangular plot of land has dimensions L by D as de- C
picted in Figure 16.6. A pipe is to be built joining points A and C. The y
pipe can be above ground along the border of the plot (Section AB),
but has to be buried underground along the segment BC. The cost per B
unit length of the underground portion is 3 times that of the cost of the
above ground portion. Determine the distance y so that the cost of the
pipe is as low as possible. D A
= y(1 − y).
(b) What is the initial value of y at t = 0?
(c) For what value of y is the growth rate largest?
(d) What happens to y after a very long time?
(a) R1
Figure 16.9: Figure for Exercises 30 and 31.
R2 (b) The angles in (a) are θ1 (t ), θ2 (t ). In (b), the
angle between the runners is φ .
16.31. Phase angle and synchrony. Suppose that the same two runners as
in Exercise 30 would speed up or slow down depending on the angle
between them, φ (see Figure 16.9). Then φ = φ (t ) changes with time.
We assume that the angle φ satisfies a differential equation of the form
= A − B sin(φ )
where A, B > 0 are constants.
(a) What values of φ correspond to steady states (i.e. constant solu-
tions) of this differential equation?
(b) What restriction should be placed on the constants A, B for these
steady states to exist?
(c) Suppose A = 1, B = 2. Sketch the graph of f (φ ) = A − B sin(φ )
fo −π ≤ φ ≤ π and use it to determine what happens if the two
runners start at the same point, (φ = 0) at time t = 0.
16.32. Tumor mass. Figure 16.10 (not drawn to scale) shows a tumor mass
containing a necrotic (dead) core (radius r2 ), surrounded by a layer of
actively dividing tumor cells. The entire tumor can be assumed to be
spherical, and the core is also spherical.
necrotic r2
active cells
(a) If the necrotic core increases at the rate 3 cm3 /year and the volume Formula.
of the active cells increases by 4 cm3 /year, at what rate is the outer Note that the volume and surface area of
a sphere are V = (4/3)πr3 , S = 4πr2 .
radius of the tumor (r1 ) changing when r1 = 1 cm. (Leave your
answer as a fraction in terms of π; indicate units with your answer.)
(b) At what rate (in cm2 /yr) does the outer surface area of the tumor
increase when r1 = 1cm?
0 B A
r P
Figure 16.11: Figure for Exercise 33; blood
vessel branching.
(a) Let the distance between 0 and B be x. What is the length of the
segment BA and what is the length of the segment BP?
(b) The resistance of any blood vessel is proportional to its length and Formula.
Note that “z is inversely proportional
inversely proportional to its radius to the fourth power Based on
to y” means that z = k/y for some
this fact, what is the resistance, T1 , of segment BA and what is the constant k.
resistance, T2 , of the segment BP?
(c) Find the value of the variable x for which the total resistance, T (x) =
T1 + T2 is a minimum.
z = sin(x) cos(y).
(a) Use implicit differentiation to find the slope of the tangent line to a
point on such a curve.
(b) Find the slope of the tangent line to the same level curve at the
point x = π2 .
(c) Find the slope of the tangent line to the same level curve at the
point x = π4 .
A review of Straight Lines
y = mx + b.
y − y0
x − x0
y − y1 y2 − y1
x − x1 x2 − x1
Example A.1 In each case write the equation of the straight line that satis-
fies the given statements.
Note: you should also be able to easily sketch the line in each case.
(b) The line goes through the points (1, 1) and (3, −2).
(d) The line has slope −1 and goes through the point (−2, −5).
(a) We can use the standard form of the equation of a straight line, y = mx + b
where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept to obtain the equation: y =
2x + 4.
(b) The line goes through the points (1, 1) and (3, −2). We use the fact that
the slope is the same all along the line. Thus,
(y − y0 ) (y1 − y0 )
= = m.
(x − x0 ) (x1 − x0 )
(y − 1) (1 + 2) 3
= =− .
(x − 1) (1 − 3) 2
(c) The line has y-intercept −1 and x-intercept 3, i.e. goes through the
points (0, −1) and (3, 0). We can use the method in (b) to get
y = x−1
Alternately, as a shortcut, we could find the slope,
∆y 1
m= = .
∆x 3
(d) The line has slope −1 and goes through the point (−2, −5). Then,
(y + 5)
= −1, ⇒ y + 5 = −1(x + 2) = −x − 2, ⇒ y = −x − 7.
(x + 2)
A precalculus review
. . . · · · 2} = 2n+m .
2n · 2m = (2 · 2 . . . 2) · (2 · 2 . . . 2) = |2 · 2 · {z
| {z } | {z }
n factors m factors n + m factors
Similarly, we can derive many properties of manipulations of exponents. A
list of these appears below, and holds for any positive base a.
2. (2a )b = 2ab also stems from simple rules for manipulating exponents.
The following properties hold for logarithms of any base (we used base 2
in our previous section and keep the same base here). Properties of the
logarithm stem directly from properties of the exponential function, and
include the following:
y = f (x )
V = πr3 x
y y y
x x
y y y
x x x
y = −f (−x) y = −f (x)
C.3 Classifying
While life offers amazing complexity, one way to study living things is to
classify them into related groups. A biologist looking at animals might group
them according to certain functional properties - being warm blooded, being
mammals, having fur or claws, or having some other interesting characteristic.
In the same way, mathematicians often classify the objects they study (e.g.
functions) into related groups.
An example of way to group functions into very broad classes is also
shown in Figure C.5.
constant slope
easily computed
has a derivative
From left to right, the complexity of behaviour in this chart grows: at left,
we see constant and linear functions; these are “most convenient” or simplest
to describe: one or two parameters suffice (e.g. intercept or slope). Further to
the right are smooth and continuous functions, while rightmost some more
irregular, discontinuous function represents those that are outside the group of
the “well-behaved”.
In Section C.4 we study examples along this spectrum. Towards this end,
we describe properties they share, properties they inherit form their “cousins,”
and new characteristics that appear at distinct branches.
4. The graphs are all symmetric about the y-axis. This special type of symme-
try is of interest in other types of functions (not just power functions). A
function with this property is called an even function.
Odd integer powers. For n = 1, 3, 5, 7, . . . and other odd powers, the graphs
have shapes shown in Figure 1.4(b) and the following characteristics: Mastered Material Check
2. What are the coordinates of the
1. The graphs of the odd power functions intersect at x = 0 and at x = ±1. three intersection points of odd
power functions?
2. None of the odd power functions have a minimum value.
4. The graphs are all symmetric about the origin. This special type of symme-
try is of interest in other types of functions (not just power functions). A
function with this type of symmetry is called an odd function.
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0.5 1 1.5
(a) (b)
However, we must allow that there may be more than one solution to
Eqn. (C.1), as shown for some C > 0 in Figure C.6. This demonstrates a
distinction between odd and even power functions. If n is even then the
solutions to Eqn. (C.1) are
x = ±C1/n ,
whereas if n is odd, there is a single solution,
x = C1/n .
f (x) = f (−x).
f (x) = − f (−x).
Example C.1 Show that the product of an even and an odd function is an
odd function.
f (x) = f (−x).
Let g(x) be an odd function. Then g(x) = −g(−x). We define h(x) to be the
product of these two functions,
h(x ) = f (x )g(x ).
f (x)g(x) = f (−x)[−g(−x)],
h(x) = −h(−x),
Hint: suppose f (x) is not an even nor an odd function. Consider defining the
two associated functions:
fe (x) = ( f (x) + f (−x)),
f0 (x) = ( f (x) − f (−x)).
Can you draw a sketch of what these would look like for the function given in
Figure C.3(a)? Show that fe (x) is even and that f0 (x) is odd. Now show that
f (x ) = f e (x ) + f 0 (x ).
y = f (x ).
between the two variables, x and y, in which the roles are distinct: x is a value
we pick, and y is calculated from it.
However, sometimes we can express a relationship in more than one way:
as an example, if the connection between x and y is simple squaring, then
provided x > 0, we might write either
y = x2 or x = y1/2 = y
We have used two distinct functions to describe the relationship from two
points of view: one function involves squaring and the other takes a square
root. We may also notice that for x > 0,
f (g(x)) = ( x)2 = x,
g( f (x)) = (x2 ) = x,
i.e. that these two functions invert each other’s effect.
Functions that satisfy
y = f (x ) ⇔ x = g(y)
are said to be inverse functions. We often use the notation f −1 (x) to denote
the function that acts as an inverse function to f (x).
y = f ( x ) = x2 ,
blue curve is not a function
if this branch is included
Observe that the problem described above would be encountered for any
of the even power functions by virtue of their symmetry about the y-axis but
not by the odd power functions. For example,
y = f ( x ) = x3 , y = f −1 (x) = x1/3
are inverse functions for all x values: when we reflect the graph of x3 about
the line y = x we do not encounter the problem of multiple y values.
This follows directly from the horizontal line properties that we saw
in Figure C.6. When we reflect the graphs shown in Figure C.6 about the
line y = x, the horizontal lines are reflected onto vertical lines. Odd power
functions have inverses that intersect a vertical line exactly once, i.e. they
satisfy the “vertical line property” discussed earlier.
C.6 Polynomials
Features of polynomials
• Zeros of a polynomial: values of x such that
y = p(x) = 0.
• Critical Points: places on the graph where the value of the function is
locally larger than those nearby (local maxima) or smaller than those
nearby (local minima) are of interest to us. Calculus is one of the main
tools for detecting and identifying such places.
the first (highest power) term dominates for large x. Thus for large x
(whether positive or negative),
• Behaviour for small x: close to the origin, power functions with smallest
powers dominate (see Chapter 1). Thus, for x ≈ 0 the polynomial is
governed by the behaviour of the smallest (non-zero coefficient) power,
p(x) ≈ a1 x + a0 for small x.
lim f (x)
to denote the value the function f approaches as x gets closer and closer to
the value a.
If f is continuous at x = a then
Example D.1 Find lim f (x) for the function y = f (x) = 10.
Example D.2 Find lim f (x) for the function y = f (x) = sin(x).
Power functions are continuous everywhere. This motivates the next
Suppose we are given two functions, f (x) and g(x). we also assume that both
functions have (finite) limits at the point x = a. Then the following statements
lim f (x)
f (x )
lim = .
x→a g(x ) lim g(x)
Example D.4 Find lim f (x) for the function y = f (x) = 2x2 − x3 .
lim 2x2 − x3 = 2 · 22 − 23 = 0.
Thus when x gets closer to 2, the value of the function gets closer to 0. ♦
Note: when the function is continuous, the value of the limit is the same as
the value of the function at the given point.
Kx Axn
(a) , (b) .
kn + x an + xn
Kx Axn
(a) lim = 0, (b) lim = 0.
x→0 kn + x x→0 an + xn
This follows from the fact that, provided a, kn 6= 0, both functions are continu-
ous at x = 0, so that their limits are the same as the actual values attained by
the functions. Now for x → ∞
Kx Kx Axn Axn
(a) lim = lim = K, (b) lim = lim = A.
x→∞ kn + x x→∞ x x→∞ an + xn x→∞ xn
This follows from the fact that the constants kn , an are always “swapped out”
by the value of x as x → ∞, allowing us to obtain the result. Other than the
formal limit notation, there is nothing new here that we have not already
discussed in Sections 1.5. ♦
Below we apply similar reasoning to other examples of rational functions.
3x2 1+x
(a) , (b) .
9 + x2 1 + x3
Solution. For part (a) we note that as x → ∞, the quotient approaches 3x2 /x2 =
3. As x → 0, both numerator and denominator are defined and the denominator
is nonzero, so we can use the 4th property of limits. We thus find that
3x2 3x2
(a) lim = 3, lim = 0,
x→∞ 9 + x2 x→0 9 + x2
For part (b), we use the fact that as x → ∞, the limit approaches x/x3 = x−2 →
0. As x → 0 we can apply property 4 yet again to compute the (finite) limit, so
1+x 1+x
(b) lim = 0, lim = 1.
x→∞ 1 + x3 x→0 1 + x3
x4 − 3x2 + x − 1
y= .
x5 + x
Solution. For x → ∞ powers with the largest power dominate, whereas
for x → 0, smaller powers dominate. Hence, we find
x4 − 3x2 + x − 1 x4 1
lim 5
= lim 5
= lim = 0.
x→∞ x +x x→∞ x x→∞ x
x4 − 3x2 + x − 1 −1 1
lim = lim = − lim = ∞
x→0 x5 + x x→0 x x→0 x
Solution. We compute
x x
lim = lim
x→−1 x2 − 1 x→−1 (x − 1)(x + 1)
It is evident (even before factoring as we have done) that this function has a
vertical asymptote at x = −1 where the denominator approaches zero. Hence,
the limit does not exist. ♦
Next, we describe an extremely important example where the function has
a “hole” in its graph, but where a finite limit exists. This kind of limit plays a
huge role in the definition of a derivative.
Example D.10 Find lim f (x) for the function y = (x − 2)/(x2 − 4).
Example D.11 Compute the limit 2
Even though the quotient is not defined at the value h = 0 (as the denominator
is zero there), the limit exists, and hence the derivative can be defined. ♦
See also Example 3.12 for a similar calculation for the function Kx . 3
This is a step function, whose values is 0 for negative real numbers, and 1 for
positive real numbers. The function is not even defined at the point x = 0 and
has a jump in its graph. However, we can still define a right and a left limit as
lim f (x) = 1, lim f (x) = 0.
x→+ 0 x→− 0
That is, the limit as we approach from the right is 0 whereas from the left it
is 1. We also state the following result:
If f (x) has a right and a left limit at a point x = a and if those limits are equal,
then we say that the limit at x = a exists, and we write
Example D.12 Find lim f (x) for the function y = f (x) = tan(x).
(We can distinguish the fact that the function approaches +∞ as x ap-
proaches π/2 from below, and −∞ as x approaches π/2 from higher values.)
We can also describe the behaviour “at infinity” i.e. the trend displayed by a
function for very large (positive or negative) values of x. We consider a few
examples of this sort below.
Solution. For part (a) we state here the fact that as x → ∞, the exponential
function with negative exponent decays to zero faster than any power func-
tion increases. For part (b) we note that for the quotient e−x /x we have that
as x → 0 the top satisfies e−x → e0 = 1, while the denominator has x → 0.
Thus the limit at x → 0 cannot exist. We find that
(a) lim x2 e−2x = 0, (b) lim e−x = ∞,
x→∞ x→0 x
As a reference, in the table below, we collect some of the special limits that
are useful in a variety of situations.
We present a proof for the power rule. Recall from Section 4.1:
The power rule states that the derivative of the power function f (x) = xn
is nxn−1 .
f (x + h) − f (x ) ( x + h ) n − xn
f 0 (x) = lim = lim .
h→0 h h→0 h
Note that this means the expansion of (x + y)n is a sum of terms of the form
ck xn−k yk , k = 0, 1, . . . , n
f (x + h) − f (x ) = ( x + h ) n − xn
= (c0 xn + c1 xn−1 h + c2 xn−2 h2 + c3 xn−3 h3
+ . . . + cn−1 xhn−1 + cn hn ) − xn
We can rewrite using the fact that c0 = 1 and note that the terms xn cancel:
All of the remaining terms have h as a factor, which we can factor out:
f (x + h) − f (x ) ( x + h ) n − xn
f 0 (x ) = lim = lim
h→0 h h→0 h
h[c1 xn−1 + c2 xn−2 h + · · · + cn hn−1 ]
= lim
h→0 h
= lim [c1 xn−1 + c2 xn−2 h + · · · + cn hn−1 ]
Note that all terms except for the first have h as a factor and so tend to 0
as h → 0. This gives that
f 0 (x) = c1 xn−1 ,
f 0 (x) = nxn−1 ,
The product rule: If f (x) and g(x) are two functions, each differentiable in
the domain of interest, then
d [ f (x)g(x)] d f (x ) dg(x)
= g(x ) + f (x ).
dx dx dx
Another notation for this rule is
Proof. Let k(x) = f (x)g(x), the product of the two functions. We use the
definition of the derivative:
k (x + h) − k (x ) f (x + h)g(x + h) − f (x )g(x )
k0 (x) = lim = lim
h→0 h h→0 h
Adding 0 = f (x)g(x + h) − f (x)g(x + h) allows us to perform some helpful
f (x + h)g(x + h) − f (x )g(x + h) + f (x )g(x + h) − f (x )g(x )
k 0 (x ) = lim
h→0 h
[ f (x + h) − f (x)] · g(x + h) + f (x) · [g(x + h) − g(x)]
= lim
h→0 h
f (x + h) − f (x ) g(x + h) − g(x )
= lim g(x + h) + f (x )
h→0 h h
Due to properties of limits (see Appendix D.2) we can distribute the limit and
recognize familiar derivatives:
f (x + h) − f (x ) g(x + h) − g(x )
k 0 (x ) = lim lim g(x + h) + lim f (x) lim
h→0 h h→0 h→0 h→0 h
= f 0 ( x ) g ( x ) + f ( x ) g0 ( x ) .
The quotient rule: If f (x) and g(x) are two functions, each differentiable in
the domain of interest, then
d f (x ) dg(x)
d f (x ) dx g(x) − dx f (x )
= .
dx g(x) [g(x)]2
We can also write this in the form
Proof. This proof also follows from the definition of the derivative; it con-
f (x )
tains some careful arithmetic. Let k(x) = g(x) . Using the definition of the
derivative we get:
f (x +h) f (x )
k (x + h) − k (x ) g(x +h)
− g(x ) 1 f (x + h) f (x )
k (x) = lim = lim = lim − .
h→0 h h→0 h h→0 h g(x + h) g(x )
We have thus proved the quotient rule. Despite the arithmetic required,
hopefully the fact that the definition of the derivative is all that is required
provides the reader with some comfort.
We present a plausibility argument for the chain rule. Recall from Section 8.1:
dy dy du
= .
dx du dx
Proof. We first note that if a function is differentiable, it is also continuous.
Because of this continuity, when x changes a very little, u can change only by
a little - there are no abrupt jumps. Thus, using our notation, if ∆x → 0 then
∆u → 0.
Now consider the definition of the derivative dy/du:
dy ∆y
= lim .
du ∆u→0 ∆u
This means that for any (finite) ∆u,
∆y dy
= + ε,
∆u du
where ε → 0 as ∆u → 0. Then
∆y = ∆u + ε∆u.
P RO O F S 389
∆y dy ∆u ∆u
= +ε .
∆x du ∆x ∆x
Taking ∆x → 0 we get ∆u → 0, (by continuity) and hence also ε → 0 so that as
dy dy du
= .
dx du dx
Trigonometry review
e n angle.
hyp cos θ = adj/hyp
θ tan θ = opp/adj
Based on these definitions, certain angles’ sine and cosine can be found
explicitly - and similarly tan(θ ) = sin(θ )/ cos(θ ). This is shown in Table F.1.
degrees radians sin (t ) cos (t ) tan (t ) Table F.1: Values of the sines, cosines, and
tangent for standard angles.
0 0 0 1
π 1 3 √1
30 6 √2 √2 3
π 2 2
45 4 √2 2 1
π 3 1
60 3 2 2 3
90 2 1 0 ∞
sin(t ) 1
tan(t ) = , cot(t ) = ,
cos(t ) tan(t )
1 1
sec(t ) = , csc(t ) = .
cos(t ) sin(t )
Sine and cosine are related by the identity
cos(t ) = sin(t + ).
This identity then leads to two others of similar form. Dividing each side of
the above relation by cos2 (t ) yields
1 + cot2 (t ) = csc2 (t ).
2 cos2 (θ ) = 1 + cos(2θ )
2 sin2 (θ ) = 1 − cos(2θ ).
T R I G O N O M E T RY R E V I E W 393
y = Sin(x) y=x
3/2 π/3 π/6
1 1 π/2 0
0.5 y = sin(x) Table F.2: Standard values of the inverse
trigonometric functions.
x x
−6 −4 −2 2 4 6 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0.5 1 1.5
−0.5 y = Sin(x)
−1 −1
y = arcsin(x)
y y
10 6
5 y=x
y = T an(x) 2
y = arctan(x)
−6 −4 −2 2 4 6 x −6 −4 −2 2 4 6x
y = tan(x) −4
y = T an(x)
−10 −6
For further study
In Sections G.1 and G.2 we suggest topics that are related to the material
in Chapter 1. Section G.3 supplements biological examples in Chapters 3
and 4. The material in G.4 supplements examples in Chapter 7 and provides
additional practice with optimization. The optimal foraging time for a specific
patch function studied in Chapter 7 is generalized in Section G.5. Section G.6
extends the study of trigonometric functions and their derivatives as seen in
Chapter 15 to differential equations.
In which case, the relationship between 1/v and 1/x becomes linear:
1 1
=m + b. (G.1)
v x
Both the slope, m and intercept b of the straight line provide information
about the parameters. The relationship in Eqn. (G.1), which is a disguised
variant of Michaelian kinetics, is called the Lineweaver-Burk relationship. In
Exercise 30 this is used to estimate the values of K and kn from biochemical
data about an enzyme.
Many animals live or function best when they are in a group. Social groups
include herds of wildebeest, flocks of birds, and schools of fish, as well as
swarms of insects. Life in a group can affect the way that individuals forage
(search for food), their success at detecting or avoiding being eaten by a
predator, and other functions such as mating, protection of the young, etc.
Biologists are interested in the ecological implications of groups on their own
members or on other species with whom they interact, and how individual
behaviour, combined with environmental factors and random effects affect
the shape, spacing and function of the groups.
In many social groups, the spacing between individuals is relatively
constant from one part of the formation to another, because animals that
get too close start to move away from one another, whereas those that get
too far apart are attracted back. These spacing distances can be observed
in a variety of groups, and were described in many biological publications.
For example, Emlen [Emlen Jr, 1952] studied flocks of birds and found that
gulls are spaced at about one body length apart. Similarly, Conder [J., 1949]
observed a 2 − 3 body lengths spacing distance in tufted ducks while Miller
[R.S. and J.D., 1966] found that in the flock he observed, sandhill cranes try
to keep about 5.8 ft apart.
To explain why certain spacing is maintained in a group of animals, it
was proposed that there are mutual attraction and repulsion interactions
(effectively acting like simple forces) between individuals. Breder [Breder,
1954] followed a number of species of fish that school, and measured the
individual spacing in units of the fish body length, showing that individuals
are separated by 0.16 − 0.25 body length units. He suggested that the effective
forces between individuals were similar to inverse power laws for repulsion
and attraction. Breder considered a quantity he called cohesiveness, defined
c = m − n, (G.2)
x x
where A, R are magnitudes of attraction and repulsion, x is the distance
between individuals, and m, n are integer powers that govern how quickly
the interactions fall off with distance. We could re-express the formula in
F O R F U RT H E R S T U DY 397
Eqn. (G.2) as
c = Ax−m − Rx−n
x = (R/A)1/2
where attraction and repulsion are balanced. This is the distance at which two
fish would be most comfortable: neither tending to move apart, nor get closer
Lysteria monocytogenes is a parasite that lives inside cells of the host, causing
a nasty infection. It has been studied by cellular biologists for its amazingly
fast propulsion, which uses the host’s actin filaments as “rocket fuel”. Actin
is part of the structural component of all animal cells, and is known to play
a major role in cell motility. Lysteria manages to “hijack” this cellular
mechanism, assembling it into its own comet tail, which it uses to propel
inside the cell and pass from one cell to the next. Figure G.1 illustrates part of
these curious traits.
this means that at all such points (also indicated by the arrows for emphasis),
the velocity of the beads is zero. Between these spots, the bead has picked up
speed and moved forward until the next time in which it stops.
We show the velocity v(t ), which is the derivative of the original func-
tion D(t ) in Figure G.6. As shown here, the velocity has periodic increases
and decreases.
Example G.1 (Wrapping a rectangular box) A box with square base and
arbitrary height has string tied around each of its perimeter. The total length
of string so used is 10 inches. Find the dimensions of the box with largest
surface area, i.e. determine the largest amount of wrapping paper needed to
wrap this box.
S = 4(xy) + 2x2
since there are two faces (top and bottom) which are squares (area x2 ) and
four rectangular faces with area xy. At the moment, the total surface area S
is expressed in terms of both variables. Suppose we eliminate y from S by
rewriting the constraint in the form:
y= − 2x.
S(x) = 4x − 2x + 2x2 = 10x − 8x2 + 2x2 = 10x − 6x2 .
We show the shape of this function in Figure G.8. Note that S(x) = 0 at x = 0
and at 10 − 6x = 0 (which occurs at x = 5/3).
Since S is now expressed as a function of one variable, we can find its
critical points by setting S0 (x) = 0, i.e., solving x
0 5/6 5/3
S0 (x) = 10 − 12x = 0
Figure G.8: Figure for Example G.1; surface
for x: we get x = 10/12 = 5/6. To find the corresponding value of y we area of a box.
Thus the dimensions of the box of interest are all the same, i.e. it is a cube
with side length 5/6.
We can verify that
S00 (x) = −12 < 0,
(indeed this holds for all x), which means that x = 5/6 is a local maximum.
F O R F U RT H E R S T U DY 401
A cylinder in a sphere
Example G.2 (Fitting a cylinder inside a sphere) Find the cylinder of
maximal volume that would fit inside a sphere of radius R.
R h/2 h/2
r r
It is helpful to add the radius of the sphere and of the cylinder. We define
the following:
h = height of cylinder,
r = radius of cylinder,
R = radius of sphere.
Then R is assumed a given fixed positive constant, and r and h are dimensions
of the cylinder to be determined.
From Figure G.9 we see that the cylinder fits if the top and bottom rims
touch the circle. When this occurs, the dark line in Figure G.9 is a radius of
the sphere, and so has length R.
The connection between the variables (our constraint) is given from
Pythagoras’ theorem by:
2 2 h
R =r + .
We maximize the volume of the cylinder,
V = πr2 h
V (h) = π R − h.
We see that the problem is very similar to the previous discussion. The reader
can show by working out the steps that
V 0 (h) = 0
Example G.3 Carry out the calculations for the optimal value patch res-
idence time for a general patch energy function f (t ), without using the
formula Eqn. (7.6).
Solution. We use the expression for R(t ) given by Eqn. (7.7). Differentiating,
we find the first derivative,
f 0 (t )(τ + t ) − f (t ) G(t )
R0 (t ) = 2
(τ + t ) H (t )
G(t ) = f 0 (t )(τ + t ) − f (t ), H (t ) = (τ + t )2 .
(The calculation is easier with this notation.) To maximize R(t ) we set
R0 (t ) = 0
which can occur only when the numerator of the above equation is zero, i.e.
G(t ) = 0.
f (t )
f 0 (t ) = . (G.3)
τ +t
F O R F U RT H E R S T U DY 403
f (t) f (t)
τ +t τ 0 t
Note: this may require capturing the animal and examining the contents
of its stomach. We leave this task to our biological colleagues.
3. The value of t at the point of tangency is the optimal time to spend in the
The diagram drawn in our geometric solution (right panel in Figure G.10) is
often called a “rooted tangent”.
We have shown that the point labeled t indeed satisfies the condition that
we derived above for R0 (t ) = 0, and hence is a critical point.
Checking the type of critical point. We still need to show that this solution
leads to a maximum efficiency, (rather than, say a minimum or some other
critical point). We do this by examining R00 (t ).
Recall that
G(t )
R0 (t ) =
H (t )
in terms of the notation used above. Then
G0 (t )H (t ) − G(t )H 0 (t )
R00 (t ) = .
H 2 (t )
But, according to our remark above, at the patch time of interest (the candi-
date for optimal time),
G(t ) = 0
so that
G0 (t )H (t ) G0 (t )
R00 (t ) = = .
H 2 (t ) H (t )
We substitute the derivative of G0 (t ), H (t ) into this ratio:
We find that
f 00 (t )(τ + t ) f 00 (t )
R00 (t ) = 2
= .
(τ + t ) (τ + t )
The denominator of this expression is always positive, so the sign of R00 (t ) is
the same as the sign of f 00 (t ). But in order to have a maximum efficiency at
some residence time, we need R00 (t ) < 0. This tells us that the gain function
has to have the property that f 00 (t ) < 0, i.e. has to be concave down at the
optimal residence time.
Returning to some of the shapes of the function f (t ) that we saw in
Figure 7.7, we see that only some of these lead to an optimal solution. In
cases (1), (2), (4) the function f (t ) has no points of downwards concavity
on its graph. This means that in such cases there is no local maximum. The
optimal efficiency would then be attained by spending as much time as
possible in just one patch, or as little time as possible in any patch, i.e. it
would be attained at the endpoints.
As we saw in Chapter 15, the functions sin(t ) and cos(t ) are related to one
another via differentiation: one is the derivative of the other (with a multiple
of the factor (−1)):
d sin(t ) d cos(t )
= cos(t ), = − sin(t ).
dt dt
F O R F U RT H E R S T U DY 405
The connection becomes even clearer when we examine the second deriva-
tives of these functions:
d 2 sin(t ) d cos(t ) d 2 cos(t ) d sin(t )
= = − sin(t ), 2
=− = − cos(t ).
dt dt dt dt
Thus, for each of the functions y = sin(t ), y = cos(t ), we find that the function
and its second derivative are related to one another by the differential equa-
tion (DE) d 2 y/dt 2 = −y. Here the highest derivative is a second derivative,
and we denote this a second order DE.
More generally, we make the following observations:
The functions
x(t ) = cos(ωt ), y(t ) = sin(ωt )
satisfy a pair of differential equations,
dx dy
= −ωy, = ωx.
dt dt
The functions
x(t ) = cos(ωt ), y(t ) = sin(ωt )
also satisfy a related differential equation with a second derivative
= −ω 2 x.
dt 2
These follow by the same reasoning, where the chain rule is applied in
Students of physics may recognize the equation that governs the behaviour
of a harmonic oscillator, and see the connection between the circular motion
of our point on the circle, and the differential equation for periodic motion.
Short Answers to Problems
• Problem 1.2:
(a) Stretched in y direction by factor A; (b) Shifted up by a; (c) Shifted in
positive x direction by b.
• Problem 1.3:
Not Provided
• Problem 1.4:
• Problem 1.5:
(a) x = 0, (3/2)1/3 ; (b) x = 0, x = ± 1/4.
• Problem 1.6:
(b) a < 0: x = 0; a ≥ 0: x = 0, ±a1/4 ; (c) a > 0.
• Problem 1.7:
A 1/(m−n) A 1/(m−n)
if m − n even: x = ± B ,x = 0; if m − n odd: x = B ,x =
• Problem 1.8:
√ √
7 3 7 3
(a) (0, 0) and (1, 1); (b) (0, 0); (c) ( 2 , 4 ), (− 2 , 4 ), and (0, −1).
• Problem 1.9:
γ± γ 2 − 4Iε
(a) x = I/γ, (b) x = .
• Problem 1.10:
• Problem 1.11:
y = xn ; y = x−n ; y = x1/n , n = 2, 4, 6, . . .; y = x−n , n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
• Problem 1.12:
m > −1
• Problem 1.13:
• Problem 1.14:
Not Provided
• Problem 1.15:
B b−a
• Problem 1.16:
(a) x = 0, −1, 3; (b) x = 1; (c) x = −2, 1/3; (d) x = 1.
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 409
• Problem 1.17:
(a) Intersections x = −1, 0, 1.
• Problem 1.18:
V 1 1 1
(a) V ; (b) = a, a > 0; (c) a = V 3 ; a = ( 16 S) 2 ; a = 10 cm; a = 315 cm.
S 6
• Problem 1.19:
r 3 1/3 1/3
1 1/2 1/2
(a) V ; (b) ; (c) r = 4π V ; r = 4π S ; r ≈ 6.2035 cm;
r ≈ 0.8921 cm.
• Problem 1.20:
r = 2k1 /k2 = 12µm.
• Problem 1.21:
(1 − a)S 1/4
(a) T = .
• Problem 1.22:
3V 2/3
(a) P = C AR
; (b) S = 4π 4π .
• Problem 1.23:
(a) a: Ms−1 , b: s−1 ; (b) b = 0.2, a = 0.002; (c) v = 0.001.
• Problem 1.24:
(a) v ≈ K, (b) v = K/2.
• Problem 1.25:
K ≈ 0.0048, kn ≈ 77 nM
• Problem 1.26:
(a) x = −1, 0, 1 (b) 1 (c) y1 (d) y2 .
• Problem 1.27:
Line of slope a3 /A and intercept 1/A
• Problem 1.28:
K = 0.5, a = 2
• Problem 1.29:
Not Provided
• Problem 1.30:
m ≈ 67, b ≈ 1.2, K ≈ 0.8, kn ≈ 56
• Problem 1.31:
x = AR r−a .
• Problem 2.2:
(a) −4.91◦ F/min. (b) -7, -8, -9 ◦ F/min. (c) -9 ◦ F/min.
• Problem 2.3:
Displacements have same magnitude, opposite signs.
• Problem 2.4:
(a) −14.7 m/s; (b) −gt − gε
2 ; (c) t = 10 s.
• Problem 2.8:
v0 − g/2
• Problem 2.5:
5.8, 4.4, 5.4, 12.4, 4, 4.4, 7.2 (km/hr)
• Problem 2.6:
v̄ = 13.23 m/s.; secant line is y = 13.23x − 2.226
• Problem 2.7:
• Problem 2.9:
(a) 2; (b) 0; (c) −2; (d) 0.
• Problem 2.10:
(a) 3; (b) 5.55; (c) 3 .
• Problem 2.11:
√ √
2 2 6(1− 2)
(a) π ; (b) π ; (c) π/4 ≤ x ≤ 5π/4 (one solution).
• Problem 2.12:
(a) 2 + h; (b) 2; (c) y = 2x.
• Problem 2.13:
2h2 + 25h + 104; slope =104
• Problem 2.14:
(b) 0, −4, −1.9, −2.1, −2 − h; (c) −2.
• Problem 2.15:
(a) 2 + h; (b) 2; (c) 2.98.
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 411
• Problem 2.16:
4 3−12
(a) π4 ; (b) π .
• Problem 2.17:
(a) −1; (b) 1+ε ; (c) Slope approaches -2; (d) y = −2x + 4.
• Problem 2.18:
(a) v(2) = 12 m/s; v̄ = 15 m/s; (b) v(2) = 0 m/s; v̄ = 25 m/s; (c)
v(2) = 13 m/s; v̄ = 11 m/s.
• Problem 2.19:
• Problem 2.20:
(x +1)2
• Problem 3.6:
(a) 14.7 m/s; (b) −4.9 m/s.
• Problem 3.7:
Not Provided
• Problem 3.8:
(a) f 0 (x) = 1/(2 x), (b) 0.25 (c) y = 2 + 0.25(x − 4).
• Problem 3.9:
f 0 (x) = −C
(x + a)2
• Problem 3.10:
Not Provided.
• Problem 3.11:
(a) R, U, R, L, U, R, L
• Problem 3.12:
Not Provided
• Problem 3.13:
5; 5; no change; linear function
• Problem 3.14:
• Problem 3.15:
y = 5.8x − 6.825.
• Problem 3.16:
(a) Horizontal asymptotes at y = 1.
• Problem 3.17:
Not Provided.
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 413
• Problem 4.7:
A0 (2) = 3πmm2 /hr
• Problem 4.8:
(a) E
• Problem 4.9:
d (N1 /N2 ) N1
= (k1 − k2 )
dt N2
• Problem 4.10:
k2 > k1 .
• Problem 4.11:
Not provided.
• Problem 4.12:
1 1 1 √
(a) y(t ) = t 5 + t 3 − t 2 + 3t + C, (b) y(x) = − x2 + 2x + C, (c)
5 2 2
y = | x2 | + C.
• Problem 4.13:
p p
(a) a(t ) = −2Bt, (b) y(t ) = At − (B/3)t 3 , (c) t = 3A/B, (d) t = A/B,
(e) v = A.
• Problem 4.14:
p p
(a) v = 3t 2 + 6t, a = 6t + 6; (b) t = 0, 3/a; (c) t = 0, 3/2a; (d)
t = 1/ 2a.
• Problem 4.15:
(a) t = v0 /g; (b) h0 + ; (c) v = 0.
• Problem 4.16:– Problem 4.18:
Not Provided
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 415
• Problem 5.2:
y = 2x − 3
• Problem 5.3:
(b) a = 2.
• Problem 5.4:
(a) y = −4x + 5; (b) x = 5/4, y = 5; (c) y = 0.6, smaller.
• Problem 5.5:
(a) y = 3x − 2; (b) x = 2/3; (c) 1.331; 1.3.
• Problem 5.6:
f (x0 )
(a) y = f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ) + f (x0 ); (b) x = x0 − .
f 0 (x0 )
• Problem 5.7:
• Problem 5.8:
(a) (3.41421, 207.237), (0.58580, 0.762), (−0.42858, −0.895);
• Problem 5.9:
(a) x = 0.32219; (b) x = 0.81054; (c) x = 0.59774, x = −0.68045, x =
• Problem 5.10:
(3, 9), (1, 1)
• Problem 5.11:
(a) 6 ; (b) 3.
• Problem 5.12:
(a) 0.40208; (b) 5.99074.
• Problem 5.13:
• Problem 5.14:
• Problem 5.15:
1030 cm3
• Problem 5.16:
Not provided.
• Problem 5.17:
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 417
• Problem 6.2:
√ √
Zeros at 0, ± a; inflection point at 0, local maximum at − a/3, local
minimum at − a/3.
• Problem 6.3:
(a) f 0 (x) = 2x, f 0 (0) = 0, f 0 (1) = 2 > 0, f 0 (−1) = −2 < 0. Local
minimum at x = 0; (b) f 0 (x) = −3x2 , f 0 (0) = 0, f 0 (1) = −3 < 0,
f 0 (−1) = −3 < 0. No local maxima nor minima; (c) f 0 (x) = −4x3 ,
f 0 (0) = 0, f 0 (1) = −4 < 0, f 0 (−1) = 4 > 0. Local maximum at x = 0.
• Problem 6.4:
Zeros at 0, 2, Inflection point at 0, local min at 3/2.
• Problem 6.5:
Global maximum at x = 3, global minimum at x = 3/2.
• Problem 6.6:
(a) max.: 18; min.: 0; (b) max.: 25; min.: 0; (c) max.: 0; min.: −6; (d)
max.: −2; min.: −17/4.
• Problem 6.7:
(a) increasing: −∞ < x < 0, 1.5 < x < ∞; decreasing for 0 < x < 1.5; (b) 0,
local maximum; 1.5, local minimum; (c) No.
• Problem 6.8:
min.: 3/4
• Problem 6.9:
• Problem 6.10:
1 3
critical points: x = 0, 1, 1/2; inflection points: x = ±
2 6
• Problem 6.11:
Not Provided
• Problem 6.12:
a = 1, b = −6, c = 7
• Problem 6.13:
Not Provided
• Problem 6.14:
√ √
min. at x = − 3; max. at x = 3; c.u.: x < −1, 0 < x < 1; c.d.: −1 < x <
0,x > 1; infl.pt.: x = 0
• Problem 6.15:
loc. min.:x = a loc. max.: x = −2a
• Problem 6.16:
(a) increasing: x < 0, 0 < x < 3k, x > 5k; decreasing:
√ 3k < x < 5k;√loc. max.:
6 6
x = 3k; loc. min.:x = 5k; (b) c.u.: 0 < x < (3 − )k, x > (3 + )k; c.d.:
√ √ 2 √ 2
6 6 6
x < 0, (3 − )k < x < (3 + )k; infl.pts.: x = 0, (3 ± )k.
2 2 2
• Problem 6.17:
(a + p0 )
(b) dv/d p = −b ; (c) p = p0 .
( p + a)2
• Problem 6.18:
Not Provided
• Problem 6.19:
abs. max. of 4.25 at end points; abs. min. of 2 at x = 1
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 419
• Problem 7.2:
(a) v(t ) = 120t 2 − 16t 3 ; (b) t = 5; (c) t = 7.5.
• Problem 7.3:
9 : 24A.M., 15 km
• Problem 7.4:
(a) t ≈ 1.53 sec; (b) v(0.5) = 10.1 m/sec, v(1.5) = 0.3 m/sec, a(0.5) =
−9.8 m/sec2 , a(1.5) = −9.8 m/sec2 ; (c) t ≈ 3.06 sec.
• Problem 7.5:
See Example 7.2.
• Problem 7.6:
(a) N (r ) = 2k1 πrL − πk2 r2 L, (b) r = k1 /k2 .
• Problem 7.7:
Not provided.
• Problem 7.8:
30 × 10 × 15 cm
• Problem 7.9:
√ √
(a) y = (1/ 3); (b) 3/9.
• Problem 7.10:
|a| if a < 4; 2 2a − 4 if a ≥ 4
• Problem 7.11:
A = 625 ft2
• Problem 7.12:
All of the fencing used for a circular garden.
• Problem 7.13:
Squares of side 6 − 2 3 cm.
• Problem 7.14:
Not provided.
• Problem 7.15:
A square with A = L2 /2
• Problem 7.16:
Straight lines from (10, 10) to ( , 0) then to (3, 5).
• Problem 7.17:
4 ◦C
• Problem 7.18:
(a) x = 2B/3, R = (4/27)AB3 ; (b) x = B/3, S = AB2 /3.
• Problem 7.19:
r = 2k1 /k2
• Problem 7.20:
Not provided.
• Problem 7.21:
h = 20, r = 5 2
• Problem 7.22:
a a−m
(b) x = ; (c) x = 0; (d) x = .
2b 2b
• Problem 7.23:
x = (A/2B)1/3 − 1
• Problem 7.24:
Not provided.
• Problem 7.25:
NMSY = K (1 − qE/r )
• Problem 7.26:
E = r/2q
• Problem 7.27:
• Problem 7.28:
topt = kτ.
• Problem 7.29:
t = Emax − k.
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 421
• Problem 8.2:
== 2.0793 b k(a − b2−kt )2 2−kt .
• Problem 8.3:
(1 − a)S
dT 1 dε
(a) =− ε −5/4 .
dG 4 σ dG
• Problem 8.4:
(c) Global minimum occurs at an endpoint, rather than at a critical point.
• Problem 8.5:
Not Provided
• Problem 8.6:
(c) d = 3D/4.
• Problem 8.7:
3± 5
(a) V (x)= 500x3 + 300(1 − x)5 , (b) Critical point at x1 = is a local
minimum. (c) Best strategy is x1 = 1, x2 = 0.
• Problem 9.3:
= Cπ (3r2 )a
• Problem 9.4:
= 1 m3 /min
• Problem 9.5:
1 2
(a) cm/s; (b) cm2 /s.
300π 5
• Problem 9.7:
5 cm/s
• Problem 9.8:
dV nR dT dV nRT dP
(a) = ; (b) =− 2 .
dt P dt dt P dt
• Problem 9.9:
π −1/2 k.
• Problem 9.6:
− cm/min
• Problem 9.10:
1 cm/sec toward lens
• Problem 9.11:
dh −1
= cm/min
dt 36π
• Problem 9.12:
1 4π
k= +
10 45
• Problem 9.13:
dh 6
= ft/min
dt 5π
• Problem 9.14:
h0 (5) = m/min
• Problem 9.15:
1 1
(a) 4π m/min; (b) π m/min.
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 423
• Problem 9.16:
(a) −4 m/s; (b) − per sec.
• Problem 9.17:
√ m/min
4 6
• Problem 9.18:
dS ab
= ; no.
dA 1 + bA
• Problem 9.19:
dy l2
= 3 cm/hr
dt l1
• Problem 9.20-9.21:
Not Provided
• Problem 9.22:
dy 2x x 1 √ √ √
(a) = − = − ; (b) y = √ (−x + r 3); y = (1/ 2)(x − r 3).
dx 2y y 2
• Problem 9.23:
dy 21x2 + 2 dy 2y
(a) = 5 ; (b) =− y ;
dx 6y + 3 dx e + 2x
• Problem 9.24:
(a) −3/4; (b) y = −(3/4)x + 8.
• Problem 9.25:
Not Provided
• Problem 9.26:
2 9 2 9
( √ , √ ) and (− √ , − √ )
10 10 10 10
• Problem 9.27:
4y p
• Problem 9.28:
dy (ay − x2 )
(b) = 2 ; (c) x = 0, x = 21/3 a; (d) No.
dx (y − ax)
• Problem 9.29:
dp a a
(a) = (2 3 ) − ( p + 2 ) / (v − b).
dv v v
• Problem 9.30:
(0, 5/4)
• Problem 9.31:
(a) y − 1 = −1(x − 1); (b) y00 = ; (c) concave up.
• Problem 10.2:
264 ≈ 1.6 · 1019 .
• Problem 10.3:
11.312, 0.7072, 0.03125
• Problem 10.4:
Not provided
• Problem 10.5:
= C3 · 3x and C3 = ln(3) = 1.098.
• Problem 10.6-10.7 :
Not Provided
• Problem 10.8:
(a) 50.75 > 50.65 ; (b) 0.4−0.2 > 0.40.2 ; (c) 1.0012 < 1.0013 ; (d) 0.9991.5 >
0.9992.3 .
• Problem 10.9:
Not Provided
• Problem 10.10:
(a) x = a2 b3 ; (b) x = 2 .
• Problem 10.11:
Not Provided
• Problem 10.12:
3 − ln(5) e4 + 1 2 ln(C )
(a) x = ; (b) x = ; (c) x = e(e ) = ee·e ; (d) x = .
2 3 a−b
• Problem 10.13:
dy 6 dy 6[ln(2x + 3)]2 dy 1 1
(a) = ; (b) = ; (c) = − tan x; (d)
dx 2x + 3 dx 2x + 3 dx 2 2
dy 3x2 − 2 dy 2 dy 1 1 dy
= 3 ; (e) = 6xe3x ; (f) = − a− 2 x ln a; (g) =
dx (x − 2x) ln a dx dx 2 dx
dy x dy 4
x2 2x (3 + x ln 2); (h) = ee +x ; (i) = t .
dx dx (e + e−t )2
• Problem 10.14:
2 2 1
(a) min.: x = √ ; max.: x = − √ ; infl.pt.: x = 0; (b) min.: x = √ 3
; (c)
3 3 3
max.: x = 1; inf.pt.: x = 2; (d) min.: x = 0; (e) min.: x = 1; max.: x = −1;
(f) min.: x = ln(2); infl. pt.: x = ln(4).
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 425
• Problem 10.15:
C = 4, k = −0.5
• Problem 10.16:
(a) decreasing; (b) increasing; y1 (0) = y2 (0) = 10; y1 half-life = 10 ln(2);
y2 doubling-time = 10 ln(2)
• Problem 10.17:
41.45 months.
• Problem 10.18:
(c) r = 0.0101 per year, C = 0.7145 billions.
• Problem 10.19:
Not provided
• Problem 10.20:
r1 ≈ −14.5, r2 ≈ −0.9 per unit time, C1 = 55,C2 = 45.
• Problem 10.24:
crit.pts.: x = 0, x ≈ ±1.64; f (0) = 1; f (±1.64) ≈ −0.272
• Problem 10.25:
(a) x = 1/β , (b) x = ln(α )/β .
• Problem 10.26:
ar R
(a) x = r; (c) x = ln ; (d) decrease; (e) decrease.
a−r A
• Problem 10.27:
x = b ln((a2 + b2 )/b2 )
• Problem 10.28:
Not Provided
• Problem 11.2:
(a) C any value, k = −5; (b) C any value, k = 3.
• Problem 11.3:
Not Provided
• Problem 11.4:
(a) y(t ) = Ce−t ; (b) c(x) = 20e−0.1x ; (c) z(t ) = 5e3t .
• Problem 11.5:
e2.08t .
• Problem 11.6:
Not provided
• Problem 11.7:
(a) P(5) ≈ 1419; (b) t ≈ 9.9 years.
• Problem 11.8:
= 0.05N; N (0) = 250; N (t ) = 250e0.05t ; 2.1 × 1010 rodents
• Problem 11.9:
(a) dy/dt = 2.57y; (b) dy/dt = −6.93y.
• Problem 11.10:
(a) 12990; (b) 30792 bacteria.
• Problem 11.11:
1.39 hours; 9.2 hours
• Problem 11.12:
(a) y1 growing, y2 decreasing; (b) 3.5, 2.3; (c) y1 (t ) = 100e0.2t , y2 (t ) =
10000e−0.3t ; (d) t ≈ 9.2 years.
• Problem 11.13:
12265 people/km2
• Problem 11.14:
6.93 years
• Problem 11.15:
(a) 1 hour; (b) r = ln(2); (c) 0.25 M; (d) t = 3.322 hours.
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 427
• Problem 11.16:
20 min; 66.44 min
• Problem 11.17:
• Problem 11.18:
(a) 57300 years; (b) 22920 years
• Problem 11.19:
(a) 29 years; (b) 58 years; (c) 279.7 years.
• Problem 11.20:
(a) 80.7%; (b) 12.3 years.
• Problem 11.21:
1.7043 kg
• Problem 11.22:
y ≈ 707.8 torr
• Problem 12.3-12.7:
Not Provided
• Problem 12.8:
(a) C = −12; (b) C1 = 1, C2 = −5; (c) C1 = −1, C2 = 0.
• Problem 12.9:
g g g
(a) v(t ) = − e−kt + ; (b) v = .
k k k
• Problem 12.10:
k k
c(t ) = − e−st +
s s
• Problem 12.11-12.12::
Not provided
• Problem 12.13:
(b) 46 minutes before discovery.
• Problem 12.14:
10.6 min
• Problem 12.15:
(a) Y = Y0 − kt, (d) k = 0.0333 per min.
• Problem 12.16:
(b) k = 3/2.
• Problem 12.17:
(a) Input rate I, αF fish caught per day. Birth and mortality neglected. (b)
Steady state level F = I/αN. (c) 2 ln(2)/αN days. (d) t = Flow /I days.
• Problem 12.18:
Not provided
• Problem 12.19:
64.795 gm, 250 gm
• Problem 12.20:
Q r
(a) Q0 (t ) = kr − r = − [Q − kV ]; (b) Q = kV ; (c) T = V ln 2/r.
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 429
• Problem 12.21:
dQ −2
(a) = kQ; Q(t ) = 100e(−8.9×10 )t ; (b) 7.77 hr.
• Problem 12.22:
2A y0 √
(b) y0 ; (c) t = ; (d) −k y0 .
• Problem 12.23:
a = 0, b = −1
• Problem 12.24:
95.12, 90.48.
• Problem 12.25:
(a) y5 = 1.61051; y(0.5) = 1.6487213; error = 0.03821; (b) y5 = 0.59049;
y(0.5) = 0.60653; error = 0.01604.
• Problem 12.26-12.27:
Not Provided
• Problem 13.2:
• Problem 13.3:
• Problem 13.4:
Linear differential equations: only (a)
• Problem 13.5:
Not Provided
• Problem 13.6:
• Problem 13.7:
• Problem 13.8:
h(t ) → (I/K )2 .
• Problem 13.9:
dx k 1
(a) = (V0 − x3 ); (d) V = V0 .
dt 3 2
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 431
• Problem 13.10:
Not provided
• Problem 13.11:
(a) Kmax , c = k; (b) ln(2)/r; (c) c = 0, c = − k.
• Problem 13.12-13.13:
Not provided
• Problem 13.14:
dy/ds = y(1 − y)
• Problem 13.15:
0.55, 0.5995, 0.6475, 0.6932, 0.7357
• Problem 13.16:
Not provided
• Problem 13.17:
φ = 0.857 = 86%.
• Problem 13.18:
(c) Steady states at at y2 = 0 and y2 = P − a/b. (d) Social media persists if
Pb/a > 1.
• Problem 13.19:
β p
(b) Stable steady state at a = −1 + 1 + 4µM/β
• Problem 14.2-refprob:chap10-6:
Not Provided
• Problem 14.5:
(a) T (t ) = 37.1 + 0.4 cos[π (t − 8)/12]; (b) W (t ) = 0.5 + 0.5 cos[π (t −
• Problem 14.6:
g 2π π
(a) S = 3 cos t ; (b) y = 2 sin t+ + 10.
l 3 6
• Problem 14.7:
• Problem 14.8:
√ √
(a) x; (b) x/ 1 − x2 ; (c) 1 − x2 .
• Problem 14.9:
• Problem 14.10:
• Problem 14.11:
Not provided
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 433
• Problem 15.2:
0 −(4x3 + 10x) sin(ln(x4 + 5x2 + 3)) 0 (3x2 − 2 cos(x) sin(x)) cos( cos2 (x) + x3 )
(a) f (x) = ; (b) f (x) = ;
(x4 + 5x2 + 3)
(2 cos2 (x) + x3 )
(c) f 0 (x) = 6x2 + ; (d) f 0 (x) = 4(x2 ex + tan(3x))3 (2xex + x2 ex +
x ln(3)
3x2 (sin2 (x) cos(x) − cos2 (x) sin(x))
3 sec2 (3x)); (e) f 0 (x) = 2x sin3 (x) + cos3 (x) + q .
2 sin3 (x) + cos3 (x)
• Problem 15.3:
− 3/20, 1/20
• Problem 15.4:
(a) [0, π/4], [5π/4, 2π ]; (b) [3π/4, 7π/4]; (c) x = 3π/4, 7π/4.
• Problem 15.5:
±( π8 , 1)
• Problem 15.6:
−0.021 rad/min
• Problem 15.7:
0.125 radians per minute
• Problem 15.9:
dy Cx dθ C
(a) = −√ ; (b) = .
dt L2 − x2 dt y
• Problem 15.8:
1 2
R= 32 v0
• Problem 15.10:
8π m/s; 0 m/s
• Problem 15.11:
Not Provided
• Problem 15.12:
S = 2v/Kcrit
• Problem 15.13:
v = Kcrit S/4
• Problem 15.14:
dy 1 dy 1 dθ
(a) = q ; (b) = 2√ ; (c) =
dx 2 2 dx 3(arcsin x) 3 1 − x2 dr
3x 3 1 − x 3
1 dy dy −2x2 + a2 − a
; (d) = arcsec 1x − √ x 2 ; (e) = √ ;
2r + 2r + 1 dx 1−x dx a a2 − x2
1 + t 2 2(1 − t 2 )
(f) = − · .
dt 1 − t 2 (1 + t 2 )2
• Problem 15.15:
30π cm/s; to the right
• Problem 15.16:
√ √
(a) h2 + 2hR; (b) −v h2 + 2hR/R.
• Problem 15.17:
dy 4 sec2 (2x + y) dy 2 sin x dy y cos x + sin y
(a) = ; (b) = ; (c) =− .
dx 1 − 2 sec2 (2x + y) dx cos y dx x cos y + sin x
• Problem 15.18:
y = −x + 2
• Problem 15.19:
y0 = a/ 1 − a2 x2
• Problem 15.20:
0.4 m
• Problem 15.21:
26 rad/s
• Problem 15.22:
Not Provided
• Problem 15.23:
(c) y(t ) = A cos( g/Lt ).
• Problem 15.24:
(a) π/8; (b) 5π/8.
• Problem 15.25:
(b) t = π/4 + nπ.
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 435
• Problem 16.1:
• Problem 16.1:
• Problem 16.1:
• Problem 16.2:
3/4 cm/sec.
• Problem 16.3:
(a) v(t ) = 3(t + 2)2 + λ , a(t ) = dv/dt = 6(t + 2). (b) λ .
• Problem 16.4:
(a) t = 1 and t = 4, (b) 9 m/s (c) 12 m.
• Problem 16.5:
Local max at t = v0 /g.
• Problem 16.10:
(a) Inflection point at x = 1. (b) Local maximum.
• Problem 16.17:
(a) Critical points at x = 0, 3, inflection at x = 9/4. (b) Global min x = −1,
global max x = 0.
• Problem 16.18:
Local min x = −9/5, inflection point x = 0.
• Problem 16.6:
• Problem 16.7:
t= 0.05 days.
• Problem 16.8:
(a)x = 0, ln(A)/b (b)x = 1/b.
• Problem 16.9:
p(x) = −x3 + 3x.
• Problem 16.11:
Local min at x = (2a/b)1/6 .
• Problem 16.12:
Square of side length r/ 2.
• Problem 16.13:
x = 41 P.
• Problem 16.14:
dAlea f
dt = 2y(t ) + x(t ) + πy2(t )
• Problem 16.15:
(a) r = 21 πS and h = 0, (b) a sphere, (c) No.
• Problem 16.16:
= 2π [r (t )h(t ) + r (t )2 ] + 4πr (t )2 .
• Problem 16.19:
• Problem 16.20:
k ≈ 1/27
• Problem 16.21:
(a) k = ln(2)/3 per hr (b) 6 more hrs.
• Problem 16.22:
(a) dP/dt = C − γP (b) P = C/γ (d) t = (ln(1/0.2)/γ.
• Problem 16.23:
(a) t = 3h (b) 23 h.
• Problem 16.24:
(a) y = 4S (b) T = 2τ1/2 = 2 ln(2)/ f (c) y → 50
• Problem 16.25:
y = D/ 8
• Problem 16.29:
• Problem 16.28:
696 ys.
• Problem 16.30:
√ 1/2
(a) π/150 radians/s (b) π/6 radians (c) D = π (2 − 3)
dD 2
(d) = √
dt 3(2 − 3)1/2
S H O RT A N S W E R S T O P RO B L E M S 437
• Problem 16.31:
(a) φ = arcsin(A/B), (b) −1 < arcsin(A/B) < 1, (c) φ → π/6
• Problem 16.27:
(b) y(0) = 0.5 (c) at y = 0.5 (d) y → 1.
• Problem 16.32:
(a) r10 (t ) = cm/year, (b) S0 (t ) = 14.
• Problem 16.33:
(a) BA length L − x, BP length x2 + d 2 .
p r4 d
(b) Resistance of BA is (L − x)/R4 , BP is x2 + d 2 /r4 . (c) √ .
R8 − r8
• Problem 16.26:
• Problem 16.34:
(a) , (b) 0, (c) 1.
tan(x) tan(y)
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