MN - 2020 05 19
MN - 2020 05 19
MN - 2020 05 19
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Tuesday 19 May, 2020 Serving Ballan and district since 1872 Phone 5368 1966 Vol 14 No 20
Avenue honour
The Cup Runneth Over – Moorabool Mayor David Edwards celebrates the latest accolade for the region. Photo: Helen Tatchell
By Caitlin Bewley trees provide to our culture and way of life. memorial in the world, and it is treasured by not only our
(3rd Yr Swinburne Uni) “We have heard some incredible stories about the Bacchus town, but also by the wider Victorian community.
Marsh Avenue of Honour,” Mr Ambrose said. “So many people have talked to me about our iconic town
A canopy of 281 elms line a length of road leading into “Voters reflected on the service and sacrifice of loved ones entrance, and the National Trust has a long history of
Bacchus Marsh, reflecting light through the leaves as you during this time. drawing attention to its importance,” he said.
drive through. Now, those elms are an award-winning strip, “Many also noted the calming presence of this majestic Moorabool Shire Mayor Cr David Edwards said he was
officially. avenue as the iconic entrance to Bacchus Marsh,” Mr proud of the town’s achievement, saying it was “marvellous
The Bacchus Marsh Avenue of Honour has reigned supreme Ambrose said. news for the community of Bacchus Marsh”.
in The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) 2020 Victorian Despite its undoubted heritage importance and aesthetic “I commend those who have created and protect and
Tree of the Year competition, collecting an impressive 1061 contribution to the region, the Avenue of Honour has faced maintain this living war memorial along the Avenue of
votes of the 3450-vote total. numerous threats over the years, due to road development, Honour.
Planted in one day back in August 1918, the Avenue of including a current truck bypass project by Regional Roads “We’re all very proud to have these significant elms in
Honour commemorates the lives of community members Victoria. our patch, and this recognition is well-deserved,” Mayor
who volunteered to serve in World War I. Damien Strangio has been a prolific supporter of an intact Edwards said.
The CEO of the National Trust Australia (Victoria), Simon Avenue for history, heritage and environmental reasons and All nine finalists were from regional Victoria with the
Ambrose, said the contest raises awareness of both the told the Moorabool News this is a “tremendous honour”. Himalayan Oak at Bright Cemetery the runner-up, receiving
conservation of the state’s natural heritage, and the benefits “Our Avenue is the longest intact elm avenue and living war 416 votes.
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Moorabool residents are among those stocking
up their electronic bookshelves as the community
continues to spend large amounts of time at home.
In April 2019, there were 7495 downloads of the
Central Highlands Library Services e-resources
By Helen Tatchell disruptions and road closures during these and in April this year, the figure jumped to over
works, our primary objective is always to 10,000.
They’re over 100-years old, iconic and ensure the safety of workers, pedestrians, Moorabool Shire’s library services have been
synonymous to Bacchus Marsh, they are the motorists and the general public.” greatly impacted with the closure of the Ballan
Canadian Elms that form a canopy that is the The four trees identified for removal will be and Lerderderg libraries, with the library van no
Avenue of Honour. replanted with true-to-type species which longer operating either.
Over 1000 people assembled around the have been propagated from the original However, staff are still on board and providing
Woolpack Road area on 10 August 1918, to trees, to provide a continuity and connection services to the community.
witness and assist in the planting ceremony. to the original cultivars and plantings. Staff members are doing online poetry readings as well as online story time and rhyme time
Relatives and friends distributed themselves Damien Strangio is a staunch supporter of for the kids.
along the two-mile length of the Avenue, an intact Avenue and welcomes the plan to The team is also working to connect with kindergartens and is aiming to provide some
a bugle sounded, and all 281 trees were preserve it. digital packages to them with pre-recorded story times and craft activities.
planted. The rest they say is history. “Council has taken a long-term, proactive “We’re also hoping if restrictions ease, to be able to provide a click and collect book service.
As age wearies the trees, Moorabool Shire attitude to careful review and maintenance At the moment there is no way to see who is putting holds on physical books,” a Central
Council conducts regular inspections and of the Avenue, with very appropriate Highlands Library Services spokesperson told the Moorabool News.
assessments in the Avenue. At times trees re-planting.”
will need removing and replanting. Such Mr Strangio said this approach also
work is set to occur this week through to reinforces the importance of an intact Avenue A review from a library Book Chatter about
Friday 5 June. for history, heritage and environmental
Four of the trees are earmarked for removal reasons. using Libby online eBooks
due to extensive decay in the trunk, root “It certainly makes me happy to see how “Dear Moorabool Library Staff,
buttress and/or main stems. beautiful the Avenue of Honour is across all Although I prefer an actual book, I find an eBook a good alternative. Since the Corona
Moorabool Shire Council CEO, Derek four seasons, and to hear how many people lockdown I have been using Libby to borrow books to read on my iPad. It is easy to
Madden said the works are part of Council’s delight in looking at our second–to-none navigate, and you can search for titles and authors. Books are listed by various subjects
ongoing commitment to the Bacchus vista of Avenue trees, market gardens and headings and there are plenty to choose from. You can limit your search to those available.
Marsh Avenue of Honour, ensuring that orchards.” It’s so easy. all you need is to register with your library card and start browsing and
it is effectively managed, conserved and Moorabool Shire Council will remove and borrowing.
enhanced in perpetuity as a living memorial, replant four trees in the Bacchus Marsh I also like using Libby when I’m travelling, or late at night when the library is closed and
commemorating the soldiers of the Bacchus Avenue of Honour from Monday 18 May to I have nothing to read., If you don’t want to keep buying books, have nothing to read or
Marsh district. Friday 5 June 2020. Works will occur from can’t get to your library then I thoroughly recommend Libby.”
“Whilst efforts will be made to limit traffic 8.00am to 5.00pm.
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Throughout the pandemic Council is here to help. If you have any queries please contact us at
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For the way we’ve faced these past few weeks.
With courage. With humility. And with hope.
We’ve kept our distance, we’ve looked out for each other
and we’ve kept our cool.
Thank you especially to those who have been tested.
Because of your efforts, we’ve achieved the biggest
testing blitz in our state’s history.
Or to use Victoria’s standard unit of measurement –
more than one MCG’s worth of Victorians who’ve played
their part in protecting our state.
Thanks to you, we are finding out more about the
spread of coronavirus in our community.
If you haven’t been tested, and you are feeling unwell,
you can still visit one of the regional clinics or speak to
your GP.
To find out how and where you can be tested go to
Because getting tested keeps us together.
Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne
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Moorabool Shire Council: PO Box 18, Ballan VIC 3342 Telephone: 03 5366 7100 Facsimile: 03 5368 1757 CEO: Derek Madden
Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: Moorabool Shire Council Twitter: @mooraboolshire
Page 10 The Moorabool News – 19 May, 2020 Email - [email protected]
Letters to
Nought, nothing, the Editor
nada rate increase?
Email: [email protected]
Dear Editor,
Due to the fact that the state government,
Transurban and Maddingley Brown
Coal have failed to consult with the local
By Kate Taylor rise, because council borrows against its yearly revenue and that population in relation to the release of PFAS
figure would be lower without a rate increase coming in. levels and have not permitted an independent
Imagine, as a ratepayer, opening up the annual rates notice and science based study into the dumping of
“What I’m saying is if we were to go to zero, it would also have a
finding that it has not increased at all on last year’s amount. toxic soil in Bacchus Marsh, and the western
reduction on our ability to borrow, it would have a knock-on effect
suburbs, I would have to conclude that
Believe it or not, a zero-rate rise could be a possibility for some on what we are capable of borrowing,” Cr Tatchell said. the dumping of toxic waste will proceed
Moorabool residents, depending on the outcome of council’s current A council officer replied that it would “escalate borrowings therefore overriding our basic human rights
plans for the 2020-21 annual budget. probably beyond the realm council is comfortable with, driven by to live in a safe environment.
The budget process has been delayed by a couple of months, due to what council wants to borrow from a policy perspective.” If the dumping proceeds what route will
the covid-19 pandemic, and it’s because of the economic implications Council’s current policy is to borrow no more than 60 per cent of the heavy noisy smoke belching trucks take,
for residents of that pandemic that councillors are considering the its revenue. and what would be the damage to roads and
idea of a zero-rate rise. property?
East Ward Councillor Jarrod Bingham asked about deferring
For example, if the Old Western Highway
However even with a zero-rate rise some residents could still council’s maintenance program within the capital works budget, was used, traffic lights would need to be
see a jump in their rates bill –due to an increase in their property however he noted himself that delaying it until next year would just placed at the Hopetoun Park and Long Forest
valuation, which is not controlled by council but by independent mean that it would cost more then. road junction or, 200 meters either side of
valuers on behalf of the state government. “It is a very large budget, so we have been going through it line-by- the junction would need to be single lane
The draft annual budget was presented to the combined April/ line,” Mr Madden said. on each side of the highway joining into
May council meeting with a recommendation to put it out for public a large roundabout. What plans have the
Cr Sullivan said that removing one line alone, ‘new Initiative,’
comment – but councillors said no, opting instead to defer the item government got for traffic management?
would save $924,000 and that council could just write off the lost
and possibly make some big changes in the meantime. The state government make a lot of noise
compounding money against that.
about caring for the community however,
“What would be the impact on the budget if we had a zero rate “You could write off any line in the budget and make that call,” Mr that caring does not and indeed has never
increase this year?” West Ward Councillor Tom Sullivan proposed Madden replied. applied to the outer western suburbs, we get
at the meeting. East Ward Councillor Tonia Dudzik asked if the budget could be a few crumbs thrown at health, education
Council CEO Derek Madden fielded follow-up questions from the deferred. and infrastructure and told to be good little
councillors, explaining that council would lose well over $600,000 in boy and girls and just maybe, some more
“Given the interest in a zero rate rise, is it better to defer, and see if
crumbs may come our way.
year one and up to $8.3 million by year 10 due to the compounding we should be putting out something different?” Cr Dudzik asked.
Perhaps it is time for the election of a
effect alone. Cr Sullivan moved a motion for council to look at a zero rate rise government that truly cares for the health
“It’s the compounding that is the issue long term,” Mr Madden said. before putting the draft budget out for public comment, which was and safety off its people.
Central Ward Councillor Paul Tatchell asked about the impact on seconded by Cr Dudzik with the rest of the councillors voting in Robert Reid
council’s ability to borrow money if they ‘go to zero’ with the rate favour. Hopetoun Park
Looking to Diversify?
Why not try Py!
residential facilities,” the spokesperson May 2020 the opposite,” Barb laughed.
The pair moved to Bacchus Marsh
“We are now in influenza season, so after their travels and have lived there
M o o r a b o o l N o r t h W in d F a r m
we need to maintain a high level of for five years, saying they moved here
vigilance.” when their daughter met a local man
Visitors will be asked on arrival if they, (Right) Rowena Clift, Acting CEO, has had the and got married.
or anyone they have Progbeen
date 2020 flu vaccination ahead of the season, in a bid Les and Barb Fitzwilliam are mother
with, has travelled overseas within the to protect herself and the senior Australians they 70-years ago Les Fitzwilliam married Barb Tudball. and father to three children, grand-
• Installation of all 50 turbines
last 21-days, been tested for COVID-19 care for at BDHC. Photo – BDH&C
complete Photos - submitted parents to seven children, great
or are showing respiratory • Environmental
infection reinstatement and rehabilitation underway grandparents to eleven and great-
symptoms. great grandparents to one six-month
“Should any individual • answer
‘yes’ to any ofof
thesubstation complete
above questions, they will be denied old.
entry and staff will accommodate a visit from a distance or via Skype. When asked what the most memo-
Look ahead rable moment of their 70-years was
“We continue to strive to be a COVID-19 free facility,” the spokesperson said. “We
acknowledge our colleagues • in Handover of facilities
other aged care Ballan-Egerton Road
who have seen to Moorabool
the devastation this Shire Council for maintenance, in progress together, Barb said that family always
virus can cause.” came first.
“At Ballan District Health• andOngoing pre-commissioning
Care, we have of turbines
been doing things differently, and constantly “We [Barb and Les] do everything
coming up with new ideas, so our residents and loved ones can still feel connected,” the together,” Barb said. “Family gath-
spokesperson said. erings and Christmas’ were always
M o o r a b o o l S o u t h W in d F a r m
The aged care facility has introduced activities for their residents to participate in, ranging something we did and something we
from one on one activities to organising iPads to allow Skype and Facetime calls. will always remember.”
“The current epidemiology The Fitzwilliams celebrated their 70-
Progressis tsuch
o dthat
atewe now believe the risk is much lower than during
the peak of the pandemic,” the spokesperson said. “Should this situation change, we will Les and Marg Fitzwilliam have celebrated 70-years year wedding anniversary on May 20,
reassess our position.” • Installation of tower sections completed at 36 ofturbine marriage.locations 2020.
Ironbark road
Field adopted Australian
made synthetic covers to
protect the pitch during the
football and soccer seasons,
which are usually underway
at this time.
By Caitlin Bewley
The program, which (3rd Yr Swinburne Uni)
commenced in early April,
was implemented in a bid A head-on collision between two motor vehicles occurred
the morning of Thursday 7 May on a Maddingley road,
to standardise wicket covers
leaving both drivers with lower body injuries.
throughout the Shire. Police told the Moorabool News the accident involved a
“These covers are more cost- blue Holden Commodore and a red Volkswagen hatch. Both
effective than instant turf collided on Ironbank Road, Maddingley around 7:10am.
“The driver of the Volkswagen, a 30-year-old Trentham man,
covering that we were using,
sustained non-life-threatening injuries and was transported
which required ongoing to hospital,
watering and moving,” “The driver of the Commodore, a 20-year-old Mt Egerton
Moorabool Shire Mayor Cr man, was airlifted to hospital with serious but non-life-
threatening injuries,” a Victoria Police spokesperson said.
David Edwards said.
Ambulance Victoria told the Moorabool News they were
“[The cricket wicket covers] called to the scene at around 7:10am and the men were
also meet OH&S regulations, transported to hospital accordingly.
as they don’t require as much “One man in his 20s was airlifted to the Alfred Hospital,
the other man in his 30s was taken to the Royal Melbourne
handling – they are easy to
Hospital by road,” a spokesperson for Ambulance Victoria
roll up and store,” he said. said.
Cr Edwards said this is a “[The] two men [were] taken to hospital in a stable condition
great result for Moorabool with lower body injuries.”
The cause of the accident is still under investigation. Police
and for local sporting clubs
are requesting that anyone who witnessed or has dashcam
in the area that will benefit footage of the incident to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333
from their use. 000.
COVID-19 has made its way to the Moorabool Shire, beginning its path at
a local aged care facility.
The Bacchus Marsh facility, Grant Lodge, went into lockdown on
Wednesday 6 May when an employee tested positive to the coronavirus.
Chief Executive of DjHS, Belinda Scott, made a public statement on May 6
in a bid to “provide an update and reduce the rumours circulating.”
- Vana Kane
residents have been tested as a precaution.
Photo – Caitlin Bewley
“We’re ensuring all residents receive the care they need,” Ms Scott said.
C’mon people, they’re kids, typically outside playing This is last week’s news. My
worked at, a local supermarket and possibly another aged care facility in Darley.
It was said by the DjHS spokesperson that the nursing home has been Part of the claim was true.
deep-cleaned and management is working through staffing arrangements A spokesperson for the Royal Freemasons Aged Care facility in Darley told the Moorabool News
I’m pretty sure the boys would have gotten extremely scared at what was happening won’t was a-systematic, and all results of
be near the garage or any garage any time soon. Curiosity gets to every kid, it has mine and
it has a lot of our kids even the so called under control kids. Give mum a break, instead of
staff and residents have come back clear. They have restrictions still in place. I did Mother’s
criticizing her maybe put your hand up and offer her some support. Home schooling our Growers
Day, via a Skype call. You cannot visit residents soon, without a flu shot and proof of it.
They are taking every precaution possible, to ensure the safety of Grant Lodge. Grant
kids is exhausting and she’s no time out from adventurous children whilst caring for an
infant, she can’t be everywhere at once. There’s one of her. - Lea O’Leary
Lodge have been great with keeping families up to date on what’s happening. This is an
unnecessary headline. Scaring people like me, towho
Looking have parents in there. Not cool
Why not try Py!
- Tina Turner
Who did this?? • New contracts with improved
(M/News Facebook post May 12)
Why wreck a beautiful park in beautiful town l hope Victorian Premier Dan Andrews is urging people • Good success after potatoes
• Irrigation efficient
you get caught and do community service and fix it all up • Full company support from
again at your expense to remain vigilant and have common sense sowing to harvest
- Barb Ffrost (M/News Facebook post May 11) Contact Andrew Schipp for more information 0418 291 490
Obviously, somebody who has no respect for anything or Judging by the last couple of weeks good luck hoping people will use their common sense
wants anything in their town. Just lowlifes. - Helen Morfew
- Jennie Shaw
No respect! Unfortunately, they get a slap on the wrist if As emotionally and economically draining as it is, this is wise advice. Based on what’s
they get caught so don’t think twice about doing it happening here in the U.S. (New Jersey USA)
- Peter Stephenson - Barbara Danko
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News business
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A secret report shows the West Gate Tunnel’s toxic soil crisis is much
more dangerous than imagined. Tests on some of the toxic soil showed
contamination levels 2000 times greater than what is safe for drinking water.*
We must fight the Government plans to
dump the tunnel’s toxic soil in Bacchus Marsh.
Season and
match payments
By Caitlin Bewley
(3rd Yr Swinburne Uni)
Devils in their iso-den This will see the original Allowable Player Payment (AAP)
of $140,000 be dropped to $70,000 per club, which will
subsequently see the usual 16 games drop to a potential 11
game season.
By Caitlin Bewley photographer taking photos of people Ms Edwards said it “wasn’t hard to
The postponement of the season has seen clubs face an
(3rd Yr Swinburne Uni) on their porches. get people on board”, and since they’ve
unprecedented loss of income and an inability to generate
“We thought we should do it with posted the first few albums, they have
revenue through sponsorships and game day takings.
Although the 2020 BFL football season the Devils’ families,” club Secretary been inundated with requests.
is on hold, members of the Devil A spokesperson from the Darley Football Netball Club said
Lorissa Edwards told the Moorabool “More families have come forward
community are showing their club and said they want to be involved since clubs may need to renegotiate contracts and payments if the
News. season comes back in the near future.
spirit isn’t hindered if the siren doesn’t the first two albums were posted,” Ms
sound. “We haven’t seen people’s faces in “Clubs aren’t generating revenue,” the spokesperson said.
Edwards said. “It really shows the
a while, and we want to lift people’s culture of the club when people want to “We may not be able to run a bar, there may be no functions
The Darley Devils are keeping the
club culture alive amid Covid-19 chaos spirits. We want to let people know that get around it, and no canteen.
with a social media-based initiative we’re all in the same boat and we’re “We want to show all the families, “We may be in dire states if people can’t come through the
depicting what the families are getting here for them,” Ms Edwards said. supporters and sponsors that just gates [after the social distancing restrictions are modified for
up to during social isolation. The initiative entails photographer, Ms because the season stops, doesn’t mean sporting venues],” the spokesperson said.
An idea derived by the club’s Bewley, to go to multiple Devil family we stop,” she said. The determination of the salary cap cut was decided as a
committee member, Robyn Bewley, homes and take photos of them doing The photos can be found on the Darley result of discussions between AFL Victoria and the AFL
was said to be originally sourced from things they think signifies their family Football Netball Club Facebook page in Game Development Department, which involved all
a segment on the news, showing a local during this time, with a zoom lens. an album titled ‘Devils in Isolation’. community football bodies from each state.
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LIBRA—September 23-October 22
Stress at the workplace is eased once you make a new
and determined effort. Friendship and romance are bright
lights all through the week. A financial complication may
be untangled.
★★★★★★★★ SCORPIO—October 23-November 21
A combination of imagination and hard work pays off at
home or at the work place. A romantic idea may back-
ARIES—March 21-April 20 fire, but it’s no time to be discouraged. A family feud
Avoid short cuts. The key this week is to take a thought- should be amicably resolved.
ful, studied approach. Your idealistic streak surfaces as
you come to the defence of a pet cause. SAGITTARIUS—November 22-December 22
TAURUS—April 21-May 22 Organization pays off. Spend time outlining your plans
and developing ideas. An agreement with a higher-up is
You perform an important public service this week and reached after friendly debate. Your eye for bargains is
may find yourself in the limelight. Travel and sightsee- particularly sharp.
ing is spotlighted. A friendship becomes more rewarding.
CAPRICORN—December 23-January 20
GEMINI—May 23-June 21
Your ideas are unusually original, yet the week may find
New developments at home, work or school may lead to you too easily influenced by others. This week is favour-
expanded prestige. Family challenges are faced with new able for home maintenance which should not be put off
determination. A loved one’s artistic temperament is any longer.
soothed by your gentle ways.
AQUARIUS—January 21-February 19
CANCER—June 22-July 22
Leftover jobs from recent months return for completion.
This week you receive a communication from a long lost
NO. 9149 and forgotten friend. You may find a new hobby may
A new friendship is spotlighted over the weekend.
ACROSS DOWN include a profitable angle. A community service earns
Romance shows its sentimental side. Travel includes a
6. Reviewed (10) 1. Coin (6) you the admiration of someone you greatly respect. touch of adventure.
8. Dash (4) 2. Amaze (7) PISCES—February 20-March 20
9. Singing voice (4) 3. Putrid (6) LEO—July 23-August 22
Following up on meetings and check ups is important -
10. Girl’s name (5) 4. Bird (6) Your home life is less chaotic and work or educational even if such followups are not customary. Be sure that
11. Fortune (4) 5. Perfect (5) tasks are simplified. The secret is your renewed flair for guarantees meet your satisfaction. Romance and nostal-
12. Soldier (9) 7. Month (5) organization. Research brings results, but don’t jump to gia are highlighted.
16. Throb (9) 13. Unwell (3) conclusions.
20. Composition (4) 14. Barren (7) BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK
22. Tag (5) 15. Extra (5) VIRGO—August 23-September 22 You are secretive, passionate and stubborn. You don’t
23. Capital city (4) 17. Shady place (6) Higherups have a change of heart and your plans may be forget an injustice and your patience is impressive.
24. Region (4) 18. Gloss (6) given the green light. New options open up in areas of Technical studies dominate your interests. Computer sci-
25. Advisor (10) 19. Drum (3,3) education or volunteer work. An extravagant streak sur- ence, mathematics and logical puzzles capture your im-
21. Loose (5) faces on the weekend. agination and should lead to personal advancement.
CRYPTIC PUZZLE LIBRA—September 23-October 22
ACROSS Stress at the workplace is eased once you make a new
6. Why one’s mad to climb onto the roof? (5,5). 8. One
and determined effort. Friendship and romance are bright
day we went out for a run (4). 9. “Join up,” the fool said lights all through the week. A financial complication may
(4). 10. The right name (5). 11. Search for a ring in the be untangled.
rubbish (4). 12. It’s for sinners who itch to repent! (4,5).
16. Brown grease dripping onto the overalls (9). 20. The SCORPIO—October 23-November 21
pupil; an idiot girl (4). 22. Courage is a vital necessity
(5). 23. Sense, you say, means a lot (4). 24. Meantime, combination of imagination and hard work pays off at
at heart, is opposed to it (4). 25. For the plump, there’s home or at the work place. A romantic idea may back-
no reduction in price (4,6). fire, but ANSWER
it’s no time toBELOW
be discouraged. A family feud
should be amicably resolved.
1. She has now returned to the valley (6). 2. One’s height SAGITTARIUS—November 22-December 22
standing (7). 3. Grab a lever (6). 4. A stout man wearing Organization pays off. Spend time outlining your plans
uniform (6). 5. Drain the small jug (5). 7. “One girl,” I put and developing ideas. An agreement with a higher-up is
in, “is a twit” (5). 13. Elected, we’re told, a local (3). 14. reached after friendly debate. Your eye for bargains is
Forecast before getting to the green (7). 15. Knock about particularly sharp.
in builders’ yards and you’ll see it! (5). 17. Not up to
having the bun and ale poured out (6). 18. Finish work CAPRICORN—December 23-January 20
and go to sleep (3,3). 19. The whole tin had been bashed Your ideas are unusually original, yet the week may find
in before (6). 21. Move the outfit on the quiet (5). you too easily influenced by others. This week is favour-
able for home maintenance which should not be put off
any longer.
17, Unable (anag.). 18, Get off. 19, E-nti-re. 21, Sh-ift.
ewer. 7, I-D-I-ot. 13, Inn (in). 14, Pre-sage. 15, Pa-in-t. AQUARIUS—January 21-February 19
Down - 1, Glen-DA. 2, Stature. 3, Clutch. 4, Porter. 5, S-
Leftover jobs from recent months return for completion.
Across - 1, Insubstantial. 8, Chess. 9, Undergo. 10,
Full figure. A new friendship is spotlighted over the weekend.
Mother. 11, Revere. 12, Yacht. 14, Stain. 18, Loping. 20,
ass. 22, Heart. 23, Site (sight). 24, (me)Anti(me). 25, Romance shows its sentimental side. Travel includes a
Afghan. 23, Varnish. 24, Equal. 25, Roller coaster.
tle. 11, Ro-O-t. 12, Hair shirt. 16, Dun-garees. 20, L- touch of adventure.
Down - 1, Income. 2, Swept. 3, Beseech. 4, True. 5,
PISCES—February 20-March 20
Across - 6, Slate loose. 8, W-i-d-e. 9, Knit (nit). 10, Ti-
Nudge. 6, Israeli. 7, Lionel. 13, Apparel. 15, Taffeta. 16,
Plover. 17, Angler. 19, Naive. 21, Haunt. 22, Chic.
Following up on meetings and check ups is important -
even if such followups are not customary. Be sure that
bour. 18, Polish. 19, Tom-tom. 21, Slack.
guarantees meet your satisfaction. Romance and nostal-
Across - 1, Lady of the lake. 8, V-O-ice. 9, S-H-ocked.
Ideal. 7, March. 13, Ill. 14, Sterile. 15, Spare. 17, Ar-
gia are highlighted.
10, St-R-eam. 11, Leaner. 12, S-cold. 14, Steep. 18, Air-
Down - 1, Dollar. 2, Astound. 3, Addled. 4, Grouse. 5,
ily. 20, Sitter. 23, Sti-L-ton. 24, Taste (anag.). 25, Tel-
23, Rome. 24, Area. 25, Counsellor.
ephone bill.
Luck. 12, Grenadier. 16, Palpitate. 20, Opus. 22, Label.
You are secretive, passionate and stubborn. You don’t
Down - 1, L-Avis-h(is). 2, Dr-I-er. 3, Over-all. 4,To-s-h
Across - 6, Considered. 8, Elan. 9, Alto. 10, Laura. 11, forget an injustice and your patience is impressive.
(rev.). 5, Er-O-de. 6, Ask-ance. 7, Endu-re. 13, Cor-dial.
QUICK SOLUTIONS Technical studies dominate your interests. Computer sci-
15, Th-Ist-L-e . 16, B-as-set. 17, Or-deal. 19, Lit up. 21, ence, mathematics and logical puzzles capture your im-
To-s-t-I. 22, Undo (anag.).
SOLUTIONS - CROSSWORD NO. 9149 agination and should lead to personal advancement.
Email - [email protected] The Moorabool News – 19 May, 2020 Page 21
Classified ad bookings close 12PM Friday.
Bookings on (03) 5368 1966 or by email —
[email protected]
Email must include full contact details or
advertisement cannot be placed.
get ready for winter • Seasoned • Plantation - firewood
*** • Dry • Ready to burn • Loose Loaded
SCOTT – Wallace Ralph
20.02.1937 – 15.05.2020 Casual Delivery Driver / Yard Person
Died Peacefully on his farm at Rowsley. Bacchus Marsh Sand & Soil is looking to employ a casual
An inspiring man known for his deep social and
delivery driver for an immediate start.
environmental commitments.
He will be deeply missed by family, the Bacchus Marsh Duties will include the delivery and loading of products,
Uniting Church and Rowsley communities. customer service and general yard duties.
Youngest son of Ralph and Myrtle Scott, brother to Alan, The successful applicant will have excellent customer
Lillian and Ian (all dec). service skills and HR Drivers Licence.
Treasured Uncle of Sue, Liz, Andrew, Heather, Beth, Bruce, A forklift and FE loader ticket would also be an advantage.
Jill, Chris, Bill and Janet. This position will involve working some weekends and
Grateful thanks to Djerriwarrh Community Palliative Care, applicants must to flexible with availability.
Bacchus Marsh. To apply please call 5367 6711.
in Bacchus Marsh
A Private Family Cremation.
Newborns in
A Thanksgiving Service will be held at a later date when
restrictions have eased.
APC Notice
Do you have what it takes to join our team?
Are you passionate about working with children
the district
and families?
gation to publish – Designated Resolution 5
Please visit our website at
blication of notices about the Council for details. Babies born recently at Bacchus
Each publisher must publish a notice about the Council inWe
controls and on each website it controls.
value print publication
diversity it encourage applicants
and inclusion and
from all walks of life. Cafs is an independent community
based, not for profit, child safe organisation with a
Marsh and Melton Regional Hospital.
Bacchus Marsh couple,
The content and format of the notice will be as determinedvolunteer community member board.
from time to time by the Brooke and Jae McGrath,
1114 Doveton St. Nth,
Council. The notice is to be published in a prominent position on the same page as letters have welcomed their second
to the editor or the home page of a website, or in such other position as is agreed with the child, a little boy. Bodie Leon
McGRATH arrived on
Executive Director of the Council.
EMPLOYMENT Thursday 30 May at 9.29am.
Ph: 5333 3911 Bodie is a new brother for
Billie and weighed 10lb 4oz
Full seartveicceost
[Name of publication] is bound by the Standards of Practice of the Australian Press Council. If you believe
Lost and Found
at moder
the Standards may have been breached, you may approach the newspaper itself or contact the Council by
email ([email protected]) or by phone ([02] 92611930). For further information see
A casual position is available for a Sales person
to join the team at the Moorabool News.
ASBESTOS REMOVAL Due to the COVID-19 restrictions it is a
work from home/office position,
whilst adhering to the current regulations.
The Moorabool
[Name News is bound
of publication] Removal
byisthe Standards
bound ofby Practice
the of Must be self-motivated, dedicated,
Domestic and
Australian Press Council. If
of Practice strong will to succeed.
thethe Standards
Australian may Commercial Smooth coat guinea pig- Stag X-Female.
have beenCouncil.
breached, Ifyou may
Experience preferred.
Press you Fully Licensed Found in Maddingley. Found in Korweinguboora.
Standards itself Possibility of 2-4 working days.
or may
contact the Council by
have email
been and Insured Further details on cats and dogs available for
breached, you may Call Steve Please forward your cover letter and resume to:
([email protected]) adoption can be viewed on councils ‘Moorabool Pet
or approach the
by phone ([02] 9261 1930). for a Quote [email protected] Adoption’ page on Facebook. For more information
Fornewspaper itself or
further information see Successful applicants will be contacted for an interview. contact Council Customer Service on 5366 7100.
contact the Council 0439 476 966
by email Source No. BR100609
Page 22 The Moorabool News – 19 May, 2020 Email - [email protected]
SELL YOUR ITEMS $100 & UNDER FOR FREE Email: [email protected] Phone: 5368 1966
*Ads must be emailed by Friday 12 noon. Ads by phone must be between 9.30am–12pm Tue–Thur. MAXIMUM 3 ADS PER PERSON. PRIVATE ADS
BASEBALL cleats US size 14 (M) DARLEY PS sport uniform LAMPSHADES (2) black figurine PRINTER/SCANNER Canon, STEAMER Garment with
ASICS with changeable stops, as winter trackpants, skort, size 12 with white lamp stand VGC 32” pixma mp150 colour/mono. accessories & instructions. VGC
new $95 ono – 0407 305 940 $50 - 0425 852 073 high $100 lot – 0418 321 602 Needs ink cartridge GC FREE - FREE – 0423 190 097
BATHTUB white spotless VGC as 0438 826 867
DESK on 4 wheels, 2 slide-out LAWNMOWER - Flymo Electric SUITCASE Monsac floral tapestry
new $80 – 0424 930 653 lawnmower. As new condition. PVC POLYPIPE 150mm x 2m with
shelves + 4 fixed. Fits 20 DVD or 68cmx48cm x20cm as new EC
$100 – 0422 968 539 caps and fixings; $20 - 5334 5551
BBQ 4-burner, plus side burner CDs GC $45 - 0419 161 063 $40ono - 0418 519 025
and lid, With gas bottle, Used RIDE ON MOWER, Greenfield,
DESK Retro Wooden Double MINIATURE collectibles vintage,
twice, $80 Ph 0409 524 091 No motor, Missing parts, Good TEDDY BEAR, New, ‘Ruff’, 36cm
school desk, lift up lids & bench Bear in Bed & Bear in Bath (MEG tyres, $100 Ph 0406 513 089
BIKE Exercise bike, mini, As new 1993) $10each - 0418 519 025 high, 0412 869 304
seat. GC $55 - 0419 161 063 RUG - Knee rug, New, Crocheted
$15 - 0412 869 304 MOTORBIKE BOOTS, O’Neill TOYS assorted items 2 boxes,
EXERCISE BIKE – adult, Good $10 - 0412 869 304
CARPET SWEEPER, Bissell, brand, used - selling because baby goods $20 lot ono - 0407 305
condition, $25 Ph 0403 367 871 SCHOOL DESK retro, wooden
Excellent condition, $30, 0412 869 outgrown them, Size to fit 5, 6 or 7 with 2 life up storage lids GS $45 940
304 FILING CABINET 4-drawer, grey year old $70 Ph 0418 321 987 – 0418 519 025 TRAVEL RUG, New, Blue tartan
COMPOST MAKER, used, VGC, fair condition $25 - 0439 990 896
MOTORBIKE BOOTS, FOX SKI PANTS Mens XL (Patagonia wool, $20, 0412 869 304
$45 - 5367 8933 HEATER oil, (De Longhi), upright brand, Size K2USA or EU30, fit 5 Brand) As new $25 – 0415 562 593
(on wheels), as new, $30 - 0467 891 TRUNK Cane Trunk with hinged
COUCHES (2) 3 seater couches, or 6 year old, Very good condition SLEEPING BAG baby – doubles
Navy blue, velvet $100 lot - 0460 370 - $60 Ph 0418 321 987 lid 45cm High, 80cm Long, 40cm
as cot quilt $10 - 0407 305 940
569 964 KNITTING crotchet pattern, Itty- Wide $20 - 0419 161 063
OUTDOOR CHAIRS (2), including SPEAKERS audio, Wharfedale
COT blankets and sheets $10 lot - bitty and Bergenur doll, the lot for cushions, solid plastic, GC $20 - Diamond 7.1 Bookshelf Black Ash, URN Kambrook 10 litres GC $12 -
0407 305 940 $20 Ph 0412 869 304 0408 951 676 pair, new $90 - 5334 5551 0407 305 940
Sell it Local for Less Sell with a photo - $20 per edition or $55 for 3 months. Simply email
your photo and details of item to [email protected]
Ph: 5368 1966
[email protected] Phone 5368 1966 All vehicles must supply registration numbers if registered and dealers to supply LMCT number.
Advertise your
Car / Boat /
Float / Tractor
Levin 2004 hatch auto.
3/2010, DSG automatic,
regular servicing, new
2010, Excellent car,
9 metre fibreglass over bond
wood, Volvo Penta motor,
Pop top, shower, toilet, air con., Motorcycle /
Caravan for
Mechanically VGC, tyres, rotors, brake pads, stern drive, mooring at house battery, HWS, large bed,
minor dents. transmission service. 1-owner, all electric, Werribee South, very good 4 burner stove, 2 x gas bottles,
Odometer - 265,000 kms, Excellent condition. 147,000 km condition, reluctant sale, first rangehood, microwave,
12 months. reg. (TDC 072)
$3,900 ono – 0408 508 654
118,000 km, (Rego YMI-680),
$21,500 ono – 0437 96 00 85
Rego – YMV 212
$4000 – Ph 0411 773 580
to see will buy, $30,000
Ph 0428 824 164
TV/DVD player, elec. brakes.
$26,500 Ph 0428 870 067
3 months $55
Email - [email protected] The Moorabool News – 19 May, 2020 Page 23
At Melton Toyota
At Melton Toyota,the wellbeing of our guests,people and the wider community is paramount,particularly in the evolving COVID-19 environment.
We want you to know that we remain open and are continuing to provide vehicle sales,service & parts and adopting the best-practice
measures that prioritise your health and well being.
At Melton Toyota
At Melton Toyota
Ask your accountant about an instant asset write-off [D1] MAX FINANCE TERM OF 48 MONTHS
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Delivery or Pick-up
ed nesday to Sunday
5pm to 7.30pm
$15 Delivery or Free Pick-Up
Delivering to Bacchus Marsh, Ballan, Greendale & Myrniong areas