Symbaroum - Adventure Pack 4 - GM Resource

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The document discusses an expedition to salvage artifacts from an abandoned crypt and monastery. It also details daily activities and events at the monastery over several years.

The expedition found the crypt and placed Ogdeno's casket and the remains of Olano and Letira in their proper places. Other artifacts were also left in the crypt.

Firego died of a fever later that year.


Adventure Pack 4
This document contains many
revelations regarding the adventures
in Adventure Pack 4 and is only meant
for GMs to read. If you intent to play
(and not GM) the adventures, you are
prompted to stop reading now.

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14 Verion, year 369 after the Prophet
Our new baron has been in low spirits since his father’s death. He talks more and more about
a future elsewhere, about his children deserving a different life. This may be common thinking
among the people, but we are surprised that it has affected our rulers. Truly their minds are
27 Verion, year 369 after the Prophet
Last night we could see fire in the sky. There was a terrible blaze somewhere in the western
hills. In this drought a forest fire would be unfortunate. Today we received word that Tarkomal
was on fire. Leaving immediately to help the injured. Many people are said to have perished.
5 Konelia, year 369 after the Prophet
Today the Prior returned from Tarkomal with a troubled mind. The baron refuses to let his wife
and brother rest in the crypt, burying them instead in Ogdeno’s provisional tomb. In our view
they are all resting with Prios, but nevertheless, this is a worrying departure from tradition.
26 Konelia, year 369 after the Prophet
The Prior was summoned to Tarkomal for some urgent matter, most likely regarding our chapel
2 Leandro, year 369 after the Prophet
The Baron and his family are leaving Sarli for Ambria. Our Prior’s request that he stay and
care for what remains of his people fell on deaf ears.
19 Leandro, year 369 after the Prophet
They are gone. Yldemo came from the village to report that he saw them leave.
13 Serliela, year 371 after the Prophet
Today Singalea and the novices returned from Tarkomal with what they could salvage. Our
Prior was pleased, but still not satisfied. He says that we are running out of time and must
finish the task before the snow falls. We owe it to the dead, and there may not be time after
the winter.
30 Serliela, year 371 after the Prophet
Our Prior left the monastery with Firego and Singalea. They hope to reach the Sarli crypt and
be back in two days. Ralea wanted to go with them, but was told to stay behind.
3 Morangal, year 371 after the Prophet
It has been four days, and our Prior and the others have yet to return. The snow falls outside.
4 Morangal, year 371 after the Prophet
It has been five days, and our Prior and the others have yet to return. The snow falls outside.
5 Morangal, year 371 after the Prophet
Today the expedition returned. Singalea was in good spirits, but our Prior was exhausted and
Firego seemed ill. The snow caught them by surprise and they got lost. They reached the lowland
a full day’s march further east, and had to find their way back through untrodden terrain. Still,
they accomplished everything they set out to do and the dead now rest where they ought to.
6 Morangal, year 371 after the Prophet
After an arduous journey Singalea, Firego, and I reached the crypt of House Sarli. The snow fell heavy around us
once we reached higher ground. We found the crypt sooner than expected, however, and got to work. I placed Ogdeno’s
casket in the main chamber where it belongs, along with abandoned heirlooms that befit such a lord in such a place. Olano
and Letira were laid to rest in the chamber of their own line. The other artifacts shall remain here, so they can survive
at least as long as the monastery.
In case some member of House Sarli should want to visit their ancestors’ tombs, or the Lifegiver should shine upon
us and bring life back to this land, I shall now record the way to the crypt, as there are few of us left who remember
it. Follow the River Sidra north until you pass its second tributary, the first from the left. Roughly 2500 double paces
north from there you will see the hills rise above the forest. Continue straight to the northwest, without straying into the
woods, and you will reach a point where the rocks protrude from the ground. From there the path continues northwest,
then north toward the crypt. It is run-down and poorly maintained, and has been so for decades, but we left sun-shaped
cairns to show the way.
1 Ofeliya, year 371 after the Prophet
Firego died last night. The fever got him. May he forever kneel by the Lawgiver’s side.
9 Andonia, year 372 after the Prophet
Today Elando went down to the village. He says he shall not return. Our Prior urged him to
stay, but let him go.
16 Elisal, year 373 after the Prophet
Today Ralea reported that everyone in Shoreby has decided to make the journey west. In the
evening, Yldemo came and asked all of us to join them. He will stay the night.
17 Elisal, year 373 after the Prophet
Yldemo returned to the village. None of us went with him, though some think we should.

22 Elisal, year 373 after the Prophet

Now Prior Karkoli, Balmeo, and I – Singalea – are the only ones left. The other three left us, even though Karkoli begged
them not to. He and Ralea have spoken in private for many hours these past days – in the end they mostly shouted at each
other. She walked away even though she was in tears. The others looked mostly relieved. Karkoli says that the Chronicle is
my responsibility now that Tebria is gone. I shall try to honor that responsibility.

13 Leandro, year 373 after the Prophet

This year the harvests are poorer than ever. If things have not improved by the start of Ynedar’s month, our larders will be
empty by fall. Now that I think about it, that is precisely what Yldemo said.

29 Leandro, year 373 after the Prophet

We are discussing how to proceed, but are getting nowhere. My suggestions about seeking help in the west are being ignored.
Karkoli says he does not want to leave the monastery under any circumstances, and Balmeo seems indifferent and retreats
to the scriptorium unless he is forced to stay. Perhaps I must go alone if we are to make it through the winter, but then, how
would they survive back here if I left, if ever so briefly?
The House of Rams does she live there?
The woman
Has not seen many winters, believed everything I told her
At least five inches taller than me
Dark-haired and slender, dark eyes, rueful look
Visits Taohar.s Expensive dress, Ambrian style
Belt of red and blue, Zarekian leno weave no doubt about it
Talked like the people here, but seemed to understand little of our tongue
The man QS and Black LN
Tall, like her probably lives there
Young, but older than her
Expensive clothes, Ambrian style
He knew, I could see it in his eyes, but was putting on an act for her
Talked differently
The necklace
Gold chain and charm, marked with ancient symbol
The runes on the back read “Agan-Re”
It terrifies me. Bottomless, indomitable darkness. Death. It brings
The ritual I was ordered to teach her awakens a primal power, that
much I know. And it has nothing to do with memories or love, as
I made her believe

Who will she give it to? Before the union is

consummated, she said. What did she mean?

From Master Eulia Vearra’s field journal from (reproductions of certain well-preserved specimens are
the excavations of the Cemetery of Edovar presented in Appendix 9). A hypothetical composition
Recorded by Novice Malkomo of the symbol based on the material at hand:

Third day in Serliela, year 12

Object: The structures around the
monolith, south of wall segment three
Agenda, team 1 and 2: Continued clearance of
the inner chambers, adept Kinedra in charge The central altar measures six feet long, eight feet
Agenda, team 3: Patrol, camp duty wide, and five inches tall. A crack stretches 4 feet from
Agenda, other order members: Documenting and its north end toward the middle. Both sides are marked
cataloging the central rotunda, Master Eulia in charge with late Symbarian cuneiform, in poor condition
(discernible fragments are noted in Appendix 10), except
the west section of the east side, whose symbols read:
Survey of the remaining foundation of the rotunda.
Pieces of three chiseled, curved keystones found Translation by Master Eulia: “To
by the entrance, clear signs that the dome was open be wed [or sacrificed] by Agan-Re [proper
to the sky. The north side was likely covered by noun, reproduced phonetically] and ascend
[or fly/levitate] into darkness.”
paintings, traces of ocher also noticeable. The southern
half contains a total of 94 identifiable fragments,
once artistically cut, most likely from some form Continued cataloging and preliminary inspection
of benches judging by the other remnants. Carved of the inner chambers planned for tomorrow.
symbols or emblems keep recurring in the stonework
Irena Dobaro

Goriban Ralea
Jumano Yndlas

Perala Firodon

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