Chordal Preservation Techniques
Chordal Preservation Techniques
Chordal Preservation Techniques
2005; 21: 45–52 Chordal preservation
who had chordal transection but not in those with by chordal transection could be completely reversed by
chordal preservation. Left ventricular end-diastolic reattaching the papillary muscles. This forms the basis
volume (LVED), end-systolic volume (LVESV) and for neo-chordal reconstruction at re-operation in those
stroke volume (SV) reduced significantly in both groups. patients in whom chordae have been transected
With exercise, cardiac output increased in both the previously.
groups primarily by an increase in the heart rate, but These effects were described in a simplified manner
only those patients in whom the chordae had been in a recent editorial on the issue23. The function of the
spared could increase the LV ejection fraction (EF) and chordae and papillary muscles was eloquently
stroke volume index. Also in the chordal preservation compared to a pair of gymnasts on parallel bars (Fig. 1
group, there was better long-term systolic function and & 2). As the gymnasts (chordae) move towards the
LV performance both at rest and during exercise. They parallel bars (mitral annulus), they bring the floor (LV
also demonstrated increased LV end-diastolic pressures wall) with them and in addition prevent overstretching
after chordal transection and conventional MVR of the LV cavity. When either of the chordae are
whereas these decreased after MVR with chordal transected, only one gymnast works, and the
preservation18. unsupported portion of the LV thins and dilates. When
both the anterior and posterior chordae are divided, the
gymnasts do not have the arms to pull themselves up
Effects of chordal transection
Canine experiments have been performed to assess
the effects of chordal transection on the LV mechanics.
Gams et al19demonstrated that chordal transection in a
working dog heart led to an increase in the long axis of
the LV followed by a reduction in contractility. The LV
stroke volume could then be maintained only by a
higher preload and up to 30% increase in fibre force.
Hansen20 demonstrated that transection of chordae to
the anterior mitral leaflet (AML) reduced the LV
function to a greater degree as compared to the
transection of chordae to the posterior mitral leaflet
(PML). He hypothesized that preservation of the
subvalvular apparatus improved LV systolic Fig. 1. The parallel bars are the mitral annulus. (b) The arms of the
performance by reduction of the LV afterload; He gymnasts are chordae and their bodies the papillary muscles. The
further proposed that the detrimental effect of floor is the left ventricular wall.
(Reproduced with permission from : Kumar AS. Heart strings. Ind
transection of the chordae to the AML was because of J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;20:115-16.)
regional afterload reduction. Because the AML is larger
than the PML, the development of tension in the chordae
to this leaflet should be greater at a given LV pressure.
Chordal transection also appeared to shorten the long
axis of the LV with an increase in the minor axis and
dilatation of the chamber. However when the chordae
were intact, the chamber shape remained same during
isometric contraction. In addition to this, transection of
the chordae produced dyskinetic areas at the insertion
of severed papillary muscles.
Rastelli14 after his canine experiments indicated that
preservation or excision of the chordae did not affect
the cardiac performance after replacement with Starr-
Edwards prosthesis. However, Doces and Kennedy21
have reported reduction in ejection fraction after Fig. 2. Effect of chordal resection- Note dilatation & ventricular wall
conventional MVR. thickness where chordae are resected partially or completely
(a)Partial chordal resection (b) Complete chordal resection.
Sarris and colleagues22 demonstrated that in an open- (Reproduced with permission from : Kumar AS. Heart strings. Ind
chest swine experimental model, the changes induced J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;20:115-16.)
and in an attempt to reach the bars, they have to jump is less common after mitral valve repair as compared to
higher and higher, but with each attempt they sink conventional MVR without chordal preservation which
lower, resulting in dilatation of the LV cavity and possibly explains the role of subvalvular apparatus in
thinning of its walls. When all the chordae are intact, preserving LV function2.
the gymnasts are free to do their work. In patients undergoing surgery for mitral stenosis
(MS), the LV is small and because of severe subvalvular
fusion and often fused, rigid and calcified leaflets, the
Physiologic alterations in mitral valve disease
annulus loses it sphincter-like function. Excision of this
In chronic mitral regurgitation (MR), the LV function valve with chordae does not produce the picture of
gradually declines. This can be easily demonstrated by reduced preload and increased after-load as observed
selective angiography where the LV contractility is poor after MVR for chronic MR. Nevertheless, the loss of
in successive films and also by an elevated LV filling annulo-ventricular continuity still leads to progressive
pressure. The regurgitation into the left atrium during LV dilatation with eventual decline of LV function in
systole (regurgitatnt stroke volume) is added to the the long-term9,23.
forward stroke volume and tends to increase the total
forward output and ejection fraction (EF) in the early
Techniques of chordal preservation
phase. However, progressive LV dilatation increases the
wall tension as per the Laplace law which leads to PML preservation
increased systolic wall stress and also increases the In the original technique as described by Lillehei12,
afterload. After MVR, there is a rapid increase in the the posterior leaflet was bound to the annulus with a
LV afterload and the adaptation of LV to this change running stitch. In 2 of the 23 patients, this stitch was
depends upon the annulo-ventricular continuity9,24. continued around the entire annular circumference and
Fixation of the mitral annulus with a rigid prosthesis chordae to both the AML and PML were preserved. In
interferes with the distension and contraction of the the remaining 21 patients, only the PML was preserved
basoconstrictors. Also, after MVR, the LV volume because it was thought that the AML would interfere
decreases because of elimination of the regurgitant with the ball of the caged ball valve prosthesis used for
volume. After MVR with chordal transection, the EF is MVR. Using this technique, Lillehei reported reduction
determined by contractility, preload and after-load. in operative mortality from 37% to 14% 12.
Because there is elimination of the low impedance
pathway into the left atrium, it increases the after-load Total chordal preservation
and at the same time reduces the preload. This may be With the development of low profile bi-leaflet
further worsened by some residual gradient across the mechanical valves, and refinements in surgical
prosthesis and may be responsible for the syndrome of technique, various methods of total chordal preservation
“low output” in many of these patients despite a have been described to preserve the LV systolic function
satisfactory prosthesis function. It has been and to avoid interference with the mechanical prosthesis
demonstrated that post-operative low output syndrome function by portions of the retained subvalvular
apparatus and also to prevent left ventricular outflow
tract obstruction (LVOTO).
In addition to these considerations, it is important to
adjust tension on the chordae during chordal
preservation as too much stress on the chordae can lead
to chordal rupture and entanglement with the
prosthesis. Also the method of AML preservation
should avoid the systolic anterior motion of the AML
which has the potential to produce LVOTO.
cause rupture of a papillary muscle head34. chordae if these had been transected at previous
In patients with pure MS, the papillary muscles operation. 187 patients did not have any form of chordal
should be incised. This allows the anterior and posterior preservation. The incidence of low-output syndrome
chordae to fall away and ensures free movement of the and operative mortality were less in patients in whom
discs. Further, incision of the PML in the middle allows chordae were preserved as compared to the non-chordal
a larger prosthesis to be seated30. group. Based on these results, the authors recommended
re-preservation of chordae in patients undergoing MVR
if the chordae had been transected earlier 40 . The
Results of partial or complete chordal preservation
technique of chordal reconstruction using PTFE sutures
Experiments by Hansen and associates20 have clearly was described in detail recently 41.
demonstrated that LV function was superior with an Chowdhary et al42 reported on 451 patients who
intact subvalvular apparatus, intermediate with underwent mitral valve replacement for rheumatic
preservation of either the AML or PML and poorest with disease. The entire valve was excised in 70 patients while
loss of all chordae. Horskotte et al35 showed that partial 124 had preservation of the posterior mitral apparatus
chordal preservation preserving the PML alone and 257 had partial anterior leaflet resection with
improved the event-free survival, but they did not preservation of both anterior and posterior chordae.
attempt total chordal preservation. Clinical improvement was observed in all three groups
Hennein et al36 showed that after chordal excision, of patients but echochardiographically determined
exercise capacity, LV systolic dimensions and cardiac indices of left ventricular size, shape, and function were
index did not improve and the LV function declined. In superior in patients with complete preservation of the
contrast, after preservation of the entire subvalvular mitral apparatus42. Hetzer’s study43 clearly lists the
apparatus, the exercise capacity improved markedly, major advantages of chordal preservation – (a) reduction
LV function improved and resting ejection fraction was in operative mortality (b) improvement in early and late
preserved. However there was no significant difference ventricular function (c) improvement in long-term
between posterior chordal preservation alone or the total survival and (d) elimination of risk of ventricular
chordal preservation group. rupture.
In an experimental evaluation of different chordal Despite the clear advantages of complete chordal
preservation methods during MVR, there was no preservation as detailed above, many surgeons still
statistically significant difference between the results of retain only the posterior leaflet because of greater
anterior (Khonsari)27 and posterior (Feikes)26 technique technical complexity, longer operating time, and fear
in terms of global LV systolic and diastolic function11. of potential interference with mechanical leaflet motion,
The pioneering work in this field has been reported need to undersize the mitral prosthesis and the
from David’s centre. The late results of a randomized possibility of LVOTO. However, with application of the
trial comparing chordal preservation with no chordal correct surgical technique tailored to suit the individual
preservation indicated that even 7 years after operation, patient, preservation of the entire subvalvular structures
patients with chordal preservation had better LV is feasible in all patients with an adequate sized
function than those without it37. In a recent randomized prosthesis43.
trial from the same centre38, comparing partial versus Although these techniques can be easily learnt and
complete chordal sparing MVR, it was clearly reproduced, it is probably still not adopted by some as
demonstrated that complete retention of the subvalvular it involves a change in behaviour which has always been
apparatus confers a significant early advantage by met with by skepticsm and increased resistance from
reducing the chamber size and systolic after-load as critics44.
compared with partial chordal preservation. Also the
LV ejection fraction improved with time in the complete
Effects of chordal preservation on right ventricular
preservation group because of favourable LV
(RV) function
remodeling. David went on to study 241 patients
undergoing redo-MVR 1-22 years after initial MVR39. Improvement of LV function is automatically
54 of these had intact chordae after re-operation. The expected to lead to an improvement in the RV function.
chordae and papillary muscles which had been However, a study from Sweden 45 has shown a
preserved in some patients as early as 22 years prior to statistically significant improvement in right ventricular
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