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Artery -

an invaginated sac consisting of

1. Fibrous pericardium
Vein - tough covering
- provide protection and anchors the heart into mediastinum.
2. Serous pericardium
a. Parietal pericardium
- outer layer of the serous membrane lines the fibrous coat.
Yung color blue
b. Visceral pericardium known as epicardium
– inner layer of the serous membrane

1. Heart
– a muscular pump consisting two receiving chamber (atria)
two pumping chambers (ventricles)
2. Two closed circuits of blood vessels:
a. pulmonary circuit WALLS OF THE HEART
b. systemic circuit

Blood vessels
1. Arteries
3. Veins

- is a four-chambered, hollow, muscular organ lying between
the lungs in the middle mediastinum.
- it is about the size of a man’s fist, and in the normal male
weighs approximately 250-300gm/ 200-275gm.
- the heart is shaped like an inverted cone, with its apex
pointed downward and to the left base upwards and to the
- its apex anteriorly and inferiorly to the left at 5th ICS,MCL
- the wall of the heart Septa
consists of three distinct - are structures separating the chambers
layers: 1. Interatrial septum- separates the right and left
1. epicardium atrium
– external layer, the 2. Interventricular septum- separates the right and
visceral layer of the the left ventricles
serous pericardium
– middle muscular layer A. RIGHT ATRIUM (right border of the heart)
3. endocardium - receives the venous blood from the superior vena
– inner layer of the cava, inferior vena cava, anterior cardiac veins, vena
endothelium cordis minimae and the coronary sinus what is coronary
- larger than left atrium
- with a right auricle (panlabas na surface) on the external
Mga nasa auricle
 musculi pectinati
 crista terminalis
 Fossa ovalis
 Tricuspid opening
 Opening of Superior vena cava and inferior vena

Chambers of the Heart

1. Atria (2)
Right and left
2. Ventricle (2)
Right and left
Valves of the Heart
1. Atrioventricular valves are between atrium and ventricles
a. Tricuspid valve
b. Mitral/Bicuspid valve
2. Semilunar valves
a. Aortic valve cava
b. Pulmonic valve
[image reference for chamber and valves of heart] B. RIGHT VENTRICLE
(forming most of the anterior surface of the heart)
- chamber of the heart receiving venous blood from right
atrium and ejecting this to the pulmonary arteries
- thinner walled than left ventricle
- the infundibulum is the upper most part of the wall which
has no muscular bundles, leads into pulmonary arteries.
- the lower portion and the rest of the wall of the right
ventricle are rough– trabeculae carnae, papillary muscles
Trabeculae carnae
- irregular muscular ridges probably to hold more blood.
- when the ventricles contract they arrange themselves to
form a smooth surface and effect a ventricular evacuation.
Papillary muscles
-conical in shape with the base attached to the ventricular
wall and the apices receiving the end of chordae tendinae
chordae tendinae
-thread-like structures connected to the apices of the
papillary muscles and to the cusps of ventricular valves.

Moderator band (septomarginal band) NERVE SUPPLY OF THE HEART

-a muscular band attached to septal wall and to the anterior - derived from both the parasympathetic (vagus)
nerve which is inhibitory to the heart and the sympathetic
which is excitatory to the heart.
1. Sinu-atrial node (Pacemaker of the heart)
-located at the posterior wall in the groove between the
superior vena cava and the right atrium
2. Atrio-ventricular node
-located at the lower part of the interatrial septum
3. Bundle of His
-a pale bundle about the size of a match stick located at
the interventricular septum
- divides into a right and left bundle branch

margin of right ventricle

-prevents overdistention of the right ventricle
-only present in the right ventricle.
C. LEFT ATRIUM (base of the heart) *reference image is at the top*
-quadrilateral in shape and its interior shows the openings of
the four pulmonary veins from the lungs.
-interior of the chamber is smooth except in its auricular
portion where the musculi pectinati are found.
-blood leaves the left atrium and enters the left ventricle via
the left atrioventricular orifice or mitral orifice.
D.LEFT VENTRICLE (where apex of heart is found) *reference
image is at the top*
- cavity is longer and narrower than the right and the walls 4. Subendocardial network of Purkinje /Purkinje fibers
are 3x thicker than right ventricle - lies beneath the endocardium distributed
- the lower anterior part forms the apex of the heart which is throughout the heart.
at the level of the 5th left intercostal space midclavicular line Heart Sounds
- the inner surface of the walls also present muscular columns S1- first heart sound closure of the AV valves
S2- closure of the semilunar valves
BLOOD SUPPLY OF THE HEART S3- ventricular gallop
- Coronary arteries S4- atrial gallop

P wave- represent atrial depolarization which spread from

the SA node through the contractile fibers in both atria
- Small upward deflection
QRS complex- represents rapid ventricular depolarization
- As action potential spreads through ventricular
contractile fibers
T wave – represents ventricular repolarization occurs just as
the ventricles
are starting to


- This coronary sinus is the main venous drainage of
the heart.
- Dome-shaped upward deflection

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