How Does Rainbow Happen
How Does Rainbow Happen
How Does Rainbow Happen
Rainbow often appears after the rain stops. Rainbow consists of a big bow
spectrum and happens from water droplets which reflacted paralel because of the
light of the sun. When the sun is shining and the light passing through water
droplets, we can see a reflaction because of a wide variety of colors. The light
passes and reflact like a light passing through a prism mirror.
Rainbow happen to begin when the sunlight passing through the raindrops.
The light is deflected to the center of the droplets. The white light is separated
from each other into a spectrum of colors. The colors that have been separated,
then separate again into very small portions. There is more light separated from
each other in the droplets. Finally those colors form a light curve called rainbow.
- Rainbow
Pelangi sering terlihat setelah hujan berhenti. Pelangi terdiri dari busur
spektrum yang besar dan terbentuk dari butir-butir air yang dibiaskan
secara paralel oleh sinar matahari. Ketika matahari bersinar dan cahaya
melewati butir-butir air, kita bisa melihat pembiasan karena banyaknya
warna. Cahaya melewati dan membiaskan seperti cahaya yang melewati
prisma kaca.