Star Enigma

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using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace _04._Star_Enigma
class Star_Enigma
static void Main(string[] args)
byte noOfLines = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
List<Planet> planets = new List<Planet>();
string splitter = @"@(?<planet>[A-Za-z]+)([^@\-!:>]*):(?<population>[0-
for (int i = 0; i < noOfLines; i++)

string encryptedMessage = Console.ReadLine();

int key = CountCryptoKey(encryptedMessage);
string decryptedMessage = DecryptMessage(encryptedMessage, key);

if (isSucess(decryptedMessage, splitter) != false) // not Fill if

planets.Add(FillPlanetInfo(decryptedMessage, splitter));

private static bool isSucess(string decryptedMessage, string splitter)

return Regex.IsMatch(decryptedMessage, splitter);

private static void Print(List<Planet> planets)

var attackedPlanetsCount = planets.Where(w => w.AttackType ==
Console.WriteLine($"Attacked planets: {attackedPlanetsCount}");
foreach (var item in planets.OrderBy(o => o.PlanetName).Where(w =>
w.AttackType == "A"))
Console.WriteLine($"-> {item.PlanetName}");

var destroyedPlanetsCount = planets.Where(w => w.AttackType ==

Console.WriteLine($"Destroyed planets: {destroyedPlanetsCount}");
foreach (var item in planets.OrderBy(o => o.PlanetName).Where(w =>
w.AttackType == "D"))
Console.WriteLine($"-> {item.PlanetName}");

private static Planet FillPlanetInfo(string sb, string split)


var splittedMessage = Regex.Match(sb, split);

string pl = splittedMessage.Groups["planet"].Value;
int pp = int.Parse(splittedMessage.Groups["population"].Value);
string atype = splittedMessage.Groups["attacType"].Value;
int sc = int.Parse(splittedMessage.Groups["solderCount"].Value);
return new Planet(pl, pp, atype, sc);

private static string DecryptMessage(string line, int key)

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

foreach (var ch in line)

sb.Append((char)(ch - key)); //decrypt with special key which is
number of regex matches
return sb.ToString();
static int CountCryptoKey(string message)
string pattern = @"[STARstar]";

MatchCollection lettersKey = Regex.Matches(message, pattern);

return lettersKey.Count();
class Planet
public Planet(string planetname, int planetpopulation, string attacktype,
int soldercount)
PlanetName = planetname;
PlanetPopulation = planetpopulation;
AttackType = attacktype;
SolderCount = soldercount;
public string PlanetName { get; set; }
public int PlanetPopulation { get; set; }
public string AttackType { get; set; }
public int SolderCount { get; set; }


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