Gheibi Et Al. 2020 - RMRE PDF
Gheibi Et Al. 2020 - RMRE PDF
Gheibi Et Al. 2020 - RMRE PDF
New developments of an in-house hybrid code, named Modified Discrete Element Method (MDEM) are presented in the
paper. The new developments are on the treatment of pre-existing and propagating fractures in quasi-brittle materials. These
developments are the embedment of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and elastic-softening crack band model
-based methodologies in the MDEM and their application in lab and reservoir scale. Using the first methodology, MDEM
can calculate stress intensity factors, K I and K II using the internal contact forces of particles. K I and K II are calculated inde-
pendent of boundary conditions and geometrical configuration with acceptable accuracy level. The methodology has been
also used in reservoir scale to study the rupture likelihood of faults and fractures due to fluid injection. This methodology
enables the code to model mode I and mode II failures and propagation direction based on the fracturing model proposed by
Rao et al. (Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 40(3): 355–375, 2003). Using the second methodology, the MDEM can model nonlinear
behavior of quasi-brittle materials including or excluding preexisting cracks based on fracture energy. A model was verified
against an experiment of a three point bend test with a notch. The numerically obtained force-crack mouth opening curve
was reasonably comparable to the experimental test. The analysis was repeated for three other mesh sizes and the results are
less mesh size dependent. Finally, it was shown that MDEM has the potential in studying fracture mechanics of quasi-brittle
materials both in lab and large-scale investigations.
Keywords Hybrid FEM/DEM · Stress intensity factor · Strain softening · Linear elastic fracture mechanics · Quasi-brittle
List of Symbols H Softening modulus
a Half a crack size H e Equivalent softening modulus
aij Contribution of the deformation of jth contact K 𝛼 Stress intensity factor being 𝛼 = I, II in mode i
on the force of ith contact and ii, respectively
A Area of a cluster/element K 𝛼e Equivalent stress intensity factor in mode i and
𝐂 Elasticity matrix ii being 𝛼 = I, II , respectively
dt Time-step K Material toughness in mode i and ii being
S. Gheibi, R. M. Holt
𝜀𝛼 Elastic and plastic strain being 𝛼 = e, p , calculate the toughness in rock cutting. Moon et al. (2007)
respectively developed a general approach to measure fracture toughness
𝜃 Direction of an arbitrary plane at the crack tip under random packing of non-uniform size particles. They
𝜃 𝛼C Direction of minimum tensile and maximum used the energy balance approach which is based on the
shear stress being 𝛼 = I, II , respectively equilibrium state between strain, friction, and kinetic energy
𝜆 Ratio of maximum to minimum stress as the internal and the total accumulated work done by the
𝛬 Plastic multiplier loaded boundaries as the external energies. Their second
𝜇 Friction coefficient method was collocation method which is determining the
𝜈 Poisson’s ratio coefficients in a series of stress solution based on the com-
𝛔 Stress plex stress function presented by Westergaard (1939) and
𝛷max Maximum dimensionless stress intensity factor expanded by Sanford and Berger (1990). In this method, the
result is sensitive to the number of data points. Although,
PFC is widely used in modeling of rock failure and fracture
SIF Stress intensity factor
propagation, like any other method or code, it has particu-
LEFM Linear elastic fracture mechanics
lar drawbacks such as low unconfined compressive to indi-
DEM Discrete element method
rect tensile strength ratio, effect of the inherent roughness
MDEM Modified discrete element method
of interfaces forming discontinuities on frictional behav-
CMOD Crack mouth opening displacement
ior. Lisjak and Grasselli (2014) have discussed the major
drawbacks and reviewed the recent studies improving them.
Among them are the paper by Potyondy and Cundall (2004)
1 Introduction where they used cluster of particle together to obtain a more
realistic macroscopic friction values. Cho et al. (2007)
Failure of quasi-brittle materials such as rocks is associ- showed that clumped-particle geometry lead to a more cor-
ated with the localization of strain into a finite band forming rect compressive to tensile strength ratio. Potyondy (2012)
macroscopic fracture. Accumulation of these microcracks has alternatively, formulated the flat-joint model to capture
due to their initiation, growth and coalescence imposes a the effect of clumped-particles.
nonlinear/softening behavior in the stress–strain curve of Hybrid continuum-discontinuum method has recently
rocks. In the recent decades, several researchers have devel- gained attention among the researchers. Hybrid methods,
oped numerical method (codes) to capture the complicated generally consider the domain as a continuum and as soon as
process of fracturing. Jing and Hudson (2002) have classi- the cracks are about to form, the domain becomes discontin-
fied the most commonly applied numerical methods in Rock uum in the corresponding region. ELFEN (Rockfield Soft-
Mechanics in three categories of (1) Continuum method ware Ltd. 2004) is an example of a hybrid code that is based
including the Finite Difference Method (FDM), the Finite on finite element formulation. The transition from elastic
Element Method (FEM) and the Boundary Element Method continuum to discontinuum is controlled by dissipation of
(BEM), (2) Discrete Element Methods (DEM), (3) Hybrid a definite amount of strain energy during strain localization
continuum/discrete methods. into a crack band. For details about ELFEN the readers are
The DEM was introduced by Cundall (1971) for the referred to Klerck (2000) and Profit et al. (2015). Another
analysis of rock-mechanics problems and then applied to known hybrid method is the combined finite-discrete ele-
soils by Cundall and Strack (1979). Particle Flow Code, ment method developed by Munjiza (2004) and extended by
PFC (Itasca Consulting Group Inc. 2012) as a DEM based Mahabadi et al. (2012) named Y-Geo by improving the limi-
code discretizes the domain by a number of discs in 2D and tation of Munjiza’s FDEM such as including a quasi-static
spheres in 3D which are in contact two by two transferring friction law, Mohr–Coulomb and rock joints shear failure
normal and shear forces in contact bond and also resisting criterion etc. Guo et al. (2016) have also developed a three
rolling induced by moment in parallel bond version (Poty- dimensional version of the Munjiza’s FDEM that has the
ondy and Cundall 2004). Fractures are formed by breakage ability to capture transition from continuum to discontinuum
of the bonds and their coalescence with other broken bonds. and the explicit interaction of discrete fractures. Lisjak and
Classical PFC does not use fracture mechanics theories Grasselli (2014) have given a comprehensive review on
directly, but Potyondy and Cundall (2004) showed that the some of DEM and hybrid codes.
fracture toughness can be related to the properties of paral- Hori et al. (2005) and Alassi (2008) have separately
lel bond model if a definite size of particles (a characteristic developed methodologies by which the microscopic param-
length) are chosen with two non-dimensional constants α eters Kn (contact normal stiffness) and Ks (contact shear stiff-
and β. Marina
√ et al. (2015) obtained a cubic relationship ness) are calculated using macroscopic Young’s modulus
between 𝛽 𝛼 and K I . Huang et al. (2013) also used PFC to and Poisson’s ratio. The main objective in their works was
Fracture Assessment of Quasi‑brittle Rock Simulated by Modified Discrete Element Method
removing the difficult process to calibrate the PFC model to 2 Modified Discrete Element Method
find the desired condition to capture the effect of Poisson’s
ratio. The improper arrangement of particles does not pro- The Modified Discrete Element Method (MDEM) was pro-
duce a lateral deformation due to the axial loading in DEM posed by Alassi (2008) to model fracture developments and
(Hori et al. 2005). However, the lateral deformation caused fault reactivation during fluid withdrawal and injection at
by an axial deformation both globally and locally determines reservoir scale. MDEM is a hybrid code that behaves like a
the stress changes in large scale applications especially in continuum model (e.g., finite element method) before failure
oil–gas depletion or fluid injection such as C O2 storage and and like a discontinuum model (e.g., discrete element method)
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) (Fjaer et al. 2008). There- after failure.
fore, there is no need for the calibration procedure required Figure 1 shows a triangular element formed by connecting
in PFC. Hori et al. (2005) called their method/code FEM-β the centers of three discs which are in contact two by two. The
which was developed in the framework of FEM. In contrast, triangle element is also called a cluster.
Alassi (2008) developed his methodology in the framework The
{ constitutive
}T relationship of the normal forces,
of DEM and called it Modified Discrete Element Method 𝐟𝐧 = {fn1 fn2 fn3 }, and the normal relative displacements,
(MDEM). MDEM has been successfully applied in reser- T
𝐮𝐧 = un1 un2 un3 , of the three contacts of a cluster
voir geomechanics and hydraulic fracturing recently (Lavrov (Fig. 1) is given as Alassi (2008)
et al. 2016; Gheibi et al. 2016, 2017). Like the FEM, MDEM
suffers from mesh/particle size dependency in modeling
̄ 𝐧,
𝐟𝐧 = 𝐊𝐮 (1)
crack propagation. In the local FEM approach, mesh size
⎛ kn1 a12 a13 ⎞
dependency is treated by correcting the softening modulus where, 𝐊 ̄ = ⎜ a21 kn2 a23 ⎟.
for the element size by enforcing a mesh size independ- ⎜ ⎟
⎝ a31 a32 kn3 ⎠
ent fracture energy (Bazant and Planas 1997). However, in
It is assumed that a contact can only develop normal forces,
others, a material length scale is incorporated in the for-
therefore, the shear stiffness of contact are set to zero. Instead,
mulation of finite elements. In the nonlocal damage model
aij are introduced to the matrix of stiffness in Eq. (1). aij rep-
formulation, the stress at a point not only depends on the
resents the contribution of the deformation of jth contact on
strain at that point, but also on the strain at a neighborhood
the force of ith contact.
of that point (e.g. Bažant and Pijaudier-Cabot 1988; Guy
Stress state is related to the internal forces of the contacts.
et al. 2012). The gradient-enhanced approach incorporates
Using Gauss theorem, stresses are retrieved from the internal
the dependency on the second gradient of an invariant of
forces as following (Alassi 2008)
the plastic strain (e.g. De Borst and Mühlhaus 1992). In
the micropolar elastoplaticity, the Cosserat’s continuum 1 𝐓
𝛔= 𝐌 𝐟𝐧 , (2)
is adopted (e.g. Steinmann and Willam 1991). Consider- A
ing rate-dependency of the yield surface is also another { }T
where, 𝛔 = 𝜎xx 𝜎yy 𝜎xy , A is the area of the cluster (tri-
approach to overcome the instability in strain localization
angle), the internal forces 𝐟𝐧 and 𝐌 is the unit normal vector
(Wang et al. 1997). Alternatively, a finite width of a localiza-
matrix defined as Alassi (2008)
tion band is reduced to zero width (or an interface) known
as a strong discontinuity. Assumed enhanced strain (Simo ⎛ I11
2 2
d1 I12 d1 I11 I12 d1 ⎞
and Rifai 1990) and the extended finite element (Moës et al. ⎜ 2 2
𝐌 = I21 d2 I22 d2 I21 I22 d2 ⎟, (3)
1999) methods are classified among the approaches used ⎜ 2 2 ⎟
⎝ I31 d3 I32 d3 I31 I32 d3 ⎠
assuming a strong discontinuity which uses classical plastic-
( ) ( )
ity theory without introducing a length scale. where Ie1 = cos 𝜃e Ie2 = sin 𝜃e and the angle 𝜃e represents
In this paper, we will discuss the new developments in the normal vector orientation of contact e inside the cluster,
MDEM by presenting two different methodologies that de is the contact length (the distance between the centers of
are based on Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) the two particles that are in contact), and e = 1, 2, 3 is the
and Elastic-Softening Fracture Mechanics to deal with the ID of contacts.
fracture problem. The application of MDEM in the lab and Strain of a cluster is calculated using (Alassi 2008)
large scale will be shown by modeling several examples.
The general formulation of MDEM will be given in Sect. 2. Fig. 1 Representation of
In Sect. 3, the application of MDEM in LEFM will be dis- MDEM element (Alassi 2008)
cussed by solving several examples. Section 4 covers the
application of MDEM in elastic softening fracture mechan-
ics of quasi-brittle materials. Finally, the conclusions will be
given in the last section.
S. Gheibi, R. M. Holt
Fracture Assessment of Quasi‑brittle Rock Simulated by Modified Discrete Element Method
goal of this paper. However, Alassi and Holt (2011) modeled K ∗II = 𝜋∕ 2xc Fx,i . (14)
softening behavior under compression with MDEM.
The main difference between MDEM and the regular K I and K II are calculated by extrapolating to xc = 0 of
discrete element method is that the material behaves like the linear approximations of K ∗I and K ∗II as a function of
a continuum before failure, where the conventional elastic xc plots, respectively. The deviation from the analytical
properties are given as input values (Eq. (6)). The mate- K I and K II values is about 1%. The method provides an
rial behaves like a regular discrete element method after the acceptable accuracy for reasonably coarser mesh.
deformation of an element reaches 𝜀fc .
2.1 Calculation of KI and KII in MDEM 2.2 Mixed Mode I–II Cracks and Brittle Fracture
For an arbitrarily oriented crack in an isotropic body under
a mixed-mode I–II loadings in plane stress or plane strain Erdogan and Sih (1963) proposed the composite criterion
conditions. The stresses near the crack tip are of minimum circumferential tensile stress (minimum ten-
�√ sile–stress criterion). This criterion holds that a mixed
𝜎yy = K I 2𝜋x (9) mode I–II crack propagates along the corresponding direc-
tion of minimum tensile stress satisfying the following
�√ (modified after Wu et al. 2016)
𝜏xy = K II 2𝜋x. (10)
𝜕𝜎𝜃𝜃 𝜕 2 𝜎𝜃𝜃
= 0, >0 (15)
The total forces over the xc − sized ligament (Fig. 3) can 𝜕𝜃 𝜕𝜃 2
be expressed as de Morais (2007)
xc 1− 1 + 8w2 K II
√ 𝜃 IC
= 2 tan −1
, w= I, (16)
Fy = 𝜎yy dx = K I 2xc ∕ 𝜋 (11) 4w K
0 where 𝜃 IC is the corresponding direction of minimum tensile
√ The corresponding SIF of minimum tensile stress or
Fx = 𝜏xy dx = K II 2xc ∕ 𝜋. (12) equivalent mode I intensity factor is given by (modified
0 after Wu et al. 2016)
|K | ≥ K IC ,
| Ie |
| | (18)
S. Gheibi, R. M. Holt
( )
(g )√ ( p ) bottom was fixed in y direction. The difference between the
−1 𝜋 w
𝜃𝛼IIC = 2 tan 2 cos + (𝛼 − 2) − + , 𝛼 = 1, 2, 3, exact solution and the numerical one is about 1%.
3 3 3 3
It is also possible to calculate K I and K II for biaxial stress
boundary condition in any ratio of the applied stress, no
where, p= − ,
− 13 (w)2 q=7
− ,
(w)3 2
w matter if they are compression–compression, tensile–tensile
⎛ ⎞
and tensile-compression. When the crack surface is closed
g = cos−1 ⎜− 21 � �q �3 ⎟ and 𝛼 is the index of the three roots
⎜ ⎟ (under compression) the corresponding K II is corrected by
⎝ − p3 ⎠
imposing the effect of the friction coefficient. Based on the
and only one of them maximizes the shear stress. fracture criterion proposed by Rao et al. (2003), K Ie and K IIe
Therefore, the corresponding SIF of maximum shear are calculated using Eqs. (17 and 21). Figure 5 shows K Ie ,
stress or equivalent mode II intensity factor is given by | IIe / Ie |
K and the corresponding |K
K | for a central crack with
(modified after Wu et al. 2016) | |
𝛽 inclination under two uniaxial and compressive–compres-
1 𝜃 IIC [ I ( )] sive stresses with 𝜆 = 0, 0.3 and friction coefficient
K IIe = cos K sin 𝜃 IIC + K II 3 cos 𝜃 IIC − 1 . (21)
2 2 𝜇 = 0, 0.6 . Figure 5 shows that mode I is more likely to
occur for a central crack than mode II, because either
The failure criterion for shear is given by Rao et al. (2003) | IIe / Ie | /
|K K | is lower than K IIC K IC for rocks (Al-Shayea and
| |
K | ≥ K IIC K IC
{ | IIe / Ie | /
|K Khan 2000; Rao et al. 2003; Backers and Stephansson 2012)
| |
, (22) or K IIe is very low.
Fig. 4 Comparison of analytical and numerical a K I and b K II as a function of the central crack inclination 𝛽
Fracture Assessment of Quasi‑brittle Rock Simulated by Modified Discrete Element Method
| / |
Fig. 5 a K Ie and K IIe and b |K IIe K Ie | for a central crack under uniaxial (λ = 0) and biaxial compression (λ = 0.3) with friction coefficient μ = 0,0.6
| |
3.3 Reservoir Scale Application ratio of the models is 0.25. The elastic constants are the same
for the reservoir and the surrounding rock with E = 15 GPa
Figure 7 shows a schematic description of the reservoir and 𝜈 = 0.2 . The studied fault with length of 100 m and
model used to study of the stress intensity factor change after inclination of 60° were placed at (0, 0). The mechanical
injection of a fluid such as C O2. The reservoir is assumed boundary condition at the boundaries of the models is a
to be closed and the pore pressure is increased inside it to constant stress equal to the far-field stress. The maximum
mimic the fluid injection. It was assumed that the pore pres- principal stress is considered to be in the vertical direction
sure remains constant in the surrounding rock as well as in called normal faulting or extensional stress regime. The ratio
the caprock. The reservoir thickness is 200 m and the aspect of horizontal stress to vertical stress was assumed to be 0.4.
Fig. 6 a Schematic of two collinear cracks, and b several solutions for K I(after Guo et al. 2013)
S. Gheibi, R. M. Holt
Fracture Assessment of Quasi‑brittle Rock Simulated by Modified Discrete Element Method
Fig. 9 Variation of a K Ie and b K IIe vs pore pressure increase and rupture criteria (Eqs. 17 and 22)
S. Gheibi, R. M. Holt
Fig. 11 Load-CMOD curve of
experimental and numerical
models with several mesh sizes
Fracture Assessment of Quasi‑brittle Rock Simulated by Modified Discrete Element Method
50% of the maximum force after peak (Fakhimi et al. 2017). factors, K I and K II using the contact forces of particles. It is
Figure 12 shows the Force-CMOD curve of the experiment able to be used in complex boundary condition and geomet-
and the simulation with a relatively reasonable match with rical configuration such as curved and interacting multiple
the two. Fakhimi et al. (2017) inspected the unloaded beam cracks with acceptable accuracy. The methodology has been
and a crack of about 25 mm in length above the notch was also used in reservoir scale to study the rupture likelihood of
observed with an unaided eye. Interestingly, the propagated faults and fractures. This methodology enables the code to
crack (cohesionless term was used by Fakhimi et al. 2017) model mode I and mode II failures based on the fracturing
was 22 mm in the model. The Force–deflection curve could model proposed by Rao et al. (2003).
not be verified because Fakhimi et al. (2017) did not meas- Another development was embedding elastic-softening
ure the deflection (personal communication). Three other crack band model into MDEM. The code is able to model
similar models with the element sizes of 1.5 mm, 3 mm, the nonlinear behavior of quasi-brittle materials including
and 6 mm were built to investigate the effect of mesh size and excluding preexisting cracks. A Brazilian (without a
sensitivity. Figure 12 shows that the Force-CMOD curve notch) test was modeled by the second methodology and
was reproduced with an acceptable accuracy for different effect of softening modulus was studied on obtaining the
values of mesh size. Figure 13 shows the discretization of models mode I toughness. Also, an experiment of a three
the model with 1 mm and 6 mm element sizes overlapping points bend test with a notch was modeled in the paper. The
one another. It should be noted the mesh dependency of numerically obtained force-crack mouth opening displace-
strain localization is not restricted to only the size of the ele- ment was reasonably comparable the experimental test. The
ments (Guy et al. 2012), but its geometry and its relation to model was repeated for three different meshes 1.5, 3 and
the fracture path. In this example, the geometry and loading 6 time larger than the initial mesh and the results are less
condition is such that the fracture formed is in the vertical mesh size sensitive. Finally, it was shown that MDEM has
direction, therefore, the size of the spatial discretization play the capability in studying fracture mechanics of quasi-brittle
a more important role compared to its orientation. Jirásek materials both in the lab size and large-scale investigations.
and Bauer (2012) showed that the effective width of a crack
band depends on the shape of the element and its orientation Acknowledgements Open Access funding provided by NTNU Nor-
with respect to the overall direction of the band. wegian University of Science and Technology (incl St. Olavs Hospital
- Trondheim University Hospital). This publication has been produced
with partial support from the BIGCCS Centre, performed under the
Norwegian research program Centres for Environment-friendly Energy
5 Conclusion Research (FME). The authors acknowledge the following partners for
their contributions: Gassco, Shell, Statoil, TOTAL, ENGIE, and the
Research Council of Norway (193816/S60). Authors are also grateful
Modified Discrete Element Method (MDEM) and its new to SINTEF Petroleum Research providing the MDEM code. S.G is
developments in fracture problem were presented in the thankful of Hadi Zadeh Haghighi and Hamed Homaei Rad.
paper. A Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) based
methodology was adopted to calculate stress intensity Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
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