C4CV - Coursera Admin Guide
C4CV - Coursera Admin Guide
C4CV - Coursera Admin Guide
Authored by Coursera
C4CV Version 1.0 - April 21st 2020
Coursera © Copyright 2020.
All rights reserved.
Welcome to Coursera!
Congratulations on starting your Coursera learning program! This guide was
written to help you navigate the Coursera administrator platform and start
managing your Coursera learning program(s).
What is Coursera?
Coursera is the world's premier learning platform (or MOOC - Massive Open
Online Courses). It brings online educational content from the best universities
and industries delivered in an easy-to-use online platform. We at Coursera
envision a world where anyone, anywhere can transform their life by accessing
the world’s best learning experience.
This document was written to help you navigate your way around the Coursera admin portal & invite
learners to you Coursera learning programs.After reading this document, you’ll know how
add/remove learners from your programs, extract learner data from programs, and send
customized email communications to learners.
You can also get additional support through the following channels:
★ Administrator Help Center:
★ Learner Help Center: https://learner.coursera.help/hc
★ Coronavirus Response Initiative FAQs:
★ Coursera Enterprise Support: https://business.coursera.help/hc/en-us/requests/new
Download the
Coursera mobile
app to learn on
the go!
Coursera supports the most recent versions and one previous version of the following browsers on
● Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer: 11.0
If you're using an older browser, updating your browser can help resolve issues using the admin tools. To
use Coursera on a mobile device, please download the Coursera mobile application.
● www.coursera.org/o/c4c-[your-org-name]/admin
On the top of the admin home page is the summary tab that shows high level metrics in order to help
you assess the overall program health with a single glance.
This includes the following metrics. The date range starts from the start of your Coursera subscription.
● Enrollments: Total number of times learners have enrolled in a course
● Learning hours: Total number of hours learners have spent progressing through courses
● Lessons taken: A lesson is a cohesive unit of content within a course including several items
Usage Overview section below the summary tab provides admins with "learner funnel" data in order
to pinpoint how to optimize the performance of the program.
This is a visual overview to identify where the “leaky bucket” is in the learner funnel whether that be
invitations sent, learners who have joined, or learners who have enrolled
Below each stage, there are quick action buttons that allow the admin take the corrective measures
needed for each stage (i.e. resend invites or remind those joined to enroll in courses)
*The summary data will update daily while the usage overview data will update every two hours.
Admin Home Page
Below Summary and Overview sections is your list of programs. You can invite your employees to
these programs.
Click on the title of the program you want to administer. This will redirect you to the program admin
main page.
Program - Main Page
Main page is where you can manage your members, curriculum, and branding for a program.
PREVIEW PROGRAM redirects you to a page that shows you what your learners will see when
they join the program.
MAIN: View program level metrics and preview the program from the learner experience
MEMBERS: View the members of the program, see learner enrollments/completions, and email
members of the program
INVITATIONS: Invite or remove members from the program and customize your program invite
CURRICULUM: View your curriculum for the program, modify it by adding or removing Courses,
and access course gradebooks
SETTINGS: Change program name, change the banner, and reorder the curriculum
Program - Members Page
Members page shows you information on members in your learning program. These
learners have accepted the invitation to join your learning program.
Check-box selects the member(s) you wish to email or remove from your program.
The envelope icon will open your email manager to draft an email. The trash bin
icon will remove the user(s) from your program.
This envelope icon will trigger an email report of members that fall into one of the
following categories.
Inactive = Member hasn't been active in a course in this program for at least 30
At Risk = This member has missed a deadline or failed an assessment in at least
one of the program courses.
This allows you to filter your members based on their contract membership
Program - Invitations Page
Invitations page is where you can invite and add members to your learning program.
After someone accepts your invitation and becomes a member of your program…
✓ They will count toward the number of licenses available in your plan
✓ They will have access to the courses and specializations you chose for your program
✓ Admins will be able to see their course progress and completion data
✓ Any coursework they do will be connected to the account they use to access your program, and
cannot be transferred to a different account
Once you invite people to your program, they will need a Coursera account to access your program. If
you send Coursera system-generated program invitations, learners can link their program access to an
existing Coursera account.
If you are inviting more than one person, we recommend that you use the Import Members option.
When you select this option a new dialogue window will open.
Program - Settings Page
Settings page is where you can control branding for your program. You can also put an
enrollment cap per learner by setting a value in the COURSE ENROLLMENT LIMIT box.
The program URL you share with your learners if you choose not to send them an invite using
Coursera’s email invitation feature.
You can also delete your program by clicking Remove Program. Proceed with caution - Once you
remove your program this action can’t be undone.
Users Page - Member Management
Inviting a Member
In the Users page, you can invite learners either in bulk or one at a time :
Send bulk invitations : To send bulk invitations from the Users page:
● Click the +Invite Learners dropdown
● Click Send Bulk Invitations
● Choose the program and contract you want to invite learners to. You can only select one
program and contract at a time.
Inviting a Member
● Choose the program and contract you want to invite the learner to. You can only select one
program and contract at a time.
● Review the invitation preview for errors. During this stage you will want to review the below for
○ Learner details
○ Program
○ Contract
● Check the box for Send invitation to new learner if you want invitation email to be sent.
Uncheck this box if you do not want an email to be sent.
● Click Send invitation if the box to send invitations to new learner is checked or Create
invitation if the box is unchecked.
● Confirmation messages will appear once complete. Exit out of these messages.
Learner Communications
Selecting “Create a message” button will direct you to a new page that will guide you through the
message creation process.Here you will see three sections:
To apply filters, select Filters where you will see the option to
select/deselect any combination of:
● Current enrollments
● Learning programs
● Contracts
● Message Subject
● Message Content
● Add a call to action button
● Edit the sender’s name (optional): By default, the
sender’s name will be the name of the creator of the
● Include a reply-to email address (optional): If left
On, recipient responses will go directly to the
message sender’s inbox. If left Off, recipient
responses will be directed to [email protected].
You can also send messages to the population of individuals filtered in the users list on Users Home
Page. Selecting a specific user or users will surface the option to send a customized message
depending on the learner activity status you have filtered on. Selecting the Send message button will
redirect you to the Messages homepage where you will have the ability to send targeted and
customized messages to different cohorts within a learning program regardless of whether filters have
been applied.
Learner Communications
Coursera will not send more general emails like course recommendations. Learners in your
programs are automatically opted out of these additional communications from Coursera. They are
also automatically opted out of emails from the universities who offer the courses in your program.
Invitation Email
Curriculum page lists your program’s course collections. You can add courses or
collections to a curriculum. A collection is defined as a grouping of courses and specializations.
Adding Courses
After you click +Courses
Select which collection(s) you want to add Select courses you want to add by
a course clicking on the course tile or the
check mark icon on the bottom right
Adding Collections
After you click +Collection
I) member-report
II) usage-report
III) specialization-report
Click on “Settings”
Select the programs and days of the week for which you
want to receive reports.
Click Save
Usage Report shows data on your learner’s individual progress on their enrolled courses.
Header Description Sample Data
Name User's full name. Each of the user's unique course enrollments will show as a separate row in this report. Jo Doe
External Id User’s external ID. This is an optional field when inviting Users from the "Invitations" page. 12345
Course Slug Text identifier for the course which also comprises the course URL on the Coursera consumer site (coursera.org). ai-for-everyone
Enrollment Time Date and time when User enrolled in course. 2019-12-23T06:18:32.782Z
Last Course Activity Time Last time User interacted with any course item (e.g. watched a video, read a note). 2019-12-23T06:36:27.000Z
How far the User is from completing all available course material. This is a percentage of how many course items have
been completed (e.g. watched a video, clicked into a reading).
Users can complete a course without achieving 100% progress if they choose to skip course items such as videos and
Overall Progress readings. 12.82
Total minutes a user has spent on continuous learning sessions. A learning session is defined as a continuous working
session of a user on the platform doing page views, start course items or complete course items. As long as a user has
not been idle for longer than 60 minutes, the session is a continuous session and the time is counted into learning
Offline learning hours are not part of this measure. For example the hours spent on programming assignments where
users may complete outside of the platform and come back to submit are not counted.
Estimated Learning Hours The learning hour is an estimate, it should never be referred as an exact number. 0.29
Yes/No field. This column is Yes if User has finished all required assessments and assignments.
Completed Users can determine what are all the required items under the "Grades" section in any course. Yes
Removed From Program Yes/No field. Indicates whether the user is an active member of the learning program. No
Program Slug Text identifier for the program which also comprises the program URL on your Coursera admin portal. program-1j8c4r
Program Name Name of the learning program where the enrollment is used. Learning Program
Name of the collection the User found the course or specialization. If the User found it through the browse menu or
Enrollment Source search bar, this field is left blank. Data Literary
Completion Time Date and time when User completed all required assessments and assignments 2019-12-23T06:36:27.751Z
Grade calculation of all required assessments and assignments. This number changes as Users progress through the
Course Grades course. 88.25
Contract The contract from which the User is occupying a license or enrollment Year 1 Contract 2020
Job Type This is an optional field you can append to your user's profile. Full Time
Business Unit You can add these fields through the "Members" tab in your program page OR work with your Coursera Team to have Product
Business Unit 2 this information be automatically populated through your single-sign-on (SSO). Enterprise
Membership Report shows data on your learners’ member status and their total
Header DESCRIPTION Sample Data
Program Name Name of the learning program where the enrollment is used. Learning Program
Program Slug Text identifier for the program which also comprises the program URL on your Coursera admin portal. program-1j8c4r
Join Date Date and time when a User joined a Coursera program. 2019-09-04T19:50:10.161Z
Invitation Date Date and time when a User was invited to join a Coursera program. 2019-09-04T19:45:08.947Z
Last Activity Time Last time User interacted with course content. 2020-02-25T06:33:46.000Z
Contract(s) The contract from which the User is occupying a license or enrollment. Year 1 Contract 2020
Job Type This is an optional field you can append to your user's profile. Full Time
Business Unit You can add these fields through the "Members" tab in your program page OR work with your Coursera Team to have this Product
Business Unit 2 information be automatically populated through your single-sign-on (SSO). Enterprise
Name User's full name. Each of the User's unique course enrollments will show as a separate row in this report. Jane Doe
External Id User’s external ID. This is an optional field when inviting Users from the "Invitations" page. 12345
Enrollment Time Date and time when User enrolled in course. 2019-05-11T22:18:19.621Z
Last Specialization Activity Time Last time User interacted with course content. 2020-02-03T21:27:47.000Z
Completed Yes/No field. This column is Yes if User has finished all graded assignments. No
Removed From Program Yes/No field. Indicates whether the user is an active member of the learning program. Year 2 Contract 2020
Program Slug Text identifier for the program which also comprises the program URL on your Coursera admin portal. program-31gz4
Program Name Name of the learning program where the enrollment is used. Learning Program
Name of the collection the user found the course or specialization. If the user found it through the browse
Enrollment Source menu or search bar, this field is left blank. Collection Name
This is the date and time when the user finished all courses in the specialization and their respective
Specialization Completion Time required assessments and assignments 2020-02-03T21:27:47.355Z
Contract The contract from which the user is occupying a license or enrollment Year 2 Contract 2020
Job Type This is an optional field you can append to your user's profile. Full Time
Business Unit You can add these fields through the "Members" tab in your program page OR work with your Coursera Product
Business Unit 2 Team to have this information be automatically populated through your single-sign-on (SSO). Enterprise
Accessing Gradebooks
You can generate an email report for individual courses from the curriculum page
Click on grades to trigger an email report which contains learner data for all learners in the course.
Check your inbox for the gradebook email. Contained in the email is a link that will download 2
reports. This link will expire in 24 hours upon delivery.
1) assesment_attempts - This report shows all your learners’ attempts at taking graded
assessments such as exams
2) gradebook - This report shows all your learners’ graded assignments
Reporting - Analytics
Analytics Reports
Organization admins have access to learner
reports and industry benchmarking
information. Access these reports by clicking
on Analytics from your Coursera admin
home page.
Note: Program admins do not have access to Analytics
Visualize your organization’s level of skill mastery and how many learners
are classified as beginner, intermediate, or advanced.
How is this
How is this
Understand overall skill mastery among your learners and identify specific
individuals who are ready to apply their new skills on the job.
How is this
WHAT IT DOES Total number of people who have
See how many of your learners have reached the Intermediate and Advanced levels of reached, for a given skill, either an
mastery over time, by skill. intermediate or advanced level,
over time.
How is this
How is this
This shows the total number of assessments your learners have completed, by skill. Total number of assessments
completed across different skills.
How is this
How is this
How is this
How is this
How is this
How is this
Access to Home, Users, Messages & Analytics tabs. Access to only Home tab. Email usage report contains
Email usage reports contains all programs information. only program-specific information.
Learner = Person who has started taking a course and is progressing towards its completion.
Note that the discussion forums are public. When learners participate in a discussion forum, they should be
aware that they are participating on an environment opened to all Coursera learners - including learners outside
of their organisation.
Enrollment = The action of a learner joining a program AND signing up for 1 course.
License = A membership into a Coursera learning program. Once an invitee joins a Coursera learning program, a
license is considered occupied.
Specialization = Sequence of courses in a subject area. Courses in a specialization are from the same partner.
Member = A person who joins a program, regardless of whether they enroll in a course.
Completion = A learner has completed all graded assignments. Completing a course is not the same as 100%
progress due to optional assignments, video progress, and turnaround time for peer assignment grading.
learners can complete a course without earning certificates if they opt not to verify their identity.