Chapter 3 After Correction

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Level No. of Respondents Percentage

High 61 23.82

Medium 135 52.73

Low 60 23.43

Total 256 100


Table 3.12 shows the relationship between gender of the respondents and their level of

satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.

Table 3.12

Gender and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of SmartPhones

Gender Level Total

High Medium low

Female 29 94 45 168

(17.26%) (55.95%) (26.79%) (65.62%)

Male 32 41 15 88

(36.36%) (46.59%) (17.05%) (34.38%)

Total 61 135 60 256

 Out of 168 female respondents, 29 (17.26%) have high level satisfaction, 94 (55.95%)
have medium level satisfaction and 45 (26.79%) have low level satisfaction towards the
usage of smartphones.
 Chi square test has been used to analyse the relationship between gender of the
respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
 The null hypothesis framed is that there is no significant relationship between gender of
the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.

The Chi square test results are given in Table

Table 3.13

Gender and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of Smart Phones - chi-square tests

Particulars Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 12.141a 2 .002

Likelihood Ratio 11.799 2 .003

N of Valid Cases 256

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 20.63.

The calculated value of Chi Square test is 12.141 which is significant as its p value is less than
0.05 (002<0.05). The null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, there is a significant relationship
between gender of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phone


Table 3.14 shows the relationship between ager of the respondents and their level of satisfaction
towards usage of smart phones.

Table 3.14

Age and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of SmartPhones

Age Level Total

High Medium Low

15 – 25 11 74 45 130

(8.46%) (56.92%) (34.62%) (50.78%)

25 – 35 14 43 11 68

(20.59%) (63.23%) (16.18%) (26.56%)

35 – 45 25 17 3 45

(55.56%) (37.78%) (6.66%) (17.58%)

Above 45 11 1 1 13

(84.62%) (7.69%) (7.69%) (5.08%)

Total 61 135 60 256

 Out of 130 respondents, 11(8.46%) have high level satisfaction, 74(56.92 %) have
medium level satisfaction and 45(34.62%) have low level satisfaction towards the usage
of smartphones.
 Chi square test has been used to analyse the relationship between age of the respondents
and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
 The null hypothesis framed is that there is no significant relationship between age of the
respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.

The Chi square test results are given in Table

Table 3.15

Age and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of Smart Phones - Chi-Square Tests

Particulars Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 76.352a 6 .000

Likelihood Ratio 72.242 6 .000

N of Valid Cases 256

a. 2 cells (16.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.05.

The calculated value of Chi Square test is 76.352 which is significant as its p value is less than
0.05 (0.00<0.05). The null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, there is a significant relationship
between age of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones


Table 3.16 shows the relationship between marital status of the respondents and their level of
satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.

Table 3.16

Marital Satus and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of SmartPhones

Marital status Level Total

High Medium Low

Married 55 80 38 173

(31.80%) (46.24%) (21.96%) (67.58)

Unmarried 6 55 22 83

(7.23%) (66.27%) (26.50%) (32.42%)

Total 61 135 60 256

 Out of 173 married respondents, 53(31.80%) have high level satisfaction, 80(46.24%)
have medium level satisfaction and 38(21.96%) have low level satisfaction towards the
usage of smartphones.
 Chi square test has been used to analyse the relationship between marital status of the
respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
 The null hypothesis framed is that there is no significant relationship between marital
status of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.

The Chi square test results are given in Table

Table 3.17

Marital Status and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of Smart Phones - Chi-Square Tests

Particulars Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 18.960a 2 .000

Likelihood Ratio 21.993 2 .000

N of Valid Cases 256

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 19.45.

The calculated value of Chi Square test is 18.960 which is significant as its p value is less than
0.05 (0.00<0.05). The null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, there is a significant relationship
between marital status of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart


Table3.18 shows the relationship between marital status of the respondents and their level of
satisfaction towards usage of smartphones.

Table 3.18

occupation and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of SmartPhones

occupation Level Total

High Medium Low

Employee 27 29 3 59

(45.76%) (49.15%) (5.10%) (23.05%)

Business 8 22 4 34

(23.53%) (64.71%) (11.76%) (13.28%)

Home maker 15 29 27 71

(21.13%) (40.85%) (38.02%) (27.73%)

Student 11 55 26 92

(11.96%) (59.78%) (28.26%) (35.94%)

Total 61 135 60 256

 Out of 92 respondents, 11(11.96 %) have high level satisfaction, 55(59.78 %) have

medium level satisfaction and 26(28.26 %) have low level satisfaction towards the usage
of smartphones.
 Chi square test has been used to analyse the relationship between occupation of the
respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
 The null hypothesis framed is that there is no significant relationship between income of
the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
The Chi square test results are given in Table
Table 3.19

Occupation and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of Smart Phones - Chi-Square Tests

Particulars Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 39.228a 6 .000

Likelihood Ratio 41.346 6 .000

N of Valid Cases 256

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 7.97.

The calculated value of Chi Square test is 39.228 which is significant as its p value is less than
0.05 (0.00<0.05). The null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, there is a significant relationship
between occupation of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart

Table 3.20 shows the relationship between marital status of the respondents and their level of
satisfaction towards usage of smartphones.

Table 3.20

Income and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of SmartPhones

Income Level Total

High Medium Low

Below 10,000 5 48 49 102

(4.90%) (47.06%) (48.04%) (39.84%)

10,000 to 20,000 14 38 11 63

(22.22%) (60.32%) (17.46%) (24.60%)

20,000 to 30000 11 11 0 22

(50%) (50%) (0.00%) (8.59%)

30,000 to 40,000 20 23 0 43

(46.51%) (53.49%) (0.00%) (16.79%)

Above 40000 11 15 0 26

(42.31%) (57.69%) (0.00%) (10,15%)

Total 61 135 60 256

 Out of 102 respondents, 5(4.90%) have high level satisfaction, 48(47.05 %) have
medium level satisfaction and 49(48.04 %) have low level satisfaction towards the usage
of smartphones.
 Chi square test has been used to analyse the relationship between income of the
respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
 The null hypothesis framed is that there is no significant relationship between income of
the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.

The Chi square test results are given in Table

Table 3.21
Income and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of Smart Phones - Chi-Square Tests

Particulars Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 84.833a 8 .000

Likelihood Ratio 103.236 8 .000

N of Valid Cases 256

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.16.

The calculated value of Chi Square test is 84.833 which is significant as its p value is less
than 0.05 (0.00<0.05). The null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, there is a significant relationship
between income of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones


Table 3.22 shows the relationship between marital status of the respondents and their level of
satisfaction towards usage of smartphones.

Table 3.22

Education and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of SmartPhones

Education Level Total

High Medium Low

Upto SSLC 1 13 0 14

(7.14%) (92.86%) (0.00%) (5.47%)

Upto HSC 12 37 26 75
(16%) (49.33%) (34.67%) (29.30%)
College Graduate 38 78 32 148

(25.68%) (52.70%) (21.62%) (57.81%)

Diplomo 10 7 2 19

(52.63%) (36.84%) (10.53%) (7.42%)

Total 61 135 60 256

 Out of 148 respondents, 38(25.68%) have high level satisfaction, 78(52.70%) have
medium level satisfaction and 32(21.62%) have low level satisfaction towards the usage
of smartphones.
 Chi square test has been used to analyse the relationship between education of the
respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
 The null hypothesis framed is that there is no significant relationship between education
of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
The Chi square test results are given in Table

Table 3.23
Education and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of Smart Phones - Chi-Square Tests

Particulars Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 24.616a 6 .000

Likelihood Ratio 26.211 6 .000

N of Valid Cases 256

a. 4 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.28.
The calculated value of Chi Square test is 24.616 which is significant as its p value is less
than 0.05 (0.00<0.05). The null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, there is a significant relationship
between income of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones

Family and Level

Table 3.24 shows the relationship between family size of the respondents and their level of
satisfaction towards usage of smartphones.

Table 3.24

Family size and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of SmartPhones

Family size Level Total

High Medium low

Below 3 20 46 29 95
(21.05%) (48.42%) (30.53%) (37.12%)
3-6 21 65 30 116
(18.10%) (56.04%) (25.86%) (45.31%)
Above 6 20 24 1 45
(44.45%) (53.33%) (2.22%) (17.57%)

Total 61 135 60 256

 Out of 116 respondents, 21(18.10 %) have high level satisfaction, 65(56.04 %) have
medium level satisfaction and 30(25.86 %) have low level satisfaction towards the usage
of smartphones.
 Chi square test has been used to analyse the relationship between income of the
respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
 The null hypothesis framed is that there is no significant relationship between family size
of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones.
The Chi square test results are given in Table 3.25
Table 3.25

Family Size and Level of Satisfaction Towards Usage of Smart Phones - Chi-Square Tests

Particulars Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 21.477a 4 .000

Likelihood Ratio 25.545 4 .000

N of Valid Cases 256

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10.55.

The calculated value of Chi Square test is 21.477 which is significant as its p value is less than
0.05 (0.00<0.05). The null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, there is a significant relationship
between income of the respondents and their level of satisfaction towards usage of smart phones

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