830003 New Enterprise and Innovation Management (NE&IM) 05-01-2011 10:30 TO 01:00
830101 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research (CB&MR) 06-01-2011 10:30 TO 01:00
830201 Corporate Taxation & Financial Planning (CT&FP) 06-01-2011 10:30 TO 01:00
830203 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (SAPM) 08-01-2011 10:30 TO 01:00
830301 Change Management and Organizational Development (CM&OD) 06-01-2011 10:30 TO 01:00
830303 Management of Industrial Relations and Labour Legislations (MIR&LL) 08-01-2011 10:30 TO 01:00
1. All the students are required to carry hall ticket with them issued by the university during exam time.
2. They must be in their respective examination hall 30 minutes before exam time failing which entry
will not be permitted.
3. Any type of printed/hand written/typed material, Mobile phone, Pager or Programmable calculator, PDA
or any other objectionable material which breaches the code of conduct of university and falls under
unfair means is not allowed to carry in the examination hall.
4. They must bring their own instruments such as Scientific Calculator etc ., to be used in the examination
as its exchange will not be permitted under any circumstances during exam time.
(Dr. G. P. Vadodaria)
I/C Controller of Examination
Gujarat Technological University
Copy to:
1. All Principals of MBA colleges affiliated to GTU for display on notice board and
circulation in all departments of the college.
2. All sections of Gujarat Technological University
3. Director of Technical Education,Gujarat State for information