School of Accounting and Business Bsc. (Applied Accounting) General / Special Degree Programme

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No of Questions - 08




MGT 30525 Organisational Behaviour

Date : 31st July 2016

Time : 1.00 p.m.– 3.30 p.m.
Duration : Two and a half (02 1/2) hours

Instructions to Candidates:
 Paper consists of Three Sections (A, B, and C).

Section A Answer ALL questions in the sheet provided.
Section B Section C Answer any four (04) questions given in this section.
Answer any one (01) question given in this section.

The candidates are supposed to present their answers for the particular questions under the three section names.
Answers should be written neatly and legibly.
Section A
Answer ALL questions

1. Organizational Behaviour (OB) is a discipline having

a. only a unidimensional focus.
b. only a technological perspective.
c. a multi-disciplinary origin.
d. none of above.

2. A framework to study OB is centered upon the

a. people behaviour.
b. management process.
c. organizational context.
d. all of above.

3. The importance of the external environment towards the operations of the organization is
emphasized in the
a. Classical approach.
b. Human Relations approach.
c. Systems approach.
d. Contingency approach.

4. The influence of people on one another is best understood by based on the

a. Psychology.
b. Anthropology.
c. Social Psychology.
d. Sociology.

5. For one organization, its decision-making responsibility is centered at the top of the
organizational hierarchy. Hence, this seems to be an organization which encourages the
a. democratic leadership.
b. autocratic leadership.
c. laissez-faire leadership.
d. consultative leadership.

6. A first order outcome of an employee is identified with his or her
a. salary increase.
b. job security.
c. co-workers.
d. creativity.

7. Which one of the following is having the most impact on the success of a leader.
a. Referent power
b. Reward power
c. Coercive power
d. Political power

8. Culture of an organization functions as its

a. structure.
b. technology.
c. glue.
d. processes.

9. Organizational development is a special kind of change which uses

a. a structural approach.
b. a technological approach.
c. a people approach.
d. none of above.

10. A method of assessing the attitudes and perceptions of participants in a change

programme is identified as
a. Team building.
b. Intergroup development.
c. Sensitivity training.
d. Survey feedback.
(Total 20 Marks)
Section B
Answer any four (04) questions

Question No. 01

i. What do you mean by “Organizational Behaviour (OB)”?

(05 Marks)
ii. Briefly explain five (05) implications of OB to managers in modern business
(10 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)

Question No. 02

i. Briefly explain four (04) reasons, why managers in today’s organizations should study the
theory of management.
(08 Marks)
ii. Distinguish the “formal” and “informal” organizations.
(07 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)

Question No. 03

i. Explain one of the management systems with examples.

(09 Marks)
ii. Describe how the applicability of people, objectives, structure, and management is
different over organizations.
(06 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
Question No. 04

i. Compare leadership and management with examples.

(08 Marks)
ii. State how successful leadership develops in an organization.

(07 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)

Question No. 05

i. What are the major skills that help developing bench-setting managers?
(07 Marks)
ii. State eight (08) factors for developing high-performing teams in Sri Lankan
(08 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)

Section C
Answer any one (01) question

Question No. 06

“Organizations provide a power base for individuals. From a purely economic standpoint,
organizations exist to create a surplus of income over costs by meeting needs in the
marketplace. But organizations also are political structures which provide opportunities for
people to develop careers and therefore provide platforms for the expression of individual
interests and motives.
i. Explain the importance of using power ethically by managers in the today’s organizations.
(10 Marks)
ii. State ten (10) political strategies used by managers in the Sri Lankan organizations.
(10 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
Question No. 07

“Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs
how people behave in organizations. These shared values have a strong influence on the
people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act, and perform their jobs.”
i. Briefly explain four (04) types of cultures applicable to organizations.
(10 Marks)
ii. Describe how culture of an organization could be helpful to its managers to run the
business successfully.
(10 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)

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