Handbook 1
Handbook 1
Handbook 1
Kayden Nickles
[email protected]
Program Description
Concert Band is a year-long course focusing on wind band literature in a classic ensemble
setting. Musical and technical skills will be developed as well as working on new theoretical
knowledge and exploring creative musical ideas. Students will be expected to be at all rehearsals
and performances unless situations outside of foreseeable control occur with director’s approval.
Students will learn and develop fundamental music skills such as rhythms, scales, and tone,
Mission Statement
The high school band department’s mission is to provide students with quality music experiences
while developing other skills necessary to progress into responsible adults. This program will
bring students together to learn to collaborate towards the completion of a common goal.
Program Goals
Students will broaden their knowledge of other cultures through researching for projects
and presentations
Students will learn about different cultures through musical selections from those cultures
Students will gain technical skills specific to their instrument
Students will develop their ears through analyzing the performance of themselves and
Student will understand historical context of a piece and be able to apply this to the
musical style
Classroom Expectations
The expectation is that all students will be at each rehearsal and performance. Daily points will
be taken for rehearsals and an unexcused concert will result in the lowering of a letter grade. If
you are unable to make it to a rehearsal or performance you may meet with the teacher to discuss
When attending or performing in any concert there are expectations of being respectful to the
performers. To do this we need to make sure we aren’t talking during the performance Dress will
be more formal or our uniforms depending on the performance. Phones and other electronic
Grading Procedures
B = 80%-89%
C = 70%-79%
D = 60%-69%
members we don’t have our complete sound we rely on each member giving 100% always.
Because of this an unexcused absence from a performance will result in the significant lowering
Playing Tests-25%
During the year there will be frequent times where there are specific music passages we
need to work on as a group in order to gauge how and what needs to be worked on we will have
The students are expected to have all the required materials i.e instrument, music, pencil,
for class. With that said your active participation is another key element as we need everyone
There will be a $20 Rental fee for uniforms at the beginning of the year this is to help cover costs
If your student needs to rent an instrument there will be a $30 rental fee for the year. This will
If an instrument is lost or stolen there will be a discussion with the student and parent about ways
At the end of the year we will have an award ceremony. At this ceremony we will present letters
for band the lettering system is as follows and the students must receive 80 points to letter
-20 points for attending a lesson with me or any other private instructor
Additionally one senior will be awarded the John Phillip Sousa Award, described as an award
recognizing “superior musicianship and outstanding dedication” In our ensemble it will be given
to the student who has shown dedication to the development of their own musical ability as well
as always showing dedication to our group and displaying the qualities we want to define our
organization. These acts will be cataloged during your time in the ensemble.
Student Leadership
The following are positions that may be held during your time in the ensemble as well as their
Drum Majors: Help setting up and tear down for reheasals Conducting the ensemble and
leadership team for events. This position requires multiple years in the ensemble and displaying
qualities that exemplify leadership such as, but not limited to-responsibility, punctuality,
Section Leaders (auditions held during marching and concert season): Running sectionals,
uniform checks before performances, passing down information to sections. This position
of our student council and will ensure that the votes that are cast meet the needs of the
ensembles. This will require the student to be cooperative, display professionalism, and flexible.
August 3-7 Band Camp 3rd – All Leadership and Drumline 4th – 7th Everyone
October 10 District Band Auditions
February 29th State Band Auditions for those who made it to districts
With the trips and traveling coming up this year we will need assistance paying for these trips.
We will be doing fundraising and for every event you work at the money will be devided up into
your own accounts that I will be keeping track of for each of these instances you will get a
receipt of the money being added to your account. There will also be individual fundraising
opportunities in which all sales made by you go to you. By fundraising there will be less or
Private Lessons
If you wish to sign up for lessons I will have 30 minute time slots open on Mondays and
If you want to seek further help speak with me about setting up a meeting with one of the college
professors at Kansas State to find a private instructor for you (understanding that there will be
When we go on trips you are representing yourself, this program, our school, and your parents.
While we want to have a good time on these trips we must uphold a standard of responsibility
and professionalism. That being said any use of tobacco or alcohol products while in rehearsal,
on a trip, at a performance, or event will result in expulsion from the band program.
Booster Program
For parents of the band
If you wish to join the band boosters please submit this form either by
Parents name:__________________________________
Students name:_________________________________
Phone Number:________________________________
Work schedule:_________________________________
High School Band
Medical Release Form Health Insurance Information Travel Release Form
___ Health Insurance Information
Phone Number/s:___________________________________________
Cause for
Family Physician/Phone
____________________________________________________ _____________________________
Handbook Agreement
I have received a copy of the High School Hand Book. I have read and reviewed all of
the band policies. I understand the expectations that are to be upheld by the band
students and will encourage my child to abide by the rules set in place and to fulfill
their obligations to the band.
____________________________________________________ _____________________________
I have received a copy of the High School Hand Book. I have read and reviewed all of
the band policies and I understand that it is a privilege to be a part of this program. I
know that by signing this form I have agreed to uphold these policies and have
accepted the responsibility to attend all performances and activities in which the
band participates. I recognize that each member of the band contributes greatly to
the success of the program.
____________________________________________________ _____________________________