Instructions To Students
Instructions To Students
Instructions To Students
1. Check your Ex. Roll No. and Name for the assessment assigned for in the following attached file.
2. Questions are set for each student separately in each page.
3. Copy your own question, write your Ex. Roll No. and Name in your answer sheet.
4. All students require to do the assessment in the answer sheet using hand written.
5. Computer typing is not acceptable.
6. After completion of the task, take photos or scan your hand written assignments and send it back
to me.
7. Deadline of submitting the assignment is May 12, 2020 by 17:00 NST. Delay in submission by this
date and time will consider as void/null in the evaluation.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. The mass of a moist soil sample collected from the site is 500 g, and its oven dry mass is 498.5 grams.
The specific gravity of the soil solids was determined in the laboratory to be 2.67. If the void ratio of the
soil in the natural state is 0.8, determine the moist density, dry density of the soil in the field in kg/m3 and
the mass of water, in kilograms, to be added per cubic meter of soil in the field for saturation.
2. What is meant by an infinite slope? What is the criterion for the stability of an infinite slope in sand?
What is the effect of seepage parallel to the slope of the factor of safety?
3. Define effective stress of a soil mass. What is the shear strength of soil in terms of effective stress on a
plane within a saturated soil mass at a point where the total normal stress is 300 kN/m 2 and the pore
water pressure is 150 kN/m2? The effective stress shear strength parameters for the soils are: c = 20
kN/m2 and = 30.
4. A canal is cut into a soil with a stratigraphy shown below in Figure. Assuming that flow takes place
laterally and vertically through the sides of the canal and vertically below the canal, determine the
equivalent hydraulic conductivity in the horizontal and vertical directions. The vertical and horizontal
hydraulic conductivities for each layer are assumed to be the same. Calculate the ratio of the equivalent
horizontal hydraulic conductivity to the equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity for flow through the sides
of the canal.
5. Define the types of hemispherical projection in detail. Discuss the rock slope stability with the help of
stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Why do geoengineers plot particle distribution curves on a semi-log scale with particle size on the
abscissa (logarithmic scale) versus percentage finer on the ordinate (arithmetic scale)? Is there any
theoretical justification for this? Would the shape of the grain size graph be different if arithmetic rather
than semi-log scale is used?
2. Discuss the practical applications of CD test from tri-axial tests with suitable examples. A series of
drained tri-axial tests was performed on specimens of a sand prepared at the same porosity and the
following results were obtained at failures. Determine the value of the angle of shearing resistance .
All round pressure (kN/m2) 100 200 400
3. The soil layers below have a cross section of 100 m each. The permeability of each soil is: kA = 10-2
cm/sec; kB = 3 x 10-3 cm/sec; kC = 4.9 x 10-4 cm/sec. Find the rate of water supply in cm3/hr.
4. You are in charge of designing a retaining wall. What laboratory tests would you specify for the backfill
soil? Give reasons.
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults influence
for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Determine the % of gravels (G), sands (S), silts (M) and clays (C) of soils A, B and C. Also determine
the coefficient of curvature (Cc) and uniformity coefficient (Cu) respectively. Use B soil’s Atterberg limits,
LL = 49% and PL = 45%, classify the soil based on USCS.
2. Determine the equation for the factor of safety of infinite slope using Coulomb’s law. The bulk unit weight
of soil is determined to be 2.0 t/m3 and angle of internal friction determined in the laboratory shear test
is 30. The depth of the slide is identified as 2.0 m and the angle of landslide profile is measured to be
43. Determine the stability number of the given landslide. Assume unit weight of water is 10kN/m3.
3. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a granular
backfill soil with = 35, = 12, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and backside of
the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the wall’s angle with
respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall is 10 m high, = 18.1
kN/m3 and c = 9 kN/m3?
4. Define equipotential line and flow line. Describe the different methods used to construct the flow net.
5. Define tunneling quality index. Discuss the rock mass classification and its application in engineering
field with suitable examples. Illustrate with suitable examples in order to interpret stability analyses of
rock with the use of stereographic analyses of rock.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Define liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of soil. The mass of a moist soil sample collected from
the field is 465 gm, and its oven dry mass is 405.76 gm. The specific gravity of the soil solids was
determined in the laboratory to be 2.68. If the void ratio of the soil in the natural state is 0.83. Determine
the moist density and dry density of soil in the field in kg/m3.
2. Define equipotential line and flow line. A series of drained tri-axial tests was carried out on specimens of
a sand prepared at the same porosity and the following results were obtained at failure. Determine the
value of the angle of shearing resistance .
All-round pressure (kN/m2) 100 200 400 800
3. Estimate the ratio of the horizontal to vertical permeability of following four strata.
4. What is ‘earth pressure at rest’? when is it likely to develop behind a retaining structure? Why are
retaining walls usually designed for active earth pressure?
5. Define intact rock and rock mass. Discuss the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail.
Interpret different types of kinematic failures of rock using stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. If a soil consists of sand and fines, would drying the soil and then sieving it through a standard stack of
sieves give accurate results on the fines content? Justify your answer.
2. Shear box tests results from a saturated, creamish, cemented soil (caliche) are shown in the table
below. The shear box sample was 2.5 in. × 2.5 in. × 1.0 in. thick.
(a) Determine the shear strength parameters. (b) Write the shear strength equation.
3. A retaining wall with a smooth vertical back is 5 m high and retains a two-layer sand backfill with the
following parameters as shown below in the diagram. Determine the active earth pressure distribution at
the top, boundary and at the bottom of the layer. Assume that the water table is situated below the base
of the wall.
1. If you have to select a soil for a roadway that requires good drainage qualities, what soil type would you
select and why?
2. A moist, light yellowish-brown clayey sand was taken from a depth of 12 ft. under a proposed foundation
for a building in Tucson, Arizona, using a 2.5-inch diameter sampling tube. It was tested in a direct shear
device that accepts a circular sample of the same diameter as the sampling tube. The applied vertical
load was 156 lb. and the horizontal displacement rate was 0.0007 in./min. The shear force versus shear
displacement plot is shown below in Fig.a. (a) Is the soil dense or loose sand? (b) Identify and determine
the peak shear force and critical state shear force.
3. Discuss the secondary compression soil parameters and settlement rates in detail with suitable diagram.
4. Determine the lateral earth pressure at rest per unit length of the wall shown below in the diagram. Also
determine the location of the resultant earth pressure. Given: K0 = 1-sin and w = 10 kN/m3.
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults influence
for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. A house foundation consists of a concrete slab casted on a clay soil. The homeowner planted vegetation
near one side of the foundation and watered it regularly, sometimes excessively. She noticed that this
side of the foundation curled upward, the concrete slab cracked and several cracks appeared on the
wall. What do you think is likely the predominant mineral in the clay soil? Justify your answer.
2. Do you recognize something wrong with each of the following nets? Explain with reasons.
3. Enlist the assumptions of Rankine’s theory of earth pressure. Describe the expressions for active and
passive earth pressures with the aid of Rankine’s theory.
4. How do we define ‘failure’ in soils? According to Mohr-Coulomb crieterion, how is the failure plane
recognized and how is the shear strength defined?
5. Define intact rock and rock mass. Discuss the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail.
Interpret different types of kinematic failures of rock using stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Prove the relationship between Se = wGs using equation and phase diagram both.
2. The completed flow net for the dam shown below includes a steel sheet-pile cutoff wall located at
the heat-water side of the dam in order to reduce the seepage loss. The dam is half a kilometer in
width (shore to shore) and the permeability of the silty sand stratum is 3.5 x 10-4 cm/s. Find, (a) the
total seepage loss under the dam in liters per year, and (b) would the dam be more stable if the cutoff
wall placed under its tail-water side?
3. What do you understand by UU, CU and CD tests? Give one example each of the use of UU strength
CU strength and CD strength in engineering practice.
4. Deduce the equation for the stability analysis of an infinite slope in cohesionless soil. A translational
soil slide is observed in Daman, Central Nepal. The bulk unit weight of soil is determined to be 2.0
t/m3 and angle of internal friction determined in the laboratory shear test is 30. The depth of the slide
is identified as 2.0 m and the profile of the slide is 32. Estimate the stability number of the given
landslide assuming unit weight of water is 9.8 kN/m3.
5. Define the types of hemispherical projection in detail. Discuss the rock slope stability with the help
of stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Classify the following soils A, B and C using Unified Classification Soil System.
Soil Sieve No. 4 Sieve No. 200 LL PI
(Cumulative % passing)
A 92 48 30 10
B 99 76 60 32
C 80 35 24 2
2. Differentiate between consolidation and compaction. In the flow net diagram shown below, the
permeability of the underlying soil is 10-5 m/sec. Determine the number of flow tubes, number of
equipotential drops from the diagram and total flow of water under dam of length of 30 m at a point P in
the diagram.
3. State the assumptions of time rate of consolidation derived by Terzaghi. Discuss the Taylor’s method of
determining coefficient of consolidation.
4. Define the various factors of safety used in the analysis of stability of slopes. What are the probable
types of failure of a slope?
5. Elaborate significance of folds and faults in engineering project in detail with suitable examples.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
4. Clearly explain the difference between the active earth pressure and the passive earth pressure.
Give two examples of each kind.
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults
influence for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. What is a ‘silica tetrahedron’ and an ‘aluminium octahedron’? How are silica sheet and alumina sheet
formed? Show their schematic representation.
2. A sandy clay was compacted using the Proctor test, and a sample was extracted and tested in a direct
shear apparatus. The sample diameter was 2.5 in. and its thickness was 1 in. The rate of horizontal
displacement applied was 0.004 in./min. Data were recorded every 10 seconds. The table below shows
data at every third point for a vertical force of 400 lb. A negative sign denotes vertical expansion.
(a) Plot graphs of (1) horizontal forces versus horizontal displacements and (2) vertical
displacements versus horizontal displacements.
(b) Determine (1) the maximum or peak shear stress, (2) the critical state shear stress, (3) the peak
dilation angle, (4) p′ , and (5) ′cs .
3. Give five examples of problems in soil engineering where a knowledge of permeability of soils is
4. List the factors affecting the factor of safety of an infinite slope in a clay soil.
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults influence
for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Illustrate by schematic diagrams, how the clay minerals kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite are formed.
2. Discuss the spring cylinder model to describe the process of consolidation. Describe the process of
determination pre-consolidation pressure through an appropriate diagram.
3. A flow net for seepage under the sheet piling is shown in figure below. Estimate approximately the
quantity of seepage in cu m/day/m length of the piling, if the permeability of the sand is 5x10-3 cm/s.
4. Describe the expressions for Coulomb’s active earth pressures in cohesionless soil.
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults influence
for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. What is the characteristic engineering behaviour of clay soils containing the minerals kaolinite, illite and
montmorillonite? Explain with reference to the crystal structure of these minerals.
2. A retaining wall is 8 m high, with a smooth vertical back is pushed against a soil mass having c = 50
kPa and = 17; = 20 kN/m3. What is the total Rankine passive pressure, if the horizontal soil surface
carries a uniform load of 60 kN/m2? Discuss the permeability of stratified soil and factors affecting
coefficient of permeability.
3. On what factors is K0 dependent? What is the K0 value for a normally consolidated sand with = 38.
4. Estimate the ratio of the horizontal to vertical permeability of following four strata.
5. Elaborate significance of folds and faults in engineering project in detail with suitable examples.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. The soil profiles for four boreholes (BH) at a site proposed for an office building are shown below in
Figure (a and b). The soils in each borehole were classified using ASTM-USCS. Sketch the soil profiles
along a diagonal line linking boreholes 1, 2, and 3 and along a line linking boreholes 3 and 4.
2. Discuss the coefficient of consolidation using logarithmic of time method. Discuss the engineering
application of swelling clay with suitable example.
3. Define permeability in a soil medium. Describe the permeability in a stratified layer. Discuss the variation
of coefficient of permeability for granular soils.
4. Discuss the detection and control of landslides in detail.
5. Determine the relationship between true dip and apparent dip. Discuss the stability of rock slope stability.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
5. Discuss the commonly used test methods for the assessment of Rock/Aggregate durability.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Discuss the strengths of clay minerals illite, montmorillonite and kaolinite in terms of their Atterberg
limits. In which engineering field soil classification systems of AASHTO and USCS are used and
2. Define effective stress of a soil mass. What is the shear strength of soil in terms of effective stress
on a plane within a saturated soil mass at a point where the total normal stress is 300 kN/m2 and the
pore water pressure is 150 kN/m2? The effective stress shear strength parameters for the soils are:
c = 20 kN/m2 and = 30.
3. The completed flow net for the dam shown below includes a steel sheet-pile cutoff wall located at
the heat-water side of the dam in order to reduce the seepage loss. The dam is half a kilometer in
width (shore to shore) and the permeability of the silty sand stratum is 3.5 x 10-4 cm/s. Find, (a) the
total seepage loss under the dam in liters per year, and (b) would the dam be more stable if the cutoff
wall placed under its tail-water side?
4. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a
granular backfill soil with = 35, = 12, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and
backside of the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the
wall’s angle with respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall
is 10 m high, = 18.1 kN/m3 and c = 9 kN/m3?
5. Define intact rock and rock mass. Discuss the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail.
Interpret different types of kinematic failures of rock using stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
31282 G. C. SUMAN
1. Do you recognize something wrong with each of the following nets? Explain with reasons.
2. Why do geoengineers plot particle distribution curves on a semi-log scale with particle size on the
abscissa (logarithmic scale) versus percentage finer on the ordinate (arithmetic scale)? Is there any
theoretical justification for this? Would the shape of the grain size graph be different if arithmetic
rather than semi-log scale is used?
3. Describe the geometrical properties of flow net. A sheet pile wall is driven to a depth of 6 m into a
permeable sand layer (k = 6.10-3 mm/s) of 13.5 m thickness lying on an impermeable layer. The
water on one side of the wall is at a height of 4.5m, while on the other side, pumps maintain the water
level at ground level. To design the pumping system, draw, by hand, the flow net and estimate the
flow under the wall in m³/day.
4. Clearly explain the difference between the active earth pressure and the passive earth pressure.
Give two examples of each kind.
5. Define the types of hemispherical projection in detail. Discuss the rock slope stability with the help of
stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. The soil layers below have a cross section of 100 m each. The permeability of each soil is: kA = 10-2
cm/sec; kB = 3 x 10-3 cm/sec; kC = 4.9 x 10-4 cm/sec. Find the rate of water supply in cm3/hr.
2. You are in charge of designing a retaining wall. What laboratory tests would you specify for the backfill
soil? Give reasons.
3. If a soil consists of sand and fines, would drying the soil and then sieving it through a standard stack of
sieves give accurate results on the fines content? Justify your answer.
4. Shear box tests results from a saturated, creamish, cemented soil (caliche) are shown in the table below.
The shear box sample was 2.5 in. × 2.5 in. × 1.0 in. thick.
5. Determine the relationship between true dip and apparent dip. Discuss the stability of rock slope stability.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. The mass of a moist soil sample collected from the site is 500 g, and its oven dry mass is 498.5 grams.
The specific gravity of the soil solids was determined in the laboratory to be 2.67. If the void ratio of the
soil in the natural state is 0.8, determine the moist density, dry density of the soil in the field in kg/m3 and
the mass of water, in kilograms, to be added per cubic meter of soil in the field for saturation.
2. Discuss the practical applications of CD test from tri-axial tests with suitable examples. A series of
drained tri-axial tests was performed on specimens of a sand prepared at the same porosity and the
following results were obtained at failures. Determine the value of the angle of shearing resistance .
All round pressure (kN/m2) 100 200 400
3. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a granular
backfill soil with = 35, = 12, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and backside of
the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the wall’s angle with
respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall is 10 m high, = 18.1
kN/m3 and c = 9 kN/m3?
4. The bulk unit weight of soil is determined to be 2.0 t/m 3 and angle of internal friction determined in the
laboratory shear test is 30. The depth of the slide is identified as 2.0 m and the angle of landslide profile
is measured to be 43. Determine the stability number of the given landslide. Assume unit weight of
water is 10kN/m3.
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults influence
for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. A canal is cut into a soil with a stratigraphy shown below in Figure. Assuming that flow takes place
laterally and vertically through the sides of the canal and vertically below the canal, determine the
equivalent hydraulic conductivity in the horizontal and vertical directions. The vertical and horizontal
hydraulic conductivities for each layer are assumed to be the same. Calculate the ratio of the equivalent
horizontal hydraulic conductivity to the equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity for flow through the sides
of the canal.
2. Define the types of hemispherical projection in detail. Discuss the rock slope stability with the help
of stereographic projection.
3. If you have to select a soil for a roadway that requires good drainage qualities, what soil type would
you select and why?
4. Do you recognize something wrong with each of the following nets? Explain with reasons.
1. A moist, light yellowish-brown clayey sand was taken from a depth of 12 ft. under a proposed foundation
for a building in Tucson, Arizona, using a 2.5-inch diameter sampling tube. It was tested in a direct shear
device that accepts a circular sample of the same diameter as the sampling tube. The applied vertical
load was 156 lb. and the horizontal displacement rate was 0.0007 in./min. The shear force versus shear
displacement plot is shown below in Fig.a.
(a) Is the soil dense or loose sand? (b) Identify and determine the peak shear force and critical state
shear force.
2. Estimate the ratio of the horizontal to vertical permeability of following four strata.
3. Illustrate by schematic diagrams, how the clay minerals kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite are
4. Discuss the spring cylinder model to describe the process of consolidation. Describe the process of
determination pre-consolidation pressure through an appropriate diagram.
5. Define the types of hemispherical projection in detail. Discuss the rock slope stability with the help
of stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Determine the lateral earth pressure at rest per unit length of the wall shown below in the diagram. Also
determine the location of the resultant earth pressure. Given: K0 = 1-sin and w = 10 kN/m3.
2. Discuss the commonly used test methods for the assessment of Rock/Aggregate durability.
3. Discuss the role of soil and factors of soil formation in detail.
4. Define equipotential line and flow line. A series of drained tri-axial tests was carried out on specimens of
a sand prepared at the same porosity and the following results were obtained at failure. Determine the
value of the angle of shearing resistance .
All-round pressure (kN/m2) 100 200 400 800
5. Deduce the equation for the stability analysis of an infinite slope in cohesionless soil. A translational soil
slide is observed in Daman, Central Nepal. The bulk unit weight of soil is determined to be 2.0 t/m 3 and
angle of internal friction determined in the laboratory shear test is 30. The depth of the slide is identified
as 2.0 m and the profile of the slide is 32. Estimate the stability number of the given landslide assuming
unit weight of water is 9.8 kN/m3.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Differentiate between consolidation and compaction. In the flow net diagram shown below, the
permeability of the underlying soil is 10-5 m/sec. Determine the number of flow tubes, number of
equipotential drops from the diagram and total flow of water under dam of length of 30 m at a point P in
the diagram.
2. State the assumptions of time rate of consolidation derived by Terzaghi. Discuss the Taylor’s method of
determining coefficient of consolidation.
3. What do you understand by UU, CU and CD tests? Give one example each of the use of UU strength
CU strength and CD strength in engineering practice.
4. A house foundation consists of a concrete slab casted on a clay soil. The homeowner planted vegetation
near one side of the foundation and watered it regularly, sometimes excessively. She noticed that this
side of the foundation curled upward, the concrete slab cracked and several cracks appeared on the
wall. What do you think is likely the predominant mineral in the clay soil? Justify your answer.
5. Determine the relationship between true dip and apparent dip. Discuss the stability of rock slope stability.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Determine the % of gravels (G), sands (S), silts (M) and clays (C) of soils A, B and C. Also determine
the coefficient of curvature (Cc) and uniformity coefficient (Cu) respectively. Use B soil’s Atterberg limits,
LL = 49% and PL = 45%, classify the soil based on USCS.
2. Describe the geometrical properties of flow net. A sheet pile wall is driven to a depth of 6 m into a
permeable sand layer (k = 6.10-3 mm/s) of 13.5 m thickness lying on an impermeable layer. The water
on one side of the wall is at a height of 4.5m, while on the other side, pumps maintain the water level at
ground level. To design the pumping system, draw, by hand, the flow net and estimate the flow under
the wall in m³/day.
3. The bulk unit weight of soil is determined to be 2.0 t/m 3 and angle of internal friction determined in the
laboratory shear test is 30. The depth of the slide is identified as 2.0 m and the angle of landslide profile
is measured to be 43. Determine the stability number of the given landslide. Assume unit weight of
water is 10kN/m3.
4. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults influence
for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
5. What are the differences between laminar flow and turbulent flow, one dimensional flow, two dimensional
flow and three dimensional flow, and confined flow and unconfined flow?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. What is the characteristic engineering behaviour of clay soils containing the minerals kaolinite, illite
and montmorillonite? Explain with reference to the crystal structure of these minerals.
2. A sandy clay was compacted using the Proctor test, and a sample was extracted and tested in a
direct shear apparatus. The sample diameter was 2.5 in. and its thickness was 1 in. The rate of
horizontal displacement applied was 0.004 in./min. Data were recorded every 10 seconds. The table
below shows data at every third point for a vertical force of 400 lb. A negative sign denotes vertical
(a) Plot graphs of (1) horizontal forces versus horizontal displacements and (2) vertical
displacements versus horizontal displacements.
(b) Determine (1) the maximum or peak shear stress, (2) the critical state shear stress, (3) the peak
dilation angle, (4) p′ , and (5) ′cs .
3. Give five examples of problems in soil engineering where a knowledge of permeability of soils is
4. You are in charge of designing a retaining wall. What laboratory tests would you specify for the
backfill soil? Give reasons.
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults
influence for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. The soil profiles for four boreholes (BH) at a site proposed for an office building are shown below in
Figure (a and b). The soils in each borehole were classified using ASTM-USCS. Sketch the soil profiles
along a diagonal line linking boreholes 1, 2, and 3 and along a line linking boreholes 3 and 4.
2. What is the meaning of peak and residual shear strength, peak and ultimate angle of shearing
resistance of sands, and angle of repose?
3. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a granular
backfill soil with = 35, = 12, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and backside of
the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the wall’s angle with
respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall is 10 m high, = 18.1
kN/m3 and c = 9 kN/m3?
4. Define intact rock and rock mass. Discuss the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail.
Interpret different types of kinematic failures of rock using stereographic projection.
5. Deduce the equation for the stability analysis of an infinite slope in cohesionless soil. A translational soil
slide is observed in Daman, Central Nepal. The bulk unit weight of soil is determined to be 2.0 t/m 3 and
angle of internal friction determined in the laboratory shear test is 30. The depth of the slide is identified
as 2.0 m and the profile of the slide is 32. Estimate the stability number of the given landslide assuming
unit weight of water is 9.8 kN/m3.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. A house foundation consists of a concrete slab casted on a clay soil. The homeowner planted vegetation
near one side of the foundation and watered it regularly, sometimes excessively. She noticed that this
side of the foundation curled upward, the concrete slab cracked and several cracks appeared on the
wall. What do you think is likely the predominant mineral in the clay soil? Justify your answer.
2. A flow net for seepage under the sheet piling is shown in figure below. Estimate approximately the
quantity of seepage in cu m/day/m length of the piling, if the permeability of the sand is 5x10-3 cm/s.
3. Shear box tests results from a saturated, creamish, cemented soil (caliche) are shown in the table below.
The shear box sample was 2.5 in. × 2.5 in. × 1.0 in. thick.
4. You are in charge of designing a retaining wall. What laboratory tests would you specify for the backfill
soil? Give reasons.
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults influence
for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Define effective stress of a soil mass. What is the shear strength of soil in terms of effective stress on a
plane within a saturated soil mass at a point where the total normal stress is 300 kN/m 2 and the pore
water pressure is 150 kN/m2? The effective stress shear strength parameters for the soils are: c = 20
kN/m2 and = 30.
2. A canal is cut into a soil with a stratigraphy shown below in Figure. Assuming that flow takes place
laterally and vertically through the sides of the canal and vertically below the canal, determine the
equivalent hydraulic conductivity in the horizontal and vertical directions. The vertical and horizontal
hydraulic conductivities for each layer are assumed to be the same. Calculate the ratio of the equivalent
horizontal hydraulic conductivity to the equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity for flow through the sides
of the canal.
3. A retaining wall with a smooth vertical back is 6 m high and retains a two-layer sand backfill with the
following parameters as shown below in the diagram. Determine the active earth pressure distribution at
the top, boundary and at the bottom of the layer. Assume that the water table is situated below the base
of the wall.
4. What is the difference between: laminar flow and turbulent flow, one dimensional flow, two dimensional
flow and three dimensional flow, and confined flow and unconfined flow?
5. Elaborate significance of folds and faults in engineering project in detail with suitable examples.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
4. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a granular
backfill soil with = 35, = 12, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and backside of
the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the wall’s angle with
respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall is 10 m high, = 18.1
kN/m3 and c = 9 kN/m3?
5. Define intact rock and rock mass. Discuss the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail.
Interpret different types of kinematic failures of rock using stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Classify the following soils A, B and C using Unified Classification Soil System.
Soil Sieve No. 4 Sieve No. 200 LL PI
(Cumulative % passing)
A 90 48 30 10
B 97 76 60 32
C 78 35 24 2
2. A sandy clay was compacted using the Proctor test, and a sample was extracted and tested in a direct
shear apparatus. The sample diameter was 2.5 in. and its thickness was 1 in. The rate of horizontal
displacement applied was 0.004 in./min. Data were recorded every 10 seconds. The table below shows
data at every third point for a vertical force of 400 lb. A negative sign denotes vertical expansion. Plot
graphs of (1) horizontal forces versus horizontal displacements and (2) vertical displacements versus
horizontal displacements. Determine (1) the maximum or peak shear stress, (2) the critical state shear
stress, (3) the peak dilation angle, (4) p′ , and (5) ′cs .
3. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a granular
backfill soil with = 35, = 12, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and backside of
the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the wall’s angle with
respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall is 10 m high, = 18.1
kN/m3 and c = 9 kN/m3?
4. Define equipotential line and flow line. Describe the different methods used to construct the flow net.
5. Define tunneling quality index. Discuss the rock mass classification and its application in engineering
field with suitable examples. Illustrate with suitable examples in order to interpret stability analyses of
rock with the use of stereographic analyses of rock.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. A moist, light yellowish-brown clayey sand was taken from a depth of 12 ft. under a proposed foundation
for a building in Tucson, Arizona, using a 2.5-inch diameter sampling tube. It was tested in a direct shear
device that accepts a circular sample of the same diameter as the sampling tube. The applied vertical
load was 156 lb. and the horizontal displacement rate was 0.0007 in./min. The shear force versus shear
displacement plot is shown below in Fig.a. Is the soil dense or loose sand? Identify and determine the
peak shear force and critical state shear force.
2. Discuss the commonly used test methods for the assessment of Rock/Aggregate durability.
3. Discuss the role of soil and factors of soil formation in detail.
4. Define equipotential line and flow line. A series of drained tri-axial tests was carried out on specimens of
a sand prepared at the same porosity and the following results were obtained at failure. Determine the
value of the angle of shearing resistance .
All-round pressure (kN/m2) 100 200 400 800
1. The soil layers below have a cross section of 100 m each. The permeability of each soil is: kA = 10-2
cm/sec; kB = 3 x 10-3 cm/sec; kC = 4.9 x 10-4 cm/sec. Find the rate of water supply in cm3/hr.
2. You are in charge of designing a retaining wall. What laboratory tests would you specify for the backfill
soil? Give reasons.
3. Illustrate by schematic diagrams, how the clay minerals kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite are
4. Discuss the spring cylinder model to describe the process of consolidation. Describe the process of
determination pre-consolidation pressure through an appropriate diagram.
5. Define the types of hemispherical projection in detail. Discuss the rock slope stability with the help
of stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Discuss the coefficient of consolidation using logarithmic of time method. Discuss the engineering
application of swelling clay with suitable example.
2. Define permeability in a soil medium. Describe the permeability in a stratified layer. Discuss the variation
of coefficient of permeability for granular soils.
3. Discuss the detection and control of landslides in detail.
4. Determine the relationship between true dip and apparent dip. Discuss the stability of rock slope stability.
5. A retaining wall with a smooth vertical back is 7 m high and retains a two-layer sand backfill with the
following parameters as shown below in the diagram. Determine the active earth pressure distribution at
the top, boundary and at the bottom of the layer. Assume that the water table is situated below the base
of the wall.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Do you recognize something wrong with each of the following nets? Explain with reasons.
2. Enlist the assumptions of Rankine’s theory of earth pressure. Describe the expressions for active and
passive earth pressures with the aid of Rankine’s theory.
3. How do we define ‘failure’ in soils? According to Mohr-Coulomb crieterion, how is the failure plane
recognized and how is the shear strength defined?
4. Deduce the equation for the stability analysis of an infinite slope in cohesionless soil. A translational soil
slide is observed in Daman, Central Nepal. The bulk unit weight of soil is determined to be 2.0 t/m 3 and
angle of internal friction determined in the laboratory shear test is 30. The depth of the slide is identified
as 2.0 m and the profile of the slide is 32. Estimate the stability number of the given landslide assuming
unit weight of water is 9.8 kN/m3.
5. Define the types of hemispherical projection in detail. Discuss the rock slope stability with the help of
stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Determine the lateral earth pressure at rest per unit length of the wall shown below in the diagram. Also
determine the location of the resultant earth pressure. Given: K0 = 1-sin and w = 10 kN/m3.
2. Discuss the commonly used test methods for the assessment of Rock/Aggregate durability.
3. Deduce the equation for the stability analysis of an infinite slope in cohesionless soil. A translational soil
slide is observed in Daman, Central Nepal. The bulk unit weight of soil is determined to be 1.8 t/m3 and
angle of internal friction determined in the laboratory shear test is 34. The depth of the slide is identified
as 2.2 m and the profile of the slide is 30. Estimate the stability number of the given landslide assuming
unit weight of water is 10 kN/m3.
4. Give five examples of problems in soil engineering where a knowledge of permeability of soils is
5. The mass of a moist soil sample collected from the site is 500 g, and its oven dry mass is 498.5 grams.
The specific gravity of the soil solids was determined in the laboratory to be 2.67. If the void ratio of the
soil in the natural state is 0.8, determine the moist density, dry density of the soil in the field in kg/m3 and
the mass of water, in kilograms, to be added per cubic meter of soil in the field for saturation.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. What is the characteristic engineering behaviour of clay soils containing the minerals kaolinite, illite
and montmorillonite? Explain with reference to the crystal structure of these minerals.
2. A retaining wall is 6 m high, with a smooth vertical back is pushed against a soil mass having c = 40
kPa and = 20; = 18 kN/m3. What is the total Rankine passive pressure, if the horizontal soil
surface carries a uniform load of 50 kN/m2? Discuss the permeability of stratified soil and factors
affecting coefficient of permeability.
3. Differentiate between consolidation and compaction. In the flow net diagram shown below, the
permeability of the underlying soil is 10-5 m/sec. Determine the number of flow tubes, number of
equipotential drops from the diagram and total flow of water under dam of length of 30 m at a point
P in the diagram.
4. Define the various factors of safety used in the analysis of stability of slopes. What are the probable
types of failure of a slope?
5. Elaborate significance of folds and faults in engineering project in detail with suitable examples.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. If a soil consists of sand and fines, would drying the soil and then sieving it through a standard stack of
sieves give accurate results on the fines content? Justify your answer.
2. Shear box tests results from a saturated, creamish, cemented soil (caliche) are shown in the table below.
The shear box sample was 2.5 in. × 2.5 in. × 1.0 in. thick.
(a) Determine the shear strength parameters. (b) Write the shear strength equation.
3. A retaining wall with a smooth vertical back is 5 m high and retains a two-layer sand backfill with the
following parameters as shown below in the diagram. Determine the active earth pressure distribution at
the top, boundary and at the bottom of the layer. Assume that the water table is situated below the base
of the wall.
4. Estimate the ratio of the horizontal to vertical permeability of following four strata.
5. Elaborate significance of folds and faults in engineering project in detail with suitable examples.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Illustrate by schematic diagrams, how the clay minerals kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite are formed.
2. Discuss the spring cylinder model to describe the process of consolidation. Describe the process of
determination pre-consolidation pressure through an appropriate diagram.
3. A flow net for seepage under the sheet piling is shown in figure below. Estimate approximately the
quantity of seepage in cu m/day/m length of the piling, if the permeability of the sand is 5x10-3 cm/s.
4. Describe the expressions for Coulomb’s active earth pressures in cohesionless soil.
5. Define the types of hemispherical projection in detail. Discuss the rock slope stability with the help of
stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Discuss the practical applications of CD test from tri-axial tests with suitable examples. A series of
drained tri-axial tests was performed on specimens of a sand prepared at the same porosity and the
following results were obtained at failures. Determine the value of the angle of shearing resistance .
All round pressure (kN/m2) 100 200 400
2. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a granular
backfill soil with = 35, = 12, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and backside of
the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the wall’s angle with
respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall is 10 m high, = 18.1
kN/m3 and c = 9 kN/m3?
3. The bulk unit weight of soil is determined to be 2.0 t/m3 and angle of internal friction determined in the
laboratory shear test is 30. The depth of the slide is identified as 2.0 m and the angle of landslide profile
is measured to be 43. Determine the stability number of the given landslide. Assume unit weight of
water is 10kN/m3.
4. What is a ‘silica tetrahedron’ and an ‘aluminium octahedron’? How are silica sheet and alumina sheet
formed? Show their schematic representation.
5. Define tunneling quality index. Discuss the rock mass classification and its application in engineering
field with suitable examples. Illustrate with suitable examples in order to interpret stability analyses of
rock with the use of stereographic analyses of rock.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. If you have to select a soil for a roadway that requires good drainage qualities, what soil type would you
select and why?
2. A moist, light yellowish-brown clayey sand was taken from a depth of 12 ft. under a proposed foundation
for a building in Tucson, Arizona, using a 2.5-inch diameter sampling tube. It was tested in a direct shear
device that accepts a circular sample of the same diameter as the sampling tube. The applied vertical
load was 156 lb. and the horizontal displacement rate was 0.0007 in./min. The shear force versus shear
displacement plot is shown below in Fig.a.
(a) Is the soil dense or loose sand? (b) Identify and determine the peak shear force and critical state
shear force.
3. Define the types of hemispherical projection in detail. Discuss the rock slope stability with the help of
stereographic projection.
4. Clearly explain the difference between the active earth pressure and the passive earth pressure. Give
two examples of each kind.
5. Discuss the detection and control of landslides in detail.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Define the earth retaining structures, its classification, design consideration and types of retaining walls
with suitable diagram.
2. What are the differences between porosity and void ratio, saturated unit weight and submerged unit
weight, dry unit weight and unit weight of solids, and specific gravity of solids and mass specific gravity?
3. The soil layers below have a cross section of 100 m each. The permeability of each soil is: kA = 10-2
cm/sec; kB = 3 x 10-3 cm/sec; kC = 4.9 x 10-4 cm/sec. Find the rate of water supply in cm3/hr.
4. You are in charge of designing a retaining wall. What laboratory tests would you specify for the backfill
soil? Give reasons.
5. Elaborate significance of folds and faults in engineering project in detail with suitable examples.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Draw the plasticity chart and give the group symbols of the various regions in the chart.
2. Determine the equation for the factor of safety of infinite slope using Coulomb’s law. The bulk unit weight
of soil is determined to be 2.0 t/m3 and angle of internal friction determined in the laboratory shear test
is 30. The depth of the slide is identified as 2.0 m and the angle of landslide profile is measured to be
43. Determine the stability number of the given landslide. Assume unit weight of water is 10kN/m3.
3. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a granular
backfill soil with = 35, = 12, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and backside of
the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the wall’s angle with
respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall is 10 m high, = 18.1
kN/m3 and c = 9 kN/m3?
4. Shear box tests results from a saturated, creamish, cemented soil (caliche) are shown in the table
below. The shear box sample was 2.5 in. × 2.5 in. × 1.0 in. thick.
5. Determine the relationship between true dip and apparent dip. Discuss the stability of rock slope
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. The following data refers to the classification tests carried out on three samples from the clinker
grinding unit of a cement factory. Classify the soils as per USCS.
1. Discuss the strengths of clay minerals illite, montmorillonite and kaolinite in terms of their Atterberg
limits. In which engineering field soil classification systems of AASHTO and USCS are used and why?
2. Define intact rock and rock mass. Discuss the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail.
Interpret different types of kinematic failures of rock using stereographic projection.
3. Deduce the equation for the stability analysis of an infinite slope in cohesionless soil. A translational soil
slide is observed in Daman, Central Nepal. The bulk unit weight of soil is determined to be 1.8 t/m3 and
angle of internal friction determined in the laboratory shear test is 30. The depth of the slide is identified
as 1.5 m and the profile of the slide is 30. Estimate the stability number of the given landslide assuming
unit weight of water is 9.8 kN/m3.
4. Differentiate between consolidation and compaction. In the flow net diagram shown below, the
permeability of the underlying soil is 10-5 m/sec. Determine the number of flow tubes, number of
equipotential drops from the diagram and total flow of water under dam of length of 40 m at a point P in
the diagram.
5. How do we define ‘failure’ in soils? According to Mohr-Coulomb crieterion, how is the failure plane
recognized and how is the shear strength defined?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
5. Discuss the commonly used test methods for the assessment of Rock/Aggregate durability.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. If you have to select a soil for a roadway that requires good drainage qualities, what soil type would
you select and why?
2. Do you recognize something wrong with each of the following nets? Explain with reasons.
3. Enlist the assumptions of Rankine’s theory of earth pressure. Describe the expressions for active and
passive earth pressures with the aid of Rankine’s theory.
4. How do we define ‘failure’ in soils? According to Mohr-Coulomb crieterion, how is the failure plane
recognized and how is the shear strength defined?
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults influence
for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Illustrate by schematic diagrams, how the clay minerals kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite are formed.
2. Discuss the spring cylinder model to describe the process of consolidation. Describe the process of
determination pre-consolidation pressure through an appropriate diagram.
3. A flow net for seepage under the sheet piling is shown in figure below. Estimate approximately the
quantity of seepage in cu m/day/m length of the piling, if the permeability of the sand is 4x10-3 cm/s.
4. Enlist the assumptions of Rankine’s theory of earth pressure. Describe the expressions for active and
passive earth pressures with the aid of Rankine’s theory.
5. Define intact rock and rock mass. Discuss the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail.
Interpret different types of kinematic failures of rock using stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Define liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of soil. The mass of a moist soil sample collected from
the field is 470 grams, and its oven dry mass is 455.50 grams. The specific gravity of the soil solids was
determined in the laboratory to be 2.75. If the void ratio of the soil in the natural state is 0.8. Determine
the moist density and dry density of soil in the field in kg/m3.
2. Define equipotential line and flow line. A series of drained tri-axial tests was carried out on specimens of
a sand prepared at the same porosity and the following results were obtained at failure. Determine the
value of the angle of shearing resistance .
All-round pressure (kN/m2) 100 200 400 800
3. Estimate the ratio of the horizontal to vertical permeability of following four strata.
4. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a granular
backfill soil with = 32, = 13, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and backside of
the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the wall’s angle with
respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall is 8 m high, = 20
kN/m3 and c = 12 kN/m3?
5. Define intact rock and rock mass. Discuss the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail.
Interpret different types of kinematic failures of rock using stereographic projection.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. The following data refers to the classification tests carried out on three samples from the clinker
grinding unit of a cement factory. Classify the soils as per USCS.
Sieve size % Finer
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
4.75 mm 100 100 100
2.00 mm 100 99.25 100
1.00 mm 97.80 98.75 99.90
450 micron 91.65 98.0 99.70
210 micron 85.50 54.15 90.0
150 micron 80.2.55 7.6 81.50
75 micron 78.25 6.00 63.00
Liquid Limit 19.00 - -
Plastic Limit 15.50
Plasticity Index 3.50 Non-plastic Non-plastic
2. You are in charge of designing a retaining wall. What laboratory tests would you specify for the backfill
soil? Give reasons.
3. A sandy clay was compacted using the Proctor test, and a sample was extracted and tested in a direct
shear apparatus. The sample diameter was 2.5 in. and its thickness was 1 in. The rate of horizontal
displacement applied was 0.004 in./min. Data were recorded every 10 seconds. The table below shows
data at every third point for a vertical force of 400 lb. A negative sign denotes vertical expansion. Plot
graphs of (1) horizontal forces versus horizontal displacements and (2) vertical displacements versus
horizontal displacements. Determine (1) the maximum or peak shear stress, (2) the critical state shear
stress, (3) the peak dilation angle, (4) p′ , and (5) ′cs .
4. Give five examples of problems in soil engineering where a knowledge of permeability of soils is
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults
influence for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. A soil has a dry density of 1.816 gm/mL in the natural condition. When 410 gm of the soil was poured in
a vessel in a very loose state, its volume was 290 mL. The same soil when vibrated and compacted was
found to have a volume of 215 mL. Determine the relative density.
2. Discuss the shear characteristics of cohesionless soils and cohesive soils with suitable diagram.
3. Determine the equation for the factor of safety of infinite slope using Coulomb’s law. A long natural slope
in an overconsolidated clay (c = 10 kPa, = 25, sat = 20 kN/m3) is inclined at 10 to the horizontal.
The water table is at the surface and the seepage is parallel to the slope. If a plane slip had developed
at a depth of 5 m below the surface, determine the factor of safety. Take w = 10 kPa.
4. Determine the Coulomb active force on the retaining wall shown in Figure below. Use = 17.5 kN/m3.
5. Discuss the spring cylinder model to describe the process of consolidation. Describe the process of
determination pre-consolidation pressure through an appropriate diagram.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. A sample of dry soil weighs 68 gm. Find the volume of voids if the total volume of the sample is 40 mL
and the specific gravity of solids is 2.65. Also determine the void ratio.
2. A series of shear tests was performed on a soil. Each test was carried out until the soil sample sheared
and the principal stresses for each test are as follows. Plot the Mohr circle of stress and determine the
strength envelop and angle of internal friction of the soil.
Tests 3 (kN/m2) 1 (kN/m2)
1 300 875
2 400 1160
3 500 1460
3. Differentiate between consolidation and compaction. In the flow net diagram shown below, the
permeability of the underlying soil is 10-5 m/sec. Determine the number of flow tubes, number of
equipotential drops from the diagram and total flow of water under dam of length of 25 m at a point P in
the diagram.
4. Define the various factors of safety used in the analysis of stability of slopes. What are the probable
types of failure of a slope?
5. Define tunneling quality index. Discuss the rock mass classification and its application in engineering
field with suitable examples. Illustrate with suitable examples in order to interpret stability analyses
of rock with the use of stereographic analyses of rock.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Define the term ‘soil’, ‘soil mechanics’ and soil engineering. What are the limitations of soil
engineering? Mention a brief history of soil engineering.
2. A series of direct shear tests was conducted on a soil, each test was carried out till the sample dialed.
The following results were obtained. Determine the cohesion intercept and the angle of shearing
Sample No. Normal Stress Shear Stress
(kN/m ) (kN/m2)
1 15 18
2 30 25
3 45 32
3. If you have to select a soil for a roadway that requires good drainage qualities, what soil type would you
select and why?
4. A flow net for seepage under the sheet piling is shown in figure below. Estimate approximately the
quantity of seepage in cu m/day/m length of the piling, if the permeability of the sand is 4.5x10-3 cm/s.
5. Determine the relationship between true dip and apparent dip. Discuss the stability of rock slope stability.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Develop a relationship between the void ratio, water content, specific gravity of particles and the
degree of saturation.
2. The following results were obtained from a series of consolidated undrained tests on a soil, in which
the pore pressure was not determined. Determine the cohesion intercept and the angle of shearing
Sample No. Confining Pressure Deviatory Stress at failure
(kN/m2) (kN/m2)
1 100 600
2 200 750
3 300 870
3. Do you recognize something wrong with each of the following nets? Explain with reasons.
4. Determine the lateral earth pressure at rest per unit length of the wall shown below in the diagram. Also
determine the location of the resultant earth pressure. Given: K0 = 1-sin and w = 10 kN/m3.
5. Elaborate significance of folds and faults in engineering project in detail with suitable examples.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. Determine the shear strength in terms of effective stress on a plane within a saturated soil mass at a
point where the total normal stress is 200 kN/m2 and the pore water pressure is 80 kN/m2. The effective
stress shear strength parameters for the soil are: c = 16 kN/m2 and = 30.
2. The soil profiles for four boreholes (BH) at a site proposed for an office building are shown below in
Figure (a and b). The soils in each borehole were classified using ASTM-USCS. Sketch the soil profiles
along a diagonal line linking boreholes 1, 2, and 3 and along a line linking boreholes 3 and 4.
3. A house foundation consists of a concrete slab casted on a clay soil. The homeowner planted vegetation
near one side of the foundation and watered it regularly, sometimes excessively. She noticed that this
side of the foundation curled upward, the concrete slab cracked and several cracks appeared on the
wall. What do you think is likely the predominant mineral in the clay soil? Justify your answer.
4. Define the various factors of safety used in the analysis of stability of slopes. What are the probable
types of failure of a slope?
5. Elaborate significance of folds and faults in engineering project in detail with suitable examples.
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
3. Compare the Rankine and Coulomb lateral earth pressure coefficients for a wall that retains a granular
backfill soil with = 30, = 14, = 0. (Note: is the angle of friction between the soil and backside of
the wall; α is the angle of slope for the backfill behind the wall and is the back of the wall’s angle with
respect to vertical). What is the passive earth force on the wall at failure if the wall is 10 m high, = 17.9
kN/m3 and c = 10 kN/m2?
4. Determine the relationship between true dip and apparent dip. Discuss the stability of rock slope stability.
5. How do we define ‘failure’ in soils? According to Mohr-Coulomb crieterion, how is the failure plane
recognized and how is the shear strength defined?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
(a) Determine the shear strength parameters. (b) Write the shear strength equation.
3. A retaining wall with a smooth vertical back is 5 m high and retains a two-layer sand backfill with the
following parameters as shown below in the diagram. Determine the active earth pressure
distribution at the top, boundary and at the bottom of the layer. Assume that the water table is situated
below the base of the wall.
4. Estimate the ratio of the horizontal to vertical permeability of following four strata.
5. Describe the geomechanical classification and Q-system in detail. How does folds and faults influence
for the construction of tunnel in any types of Himalayan terrain?
Kathmandu University
May, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
Level: B.E. Course: CIEG 303
Year: III Semester: I
Ex. Roll Name of Student
1. The following index properties were determined for two soils A and B. Which of the two soils (i) contains
more clay particles, (ii) has a greater bulk density, (iii) has a greater dry density and (iv) has a greater
void ratio?
Index Properties Soil Type-A Soil Type-B
Liquid Limit, % 65 35
Plastic Limit, % 25 20
Water Content, % 35 25
Sp. Gr. of solids 2.70 2.65
Degree of Saturation, % 100 100
2. A moist, light yellowish-brown clayey sand was taken from a depth of 12 ft. under a proposed foundation
for a building in Tucson, Arizona, using a 2.5-inch diameter sampling tube. It was tested in a direct shear
device that accepts a circular sample of the same diameter as the sampling tube. The applied vertical
load was 156 lb. and the horizontal displacement rate was 0.0007 in./min. The shear force versus shear
displacement plot is shown below in Fig.a.
(a) Is the soil dense or loose sand? (b) Identify and determine the peak shear force and critical state
shear force.
3. Give five examples of problems in soil engineering where a knowledge of permeability of soils is
4. Discuss the detection and control of landslides in detail.
5. Show the relationship between true dip and apparent dip. Discuss the stability of rock slope stability.