Research Manuscript Draft

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A Research Proposal

Submitted to:
Dr. Marites A. Miergas
Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of
Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology (EARIST)

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements in
1st Year Civil Engineering Department

Submitted by:
Arce, Elizabeth O.
Aspiras, Rose Anne P.
Dacanay, Jenevieve B.
Gemzon, Jamie Khristian L.
Olor, Ferdinand Jr. Q.


July 2023
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania


The researchers would like to express their sincerest gratitude and warm appreciation to
the following people who contributed much and helped them throughout their journey in making
this study interesting and valuable.

To the research adviser, Dr. Marites A. Miergas who made this study possible. Thank you
so much for learning, assisting, and supporting them, and especially for your patience during the
whole period of the study. Her advice and recommendations carried the researchers through all
the stages. Without that knowledge, the researchers would not make this research up until this

To the researchers' friends and classmates who offered their assistance and knowledge.
For their moral support, prayers, and encouragement for their daily undertakings and
perseverance to work hard for the completion of their study.

To the respondents, 1st Year of Civil Engineering students in EARIST Manila, who gave
their patience, full cooperation, and for lending some of your precious time in answering the
questions on the research survey about their ideas.

To the researchers’ parents, thank you for your never-ending support in all of their
endeavours, understanding, and for continuously serving as an inspiration. All of these are very
much cherished and appreciated.

Most especially, to Almighty God, for giving the researchers knowledge, strength, and
granting them the opportunity the capability to make this research possible. They would not be
able to finish this study without His guidance.

For those whose names were not written above but are still a part of the researcher's life,
they guarantee you that your names and memories will be cherished and valued forever in their
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania


A. Introduction

Bamboo is widely employed in numerous countries due to its strong mechanical properties
and diverse range of applications, particularly in construction. It is increasingly used as an
alternative to traditional steel-reinforced concrete, leveraging its renewable resources, cost-
effectiveness, and eco-friendliness. The application of epoxy resin can further enhance the
longevity of bamboo-reinforced concrete, thereby increasing the overall durability of construction.
Additionally, bamboo serves as a bonding compound between bamboo and concrete, ensuring
the structural integrity of the building. Moreover, bamboo exhibits excellent structural qualities,
making it well-suited for applications such as scaffolding, flooring, wall panels, and reinforcement
material in concrete.

The development of epoxy resin for bamboo reinforced concrete holds significant
importance in enhancing construction practices within the school setting of EARIST, located in
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila. The study will involve conducting experiments applying epoxy resin
to bamboo on the school grounds, taking advantage of EARIST Manila's suitability as a location
to investigate the capabilities of using bamboo as reinforcement in concrete. By exploring
alternative reinforcement materials such as bamboo, which are both cost-effective and
environmentally friendly, this research aims to improve structural properties and contribute to a
greener approach to building construction, thus maintaining the institution's commitment to proper
development in construction practices.

The study of epoxy resin with bamboo-reinforced concrete. It aims to enhance the
mechanical properties of bamboo-reinforced concrete that led to structures with improved
strength, durability, and resilience and provide safer and long-lasting infrastructure and have
practical implications for engineers, architects, and construction, guiding them in adopting
innovative, sustainable, and cost-effective construction practices. If local bamboo is available in
construction, it can be used by supporting local industries and economies. It encourages the
growth of bamboo suppliers and construction workers. This study represents an innovative
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

approach by construction materials in exploring the combination of epoxy resin and bamboo.

This research aims to explore and enhance bamboo's potential as a sustainable and eco-
friendly alternative to typical reinforcement materials in concrete construction. Bamboo is a
renewable resource that grows rapidly, making it suitable for sustainable construction. By
developing epoxy resin specifically for bamboo, non-renewable materials like steel can be
replaced. The study focuses on highlighting bamboo's strength and durability, despite its
susceptibility to decay. It also aims to create a synthetic epoxy resin that enhances durability and
resilience to decay. The research evaluates the structural performance of bamboo, including load-
carrying capability, capacity, and cracking behaviour, to determine its suitability for construction.
Additionally, the study compares the cost of bamboo to traditional construction materials,
emphasizing its cost-effectiveness and long-term preservation advantages.

It aims to improve the structural ordinary general performance of bamboo-reinforced

concrete with resource utilisation optimization of the epoxy resin formulation. This improvement
in bonding between the bamboo fibres and the concrete matrix will result in increased strength,
durability, and load bearing capacity of the composite material. The work is consistent with
sustainable arrival practices by promoting the use of renewable assets such as bamboo. The
development of epoxy resin primarily for bamboo reinforcement helps reduce the environmental
impact of manufacturing activities. By increasing a well-matched and effective bonding agent, the
project seeks to enhance the long-term durability and normal overall performance of bamboo-
reinforced concrete, facilitating its wider use in future projects.

This article goes into great length about the development of bamboo-reinforced
composites for structural applications, including the use of epoxy resin as a matrix material.
Naturally treated Philippine bamboo provides good reinforcement as it holds very good tension
and compressive strength. The flexural strength of the concrete beam having bamboo
reinforcement shows greater strength which helps to improve the usage of bamboo. M. Loretero
, C. Bacosa (May 2023). Moreover, the effects of different delignification times on the performance
of the bamboo-epoxy resin were investigated. The composite material showed superior stability
compared with natural bamboo. After 8 h of delignification, the flexural strength and compressive
strength along the grain of the bamboo-epoxy resin had increased by 80.9% and 42.9%,
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

respectively. This eco-friendly approach to creating high-performance material is useful for the
fabrication of structural materials. (Z. Liu, S. Yang et al. ,2022)
Overall, the results of this study indicate the need for additional research in this field and
offer significant new insights into the development of epoxy resin for bamboo-reinforced concrete.

B. Statement of the Problem

The researchers would like to investigate the Development of Epoxy Resin for Bamboo
Reinforced Concrete.
More specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the structural behaviour and load bearing capacity of bamboo as reinforced
concrete with epoxy resin compared to traditional reinforced concrete?

2. How does the application of epoxy resin affect the mechanical properties of bamboo-
reinforced concrete in terms of its:
a. Durability
b. Tensile strength

3. How does an epoxy resin coating reduce pest infestations on bamboo?

4. What are the changes in water absorption and moisture of bamboo-reinforced concrete
after the application of epoxy resin?
a. Reduced Water Absorption
b. Improved moisture

5. How can epoxy resin improve the durability of bamboo?

C. Conceptual Framework
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. shows the conceptual framework of the study wherein the inputs consist of the
following: (1) What is the structural behaviour and load bearing capacity of bamboo as reinforced
concrete with epoxy resin compared to traditional reinforced concrete? (2) How does the
application of epoxy resin affect the mechanical properties of bamboo-reinforced concrete? (3)
How does an epoxy resin coating reduce pest infestations on bamboo? (4) What are the changes
in water absorption and moisture of bamboo-reinforced concrete after the application of epoxy
resin? (5) How can epoxy resin improve the durability of bamboo? On the other side, the process
being used is the Conducting Experimental Method, Observation, Survey, Data Gathering, and
Statistical Analysis of Data. The output is the Development of Epoxy Resin for Bamboo
Reinforced Concrete.

D. Significance of the Study

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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

This research study is beneficial to the following groups of people:

To Researchers. It will increase scientific understanding by doing this experimental

research on the development of epoxy resin for bamboo-reinforced concrete. This study
contributes to the corpus of knowledge on the subject of construction materials, specifically
renewable and eco-friendly alternatives in today's construction materials. Furthermore, the
researchers will benefit from a general understanding of cost-effective construction materials.

To Students. This research will involve students in the development of epoxy resin for
bamboo-reinforced concrete, which will help them personally, academically, and societally. It
develops their skills, knowledge, and passion for innovation while making a significant contribution
to the construction industry's long-term development.

Parents. Parents in particular will benefit from this study since it will improve their
understanding of how epoxy resin was developed for bamboo-reinforced concrete as it makes it
a safer option for construction projects. This study is advantageous since it encourages
sustainable development and provides an alternative to traditional concrete.

School and Faculties. The study offers significant benefits to schools and faculty as it
enhances their academic community, fosters collaboration within and outside the institution, and
advances faculty members' expertise for professional development. Moreover, staying up to date
with the latest developments in construction provides them with new insights and knowledge,
while also promoting the adoption of sustainable building practices and environmental

To the Community. Community will benefit from this study of how epoxy resin was
developed for bamboo-reinforced concrete. It provides safer and more sustainable and cost-
effective construction solutions. It promotes economic growth and supports well-being.
Conducting this study in the community empowers local researchers, community members, and
also engineers.

To Future Researchers. Future researchers can build on the findings of this study to gain
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

a better understanding of construction materials, specifically the development of epoxy resin for
bamboo-reinforced concrete. Future studies will devise ways to optimise the epoxy resin and the
various bamboo species to match the two for more robust construction. Overall, Future
Researchers can undertake research to gain a better grasp of the materials used in the
construction industry.

To Administrators. This study will be highly beneficial to administrators as it provides

them with valuable insights and ideas to implement construction practices that enhance the
structural integrity and durability of school buildings. Consequently, this contributes to the
creation of a safer learning environment for all occupants.

E. Scope and Limitations

The study was conducted at EARIST, Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila. It focuses on the
development of epoxy resin for bamboo-reinforced concrete, with the goal of improving the
composite material's mechanical performance. This entails examining the bonding capabilities
and mechanical qualities of bamboo when combined with epoxy resin, such as material strength.
Furthermore, the study will evaluate the weight-bearing capacity of the bamboo-reinforced
concrete, taking into account probable structural differences.

However, the researchers did not consider how bamboo's resourcefulness as a

construction material is influenced by its changing availability, which is typically found in rural
locations with tropical and subtropical climates while being scarce in metropolitan settings. As a
result, geographical constraints may limit the viability of adopting bamboo-reinforced concrete
using epoxy resin. Furthermore, the development of epoxy resin for bamboo reinforcement
confronts difficulties because it is not as well-established as steel reinforcement for concrete, thus
limiting structural design requirements. When using bamboo in construction projects, load limits
and design issues must be carefully considered.

F. Definition of Terms
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

The following are terms which the researchers would like to give a definition to since these
are the terms they would be referring to in the study. Each term is given a conceptual and
operational meaning.

Bamboo. Any of various woody or arborescent grasses of tropical and temperate regions
having hollow stems, thick rhizomes, and shoots that are used for food. In this research study, it
serves as an alternative to reinforced concrete.

Cost-Effective. Producing good results without costing a lot of money. In this research
study, it was used to show how bamboo may save a lot of money when used in construction.

Decay. To undergo decomposition. In this research study, decay was used as one of the
disadvantages of bamboo.

Delignification. Removal of lignin from woody tissue. In this research study, it was used
to describe the process that is executed on bamboo and epoxy resin.

Eco-friendly. Defined as being not environmentally harmful. In this research study, it is

one of the advantages of using bamboo as an alternative to traditional steel-reinforced concrete.

Epoxy Resin. A flexible usually thermosetting resin made by copolymerization of an

epoxide with another compound having two hydroxyl groups and used chiefly in coatings and
adhesives. In this research study, epoxy resin was used as a bonding agent to facilitate
adhesion and create a strong bond between bamboo and concrete.

Flexural. Of, relating to, or resulting from flexure. In this research study, flexural was
used to describe the sturdiness of bamboo.

Leveraging. The action of a lever or the mechanical advantage gained by it. In this
research study, leveraging was used to take advantage of bamboo as a renewable source.
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

Longevity. The time period during which something exists or lasts. In this research study,
it was used to identify how long bamboo-reinforced concrete will last when epoxy resin is applied.

Matrix. something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form.
In this research study, a matrix was used to describe the material in which concrete develops.

Reinforcement. The action of strengthening or encouraging something: the state of being

reinforced. In this research study, it is the inclusion of bamboo as an alternative material for mixing

Resilience. The capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after
deformation caused especially by compressive stress. In this research study, it was used to
enhance the concrete's strength and load carrying capacity of bamboo reinforced concrete and
epox yresin.

Scaffolding. a support system or structure likened to a system of scaffolds. In this

research study, scaffolding was used to describe the different applications of bamboo.

Susceptibility. The quality or state of being susceptible. In this research study, it was
used to highlight the proneness of bamboo.

Synthetic. Attributing to a subject something determined by observation rather than

analysis of the nature of the subject and not resulting in self-contradiction if negated. In this
research study, it was used as a specific material for epoxy resin for bamboo-reinforced concrete.
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania


This chapter presents the literature and studies, both foreign and local, to support and
help the study made by the researchers. The researchers conducted intensive readings and
searches for materials that have relations to the development of epoxy resin for bamboo-
reinforced concrete.

In foreign literature, Thangaraj, S., Madasamy, M. (2023). Bamboo-based construction

has become more popular in recent decades due to the need for a transformation in the building
sector toward sustainability. The creation and performance evaluation of a newly designed
cementitious composite slab panel utilizing nano-basalt powder (nBP) modified epoxy-coated
bamboo as reinforcement are demonstrated in this study. Experimentation on six slab panels (600
450 50 mm), each with a different reinforcement type, revealed that the one with the nBP-modified
epoxy-coated bamboo reinforcement demonstrated significantly increased flexural performance
by demonstrating better bonding characteristics. The bond strength of the nBP-modified epoxy-
coated bamboo-reinforced slab increased by about 32%, to around 5.65 MPa, when compared to
the uncoated bamboo-reinforced slab. The use of nano-basalt powder-modified epoxy-coated
bamboo reinforcements with glass wrapping (nBGS) resulted in a flexural strength of
approximately 73 MPa and a bond strength of approximately 6.26 MPa. When the nBGS slab was
compared to a standard cement concrete slab, the load-carrying capacity increased by about

In local literature, Bacosa, C., Loreteto, M. (2023). Due to the scarcity of steel supplies in
various parts of the world, bamboo is one of the most extensively used building materials.
Increased use of bamboo as a building material alternative to RC and steel. The purpose of this
study is to investigate the mechanical strength of concrete reinforced with treated and untreated
bamboo sticks as a replacement for steel bars. The materials used were various bamboo species,
such as Dendrocalamus As per Schultes, Dendrocalamus Merrillianos Elmer, Bambusa Vulgaris
Schrader, and Bambusa Blumeana Schultes, cut into 60 mm length and 10 mm diameter bamboo
sticks, which were prepared as primary reinforcements treated with seawater and seawater with
mango polyphenol extract treated for 7, 14, 28, and 56 days based on ASTM standards. The
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

Dendrocalamus Merrillianos Elmer and Dendrocalamus Asper Schultes were the best substitutes
for steel reinforcement in concrete because they have higher tensile strength than other species.
The flexural and compressive strengths of reinforced concrete were affected by curing age,
bamboo stick species employed as reinforcement, and bamboo stick treatment. Treated bamboo
with seawater and mango polyphenol is a good substitute for steel reinforcement bars in concrete.

In foreign literature, Hu, H., et al. (2022). Natural bamboo fibers (BFs) treated with silane
coupling agents were used to create a reinforced epoxy resin (EP)-based composite. Fourier
Transform Infrared Spectroscopy was used to characterize the effects of the coupling agents on
the chemical structures of the BFs. The mechanical parameters of the BFs/EP-based composites,
such as tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength, and hardness, were greatly increased,
which might be attributed to the BFs' good strengthening effect. Simultaneously, experimental
studies on the thermal behaviors of BFs and epoxy composites were reported, revealing that the
thermal breakdown temperature of the polymer materials was reduced while flame retardancy
was increased. Bamboo fiber breakage and fiber split were also seen on the composites' impact
fracture surface, indicating energy dissipation during the fiber debonding and pullout processes.
Furthermore, erosive wear tests were performed to examine the erosive wear properties of the
natural bamboo fibers that were used to modify the epoxy matrix composites. The results show
that increasing the natural bamboo fiber content to 15% wt. increased the erosive wear resistance
of the EP-based composite significantly.

In local literature, Baniel, M., Estores, G. (2022). Bamboo fiber reinforced concrete (BFRC)
is one of the most commercially significant non-timber forest products in the Philippines, and its
fiber can be utilized for concrete reinforcement. However, BFRC requires further investigation,
and its direct tensile strength is an important component that must be examined. The current
study used finite element modeling (FEM) and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to evaluate the
direct tensile strength of BFRC. The compressive and direct tensile strengths of the BFRC were
shown to have a favorable association. The trial-and-error method yielded the best ANN model.
This model features a 5-5-1 network topology (input-hidden neurons-output) and uses the tan
sigmoid transfer function for both the input-hidden and hidden-output layers, resulting in the most
accurate prediction. Among the other algorithms, Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) provided the best
optimization performance. For training, testing, validating, and overall, the best model has a mean
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

squared error (MSE) of 0.0000287 with r values of 0.98619, 0.99936, 0.99516, and 0.98565.
Sensitivity Analysis demonstrates that compression can drastically alter system performance
even with minor changes to its parameter value.

In foreign literature, Chavan, V., et al (2022). Bamboo is a promising material for steel
reinforcement due to its affordability, widespread availability, and abundance. It is cultivated by
farmers on their farms and possesses excellent mechanical qualities, making it an attractive
choice for researchers exploring its potential as a reinforcing element in concrete.
To create bamboo-strip mats, small and thin pieces of bamboo are cut and knotted together in
two directions. These strips are then connected with small, thin Mild Steel wire to secure their
position in the mat construction. In laboratory testing, the bottom side of a cement concrete
prismatic section is reinforced using a bamboo strip mat. Researchers at the Future Cities
Laboratory Singapore Zurich have successfully combined the exceptional physical features of
bamboo fiber with the impressive mechanical properties of polymer resins, resulting in a new
green and sustainable material technology. They are investigating the possibility of using high-
performance bamboo fiber composite materials to replace steel reinforcements in structural
concrete applications. The technology itself is considered low-tech, with high-tech expertise and
components injected to upscale and implement it in underdeveloped countries. This is particularly
relevant due to the rapid urbanization of these areas, which overlaps with the natural habitat of
bamboo, making it an economical and locally available resource for the future construction
industry. The newly developed fiber composite materials have the potential to transform the
construction industry, providing a local solution for urban sustainability within a global context.. It
explores the use of bamboo in place of steel, either entirely or in combination with steel, to achieve
weight reduction and economic benefits while ensuring its strength remains at a safe level.
Various research and study results will be utilized to determine the optimal strategy for replacing
steel with bamboo as a reinforcing material, including determining the appropriate amount,
proportion, and placement in concrete structures.

In local literature, Amartosa Jr, T. et al., (2021). In this work, the mechanical properties of
unidirectional full-culm bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) were studied using mango polyphenol
(MPP) powder in seawater pH 7.4 as a natural treatment. Our findings are explained by changes
in MPP percentages of 5, 10, and 20 of the raw material after treatment, with 10% of MPP
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

dominating compressive strength with 43.83 MPa at the top (nodal), 10% of MPP dominating
compressive strength with 47.13 MPa at the middle (non-nodal), and 5% dominating flexural
strength with 43.07 MPa at the top. The treatment procedure combining seawater absorption and
mango polyphenol powder improves mechanical qualities with MPP fluctuations more effectively
than any of them alone. Finally, elements were discovered to have beneficial impacts on the entire
bamboo culm.

In foreign literature, Nachiappan, S. (2021). Composites have recently received a lot of

attention as a viable operating material. Many studies have been conducted to improve the
mechanical properties of composites. The primary goal of this research is to create an epoxy resin
matrix composite with bamboo mat as a reinforcing material and bagasse fiber as a filler. The
influence of fiber surface treatments on the mechanical properties of epoxy resin composites with
bagasse as filler has been created and explored in this study. To improve the surface roughness
of the fiber, the isolated bamboo fibers were treated with NaOH. Handwoven mats were created
using treated and untreated bamboo fiber as reinforcement, and bagasse fiber was transformed
into powder to be filled as filler. The hand layup technique is used to create a composite material
with bamboo fiber and bagasse fiber as fillers and epoxy resin as a matrix. Tensile, flexural, and
compressive strength tests, as well as water absorption tests, were then performed on sodium
hydroxide-treated and untreated fiber composites. The test findings comparing with and without
alkali-treated composites demonstrate that the strength and water absorption capabilities of the
alkali-treated fiber changed significantly. Originality and value: This research article is unique.

In local literature, Amatosa Jr., T., & Loretero M. (2020). Bamboo is a lightweight and high-
strength raw material that has prompted researchers to investigate and explore, particularly in the
field of biocomposite, and has been designated as a green technology for the environment as
totally accountable as eco-products. The purpose of this study was to determine the technological
feasibility of producing single-layer experimental Medium-Density Particleboard panels from a
three-year-old (Dendrocalamus asper) bamboo waste. Waste materials were used to create
composite materials by soaking them in seawater with an average pH of 7.6. The same procedure
is used to create three different varieties of MDP: bamboo waste strip MDP (SMDP), bamboo
waste chips MDP (CMDP), and bamboo waste mixed strip-chips MDP (MMDP). The physical-
mechanical properties of the experimental panels were evaluated using ASTM D1037-12
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

methods. Conclusively, even the current study reveals that MDP has greater and comparable
qualities to other composite materials; future research as a viable substitute for hardwood
materials, particularly in production, design, and construction usage, must be prioritized.

In foreign literature, Nachiappan, S. et al. (2020). Composites have recently gained

significant attention as promising materials for various applications. Numerous studies have been
undertaken to enhance the mechanical properties of composites. The research aims to develop
a composite using an epoxy resin matrix with bamboo mat as reinforcement and bagasse fibre
as a filler. The influence of fiber surface treatments on the mechanical characteristics of the epoxy
resin composite, including the addition of bagasse as a filler, has been thoroughly investigated.
To enhance the surface roughness of the bamboo fibers, they were treated with NaOH.
Subsequently, handwoven mats were created using both the treated and untreated bamboo fibers
as reinforcement, while bagasse fiber was transformed into powder for use as a filler. The hand
layup technique was employed to fabricate the composite material, utilizing bamboo and bagasse
fibers in conjunction with epoxy resin as the matrix. The composite specimens, comprising sodium
hydroxide-treated and untreated fiber composites, were subjected to tensile, flexural, and
compressive strength tests, along with water absorption tests. The test results revealed significant
changes in the strength and water absorption capabilities of the composites that underwent alkali
treatment, as compared to those without the treatment.

In local literature, Amatosa Jr., T. et al., (2019). Green engineering was looked into as a
potential organic green material in the combustion process and heating applications. A bioreactor
system processed Dendrocalamus asper bamboo culms as green engineering materials for an
industrial process that creates important elements from a natural treatment by soaking in
seawater with an average pH of 7.6. Pyrolysis Combustion Flow Calorimeter and Differential
Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) were used to characterize the materials by utilizing their precise heat
capacity extent. This method produces activated carbon, which is in great demand for water
purification systems and is sold to offset fuel costs. At 68-89oC, the initial stage is exothermic
dehydration of the biomass, which results in the release of water and low-molecular-weight gases
such as carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The findings of this study will be
significant and useful in developing and utilizing Dendrocalamus asper bamboo wastes with
134.58 kJ for any renewable energy product.
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

In foreign literature, Khatib, A. (2020). The behaviour of bamboo-reinforced concrete is

poorly understood, and the methodologies recommended for its design include flaws that can
result in too conservative designs in certain cases and unconservative designs in others. This
work made use of both experimental testing and finite element modeling. Flexural testing of
bamboo-reinforced beams and pull-out testing of bamboo splints were included. This study
contributes to the development of a limit-state design approach for bamboo-reinforced concrete.
It studies how to predict the flexural and shear capacities of bamboo-reinforced concrete, as well
as bond, deflection, and cracking. Furthermore, this study looks into the credentials of bamboo
as a low-carbon concrete reinforcement. Corrugation is proposed as a solution to the bamboo-
concrete weak link. Based on the shear strength of bamboo and the shear friction of concrete, a
model is created that can estimate the bond of corrugated bamboo at short embedment lengths.
The modulus of elasticity and reinforcing area are used as inputs to create a model that can
estimate the bond of bamboo at any embedment length. A deflection model is developed that
accounts for the influence of bamboo reinforcement's low modulus of elasticity and its weaker
bond with concrete as compared to steel. The cracking of bamboo-reinforced concrete is
investigated, and the findings are utilized to validate existing cracking models. Corrugated-
bundled bamboo reinforcement can provide serviceability equivalent to up to 1% steel-reinforced
concrete. The use of bamboo becomes less viable at larger reinforcing percentages due to section
workability limitations.

In local literature, Capanayan, J. C. et al. (2019). The Philippines is renowned for its
abundant timber plants, particularly bamboo, which serves as a vital substitute for endangered
rainforest hardwoods. However, it is also heavily exploited due to its easy availability for
production. When the deformations of pavement components become substantial enough to
cause an uneven riding surface or surfacing material breakage, the pavement is deemed to fail.
Despite withstanding significant pressure from vehicles, these structures could be further
reinforced to endure even higher strain. Bamboo's versatility and low maintenance needs make
it highly suitable for a wide range of applications.

In foreign literature, Liu, W. et al., (2020). Explained that combinations of engineered

bamboo with wood or even steel substrates have sparked increased interest and study in the
global construction industry. In this research, the bonding qualities of designed bamboo-steel
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Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

epoxy adhesive joints strengthened and repaired with resin pre-coating (RPC) and carbon
nanotube (CNT) surface treatments were investigated. The RPC approach involved pre-coating
the bonding surfaces with a diluted resin-acetone solution, whereas the CNT method involved
brushing the bonding surfaces with a CNTs-resin-acetone mixed solution. The RPC and CNT
surface treatments increased the bonding characteristics of the adhesive joints, according to the
findings of the tests. Furthermore, as compared to the original adhesive junction as well as the
RPC-strengthening or CNT-strengthening joints, the mending joints performed better in terms of
bonding strength and energy, particularly when repaired with new steel substrates. The reason
for this was that in the mending joints, new failure surfaces with lower cohesive failure and higher
adhesive failure occurred, resulting in a better bonding property.

In local literature, Amatosa Jr.. T., Loretero M. & Laksono A. (2019). This research focused
on studying the thermal characteristics of organic thermal insulation materials developed from
single-layer bamboo waste particleboard, with a particular emphasis on their fire-retardant ability.
The study utilized Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Pyrolysis Combustion Flow
Calorimeter, and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to characterize the materials. The DSC
analysis revealed exothermic values in all the curves, with a higher content of the middle part
showing an average of 13.65 mW. Additionally, the bottom and top part specimens exhibited
comparable values with smaller exothermic peaks. The SEM analysis indicated that unidirectional
fiber alignment contributes to the bamboo's strength along the direction of the fibers. The middle
part had the highest quantity of carbon in the form of cellulose. Moreover, the interfacial adhesion
between the material and epoxy resin (C21H25C105) was significantly enhanced after the fiber's
surface modification. Pyrolysis assessment showed that the primary stage at 68-89°C involves
exothermic dehydration of the biomass, resulting in the release of water and low-molecular-weight
gases like CO and CO2. Thermal analysis demonstrated that the heat distortion temperature
increased to 341°C, leading to significantly improved thermal stability. In conclusion, Philippine
bamboo, as a green composite material, exhibits not only quality thermal and mechanical
properties but also good flame retardant ability. The findings of this study highlight the potential
of bamboo waste particleboard as an efficient and environmentally friendly thermal insulation
material with promising fire retardant characteristics.

In foreign literature, Lokesh, P. et al,. (2020). The modern, dynamic world cannot envision
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its evolution without the concept of composite material advancement. Various studies are being
conducted on this subject in order to obtain the needed standard. Natural fiber-reinforced polymer
composite (NFPC) has a high affinity for exchange with synthetic fiber composites. This is mostly
due to benefits such as light weight, non-toxicity, non-abrasiveness, easy availability, low cost,
and biodegradability. When compared to synthetic fiber-based composites, the special
mechanical properties of natural fiber, such as specific tensile modulus and other specific
qualities, provide a satisfying result for composites. The objective of this article is to investigate
the mechanical behavior of short-treated and untreated bamboo fiber-reinforced epoxy-based
composites. Bamboo fibers with different lengths and contents are reinforced with epoxy resin to
fabricate composite materials. The effect of fiber length and content on the mechanical behavior
of composites is studied.

In local literature, Amatosa Jr, T. & Loretero M. (2019). Green engineering is being
increasingly explored as a potential method for treating organic green materials for structural
applications. In this study, Dendrocalamus asper bamboo culms were utilized as green
engineering components and treated with epoxy resin obtained from soaking in seawater with a
normal pH of 7.6. The mechanical properties of the resulting laminated bamboo composites
(LBCs) were evaluated under various loading conditions and standards. The study compares the
structural performance of LBCs with different conventional timbers, aiming to establish their
potential for use in engineering design and practices. Comparing laminated bamboo with
traditional forestland materials, the study found that LBCs exhibited average compressive and
bending strengths of 27.47 MPa and 52.59 MPa, respectively. These values exceeded
permissible limits and were similar to stiffness values observed in softwoods and hardwoods. The
results indicate that laminated bamboo composites show promise as a viable alternative to
traditional timber and wood-based materials for construction design and structural components in
engineering applications. However, the study emphasizes that further investigation and
standardization are necessary before widespread acceptance of laminated bamboo composites
in the construction industry as essential green engineering materials. Characterization and
standardization processes must be given greater attention to ensure the material's reliability and
consistency in different applications. Nevertheless, the findings suggest that laminated bamboo
composites hold significant potential as environmentally-friendly alternatives for various
construction and engineering needs.
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

In foreign literature, Liu, W. et al. (2019). Bamboo, being a green and natural engineering
material, will be widely employed in building, and it will need to be bonded with other materials for
composite applications. In this work, the RPC method was used on the epoxy adhesive junction
between engineered bamboo and steel substrates, and the favourable effect of the RPC method
on the bonding quality of epoxy joints was evaluated experimentally. The diluted resin solution
was prepared by dissolving resin in acetone and preparing three mixing concentrations by weight
of 5%, 10%, and 20%. The results of the tests revealed that RPC treatment clearly increases the
shear strength and energy of the epoxy junction, with the degree of the effect depending on the
concentration of the resin solution. Furthermore, the RPC approach improves the failure mode of
the epoxy joint, shifting it from adhesive fracture along the steel bonding interface to a mixed
mode of structure fracture in engineered bamboo and adhesive fracture at both adhesive
interfaces, as well as increasing the failure surface roughness. The resin solution could take sticky
epoxy adhesive and penetrate into the micro-openings along the bonding surface zone and
remove the bonding defects, thereby improving the interlocking effect between substrate and
adhesive and the rupture strength of engineered bamboo near the bonding interface zone. Finally,
it strengthens the epoxy adhesive junction between engineered bamboo and steel.

In local literature, Manlapas, G. et al. (2018).The goal is to assess the quality attributes of
aggregates in terms of sieve analysis, unit weight, specific gravity, water absorption, moisture
content, and concrete strength after 14 and 28 days of curing. Methods/Analysis: Concrete
samples with 1% and 3% bamboo fibers as additions were made using a 1:2:4 class mixture with
the control sample. Compressive and flexural strength tests were performed and assessed.
Findings: Concrete samples containing 1% and 3% bamboo fibers had average values of 23.88
MPa and 25.21 MPa, respectively, whereas concrete beam samples containing 1% and 3%
bamboo fibers had average values of 3.26 MPa and 3.36 MPa, respectively. All of them exceeded
the compressive and flexural strength limits. The use of bamboo fiber improved the compressive
and flexural strength of the concrete.

In foreign literature, Huang, J., Young W. (2019). The purpose of this research is to look
into the mechanical, hydraulic, and interfacial strengths of continuous bamboo fiber-reinforced
epoxy composites. Cutting the natural bamboo culm yielded untreated and alkali-treated
continuous bamboo fibers. The basic parameters of bamboo fibers, including density, equivalent
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

diameter, and tensile strength, were measured experimentally. The bamboo fiber-reinforced
epoxy (BF/EP) composites were created using the resin transfer molding (RTM) process, with a
fiber volume percentage of around 42%. The alkaline treatment was found to reduce the strength
of bamboo fiber. However, alkali-treated bamboo fiber-reinforced epoxy composites outperformed
untreated bamboo fiber-reinforced epoxy composites in terms of tensile strength. The ensuing
interface strength tests confirmed that the untreated bamboo fiber had a weak interaction with the
epoxy resin. The influence of bamboo fiber size on the tensile characteristics of BF/EP composites
was also investigated. The results showed that as the diameter of the bamboo fibers decreased,
so did the composite's tensile strength and Young's modulus. BF/EP composites are particularly
sensitive to moisture absorption in the hygrothermal aging test, and moisture has a negative effect
on the mechanical properties of the BF/EP composite.

In local literature, Libre Jr., D. et al. (2023). Natural fiber reinforcement in cementitious
matrices is being explored to offer an environment-pleasant answer for reducing the general
carbon footprint of creation substances whilst giving the matrix much-needed tensile power. Short
bamboo fibers extracted from Bambusa blumeana or Kawayan tinik the usage of 5% sodium
hydroxide answer and handled with 10% aluminum sulfate answer are used to enhance zero-
cement geopolymer mortars. Bamboo fibers with various lengths of 10 mm, 20 mm, and 30 mm
are combined with mill-scale – fly ash-primarily based totally geopolymer in various 0%, 0.5%,
1%, 1.5%, and 2% fiber loading in keeping with weight of specimen sample. Compressive energy
and cut up tensile power exams are administered to small cylinder samples, 50 mm in diameter
through 100 mm in height, according with ASTM C780. An superior fiber period of 20 mm and
fiber loading of 1.4% through weight is decided the use of Response Surface Methodology (RSM).
The addition of bamboo fibers accelerated the unconfined compressive electricity as much as
292.41% in comparison to specimens with out bamboo fibers. The break up tensile electricity
additionally progressed via way of means of as much as a 355.82% growth as compared to
manipulate samples. The corresponding high-power and low-power samples also are subjected
to Fourier-remodel Infrared Spectroscopy – Attenuated Total Reflectance (FTIR-ATR) to research
and examine the stretching of bands among the uncooked substances and examined specimens.
Scanning Electron Microscopy – Energy Dispersive X-Ray analysis (SEM-EDX) is used to expose
microscopic pictures and the factors gift withinside the decided on samples.
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

According to Z. Chen., et al. (2022). A crucial component of sustainable development is

the use of ecological building practices, such as using green building materials and ecologically
friendly construction methods. Bamboo is one type of quickly growing and highly productive
renewable natural resource that has progressively come to the notice of civil engineers as a
potentially useful building material. Composites produced from original bamboo and other
conventional materials also offer a lot of promise for use in building structures. The advantages
of several materials might be combined while the negatives could be minimized. This article first
defined the terms original bamboo-based composite material (BCM) and composite component
(BCC), after which it discussed the most recent developments and fashions in the field of BCCs,
such as those for columns, beams, slabs, and walls. The studies into the relationships between
bamboo and other materials came to a conclusion and were compared. The BCC analysis and
design methods were then compiled. The use of bamboo in the structural field has some problems
and difficulties, which were examined. The viewpoint and results of this publication may help to
illuminate future research on and applications of bamboo.

According to, C. Bacosa., & M. Loretero,. (2023). Bamboo is widely used for construction
in the Philippines, particularly in building structural parts. One of the critical challenges in bamboo
construction is the connection system, which tends to fail at low loading levels due to bamboo
splitting. This research focuses on addressing these issues in the joint between bamboo
connections and investigates the structural strength and durability of the Philippine bamboo
mortar infill joint connection. The study involved experimental research using selected bamboo
species, namely Bambusa Blumeana Schultes, Dendrocalamus Merrillianus Elmer, Bambusa
Vulgaris Schrad, and Dendrocalamus Asper Schulte. These bamboos were treated with seawater
and mango polyphenol extract, and then subjected to compression and bending tests, using
mortar infill, bolts, and bamboo slats. The results indicate that the mechanical strength of bamboo
mortar infill joint connections increases. Moreover, the bolted-mortar infill connections treated with
bamboo are more durable than untreated bamboo. There are significant correlations found
between bamboo mechanical strength and the properties of mortar infill, bamboo slats, bolts,
treatments, curing age, and bamboo mechanical properties. Overall, the bamboo joint mortar infill
connections offer environmentally friendly,
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

According to Ayedh E. A., et al. (2021). Researchers are looking at the possibility of
producing polymeric composites based on natural fibers to limit the emission of dangerous
compounds into the ecosystem. Although studies of these materials' performance under various
loading circumstances have been stimulated by their wide range of applications, little research
has been done on their tribological behavior. Therefore, tribological experiments on epoxy
composites made of bamboo fibers were carried out in this work. Using a variety of operating
parameters, the wear performance of bamboo fiber reinforced epoxy was investigated, and optical
microscopy was used to examine the worn surfaces. The outcomes showed that after the epoxy
was reinforced with bamboo fibers, the specific wear rate of the composites decreased.Different
wear mechanisms and defects were revealed by scanning electron microscopy investigation.

According to, C. Bacosa., & M. Loretero., (2023). This research focuses on the utilization
of bamboo as a cost-effective and sustainable alternative in construction and civil engineering
projects. The study explores bamboo's structural strength potential in various applications, such
as Bamboo mortar infill joint connections, Concrete Columns, Concrete beams, Concrete footing,
soil slope protections, and composite materials. By evaluating the mechanical properties of
naturally treated bamboo, the research highlights its viability as an eco-friendly and accessible
material option. The aim is to promote bamboo's use in the global construction industry and civil
engineering works.

According to H. Chen., et al., (2021). A high-performance composites can be made using

the cutting-edge technology of filament winding. Non-planar composites with complex forms can
be pressure-free fabricated utilizing twisting fibers dipped in resin. In this study, filament winding
processing (FWP) was used to create composites made of twisted bamboo fiber (TBF). Hot
pressing (HP) and resin transfer molding (RTM) were used to create composites out of short
bamboo fiber (SBF), long bamboo fiber (LBF), and TBF. The findings revealed a positive
relationship between bamboo fiber/epoxy resin composites and fiber size. When it came to shear
and bending performance, the bamboo fiber/epoxy resin composites made by FWP and RTM,
respectively, performed best.Dynamic thermomechanical study showed that the interfaces of the
composites produced by FWP were optimized. The bamboo fiber composites' FWP method
involved resin immersion and TBF alignment; after resin immersion, the TBF were coated with
resin and were unable to enter their internal tubes or parenchyma tissues. Winding machinery
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

oriented the TBF. Numerous bubble pores were dispersed on both sides of the TBF after hot resin
solidification, and their locations remained constant throughout time. Bamboo fiber composites'
performance was improved by the filament winding procedure, which may lead to applications in
bamboo fiber composites.

According to,C Bacosa,. & M. Loretero,. (2023) Bamboo, This research explores
bamboo's untapped potential as an engineering material when reinforced with concrete infill,
enhancing structural strength and durability. The study evaluates the flexural strength of bamboo
with concrete infill under concentrated loads. Whole bamboo culms, treated with seawater and
mango polyphenol, were infused with concrete and cured for varying periods. Results show a
remarkable increase in flexural strength with the incorporation of concrete infill, especially when
treated with mango polyphenol. The study highlights the environmental benefits of using
reinforced bamboo concrete infill, offering a sustainable alternative to conventional materials in
construction. Bamboo shows promise as a versatile and eco-friendly option for innovative
engineering applications, promoting environmentally conscious practices.

According to D. Wang, et al., (2019). Resin transfer molding (RTM) is used to create
composites reinforced with bamboo fibers (BFs) and epoxy resin (EP). A thorough investigation
is conducted into the effects of BFs surface modification (NaOH solution or coupling agents, such
as KH550 and KH560) on the interfacial characteristics of BFs/EP composites. FTIR is used to
confirm the synergistic interaction between hydrolysis, the peeling reaction of BFs, and the
condensation reaction of hydrolyzed coupling agents. The interfacial compatibility of NaOH- and
silane-modified BFs/EP composites was greatly enhanced, according to results from scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The ideal tensile, flexural, and
impact strength values for the KH550-modified BFs/EP composite are 68 MPa, 86 MPa, and 226
J/m. The proposed impact resistance mechanism for BFs/EP composites' interface. Additionally,
BFs/EP composites' dynamic mechanical characteristics, creep behavior, and differential
scanning calorimetry have all been studied in order to comprehend thermal stabilities. The
surface-modified BFs-reinforced EP composites demonstrated better interfacial bonding in the
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

According to, Go, J., & Madrazo, C., (2021). Copper is the 0.33 maximum applied metallic
and is a flexible useful resource with a couple of useful uses, however it can additionally end up
poisonous to aquatic lifestyles in extra amount. Thus, there's a want to expand techniques to
lessen the copper infection withinside the environment, mainly in our bodies of water.
Phytoremediation using Dendrocalamus asper can also additionally provide an environment-
benign and probably powerful technique for copper elimination aleven though its effectiveness
might also additionally take numerous years to materialize for this generation to emerge as cost-
powerful. By growing D. asper in synthesized infected water and reading the extrade withinside
the copper content material of the substrate through atomic absorption spectrophotometry, the
elimination turned into discovered to be most advantageous at 20 ppm Cu and pH 5. The charge
of elimination turned into discovered to have an order of 2.seventy one and a kinetic regular of
0.0013 ppm−1.seventy one day−1. With this, it can be feasible to estimate the remedy duration
of phytoremediation given an preliminary degree of copper infection and a goal concentration.
According to Wen Liu., et al., (2019). Bamboo will be commonly used in construction as a
sustainable and natural engineering material, but it also has to be joined with other materials to
form composites. This study used a resin pre-coating (RPC) technique to improve the bonding
properties of epoxy connections between engineered bamboo and steel substrates. The benefits
of the RPC technique were experimentally evaluated. Resin was dissolved in acetone to create
the diluted resin solution, and three weight-based mixing concentrations—5 wt%, 10 wt%, and 20
wt%—were created. The test outcomes demonstrated that RPC treatment ostensibly increases
shear strength and energy of the epoxy joint, whereas the strength of the impact depends on the
concentration of the resin solution. Furthermore, the RPC approach enhances the failure mode
of the surface roughness increases in the epoxy connection from adhesive fracture along the steel
bonding interface to mixed mode structure fracture in engineered bamboo and adhesive fracture
in both adhesive interfaces. The way the RPC treatment works is that the resin solution can
penetrate tiny gaps along the bonding surface zone and dissolve the sticky epoxy adhesive. It
improves the interlocking effect between substrate and adhesive and the rupture strength of
designed bamboo close to the bonding interface zone by reducing bonding flaws. Finally, it
strengthens the epoxy adhesive junction between steel and engineered bamboo in terms of
bonding properties.
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

According to, Bacosa, C. & Loretero, M. (2023). Bamboo, traditionally viewed as a material
for rural underprivileged communities, possesses untapped potential as a fully developed
engineering material when combined with concrete infill. Utilizing this combination can reinforce
structural beams, adding strength, beauty, and durability to buildings. Four types of whole bamboo
culms (Dendrocalamus Asper Schultes, Dendrocalamus Merrillianos Elmer, Bambusa Vulgaris
Schrad, and Bambusa Blumeana Schultes) were cut into 300 mm and 600 mm lengths, treated
with seawater, and filled with concrete. The concrete was cured for various periods, ranging from
7 to 56 days. The study results revealed that treating the entire bamboo culm with seawater, along
with a 10% solution of mango polyphenol extract, significantly improved its mechanical strength.
The addition of concrete infill to the bamboo culm as a beam was also advantageous, enhancing
mechanical strength when treated with mango extract. Furthermore, the curing age of the
concrete and the treatment of bamboo with seawater and mango polyphenol extract influenced
the mechanical strength of the reinforced bamboo concrete under both midspan load and axial
Using reinforced bamboo concrete infill-based construction materials presents an environmentally
friendly alternative that conserves resources and protects the environment. These materials offer
both environmental and mechanical benefits over conventional building materials.
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania


This chapter presents the synthesis, research design, research instrument, sampling
technique, description of respondent, sample population, data gathering, statistical treatment of
data, and percentage frequency. The purpose of this chapter is to further explain the methods
used in making this study.


As described by Liu, W., et al. The mixing of engineered bamboo with other materials has
aroused interest in the construction sector. They looked at bamboo-steel epoxy resin couplings
that had been enhanced with resin pre-coating (RPC) and carbon nanotube (CNT) treatments,
which resulted in better bonding. Liu, W. Bamboo's potential as a green engineering material that
requires bonding with other substances was noted by et al. (2019). RPC improved the bonding of
epoxy connectors between bamboo and steel substrates. In the meantime, Nachiappan, S. (2021)
concentrated on epoxy resin composites reinforced with bamboo mat and filled with bagasse fiber.
The alkali treatment of bamboo fibers boosted the composite's strength and water absorption
capacity dramatically.

Additionally, Amatosa Jr. T,. Loretero, M. (2019) studied laminated bamboo composites
(LBCs) as green engineering components with equivalent structural performance to regular
timber. These studies raise the prospect of using bamboo-based materials in ecologically friendly
construction procedures. More study and standardization are required to enable consistent and
widespread use. T. Amatosa Jr. and M. Loretero. (2020) investigated the use of bamboo waste
to make Medium-Density Particleboard panels, demonstrating that it is a feasible substitute for
hardwood materials. Bamboo has gained popularity as an environmentally friendly alternative to
steel and traditional wood in building. Alternatively, Bacosa, C. and Loreteto M. (2023)
investigated the potential of bamboo as a replacement for steel bars in concrete reinforcement,
discovering good results with specific bamboo species.

Moreover, recent investigations by Wen Liu et al. (2019), H. Chen et al. (2021), as well as
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

D. Wang et al. (2019) highlight bamboo's tremendous potential in building as a sustainable and
natural engineering material, particularly when coupled with other materials to make composites.
Wen Liu and colleagues investigated the use of resin pre-coating (RPC) technology to improve
the bonding capabilities of epoxy connections between engineered bamboo and steel substrates.
Their RPC treatment, which included different volumes of diluted resin-acetone solution, resulted
in dramatically increased shear strength and energy of the epoxy connection, as well as improved
bonding qualities by decreasing defects and enhancing interlocking between the substrate and

On the other hand, C. Bacosa and M. Loretero's research was carried out in February,
May, and April (2023). Bamboo's potential as a cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally
friendly alternative in building and civil engineering is highlighted. They investigated the structural
strength of bamboo in a variety of applications, such as bamboo mortar infill joint connections,
concrete columns, beams, footings, soil slope protections, and composite materials. The study's
mechanical parameters reveal bamboo's potential as a steel alternative in tensile-loading
applications, with comparable strength to mild steel and a density equivalent to carbon fiber.
Furthermore, when treated with mango polyphenol, reinforced bamboo concrete infill dramatically
improves flexural strength under focused loads. This reinforced bamboo concrete infill is an
environmentally beneficial and sustainable alternative to traditional materials, encouraging
creative engineering methods and environmentally conscious building. In general, these findings
highlight bamboo as a potential and adaptable material for promoting greener and more
sustainable practices in the worldwide construction and civil engineering industries.

Although previous studies have been fantastic, more research is required to investigate
the long-term durability and performance of bamboo-based materials in a variety of environmental
circumstances. Understanding how bamboo reacts under various weights, moisture levels, and
temperatures is crucial for ensuring its durability in construction. Durability testing will determine
weather and aging resistance, while load-bearing capability investigations will determine
structural integrity. It is also critical to investigate its reaction to moisture and temperature
extremes. A life-cycle study will compare it to traditional materials such as steel and concrete to
determine its total environmental impact. Research in several places will ensure its compatibility
Republic of the Philippines
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with various conditions. Embracing bamboo's potential will result in more sustainable and resilient
construction techniques around the world, helping to contribute to a greener future.
Overall, the studies highlight bamboo's versatility, adaptability, and guarantee to promote
greener and more sustainable practices in the global construction and civil engineering industries.
However, in order to fully realize bamboo's potential as an eco-friendly building material, further
research, standardization, and wider acceptance are required. Advances in these areas may lead
to novel applications and strategies for combining bamboo with other materials, making it a
popular building material while minimizing its environmental impact. Recognizing the potential of
bamboo holds the key to a more ecologically conscious and sustainable future in the construction

Research Design

The study on the Development of Epoxy Resin for Bamboo-Reinforced Concrete used an
Experimental Research Design. It is a process used to examine between independent and
dependent variables or the cause-and-effect relationship. According to the American
Psychological Association (APA), “experimental design is an outline or plan of the procedures to
be followed in scientific experimentation in order to reach valid conclusions, with consideration of
such factors as participant selection, variable manipulation, data collection and analysis, and
minimization of external influences.”

This research design allows for systematic testing and evaluation of the application of
epoxy resin and its effects on the mechanical properties and durability of bamboo-reinforced
concrete. By conducting controlled experiments, the manipulated variable, which is the epoxy
resin formulation, was observed and measured for its effects on the dependent variable, bamboo.
The researchers will conduct mechanical testing to evaluate the performance and strength of the
epoxy resin-treated bamboo-reinforced concrete. In addition, durability testing evaluated its
moisture and water resistance, pest-free, and chemical exposure.

In this study, the researchers conduct pre-testing and post-testing as part of the
experimental design. Pre-testing is performed to assess the initial condition of bamboo before
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epoxy resin coating, while post-testing aims to evaluate the changes and effects after applying
epoxy resin. Researchers will collect data through experiments, observations, and surveys.

Research Instrument

The researchers implemented a comprehensive approach to this study, employing a

variety of research instruments to collect critical data and insights. Survey questionnaires were
essential for gathering information from respondents. A permission form was rigorously created
and sent to the participants to assure ethical compliance, certifying their full comprehension and
desire to engage in the study.

The questionnaires were distributed using a Google Form for convenience in data
collection and analysis. This digital platform facilitated a thorough evaluation, allowing the
researchers to collect useful viewpoints and perceptions from the respondents. The researchers
could collect a substantial amount of data using this technique, boosting the validity of their

Experiments were carried out in conjunction with survey questionnaires, another important
research instrument. These experiments were expertly planned in order to collect empirical data
and observations. Through these tests, the researchers hoped to get substantial evidence to
support their goal of producing epoxy resin for bamboo-reinforced concrete.

The discovered results served as a basic pillar for the researchers when the studies were
completed. The data was thoroughly studied and interpreted by the experts, who were looking for
relevant patterns and trends. As a result, the researchers were able to determine and appreciate
the relevance of the novel technique to concrete reinforcement with bamboo and epoxy resin.

Overall, this study was well planned, combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies
to give a full grasp of the issue. The survey questionnaires and tests were used in tandem to elicit
useful insights, which aided in the advancement of knowledge in the field of bamboo-reinforced
concrete and the possible application of epoxy resin in its development.
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

Sampling Technique

In this study, the researchers employed purposive sampling to deliberately select

participants based on the study's objectives and specific criteria. They will focus on students
studying in EARIST, Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila. By using purposive sampling, the researchers
determined a sample size of 50 out of the total 147 1st Year Civil Engineering students during the
Academic Year 2022-2023. This targeted selection ensures that the chosen samples are the most
suitable for the research objectives and can provide valuable insights into the interaction of epoxy
resin with bamboo and its impact on the properties of bamboo-reinforced concrete.

Description of Respondents

Sample Population Sample Size Total

147 50 50

The researcher’s respondents are the selected first year Civil Engineering students of The
Eulogio Amang Rodriguez. Aside from being related to this study, they are the ones who have
enough knowledge to answer the problem study. The selected respondents were divided into two
sections. There are 25 respondents from section A and 25 respondents from section B. The
researchers will collect their demographic profile, particularly their name, age, and gender.

Data Gathering

Prior to distributing self-administered surveys, the researchers will create a letter of

consent in order to approach potential respondents and explain the purpose of the research.
Once participants agree to participate, a chosen researcher will disseminate survey
questionnaires in a Google form via chat or email. The survey will be accompanied by a privacy
statement directive, ensuring data protection and use strictly for research purposes. The
researchers want to distribute the survey to respondents via chat or email.
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

The researchers can perform the survey from the comfort of their own homes, expediting
the procedure and reducing logistical problems. The target audience consists of roughly 50 Civil
Engineering Students who will receive the survey via Gmail or chat platforms. The researchers
want to rapidly gain significant insights from the selected group by using digital interviews,
easing data collection and analysis while ensuring a pleasant and user-friendly experience for
the participants.

Each respondent will be given enough time to read, understand, and answer the survey.
Following the collection of completed surveys, the data will be tabulated, tallied, and interpreted.
The answers given by the respondents were checked by the researchers. Concurrently,
researchers will conduct an experiment, the findings of which will serve as the baseline for the
research study. This methodical approach promotes transparency, data protection, and
participant trust. The combination of survey data and experimental outcomes will provide in-
depth insights into the research issue.

The researchers will formulate a conclusion derived from the treated data that came
from the respondents to answer all the questions indicated and present an output regarding the
development of epoxy resin for bamboo-reinforced concrete. The study intends to provide
meaningful contributions to the field of research through rigorous preparation and ethical
considerations, expanding our understanding of the subject matter.
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

Research Proposal

A. What
The Application of Epoxy resin in bamboo-reinforced concrete spans a wide range
of construction projects, from residential buildings to critical infrastructure. It's a unique
combination of properties, including strength, sustainability, and resilience. This makes it
a highly desirable material for modern construction practices. An epoxy resin is used to
bond bamboo-reinforced concrete to create structural elements such as beams, columns,
and slabs. It enhances the load-carrying capacity and strength of these materials.

B. Who
Considering we are using “Epoxy Resin” for Bamboo-Reinforced Concrete has a
far-reaching implication, benefiting researchers, construction industry, manufacturers and
the community generally our target audience. It paves the way for a more sustainable and
environmentally conscious construction industry, with potential positive impact on a global

C. When
The study of "Development of Epoxy Resin for Bamboo-Reinforced Concrete" is
scheduled to take place during School Year 2022-2023.

D. Where
The researchers will conduct their study at EARIST, Nagtahan st. Sampaloc,

E. How to do
Step 1. Cut the bamboo into the desired size and shape. Ensure that the bamboo is clean
and free of any debris or chemicals that could affect the adhesion of the epoxy.

Step 2. Soak the bamboo in water for at least 12 hours to prevent it from burning during
the curing process.
Republic of the Philippines
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Mania

Step 3. Mix the epoxy resin and should be mixed accordingly to ensure that the
combination cures properly, be sure to stick to the suggested resin to hardener ratio.

Step 4. Apply a layer of epoxy resin first to the surface of the concrete before placing the
bamboo reinforcement into the mixture. Ensure that the bamboo is fully submerged in the resin.

Step 5. Allow the epoxy resin to cure for at least 24 hours. During this time, the resin will
harden and bond to the bamboo-reinforced concrete and allow it to dry completely.

Step 6. Apply a second layer of epoxy resin to the surface of the concrete and place the
bamboo reinforcement into the mixture. Again, ensure that the bamboo is fully submerged in the

Step 7. Allow the epoxy resin to cure for another 24 hours.

F. Budget
Considering the costs of the materials to be used for the research project, the
researchers approximated the budget to be between PHP 700 to 1200. Also, it will cover
expenses for equipment and testing.

G. Impact
The outcomes showed that, particularly in pest infestation, the use of epoxy
coating efficiently protected the integrity of bamboo composite material without
significantly altering its mechanical ability. The results of this study suggest that epoxy
coating can be a successful strategy to simultaneously improve the bamboo composite
material's resistance to pest infestation and improve its bond strength with concrete for
concrete reinforcement applications. Epoxy-coated bamboo reinforcement showed
significantly improved flexural performance by exhibiting better bonding characteristics.

It is important to note that bamboo's inherent variety in size and shape makes it difficult to use
as a reinforcing material. Prior to applying the epoxy resin, it is essential to make sure that the
bamboo is well saturated and aligned.

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