A Review of Sulfate Removal Options For Mine Waters: January 2004
A Review of Sulfate Removal Options For Mine Waters: January 2004
A Review of Sulfate Removal Options For Mine Waters: January 2004
25 1,161
1 author:
Rob Bowell
SRK Consulting
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Sulfide oxidation is a common phenomenon associated with many
mined ore bodies and extracted or processed waste. Where the products of
these chemical reactions can enter a water body the result is often a reduc-
tion in water quality through the increase of acidity, metals and dissolved
salts. Due to an attributed lower environmental impact the release of sul-
fate has received little attention in many regulatory jurisdictions when
compared to control of dissolved metals or acidity. Consequently the lit-
erature on sulfate removal from mine waters is comparatively small when
compared to metal control despite the use and development of several
technologies to reduce sulfate and total salt loadings. Sulfate control lev-
els are based primarily on the secondary drinking water recommendations
of approximately 500 mg/L, based on the laxative effect of high magne-
sium sulfate concentration.
Sulfate control in mine waters primarily follows one of two methodolo-
gies; (1) Removal through membrane separation of salts from water; (2)
Removal of sulfate by salt precipitation through ion exchange, permeable
reactive barrier, biological reduction or formation of insoluble mineral pre-
These approaches are reviewed within this paper and an economic and
technical comparison made between the available technologies. Based on
demonstrated technology and economic benefits the most promising tech-
nologies to date are biological sulfate reduction, SAVMIN, and GYPCIX.
At sulfate concentrations less than 2000 mg/L the limestone/lime process
is an effective low-cost or pre-treatment removal option for sulfate. As
with any mine water treatment option site-specific conditions will control
the most suitable option for a particular mining operation.
2 R.J.Bowell
1. Introduction
Acid rock drainage mechanisms involve the oxidation of sulfide miner-
als and can lead to highly acidic, metal-rich waters with high sulfate con-
tent. However sulfate has a potential corrosive and purgative effect
(AWWA, 1999). Waters rich in sulfate also have a high scaling potential.
In South Africa, for example, it is estimated that 75% of gold mines have
scaling processes essentially related to saturation of water with respect to
CaSO4 (Juby, 1989). Increasingly sulfate is being considered as one of the
more significant long term water quality issues for mining operations and
process plants, particularly in countries with problems of fresh water sup-
ply such as South Africa and Australia (Bosman, 1985; Maree et al.,
1989; Adlem et al., 1991; Du Plessis and Swartz, 1992; Everett et al.,
1994; Bowell, 2000; Geldenhuys et al., 2001; Younger et al., 2002).
This invited review will assess the options available for sulfate removal
from mine waters and discuss an economic and technical comparison made
between the available technologies
Country Sulfate
USA effluent 500
Canada effluent 1500
EU guide limit 1000
DWAF effluent (South Africa) 600
Australia 1000
WHO guideline for drinking water 250
quate pre-treatment. A pilot plant study at Beatrix gold mine in South Af-
rica achieved a recovery of 80% salt ad recycled 84% water. The water has
high Fe, Mn, Na and Cl as well as sulfate (Juby and Pulles, 1990).
3.3 Filtration
Filtration is probably one of the more effective means by which sus-
pended particles can be separated from fluids (Buchanan, 1987). Mine wa-
ters are characterized by high suspended solid loadings which can be effi-
ciently removed by settlement of coarse material and filtration of the
majority of particles, most of which are less than 30 μm. Any filtration
process requires pre-treatment where coarse particles dominate suspended
load high fluid flow is present and consequently rapid rates of thickening
and filtration.
Common techniques of filtration involve the use of polyelectrolytes or
metal salts to act as a precipitating agent or target for flocculation. Physical
rather than chemical techniques are also available including screening,
freezing or thawing, elutriation and irradiation. A number of filtration op-
tions are available from deep bed filters which can be used to clarify fluids
to high purity, slow or continuous (or rapid) sand filters can be used to re-
duce turbidity and TDS.
Ultra-fine slurry particles can also be filtered using vacuum filtration
and electrolysis (Bollinger, 1984). Electrofiltration is particularly suited to
ultra-fine or colloidal particles (50% <2 μm). A well dispersed slurry is
placed in an active electric field results in migration of particles towards
the anode since they have a net negative charge. As most slurries are at
high pH the net negative charge is due to surface pH exceeding pHpzc im-
parting a negative charge on mineral surfaces (Ericksson, 1988). At the
anode a densely packed precipitate or cake is formed with a low water con-
tent. Through electro-osmosis the cake can be further dewatered, increas-
ing water recovery. The cathode essentially acts as a mechanical filter in
which a vacuum is created on the filtrate side forming a thin precipitate or
cake on the filter cloth. This acts as a trap for ultra-fine particles. Electro-
osmotic pressure operates in conjunction with the vacuum enabling the
production of a clear filtrate at higher rates than conventional vacuum fil-
ters (Bollinger, 1984).
4.1 Ion-Exchange
Ion exchange resins are materials which contain large polar exchange
groups held together by a three dimensional network (Helffrich, 1962).
The process is an exchange of ions or molecules between solid and liquid
with no substantial change to the solid structure. One of the targeted ions is
essentially removed from the liquid phase and attached to the solid struc-
ture in exchange for another ion (typically hydrogen or hydroxyl) thus
rendering the target ion immobile.
In the case of CaSO4 sulfate, being an anion, would typically be ex-
changed for hydroxyl on a positively charged resin (an anionic resin)
while calcium, a cation, would be exchanged for hydrogen and so be at-
tached to a negatively charged resin (a cationic resin). As with reverse
osmosis, scaling of CaSO4 is common in conventional circuits. To over-
come these problems a modified form of ion exchange has been developed
to treat Ca-sulfate waters (GYPCIX).
The GYPCIX process (Gussmann and Nagy, 1993; Robertson et al.,
1993) is a novel process based on ion exchange resins which uses low cost
reagents such as lime and sulfuric acid for resin regeneration (Figure 2).
The resins used have been designed so as to target calcium and sulfate so
as to reduce gypsum levels in effluent thereby reducing TDS and corrosion
potential. Additionally a pure gypsum product is the result of both cationic
and anionic exchange and can be sold commercially thus offsetting treat-
ment costs. The reactions occur by mechanisms such as:
Cation Regeneration
R=Ca2+ + H2SO4 = 2 R=H+ + CaSO4
Anion Regeneration
R=SO42- + Ca(OH)2 + CaSO4
Pilot plant results in South Africa suggest that fouling caused by gyp-
sum precipitation in conventional ion exchange circuits can be avoided us-
ing the GYPCIX process (Robertson et al., 1993). As the waste streams
can be combined the gypsum in the slurry can be settled and the super-
natant water recycled so improving water recovery.
8 R.J.Bowell
Na, mg/l 70 70 50
to form BaS and then purging with CO2 to reform BaCO3 (Wilsenach,
1986). Further consideration of BaCO3 to remove sulfate has come from
two research programs in South Africa in the late eighties (Trusler et al.,
1988; Maree, 1989; Maree et al., 1989; Adlem, 1997). The processes pro-
posed by these workers are summarized in Figure 3.
Barium carbonate and lime would be added to the effluent to soften the
water and produce a precipitate. From experimental work it was found
that CaCO3 was necessary to act as a seed to encourage BaSO4 formation
from BaCO3 due to the insolubility of the latter (Ksp ~ 10-8). Calcium salts
were found to achieve a better removal than Na or Mg salts as the products
(CaCO3/CaSO4) were much less soluble. The slurry from the reactor is
then sent to a thickener where clean water can be decanted and recycled in
the mine or process operation. The thickened slurry is then filtered, dried
and treated to recycle barium and collect sulfur. In a modification of this
process a two-stage fluidized bed reactor system has been proposed al-
though this process has difficultly with high metal concentrations and
separation of fine CaCO3 and BaSO4 (Maree et al., 1989).
As an alternative to BaCO3, BaS has
been proposed (Maree et al., 1989;
Bosman et al., 1991) as a greater
Figure 3: PROCESS FLOW SHEET FOR BARIUM neutralization step; and sludge disposal
CARBONATE PROCESS (modified from WRC 203/1/90)
(essentially gypsum) is greatly reduced.
The presence of metals in solution and production of metal sulfides can
significantly reduce the recovery of Ba from the process. This can be
avoided by sulfuric acid leaching which will oxidize sulfides, possibly
catalyzed by bacteria. Economically valuable metals can then be recovered
(Maree et al., 1989; Bosman et al., 1991). Alternatively the gas H2S can be
formed and vented through a wet scrubbing circuit to recover sulfur. A
possible flow sheet for this process is given in Figure 4.
Air + CO2
CO2 + H2S
BaCO3 and BaS processes, does not require long retention times for reac-
tions (such as in the BaCO3 process), and does not require stripping of H2S
as in the BaS process.
As a consequence of all of these reactions direct buffering of protons
can occur or, alternatively alkalinity is generated for neutralizing free pro-
tons. Because of the cost of barium and its environmental toxicity it is ad-
vantageous to have a barium recovery plant to recycle barium salts.
All three processes can remove sulfate from solution from very high
levels to within regulatory standards. In the case of BaS and Ba(OH)2
acidic solutions can be treated directly, although in practice some lime
treatment is required for very acidic solutions to prevent metal hydroxide
precipitation on the surface of the barium salt. The process additionally
removes transition metals, Mg, NH3 and, to a limited extent, Na. Thus the
overall TDS is lowered as well as the concentration of deleterious ele-
ments. The Ba(OH)2 causes significant CaSO4 precipitation improving sul-
fate removal by up to 30%, but increasing the volume of sludge requiring
disposal. A major benefit of the process is that valuable by-products are
created, the sale of which can be used to offset treatment costs. In the
BaCO3 and BaS processes sulfur, metals and Ba-salts can be commercially
produced while NaHS is produced in the Ba(OH)2 process. Overall the
BaS process is perhaps the most attractive for treating mine waters.
Hydroxides Gypsum
remain stable and have low
underground mine
workings and open pits can be
Figure 5: SAVMIN process flowsheet (Smit, 1999)
anoxic, and as such provide a
suitable environment for the implementation of a sulfate reduction system.
Alternatively a dedicated reactor can be used or anaerobic conditions cre-
ated in a passive system, such as a constructed wetland. The presence of
sulfides (H2S odor) in many mine water discharges indicates that sulfate
reduction is already occurring in mine workings (Huang and Tahija, 1990).
The reduction of sulfate to hydrogen sulfide is brought about by special-
ised strictly anaerobic bacteria and is accomplished primarily by two gen-
era: Desulfovibrio (five species) and Desulfotomaculum (three species).
These organisms have a respiratory metabolism in which sulfates, sulfites
and/or other reducible sulfur compounds serve as the final electron accep-
tors, with the resulting production of hydrogen sulfide (Chappelle, 1993).
The organic substrates for these bacteria are generally short chain acids
such as lactic and pyruvic acid. In nature these substrates are provided
through fermentative activities of other anaerobic bacteria on more com-
plex organic substrates (Gould et al., 1994).
Due to the natural occurrence of the sulfate reducing bacteria, sulfate
reduction can be utilized in situ for the treatment of acid rock drainage
provided the correct conditions can be maintained to sustain bacterial ac-
tivity. Anaerobic conditions may be enhanced by sealing shafts, adits and
air vents. For conditions to be sufficiently anaerobic however, it is likely
that a significant depth of water will be required. A wide variety of organic
substrates have been investigated for this purpose including molasses,
sewage sludge, straw, newspaper, sawdust and manure. Other possibilities
are wastes from the chemicals industry such as short chain organic acids.
Sulfide precipitation, like hydroxide precipitation, is not just dependent on
availability of constituent ions but also on environmental parameters. At
low pH copper and iron sulfides can be readily precipitated over a wide pH
range but zinc, which forms sulfides in a similar way, has a much slower
rate of formation than copper or iron sulfides. Neutral or mildly alkaline
conditions tend to be the most favorable for sulfide formation.
Tahija, 1990; Robins et al., 1997) but stirred reactors with a suspended
solid medium have also been proposed, with the aim of achieving higher
reduction rates through improved operating conditions and reactor utiliza-
Based on limnological-microbiological-geochemical studies a series of
three zones have been described for the Summer Camp Pit lake in Nevada
(Bowell, 2002) . The upper oxic zone is characterized by high levels of to-
tal epifluorescent algae and heterotrophic aerobic bacteria and has high
dissolved oxygen content and consequently total sulfur is dominated by
sulfate. This zone extends to a depth of 6 m, after which a transitional
zone develops, which is characterized by an increase in the presence of
heterotrophic anaerobic bacteria and decreasing levels of total epifluores-
cent algae and heterotrophic aerobic bacteria. Within this zone sulfates
(and thiosulfate) are being gradually reduced to sulfide. This zone grades
into a zone with little or no available dissolved oxygen and is dominated
by heterotrophic anaerobic bacteria. In this zone sulfate is being actively
reduced to sulfide and the potential exists for the precipitation of metal sul-
fides. The addition of raw potato and steer manure amended systems in-
creased sulfate reduction (Gannon et al., 1996). It was found that raw po-
tato-stimulated sulfate reduction was effective at low levels whereas steer
manure stimulated sulfate reduction by bacteria at mid-high levels. Using
2500 mg C/l raw potato, 80% sulfate reduction was achieved and addition-
ally soluble arsenic, after an initial increase, decreased to less than 1% of
initial values in some cells, presumably due to formation of arsenic sulfide.
These reactions can only occur
through the substrate to be
over 70 hours reducing effluent drainage sulfate from over 3000 mg/l to
less than 250 mg/l.
Calculated costs for a 80,000 m3/day plant
6. Conclusions
Sulfate removal from mine waters is still considered to be of secondary
importance compared to removal of metals and acidity. As such it is com-
paratively less understood and few case studies exist for evaluation.
Future trends in regulatory practice may promote more research and ap-
plication of sulfate removal technologies as desalination of mine water ef-
fluent becomes more important.
Various options exist for sulfate removal. Chemical precipitation is
generally the least costly, but produces high volumes of waste by-products.
The SAVMIN process, although expensive in terms of proposed operating
and capital costs, offers the most efficient treatment of high sulfate waters
by precipitation methods.
Membrane and ion exchange processes, with the exception of SPARRO
and GYPCIX, are not suitable for mine water treatment unless extensive
pre-treatment is applied.
Biological Sulfate Reduction offers perhaps the most versatile and
widely applicable approach to sulfate removal from mine waters and has
the benefit of being able to couple sulfate and metal removal.
The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of the laboratories
which have been involved in the analysis associated with this work and the
clients who approved publication of data.
This work has particularly benefited from discussions with Dr Janee
Maree of CSIR Water Technology Division in Pretoria, South Africa and
his time in sharing his knowledge is greatly appreciated. In addition the
sections on biological sulfate reduction have been influenced by discussion
and publications provided by Ben Rees of SRK and Dr James Gannon of
the Montana State University. Dr Adam Jarvis is thanked for his review of
the initial draft of this paper.
AWWA, 1999 Water Quality and Treatment. 5th Edition, American Wa-
ter Works Association. McGraw Hill Inc., New York.
Adlem, C.J.L., Maree, J.P., and Pleiss, P.Du. 1991 Treatment of sul-
fate-rich mining effluents with the Barium Hydroxide process and recov-
ery of valuable by-products. In: 4th International Mine Water association
Congress, Ljubljana (Slovenia)-Portschach (Austria), September 1991,
Adlem, C.J.L. 1997 Treatment of sulfate-rich effluents with the barium
sulfide process. MSc thesis. University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Alpers, C.A., Nordstrom, D.K. ad Spitzley, J. 2003 Extreme acid mine
drainage from a pyritic massive sulfide deposit: The Iron Mountain end-
member. In: Environmental Aspects of Mine Wastes, editors: J.L. Jambor,
D.W. Blowes and A.I.M Ritchie. Mineralogical Association of Canada
Short Course Series No. 31, 407-430.
Arnesen, R.T. et al. (1991) Monitoring water quality during filling of
the Lrkken mine: Role of sulfate reducing bacteria in metals removal. 2nd
Int. Conf. Abatement Acid Drainage, Montréal, Canada, 16-18/9/91.
Benner, S.G., Blowes, D.W., Gould, W.D., Herbert, R.B., and Placek,
C.J. 1999 Geochemistry of a permeable reactive barrier for metals and acid
mine drainage. Environmental Science and Technology, 33, 2793-2799.
Bollinger, J.M. 1984 New filtration concepts using Electrodeposition.
Chem.Eng., May 1984: 327-374.
Bosman, D.J. 1985 Productive use of water in mining. SA Water bulle-
tin. February 1985.
Bosman, D.J., Clayton,J.A., Maree, J.P. and Adlem, C.J.L. 1991 Re-
moval of sulfate from mine water. In: Proceedings of the ARD in Pyrite
Environments, Lisbon, Portugal, 16-19 September 1990. 211-221
Bowell, R.J. 2000 Sulfate and salt minerals: the problem of treating
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18 R.J.Bowell
Wilsenbach, I., 1986 Cost estimate for barium sulfate reduction. Inter-
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Younger, P.L., Banwart, S.A., and Hedin, R.S. 2002 Mine water: Hy-
drology, Pollution, Remediation. Kluwer Oordecht.
Table A.1
Summary of case studies on treatment processes using membranes and ion-exchange (after Bowell, 2000; Lorax, 2003)
Pretreatment yes yes yes no Yes
Feed water sulfate SO4: any SO4: any SO4: any SO4: any SO4: any
Sulfate removal SO4:>99% SO4:>99% SO4:>95% SO4:>95% SO4:>95%
Brine production yes yes yes yes yes
Sludge production low low low low-moderate moderate-high
Monitoring low-moderate low-moderate low-moderate low moderate-high
Maintenance high high high moderate high
1 1 1
Capital cost £0.46 M £0.48 M 1 £0.39 M £0.22 M £ 0.28 M1
per 103 m3 / day per 103 m3 / day per 103 m3 / day per 103 m3 / day per 103 m3 / day
Operating costs £ 0.49 / m3 £ 0.17 / m3 £ 0.27 / m3 £ 0.33 / m3 £ 0.15 / m3
Advantages - drinking water - drinking water quality - drinking water - drinking water - drinking water
quality - improved membrane life quality quality quality
Disadvantages - scaling problems - short membrane life - scaling problems - sludge production - scaling problems
- short membrane life - short membrane life - short membrane life
Improvements - not suitable for - membrane life - not suitable for - sludge recycling
scaling waters scaling waters - metal recovery
Table A.2
Summary of case studies on treatment processes with mineral precipitation
Limestone / Lime BaS SAVMIN CESR
Pretreatment no no no no
Feed water sulfate lim- SO4: any SO4: any SO4: any SO4: any / L
Sulfate removal 50 % >98% >90% >95%
Brine production no no no no
Sludge production low-moderate low-moderate moderate-high high-very high
Monitoring moderate-high high high high
Maintenance low low low low
Capital cost 2 £ 0.13 M per 103 m3 / day £ 0.25 M per 103 m3 / day £ 0.18 M per 103 m3 / day £0.22 M per 103 m3 / day
(ΔSO4: 2,000mg / L)
Operating costs1 £ 0.34 / m3 £ 0.22 / m3 £ 0.12 / m3 £ 0.44 / m3
(SO4: 2,000mg / L) (SO4: 1,500mg / L)
Advantages - also trace metal removal - low levels of sulphate - low levels of sulphate - low levels of sulphate
- very cheap - recycling of expensive BaS - recycling of ettringite - also trace metal removal
- also trace metal removal
Disadvantages - limited sulphate removal - little trace metal removal - production of sludges - production of sludges
- production of sludges - production of sludges
Improvements - recycling of sludges - recycling of sludges - recycling of sludges - recycling of sludges
24 R.J.Bowell
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Table A.3
Summary of case studies on treatment processes using biological sulphate removal
Bioreactor Constructed Wetland Alk. Producing systems Permeable barrier
Pre-treatment yes yes yes no
Feed water sulfate SO4: any SO4: <2000mg / L SO4: <2000mg / L SO4: <2000mg / L
Sulfate removal >90 % >50% >50% >80%
Sludge production low-moderate moderate-high moderate-high moderate
Monitoring moderate-high low low low
Maintenance moderate low low low
SO4 reduction rate 5-30g / L, day 0.03-0.2mg / L, day 0-0.05mg / L,day (low) <1-20mg / L,day
Capital cost £ 0.18 M per 103 m3 / day £0.06 M per 103 m3 / day £0.08 M per 103 m3 / day £45,000
(ΔSO4: 2,500mg / L)
Operating costs £0.17 / m3 £0.05 / m3 £0.06 / m3 £16,850 / yr
(ΔSO4: 2,500mg / L)
Advantages - also trace metal recovery - also trace metal removal - gypsum precipitation - passive treatment
- recycling of H2S and CO2 - passive treatment - also (trace) metal removal - also trace metal removal
- low maintenance
Disadvantages - cost of C + energy source - little sulphate reduction - sludge disposal - long-term performance
- production of sludge - sludge disposal - limited time life unknown
- limited time life - prone to scaling
Improvements - recycling of sludge - specific design required - specific design required - alternative reactive media
- cheap C + energy source