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Dealing more effectively with alternative conceptions in science

Carl J. Wenning, Physics Teacher Education Program, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4560
E-mail: [email protected]

Many science teachers are aware of the existence of alternative conceptions – notions held by students that are
contrary to those generally accepted by mainstream scientists. Authentic alternative conceptions are tenaciously
held, and doggedly resistant to change. Only carefully managed efforts by teachers will effectively address them.
The author proposes two emphases within the context of the “standard model” for more effectively overcoming
alternative conceptions.

Alternative Conceptions
1) When force is applied to an object, it produces motion in
Seventeenth century English philosopher John Locke sug- the direction of the force.
gested that students come to school as “tabula rasa” (blank slates) 2) Under the influence of constant force, objects move with
to be “written upon” by teachers. While Hume was correct about constant velocity.
a great number of things, this was not one of them. Students come 3) The velocity of an object is proportional to the magnitude
to school with non-traditional ideas that deal with the natural of the applied force.
world that are highly resistant to change and strongly influence 4) In the absence of a force, objects are either at rest or, if
new learning (Pfundt & Duit, 1991; Carmichael et al., 1990). It moving, are slowing down.
is these improper interpretations that are collectively know as 5) An object moving under a central force will move in a
alternative conceptions. curvilinear path when released.
The children’s book Fish is Fish by Leo Lionni (1970) il- 6) The acceleration of a falling object depends upon its
lustrates this problem beautifully. Lionni tells a story about a fish mass.
that is interested in learning about life on land. Unfortunately, 7) Freely falling bodies can only move downward.
the fish cannot explore any place beyond the confines of a small 8) There is no gravity in space.
pond. He befriends a tadpole that eventually grows into a frog 9) Gravity only acts on things when they are falling.
and moves out of the pond onto the land. The frog subsequently 10) An object at rest cannot be undergoing acceleration.
returns to the pond and reports what he has seen to the fish. The
frog describes all kinds of things such as people, birds, and cows. Table 1. Classical examples of alternative conceptions.
The book’s illustrations depict the fish’s mental representations
of each of those things described by the frog; each land creature Clement, 1982; Minstrell, 1982; Gilbert & Watts, 1983; McDer-
has a fish-like body that is slightly adapted to accommodate the mott, 1984; Camp & Clement, 1994).
frog’s descriptions. People are imagined to be fish that walk on
their tailfins, birds are thought of as fish with wings, and cows Claims Regarding Alternative Conceptions in Science
are believed to be fish with udders.
This children’s story exhibits well both the creative license Following an extensive review of the research literature,
and dangers inherent in the fact that people construct new knowl- Wandersee, Mintzes, & Novak (1994) generated eight “emerg-
edge based on prior experiences and understandings. Research ing” research-based claims relating to alternative conceptions in
has shown that instead of remembering a host of accurate details, science. Summaries can be found in Table 2. Subsequent experi-
people tend to remember events by incorporating a few details ences in science teaching appear to have borne out these claims.
within a schema for the event (Silva et al., 2006; Scoboria et al., For a thorough explanation of these claims, along with pertinent
2006). Alternative conceptions often result when new experiences evidence, the reader is referred to the original work.
are interpreted in light of prior experiences, and new understand-
ings are grafted onto prior understandings. Memories in general Table 2. Research-based claims relating to authentic alternative
are retrieved by first recalling the schema and then the associated conceptions (continued next page).
details. If a concept does not fit a pre-existing schema and is not
all that salient, it likely will be forgotten or even rejected. Claim 1: Learners come to formal science instruction with a
To give readers unfamiliar with alternative conceptions in diverse set of alternative conceptions concerning natural ob-
physics a better understanding of the phenomenon, Table 1 ex- jects and events. Alternative conceptions span the fields from
hibits a number of classical examples from the area of mechanics physics and earth & space science to biology, chemistry, and
– the area most carefully studied and for the greatest period of environmental science. Each associated subfield within the
time (e.g., Vienot, 1979; Caramaza, McCloskey & Green, 1981; disciplines seems to have its alternative conceptions.
Champagne, Klopfer & Anderson, 1980; Gunstone & White, 1981;
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Claim 2: The alternative conceptions that learners bring to Sometimes students can experience the same phenomenon
formal science instruction cut across age, ability, gender, and and still draw different conclusions as in the case of demonstra-
cultural boundaries. No matter how gifted a group of students tions where there is a lack of critical observation and appropri-
concerned, each group will have students with alternative con- ate follow-up discussion. For instance, haphazardly observing
ceptions regardless of background. the demonstration of a Lenz’s law apparatus (a conducting tube
through which apparently identical equal-mass magnetic and
Claim 3: Alternative conceptions are tenacious and resistant non-magnetic plugs are dropped) might lead some students to
to extinction by conventional teaching strategies. Students’ al- the false conclusion that weights of equal mass actually can fall
ternative conceptions are very difficult to change; only very at different rates under the “same” circumstances. Taylor & Dana
specific teaching approaches have shown promise of getting (2003) provide several examples of students who uncritically
students to accept new explanations. interpreted experimental data and ended up with contradictory
results. For instance, they point to problems with inappropriate
Claim 4: Alternative conceptions often parallel explanations conclusions based upon improperly designed experiments, mis-
of natural phenomena offered by previous generations of use of instruments resulting in unreliable data, overgeneraliza-
scientists and philosophers. Students often hold to the same tion from the data, misinterpretation of graphs, logical fallacies
views as those held by very early scientists that are frequently in argumentation, and failure to otherwise apply critical thinking
referred to as “Aristotelian” in nature. abilities. These authors also point to the existance of alternative
conceptions and their influence on new learning.
Claim 5: Alternative conceptions have their origins in a di- In other cases, students might cling to false notions that result
verse set of personal experiences including direct observa- from one or more forms of improper teaching. For instance, stu-
tion and perception, peer culture, and language, as well as in dents might hold alternative conceptions as a result of a parent’s,
teachers’ explanations and instructional materials. The many peer’s, or teacher’s false or misleading statements, inaccurate or
sources of alternative conceptions are at best speculative, but deceptive renderings of drawings (e.g., idealized or inaccurate
research and inference suggest that a student’s worldview is depiction of physical phenomena – such as using an inconsistent
strongly influenced by his or her social environment. scale – against a natural background, or too literally taking an
analogy as real), or even a misunderstanding of technical terms
Claim 6: Teachers often subscribe to the same alternative (e.g. force).
conceptions as their students. It is not at all uncommon for sci- In still other cases, students might misapply what correct
ence teacher educators to see alternative conceptions in their information they do possess. A misunderstanding of underlying
teacher candidates; likewise, even experienced science teach- conditions can lead to what appears to be alterative conceptions.
ers and scientists with advanced degrees will sometimes cling Teachers should be acutely aware that alternative conceptions
to alternative conceptions that are held by their students. are NOT necessarily naïve viewpoints. Sometimes they are well-
reasoned explanations or over generalizations that just happen to
Claim 7: Learners’ prior knowledge interacts with knowl-
be incorrect under certain conditions such as the realm of ideal-
edge presented in formal instruction, resulting in a diverse va-
ized physics (where friction is often ignored). For instance, some
riety of unintended learning outcomes. Not only can alterna-
of the alternative conceptions in Table 1 might not appear to be
tive conceptions be a hindrance to new learning; they can also
incorrect at all, but actually depict real-world situations. In the
interact with new learning resulting in “mixed” outcomes. It
absence of wind resistance, some of these alternative concep-
is not unusual to see different students draw different conclu-
tions actually are correct. For the sake of this discussion, we will
sions from the same experiences and observations.
call such conceptions – sometimes correct and sometimes incor-
Claim 8: Instructional approaches that facilitate conceptual rect – paraconceptions.
change can be effective classroom tools. Several conceptual Teachers who fail to recognize and make this latter distinction
change approaches have been developed to identify, confront, risk losing credibility among their students, and all hope of over-
and resolve problems associated with alternative conceptions. coming a particular paraconception. Without being made aware
of the dual nature of some alternative conceptions (e.g., correct
Table 2. Research-based claims relating to authentic alternative under certain conditions), students likely will cling to a given
conceptions (after Wandersee, Mintzes, & Novak, 1994). paraconception if they are not convinced that their understand-
ing is either right or wrong depending on specific conditions. In
this case, we don’t want to eliminate paraconceptions; rather, we
Origins of Alternative Conceptions want to help students understand how these ideas fit in with the
ideas of the scientific community and how to use them properly
The origin of a given alternative conception is often difficult under various conditions. When students encounter these two ex-
if not impossible to determine. Misunderstanding, miscommu- planatory paths, they must learn not to “take the best path,” but to
nication, miseducation, and even a misapplication of well-es- realize that both paths are legitimate under particular conditions,
tablished physical principles lead to the formation of alternative and to carefully analyze the situation to determine which is the
conceptions. most appropriate solution.
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Alternative Conceptions So Called views but reject or demote the old conception and adopt the new
one as more convincing (concept exchange).
As Clement et al. (1989) noted, “Not all preconceptions are The Conceptual Change Model suggests that when a new
misconceptions.” And with paraconceptions, not every mistaken concept is learned it weakens or destroys an existing memory.
student expression is indicative of the presence of an alternative Unfortunately for this model, humans don’t overwrite memory as
conception. Some mistaken expressions are nothing more than in a computer. Cognitive scientists have identified mechanisms by
students encountering difficulties in explaining new phenomena. which memories are encoded (the establishment of new synaptic
For instance, when presented with the question “When a small junctions), but we know of none in which memories are actively
car and a large bus collide head on, is the magnitude of the force destroyed (disestablishment of synaptic junctions). Cognitive
of the bus on the car greater than the magnitude of the force research shows that forgetting requires very specific types of
of the car on the bus, or are both forces equal in magnitude?” actions, and the associated cognitive processes are known as
Students will naturally assume that because the car is often com- proactive and retroactive interference. Efforts must be undertaken
pletely crushed in a collision and the bus relatively undamaged to help students forget an inaccurate conception. Teachers must
that the force of the bus on the car is greater than that of the car help students “forget,” and this involves more than just letting
on the bus; the concept of equal but opposite forces rarely enters old memories fade. Instead, we must work to actively replace old
into the mental thought process. memories with new, helping students to see how their initial ideas
Such so-called alternative conceptions do not necessarily fit within the framework of scientific understanding.
share the characteristics of authentic alternative conceptions, but In the Concept Exchange Model, the old conception is not
can represent “difficulties” in the formulation of scientifically modified; rather, a new conception comes to exist along side
acceptable explanations. This might well result from a very logi- the old conception. As evidence for this model, the alternative
cal but inappropriate application of what have become known conception often reappears after traditional instruction has sup-
as phenomenological primitives or p-prims (diSessa, 1988). P- posedly banished it. It is also not uncommon when teachers press
prims are general, irreducible knowledge structures that we all students to explain their understanding for them to respond to
possess as a result of reflecting (perhaps subconsciously) on our the inquiring teacher, “Do you want my explanation or yours?”
experiences, and upon which we tend to rely for explanations. Such queries clearly indicate that students some times hold two
Examples include the principle that “more effort results in more explanations, one that they “know to be true” based on their own
result” and “more resistance implies less result.” In the case of experiences, and another that they “accept as true” because the
the car-bus collision, the greater damage to the car is suggestive course instructor told them so.
of greater force. While conventional wisdom – the stuff of common teaching
As p-prims are refined through subsequent learning, they experiences – seems to favor the concept exchange model over the
gradually result in expertise in the content area. For instance, in conceptual change model, similar pedagogies appear to address
physics the common sense notion that “motion requires force” is both models. Under both models, in order for new conceptual
replaced by a proper understanding of Newton’s first law, “force understanding to develop, a new conception must satisfy certain
is action” is replaced with Newton’s second law, and “force is conditions stated by Posner et al. (1982). It must be intelligible
war” is replaced with Newton’s third law (Hestenes, 2006). (students comprehend its meaning), plausible (students believe it
Considering flawed student ideas to be alternative concep- to be correct), and fruitful (students find it useful). To the extent
tions might provide a more explicit way to target those ideas that that a new conception possesses these characteristics in the mind
are not consistent with scientific viewpoints, and make it easier of the student, the greater the likelihood that learning of the new
for instructors to alter their instructional approach. I am there- concept will proceed with comparative ease. To the extent that
fore adopting the alterative conceptions approach to frame the an alternative conception conflicts with new phenomena, it is
following discussion. The term “alternative conception” used in modified, or is no longer considered useful, its status drops, and
this article encompasses all types of student conceptions consis- it is rejected as untenable.
tent with the research-based claims shown in Table 2.
Are Extant Models of Alternative Conceptions Flawed?
Conceptual Change vs. Concept Exchange Models
Hammer (1996, 2000), diSessa (1988), Clement et al. (1989),
In their landmark 1994 article, Wandersee, Mintzes, & Novak and Smith et al. (1993/1994), point out that problems do exist with
noted that instructional approaches for dealing effectively with early models of alternative conceptions and how to deal effectively
alternative conceptions (e.g., Hewson, 1981; Posner et al., 1982, with them. According to Hammer (2000), “First, [these models]
etc.) were still in “an embryonic stage of development” (p. 191). provide no account of productive resources students have for
Nonetheless, the framework for addressing alternative conceptions advancing in their understanding. Second, descriptions of student
was basically in place. For instance, Hewson (1981) proposed difficulties provide no analysis of underlying mechanism, while
two models to explain how alternative conceptions are overcome. the perspective of misconceptions cannot explain the contextual
Either an alternative conception is suppressed and replaced by a sensitivities of student reasoning.”
correct understanding (conceptual change), or students retain both While such criticisms of alternative conception models

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might well be valid, they do not constitute adequate reason to Another such strategy is that developed for the C3P Project.
displace forty years of work in this area. When teachers encounter According to Olenick (2008) overcoming alternative conceptions
flawed student expressions, we can’t be certain if we are dealing requires the following distinct steps:
with flawed logic, the presence of alternative conceptions or
paraconceptions, or the presence of phenomenological primitives. (1) Teachers must recognize that alternative conceptions exist.
Assuming that students aren’t merely having logic problems, (2) Teachers probe for student’s alternative conceptions through
both alternative conception and p-prim models can be useful in demonstrations and questions.
interpreting student responses. (3) Teachers ask students to clarify their understanding and
The methods of dealing effectively with conceptual difficul- beliefs.
ties though the terminology of p-prims which includes resources (4) Teachers provide contradictions to students’ alternative
and strategies that build on learners’ existing ideas and extend conceptions through questions, implications, and demonstra-
them, through, for example, metaphor or analogy, to a new do- tions.
main (Hammer, 2000; Scott, Asoko, & Driver, 1998; Camp & (5) Teachers encourage discussion, urging students to apply
Clement, 1994) are not directly addressed in this article. physical concepts in their reasoning.
(6) Teachers foster the replacement of the misconception with
Pedagogies for Addressing Alternative Conceptions new concepts through (i) questions, (ii) thought experiments,
(iii) hypothetical situations with and without the underly-
A wide range of pedagogies has been developed to address ing physical law, and (iv) experiments or demonstrations
alternative conceptions such as learning cycles (Karplus, 1981), designed to test hypotheses.
Conceptual change theory of Posner et al. (1982), bridging (7) Teachers reevaluate students’ understanding by posing con-
analogies (Clement, 1988; Perschard & Bitbol, 2008), microcom- ceptual questions.
puter-based laboratory experiences (Thornton & Sokolof, 1990;
Thornton, 1987), disequilibration techniques (Minstrell, 1989; Conjecture for a More Effective Approach
Dykstra, Boyle, & Monarch, 1992), an inquiry approach coupled
with concept substitution strategies (Harrison et al., 1999), meta- The traditional approach of overcoming alternative concep-
conceptual teaching on inducing a particularly problematic aspect tions consists of eliciting, confronting, and resolving has not
of the conceptual changes (Wiser & Amin, 2001), and a teaching always been an effective way for teaching and learning physics
model (Thomaz et al., 1995). as can be inferred from the results certain physics education re-
These approaches tend to have in common the requirement search. Consider, for instance, instructors who use the Modeling
that students encounter phenomena that run counter to their exist- Method of Instruction and results obtained from their use of the
ing beliefs. Doing so, they are put in a state of intellectual dis- Force Concept Inventory ([FCI] Hestenes, Wells, & Swackhamer,
equilibrium or cognitive conflict. Becoming aware of the conflict 1992).
between what they believe to be correct based on prior experiences The FCI is regularly used with Modeling mechanics to test
and know to be correct based on more recent experience helps the progress of student learning in relation to their non-modeling
them to confront and resolve their conflicting perspectives in favor peers. The FCI, a 30-question standardized exam based strongly
of a proper understanding. Such pedagogical approaches that em- on a traditional understanding of alternative conceptions, is used
phasize conflict and resolution appear to derive from a Piagetian to assess teacher effectiveness for achieving a “minimal teaching
perspective on learning (Scott, Asoko, & Driver, 1998). In such performance standard: to teach students to reliably discriminate
a viewpoint, the learner’s role in reorganizing their knowledge is between the applicability of scientific concepts and naive alterna-
central to overcoming the alternative conception. tives in common physical situations” (Modeling website, 2002).
These and other approaches dealing with alternative concepts It is conceivable that certain tentative conclusions can be drawn
typically include three fundamental steps – those identified by from data generated using this instrument in relation to novice
the University of Washington Physics Education Group: elicit/ versus expert Modelers.
confront/resolve (McDermott, 1991). In this model a teacher According to the above Modeling website, in studies employ-
first elicits a response (prediction about what will happen or an ing data from a nationwide sample of 7,500 high school physics
indication of agreement or disagreement with a given statement) students, “the average FCI pretest score is about 26%, slightly
from students, forcing them to commit to an answer in relation to a above the random guessing level of 20%, and well below the 60%
specific situation. Next, the students confront a situation that chal- score which, for empirical reasons, can be regarded as the thresh-
lenges their beliefs and answers, typically in an experiment that the old for understanding Newtonian mechanics…. After their first
students perform. During this second phase, if the students were year of teaching, posttest scores for students of novice modelers
incorrect in their prediction, they experience cognitive dissonance were about 10 percentage points higher” using data from 3,394 stu-
when confronting the conflict between prediction and experience. dents of 66 teachers. “Students of expert modelers do much better.
Students quickly come to realize the need for a new understand- For 11 teachers identified as expert modelers after two years in the
ing about the concept under consideration, and are motivated to Project, posttest scores of their 647 students averaged 69%. Thus,
resolve the conflict with teacher assistance in phase three. student gains in understanding under expert modeling instruction

J. Phys. Tchr. Educ. Online, 5(1), Summer 2008 Page 14 © 2008 Illinois State University Physics Dept.
are more than doubled (40 percentage points gained), compared students’ ability to better overcome existing alternative concep-
to traditional instruction (16 percentage points gained).” tions and recall new understandings. This notification, coupled
No explanation is given by the author(s) of this web site with experiences that help students confront their misconceptions
suggesting why it might be that the students of expert Modelers can activate both episodic and semantic memory.
perform better on the FCI than do those of novice Modelers. How- The IDENTIFY step consists of making students aware of
ever, the fact that Modelers who use the standardized FCI test – a the fact that alternative conceptions exist and have the pernicious
test based strongly on alternative conceptions – show little gain effects outlined in Table 2. The IDENTIFY step does NOT sug-
in the first years of Modeling Instruction is suggestive that novice gest that students are told they are wrong. To do so, especially
Modeling teachers, as they mature into expert Modelers, eventu- repeatedly, can cause students to become frustrated and to shut
ally come to realize that there is more to addressing alternative down mentally to resist intellectual change. This step must fol-
conceptions than a three-step method of eliciting, confronting, low the confrontation step; otherwise, it would conflict with a
and resolving ideas. Something else clearly must be changing in constructivist viewpoint under which students should draw their
their approach to dealing with alternative conceptions. own conclusions based on evidence.
Based on three years of interactions with Modelers in the
Chicago ITQ Science Project, the author presents as a tentative REINFORCE
explanation that the reason students of expert Modelers perform New learning is not always retained as experience has show.
better on the FCI than do students of novice Modelers is because Consider the fact that after instruction teachers test students’
expert modelers inadvertently have added a fourth and fifth step knowledge and find that an alternative conception still exists. This
to their instructional practice. These steps, perhaps introduced suggests that the alternative conception has not been replaced by
by expert Modelers as a result of frustration, consists of identify- a modified conception, but is temporarily unavailable for recall.
ing the existence of alternative conceptions and then reinforcing While methods exist for making memories (establishment of new
student learning in the area of the alternative conception. It is synaptic junctions), no method exists for easily erasing memo-
this author’s contention that a poorly understood ELICIT-CON- ries (disestablishment of old synaptic junctions). What makes
FRONT-RESOLVE approach fails to make a substantial lasting a difference is which conception is most likely to be recalled.
difference in the area of alternative conceptions because it fails Cognitive understandings would suggest that there is a well-worn
to clearly IDENTIFY the existence of the alternative conception “highway” to the old concept making it habitually accessible dur-
to students and fails to REINFORCE student learning in the ing recall; the new conception has only a “footpath” leading to it
area of the alternative conception. A better approach to dealing and this reduces the probability of its recall. The footpath needs
with alternative conceptions suggests a more clearly elucidated to be replaced by a highway, and the highway needs to become
five-step approach that will be herein referred to as the ECIRR a footpath. The highway will be established only when students:
(Elicit-Confront-Identify-Resolve-Reinforce) model. (1) over learn the new conception thereby making it more acces-
sible and more likely to be recalled than the old conception or,
Including IDENTIFY and REINFORCE in the case of a paraconception, (2) learn to analyze a situation
and determine which understanding is the best to apply. These
Deductions from studies in the area of cognitive psychology approaches will help students improve their ability to retain new
dealing with memory and recall also serve as an additional basis of learning and preferentially retrieve it from memory under vary-
including IDENTIFY and REINFORCE in the ECIRR model. ing conditions.

IDENTIFY How the ECIRR Model Works

Memory consists of both declarative and procedural com-
ponents. Declarative memory is most closely associated with ELICIT
alternative conceptions, and consists of two components – episodic The teacher probes for students’ alternative conceptions
and semantic memory (Tulving, 1972). Episodic memories are through activities that make students’ thinking evident such as
memories that relate to personal experiences and take on a personal asking questions, and conducting Socratic dialogues with white-
perspective. Semantic memories include abstracted facts about the boarding (Wenning, 2005; Wenning et al., 2006). During such
world and knowledge of how things work that typically are not practices teachers ask students to predict, explain, and make
derived from personal experiences but, perhaps, from book learn- clarify statements. Of course, this step assumes that the teacher
ing and other forms of communication. Using a metacognitive is cognizant that alternative conceptions exist and what they
approach - literally helping students to think about their thinking are. Previous research has shown that in order for a teacher to
relative to what they know and how they know it - can provide an effectively address student’s alternative conceptions, they must
effective means for overcoming established alternative concep- be aware of the presence of such ideas (da Silva et al., 2007;
tions. Clearly identifying an alternative conception as such can Hewson et al., 1999).
be a powerful way to overcome alternative conceptions. Students The number of alternative conceptions possessed by students
need to know that alternative conceptions exist and should be put is indeed large. Secondary sources providing a collection of al-
on notice about their pernicious effects. This knowledge enhances ternative conceptions in physics and other areas are plentiful and

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include such publications as Handbook for Research on Science * Modeling activities that systematically engage students in
Teaching and Learning, (Gabel, 1994); Physics Begins with an M developing models and providing their own explanations for
(Jewett, 1996a); Physics Begins with another M (Jewett, 1996b), basic physical phenomena,
and online resources such as those provided by the C3P program * Modeling discourse (centered on visual representations of the
(Olenick, 2008) and Operation Physics (Weiler, 1998) websites. models) to engage students in articulating their explanations
Internet searches will also provide additional resources. and comparing them with [properly understood] concepts,
CONFRONT * Modeling concepts and tools (such as graphs, diagrams, and
The teacher uses discrepant events to provide contradictions equations) to help students simplify and clarify their models
to students’ statements or predictions and place them in a state of and explanations.
cognitive conflict. They confront alternative conceptions through
demonstration, implications, and questions, and encourage discus- REINFORCE
sion. Teachers must keep in mind that the greatest amount of learn- When teachers help students develop a new understanding of
ing will be achieved when the learners’ motivation level is high. a phenomenon rooted in an alternative conception, this does not
Motivation (as contrasted with coercion) will be highest when the necessarily extinguish prior learning. As experience shows, there
students’ best interests and needs are served, and the subject is are frequently two competing concepts in students’ minds. To ad-
relevant to students’ day-to-day lives. They also must keep in mind dress alternative conceptions effectively, teachers must reinforce
that the greatest amount of learning occurs when the salience of the pathway that leads to the new understanding and extinguish or
the stimulus is high. Using surprise, mystery, and bedazzlement at least suppress the pathway that leads to the old understanding,
can serve to increase the salience of a phenomenon. or help students to decide in the case of paraconceptions. Failure
Taylor and Coll (1997) noted that cognitive conflict has to do so can result in students recalling the alternative conception
the advantage of helping to address alternative conceptions ef- preferentially over the desired understanding.
fectively, but noted too that it might serve also reduce student’s This reinforcement should be done repeatedly, over time, and
confidence in their ability to understand science. Care should be under varying conditions. This is due in part because retrieval
taken to ensure that this does not happen. pathways are not well established, and effort must be expended
on firmly establishing the retrieval mechanism associated with the
IDENTIFY new understanding. Several important approaches from cognitive
After alternative conceptions are elicited and confronted, the psychology can be used to do so.
teacher must clearly and unambiguously identify them as such.
Teachers must be careful, however, not to denigrate the value of Employing levels of processing
intuition that often can lead to correct predictions. They must
explain the power of alternative conceptions to mislead, and state Encoding in relation to an alternative conception requires
emphatically that students must not be misled and they should di- more than just repetition, and the desire to remember is not suf-
vorce themselves from it because the old conception will compete ficient for appropriate encoding either. If sustained learning is to
with the new conception. It is not unreasonable to summarize what take place in order to overcome an alternative conception, then we
research says about alternative conceptions, and even to review must think about what we want to remember, we must know from
the key findings of Wandersee, Mintzes, & Novak (Table 2). To be experience that the prior conception is wrong, and we probably
consistent with a constructivist viewpoint of teaching, IDENTIFY should include even some form of “desirable difficulty.”
should follow confrontation and not precede it. The quality of encoding associated with a new understanding
can be improved through the use of levels of processing. Research
RESOLVE has shown that the level at which information is processed, not
The teacher should foster the replacement of an alternative just how long or how often, strongly influences the degree to
conception using any of the following approaches: questions, which students retain new understandings (Craik & Lockhart,
thought experiments, interactive demonstrations, hypothetical 1972). Levels of processing can be described as a continuum
situations, and experiments designed to test hypotheses. They running from shallow processing (maintenance rehearsal) to
should help reevaluate students’ understanding by posing con- deep processing (elaborative rehearsal). Deep processing is much
ceptual questions, and eliciting student source(s) of alternative more closely associated with long-term retention than shallow
conception. To overcome alterative conceptions, teachers should processing. When students are required to apply information to
place as much attention on students’ prior knowledge as possible, new situations it is much more likely to be recalled than when
but allow students to actively resolve discrepancies by themselves asked to memorize that information. Students who merely watch
because teaching by telling simply does not work. a demonstration are much less likely to remember its significance
Hestenes (2006, p. 18) points out how the active approaches than those who have discussed it with friends or have been required
of Modeling Instruction can be used to address pre-existing cog- to write about it.
nitive structures: Levels of processing can include desirable difficulties that are
often associated with student study efforts, but can be incorporated

J. Phys. Tchr. Educ. Online, 5(1), Summer 2008 Page 16 © 2008 Illinois State University Physics Dept.
by teachers seeking to overcome alternative conceptions. Desir- in space float around and are, therefore, weightless. According to
able difficulties are approaches to situations that make studying one student’s explanation, “Someone can be weightless only in
more challenging and the benefits less obvious in the near term. the absence of gravity.” Others, recognizing the limitless extent of
Desirable difficulties promote long-term retention and the abil- the gravitational force, might say, “Yes, there is gravity in space
ity to transfer what has been learned to new situations. Teachers but it is very small up in orbit. After all, NASA does speak about
create desirable difficulties when they get students to think about microgravity in the space environment.”
their own thinking (metacognition) and learn subject matter using
different approaches. Students create desirable difficulties for Confront – To be constructivist in their approach, a teacher must
themselves when they determine the objectives of their study, allow students to come to see that their statements are not consis-
organize information, and approach the subject matter from a tent with reality. Having elicited the above alternative conception,
variety of perspectives. the teacher now confronts students with evidence contradicting
their alternative conceptions. The teacher might talk about the
Rehearsing under varying conditions parabolic aircraft flights on the NASA “Vomit Comet” that result
in free floating, or what would happen to a passenger in a freely
The encoding specificity principal of cognitive psychology falling elevator. Clearly, while these people experience weightless-
states that retrieval of a memory is most effective when it occurs ness, they are still under the influence of gravity.
in the same context as used for encoding. Nearly everyone has had Ideally, a teacher will help students confront an alternative
an experience where they walk into one room to get something conception by using active learning strategies that fully engage
and fail to recall what was to be retrieved. Upon returning to the students. A teacher might have students conduct a mathematical
point of origin one quickly remembers what one was to pick up calculation to determine the force of gravity on an astronaut, on
– an example of the context reinstatement effect. These effects and at different distances above the surface of the earth. Students
are most clear when students learn about a phenomenon during a will rapidly see that the force at the altitude of the orbit is not all
class discussion, but fail to recall it under testing situations. that much less than near the surface of the earth. Clearly, the force
The encoding specificity principal of context-specific learning of Earth’s gravity must extend into space, and must be substantial
comes into play when asked to recall an answer under a testing even at the altitude of the Shuttle orbiter.
situation students fail. Still, when back in the original setting,
we see the context reinstatement effect. Is this a matter, then, of Identify – Following the confrontation phase, the teacher identifies
forgetting where information is permanently lost from memory, the fact that students who believe that weightlessness results from
or of retrieval block where information is not forgotten but not a lack of gravity, or that gravity is “weak,” have fallen under the
remembered either? Because memories are resilient, alternative influence of common alternative conceptions. The teacher notes
conceptions will not just fade away. Nonetheless, memories can be that alternative conceptions exist, and helps students to become
weakened through the processes of retroactive interference – when fully aware of key findings about them as shown in Table 2.
concepts learned at the end of a study process reduces a student’s
ability to recall earlier memories. Cognitive research shows that Resolve – The teacher must now help students overcome their
forgetting requires action, and in the case of alternative concep- former beliefs by working with students to understand where
tions, this cognitive process is retroactive interference. such alternative conceptions might have come from. Following
To help overcome the problems associated with the encoding this, the teacher could go on to explain concepts such as frame of
specificity principal, efforts should be undertaken to ensure that re- reference, and explain orbital motion is nothing but a fall toward
trieval is practiced repeatedly and under a variety of conditions. the Earth at a rate which Earth falls out from beneath astronaut
(perhaps referencing the image of “the cannon shot round the
Deploying the ECIRR Model – An Example world”). Another approach would be to have students place a small
weight on a string and twirl it around over their heads noting that
When teaching gravitation, teachers are often confronted the string plays a role similar to gravity and the weight an orbit-
with the alternative conception that “there is no gravity in space.” ing astronaut. Ask the students, “Upon releasing the string, what
What follows is an example of how to deal more effectively with happens?” Allow students to develop their own explanations of
this alternative conception. Similar approaches can be used with how this analog applies to the orbiting astronaut situation. Give
other alternative conceptions. them an opportunity for whiteboarding as appropriate. Students
will come to realize that nothing can stay in orbit with out a central
Elicit – A teacher uses a historical approach to derive Newton’s force. Create a graph of acceleration due to gravity (g = GM/r2)
theory of gravitation, concluding that F = GMm/r2. The teacher for various distances from Earth’s surface out to, say, the orbital
then asks the question how this formulation of gravity applies to distance of the moon, and compare the ratio of g-in-orbit to g-
objects in space – planets, the moon, satellites, the Space Shuttle at-surface. Computer simulations might be used to help students
orbiter… Then the teacher asks the question, “What about astro- understand the concept. Students can also be asked to discuss or
nauts in space? Does gravity apply to them, too?” Students fre- write about their alternative conceptions in relation to what they
quently will say “No!” and cite as evidence the fact that astronauts now understand to be a correct view.

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