History of Management

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A History of the Span of Management


Texas A&M University
Auburn University

This historical essay provides new insight into the span of managernent
concept through an integration of the diverse literature on the topic.
Early and ancient approaches are expanded upon; an encyclopedic
bibliography is provided; and current conceptual models are identi-

Long a controversial subject, the span of erally been regarded as a critical factor. It is ap-
management is perhaps the most discussed sin- parent that certain variables affect the span and
gle concept in classical, neo-classical, or modern hence organizational effectiveness, but a clear
management theory. Throughout Its evolution it expression of the concept has been slow to
has been referred to by various titles such as emerge.
span of management, span of control, span of Because early writers did not pose the prob-
supervision, and span of authority. lem in this way, their ideas are frequently hard to
In specifying conditions for organizational follow and integrate. Development of a clear un-
effectiveness, the span of management has gen- derstanding of the relationships involved has
been complicated by the two stage evolution of
the concept. The first stage was marked by sug-
David D. Van Fleet (Ph.D. — University of Tennessee) is Asso-
ciate Professor of Management at Texas A&M University, Col-
gested numerical limitations and recommenda-
lege Station, Texas. tions; the second by general statements of vary-
Arthur G. Bedeian (D.B.A. — Mississippi State University) is
ing applfcability. The purpose of this article is to
Assistant Professor of Management at Auburn University, Au- review these stages of growth and to evaluate the
burn, Alabama. current status of the span of management con-
Received 3/26/76; Revised 5/24/76; Accepted 7/6/76. cept for academicians and practitioners.
Academy of Management Review - July 1977 357

Constant effectiveness
Antiquity per person supervised

The span of management is an ancient con-

cept. Near the end of the second century B.C.,
Caius Marius reorganized the famous Roman Le- \
gions so that twenty-eight to thirty Legions re- Increasing effectiveness
ported to him with ten Cohorts per Legion and per person supervised
three to six Centuries per Cohort (41, p. 145ff).
Accounts of ancient Egypt suggest concepts of
organization and organizing (26). The Biblical ac-
count of the reorganization of the tribes of Israel Decreasing effectiveness
also reflects this idea of organization (102). per person supervised
Trade in Babylonia (40); the civilizations of
Greece, Rome, and Phoenicia (214); the famous Limit
Chinese civil service (45, 99); and the hierarchies Span of Management
of ancient India (119) certainly could not have
FIGURE 1. The "Limited Span'' Concept.
operated without some notion of organization.
All of these early organizations had span of
management problems to be solved, but avail- ification. The emphasis in the scientific manage-
able records suggest that none represents an ex- ment movement on mathematics and quantita-
plicit recognition of the span of management tive approaches undoubtedly accounts for the
concept. nature of many of these statements. The views
Explicit recognition of the concept, as it is were empirical (based on experience), rather
thought of today, did not occur until the early than scientific (based on logical theory). As a
1800s. A gap in the literature appears to exist result it is unclear whether supervisory effective-
from ancient times until that period. Perhaps stu- ness per person supervised was thought to re-
dents of management thought have neglected main constant, increase, or decrease as the span
these years. Organizational problems certainly approached its limit (see Figure 1).
existed throughout the medieval period as feu- Table 1 provides a chronological overview
dalism gave way to mercantilism and mercantilism of the span of management concept beginning
led to the expansion of industrial capital as a pre- with the early stages of the Industrial Revolution;
lude to the Industrial Revolution. Studies of this part of the article expands upon the first por-
church, military, government, and factory organ- tion of that chronology.
izations during this time could shed considerable European military commanders are general-
light on the evolution of organizational concepts ly credited with being the first to stress specifi-
from antiquity to the industrial era, but lie be- cally the importance of the span concept. Napo-
yond the scope of this article. leon set the maximum desirable span at five (4,
p. 37), while Clausewitz spoke of ten (240, pp.
The Beginnings 230-236). Other early military writers also dis-
cussed the concept. Captain Arthur L. Wagner
The beginnings of the modern approach to (241) made note of it as did British General Ian S.
the span of management concept occurred with M. Hamilton, who advocated the use of spans of
the Industrial Revolution. Those beginnings in- size three to six (91, p. 230).
volved normative statements indicating a numer- Fayol, French manager and later consultant,
ical guideline or limit with little by way of quat- was in partial agreement with these ideas. He
358 A History of the Span of Management

TABLE 1. A Chronological Collection of Statements On The Span Of Management

Approximate Aothof Statemeni Approximate Stale men I
Dai« Dale

1765-1825 Whilney " I find it vain lo think of employing a great number of 1933 Craicunas ". . . in the vast majority of cases the 'span of attention'
hands . . . unless I can actually be present in many is limited to six digits."
places at the same time."
1933-1937 Urwick " N o superior can supervise directly the work of more
1804-1815 Napoleon " N o man can command more than five distinct bodies than live or, at the most, six subordinates whose work
in Ihe same theatre of war." interlocks."
1830 Clausewitz "Plainly . . . one person can only exercise direct com- 1937 Culick "Just as the hand of man can span only a limited n u m -
mand ovei a limited numbei. If ihere are more than len ber of notes on the piano, so the mind and will of man
patts, a difficulty arises in transmitting orders with the can span but a limited number o l managerial contacts
necessary rapidity and exactitude."
1895 Wagner "There is a limit, quickly reached, to the size of the 1940 Alford "The numbei of subordinates reporting to a superior
command that can be controlled directly by one man." should preferably be limited to no more than five or
1909 Mason " I n diiiributJng . , , duites among functional foremen sin at the executive level."
. . . some will be able to superiniend possibly fifty or 1944 Hopf The span of tnanagemeni "is a flexible rather than a rig-
sixty men. while others must limit their work to direct- id concept.. ."
ing the operations o( fifteen or twenty "
1946 Brech ". . the span of control ol the superior should be lim-
1916 Fayo! "Whatever his leve! of authority, one head only has di- ited to (ive or siit subordinates if their activities inter-
rect command over a small number of subordinates, lock."
less than six normally. Only the . . . foreman or his
equivalent. . is in direct command of twenty or thirty 1949 Balderston, " A t the upper levels of authority . . . the ratio should
men, when the work is simple." Karabasz not exceed four to one, or five to one at the lower lev-
and Biecht els of supervision , . . the ratio may be much larger, say
1921 Hamilton "The average human brain finds its elective scope in ten to one, or even fifty to one in the case o( the super-
handling from three to six other brains," vision of common laborers."
1921 Moreland "It is a recognized principle ihat no individual author- 1941 -1954 R. C. Davis (a) "The range of the optimum unit of operative super-
ity should control more than a limited number of agen- vision extends probably (rom a maximum of 10 opera-
cies . . . usually less than t e n . " tives to a maximum of 30 for most concerns."
1922 Kendall "Four or five" is as many people as should repoft to a (b) "The unit of executive supervision appears . . . to
chief executive. range from 3 to 8 or 9 subordinates."
1925 E. D. Jones "The ratios between superior and subordinate may 1951 Newman "Empirical studies suggest that executives in higher
range Irom 1.5 tu 1.25 " echelons should have a span ol three to seven operat-
1926 White "It is said an administfadve superior cannot effectively ing subordinates, whereas the optimum range for First-
supervise the work of mote than seven divisions or line supervisors ol routine activities is usually from fif-
units." teen to twenty employees."

1931 Dennison "If a man is really to lead men . . , there will be some 1955 Koontz and "There is a limit to the number of persons an individual
maximum number of them to whom he can give his O'Donnell ran effectively manage, even though that limit is not
fullest service . . . for anything more exacting than the finite for every case but will vary with the complexity of
direction of simple or uniform mechanical work it sel- the relationship supervised and the ability of managers
dom runs beyond six to twelve people." and subordinates."
1933 Han " W h e n one divides, it should, if possible, be into not 1970 Haimann "There i s . . . no definite, lixed answer to the ideal n o m -
less than three not more than seven parts." 3nd ber of subordinates a manager can effectively super-
Scott vise."
1933 Florence "There is a limit to the number of subordinates that can
be directly commanded by one m a n . "

suggested spans of management of fifteen for after Fayol and Mason, Moreland (also showing
the lower levels of an organization and four for a military influence) suggested a limit to the span
its top levels (70, p. 55; 133). In a subsequent because of the "urgency of services to be rend-
statement, he suggested a span at the top of an ered" (153, p. 418).
organization of less than six and a span of twenty Industrialist Henry P. Kendall addressed the
to thirty at the lowest level (85, p. 102). A few subject of span of management in 1922. Speaking
years before Fayol, Mason had been aware of before the Boston Chapter of the Taylor Society,
numerous variables affecting an appropriate he suggested that "four or five is enough" (121,
span of management. Directing his remarks at p. 40). In 1925, Jones, acknowledging the remarks
functional foremanship and complexity of op- of Kendall and those in a subsequent article by
erations, he commented that lower spans might Coonley (42, 43), commented upon the span of
vary from fifteen to sixty (138). A number of years management. Reminiscent of earlier comments
Academy of Management Review - July 1977 359

made by Mason and Fayol, he suggested a span of the more interesting episodes in the arfnals of
of five at the top with spans of up to twenty-five the field of management. Called upon numerous
at lower levels (114, p. 150). times to defend his position, he has been desig-
In the first public administration textbook nated the "doyen" of classical theorists (206).
(66, 67), White identified a "principle of econ- Much of that opposition came from those of the
omy of supervision". He suggested seven divi- "human relations" view who were arguing for
sions or units (245, p. 68). Dennison associated wider spans and flatter organizations as ways of
span of management with the concept of leader- increasing participative management and the
ship. In doing so, he warned against both unusu- self-control of subordinate managers and work-
ally large and small spans (57, pp. 137-138). Dut- ers.
ton also commented upon the relationship be- Urwick's statement of the principle of span
tween the span of management and the amount of control was attacked in 1946 by Simon (186,
of complexity of work to be performed (64, pp. 187,189). Urwick first replied at the 1948 London
153-154). Lectures on Higher Management (222). He par-
In 1933, both Florence and Hart dealt with ticularly disapproved of Simon's rewording of
the span of management. Florence identified each of the discussed concepts as laws rather
three managerial principles "proper to the hier- than as principles.
archical system". His third principle concerned Years later, Urwick again found it necessary
limit of the number of subordinates that can be to defend his viewpoint. Suojanen denied the
directly commanded by one person without continued validity of the principle due to devel-
specifying a number (75). Hart specifically rec- opments in modern social science which negated
ommended limits of three to seven (92). its further usefulness (207, 208). In response, Suo-
Probably no other name is as closely associ- janen received an exceptionally sharp retort
ated with the span of management concept as from Urwick. Urwick charged that Suojanen not
that of Graicunas, whose famous essay devel- only distorted materials used in his presentation
oped the first theoretical basis for these empiri- but attributed a non-existent maturity to the de-
cal views. He related span of management to velopment of the social sciences (227, 228, 231,
span of attention and noted that "the span of at- 232, 233). At this point, Simon, in answer to Ur-
tention is limited to six digits" (81, 159). Urwick wick's charge against Suojanen and partially in
used this reasoning as the basis of his advocacy defense of himself, entered into the discussion
of the concept (234). He presented it in the form siding with Suojanen (188). To date, this ques-
of the following principle: tion has yet to be settled (127, 142, 143, 144, 162,
No superior can supervise directly the work of
more than five or, at the most, six subordinates Other early contributors included Gulick,
whose work interlocks (220; see also 218, 219, Barnard, and Alford (3, 10, 11, 85). Gulick identi-
221,223,224,225,229,230). fied numerous variables affecting the appropri-
Urwick did not mean that this principle ate determination of a span of management, e.g.,
should be interpreted as "a rigid rule to be ap- diversification of task, quality of work performed
plied woodenly in all situations" (226, p. 41). He and factors of geographical location. Barnard,
emphatically stressed the last part of his state- referring his readers to the work of Graicunas,
ment which reads: ". . . whose work interlocks". discussed limitations upon group size. He also
This qualification is often misunderstood or directed himself to the question of the complex-
overlooked. ity of interpersonal relationships. Finally, Alford,
The sharp opposition aroused by Urwick's in an early "principles" text, defined span of
statement of the span of control principle is one control as "the number of subordinates who can
360 A History of the Span of Management

be successfully directed by a superior" (3, p. One of the more interesting studies relating
115). organization structure to enterprise efficiency
was conducted by Sears, Roebuck and Company
and reported by James C. Worthy, one of its vice
The Nineteen-Forties
presidents. Based upon the results of his final
research, he stated that a number of highly suc-
In the 1940s, interest continued in the devel- cessful organizations deliberately gave key exec-
opment of the span of management concept (44, utives so many subordinates that it became im-
136, 156). Petersen and Plowman noted -that possible for those executives to exercise too
"span of control refers to the maximum number close supervision (252, 253, 254).
of subordinates which may be placed under the
jurisdiction of one executive immediately supe-
rior to them" (164, p. 198). Breaking with tradi-
tion, Hopf emphasized that the span of manage-
ment is a flexible rather than a rigid concept
Davis developed a mathematical projection
of different spans associated with various theo-
retical organization structures (54, p. 1). It was
subsequently followed by an empirical study de-
signed to test his "law of functional growth" (52).
A secondary outgrowth of this study was data
that generally upheld traditional beliefs concern-
ing the span of management (7, 58).
Optimum Limit
The Hoover Commission, established to an-
alyze the organizational structure of the United Span of Management
States Executive Branch, noted that "there are
65 departments, administration, agencies, FIGURE 2. The ''Optimum Span'' Concept.
boards, and commissions engaged in executive
work all of which . . . reported directly to the
President — if they report to anyone" (39, 172; The Nineteen-Fifties On
see also 59). In its recommendations, the Com-
mission favored a consolidation and a large re- The 1950s was a period of continued contro-
duction in the number of units reporting to the versy concerning the span of management. Nu-
President. merous systematic empirical studies were con-
The writings of Balderston, Karabasz, Brecht ducted to determine its validity, and the concept
and Riddle, and those of Brech are also charac- of an " o p t i m u m " span rather than a "limited"
teristic of this period. Recognizing the variability span emerged (see Figure 2). This allowed for
of an appropriate span, Balderston, et al. noted spans being either "too large" or "too small" in
that top spans should not exceed four or five, existing organizations (65, 76, 128, 129, 165, 177,
but lower spans could be as high as fifty (8, pp. 179,180,181,183,198, 210, 217, 242).
452-453). Brech stated the span concept in the Both Davis and Newman commented upon
form of a principle. The eighth of his ten organ- span of management. Having earlier acknowl-
izational principles, it stressed the idea of "inter- edged a variation in optimum spans at different
relatedness" and set the ideal span as five or six levels of supervision, Davis offered guidelines to
(28, pp. 58-59; 27, 29). be followed (53). He thought that spans at the
Academy of Management Review - July 1977 361

top should range from three to eight and spans An extensive investigation was directed by
at the bottom from ten to thirty (55). Newman Woodward who studied the span at the highest
also provided guidelines to aid in determining and lowest levels of ninety-seven firms. She
the optimum span at different organization lev- found that, depending upon the type of technol-
els. With similar reasoning but advocating slightly ogy involved, the median number of persons re-
different figures, Newman suggested three to sponsible to the top executives of firms surveyed
seven for the top and fifteen to twenty for the varied from four to ten, while the median num-
bottom (157,158). ber of employees responsible to first-line super-
Following Davis and Newman, Drucker visors varied from fifteen to twenty-three (249,
modified the concept and introduced what he 250). These findings are partially similar to those
referred to as the "span of managerial responsi- reported by Baker and Davis four years earlier
bility" (61). Drucker considered this "span" to (7).
be much wider than the regular span of manage- Haire also provided data concerning span of
ment and to have no fixed size. In his more re- management. He found that the average range
cent work, Drucker appears to argue in favor of in the number of employees per first-line super-
large spans when he states that organizations visor was one to thirteen (90). A National Indus-
should have the fewest possible number of lev- trial Conference Board investigation, directed by
els (62). janger, found that the median span for chief ex-
During this same time period, the General ecutives was five with a range of one to twenty-
Electric Company, in an excellent series on man- four. At the lowest level of the management hier-
agement, was critical of small (four to six) spans. archy, the average span was found to be twenty
It suggested that spans might go as high as fifty or with a range of four to thirty-five (111).
more and that the use of "unweighted arithmeti- Entwisie and Walton, in their study of twenty
cal formula" or any "arbitrary mathematical ap- colleges and fourteen small companies, found a
proach" was unwarranted (173). median span for college presidents of five to
The first of a series of descriptive statistical seven and for company presidents of four to sev-
studies to deal specifically with span of manage- en (69, 198). Moore analyzed the organization
ment was reported by Dale (48). Of 141 compa- charts of sixty-two companies presented in a
nies surveyed (large and small), the number of study by Steiglitz (199) and concluded that most
subordinates reporting to the chief executives presidents of the companies surveyed had from
varied from one to twenty-four. The median for eight to eleven immediate subordinates (151,
large companies was between eight and nine; 198,199,200).
for medium sized companies, it was between six In a survey of thirty-nine chief executives.
and seven (25, 47,49, 51). White found results remarkably similar to those
Since the original Dale study, numerous of Dale's 1951 study. Their median span of man-
other attempts have been made to determine the agement was found to be eight, with a typical
degree to which companies actually apply the range from three to twelve, (244; see also 73, 74).
span concept. Healey polled the chief execu- Another study on the span of management by
tives of 620 Ohio manufacturing plants which Holden, et al. found that the span of manage-
employed one hundred or more employees. He ment for fifteen industrial corporations ranged
found that 70 percent or more of top spans were from one to fourteen with an average and medi-
in the three to seven or eight range (94, 95). An- an of ten (101).
other study reported similar findings; "In each Finally, more recent studies of the span of
industry size group, the median number . . . of management were conducted by Viola and Naj-
reporting subordinates was close to the recom- jar (154, 238). Viola found that of 221 managers in
mended span of c o n t r o l . . . " (122). the life insurance industry, 71 percent had from
362 A History of the Span of Management

one to nine subordinates reporting to them, with Haimann, and later Haimann and'Scott, de-
a mean of 6.75. In contrast, 60 per cent of this fined "span of management" as "the number of
group's immediate superiors were reported as subordinates who can be effectively supervised
having spans of from one to nineteen subordi- and managed . . . " (89). Haimann stressed that the
nates. span of management is a function of many fac-
"Principles" Texts tors. After reviewing the work of Graicunas, em-
pirical studies in the area, and criticisms aimed
Research on descriptive statistics dealing at span of management, he concluded: "There is
with the span of management and the market . . . no definite, fixed answer to the idea! number
appearance of the first "principles of manage- of subordinates a manager can effectively super-
ment" textbooks were almost simultaneous. Ar- vise".
guing that numerous variables were involved in Longenecker, in a discussion reminiscent of
determining an appropriate span, Terry noted Davis, noted:
the paradoxical confusion regarding suggested
numbers for spans of control. By the fifth edition It is possible to distinguish between the span
of his textbook, he had dropped the phrase of control of executives who have subordinate
"span of control" in favor of the phrase "span of managers reporting lo them and the span of
authority" (211). control of supervisors who direct operative
employees (134).
Koontz and O'Donnell devoted an entire
chapter to the span of management concept, Limiting his discussion to the former, Longeneck-
coining the phrase "span of management" in er simply defined span of control as the number
preference to the more traditional phrase "span of immediate subordinates reporting to a given
of control". In a manner similar to Terry's, they manager. Making limited use of his previous re-
identified numerous factors purported to affect search. Dale (50) discussed span as a "classical"
the determination of an optimum span of man- principle. Noting the contributions of Hamilton,
agement (126). Graicunas, and Urwick, Dale reported the "clas-
An orientation similar to that of his prede- sical" interpretation of the span of control as,
cessors was taken by McFarland (131). Comment- "No superior should have more than six imme-
ing that "a span of control is the number of sub- diate subordinates whose work is interrelated".
ordinate executives who report directly to a After reviewing the works of Graicunas, Ur-
higher executive", he presented the previously wick, and Dale, Sisk presented the span of man-
discussed work of Barnard and White. agement topic just as Koontz and O'Donnell had
Noting and favoring Koontz and O'Don- done before him (194). More recently, Donnelly,
neil's choice of the term span of management Gibson and Ivancevich (60) have followed the
over that of span of control, Albers (2) used it approach utilized by Sisk. Writing that "the span-
throughout his works. He defined span of man- of-control principle concerns the number of
agement as simply "the number of subordinates subordinates who directly report to a supervisor
under an executive", and asked the questions: . . .", they also presented and critiqued the work
"How many subordinates can be effectively man- of Graicunas, Urwick and Davis.
aged by an executive? Is there an ideal number Recent texts deal with the concept of span
or a minimax solution to the problem?" While of management differently. Albanese (1) devotes
not providing a firm answer to either question, only two pages to the topic; mentions Graicunas
he did review many of the studies performed in for historical perspective; and indicates that the
this area and also identified "endogenous" and span depends upon the manager, the employ-
"exogenous" factors to be considered in the ees, and the situation. Hellriegel and Slocum (96)
matter. spend about four pages on the topic; severely
Academy of Management Reviev/ - July 1977 363

criticize Graicunas; use the N.I.C.B. and Lock- ments. As a result, these statements predomi-
heed "factors"; and briefly discuss the relation nately took the form of recommendations or
of group size to the span of management. Final- normative statements. It was not until specific
ly, Filley, House, and Kerr (72) spend a whole descriptive statistics in this area were available
chapter discussing the concept and follow much that dissenting theoretical views began to gain
the same approach as Sisk and Koontz and favor over the empirical, intuitive statements.
O'Donnell except that they include much more Descriptive statistics point out variations in
material on group size as it might be related to actual practice, but they do not unquestionably
span. There are other views from general texts disprove the earlier classical pronouncements.
(5, 31, 112, 115, 132, 152, 163, 185, 205, 239, 246, Confusion in this area is particularly complicated
247). by: (a) divergent interpretations of the same data
by different groups; and (b) discrepant results
Current Views obtained in different surveys. What seems to
have taken place is a recognition of (a) the nu-
As indicated in this review, the span of man-
merous variables that make each situation dis-
agement concept is extensively discussed in
tinct, and (b) the concept of an optimum span
management theory. It has also been discusse.d
rather than merely a limit to the span.
extensively in the newer behavioral approaches
to management (33, 56, 86, 97, 117, 118, 139,147, The introduction of the first "principles of
148, 174, 176, 193). Attempts at proving or dis- management" textbooks brought about much of
proving the validity of span of management have this change. Their "neo-classical" authors, bene-
met with mixed results. They have been reviewed fiting from the indeterminateness of the latest
as part of this analysis only to the extent that they works in the span of management area and in-
might provide a more common base for the un- corporating "small group" research (24, 34, 35,
derstanding of the concept (36, 79, 87, 106, 107, 37, 80, 109, n o , 123, 140, 150, 201, 243), began to
108,137,146,168,169,170,171,182,192, 215, 251). modify the edicts of earlier authors. Instead of
Referred to by Pfiffner and Sherwood as a set numerical guidelines, statements suggesting
"hoary artifact" (167), the span concept was first variability became more the rule than the excep-
forwarded as a principle of management by Ur- tion.
wick in 1938. It had been discussed much earlier, As this approach became generally ac-
and, indeed, many of the early writings are sur- cepted, new approaches of analyzing the span of
prisingly consistent with recent views on this management concept were developed (6,15,18,
topic. 30, 32, 46, 63, 84, 88,100,135,149). Filley explored
The most frequently quoted early reference the relationship between an executive's leader-
in this area is Graicunas' essay. It is largely mis- ship style, use of assistant-to positions and size of
understood that Graicunas recognized the im- span of management (71). A longitudinal analysis
possibility of laying "down hard and fast rules for by Simonds has revealed no changing trend in
organization of relationships within a factory" the span of management "attributable to auto-
and that he intended his essay to be "essentially mation, new quantitative techniques or behav-
of a speculative rather than a directly practical ioral research" (190, 191). Organizations such as
nature" (13, 14). Nevertheless, other writers be- Lockheed Missiles and Space Company have de-
fore and since have strived to standardize nu- veloped elaborate procedures to evaluate se-
merical guidelines or rules in this area. lected identifiable variables as a basis for deter-
Of unquestionably good intention, these mining the span of management in any desired
early writers mainly called upon their past expe- situation(9,124,125, 216).
riences to form a basis for the logic of their state- Recent mathematical treatments indicate an
364 A History of the Span of Management

Highly routine w o r k "

Highly trained subordinates- Number of levels- • • Administrative costs-
Highly capable superior
Personal assistants used
Stable operations Productivity
Functions very similar •
Supervision shared-^
Subordinates spatially dispersed- -•Number in span Non-linear- •Effectiveness Overall
relation of supervision Evaluation
Task highly formalized
High need for control and/or
close supervision
Large amount of non-supervisory + Relative level- Job satisfaction^-^
activity ~ ••
Unit, large lot, mass, to
process operations —
large organization.

FIGURE 3. Organizational View of Span Relationships.

increasing awareness of the importance of the scientists of having an "anti-management bias"

span of management. Biau and Scott have devel- and admonished them to overcome it (167; see
oped an index "to measure the shape of the hier- also 38, 78,120). House and Miner (105) partially
archical pyramid" (23; see also 19, 20, 21, 22, 218, combined management theory with selected
248). Hill has applied queuing theory to deter- findings from the behavioral sciences in an at-
mination of the optimum span of management tempt to amalgamate these divergent viewpoints.
(98). Beckmann and Thompson have constructed After reviewing the parallel literatures in span of
numerous derivations to measure the cost of var- management and correlates of group size, they
ious spans of management (12, 212; see also 155). concluded that to a limited extent the literatures
Melcher has advanced a formula to determine closely support one another.
the average span of management within an or- In an effort to make specific and clear what
ganization (145). Emery has adapted the original is meant by the span of management concept.
Graicunas formula to allow for "fragmentation Van Fleet (236, 237) has called attention to the re-
and coordination" (68). Finally, Scott has applied lationships between variables and overall organi-
simulation modeling to determination of opti- zational effectiveness. The specific number of
mum spans of management (184). subordinates supervised by any given superior is
With controversy still existing (82, 116, 195, not crucial in and of itself but rather functions as
204, 216, 235, 255), efforts have recently been an intermediate variable between the factors
made to ally more closely classical theory with identified in Figure 3 and an evaluation of over-
modern organization theory. Parker has argued all organizational effectiveness. In Figure 3, ar-
that the main differences between the classical rows indicate the direction of hypothesized re-
model and the Simon model are in detail and lations for the variables shown, while the sign
terminology (162). Pfiffner has accused social indicates what kind of a relation is likely to exist.
Academy of Management Review-July 1977 365

Productivity and satisfaction are positively and Dowling (160) have recently dealt with this
related to the effectiveness of supervision within basic issue of definition and have found evi-
a group. The effectiveness of supervision is a dence to support a "different definition" (or op-
non-linear function of the number of subordi- tima) view. Span of supervision appears to be
nates in the span of that supervisor. The exact different from span of management or control
nature of the relation depends upon several fac- just as is the span of authority or responsibility.
tors. The number of the span is only an interme- Research is just beginning in this area.
diate variable between the factors and the effec- The current state of the span of management
tiveness of supervision. concept remains controversial and complex al-
Any evaluation of overall organizational ef- though increasingly sophisticated analyses are
fectiveness is influenced by at least three compo- used. Some authors continue to argue for small
nents: cost, productivity, and satisfaction. High spans, some for larger ones; some feel that the
costs lower the evaluation while higher produc- span is a fundamental and important concept,
tivity and satisfaction raise it. Effective supervi- others that it is not important in and of itself; fi-
sion in turn lowers costs while raising productiv- nally, the concept is coming to be thought of in
ity and satisfaction. Administrative costs increase economic or at least in effectiveness terms {77,
as the number of levels of organization increases, 93,113,130,141,175,178,180, 213).
and the number of levels in turn depends upon
the number in the span (this is a common hy- Conclusion
pothesis, but not yet adequately tested). Effec-
tive supervision is a non-linear function of the A clear expression of the span of manage-
number in the span. Finally, job satisfaction may ment concept is complicated by the fact that its
depend not only upon the effectiveness of su- development has undergone two periods of
pervision but also upon the relative organiza- evolutionary growth. The first period was
tional level of the unit in question. nnarked by the presence of suggested numerical
This view of the span concept shifts the em- limitations and the second by general statements
phasis away from numbers of subordinates and of varying applicability regarding optimum spans.
levels toward relationships among variables. The As suggested by early writers, there is a limit
specific number in the span is not so vital as the to the number of subordinates a superior can ef-
manner in which it is affected by the factors and fectively supervise, manage, or control. Clearly
in turn affects the other variables in the total this limit wili vary depending upon the individ-
model. ual superior, members of his or her group, and
If the works of early writers are examined, the situation. Further, an optimum (or optima)
several different "labels" appear to have been may exist which is (or are) different from that lim-
used for the same concept; but, perhaps they it.
really had in mind different concepts or, at least, More precise definitions need to be used
different optima. Drucker wrote that his "span in future research regarding the span of man-
of managerial responsibility" was different from agement concept. Future research must clearly
(and larger) than the usual span of management identify not only the "factors" which may affect
or control. Possibly other writers also meant to the span, but also the criteria upon which any
address slightly different aspects. value judgments of "too large" or "too small"
Bell and McLaughlin (16,17) as well as Ouchi are to be based.
366 A History of the Span of Management

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