3 Rules For Choosing Your: First Million Dollar Product

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It’s why big name celebrities are piling into the space. In
fact, according to The Guardian,

“In the last few years, celebrity makeup, clothing and other luxury
lines have moved from a side hustle into a multi-billion-dollar
industry that can generate fortunes for
the famous that far surpass the money
they make for doing the thing they’re
famous for.”

Consider these examples…

• Kylie Jenner became the youngest

billionaire in
the history of
the world when
she launched
her Lip Kit
line of

now makes
more money
from her Fenty Beauty makeup line than
she does from music – the company
turned over $100 million in its first
40 days trading. By comparison, in the
whole of 2016, the last year she had a
record out, she earned $7.6m from
streaming and $2.5m from music sales.

• And Jessica Alba more than replaced
her acting income after starting The
Honest Company, now generating
annual revenues of $250 million with
a value of $1 Billion in 2017.

• Other celebrity brands include Drake

(clothing), George Clooney and Ryan
Reynolds (alcohol), and dozens of
others with clothing or fragrance

Fortunately, you don’t need to be a celebrity or have deep

pockets to start your own brand. And as you’re about to
discover, you don’t need to sell cosmetics, clothing, or
fragrances to hit 7 or even 8 figures.

Heck, you don’t even need to make the product.

Because, there are now countless tools and resources available
nowadays that make starting an online business easier than

And they’re only becoming more efficient and affordable by the


Yet, as low as the barrier of entry is for new entrepreneurs

to get going in this digital age…

Building a successful business isn’t as simple as just opening

a PayPal account and watching the money roll in.

To create a successful business, you have to create

real and lasting Value.

This is one reason why we’re such fans of physical product

businesses over here at Capitalism.com - because there’s
nothing else people value like what they can touch, see, and
interact with.

Physical products are REAL. They allow us to create tangible,

physical experiences that affect our lives in an appreciable

This is why, no matter how advanced technology gets, and no

matter how “plugged in” the world becomes - there will always
be a market for physical products.

Because when it comes down to it, we will always be physical

beings living in a physical world - and as such, we will
always value things that improve our experience of it in some

In this short guide, I’m going to walk you through the 3 Rules
for coming up your first product idea and making it a success
right out of the gate, as well as setting yourself up for long
term success with your business for years to come.

4 Let’s Dive In!


You must have a genuine desire to make a positive impact on

the lives of other human beings.

Making money can’t be your only motivation...

Because not only will a selfish approach to business limit

your ability to build a loyal and connected customer base -
it’ll also limit your ability to come up with products that
people really want.

Sure, inspiration might strike and leave you with an idea

that’s just so good, you can make some money with it…

...but if you want to build a brand that lasts longer than

your first launch, you need to be able to roll out product
after product and truly connect with your audience.

That’s why the first rule of coming up with a Million

Dollar Product Idea is to…

Take OWNERSHIP of a problem you’d like to see solved

in the world.

You can’t just come up with a widget you think people might
want to buy… that might allow you to make some sales for a
bit -

...but ultimately, the brands that become household names

and elevate their creators to millionaire status are the
ones that produce products that improve lives.

And the way to improve someone’s life, is to identify a
struggle or point of suffering, and become the person/
company that removes the problem causing the struggle…

Better yet - identify a problem that YOU currently or used

to struggle with, and figure out how to solve that problem
for other people who are in
your shoes.

Take my student, Amanda Royer,

for example…

Amanda has two young daughters,

and in their younger years she
struggled with all the typical
problems that young parents run
into with kids - getting them
to take a bath, for one.

In an effort to solve her own

struggle and do away with the
nightly conflict with her kids,
Amanda came up with a product
that would make bath time fun
and exciting for both her and
her daughters.

Amanda poured her efforts into

creating high-quality bath bombs that would delight moms and

She used her own experiences with her children to help

design products, some perfect for silly tub time at the end
of the day, and others fine-tuned for tapping into a busy
mom's need for pampering and relaxation.

Amanda started making her bath bombs as a hobby… then she

moved to selling them on etsy…

Before long, she was able top scale up to the point of
replacing her full-time income…

...and within a of couple years, and within a couple of

years, was able to not only stay home with her girls but
also to hire lots of other stay-at-home moms.

Another example of taking Ownership can be seen in

the story of sports bar brand, RXBar.

Peter Rahal and Jared Smith were childhood friends and

CrossFit athletes.

Like most fitness enthusiasts nowadays, they were constantly

on the lookout for quick, healthy snacks they could eat on
the go… only there wasn’t a single snack bar that they
actually liked eating.

So they set out to create a snack bar that they would

actually want to eat - and wouldn't set their fitness
progress back with every bite with loads of sugar and
unhealthy additives.

Their idea had wings… and within 4 years, Peter and Jared
were able to sell their company to Kellogg’s for

Now, let’s apply this to you. Take
some time to answer the following

What is a challenge you deal with

now or in the past that you’d like
to take ownership of and create a
solution for? Don’t worry about how
just yet. Instead, just get a couple
of problems down on paper.

What are some “symptoms” of that

challenge? (For example, if you’re
currently struggling with this, what
are you seeing, hearing, feeling,
smelling, or tasting that reminds
you that you have this challenge?)


What do you REALLY want? (If
this were a before and after
picture, what will be different
for you when this challenge is

What have you tried already to

solve this challenge?

How much have you spent trying

to solve this challenge?

Why did all those solutions



There are many problems to solve in the world, and many

generic products that solve them…
...but the KEY to creating a product that will take you from
zero to a million dollars in 12 months is to solve a specific
problem for one specific group of people.

This is what made Amanda’s bath bombs such a success.

She didn’t just create a high-quality line of bath bombs…

...she created a high quality line of bath bombs geared

specifically toward young children and their moms.

She set out to make bath time more enjoyable for everyone
involved, to make it something kids could look forward to…
AND her brand and messaging gave moms permission to take
extra time to pamper themselves.

By not only owning a specific problem, but also doing it in a

way that served the needs of a specific group of people (moms
with young kids) - Amanda created more than just another bath

She created a way for Moms to connect with their kids, and
reconnect with themselves.

The same principle was true for the RXBar guys…

While there is no shortage of snackage for health-minded gym

rats - there weren’t any that were geared specifically toward
the mindset and lifestyle of CrossFit athletes.

So, while they aimed
to solve the problem
of not having a truly
healthy and delicious
snack bar readily
available - when
Jared and Peter
started their
business, they
specifically looked
to serve Crossfitters
like themselves.

You see, when you create a product that matches

with the identity of a certain group of people,
you “activate the tribe.”

You strengthen the group identity, and give them

something to bond over and
take pride in.

The result?

The “Tribe” you’re serving

becomes your Tribe - and
you gain the ability to
then transfer the interest
and community you build
around your first product
over onto any additional
product you roll out in
the future.

When it comes to figuring out WHO you’re going to serve with
your product, the best place to start is to create what is
called a “Customer Avatar.” 

This is a fictional “character” that represents your Tribe

as a whole - yet you want to be able to imagine them as a
single person who you really understand and can develop a
relationship with.

To develop your Customer Avatar, take some time to answer

the following questions…


• Do you work?
• What kind of job?
• Relationship status?
• Gender?
• Age?
• Household income?
• Where do you live?
• Do you have kids? How old?
• Do you have pets? What kind?
• What are your hobbies?
• What do you spend a lot of money on?
• Where do you hang out online with other people like you?
• What online groups do you participate in?

(For some more ideas about specific tribes of people to serve,

take a look at the Bonus Guide included on the download page with
this guide: “7 Proven Markets For Physical Product Success”)

Now, for the REALLY fun part - creating a product for your tribe
to solve the problem you’re taking ownership of.
First - we need to get a few things straight…

1. Your product does NOT have to be made by YOU.

Unlike the examples that I’ve been referencing in this guide

so far, you don’t actually need to PRODUCE your own product.

Sure, Amanda, Peter, and Jared all started out by making their
own products by hand… but in the lifespans of their respective
companies, the time they spent bent over mixing bowls was
fairly short.

And what’s more - they all started their businesses without

being fully aware of the resources available to them.

See, one of the central strategies that I teach to up-and-

coming product capitalists, is to leverage White Label

White-Label Products, if you’re not yet familiar with the

term, are products produced by companies specifically for
other companies to rebrand and market.

As of the writing of this guide, I have hundreds of students

who have built multi-million-dollar brands entirely based on
products that they found in the global marketplace, made their
own, and marketed to a specific tribe of people that it solved
a problem for.

(I have a few specific sources for finding high-quality white-

label product producers which I teach about in the Million
Dollar Brands training.)

2. Your product does NOT have to be original.
There are countless brands of snack bars in the world… but
none of them were marketed specifically to the CrossFit Tribe
until, RXBar.

You don’t have to create a unique product the likes of which

the world has never seen before. You just create a unique
MATCH between a certain product and a certain Tribe of people.

Just like Suzy Batiz, who’s built a $500+ million business

helping self-conscious people poop without worrying about
stinking up the bathroom… you don’t need to reinvent the

You just need to sell wheels to people who’ve never been sold
wheels before. Most of the time, the packaging or branding is
what makes the difference between a product that sells for a
nice profit and one that doesn’t.

3. Your product needs to be something YOU would buy.
I can’t say this enough… Creating a Million Dollar Brand is
only possible when you’re motivated by more than the money.

If you’re ready to sell someone a cheap piece of crap you’d

never buy yourself, just so you can make a buck - then you’re
in the wrong place.

Either you need to seriously adjust your mindset and get in

touch with your human decency, or you need to unsubscribe from
Capitalism.com and find someone who’s willing to teach you how
to swindle people.

Because the BEST products in the world… the products that

change lives and make their creators MILLIONS…
...are the products that people created because they truly
wanted them to exist.

The problem your product solves should be a problem your

genuinely care about and take OWNERSHIP of.

The people who you SERVE by solving that problem should be

people you empathize with and to whom you feel a genuine

So the product you CREATE to solve this problem for these

people should be something that you yourself would see the
value in and be excited to buy if someone else created it

To come up with your first
product idea, take some time
to brainstorm 5-10 product
ideas that solve one or more
specific problems for one or
more specific audiences.


Questions to help you…

What features or benefits would

the perfect product have?

What could be added to existing

products to make them better?

What could be taken away from

existing products to make them

Now you have the fundamental three steps for coming up with
your first Million Dollar Product idea.

I bet you’re a little surprised at how straightforward the

process is… but the thing is, starting a MASSIVELY
successful business isn’t rocket science.

Now, if what you’ve read has you feeling excited because it

sounds EXACTLY like where you’d like to take your life
going forward, you’re in the right place. We’d like to help
you make it happen… just like we’ve done for hundreds of
new million dollar brand-owners.

I’d encourage you to take this report and the accompanying

guides and sit somewhere that you can focus. Spend some
time brainstorming about problems you’d like to solve,
people you’d like to help, and products you’d like to use
to serve those people.

If you’d like some help taking your ideas and bringing them
to LIFE in a business that’s exciting to own, profitable to
run, and that has the potential for scaling even bigger or
selling… we’d love to help you! (In fact, we might even
invest in your brand like we’ve done with many others.)

And if you’d like us to help you for FREE… keep reading.

All it takes to create a million-dollar business is…

•If you have 3-5 products…

•Making 25 sales a day (that’s 100 sales a day)…

•And if those products cost about $25…

•That’s $2,500 a day in sales…

•And that’s a million-dollar business

That’s all it takes!

We have this training called Million Dollar Brands. It’ll
help you make decisions about your products – and how to
bring them to market so you can start making sales.

Here’s how it works…

You’ll just put a deposit down, then go through the

challenge to make these decisions. Once you’ve got those
decisions made, you can GET YOUR DEPOSIT BACK.

So long as you’ve done the work, it’s FREE.

You can get all the details here:

Million Dollar Brands Training

Thanks again for signing up to receive this guide, and for
taking the time to read it all the way through to the end.

It is my genuine belief, and the belief of everyone here at

Capitalism.com that Capitalism is the solution to most of
the world’s problems.

The more regular people like you and me take Responsibility

for their financial destiny by taking Ownership of
problems, and devote themselves to a life of Service and
Creation… the more Connected, Joyful, and FREE this world
will become.

Let’s Create Change.

Rootin’ for ya,

Ryan Daniel Moran


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