Hunger Games Divergent

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TOPIC 3- Protagonist

It is breathtaking that both adventure thrillers in young adult genre is lead by kickass girls. 


 Katniss from the Hunger Games is  Tris Prior trying to figure out which faction
motivated by survival instinct. Katniss she belongs to. Tris leave the selfless
volunteer her little beloved sister Prim in a abnegation and join the more aggressive
game of survival. She has to find a way to dauntless. Therefore, her internal
survive by winning the game through motivation is the goal of being dauntless.
eliminating all the other tributes, leaving Whereby her external motivation is her
herself as the only victor. survival and her home. If she fail to
 Katniss even transcends such roles by achieve her goal of becoming dauntless,
agreeing to be the Mockingjay, a gender- she will then be homeless.
less symbol of the rebellion and a creature  Her initial uncertainty reflects the
which is not supposed to exist at all uncertainty of a situation in which her
 Katniss has internalized the national death will not be very effectual, whereas
mentality of distrust and suspicion. her later confidence reflects the
Growing up under the threat of constant assurance of a better future for other
surveillance, Katniss learned to keep her people. Tris has literally fulfilled not only
thoughts to herself, fearing for her own a journey to finding self and identity but
safety and that of her family if her criticism also her destiny to be truly selfless and
were to be overheard. courageous. She is, ultimately, indeed the
 What the trilogy ultimately shows is that “instrument of [her] own destruction”
these different Blokker 50 performances, (Insurgent 145), just as she always
albeit forced, have enabled her to wanted to be.
reconcile the different parts of herself: in  Tris’s journey is one of reconciling her
the end, she is still a survivor and still a Abnegation and Dauntless identities, and
girl who is protective of those she loves. eventually accepting that her Divergence
 Katniss ends the trilogy as she truly is an asset. Throughout the trilogy, she
begins it: as an intelligent woman who journeys from feeling defined – and
understands the inequality of hunger and confined – by the faction system to
deprivation, the weight of sacrifice, and realizing that the people whom she is
the importance of never underestimating committed to ultimately define her most.
the power of a girl spectacularized by
fashion, costume, and a good
performance. (


 they respond to crises and act in order to improve their societies. As the symbolic head of a
rebellion, Katniss leads the districts out of their enslavement and helps to establish a new, more
democratic government. Similarly, Tris fights to save the factions from destroying each other
and is crucial in taking down the faction system and ending her society’s position as the object
of a social experiment controlled by outside forces.
 Both Katniss and Tris develop from fighting primarily for their own survival to rebelling against
the system and actively fighting for a different kind of life.

The final message of both books thus appears to be that readers must fight hard for what they want, as
Katniss and Tris did; we must fight for what we believe in and for what we desire out of life, for our
hopes and dreams.

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