PHD Thesis Jeanne Andersen

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Jeanne Andersen
PhD Thesis

Modelling and Optimisation of

Renewable Energy Systems





Jeanne Andersen

Supervisor: Kim Allan Andersen

A PhD thesis submitted to the School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, in
partial fulfillment of the PhD degree in Economics and Business

March 2015

This thesis consists of three chapters, each of which constitutes a self-contained research pa-
per. The three papers are all related to the modelling of optimisation problems within energy
In the first two papers, we look at electricity system operations within the hour, where sup-
ply and demand of electricity have to be balanced. In the papers, we present two proactive
models. Based on forecasted imbalances between supply and demand, the models aim at re-
ducing intra-hour balancing cost by optimally adjusting the production level before real-time
operation by utilising manual reserves. In both papers, we see that taking a proactive approach
entails substantially lower cost than letting automatic reserves handle all the imbalances real-
In the first paper, we propose a mixed integer deterministic model for the intra-hour bal-
ancing problem. We investigate the Danish system, where wind power is highly used and a
major source for intra-hour imbalances between supply and demand. We find that balancing
cost do not outweigh the benefits of the fluctuating inexpensive wind power.
The second paper is an extension of the first paper. Here, we present a two-stage stochastic
mixed integer model for the intra-hour balancing problem. The model captures the uncertainty
in the forecasts of wind power production by generating scenarios for the prediction errors. We
compare the stochastic and the deterministic solutions to the solution of perfect foresight and
find that prediction errors entail huge balancing cost. Furthermore, we see that the stochastic
solution incorporates a buffer when activating manual reserves compared to the determinis-
tic solution. Incorporation of this buffer results in higher expected cost, but the actual cost
incurred is lower in most of the investigated cases.

In the last paper, we look at an environmental supplement or alternative to wind power.
Here, we present a mixed integer linear model, which can be used to design the supply chain
network for biomass. Improving the logistics of biomass-to-energy supply chains is a require-
ment for enabling biomass as an economical and environmentally sound additional long-term
source of energy. The design of the supply chain network is important for achieving efficiency
in logistics operations, and it involves long-term decisions regarding transport flows, capaci-
ties, as well as the number and types of facilities used in the network for providing biomass and
transforming it into energy. In our case the particular biomass is straw that may be converted
into compressed briquettes. In addition to other models for biomass supply chain design, we
optimise the network design together with the truck routes. The paper is a preliminary ver-
sion as we have not yet received all the necessary data needed to run the model on our full
Danish case study (design of the supply chain network and transportation routes for the new
bioethanol plant at Maabjerg). For now, we propose a Lagrangian relaxation by variable split-
ting as the solution method. On small test instances, this method provides reasonable gaps
between upper and lower bounds on the objective function value. Standard solvers as CPLEX
are not able to solve some of these small instances, which indicate a need for a tailor-made
algorithm to solve the problem.


Denne ph.d.-afhandling består af tre uafhængige artikler i hvert sit kapitel, som alle er relateret
til modelleringen af optimeringsproblemer inden for energisystemer.
I de to første artikler ser vi på elsystemets drift inden for den enkelte time, hvor udbud og
efterspørgsel af elektricitet skal balanceres. Vi præsenterer to proaktive optimeringsmodeller,
som, baseret på forudsigelser af ubalancer mellem udbud og efterspørgsel, prøver at reducere
balanceringsomkostningerne ved at justere produktionsniveauet med manuelle reserver før
selve drifttidspunktet. Vi ser i begge artikler, at den proaktive tilgang resulterer i betydeligt
lavere omkostninger end hvis vi venter med at håndtere ubalancerne til selve drifttidspunktet,
hvor automatiske reserver benyttes.
Vi foreslår i den første artikel en deterministisk model til at beskrive balanceringsproblemet
inden for timen. Vindenergi er en kæmpe kilde til ubalancer inden for timen mellem udbud
og efterspørgsel af elektricitet. I den førte artikel undersøger vi derfor effekten balancemæs-
sigt af vindenergi i det danske system, hvor det dækker en stor del af elforbruget. Det viser
sig, at selvom fluktuerende vindenergi skaber større ubalancer i elsystemet jo mere vind der
inkluderes, så er fordelene ved den billige vindkraft rent omkostningsmæssigt langt større end
Den anden artikel ligger i forlængelse af den første og her præsenterer vi en stokastisk
model til at beskrive balanceringsproblemet inden for timen. Modellen fanger usikkerheden i
forudsigelserne af produktionen af vindenergi ved at generere scenarier for fejlen i vindenergi-
prognoserne. Vi sammenligner den stokastiske løsning og den deterministiske løsning med
løsningen givet ved perfekt fremsynethed og ser, at prognosefejlene medfører betydelige balan-
ceringsomkostninger. Endvidere ser vi, at den stokastiske løsning, set i forhold til den determi-

nistiske løsning, inkorporerer en buffer, når den aktiverer manuelle reserver. Inkorporeringen
af denne buffer resulterer i højere forventede omkostninger, men de aktuelle omkostninger er
til gengæld lavere i de fleste af de undersøgte test instanser.
I den sidste artikel ser vi på et miljøvenligt supplement eller alternativ til vindenergien.
Her præsenterer vi en blandet heltalsmodel, som kan bruges til at designe netværket for forsy-
ningskæden af biomasse. Forbedringer af logistikken i forsyningskæden biomasse-til-energi
er en betingelse for, at biomasse bliver en økonomisk og miljørigtig langvarig kilde til energi.
Designet af netværket for forsyningskæden er af yderste vigtighed for at opnå effektivitet i
logistikken. Optimering af netværket involverer langsigtede beslutninger vedrørende trans-
porten og kapaciteter såvel som hvor mange og hvilke typer anlæg, der skal bruges for at
tilvejebringe biomasse og transformere det til energi. I vores tilfælde vil biomassen være halm,
som kan konverteres til briketter. I forhold til andre optimeringsmodeller for design af forsyn-
ingskæder af biomasse optimerer vi netværket samtidig med, at vi optimerer lastbilernes ruter.
Da vi endnu ikke har alt data til rådighed til at kunne køre modellen på vores fulde case (design
af forsyningskæde samt transportruter for den nye bioethanol fabrik ved Maabjerg), er denne
artikel en foreløbig version. I denne version foreslår vi Lagrange relaksation med opdeling
af variabler (variable splitting) som løsningsmetode. På mindre test instanser giver metoden
forholdsvis små forskelle mellem øvre og nedre grænser for objektfunktionsværdierne. Nogle
af disse mindre instanser er en standardsolver som CPLEX ikke i stand til at løse, hvilket viser
behovet for at udvikle en specialdesignet løsningsmetode for problemstillingen.


I have prepared this thesis during my enrollment as a PhD student at the Department of Eco-
nomics and Business, Aarhus University, in the period from January 2011 to March 2015. My
PhD project has been funded by CFEM (Center for Foundations of Electronic Markets) which
in turn is funded by the Danish Council of Strategic Research.
During my PhD studies, I had two small internships and a temporary employment at the
Danish transmission system operator, The internships were in 2011 and the tem-
porary employment was in the period from September 2012 to February 2013. Even though my
employment at was not directly related to my PhD studies, I learned a lot about
electricity systems and markets which I think has been a huge asset for me throughout the rest
of my studies. However, it has also been a challenge to combine knowledge of real world prob-
lems and approaches with the academic discipline. It has especially been difficult to find the
balance where a real world problem was described good enough, while an academic approach
still was maintained.
On the personal level I was fortunate to become mother to a wonderful boy in late 2013.
Even though it has not been easy to manage both motherhood and writing this thesis, it has
also brought structure and happiness into the writing process; it has just been lovely to have
these small joyful moments of pause that naturally occur when spending time with a small


First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to the Department of Economics and Busi-
ness for providing an excellent research environment and to CFEM for providing financial

I want to thank my supervisor Kim Allan Andersen for encouraging me to write a PhD,
and for being a moral support throughout the years. Even though the project did not follow
the original plan, he never doubted me, and he always protected my interests for which I am
truly grateful.
I want to give a special thanks to my co-supervisor, Nina Kildegaard Detlefsen. She has
always been there when I needed support as well as when I just needed to get frustrations out
in the open. Furthermore, we have had many fruitful academic discussions which definitely
has improved the content of this PhD thesis.
I want to thank my dear friend and collaborator, Ditte Mølgård Heide-Jørgensen, who is a
co-author on my first paper. Even though we have had some challenges, pregnancies among
other things, we have kept our friendship and learned a lot from each other. It has been a
privilege to work with her!
I also want to give a special thanks to Trine Krogh Boomsma, who is also a co-author on
my first paper. She did not have an easy task of supervising the paper, since she where not
involved from the beginning, but she never gave up on us. I also want to thank her for all the
work she has put in to commenting on every thing I have sent her - even though it came back
more red than black I am truly grateful, and I think it has made me a better writer.
From March to June 2012, I visited Asgeir Tomasgard at the Department of Industrial Eco-
nomics and Technology Management at NTNU, Trondheim. It was an interesting period,
where I had the opportunity to be in a research environment with people who were inter-
ested in problems similar to mine. I am truly grateful to Asgeir for hosting my stay and for our
collaboration on my second paper. During my stay in Norway, Asgeir introduced me to Michal
Kaut at SINTEF, Trondheim. I want to thank Michal for our collaboration on my second paper.
I also want to thank my co-authors on the third paper, Andreas Klose and Claus Aage Grøn
Sørensen. I think it has been an interesting project and a very good collaboration.
Another person I want to give a special thank is Stephan Wöllner, who I met during my
stays at Stephan has been a good colleague and he has made a lot of effort in
making SimBa, a model from, deliver the necessary data in the correct format,
such that it could be used in my second project. I also want to express my gratitude to En-

vi for providing data, lending models, for their hospitality during my two internships.
Also, I want to thank my colleagues at CORAL and my fellow PhD students. I specially
want to thank Camilla Pisani, David Sloth Pedersen, Lene Gilje Justesen, Lukas Bach, Maria
Elbek Andersen, Marie Herly, Reza Pourmoayed, Samira Mirzaei, Sune Lauth Gadegaard, Tine
Louise Mundbjerg Eriksen, Tue Rauff Lind Christensen, and Viktoryia Buhayenko. The last
four years would not have been the same without you guys!
Last but not least, I want to give a special thank to my family and especially my boyfriend,
Morten Leander Petersen, for believing in me and for all the support he has given me. I can only
imagine how it must have been for him throughout the last couple of years, and especially the
last couple of months, while I have been writing this thesis. I really appreciate all his support
and his efforts to make my life easier. I love him with all of my heart!


Summary i

Resumé iii

Preface v
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Introduction xi
Electricity markets and systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Biomass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi

1 Short-term balancing of supply and demand in an electricity system: Forecasting

and scheduling 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Related literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 From hour-by-hour to intra-hour scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Wind power forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 The intra-hour model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.6 Case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.7 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Appendices 33
1.A Wind power forecasts: Parameters and correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

1.B The effect of the cost of the automatic reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

2 Stochastic model for short-term balancing of supply and consumption of electricity 37

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.2 The stochastic balancing model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3 Generating scenarios for the wind power production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4 Real-world problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Appendices 65
2.A Graphs for historical wind data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

3 Supply chain network and route design for second generation bioethanol 67
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.2 The mathematical formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.3 Lagrangian relaxation by variable splitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.4 Description of data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.5 Solution of the prototype example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.6 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Bibliography 93


An energy system can be thought of as a network consisting of production from energy sources,
storage, transmission, distribution, and consumption of energy. The most important types of
energy in an energy system are found within the transportation, heating, and electricity sectors.
These sectors often rely on traditional fossil fuel based energy sources such as coal, oil, and gas.
However, with the alertness of climate changes in the world, it is vital to replace fossil fuels
with significant amounts of renewables, such as solar, hydro, and wind power, in the energy
The European Union directive 2009/28/EC states that renewable energy should comprise
a 20% share of the total energy production in EU in 2020. In order to reach this overall tar-
get, each European member state has been given mandatory national targets. The national
target for Denmark is 30%. In addition, the Danish Government aims to have a share of 35%
renewable energy in the total energy system, and 50% of the electricity consumption covered
by wind power in 2020. Furthermore, it aims at 100% renewable energy by 2050 (Danish Min-
istry of Climate, Energy and Building (2012)). Denmark will accommodate these targets and
reduce emissions by, among other things, integrating considerable amounts of wind power in
the electricity system, and by utilising biomass in the heating and transportation sectors.
Including the required amount of renewables in the Danish energy system will be challeng-
ing. In this thesis, we address some of these challenges and present models that can be used to
analyse them. For instance, integration of large amounts of wind power can challenge the bal-
ancing of supply and demand of electricity at the time of operation due to the fluctuating and
unpredictable nature of wind. Therefore, in the first two chapters, we look further into wind
power and its short-term effects on electricity systems and use Denmark as a case study. These

first two chapters show that wind power highly impact the short-term balancing of electric-
ity systems with a large amount of installed wind capacity due to the unpredictable nature of
wind. Furthermore, we see that acting on predicted imbalances between supply and demand
before real-time operation can reduce balancing cost for the system operators, both by being
proactive and also by taking uncertainty of wind power predictions into account.
As a contrast to the fluctuating renewables, biomass is one of the few renewable energy
sources that can actually be stored and generate different types of energy on demand. There-
fore, biomass is a good supplement to uncertain wind power. As a supplement to the wind,
biomass can be utilised in power plants when the wind is not blowing and for providing bal-
ancing reserves. However, the amount of biomass available is limited by its growth rate, and
in order to exploit the full potential of biomass it is essential to obtain the biomass from a local
level. In the last chapter, we look further into the utilisation of biomass and investigate the
network design of biomass supply chains. The network design of supply chains for biomass is
very important, since the utilisation is extremely vulnerable to the high cost arising when set-
ting up the supply chains. Overcoming these high logistic costs can maybe lead to an expansion
in the utilisation of biomass in the future.
The main contribution of this thesis is the development of new optimisation models. Each
of the models in the chapters contributes to enlighten further integration of wind power or
biomass in energy systems similar to the Danish energy system. The first two chapters can be
helpful to system operators when analysing electricity systems. They can use the models to get
a better understanding of how small changes will influence the system. The last chapter can be
helpful to companies that want to use biomass as input to their production, e.g. for producing
biofuel or heat. These companies can use the model to investigate the supply chain of biomass
and use it as support for decision making.
In order to establish a fundamental basis for the reader of this thesis, we will in the follow-
ing give a short introduction to electricity markets and systems and how they are influenced by
wind power, and finally, we will briefly discuss biomass utilisation in heating and transporta-
tion sectors.

Electricity markets and systems

Electricity has a major impact on the social and economic developments of nations around the
world since it is an essential ingredient of modern society. The modern society depends on
constant accessibility of this commodity in order to maintain the present way of living. We
are used to a constant supply of electricity and as consumers we believe that we are entitled
to buy (consume) this commodity whenever we want to. Electricity can be traded like all
other commodities which is challenging since it cannot be stored in any feasible way with
present technology, not even with batteries which are too expensive in the scale needed for
electricity systems. Since the electricity cannot be stored, it has to be balanced such that supply
equals consumption in every micro second of the day. This makes it a unique and interesting
commodity with its very own characteristics.
When balancing the system, the philosophy so far has been to let the production follow the
consumption. This philosophy has been possible since the energy sources for the production
traditionally have been fossil fuels which can be stored and employed on demand. However,
with the climate changes we are looking at a future with a huge reorganisation of the energy
systems, and thereby also the electricity systems, where utilisation of renewable energy sources
is in focus. In Northern Europe, wind power is one of the most promising large-scale renew-
ables that can replace parts of the conventional supply. However, if large amounts of wind
power are installed in the electricity systems, the characteristics of the electricity production
will change and thereby the historical philosophy will be challenged. New methods to obtain
balance between supply and demand have to be explored. One such method can be to let the
consumption follow the supply as attempted through smart grid initiatives.
In smart grid initiatives, intelligent technologies for the consumption can react based on
information about the electricity system and prices in an automatic way to improve the eco-
nomics and reliability of the system. Some initiatives look at how to reward households if they
consume when the consumption is low and the production high, for instance, during the night.
One way is to implement technologies in electricity devices that can react to the prices and au-
tomatically turn on when the price is low. Since normally, the price is low when there are high
production and low consumption, these technologies will help direct the consumption to fol-

low the supply. However, many smart grid incentives are not yet incorporated in the electricity
markets even though the technology is ready. It takes time to adjust the market structure to the
developed technologies and to change the mind-set of the consumers.
Today, electricity is traded on many different markets. In the Nordic countries, most of
the electricity is traded through the platform Nord Pool Spot. At Nord Pool Spot, they first
have a day-ahead market, Elspot, which is sometimes also called a spot market. As the name
suggests, the day-ahead market opens the day before the energy has to be delivered. After gate
closure of the day-ahead market, the intraday market, Elbas, opens, and it closes just before the
hour of operation (where the electricity has to be delivered). The intraday market is used for
buying or selling electricity if unforeseen events occur after the gate closure of the day-ahead
markets. In this manner, the participants can reduce their expected imbalances for which the
system operator otherwise holds them responsible. In the case of wind power, for instance,
wind forecasts are more accurate closer to the hour of operation, which could be a reason for
trading on the intraday market. In both the day-ahead and intraday markets, the participants
are either buyers or sellers of electricity.
After the closure of the intraday market, it is no longer possible for the participants to
change their positions and it is up to the system operators to maintain the balance between
supply and demand. If, for some reason, one of the participants in either the day-ahead or
intraday market does not fulfil their obligations by deliver or consume the promised amount
of electricity, the system operator either has to activate or deactivate reserved electricity in order
to maintain balance. When the system operators activate or deactivate electricity, it is referred
to as activating reserves.
The following distinctions are made when talking about reserves: primary reserves, sec-
ondary reserves, and tertiary reserve. The first two belong to the category of frequency control,
and the last one is a slower manual reserve. Primary reserves are automatically activated when
the frequency deviates from the set point value by a predetermined amount in order to main-
tain the balance between supply and demand. In the Nordic countries, primary reserves have
to be fully operational within 30 seconds after a disturbance has occurred. In places where
secondary reserves are used, it is used to restore the primary reserves and is also automatically

activated. The tertiary reserves have slower response times and are manually activated. In
the Nordic countries, the tertiary reserves have to be fully activated within 15 minutes after
activation. It restores the primary and secondary reserves. In the Nordic countries, the system
operators have a common platform called NOIS for buying the tertiary reserves. The NOIS
system belongs to the cross-border reserve trading category and is a list containing all up and
down regulation offers in the Nordic countries.
When handling imbalances in electricity systems after the gate closure of the intraday mar-
ket, the normal procedure is first to let the imbalances be handled by the automatic reserves
which are then restored with the manual reserves. However, in Denmark, the transmission
system operator tries to predict anticipated imbalances in the system based on forecasts for the
consumption and wind power as well as production schedules from power plants and trans-
mission lines. Based on the expectation of the system imbalance, they activate the manual
reserves in order to minimise the use of the automatic - and more expensive - reserves.

Measurement of electricity

Regarding the production of electricity two things have to be separated: power and energy.
Power is measured in megawatt (MW) or gigawatt (GW) and denotes the instant electricity
production. The maximum power a given unit can produce is denoted the capacity of the
unit and is also measured in watt. Energy, on the other hand, is the production over time and
is measured in megawatt hours (MWh) or gigawatt hours (GWh). If a unit with capacity of
1 MW produces power at full capacity during 1 hour it will produce 1 MWh of energy during
this hour. However, it is possible to measure energy in other time resolutions, and then the
measure denote the average power production throughout a specific time interval.

Wind power

Political visions for more sustainable energy systems have led to a tremendous development of
wind power during the last decade. According to Leung and Yang (2012), the global installed
wind capacity was 59.1 GW in 2005, in 2010 it was 175 GW, and the expected level for 2015 is
425 GW. Nations with large amounts of installed wind capacity are China, The United States,

Germany, Spain, and India. However, if we also look at the share of the national electricity
consumption wind power comprises, Denmark is leading the field. According to the Danish
Energy Agency, Denmark had 4.8 GW of installed wind capacity in 2014, and the share of the
national electricity consumption that was comprised by the wind power production in 2013
was 32.7%, whereas it was 39.1% in 2014 ( (2015)).
If the growth of wind power continues, it will comprise a substantial part of the electric-
ity system both in Denmark and in many countries around the world. In many years, system
operators have operated, as a minimum, according to the N-1 security criterion, where they
have enough system reserves within their own control area to at least cover an outage of the
largest generator, transmission line, transformer, or reactor. With higher and higher amounts
of installed fluctuating renewables, such as wind power, and less controllable production in
the systems, the security criterion is under pressure and new ways to estimate the needed level
of reserves are necessary. Furthermore, in electricity systems with high amounts of installed
wind capacity, it is essential to have well performing wind power forecasting tools to predict
the wind power production and thereby reduce the system imbalances. Weber (2010) shows
that the total system forecast error asymptotically converges to the wind forecast prediction er-
ror as the proportion of wind capacity installed in the system increases. Thereby, a system with
a substantial share of wind power depends on the accuracy of the forecast models since their
precision directly affects the level of reserves needed to maintain balance. Many system opera-
tors or other balance responsible parties use both wind prediction models and meteorological
models to forecast the wind power production, since combining models reduces prediction er-
rors (Nielsen et al. (2007)). For an overview of forecasting models, see Lange and Focken (2008)
and Foley et al. (2012).


Biomass used for energy production often originates from plant based material. However,
biomass covers essentially both animal and vegetable organic material. The interesting aspect
of biomass in energy production is that it takes carbon out of the atmosphere while it is growing
and returns it as it is burned, which is the key element for promoting biomass as replacement

for fossil fuels. In this context, it is important to stress that the time that goes by between
harvesting and burning the biomass is essential. Oil consists of fossilised organic materials,
but it is so long ago that it absorbed the carbon, which it now releases when it is burned, that
it has a negative influence on the emissions. Hence, when defining biomass as a substitute for
fossil fuels, the biomass needs to absorb the carbon it releases in the present such that there is
no net increase in carbon emissions. If managed properly, biomass can be an environmentally
sound and essential counterpart to fluctuating renewables in energy systems. It can be used to
produce electricity, heat, and fuel for transportation and it can be stored and thereby utilised
on demand, which makes it a flexible commodity.
Even though biomass is expected to play an important role in sustainable energy systems,
it is per se not a true renewable resource such as solar and wind since it is not an inexhaustible
resource of energy. It is only possible to utilise biomass at the rate of biomass production, e.g.,
in the form of growing crops, straw, and trees. Furthermore, biomass is sustainable but only
if it is managed in a sustainable way, where it is part of a continuous cycle of replanting. In
that case, new growth can take carbon out of the atmosphere at the same time as new carbon is
released by burning the previous harvest. In addition, in order to evaluate the environmental
impact of the biomass, all stages of its life cycle have to be evaluated including the transporta-
tion and distribution steps. If not managed carefully, biomass can create huge environmental
damages. If harvested in unsustainable rates, biomass increases net carbon emissions, or if it is
transported over long distances, it consumes more energy than it produces and again leads to
a net increase in carbon emissions. If the fields where the biomass is grown normally is used
for food production, it can increase food prices with huge impact on societies.
In Denmark, biomass is one of the environmentally friendly options we have to supplement
the fluctuating wind power, and therefore, it is expected to play an essential role in the further
development of the heating sector in combined heat and power plants and of the transportation

The heating sector

District heating is the most widespread heating method in Denmark and it is an important
element in the Danish energy system, where it has two main advantages. First, heat for the
district heating system and electricity for the electricity system are produced in a joint process
on combined heat and power plants. Second, the heat can be stored. When electricity is pro-
duced without heat on a conventional power plant, it is possible to utilise around 40% of the
energy stored in the fuel. The relatively low extraction of the energy is due to not exploiting the
heat, which is a by-product of electricity production. If, on the other hand, electricity is jointly
produced with heat, the extraction of the energy can be more than 90% since the waste heat
from the electricity production can be captured and used for district heating (Danish District
Heating Association (2015)).
In a future energy system, where the use of fossil fuels has to be minimised or completely
avoided, there are at least two different views on how the heating of buildings will develop
(Lund et al. (2010)). One view states that we will have low-energy buildings that do not require
any heating. The other view states that this scenario will be far out in the future since the
buildings today are too expensive to rebuild, and therefore we need a mix of alternative and
renewable resources that can complement each other.
In the second view, the role of district heating and the relationship between the electricity
system and the heating system becomes important. An example of how electricity and heating
systems can be even more integrated could be installment of large electrified heat pumps in
the electricity systems. Then the heat pumps can be used to produce heat when there is a lot of
excess electricity. By letting the heat pumps use the excess electricity, we can store the energy
as heat and save the fuel otherwise needed to produce heat for the heating sector. Then, when
electricity prices are high, the combined heat and power plants can produce heat and electricity
to support the electricity system.
Even though biomass has a lower efficiency as fuel in combined heat and power plants than
coal, it is necessary to transform these plants to be able to only utilise biomass when we want
a more sustainable energy system, especially when the heat and electricity systems are able to
support each other. Denmark has one of the biggest biomass fired combined heat and power

plants in the world, called Avedøre 2, and many of the coal fired combined heat and power
plants are under consideration for rebuilding such that they can use biomass.

The transportation sector

Biofuels, processed from biomass, are suggested to replace fossil fuels in the transportation
sector in the future (Antizar-Ladislao and Turrion-Gomez (2008)). One of the products belong-
ing to the category of biofuels is bioethanol. Since cars today can drive on a blend of petrol
and small amounts of bioethanol without problems, bioethanol is expected to play an essential
part in the reduction of carbon emissions. The hope is to gradually increase the amounts of
bioethanol in petrol over time. However, if large amounts of bioethanol are blended with the
petrol, most of the conventional petrol engines will have to be adjusted.
Bioethanol is produced as sugar is fermented. The sugar used for the production of bio-
ethanol usually comes from two different sources. First, if the sugar is derived from corn,
wheat, or sugar canes and beets, that contain large amounts of starch and sucrose (sugar), the
bioethanol belongs to the category of first generation bioethanol. Second, if cellulosic biomass,
such as straw and organic waste, is used, the bioethanol belongs to the category of second gen-
eration bioethanol. The production of second generation bioethanol requires advanced pro-
cessing techniques.
The United States and Brazil produces a substantial amount of first generation bioethanol.
In the United States, much of the bioethanol is derived from corn, while Brazil produces large
amounts of bioethanol using sugar canes. The bioethanol produced in Denmark is second gen-
eration bioethanol derived from straw. At the moment it is planned to install a large second
generation bioethanol plant at Maabjerg in Denmark. In the last chapter, we will provide addi-
tional information about the plant since it will be our case study for the supply chain network
design for biomass.

Chapter 1

Short-term balancing of supply and

demand in an electricity system:
Forecasting and scheduling

Jeanne Andersen · Ditte Mølgård Heide-Jørgensen

Nina Kildegaard Detlefsen · Trine Krogh Boomsma

J. Andersen*: CORAL, Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University, Fuglesangs Alle 4,
8210 Aarhus V, Denmark

D. M. Heide-Jørgensen* and T. K. Boomsma: Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of

Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø, Denmark

N. K. Detlefsen: Dansk Fjernvarme, Merkurvej 7, 6000 Horsens, Denmark

* Contributed equally to this work.

This paper has been submitted to “Annals of Operations Research”. The version presented here has been modified
such that notation follows the rest of the thesis.

Short-term balancing of supply and demand in an electricity system:
Forecasting and scheduling

Until recently, the modelling of electricity system operations has mainly focused on hour-by-hour man-
agement. However, with the introduction of renewable energy sources such as wind energy, fluctua-
tions within the hour result in imbalances between supply and demand which are undetectable with
an hourly time resolution. Ramping on production units and transmission lines contribute further to
these imbalances. In this paper, we therefore propose a model for optimising electricity system opera-
tions within the hour. Taking a social welfare perspective, the model aims at reducing intra-hour cost
by optimally activating so-called manual reserves based on forecasted imbalances between supply and
demand. Since manual reserves are significantly less expensive than automatic reserves, we expect a
considerable reduction in total cost of balancing. In addition to providing guidelines for current elec-
tricity system operation, the model can be used for analysing the management of a future electricity
system, and in particular the cost of balancing supply and demand with a high penetration of wind
energy. We illustrate our model in a realistic Danish case study and investigate the effect of an expected
increase in installed wind capacity. We find that the balancing cost do not outweigh the benefits of the
inexpensive wind power, and that the savings from activating manual reserves are even larger for the
high wind capacity case.
Keywords: OR in energy, Scheduling, Forecasting, Power system balancing

1.1 Introduction

For more than a century, electricity supply has been highly dependent on fossil fuels such as
coal and oil, and even today, fossil fuels continue to make up a large part of the global supply
chain for electricity. Due to depletion of fossil fuels and looming climate changes, development
of sustainable energy, not least electricity, has received considerable attention over the last two
decades. Sustainable electricity development concentrates on three major aspects: Savings on

the demand side, efficiency improvements on the supply side, and replacement of fossil fuel
based production by various sources of renewable production (Lund (2007)).
With the introduction of renewable production, security of supply has become an issue of
utmost importance. Unlike most commodities, electricity cannot be efficiently stored. Further-
more, major imbalances between supply and demand are extremely undesirable, since deficit
or excess in production may result in blackouts. In fact, production and consumption have to
balance in the very short term such as minute-by-minute or second-by-second basis. However,
whereas conventional production can be controlled, renewable production is often intermit-
tent and non-controllable. Therefore, increasing shares of renewables significantly challenge
the ability of an electricity system to balance supply and demand.
In addition to the fluctuating nature of intermittent production, several other aspects affect
the balancing of supply and demand in the electricity system. Substantial transmission dis-
tances between regions, and different ramping speeds to and from a region may result in large
imbalances between supply and demand. Ramping restrictions on conventional power units,
failures of power units and transmission lines, and fluctuations in the demand for electricity
likewise impact the balance of the system.
The monitoring and maintenance of the balance between supply and demand is controlled
by System Operators (SOs), who each have their own control area. To maintain the balance in
the area, an SO manages so-called reserves. In the situation of deficit in production, the SO in-
creases planned production by activating reserved capacity. In the opposite situation of excess
production, the SO deactivates planned production. In general, reserves can be categorised
into automatic and manual reserves. Automatic reserves are fast (operational within seconds)
and flexible, hence expensive, and used for controlling the system frequency. Manual reserves
are slower (operational e.g. within minutes) and less flexible, hence less expensive, and usually
activated in order to release automatic reserves. With the integration of renewables, a major
problem for the SO is how to manage the system in the most cost efficient way.
Common practice of many SOs for managing supply and demand is indeed a reactive ap-
proach in which they first leave the observed imbalance to be handled by the fast automatic
reserves, and second let the slower manual reserves take over. Nevertheless, by activating slow

reserves prior to the observation of the imbalance and rather on the basis of an expected imbal-
ance, the SO could utilise slower reserves much more efficiently. In particular, such proactive
activation of manual reserves would reduce the need for automatic reserves and thereby the
cost of balancing.
This paper establishes a framework for short-term management of electricity system oper-
ations, including the balancing of supply and demand by proactive activation of power sys-
tems reserves. We consider a system in which wind energy is the renewable source. Still,
the methodology applies equally well to many other renewable sources such as solar energy
and run-of-river hydro-power. We assume that the associated electricity market includes a
day-ahead market for hourly dispatch and an intra-hour balancing market like the electricity
markets in the Nordic countries. However, the set-up of the paper can easily be adapted to
other market designs. Our contribution is twofold:

• We develop a mixed integer linear programming model for the management of a future
electricity system with significant shares of wind energy. We use it to analyse the system,
although it can likewise provide guidelines for current system operation. This model is
a multi-area economic dispatch model that proactively activates manual reserves such as
to minimise balancing cost, while taking operational constraints into account, including
detailed ramping restrictions on transmission lines and conventional generation units. To
appropriately represent intra-hour system operations, the model has a time resolution of
a few minutes. However, to ensure consistency with hour-by-hour day-ahead planning,
it is integrated with a unit commitment (UC) model that has hourly time resolution.

• We generate a representative forecast of wind power production that will serve as input
to the intra-hour model. To use a suitable marginal distribution for wind power at a
given point in time, while also capturing the temporal correlation structure, we employ
a copula-based approach.

In the following, we refer to the intra-hour model and the accompanying framework with the
unit commitment and forecasting as OPTIBA (OPTimisation of the Intra-hour BAlance).
We illustrate the intra-hour model with a number of case studies based on the Danish elec-

tricity system for varying seasons in a year and for the current and planned future level of wind
power penetration. Furthermore, in each case we run our model in a rolling planning fashion
to incorporate updated information and thereby simulate the results of optimal intra-hour bal-
ancing over time.

1.2 Related literature

The hour-by-hour management of an electricity system is done by deciding on the start-ups,

shut-downs and production levels of the power generating units, that is, by solving the UC
problem. The first mixed integer linear programming approach to this problem dates back
to Garver (1962), and a review of the early works on UC models and corresponding solution
methods can be found in Sheble and Fahd (1994). Many UC models incorporate uncertainty
in some form. Already in Dillon et al. (1978), the problem of unit outages and the resulting
capacity shortage is addressed in a stochastic programming setting. More recent contributions
also consider uncertain demand, e.g. see Bunn and Paschentis (1986); Takriti et al. (1996); Carøe
and Schultz (1998); Nowak and Römisch (2000).
With the improvement of demand forecasts and the large scale penetration of sustainable
energy, renewable production has become the major source of uncertainty and new models
have emerged. One such example is found in Weber et al. (2009). This UC model is likewise a
stochastic programming model, and it accounts for the variability and unpredictability of wind
energy. To reflect occasional updating of wind power forecasts, limit problem size, and reduce
computation time, the model is run in a rolling planning fashion with re-optimisation every
few hours.
Others handle the problem of uncertainty by solving both the UC and the subsequent intra-
day economic dispatch problem in two-stage stochastic mixed integer models. One example is
Papavasiliou and Oren (2013) who handles unit commitment of slow units in the first stage and
commitment of fast units as well as dispatch of all units in the second stage. This model takes
into account ramp rates, contingencies, and transmission network constraints. A wind scenario
generation and scenario selection algorithm is included as well as a subgradient algorithm to
solve the problem. Similar two-stage models are found in Bouffard and Galiana (2008); Zheng

et al. (2013); Morales et al. (2009); Pritchard et al. (2010). However, in all of these references,
the time resolution is hourly, and being only two-stage models, they do not capture the fre-
quent update of wind forecasts carried out in reality. Moreover, the models do not include the
technical constraints on reserve power, that are presented in this paper.
For UC models in general, it is the mixed integer nature of the problem combined with
a larger number of generating units and time intervals throughout the optimisation horizon
that cause problem complexity and computation times to increase drastically. Several attempts
to tighten the constraints and limit the number of binary variables have therefore been made,
e.g. see Carrión and Arroyo (2006); Ostrowski et al. (2012); Morales-España et al. (2013). Fur-
thermore, considerable attention has been devoted to specifically designed solution methods,
most of them based on a decoupling of units by Lagrangian relaxation, see Takriti et al. (1996);
Nowak and Römisch (2000). The inclusion of uncertainty makes computational intractability
even worse. In spite of this, to fully account for variations in renewable production, there is a
need for models with higher time resolutions.
Our model attempts to overcome this need by optimising balancing decisions with a time
resolution of a few minutes. To make the problem computationally feasible, we decouple
hourly and intra-hourly scheduling and carry out the optimisation in a sequential fashion
(which provides an upper bound on the cost of a joint optimisation). Since UC decisions are
often made ahead of operation, this decoupling allows us to formulate the intra-hour optimisa-
tion as an economic dispatch problem and thereby facilitates the use of a higher time resolution.
By considering a short time horizon of only one or two hours, predictability increases and we
are therefore able to formulate a deterministic problem.
Related models for intra-hour management include Lindgren and Söder (2008), who pre-
sents a mixed integer multi-area optimisation model based on the Northern European sys-
tem. This paper simulates wind forecasts over time and model the reserve market with re-
optimisation when new forecasts become available, taking frequency controls and transmis-
sion into consideration, but ignoring operational constraints such as ramping. Reserve activa-
tion is done via pre-determined bid lists. Other models replace such exogenously given bid
lists by endogenous activation of reserve power, see Jaehnert and Doorman (2012); Farahmand

and Doorman (2012). As in our model, these models are based on sequential optimisation of
day-ahead and balancing operations. Focus is likewise on cost savings in an integrated North-
ern European power market, but with emphasis mainly on hydro-power resources. Further-
more, the authors do not account for ramping restrictions and market rules for the activation
of reserves. Finally, Ela and O’Malley (2012) addresses the sequence of day-ahead planning,
intra-hour balancing, and second-to-second automatic generation control. Focus is on how
variability and unpredictability of wind power affect system cost and reliability. Although this
model includes technical constraints such as ramp rate restrictions, it still does not account for
the reserve activation rules of the market.
Just as the intra-hour models mentioned above, our model has a sufficiently high time res-
olution to represent the variability of wind, while it in addition considers the complex market
rules and restrictions on ramping and activation of reserve power. Receiving output from a UC,
model it optimises the operation of the system with a two-hour time horizon based on adjust-
ments to the day-ahead schedule via activation of reserves. We set it up in a rolling planning
fashion to accommodate hourly updates of wind forecasts.
The rest of the paper is divided into sections as follows: The interface between hour-by-hour
and intra-hour scheduling is outlined in Section 1.3. The generation of wind power forecasts
can be found in Section 1.4, and our model for optimisation of intra-hour balancing is presented
in Section 1.5. The data and assumptions of the case study are provided in Section 1.6, and the
results are discussed in Section 1.7. Finally, a conclusion is provided in Section 1.8.

1.3 From hour-by-hour to intra-hour scheduling

We aim at short-term balancing of supply and demand through forecasting of wind power pro-
duction and scheduling of conventional generation. In doing so, we assume that an hour-by-
hour production plan has already been made, for example by day-ahead market clearing. On
the basis of this plan, our intra-hour model updates the wind power forecast and reschedules
the generating units with an intra-hour resolution.
The development of an intra-hour model requires detailed information. In generating input
to this model, we wish to replicate the real-life situation in which power producers provide


HA cons HA prod HA wind

model OPTIBA

Figure 1.1: Our modelling framework, including the link between the hour-by-hour UC
model (run a day ahead of operation) and our intra-hour model (run an hour ahead of

generation schedules while the SO updates consumption and wind power production forecasts
close to real-time operation. We generate the input on the basis of an hour-by-hour UC model.
The time horizon may be different depending on the market design, but here we refer to the
hour-by-hour unit commitment as day-ahead planning. The link between this model and our
intra-hour model, OPTIBA, is illustrated by the framework in Fig. 1.1.
The first module, UC, collects hourly values of predicted consumption, forecasted wind
power production, planned production schedules for conventional units, and allocated flow
on transmission lines from the UC model. OPTIBA reads this data into three modules that
convert it to τ-minute time resolution1 , with τ dividing the 60 minutes of an hour into 60/τ
time intervals. The resulting τ-minute values are meant to represent real generation schedules
and forecasts provided close to real-time.
The module HA_cons (Hour Ahead consumption) converts the predicted hourly consump-
tion level to an hour-ahead prediction with τ-minute time resolution. For simplicity, and as-
suming demand is a smooth function of time, we do this using a third order spline interpolation
between the hourly values.
HA_prod (Hour Ahead conventional production) converts the schedule for hourly pro-

1 Depending on the frequency with which activation of manual reserves is permitted by the market rules or

technical restrictions of the units, and taking into account the running time of the model, τ can for example be
taken to be five or ten minutes.

duction, and transmission between internal areas as well as to and from external areas (im-
port/export) into τ-minute data. We refer to the change in production or transmission level
over time as the ramp rate. For the conventional power generating units, ramping is scheduled
in the first and last τ max time intervals of an hour, where 2 · τ max is the number of time inter-
vals a unit can ramp according to the technical restrictions on the generating unit or the power
system. The same ramping patterns are used for the transmission lines to both internal and
external areas.
HA_wind (Hour Ahead wind power production) collects the hourly values of wind power
production and updates the forecast in τ-minute intervals. A more detailed description can be
found in Section 1.4.
The information generated by the three modules, HA_cons, HA_prod, and HA_wind, is
used as input to the intra-hour model. The model then re-schedules the generating units to
cover imbalances between supply and demand, which is what we refer to as the activation of
manual reserves.
Note that some information is sent directly from the UC module to the intra-hour model
without conversion and is therefore not shown in Fig. 1.1. This includes information about the
generating units such as minimum and maximum production levels, variable cost, etc.

1.4 Wind power forecasts

For scheduling in power systems with high wind penetration, an accurate wind power fore-
cast is crucial. The aim of this section is therefore to generate a representative wind power
production forecast that will serve as input to the intra-hour model presented in Section 1.5.
For both forecasting and scheduling, we use the following notation. We discretise the
scheduling horizon [0, T ] into τ-minute intervals ]τ (t − 1), τt], t = 1, . . . , T/τ and let T =
{1, . . . , T/τ }. In the case of hourly intervals, we use the notation ]60(h − 1), 60h], h = 1, . . . , T/60
and H = {1, . . . , T/60}. For the correspondence between these discretisations, we let Th = {t ∈
T :]τ (t − 1), τt] ⊆]60(h − 1), 60h]}, h ∈ H.
We assume that an hour-by-hour forecast {w̄h }h∈H is already known, but we wish to make
a forecast with higher time resolution. As can be seen from Fig. 1.2 on the next page, variations



Power (MW) 1200



5 6 7 8

Time (hours)

Figure 1.2: Total wind power production in Denmark from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m., January 21st
2012. The figure shows 5-minute values (black), 15-minute values (dotted) and hourly
values (dashed).

within the hour are significant. Thus, we aim to generate a τ-minute forecast {wt }t∈T . Without
further intra-hour information, one could use linear interpolation between the hourly values
w̄h and w̄h+1 to determine wt for t ∈ Th . Here, we use a slightly different approach.
The idea is to approximate the linear interpolation forecast by a simulation mean. The
advantage of the simulation approach is its ability to describe the entire distribution of wind
power production and use this as input to a stochastic extension of the intra-hour model. The
simulation mean may not fully agree with the values obtained by linear interpolation. In reality,
however, the SO usually receives more detailed information, including an updated wind power
forecast, close to real-time operation. As a result, deviations occur between the hour-by-hour
and intra-hour forecasts. We assume that the simulation mean represents an updated forecast,
and interpret the deviations between the simulation and interpolation as forecasting errors.
The simulation approach is based on the use of copulas to describe the temporal depen-
dence structure of the stochastic process, {Wt }t∈T , of wind power production. Whereas a low-
dimensional joint distribution may be explicitly specified by a parametric model, joint para-
metric modelling becomes cumbersome in higher dimensions. The use of copulas allows us
to independently model the marginal distributions and the multivariate dependence structure.
We assume marginal Beta distributions to capture the lower fat tail of wind power production

error, and choose the Gaussian copula, which offers a simple sample procedure to capture the
dependence structure.

1.4.1 Marginal Beta distributions

Whereas many forecasting studies are based on the assumption of a (symmetric) Normal dis-
tribution, e.g. Jordà and Marcellino (2010), we assume marginal Beta distributions to appropri-
ately reflect that high wind speeds are less frequent than low wind speeds. Further justifica-
tions of the choice of Beta distribution can be found in Bludszuweit et al. (2008).
For wind power production at a given point in time, we let Wt ∼ Be(αt , β t ), where Be(αt , β t )
is the Beta distribution with parameters αt > 0, β t > 0. The distribution function of Wt is then
Γ(αt + β t )
Z w
Ft (w; αt , β t ) = vαt −1 (1 − v) β t −1 dv, 0 ≤ w ≤ 1,
Γ(αt )Γ( β t ) 0

where Γ(·) is the gamma function. In the following, we denote this function simply by Ft (·).
For how to determine the parameters, see Appendix 1.A on page 33.

1.4.2 Gaussian copula

Although wind power production at a given point in time can be described by a Beta distribu-
tion, we have disregarded the temporal correlation structure in the specification of the marginal
distributions. The Gaussian copula allows us to construct a joint distribution that captures this
Let Σ be a ( T/τ ) × ( T/τ )-correlation matrix. For how to find this, see Appendix 1.A on
page 33. The Gaussian copula is then

F (w1 , . . . , wT/τ ; Σ) = Φ T/τ (Φ−1 ( F1 (w1 )), . . . , Φ−1 ( FT/τ (wT/τ )); Σ),

where the term Φ−1 (·) is the inverse distribution function of a standard Normal distribution
and the term Φ T/τ (·; Σ) is the distribution function of a ( T/τ )-variate Normal distribution with
correlation matrix Σ.
Now, let (U1 , . . . , UT/τ )> ∼ N T/τ (0, Σ), where N T/τ (0, Σ) is the ( T/τ )-variate Normal dis-
tribution, and for t = 1, . . . , T/τ, let

Wt = Ft−1 (Φ(Ut )),

where Ft−1 (·) is the inverse of the marginal distribution function Ft (·). We then obtain that
Wt ∼ Be(αt , β t ) with marginal distribution function Ft (·) and that (W1 , . . . , WT/τ )> has joint
distribution function F (·; Σ).

1.4.3 Simulation

We can use the above observations for sampling. If we generate a number of sample paths
(u1s , . . . , usT/τ ), s = 1, . . . , S from the ( T/τ )-variate Normal distribution NT/τ (0, Σ), and for
each such sample path compute

wts := Ft−1 (Φ(ust )),

then (w1s , . . . , wsT/τ )> , s = 1, . . . , S can be viewed as samples from a joint distribution with
marginal Beta distributions Be(αt , β t ) and temporal correlation matrix Σ.
To generate samples from the ( T/τ )-variate Normal distribution N T/τ (0, Σ), we make the
following observations. Let (V1 , . . . , VT/τ )> ∼ N T/τ (0, I ), where I denotes the ( T/τ ) × ( T/τ )-
identity matrix. The marginals Vt are independent and all have a standard Normal distribution.
Apply Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix such that

Σ = LL> ,

where L is a lower triangular ( T/τ ) × ( T/τ )-matrix and L> its transpose. We now have that
(U1 , . . . , UT/τ )> := L(V1 , . . . , VT/τ )> ∼ NT/τ (0, Σ). Hence, if we generate independently a
number of samples vst , s = 1, . . . , S from the standard Normal distributions, then

(u1s , . . . , usT/τ )> := L(v1s , . . . , vsT/τ )> , s = 1, . . . , S

can be viewed as samples from the ( T/τ )-variate Normal distribution with correlation ma-
trix Σ.
The generated sample paths (w1s , . . . , wsT/τ )> , s = 1, . . . , S describe the distribution of wind
power production and may serve as input to a stochastic scheduling model. However, since
our model is currently deterministic, we compute the simulation mean
1 S s
S s∑
wt = wt , t ∈ T ,

and use {wt }t∈T as the wind power forecast.



Power (MW) 1500



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Time (min)

Figure 1.3: 15 wind power production sample paths (grey) and their mean (black).

1.4.4 Forecasting results

In the above, we work on wind power production normalised by capacity. In our case study,
we therefore multiply the forecast with a given wind power capacity for each geographical
area. Fig. 1.3 illustrates 15 of 5000 sample paths used for computing the simulation mean. The
data is based on expected wind penetration in Western Denmark in 2020, and the generated
forecast has a five minute time resolution. Clearly, wind power production shows large vari-
ations over time. Moreover, Fig. 1.3 and Fig. 1.4 on the following page display the simulation
mean computed on the basis of 500 and 5000 samples, respectively, and the linear interpolation
forecast. It is likewise clear that our updated forecast shows significant intra-hour variations
around the linear interpolation between the hourly values, as would be the case in reality.

1.5 The intra-hour model

The aim of the intra-hour model is efficient short-term balancing of supply and demand in the
electricity system. We consider balancing close to real-time operation, when a production plan
has already been made by day-ahead market clearing. On the basis of this plan, our model re-
dispatches the generating units, which is what we refer to as intra-hour scheduling of manual
reserves. In doing so, we assume that the UC schedule has been fixed, and consider only the



Power (MW)



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Time (min)

Figure 1.4: Three wind power production forecasts: The intra-hour wind power produc-
tion forecasts based on linear interpolation between hourly values (dashed) and simulation
means of 500 (dotted) and 5000 (black) samples, respectively.

re-dispatch of already committed units2 . As already mentioned, short-term balancing is the

responsibility of the SO, and therefore we base our model on social welfare maximisation, or
equivalently, assuming inflexible demand, minimisation of balancing cost.
We take the scheduling horizon to be a few hours, which we discretise into τ-minute inter-
vals. For the notation, see Section 1.4. To formulate the intra-hour model, we further introduce
the following notation.
The transmission grid is modelled as a network (N , A) with finitely many nodes N and
arcs A = { a : a = (n, n0 ), n, n0 ∈ N , n < n0 } representing transmission lines. We denote by
δout (n) = { a : a = (n, n0 ), n0 ∈ N } and δin (n) = { a : a = (n0 , n), n0 ∈ N } the sets of arcs
originating from and terminating in node n ∈ N , respectively. For a ∈ A, we let the capacity
of transmission line a be Lmax
a and the maximum ramping rate be R a . Moreover, we let the flow
allocated day-ahead to line a in time interval ]τ (t − 1), τt] be L at . Furthermore, there is a net
import from n to n0 , or equivalently a net export from n0 to n, if a = (n, n0 ) and L at > 0. To
account for loss, we adjust the available capacity on the line by a small factor. We represent the
intra-hour scheduled import on the transmission line in the same time interval by the variable
2 This assumption can be justified for power generation units with start-up times in excess of a few hours.

However, some power generation units may have start-up times less than an hour, in which case this is a simplifying

∆lat using the same conventions regarding its sign.
The set of conventional units is denoted by I , the set of units online in the time interval
]τ (t − 1), τt] is denoted by It , and the units located in node n by In . For i ∈ I , we let the mini-
mum and maximm generation level of unit i be Pimin and Pimax , respectively, and the maximum
rates for ramping up and down be Ri+ and Ri− . We denote by Ci the variable generation cost of
unit i ∈ I . Note that whereas activation of reserves generates an additional cost, deactivation
of reserves results in cost savings. We therefore let Ci+ := (1 + γ)Ci and Ci− := (1 − γ)Ci be the
cost of activating manual reserves and savings of deactivating manual reserves, respectively,
with γ ∈ [0, 1] being a mark-up or mark-down. The idea is to allow the cost and savings to
reflect the additional stress imposed on the unit when using it for balancing purposes. We as-
sume that the mark-up and mark-down are the same, though this is not always the case in the
market. The costs and savings of activating or deactivating automatic reserves in node n are
denoted by Cn+ and Cn− , respectively, where most likely, Cn+ > maxi Ci+ and Cn− < mini Ci− .
We now let day-ahead planned generation on unit i in time interval ]τ (t − 1), τt] be given
by the parameter Pit . The variables ∆pit+ ≥ 0 and ∆pit− ≥ 0 represent the intra-hour activation
and deactivation of manual reserves on the unit, respectively. Likewise, the variables q+
nt ≥ 0

and q−
nt ≥ 0 represent the generation shortage and surplus in node n during time interval

]τ (t − 1), τt]. In order to keep track of whether reserves are activated or deactivated compared
to the original production, we introduce two binary variables, zit+ and zit− . Hence, zit+ = 1 if
we have activated reserves in time interval t and zero otherwise. Likewise, zit− = 1 if we have
deactivated reserves and zero otherwise.
To model detailed ramping restrictions, we let the binary variables uit+ and uit− be one if unit
i is ramping towards or from a new generation level, respectively, in time interval ]τt, τ (t + 1)]
and zero otherwise. The binary variable vit is set to one when the ramping towards a new gen-
eration level has finished. Newly activated and deactivated reserves at time t are represented
by the variable git ≥ 0, and the minimum level of new reserves that can be activated is given
by the parameter Gimin . This resembles the bidding practice of the balancing market, but allows
for optimising the use of reserves as opposed to using bid lists.
Finally, we assume that wind power production and demand is inflexible, and denote their

values by the parameters wnt and Dnt in node n and time interval ]τ (t − 1), τt].

1.5.1 Economic dispatch

We schedule the activation of manual reserves to cover any imbalances between supply and
demand. Occasionally, this may be technically infeasible or it may be feasible only at very high
cost, in which case imbalances are left to automatic reserves. The optimal schedule is therefore
determined by a trade-off between the activation cost of manual and automatic reserves. The
objective is
∑ ∑ (Ci+ ∆pit+ − Ci− ∆pit− ) + ∑ (Cn+ q+
nt − C − −
n nt ) ,
t∈T i ∈It n∈N

which is minimised subject to the following constraints.

The balancing constraint ensures system balance between supply and demand. According
to this constraint, if, at any point in time, scheduled production exceeds predicted consump-
tion or vice versa, we experience generation surplus or shortage, which will be left to automatic
reserves. We assume that it is always possible to provide sufficient automatic reserves. Produc-
tion includes day-ahead planned generation on conventional units, intra-hour activation and
deactivation of manual reserves, forecasted wind power production, and finally day-ahead and
intra-hour net import/export on the transmission lines. Thus, we have that

∑ ( Pit + ∆pit+ − ∆pit− ) + ∑ ( L at + ∆lat )

i ∈It ∩In a∈δin (n)

− ∑ ( L at + ∆lat ) + q+ −
nt − qnt = Dnt − wnt , n ∈ N , t ∈ T . (1.1)
a∈δout (n)

Transmission flow is restricted by the available line capacity. In particular, intra-hour sched-
uled import on the transmission lines is bounded above by the line capacity less the capacity
allocated day-ahead. Thus, we have that

−( Lmax
a − L at ) ≤ ∆lat ≤ Lmax
a − L at , a ∈ A, t ∈ T .

Activation of reserves is bounded above by the capacity that has not already been dis-
patched day-ahead, whereas deactivation is bounded by the dispatched capacity in excess of

the minimum capacity. Formally,

∆pit+ ≤ ( Pimax − Pit )zit+ , i ∈ It , t ∈ T ,

∆pit− ≤ ( Pit − Pimin )zit− , i ∈ It , t ∈ T .

Finally, to ensure that a unit does not activate and deactivate reserves at the same time, we
have that

zit+ + zit− ≤ 1, i ∈ It , t ∈ T .

The above constraints are very similar to those of the hour-by-hour economic dispatch prob-
lem. In our formulation of the intra-hour balancing problem, however, we include much more
detailed ramping restrictions.


We assume simple ramping constraints on the transmission lines. These are restrictions on
the change in allocated transmission flow from one time interval to another and apply to net
import. Thus,

− R a − L a(t+1) + L at ≤ ∆la(t+1) − ∆lat ≤ R a − L a(t+1) + L at ,

a ∈ A, t ∈ T : t ≤ T/τ − 1.

For the generation units, we include detailed ramping restrictions.

−( Ri− + Pi(t+1) − Pit )uit− ≤ ∆pi+(t+1) − ∆pit+ ≤ ( Ri+ − Pi(t+1) + Pit )uit+ , (1.2)

i ∈ It , t ∈ T : t ≤ T/τ − 1,

−( Ri+ − Pi(t+1) + Pit )uit− ≤ ∆pi−(t+1) − ∆pit− ≤ ( Ri− + Pi(t+1) − Pit )uit+ ,

i ∈ It , t ∈ T : t ≤ T/τ − 1.

Here we also record if a unit is ramping towards (uit+ = 1) or back from (uit− = 1) a previous
generation level. To prevent the ramping variables from being one when no ramping occurs,

we assume a minimum ramp rate of ε.

εuit+ + M(uit+ − 1) ≤ ∆pi+(t+1) − ∆pit+ + ∆pi−(t+1) − ∆pit− ,

i ∈ It , t ∈ T : t ≤ T/τ − 1,

εuit− + M0 (uit− − 1) ≤ ∆pit+ − ∆pi+(t+1) + ∆pit− − ∆pi−(t+1) ,

i ∈ It , t ∈ T : t ≤ T/τ − 1,

where ε is a sufficiently small number and M and M0 are sufficiently large numbers.
To reduce the stress imposed on the unit when using it for balancing purposes, ramping is
further constrained as follows. Ramping in consecutive time intervals is restricted to a maxi-
mum time of τ max , which we enforce by the constraints

min{ T/τ, t+τ max }

(uit+0 + uit−0 ) ≤ τ max , i ∈ It , t ∈ T . (1.3)
t =t

New generation level of a unit

Upon activation of reserves, a unit must be scheduled to operate at a minimum level for a fixed
time. However, by consecutively activating or deactivating reserves at the same level, this is
equivalent to considering it as a minimum activation time. Additional levels of reserves may
be activated or deactivated on the same unit at a given point in time. This we refer to as new
reserves3 . For an illustration of the resulting operation schedule of a unit, see Section 1.5.2.
To ensure a minimum activation level, we have

Gimin vit ≤ git ≤ Mvit , i ∈ It , t ∈ T , (1.4)

where M is a sufficiently large number, e.g. Pimax . The minimum generation level is activated
upon ramping towards a new level, hence,

ui+(t−1) − uit+ ≤ vit , i ∈ It , t ∈ T . (1.5)

3 For example, assume that 5 MWh (per τ-minute time interval) is activated at time 12:00 for 20 minutes. At

12:10, we may additionally activate 5 MWh for 20 minutes. Total amount of reserves provided is then 5 MWh at
12:00, 10 MWh at 12:10, and 5 MWh at 12:20.

The ramping towards a new generation level, the ramping back from a new generation level,
and the activation of a new generation level cannot happen simultaneously, so

uit+ + uit− + vit ≤ 1, i ∈ It , t ∈ T .

Finally, the total amount of reserves provided is the sum of previously activated (respec-
tively de-activated) reserve levels with a fixed time of τ res . Hence,

t t
∑ git0 ≤ ∆pit+ + ∆pit− ≤ ∑ git0 + M (uit+ + uit− ), (1.6)
t0 =max{1,t−τ res +1} t0 =max{1,t−τ res +1}

i ∈ It , t ∈ T ,

for M large enough, e.g. Pimax .

1.5.2 Example of activation of reserves

The activation of reserves abides by a number of rules originating from the technical restrictions
on the units and the rules of the balancing market. The following provides an example of how
to manage reserves in the model. For simplicity, we confine ourselves to intra-hour scheduling
and activation of reserves.
Consider the model with a time resolution of τ = 5 minutes, a fixed activation time of
τ res = 6 time intervals, a maximum ramping time of τ max = 2 time intervals, a minimum ramp-
ing level of ε = 1 MW, and finally a minimum reserve activation level of Gimin = 2 MWh/12,
corresponding to produce at 2 MW during each five minute time interval. In the balance equa-
tion (1.1) the following deficit of energy compared to the day-ahead planned production is

t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (MWh/12) 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0

This deficit can be covered by a reserve activation of length τ res = 6 with ∆pit+ = 2 MWh/12 for
some unit i in the time intervals t = 3, . . . , 8. Assuming that the unit starts to ramp towards this

value at time t = 1, and ramp in a maximum of τ max = 2 intervals, the ramping constraint (1.2)
+ +
will set ui1 = 1. At t = 2, we further ramp towards the new volume, setting also ui2 = 1. Since
we can only ramp for two consecutive time intervals, ui3 = 0. With the minimum ramping
of ε = 1 MW, the unit can cover the deficit in the ramping period t = 2. As the unit reaches
the desired level of production, the ramping ends and (1.5) ensures that vi3 = 1. This means
that a new activation of reserves has taken place. Equation (1.4) now forces the reserve level
to be above the minimum value of Gmin = 2 MWh/12, i.e. 2 = gi3 ≥ Gimin = 2. The reserve
activation variable ∆pit+ is maintained at 2 MWh/12 by (1.6) during the six time intervals; see
the dark grey reserve activation in Fig. 1.5 on the next page. In case no additional reserves
are activated, (1.6) forces ∆pit+ to ramp back to the day-ahead level when the activation ends,
− −
which again forces ui8 = ui9 = 1 by (1.2). Since we can only ramp for two consecutive intervals,

ui10 = 0 by Equation (1.3). As before, the unit can cover the deficit in the ramping period t = 9.
Finally, Equation (1.6) ensures that we are back at the day-ahead planned production level at
time t = 10. In the case of further need of reserves, e.g. in time interval t = 6, we can activate
new reserves on top of the initial activation. Let the total deficit compared to the day-ahead
planned production be:

t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Energy (MWh/12) 0 1 2 2 3.5 5 5 5 4 2 2 1.5

Then the unit starts ramping towards the new level in time interval t = 4, forcing ui4 = 1 by
(1.2) and still ramps in time interval t = 5, so that also ui5 = 1. Note that we could not have
started ramping to the new reserve level at t = 3 due to the maximum ramping restriction (1.3).
This new activation is shown as the light grey area of Fig. 1.5 on the facing page. Again by (1.6)
we must ramp back from the initial reserve activation in time intervals t = 8 and t = 9, but
preserving our latest and still running reserve activation. This will continue to run at the level
gi6 = 3 MWh/12 for the whole of the activation period.
Should there be a need for a longer reserve activation, by (1.6) it is possible to continue at
the same reserve level directly after the previous has ended, without ramping back, by letting
gi9 = gi3 .

∆p (MWh/12)

gi3 +gi6 = 5

gi6 = 3
gi3 = 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 min

Figure 1.5: Two reserve activations on the same unit.

1.6 Case study

In our case studies, we consider a time horizon of two hours with a five minute time resolution,
corresponding to τ = 5 and T = 120.

1.6.1 Rolling planning

We generate an hour-by-hour production plan by running the UC model WILMAR from Weber
et al. (2009) with data from the Danish electricity system of 20104 . When the UC model has run
for a day, the intra-hour model is launched. Initially, it updates the wind forecast and converts
the hourly output from the UC model (production, consumption, etc.) to intra-hour values, see
Section 1.3. To reflect the frequent updating of wind forecasts, we run the model in a rolling
planning fashion. Hence, the intra-hour model reschedules the generation units for the first
two hours of the day, discards the second hour, and is rerun for the second and third hour of
the day, etc. By using a two-hour time horizon, we avoid undesired end effects in the intra-
hour optimisation such as the tendency of production units to decrease the generation level
towards the end of the hour. The end values from the hour previous to the two-hour horizon
serve as input to the optimisation in order to accommodate reserve activation across the shift
between hours. The model is run for each hour of the day, with the final run corresponding to
4 System data has kindly been provided by, which is the Danish transmission system operator

the time period from 10 p.m. until midnight. In this run, both the first and the second hour of
the optimisation horizon are used. Finally, the UC model is run for another day. The process is
repeated for each day of a week.

1.6.2 Cases

We consider a winter week in January 2010 as our base case, and compare this to a week in
May, July, and October of 2010 corresponding to Spring, Summer, and Fall cases. To comple-
ment the 2010 cases, we increase the capacity of wind power in the data to fit the Danish 2020
goal according to guidelines from the Danish TSO. This results in four cases corresponding to
the same weeks but with a significantly higher wind penetration. For our case studies, this
represents an increase in the wind power penetration from an average of 22.4% in the current
wind penetration cases to 30.4% in the high wind penetration cases.
In all eight cases, the ramping on transmission lines to areas outside the two balancing areas
is handled as for the production units, see Section 1.3. We consider τ max = 3 time intervals,
resulting in a ramping pattern where the transmission lines are ramping from one hourly level
to the next within the last 15 minutes of the previous hour and the first 15 minutes of the current
hour. However, according to the Danish TSO, this is only the case for transmission lines to the
Nordic countries. Ramping on transmission lines to Central Europe is done within the last five
minutes of the previous hour and the first five minutes of the current. We investigate how this
inconsistency, that is, different ramping patterns, leads to additional system imbalances in the
case of Winter 2010.

1.6.3 Model complexity and running times

The model is run with an Intel Core 3.10GHz processor and 4 GB RAM. The model is imple-
mented in the 64 bit GAMS framework version 24.1.3 for Windows using the CPLEX
For each case, the rolling planning setup of OPTIBA with a total time horizon of a week
leads to seven runs of the UC model and a total of 168 runs of the intra-hour model. For the
eight 2010 and 2020 cases, running times vary between 11 hours and 31 minutes (Winter 2010)

and 22 hours and 31 minutes (Summer 2010). Considering the relatively long running times
for a whole week, recall that the purpose of our model runs is analysis of the system rather
than actual rescheduling. The average running time for the two hour horizon is less than six
minutes which would easily be applicable for an SO wishing to reschedule proactively. Finally,
note that the Winter 2010 case with different ramping patterns is significantly slower than the
standard 2010 case: For the whole week, the running time is 24 hours and 45 minutes.
Out of the 168 model runs for each of the eight current and high wind penetration cases, at
least 80.9% solve with a gap less than 2%, 89.9% solve with a gap less than 5%, and 95.2% with
a gap less than 10%. For the Winter 2010 case with different ramping patterns, the gaps are
slightly larger: 79.8%, 88.1%, and 92.3% of the model runs solve with a gap less than 2%, 5%,
and 10%, respectively.

1.6.4 System characteristics

The system consists of two balancing areas with a total of 118 power producing units. For
each of the two balancing areas the wind farms are grouped into offshore and onshore wind
power producing units. Aggregated characteristics of hourly power system operations from
the modules HA_cons, HA_prod, and HA_wind are displayed in Table 1.1 on the next page.
As expected, the higher the wind power share is, the lower the conventional production and
import are, and the higher the export is.

1.6.5 Intra-hour balancing characteristics

Current guidelines from the Danish TSO, based on physical restrictions on the generating units,
lead to the following assumptions. Each reserve activation or deactivation lasts τ res = 6 time
intervals. Longer activation times are handled in the model as a multiple of individual reserve
activations. The minimum activation or deactivation level is Gimin = 10 MWh/12 correspond-
ing to a production level of 10 MW in the activation or deactivation period. The maximum
ramping time τ max = 3 time intervals, and the minimum ramping limit ε = 1 MW.
Regarding the cost of reserves, we assume that the cost of manual activation or deactivation
of reserves is the marginal cost of the unit multiplied by a mark-up or mark-down, respectively.

Table 1.1: The table shows aggregated characteristics of hourly power system operations
for a selected week in each season with current and high wind power share. The aggre-
gated characteristics consist of the means (standard deviations) of demand, conventional
production, conventional capacity, wind power production, wind power capacity, import,
and export. Capacities are in MW and all other values in MWh/12 corresponding to the
five minute intervals. Note that the wind capacity does not vary over time as we assume
turbines are never shut down.

All areas – 2010 cases – current wind penetration

Winter Spring Summer Fall
Demand (MWh/12) 4183(884) 3554(667) 3463(631) 3876 (778)
Conv. prod. (MWh/12) 3110(483) 2857(301) 2670(204) 3412 (493)
Online capacity (MW) 4397(492) 4015(361) 4053(255) 4605 (499)
Wind power prod. (MWh/12) 1880(878) 251(242) 657(545) 586 (591)
Installed wind capacity (MW) 4752 4752 4752 4752
Import (MWh/12) 1438(493) 2222(610) 2187(544) 1974 (625)
Export (MWh/12) 2227(475) 1778(534) 2054 (88) 2098 (330)
All areas – 2020 cases – high wind penetration
Winter Spring Summer Fall
Demand (MWh/12) 4183 (884) 3554(667) 3463(631) 3876(778)
Conv. prod. (MWh/12) 2945 (384) 2836(259) 2687(181) 3379(477)
Online capacity (MW) 4197 (396) 3966(311) 3949(214) 4578(481)
Wind power prod. (MWh/12) 2492(1111) 364(347) 920(747) 812(800)
Installed wind capacity (MW) 6752 6752 6752 6752
Import (MWh/12) 1245 (571) 2164(596) 1943(657) 1881(632)
Export (MWh/12) 2499 (621) 1811(524) 2076(157) 2195(407)

Furthermore, we assume system-wide cost of the automatic reserves. As mentioned above,

usually Cn+ > maxi Ci+ and Cn− < mini Ci− . However, as we may need to dispatch units with
very high marginal cost in some time intervals, the difference between the lowest and highest
marginal cost of the dispatched units in our cases is relatively large. Hence, we estimate the
cost of automatic reserves from the historical price of manual reserves. In particular, we assume
that the cost of activating automatic reserves is above the historical price of manual reserves
95% of the time, and that of deactivating automatic reserves is below the historical price 5% of
the time. In other words, we set the cost of activating and deactivating automatic reserves to
the 95% and the 5% fractile of the historical distribution of reserve prices in the Danish system,
respectively. The cost can be seen in Table 1.2 on the facing page.
In future power systems with even higher wind power penetrations, the SOs may have
to install further reserves to maintain system reliability. This would be at an additional cost,
which is not present in our model. However, the cost could be included as a higher cost on

Table 1.2: The cost of reserves. The cost of manual reserves depends on the marginal cost
of the units and a mark-up or mark-down for activation and deactivation, respectively. The
cost of automatic reserves is a system-wide cost.

Marginal cost Mark-down Mark-up Down Up

Manual reserves (e) 3.8-216.2 0.9 1.1
Automatic reserves (e) 20 95

automatic reserves. We have investigated the influence of a change in the cost of automatic
reserves in Appendix 1.B on page 34.

1.7 Results and discussion

In this section, we present numerical results from our intra-hour model and thereby aim to
justify the need for such models.

1.7.1 Cost savings from using proactive reserve activation

From Table 1.3 on the following page, it is evident that hourly scheduling without proactive re-
dispatch leads to extensive use of the expensive automatic reserves. By proactively activating
and deactivating reserves, these reserve cost can be reduced. For the 2010 cases, savings vary
between 2.1 − 4.9‰ of total system cost for different seasons. In spite of the small share of total
cost, the absolute savings of e391, 601 − 628, 070 are not insignificant. For the 2020 cases, the
same pattern shows, savings varying between 2.4 − 9.3‰ of total system cost corresponding
to e408, 758 − 738, 137. These savings will increase if the cost of automatic reserves rises in the
Comparing the 2010 cases with the 2020 cases, it is clear that higher wind penetration re-
sults in lower total system cost, including reserve cost, both for the proactive and the reactive
strategy. Thus, the benefits from the inexpensive wind power is not outweighed by the bal-
ancing cost. Furthermore, the savings from using the proactive approach are larger for the
2020 case, and hence, future wind penetrations of even greater magnitude will only make the
intra-hour model increasingly relevant.

Table 1.3: Weekly cost of operating the system proactively and reactively. For each strat-
egy, cost are divided into manual activation and deactivation of reserves and automatic
activation and deactivation of reserves. Moreover, the table shows total balancing cost and
total system cost including day-ahead cost. All numbers listed are in e.

All areas – 2010 cases – current wind penetration

Strategy Winter Spring Summer Fall
Proactive Man. act. 414 128 283 371 279 582 396 637
Man. deact. −427 554 −224 730 −206 994 −309 489
Auto. act. 5066 3280 4298 5342
Auto. deact. −6201 −5803 −7067 −6303
Total −14 560 56 118 69 820 86 188
Total system 126 668 489 186 520 657 143 835 549 180 548 204
Reactive Man. act. 0 0 0 0
Man. deact. 0 0 0 0
Auto. act. 847 870 581 497 574 898 812 584
Auto. deact. −234 360 −116 952 −113 478 −161 261
Total 613 510 464 545 461 421 651 323
Total system 127 296 558 186 929 084 144 227 150 181 113 339
All areas – 2020 cases – high wind penetration
Strategy Winter Spring Summer Fall
Proactive Man. act. 616 352 299 673 270 315 395 581
Man. deact. −337 719 −246 961 −289 132 −331 126
Auto. act. 14 159 4093 4380 6669
Auto. deact. −15 128 −6598 −6536 −6666
Total 123 947 50 207 −20 972 64 458
Total system 78 989 767 175 514 299 124 950 092 161 777 073
Reactive Man. act. 0 0 0 0
Man. deact. 0 0 0 0
Auto. act. 1 090 133 599 378 540 179 806 828
Auto. deact. −228 049 −125 144 −152 392 −173 694
Total 862 084 474 234 387 786 633 133
Total system 79 727 904 175 938 326 125 358 850 162 345 747

1.7.2 Imbalances, updates of wind power forecast, and ramping on transmission


Table 1.4 shows that total balancing cost depend on total imbalances in the system. More specif-
ically, total cost of activation and deactivation of reserves can in most cases be explained by the
corresponding total deficit and surplus in the system. In all cases, except Fall 2020, deficit of
power incurs positive total reserve cost, whereas surplus of power incurs negative overall re-
serve cost because of the need for activation and deactivation of reserves, respectively. The
standard deviation of the imbalances in Table 1.4 on the next page indicates that there are more

Table 1.4: Weekly averages (standard deviation) of total imbalances and wind forecast
errors in the system before re-dispatch in each five minute interval. Moreover, the table
shows the average positive and negative imbalances and the average positive and negative
forecast errors. The values are in MWh/12 corresponding to the five minute intervals.
When the forecast error is positive, the updated forecast is higher than the original forecast.

All areas – 2010 cases – current wind penetration

Winter Spring Summer Fall
Deficit -52.6 -36.4 -36 -50.8
Surplus 69.2 34.8 33.8 47.9
Imbal. 16.6(189.6) -1.6(104.5) -2.3(110.9) -2.9(142.3)
Neg. error -1.7 -5.5 -19.6 -9.2
Pos. error 8 2.4 3.8 6.1
Wind error 6.3 (9.3) -3.1 (9.1) -6.8 (16.7) -3.1 (17.9)
All areas – 2020 cases – high wind penetration
Winter Spring Summer Fall
Deficit -67.9 -37.6 -33.8 -50.5
Surplus 67.5 37.2 45.4 51.6
Imbal. -0.4(217.3) -0.3(107.8) 11.5(118.1) 1.1(153.2)
Neg. error -18.1 -4.7 -8.8 -7.2
Pos. error 5.7 3.2 15.7 8.9
Wind error -12.4 (28.4) -1.6 (10) 6.9 (31) 1.7 (21.8)

frequent and/or larger imbalances in some cases than in others. This may increase the cost of
balancing the system since activation of automatic reserves is more expensive than deactiva-
tion. Thus, the large standard deviation of imbalances in the Fall 2020 case leads to positive
total balancing cost, even though there is a total excess of power before the intra-hour model
is run. The standard deviation of imbalance can also explain some of the differences in total
balancing cost for the proactive approach in Table 1.3, between cases with average imbalance of
the same sign. For instance, for the 2010 cases, the standard deviation is smallest in the spring,
followed by summer and fall, which corresponds to the balancing cost being smallest for the
spring case, followed by summer and fall.
Table 1.4 also shows wind forecast errors. In all cases, the total system imbalance is negative
(positive) when the total wind forecast error is negative (positive) as expected. In fact, the
average wind forecast errors contribute substantially to the total imbalances, cause activation
and deactivation of reserves, and thereby account for a significant share of balancing cost.



Power (MW) 500

5 0 0

1 0 0 0
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168

Time (hours)

Figure 1.6: The total imbalance, i.e. the sum of imbalances in the two areas, before (grey)
and after (black) activation of manual reserves for the system in the Winter 2010 case.

1.7.3 Imbalances and ramping on production units and transmission lines

The updates of wind power forecasts, the ramping on power producing units, the ramping
on transmission lines, and the higher time resolution of demand data all affect the imbalances
in the system. The imbalances are reduced when manual reserves are proactively deployed.
However, they are not entirely eliminated, which is evident from Fig. 1.6. This is due to the
ramping restrictions on production units that impose bounds on the use of reserves, making
it impossible to meet demand precisely. It would be very expensive to meet imbalances at
the spikes, as this would require many of the slower units to ramp up and thereby incur large
imbalances in the time intervals before and after the spikes. Hence, this would never be optimal
from a cost minimisation point of view.
For the Winter 2010 case with different ramping patterns on transmission lines, the imbal-
ances are larger than for the Winter 2010 base case. The imbalances are depicted in Fig. 1.7
on the next page which shows how the imbalances exhibit additional spikes, that will not be
captured in hourly UC models. These substantially larger imbalances increase balancing cost
by e57, 909 corresponding to 0.5‰ of the total system cost. As in the base case, the imbalances
are reduced when reserves are proactively deployed. However, the imbalances are not entirely
eliminated, and a higher frequency of spikes remain after re-dispatch than in the base case.



Power (MW) 500

5 0 0

1 0 0 0
0 50 100 150

Time (hours)

Figure 1.7: The total imbalance before (grey) and after (black) activation of manual reserves
for the system in the Winter 2010 case with different ramping patterns for transmission to
the Nordic Countries and transmission to Central Europe.

Although not cost efficient, the SO may wish to fully cover imbalances to ensure system
reliability. After the proactive reserve activation/deactivation, the minimum available deacti-
vation reserves vary between 427 MW/12 and 1662 MW/12 in each five minute interval for the
four 2010 cases, and between 339 MW/12 and 1597 MW/12 for the 2020 cases. The minimum
available activation reserves vary between 127 MW/12 and 645 MW/12 in each five minute
interval for the four 2010 cases, and between 110 MW/12 and 456 MW/12 for the 2020 cases.
The winter 2010 case, with different ramp rates, also has values in these ranges. Evidently, the
increase in wind power reduces the reserve capacity available and thereby the flexibility of the
power system. Nonetheless, we find that the available reserve power can cover the imbalances
after the proactive reserve activation/deactivation in all time intervals in all cases except for
one five minute interval in the Winter 2020 case. In this five minute interval the system has
a surplus of 213.57 MWh/12 without the possibility to deactivate more reserves, but it can be
covered by turning off a power plant. Thus, the SO does have options to cover the remaining
imbalances in the system.




Energy (MWh/12)







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)

Figure 1.8: Two-hour schedule for activation of reserves on a selected unit, showing five
separate reserve activations. Each column represents the amount of energy activated in a
five minute interval, e.g. 70 MWh/12, corresponding to adding 70 MW to the production
level in that interval.

1.7.4 Reserve activations

A closer look at the Winter 2010 base case shows additional results from the intra-hour model.
First, Fig. 1.8 shows a given power generating unit for a two-hour time horizon. It can be
seen how reserve power is activated in several overlapping blocks of the same length, i.e.
τ res = 6 time intervals. Moreover, the figure shows how the unit ramps. This unit can ramp
70 MW from one five minute interval to the next and is seen to ramp to the limit several times.
Deactivation of reserves is likewise utilised, as seen in Fig. 1.9 on the next page. The figure
shows the re-scheduling of another power generating unit for a two-hour time horizon. Here,
reserve power is deactivated in overlapping blocks. The ramp rate of the unit is 125.2 MW.
These two examples confirm that the ability to ramp within the hour is extensively used, and
is therefore highly important in short-term scheduling.
Finally, Fig. 1.10 on the facing page shows how a unit is rescheduled over a longer time hori-
zon. In particular, the figure displays planned production and how reserves are activated and
deactivated while the total production of the unit remains inside the minimum and maximum
bounds for production.


1 0
Energy (MWh/12)
2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)

Figure 1.9: Two-hour schedule for deactivation of reserves on a selected unit, showing five
separate reserve deactivations. Each column represents the amount of energy deactivated
in a five minute interval, e.g. 21 MWh/12, corresponding to producing at 21 MW below
the planned production level in that interval.



Power (MW)





30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540

Time (min)

Figure 1.10: Rescheduling of a selected conventional unit. The dark grey area is the
planned production, the white area is activation of reserves, and the light grey area is deac-
tivation of reserves. The two dashed lines show the minimum and maximum production
levels of the unit.

1.8 Conclusion

In this paper, we formulated an intra-hour model that proactively re-dispatches the power gen-
erating units scheduled by a unit commitment model to account for imbalances in the system
within the hour. Contrary to existing models from the literature, our model includes complex
market rules for activation of reserves. Imbalances are caused by wind power forecast errors,
ramping on power units and transmission lines, as well as intra-hour variations in demand.
We generate a representative forecast of wind power production that will serve as input to
the model. When investigating the influence of wind power forecast errors and ramping, we
find that the ability to ramp within the hour is used extensively by the units in order to reduce
imbalances. In spite of the cost of doing so, our results show that the benefits of growth in inex-
pensive wind power production is not outweighed by increased balancing cost. Moreover, we
find that the proactive approach to re-dispatch the units is superior to the reactive approach, es-
pecially for the 2020 high wind cases. Thus, the approach is increasingly interesting for future
power systems with the expected growth in wind penetrations.
Future work includes an extension of the model to consider stochastic wind power forecasts
and to investigate the extent to which the results differ when comparing to our deterministic
model with forecasts updated as frequently as once an hour. Furthermore, different solution
methods may be explored to efficiently solve stochastic intra-hour models with high time res-


The authors gratefully appreciate many valuable comments and suggestions from Pierre Pin-
son from the Technical University of Denmark and Peter Meibom from the Danish Energy
Agency, as well as discussions of the problem with Jeanne Andersen acknowl-
edges support through the CFEM project and Trine Krogh Boomsma through the ENSYMORA
project, both funded by the Danish Council of Strategic Research. Ditte Mølgård Heide-Jørgen-
sen acknowledges the support through the iPower project.


1.A Wind power forecasts: Parameters and correlations

Parameters of the Beta distributions

Consider the Beta distribution Be(αt , β t ) with αt > 0, β t > 0. To determine its parameters, we
use the mean-variance model of Pinson et al. (2009).
The intra-hour mean is given by the linear interpolation between hourly values w̄h and
w̄h+1 , and so

µt = ((60h − τt)/(60 − τ ))w̄h

+ ((τ (t − 1) − 60(h − 1))/(60 − τ ))w̄h+1 , t ∈ Th .

The variance is determined from the mean such that

σt2 = θ1 + θ2 νt µt (1 − µt ),

where, for a constant mean, the function

 t + t λ
νt = σ02 ,
t0 + T/τ

with λ ∈ [0, 1] makes the variance an increasing and concave function of time. Here, σ02 is a
reference variance of the forecast at time T/τ (the end of the scheduling horizon), and t0 is the
time between generating and starting the forecast.
We use the parameter values σ02 = 0.1 and λ ∈ [0.4, 0.6] as in Pinson (2006), and θ1 = 0.02
and θ2 = 4, since the maximum variance (i.e. for µt = 0.5 and t = T/τ) should be close to σ02 .

Finally, the parameters of the Beta distribution are computed using the identities5

αt αt β t
µt = , σt2 = .
αt + β t ( α t + β t )2 ( α t + β t + 1)

Correlation matrix

Denote the ( T/τ ) × ( T/τ )-correlation matrix by Σ = (ρtt0 )t,t0 ∈T . With inspiration from Morales
et al. (2009); Pinson and Girard (2012), we assume exponential decay of the correlations over
time such that

ρtt0 = exp(−φ(t0 − t)(τ/60)).

We use the parameter value φ = 1/7 as in Pinson and Girard (2012).

1.B The effect of the cost of the automatic reserves

Cost of automatic reserves

We investigate how the cost of balancing the system depends on the cost of automatic reserves.
This is illustrated in Fig. 1.B.1. It is seen how total cost increase when activation of reserves

Gamma values
−0 ,3 −0 ,2 −0 ,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3

−5 0 0 0
Cost (Euro)

−1 0 0 0 0

−1 5 0 0 0

−2 0 0 0 0

Supplementary Fig. 1.B.1: Balancing cost for the Winter 2010 base case. The cost of au-
tomatic reserves is e95(1 + γ) for activating reserves and e20(1 − γ) for deactivating re-

5 Forsome t, we occasionally obtain αt ≤ 0 or β t ≤ 0, which means that the Beta distribution is not an accurate
model for the data. In these cases we slightly modify µt or σt2 .

becomes more expensive and deactivation becomes less expensive. By estimating the linear
trend, we find the average total balancing cost to increase by 3.9%, when the reserve cost are
increased by 10% (i.e. cost of activation of reserves increase by 10% and the cost of deactivation
of reserves decrease by 10%).

Chapter 2

Stochastic model for short-term

balancing of supply and consumption
of electricity

Jeanne Andersen · Michal Kaut · Asgeir Tomasgard

J. Andersen: CORAL, Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University, Fuglesangs Alle 4,
8210 Aarhus V, Denmark

M. Kaut: SINTEF Technology and Society, Applied Economics, S.P. Andersens vei 5, 7465 Trondheim,

A. Tomasgard: Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian Univer-

sity of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway

Stochastic model for short-term balancing of supply and consumption
of electricity

In this paper, we present a two-stage stochastic mixed integer model for the intra-hour balancing prob-
lem faced by system operators in electricity systems with large penetration of wind power production.
Since wind power is non-controllable and intermittent, it is difficult to predict wind power production.
Wind power prediction errors directly impact the balance between supply and demand of electricity.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance for the system operators to understand and investigate these er-
rors and plan accordingly when balancing the transmission system. In this model, we capture the uncer-
tainty in wind power production forecasts by generating scenarios for the prediction errors. We apply
the model on realistic Danish system data. We compare the stochastic solution and the deterministic
solution to the solution of perfect foresight, and we find that wind power prediction errors entail huge
balancing costs. Furthermore, we see that the stochastic solution incorporate a buffer when activating
manual reserves compared to the deterministic solution. The buffer results in higher expected cost, but
the actual cost incurred is lower compared to the deterministic solution in most of the cases.
Keywords: OR in energy, Scenario generation, Wind power prediction error, Power system balance

2.1 Introduction

With existing technology, electricity cannot be stored large-scale in any feasible way. Since it
cannot be stored, the electricity has to be produced in the same second as it is consumed. It is
the responsibility of the system operator (SO) to balance the system such that supply always
equals consumption. With an increasing penetration of fluctuating renewable energy sources
such as solar and wind power, the supply of electricity becomes highly uncertain. However,
fluctuations can be met by planned conventional electricity production from thermal plants
but only to the extent that the power from the fluctuating energy sources are forecasted accu-
rately. When there is a prediction error, the excess or shortage of electricity must be handled

through reserved power capacity on plants dedicated to this purpose. Thereby, the security
of the electricity system depends on accessibility of reserved power capacity for increased or
reduced electricity production.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a two-stage stochastic mixed integer model that can
be used to analyse how to balance supply and demand of electricity within the hour seen from
an SO’s perspective. The model is supposed to be used for analysing purposes, e.g. how dif-
ferent ramping patterns between flow levels from transmission lines effect the system balance
or how different balancing policies result in different balancing costs.
Wind power production is one of the most promising large-scale renewables in Northern
Europe to replace some of the conventional supply. Therefore, in this paper, we look at an elec-
tricity system with a large amount of installed wind capacity, and the stochasticity of the model
lies in the uncertainty in the wind power production. In order to capture the uncertainty, we
make scenarios for the wind power prediction error. The model is an extension of the deter-
ministic Nordic balancing model presented in Andersen et al. (2014). A stochastic model can
capture the uncertainty of wind and thereby give a more precise picture of intra-hour chal-
lenges related to wind power production.
When balancing an electricity system in the case of updated new information (e.g. new
wind power forecasts), the SO can use two different strategies. Either they can be proactive and
re-dispatch generating units by activating or deactivating reserved capacity before real-time
operation, or they can wait until the imbalances occur and then re-dispatch the generating
units by activating or deactivating reserved capacity at the time the imbalances occur. If the
SO is proactive and able to forecast expected imbalances with high accuracy, smaller imbal-
ances will occur real-time. This way balancing costs can be reduced since activation of reserved
capacity is often cheaper the longer activation time, the generating unit has. We will refer
to re-dispatching generating units before real-time operation as activating manual reserves and
real-time activation or deactivation of reserved power capacity as activating automatic reserves.
In this paper, we assume that the SO is proactive and that the already committed units in the
day-ahead market make their capacity for either additional or reduced electricity supply avail-
able to the SO. We consider balancing close to real-time operation when commitment sched-

ules, production plans for generating units, and forecasts for consumption and wind power
production have been made and converted to an intra-hour time resolution. An example on
how to convert hourly schedules and forecasts into an intra-hour time resolution can be seen
in Andersen et al. (2014). On the basis of the intra-hour schedules and forecasts, the presented
model re-dispatches the generating units before real-time operation in order to minimise bal-
ancing cost. It is assumed that the unit commitment schedule is fixed, and therefore our model
only considers re-dispatch of already committed units.
Intra-hour balancing is closely related to the unit commitment (UC) problem, where start-
ups, shut-downs, and production levels for the generating units are decided upon, usually with
an hourly resolution. Stochastic UC models with scenarios for wind power production have
been studied intensively in literature. Where some have made scenarios for the wind power
production (e.g. Pappala et al. (2009)), others have made scenarios for the wind speed and
afterwards converted wind speed to power (e.g. Papavasiliou and Oren (2013)). However, UC
models with an hourly resolution do not capture fluctuations of wind power production within
the hour. To get the detailed information about the system within the hour, intra-hour models
can be used. Even though some intra-hour models have focused on uncertainty in wind power
production (e.g. Lindgren and Söder (2008); Ela and O’Malley (2012)), only few have looked at
intra-hour stochastic models for the balancing problem faced by SOs (e.g. Delikaraoglou et al.
(2014)). However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has a stochastic balancing model as
detailed as presented in this paper where technical ramping restrictions are included.
When making scenarios for wind power production in general, the emphasis has mainly
been on wind power forecasts and not so much on the study of wind power prediction errors.
Even though the wind power prediction error is a result of the forecast, understanding the
nature of the error is extremely important for the SO since the error is one of the major sources
for imbalances in an electricity system with high penetration of wind power. Studies (e.g.
Doherty and O’Malley (2005); Menemenlis et al. (2012)) have been carried out on how the
wind power prediction error affects the need for reserves and Menemenlis et al. (2012) show
the importance of the wind power prediction error classification when determining the level of

It has often been assumed that the wind power prediction error can be described by a
Gaussian distribution (e.g. see Doherty and O’Malley (2005); Bouffard and Galiana (2008)).
However, as Bludszuweit et al. (2008) and Hodge and Milligan (2011) point out, the error dis-
tribution depends on the forecasting horizon and method. The prediction error also depends
on the forecast being for a single wind turbine or for aggregated wind farms (Tewari et al.
(2011)). The prediction errors from forecasts with a long forecast horizon and aggregated wind
farms may be described by the Gaussian or Normal distribution where the distribution of pre-
diction errors from forecasts with a shorter time horizon is heavy-tailed with variable kurtosis
and hence cannot be described by the Gaussian distribution (Bludszuweit et al. (2008); Hodge
and Milligan (2011)). To capture the heavy-tailed nature of the distribution of the short-term
error, Bludszuweit et al. (2008) suggest the Beta distribution. Other distributions such as a
Lévy alpha-stable distribution (Bruninx and Delarue (2014)), the Cauchy distribution (Hodge
and Milligan (2011)), and the Gamma distribution (Menemenlis et al. (2012)) have also been
suggested. Lately, Wu et al. (2014) proposed a mixed distribution based on the Laplace and
Normal distribution to approximate the wind power prediction error. Lange (2005) takes an-
other approach; assuming that the wind speed error to be Gaussian, they transform the wind
speed error into wind power errors by Taylor-expansions.
In all of the before mentioned studies; the description of the correlation of error in time is
absent. Pinson et al. (2009) address this problem by converting uniformly distributed series of
wind power prediction errors to a multivariate Gaussian random variable, where the interde-
pendence structure can be described by a unique covariance matrix. This matrix is recursively
estimated in order to account for the variations in the characteristics of the errors. Ma et al.
(2013) expand the work done in Pinson et al. (2009) by including empirical distributions of the
prediction errors. In Litong-Palima et al. (2012), they account for the correlation of prediction
errors in time by generating day-ahead and hour-ahead wind power prediction errors on a
five minute resolution by an ARMA(1,1) process, where the independent random variable is
assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution. The detailed resolution is obtained by using lin-
ear interpolation between the hourly wind power prediction errors. Söder (2004) and Weber
et al. (2009), on the other hand, assume that the wind speed prediction error can be described

with an ARMA(1,1) process, where the independent random variable is assumed to follow a
Gaussian distribution. They use a multidimensional ARMA(1,1) model to capture the posi-
tive correlation of the wind speed prediction error between different sites. In Matevosyan and
Söder (2006), they use the approach described in Söder (2004) to generate different outcomes
for the wind speed error and convert it to scenarios for the wind power production. The sce-
narios are used in a stochastic model which generates optimal wind power production bids
from the wind farm owners to the power market.
In this paper, we use a different approach. We generate the outcomes of the error term
using a copula-based heuristic from Kaut (2014). In particular, we use a nonparametric version
of the method that attempts to replicate the distribution of the historical data, so we avoid extra
assumptions about the underlying distributions.
To summarise, our contribution to the existing literature is twofold:

• We develop a stochastic two-stage model for the intra-hour balancing problem. The
model can be used for analysing electricity systems operations within the hour, such as
intra-hour variations, the effect of ramping patterns, or the minimum level of automatic
reserves. With minor modifications, the model can be used in operational planning.

• We show how to make scenarios for the short-term wind power production by generating
scenarios for the wind power prediction error by a copula-based heuristic.

The rest of the paper is divided into sections as follows. In the following section, we de-
scribe the stochastic balancing problem and present our model. Then, we describe our scenario-
generation procedure in in Section 2.3. Finally, we apply our model to a Danish case in Sec-
tion 2.4.

2.2 The stochastic balancing model

The balancing problem described in this paper involves two sets of decisions. First, the manual
reserves are activated based on expected imbalances, and afterwards, when the uncertain wind
power prediction errors are revealed, the automatic reserves are activated. This can be seen as
a two-stage stochastic model, where the SO decides on the level of manual reserves that have

to be activated in the first stage, and in the second stage, the automatic reserves are activated
based on the actual imbalances caused by the wind power prediction errors.
In addition to the deterministic model presented in Andersen et al. (2014), we have in this
model included uncertainty in the wind power forecast and made a simplification in the ac-
tivation of manual reserves. However, for the readability and completeness of the model, we
include all the notation and explanation of the first stage constraints, even though some of it is
as presented in Andersen et al. (2014).

2.2.1 Notation

We start out by discretising the time horizon, [0, T ], of the stochastic model into τ-minute in-
tervals ]τ (t − 1), τt], t = 1, . . . , T/τ. Let T = {0, . . . , T/τ }. The time periods are further
grouped into Λ groups, such that each group λ, where 1 ≤ λ ≤ Λ, has |Tλ | time periods. Since
we describe a two-stage model, we let Λ = 2, a group for each stage. T then consists of the
two subsets T1 and T2 , where T1 = {0} and T2 = {1, . . . , T/τ }. The first stage is assumed to be
deterministic, so we have one stochastic stage T2 with T/τ stochastic periods.
The transmission grid is modelled as a network (N , A) with nodes N = {1, . . . , N } and
arcs A = { a : a = (n, n0 ), n, n0 ∈ N : n < n0 } representing transmission lines. We denote
by δout (n) = { a : a = (n, n0 ), n0 ∈ N } and δin (n) = { a = (n0 , n), n0 ∈ N } the sets of arcs
either originating from or terminating in node n, respectively. For a ∈ A, we let the capacity
of transmission line a be Lmax
a . Moreover, we let the flow allocated day-ahead to line a in time

interval t be L at . If a = (n, n0 ) and L at > 0 there is a net import from n to n0 . If L at < 0 there
is a net export. We represent the intra-hour scheduled import determined by our model on
the transmission line in the same time interval by the variable ∆lat using the same conventions
regarding its sign. The allowed change in the flow on a transmission line between two time
periods will be denoted by R a .
The set of all conventional units is denoted by I , the set of units online in time interval t is
denoted It , and the units located in node n by In . For i ∈ I , we denote the planned production
day-ahead in time interval t by the parameter Pit , and the plant’s minimum and maximum pro-
duction limits by Pimin and Pimax , respectively. The model will minimise expected imbalances

by doing short-term production planning, and it decides, based on updated weather forecasts,
to produce Pit + ∆pit+ − ∆pit− , instead of Pit . The first-stage decision variables ∆pit+ ≥ 0 and
∆pit− ≥ 0 represent the balancing power provided by intra-hour activation of manual reserves
on the unit in the time interval. When doing short-term production planning, we must for each
unit i and time interval t obey

Pimin ≤ Pit + ∆pit+ − ∆pit− ≤ Pimax .

However, in real time, there will still be imbalances that have to be dealt with using the
automatic reserves. The extra produced or reduced power is illustrated by the second stage

variables q+
nts ≥ 0 and qnts ≥ 0, which represent the generation surplus or shortage in node n in

scenario s ∈ S during time interval t. Note, that we do not have any limits on the production
from automatic reserves. Firstly, there exist plants whose only purpose is to supply automatic
reserves and hence are not included in the set I . Secondly, by not restricting the second stage
variables, we are guaranteed to always have a feasible solution to the problem. Hence, the
model can indicate which level of automatic reserves that are needed in order to maintain a
secure system.
We denote by Ci the variable generation cost of unit i ∈ I . The late scheduling of the
units close to real time operation incurs extra variable cost γCi . Note, whereas activation of
power generates a cost, deactivation of power results in cost savings from not producing. We
therefore let Ci+ := (1 + γ)ci and Ci− := (1 − γ)ci , with γ ∈ [0, 1], be the costs of activated
manual reserve power and savings from deactivated manual reserve power, respectively. The
idea is to allow the costs and savings to reflect the additional stress imposed on the unit when
using it for balancing purposes. Since Pit is already decided, we do not include its costs in the
model. The costs of activating automatic reserves in node n are denoted by Cn+ and Cn− , where
most likely Cn+ > maxi Ci+ and Cn− < mini Ci− . In other words, it is likely that there is a higher
cost for extra production and lower savings for production decrease in the case of automatic
reserves compared to the manual reserves.
In order to keep track of the activated manual reserves, we let the variables git+ and git− be the
amount of recently activated and deactivated power on unit i in time interval t, respectively.
If new manual reserves are activated on a unit, it has to provide the committed level for at

ω11 ω21 ω|T 2|

ω12 ω22 ω|T 2|
ω2S ω2S ω|T

T1 T2

Figure 2.1: Scenario tree.

least τ res time periods. If we activate or deactivate manual reserve power, we let the associated
binary variables vit+ or vit− be one and zero otherwise. The amount of recently activated or
deactivated manual reserve power has to be above the threshold value Gimin . Furthermore,
ramp,+ ramp,−
we introduce the variables git and git to record the ramping power generated by a
ramp,+ ramp,−
unit providing manual reserves, where git is related to activating power and git to
deactivating power. How much the production level is allowed to change from one time period
to another will be denoted by Ri+ when the unit is ramping up, and by Ri− when the unit is
ramping down. A unit is only allowed to ramp τ max time periods before a new activation level,
and τ max time periods after the activation period of τ res time periods.
We assume that the demand is inflexible, meaning that the level of demand in each time
period is maintained at the forecasted level. We denote by the parameter Dnt its value in node
n in time interval t.
The uncertainty is modelled using scenarios s ∈ S = {1, . . . , S} with probability Πs and
∑s∈S Πs = 1. The only stochastic parameter in the model is the wind power production ωnt

for t ∈ T2 , with the first-stage deterministic values denoted by ωnt , for t ∈ T1 . This results in
the scenario tree presented in Fig. 2.1, where we have omitted the node subscripts, i.e. all the
values are vectors of size N.

2.2.2 Objective function

We schedule the activation of manual reserves ∆pit+ and ∆pit− , such as to cover any expected
imbalances between supply and consumption. Occasionally, this may be technically infeasible,

or it may be feasible only at very high costs, in which case imbalances are left to automatic

reserves q+
nts and qnts . Since the uncertainty in wind power is revealed after activation of man-

ual reserves, the amount of automatic reserves depends on the realisation of the wind power
prediction error, and hence, we have an outcome with a probability Πs for each scenario. The
optimal schedule is determined by a trade-off between the activation cost of manual and auto-
matic reserves. The objective is
∑ ∑ (Ci+ ∆pit+ − Ci− ∆pit− ) + ∑ Πs ∑ (Cn+ q+ − −
nts − Cn qnts ) ,
t∈T2 i ∈It s∈S n∈N

which is minimised subject to a number of constraints presented next.

2.2.3 Balancing constraint

The balancing constraint ensures system balance between supply and consumption. According
to this constraint, if at any point in time scheduled production exceeds predicted consumption
Dnt or vice versa, we experience generation surplus or shortage, which will be left to the au-

tomatic reserves q+
nts and − qnts . We assume that it is always possible to provide the sufficient

amount of automatic reserves. Production includes day-ahead planned generation on conven-

tional units Pit , intra-hour activation of manual reserves ∆pit+ and ∆pit− , forecasted wind power
s , and finally day-ahead and intra-hour net import/export on the transmission
production ωnt
lines L at + ∆lat . Thus, we have that

∑ ( Pit + ∆pit+ − ∆pit− ) + ∑ ( L at + ∆lat )

i ∈It ∩In a∈δin (n)

− ∑ ( L at + ∆lat ) + q+ − s
nts − qnts = Dnt − ωnt , n ∈ N , t ∈ T2 , s ∈ S . (2.1)
a∈δout (n)

2.2.4 Limits on re-dispatch variables

Transmission flow is restricted by the available line capacity. In particular, intra-hour import
∆lat on the transmission lines is bounded above by the line capacity Lmax
a minus the capacity
allocated day-ahead L at . Thus, we have that

−( Lmax
a − L at ) ≤ ∆lat ≤ Lmax
a − L at , a ∈ A, t ∈ T2 .

Activation of manual reserve power is bounded above by the maximum capacity Pimax that
has not already been dispatched day-ahead Pit , whereas deactivation is bounded by the dis-
patched capacity in excess of the minimum capacity Pimin . Formally,

∆pit+ ≤ Pimax − Pit , i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 ,

∆pit− ≤ Pit − Pimin , i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 .

2.2.5 New generation level of a unit

We require the minimum threshold value Gimin to be obtained when activating manual reserves.
The threshold value is included in order to make it profitable for the unit to change the pro-
duction level. Manual reserves are activated when vit+ (vit− ) is equal to one at the level git+ (git− ).

Gimin vit+ ≤ git+ ≤ Mvit+ , i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 , (2.2)

Gimin vit− ≤ git− ≤ Mvit− , i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 , (2.3)

where M is a sufficiently large number, e.g. Pimax .

It is only allowed to either activate or deactivate manual reserve power on the same unit in
one time interval, hence,

vit+ + vit− ≤ 1, i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 . (2.4)

Additional levels of reserves may be activated on the same unit at a given point in time.
This we refer to as activating new reserves. The amount of manual reserves a unit provides at
a given point in time can be calculated by


∆pit+ = git+0 + git , i ∈ I t , t ∈ T2 , (2.5)
t0 =max{1,t−τ res +1}

∆pit− = git−0 + git , i ∈ I t , t ∈ T2 , (2.6)
t0 =max{1,t−τ res +1}

where τ res is the fixed time from time t and forward, for which the activated reserves have
to provide the level git+0 (git−0 ) of power. The actual manual reserves provided by a unit are
ramp,+ ramp,−
the activation level plus the ramping power git (git ) it provides in order to reach the
agreed level.

2.2.6 Ramping

Ramping constraints on the transmission lines are restrictions on the change in allocated trans-
mission flow from one time interval to another and apply to net import. In order to record the
change from one time interval to another, we need to include both the day-ahead agreed flow
amount L at and the variation decided by our model ∆lat from the time intervals. Thus,

− R a − L a(t+1) + L at ≤ ∆la(t+1) − ∆lat ≤ R a − L a(t+1) + L at ,

a ∈ A, t ∈ T2 : t ≤ |T2 | − 1.

It is allowed to change the flow on the transmission line by R a between two time intervals.
For the generating units, we include detailed ramping restrictions where the change in day-
ahead planned production Pit is taken into account.

−( Ri− + Pi(t+1) − Pit ) ≤ ∆pi+(t+1) − ∆pit+ ≤ ( Ri+ − Pi(t+1) + Pit ), (2.7)

i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 : t ≤ |T2 | − 1,

−( Ri+ − Pi(t+1) + Pit ) ≤ ∆pi−(t+1) − ∆pit− ≤ ( Ri− + Pi(t+1) − Pit ), (2.8)

i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 : t ≤ |T2 | − 1.

The allowed ramping speed between two time intervals is R+ for activation of power, where it
is R− for deactivation.
Generating units can only ramp towards a new level in τ max time periods before the amount
of activated reserves has to be fully activated and in the τ max time periods after the activation
period of τ res time periods.

min{ T,t+τ max } max{1,t−τ res }

∑ ∑
git ≤M vit+0 + M vit+0 , i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 , (2.9)
min{ T,t+1} max{1,t−τ max −τ res +1}

min{ T,t+τ max } max{1,t−τ res }

∑ ∑
git ≤M vit−0 + M vit−0 , i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 , (2.10)
min{ T,t+1} max{1,t−τ max −τ res +1}

where M is a sufficiently large number, e.g. Pimax . If vit+0 (vit−0 ) is equal to 1 in the constraint, it
indicates that an activation (deactivation) of manual reserve power has occurred at time t0 , and

ramp,+ ramp,−
thereby it is possible for the unit to ramp by activating (deactivating) git (git ) power
in the τ max time periods before time t0 and after time t0 + τ res .
If new reserves are activated, and thereby a new level of production is committed on a unit
in one time period, ramping is not allowed in the same period on the same unit. Hence,

git ≤ M(1 − vit+ ), i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 , (2.11)
git ≤ M(1 − vit−0 ), i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 , (2.12)

where M is a sufficiently large number, e.g. Pimax .

Since ramping in optimisation can adapt to the imbalances, we restrict the ramping to a
linear pattern.

∆pi+(t−1) + ∆pi+(t+1)
git = , i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 : 1 < t ≤ |T2 | − 1, (2.13)
∆pi−(t−1) + ∆pi−(t+1)
git = , i ∈ It , t ∈ T2 : 1 < t ≤ |T2 | − 1. (2.14)

Hence, the level of manual reserves ∆pit+ and ∆pit− in time period t depends on the previous
and the subsequent levels.

2.3 Generating scenarios for the wind power production

In this section, we describe the process of generating values for the stochastic wind power
s for n ∈ N , s ∈ S , and t ∈ T . For this, we assume that we have, at time t = 0,
production ωnt 2

access to wind power forecast ω̂nt for all t ∈ T2 ; this forecast is typically obtained from a third
s , are then computed as
party. The scenario values for wind power production, ωnt

ωnt = ω̂nt + εsnt , (2.15)

where εsnt is the prediction error in period t and scenario s. This implies that we first create the
scenario tree for the prediction errors and then combine these with the forecast to get the wind
production values; this is illustrated graphically in Fig. 2.2 on the following page.
The prediction error is a result of the imprecision of the wind power production forecast.
Its statistical properties depend on the length of the forecast and need to be estimated from

ω0 ω̂1 ω̂2 ω̂|T2 |

ε11 ε12 ε1|T2 |

ε21 ε22 ε2|T2 |

εS1 εS2 εS|T


ω̂1 + ε11 ω̂2 + ε12 ω̂|T2 | + ε1|T2 |

ω̂1 + ε21 ω̂2 + ε22 ω̂|T2 | + ε2|T2 |


ω̂1 + εS1 ω̂2 + εS2 ω̂|T2 | + εS|T


T1 T2

Figure 2.2: Construction of scenarios. The graph in the top shows an example of a wind
power production forecast. The graph in the middle shows an example of scenarios for the
prediction error. The graph in the bottom is a combination of the two other graphs and is
our scenario tree for the wind power production.

historical data. For this purpose, we assume that we have access to historical data for both
the production and the forecasts for all the forecast lengths ∆t used in the model: ∆t = τ t
with t ∈ T2 = {1, . . . , T/τ }. We use a tilde to distinguish the historical data from the model
parameters, so ω̃n,t denotes the historical wind production at some time t < 0, ω̃n,t+∆t|t stands
for the forecast for time t + ∆t made at time t, and ε̃ n,t+∆t|t is the error of this forecast, i.e.

ε̃ n,t+∆t|t = ω̃n,t+∆t|t − ω̃n,t+∆t .

Once we have computed the historical errors ε̃ n,t+∆t|t , we can treat them as data series for
each n and ∆t. Hence, we have a historical data set with dimension |N | × |T2 | for which
we want to generate scenarios. Before we delve into the details about how we generate these
scenarios, we need to explain how we use the generated values. Since each ∆t is a separate data
series, we only need to generate values one period ahead. To explain why, let us denote the
generated values by ε̄sn,∆t . In the model, on the other hand, we need εsnt = ε̄sn,τ t , used in (2.15)
to compute the wind production values ω̂nt . This way, we transform scenarios for |N | × |T2 |

variables one period ahead into scenarios for |N | variables |T2 | periods ahead. This implies,
that if ε̄sn,τ t correctly captures the |N | × |T2 |-dimensional distribution, then εsnt will correctly
describe not only the dependencies between nodes within each period, but also inter-temporal
dependencies such as autocorrelations.
To achieve this, we generate the scenarios using an algorithm from Kaut (2014). This
method generates scenarios that try to replicate a specified multivariate distribution; in our
case provided by the historical data for forecast errors ε̃ n,t+∆t|t . It does so by matching all the
univariate distribution functions plus the bivariate copulas of all the variable pairs. For the pur-
pose of this paper, a copula can be thought of as a generalisation of the linear correlation, which
can fully describe the dependence between stochastic variables – unlike correlations that only
capture linear dependencies. See Nelsen (1998) for more information about copulas, and Kaut
and Wallace (2011) for a discussion about their use in scenario generation.

With |N | × |T2 | variables, matching copulas for all the |N | × |T2 | |N | × |T2 | − 1 / 2 vari-
able pairs becomes impractical. By trying to match copulas for so many pairs, the approxima-
tion error can be expected to be significant, especially since we can only solve the model with a
couple of hundreds scenarios for realistic instances. For this reason, we concentrate only on the
most important pairs of variables: for each forecast length ∆t, we match the copulas between
all the locations/nodes n, and for each node n, we match the copulas between forecasts of sim-
ilar length, specifically for 0 < ∆t2 − ∆t1 ≤ U τ. There, U ≥ 1 is a case-dependent constant,
whose value has to be adjusted to the data and also the generated number of scenarios. This
reduces the number of bivariate copulas to

|N | × (|N | − 1)
|T2 | × + |N | × ∑ (|T2 | − l ) , (2.16)
2 l =1

a reduction by the factor of more than T/(1 + 2U/N ). Naturally, there is a price to pay for
this reduction: when we do not specify the dependence between a given pair of variables, it
does not mean that the two variables become independent. It simply means that the algo-
rithm does not have any control over the dependence, except for the constraints implied by the
other pairs. For this reason, we need to check the quality of the scenario-generation procedure
and its suitability for our optimisation model prior to using it on real data. In our case, these

checks indicate that the scenarios-generation procedure performs satisfactorily, as shown in
Section 2.4.2.

2.4 Real-world problem

To investigate the usefulness of the model, we apply it on realistic data from Denmark. We look
at two areas, Denmark West and Denmark East, and optimise the use of reserves during four
weeks in 2012: a week in January, a week in April, a week in July, and finally, a week in October.
We apply the model in a rolling horizon manner where we solve the model with a two hour
time horizon every hour. The two hour time horizon is chosen to avoid undesired end effects.
We will use the result for the first hour and disregard the result from the second hour, since
the second hour will be re-optimised in the subsequent run of the model. The initialisation of
each run is based on the state of the last optimised hour that is not disregarded. By utilising
rolling horizon, we can take updated information about the system into consideration, and in
our case, we get updated wind power production forecasts every hour. Our test instances each
cover a week, and thereby they each consist of 168 hours. However, we will only report of
167 hours, since we use the first hour of each case for initialisation. The time resolution of the
model, meaning each time interval ]τ (t − 1), τt], t ∈ T2 , will represent five minutes.
In each of the four cases, we will compare the cost of balancing the system when having sce-
narios for the wind power prediction error to the cost of balancing the system when assuming
the prediction error to be zero, i.e. to the deterministic case. We investigate how the solution
differs in the two cases. Furthermore, in order to show that it makes sense to predict the im-
balances in the system and be proactive, we calculate the cost of balancing the system in each
of the four weeks by only using automatic reserves. Finally, we investigate what the cost in the
four weeks would have been if we were able to predict the actual wind power production, i.e.
in the case of perfect foresight. The solution of perfect foresight is a lower bound on the actual
cost of balancing the system, which the stochastic solution will never be able to match, but it
indicates how far we are from the perfect solution.
We run the model on a computer with an Intel Core 2.30GHz processor and 4 GB RAM.
The model is implemented in the 64 bit GAMS framework version 24.2.3 for Windows using

Table 2.1: Aggregated information about the system for four different weeks in year 2012
used as input to our model. The numbers represent the mean (standard deviation) of the
2016 time periods in the optimisation period, and hence is calculated in MWh/12. Note,
capacity is showed in MW and day-ahead forecasts in MWh.

All areas – 2012 cases

January April July October
Demand (MWh/12) 4520(863) 3940(644) 3537 (625) 3976(731)
Conv. prod. (MWh/12) 3363(527) 2571(890) 940 (524) 2342(763)
Online capacity (MW) 5634(249) 5299(337) 3188(1289) 5205(331)
Wind power prod. forecast DA (MWh) 2054(836) 1005(668) 949 (488) 894(791)
Wind power prod. forecast HA (MWh/12) 1958(812) 999(662) 927 (529) 927(785)
Wind power prod. (MWh/12) 1914(811) 996(660) 921 (526) 934(786)
Installed wind capacity (MW) 3926 3969 4025 4038
Import (MWh/12) 931(637) 1811(637) 2322 (443) 1750(801)
Export (MWh/12) 1698(584) 1478(512) 608 (250) 943(748)

the CPLEX 12.6 solver.

2.4.1 Data

We get unit commitment data from the unit commitment model, Sivael, used by the Danish
transmission system operator, Real data for the Danish system in 2012 are given
as input to the unit commitment model. Afterwards, we use an intra-hour model, SimBa from, to convert the hourly output from the unit commitment model into a time reso-
lution of five minutes. A description of SimBa can be found in Hansen et al. (2011).
Aggregated overall information about demand, conventional production, conventional ca-
pacity, wind power production forecasts, actual wind power production, installed capacity,
import, and export can be found in Table 2.1. Online capacity is conventional capacity disposal
for the market, meaning started up capacity where some of it is already committed by the unit
commitment model, the rest of the capacity can be used as reserves for additional electricity
production in our model. Wind power prod. forecast DA is the forecast made to clear the day-
ahead market used in the unit commitment model, where the wind power prod. forecast HA is
the updated wind power production forecast used in our model. The updated wind power
forecasts used are made just before the hour of operation.
In order to resemble real life balancing in the Nordic countries, we follow present market
rules and let the ramping period, τ max , for import, export, and conventional production units

be 15 minutes. Having a time resolution of five minutes implies τ max = 3. Once a generating
conventional unit has been re-dispatched, the unit commits to the change in 30 minutes, i.e
τ res = 6. Finally, the unit is guaranteed to have a re-dispatch amount greater than 10 MWh/12,
i.e. Gimin = 10 for all i ∈ I .
The costs of manual reserves are the individual marginal costs of the generating units al-
tered with the parameter γ. The level of marginal costs of the generating units are within the
range e2.27-205.73, where γ is set to 0.1 to represent the additional stress imposed on the unit.
Recall, that for up-regulating cost the marginal cost of a unit is multiplied by 1 + γ, where for
down-regulating cost the marginal cost of a unit is multiplied by 1 − γ.
In practice, the costs for automatic reserves are not known when optimising and activating
manual reserves for the next hour. To run our model, we need to estimate a fixed number for
the cost of the automatic reserves, and hence we base the level on historical data from 2012.
We let the 95% fractile for the historical cost of manually activating additional electricity in the
balancing market be the cost for the automatic reserves when additional electricity is activated.
Likewise, we let the 5% fractile for the historical cost in the balancing market of manually
deactivating power be the cost for the automatic reserves in the case of deactivation of power.
Hence, in our cases, we will assume the cost of activating automatic reserve power to be e75
and the cost of deactivating automatic reserve power to be e10.

2.4.2 Scenarios for the wind power production

The wind power production scenarios are generated as described in Section 2.3. Data input to
the procedure comes from historical data for the wind power production in Denmark during
2012. The data consists of information about the installed capacity, the actual wind power pro-
duction, the forecasts made day-ahead and the updated forecasts made just before the hour of
operation where the system had to be balanced. Subsequently, we have calculated the historical
prediction errors normalised with installed capacity, which is the actual input to the scenario
generation procedure. The time resolution of all these time series is five minutes.
Our data analysis of the historical wind data shows a significant difference in the prediction
errors between onshore and offshore wind power production, as documented in Fig. 2.A.1 and

50 scenarios for four hours 50 scenarios for two hours







5 20 35 50 65 80 95 115 135 155 175 195 215 235 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115

Minutes Minutes

Figure 2.3: The graph to the left shows 50 generated scenarios for onshore Denmark West
from the scenario generation procedure for four hours where the graph to the right shows
50 generated scenarios for two hours during another time period. The gray line shows the
wind production forecast, and the thick black line shows the actual wind power produc-

Fig. 2.A.2 in Appendix 2.A on page 65. For this reason, we separate the onshore and offshore
wind power production in both the studied regions, so we end up with four locations (N = 4).
Since we solve the model for two hours ahead with five minute steps, we have T = 120, τ = 5,
and |T2 | = T/τ = 24. As a result, the model has N × |T2 | = 96 random variables.
It follows that there are 4560 bivariate copulas to match – too many to get a good match,
especially since we can solve the model with a couple of hundreds of scenarios at most. We
therefore only match a subset of the copulas as discussed in Section 2.3. After studying the
data, we have decided to use U = 2, i.e. to model dependencies between forecast errors with
forecasts lengths that differ by two periods at most. Using (2.16), we see that this reduces the
number of copulas to 324; a far more manageable amount.
In order to construct the scenarios, we need exogenous given wind power forecasts, see
Fig. 2.2 on page 50. For this, we use the historical updated wind power forecasts from 2012.
Fig. 2.3 shows two graphs. The graph on the left shows 50 scenarios generated by the
described scenario generation method. As expected for a short-time forecast, most of the sce-

narios lie around the forecast (the gray line) with some extreme scenarios farther apart. In most
cases, also the actual wind production lies within the range of the scenarios. In rare occasions,
however, the forecast is wrong from the start, so the actual wind production will be outside of
the range covered by the scenarios, especially at the start of the horizon. This is illustrated by
the graph to the right.

Scenarios for one week







Time (one week)

Figure 2.4: The graph shows 50 generated scenarios for onshore Denmark West for a whole

The graph in Fig. 2.4 shows 50 scenarios for a whole week. Since the model is re-optimised
every hour when new scenarios are generated, the scenarios will be close to the new updated
forecast every hour, whereafter they will spread out and gather again in the beginning of the
next hour.

In-sample and out-of-sample stability tests

Stability and high accuracy of the scenario generation procedure are important to ensure con-
sistency and high quality of the solutions coming from the intra-hour model. In-sample and
out-of-sample stability tests, as described in Kaut and Wallace (2007), can be used to measure

the quality of the scenario generation procedure in relation to the model. According to King
and Wallace (2012), there are at least two ways to perform these tests. Which tests to use de-
pends on the scenario generation procedure itself which will be explained below.
For in-sample stability, it is important to ensure that the objective function value of the
model is approximately the same each time it is run on the same data. There are at least to ways
to perform tests for in-sample stability. First, if the scenario generation procedure generates
different scenario trees, it is important to test if different trees of the same size generate the
same objective function value. Second, if the scenario generation procedure generates the same
tree each time, then trees of different sizes have to be investigated. In order to have in-sample
stability in the latter of the two cases, the objective function value should not change when
changing the tree size with a small amount.
For out-of-sample stability, the value of implementing the first-stage variables and optimise
the second-stage variables with respect to the true distribution of the random variables should
not change between different runs. Again, when investigating the stability, the stochasticity of
the scenario generation procedure has to be taken into account as described under in-sample
Another important factor to investigate is the bias of the model. If the objective function
value of the model when it is optimised over the entire distribution of the random variables
is different from the objective function values given by the model when optimised over the
scenario trees, then the scenarios do not represent the underlying distribution well enough.
The copula-based method we use for generating the scenarios for the error terms is some-
where between the two cases described above: since it is probabilistic repeated runs with the
same input parameters, it typically results in very few distinct trees. For this reason, we com-
bine the two approaches to stability and run the intra-hour model 10 times for the following
number of scenarios: 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, and 200. However, if stability is
achieved before we have investigated all the tree sizes, we stop. The case with 1 scenario is the
deterministic variant of the model.
For the stability tests, we report the following values: (V1) is the in-sample objective value,
i.e. the objective value of the scenario-based model. The out-of-sample value (V2) is computed

January July
−500 5000

Objective function value (euro)

Objective function value (euro)





−3000 2000

1s 5s 10s 20s 30s 50s 75s 100s 125s 150s 175s 200s 1s 5s 10s 20s 30s 50s 75s 100s

Cases Cases

Figure 2.5: In this figure, we see two graphs showing the objective function value for our
in- and out-of-sample stability tests for the two studies months. • represents values from
(V1), ◦ represents values from (V2), and the black line represents values from (V3).

by fixing the first-stage decisions and re-optimising using all the historical data as our scenar-
ios. In order to measure the bias, we also calculate the value (V3) for the objective value of
the model optimised over all the historical data. Note, that we are able to calculate (V3) only
because we investigate these two small cases. It will be too time consuming to apply the model
on the full cases with all the historical data for the prediction errors. In the stability tests, we
should optimally see both (V1) and (V2) stabilising and approaching (V3) with the increasing
number of scenarios.
We run the model with a two hour time horizon. Due to the complexity of the model, we
have chosen two hours in January and two hours in July as representative cases for the full
instances. The January two-hour case is difficult for the model to solve, while the July two-
hour case is solved easily. Since the model is normally run with rolling horizon where the last
hour of a model run is re-optimised in the subsequent run of the model, the output function of
the model is only implemented for the first hour. Hence, we report the costs in these test only
for the first hour.
Fig. 2.5 shows the results of the tests. The figure shows that, for a given size of the scenario
tree, the scenario generation procedure is indeed stable: for most of the tree sizes, we only

see one dot in the figure for each of the measurements (V1) and (V2). However, running the
model with different tree sizes shows some instability. Looking at the graph to the left in
Fig. 2.5, we can see that the values improve fast when including up until 50 scenarios. After
50 scenarios, the values are approaching each other very slowly and the values of the three
different measurements lie relatively close. However, with 200 scenarios, the values of the
three measurements are still not exactly the same. Looking at the graph on the right, we see
that the three measurements give approximately the same value already when including 30
We choose to run our full test instances with 50 scenarios. The tests show that the objective
function value is reasonably stable around 50 scenarios, while the solution time is still man-
ageable: it would be too time consuming to run the full tests with the 200 scenarios that are
required for significantly better stability.

2.4.3 Results

In this section, we will present the obtained results. We will present results from four different
versions of the model presented in Section 2.2. The first version is the stochastic model, where
we apply the scenario generation procedure described in Section 2.3 to make 50 scenarios for
the wind power production for each of the individual hours in the test instances. The second
version is the deterministic model, where we only have one scenario for the wind power pro-
duction and that is the expected value, i.e. where the expectation of the error-term is zero. The
third version is the case of perfect foresight, where we also only have one scenario for the wind
power production, but this scenario is the actual realised wind power production. The fourth
and final version is also the stochastic model, but with an extra constraint forcing the manual
reserves to zero, such that only automatic reserves are utilised.
Table 2.2 on the next page displays the average objective function value (which we will
call average expected cost) and its standard deviation over the individual hours in the investi-
gated weeks for each of three models: the stochastic, the deterministic, and the case of perfect
foresight. The high standard deviation indicates significant variability in the costs between
individual hours. This is further supported by Fig. 2.6 on page 61, which shows the expected

Table 2.2: Average objective function values and actual values in e and CPU time of the
cases. The total CPU time is displayed hours first and then additional minutes (h:m).

Objective value Actual cost CPU time

Case Model Average Std. Average Std. < 1 min. > 10 min. Total
January Stochastic 2751 16 862 4765 17 526 76.0% 4.2% 3:48
Deterministic 1465 16 892 5269 17 364 73.1% 9.6% 6:34
Perfect foresight 2123 17 225 2123 17 225 68.8% 9.0% 6:51
April Stochastic 6844 14 069 7338 13 755 86.2% 2.4% 2:25
Deterministic 5598 14 144 7639 13 644 85.6% 6.6% 4:13
Perfect foresight 5643 13 774 5643 13 774 87.4% 4.2% 3:23
July Stochastic −82 7274 405 7543 99.4% 0.0% 0:33
Deterministic −1392 7052 727 7577 97.0% 0.0% 0:38
Perfect foresight −1383 7087 −1383 7087 97.6% 0.0% 0:38
October Stochastic −3442 8102 −3276 8179 92.2% 0.6% 1:27
Deterministic −4883 8089 −2893 8233 86.8% 3.6% 3:04
Perfect foresight −5072 8151 −5072 8151 86.8% 0.6% 2:12

hourly cost for the deterministic January case together with the expected imbalance.
Comparing the objective function values of the stochastic and deterministic models, we
can see that the stochastic solutions have higher expected costs; this is to be expected, since
the stochastic model needs to hedge against uncertainty. Table 2.2 also displays the actual
(real) cost of implementing the solution value of the first-stage decision variables. Here, the
difference is reversed: the deterministic solutions cannot cope with the uncertainty and end
up being more expensive than the stochastic ones on average. We can thus conclude that for
the investigated problem, it is beneficial (on average) to use a stochastic model instead of a
deterministic model.
Looking at the running times of the model (also displayed in Table 2.2), we see that for most
of the hours, the model is quite fast: between 68.8% and 99.4% of the individual hours in each
ccase are solved within a minute. However, a few of the instances take considerably more time:
between 0% and 9.6% of the instances take more than ten minutes (and often even much more)
to solve. For the numbers displayed in Table 2.2 the optimisation of an individual hour was
stopped after 1000 sec., which happened in 1.8% of the cases. For those hours not solved to
optimality, the gap was 0.6% at most.
Analysing the difficult instances, we note that these represent hours with large changes in
the supply of power over a very short time, or hours, where the overall production level is







Figure 2.6: The columns show the expected cost in e for each hour in the deterministic
January case. The cost is shown on the y-axis to the left. The line displays the expected
imbalance in MWh in each of the corresponding hours of the case. The imbalances relate
to the y-axis on the right.

close to the overall minimum or maximum capacity level. Looking at the overall running time
for each of the different cases for the four weeks, we see that the stochastic model is solved
faster than the deterministic model which is not what we expected to see. We also see that
there are more of the individual hours that require a long running time in order to find the
optimal solution in the deterministic model compared to the stochastic model. In order to
explain this, we will first point out that the second-stages of the stochastic model are solved
very fast. Second, in Table 2.3 on the following page, we see that the stochastic solution on
average activates more additional power and deactivate less than the deterministic solution.
In all four cases, the gap between the aggregated planned production level and the overall
minimum capacity level is smaller than the gap between the maximum production level and
the aggregated planned production level. This means that on the short-term horizon, we can

Table 2.3: The average difference in manually activated or deactivated power between
the stochastic and the deterministic solution (stochastic - deterministic). The numbers are
displayed in MWh/12.

Case Average up Average down

January 5.64 -20.37
April 11.99 -12.32
July 11.09 -9.08
October 29.61 -21.21

activate more power than we can deactivate. Since cases where the production level is close
to the capacity limits are difficult to solve, an explanation for the longer running time of the
deterministic cases could be that the production level comes close to the minimum capacity
Table 2.4 on the next page shows the aggregated total cost for the whole week given by the
stochastic solution, the deterministic solution, and in case of perfect foresight for each of the
four test instances. The results in Table 2.4 support the results in Table 2.2 and show that in all
cases, the total cost given by the objective function of the stochastic solution is higher than the
total cost given by the objective function of the deterministic solution. However, implementing
the deterministic solution compared to implementing the stochastic solution entails a higher
total actual cost in all of the four weeks. Looking at Table 2.5 on the facing page, we see that
the actual cost of the stochastic solution is actually smaller than the actual cost given by the
deterministic solution in 62% - 77% of the individual hours in the four weeks.
As pointed out earlier, in the stochastic solution we manually activate more additional
power and deactivate less than in the deterministic solution. It can be seen in Table 2.4 that
the stochastic solution also deactivates more automatic reserve power than in the determinis-
tic case, and it activates less automatic reserve power. Since it is cheaper to activate manual
reserve power than automatic reserve power, the stochastic solution builds in a buffer by as-
suring a higher level of produced power before the hour of operation. If there is no need for
the additional power, it will be deactivated by the automatic reserves.
Now, one could think that incorporating this buffer could be rather expensive and that
it could be beneficial not to be proactive and just leave all the imbalances to the automatic
reserves. However, when looking at Table 2.6 on page 64, we see that the actual cost of such an

Table 2.4: Weekly costs of operating the system. All numbers listed are in e.

Case Strategy Man. act. Man. deact. Auto. act. Auto. deact. Total
January Stochastic Expected 1 232 805 −1 372 805 709 147 −109 734 459 413
Actual 1 042 456 −106 663 795 793
Deterministic Expected 1 222 213 −1 460 396 518 206 −35 329 244 694
Actual 1 202 638 −84 587 879 868
Perfect foresight 1 269 633 −1 392 438 510 245 −32 868 354 572
April Stochastic Expected 2 431 796 −2 180 726 1 013 361 −121 524 1 142 907
Actual 1 107 806 −133 420 1 225 456
Deterministic Expected 2 425 102 −2 236 951 796 819 −50 079 934 891
Actual 1 191 575 −104 000 1 275 726
Perfect foresight 2 397 138 −2 228 160 823 970 −50 538 942 410
July Stochastic Expected 627 105 −671 029 199 857 −169 679 −13 746
Actual 286 194 −174 569 67 701
Deterministic Expected 590 006 −716 442 4328 −110 351 −232 459
Actual 404 581 −156 676 121 469
Perfect foresight 576 937 −707 088 2329 −103 125 −230 947
October Stochastic Expected 758 591 −1 419 053 226 467 −140 882 −574 877
Actual 271 469 −158 158 −547 151
Deterministic Expected 693 241 −1 504 818 23 525 −27 475 −815 527
Actual 421 750 −93 332 −483 159
Perfect foresight 669 776 −1 509 467 21 028 −28 356 −847 019

Table 2.5: Comparison of the solutions given by the stochastic model and the deterministic
model. For each of the two models, it is shown in how many of the individual hours the
model found a solution with lowest actual cost.

Case Deterministic best Stochastic best

January 23% 77%
April 37% 63%
July 34% 66%
October 38% 62%

approach is very expensive. Hence, it is better to be proactive even though it can occasionally
result in activation of manual reserves which is deactivated by automatic reserves when the
uncertainty is revealed.
If there had been no uncertainty in the wind power production, we would have had the
cost given by the solution of perfect foresight. If we could predict the wind power production
precisely, it would result in huge savings. For July, it is more than four times the cost of the
stochastic solution, and else it is between 23% and 55%.

Table 2.6: Weekly actual costs of operating the system with only automatic reserves. All
numbers listed are in e.

Case Total cost

January 2 368 144
April 3 838 005
July 809 076
October 462 443

2.5 Conclusion

In this paper, we have presented a stochastic model for the short-term balancing problem be-
tween demand and consumption of electricity. We have made scenarios for the wind power
prediction error by a copula-based heuristic that captures the dependency between all the wind
variables but also the dependency of the errors of the individual wind variables through time.
The results show that the stochastic model is superior to the deterministic model when
looking at the actual cost of the solutions. The stochastic model builds in a buffer of additional
electricity by activating more manual reserve power than the deterministic model. It does so
since it is cheaper to activate the manual reserves than the automatic reserves, and if there is
no need for the additional power, it is deactivated by the automatic reserves.
The results also show that it is a good idea to be proactive and activate manual reserves
before the actual imbalances occur. It will be much more expensive to only let the automatic
reserves handle the imbalances.


The authors gratefully appreciate all the support they have received from in get-
ting data and lending the models Sivael and Simba throughout this project. Furthermore, the
authors appreciate the work Stephan Wöllner at has made to make Simba work
together with our model OPTIBA. Jeanne Andersen acknowledges support through the CFEM


2.A Graphs for historical wind data

Jutland and Funen Zealand

0.010 0.010

0.005 0.005
error (MW/cap)

error (MW/cap)

0.000 0.000

−0.005 −0.005

−0.010 −0.010

15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125

minutes minutes

0.010 0.010

0.005 0.005
error (MW/cap)

error (MW/cap)

0.000 0.000

−0.005 −0.005

−0.010 −0.010

15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125

minutes minutes

Supplementary Fig. 2.A.1: The average of the normalised wind power prediction errors
in Denmark recorded in 2012 for each of the four months we investigate. The thin line
represents values for January, the thick line represents values for April, the scattered line
represents values for July, and the dotted line represents values for October.

Jutland and Funen Zealand
0.20 0.20

0.15 0.15
error (MW/cap)

error (MW/cap)
0.10 0.10

0.05 0.05

0.00 0.00

15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125

minutes minutes

0.20 0.20

0.15 0.15
error (MW/cap)

error (MW/cap)

0.10 0.10

0.05 0.05

0.00 0.00

15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125

minutes minutes

Supplementary Fig. 2.A.2: Standard deviation of the normalised wind power prediction
errors in Denmark recorded in 2012 for each of the four months we investigate. The thin
line represents values for January, the thick line represents values for April, the scattered
line represents values for July, and the dotted line represents values for October.

Chapter 3

Supply chain network and route design

for second generation bioethanol

Jeanne Andersen · Claus Aage Grøn Sørensen

Andreas Klose · Kim Allan Andersen

J. Andersen and K. A. Andersen: CORAL, Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University,
Fuglesangs Alle 4, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark

C. A. G. Sørensen: Department of Engineering - Operations Management, Aarhus University, Inge

Lehmanns Gade 10, 8000 Aarhus C, Danmark

A. Klose: Department of Mathematics, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 118, 8000 Aarhus C, Den-

Preliminary version

Supply chain network and route design for second generation bioethanol

We present a mixed integer linear model, which can be used to design the supply chain network of
biomass for second generation of bioethanol. In our case the particular biomass is straw that may be
converted into compressed briquettes. In addition to other models for biomass supply chain design,
we optimise the network taking routes for trucks into account. We propose a Lagrangian relaxation by
variable splitting as the solution method. On small test instances, this method provides reasonable gaps
between upper and lower bounds on the objective function value.
Keywords: OR in energy, Supply chain network design, Routing

3.1 Introduction

Due to the environmental drawbacks and diminishing availability of fossil fuels, alternative
and renewable energy sources are needed to achieve sustaining and secure energy supply.
However, a problem is that some renewable energy sources are non-controllable and intermit-
tent, e.g. energy from wind and solar. As intermittent energy production is growing, a need for
more controllable energy sources emerge. Biomass is such a controllable energy source as it can
be stored and converted to energy on demand, and studies indicate that in the future, biomass
can be a significant resource for production of electricity, heat, and transport fuels (Meyer et al.
(2014)), e.g. see Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2011); (2010); IEA
However, the future role of biomass depends on the biomass-to-energy supply chain to
overcome barriers that may hinder this development, see Bravo et al. (2012). When design-
ing supply chains for biomass, an important key driver is to minimise the total costs (cost-
efficiency). At present, the production of bioenergy is far more expensive than exploiting tra-
ditional sources of energy (Haas et al. (2006); IEA (2012)). One major reason is the high logistics

costs arising in bioenergy provision as energy crops are grown over large and isolated geo-
graphical areas, see Allen et al. (1998) and Caputo et al. (2005). Improving the logistics of the
biomass-to-energy supply chain is therefore a requirement for enabling bioenergy supply to
become an economical and environmentally sound additional long-term source of energy. For
achieving efficiency in logistics operations, the design of the supply chain network is of utmost
importance. It involves long-term decisions regarding transport flows, capacities as well as
numbers and types of facilities used in the network for providing biomass and transforming it
into energy.
In this paper, we will look at how to optimise the design of the supply chain network of
biomass. We are inspired by a real problem faced by Maabjerg BioEnergy. The firm is located
in Holstebro, Denmark, and is in the process of building a large second generation bioethanol
plant that will be able to produce bioethanol from straw. The project, which in total will cost
approximately e290 million, is supported through the EU NER 300 program by e39.3 million,
and it is expected, that the plant should be operational in year 2017. This new plant will in-
teract with the combined heat and power plant, as well as the biogas plant already installed
in the area. The by-products, molasses and lignin, from the production of bioethanol will be
used as fuel in the biogas plant and the combined heat and power plant, respectively. Fur-
thermore, the by-product lignin is expected to substitute the considerable amount of waste
imported from London, that today constitute the fuel at the combined heat and power plant.
Once the new plant is operational it will be able to produce approximately 80 million litres of
bioethanol. In order to produce that amount of bioethanol, it is estimated, that about 300,000
tons straw evenly distributed over a year are needed to run the plant efficiently. Therefore,
Maabjerg BioEnergy faces a huge challenge at the moment in setting up their supply chain of
locally supplied straw. They estimate that there is enough supply at local farmers to cover
their demand within a range of 80 km from the plant, but in case of increased competition in
the demand market and/or varying seasonal production outputs, it may be necessary to col-
lect straw from further away (Kjærgaard et al. (2014)). Using Maabjerg BioEnergy as a case
study, we investigate the supply chain network design for straw that may be converted into
compressed briquettes. The decisions will include where to locate storage and converting fa-

cilities, the capacity of these facilities, and the transportation routes of straw from their origins
(farms or fields) to the destinations (the bioethanol plant). It will also be decided how many
of a heterogeneous fleet of trucks that is needed to carry out the transportation of straw. See
Fig. 3.1 for an overview of the underlying network structure of our problem.

Farming Storage/converting Storage/converting Bioethanol

places facilities facilities plant

Figure 3.1: Network structure of the supply chain.

Clearly, our problem relates to the set of location-routing problems, as well as to the de-
sign of supply chains. Since a location-routing problem is a combination of both the classical
location and the classical vehicle routing problem, which both are NP-hard, location-routing
problems are NP-hard as well. One possible way to approach the problem may be to separate
the location decisions from the routing decisions. However, it was rather early discovered by
Maranzana (1964) and Webb (1968) that this approach may lead to suboptimal decisions. This
insight has later led to an increased attention about the combined problem, and in the 1980s,
a more formal classification of location-routing problems were given. One of the first papers
on location-routing problems was by Perl and Daskin (1985). They described the warehouse
location-routing problem and solved it using a heuristic. Since that classical paper appeared,
the location-routing problem has been an active research area and attracted a lot of attention.
Due to the hardness of the problem, most of the proposed solution methods involves using
However, we would like to stress that there are a few papers on location-routing problems
which describe exact solution methods, among them Belenguer et al. (2011). In their paper,
they propose a branch-and-cut method for the capacitated location-routing problem and solve

instances with up to 50 customers and 5-10 possible locations. But not all the instances were
solved to optimality. So, in general, real-life instances, which tend to be much larger, will be
very hard to solve to optimality. To include a complete survey on location-routing models in
this paper, is out of the scope. Instead, we refer to the survey papers by Nagy and Salhi (2007)
and by Prodhon and Prins (2014).
Regarding the design of supply chains for biomass, there exists a variety of models depend-
ing on which type of biomass the supply chain needs to cover. A few examples of biomass, for
which models have been developed, are wood (Gunnarsson et al. (2004), Gronalt and Rauch
(2007), Huang et al. (2014)), corn (Čuček et al. (2010), Huang et al. (2014)), and straw (van
Dyken et al. (2010)). In the past few years, this area has generated substantial interest. Some re-
cent survey papers on biomass supply chain design are Iakovou et al. (2010) and Sharma et al.
(2013). Below, we mention a few recent works on the design of supply chains for biomass. All
developed models in these works have a size that could be solved using GAMS and CPLEX.
Gunnarsson et al. (2004) published some work on biomass supply chain planning. Both
papers consider specialised supply chain models of forest fuel. The first paper studies the
problem of deciding when and where forest residues should be converted into forest fuel, and
how the residues should be transported and stored in order to satisfy demand at heating plants.
The problem is formulated as a large mixed integer linear program, and a heuristic solution ap-
proach for minimising the total costs is proposed. The model also involves locational decisions
regarding the locations of terminals at which the forest residues are chipped. Also Gronalt and
Rauch (2007) consider the problem of locating chipping terminals in a forest fuel supply net-
work. For given demands and locations of heating and energy plants, different configurations
of chipping terminals are compared regarding the estimated resulting system cost.
Čuček et al. (2010) present a mixed integer linear programming model for regional biomass
supply chain with profit maximisation as the optimisation criterion, where the environmental
impact is evaluated by the carbon footprint as a primary performance indicator. The types of
biomass considered are corn stover and wood. The problem determines the optimal locations
of collection points and of processing plants. Transportation costs between the facilities are also
taken into account. Several transportation modes may be used, but the distinct transportation

routes used are not determined in the model. The mathematical model is demonstrated using a
case study. In Čuček et al. (2012), the work is extended to also look at how to obtain sustainable
solutions where both economic, environmental, and social aspects are present, using multi-
objective optimisation. Furthermore, they look at both the direct and indirect effects from a
life-cycle perspective.
In van Dyken et al. (2010), a mixed integer programming model for biomass supply chains
is presented. It includes transport as well as storage and processing. The types of biomass con-
sidered are spruce, chips, and pellets. The main objective of the paper is to present a modelling
framework that can be applied to a variety of biomass supply chains. Therefore, not much
effort was spend on obtaining realistic data. The most important part has been to represent the
relationship between moisture and energy content of different kinds of biomass and to handle
long-term processes in the optimisation.
Huang et al. (2014) develop a two-stage mixed integer stochastic model for designing a
biofuel supply chain network at minimum total cost. The available feedstock is uncertain and
represented by a probability function. The type of biomass considered is biowaste resources
such as corn stover and forest residues. The decisions include the locations and sizes of re-
fineries and storage facilities. Furthermore, the operational decisions include procurement and
storage of feedstock, as well as of seasonal ethanol productions, storage, and distributions. A
progressive hedging method is developed to solve the resulting model. While the model can
be solved using CPLEX, the developed method works much faster.
Kim et al. (2011) develop a multi-period mixed integer stochastic programming model for
designing a biomass supply chain network for biofuels under uncertainty, with the objective
of maximising total profit. The types of biomass considered are logging residuals, thinnings,
prunings, grasses, and chips/shavings. There are several uncertain parameters in the model,
some of them being the transportation costs and the sales prices for the products. The model
determines the sizes and the locations of different types of plant facilities.
Another important key driver for promoting biomass as replacement for fossil fuel is the re-
duction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions throughout its life cycle (IEA (2012)). Therefore,
GHG emission reduction potentials have to be considered when designing the supply chain

network of biomass-to-energy. A few papers have considered both the minimisation of cost
(or maximising profit) and minimisation of GHG emissions. This is accomplished by using
multi-objective optimisation.
Mele et al. (2011) present a detailed bi-objective (net present value vs. GHG emissions)
model for the optimal design of supply chains for the combined production of sugar and
bioethanol. They illustrate their model through a case study based on the Argentinean sugar
cane industry.
In Giarola et al. (2011) and Zamboni et al. (2009), they present a detailed bi-objective mixed
integer linear model for the supply chain of bioethanol, which they apply on a case study for
the future Northern Italy biomass-based ethanol production. The biomass considered in both
cases is corn grain. The two objectives are to maximise net present value and to minimise
GHG emission. The model has been further developed in Bernardi et al. (2013) to take water
footprints into account.
In Pérez-Fortes et al. (2012), they develop a multi-criteria mixed integer linear program-
ming model for the design of biomass supply chain for electricity generation. The biomass
considered is cassava waste. Sustainability is in focus and three objectives are taken into ac-
count, namely economic, environmental, and social criteria. They account for transportation in
their environmental performance, but it does not depend on the mode.
In You et al. (2012), a detailed multi-criteria mixed integer linear programming model for
the design of cellulosic biofuel supply chain is presented. It takes economic, environmental,
and social objectives into account. It also considers different modes of transportation, and their
influence on the environmental performance.
While all the models in the papers presented above could be solved using GAMS and
CPLEX, this is not the case for the problem considered in this paper. The main difference is
that we consider both the design of the supply chain for biomass, as well as the construction of
the optimal routes. To the best of our knowledge, this combined problem has not been consid-
ered before. Given the size of our problem, we need to design a tailor-made algorithm to solve
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: in Section 3.2, we introduce the mathematical

model, and in Section 3.3, we present a solution procedure for the problem. In Section 3.4, we
present the data, and in Section 3.5, we solve a prototype example.

3.2 The mathematical formulation

The biomass supply chain will be represented by a network. In the network, we have a set of
possible locations where storage and converting facilities may be opened. Also, a number of
different technologies are available for being installed at a facility. One technology may be to
convert straw into compressed briquettes, and another technology may be to keep the straw in
its baled form. If it is decided to open a facility at a particular location, it is also necessary to
decide which technology to install.
Whenever a new facility or a plant is opened, it is decided which technology it should be
equipped with along with its capacity. For the facilities, the capacity level must not exceed a
given maximum. Opening facilities and managing storage imposes a fixed cost that depends
on the capacity level and the technology installed. It is assumed that the relationship between
the capacity level and the fixed cost is linear.
Each arc in the network is associated with a transportation time and a transportation cost.
The transportation cost depends on the weight of each load. Therefore, the transportation cost
is divided into two parts. The first part is the transportation cost for a truck with no load, and
the second part is the added transportation cost for a truckload of straw. The straw is in a form
determined by the in-field treatment, e.g. bales, or in a form determined by some conversion
technology, e.g. briquettes. This means that if a truck carries a full load of straw treated with a
particular technology, then the total transportation cost is equal to the sum of these two parts.
In each time period, the model has to decide how much straw that has to be transported
between the nodes in the network. For the transport a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, located
at the same depot, is available. Straw treated with a particular technology can be carried only
on trucks designed to carry that kind of straw. When designing the routes, it is required that
the total duration of a route must not exceed a certain threshold value.
The network can be represented by a graph G = (N , A), where N = {0, 1, . . . , N } is a
set of nodes and A = {(i, j) :| i 6= j, i, j ∈ N } is a set of arcs. The set of nodes is divided


T Set of time periods = {1, 2, · · · , T }.

M Set of different technologies which can be implemented in the storage and converting facilities
= {1, 2, · · · , M}.
Mm Subset of M where the elements can be treated with technology m ∈ M.
K m,t Set of trucks available to carry straw treated with technology m ∈ M in period t ∈ T
= { M(t − 1)K + (m − 1)K + 1, . . . , M(t − 1)K + mK }.
K is an upper limit on the number of trucks per technology in any period.
K Set of trucks, i.e. K = K m,t .
m∈M t∈T


cijk Transportation cost on arc (i, j) ∈ A for an empty truck k ∈ K.

cijm Added transportation cost on arc (i, j) ∈ A for a truckload of straw treated with technology m ∈ M.
citm Inventory carrying cost in storage and converting facility established at location i ∈ N1 ∪ N2
in time period t ∈ T .
f Km,t Fixed cost for truck k ∈ K m,t .
f jm Capacity cost per unit for opening facilities equipped with technology m ∈ M at node j ∈ N2 ∪ N3 .
τij Transportation time by traversing arc (i, j) ∈ A for an empty truck.
τ MAX The maximum duration time of a route for a truck.
β im The weight of a truckload of straw treated with technology m ∈ M when transported from node
i ∈ N1 ∪ N2 .
πm Cost for transforming one unit of straw into one unit of converted straw using technology m.
CAPjm Maximum capacity level of a storage and converting facility established at location j ∈ N1 ∪ N2 and
equipped with technology m ∈ M.
CAPimt Amount of straw available in node i ∈ N1 , in time period t ∈ T , for technology m ∈ M.
D jt Demand at node j ∈ N3 in time period t ∈ T .

Decision variables
xijt Number of times truck k ∈ K uses the arc (i, j) ∈ A in time period t ∈ T .
y jm Binary variable that indicates if a facility equipped with technology m ∈ M is opened at node j ∈ N2 .
Ijtm Ultimo inventory level at time period t ∈ T of straw treated with technology m ∈ M at node j ∈ N2 ∪ N3 .
vijt Number of loads of straw treated with technology m ∈ M that have to be shipped between nodes i and j.
LKm,t The number of trucks needed to carry straw treated with technology m ∈ M in period t ∈ T .
Cjm Capacity level of a facility equipped with technology m ∈ M in node j ∈ N2 ∪ N3 .
ωijt Amount of a fictitious flow on arc (i, j) ∈ A in time period t ∈ T for the truck k ∈ K.
Dmjt Nonnegative help variables, such that ∑m∈M D m
jt = D jt , j ∈ N3 t ∈ T .

into smaller disjunctive subsets N = {0} ∪ N1 ∪ N2 ∪ N3 , where {0} represents the depot for
the trucks, N1 consists of all the nodes representing the location of the farmers, N2 consists of
all the nodes representing the possible locations for the storage and converting facilities, and
N3 consists of the nodes representing the location of bioethanol plants. In our case, we have
|N3 | = 1. If a possible location of a storage and converting facility is at a farmers place, then
the farming place and the possible location of the facility are modelled as two separate nodes
in the mathematical formulation.

3.2.1 Objective function

In the objective function, we include the yearly fixed cost for operating facilities, the inventory
cost, and the cost for the trucks; both the fixed cost and the variable transportation cost.
min z = ∑ ∑ f Km,t LKm,t + ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ cijk xijt
+ cijm vijt

t∈T m∈M t∈T m∈M (i,j)∈A k ∈K m,t

+ ∑ ∑ f jm Cjm + ∑ cmjt Ijtm + ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ π m vijt
m∈M j∈N2 ∪N3 t∈T t∈T m∈M i ∈N1 ∪N2 j∈N3

The objective function is a sum of six costs. The first one is the fixed cost associated with the
trucks. The second part is the transportation cost associated with transportation with trucks
that are empty, and the third part is the extra cost imposed when the trucks carry straw that
has been treated with some technology. The fourth part is the cost associated with the capacity
of the new facilities, and the fifth part is the inventory cost. The last part is the total cost for
transforming straw into other physical forms.

3.2.2 Constraints

Capacities and location of facilities

The level of capacity for storage at the plant and at the converting and storage facilities has to
be decided upon:

Ijtm ≤ Cjm , j ∈ N2 ∪ N3 , m ∈ M, t ∈ T , (3.1)

Cjm ≤ CAPjm y jm , j ∈ N2 , m ∈ M. (3.2)

In equation (3.2), we also make sure to open a facility that is used. Storage at the bioethanol
plant has to be implemented no matter what, which is why equation (3.2) does not apply to N3 .
If an upper bound on the capacity for the plant is needed, it can be implemented by including
the upper bound in equation (3.1). Only one facility can be open at one location with one kind
of technology. Hence,

∑ y jm ≤ 1, j ∈ N2 . (3.3)

Furthermore, the capacity of the farming sites has to be obeyed.

∑ m
β im vijt 0 ≤ ∑ CAPimt0 , i ∈ N1 , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.4)
t ≤t j∈N2 ∪N3 t0 ≤t

The amount of straw leaving facility i in time period t has to be less or equal to the amount
available at the facility. Here, we assume one period for handling the straw transported to the
facility, and therefore, the available amount of straw is the inventory from last period.

∑ m
β im vijt ≤ Iim(t−1) , i ∈ N2 , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.5)
j∈N2 ∪N3


We have to keep track of the inventory at the plant in each period.

∑ m
β im vijt + Ijm(t−1) − D m m
jt = I jt , j ∈ N3 , m ∈ M, t ∈ T , (3.6)
i ∈N1 ∪N2


∑ Dm
jt = D jt , j ∈ N3 , t ∈ T . (3.7)

Furthermore, we also have to keep track of the inventory at the facilities in each period.

∑ ∑ ∑
β im0 vijt − β jm vm m m
jit + I j(t−1) = I jt , j ∈ N2 , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.8)
m 0
∈Mm i ∈N1 ∪N2 i ∈N2 ∪N3

Here, we have subsets Mm of the original set M since bales of straw can be converted into
briquettes but briquettes cannot be converted into bales of straw.

Truck routes

We need to transport all the required amount of truckloads between node i and j.

∑ k
xijt m
≥ vijt , (i, j) ∈ A, m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.9)
k ∈K m,t

If a truck is visiting a node j, it also has to leave it again.

∑ xijt
− ∑ x kjit = 0, j ∈ N , k ∈ K m,t , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.10)
i ∈N i ∈N

The number of trucks leaving the depot in each time period is recorded, such that we know
exactly how many trucks will be needed to perform the transportation of straw.

∑ ∑ k
x0jt ≤ LKm,t , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.11)
j∈N \{0} k ∈K m,t

Furthermore, we assume that the number of trucks available to carry straw treated with tech-
nology m ∈ M in time period t ∈ T is limited by a constant K.

LKm,t ≤ K, m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.12)

We make sure that the time duration of a tour does not exceed the limit, by

∑ k
τij xijt ≤ τ MAX , k ∈ K m,t , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.13)

Subtour elimination constraints

To ensure that the routes of the trucks do not have any subtours we have the following multi-
commodity network flow constraints.
First, we make sure that the flow on an arc is at least as large as the number of times the arc
is used by the truck.

k k
xijt ≤ ωijt , (i, j) ∈ A, k ∈ K m,t , m ∈ M, t ∈ T , (3.14)
k k
ωijt ≤ |A| xijt , i ∈ N , j ∈ N \{0}, k ∈ K m,t , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.15)

Then, for each node the truck visits, we send flow back to the depot.

k k
xijt ≤ ωi0t , i ∈ N \{0}, j ∈ N , k ∈ K m,t , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.16)

We ensure that no node accumulates flow in the network,

∑ ωijtk = ∑ ωkjit , j ∈ N , k ∈ K m,t , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.17)

i ∈N i ∈N

Finally no flow is allowed to flow from the depot to itself.

ω00t = 0, k ∈ K m,t , m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.18)

3.3 Lagrangian relaxation by variable splitting

Inspired by Fisher et al. (1997), we propose to use Lagrangian relaxation by variable splitting
to solve the model presented in Section 3.2. Variable splitting or Lagrangian decomposition
was originally introduced by Guignard and Kim (1987) and Glover and Klingman (1988). By
looking at the problem in Section 3.2, it can be seen, that the first part of the model consists of
the design of the supply chain network, and the second part of the model consists of transport-
ing the straw between facilities. There is only one constraint binding the two parts together,
namely constraint (3.9). We add the following constraints to our problem:

m m
vijt = v̄ijt , (i, j) ∈ A, m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.19)

We also change constraints (3.9) into:

∑ k
xijt m
≥ v̄ijt , (i, j) ∈ A, m ∈ M, t ∈ T . (3.20)
k ∈K m,t
m ), we obtain the Lagrangian relaxation
By relaxing constraint (3.19) with multipliers λ = (λijt
z(λ) = min ∑ ∑ f Km,t LKm,t + ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ cijk xijt
k + cm vm
ij ijt
t∈T m∈M t∈T m∈M (i,j)∈A k ∈K m,t
+ ∑ ∑ f jm Cjm + ∑ cm m m m
jt I jt + ∑t∈T ∑m∈M ∑i ∈N1 ∪N2 ∑ j∈N3 π vijt
m∈M j∈N2 ∪N3 t∈T

+ ∑ m ( vm − v̄m )
∑ ∑ λijt ijt ijt (3.21)
t∈T m∈M (i,j)∈A

Constraints (3.1) − (3.8), (3.10) − (3.18), (3.20),
and domain constraints on variables.

Solving problem (3.21) gives a lower bound on the optimal value of the model presented in
Section 3.2. The best lower bound is found by solving the Lagrangian dual

z LD = maxλ z(λ). (3.22)

Problem (3.21) decomposes into

z1 (λ) = min ∑ ∑ m )vm +
∑ (cijm + λijt ijt ∑ ∑ f jm Cjm + ∑ cm m
jt I jt
t∈T m∈M (i,j)∈A m∈M j∈N2 ∪N3 t∈T

+ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ π m vijt
t∈T m∈M i ∈N1 ∪N2 j∈N3 (3.23)
Constraints (3.1) − (3.8), and domain constraints on variables.


min ∑ ∑ f Km,t LKm ,t + ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ cijk xijt

k −
∑ ∑ ∑ m v̄m
λijt ijt
t∈T m∈M t∈T m∈M (i,j)∈A k ∈K m,t t∈T m∈M (i,j)∈A

s.t. (3.24)

Constraints (3.10) − (3.18), (3.20), and domain constraints on variables.

Problem (3.24) can in turn be partitioned into |T | × |M| independent problems:

min z2tm (λ) = f Km,t LKm,t + ∑ ∑ cijk xijt

k −
∑ m v̄m
λijt ijt
(i,j)∈A k∈K m,t (i,j)∈A

k ≥ v̄m , (i, j ) ∈ A
∑ xijt ijt
k ∈K m,t
k −
∑ xijt ∑ x kjit = 0, j ∈ N , k ∈ K m,t
i ∈N i ∈N
k ≤ L
∑ ∑ x0jt K m,t
j∈N \{0} k ∈K m,t
LKm,t ≤ K
k ≤ τ MAX , k ∈ K m,t
∑ τij xijt
k ≤ ω k ≤ |A| x k , (i, j ) ∈ A, k ∈ K m,t
xijt ijt ijt
k ≤ ω k , i, j ∈ N \{0}, k ∈ K m,t
xijt i0t
k =
∑ ωijt ∑ ω kjit , j ∈ N , k ∈ K m,t
i ∈N i ∈N
Domain constraints on variables.

We see that the value of the Lagrangian dual is: z LD = maxλ z1 (λ) + ∑ ∑ z2tm (λ) .
t∈T m∈M

Lemma 1 If cijk obey the triangle inequality, then there is an optimal solution to problem (3.25) that can
be found by only including node i ∈ N1 ∪ N2 in the problem if either λijm > 0 or λtjim > 0 for some
j ∈ N1 ∪ N2 .

Proof For a fixed t and m let z2tm∗ (λ) be the optimal solution value to problem (3.25). Assume
m > 0 and where both λm ≤ 0 and λm ≤ 0,
that there is a node i ∈ N1 ∪ N2 for which v̄ijt ijt jit
m to 0. We hereby obtain a new feasible solution with
∀ j ∈ N1 ∪ N2 . We fix the value of v̄ijt
objective value z̄2tm (λ), where z2tm∗ (λ) ≥ z̄2tm (λ) due to the negative sign of the last term in
the objective function. Due to the triangle inequality, the cost of traveling cannot increase if
k = 0.
∑k∈Km,t xijt
m ≤ 0 and λm ≤ 0, ∀ j ∈ N ∪ N , all v̄m = 0 and x̄ k = 0,
Hence, if a node i only has λijt jit 1 2 ijt ijt

∀ j ∈ N1 ∪ N2 , k ∈ K m,t , we can exclude the node from the problem. 

Lemma 2 A lower bound on the optimal solution value z∗ is given by

∑ τij vijt
z∗ ≥ min ∑ ∑ f Km,t
+ ∑ ∑ ∑ c̄ij + cijm vijt

t∈T m∈M t∈T m∈M (i,j)∈A

+ ∑ ∑ f jm Cjm + ∑ cm m
jt I jt
j∈N2 ∪N3 m∈M t∈T

s.t. Constraints (3.1) − (3.18), and domain constraints on variables,


c̄ij = min {cijk }.

k ∈K m,t

m . Because the maximum duration

Proof The total transportation time used is: ∑ ∑ τij vijt
(i,j)∈A m∈M
of a route for a truck is τ MAX , a lower bound on the number of trucks needed is given by:
∑ τij vijt
LKm,t ≥ τ MAX
. This implies that
∑ τij vijt
∑ ∑ f Km,t LKm,t ≥ ∑ ∑ f Km,t
t∈T m∈M t∈T m∈M

Constraint (3.9) implies that

∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ cijk xijt
≥ ∑ ∑ ∑ m
c̄ij vijt .
t∈T m∈M (i,j)∈A k∈K m,t t∈T m∈M (i,j)∈A

Using these two observations, the result follows immediately. 

3.3.1 Solution procedure

The Lagrangian dual is solved using a subgradient procedure. A pseudocode is presented

in Algorithm 1 on the facing page. In the first three lines, the algorithm is initialised. The
main loop runs from line 4 to line 16. During each iteration, the problems (3.23) and (3.25)
are solved in lines 5-7, each time using an updated set of Lagrangian multipliers. In line 8,
it is checked if the solution is optimal, in which case the algorithm stops. During the first
iteration, we calculate an upper bound in lines 11-12. If an optimal solution is not found, the
Lagrangian multipliers are updated in lines 13-15. If the stop criterion is not satisfied, the
algorithm proceeds with the next iteration. Otherwise, it stops and returns a lower bound and
the upper bound to problem (3.22) in line 17. The stop criterion used is a limit on the number
of iterations in the loop between lines 4-16.
The final result of the procedure will provide us with a lower and upper bound on the
optimal value of problem (3.21). Additional upper bounds on z∗ can be found as follows.
Choose any of the solutions determined by solving problem (3.23) in line 5. Then fix the values
m , (i, j ) ∈ A, m ∈ M, t ∈ T in problem (3.25) to the values of vm , (i, j ) ∈ A, m ∈ M, t ∈ T
of v̄ijt ijt

obtained by solving problem (3.23) and solve problem (3.25). The solution will provide an
upper bound on z∗ .

3.4 Description of data

In this section, we describe the data for our case. Several people have helped us in obtaining
the necessary data. The firm Maabjerg BioEnergy has helped with detailed information about
the bioethanol project and the numbers related to the plant, Knowledge Centre for Agriculture
in Denmark has helped with overall aggregated numbers for the farmers, the briquette manu-
facturer C.F. Nielsen has kindly supplied us with detailed information about briquette stations,

Algorithm 1: Procedure Lagrangian dual
Input: Problem (3.23) and problem (3.25)
Output: Lower and upper bound to problem (3.22)
1 Initialization:
2 Iteration counter: p = 0
3 t ) p = 0, t ∈ T , m ∈ M, (i, j ) ∈ A.
4 while Stop criterion not fulfilled do
5 t
Solve problem (3.23) with λijm t ) p , t ∈ T , m ∈ M, (i, j ) ∈ A.
= (λijm
6 for t ∈ T and m ∈ M do
7 t
Solve problem (3.25), with λijm t ) p , (i, j ) ∈ A.
= (λijm

/* The present value of the Lagrangian relaxation is

z LR (λ p ) = z1 (λ p ) + ∑ ∑ z2tm (λ p ). This provides a lower bound on z. */
t∈T m∈M

8 m = v̄m , ∀ t ∈ T , m ∈ M, (i, j ) ∈ A then

if vijt ijt

9 STOP. An optimal solution has been found.

10 if p = 0 then
11 for t ∈ T and m ∈ M do
m = vm and λt
12 Solve problem (3.25), with v̄ijt ijt ijm = 0, (i, j ) ∈ A.

/* The upper bound is zup = z1 (0) + ∑ ∑ z2tm (0) */

t∈T m∈M

13 t ) p , t ∈ T , m ∈ M, (i, j ) ∈ A:
Use the subgradient procedure to update (λijm
14 m − v̄m )2 , where r ∈ [0, 2] is a scalar and
Steplength: s p = r p (zup − z LR (λ))/ ∑ (vijt ijt p

zup is the best known upper value on z.

15 t ) p+1 = ( λt ) p + s ( vm − v̄m ), t ∈ T , m ∈ M, (i, j ) ∈ A.
(λijm ijm p ijt ijt

16 Let p = p + 1 and continue until stop criterion fulfilled.

/* Continue with step 1 (solve problem (3.23) with the new values of λ)
until stop criterium is reached. */

17 Return lower and upper bound to problem (3.22)

and the Department of Engineering - Operations Management, at Aarhus University, has con-
tributed with knowledge sharing. In the following subsections, we will explain the foundation
for the data input to the model.

3.4.1 Optimisation horizon

Since the life cycle of biomass production in the form of straw, with replanting, growth, and
harvesting, is one year, the optimisation horizon for this real world problem will also be one

3.4.2 Demand and the plant

Maabjerg BioEnergy plans to produce around 80 million litre bioethanol for which they will
need approximately 300,000 tons of straw evenly distributed over the year. At the plant, there
will be enough capacity for storing straw in order to operate the plant for 65 hours.

3.4.3 Farming sites

The location of the farming sites and how much of straw that is available to Maabjerg BioEn-
ergy is estimated by the Knowledge Centre for Agriculture in Denmark. The procedure for
estimating straw availability involves three calculations. First, the total available amount of
straw has to be estimated based on crop production by the farmers. Second, the technical
available amount of straw is 80% of the produced amount. Third, due to local conditions such
as price relations and competition not all technical available straw will be available to Maabjerg
BioEnergy. Hence, the technical available straw has to be reduced by a certain percentage (10-
50%) depending on the distance to Maabjerg (the longer the distance the higher the reduction).
The Knowledge Centre for Agriculture estimates that there will be enough available straw to
feed the ethanol plant for one year within a range of up to 80 kilometres from Maabjerg.
Since straw is a homogeneous good, we assume the price of straw paid to the farmers to
be equal no matter where the straw is purchased, and hence, the price can be treated like a
constant. Therefore, we do not include this price in the calculation. The handling cost of the

straw at the farmers is included in the price paid for the straw and is therefore also excluded
from the model.

3.4.4 Converting and storage facilities

We will assume that the farming sites are possible locations for the converting and storage fa-
cilities. Often there are old barns or similar that can easily be rebuilt at a low cost. Furthermore,
if there is a need for either storage or the possibility to convert the straw, it is likely that the
farming sites will be a fine place to install a facility, since the farmer next to the facility will not
have any transportation cost of significance.
The cost of building the facilities depends on whether the facilities need to be able to man-
age briquettes or only straw. In case of briquettes, the barn needs to have a solid floor and the
cost of installing a briquette machine also has to be included in the fixed cost for the facility.
We have linearised the cost of building such facilities even though it is not linear. Since we
do not know in which size to build, and since the buildings are not standardised but can be
customised into many sizes, we have made this simplification.

Table 3.1: Facility costs per ton (in e).

Fixed cost Variable cost

Building cost Installation cost Total cost Total cost
Straw 230 - 230 -
Briquettes 150 8 158 20

Table 3.1 displays the average fixed cost per ton for building a facility and the average vari-
able cost per ton processed at the facility. The fixed cost is an estimation based on a depreciation
of 10% and an interest rate of 5% per year. We have taken the 15% of the total cost of building
a facility and divided it with the capacity. Since the cubic measure of straw is higher than the
cubic measure of briquettes, the cost of a facility is higher for straw than for briquettes. We
have made the same exercise with the fixed cost for installing a briquette machine.
The variable cost in Table 3.1 is an average cost per ton for the indirect cost of salary, elec-
tricity, and water used to fabricate the briquettes. The variable cost depends on the sizes of the
briquette machines. Its usage of electricity and water is not necessarily linear nor is the number

of employees needed to operate the machines. However, due to the complexity of the model,
we have made a linear estimate. We have chosen three different machine sizes and for each of
them divided the variable cost with the throughput of the machine. Afterwards, we have taken
the average between the three variable unit costs and used it as the estimate for the variable
cost in our case.

3.4.5 Inventory carrying cost

The inventory carrying cost in the model is the cost of having one unit in inventory for one time
period. The cost is usually expressed on a yearly basis and measured as a percentage of the
inventory items’ value. The percentages differ among products and depend on the durability
of the product. Straw is not as perishable as other biomass products if it is kept dry, and
therefore we set the percentage at 20% which is a common percentage for carrying cost.
A ton of straw can be sold for approximately e80, which gives us a carrying cost of e16 per
year and e0.044 per day.

3.4.6 Transportation cost

Transportation cost covers distance travelled, driving time, and time for loading and unload-
ing the trucks. The cost of the distance travelled is calculated by number of tons transported
times the number of kilometres times the cost of diesel per kilometre per ton of load. When

Table 3.2: Transport data.

Empty truck Straw load Briquette load Diesel usage Cost of diesel Fixed cost
14.5 ton 13.2 ton 33 ton 0.013 l ton/km e1.3 e260

transporting the straw, it is important to distinguish between the truck and the load on the
truck, since the cost of driving the truck depends on its weight. Table 3.2 shows the weight of
the truck and the loads separately. Hence, in case of transporting bales of straw, the truck will
weigh 27.7 tons, and in the case of briquettes, it will weigh 47.5 tons. The weight of the truck is
then multiplied with the diesel usage per ton per kilometre in order to get the diesel usage of
the truck per kilometre of the distance.

Distance travelled, d pq , can be obtained by either of two methods; either by using road
network distances from Google Maps or by calculating the Euclidian distances

d pq = G ( x1p − xq1 )2 + ( x2p − xq2 )2 , (3.26)

where ( x1p , x2p ) and ( xq1 , xq2 ) are coordinates of site p and q, respectively. G is a constant used for
correcting the Euclidian distances for any abnormality in the landscape (Gelders et al. (1987)).
Fixed cost for the trucks is included in the optimisation model. We have assumed that the
number of trucks can change from day to day, meaning that the trucks are assumed to be leased
and therefore the fixed cost represents the leasing fee.
The transportation time can be estimated by means of Google Maps or calculated using
an average transport speed which is estimated to be 51.5 km/hour. In the transportation time,
time for unloading and loading needs to be included. The transportation time can be converted
to cost, using the salary of the driver.

3.5 Solution of the prototype example

Figure 3.2: Locations used for the farming sites in the test instances as well as the address
for the depot and plant: Source Google Maps.

In this section, we solve the model presented in Section 3.2 on small test instances. We
apply Algorithm 1 as solution method and compare its output to the solution obtained by

letting CPLEX solve the whole model of Section 3.2. Furthermore, we investigate how good a
lower bound Lemma 2 provides when applied on the model of Section 3.2.
We have created four test instances. We will refer to them as z1 × z2 × z3, where z1 is the
number of farmers, z2 is the number of possible facility locations, and z3 is the number of time
periods. All four test instances are smaller versions of the real case, where the main difference is
the number of nodes and time periods. The first two test instances have nine farmers and nine
possible locations for the facilities. These two test instances are differentiated by the number
of time periods; the first test set has a single time period and the second has two time periods.
The two other test instances have both thirteen farmers and thirteen possible locations for the
facilities. These two test instances are also differentiated by the number of time periods; they
have one and two time periods, respectively.
In the test instances 9×9×z3, we have lowered the demand at the plant to 500 tons per time
period. The demand is lowered in order to differentiate the instances 9×9×z3 and 13×13×z3
even more, and to make the smaller instances easier to solve. Furthermore, we have not in-
cluded the cost of the drivers and loading and unloading times at the nodes in any of the test
instances. Fig. 3.2 on the preceding page shows a map of the locations of the depot, the plant,
and all the farmers for our examples. For the 9 × 9 × z3 instances, we have excluded four of
the farmers shown in Fig. 3.2. The depot is in the middle of the map and is placed in the city
center of Holstebro. The plant is the node just above the depot.
We run the model on a computer with an Intel Core 2.30GHz processor and 4 GB RAM.
The model is implemented in the 64 bit GAMS framework version 24.2.3 for Windows using
the CPLEX 12.6 solver.
First, we solve each of the four test instances, where we apply CPLEX to the whole model
of Section 3.2. If CPLEX is not able to find an optimal solution within an allowed time limit,
CPLEX returns the best known solution (BS) and a gap between the best known solution and
the best known lower bound.
Then we solve the four instances with the proposed solution method of Algorithm 1, where
we apply Lemma 1 to reduce the size of the routing problems. The algorithm is stopped in
case an optimal solution is found or if a maximum of 100 iterations is reached. The solution

Table 3.3: Results. If not otherwise stated, the numbers displayed are in e.

CPLEX Algorithm 1 with Lemma 1 Lemma 2

9×9×1 240 min. 1424.8 35.1% 3 min. 1424.8 1222.8 14.2% 1 min. 1424.8 853.5 40.1%
9×9×2 240 min. 3383.8 50.0% 6 min. 3385.0 3117.7 7.9% 1 min. 3385.0 2091.1 38.2%
13×13×1 240 min. 4064.5 31.1% 33 min. 4064.6 3882.7 4.5% 36 min. 4066.2 3149.0 22.6%
13×13×2 960 min. — — 905 min. 7164.3 6460.6 9.8% 267 min. 6910.1 4691.1 32.1%

method finds a lower bound (LB). Furthermore, for (i, j) ∈ A, m ∈ M, t ∈ T , we find an upper
m in problem (3.25) to the values of vm obtained by solving
bound (UB) by fixing the values v̄ijt ijt
m = 0. This approach can, in principle, be used to
problem (3.23), where in both problems λijt
find a new upper bound each time a new lower bound is found, but due to high computation
time, we only compute an upper bound once. The upper bound is used as zup in Algorithm 1.
Finally, we find a lower bound (LB) by applying Lemma 2 to the full model in Section 3.2.
Again, we find an upper bound (UB) by repairing the solution of the lower bound into a feasible
m and v̄m , (i, j ) ∈ A, m ∈ M, t ∈ T , to the
solution. This is done by fixing the values vijt ijt
m , (i, j ) ∈ A, m ∈ M, t ∈ T , given by the solution of Lemma 2, and then solving
values vijt
problem (3.23) and problem (3.25).
The results from each of the three methods are displayed in Table 3.3. The model presented
in Section 3.2 is a very difficult problem to solve as mentioned in the introduction. The real
complexity of the model is indicated by the results given by CPLEX, columns 2-4 in Table 3.3.
CPLEX is not able to find a proven optimal solution in any of the four test instances within
the allowed time limits. For the first three test instances, we stop CPLEX after four hours and
for the last instance after 16 hours. CPLEX is able to find feasible solutions in the first three
instances. If only CPLEX is used to solve the problems, one may be in doubt about the quality
of the feasible solutions obtained, because the gaps between the upper bound and the best
lower bound found are rather high. However, looking at the results obtained by Algorithm 1,
columns 5-8 in Table 3.3, it seems that CPLEX in particular fails to determine a good lower
bound. In the last instance, it does not succeed in finding a feasible solution.
Algorithm 1 is not able to find a proven optimal solution in any of the four test instances
either, see columns 5-8 in Table 3.3. However, the algorithm provides us with an upper and

a lower bound for each instance where the gap is of a reasonable quality. The CPU time and
the gaps are significantly better than those provided by CPLEX. However, the upper bound
provided by Algorithm 1 is slightly worse than or equal to the upper bounds provided by
CPLEX, except in the case where CPLEX did not find a feasible solution, i.e., test instance
13 × 13 × 2. If Lemma 1 is not applied in connection with Algorithm 1, then the algorithm uses
too much time to solve the test instances. We tried to apply Algorithm 1 to test instance 9×9×1
without applying Lemma 1. After 48 hours, the algorithm was still running, so we stopped
it. This indicates that it may be worthwhile to apply preprocessing rules each time problems
(3.23) and (3.25) are solved.
Computing the lower bound of Lemma 2 takes only a negligible amount of time for the test
instances considered here. Therefore, the CPU times displayed in column 9 of Table 3.3 are the
times used to find the upper bound. This method performs in general worse than Algorithm 1
with respect to the lower bounds and the gaps, see columns 11-12 in Table 3.3. However, for
the last instance, the method finds the best upper bound and is much faster than Algorithm 1
and CPLEX, and it has the best found upper bound.
Fig. 3.3 on the facing page shows the routes constructed by the upper bound solution given
by Algorithm 1 for the instance 9 × 9 × 1. No new facility is opened, and a total of 38 truckloads
of straw are transported to the plant from a total of three farmers.
In general, the structure of the routes given by the upper bound solutions of Algorithm 1 to
each of the four instances is similar to those shown in Fig. 3.3. The trucks drives in loops from
the closest farmers to the plant. According to the upper bound solutions, it is not beneficial in
any of the instances to open new facilities.

3.6 Future work

We have not yet received all data for the farmers, and hence we cannot apply our solution
method to the full case at the moment. But once obtained we need to investigate how well our
solution method works on the full size problem.
The routing problems are the difficult part to solve in our solution method. The CPU time
has been improved by Lemma 1. But in order to solve the real problem, we may need to

1 1 2 11 11 6 3 3
2 Plant
6 Plant

1 1 1
Depot Depot Depot
10 9 1 4 3
1 1 1

(a) Route 1 (b) Route 2 (c) Route 3

Figure 3.3: The best solution found by Algorithm 1 in the 9×9×1 case. The solution uses
three trucks. Each of the three routes are displayed above. In total, 38 loads had to be
transported to the plant from a total of three farmers. The number of times a truck traverses
an arc is illustrated by the numbers next to the respective arcs.

find ways to improve the CPU time even further while still obtaining optimal solutions to the
routing problems so that the Lagrangian relaxation gives a valid lower bound.
The routing problem used to find the upper bound is a Full Truckload Transportation Prob-
lem (FTTP), and it can be rewritten as a multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP) as shown
by Desrosiers et al. (1988). The mTSP is also a NP-hard problem, but for smaller cases, there
exist good exact solution algorithms which may speed up the solution time. A drawback,
though, is that transforming the routing problem into the mTSP requires an introduction of a
node for each truckload of a given technology that has to be transported during one time pe-
riod. If the problem finds that no briquette facilities have to be installed, then 300,000 tons of
straw have to be transported with trucks that can carry 13.2 tons per load. This will result in
(300,000/13.2)/365 ' 62 truckloads to be transported during one time period. Which in turn
results in 62 nodes in the mTSP and then this problem will also be difficult to solve. How-
ever, the general routing problem in (3.25) cannot be viewed as a traditional FTTP, since the
truckloads are variables, and hence the problem in (3.25) cannot be transformed into the mTSP.
In Arunapuram et al. (2003), they formulate the FTTP in a different way than the one pre-
sented in this paper. Their formulation can be applied to the routing problem in (3.25), and it
would be interesting to see if their solution method can improve the CPU time of our model.
Another rather important aspect to consider is how to incorporate multiple objective func-
tions. Supply chain design of biomass naturally have different objectives which are important
to incorporate. It would be interesting to see how the two key drivers, cost and environment,

influence each other. To do that, we may define two objective functions; one that minimises
total costs and one that minimises GHG emissions. To find a solution we need to determine all
nondominated points. The nondominated points will reveal the trade-off between all Pareto
optimal solutions to the bi-objective mixed integer linear program. Unfortunately, at this time,
it is very hard to solve bi-objective mixed integer linear programs as we suggest here. How-
ever, a method that may be possible to use has recently been published, see Stidsen et al. (2014).
That method is being developed further to take advantage of parallel processing.


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PhD Theses since 1 July 2011

2011-4 Anders Bredahl Kock: Forecasting and Oracle Efficient Econometrics

2011-5 Christian Bach: The Game of Risk

2011-6 Stefan Holst Bache: Quantile Regression: Three Econometric Studies

2011:12 Bisheng Du: Essays on Advance Demand Information, Prioritization and Real Options
in Inventory Management

2011:13 Christian Gormsen Schmidt: Exploring the Barriers to Globalization

2011:16 Dewi Fitriasari: Analyses of Social and Environmental Reporting as a Practice of

Accountability to Stakeholders

2011:22 Sanne Hiller: Essays on International Trade and Migration: Firm Behavior, Networks
and Barriers to Trade

2012-1 Johannes Tang Kristensen: From Determinants of Low Birthweight to Factor-Based

Macroeconomic Forecasting

2012-2 Karina Hjortshøj Kjeldsen: Routing and Scheduling in Liner Shipping

2012-3 Soheil Abginehchi: Essays on Inventory Control in Presence of Multiple Sourcing

2012-4 Zhenjiang Qin: Essays on Heterogeneous Beliefs, Public Information, and Asset

2012-5 Lasse Frisgaard Gunnersen: Income Redistribution Policies

2012-6 Miriam Wüst: Essays on early investments in child health

2012-7 Yukai Yang: Modelling Nonlinear Vector Economic Time Series

2012-8 Lene Kjærsgaard: Empirical Essays of Active Labor Market Policy on Employment

2012-9 Henrik Nørholm: Structured Retail Products and Return Predictability

2012-10 Signe Frederiksen: Empirical Essays on Placements in Outside Home Care

2012-11 Mateusz P. Dziubinski: Essays on Financial Econometrics and Derivatives Pricing

2012-12 Jens Riis Andersen: Option Games under Incomplete Information

2012-13 Margit Malmmose: The Role of Management Accounting in New Public Management
Reforms: Implications in a Socio-Political Health Care Context

2012-14 Laurent Callot: Large Panels and High-dimensional VAR

2012-15 Christian Rix-Nielsen: Strategic Investment

2013-1 Kenneth Lykke Sørensen: Essays on Wage Determination

2013-2 Tue Rauff Lind Christensen: Network Design Problems with Piecewise Linear Cost

2013-3 Dominyka Sakalauskaite: A Challenge for Experts: Auditors, Forensic Specialists and
the Detection of Fraud

2013-4 Rune Bysted: Essays on Innovative Work Behavior

2013-5 Mikkel Nørlem Hermansen: Longer Human Lifespan and the Retirement Decision

2013-6 Jannie H.G. Kristoffersen: Empirical Essays on Economics of Education

2013-7 Mark Strøm Kristoffersen: Essays on Economic Policies over the Business Cycle

2013-8 Philipp Meinen: Essays on Firms in International Trade

2013-9 Cédric Gorinas: Essays on Marginalization and Integration of Immigrants and Young
Criminals – A Labour Economics Perspective

2013-10 Ina Charlotte Jäkel: Product Quality, Trade Policy, and Voter Preferences: Essays on
International Trade

2013-11 Anna Gerstrøm: World Disruption - How Bankers Reconstruct the Financial Crisis:
Essays on Interpretation

2013-12 Paola Andrea Barrientos Quiroga: Essays on Development Economics

2013-13 Peter Bodnar: Essays on Warehouse Operations

2013-14 Rune Vammen Lesner: Essays on Determinants of Inequality

2013-15 Peter Arendorf Bache: Firms and International Trade

2013-16 Anders Laugesen: On Complementarities, Heterogeneous Firms, and International

2013-17 Anders Bruun Jonassen: Regression Discontinuity Analyses of the Disincentive
Effects of Increasing Social Assistance

2014-1 David Sloth Pedersen: A Journey into the Dark Arts of Quantitative Finance

2014-2 Martin Schultz-Nielsen: Optimal Corporate Investments and Capital Structure

2014-3 Lukas Bach: Routing and Scheduling Problems - Optimization using Exact and
Heuristic Methods

2014-4 Tanja Groth: Regulatory impacts in relation to a renewable fuel CHP technology:
A financial and socioeconomic analysis

2014-5 Niels Strange Hansen: Forecasting Based on Unobserved Variables

2014-6 Ritwik Banerjee: Economics of Misbehavior

2014-7 Christina Annette Gravert: Giving and Taking – Essays in Experimental Economics

2014-8 Astrid Hanghøj: Papers in purchasing and supply management: A capability-based


2014-9 Nima Nonejad: Essays in Applied Bayesian Particle and Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Techniques in Time Series Econometrics

2014-10 Tine L. Mundbjerg Eriksen: Essays on Bullying: an Economist’s Perspective

2014-11 Sashka Dimova: Essays on Job Search Assistance

2014-12 Rasmus Tangsgaard Varneskov: Econometric Analysis of Volatility in Financial

Additive Noise Models

2015-1 Anne Floor Brix: Estimation of Continuous Time Models Driven by Lévy Processes

2015-2 Kasper Vinther Olesen: Realizing Conditional Distributions and Coherence Across
Financial Asset Classes

2015-3 Manuel Sebastian Lukas: Estimation and Model Specification for Econometric

2015-4 Sofie Theilade Nyland Brodersen: Essays on Job Search Assistance and Labor Market

2015-5 Jesper Nydam Wulff: Empirical Research in Foreign Market Entry Mode
2015-6 Sanni Nørgaard Breining: The Sibling Relationship Dynamics and Spillovers

2015-7 Marie Herly: Empirical Studies of Earnings Quality

2015-8 Stine Ludvig Bech: The Relationship between Caseworkers and Unemployed Workers

2015-9 Kaleb Girma Abreha: Empirical Essays on Heterogeneous Firms and International

2015-10 Jeanne Andersen: Modelling and Optimisation of Renewable Energy Systems

ISBN: 9788793195189

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