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Modeling of Definite Time Over-Current Relay With Auto Re-Closer Using MATLAB

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Power System Protection

Lab Session 3

Modeling of Definite Time Over-Current Relay with

Auto Re-closer Using MATLAB
 Understand the working of “Definite Time Over-Current Relay”(DTOC).
 Implement “Definite Time Over-Current Relay with Auto Re-closer” by using
MATLAB Simulink Libraries.
 Set the “Time Setting” of Re-closing.
 Use Auto Re-closerin power systemfor the protection.

In electric power distribution, a re-closer, or auto recloser, is a circuit breaker equipped with
a mechanism that can automatically close the breaker after it has been opened due to a fault.
Re-closers are used on overhead distribution systems to detect and interrupt momentary
faults. Since many short circuits on overhead lines clear themselves, a re-closer improves
service continuity by automatically restoring power to the line after a momentary fault.

Laboratory Task:
Implement definite time over current relay with auto re-closer in MATLAB Simulink
that protects the system in short circuit faults. After sensing the fault, the relay should wait
for a definite interval of time before generating the trip signal to circuit breakers which are
carrying the fault current. If the fault clears before the specified time interval, the relay
should not generate the trip signal. When relay generates trip signal then it should reclose
circuit breaker after 3 cycles. If fault persists then it should again generate trip signal and if
fault removes then it should not generate trip signal. Maximum 3 reclosers are allowed.

Step 1: Draw a simple power system having a three phase source, 3-φ breaker, three-phase
VI measurement unit, three-phase RLC series load and block of three phase fault to
implement different types of fault in system. Connect the blocks as shown in the figure.

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Set the properties of each block as mentioned below. Keep all other parameters as it is.

Total Simulation Time: 0.32 s

Solver: Ode23tb (stiff/TR-BDF2)
Note: To select the solver go to menu bar > Simulation > Configuration Parameters ORpress
(Ctrl + E) and select the solver. Also set following solver options.

Relative tolerance: 1e-3 (default)

Solver reset Method: Robust
System Frequency: 50 Hz

See "Improving Simulation Performance" chapter in Sim Power Systems documentation for
additional information on how to select an appropriate integration method.

Three phase source:

Voltage (Phase to Phase): 11e3 V
Internal connection: Y grounded
Specify impedance using short-circuit level: Select this option
3 phase short circuit level: 500e6 VA
Base voltage: 11e3 V

Three-Phase Breaker:
Initial status of breakers: closed
Enable switching of all Phases
Breakers resistance Ron: 0.001
Snubbers resistance Rp: 1e6
Snubbers capacitance Cp: inf

Three-Phase Series RLC Load:

Configuration: Y grounded
Nominal voltage: 11e3 V
Active Power (MW): 200e6 W

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Inductive reactive power: 100 VAR
Capacitive reactive Power: 0 VAR

Three Phase Fault:

Ground fault: Select this option
External control of fault timing: Select this option
Initial status of fault: [0 0 0]

Timer (Fault Control):

This block has been used to control the fault timings. It is available in Simpower-
System>>Extra Library >> Control Blocks.
The Timer block generates a signal changing at specified transitiontimes. Use this
block to generate a logical signal (0 or 1 amplitudes) andcontrol the occurrenceand duration
of fault. You can also use this block to generate a signalwhose amplitude changes by steps at
specified transition times.

The transition times, in seconds, when the output of the block changes its value as defined by
the Amplitude parameter. The Time(s) parameter must be a vector of the same length as the
vector defined in the Amplitude parameter. The definition of the time 0 is optional. If a signal
is not specified at time 0, the output is kept at zero until the first transition time specified in
the Amplitude vector.
This is a vector of signal amplitudes to be generated by the Timer block. The amplitude is
kept constant between transitions times defined in the Time(s) vector.

Step 2:
Run the system in normal condition. This can be done by setting the fault control to
zero to deactivate the fault or by disconnecting the fault block from system. Measure the
RMS value of the load current which is rated current of the system.
Set the “current setting” of the relay. This will be 1.4 times of the RMS value of the
rated load current. (As in lab session # 1)

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Note: In this case the C.B trip signal should not be generated instantaneously after the
occurrence of the fault; rather the relay should wait for a predefined amount of time
before generating the trip signal.

Step 3:
Now implement DTOC Auto re-closer in the subsystem. Connect blocks as shown in
the figure.

A counter has been connected between Relational Operators. The counter block is
available in theSignal Processing Block set>>Signal Management >> Switches &
Counters. Set the parameters of counter block as given below.

Count Direction: Up
Count Event: Free running
Count Size: User defined
Max. Count: 1e6
Initial Count: 0
Output: Count
Sample Time: 0.001

Note:In Free running mode the counter starts counting from initial value and the count is
incremented until it is reset by logic 1 at the “Rst” input. In this particular case counter will
start the count from zero and it will be incremented after every 0.001 seconds.

This counter has been used to introduce delay in trip signal. The counter is activated
on the occurrence of the fault and its output is compared with (time setting) * 1000. When the
output of counter becomes greater than the “time setting” * 1000, relay gives a trip signal to
the breaker.
Now complete the implementation of DTOC by setting proper relational operator, the
value of constant, the initial condition of S-R Flip-Flop and proper output data-type of blocks.

Step 4:
Set the “time setting” of the relay in such a way that relay should give a trip signal to
the breaker if fault persist more than two cycles of current. This time can be calculated by the
knowledge of system frequency.

Set the value of the Timer (Fault control) such that fault persists for a time less than
the time of three re-closures in the system.

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1) Single Line to Ground fault

2) Double Line to Ground fault

3) 3-φ Grounded fault

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